passÉ composÉ

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Post on 25-Feb-2016




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PASSÉ COMPOSÉ. What is the passé composé?. One of two past tense in French. Use to indicate specific events that occurred in the past within a specific time period . Use to describe an event that occurred at some concrete point in the past , whose action is completed . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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What is the pass compos?One of two past tense in French.Use to indicate specific events that occurred in the past within a specific time period.Use to describe an event that occurred at some concrete point in the past, whose action is completed.Use to describe a series of action done in the past.What is the Pass Compos?The pass compos or compound past is madeup of two parts.

Present tense of and past participle ofauxiliary verb+a second verb

Clue words for the pass composun soirmardiun mardiun jourle 4 maiune foisdeux foisplusieurs foisAuxiliary VerbsTo form the passe compose, you must use ahelping verb. There are two helping verbs inFrench, Avoir and tre.

Avoir : to have

tre: to be


Tu asvous avez

il ilsElleaellesontOnTREJe suisnoussommes

Tu esvoustes

ililssontElleestellesOnPast ParticipleThe second part of the pass compos is the pastparticiple.

ER regular verbs drop the er add ex. parler parl

IR regular verbs drop the ir add iex. finir fini

RE regular verbs drop the re add uex. vendre - vendu Important Irregular Past Participleavoir eulire - lufaire faitmourir- morttre tnatre - naller- allplaire pluacqurir acquisprendre - prisboire burecevoir - reuconduire conduitrire- ricourir couru suivre - suivicroire crutenir - tenudire ditvivre - vcu

Important Irregular Past Participlevoir vumouvoir - msasseoir assisouvrir - ouvertconclure conclupleuvoir - pluconnatre connupouvoir - pucraindre craintrsoudre - rsoludevoir- dsavoir - sucrire critsuffire- suffifalloir falluse taire - tumettre misvaloir - valuvenir venuvouloir- vouluAvoir as the auxiliary- Most verbs use avoir as its auxiliary.Verbs expressing a type of movement form the compound past with avoir.There is no agreement between the past participle and the noun when avoir is used as the auxiliary verbtre as the auxiliaryOnly a few selected group of verbs use tre as the auxiliary.DR MRS VANDERTRAMPP, and reflexive verbs, use tre as the auxiliary.Verbs that express a direction of motion form the compound past with tre.

DR MRS VANDERTRAMPPDEVENIRDESCENDRERESTERENTRERMONTERRETOURNERRENTRERTOMBERSORTIRREVENIRVENIRARRIVERALLERMOURIRNATREPARTIR PASSERPast Participle of Dr. Mrs. VDevenir devenudescendre - descenduRester restentrer - entrMonter montretourner - retournRentrer rentrtomber - tombSortir sortirevenir - revenuVenir venuarriver - arrivAller allmourir- mortNatre npartir partiPasser - passReflexive VerbsSe laver to wash Se lever to get up Se baigner to bath Se maquiller to put on makeupShabiller - to get dressDr. Mrs. Vandertrampp PoemENTR, RENTR, ARRIVREST, MONT, N, ALLTOMB, MORT, RETOURNTHESE WITH EASE WE CAN SAY.PARTI, SORTI, DESCENDUREVENU, DEVENU ET VENU TOO.PASS AND REFLEXIVE VERBS.

How to form the Pass Compos with avoirJai euI hadTu as euyou hadil a euhe hadElle a eushe hadOn a euwe/they hadNous avons eu we hadVous avez euyou hadIls ont euthey hadElles ont euthey hadHow to form the Pass Compos with treJe suis all (e) I wentTu es all (e)You wentil est allHe wentElle est alleShe wentNous sommes all (s)(es)We wentVous tes all(s)(es)You wentIls sont allsThey wentElles sont alles They wentVideo

Put these verbs in the past participleregarder- regardaider trouverportermarcherparlerpenserPut these verbs in the past participleobir - obifinirremplirrussirjouirmentirPut these verbs in the past participlefendre - fenduattendreperdrerpondredpendrerendre Dejeuner du matinby Jacques PrvertIl a mis le cafDans la tasseIl a mis le laitDans la tasse de cafIl a mis le sucreDans le caf au laitAvec la petite cuillerIl a tournIl a bu le caf au laitEt il a repos la tasseSans me parlerIl a allumUne cigaretteIl a fait des rondsAvec le cendrierDans le cendrier

Sans me parlerSans me regarderIl sest levIl a misSon chapeau sur sa tteIl a misSon manteau de pluieParce quil pleuvaitEt il est partiSous la pluieSans une paroleSans me regarderEt moi jai prisMa tte dans mes mainsEt jai pleur.

RECONTRUCT DEJEUNER DU MATINSon manteau de pluieEt jai pleurAvec la petite cuillerIl a tournIl a mis le laitEt il est partiIl a fait des rondsDans le cendrier Il sest levIl a repos la tasseIl a mis le cafSous la pluie Avec la fumeSans me regarderDans la tasse de cafSon manteau de pluieune cigaretteIl a mis le sucre Et il a repos la tasse Sans me parlerSans me regarder Il a mis dans la tasseIl a bu le caf au laitIl a allum Il a mis les cendres Sans me parlerSon chapeau sur la tte parce quil pleuvait Il a misSans une parole Et moi jai pris