parish of the resurrection of the lordapr 26, 2020  · shane geiser painting - residential -...

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Page 1: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

St. Ann

6 Down St.

Indian Island

St. Ann

84 Main St.


Our Lady of Wisdom

83 College Ave.


Holy Family

429 Main St.

Old Town

Parish Mission Statement�


“Rooted in the teachings of Jesus

Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit,

and strengthened by the

Eucharist, we are called to invite

all people into a deeper

relationship with God and one


Parish of the Resurrection of the Lord

April 26, 2020

Father Kyle Doustou

Father Apolinary Kavishe

Deacon Mike Boggs

Main Office: Holy Family Church

429 Main St., Old Town, ME 04468

Phone: 827-4000, Fax: 827-2113,

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri—8:30am-1:30pm

Tues, Thurs—10:00am-3:00pm

Web Site:

Online Giving:

Page 2: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

Third Sunday of Easter�April 26, 2020�

T�� P���’� C ��

� � Can you believe that the last Sunday Mass we celebrated together was on March 15


? It was the Third �

� Sunday of Lent and I remember it well. We had already begun to ask people to stay home due to this �

� menacing illness, so Mass attendance was very low. It was odd to celebrate Mass with so few people, but

� � I figured � didn’t we all? � that things would run their course and that we’d have full churches again in �

� � no time. Never could I have imagined that the following Sunday I would be celebrating Mass in a �

� � completely empty church. Never could I have imagined that we wouldn’t be together for Holy Week, the

� � Triduum, and Easter itself. Never could I have imagined that we would have to delay baptism for our

catechumen and First Communion/Confirmation for our children. Never could I have imagined that our college students

would be sent home, our workers would be furloughed, and our programs cancelled. So much changed in such a short �

period of time. So many things that we love and treasure were taken from us...not by God, not by people, not even by a �

raging beast or a massive disaster, but by a tiny little virus. �

When this pandemic first struck, I was annoyed. Then, as I saw the numbers of its victims climb and I got to see how �

serious it is, I began to worry. But now that I’ve had some time � a lot of time, thanks to being confined at home � to �

ponder, to think, and to pray, I’m beginning to slowly come to terms with it. I don’t mean that I like it or that I have no fear,

but rather that I am seeing it for what it is and I am seeing myself for what and who I am. Covid�19 is a tiny, microscopic,

powerful killer, and it is wreaking havoc among us, but as much of a terror as it is, in a strange way only brought about by

God’s grace, I can see that it is also a gift. It has caused us to reevaluate what is most important in life. It has caused us to

love deeper and to be more grateful. It has caused us to actually hunger for things we maybe once took for granted, like

Sunday Mass and the Holy Eucharist. Yes, it has taken away so much from us � jobs, money, health, and even life itself �

but it has done so while simultaneously reminding us that there is so much more to us and our lives than what this tiny �

terror can touch. Covid�19 assures us that we are fragile, contingent, mortal beings, but it also reminds us that there is a part

of us � the deepest part of us � that is made and destined for more than the passing glories of this world. The angst we feel

in encountering our own mortality comes from the reality that God has promised to clothe us in immortality: this is what we

are celebrating during this great Eastertide and this is what we are truly longing for! When we are eating and drinking and

being merry, we can lose sight of this...but when we have lost it all, then we have the freedom to remember what is really

real. If the coronavirus takes everything else away from us, but reminds us that we are made from God, then let us put our

confidence in Him and say with poor, but holy Job, “Lord, I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours

can be hindered!” (Job 42:2)�

Do you know what one of the best things about being a Christian is? Knowing that no matter what evil we cause or endure,

God is bigger than it all and that He is a masterful Artist Who delights in making our crooked ways straight. Let’s not waste

or squander the grace that we can obtain during this tough time. And while I can’t wait until I can see you again at the altar,

there is much for us to learn and ponder and pray about in the meantime. Together � though at a distance � we will do so!

God bless you, my friends!�


Fr. Kyle

There are 3 ways to watch our Live�Stream Masses�

1.� Navigate to our Facebook page (https:// )

at the appointed Mass time and click videos on the left

side of the page. �

2.� Navigate to our website (https:// at the appointed Mass time

and scroll down until you see the video. Press play.�

3.� Download the Parish App on your phone or tablet by

searching in your app store for MyParish App. Follow

the prompts to set it up. At the Mass times a

Notification will be sent to your device with a link you

can click to go directly to the video. �

If you are having issues with any of the above steps call the

Parish office (827�4000) during business hours and we can

help you. �

Spiritual Communion�

We cannot receive Communion right now but we are all

encouraged to make an act of Spiritual Communion. This

prayer can be said while watching the Live Stream Mass or

anytime throughout the day:�

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy

Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to

receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment

receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into

my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and

unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be

separated from You.�


Page 3: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

Third Sunday of Easter�April 26, 2020�

Confession Schedule �

during COVID�19 Coronavirus Pandemic�

Until further notice, all confessions will be heard at

appointed times outside. Father Kyle will be in his vehicle

in the delineated parking lots�please drive up next to him

or, if you have other people in your car, park and walk up.�

�� Saturday, April 25th � 3 pm�

� Holy Family parking lot�(Brunswick St.)�

�� Saturday, May 2nd � 3 pm�

� Holy Family parking lot (Brunswick St.)�

Other times may be added...Check out the Facebook page

for the most up to date information.�

Live�Streamed Mass Schedule�

During COVID�19 Coronavirus Pandemic�

Monday, April 27th…………...6 pm�

Tuesday, April 28th…………...8 am�

Wednesday, April 29th………..8 am�

Thursday, April 30th……….....6 pm�

Friday, May 1st...……………..8 am�

Saturday, May 2nd..………..…9:30 am�

Sunday, May 3rd..…………….9:30 am�

�� If God is watching us, the least we can do is be


�� Atheism is a non�prophet organization.�

�� If God is your copilot, swap seats.�

�� Don’t let your worries get the best of you; remember,

Moses started out as a basket case.�

�� Photons have mass? I didn’t even know they were


�� The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1

cross + 3 nails = 4 given.�

�� It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.�

�� In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma��but

never let him be the period.�

�� Some people are kind, polite, and sweet... until you try

to sit in their pews.�

�� If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what

exactly are the others here for?�

On the Lighter Side�One�Liners�

Daughters of Isabella�

� The Daughters of Isabella’s Reverse Raffle

� Dinner scheduled for April 25 had been �

postponed and will be rescheduled when circumstances �

allow. If you have purchased tickets for the dinner and �

reverse raffle your checks were not cashed and have been

shredded. All cash payments have been returned also. We

will sell new tickets as soon as we set a new date. The $300

Walmart raffle tickets and payments are being held for now

as we have not had a chance to sell many tickets and sales

will continue after the quarantine is over. The drawing will

take place on the new date set for the Reverse Raffle Dinner

Thankyou for supporting us in our fundraising efforts. �

Foster Shower�

The Ladies of St. Ann, Bradley will be holding a foster shower as

soon as quarantine is over. Many children enter the foster system

with nothing. The Ladies will be collecting clothing, toys, books,

blankets, bottles, etc. Foster children are in need of all the items

of childhood. The children range in age from newborn to 18 and

all items are appreciated. As you are cleaning out your closets

please keep us in mind and as soon as the quarantine is lifted

items may be brought to the Parish Office. If you have any

questions please call the Parish Office at 827�4000�

Knights of Columbus 4



Due to the extraordinary times the 4


Degree � �

Officers have met and voted to turn over the proceeds �

of our Irish Supper funds to the Parish recognizing that �

weekly collections have taken a big hit. Anyone who would like a

refund of their tickets please mail your tickets to:�

Gary Sirois, Faithful Controller, 59 Dartmouth St., Old Town,

ME 04468�

The 4


Degree thanks all for supporting our Irish Supper

fundraising project. 102 tickets were sold. The 4


Degree will

have a simple spaghetti supper in appreciation for your support at

a later date when self�quarantine has been lifted. So, hold onto

your tickets. �

�Faithful Navigator, Joe Ayotte�

Page 4: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

Third Sunday of Easter�April 26, 2020�

The Vigil Light by the Tabernacle burns this week �

(April 26�May 2, 2020)�

Holy Family Church�

Holy Family, Rectory�

Our Lady of Wisdom, Orono�

St. Ann, Bradley�

St. Ann, Penobscot Nation��

For the deceased in the Parish�

St. Catherine of Siena�

Virgin & Doctor of

the Church�

Feast Day: April 29th�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Shirley Raymond by Wayne Melanson�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Parishioners by Pastor�



6:00 PM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Rev. Armand R. Neault by Fr. Kyle Doustou�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Mary Rustin by Perkins Family�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Richard Blanchard by Wife & Family�



6:00 PM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Robert Daigle by Sister, Pauline�



8:00 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle�

Joyce Deveau Lane

by Niece, Sharon Handy Deveau & Family�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Holy Souls in Purgatory by Pastor�



9:30 AM� Live Stream� Fr. Kyle� Parishioners by Pastor�

Mrs. O’Malley was walking into town one morning when

she ran into Father Timothy. The Father said,

“Good Morning to you! Aren’t you Mrs. O’Malley and

didn’t I marry you and your husband a year ago?”�

She replied, “Aye, that you did, Father.”�

The Father asked, “And would there be there a little one


She replied, “No, not yet, Father.”�

The Father said, “Well, now, I’m going to Rome next week

and I’ll light a candle for you and your husband.”�

She replied, “Oh, thank you, Father.” Then they went their

separate ways.�

Some years later they met again. The Father asked, “Well

now, Mrs. O’Malley, how are you these days?”�

She replied, “Oh, very well, Father!”�

The Father asked, “And tell me, have you been blessed

with any young ones yet?”�

She replied, “Oh yes, Father! Three sets of twin boys and

four girls, ten all together”�

The Father said, “That’s wonderful! And how is your other

half doing?”�

She replied, “Well, he’s gone to Rome to blow out your

bloody candle.”�

On the Lighter Side�

A Candle in Rome�

Page 5: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

Third Sunday of Easter�April 26, 2020�

Acts of the Apostles 2:14, 22�23�

In his first speech in Acts, Peter focuses on God’s work in

the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What do you

think the resurrection of Jesus says about God?�

1 Peter 1:17�21�

Peter asserts that the resurrection of Jesus should give

believers “faith and hope” in God. How do you remain

focused on this objective in your spiritual journey?�

Luke 24:13�35�

Jesus’ resurrection appearance to the two disciples on the

road to Emmaus is one of the most well�known and

beloved resurrection stories. What do you think makes

this resurrection account so appealing?�

Questions of the Week for Scripture Reflection�

The following publishers have generously made their

resources available to support prayer during these difficult

days. We thank them for their generosity and pastoral


Liturgical Press: Give Us This Day�

� �


� �

Bayard: Living with Christ�

� �

The Word Among Us�

� �

Resources for Catholics at home during


Missouri is known as the “Show Me” state. There

seem to be differing points of view as to how this motto

came into existence, but today it is said to speak of a peo-

ple who operate with common sense and are not easily

fooled by slick�talking or show. We would be prudent to

adopt such a disposition ourselves. To be this way is not

really like St. Thomas in the Gospel when he doubts what

he clearly sees right in front of him. It is more about hold-

ing ourselves to a standard explained in another motto:

“Say what you mean and mean what you say.”�

If we claim to be Christians, disciples of the risen

Jesus, then those around us should be able to tell by our

actions. Can someone truly be a disciple of Jesus and not

be a good steward of all he has given? Jesus makes himself

known to us continually in the Holy Eucharist. When we

come together to break bread at Mass, Jesus shows us his

love by becoming truly present to us. He is willing to show

us. What are we in turn willing to show him?�

Every day, Jesus calls us to respond in some way.

Our response shows whether we are who we claim: his dis-

ciples. I am pretty sure Jesus is not from Missouri, but I

know he is not fooled by our half�truths and misguided

intentions. He also means what he says and says what he

means. Shouldn’t his disciples do the same?�

�Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS�

Everyday Stewardship�

Mean What You Say�

What does it take for our eyes to be opened? Every

day, a man laboriously walks down Main Street of town.

With great difficulty but graceful determination, he places

one foot in front of the other, uses a crudely made staff for

support, and walks. His pace is slow, but he walks. What

does he hope to see? Where does he want to go? What does

he find? We all walk through life. The type of “walking”

life requires is not always physical but is most assuredly

emotional and spiritual. We walk, we look, we encounter,

and we seek. How we do these things and what we actually

find is determined by what we carry and what we allow

ourselves to discover along the way.�

If walking is too challenging for us, we may

choose to isolate and stay alone. If we are afraid to walk,

we may become overly dependent on others providing for

us and abandon the journey. We can walk and pay attention

� � � only to what is in front of our feet

� � � and never notice the immensity

� � � of what is happening around us.

� � � The road is never the same twice.

� � � The journey is always different.

� � � What kinds of things do you �

notice as you walk through life? It seems that the disciples

of the Road to Emmaus missed a lot at first. We do as well.�

We are called to walk with purpose, to listen, and

to notice things that may not at first be apparent. We have

to allow the One who has a special claim on our soul to

enlighten, instruct, and inspire us. The incarnate mystery of

God is pulsating in and through all of creation, where the

presence of the Word who became flesh can be discovered.

He has been with us all along. How could we have missed

Him? Our journey brings us back to the breaking of the

bread, and something begins to stir within us. We begin to

understand, and things look differently. Bread, body, wine,

and blood bring us to see that everyone and everything is a

“Eucharistic” encounter. We become what we eat and we

see what we eat. We continue to walk. Our eyes are now

opened, and we recognize Him. Our hearts burn. Stay with

us. Please stay with us.�

Gospel Meditation�

Page 6: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

Third Sunday of Easter�April 26, 2020�

Sunday: Acts 2:14, 22�33/� � �

� Ps 16:1�2, 5, 7�8, 9�10, 11 [11a]/�

� 1 Pt 1:17�21/Lk 24:13�35� �

Monday: Acts 6:8�15/� � � �

� Ps 119:23�24, 26�27, 29�30 [1ab]/�

� Jn 6:22�29�

Tuesday: Acts 7:51�8:1a/Ps 31:3cd�4, 6 and 7b

� and 8a, 17 and 21ab [6a]/Jn 6:30�35�

Wednesday: Acts 8:1b�8/Ps 66: 1�3a, 4�5, 6�7a

� [1]/Jn 6:35�40�

Thursday: Acts 8:26�40/Ps 66:8�9, 16�17, 20

� [1]/Jn 6:44�51�

Friday: Acts 9:1�20/Ps 117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/

� Jn 6:52�59 �

St. Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26�2:3 or �

� Col 3:14�15, 17, 23�24/� � �

� Ps 90:2, 3�4, 12�13, 14 and 16 [cf.17b]/

� Mt 13:54�58�

Saturday: Acts 9:31�42/� � � �

� Ps 116:12�13, 14�15, 16�17 [12]/�

� Jn 6:60�69�

Next Sunday: Acts 2:14a, 36�41/� �

� Ps 23:1�3a, 3b�4, 5, 6 [1]/1 Pt 2:20b�25/

� Jn 10:1�10�

Please note: Names will be removed from the prayer

list after 8 weeks. If a person needs to remain on the

prayer list after that time please notify the office at


Pray for our Military:�

The food pantry is in need of Macaroni

& Cheese, Pasta Sauce, and Spam.�

Thank you for your donations.�



67�Regular Envelope Total� $ 7,744.00 �

�� Regular Currency Total� $ 154.00 �

55�Online Donations� $ 2,065.00 �

�� Total Offertory� $ 9,963.00 �


Over for the Week� $ 1,598.00�

�� �� ��

26�Building Fund Envelopes� $ 439.00 �

7� Building Fund Online� $ 115.00 �

�� �� ��

2� Catholic Relief Envelopes� $ 25.00 �

22�Diocesan Emergency Needs Envelopes� $ 294.00 �

3� Easter Flower Envelopes� $ 70.00 �

8� Catholic Home Missions Appeal Envelopes� $ 80.00 �

20�Good Friday Envelopes� $ 255.00 �

1� Easter Online� $ 50.00 �

Chris Bate�

Lenora Johnson�

Rosemarie Bate�

Courtney King�

Peter Bosse�

Vin Knapp�

Joan Bragdon�

Karen Lavoie Stone�

Chris Brewer�

Cherie Levesque�

Theresa Cote�

Linda O'Connor Smithson�

Susan Curran�

Darrell Parrick�

John Davis�

Bud Smith�

Paula Davis�

Mary Carmen Thibault�

Ed Gallant�

Johndavid Toothman�

Leslie Hair�

Scott Walker�

Wayne Hesseltine�

� �

For all those affected by COVID�19�

Mark Abbott� Preston Hodge�

PFC Brandon Appel� Tyler Moore�

SSG Dale Bragg Jr.� Andrew Rackliff�

Kyle Dupuis� Jonathan Seymour�

Lew Henderson Jr.� Dillon Shorey�

Adam Hesseltine� SGT Anthony Waite�

Logan Hildreth� �

Page 7: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

April 26, 2020�

Parish Contact Information

Fr. Kyle�

[email protected]


Religious Education Director�

Jessica Moore: [email protected]


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)�

& Campus Ministry�

Audrey Aylmer: [email protected]

Parish Council�

William Halteman, Matt Ketch, Terri Maher, Bo Meservey,

Philip Roy, Kathy Shorette�

[email protected]

Prayer Group�

�Every Monday night in the Queen of Peace Chapel at Holy

Family Church to pray from 6:45�7:45 PM. �


To make arrangements for baptisms please call the Parish

office at 827�4000.��

Prayer Line Ministry�

For prayer line requests call Bernice Curtis at 827�3264.�

Prayer Shawl Ministry�

For prayer shawl requests call Anne Richard at 827�3070.�

Sacrament of the Sick�

If your loved ones are in the hospital or nursing facility and

wish to see a priest to receive the sacraments, please contact

the Parish Office at 827�4000 and someone will visit them

as soon as possible. �

Communion to Home Bound�

Please call Claire Lint at 356�8902 or email

[email protected] if you or a family member wish

to receive communion at home while sick or recuperating

from surgery, etc. Thank you!�

�Parish Hall Use�

Please contact the Parish Office at 827�4000�

�Food Pantry�

The Resurrection of the Lord Food Pantry opens at 9:30

a.m. on the last Monday of each month at the Holy Family

Thrift Shop, Carroll Street, Old Town.��

Resurrection Parish Thrift Shop�

�The Thrift Shop is open on:�

� Wednesday� � 9 am�1 pm�

� Thursday� � 9 am�1 pm�

� Friday� � 9 am�1 pm�

Holy Family, Old Town, ME 03-0452


(207) 827-7042Wayne Jackson

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Page 8: Parish of the Resurrection of the LordApr 26, 2020  · Shane Geiser Painting - Residential - Exterior and Interior Painting - Carpentry - Water Damage Repair - Deck Repair Using Ben

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For Info or MembershipCall the Parish Office At


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