parts $ parts list ar-313 * keyboard interface page 1 of … · 2019-08-08 · f parts list ar-313...

/f PARTS LIST AR-313 * KEYBOARD INTERFACE AR313 :- PARTS $ Page 1 of 2 15 IX 75 PART NUMBERS QUANTITY CI thru C61 61 C62,70,73,74, 8 5 5 C63,65,67,68, 72 76,77,80,82 9 C64 1 C69 1 C71 1 C75 1 C66,78,81 3 C83,84 2 Dl thru 70 (D 64 delet e d ) 6 9 DESCRIPTION VALUE AND RATINGS Pi P2 P3 P4 Ql 02 1 1 1 1 1 Q3 1 Q4 1 Q5 C79 Rl thru 60 1 I 60 R61 thru 121 R122 ,123 R 124 R125,126,127,128, R134,145,146. Rl.29,137,144,149, R130,136,139,141, 122, 187 151 61 •t 1 133 6 3 5 156,161 R131,159,160,15 3 R135,168 Rl.38,150, 165 R140, 1.52 R142,143,147 4 2 3 2 3 Capacitor,Electrolytic Disc 0,1 mfd,25v 0.1mfd,50v " 33 pf Capacitor-Mylar,Mica,or Poly. 0.47mfd, lOOv, 10% Capacitor,Tantalum Capacitor, Ceramic Capacitor,Disc Diode,Silicon Potentiometer, 1/4" Slotted Shaft n ii Potentiometer,1/4" shaft it ii Transistor#PNP Field Effect Transistor n-channel Field Effect Transistor, dual n-channel Transistor,NPN, Darlington pair Transistor,NPN Capacitor,Tantalum Resistor,Metal Film Resistor,Carbon Resistor,Carbon Film II f! II Resistor,Carbon Res:stor,Carbon Film P e s i. s to r, C ar bon ii 2.2 mfd,20v 0.68 mfd 0.0 04 mfd 0.001 mfd 0.01 mfd 1N914,1N414 8 or equivalent I k l i n e a r 10k linear 10 0k log 10k linear 2NJ638- E2l2(Siliconix) E4 11 (Siliconix) MPS A-14. 2N3393 or TE-3393 1 47 mfd,20v 10 ohm,l% (part / of kbrd assembly) •■■' 1 meg, 10% 2.2k, 5% 8 20 ohm,5% 10 0k, 10% 100k, 10% 10k,10% Ik, 10% 100k, 5% 4.7k. 10% 1.3k,10% 5.6k. 10% 330 ohm,10% l! \i

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Page 1: PARTS $ PARTS LIST AR-313 * KEYBOARD INTERFACE Page 1 of … · 2019-08-08 · f parts list ar-313 * keyboard interface ar313 :-parts $ page 1 of 2 15 ix 75 part numbers quantity



A R 3 1 3 : -PARTS $Page 1 of 215 IX 75


C I t h r u C 6 1 61C 6 2 , 7 0 , 7 3 , 7 4 , 8 5 5C 6 3 , 6 5 , 6 7 , 6 8 , 7 2 •

7 6 , 7 7 , 8 0 , 8 2 9C64 1

C69 1C71 1C75 1C 6 6 , 7 8 , 8 1 3C83,84 2D l t h r u 7 0 ( D 64 d e l e t e d ) 6 9





Q3 1

Q4 1

Q5C79Rl thru 60



R61 thru 121R122 ,123R 124R125,126,127,128,R134,145,146.Rl.29,137,144,149,R130,136,139,141,




1 3 3 635

156 ,161

R131,159,160,15 3R135,168Rl.38,150, 165R140, 1.52R142,143,147


C a p a c i t o r , E l e c t r o l y t i cD i s c

0 , 1 m f d , 2 5 v0 . 1 m f d , 5 0 v

" 3 3 p f

C a p a c i t o r - M y l a r , M i c a , o r P o l y . 0 . 4 7 m f d ,lOOv, 10%

C a p a c i t o r , Ta n t a l u mC a p a c i t o r , C e r a m i cC a p a c i t o r , D i s c

D i o d e , S i l i c o n

P o t e n t i o m e t e r , 1 / 4 "S l o t t e d S h a f t

n i i

P o t e n t i o m e t e r , 1 / 4 " s h a f ti t i i

T r a n s i s t o r # P N PF i e l d E f f e c t T r a n s i s t o rn - c h a n n e lF i e l d E f f e c t T r a n s i s t o r ,d u a l n - c h a n n e lT r a n s i s t o r , N P N ,D a r l i n g t o n p a i rT r a n s i s t o r , N P NC a p a c i t o r , Ta n t a l u mR e s i s t o r , M e t a l F i l m

R e s i s t o r , C a r b o nR e s i s t o r , C a r b o n F i l m

I I f ! I I

R e s i s t o r , C a r b o n

R e s : s t o r , C a r b o n F i l mP e s i. s to r, C ar bon


2 . 2 m f d , 2 0 v0 .68 mfd0.0 04 mfd0 .001 mfd0 .01 mfd1N914,1N414 8o r e q u i v a l e n t

I k l i n e a r1 0 k l i n e a r10 0k log1 0 k l i n e a r2NJ638-

E 2 l 2 ( S i l i c o n i x )

E4 11 (Si l iconix)

MPS A-14.2N3393 or TE-3393 14 7 m f d , 2 0 v10 ohm,l% (part /of kbrd assembly) •■■'1 meg, 10%2.2k, 5%8 20 ohm,5%10 0k, 10%100k, 10%10k,10%

Ik, 10%100k, 5%4.7k. 10%1.3k,10%5.6k. 10%330 ohm,10%



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I * fiSBtei ^ " AR313^vl: ' ■-*PARTSPage 2 of 2

PARTS L IST * AR-313 * (cog t . )

/ i 62


R148R153R154R155R157R153R162'PH. 6 6S I , 2U l , 2U4U6,7

3 , 5 , 8 , 9 , 1 0 , 11 , 1 2





Res is to r,CarbonRes is to r,Carbon F i lm

■ I i i

• I • •

'Re s i stor,C arbonii t i

Res i s to r,Carbon

10~0ohm, 10%22k,5%82k,5%27k,5%10 ohm,10%22 meg,10%470 ohm,10%3. 9k,10%

S w i t c h , T o g g l e S P D TOpera t i ona l Amp l i fie r LM301AQuad Dual Input Nor Gate CD4PQ1AEMonostab le Mul t iv ib ra tor 74122Front PanelKnobs ,1 /4 " sha f tJacks,Min i -PhonePr in ted C i r cu i t Boa rd

4-40 Nut4-40x5/16" Screw1/8" Fiber SpacerF l a t B r a c k e t#4x1/2" Wood Screw


, ■ ' ■ ''




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, : " " , ' : ' - : • ! f | 4 ' • •■ . : ' ' f - * "■ ' ' ' .■■5 'ARIES SYSTEM 3Q0 Music Synthesizer


. 4.1'-.*■•-«' '-"V? '■•.ASSEMBLYPage J. of 5,15 IX 75

■hbly Instructions were written as a generala-iic , '-3 f niliarize the builder with the components. Here,now, are'tlv-. specific assembly instructions for building yourKeyboard is recommended that you do the followingbefore you proceed:

Find a place where you can work through completion,,without disturbing your set-/up.

Use adequate lighting.

Wash your hands before starting,This removes contaminatingoils and perspiration, and makes assembly more comfortable.\s vou proceed, check off each step with a pencil.


, Board) " l

■ . . . .

" A " A s s e m b l y . ; ; : , . - ^ '■■■■■■x . ^ . - : s . . "■■■■^ t : ^ ' \ . . AT>PT>&ration Lav the circuit board on a sheet of white paper. ..,lv «TAL FOIL SIDE DOWN! Also, turn board so that connectprstrip is to the LEFT. Use adequate lighting. ■

Lay the assembly drawing(layout);dQwn; near the board.

Unpack the parts carefullyso they won't get lost♦_ , ...

and place in a large box or tray

( )

( r-3.

W \ ■'■■*- Solder-Use only thin,rosin-core solder^I »;.; , . . . . . . ,f?Cf Smal l , d iagona l w i re cu t te rs ;v r : r. . , . . . . . . . -<^ . \V, . ' - \

: : v | f . ; * ' | S m a l l w i r e s t r i p p e r . ; . • ' ; ; .; ' : s m a l l l o n g - n o s e p l i e r s . . . . - • i ■ .

JTi^PERS^ Find jumper wire Jl. on the drawing r Cut off a piece'ofS i ted so l id wi re , ONE INCH LONGER TWN'J l . St r ip 1 /2 -S h of insulation from each end (being careful not to damage ;

S-I?hSSn?&i^ s down against the board -nd^hem^a^In tUct : Ta l l in? |u f o f *% eLS. (Refer to in t roduct ion^on parts installations),install J2 through J5 in the sane way;K E S X S T O K S c a r e f u l l y i n s t a l l M « J * ^ i % ? £ S S &K^s.0benaetCherCleaasb0atraiea|iiA6th of aninch aWay f«-the body of the resistor.F o r e x a m p l e : | £ 0 t i t a £ r


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> ■

- • . ••■


note; 3) Resistors Rl through R60 are pnf the keyboard,?d) Resistors R61 through R121 are on board BB"c) Resistor R154 mounts with one lead bent underneath, as

s h o w n o n t h q l a y o u t . ,d) NOTE: R168 must be mounted as shown, with a piece or

insulated wire soldered to one end.

( ) 4, CAPACITaRS Instal l a l l 24 capaci tors (C62 through C85).observe polarity where shown.NOTE: C79 is actually muchlarger that shown on the drawing. Bend the leads l iket h i s . w

■ . .

I n s t a l l , b e i n g c a r e f u l n o t t o l e t i t s l e a d s t o u c h a n yo t h e r w i r e s .

( ) 5. DIODES Insta l l a l l 8 d iodes(D62 through D70),o b s e r v i n g p o l a r i t y . ( T h e r e i s n o D 6 4 ) . | . ,

' ) 6. .INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Install all 12 I C's (Ul throughU12) . OBSERVE ORIENTATION I

; ) 7. TRANSISTORS Instal l a l l 5 t ransistors (Ql through Q5)


I I N O W , . J I R E B O A R D " 3 " _ .( ) 1 . i ns ta l l * \ l 61 res i s to rs (R61 th rough R121 ) .

( ) 2 . I ns ta l l a l l 61 capac i to rs (C l t h rough C61) .

( ) 3. Instal l al l 61 diodes (Dl through DS1) .-NOTE; Observepolar i ty on capaci tors, and diodes.Don' t forget R121, Cb*# anaD 6 1 o n t h e r i g h t - h a n d ' e d g e I . . < . .

THIS COMPLETES ASSEMBLY OF BOARD "B".. -■ ; " ' ' . ' ! ' . - > . ■ ' . ' . . . ■ : • ? \ ' .


( )• 1. Mount the 14 mini-phone jacks in THE EXACT POSITIONSHOWN.Tighten all nuts. >. ■1 • ■ -

( ) 2. Mount the two switches (SI and S2) as shown.

( ) 3. Mount al l four pots (Pl,P2,P3,P4) as shovm;ftOTE: Although'a l l f ou r po t s a re o * t he l ock i ng -nu t , s c rewd r i ve r ad j us ttype, only PI and P2 wil l need the locking nut on. P3 andP4 wil l only be used with knobs.


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)^$ ■£'■& .■-■';•':AR313

': ASSEMBLYPage 3 of 5

,jjk.^., .V.,f , . '. ?■' 3 ' ! MP

( ) 4. Mount knobs on P3 and P4.

( ) 5, Solder a wire to the grounds of the four jacks on theleft side (rear view) as shewn.

( ) 6, Connect the two upper jacks together as shown.

( ) 7. Connect all four jacks in the next row down.

( ) 8. Repeat for the 3rd row.

(. ) 9. Repeat for the bottom row.

( )10. Connect pins 1 and 2 of P2 together.

( )11, Connect pin2 of S2 to Pin one of P3.

( )12. Connect pin3 of SI to pin 2 of P3 .


( ) 1. Cut off 19 pieces of insulated wi ;, each 11 inches long..:Strip 1/2" off each end.

( ) 2. Connect the wires from each point on the panel (shown by >the arrow) to the corresponding point on Board "A",TOAVOID MISTAKES, CONNECT BOTH ENDS OF EACH WIRE BEFORE.GOING TO THE NEXT WIRE,NOTE:When wiring the ground connectionto Board "A", strip an extra 1/2" of insulation (oneinch total) from the wire end. Push this wire through theboard hole leaving 1/4" of BARE wire on top.SOLDER:


This is to allow two additional wires to connect here,


1. Cut a piece pf insulated wire 45" long,Strip 1/2" ofinsulation from each end. Wrap one end around the bare^ground wire on Board "A" (from previous step). Solder .Solder the other end in the hole on Board "B" labelled•GROUND" on the drawing. .

, t

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P a g e 4 b f #.5 • &M?..: ./. ■:<v■■ ',■(«■**■ l( ) 2.! Cut another 45s'>piece of insulated wire.-. Strip ;pne inch

of insulation qf£ one end, Push through /idle in Board "A"labelled "+15v supply" on drawing, leaving J/4" barewire on top, as you did on the ground wire.Solder. W.Soldtr the other end to the hole in board "B" labelled '.' " + 1 5 v o l t s ' * . v . ^ v .


' <?'

■ V




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:';i:?* 7.?v :•■ •;;. v a


I . - •■■ " V ; . * ' r 4 t ~ : : % ; - . ; - ; / # - ; , : | ' ^ ' ' a s s e m b l ^ : § -M^' ; .>'vr ^V.'-' -' Page 5 of (5








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• '*■**.» :


Page 1 of 2\§y.'1 5 i x 7 5 ■g m u

^- ■ w» ^"yf

t r i m p r o c e d u r e c w i t h a r i e s s y n t h e s i z e r ) . |■

v o i c e t r i m , : ; - ; , • . . • • • • : ; 'i;—Connect the keyboard power cable to the synthesizer.Turn ::<.2.. Connect a patch cord from one voice output, just to control

; # 2 o n o n e V C O . * «3. Set keyBoard' tuning to center, and portamento off , _ ,4. Mix the sawtooth outputs of this VCO and another one, with

NO control inputs, and listen to them. Set both dials to ■>2 5 0 h z . • • , • • : . . i .

5. While holding down the lowest key (c),carefully tune eitherVCO for zero beat, that is, the same frequency.

6. Loosen locking nut on VOICE INTERVAL trim pot on keyboardp a n e l ( i f u s e d } . . j

7. Release the lowest key, and hold down the "C key twoo c t a v e s u p ( t h e 1 5 t h w h i t e K e y ) . : - : -

8. Adjust the VOICE INTERVAL trim so that the vcn's are exactlytwo octaves apart.

9. Repeat steps 5, 7, and 8 until the VCO's are in unison atthe lowest key, and two octaves apart at ..the 15th whitekey, without needing further trimming.

10. Tighten the lock nut and check the vco's again. ;.•;,; 'X,s.A U X I L I A R Y V O I C E T R I M . " . . ' ' .T. Mow connect a patch cord from fehe-.VOIOB output to control* input #2 of the second VCO, (Leave the first one connected

, c l l S O ) , ' ' : , - ' ■2. While holding the lowest key down, tune the VCO's exactly

in unison.3. Play different notes, and check that the VCO's stay in

unison closely. If not, one of them needs adjustment ofI its "VOLTS PER OCTAVE " trim.

4. Connect a patch cord from one AUX. VOICE output jack to ;;control input #3 of one VCO.

5. Hold the lowest note~aown, and tune the VCO's exactly in >unison.

6.1 Loosen the locking nut (if used} on the AUX.. VOICE . •' INTERVAL trim pot.7.. Simultaneously hold down the lowest key and the one an

: octave higher (the 8th white key).8. Adjust the AUX. VOICE INTERVAL trim so the VCO's are

exactly one octave apart.9. Repeat steps 5, 7, and 8 until the VCO's are in unison

with only one key down, and one octave apart with two keysa n o c t a v e a p a r t h e l d d o w n . ■ '■ f .


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Page 2 of 2ApDITIONAL TRIM INSTRUCTION1. Listen only to the VCO which has the AUX. VOICE connection

plus the VOICE connection.2. Hold down the lowest key, and alternately push and

release tyae next octave (8th white Hey).3. Adjust the AUX- VOICE INTERVAL trim so that you hear

an octave change when you play and release the octavekey,When adjusted, tighten the locking nut and check the &intervals again.

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'. R313 THEORYPago 1 of 315"IX 75


The AR-311 keyboard has a string of 60 precision 10 ohm resistorsin ser ies, forming a vo l tage d iv ider. One end is grounded,i he other end fed by a constant-current source, consist ing of

1 and R124, biased by R122, R123, D62, and adjusted by Pi. onesec of key contacts connects a d i f ferent tap on the vol tagedivider to the bus cal led "KBD,VOICE". The lowest key connectsto the grounded end, and the highest key to the other end, oft h e d i v i d e r. W h e n o n e k e y i s d e p r e s s e d , t h e " V O I C E " b u s w i l lhave a voltage proportional to the number of keys up fromground. The current source is . adjusted for 1/12 vol t per key,or 1 volt per octave. When two or more keys are depressedsimultaneously, the "VOICE" bus voltage depends only on thepos i t ion o f the LOWEST key, s ince the cur rent th rough. the res is torsbetween the lowest, key and ground is constant. However, the.vol tage at the. top of the div ider (connect ion cal led KBD HIGH )w i l l d rop by 1 vo l t f o r each oc tave in te rva l be tween the lowes tand highest keys depressed simultaneously. When only one key isdepressed there is no change in this voltage from no keysdepressed. Th is vo l tage w i l l be 5 vo l ts (1 vo l t per oc tavet i m e s fi v e o c t a v e s l .

In add i t ion , there i s a second se t o f con tac ts , ca l led "KeyboardGate Switches". Each note has a capacitor (CI thru C61),resistor (R6.1 thru R121) and diode (Dl thru D61) . The rapacitorsare normally charged to +15 volts. When a note is depressed, thecapac i t o r d i scha rges pa r t i a l l y t h rough the d iode i n to t heresistors R132 and R133, causing the voltage at the output busto momentar i ly reach about +14 v. The capaci tor wi l l d ischargeun t i l t he IM res i s to r supp l i es enough cu r ren t t o equa l t ha t l os tthrough R132, at which t ime the bus vol tage wi l l be 2.4 vol ts .I t w i l l remain a t th is vo l tage as long as the key is he ld down.

Now, when any one key is depressed, there are 4 signal paths

A. The voltage at pin 3 of op amp U3 wil l reach 7 volts, thenremain at 1.2 vol ts , due to the d iv ider R132 and 133. (C66fi l te rs ou t any con tac t bounce no ise . ) U3 ac ts as a compara tor,since i t is open-loop. The voltage on pin 2 is biased by R134 andR135 to +0 .7 vo l ts . There fo re , the ou tpu t w i l l normal ly be-15 vo l t s , bu t w i l l j ump t o +12 vo l t s ( sa tu ra t i on vo l t ages o f ,U3) when a key is depressed. This turns on FET switch Q2, whichcharges up holding capacitor C64 to the voltage on the "KBD.VOICE" bus, which" is buffered by vo l tage fo l lower U9. Thissame positive output from U3 is inverted by U4A (1/4 of a quad2- input NOR rate), \Thich goes to logic "On level (near Ov) .

.U4B w i l l have 'a s im i l a r " l ow"ou tpu t un less -bo th i npu ts (p ins12 and 13) are low.

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Page 2 of 315 IX 75■» ■ • ' , . ' » '

B Capacitor C75 couples a momentary pulse (0.8ms) of about+14 vo l t s in to Dar l i ng ton emi t te r fo l l ower 04 , wh ich coup lesthe pulse into pin 3 of U6. U6 is a"one shot" whose output(o in 8) firs t goes "h igh" (near +5 vo l ts) when turned on bythe pulse at pin 3. After a delay of 7ms (determined by C69),the output goes" low" aga in . Meanwhi le , when the output fi rs tcoes hiah, U4B now has one input low and one high, so itsoutput stays low. Therefore, the output of op-amp comparatorU5 stays low (-15 volts.) This keeps pin 1 of U6 low, vrhichenables Pin '3 input to work.

However, after the delay of 7 ms, pin 8 of U6 goes low again.Assuming the key is st i l l down, th is means both inputs of U4Bare low, so i ts output (p in 11) goes high.This turns on U5(+12 volts) which causes a gate (+10 v) to appear at theGATE OUTPUT. Notice that the gate is delayed, to give thesample hold (02 and C64) a chance to acquire the correctkeyboard vo ice (cont ro l vo l tage) be fore the gate tu rns on.C The t h i r d s i gna l pa th i s t h rough U4C , " h i ch i nve r t s t he0.8ms pulse through C75. The resul t ing negat ive pu lse (actua l lyfrom +5v to around 0V ) is coupled through emitter fol lower Q5to pin 2 of U7.

Now, before depressing the key, pins 3 and 1 of U7 were low,and pin 2 was high. When the" key is depressed, the rising gateat U5 output turns on the output of U7 (pin 8) for a t ime of1.6ms, determined by C71, af ter,which i t goes low again. Thispulse is amplified by op amp comparator U8 to produce anoutput t r igger pu lse o f +10 vo l ts and 1 .6ms durat ion,s imul taneous wi th the star t of the gate output . 10 microsecondsaf ter the s tar t o f the qate and t r igger, however, C70 chargesenough to tu rn on p in l ' o f U7 . Th i s i nh ib i t s t he i npu t a tpin 3 from keeping the output of U7 on.

Inc identa l l y, the connect ion o f U5 's ou tpu t to p in 1 o f U6prevents addi t ional pulses due to the depression of more thanone key from turning on U6, which would cause a momentary"no tch" in the ga te ou tpu t

Now back to U7. A l though the pos i t ive input a t p in 1 inh ib i tso in 3 f rom ho ld ing U7 h igh, p in 2 is s t i l l f ree to ac t . Whenone or more keys are held down', any addi t ional key wi l l st i lgenerate a pulse through C75. The resul t ing negat ive pulsepin 2 of U7 wi l l cause i t to generate a t r igger pulse. ■

D. The. fourth signal path in from the "KBD VOICE'' bus.Asalready mentioned, Q2 turns on as aoon as a key is depressed,charging C64 to the r ight contro l vol tage. When the key is

-released, Q2 is open, and the high impedance fol lowerconsist ing of Q3 and U10 buffers the vol tage on C64, wi thoutd i scharg ing i t . Th is c i r cu i t , t hen " remembers " the keyboardbus vo l tage.

Now, U10 and fo l lower Ul l comprise a feedback c i rcui t to g ivetwo types of var iable lag (Por tamento) to changes in the input


a t

i dsA<t tf ja&^&K 'Mk:^vM^^4^^^^S^^^^S'^^k-Mk^.

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With S2 in the l inearacross C64 will immedip o s i t i v e , s i n c e i t i sthe coun te r -c lockw isewi l l charge exponent ianears the new input vot i m e , n e u t r a l i z e t h e ivoltage across C79 isvo l tage o f 12v, the ral i n e a r .

>■ AR313 THEORYPage 3 of 315"IX 75

mode,a posi t ive change in vol tageate ly cause U lO 's ou tpu t to go fu l l yopen loop. Then, C79 wil l charge throughsec t ion o f P3 , the Por tamento par t , I tl l y toward about 12 vo l ts , , bu t as i tI t a g e , f e e d b a c k f r o m U l l w i l l , a f t e r anput of U10.Since the tota l change ofsma l l compared to the in i t i a l charg ingte o f change in output vo l tage is near ly


On the other hand, put t ing S2 in the "normal" posi t ion addsnegat ive feedback around U10, prevent ing i t f rom saturat ing.This causes C79 to charge exponent ia l ly, except for largekeyboard in terva ls , when some satura t ion does occur a t fi rs t .Thus, the "normal" posi t ion is a compromise between exponent ialand l inear por tamento.

The ou tpu t o f U l l i s coup led in to U12 , wh ich i s a d i f f e ren t ia la m p l i fi e r. U l l ' s o u t p u t a p p e a r s a t U l 2 r s o u t p u t n o n i n v e r t e d ,with unity gain. Thus, the VOICE OUTPUTS are 1 volt per octave.

The tuning pot , P4, provides a var iable vol tage f rom +15v to-15v- (0 vo l ts in the center ) . However, there is a range near thecenter where the voltage, after being divided by R165 and R166,is less than the forward drop of D69 and D70, so v i r tual lyno voltage appears across- R164 and R163. When this range isexceeded, however, the. resul t ing posi t ive or negat ive vol tage-gets inverted and summed into the VOICE output, detuning thenote fla t o r sharp , respec t i ve ly. The "dead space" in the midd leo f P 4 ' s r o t a t i o n p r o v i d e s a q u i c k r e t u r n t o o r i g i n a l t u n i n g(for example, concert pitch, where A=440 Hz.)

There is one addit ional signal patch when more than one key isdepressed s imul taneously. This lowers the"KBD High" vol tage f romi ts normal 5 vo l ts va lue. The vo l tage is buffered by Ul , andinver ted by U2, R154 compensat fo r the normal 5 vo l t leve lso the AUX VOICE output is normally near 0 volts. The AUX VOICEINTERVAL trim, P2, adjusts the gain for 1 volt change in the AUXVOICE output, per one octave interval between the lowest andhighest keys depressed.When summed with the regular VOICEoutput, by pluggi ng both into the. same VCO, the VCO will respondto the highest note played. Together with another VCO onlyconnected to a VOICE output, two notes can be played together.

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Page 15: PARTS $ PARTS LIST AR-313 * KEYBOARD INTERFACE Page 1 of … · 2019-08-08 · f parts list ar-313 * keyboard interface ar313 :-parts $ page 1 of 2 15 ix 75 part numbers quantity