pastor ˘your faith has saved you. go in peace and be cured

.OLAVENTURA. OM | ( 0 ) 42-79 | 317 TELE RAPH ROA , VENTURA, A 93003 6 27 2021 PA T R v. L n Hutt n PA CHIAL VICA Rev. Jo e h hoi PAST AL ASS CIATE Dn. Don Huntley DEAC NS Dn. D n Bo or uez Dn. Mike Burn Dn. R ul Gonz lez Dn. Phil Joer er Dn. Ed Mill Dn. h rle e ler Pre-Ki der re - Ei hh r de Mr . K re Fu ell, Pri ip l 16 Tl r ph ch l Offic : ( ) 64 -71 www. l v tur . r Mr . hri i r , Pri ip l 167 T l r ph ch l Offic : ( ) 64 -6 6 www.s i t v tur .c ...Tu e e a cu a . e e en paz y ue a ana e u en e ea . M 4 hr h S r r m ...Y u ai a ave y u. in peace an be cu e y u a lic i n. M 4

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Post on 18-Mar-2022




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WWW.OLAVENTURA.COM | (805) 642-7966 | 3175 TELEGRAPH ROAD, VENTURA, CA 93003



Rev. Leon Hutton


Rev. Joseph Choi


Dn. Don Huntley


Dn. Dan Bojorquez

Dn. Mike Burns

Dn. Raul Gonzalez

Dn. Phil Joerger

Dn. Ed Mills

Dn. Charles Wessler

Pre-Kindergarten - Eighth Grade

Mrs. Karen Fussell, Principal

3169 Telegraph Road

School Office: (805) 642-7198

Mrs. Christina Castro, Principal

3167 Telegraph Road

School Office: (805) 648-6836

"...Tu fe te ha curado.

Vete en paz y queda sana de tu enfermedad”.

Marcos 5:34

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“...Your faith has saved you.

Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”

Mark 5:34


When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a

large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea.

One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward.

Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him,

saying, “My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay

your hands on her that she may get well and live.” He went off

with him, and a large crowd followed him and pressed upon him.

There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years.

She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had

spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew

worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the

crowd and touched his cloak. She said, “If I but touch his clothes, I

shall be cured.” Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in

her body that she was healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at

once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the

crowd and asked, “Who has touched my clothes?” But his disciples

said to Jesus, “You see how the crowd is pressing upon you, and

yet you ask, ‘Who touched me?’” And he looked around to see who

had done it. The woman, realizing what had happened to her,

approached in fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and

told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has

saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”

While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue official’s

house arrived and said, “Your daughter has died; why trouble the

teacher any longer?” Disregarding the message that was reported,

Jesus said to the synagogue official, “Do not be afraid; just have

faith.” He did not allow anyone to accompany him inside except

Peter, James, and John, the brother of James. When they arrived at

the house of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a

commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and

said to them, “Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not

dead but asleep.” And they ridiculed him. Then he put them all

out. He took along the child’s father and mother and those who

were with him and entered the room where the child was. He

took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum,” which

means, “Little girl, I say to you, arise!” The girl, a child of twelve,

arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly

astounded. He gave strict orders that no one should know this

and said that she should be given something to eat.

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Mark 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43

Brothers and sisters:

As you excel in every respect, in faith, discourse, knowledge, all

earnestness, and in the love we have for you, may you excel in

this gracious act also.

For you know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that

though he was rich, for your sake he became poor, so that by

his poverty you might become rich.

Not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but

that as a matter of equality your abundance at the present

time should supply their needs, so that their abundance may

also supply your needs, that there may be equality.

As it is written: Whoever had much did not have more, and

whoever had little did not have less.

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15

God did not make death,

nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living.

For he fashioned all things that they might have being;

and the creatures of the world are wholesome,

and there is not a destructive drug among them

nor any domain of the netherworld on earth,

for justice is undying.

For God formed man to be imperishable;

the image of his own nature he made him.

But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world,

and they who belong to his company experience it.

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24

. I will praise you, Lord,

for you have rescued me.

I will extol you, O LORD, for you drew me clear

and did not let my enemies rejoice over me.

O LORD, you brought me up from the netherworld;

you preserved me from among those going down

into the pit.

. I will praise you, Lord,

for you have rescued me.

Sing praise to the LORD, you his faithful ones,

and give thanks to his holy name.

For his anger lasts but a moment;

a lifetime, his good will.

At nightfall, weeping enters in,

but with the dawn, rejoicing.

. I will praise you, Lord,

for you have rescued me.

Hear, O LORD, and have pity on me;

O LORD, be my helper.

You changed my mourning into dancing;

O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks.

. I will praise you, Lord,

for you have rescued me.

“...Your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.”


Glory to God in the highest,

and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you,

we bless you,

we adore you,

we glorify you,

we give you thanks for your great glory,

Lord God, heavenly King,

O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,

Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,

you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us;

you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;

you are seated at the right hand of the Father,

have mercy on us.

For you alone are the Holy One,

you alone are the Lord,

you alone are the Most High,

Jesus Christ,

with the Holy Spirit,

in the glory of God the Father. Amen.






When my family

moved to

Camarillo in 1963, we were visited by

organization known as Welcome

Wagon who presented us with a variety

of gifts and information about services

in the community.

Everyone in town raved about

Welcome Wagon and their hospitality.

For a ten-year-old, I still remember the

flyswatter that advertised a local

plumbing and paint store. If something

as simple, yet significant could impress

a ten-year-old, how much more

important is feeling a sense of welcome

and hospitality for a parish community

who espouses hospitality and service in

a parish of “missionary disciples?” Pope

Francis, our Universal Shepherd has

called upon all Catholics to envision

themselves as a welcoming community

who spread the message of Jesus


We all want to feel welcomed and

invited. Friendly people set the tone for

any gathering that wants to celebrate

significant events in life. The same goes

for our daily and weekly celebrations of

the Eucharist. During the pandemic, we

gathered a community of welcoming

parishioners and named them

Ambassadors of Our Lady. They helped

us prepare for all the Masses and

welcomed parishioners with seating,

bulletins, and other special needs. We

need you to consider being an

Ambassador. Help us welcome those

coming to Mass. Help us be a

community of hospitality and service.

Help us greet everyone who comes to

our Church door with care and

attention. This is the vocation of every

missionary disciple. This is the work of

every Christian to welcome visitors,

strangers, and those we share a bond

of friendship.

This past weekend, it was wonderful to

see friends at Mass that have not been

together for over a year. What a grand

welcome and an exciting experience.

Isn’t that what a parish community

should be? There are still too many

anonymous folks who come to Mass

who would be transformed by a

Welcome from an Ambassador of

Mary. She is the one who leads us to

her Son and that is what we can do,


Fr. Leon

Here’s the best investment you

can make this summer. A free

program, all it costs is one hour

of your time, once a week.

Tuesday sessions: (Zoom

meetings for June, in-person

meetings for July), 7:00-8:00 PM.

View each episode, reflect, share and deepen your faith.

Sign up at Please ensure that you

register on

View the episodes of THE SEARCH at your convenience

PRIOR to our small group discussions.

The Catholic Education Foundation of Los Angeles has

received a $50 million gift

to provide financial

support to new

elementary and high

school students enrolling in an Archdiocesan school in Los

Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. Families

interested in Archdiocese of Los Angeles Catholic schools

are encouraged to visit or call (213)

637-7070 for more information and access to financial

assistance. Schools are enrolling now for fall. Catholic

education is affordable and tuition assistance is available!

“The faithful’s offerings to

the Holy Father through

the Peter’s Pence

Collection are destined to

Church needs, to

humanitarian initiatives

and social promotion

projects, as well as to the

support of the Holy See.”

June 27th

Especially during

this time of global health concern,

please continue to support our

parish by making your financial

offerings online through WeShare.

Please call (800) 950-9952

(select option 1) or visit:

Thank you for your continuing support

of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish.

For the month of June, 2021 our parish

budget calls for $19,569.00 to be

donated weekly at the Sunday

collection. The collection for Sunday,

June 13, 2021 was $20,382.74. This

collection is not only used for operating

expenses each week, but also for any

ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to

our parish facility. There are many ways

to contribute; credit card and

automatic debit are available.


This year OLA has shifted to a family-based model where

parents are empowered and prepared to teach their

children the faith and live it more fully at home. All of our

classes are being offered virtually through Zoom. Each

group meets at a day and time which accommodates your

schedule. The commitment is 4 meetings per month. Two of these are 75-

minute sessions during which parents must be present and participating. The

other 2 meetings will be conducted by catechists with the children to

supplement the lessons done at home and provide community for the


Please email [email protected] with any questions. All of our catechetical team

is asking for God's richest blessings and graces for your families at this time.

We invite those who are interested in the Catholic way of life to

participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) RCIA

involves preparation of non-baptized adults to receive and live

sacraments of initiation, as well as adults already baptized who are

interested in receiving and living the sacraments of Eucharist and

Confirmation. We meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM via a Zoom

gathering. To register visit:

Thank you to all those who have

already contributed to this year’s

campaign. If you have not had the

opportunity, please donate at https://


user/guest today and help us reach

our parish goal. Many of the generous

contributions from OLA are being

processed now.

Parish Goal: $115,098.00

Amount Pledged: $63,425.00

(as of 6/16/2021)

Amount Paid: $52,566.00

Difference Over/(Under)

Goal vs. Paid: ($62,532.00)

Join us for fun faith�

filled activities.�

Call OLA School at

(805) 642�7198 or

email Marci Gomez

at [email protected]

8:00 AM � 2:00 PM�

for the following weeks:�

July 6� July 9�

July 12 � July 16�

July 19 � July 30�

August 2 � August 6�

Father’s Day Novena will begin Sunday, June 20



Mass intentions for the 9-day novena are available

through our website at or

Father’s Day “Spiritual Bouquet” Mass intention

envelopes will be available this weekend at all of our

Masses by the entrance and exit areas. Please write

your loved one’s name on the donation envelope

and return them in the offering baskets or to the

Parish Office.

July 25


, and August 22


Immediately following the 9:30 AM Mass and preceding

the 12:30 PM Mass.

These are family-centered faith events with something

for everyone: field activities and music for the children,

small faith sharing for parents and a special parent-led

craft experience. Come find the abundant, fear-free life

Jesus makes possible. Email [email protected] for further information. Register

online at

"I have come that they. may have life and have it abundantly." John 10: 10


In today’s Gospel we see the active workings of Faith. We all talk easily about Faith; having Faith and wanting to live

our lives as Faith filled people. But what is Faith? When Jesus says to the Woman, “your Faith has saved you” and to

Jairus “just have Faith”, what does he mean?

First, I think Jesus is saying to both the Woman and Jairus: believe and trust in me because what I say to you will

happen. We know from many examples that Jesus’ words had power because what he said, happened. Why? Because

Jesus is God! Jesus said these words over two thousand years ago and we can rely upon them today.

Hebrews 11:1 tells us: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and conviction in things unseen.” Hope is something

that we desire to happen and faith is trusting that what we hope for, will in fact, happen. “Things unseen” doesn’t

suggest a lack of proof, but something not revealed to our senses. However, this doesn’t mean that if we have Faith,

what we want to happen will happen exactly as we desire. Why? Because sometimes God has a better plan for us

which is different than what we desire. Faith is an act of one’s will not just one’s intellect. Faith and reason are bound


What did the Woman want? She wanted to be cured and she believed and trusted that by merely touching Jesus’

garments she would be cured and so she was. Jairus believed that if Jesus laid his hands on his daughter, she would

be cured. Though she had died, Jesus took her by the hand and she arose from the dead. What does this mean for us?

Believe and trust in Jesus. Have Faith, because Jesus’ words are true.

Eternal rest grant unto them,

O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

�� Ann Roina

� Harold Houston

Mass Intentions are now available to

schedule ONLINE! Our new user-friendly

system can be accessed on our website at There is a limit of

five Mass Intention requests per day. The

administration will approve all requests by

the next business weekday and are on a

first come-first served basis. Please read

and follow the brief instructions provided

on our website. The online system will

accept debit/credit card donations only.

Mass Intention requests using cash/check

donations will need to be made at the

Parish Office during regular business hours.

Friday Morning

8:30 - 9:30 AM

in OLA Church

Please pray for the recently baptized as they

begin their journey in the Body of Christ.

Joaquin Rubalcava

Monday June 28th

6:30 AM Fr. Joseph Choi

8:00 AM † Zaida Worthley

Denise Ruppelt

Tuesday June 29th

6:30 AM † Ronald Toler

Milagros Toler

8:00 AM † PJ Manning Lunsford

Thomas Lunsford

† Norma Vera

Wednesday June 30th

6:30 AM Fr. Joe Choi

8:00 AM † Ally Johnson

† Gaethan Duccini

Thursday July 1st

6:30 AM Mass for the People

8:00 AM † Angelina & Tomas Montoya

Friday July 2nd

6:30 AM Fr. Matthew Miguel

8:00 AM † PJ Manning Lunsford

Tom Lunsford

Saturday July 3rd

8:00 AM † Dindo Cantos

4:00 PM † Barbara Hudoba

† PJ Manning Lunsford

Sunday June 4th

8:00 AM † Wilson Aaron Blair, Jr.

† Jose Angel Lopez

9:30 AM Mass for the People

11:00 AM † Laura Perry

12:30 PM † Nicandro y Antonio Guzman

4:00 PM Mass for the People

�Deryl and Margaret Franzel

50 Years on June 26


�Albert and Janet Karian

64 Years on June 22


To survive cancer you need more than just treatment you need faith and

support. OLA offers a free Catholic Cancer Support group for caregivers

and for those in the battle with cancer. Come to the confidential meeting to

bond with other parishioners and to develop tools help manage stress and

anxiety. This ministry is facilitated a licensed marriage and family therapist

with spiritual support provided by Deacon Charles Wessler. The group

meets virtually on the 2


and 4


Wednesdays of each month: 6:00-7:30

PM. For more information, please contact Rochida McClure, LMFT at ext.

143 or [email protected].

Static Virtual Meeting Link:

Access Code: 254-370-541

Message from

Ken Lynch:

The Grief Support

group is open to

any adult who

has lost a loved one through death,

whether your loss is recent or many

years old. We invite you to join us to find

support and help in working through the

grief process and transforming your pain

into healing and joy. We generally meet

on the 1


and 3


Tuesdays of the Month

and due to Covid-19 we are having Zoom

Meetings so you can attend in the

comfort of your home! The group is led

by Chaplain Ken Lynch. If you have any

questions, please email Ken at

[email protected] or leave a

voicemail at (805) 642-7966, Extension

150." If you want to start receiving emails

for this group, please email Ken at

[email protected].

Please email for access to our

GroupMe group where you can stay

updated about our events:

[email protected].

We would appreciate any volunteers

willing to lead discussions!


Due to the emerging health crisis, SVdP-OLA is unable to offer

face-to-face services as usual. This is in keeping with

Department of Health and CDC guidelines to protect the

community and staff. However, SVdP-OLA is working from home

via telephone, internet and the U.S. Postal Service. If you have a

need we may be able to address, please contact us in one of these ways:

�� Phone: Call (805) 642-4104 - leave a message and your call will be returned

(phone will ring 6 times and then switch to voice mail).

�� Internet: Email [email protected] with a brief message of your need.

�� USPS: Mail can be sent to SVDP c/o OLA 3175 Telegraph Road, Ventura CA 93003.

Any donations to SVDP during this time are urgently needed, and can be

mailed to the address above.

SVDP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency.

One-on-one time with trusted adults is healthy for

children and helps them to build self-esteem and long-

term relationships. You can protect your child while still

ensuring they have time and opportunity to build these

relationships. You can drop in unexpectedly when your

child is with another adult, even if that person is a

trusted family member. Insist on observable outings, in

public places. Talk with your child after an outing, noting his mood

or her ability to confidently tell you what happened. For more

information, visit

We have a ministry to help you recover from

divorce. OLA offers a free support group for

Catholics who are separated or divorced. We

provide a prayerful and confidential group where

you can learn tools to deal with the grief, loneliness, and anger often

associated with a marriage that is unraveling. The ministry is facilitated by a

licensed therapist and is supported by Deacon Charles Wessler. We

meeting the 1


and 3


Wednesdays: 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the Parish House

(back kitchen area). If you want to manage, heal, and move on after

divorce, please consider joining us. Questions: Rochida McClure, LMFT at

ext. 124 or [email protected].

El Señor habló a Job desde la tormenta y le dijo:

“Yo le puse límites al mar, cuando salía impetuoso

del seno materno;

yo hice de la niebla sus mantillas y de las nubes sus

pañales; yo le impuse límites con puertas y cerrojos

y le dije: ‘Hasta aquí llegarás, no más allá.

Aquí se romperá la arrogancia de tus olas’”.

Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor.

Sabiduría 1, 13-15; 2, 23-24



Segunda Lectura


Ya que ustedes se distinguen en todo: en fe, en palabra,

en sabiduría, en diligencia para todo y en amor hacia

nosotros, distínganse también ahora por su


Bien saben lo generoso que ha sido nuestro Señor

Jesucristo, que siendo rico, se hizo pobre por ustedes,

para que ustedes se hicieran ricos con su pobreza.

No se trata de que los demás vivan tranquilos, mientras

ustedes están sufriendo. Se trata, más bien, de aplicar

durante nuestra vida una medida justa; porque

entonces la abundancia de ustedes remediará las

carencias de ellos, y ellos, por su parte, los socorrerán a

ustedes en sus necesidades. En esa forma habrá un

justo medio, como dice la Escritura: Al que recogía

mucho, nada le sobraba; al que recogía poco, nada le


Palabra de Dios: Te alabamos Señor.

2 Corintios 8, 7. 9. 13-15

Primera Lectura

Salmo Responsorial

R. Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente.

Te alabaré, Señor, pues no dejaste

que se rieran de mí mis enemigos.

Tú, Señor, me salvaste de la muerte

y a punto de morir, me reviviste. R.

R. Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente.

Alaben al Señor quienes lo aman,

den gracias a su nombre,

porque su ira dura un solo instante

y su bondad, toda la vida.

El llanto nos visita por la tarde;

por la mañana, el júbilo. R.

R. Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente.

Escúchame, Señor, y compadécete;

Señor, ven en mi ayuda.

Convertiste mi duela en alegría,

te alabaré por eso eternamente. R.

R. Te alabaré, Señor, eternamente.

En aquel tiempo, cuando Jesús regresó en la barca al otro lado del lago, se quedó en la orilla y ahí se le reunió mucha gente.

Entonces se acercó uno de los jefes de la sinagoga, llamado Jairo. Al ver a Jesús, se echó a sus pies y le suplicaba con

insistencia: “Mi hija está agonizando. Ven a imponerle las manos para que se cure y viva”. Jesús se fue con él, y mucha gente lo

seguía y lo apretujaba.

Entre la gente había una mujer que padecía flujo de sangre desde hacía doce años. Había sufrido mucho a manos de los

médicos y había gastado en eso toda su fortuna, pero en vez de mejorar, había empeorado. Oyó hablar de Jesús, vino y se le

acercó por detrás entre la gente y le tocó el manto, pensando que, con sólo tocarle el vestido, se curaría. Inmediatamente se le

secó la fuente de su hemorragia y sintió en su cuerpo que estaba curada.

Jesús notó al instante que una fuerza curativa había salido de él, se volvió hacia la gente y les preguntó: “¿Quién ha tocado mi

manto?” Sus discípulos le contestaron: “Estás viendo cómo te empuja la gente y todavía preguntas: ‘¿Quién me ha tocado?’ ”

Pero él seguía mirando alrededor, para descubrir quién había sido. Entonces se acercó la mujer, asustada y temblorosa, al

comprender lo que había pasado; se postró a sus pies y le confesó la verdad. Jesús la tranquilizó, diciendo: “Hija, tu fe te ha

curado. Vete en paz y queda sana de tu enfermedad”.

Todavía estaba hablando Jesús, cuando unos criados llegaron de casa del jefe de la sinagoga para decirle a éste: “Ya se murió

tu hija. ¿Para qué sigues molestando al Maestro?” Jesús alcanzó a oír lo que hablaban y le dijo al jefe de la sinagoga: “No temas,

basta que tengas fe”. No permitió que lo acompañaran más que Pedro, Santiago y Juan, el hermano de Santiago.

Al llegar a la casa del jefe de la sinagoga, vio Jesús el alboroto de la gente y oyó los llantos y los alaridos que daban. Entró y les

dijo: “¿Qué significa tanto llanto y alboroto? La niña no está muerta, está dormida”. Y se reían de él.

Entonces Jesús echó fuera a la gente, y con los padres de la niña y sus acompañantes, entró a donde estaba la niña. La tomó

de la mano y le dijo: “¡Talitá, kum!”, que significa: “¡Óyeme, niña, levántate!” La niña, que tenía doce años, se levantó

inmediatamente y se puso a caminar. Todos se quedaron asombrados. Jesús les ordenó severamente que no lo dijeran a

nadie y les mandó que le dieran de comer a la niña.”

Palabra del Señor: Gloria a ti, Señor Jesús. Marcos 5, 21-43


Gloria a Dios

en el cielo,

y en la tierra paz a los hombres

que ama el Señor.

Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos,

te bendecimos,

te adoramos, te glorificamos,

te damos gracias,

Señor Dios, Rey celestial,

Dios Padre todopoderoso.

Señor, Hijo único, Jesucristo.

Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios,

Hijo del Padre:

tú que quitas el pecado del mundo,

ten piedad de nosotros;

tú que quitas el pecado del mundo,

atiende nuestra súplica;

tú que estás sentado a la derecha

del Padre,

ten piedad de nosotros;

porque sólo tú eres Santo,

sólo tú Señor,

sólo tú Altísimo, Jesucristo,

con el Espíritu Santo

en la gloria de Dios Padre.







Cuando mi

familia se mudó

a Camarillo en 1963, recibimos una

visita de una organización conocida

como “Welcome Wagon” o carreta de

bienvenida, nos presentaron con una

variedad de regalos e información

sobre los servicios en la comunidad.

La “Welcome Wagon” era reconocida

por toda la ciudad por su


Como niño de diez años, aún

recuerdo el matamoscas que

promovía una tienda de plomería y

pintura local. Si algo tan sencillo, pero

significante pudo impresionar a un

niño de diez años, cuan más

importante es sentir la bienvenida y la

hospitalidad dentro de una

comunidad parroquial que acoge la

hospitalidad y el servicio de ser

“discípulos misioneros.” El Papa

Francisco, nuestro Pastor Universal ha

hecho un llamado a todos los

católicos a que se vean a sí mismos

como una comunidad de bienvenida

que lleva el mensaje de Jesucristo.

Todos queremos sentirnos

bienvenidos e invitados. Las personas

amables marcan la pauta para

cualquier reunión que quiera celebrar

eventos importantes de la vida. Lo

mismo ocurre con nuestras

celebraciones eucarísticas. Durante la

pandemia, reunimos a una

comunidad de feligreses de

bienvenida y los nombramos

Embajadores de Nuestra Señora. Nos

ayudaron a prepararnos para todas

las Misas y dieron la bienvenida a los

feligreses con asientos, boletines y

otras necesidades especiales. Les

quiero hacer la invitación a considerar

ser uno de estos embajadores.

Ayudando a dar la bienvenida a los

que vienen a Misa. Ayudando a ser

una comunidad de hospitalidad y

servicio. Ayudando a saludar a todos

los que se acercan a la puerta de

nuestra Iglesia. Ésta es la vocación de

todo discípulo misionero. Este es el

trabajo de todo cristiano, dar la

bienvenida a los que visitan, a los

extraños y aquellos con quienes

compartimos un vínculo de amistad.

El fin de semana pasado, fue

maravilloso ver a amigos en la Misa

que no han estado juntos por más de

un año. Qué gran bienvenida y qué

experiencia tan emocionante. ¿No es

eso lo que debería ser una

comunidad parroquial? Aún hay

muchas personas “anónimas” que

vienen a Misa que podrían ser

transformadas por la bienvenida de

un Embajador de María. Ella es quien

nos lleva a su Hijo y eso es lo que

nosotros también podemos hacer.

El padre León

La Novena del Día del Padre comenzará el domingo

20 de junio. Las intenciones de la misa para la

novena de 9 días están disponibles a través de

nuestro sitio web en o los

sobres de intención de la misa del Día del Padre

estarán disponibles este fin de semana en todas

nuestras misas en las áreas de entrada y salida. Escriba el nombre de su ser

querido en el sobre de donación y devuélvalo en las canastas de ofrendas o en la

oficina parroquial.

June 27th


En el Evangelio de hoy vemos el trabajo activo de la fe. Todos hablamos fácilmente de la fe; de tener fe y de querer vivir

nuestras vidas como personas llenas de fe. Pero, ¿qué es la fe? Cuando Jesús le dice a la mujer; “tu fe te ha salvado” y a Jairo;

“solo ten fe”, ¿qué significa esto?

Primeramente, creo que Jesús les está diciendo tanto a la mujer como a Jairo: crean y confíen en mí porque lo que yo les digo

sucederá. Sabemos, a través de muchos ejemplos, que las palabras de Jesús tenían poder porque lo que dijo, sucedió. ¿Por

qué? ¡Porque Jesús es Dios! Jesús dijo estas palabras hace más de dos mil años y hoy todavía podemos confiar en ellas.

Según se nos dice en Hebreos 11: 1, “La fe es la certeza de lo que se espera y la convicción de lo que no se ve”. La esperanza es

algo que deseamos que suceda y la fe es confiar que lo que esperamos, de hecho sucederá. “Cosas que no se ven” no está

sugiriendo una falta de pruebas, sino algo que no se nos es revelado a través de nuestros sentidos. Sin embargo, esto no

significa que si tenemos fe, lo que queremos que suceda ocurrirá exactamente como deseamos. ¿Por qué? Porque a veces

Dios tiene un plan mejor para nosotros que es diferente al que deseamos. La fe es un acto de la propia voluntad, no solo del

intelecto. La fe y la razón están unidas. Entonces, ¿qué quería la mujer? Quería ser curada y creía y confiaba que con solo tocar

las vestiduras de Jesús, se curaría y así fue. Jairo creía que si Jesús ponía las manos sobre su hija, ella se curaría. Aunque había

muerto, Jesús tomó a la hija de Jairo de la mano y la levantó de entre los muertos. ¿Qué significa esto para nosotros? Cree y

confía en Jesús. Ten fe, porque las palabras de Jesús son verdaderas.

Gracias por su

continuo apoyo a la

Parroquia de Nuestra

Señora de la Asunción.

Para el mes de junio

de 2021, nuestro

presupuesto parroquial exige $19,569.00

para ser donados semanalmente en la

colecta del domingo. La colección del

domingo 13 de junio de 2021 fue de

$20,382.74. Esta colección no solo se usa

para gastos operativos cada semana, sino

también para cualquier trabajo de

reparación en curso, mejoras, etc. a nuestra

instalación parroquial. Hay varias maneras

de contribuir; tarjeta de crédito y débito

automático están disponibles. Por favor


El tiempo a solas con adultos de confianza es saludable para los niños y les ayuda a desarrollar la autoestima y las

relaciones a largo plazo. Puede proteger a su hijo/hija y, al mismo tiempo, asegurarse de que él o ella tenga

tiempo y oportunidades para construir esas relaciones. Usted puede pasar inesperadamente cuando su hijo o

hija está con otro adulto, aun cuando esa persona sea un familiar de confianza. Insista en salidas observables, en

lugares públicos. Hable con su hijo después de una salida y observe su estado de ánimo o su capacidad para contarle

con seguridad lo que sucedió. Para obtener más información, visite

Gracias a los que ya han

contribuido a la

campaña de este año. Si aun no ha tenido la

oportunidad, por favor tome una tarjeta de

compromiso del vestíbulo y ayúdenos a

lograr la meta de nuestra parroquia o en

línea en



Meta Parroquial: $115,098.00

Cantidad Prometida: $63,425.00


Cantidad Pagada: $52,566.00

Diferencia Sobre/(Debajo)

de la Meta vs. Pagado: $62,532.00

La Fundación de Educación Católica de Los Ángeles ha recibido una donación de 50

millones de dólares para dar apoyo financiero a los nuevos estudiantes de primaria y

secundaria que se inscriban en una escuela arquidiocesana en los condados de Los Ángeles, Ventura y Santa Bárbara.

Se anima a las familias interesadas en las escuelas católicas de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles a que visiten o llamen al (213) 637-7070 para obtener más información y acceso a asistencia financiera. Las

escuelas están inscribiendo ahora para las clases que comienzan en el otoño. ¡La educación católica es asequible y hay

asistencia disponible para la matrícula!

¡Gracias y

mis mejores


Padre Joe!

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA C 4C 05-1013

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA B 4C 05-1013

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Contact Kathryn Dickens to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5809

Llame a Kathryn Dickens hoy para su anuncio! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5809

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, Ventura, CA A 4C 05-1013

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Contact Kathryn Dickens to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5809

Llame a Kathryn Dickens hoy para su anuncio! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5809

Commemorative Pandemic Wall

Please Share in this Special Tribute

In commemoraon of the Pandemic, OLA will have a beauful area in Mulcahy Center

for you to view and reflect through August. The walls will display remembrances of our

loved ones, thanks for the blessings we received, and your favorite pandemic recipes. �

To take part in this special tribute, please share your pandemic experiences by

compleng the OLA Commemoraon sheet found in the bullen, then return to the

OLA Parish Office.�

For addional Informaon, please contact Elizabeth Trujillo at extension 115 or�


Pared Conmemorativa de la Pandemia

Comparte este tributo especial

En conmemoración de la pandemia, OLA tendrá una hermosa área en el Centro

Mulcahy para que la vea y reflexione hasta agosto. Las paredes mostrarán recuerdos

de nuestros seres queridos, agradecimiento por las bendiciones recibidas y sus recetas

favoritas durante la pandemia.�

Para parcipar en este tributo especial, comparta sus experiencias durante la

pandemia completando la hoja de Conmemoración de OLA que se encuentra en el

bole0n y regrésela a la Oficina Parroquial de OLA.�

Para obtener información adicional, comuníquese con Elizabeth Trujillo a la extensión

115 o database@ola��

OLA launched the “Your Opinion Matters”

survey to gather feedback regarding:

1. Attitude towards returning after pandemic

2. How to Commemorate pandemic


3. Suggestions to increase our parish family

including young adults.

The results are in, and OLA will be using your

valuable feedback to shape the future of our


For full survey results, please visit our website at