paratwa equipment

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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New Gear (Paratwa Novels):

Cohe Wand

A cohe is a sleek black ovoid-shaped weapon, designed to fit easily in the hand, about 12cm long by 10cm wide. A metallic needle protrudes from the business end. When activated, the cohe wand emits a beam of black light, which tends to whip about in a disturbingly random manner (there's a popular urban legend about an inexperienced user who activated a cohe wand and emasculated himself). The beam can extend to a maximum range of forty metres, although only the final 50cm is dangerous; the rest of the beam is quite harmless. The active part of the beam, however, is a terrible weapon. No armour can defend against the energy of a cohe wand, though energy shields such as a crescent web can absorb the energy as normal. A Cohe beam can slice or pierce, cauterising as it goes. There have been some users who have even perfected a kill technique called the Lariat, in which the beam encircled the victims neck and contracted like some ultra-sharp garotte. The beam is quite flexible, and can be directed around obstacles such as simple cover (hiding behind a pillar would be futile), or directed into the vulnerable side ports of a crescent-web. Experienced users can even throw a beam up a spiral staircase to impale a target trying to escape, or use the wand to perform rudimentary surgery, such as removing lodged bullets or subcutaneous implants. The beam is controlled by subtle hand pressure on the egg, making the Cohe wand a difficult weapon to control, requiring exhaustive practice.

Cohe Wand [Damage 15, Concealable, Flexible, Penetrating-Armour (x2), Short Range; A Major Item]. Restricted.


Thruster Weapons

Thruster weapons are the standard firearm of the Paratwa novels, used both by criminals and armed units. They project a focused beam of kinetic energy at the target, similar to the way in which a stutter weapon projects a blast of compressed air. A thruster, however, is a deadly weapon. The energy beam can burst organs and break bones, and the overspill energy can literally hurl targets from their feet. Thrusters are single-shot weapons, the firing unit requiring approximately a second and a half to recharge.Thrusters are almost invariably pistols, though a rifle version also exists. More powerful, the thruster rifle is a strictly controlled weapon.

Thrusters are somewhat unremarkable in appearance, looking rather like any advanced firearm. Their one distinguishing feature is a thick and very slightly flared muzzle. They're not quiet weapons, either. The energy discharge gives off quite a noise, described as "wailing" or "blaring". The racket a thruster makes as it goes off can add to the chaos of an enclosed firefight.

Thruster Pistol [Damage 10, Concealable, Incapacitating (hurls target from their feet, Body stat roll

made at a -2 bonus to avoid complete incapacitation), short range; A Major item]. Paramilitary.

Thruster Rifle [Damage 15, Concealable, Incapacitating (hurls target from their feet, Body stat roll

made at a -2 bonus to avoid complete incapacitation), short range; A Major item]. Military.


AV scrambler

The AV scrambler is a combat accessory from the pre-Apocalypse, and is highly restricted. Designed to confuse auto-targetting systems of combat robots and smart weapons, it's also a very effective anti-surveillance device. While ordinary senses perceive the wearer as normal, any surveillance equipment, even passive sensors such as video cameras, will be unable to record or perceive the wearer, recording instead a useless, amorphous blur. Even sonic sensors are affected, rendering recorded sounds and speech as an ululating wail. These effects are strictly limited to the wearer; they do not extend to any appreciable distance. Targeting sensors are rendered useless by an AV scrambler.

Provides: Stealth Level 5 (electronic surveillance equipment). Treat as Special Equipment level 5 (10 MP).



The crescent-web is a personal energy field that absorbs attacks, reradiating the energy safely. Unlike many personal field devices, the web hugs the wearer's body almost as closely as a suit of armour. The field repels gases and aerosols, and can even protect the wearer to some extent against a fall. The only weak spots are the side-ports, where the field is weaker to allow air circulation and free movement of the arms. A crescent-web's presence is only revealed by a soft hum when standing next to a wearer, or a soft red flash when the web absorbs an attack. Small impacts such as rain can also betray the presence of a web, surrounding the wearer with a nimbus of red sparks.The control unit for a crescent web is often a small box located on a belt or within a pocket. A more expensive control mechanism can be wired into the wearer's jaw, allowing the web to be activated by a simple snapping of the jaws.Provides: Force Field Level 3 [stops 15 damage points, offensive (damage 30), unique ability: life support level 1, limited (half-protection from attacks to either side), so its important to face an attacking weapon head-on. Also, the web can cushion a fall, degrading falling damage by 1 step]. Item of Power level 3.