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PART I MY FAVOURITE SEASON Speaking What kind of weather do you prefer? Do you feel better when it is cold or hot? What is the weather like in (spring, summer, autumn and winter) in your home town? What is the average temperature? Are there four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter)? Do you know countries where there are only two seasons (rainy and dry)? What are the worst weather conditions you’ve ever experienced? Which is the best season for a holiday? What kind of weather do most people like/dislike? Why? fine clear fair bright lovely marvellous wonderful gorgeous sticky rotten nasty dismal wretched abominable rough foul beastly frightful parky frosty snowy misty nippy chilly warm hot sultry hot scorching dusty variable changeable unchangeable uncertain settled unsettled dull gloomy catch-cold What’s the best time of year, in your opinion? The worst? Complete the chart about the “best” and “worst” seasons with the help of the following expressions. Temperature falli ng droppin g going up/down below/above zero rising lifting Sky cloudy dark grey (gray) clear 308

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Speaking What kind of weather do you prefer? Do you feel better when it is cold or hot? What is the weather like in (spring, summer, autumn and winter) in your home

town? What is the average temperature? Are there four seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter)? Do you know

countries where there are only two seasons (rainy and dry)? What are the worst weather conditions you’ve ever experienced? Which is the best season for a holiday?

What kind of weather do most people like/dislike? Why?fineclearfairbright lovelymarvellouswonderfulgorgeoussticky


frostysnowymistynippychillywarmhot sultry hotscorchingdusty


What’s the best time of year, in your opinion? The worst? Complete the chart about the “best” and “worst” seasons with the help of the following expressions.

Temperaturefalling dropping going up/down below/above zero rising lifting Skycloudycloudless


grey (gray)leaden


Sunwintry bright scorching blazing Airfrostycrisp








Fogthick dense pea-soup moderateRaindrizzling steady chilly continuous


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occasional heavy dense



hot mild

Writing Best Season

Months: ________________________________________________________Weather: ________________________________________________________What happens: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Worst SeasonMonths: ________________________________________________________Weather: ________________________________________________________What happens: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Exercise 1The Perfect Day? Tell what kind of day it probably is based on the sentences below. There may be more than one good answer.1. Watch out for sunburn.2. Don’t step in any puddles of water!3. You can’t see ten feet in front of you!4. Walk carefully so you don’t slip.5. Leave your sweater at home today.6. It’s a good day for an ice cream cone.7. Wear a sweater.8. Wear your rain boots.9. Wear your snow boots.10.Wear your windbreaker.

It must be sunny.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ReadingRead the text and think of other advantages or disadvantages of seasons.A: In my opinion the pleasantest season is (the) spring. In May the weather is finest. The trees put forth little buds and new leaves; the meadows grow green again; the flowers begin to bloom. The farmers till the soil and sow the seed. The nightingale, swallow, cuckoo and other birds come back from Italy and Africa and build their nests, all the while staging their merry song. Meanwhile the new crop is shooting up, and if there are no sharp frosts during the night, nature looks full of promise, and the corn-fields are made bright by blue cornflowers and red poppies.


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Spring flowers! The lilacs unfold their pale hearts. There shines the wild daffodil – soft, slim, yellow, there is the starry narcissus, the hyacinth almost lost in the herbs; among them stand tulips – the red bubbles of dark wine; the yellow, more cup-like; the large parti-colored gold and red, noble and sombre.B: I, for one, like (the) summer, in fact, I prefer it to any other season. By the end of June, when the days become considerably warmer, summer has come. If the heat gets too oppressive, we can go and bathe in running water. The hot sun ripens the corn and fruit, and the farmer gets ready for the harvest. There are plenty of berries, which are ripe and afford a treat for the old and the young. And what pleasure can compare with that of watching the glorious sunrise and sunset! Clouds? Rain? Well, well, it isn’t always cloudy, and there is no such thing as perpetual rain.C: Strange as it might seem, I like (the) autumn. The are some drawbacks, the shorter days and longer nights, for instance. The weather also leaves much to be desired. But is there anything more beautiful than an Indian summer – when we have one. We miss the songs of the birds, you say. Well, I can and do enjoy the sparrow, bluebird, crossbill and the few others that remain with us. Of course, the November fogs and mist, and sleet are not pleasant things. But what should we do without apples, grapes which get ripe and may be pickled. I, for one, could not get along without fruits and nuts, and for the sake of these I’m waiting to put up with some discomforts.D: When autumn is over, the winter sets in, I don’t mind it at all. I know it is the season of snowstorms, and of ice, of frozen rivers and ponds, and of slippery streets. But think of the skating on the ice, or skiing in the country, and sledging. In snowy weather tobogganing is my favourite pastime. Of course, if the winter is severe, one must take care not to get frost-bitten. To me winter has its own peculiar interest and beauty, and there is no reason to be bored to death when there are interesting books, theatres and concerts, and the cinema.

Exercise 2At home think of the following questions: Name birds which you know always migrate for the winter period/always stay in this

country for winter. Which flowers do you like best? Why? What do they remind you of? Do any sweet

memories come to your mind when you recall these flowers? Make a list of flowers you know.

What are your favourite summer activities? Which season to your mind has more advantages than disadvantages? Would you agree to live without one of the seasons? Why?

Listening The Season of Change. Listen to the dialogue between Mrs.Smith and Mrs.Jones and fill in the blanks in the sentences below.1. It’s become quite ________ all of a sudden.2. Yes, I think the summer is over at last and winter’s _____ _____ _____ .


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3. It gets _______ soon after tea-time now.4. I don’t mind _____ _____ ______ as long as the house is cosy and warm, and I adore

the ______ , ______ autumn air.5. I can’t ______ the heat.6. Do you remember the _________ we had in July?7. I couldn’t go and sleep tonight and the milk ______ ______ before you could put it in

the fridge.8. The summers seem to _______ _______ faster and faster every year.9. Have you noticed the old _______ ______ in the lane? 10.The leaves have ________ _______ already.11.My hair was ________ once and now it’s going ______ , but no one says it looks

beautiful any more.12.The trees will be _______ ________ _________ in a few weeks.

What’s Mrs.Jones’ preference in weather? Which season does Mrs.Smith prefer? Why? What’s Mrs.Jones’ attitude towards summer? Does Mrs.Smith worry about growing old?

Exercise 3What Should They Do?Read each situation below and write what the people should do.1. It’s spring, and there is a lot of tall grass in Mr.Smith’s backyard. He should mow the grass with the lawn mower. 2. It’s winter and there is a lot of snow in front of Jane White’s house. _____________________________________3. It’s spring, and there are no flowers in Jason Brand’s backyard. _____________________________________4. It’s fall, and there are lots of leaves in Betty Jackson’s backyard. _____________________________________5. It’s summer, and Mr.Jones’s flowers are dry. _____________________________________

Exercise 4Translate into English.Чудового літнього дня1.Чудова погода для прогулянки. 2.Який прогноз погоди? Чи утримaється гарна погода? 3.Небо чисте, 26 градусів тепла у тіні. Чого ще можна бажати? У морозний день1.Як сьогодні надворі, перестав іти сніг? 2.Дуже холодний вітер. Я не чув сьогоднішнього прогнозу погоди по радіо, але, мабуть, мороз сильний. 3.Здається, зараз 13 градусів нижче нуля. 4.Mені не подобається, що сьогодні ожеледь, і на вулиці дуже слизько. 5.Як гарно! Усе вкрито інеєм. 6.Я боюся, що буде сильний мороз, і помеpзнуть наші яблуні.


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Прийшла весна1.Як чудово, весна прийшла. 2.Ніщо не може зрівнятися з весною. 3.Дні стають довшими, ночі - коротшими. 4.Природа пробуджується від зимового сну. 5.Все тане, а я не люблю сльоти. 6.Скоро зазеленіють лани і луки, з’являться перші весняні квіти.Бабине літо 1.Це журлива пора: листя опадає, птахи відлітають у теплі краї, природа поступово засинає. 2.Я люблю ходити по м’якому килиму з жовтого і червоного листя і вдихати повітря, що пахне яблуками. 3.Погода нестійка, іде дощ. 4.Під час бабиного літа ще досить тепло, і багато сонячних днів.

Writing Learn the poem. In what way would you describe the months of the year in your country? What is your favourite month? Try to describe it in a poem.

January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February brings the rain, Thaws the frozen lake again.

March brings breezes loud and shrill, Stirs the dancing daffodil.

April brings the primrose sweet,Scatters daisies at our feet.

May brings flocks of pretty lambs, Skipping by their fleecy dams.

June brings cooling showers, Apricots and gillyflowers.

Hot July brings tulips, lilies, roses,Fills the children’s hands with posies.

August brings the shaves of cornThen the harvest home is born.

Warm September brings the fruit.Sportsmen then begin to shoot.

Fresh October brings the pheasant, Then to gather nuts is pleasant.

Dull November brings the blast,Then the leaves are whirling fast.

Chill December brings the sleet,Blazing fire, and Christmas treat.

Sara Coleridge


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SpeakingEveryone talks about the weather. It’s a way to begin a conversation with someone you don’t know at a social event. Conversations about the weather are never very long; they are usually only openers to other subjects. Here are some comments about the weather. What is the season/month which is commented upon? Give detailed description of the weather (of the air, temperature, sky, sun, wind, fog) which is commented upon in the sentences below.Can’t stand it. It’s freezing.Gee, it’s slippery out here.Isn’t it beautiful out today?A little on the cool side, isn’t it?I wish this rain would stop.

Nice day, isn’t it?Hot enough for you?Looks like rain to me.It’s a perfect day for staying inside.

This rain hasn’t let up for two weeks. I’m going crazy.

Very often people use the phrases below in a small talk. PHRASES TO REMEMBERA weather forecast hasn’t been given yet.It looks like rain (snow, hail).We are in for a spell of fine weather.It’s too good to last.I hope it’ll keep fine.The weather is improving.The weather has changed for the better (the worse).Spring is in the air.I feel roasted alive.The heat is oppressive/unbearable.I am grilled under a hot sun.I’m simply melting.The heat has abated.A heavy/sharp/severe frost (cold) has set in.I’m shivering.I’m numb.My teeth are chattering with the cold.The cold makes my hands cold and stiff.I’m chilled to the marrow (to the bone).There’s a nip in the air.The rivers and lakes are frozen over.The frost has locked the river.The sky is overcast.The clouds are getting more numerous.The clouds promise/omen rain.The sky veiled itself since the morning.The clouds are hanging low in the sky.A soft wind is stirring the leaves.


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The strong wind lessened in force.Dazzling flashes of lightning were followed by a tremendous clap of thunder.Do you hear the rolling rumbling and crashing of the thunder?The lightning must have struck a building.It’s coming down in torrents.It’s a real deluge.I’ve got wet through/wet to the bone.I’ve got soaked to the skin.My clothes are soaking wet.Buses splash mud on passers-by.What fluffy large snowflakes!There was a heavy fall of snow last night.The children are pelting each other with snowballs.They are making a snowman.Trees, bushes, fields look magic covered by sparkling hoar-frost.It is slippery in places.We all welcome the advent of spring.Migratory birds come back from warm countries, lay and hatch their eggs and rear their younger ones.I got caught in the rain.It has ceased raining.It’s slushy out.

Exercise 5Translate into English. Яка пора року вам більше подобається?1.На мою думку, це весна: природа пробуджується від зимового сну, дерева зеленіють, розквітають квіти. 2.А я віддаю перевагу літові. Я дуже люблю плавати і загоряти, гуляти в лісі. 3.Осінь також має свої привабливі риси. Багато фруктів і овочів, і все таке яскраве! 4.Я нічого не маю проти зими. Тільки подумай, як приємно кататися на ковзанах і лижах. А перший снігопад! Як чудово гратися у сніжки або ліпити снігову бабу. 5.Треба вміти цінувати природу і радіти життю такому, яке воно є. 6.Англійці говорять: немає поганої погоди, є поганий одяг.

ReadingRead the text and answer the questions that follow.

‘The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’ by Jerome K. Jerome(Extracts)

ON THE WEATHERThings do go so contrary like with me. I wanted to hit upon an especially novel,

out-of-the-way subject for one of these articles, “I will write one paper about something altogether new,” I said to myself; “something that nobody else has ever written or talked about before; and then I can have it all my own way.” And I went about for days, trying to think of something of this kind; and I couldn’t. And Mrs.Cutting, our


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charwoman, came yesterday – I don’t mind mentioning her name, because she will not see this book. She would not look at such a frivolous publication. She never reads anything but the Bible and Lloyd’s Weekly News. All the other literature she consideres unnecessary and sinful.

I said: “Mrs.Cutting, I am trying to think of a subject, the discussion of which will come upon the world in the nature of a startler – some subject upon which no previous human being has ever said a word – some subject that will attract by its novelty, invigorate by its surprising freshness”…

…She pondered a long while, with the tea tray in her hands, and at last suggested the weather which she was sure had been most trying of late.

And ever since that idiotic suggestion, I haven’t been able to get the weather out of my thoughts, or anything else in.

It certainly is most wretched weather. At all the events it is so, now at the time I am writing, and, if it isn’t particularly unpleasant when I come to be read, it soon will be. It always is wretched weather, according to us. The weather is like Government, always in the wrong. In summer time we say it is stifling; in winter that it is killing; in spring and autumn we find fault with it for being neither one thing nor the other, and wish it would make up its mind. If it is fine, we say the country is being ruined for want of rain; if it does rain, we pray for the fine weather. If December passes without snow, we indignantly demand to know what has become of our good old-fashioned winters, and talk as if we had been cheated out of something we had bought and paid for; and when it does snow, our language is a disgrace to a Christian nation. We shall never be content until each man makes his own weather, and keeps it to himself.

If that cannot be arranged, we would rather do without it altogether…… Just lately it has been flavouring us with almost incessant rain for about three

weeks; it is doing me a considerable amount of damage. It is spoiling both my clothes and my temper. The latter I can afford, as I have a good supply of it, but it wounds me to the quick to see my dear old hats and trousers sinking, prematurely worn and aged, beneath the cold world’s blasts and snows.

There is my new spring suit too. A beautiful suit it was, and now it is hanging up so bespattered with mud, I can’t bear to look at it.

That was Jim’s fault, that was. I should never have gone out in it that night, if it had not been for him. I was just trying it on when he came in. He threw up his arms with a wild yell the moment he caught sight of it, and exclaimed that he had “got ‘em again!”

I said: “Does it fit all right behind?”“Spiffin’, old man,” he replied. And then he wanted to know if I was coming out.I said “no,” at first, but he overruled me. He said that a man with a suit like that

had no right to stop indoors…… That decided me. It was a lovely evening, and I went.When I got home, I undressed and rubbed myself down with whisky, put my feet

in hot water, tallowed my nose, and went to bed.These prompt and vigorous measures, aided by a naturally strong constitution,

were the means of preserving my life; but as for the suit; it is a splash board.


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1. What subject did Jerome K. Jerome want to hit upon for one of his articles? 2. What did he say to Mrs.Cutting one day? 3. What subject did she suggest? 4. Are people usually content with the weather? 5. What fault do we find with the weather in summer and winter, in spring and autumn? 6. What do we say if it is fine / raining? 7. When can we be content with the weather in Jerome’s opinion? 8. What damage did incessant rain do to Jerome? 9. Why couldn’t Jerome bear to look at his new suit? 10.Whose fault was it that his new suit was spoilt? 11.Who persuaded Jerome to go out in his best suit? 12.In what state did Jerome come home, and what did his new suit look like? 13.What prompt measures did Jerome take to preserve his life?

Exercise 1Complete the following sentences:1.Ever since Mrs.Cutting’s suggestion Jerome was unable ....... . 2.If December passes without snow ........... . 3.In Jerome’s opinion, people will never be content with weather, until .......... . 4.Jerome was just trying his new suit on, when ....... . 5.He would never have gone out in his new suit, if ......... . 6.It was a lovely evening, but no sooner did he go out, than .......... . 7.He couldn’t bear to look at his new spring suit, because .......... . 8.If it had not been for his naturally strong constitution ......... .

Exercise 2Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs where required and retell the text: ...... the middle ....... the night Joe heard thunder ..... the distance and woke ..... the boys. Presently a few large raindrops fell ........ the leaves, and then a drenching rain poured ...... . The storm rose higher and presently the tent turned ..... and was carried by the wind. There was nothing the boys could do but run ...... the shelter ..... an oak tree that stood ...... the edge ... the river bank.Now the battle was ...... its highest. The storm seemed to tear the island ....... pieces, drown it ....... the tree tops, blow it ........ and deafen every creature ...... it, all ........ one and the same time. At last the battle was ....... . The storm died away ....... the distance and the boys returned to the camp a big deal frightened. Everything ........ the camp was drenched, the camp fire as well, and the boys shook ........ cold. However they managed to start a fire again and dried their clothes but their spirits did not rise high. They longed ..... home though nobody spoke about it ........ fear ......... being looked upon as a coward. ........ last they found relief ...... sleep and when they got up they felt cheerful again. The rest ..... the day they amused themselves ........ different games playing ....... Indians and pirates.

(M.Twain,”Tom Sawyer”)

Exercise 3Translate into English.- Яка твоя улюблена пора року?


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- Як на мене, мені подобається весна. Повітря свіже, наповнене ароматом свіжих квітів. З приходом весни все довкола оживає, сповнюється новим життям.- А мені подобається літо. Подобається гаряче сонце, ніжний вітерець, а також літній дощ з громом і блискавками.- Це може здатися дивним, але я люблю осінь. Земля вкрита м’яким килимом із різнокольорового листя. Але пізня осінь з пронизливим вітром, сльотою і брудом, вибачте, не для мене!- Гаразд, декілька слів у захист зими. Взимку все виглядає таким білим, блискучим і незайманим. Мені більше всього подобаються морозяні ночі, коли небо зоряне, а тендітний місяць, як володар ночі, оглядається довкола.

Exercise 4In which of the following sentences the weather is the hottest?1.It’s a bit chilly out here.2.Stephen said they didn’t stay on the beach very long – it was absolutely boiling.3.It’s very mild for November, isn’t it?4.This weather gives me a headache – it’s too heavy and close.5.It’s freezing outside. I’m staying indoors.

Listening Listen to the four sounds on the recording and say what the weather is like in each case.

Exercise 5Translate into English.

1. Сьогодні жахлива погода. На вулиці сльота. Над містом стелеться густий туман. Я побоялася їхати на машині і вирішила іти пішки. Машини бризкають водою та брудом на перехожих. Мабуть десь два градуси по Цельсію вище нуля.- Так, досить незвичайно для цієї пори року. У нас м’яка зима у цьому році, чи не так?

- Так, я згоден з вами.2. - Нестерпно душно навіть у тіні. Здається, що знову буде дощ. Ти не чув

прогноз погоди на сьогодні? - Передавали, що місцями будуть дощі, або мряка. Але поступово погода зміниться на кращу. Знову настане період гарної погоди.

3. - Сьогодні чудовий день. Здається, трохи заспокоїлося, чи не так? Сподіваюсь, що стане ще тепліше.- Я радий, що дощ зупинився і туман розсіявся. Учора мені довелося вийти з дому. На нещастя, я забув свою парасольку. Дощ лив як із відра. Я промок до рубця, поки дістався міста.

4. – У Великобританії звичайно холодна зима, але вона не така холодна, як в деяких частинах Канади.- А я чув, що в Англії поля та парки залишаються зеленими навіть взимку.

5. Мені завжди жаль, коли закінчується літо. 6. - Я надаю перевагу вологому клімату ніж сухому.


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- І я теж.7. - Погода включає в себе шість елементів: атмосферний тиск, хмарність, опади,

вологість, швидкість вітру і температуру. - Так. Всі ці елементи дуже важливі для визначення прогнозу погоди.

8. - Подивись, як гарно! Краплі дощу і роси виблискують на листі та траві. На небі з’явилася веселка.- Дуже парко. Я думаю, що буде гроза. - Сьогодні вже була гроза. Жахливий гуркіт грому розбудив

мене вночі! 9. Я не чула прогнозу погоди на сьогодні. Якщо дощу не буде, я обов’язково

поїду за місто. Погода стає теплішою. Я думаю, що скоро зацвітуть фруктові дерева.

10. Небо потемніло, і з моря почав дути холодний вітер. Але сьогодні вітер не такий сильний, як учора. Учора він був набагато сильніший.


Speaking WEATHER / TRAVEL HOT LINE The 24-hour hot line gives touch-tone callers forecasts and travel conditions in 650 cities. Flight Call also offers flight arrival, departure and gate information for airports with below.


Showers around, t’storm.

High 75, low 61.Tomorrow: partly

sunny, a bit warmer.

Staying cool,more clouds than sun,

cool east wind. High 56, low 51.

Tomorrow: Showers then clearing.

Plenty of sun,Nice, quite cool along

lakeshore. High 66, low 48.

Tomorrow: partly sunny and cool.

Cloudy start,shower, risk thunder,

clearing later on. High 71, low 45.

Tomorrow: sun then clouds.


Maybe thunder, clearing late day. High 75, low 46.

Tomorrow: mostly sunny and pleasant.

Hot sun,few clouds build up but

day looks dry. High 91, low 66.

Tomorrow: some sun, chance t’storm.

Intervals of sun,Some afternoon thunderstorms.

High 76, low 51.Tomorrow: good

supply of sunshine.

Clouds early,maybe a shower, then

skies clear out. High 73, low 43.

Tomorrow: sunny to partly cloudy.


Under mostly sunny skies, fair tonight. High 89, low 68.Tomorrow: sun,

scattered t’storms.

Sun develops,after some clouds early,

drier air. High 76, low 48.

Tomorrow: sunshine, clouds late.

Sun, clouds,looks good. warm sun,

drier, breezy. High 75, low 59.

Tomorrow: scattered showers.

Not bad.Some morning clouds then sunny afternoon.

High 78, low 62.Tomorrow: milder.


seasonable, a mix of clouds and sun.

Partly sunny,light winds, just a bit

on the cool side.

Lots of clouds, showers end, brighter


Sunny intervals, humid, isolated

thunderstorm possible.


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High 84, low 70.Tomorrow: partial sun,

risk storm.

High 64, low 48.Tomorrow: intervals

of clouds and sun.

High 77, low 54.Tomorrow: nice, dry

and partly sunny.

High 84, low 68.Tomorrow: lots of sun,


Changeable.Blend of clouds, sun,

a bit milder. High 71, low 56.

Tomorrow: clouds then sun, breezy.

Sun at times, thunderstorm or two

around. High 87, low 66.

Tomorrow: some sun, clouds return, chance


Mainly sunny,a few clouds, risk of

showers tonight.High 75, low 57.

Tomorrow: clouds early then sun.

Hot sunshine, humidity continues high for the season.

High 99, low 73.Tomorrow: sunshine

slowly develops.

Exercise 1Look at the chart about U.S. weather and answer the questions below. What’s the weather like in New Orleans? Chicago? _____ …? What’s the high temperature for the day in New York? Dallas? ______ …? What’s the low temperature for the day in Miami? Nashville? ______ …? Is it going to rain in Columbus? Houston? Phoenix? ______ …? Is it going to be windy in Boston? Orlando? ______ …?

Exercise 2Work with a partner. Look at the weather chart above. Make dialogues about today’s weather in the situation:Student 1: You intend to travel to USA for a weekend. You should know the weather and are inquiring the Travel Hot Line agent about the weather in the city you’ve chosen. Student 2: You are the Travel Hot Line agent and have to answer the questions concerning weather and flight conditions in US cities.You may use questions in the example below. Take turns. Compare cities. Example: What’s the weather like in…?

Is it sunny (cloudy, foggy, etc.) in …?Is it going to be foggier (rainier, colder) in San Francisco or Nashville?Which city will have the hottest (coldest, windiest) day: San Francisco, Nashville, or Atlanta?

Exercise 3Translate into English.- Якою буде сьогодні погода?- Прогноз погоди на найближчу добу не передбачає істотних змін. День почнеться сонячним, безхмарним. Якщо зранку буде роса, чекай погожої, прекрасної погоди. Опівдні сонце буде найпалючішим, передбачається нестерпна спека й жодного подиху свіжого повітря. Температура сягатиме +30°С. До вечора спека спаде і подме свіжий вітерець.- Ти справді віриш синоптикам?- Загалом так, але також беру до уваги погодні прикмети. От, наприклад, коли ластівки літають низько над землею – бути дощу.


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1. You will hear four short weather reports from the morning news. For each report, tell what you would probably wear or take with you for the day.

Weather report 1: ____________________________Weather report 2: ____________________________Weather report 3: ____________________________Weather report 4: ____________________________

2. Listen again. For each report, tell the high and low temperatures the reporter gave.


Look at the chart below and answer the following questions. What was the high temperature in Cairo? Hong Kong? Tokyo? … What was the low temperature in Bangkok? Singapore? … How many inches of precipitation (rain or snow) fell in Moscow? Guadalajara? … Which city had the hottest weather? Following are the highest and lowest temperatures and daily precipitation (reported in inches) for the last 24 hours and the normal temperature range. *Not available.

Cities Yest.t° Prc. Norm. t° Cities Yest.t° Prc. Norm.t°Acapulco 93/75 0 90/73 Manila * 0 93/75Amsterdam 63/52 0 57/48 Martinique 82/77 .02 88/73Athens 73/55 1.0 75/59 Merida 86/59 .20 93/72Bangkok 101/84 0 95/77 Mexico City * .08 79/54Beijing 77/55 .04 77/52 Montego Bay 83/72 .24 86/75Berlin 63/54 * 63/45 Monterrey 74/66 0 86/66Bermuda 78/72 0 73/64

Montreal62/39 0 61/41

Bonn 66/46 0 64/46 Moscow 65/48 0 63/45Brussels 62/52 0 63/45 Nairobi * 0 73/55Budapest 71/54 0 70/50 Nassau 80/70 .67 82/72Buenos Aires 65/61 * 66/48 New Delhi * 0 104/75Cairo 87/75 0 90/61 Nice * 0 68/52Caracas * * 86/75 Oslo 64/39 0 54/36Casablanca 76/63 0 72/54 Panama City * * 90/77Copenhagen 59/48 * 57/43 Paris 72/43 0 64/46Dakar 77/68 0 82/66 Prague 62/45 0 61/43Damascus 78/48 0 82/54 Rio de Janeiro * 0 79/68Dublin 58/50 * 55/43 Riyadh 98/73 0 97/70Edinburgh 57/54 * 55/41 Rome 79/55 0 72/54Edmonton 53/46 17 59/34 Seoul 64/54 0 70/48


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Geneva * 0 64/46 Shanghai * * 72/59Guadalajara 79/59 .35 86/55 Singapore 87/75 0 90/75Havana 80/72 0 88/70 Stockholm 62/46 .12 54/39Helsinki 58/43 .02 50/37 Sydney 71/61 .02 68/54Hong Kong 82/81 * 81/72 Taipei 82/75 .01 81/68Istanbul 66/50 0 68/52 Tokyo 61/52 0 70/52Jerusalem 77/55 0 79/55 Toronto 59/34 0 61/41Johannesburg 75/54 0 68/45 Tunis 75/54 0 73/54Kingston 90/79 0 88/75 Vancouver 56/52 0 61/45Lima 79/70 0 72/63 Vienna 69/46 0 66/45Lisbon 81/61 .02 70/55 Warsaw 57/46 0 64/45London 68/50 0 61/45 Winnipeg 70/46 0 61/36

Exercise 4Translate into English.1.Яка погода надворі? 2. Ніколи не знаєш, чого чекати від погоди. 3. Ніщо не може зрівнятися з весною. 4.Туман розвіявся. 5.Наближається холод. 6.Встановлюється чудова погода. 7.Спека нестерпна. 8.Жодний лист не ворухнеться. 9.Знявся сильний вітер. 10.У мене зуби клацають від холоду. 11.Я тремчу від холоду. 12.Небо затягнуте хмарами.

SpeakingThe temperature is often given in Fahreheit degrees. It can be transformed into Celsius degrees and vise versa with the help of the formulae.

°Fahrenheit = 9/5 x X°C + 32 °Celsius = 5/9 x X°F – 32

For more convenient calculation use the chart of temperature correspondence below and answer the questions in the right column.


°C = °F 212°F (boiling QUESTIONNAIRE

45 110 Point) Use Fahrenheit Degrees

38 = 1001. What’s the temperature in the

room now?36.6°C 32

== 90

98.6°F (normal body t)

2. What’s a good room temperature?3. What’s the temperature

outside?27 = 80 4. What’s the normal body

21 = 70 temperature?5. How much is 16 degrees Celsius?


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16 = 60 6. Are you sick if you have a 102 degree temperature?

10 = 50 7. Is 100 degrees hot or warm?

4 = 408. Is 70 degrees warm or cool?9. Is 32 degrees cold or freezing?

0°C =30

32°F (freezing point)

10.Is 60 degrees cool or cold?11.Is 40 degrees cool or cold?

-7 = 20

Speaking1. Work with a partner. Fold the page in the middle.

Listen to the questions from your partner and find the

answers in the chart below.

Now ask your partner these questions.

100°C °C ° F 2120 F (boiling point)

45 = 110 1.How much is 15 degrees Centigrade in Fahrenheit?

38 = 1002.How much is 100 degrees Centigrade in


32 9098.6 0F

(normalbody t0)

3.Is 72 degrees Fahrenheit a good room temperature?

27 = 804.Is 100 degrees Fahrenheit a comfortable

outside temperature?

21 = 705.How’s the weather today?6.How much is … degrees Fahrenheit in Centigrade?

16 = 60 7.How much is … degrees Centigrade in Fahrenheit?

10 = 50


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4 = 400°C =


(freezing point)

-7 = 20


-18 = 0

2. The page is folded but you work with the other part of it. If you were asking questions in the previous task now your partner will be asking. Give him/her answers in °F and the equivalents in °C.

Ask your partner these questions.

Listen to the questions from your partner and find the answers in the

chart below.1.What’s the high temperature in

Chicago in July?2.What’s the low temperature in

Miami?3.Is it hot or warm in Dallas?4.Where is it nice in July?5.What’s the temperature in New

Orleans?6.Where is it between 65 and 80?7.Where is it cold? 8.Is it convenient to have vacation in

New Orleans, Seattle, Denver?


City High LowChicago 870 F 650 F Dallas 1050 F 790 FDenver 900 F 630 FLos Angeles 800 F 650 FMiami 900 F 760 F New Orleans 950 F 770 F New York 880 F 710 F San Francisco 720 F 540 FSeattle 730 F 540 F Washington D.C. 910 F 740 F

Listening Watching the weather1. A weatherman gives the forecast on the TV evening news. Write the predicted weather conditions for the weekend on the map of USA next to the name of the city (find the cities on the map first).2. Show these cities on the map and provide the weather forecast without looking into your notes. You my make paper weather symbols to provide visual support to your report.


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Exercise 5Weather Forecast on INTER Channel.

Вітаю вас. Як завжди в цій порі, в студії Руслана Писанка з інформацією про погоду. Сьогодні день Благовісника.

За стародавнім повір’ям у день Благовісника прокидається від зимового сну грім і блискавка. В народі грім ототожнювали з виходом колісниці, в якій святі полювали за чортами, а блискавки ототожнювали з пострілами нечестивців. Відтак, коли вогняна стріла влучала в чиюсь будівлю, це вважалось божою карою за гріхи. Якщо на Благовісника перший грім буде при сильному вітрі – до холодної весни, якщо ж при східному – до сухої і теплої, а при західному – до мокрого. Простежте за першим громом, і ви дізнаєтесь, яку весну приготувала нам погода.

Пізня весна може бути однією з причин поганого самопочуття та підвищеної чутливості до стресів. Окрім того, березень-квітень – період, який традиційно вважається несприятливим для нервової системи. Найчастіше у такі ситуації потрапляють люди нетерплячі і ті, яким властиво не доводити свої справи до кінця. Вони часто хапають їжу находу та спізнюються. Саме вони найчастіше навесні відчувають, що набирають зайві кілограми або навпаки худнуть.

Та наразі повернемося до прогнозу погоди, а вона обіцяє бути такою.В Європі значно потеплішало. Антициклон біля берегів Італії обумовлює

суху та порівняно теплу погоду серед усіх країн Середземномор’я та на Балканах. Решта території Європи перебуває під впливом циклонічної діяльності. Центр циклонічних вихорів знаходиться над Швецією, островом Шпіцберген та Північчю Атлантики. Тут майже скрізь хмарна погода, ідуть дощі, а на півночі Скандинавії та в більшості районів Росії, крім Північного Кавказу, – вночі прохолодно, ідуть дощі із снігом. Найближчої доби в Україну надходитиме тепле та вологе повітря із Західної Європи. За повідомленням синоптиків Українського Гідрометцентру 8 квітня на території нашої держави очікується хмарна погода з проясненнями. У північних областях опадів не передбачається, а на решті території часом невеликий дощ, в західних областях помірний дощ, можливі грози.

У цей день мінімальна температура повітря становила близько 70 морозу у 1944 році, а максимальна близько 260 тепла у 1965.

Listening What a Nice Day

1. Work in pairs or small groups. Look at the map of the USA. What do you think the weather is like in early spring in Seattle, Montreal, San Diego, Toronto, New York, Oklahoma City, Houston, Miami, Ohio?

2. Listen to the weather report and write on the map the temperatures that are mentioned. Then listen again and write in the weather symbols to shоw what kind of


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weather they are having in each city.

ReadingWhat Makes Up Weather?Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Meteorologists observe air masses carefully and track their movement. They know that air masses, their movement, and the way they interact with each other determine weather conditions.

The place where air mass forms is called its source area. When an air mass moves to another place, it carries its temperature and humidity with it. Meteorologists predicting weather changes can rely on this fact.

As an air mass moves, it comes in contact with other air masses with different temperatures and amounts of moisture. The air masses interact with one another at their boundaries and produce changes that can often be predicted. The boundary between the air masses, where the interaction takes place, is called a front. As the air masses move, the front moves with them.

A cold front forms when a cold air mass moves into a region occupied by a warm air mass. Warm air and cold air don’t mix easily. When warm air is forced to rise, it cools and its relative humidity increases. Thus, the water vapor in the air condenses, and forms a line of clouds.

When a warm mass overtakes a cold air mass that’s moving away, a warm front develops. The warm air is forced up, and the cooler air remains under the warm, rising air. As the warm air is forced upward, it cools, clouds form, and frequently precipitation develops.

A warm or cold front can stall, or stop moving. Such a front does not advance and is called a stationary front.

Another type of front is formed when a cold front overtakes a warm front, lifting the warm air above the surface. This is an occluded front.

Fronts cause disturbances in the atmosphere. Usually, cold fronts move faster than warm fronts. They also cause air to rise more quickly and at a steeper angle than air along warm fronts. Cold fronts and their clouds may bring heavy precipitation with large drops. However, because cold fronts move fast, the precipitation and other weather conditions they bring are often brief. The front often passes quickly and the sky is clear.

What is the front? What kinds of fronts do you know? How do fronts influence the weather? Do you know where meteorological stations are situated? What kind of equipment do

meteorologists have? How does it help them?

Exercise 6Translate into English. TV Weather Report

Роздивимося синоптичну ситуацію в Європі. Погоду південної частини визначає область підвищеного тиску. Тут сонячно і тепло. Великобританія,


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північна половина Європи, Європейська територія Росії перебуває під впливом атмосферних фронтів. Тут хмарно і йдуть дощі. В Україні сьогодні арктичний холод ще є панівним, але під натиском тепла він втрачає свої позиції.

За повідомленням Українського Гідрометцентру 17 квітня на території нашої країни мінлива хмарність, в Україні переважно без опадів, в ночі у західних та північних областях місцями невеликий дощ. Вітер південно-західний 5-10м/с, а в Карпатах пориви до 20-25м/с. Рівень води становить 604см, а температура води близько 60 тепла.

Вночі місцями очікується невеликий дощ, удень переважно без опадів. Нічна температура у столиці становитиме 6-80 вище нуля, денна +14-160.

Вже ніби сонячно, і душа радіє, як поглянеш у віконце, а все не потеплішає. Вибігаєш, бува, з дому у легенькому плащику і розумієш свою легковажність. Ну, що ж, ще трохи терпіння, а там, хто знає, може настане літо.

В народі кажуть, що, якщо в цей день зранку буде туман, тоді чекайте повіддя на річках. Якщо в цей день погода буде гарна, то і рік буде врожайним.

ReadingRead and listen, compare the report in TV slang and its translation into standard English.

Slang Used in TV Weather News - Weather Report – The ridge that moved in gave us a real scorcher today with the mercury soaring to record highs but the heat wave is just about over. Many people forget to take precautions when soaking up the rays and end up getting burnt to a crisp, so do be careful. On the flip side, that high will be followed closely by a trough and we should have some colder weather on tap in just a few days. It could be pretty nasty out there for about a week. In fact, we’re calling for a big storm which should be a real doozie, so make sure to batten down the hatches as this system rolls in. The danger of any twisters has completely passed although winds should kick up slightly around noon. Earlier, we thought it was going to rain buckets in the mountains but now we are predicting some snow flurries which should change that hard pack to powder ideal for skiing.

The high pressure area that arrived gave us a very hot day today with the temperature soaring to record highs but the continuous hot weather is just about over. Many people forget to take precautions when sunbathing and end up getting sunburned, so do be careful. Conversely, that high pressure area will be followed closely by a low pressure area and we should have some colder weather here in just a few days. It could be pretty severe out there for about a week. In fact, we’re predicting a large storm which should be extremely forceful so make sure to secure your homes as this system approaches. The danger of any tornados has completely passed although winds should become slightly active around noon. Earlier, we thought it was going to rain heavily in the mountains but now we are predicting some snow flurries which should change that packed snow to powdered snow


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ideal for skiing.

Exercise 1Match the columns.1. We’re having continuous high

temperatures today.2. The weatherman is predicting rain

this afternoon.3. There’s lots of good packed-down

snow in the moutains ideal for skiing.

4. I got extremely sunburned at the beach today.

5. Seal the house tightly! This storm is going to be huge!

6. The storm is going to arrive around 3:00.

7. What severe weather!

8. It’s still getting hotter today.

9. I wonder what kind of weather we have pending for tomorrow.

10. Did you see that tornado?11. It’s a real hot day!12. A low pressure area is going to pass

over the city tomorrow.

A. The weatherman is calling for rain this afternoon.

B. I wonder what kind of weather we have on tap for tomorrow.

C. I got burnt to a crisp at the beach today.

D. What nasty weather.

E. Did you see that twister?

F. A trough is going to pass over the city tomorrow.

G. The storm is gonna roll in around 3:00.

H. Batten down the hatches! This storm is gonna be a doozie!

I. The mercury’s still rising.

J. We’re having a heat wave today.K. It’s a real scorcher.L. There’s lots of good hard pack in

the mountains ideal for skiing.

Exercise 2Complete the sentences by choosing the appropriate word from the list below.crispflipscorchernasty



1. I got burnt to a ___________ at the beach yesterday.2. That _____________ just picked that car up in the air! It’s amazing how distructive

wind can be.3. It’s been raining ___________ all week.4. I can’t believe how hot it is today. What a __________ !5. It’s strange that we are having a heat ___________ in the middle of the winter.6. The wind is really starting to _____________ up.7. If I report the accident to my insurance company, they’ll pay for the repairs. On the

___________ side, my insurance rate will go up!8. The storm last night was a real ____________ !


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9. I’m gonna lie outside and soak up some _______________ !10. It’s been rainy and cold here for over two weeks. We sure are experiencing some

____________ weather here.11. We have good weather on ____________ for tomorrow.12.Look at those rain clouds starting to ___________ in.

Exercise 3Underline the correct definition of the word(s) in bold type.

1. to be on tap:a. to be pending2. powder:a. heavy rain3. to roll in:a. to approach 4. scorcher:a. an extremely cold day5. twister:a. snow storm6. trough:a. high pressure area7. to kick up:a. to subside8. to get burnt to a crisp:a. to get extremely sunburned9. to call for:a. to be doozie:a. to be extreme11.heat wavea. a warm greeting12.on the flip side:a. conversely

b. to be in rhythm

b. fresh light powdery snow

b. to laugh loudly

b. an extremely hot day

b. tornado

b. low pressure area

b. to blow around

b. to get reprimanded

b. to deny

b. to be mild

b. continuous high temperatures

b. on one’s back

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.1. I can’t believe how hot it is outside. What a ____________ .2. It’s been raining for an entire week. The weather sure has been __________ this

season.3. Yesterday at the beach, I got burned to a _____________ .4. Wasn’t that storm a ____________ last night?5. The wind from the ____________ actually picked up his house.6. Batten down the _____________ ! We are going to have a huge storm tonight.


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7. A ____________ is passing over the city today which is why we have such nice weather.

8. The weatherman will probably ____________ for rain again tomorrow.9. I wonder if the winds are going to _____________ up again tonight like they did last

night.10. We have good weather on ____________ for tomorrow.11. It’s going to rain _________ today.


ReadingRead the text and translate the word combinations that follow.

THUNDER AND LIGHTNINGFlaaaaaash! You see a brilliant bolt of lightning. An instant later, you hear the

boom of thunder. Why did that happen? Have you ever felt static electricity? It happens when electricity is released. You

can pick up an electric charge by walking across a carpeted floor in leather-soled shoes. As your shoes rub against the carpet fibers, they pick up an electric charge. If you touch a doorknob, there is a small spark - an electric discharge.

Something similar happens inside a rain cloud. Lightning is electricity that comes from rain clouds. The drops of water and ice in the cloud become electrically charged. After a while, the discharge becomes very strong. The drops must get rid of their electric charge. Suddenly there is a spark, or electric discharge, that travels through the air. It may travel through the cloud. Or it may go from one cloud to another cloud. It might even go from the cloud down to the ground. An electric discharge from a cloud is called lightning.

A bolt of lightning contains an incredible amount of energy. It may discharge as much as 100 million volts of electricity. As it travels through the atmosphere, the bolt of lightning very quickly makes the air around very hot. This hot air expands outward from the lightning bolt and slams into cooler air, like a stick beating a drum. When the hot air expands we hear a BOOM! That’s thunder.

When you are close to a bolt of lightning, the boom of thunder follows the flash of lightning almost instantly. When you are farther away from the lightning you have to wait a moment after the flash to hear the crack. That’s because the light waves from the lightning travel much faster than the sound waves from the thunder.

There’s a simple way to find out how far away a lightning bolt is. When you see a flash, count the seconds until you hear the boom of thunder. Divide the number of seconds by five. Your answer tells how many miles you are from the storm. Divide by three for the answer in kilometers.

If you are ever caught outside during a thunderstorm, be careful. If lightning strikes the ground, it usually strikes the highest place or the tallest thing in the area. During a lightning storm, don’t stand under a tree, or a metal tower. Also, stay away from the water. A hardtop car is a safe place to be. The metal frame will carry the charge


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around you even if lightning hits the car. Even so, do not touch any metal parts of the car’s frame. It’s helpful to know what to do even though many bolts do not strike at all. Of course, the best thing to do in a thunderstorm is to watch the wonder of it from your window!

Вивільнення електричної енергії, блискавка, заряджений, електричне розрядження, спалах блискавки, вразити будинок (блискавкою), триматись подалі від чогось, гуркіт грому, дощова хмара.

Think over the answers to the questions. What is static electricity? Give an example. What is lightning? How does it appear? What is thunder? How does it appear? How can you count how far the storm is? What place does lightning strike first? What is the safe place to wait till the storm is over?

Correct the mistakes where necessary.Elictricity, lihtning, quicly, dram, thander, flesh, vaves, devide, carefull, cought, wotch, claud, wolts, briliant.

Exercise 1Insert prepositions where necessary.WHY IS IT RAINING? SNOWING? HAILING?

Clouds are made ____ water droplets. But what causes ____ these droplets ____ rain, snow, or hail ____ ____ us? The water droplets that make ____ clouds are extremely tiny - so tiny that even the gentlest air currents will keep them floating ____ the sky. What causes these droplets ____ fall ____ a cloud?

Much rain begins ____ a cloud as bits ____ ice, not drops ____ water. The upper parts ____ a very tall cumulonimbus, or thundercloud, are cold enough ____ water vapor to freeze and form tiny ice crystals. Like seeds, these crystals grow ____ the cloud. As more water vapor condenses ____ the seeds, they grow bigger. When the crystals grow, little pellets ____ ice are formed. When the pellets become too heavy for air currents ____ hold up, they fall. As they fall ____ ____ the tall cloud, the pellets pass ____ warmer air. The warm air melts them and they turn ____ tiny raindrops. As they fall, the tiny raindrops bump ____ each other and form bigger drops. The average raindrop has about a million times as much water as a tiny water droplet ____ a cloud.

Can it rain if a cloud is too warm ____ ice crystals to form? Only if the cloud is ____ the ocean. The droplets that form clouds always condense ____ microscopic particles in the air. Seed crystals must be formed ____ clouds before it rains. When it is warm, ice crystals can’t form, but clouds that are ____ or very ____ the ocean make a different kind ____ seed. This time, the seeds ____ the raindrops are tiny crystals ____ salt ____ the ocean. Water droplets soon condense ____ the salt crystals. The water droplets bump ____ each other and form bigger drops.

Before long the drops are big enough and heavy enough ____ fall as rain.


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What happens when the air both high ____ the sky and close ____ the ground is very cold? The tiny ice crystals that form ____ clouds do not melt and turn ____ rain. Instead, they become crystals ____ ice. As they fall ____ the cloud, they gather more ice crystals and grow bigger. By the time they reach the bottom ____ the cloud, they have beautiful, intricate ____ shapes. Can you guess what these are? Snowflakes!

Exercise 2Translate into English.- Мені здається, цей дощ ніколи не скінчиться. Ллє як із вiдра. Цей дощ iде вже

третій день.- Так, погода сьогодні справді огидна і мерзотна. Справжній потоп. Ще ніколи в

житті не бачив такої зливи. Я потрапив під дощ і промок до нитки. - Сподіваюсь, погода покращиться до вечора.- Небо затягнулось важкими сірими хмарами. Якби це був грозовий дощ, то він

би був коротким. Правду кажучи, я боюсь грому і блискавки, мені жахливо сидіти одному вдома під час блискавки.

- Годі тобі скаржитись на погоду. Як кажуть, поганої погоди не буває, буває лише поганий одяг.

ReadingRead the information about the natural phenomena and answer the questions below.

Monsoons are regional, seasonal winds that affect large parts of the globe. During the summer, these winds contain water vapor and can bring heavy rains. They blow across Southeast Asia, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Australia, parts of Africa, and the southwestern United States. Some of the world’s most heavily populated countries lie in monsoon areas. In parts of Bangladesh, the summer monsoon can dump as much as 1,107 centimeters of rain – more than ten times the average annual rainfall for the United States. Farmers depend on the summer monsoon for rain to water the crops.

The strongest monsoon is in southern and eastern Asia. It’s caused by seasonal temperature differences between the surfaces of the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the land surface of central Asia.

In winter, the land is colder than the ocean. Therefore, the air pressure over central Asia is higher than the air pressure over the ocean. Cool, dry air blows to the southwest from Asia to the Indian Ocean, crossing India and all of southern Asia on its way. This wind is called the winter monsoon.

Tornadoes are powerful storms that move over land in narrow paths. Their winds are so strong they can pick up houses or smash factories. Tornadoes affect relatively small areas, but their fierce winds devastate almost everything in their path. The winds flatten buildings and hurl objects at speeds so great that straw driven by the force of a tornado’s wind can penetrate wood. These winds can also pick up huge objects such as trains. Some of these objects are crushed, and others are simply carried away.

The eye of the tornado is very calm, but it, too, can cause damage. No one had ever been in the eye of a tornado and looked up its funnel until 1928, when a Kansas farmer looked up from the door of his storm cellar just as a tornado passed over. “Everything was as still as death”, he reported. “There was a strong gassy odor, and I felt as if I


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could not breathe”. He said the eye was about 15-35 meters (about 15-100 feet) in diameter and formed a funnel at least a kilometer (about one-half mile) high.

Little can be done to avoid property damage in a tornado, but taking precautions can save lives. In 1935, the same twister hit the Texas towns of San Anselmo and Waco. More than 560 people were injured and 125 people lost their lives.

Tornado warnings don’t come very far in advance, and they sometimes don’t come at all. The path of a tornado can reduce one house to splinters and leave the one next door untouched. Tornadoes are most likely to form in the presence of thunderstorms with heavy rain or hail. As the warm, humid air is forced upward within a cumulonimbus cloud, more warm air rushes in to replace the air that was forced upward. The air that rushed in is also forced upward, and in some instances it begins to rotate. This rotating air extends beneath the cloud and may touch down toward the surface. Tornadoes can last a few minutes or as long as a few hours. They can move over the surface anywhere from 40 to 96 kilomerters (25 to 60 miles) per hour, and they follow very unpredictable paths.

When a tornado has been spotted, you must take precautions immediately. The following chart tells you what to do.

Tornado Safety ProceduresIf you’re at home:

Open the windows slightly, then get away from them. Go to a storm cellar if you have one, or go to a cellar and stay underneath a staircase,

mattress, or heavy piece of furniture, such as a table. Don’t go a into a mobile home. Find shelter in a strong building.

If you’re away from home: Get away from the street. Try to find a building to enter, but stay away from windows and doors. If you can’t find a building, lie in a ditch and cover your head with your hands. If you’re at school, go to an inside hallway on the lowest floor, bend over and place

your hands on your head.

Hurricanes are the cyclonic storms that cause the most widespread destruction. They are also known as typhoons in the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean, and willy-willies in Australia. The wind speeds are usually 120 to 240 kilometers (75 to 150 miles) per hour; however, unlike tornadoes, hurricanes may be hundreds of kilometers in diameter and last for several days. They can travel hundreds or thousands of kilometers. Hurricane Gilbert, for example, formed in a low-pressure system off the coast of Africa and traveled to the United States. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo devastated areas of Puerto Rico and other areas in the Carribbean and traveled to the southeastern United States and destroyed areas of Charleston, South Carolina.

If you ever receive warning that a hurricane may strike your area, begin to take precautions. It’s important to follow the advice of the authorities. Sometimes you may be told to leave the area before the storm hits. Many people have died because they


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ignored such warnings. If you are not advised to leave the area, use the precautions listed below.

The center of the hurricane is the area known as the eye. Within the eye the air begins to sink because of an area of low-pressure. The air within the eye is quite calm. The eye of the hurricane can be 20-200 kilometers across. When the eye passes over an area, the wind speed drops and the sky may be clear and sunny. When the eye passes, fierce winds and heavy rainfall begin to pound the land and water again.

When hurricanes pass over coastal areas, the winds cause terrible destruction. Savage winds can uproot trees and level buildings. What the wind does not harm may be washed away by the high waves that develop due to high winds. These waves may be as high as 12 meters. Flooding may result from the heavy rain and waves, with sometimes as much as 30 centimeters of water falling in a few hours.A hurricane can release as much energy as 400 20-megaton H-bombs every second.

Hurricane Precautions Tape or board up all windows. Flying debris and wind pressure can break windows. Secure outdoor objects that might be blown away – such as outdoor furniture, potted

plants – or bring them inside. Be sure to have plenty of canned foods, medical supplies, and fresh water at hand.

Shipping and receiving such items may become difficult if a storm hits. Leave all low-lying coastal areas, because they are likely to be swept by high tides

and storm waves. Stay at home if it’s on sturdy, high ground. If not, then go to the appropriate shelter. Beware of the eye of the hurricane. It may produce a lull for a few minutes to half an

hour. At the other side of the eye, winds can again rise very quickly. I.1.What is a monsoon? Where can it be?2.How does the monsoon influence the rain? 3.Where do the strongest monsoons occur?4.Do you know any difference between summer and winter monsoons?II.1.What is a tornado? How strong is it?2.What damage can a tornado cause?3.Is the eye of the tornado investigated? What does it look like?4.What is a tornado accompanied with?5.How exactly does the funnel of wind develop?6.Which precautions can be taken to save your life or avoid any great damage if a

tornado is expected in your area (if you are at home/if you are out of home)?III.1.What is a hurricane? How is it called in different countries?2.Name well-known hurricanes.3.Is it important to leave the area if a hurricane is expected?4.Why is the air within the eye of the hurricane calm?5.Which features does the eye of the hurricane have?


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6.What damage can a hurricane cause?7.Which precautions should be taken if you are sure the hurricane is approaching?

Exercise 3Provide the part of the word combination.__________ vapour rotating ___________ an average __________ rainfall to ___________ slightly___________ surface a _________ home________ pressure a ____________ stormto cause _________ a kilometer in _________________ cellar to _________ the advice________ odor coastal ____________________ damage to ________ ________ by the wavethe ________ of the tornado medical _________to force ________ a storm _________a ________ cloud __________ shelteran _______ path flying _________

Exercise 4Translate into English.

ПогодаПогода - це атмосферні умови, наприклад, дощ, сніг чи похмуре небо,

протягом короткого проміжку часу в тому чи іншому місці.Погода залежить від переміщення повітряних мас навколо земної кулі. Клімат даної місцевості є не що інше, як усереднені погодні умови за великий період часу.

Погода може змінитися за лічені години, але для зміни клімату потрібні роки й роки.

Куди і як переміщуються повітряні маси, залежить від таких фактори, як відстань від екватора, а також наявність на їх шляху гір та морів. Коли повітряні маси, що рухаються з боку моря, проходять через високогір’я, вони охолоджуються, і вода, яка в них міститься, випадає у вигляді дощу. Якщо повітряні потоки рухаються з центра континенту, вони не насичені водою і несуть з собою суху погоду. Якщо ж вони, проходячи через зону тропіків, застоюються над водною поверхнею, то перенасичуються вологою і перегріваються, що призводить до ураганів.

Зміна погодних умов відбувається циклічно. У багатьох регіонах погода влітку тепліша, ніж узимку, оскільки протягом тривалих жарких днів Земля отримує більше сонячної енергії. В Південно-Східній Азії в період мусонів з Індійського океану дмуть теплі, вологі вітри, приносячи з собою щедрі дощі. Приблизно кожні 10 років спостерігається явище, яке отримало назву Ель-Ніньйо: температура води в південно-східній частині Тихого океану ледь підвищується, що призводить до зміни напрямку руху повітряних потоків. А це може викликати посуху, жорстокі урагани й завдати серйозних економічних збитків.


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Listening Listen to the recording and decide which of these is the best summary of the weather report.

1.There will be a hurricane, but only in Spain and France.2.There won’t be a hurricane, and it will only be windy in Spain and France.3.There won’t be a hurricane, but it will be very windy especially in Spain and France.

Listening Listen to the second weather report. This was broadcast after the report in the previous excercise. Why do you think the weather forecaster in the first report became famous?

Read the summary below. Then listen to the recoring again and complete the gaps.‘Hurricane-force winds battered much of ___1___ England in the small hours. At least ___2___ people have died and many more were ___3___, hit by falling ___4___ and massonry toppled in the ___5___. Power ___6___ have been disrupted and large sections of the ___7___ network were left out of action. Our reporters have been assessing the scale of the ___8___ and the ___9___. We begin with the ___10___ from the south coast.’

Listening Listen to the reports from Southampton and London.

How do the reporters introduce themselves? What has been torn off in Southampton? What partially collapsed? What happened overnight in the emergency centeres? How many people were killed in London? How fast were the winds? How did the man in Croydon die?

Exercise 5Your mother is coming to visit you. She likes to travel light. She asks you what sort of weather is going to be in the forthcoming fortnight. Find the available information in the newspaper, make a call to the Meteorological Center, discuss it with your groupmates and then telephone to your mother.

Exercise 6

Translate into EnglishПори року, чи сезони, позначаються на всьому нашому житті. Від них

залежать строки сівби і збирання врожаю, і те, який одяг ми носимо, що їмо, скільки енергії витрачаємо на обігрів та освітлення житла, і навіть як ми


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почуваємося. Зміна пір року зумовлена нахилом земної осі під час річної подорожі Землі навколо Сонця.


Земля постійно обертається, причому вісь її обертання нахилена під кутом 23,5градуса до площини навколосонячної орбіти, отже частину року Північний полюс обернений до Сонця. В цей час полудневе сонце тут наближається до зеніту, дні довгі й теплі - стоїть літо. Водночас Південний полюс віддалений від Сонця, і там стоїть зима.

ДНІ СОНЦЕСТОЯННЯПід час руху Землі навколо Сонця її вісь орієнтована в тому самому напрямі, так що через шість місяців Північний полюс відвертається від Сонця. Тепер у Північну півкулю приходить зима, а в Південну – літо. У Північній півкулі найдовший день (день літнього сонцестояння) настає 21 червня, а найкоротший (день зимового сонцестояння) – 21 грудня. А в Південній півкулі найдовший день 21 грудня, а найкоротший – 21 червня.

ДНІ РІВНОДЕННЯРівно на половину шляху Землі від одного дня сонцестояння до другого припадають дні рівнодення. 21 березня і 23 вересня обидва кінці земної вісі спрямовані в бік Сонця, так що тривалість дня і ночі збігається. 21 березня в Північну півкулю приходить весна, а в Південну – осінь. І, навпаки, 23 вересня в Північній півкулі настає осінь, а на південь від екватора – весна.

SpeakingHave you ever heard of the greenhouse effect and global warming? What do you know about them?

Listening First read the following summary and underline the correct words by guessing. Then, listen to the text and find out if your guesses were correct.

The world climate is in 1) trouble/chaos. Global warming is an undeniable 2) fact/event. Optimists foresee 3) colder/milder winters. In every dry areas, a rise in temperatures would worsen 4) rainfall/droughts.

Insurance companies want governments to regulate emissions of greenhouse 5) chemicals/gases. The oceans act like a storage 6) heater/tank. The south east of 7) England/France is tilting into the sea. Warmer weather could mean more algae in reservoirs and 8) canals/lakes. This could lead to 9) stomach/brain related illnesses. Fierce storms could lead to 10) mental/health problems.

ReadingYou are going to read a magazine article about global warming. Eight paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from paragraphs A-1 the one which fits gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).


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What’s up with the Weather?The world climate is in chaos. Freak weather conditions have been so common

recently that even the most hard-bitten cynics suspect that something odd is going on.0 C

In December 1995, climatologists form the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) all agreed that global warming is an undeniable fact.

1Optimists foresee milder winters and record harvests for farmers. They believe that

the severity of storms will reduce due to the stabilizing of differences between the equator and the poles.

2In a warmer world, extremes of wet and dry will intensify. In very dry regions

where there is little water anyway, an increase in temperatures would worsen droughts and increase desertification – especially in the interiors of continents where rainfall will become very rare. In areas where high levels of rainfall are normal, such as in coastal and mountainous regions, increased water vapour, and hence fiercer rainfall, should be expected.

3As a result of this, insurance companies are panicking. Many are trying to persuade

governments to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases.4

Professor Parry, a member of the IPCC, states that there really isn’t very much we can do to stop global warming happening. “Even if we could dramatically reduce industrial emission, the atmosphere would continue to heat up for another 50 years – because the oceans act like a vast storage, holding on to heat delaying the warming of the air about us.”

5Some scientists, however, fear that the Flood Barrier may be overwhelmed because

the geological structure of Britain means that the south east of England is actually tilting into the sea. This, with the rising sea levels, means that the high-tide level of the River Thames in central London is set to rise by rate of 75 centimeters a century.

6The rest of us won’t get off lightly though. Warmer weather is likely to increase the

amount of algae in reservoirs and lakes. This will make water treatment and purification more difficult and there will probably be an increase in stomach-and intestine-related illnesses. Fierce storms could also bring about health problems. A It seems as though these serious and urgent predictions are already coming true.

Recently, Hurricane Andrew cost American insurance companies$16, 5 billion and insures worldwide have concluded that the greenhouse effect could bankrupt them.

B World temperatures are forecast to rise by 1,8 to 6,3°C by the year 2100 but no one is certain what its eventual effects will be. Consequently, a number of theories have


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been developed.C Most scientists’ fears are focused on the heavily populated south coast of England.

Increased coastal development means that flooding would be catastrophic. The value of the coastal land between Bognor Regis and Bournemouth was recently estimated at $ 5,745 million.

D In old urban areas, most storm drainage systems are combined with the sewage system. “Flash flood” storms are therefore likely to send waves of untreated sewage into the watercourse. “We have to face the fact” - says Professor Parry – “that climate change is inevitable – and possibly it will be very unpleasant.”

E The most innovative country in this respect is Spain. In the last three years it has been at the forefront in promoting the use of alternative energy forms – including tidal and hydro-electric power.

F On New Year’s Day of this year, for example, Mexico City had its first snowfall in twenty years; monsoons in India, Bangladesh and Nepal stranded nearly two million people in June, and last year’s Caribbean storms were the worst for sixty years. Scientists are now convinced that world’s climate has been changed by mankind.

G Pessimists on the other hand predict a rise in sea levels of 15 to 96 centimeters – meaning that many low-lying islands like those in the Pacific and Caribbean will be totally submerged.

H At the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, nations promised to cut their carbon emissions drastically by the year 2000, although the only country that looks on target is Sweden. The other nations seem to be counting on solutions like solar power to come to the rescue.

I In Britain, the threat of flooding is being taken very seriously. The Thames Flood Barrier was built to protect London from the rising sea level.

Exercise 1Look at the following words in bold in the text and try to explain them:cynics, undeniable, foresee, record, harvests, stabilizing, poles, extremes, droughts, continents, vapour, regulate, greenhouse gases, vast, tilting, algae, reservoirs, purification, intestine-related

Exercise 2Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list below:desertification, odd, freak, severity, intensify, coastal, emissions, overwhelmed, equator, solar, watercourse, tidal wave, innovative, monsoon1. The …………… of the winter caused many farmers to lose their crops.

(harshness)2. The storm began to ……………… so we had to run for cover. (become stronger)3. It was demanded that industry should reduce its ……………. of greenhouse gases

into the atmosphere. (release)4. Singapore is only 1° north of the ………….. . (imaginary line round the centre

of the earth)5. ………. is taking place in Northern Africa due to lack of rainfall. (a change of

land into desert)


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6. In India the ……………….. often brings very bad flooding. (period of heavy rain)

7. A tidal wave completely flooded the …………………. area and left many people homeless. (seashore)

8. It was ……………………. that she was wearing a fur coat on such a warm day. (strange)

9. The storm was so strong that the ………………….. filled almost immediately. (drainage channel for water)

10. He is a very ………………….. chef who is always thinking up new recipes. (original)

11. The dam burst and many villages below were ……………… with flood water. (not able to cope)

12. Due to ………………….. weather conditions, we had snow in May. (extreme unusual)

13. Following the earthquake there was a(n) …………….. that destroyed the whole village. (massive wave)

14. In hot countries it’s economical to heat water using …………………… power. (sun)

Exercise 3Find the odd word out.1 monsoon, rain, drought, drizzle 4 hot, boiling, scorching, chilly2 breeze, shower, wind, draught 5 hail, snow, lightning, sleet3 smoke, mist, fog, vapour

Exercise 4Explain the following WEATHER related idioms, then make sentences using them. under the weather, make heavy weather of, weather the storm, a storm in a teacup, as right as rain, come rain or shine, for a rainy day, chase rainbows, put the wind up sb

Exercise 5Fill in appropriate word(s) from the list below. Use the word(s) only once.Flood Barrier, drainage, industrial, mountainous, predictions, to face, bankrupt, global, geological, high-tide, target, hard-bitten, urban, heavily, to regulate1 ……………………populated 9 ……….………………systems2 ………………will come true 10 ………………………...the fact3 …………………….warming 11 ………………………...regions4 ………………………...areas 12 …………………………...level5 to be on ……………………. 13 to go ………………………….6 …………………….structure 14 ……………………purification7 ……………………….cynics 15 The Thames …………………..8 ……………………emissions 16 ……………………..conditions

Exercise 6Complete the table using the words from the list below.


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boiling, rain, fog, drizzle, storm, ice, heatwave, smog, blizzard, downpour, sunshine, gust, freezing, flood, sleet, dry, torrential rain, chilly, breeze, snowdrift, frost, snowflake, gale, hurricane, warm, hail, draught, drought, cyclone, monsoon

Hot weatherCold weatherMisty weatherWindy weatherWet weather

Exercise 7Choose the correct item. 1 I’ll help my father ……………. the wheat on the farm.A harvest B pick C produce D stock2 Our garden was in a complete …………. after the storm.A chaos B disorder C mess D havoc3 There are often accidents when there is thick ………………. A mist B vapour C steam D fog4 The ………… of exhaust gases from cars pollute the city.A outings B outlets C emissions D omissions5 The helicopter couldn’t take off due to ………… winds.A wild B furious C savage D strong


ReadingRead the text and answer the questions below.

WEATHER AND MOODHippocrates, the father of medicine, observed in the 4 th century BC that “whoever

wishes to pursue the science of medicine must first investigate the seasons of the year and what occurs in them.”

People who suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are depressed, predisposed to overeat and need a great deal of sleep. The disorder is linked directly to the amount of light travelling through the optic nerve. The acronym first hit the headlines in the early ‘80s. Many SAD sufferers have been successfully treated using light therapy.

Countries in the higher altitudes (including Sweden, Finland, Alaska, Iceland) often suffer psychological problems through lack of sunlight, with high rates of suicide, depression and alcoholism. The inhabitants of the world’s most nothernly city - Tromso, Norway - have to endure two months in darkness. The result is bio-rhythmic confusion: many people can’t sleep, feel as if they have jet lag, put on weight. Local winds such as le Mistral can have effect on mood. Le Mistral is a strong, dry, cold wind that blows through the Rhone Valley and the South of France to the Mediterranean. Symptoms include tiredness, headaches, insomnia, bad temper. From “BBC English”


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What kind of symptoms were mentioned in the text? What kind of diseases were mentioned in the text? What kinds of treatment were mentioned in the text? Which reasons for certain illnesses were mentioned?

SpeakingMOODSHere are some of the most common adjectives we use to describe the way we feel. Each one has a clue with it, to help you understand the mood, and to allow you to test yourself later. Some of the clues contain useful phrases about the weather. Have you ever had a year like this? Read on.


Another year gone never to return.I suppose none of us is getting any younger.To think nearly half the world is white with snow today.The snow never seems as white as it used to be.Oh, for the spring!Love Story on TV again tonight – super!

melancholicpensivethoughtfulnostalgicfull of longingsentimental


Another grey, cloudy day.Yet another day of drizzle and fog.Heavy storms and a few sunny periods.Everyone got a rise in salary except me!Why, oh why can’t I seem to do things right?Another series of repeats on telly – oh no!

boredmiserablemoodyresentfulfrustratedfed up


Showers and rainbows.Umbrella and parasol?Who am I? What am I?Can I? Could I? Dare I?Oh, sit still, will you!I think the rain is going to ease off!

confuseduncertainintrospectiveunsure of oneselfrestlesshopeful


Sleet and biting winds.Frosty mornings and icy roads.You won’t have any fingernails left.OK, OK, don’t bite my head off!I heard a cockoo. Did you hear it?The sun’s coming out.



I think it’s going to clear up.I’ve booked the holiday, so you can’t say no.Just six more weeks and we’ll be there.How about a ten-mile walk tomorrow?Oh, I loved it! Adored it! Fantastic!



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26 You mean I’ve really won the Best Office Boy title? thrilledJUN51316192428

UK Best Office Boy Competition? No problem!Not a breath of wind.A cool breeze, a cloudless sky.I could lie here forever.It’s too hot to move.Oh yes, this is the life!



She smiled at me! She actually smiled at me!She said she’d come to dinner!Now I know how the winner must have felt.Jumping for joy!Pinch me to let me know I’m not dreaming.Paradise must be like this.

exhilaratedelatedtriumphanton top of the worldup in the cloudsecstatic


I know I don’t know you, but still you can marry me!It’s so close and heavy today, no air at all.Sticky, thundery heat.No energy, no emotion.She’s gone. I’ve got nothing left.And it was going to be so good!



And she was so, so nice.That’s the last holiday romance I’ll ever have!The days are closing in.It’s going to be a long hard winter.Why bother? Why care?I just don’t understand.



An overcast sky.Why did you have to mention her name?The rain’s set in for the day.Why are there no new people to meet?I don’t want any new faces round here, thank you!Hailstorms and icy winds.

dejectedeasily upsetdistressedlonelyhostilebitter


Redundant, maybe? And thrown out of my flat? All alone.To be or not to be?Nextdoor’s music is really getting on my nerves!It’s brightening up. I don’t believe it.It can’t be true. I don’t know what to say!Come on, let’s fly to Paris for breakfast.

insecuresuicidaleasily annoyedastonished/ amazedoverwhelmedlight-headed


Fancy dress parties and drinks round at our place.Snowball fights.



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I must be the happiest man alive.Skating on frozen puddles and falling over laughing.Champagne bubbles and laughter.I haven’t done so badly this year after all!

over the moonfrivolousmerryself-satisfied

Speaking Nobody denies that the weather affects the person’s mood, consequently behavior having either a negative or a positive impact on them. Analyze your friends’ conduct and share your observations on the subject with the other groupmates. ReadingRead the text and say which other weather clues you know.

WEATHER WISDOMSome people watch ants for weather clues. Anytime you see ants industriously

building huge mounds around their holes, prepare for rain. About two hours before a downpour, all kinds of ants - but especially large black and red ants - will break up their caravans, scurry into their nests, and begin building dams around the ant hill. These mounds, which are sometimes several inches in height, prevent rainwater from running into the ant hills.

Bees give weather clues, too. They are usually active several hours before a rain, but as the humidity increases, they return to their hives. Some American Indians say that the longer the increased activity lasts, the longer the rain will be.

Other insects are also good humidity indicators. Butterflies usually flit from flower to flower all day long. When they suddenly disappear and can be found hiding on tree trunks or on the underside of leaves, they are seeking shelter to protect their fragile wings from a hard rain.

Fireflies fly very low when there is a high relative humidity. But an old saying states: “When fireflies are about in large numbers, the weather will be fair for the next three days”.

And if you hear lots of locusts singing, you can be sure the air is dry, because locusts sing only when it is hot and dry. Frogs croak when the air pressure falls. Before rain sheep’s wool uncurls.

Plants are also handy humidity indicators. They are affected in different ways. Just before a rain many flowers - like the daisy, dandelion and tulip - close their blossoms, and clover plants draw their leaves together. It is believed that the absorption of moisture from the air causes a change in the leaf stalk, making the leaves turn over. It may be that the rough underside of the leaf can absorb rain better than the smooth topside.

Almost everyone knows what humidity does to hair. Curly hair gets curlier and straight hair gets limp. The reason is that hair absorbs moisture from damp air. Straight hair actually gets longer. A Swiss geologist used this fact to invent the first hydrometer. In 1783 Horace Benedict de Saussure fastened some human hair to a needle. The hair expanded when the air was moist and contracted when the air was dry, moving the


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needle across a numbered scale. His instrument is called a hair hydrometer and is still used by meteorologists.

Some people are very sensitive to humidity. People who have arthritis are, in a sense, “living hydrometers”. High humidity causes the fluids in their tissues and joints to increase, making movement difficult and painful. That is why many older people say, “It’s going to rain. I can feel it by my bones”. They actually can.

By learning to read weather signs, you can get a few hours advance warning if a storm is heading your way. It may keep you from getting your new shoes ruined in the rain, from having a family picnic spoiled, or your garden beaten down by a storm. If you are backpacking, camping, boating, or doing similar outdoor activities it might even save your life.

Exercise 1Complete the sentences. If ants ………………. , prepare for rain.If frogs ………………. , prepare for rain.If straight hair ………………. , prepare for rain.If curly hair ………………. , prepare for rain.If sheep ………………. , prepare for rain.If butterflies ………………. , prepare for rain.If locusts ………………. , prepare for rain.If fireflies ………………. , prepare for rain.If bees ………………. , prepare for rain.If flowers ………………. , prepare for rain.

Exercise 2Use the word given to form the word that fits in the space provided.

WEATHER PREDICTIONPredicting the weather has always been (0) … our lives Importance 0 importantsince (1) … changes can seriously affect crops and therefore Climate 1the (2) … of food. Today, forecasters use modern technology Produce 2in order to increase their (3) … . Knowing what the weather Accurate 3will be like is not only interesting to farmers, it is also relevantto sports enthusiasts such as (4) … and people who live Ski 4in (5) … areas. Despite improvements in forecasting, the Mountain 5weather often remains (6) … and this has given forecasters Predictable 6a bad reputation. However, the climate s often so (7) … that Change 7even experts with latest (8) … find it impossible to make Equip 8accurate forecasts. Until further (9) … are made in this field, it Develop 9is likely that forecasters will be (10) … to be 100% certain of Able 10tomorrow’s weather.


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ReadingRead the text and in the chart below write down how the climate of Ukraine influences its soils, flora and fauna.

Climate of UkraineClimate, which includes the forces of erosion and affects the development of

soils, flora, and fauna, is a major landscape-forming factor. The climate of Ukraine is temperate, cool, and semicontinental. It differs considerably from that of adjacent regions (the Central European climate of Poland, the East European continental climate of the Moscow region, and the subarid climate of the Caspian Lowland), and constitutes a transitional stage to the Mediterranean climate.

Precipitation and temperature vary inversely in Ukraine. A moisture surplus (compared to the amount necessary for secure crop production) is encountered only in the Carpathians and at the higher elevations of the Crimean mountains. In low-lying areas moisture decreases from north to south: northwestern and northern Ukraine receive an adequate amount; central Ukraine, a varying amount; and south-central Ukraine an inadequate amount. Dry conditions prevail in the northern Crimea, the Black Sea Lowland.

The zonation of moisture balance is reflected in the zonation of soils, natural vegetation (before it was cleared for farming), and wildlife. In northern and northwestern Ukraine gray soils developed on sandy fluvio-glacial deposits under a canopy of coniferous and mixed forests that provide a habitat for a fauna common to the Central European forests. The zone of unstable moisture conditions was conducive to the development, on a loess base, of gray forest soils under broadleaf groves (usually at higher elevations), typical chernozems under meadow steppe, and degraded chernozems under forests that had replaced meadows. Forest and grassland fauna intermingled in this transitional zone of forest-steppe. In the zone of moisture deficiency to the south of the forest-steppe a complex of common chernozems developed on a loess base and under a grassy meadow steppe. The dry Black Sea Lowland was covered with a narrow-leaved grassy steppe, which is associated with southern chernozems and chestnut soils. The fauna of both steppe zones was the typical fauna of the temperate grassland biome.

While moisture balance serves as the major controlling factor in the latitudinal zonation of soils, flora, and fauna, the increasing severity of winters from west to east limits the longitudinal distribution of plants, particularly of broadleaf tree species. Thus


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the yew is limited to the westernmost extreme of Ukraine, the hornbeam does not grow beyond the Poltava-Homel line in the east with its severe winter and shallow snow cover, marks the eastern limit of winter wheat. The increasing continentality of the climate towards the east, including the depth of ground freezing, results in corresponding modifications of the soil.

Mountains are characterized by a vertical zonation of climate, soils, vegetation, and fauna. Most species of the fauna inhabiting the Carpathian Mountains are common to the middle-European forests; those in the Crimean Mountains, a mixture of Mediterranean and endemic species.

From the standpoint of climate, flora, and fauna, Ukraine is unique. It is the only country in Europe with a predominantly meadow natural vegetation that merges gradually with the forest vegetation in the northwest, the steppe vegetation in the south and east, and the Mediterranean vegetation on the Black Sea shore.

soils flora faunaNorthern UkraineSouthern UkraineEastern UkraineWestern UkraineCentral Ukraine

Exercise 1Insert the prepositions.the Mediterranean vegetation ___ the Black Sea shore, characterized ___ a vertical zonation, the increasing continentality ___ the climate ___ the east, typical chernozems ___ meadow steppe, conducive ___ the development, a habitat ___ a fauna, dry conditions prevail ___ the Black Sea Lowland, moisture decreases ___ north to south, transitional stage ___ the Mediterranean climate, the development ___ fauna, the forces ___ erosion.

Exercise 2Translate into English.Астроклімат. Прогноз погоди на рік.Січень. Відносно потеплішає 9-10 січня, але 12-13 температура знизиться і випаде сніг. Потім морози послабшають, і в середині місяця очікується м’яка, волога погода.Лютий. На початку місяця – сніжно і вітряно. Згодом встановиться холодна суха погода. Буде тепліше в останній декаді лютого, що створить ілюзію ранньої весни.Березень. Весняна волога погода не спричинить особливих паводків. До того ж, у 20-х числах березня температура, попри сподівання, не підвищиться, а знизиться. Кінець середини місяця – холодний, із вітром та мокрим снігом. Квітень. Сухий і холодний місяць почнеться ураганними вітрами. Друга половина обіцяє потепління, і вже з 20 квітня нарешті запанує стійка тепла погода.


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Травень. Жаркий і сухий, він принесе з собою посуху і нашестя комах та сарани на сільськогосподарські угіддя. До середини травня зросте кількість пожеж внаслідок раптових самопідпалів. Але ”під завісу” місяця спека дещо спаде, пройдуть холодні дощі. Період з 21 травня по перше червня для рослин небезпечний через дощі з градом та холодними поривчастими вітрами. Червень. Для літнього періоду температура першої декади місяця досить помірна. Але після 1 червня спека посилить свої позиції, і до кінця червня буде жарко.Липень. Чудова літня погода. Місяць помірно вологий і теплий, але вітряний, сприятливий для сільського господарства. З 23 липня температура знижується, і останній тиждень принесе прохолоду.Серпень. Температура повітря помірна, не спекотлива. Дрібний дощ з вітрами очікується 6-8 числа. В середині серпня теж пройдуть дощі. З 20 серпня похолоднішає, і на порозі постане рання осінь. Згубними для врожаю можуть стати грозові дощі, котрі пройдуть 20-23 серпня.Вересень. Холодна погода з сильними вітрами перших днів місяця зміниться помірно теплою. В другій декаді вересня шукатиме вчорашнього дня літо. Кінець місяця м’який, із сонячними днями і зоряними ночами.Жовтень. Відносно теплий. Встановиться ясна тепла погода. Похолодання передбачається під кінець місяця - після 23 жовтня.Листопад. Місяць досить теплий та сухий для осені. Хоча 19 листопада температура знизиться, під кінець місяця знову потепліє. Опадів не передбачається.Грудень. Температура помірна. Осінь затримається ще на тиждень. Але з 6 грудня настане справжня зима.

Listening Climate of the British Isles a. Listen to the description of the main geographical features of the British Isles.

What can we find to the north of the line?What can we find to the south of the line?Where are the Pennines, the Welsh Mountains, the Scottish Highlands situated?

b. Listen to the second part and take notes about the following areas and places:the South West the South East East AngliaThe Midlands The North West WalesThe North East Scotland Ireland

c. Listen to the weather forecast for the British Isles. Fill in the missing words in the text below.

Weather Forecast.And now here is the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours for the whole of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Ah, starting with Southern England and the Midlands, well it’ll be _____ _____ and _____, but quite _____ , with temperatures


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around six or seven degrees Celsius. It should stay dry all day, but there’ll be quite a ______, so wrap up warm. And in the west country, Wales and Northern Ireland., you can expect some _____ in the morning and afternoon and quite ________ _______ ______, and the temperature will be ______ than yesterday, around the three or four degrees mark. I don’t think you’ll see much of the ______: ______ all day, I’m afraid. The East coast of England will see the best of today’s weather. It’ll be _____ than yesterday,______ , and _____, so quite warm for the time of year. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, there’ll be _____ ______ and maybe some snow during the afternoon, and on the hills temperatures _____ _____ to below _____, minus four to five, and on the highest spots minus ten. Over much of Scotland it will be ______, and ____, too as the _____ _____ moves in over the Atlantic. Northern Ireland can expect the same, but the ______ ____________ before dark. But again very cold, with temperatures not going _____ _____. And that’s all from me.

SpeakingYou’ll have the regular sitting of the English speaking club. The subject under discussion will be “Climate and weather in the UK in works of literature”. Get ready to discuss the way various writers describe weather.

Exercise 3Fill in the blanks with a word from the following list. Do not use any word more than once.annualhighestlatitudemoderatestemperature



Variety of Climates in the United StatesBecause the United States covers a vast territory extending from Alaska, part of which is inside the Arctic Circle, to Hawaii, which is close to the Tropic of Cancer, that is, from approximately the 70° to the 20° latitude, the United States has a great variety of climates.Average _________ temperatures range from 78.2° F (25.7°C) in Death Valley, California, to 9°F (-13°C) in Barrow Alaska. The _________ temperature ever recorded was 134°F (57°C) at Death Valley, in southwestern California, on July10,1913. The lowest temperature ever recorded was –79.8°F (-62.1°C) in Prospect Greek, Alaska, on January 23,1971.The average annual ___________ rate varies from less than 2 inches (5cm) at Death Valley to about 460 __________ (1.170 cm) at Mount Waialeale in Hawaii. Most parts of the country, however, experience seasonal changes in __________ and moderate precipitation.Climate is greately affected by ___________ . New England, for example, has __________ summers and long ___________ winters while the South has long


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__________ summers and ___________ winters. ___________ also affects climate. In the West, mountainous areas are cooler and wetter than nearby plains and __________ . Proximity (closeness) to the ocean or other large bodies of water __________ climate. This is why the climate along much of the Pacific coast is relatively mild all year.

Exercise 4World ClimateIn four paragraphs, choose any country you like and describe what the climate is like there (you can draw a map of it). Include all four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Read these to the class to see if any students can guess what part of the world is being described. If you feel that you don’t know much about it, consult the encyclopedia. Encourage your classmates to ask you questions after you have finished telling them about the climate in this country.

Exercise 5Translate into English.

Як трапляється, що на Землі існують різні пори року, області з таким різним кліматом, а на Місяці нема ні того, ні іншого? Відповідь проста - все залежить від погоди. Хмари, вітер, дощ, спека і холод - від них залежить погода. У всього цього є три основні принципи. Якщо ми дізнаємось про них, то зрозуміємо, як вони впливають на погоду. Без них вона б просто не існувала.

Перша причина - сонце. Воно дає нам світло, тепло, енергію. Друга причина - повітря. Воно, немов оболонка, огортає нашу планету. Ми живемо у ньому, як риби у воді. І третя причина - вода. Вона є усюди: в морях і океанах, в озерах і ставках, у хмарах і, власне, у повітрі. Місяць, як і Сонце, освітлює Землю. Але на Місяці немає хмар, не ідуть ані дощі, ані сніг. Чому? Тому що на Місяці, на відміну від Землі, нема повітряної оболонки - атмосфери. А без неї - погоди не існує.


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1. Seasons of the year.2. My favourite season.3. The weather forecast.4. The weather wisdom.5. There is no bad weather there are bad clothes.6. Weather and mood.7. Natural phenomena.