parishioner feb 15

THE PARISHIONER Ockham with Hatchford and Downside Newsletter FEBRUARY 2015

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The Parish magazine of Ockham with Hatchford & Downside


Page 1: Parishioner Feb 15


Ockham with Hatchford and Downside Newsletter


Page 2: Parishioner Feb 15

Paul Hardingham looks forward to Lent.

True Fasting

This month sees the beginning of Lent, the 40 days of preparation

running up to Easter. Although fasting is one of the neglected

disciplines associated with this period, it occupies an important

place in the Christian life.

Jesus began his earthly ministry with fasting in the wilderness for

40 days and he also taught his disciples to fast (i.e. not if but

when), ‘when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,

so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but

only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees

what is done in secret, will reward you.’ (Matthew 6:17/18). We

don’t fast to manipulate God into doing what we want or to

impress others. It is not a command, but a choice we have to make

to develop our relationship with God.

What is fasting? Fasting is voluntarily abstaining from food

etc. to focus on God and give time for prayer. Prayer and fasting

usually go hand in hand, as together they glorify God. ‘So we

fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our

prayer.’ (Ezra 6:23).

What are the benefits of fasting? Fasting gives us space to

humbly focus on God for his strength, provision, and wisdom and

results in a more intimate relationship with Christ. As Isaiah points

out, it’s not self-centred, but part of our care for the poor: ‘Is not

this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to lose the chains of injustice

and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and

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break every yoke?’ (Isaiah 58:6). Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to

reveal our true spiritual condition, leading to brokenness,

repentance, and a transformed life, with a heart more attentive to


How do we fast? Most commonly fasting involves missing

one or two meals as part of a day for seeking God. Of course,

some can’t abstain from food for medical reasons. Fasting might

also include refraining from TV, alcohol, sex (cf 1 Corinthinians 7:1-

5) or whatever may be getting in the way of us being fully focused

on God.

‘Jesus takes it for granted that his disciples will observe the pious

custom of fasting. Strict exercise of self-control is an essential

feature of the Christian's life. Such customs have only one purpose

- to make the disciples more ready and cheerful to accomplish

those things which God would have done.’ (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)



Heavenly Father we pray that you help and guide all parents to

monitor their children’s use of modern technology. May they

protect them from unsuitable internet sites and online

relationships, while recognising the unlimited educational benefits

computers do bring.


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Parish Clergy

Rev’d Elisabeth Burke

(01932 863886)

Church Wardens

Mrs Sally Pound

(01932 863279)

Mr Richard Peters

(01483 568837)

Don’t forget to keep up to date with everything happening

in our Parish by going to

Please send articles for the next edition to Andrew Jackson

by the 19th of the month preceding publication to

[email protected]

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FORTHCOMING SERVICES Sunday 1st February Candlemas 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES Sunday 8th February Second Sunday before Lent 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES Sunday 15th February First Sunday before Lent 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES Wednesday 18th February - Ash Wednesday 8.00 pm St Martins Holy Communion East Horsley Sunday 22nd February First Sunday in Lent 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Family Service Sunday 1st March Second Sunday in Lent 9.00 am Downside Songs of Praise 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES

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Sunday 8th March Third Sunday in Lent 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Parish Communion *PEBBLES Sunday 15th March Mothering Sunday 9.00 am Downside Holy Communion 10.30 am All Saints’ Family Service

*PEBBLES children's group meet in church at the start of every Communion service, leave for their own activities in the Cabin and join the congregation at the end. From the Registers Memorial Service 3rd December, 2014 Bruce Eric STURGESS

Lost Property in All Saints’ Items are left behind most weeks after services at All Saints’ and the people concerned probably don’t come back for weeks! It has been suggested that these could be collected in the north porch, the way we come into church, so the various spectacles, umbrellas and all sorts of toys can be re-united with their owners.

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Bridge Drive

The Bridge Drive held by the Friends of All Saints' Church in

the Guiles Hill Barn, in November, was very enjoyable and

successful raising £1266.50. The Trustees of The Friends are

extremely grateful to all those who helped and to all those

who took part.

Gillian Lachelin

Carol Singing in Ockham Tuesday 16th December Another successful evening. We enjoyed singing around the village and apologies if we did not reach you. Thank you to everyone who donated to our charities including some who didn’t even hear us sing – perhaps there is a clue there! However, we are not a choir but just local people who enjoy singing carols and helping our charities. We will try to reach other parts of the village next year. We raised around £150 which is fantastic. Thank you again to Ann Watson for organised the lanterns and carol sheet and to Roz at the Parish Room. Many thanks and a very Happy New Year

Jenny Milligan

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The Beehive meets once a month on the 4th Thursday at

2.00 p.m. at St. Martin’s Court. Coffee, cake and a time to

share, whilst making a difference to others in need. We

meet together to work at MU projects, such as neonatal

supplies, knitting, making blankets and quilts and any

particular needs which arise.

The programme for 2015 will be published in next month’s

edition of The Parishioner onwards and on the All Saints’

Church website.

Wisley Action Group General Meeting

East Horsley Village Hall at 7.45pm 25th February, 2015

There will be an update on the current situation of the

Guildford Draft Local Plan specifically with relation to the

Three Farms Meadows site (the former Wisley Airfield) and

the CURRENT planning application for at least 2100 houses.

This proposal will impact all residents of local villages.

If you do not already receive updates from WAG and wish to

be added to the mailing list, please email

[email protected]

Helen Jeffries

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Lent Discussion Groups 2015

As in previous years our Churches Together in Horsley and

Ockham are joining together for a LENT COURSE.

This is a wonderful opportunity to share thoughts, and enjoy

friendship and fellowship.

The book we will be using is ‘ Build on the Rock’, a York

course in 5 sessions.

Please contact Margaret Faulkner on 282267 (or leave a

message on her answer phone) with your name, address and

telephone number to say which group you wish to join from

the following:

Monday afternoon 2.30, starting Feb 23rd at home

of June Davy, High Bank, The Street, West Horsley.

Tuesday evening 7.30, starting Feb 24th at home of

Pat Homewood, 25 Parkside Place East Horsley.

Thursday morning 10.00, starting Feb 19th ( omitting

Feb 26th ) at home of Mary Symes, Derwin, Heath

View, East Horsley.

Offers of people to lead the groups would be appreciated.

Please contact Margaret Faulkner by Feb 9th so that

booklets can be ordered.

Do encourage your congregation and friends.

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Ash Wednesday: a good time to admit you are sorry

Have you done something which haunts you? Which makes

you feel restless and defensive, every time you think of it?

Why not deal with it this month, and put it behind you?

Whatever your mistake has been, consider what the Bible

has to say to you:

‘I have not come to call the virtuous but sinners to

repentance’ (said Jesus). (Luke 5.32)

‘Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his

thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have

mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly

pardon. (Isaiah 55.7)

‘Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your

heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; rend

your hearts and not your clothing. Return to the Lord, your

God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and

abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.’

(Joel 2:12-13)

God is inviting you to come to him this Ash Wednesday.

What a wonderful offer! Make the most of it, and

remember how the prodigal son was welcomed back by his

compassionate father.

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