passive voice

1. We haven't cleaned the house. 2. They are opening a new supermarket next week. 3. They didn’t use the car. 4. They will publish her new book next month. 5. The police have just arrested him. 6. Someone has just found her. 7. They had finished the work by the end of 1997. 8. They closed the factory. 9. They discuss important subjects at lunchtime every day. 10. They are still considering this matter. 11. They were making every effort to end the strike. 12. You will clean the house. 13. Somebody told him about that yesterday. 14. He made many mistakes. 15. She is asking a difficult question. 1. Monnet painted a lot of landscapes and seascapes. 2. We can see ships. 3. The painter depicted a scene on a summer's day. 4. Last year someone killed a bear. 5. My daughter draws wild animals. 6. They are building a new zoo in the neighbourhood. 7. The zookeeper feeds the animals. 8. People will respect nature.

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Post on 15-Nov-2015




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Passive Voice


Passive voice.docx

1. We haven't cleaned the house.

2. They are opening a new supermarket next week.

3. They didnt use the car.

4. They will publish her new book next month.

5. The police have just arrested him.

6. Someone has just found her.

7. They had finished the work by the end of 1997.

8. They closed the factory.

9. They discuss important subjects at lunchtime every day.

10. They are still considering this matter.

11. They were making every effort to end the strike.

12. You will clean the house.

13. Somebody told him about that yesterday.

14. He made many mistakes.

15. She is asking a difficult question.

1. Monnet painted a lot of landscapes and seascapes. 2. We can see ships. 3. The painter depicted a scene on a summer's day. 4. Last year someone killed a bear. 5. My daughter draws wild animals. 6. They are building a new zoo in the neighbourhood. 7. The zookeeper feeds the animals.8. People will respect nature. 9. Maradona scored a goal.10.The farmer picks up pears every day.

1. People returned many books to the library last night. 2. Someone took that book from her desk.3. Someone has taken money from my wallet. 4. The reporter wrote an article about pollution. 5. The dog bit the tall little boy. 6. The newspapers reported the event immediately. 7. We were listening to the teacher. 8. Lightning struck the house. 9. We will pay the bill before the first of the month. 10. The police are holding him for further questioning.

Tina was doing a crossword all yesterday evening.I didn't send this telegram.My mother never gives me a morning kiss.A lot of people enjoy sport.John offered me a new job.We have seen this exhibition.Danny will receive an important letter next week.This hotel provides breakfast.Our kids will have eaten some pizza by noon.James had seen the cat before he closed the window.

They will install a new alarm by tomorrow. She was correcting her students' mistakes. I used this computer. She is typing 5 reports. They cook these rolls with garlic. Sheila has washed her hands. Many tourists enjoy this monument. Turin is holding the Winter Olympic Games. He is opening a tin. I will do it in a minute.