pari vartan a yoga

PARIVARTAN (PARIVARTHAMSHA) YOGA – EXCHANGE OF SIGNS BETWEEN TWO PLANETS A parivartana yoga occurs when planet A is in the sign of planet B, and planet B is in the sign of planet A. For example, if Mars is in Taurus and Venus is in Aries, Mars is in the sign of Venus and Venus is in the sign if Mars. In Western (horary) astrology, this position is called ‘in reception’. If this position occurs in your own horoscope, it is indicated by a small wave (˜, in mutual reception with another planet). Although the computer programme that we use for our printouts regards this as a beneficial condition code, that is not always the case. We can ascertain that the influence both planets have on each other is similar to that of a conjunction. If this is beneficial or not depends of the character of both planets and especially the houses they rule. Kshetra Sambandha This planetary relation brings forth when two planets mutually occupy each other’s sign. Almost all sources have ranked this sambandha most effective and most powerful (60 virupa or 100%). Kshetra sambandha (also called parivartana) is somewhat a rare planetary relationship and does neither depend upon longitudinal distance nor closeness. Planets involve in kshetra sambandha exchange their full effects which surely accrue in their mutual dasha/antar. In western astrology, this cosmic connection is known as ‘reception’. Examples: Moon is into Pisces and Jupiter into Cancer; Sun is into Virgo and Mercury is into Leo; Mars into Libra and Venus into Aries etc. There are three kinds of parivartana yogas. Dainya yoga: This yoga occurs when one of the planets participating in the yoga is lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house. These are dushtana houses that generally have an unfavourable influence. In most cases, the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house will be strengthened by the benefic influence of the other planet.

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Parivartana Yoga



A parivartana yoga occurs when planet A is in the sign of planet B, and planet B is in the sign of planet A.

For example, if Mars is in Taurus and Venus is in Aries, Mars is in the sign of Venus and Venus is in the sign if Mars. In Western (horary) astrology, this position is called ‘in reception’. If this position occurs in your own horoscope, it is indicated by a small wave (˜, in mutual reception with another planet). Although the computer programme that we use for our printouts regards this as a beneficial condition code, that is not always the case. We can ascertain that the influence both planets have on each other is similar to that of a conjunction. If this is beneficial or not depends of the character of both planets and especially the houses they rule.

Kshetra SambandhaThis planetary relation brings forth when two planets mutually occupy each other’s sign. Almost all sources have ranked this sambandha most effective and most powerful (60 virupa or 100%). Kshetra sambandha (also called parivartana) is somewhat a rare planetary relationship and does neither depend upon longitudinal distance nor closeness. Planets involve in kshetra sambandha exchange their full effects which surely accrue in their mutual dasha/antar. In western astrology, this cosmic connection is known as ‘reception’.Examples: Moon is into Pisces and Jupiter into Cancer; Sun is into Virgo and Mercury is into Leo; Mars into Libra and Venus into Aries etc.

 There are three kinds of parivartana yogas.

Dainya yoga: This yoga occurs when one of the planets participating in the yoga is lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house. These are dushtana houses that generally have an unfavourable influence.

In most cases, the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house will be strengthened by the benefic influence of the other planet.

However, the other planet involved in this yoga is always damaged.

Example: When Sagittarius is on the ascendant, the Moon is lord of the eighth house and the Sun is lord of the ninth house. Should the Moon be in Leo and the Sun in Cancer, then we have a dainya parivartana yoga. In this case, the Sun will be damaged because it has to battle with the difficult energy of the eighth house. The Moon however, will get a boost from the influence of the favourable ninth house energy.

A possible interpretation for the lord of the eighth house when it is favourably influenced: Perhaps the person involved here will receive an inheritance (eighth

house) from his father (ninth house), or he may be a teacher (ninth house) of psychology (eighth house).

A possible interpretation for the lord of the ninth house when it is unfavourably influenced: Probably this person’s father (ninth house) has had a problematical life because the lord of the ninth house has been affected by the influence of the lord of the eighth house, which has to do with all kinds of problems. In addition, it is possible that his good fortune (lord of the ninth house) will be tainted (influence of the lord of the eighth house).

Kahala yoga: This occurs when one of the planets of this yoga is lord of the third house. The other planet may not be lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house (because we then have a dainya yoga). The third house is the house of energy and strength. A kahala yoga would mean that the person involved would invest a lot of energy and vigour in improving his circumstances.

Example: If Taurus is on the ascendant, the Moon is lord of the third house and Saturn lord of the ninth and tenth houses. Supposing the Moon is in Capricorn and Saturn in Cancer. Then we have a kahala yoga. This person will put a lot of energy (third house) into his career (tenth house) and into broadening his horizons (ninth house).

Maha yoga: When a parivartana yoga occurs between the lords of the first, second, fourth, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth or eleventh houses, we have a maha yoga. The lords of the third, sixth, eighth or twelfth houses may not be involved, because then we would have either a dainya yoga or a kahala yoga. This yoga enriches the planets involved.

Shloka 11-12.Lordships of Kendra

and Kona.

[BPL: pari-varta-amsha]

If there be an exchange between a Lord

of a Kendra and a Lord of a Kona,

or, if a Lord of a Kendra is yuti with a Lord

of a Kona in a Kendra, or in a Kona,

or, if a Lord of a Kona is in a Kendra, or

vice versa,

or, if there happens to be a full Drishti

between a Lord of a Kendra and a Lord

of a Kona, [BPL: Mutual Reception]

they cause a Yoga .

One born in such a Yoga will become a

king and be famous.

Parivartamsha yoga increases the power of

the two bhava involved.It will also increase

the power of the two

graha involved.Increasing the power of

these two bhava and these two graha may

be helpful for the success of the nativity. If

the bhava or the graha are inauspicious,

the parivartamsha yoga may increase the

negativity of results.If the graha involved

are natural or temporal benefics; expect

increase of ease and comfort in matters for

which these graha are “karaka” or action-

agents. For temporal benefics, effects of

the exchanged two bhava are also smooth

and relaxed.

If the exchanged graha are are natural or

temporal malefics; results may be

emphatically more difficult than the graha

might separately produce.

When Malefic graha =

Benefic bhava-pati

If one or both of the graha are natural

malefics that rule benefic

houses(e.g., Yogakaraka Shani for

Vrishabha or Thula lagna ) then results will

be much increased in the style of that


E.g., Shani is Yogakaraka for Thula lagna ,

but this fact does not make Shani an “easy

results” graha! Thula natives have such a

favorable prognosis for both cultural

education (4) and individual intelligence (5)

because Shani provides the lifetime

discipline to shape, polish, and perfect

the process.

When Shani enters into a parivartamsha

with another graha, Shani will add the

empowerments of the exchange rashi to

His birth-rashi empowerments. This means

that He will become a “double-Shani” –

doubly slow, doubly delay-causing, doubly

persistent, and doubly-hard-working.

Results of His efforts may be excellent, but

the results are likely to take even longer,

and require even more discipline, than if

Shani did not enjoy the parivartan!

Results depend entirely on the

characteristics of the Graha which are

exchanging their rashi.

Three varieties of

parivartamsha yoga:

good, bad, and


Parivartamsha Yoga

If one of the Graha in the parivartamsha

yoga rules a dushthamsha (bhava 6, 8, or


then the other graha will be damaged.

According to K.S. Charak (p 637) :

“This combination leads to a wicked nature,

persistent trouble from opponents, and ill


However, the dushthamsha lord will be

strengthened by its interaction with the

other non-dushthamsha partner.

Kahala Parivartamsha


If one of the exchange partners= lord of

bhava-3, kahala yoga applies.

Note: The non-L-3 partner cannot be also a

dusthamsha lord. (If the non-L-3 partner

would be a dusthamsha lord, the yoga

would be Dainya, above.)

The non-L-3 partner = lord of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7,

9, 10, or 11.

The L-3 partner infuses the parivartamsha

with courage, competitiveness,

communications enthusiasm, and all of the

powers of L-3.

This yoga is considered beneficial with

some limits.

The limits on benefits is that L-3 gives

mentalization, which can be superficial and

repetitive as well as distracting from


Kahala yoga will energize the talking,

scheming, competing mind to go out and

get stuff done.

Maha Parivartamsha


When the lords of 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, or 11

get exchange of signs, Maha Yoga

results.K.S. Charak (p 630) says,

“This combination promises wealth, status,

and physical enjoyments, plus beneficial

influences from the houses involved.”

An important


ha vs. Mutual-Aspect.

The Yoga of Pari-varta-amsha (“re-versal

of amounts”) strengthens both planets even

if they are both malefics – possibly

increasing their evil capacity, but always

dignifying both.Mutual Aspectby contrast

does not normally dignify the two planets.

Any two planets in opposition, 180 degrees

apart, will provide mutual aspect to each

other. If those two planets are friendly, the

mutual aspect is a good thing, but then they

will need to both rule favorable houses and

occupy good signs in order to really help

each other.

The mutual aspect of Saturn and Mars

which can occur when those two Graha

occupy at 180 deg or 90/270 deg (4/10)

angle to each other, is nearly always a

disaster, causing intensely repressed anger

which consumes most of the person’s life

force, eventually blocking the very

accomplishments this person works so hard


A Parivartamsha yoga of Shani and Kuja,

no matter how much it might repress the

animal vitality,

will give full discipline from Shani

and full productivity from Mangala.

the native will definitely accomplish

something in life despite a personal

propensity to take the longer, harder

road toward nearly every goal.

B. V. Raman: A Catechism

of Astrology, 4th Ed., p. 28.

“Qu. 34:When Saturn falls in Mars’ Sapta

Vargas, and Mars in Saturn’s Sapta

Vargas, do they become strong?”


You cannot lay down any hard and fast

rules in judging the strength or otherwise of

planets when there is an exchange of

vargas between two natural malefics.

If it is a case of Parivarthana

Yoga(interchange of places), this

considerably strengthens it.

In cases other than a parivarthana, due

weight must be given to their lordship and

similar factors.

When Mars is a Yogakaraka and Saturn

happens to be in Mars’ vargas, then Saturn

is automatically rendered strong.

As to whether such strength expresses

itself in good or bad respects depends on

the horoscopic disposition of Saturn,

though by virtue of Saturn’s inherent

malefic nature, a measure of evil is bound

to predominate.”

Q: During my current mahadasha,

Budha occupies 12th from the

mahadasha-pati Mangala,and it

looks as if a pattern of retreat

(12th) from the main business of

the mahadasha (Kuja yogakaraka

4-9 and I am in the education

industry) will cause a loss of

energy for professional

A:In my experience, the bhukti of a graha

which is engaged in parivartamsha yoga

with another graha gives two different but

simultaneous sets of results.The first set of

results = what we would expect normally:

 the outcome predicted by the distance of

the graha from the mahadasha pati (in this

case, Budha 12th from Guru)

the social-material effects of 2 bhava from

development.Even though Budha

normally produces an upswing in

my mental activities, it looks as if

that mentalistic period of Budha

will produce mainly interior thought

and not too much result on the

professionally visible level.But

Budha enjoys (as you say) a

parivartamsha with Guru, and

Guru occupies the 10th from

Mangala. That means “virtual”

Budha should display some effects

in that place, the 10th from

Mangala.That means (I think) the

obscurity and interiority of the

Mangala-Budha 2-12 angle that

normally would reduce the visibility

of Budha won’t be serious or

maybe won’t even happen due to

the parivartamsha with Budha.

Am I thinking correctly here? Can

the “virtual” position acquired

through parivartamsha cause

Budha who is normally in a poor

placement 12th from the

radical lagna as well as the psycho-

emotional effects of 2 bhava from Chandra


Then, to complicate matters, there is

usually a second set of results measured

from the ‘virtual’ position acquired via the


The second set of results may strongly

evoke the 2 bhava ruled by the

parivartamsha partner.

For example,

USA President GW Bush-43 (“junior”)

enjoys a parivartamsha of Budha-Karkata

in lagna + Chandra-Kanya in bhava-3.

When Bush entered the Budha-

Budha swabhukti about 2/3 of the way

through his 8-year term, he should have

suffered obscurity caused by dissolution-of-

identity L-12 Budha and overload of petty

administrative tasks like meetings and

schedules due to Budha’s L-3 function.

But that didn’t happen. He attended fewer

mahadashapati to obtain a 10th


meetings than ever, and accomplished just

as much == by delegating most of his

decisions to his VP Cheney. His approval

ratings did drop but he didn’t disappear

from view at all.

The lagnesha Chandra in parivartamsha

with Budha kept Bush’s presence very

strong. He continued to look fit and

capable, bumbling no worse and no better

than before. Observers had the sense that

it was the same old George (lagnesha) not

impaired in any way, and he wasn’t looking

as exhausted even as presidents typically

look during their final years in office.

Even with transiting Ketu moving over his

Karkata lagna during the final 8 months of

his term, the virtual Chandra-Karkata kept

him looking vital (lagnesha) not burned out

with mental tasks like we might expect from

an inauspicious Budha period for the

predominantly emotional Karkata lagna.

Clearly a parivartamsha yoga can mitigate

some of the worst effects of a difficult bhukti

. However a parivartamsha is probably not

a strong enough mitigant to reverse an

entire unfortunate mahadasha.

As soon as the subsequent Ketu period

started, the protective effect of Chandra-

Budha parivartamsha dissolved, and he left

office in a state of surrender, with the worst

approval ratings of any president in US

history. He didn’t re-emerge into public life

for years after that.


Examples See these example charts for the

remarkable “rescue” effect of good planets

in Pari-varta-amsha

Breast cancer, heart illness, and recovery

Alcoholism, abusive behavior, and recovery

L-6 exchange L-11~~

BPHS,Ch.17, sl. 26

Loss of wealth will come to pass during the

31st year,

if Labha and 6th Lords exchange their


L-2 exchange L-9, when L-1 Khadga Yoga.

occupies kendra or

kona~~ BPHS,Ch. 36, Sl. 25-26

“Should there be an exchange of Rashis

between the Lords of Dhana and Dharma


as Lagna’s Lord is in a Kendra, or in a


Khadga Yoga is obtained.

One with Khadga Yoga will be endowed

with wealth, fortunes and happiness,

be learned in Shastras,

be intelligent, mighty, grateful and skilful. “

L-1 exchange L-10~~ BPHS,Ch.

39, Sl. 6-7

Maha Raja Yoga .

Should Lagna’s Lord and Putra’s Lord

exchange their Rashis,

or, if Atma Karaka and Putra Karaka (Char)

are in Lagna, or in Putra Bhava,

or in the exaltation Rashi, or in own Rashi,

or in own Navamsha

receiving a Drishti from a benefic, Maha

Raja Yoga is produced.

the native so born will be famous and


L-1 exchange L-10~~ BPHS, Ch.

40, Sl. 13

An exchange of Rashis between Karma’s

Lord and Lagna’s Lord

will make the native associated with the

king in a great manner.

L-1 exchange L-5~~ BPHS,Ch. 5,

Sl. 41

If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th

exchange houseswith each other

then they form a Raja Yoga .

They will confer high position, reputation

and power.

L-9 exchange L-10~~ BPHS, Ch.

5, Sl. 42

Likewise if the lord of the 9th and the 10th

exchange houses,they give rise to a Raja

Yoga and such an individual is blessed with

reputation, fame and power .

~~ BPHS,Ch. 25, Sl. 33Navamsha

Kuja with Navamsha Shukra

Should there be exchange of Navamsha

between Mars and Venus,

the female will be secretly addicted to other


If she has Moon in 7th House

simultaneously, her husband also will be


Shani-Kuja exchange, in radix

or navamsha, in kendras from

lagna “in fateful degrees”~~

BPHS , Ch. 246, Shloka 1

Should Mars and Saturn exchange their

Rashis or Navamshas,

be in fateful degrees (of those Rashis

occupied by them),

and are placed in Kendras (from Lagna),

the native ‘s death will be through

sovereign wrath or by being impaled by a


or some such killing weapons.

Exchange between Benefic Lords

of trines from lagnaMutual

ExchangeBPHS Ch. 15, Sl. 9

When the Ascendant and Trinal houses

are occupied by benefics in strength and

their lords mutually exchange places,or

are in Angular houses or be associated with

or aspected by Jupiter,

they bestow the native with sons and


Surya-Chandra exchange

navamsha– Saravali, 75

Should there be an exchange between the

Sun and the Moon in the Navamsha,

the native will suffer from phlegmatic


Should the Sun and the Moon be in one

Rashi having identical longitudes,

the native will be emaciated at all times.

Shukra-Kuja exchange– Saravali,


If Venus and Mars exchange their

divisions, the female will go after other


If the Moon be simultaneously in the 7th

house, she will join others with consent of

her husband.

Practical advice for

reading a nativity with

parivartamsha yoga

If one of the exchange graha = Lord of

Lagna, the lagnesha function is much

emphasized (for good or ill.) [Indira

Gandhi ]It may be helpful to construct two

different nativities in order to visualize the

full effects of a parivartamsha nativity.

Case of Indira

Gandhi: Triple

Parivartamsha gives

extraordinary good and

bad resultsTriple-

parivartamsha!Indira Gandhi = 

remarkable **Triple Parivartamsha

Yoga involving Lagnesha

Chandra** .


The basic kundalireveals a strong

and disciplined personality.

Yet in its original condition, before

examination of the parivartamsha

But there is much more to her story!

Indira Gandhi was am extremely unusual

woman. One of the fascinating features of

her life was her surprising popularity with


the nativity appears rather fixated

on work, attractive but not gifted,

and perhaps — with dark and

tantric L-8 Shani in lagna – even

hostile to social life. Guru

the people.

She had a strange charisma which was

absolutely unprecedented in her cultural

era, when women had extremely limited

permission to be involved in activities

outside the home – let alone leading a huge

nation through several cycles of political

and economic crisis!

Note that the TRIPLE parivartamsha effects

place the lords of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

and 11 all in swakshetra.

The multiplicity of Parashari drishti caused

by the triple parivartamsha is mind-


rising Moon in any nativity gives doubled

emotional sensitivity/reactivity

Shani, Kuja, and Guru will each cast drishti

to six houses (not their normal three each).

Rahu amplifies BOTH benefics, Guru AND


Separation from spouse due to professional

duties+ L-8 Shani in bhava-7

Politics always has an undertow of extreme

physical danger (Kuja), and in the end

politics is fatally violent.

Psychological Control fixation in politics,

Mangala-Vrischika-5 (add to the existing

reptilian manipulate-and-control fixation

from Azlesa lagna)

Death by performance of duty+ L-8 Shani in


death by bullet, Mangala drishti to bhava-8

killed by countrymen+ L-8 Shani drishti to


abundance of enemies – Guru+ Rahu, 6th

from lagna AND 6th-from-Chandra

regal political family, Ravi-2

Only Budha is not helped by the

parivartamsha – yet even Budha, an

adolescent, absorptive graha, get

strengthened oratorical speech by proximity

to a highly pro-active and even war-like

swakshetra Kuja.

Note the signification for violent death of

children which comes with Vrischika

Mangala in putra bhava.

triple parivartamshanativities are

rather complex and require much

reflection to sort out the two sets

of effects. It may be helpful to

construct a second nativity which

visually shows the exchanged

graha in their “virtual”

places.Creating a parivartamsha

visual map will reveal asecond

narrativewhich underlies the

primary ego social narrative and

may provide clues to otherwise

mysterious events or behaviors of

the native .


Triple-parivartamsha! Case of



Violence: Exchange of

Two Malefics gives

Significantly Negative


multi-millionaire male, whose life is

(by self-report) wracked by

suffering due to animosity of the

spouse, anger in marriage, and a

financially catastrophic divorce

followed by self-inflicted financial

losses. He claims no responsibility

in the violence of his marriage,

and yet his spouse calls him angry

and abusive. Who is right?It is

easy to see the commercial

acumen of uchcha Mangala in

bhava-3, the house of meetings,

calendars, reports, and business

administration. It is easy to see the

complex, passion-driven work-

identity (and potential for mental

illness) of Shani + Rahu in lagna.

However, the it may not be easy to see

the Rahu-amplified Kuja Dosha,

disruption of home life, or severe

depression without creating a new map

representing the exchanged positions.In the

special parivartamsha chart, the virulent

Rahu-magnified L-6 Mangala is revealed to

give extreme Kuja Dosha upon yuvati

bhava. Clearly the native is responsible for

his share of the reported marital

violence.Shukra + Kuja gives the marital

dilemma of never connecting satisfactorily

with the spouse, and being unable to

validate the spouse’s material beauty or

attractiveness due to the distancing

behaviors of Ketu mixing with Shukra,

karaka for wife.

This dilemma is not part of the exchange

but the dilemma is much negatively impact

by the malefic exchange,since the effect of

parivartamsha is to cast an evil Rahu-

enflamed vindictive Vrischika Kuja drishti

upon the marriage house. Results of this

aggression will clearly harm the wife.

Parivartamsha Kuja drishti also harms

bhava-4, the home life, although not

enflamed by Rahu, it is nevertheless a sign

of fighting in the childhood home, which the

native is likely to carry forward into

adulthood. Finally Kuja’s 8th drishti to

bhava-8 suggests a violent death, quite

likely through aggression.

Shani cast drishti into bhava-3 the bhava of

mental health, from the original Kundali, but

a Shani drishti is not enough to overwhelm

the positive dynamism of a captain-of-

industry graha such as the birth-placed

uchcha Kuja. However in the parivartamsha

view, it is clear that Shani occupies the

mental-health house with skeptical and

depressive strength, a case of excess

realism or worst-case thinking general with


As this couple explained their narrative,

delay in having children emerged as a

major stress point. The male claimed that

this delay was imposed entirely by the

female. Is that true?

Parivartamsha exposes Shani drishti to

putra bhava, an indicator of delay for

“practical reasons” (Shani) and often a

depressed negativity (Shani) about

children, emitting from virtual Shani in


The third and tenth drishti of parivartamsha

Shani is strong. Shani’s virtual seventh

drishti to bhava-9 would indicate trouble

with the native ‘s father. While the native

praised his father as a successful academic

and virtuous parent, his contentious wife

claimed that the native ‘s father was angry,

depressed, and short-lived. Again it is not

either-or, but both layers are true. The

original chart shows uchcha Guru in bhava-

9, surely the mark of a gifted professor. Yet

the professor’s personal life may well have

been depressed and public record shows

he was short-lived.

Finally a block-and-delay Shani drishti to

bhava-12: the native cannot remember his

dreams. In the original Kundali, swakshetra

L-12 Shukra should give luscious and

sensual dreams albeit Ketu can devalue the

guidance from spirit guides. (An ironic

consequence of spiritual Ketu who

devalues everything, associated with L-12

so Ketu promptly devalues one’s dreams!).

But the block against dream learning is very

deep, the native has not remembered

dreams for 60 years, and this is surely


Shani/3 is nearly always a karaka for

mental depression. the native enjoyed a

very successful business life and built an

enormous fortune, but he was never happy

with his life. The L-6 which is already super-

strong by uchcha status, as Kuja owns and

aspects Ripu bhava, gains even additional

malefic strength in the exchanged position:

in lagna, swakshetra, with Rahu.

There is tremendous animosity in his life,

borderline criminal activity (highly activated

L-6), and the spectacular wealth from a

Laxmi yoga (swakshetra Shukra in 11th-

from uchcha Guru-9) . Sadly the wealth

was destroyed in mid-life by consequences

of extreme angry aggression toward the

wife. Mangala super-strengthened in

bhava-1, a house of dissolution of stored

wealth, 12th-from-dhana bhava.

For wealth purposes, it may be said that

the Amplified parivartamsha Kuja increases

wealth in its role as L-1 casting identity-

forming drishti with the major wealth karaka

(swakshetra Kuja) and the uchcha wealth-

expander Guru in bhava-9. the native

projects the lion’s share of his social

identity into having millionaire status and

lavishly entertaining his friends, especially


Although the male native claims he is a

victim of spousal aggression is appears that

indeed the opposite is true. Thenatal

Shani+ Rahu is a karaka for mental

disturbance and a feeling of deep betrayal.

However despite the ego conviction he

holds that he is such a sober and hard-

working man that he could not be the

perpetrator of violence in marriage,

parivartamsha shows that he is very much

the agent of his own demise.


 For attending to the predictive side of Hindu Traditional Sacred Science of

Astrology, it is quite essential as a first step to properly determine the correct

strength of a birth chart. For such a determination, besides so many other useful

factors and principles, it is also quite necessary to see whether any meaningful

yogas have been formed in the birth chart by way of Parivartanas,. i.e. when two

planets having lordship over two houses have mutually interchanged places, i.e.

have occupied each-other’s houses.

Such interchanging of houses or Parivartanas are termed as yogas or useful

combinations and are quite handy in determining the primary strength of a birth

chart, in addition to other factors, such Parivartanasbeginning with Ascendant lord

and ending with lord of the twelfth house, so caused as stated above, totaling sixty

six in all, by permutation and combination, can be good, very good; bad or very bad

depending upon the lordship over particular houses the planets hold and the houses

where they (lords) are deposited.

Mutual reception means just that, a reciprocal exchange between two planetary

archetypes. The outcome of that exchange, which is not always the same, is

determined by three things. First, one must consider how empowered each

archetype is in the dominion of the other. Next, the angular relationship of the two

respective signs must be taken into account. Finally, it is important to look at what

both of the mutually receptive planets are doing on their own and whether there is

any resonance between their independent activities.

A. Phaladeepika: According to sixteenth century Granthkar Mantreswara, classical

author of Phaladeepika, the celebrated author has classified such Parivartanas in

these groups of houses and their exchange of lords as grouped below:

(a) Maha Yogas: The author has flatly considered first, second fourth, fifth, seventh,

ninth, tenth and eleventh as good houses without due consideration for Kendras and

Konas. Any exchange of lords between these houses, the author considers as Maha

Yogas, which total up twenty eight in number. The result ascribed to such yogas as

per Phaladeepika are: The person born with Mahayoga present in his birth chart will

be the storehouse of blessings of the goddess and will be wealthy lord. He will wear

clothes of variegated color and bedeck himself with gold ornaments. He will receive

rich presents from his sovereign certain powers will be conferred upon him. He will

command vehicles, wealth and children.

(b) Khala Yogas: Second set of yogas which are formed due to parivartanas of lords

of houses, which the author has considered are only eight in number. When lord of

third house occupies one of the remaining good houses i.e. first, second, fourth, fifth,

seventh, ninth, tenth or eleventh and by turn the lord of any such good house

occupies third house, the condemned Khala Yoga crops up. The author has

suggested that any native in whose birth chart Khala Yoga is present will be

occasionally haughty and at certain times gentle in his speech. Such a native will

occasionally regain all kinds of prosperity while at other times, he will have to endure

much distress, poverty, misery and like that.

(c) Dainya Yogas: The third set of Parivartana Yogas which the Phaladeepika author

has presented are thirty in number and are formed due to exchange of houses

between any dusthana lord (i.e. lord of six, eight or twelfth) and lords of other houses

as shown below:

(i) 12th lord occupying any one of the other eleven houses and any lord this latter

houses occupying 12th = 11 Nos.

(ii) The lord of 6th occupying any one of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11

houses and any lord of these latter houses occupying 6th=10 Nos.

(iii) The lord of 8th occupying any one of the remaining 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11

houses and any lord of these latter houses occupying 8th=9 Nos. The results for

above mentioned thirty Dainya Yogas have been stated as:

The native in whose birth chart Dainya Yoga is present, will be a fool and will be

abusing and insulting others and commit sinful acts. Such a person will always be

subjected to confrontation by his enemies. He will speak woundingly and will be

unsteady in his mind. His all undertakings will be hindered.

B. Uttarakalamrita: The celebrated classical writer Kalidasa of Uttarakalamrita fame

completely differs from Mantreswara and gives some of his own valuable

suggestions on exchange of houses which are really worth considering and bringing

in practice. His suggestions are as below:

(a) When 9th and 10th lords interchange their place (provided they are not the

owners of 8th and 11th houses as well) they create a Raj Yoga and bring wealth and

happiness to the concerned native.

(b) Following three pairs of lords which are very important are to be carefully noted

and properly examined in a birth chart. They are:

(i) Lords of 9th and 10th houses from Ascendant.

(ii) Lords of 9th and 10th houses counted from 9th house of birth chart (This means

the author favours exchange of 5th and 6th lords also).

(iii) Lords of 9th and 10th houses reckoned from 10th house of birth chart (which

means the author allows parivartana of 6th and 7th house to be good).

Note: According to above the author has condemned 11th lordship [vide—(a)] for

joint ownership and condemned the lordship of 6th (vide b-ii and iii).

(iv) Following four sets have been considered viz. Lords of Rasi and Amsa occupied

by a planet and Ascendant lord (b) Lords of 10th and 9th (c) Lords of 5, 3, 4 and 7

(d) Lords of 2 and 11: When they occupy each other’s house they bestow on the

native the following blessings viz. (a) prosperity, (b) elephants, horses or like that, (c)

happiness and children, (d) wealth.

(v) If any one of the following three interchanges of houses take place in a birth

chart, thus constituted parivartana yoga do come in existence,viz. (a) 8th lord

occupying 12th or 6th (b) 6th lord occupying 8th or 12th, (c) 12th lord placed in 8th or

6th. Here vide (a) to (c) as above the concerned planets should at the same time be

free from such relation with other planets.

Above mentioned yogas of parivartana when found to be present in any birth chart,

bestow on the concerned native a great kingship, fame, name and wealth.

C. Jataka Yogavali: Venkatesa Sharma who in his later life became known as

celebrated Venkatesa Daivagnya and wrote a very valuable and authentic

grantha Sarvartha Chintamani, some 375 years ago, has written a classical

work Jataka Yogavali and has given us some Privartana Yogas due to the exchange

of certain houses. The Parivartana Yogas though they are very few, but clearly hint

how cautious we should be to look other favourable conditions also for materializing

the yoga phala.

(a) Chapa (bow) Yoga: Exchange of signs between lords of 2nd and 10th house

whilst the Ascendant lord is exalted, will result—Professionally the status of the

native is comparable to a king. He is treasurer or a commander.

(b) Siva Yoga: Lord of 5th placed in 9th, 9th lord placed in 10th, whereas 10th lord

placed in 5th house. Effects of this yoga are: the native engages himself in high

undertakings, gets lordship over vast areas, wins battles, professionally positions

himself as a commander, controls over his senses and has vast knowledge.

(c) Kaar Mukha Yoga: Exchange of signs between lords of Ascendant and 10th,

whilst amsa lords of 10th and Ascendant falling in one and the same sign and there

is Jupiter’s aspect on either 1st or 10th lords.

Effects: The native would be leader amongst learned people, highly courageous,

very intelligent, charitable, enjoying life in high walks and very important personality

in the community. The yoga phala materializes after 9 years of age.

(d) Indra Yoga: Whilst there is exchange of signs between lords of 5th and 11th

houses, the Moon should stand in 5th house. Effects: The native will have reputation

for a very long period. He will be highly courageous having status like a king. He will

enjoy life in high walks and will be liked by king.

(e) Amaraka Yoga: Exchange of houses between lords of 7th and 9th provided both

the lords are quite strong. Effects: The native will possess long hands, lotus like

eyes. He will be well-versed in law, having a magisterial post, praised by public,

interested in pilgrimages, has happiness from wife and will be enjoying greater

happiness after age of 50 years.

(f) Srimanthi (wealth) Yoga: If there is exchange of houses between lords of 9th and

10th provided Ascendant lord is with one of the above lords duly aspected by Jupiter.

Effects: The native will be having highly charitable nature and all kinds of prosperity.

He will be highly respected and be learned. He will have full span of life.

D. Some other Granthakaras: Here are some Parivartana Yogas suggested by some

other writers, culled out from various classical text books:

(a) Exchange between 1st and 2nd lords suggests that the native will be getting

wealth and his earnings by personal efforts and will be supporting many people.

(b) Exchange between 1st and 3rd lords (involving a common sign) indicates that

native’s some brother is one of twin.

(c) Exchange of 1st and 4th houses will result in native enjoying his own

conveyance, children and prosperity. This is Bhagya Vahana Yoga.

(d) Exchange between 1st and 5th lords will cause sure birth of children and


(e) Exchange between 1st and 7th lords indicates intense love between the native

and his wife/husband and very early marriage.

(f) Exchange of 1st lord with 10th lord is highly praised. The native becomes reputed,

victorious and a king or his equal.

(g) Exchange of houses between 1st and 11th lord will cause much wealth to the

native by about 33rd year of his life, while if the saidParivartana is prevalent and

Venus is placed in house 5/9, the naïve will be highly reputed and respected by


(h) Exchange between houses 1st and 12th with conjunction or aspect of 8th lord will

cause much poverty. Whereas in the same Parivartana if Venus is found in 12th

house, there will be heavy expenses on charitable works. In the said yoga, if malefic

is placed in Ascendant, the native will pass sickly life. In the same yoga if there is

aspect by or conjunction of 7th lord, it is Daridra Yoga (severe type of poverty).

(i) Exchange between Ascendant lord and his enemy, provided Ascendant lord is in

conjunction with or under aspect of maraka lord, the yoga will cause poverty to the

native. Simple exchange also gives poverty as suggested by Maharishi Parasar.

(j) Exchange between 2nd and 11th lords will cause good wealth and cattle. Signs

thus exchanged should be friendly or in exaltation to above lords. Other opinion

without any condition is that financial prosperity after early marriage will result.

(k) Exchange between 2nd and 12th lords is bad and will cause loss of wealth and

heavy expenses (in bad or good directions depending upon the nature of planets

involved) provided 11th lord is in any dusthana. In an ordinary birth chart this

exchange suggests that the native will suffer from poverty.

(l) Exchange of 2nd and 9th lords will cause the to enjoy reputation, high class

prosperity and kingly paraphernalia after 32nd year of life.

(m) Exchange between 2nd and 6th lords will cause financial losses on large scale.

(n) Exchange between 2nd and 5th houses indicates earning of much wealth by the

native (this is a dhana yoga). Note: Some classical writers of the opinion that in the

above parivartana, if Sun and Mars get involved, the native is bestowed with

influential sons and keen perception of public good. In this exchange if Sun is related

to 2nd lord the native becomes capable of public good. He gets wealth and


(o) Exchange between 3rd and 11th lords may cause financial gains through

brothers. His brothers will also prosper.

(p) Exchange between 3rd and 9th houses (provided Mars is in the 3rd house)

indicates gain of wealth from distant relatives.

(q) Exchange of houses between 4th and 5th, 4th and 9th, 4th and 10th, 4th and

11th houses respectively (all Bhagya Vahana Yogas) will result in happiness, birth of

children, conveyance and prosperity.

(r) Exchange of 4th and 10th lords will result in having many houses and landed

property depending on the strength of Mars.

(s) Exchange of 5th and 8th lords if takes without benefic aspect, causes loss of


(t) Exchange of 5th lord and Jupiter is good for issues. A son will be born during

major period of 5th lord and sub-period of Jupiter.

(u) Exchange between 6th and 12th lord indicates that the native will be incurring

heavy debts, besides loss of honour and losses in gambling. The native will also

suffer from rheumatic disorders, while in 3rd year of life there will be stomach

disorders. Stupidity on the part of native is hinted.


Specific Results

If two planets say A and B are in parivartana. Then in the dasa of planet A,

result of the B’s occupation (as lord of the house tenanted by A) shall obtain.

Vise versa holds true for dasa of planet B.


Parivartana is the strongest relation between any two house lords. In panch-

sambhandh classification, the interchange of house lords is known as kshetra

sambandh and allotted full power of 60 virupas. If the concerned lords own good

houses, expected result will be auspicious, whereas in case of interchange between

good and bad (6, 8, 12) houses, evil result will manifest. Like rashi chakra (D1 chart),

parivartana may also form in any of vargas (divisional charts) but the exchange in

varga shall be limited to the significations of that divisional chart. There are some

schools of thought who hold that parivartana occurs when planets mutually

exchange lunar constellations (nakhatras) but noted classical works do not support

this thesis.

A Point to Note

Except Sun and Moon, rest of five planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and

Saturn) own two signs. When parivartana occurs between any two (good or bad)

signs, the involved planets do not yield result of their second sign. Take an example

of Leo ascendant where Mars is in Sagittarius (5 house) and Jupiter is in Aries (9th

house) then neither Mars will give the result of Scorpio (4th house) lordship, nor

Jupiter will yield result of Pisces (8th house) ownership. This exchange should only

analyse as interchange between 5th and 9th lords. Similarly if there is a parivartana

between Sun and Saturn for Gemini lagna then it will only going to yield kahala

parivartana yoga between lords of 3rd and 9th houses.


Keeping other factors constant, suppose for a Cancer langa, there is a parivartana

between 8th lord Saturn and 9th lord Jupiter. That is, Jupiter is in Aquarius and

Saturn is in Pisces. According to Parivartana yoga classification, this is an evil

planetary signature (dainya yoga). Now the question is what type of result may

manifest in the dasas of Saturn and Jupiter.

The answer is both the dasas of Saturn and Jupiter shall yield inauspicious results.

The dasa of Saturn shall give result of its dispositor Jupiter. In other words, during

dasa of Saturn, one shall experience effect of 9th lord (Jupiter) in 8th house

(Aquarius) which is indeed bad. Similarly, the dasa of Jupiter shall yield result of

Saturn. That is, in the dasa of Jupiter, native shall accrue effects akin to 8th lord

(Saturn) in 9th house (Pisces). However, the mutual maha and antar dasas (Sat-Jup

and Jup-Sat) will surely give pronounced evil effects of this parivartana yoga

between 8th and 9th houses. Also note that Jupiter is unable to produce any good

result of Vipreet (6th lord in 8th) because of the bondage of 8th and 9th house



Here for Aquarius lagna, Venus and Jupiter are exchanging 4th and 2nd lordship.

This parivartana leads to maha yoga and surely benefit the native with dhan and

sukh when dasa/antardasa of Venus and Jupiter operates.

In the dasa of 4th lord Venus, one shall enjoy the result of 2nd lord Jupiter in 4th

house. Similarly in the dasa of 2nd lord Jupiter, one shall enjoy the result of 4th lord

Venus in 2nd house. But in mutual antardasas of Ven-Jup and Jup-Ven, native will

definitely earn amass of wealth, receive higher learning, command luxurious vehicle

and obtain pleasure of domestic comfort and sumptuous meal.



Suppose Mars is in 5th house (Libra) and Venus is in 6th house (Scorpio) for the

following (hypothetical) Gemini ascendant.

Now in the dasa of Venus, one shall come across result identical to its dispositor i.e.

6th lord (Mars) is in 5th house (Libra). This may include differences and disputes

with lover or off spring, loss in speculation, sickness of children etc. Similarly in the

dasa of Mars, native shall face evil circumstances as if 5th lord (Venus) is in 6th

house (Scorpio). As a result native’s own children turn hostile to him, he may get

separation from them, fear of abortion, confrontation with officials etc.


Some possible examples of the kendra-trikona exchange might be:

USA Pres-3, Thomas Jefferson (L-5/10 neechcha-bhanga Kuja with L-1 neechcha

bhanga Chandra),

PM India, Indira Gandhi (exchange of L-1 with L-7/8 And exchange of L-4/11 with L-

6/9). = triple-parivartamsha! Involves lagnesha Chandra.

USSR-dictator supreme leader Josef Stalin - L-3/6 with Yogakaraka L-4/5

(apparently parivartamsha applies; however, BT is uncertain)

USA Sec State Hilary Clinton - exchange of Yogakaraka L-4+L-5 Shani with L-10


USA Pres-1, George Washington (BT uncertain)

Other parivartamsha power-leaders:

Richard Nixon = Shukra + Shani

Fidel Castro = Budha + Chandra

Napoleon Bonaparte = Chandra + Shani

Vladimir Putin = Guru + Mangala

G. H. W. Bush-41 (“Sr.”) = Budha + Shukra

G.W. Bush-43 = Budha + Chandra

Examine the parivartamsha yoga from both perspectives. Start with the material

reading since that is simpler. Then consider the psycho-emotional perception.

This double-assessment method potentially involves relationships between as many

as eight separate houses. That is a lot to keep in mind at once!

But humans have complex perceptions, and a yoga which benefits a person

materially can harm one emotionally, or vice versa. Also remember that the

parivartamsha effects are likely to manifest mainly during the Vimshottari periods of

the exchanged graha.

For predicting the effect of a parivartamsha graha during its Vimshottari

Dasha period, consider

1. lordship of each graha from radix lagna

2. lordship of each graha from Chandra lagna (

3. lordship of each graha from the mahadasha pati.


If this yoga is caused between debilitated planet – then also they gain strength and
