part i - ch02 evolution of mgt isbs

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  • 7/31/2019 Part I - Ch02 Evolution of Mgt ISBS



    The Evolution ofManagement


  • 7/31/2019 Part I - Ch02 Evolution of Mgt ISBS


    The Evolution of Management Thought

    Early classical approaches:Scientific management, Administrative management and


    Neo classical approaches:

    Human relations movement, Behavioural approach,

    Social systems approach

    Modern approaches:

    Management Science/Mathematical or Quantitativeapproach, Systems theory and contingent theory, TQM,

    MBO, Self Managed work teams, MBWA, Employee


  • 7/31/2019 Part I - Ch02 Evolution of Mgt ISBS


    Job Specialization

    Adam Smith, 18th century economist, foundfirms manufactured pins in two ways:

    Craft -- each worker did all steps.

    Factory -- each worker specialized in one step.Smith found that the factory method hadmuch higher productivity.

    Each worker became very skilled at one, specifictask.

    Breaking down the total job allowed for thedivision of labor.

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    Scientific ManagementDefined by Frederick Taylor in the beginning

    of the twentieth century.


    Operational efficiency

    The systematic study of the relationships

    between people and tasks to redesign the

    work for higher efficiency.

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    Taylors Contributions

    1. Time, Motion and Fatigue studies2. Differential payment and maximize output.

    3. Replaced the rule of thumb with Science.

    4. Separation of Planning and doing.

    5. Functional foremanship

    6. Scientific recruitment and training

    7. Intimate and friendly cooperation between

    management and workers.

    8. Bring Standardization to work.

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    The Gilbreths

    Frank and Lillian Gilbreth refined Taylorsmethods.

    Time and motion studies:

    1. Broke down each motion or movementsinto separate action.

    2. Reorganized each action.

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    Henry Gantt

    Clarity of financial incentives suggested byTaylor

    Gantt chart - a forerunner to PERT, rated

    employees publicly.

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    Administrative Management

    -Henry FayolIntroduced the elements of Management


    Achieving efficiency at the top level of


    Division of activities of a business enterprise into 6

    groups: Accounting, Financial, Commercial,

    Technical, Administrative/managerial and Security.

    Managerial Training and Qualities: Physical,

    Mental, Moral, Educational, Technical, Experience.

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    Fayols 14 Principles

    1. Division of Labor.2. Authority and


    3. Unity of Command4. Discipline

    5. Unity of Direction

    7. Subordination ofindividual interestto general interest

    7. Fair Remuneration8. Centralization

    9. Scalar chain



    12.Stability of Tenure


    14.Esprit de corps


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    Bureaucratic Management

    -Max Weber

    A formal system of organization and administrationto ensure effectiveness and efficiency. Its features


    Administrative Class


    Division of LaborOfficial rules and records

    Impersonal relations not welcome.

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    Bureaucratic Principles

    A Bureaucracy

    should have

    Written rules

    System of task


    Hierarchy of


    Fair evaluation

    and reward

    Figure 2.1

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    Key Points of Bureaucracy

    AuthorityPositions based on performance not social


    Duties of positions are clearly identified.

    Lines of authority should be clearlyidentified.

    Rules, Standard Operating Procedures(SOPs), & Norms

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    The Human Relations Movement

    - The Hawthorne Studies (1924-1932)

    -Elton MayoIllumination experiments

    Relay assembly test room

    Mass interviewing program

    Bank wiring test room

    Eventually, it appeared that the workersenjoyed the attention they received as part ofthe study and were more productive.

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    Implications of Human Relations

    ApproachEconomic rewards and productivity do not necessarily go

    together (Illumination test)

    If supervisors are friendly with workers the productivity

    would increase (Relay assembly test room)

    There exist an informal group within an organization and

    it has its own leader who plans for everybody. (Bank

    wiring test)

    Group influence (Mass interviewing test)Communication is an important aspect of organization in

    order to identify peoples attitudes, opinions and methods

    of working and taking suitable actions (Mass Interviewing


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    Behavioral Management and

    Social Systems Approach

    -Chester Barnard and Mary Parker FolletOrganization is a social system

    Formal and Informal Organization.

    Cooperation among members is necessary for achievement

    of organizational objectives.

    Acceptance theory of authority



    organization equilibrium

    Flexible organization structure

    Participative and group decision making

  • 7/31/2019 Part I - Ch02 Evolution of Mgt ISBS


    Contributions of Peter DruckerManagement as a discipline and profession

    Introduced Innovation as a management function.

    Managerial Functions Objective setting, decisionmaking, motivating and organizing.

    Organization Structure musti) be performance-based,

    ii) Flat structure

    iii)Conduct training and testing of future topmanagers

    Three analyses : Activity, Decision, Relationsanalysis

    Dynamic environment

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    Theory Y

    Employee is not lazy

    Must create worksetting to build


    Provide authority toworkers

    Theory X

    Employee is lazy

    Managers mustclosely supervise

    Create strict rules& defined rewards

    Theory X vs. Theory Y

    -Douglas McGregorFigure 2.2

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    Mechanistic: Authority is centralized at thetop. (Theory X)

    Employees closely monitored and managed.

    Very efficient in a stable environment.Organic: Authority is decentralizedthroughout employees. (Theory Y)

    Much looser control than mechanistic.

    Managers can react quickly to changingenvironment.

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    Management Science

    Uses rigorous quantitative techniques tomaximize resources.

    Quantitative management

    Operations management

    Total Quality Management (TQM

    Management Information Systems (MIS

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    Organization-environment Theory

    Systems Theory

    An organization is a set of interdependentparts/subsystems: Task, Structure, People andTechnology.

    Concept of holism- each of the interdependentparts cannot be accurately analyzed andunderstood alone unless along with the wholesystem.

    A system can be either open or closed.An open system interacts with the environment.

    A closed system is self-contained (closed loop).

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    The Organization as an Open System






    Human skills





    Sales of outputs

    Firm can then buy inputs

    Figure 2.3



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    Contingency Theory

    Assumes there is no one best way tomanage.

    Results differ as situations differ.

    Managers must be flexible to react toenvironmental changes and developback up plans.

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    Other Management Styles

    Employee empowerment

    Self-managed work team (SMWT)

    Management By Walking Around

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    Thank You

  • 7/31/2019 Part I - Ch02 Evolution of Mgt ISBS


    Assignment 1

    ( Submission date26th July 2011).Farm Equipment Limited (FEL) is engaged in manufacturing farm equipment ofdifferent types. It markets its equipment through a network of distributors locatednation-wide. Besides, it also exports its equipment to different countries. Thechairman of the company is quite satisfied with the performance of the company.One day, a meeting of distributors was held at the companys headquarters , inwhich the chairman also participated. After some discussion about some

    distribution strategies, almost all distributors urged the chairman to introducesome new models to satisfy the changing demands of the customers. The chairmanwho had engineering background recognized the implications of distributorssuggestions but suggested that introduction of the new models would requireheavy investment in R&D. Further, changes in the highly automated productionline would be very costly. His argument was the company has been quite

    successful even with a limited number of models. Therefore, instead ofintroducing new models, it would be more appropriate to cut the cost ofproduction of the existing models and reduce their price. After all, what customerswant is value for their money.. With this argument, the chairman decided not tointroduce new models but insisted to cut the cost and price of the existing models.However, he agreed to seek the opinion of a consultant to test the validity of his


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    It is often said that to be successful, an organizationmust be an open system. What management

    implications, does this statement have and how can this

    statement be applied in this case?

    2. Suppose that you are required to work as a consultantto FEL, what suggestions will you give to the company

    and why? What additional information will you require

    from the company to make your suggestions?