par &.& i j;^|^ !nq · notice torcrepjtojba-»^0* repaired and 3eteeo#er/ed,— from 40...

-»^0* $1.26 Par Y m®Mm J;^|^ !NQ.m EMBABMBB1 ~S.fBAPT.8T MUSICAL ELWOODJP. JONES, Bnoceasorto W. A. HOOD & CO. ,, Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y HAMMONTON ' We Ktve below tbe fall programme of the musical to be given in Union Hall next Monday (Memorial Day) evening. Note the fact that all tbe participants except two are Hammontonians,—some „»»».*».—i-j-• - Harrison Mutual Burial Agsocia'n —— • • —tftRTHglited Dec. 13, j e6 g \ VM«V»H*WV«'^PWU1V of them newly dereloped talent. Miss Fortiner is from Haddonfield, a grada- ate Jnjel»cntIraj 1n~&adnixm, ITT J. fAS.fl Piano Dnet...Tbe JoJly Blacksmith... _VagalPolo. FLOUR We have as good a i Young People'* Societies. Thii spa«8 la devoted to the Interests of tbe Young Peoples Societies of the yarloua Churohea. Special ttcnu or lolerest, ana annoanoemeQ BLENDED WHEAT v - and as good a. _ « SPBING WHEAT &OUB [there 10 in the market. Our price on them is right. Y. P. 8. 0. E;,—Prestryterisa Church : Meets Sunday evenintr, it 6:30. Topic, "What Christian Endeavor 4s doing In mission lands." Lake 1 : ___4ftjg._J«ediby Ml^ooftry Com. . fryom Butter Both «re firat-clasa. Our prices on BALL MASON Jars Tin Cans, and ^ WaxStringa v are low. rr^rox!S^~SiipiH8t^n^^ Meets Snnday evenins, at 6:45. . : Topic, "What Christian Endeavor)* doing In mission lands." Lake! * 49-W. Led by MUsIonary Com. Jr. O. &V Sunday afternoon at 8.-00: Topic, "A /ather »cd eoa: bow tibd tested tbetu." Gen. 22:1-14; Heh. 11:17-18. J^^, Fanai^ -f.-Deao;^--:-^-'- r - r ~^~r : ~---.., -^--•t ,-•:. .; ,,: : : .. .••• .' ; ''-/-•;;: . . (• , Epwortt|League,TrlLJ!. Cburob: ' Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80. Topic, "Tbe wort; of Christian women In non-CbrletlaD lands." Acts 16: 11: 15; Phil. 4: 3 ; Botn. 16: 1,2. Leader, Mrs. P. S.Tllton. Junior League on Sunday afternoon, at 3.00 o'clock. Topic, "Church extension.," I»a. it: 2-4. Leader, Xngene BmallwooU. Y. P. 0. U.,—Uolversallst Church: Meets isdndsy evening, a 1/7^6. Topic. "The sacrlBces of the faitbfol and Rood. Oar profit therefrom as illustrated In our national life ; ID our borne life; in lives of Jesus and others." Isa. 63 : 4-6. Leader, Mrs. A. D. Davis. A cordial invitation Is extended to all to attend these meetings. Church Announcements. - •; Qluseppe Villa '. Mrs Donald M Chapman >• Violin 6oIo...Melody In F-. A Babeniteln ,MrJohnBlrd8all '•:.."; B«adInff...JamIe...._.........Bobt C V Meyers .; MlMLanra Virginia Firtlner. B.E. ' Cornet BoIo...Hearta and Flowere... ', Theo^I Tomanl . /. '.'; .... ' MrMOYoa •.. .; •. - '; Piano 8olo.-8prtbg 8png._..,MendeIa>onn ; Mrs Frank Banaom Vocal 8oIo,..Oh, Promise Me...' DAt Lake^ie^^^^^^^^^<^ *__: :_ for decorating the-graves . Beglnald De goven HFaorbertABtewart GEORGE ELVIN& The Peoples Bank ; or Hammonton, N. J. Capital, ....... $30,000 't -,*• and Frofita, . {8131,000 Three per cent interest paid on time Depoaita. Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent B. J. BYBNES, Pr98ldent. / M. Ii. JAOKSOW, Vioe-Proa't W. H. TILTON, Oashior. DIRS<WORS R. J. Byrnes Mi L. Jaokion! O. F. 0*/r.ood Ueorgo Bfvlns ^CUtn Btookwell Wm. n. Dlaok Win. J. Smith J. 0. .Anderson .1. B, Parkhnrst W. II. Tilton Kotlcea of Church meetings are of public tutereat, and no charge la made for tbelr . iioertloil. Weekly oliangei are urged. Baptiat Church. Rev. Wiltshire W. Williams, Pastor. ,10.80 a. m., "Tbe Ideal soldlei," 7.46p.m., "No man can ran away from God." U. B. Church,—Rev. G. B. Middleton Pastor. Preaching by the Pastor. Presbyterian Church. Rev. B. Marshall Tburlotr, Pastor. 10.30 a.m., ."Lessons from Harmon." 7.45 p.m., "An absent Qtjd.' 1 Univortaliat Church.— The Rev. J. Harner Wllsou,, Pastor. ' 11.00 a. m., "The areater Uve." John 16 : 13. Tbe O. A. R. will attend In tbe morning. St. Mork'a Church,—Rev. Paul V.' Hoffman, Rector. Voury meetings, first Tuesday ; Altar Guild, first Wednesday ; Ladles' Aid Hoolety, ««oond Wednesday; 8t.Paul's Burver's Guild, third Monday; Rectory Fund Boolety, last Tuesday. Violin 8oIo._AugeU' Serenade... ^ "~.'*~". •:'*::..('•"" •• •":''• .'':.•• ;/ ; "Apoiut«er Mln Katharine Anstln Vocal Qaart«tte...Tentlng To-Night™ :.••-.-•; Walter Klttredce Mlsa E BonrrllUOn Mlw Kama Layer Ml«a tiettle Lehman ,• Hias. Nellie Layer •_," ':'•-.. •:• fASF.ii-..:-:^',- •••••:••:'.' Piano 8olo,~To Ihe Spring^ ' 1 ': '.'. "Gr|eg op. 48, No. 8 Mn WW..WriHiaMa : ypeal HOlp,,..!*»y,l)ew.-W'J3ternil«le-— - •- 7 ( , ; Bennett^ op. 33, No, a 1 ''• Mlsa Emma Kannoe ___ -Violin Solo^Oranga BlOMOtns... '" -"• Adamiaelbel - '-.;• MrJohoBlrdgall Beadlng...Blddy'» Trlalu among ti^ .Hiis'.Portlner'..".'. •Vocai 8olo...I mill yon. dear. n Frederick Williams ' j ' Mrs Chapman : PlanaSolo,..Aa Matin.,..- .Benj Godard MIsaLebmao : op. 88 Vocal Qnartett«...Sol(llen.'Fiireirell . , Johanna Klnkel MIM Bourrllllon Mian Nun™ Layer MIW Lehman Mlaa Nellie Layer Vocal 8olo...For all Ewrulty... . t'- .' Angelo Mnsoheronl Mr Stewart ; Piano Trto...The Pride of the Flook... ' Fr«dTBaaier Mrs Wllllanu / Mlsa Lettle Lehman illea Oladya Lehman General admission. 25 cents. Tickets can be secured at Leib's, Henson's, Simons 1 , Ar Lenev Reserved seat tick' ots, 85 cents, are now on sale at Heosons. in our cemeteries. Plants fer beautifying our own homes Summer blooming bulbs, including choice French-Oannas and Caladium, IVoveltles in Hanging Baskets O, my Back! Ouch! -\ 25 cento. Such charp and lasting pains! > C Is there no relief ?> - : ^ -- ~~ '-&'£2&^i K^E&jHt^^ ^:;:::;;: : ;;;iSl^:ito^ Second St, and Bellevue Aye., Hammontott. A Woiidorlul Huvlitic. The laracat Metbodlat Church In Geor«la, oaloula.tud to uno uyeroua liuii- di«d aallons of ibn usual kind of mixed palut In palntloff I heir churob. They used only 83 cttlloim of tbe Lonar- man & Martin t Paint mixed with 24 gallons of Unseed oil. Actual cost ot palut made was less than $1.90 per gal oo. Bavcd over eighty (ISO) dollars in palut. and get a big donation be*ldes. EVKJIY OHVRCH will ba given a. liberal quantity whenever they paint. Many hontca-are well punted with four gallon* of L, d> M. sndTtbreegalliiDS of llns««>d oil mixed therewith, Wflura aqd ouvera Ilk* gold. Tliese. Cclubrated Palnta am old by a. JloD. Little. Proposal^for Wood, Sealed proposals will beVrooeived by the Board or Education of Hammonton Bohool District, until 12 o'clock, 'noon, Saturday, June 18tb, 1U04, for supplying said district with One Hundred Oord» of dry Oak Wood, to be delivered atOeutrnl Bohool Bouse, as follows; Twenty-fl»e cords on or before) Sept. 20th; thirty oords on or before Nov. 1st; the balance of forty-five cords before Duo, 'JO, 1904. All wood to be ranked as delivered, aub. jeot. to moaauremnnt by Property Cora- mlttee. Wood la to be out four feet In length. All wood 6 inches and above In diameter to be split. Proposals must state what proportion of split wood Ida proponed to supply. Not more than one- tblnt of wood to be four Inches nod less In diameter. Proposals must state If the wood U out from burnt or unburiit tim- ber. Duiut timber, to bu uacopMil, wnsc be solid, Wood out the liist of August or early In September'will be accepted. Tbe right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. . Addreta nil proposals, plainly marked 'Blda for Woqd,' v to Board «.f Educa- tion. W. n. tiEKLY, DUt. Olnrk, Hammonton, N. J, Giiy ]^reM ' ' ' . ' : ' •'' " ;l .''•'.'.• ' • ' . ; ' ' ': •'•'*;''; ." ••;. '••'. • ' ',...• ..':•••••;". . "•.. - 1 ' ; ; V';/^^;own/maJ^;bf / 'M ; :"^.': Sausage] f and Scirapple. VEGETABLES -. CANNED GOODS H. L. MClNTYiK THISPAPER - ' ' . , is for pale every Saturday morning at i * ' ..... '. . ,••"••• . \ Henson's News Room Back numbers can be had at th«i KEPDBI.IOAN Office. CO YEARS' BXPBRIENOB KUDU i«i« iiroiirkwS'rur^a WMiwMM, wllho»i«MJ*«ri»»*« I Scknfific Sitcrkan. Camden Safe Deposit & Trust'Co. •Vti rs-A « •"•- ' — Federal Street, Csunden itt, 1904 Capital ... ^100,000.00 Suri)lus nnd Undivided ) „.. , Fronts. ... .| 557,630.34 Deposits . 5i37<>, by Mail . done ' safely and economically.* W < Safe Dcpoilt ami upw^ru. \Viil* kept without Pa}'s Interest 3 per cent, on Dcpmil,, 14 Dap' Notice. pocceut. iubjertto rdcck wllluiut nollcr, un Average,Dalanc*aoff{C Acli •» Kicciitnr, A<lmlDiitr*t»r, Tru»,tef *r Giardia*. ALBXANrBIJ C. WOOD. Praalaaai. BCNJAMIM C. RtitnU, Vlc«.Cr<MU*nl «bd Tr*«« OfrlMr. JMCCN LU-I'INCOTT. T r «.«r«r. PVTtm V. VOORNHMI, , , nimtrroRS * - VlLUAM it. SCUM. AMXANDKKC. WOOD WILLIAM C. DAVTOX UKORCR BKYNOLDS rUTMH V. VOOKHCKl BENJAMIN C. KKKVK WILLIAM S. TRICK WILUAH J. FCTFV ORGANS L3ltL I PIANOS civc urc toNC sAnsrA EASY TERMS V l> i M

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Post on 11-May-2020




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Page 1: Par &.& I J;^|^ !NQ · NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa-»^0* REPAIRED and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— From 40 oenta'up. W. Dodd* Sohwarz's Greenhouse 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Designs imado tap at shortest



REPAIREDand 3Eteeo#er/ed,—

From 40 oenta'up.

W. Dodd*

Sohwarz's Greenhouse12th St. *nd Chew Boad.

Designs imado tap at shortest notice.Fun«i*l designs a specialty. Baskets

and 'designs for baits, parties,weddings, etc.

The Beason opened last Saturday withtwo games. The home team need morepractice, of coarse, but played a prettyfair game. The features were Abbotton first, and the battery work.

The score:


Chas, Cunningham, M,D.Physician and Surgeon.

W. Second 8t_ Hammonton.OfBee Hooxt, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M.

1 .-flO to 8;00 and 7 :00 to 8.-00 r M.

. H.Bernshouse

Hammontpo.,AnKdoir. o '...Noylor, cf .,-..

Insnrance Agent

Commiesioner of Deeds,

Abbott, 4bMy rose, SB ...Goggey, 3b».Button, rfRogers, UBlack, p

Wnterford...HegKan, 2bBates, p

' Bagger, at)—MoDouRall.o .....Wray. of.

Hfttdqqartera den. O. A. Russell Post,N0.68.0.A. B.,

HainmoniOD.N. J., May 12th, 1904.

General Order No. 1: / iMembers of the Post will assemble at

headquarters on Memorial Sunday, May29th, at 10 o'clock a. to., for the pur-pose Of aitandttUi Jlvtiiu mrvica at ttmUolvarsnlist Chorcb. All comrades ofother Posts are cordially Invited.

General Order No. £ :Members of the, Post, and visiting

comrades, will meet at headquarters onMonday, May 80th, at one o'clock p.m.,and proceed to Oftkdale Cemetery, todecorate the graves of our departedcomrades. Will meet again at 4 o'clockin Greenmonnt Cemetery., Comrade George Huntsman will havecharge of ceremonies at Pleasant Mills,Green Baud, and Lower Bank.

Comrade Hen. Jarvis at Elwood.Waldlogle at WatertofoTandr

HammontonWaterford... 0._ 2

Office, 101 Railroad Ave-\

, Hammonton


1IVotary' Public: / f o r / N e p r Jersey, : '

fltrdersbis services,ion vouchers executed.


Ip Chancery jrf New «! ersey.T» Eobert A. Mttean, H. Abrenitedt, J. D.• (or Joaopb) Arnmronr, Mary F. Arro-

atrong his wife, Fannie A. Newman, Tim-. brook- Newman her hatband, D«»id E.

. Zaiak, and Mr«. David S. Zaaek his wife:By__yfrtuf of an order of. the Court of

Chanoery of Kt>w Jersey, made on the day oftte date hereof, In .a oaan wherein Rachel

: -Miller i» complainant and you and each of TOO•ra defeDdanti.'joa- are required to appear,{•lead, answer or demnr to tht bill of laidtfomplainaiit, on or before the ninth day ofiane next,' or tbe "id bill will, be taken u•oofxied. against yon.

.::•,' ffboBaid billio filed to foreelote a mortgagecv*en by Robert A. HoL-esn to W. A. Clougb,

. Truatee, dated February 4th, 1897, on certainUndc in the Township of Mnllles, Atlantic

. <Joun,y, New Jersey, which said mortgage wasJuly aailgned to Complainant; and yoo,

'Sober* A. McLean, H. AJtYenitedt, J. E. (orJofaph) Armitrongj Fannie A. Newman, andDavid X. /nek are made defendant* becauseyon own laid Undi or acme part thereof) andyon Marjr J5. Armstrong,' Timbroolc Newman,•ad lira. David E. Zasek are made defendant*•aeanae yoo gjay have lome cl'lin of dower oroirteiy U iald land* or gome, part thereof.

Dated April I, fBO*., J08BPU K. FRANKS,

Bolloltor of Complainant,, 800 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. i

The Junior Baracas are developinginto a flrst-clagB team, aad play an in-teresting game. They defeated theFolsom team on Saturday bv the fol-lowing score:

Baraca,Jr.._....E IB ro A E

F Werner. lb.. 3 ' 2 :17 0 1iyman.lf. 4 8 . 1 ,0 0Small, 3b «.„.. . 5 4 I S 1G Weecoat, 2b...».. . 5 8 0 1 8 2 1 0 0AWesooat,o 6 *__4 0 0' Seely. 6s.~~- 4 8 1 2 0

Cmlg.rf....'.—........ 2 5 0 1 1A Werner, p..~....... 3 i 2 S 0

Bates Mill.The Post Cummander. will take charge

in person, at VVInslow Cemetery.— -By order of







•*vf*». aOf ^o o-•'. B'2Po 4\| S» S

BitaWof John A. Qulnn, deceaied.Pnnuaut to the order of Efliannel

Sarro<»te of tbe Qonnty of, Att«ntio, made cmthe twenty-sixth day ol Mar6h, nintteeu hnu^,dred and' four, on the »ppiri»tip.t( of ihe.aodersigned, admlnUtralor of «a1eF deoedenVnotlw i« hereby given to the oiedltorlortB*said deeedent to exhibit to the subscriber,,under oath or affirmation, their debts, demandsand claims agatntt the eitate of the said d«te.d»at. trjttln nln ' "they will be forever barred from proieontiagor recovering the same agalnit the robioriber.

WII/LUM L. BLACK,Administrator, Hwafcouton, N. J.

$1.26 Par Y

m®MmJ; | !NQ.m

The Booklets. .Ten thousand ^booklets of the-

Town of Hammonton, beautifullyillustrated, have jnst been issued bythe Board of Trade. Every citizenis entitled to a cqpy, free of charge,,whicb may_be_grocured_ by calling:,j)a_Jihfi_Secretary, Dr. Cbnries-Gca—ningham, at his residence, SecondStreet> •

A. .T. LOBI.EY, Adjt.

NO, we have not reduced the price

8S -33 V 19 ST— Folsom.....™

Sohjllhafl. o ..... 8 8P Helrer, If ..... 1 1EHelzer. p .„..Little, lb —.-..GHelzer. saBlazer, Sb ........Kelbel, —Hohqltz, rf—...

-.. 1 0

... 0 ._.. 0.- 0.. 1... 0

is: to •nbdorlberu In this Oonnty, f 1.00per jear; to those outside, $1.25. Wegite gatisfiiotloD, bat not ohromos.

6 8 27 13 9Folsopi 2/0 2 0 4 1 0 0 0 - 6Baraca...—....... 40 0 2 O 11 1 413—85

This'afternoon, Hammonton versusthe Nesco team.

We must not forget the "kids." TheH. A. A. defeated, the "Youths" onSaturday morning, by 17 to 15. Thevictorious team made no errors, whiletheir opponents are charged with 2; butthe Youths made. four home runs, andthe other team none.


SMALL'SGor. Second and Bellevue,




io the only newspaperprinted in Hammonton.

J551.25 a year, post-paid01.00 in the county.

H. Chandler,Attorney & Counselor

At LawRumtnonton,

Bulldlnff,H nod 10 8.Tonne»He«> Ate.

• Atlnntlo Olty.In. Uavuiionloii on Butiirdnyt*I'riiotlco lu all Oouvtn of tbe State.

for first uiortprige loane

SINGERSDeclare that there is, in the rich mellow tone of the

Lestera quality that compl jtcly fits the to'ce ;T

a quality not found t j the same degree

in any other instrumeat.

BREEDS ,*••Garden Boole

for 1904iahould t>* In tht h«nd« of 4v«ry lov«r ofaVrwart, crow«^ of Vig«ut>l«s, and far j;i«r IDtit*'country. Contilnt «ol pit-in «u4 •)*

••• ful l (?•(• <olor«i plAUt. Illti*^, ,

oppos, Ci«r4in Pink* «nd V«(ci>bl».Fill of vulunbl* cultural Informnllun «n4tilnls *n Hit b««ullfylnc of 1h« ho»«, f «r-4«a anil iurrounllnp. < '

) S«nl by ami) to any «4dr««« on r«c«lplr«f «•« In «UMIS or »llr«r, With »<h «>l>y'•• a**< fr«< •"• packari •««, Drstr'a

' ' 'SSi£i. ')•' ' . • . .


S<nd lor new illudtrnted catalogueand upccial easy payment plans.

^^• .iK; ;,r»..' >^\ .'/x^f,,>.rt>W*-,>"<'.*''>« r . • ' • * _ < ' ? • * • • . • u ' l - ' - . _ _ . ,

F. A. NORTH & Co.1308 Chestnut Street, ' .\


copies may be obtainei. the following prioc



W. A. HOOD & CO.,, Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone 3-Y


' We Ktve below tbe fall programme ofthe musical to be given in Union Hallnext Monday (Memorial Day) evening.Note the fact that all tbe participantsexcept two are Hammontonians,—some„»»».*».—i-j-• -

Harrison Mutual Burial Agsocia'n—— • • —tftRTHglited Dec. 13, je6g \


of them newly dereloped talent. MissFortiner is from Haddonfield, a grada-ate Jnjel»cntIraj1n~&adnixm, ITT J.

fAS.flPiano Dnet...Tbe JoJly Blacksmith...



TMDCOman* •

CWVMMKTS Ac.atafliK a akateh and 4

aaeanaiB «m» c——— -^

eight tier 25 cents; three for 10cents; or 5 cents each. These pricesinclude envelopes for mailing, whendesired. They can be purchased ofthe Secretary, from P. H. Jacobs,Chairman of Printing Committee,aud at Benson's news room.


The cost of these booklets largelyexceeds the above prices, and all


We have as good a

i Young People'* Societies.Thii spa«8 la devoted to the Interests oftbe Young Peoples Societies of the yarlouaChurohea. Special ttcnu or lolerest, anaannoanoemeQ

be kept separate from the genera)funds of the Board of. Trade, and beused exclusively for advertising theTown in other ways.

(WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. B.)Schedule in effect 21 ay 0,18C4. Subject tp change.



and as good a. _ «



San.Ace.P. P>.



Ace.» m.

8 10 8 00 6 tO ft 4<


948• 68



6 08 5 60]4 89



9 80|8 43|7 S0l8 21 5 68 1130 1J 20i

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447464SOS5 146 30«40544649!

887.8606821 Mi|« 42



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8008t-78 It82488384H861869008»C89159 249 HI948968


...... .IhllaiJti*)! la...-™- .C«»n)«ti ,„...., ..... Oolllngswoo*...

„....,.. ,._*tc«.......... ...Watnfonl»...— ...Aacora....^.Huononton ........... Elwood .......

Bartwr......... AU«ntlcCIIT.._..


7 SI B Si

7098177008108 47 7 696 34 7 47« 2-> 7 4U6187266 187318 08 7 17600710

7 f H i86368688&1


Aee Ace.) Ace jup.n [

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067 945« 15-

7 29 13 SO 4 « BOn <4 S3 X I V» 86 d U I

. 4077 M 4 ,7 00|^-_ 8 M 7 4» < <

I 60 8 Sit

[there 10 in the market.Our price on them

is right.

6 6 B » k 7 « W ,549U»,S56 i • • • ' • .£«»*«16 H . . . _ . _5 W. 8 Mi 175 00 I 4*608.

Y. P. 8. 0. E;,— Prestry terisa Church :Meets Sunday evenintr, it 6:30.Topic, "What Christian Endeavor 4s

doing In mission lands." Lake 1 :___4ftjg._J«ediby Ml^ooftry Com. .


* Btopa only on notice to conductor or af «nt, or on slgoal.An«rno«n npnsa dovn, IMTM Pbllada. at 3.00, Hammonton J.40, Atlantic 3,18.ET»nlD( «xpna> np, IMTM AtUntlo at 630, OuiaxiDtoa (Uit.'Phllada. at 8.46.S«tari>*7 OKU, ezpras IMTM Pollada, 1.00 p.m., Iltmmontoa 1.42, anMag at AUaat|« 2.16.

W W ATTWIBDBr, Gen'l Manager; ' / J/B WOOD. P«»'«'r Traffic M.ns .cOM W BOTD, Qeo'l Paia'r Agu


Atlantic City R. R.Hortday, May D, 1904.

- fiatqect to caaagt. • CP TBAIR8.

UunUiHuodjaundi Acp. 0,|*. n > |«. ni.|p.m.|p.D.|i. m|a,Bi,|>.ai

6006 126195 a!6 406446648 OilO Muia619omeaa6 HI)a <78««704




10 '.0

8 00 « 50 R. 00 U OHH 10 6 4 2 5 129 108 19 0 60 5 2«

8 48 7 12 8 W8 48 7 10 5 8»861 7 28 8 47


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7 69 8 19 9 42 11279 IS 7. M IS 6«|924

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DTAT10KS. «.»i- » n. n. » li.m jp.

. llnddonLin

. ......o»B Jcnc.

.., f tdur Btoot .....llliio Anetif r«...

. . ). Bommonton ~.

..U.foitn... ......

Kg* Uartor»..lirlk«nilK« Jan'...

T-Tc.wntvlllr ......... All. r'llrOII?—.

»!U>810e«5R C 4Mis66f.S6


7Ui7 4 17S7


.7 1605706

0480 4 0

III 801120

K 4t684




(10!)A M* 405 SOAV85216 M,D in- ,_...•I RH 8 Ulllt «'4 KH ,4 1W ,« m i £i4 1C' ....a en....« B<1!7 Wl

S 4ti83«B27!821SI*K i t


.014« 17• 89-A 4484061*628.All614

ButterBoth «re firat-clasa.

Our prices on

BALL MASON JarsTin Cans, and

^ WaxStringa vare low.

rr^rox!S^~SiipiH8t n^^Meets Snnday evenins, at 6:45. .

: Topic, "What Christian Endeavor)*doing In mission lands." Lake! *49-W. Led by MUsIonary Com.

Jr. O. &V Sunday afternoon at 8.-00:Topic, "A /ather »cd eoa: bowtibd tested tbetu." Gen. 22:1-14;Heh. 11:17-18. J^^, Fanai^

-f.-Deao;^--:-^-'- r-r~^~r:~---.., -^--•t,-•:. .; ,,:: : .. . • • • .' ; ' ' - / - • ; ; : . . (• ,

Epwortt|League,TrlLJ!. Cburob: 'Meets Sunday evening, at 6:80.Topic, "Tbe wort; of Christian women

• In non-CbrletlaD lands." Acts 16:11: 15; Phil. 4: 3 ; Botn. 16:1,2. Leader, Mrs. P. S.Tllton.

Junior League on Sunday afternoon,at 3.00 o'clock. Topic, "Churchextension.," I»a. it: 2-4. Leader,Xngene BmallwooU.

Y. P. 0. U.,—Uolversallst Church:Meets isdndsy evening, a 1/7^6.Topic. "The sacrlBces of the faitbfol

and Rood. Oar profit therefrom asillustrated In our national life ; IDour borne life; in lives of Jesus andothers." Isa. 63 : 4-6. Leader,Mrs. A. D. Davis.

A cordial invitation Is extended to allto attend these meetings.

Church Announcements.

• - •; Qluseppe Villa'. Mrs Donald M Chapman > •

Violin 6oIo...Melody In F-. A Babeniteln,MrJohnBlrd8all '•:. .";

B«adInff...JamIe...._.........Bobt C V Meyers.; MlMLanra Virginia Firtlner. B.E.

' Cornet BoIo...Hearta and Flowere...• • ', Theo^I Tomanl

. /. ' . ' ; . . . . ' MrMOYoa • . . . ; • . - ' ;Piano 8olo.-8prtbg 8png._..,MendeIa>onn

; Mrs Frank Banaom •Vocal 8oIo,..Oh, Promise Me...'


Lake^ie^^^^^^^^^<^*__: :_

for decorating the-graves

. Beglnald De govenHFaorbertABtewart

,o-«r~7 r,»|o M468488

GEORGE ELVIN&,-78Si4 Yt7 K>\4 IK

Up nKoraniodiillon loves Haiunolilon »l, nnoblngFblla'ia.att.66.llnrnln txprets up \ntft Atlantlo TM, n»mmonton 7.39. arriving at rhlladt. at 8.W.Kx|>r«w IMTII l'hllad<l|ihl« at 9.00 p.m., nuking Htmmonton 2.42, and Atlantlo 9.16,Ktenlug*xpr«« down IM«M rhll«r'«. at 6.00;llammonlon 6.8*1, and Allinllpfl,08.E»i>i!li>K«X|)rcM down l«t*r« I'lillacln. (V.ilO, Il»iunionton (1.18 arriving at Atlantle BW.Kr«nlo«r »pr>H up Unw AlUnllo 5.80, llnmuonton 0.07, Wlnilow fl «H, I'litUila. tMKxpruuduwn IttTM PMIiilk,, lUmmunton 7.61, aud Atlnullo 8.46,Horning llnnmuinton »c«mi. down IMVM I'bllnJa. «i 6 !)<>, arrlilng ti'to 7.*7- , \Mc.rnlnn nccom. up I>ITM ifommonton K.4U, rwrlilng P)ill»d«. 10,40.Wi>rliil»)r iil«li( iccoui. down IMKM 1'hllula. *t 8, ruoblng lUmroonlcm >t 1,11.Bund.y ulglit *xprfu up IMTM AtUntlo 7JO, K« Harbor 7.M, lUmmoliton H.ll, FblltiltlpbU 0.00.Hiiiiil«y »Tcr)initti»prtMilo»<n |WYM 1'hltidn, 7,16, lUiriinontnu T.S4, Atlanllo B.M.Miiinliijr mornliiK »xprr« up loam Atlnnllo at 10,16, lUnitnonton 16^I>, Plillsda, 11.3(1.

A.T. 1IIOB. ami.SuPI. . B0HOK J. W*KKB,Osn,PaMtngerAg«Bt

The Peoples Bank

It will only cost One Centto buy a, ponlsl card nod rrnr) to Tim New.YorkTribune Fairoer, Now York City, for B freeajicolonen copy.

The Ntw-Yoik Tribune Fsirrtr U n Km Ional Illustrated Agricultural Weekly for Farmersand their lennlirt, and BVKRY l*atte containsniattor Instructive aud enlertaiulnc to EVKIIYnirniber of the family. • •

Tin price la «1 i>ery«ar, bnt If yon like ityou can aeonro It wlib, jonr'U*ininonton paper,the Houth Jrraey lUpnblican, *t a barnalu-,I)otb papers oiia year for only 41.W.

Bend your ordar and mo<»y 4o tlio


\ • t'

; or

Hammonton, N. J.

Capital, . . . . . . . $30,000't -,*• and Frofita, . {8131,000

Three per cent interest paidon time Depoaita.

Safe Deposit Boxes for Bent

B. J. BYBNES, Pr98ldent./ M. Ii. JAOKSOW, Vioe-Proa't

W. H. TILTON, Oashior.

DIRS<WORSR. J. Byrnes Mi L. Jaokion!O. F. 0*/r.ood Ueorgo Bfvlns^CUtn Btookwell Wm. n. DlaokWin. J. Smith J. 0. .Anderson

.1. B, Parkhnrst W. II. Tilton

Kotlcea of Church meetings are of publictutereat, and no charge la made for tbelr

. iioertloil. Weekly oliangei are urged.

Baptiat Church. Rev. Wiltshire W.Williams, Pastor. ,10.80 a. m., "TbeIdeal soldlei," 7.46p.m., "No man canran away from God."

U. B. Church,—Rev. G. B. MiddletonPastor. Preaching by the Pastor.

Presbyterian Church. — Rev. B.Marshall Tburlotr, Pastor. 10.30 a.m.,."Lessons from Harmon." 7.45 p.m.,"An absent Qtjd.'1

Univortaliat Church.— The Rev. J.Harner Wllsou,, Pastor. ' 11.00 a. m.,"The areater Uve." John 16 : 13.Tbe O. A. R. will attend In tbe morning.

St. Mork'a Church,—Rev. Paul V.'Hoffman, Rector. Voury meetings, firstTuesday ; Altar Guild, first Wednesday ;Ladles' Aid Hoolety, ««oond Wednesday;8t.Paul's Burver's Guild, third Monday;Rectory Fund Boolety, last Tuesday.

Violin 8oIo._AugeU' Serenade... ^"~.'*~". •:'*::..('•"" • • •":''• . ' ' : . • • ;/;"Apoiut«er

Mln Katharine AnstlnVocal Qaart«tte...Tentlng To-Night™

: . • • - . - • ; Walter KlttredceMlsa E BonrrllUOn Mlw Kama LayerMl«a tiettle Lehman ,• Hias. Nellie Layer

• _ , " ':'•-.. •:• fASF.ii-..:-:^',- •••••:••:'.'Piano 8olo,~To Ihe Spring^ '

1 ' : ' . ' . "Gr|eg op. 48, No. 8Mn W W..WriHiaMa :

ypeal HOlp,,..!*»y,l)ew.-W'J3ternil«le-— - •-7 ( , ; Bennett^ op. 33, No, a

1 ' ' • Mlsa Emma Kannoe _ _ _-Violin Solo^Oranga BlOMOtns... '" -"•

• Adamiaelbel- ' - . ; • MrJohoBlrdgall

Beadlng...Blddy'» Trlalu among ti^

.Hiis'.Portlner'..".'.•Vocai 8olo...I mill yon. dear.n

Frederick Williams' j ' Mrs Chapman :

PlanaSolo,..Aa Matin.,..- .Benj GodardMIsaLebmao : op. 88

Vocal Qnartett«...Sol(llen.'Fiireirell „ ., • Johanna Klnkel

MIM Bourrllllon Mian Nun™ LayerMIW Lehman • Mlaa Nellie Layer

Vocal 8olo...For all Ewrulty... .t ' - . ' Angelo Mnsoheronl

Mr Stewart ;Piano Trto...The Pride of the Flook... '

Fr«dTBaaierMrs Wllllanu / Mlsa Lettle Lehman

illea Oladya Lehman

General admission. 25 cents. Ticketscan be secured at Leib's, Henson's,Simons1, Ar Lenev Reserved seat tick'ots, 85 cents, are now on sale at Heosons.

in our cemeteries.

Plants fer beautifying our own homes

Summer blooming bulbs, including choice

French-Oannas and Caladium,

IVoveltles in Hanging Baskets

O, my Back! Ouch!-\

25 cento.

Such charp and lasting pains! > CIs there no relief ?> -:^ • -- ~~ '-&'£2&^i


:;:::;;::;;;iSl :ito^Second St, and Bellevue Aye., Hammontott.

A Woiidorlul Huvlitic.The laracat Metbodlat Church In

Geor«la, oaloula.tud to uno uyeroua liuii-di«d aallons of ibn usual kind of mixedpalut In palntloff I heir churob.

They used only 83 cttlloim of tbe Lonar-man & Martin t Paint mixed with 24gallons of Unseed oil. Actual cost otpalut made was less than $1.90 per galoo.

Bavcd over eighty (ISO) dollars inpalut. and get a big donation be*ldes.

EVKJIY OHVRCH will ba given a.liberal quantity whenever they paint.

Many hontca-are well punted withfour gallon* of L, d> M. sndTtbreegalliiDSof llns««>d oil mixed therewith,

Wflura aqd ouvera Ilk* gold.Tliese. Cclubrated Palnta am old by

a. JloD. Little.

Proposal^for Wood,Sealed proposals will beVrooeived by

the Board or Education of HammontonBohool District, until 12 o'clock, 'noon,Saturday, June 18tb, 1U04, for supplyingsaid district with One Hundred Oord» ofdry Oak Wood, to be delivered atOeutrnlBohool Bouse, as follows; Twenty-fl»ecords on or before) Sept. 20th; thirtyoords on or before Nov. 1st; the balanceof forty-five cords before Duo, 'JO, 1904.All wood to be ranked as delivered, aub.jeot. to moaauremnnt by Property Cora-mlttee. Wood la to be out four feetIn length. All wood 6 inches and aboveIn diameter to be split. Proposals muststate what proportion of split wood Idaproponed to supply. Not more than one-tblnt of wood to be four Inches nod lessIn diameter. Proposals must state If thewood U out from burnt or unburiit tim-ber. Duiut timber, to bu uacopMil, wnscbe solid, Wood out the liist of Augustor early In September'will be accepted.

Tbe right to reject any and all bids Isreserved. .

Addreta nil proposals, plainly marked'Blda for Woqd,'v to Board «.f Educa-

tion. W. n. tiEKLY, DUt. Olnrk,Hammonton, N. J,

Giiy ]^reM' ' ' . ' :' •'' • " ; l . ' ' • ' . ' . • • ' • ' . ; ' ' ': •'•'*;''; ." • • ; . '••'. • ' ',...•

. . ' : • • • • • ; " . . "•.. - 1 ' ; ;V';/^^;own/maJ^;bf / 'M ;:"^.':Sausage] f and Scirapple.



THISPAPER- ' • ' . , is for pale every Saturday morning at

i * ' • ..... '. . , • • " • • • . • \

Henson's News RoomBack numbers can be had at th«i KEPDBI.IOAN Office.


KUDU i«i« iiroiirkwS'rur^aWMiwMM, wllho»i«MJ*«ri»»*« I

Scknfific Sitcrkan.

Camden Safe Deposit & Trust'Co.•Vti rs-A « •"•- ' —Federal Street, Csunden

itt, 1904Capital . . . ^100,000.00Suri)lus nnd Undivided ) „.. ,

Fronts. . . . .| 557,630.34Deposits .


by Mail. done '

safely and economically.* •W<

Safe Dcpoilt ami upw^ru. \Viil* kept without

Pa}'s Interest3 per cent, on Dcpmil,, 14 Dap' Notice.

• pocceut. iubjertto rdcck wllluiut nollcr, un Average,Dalanc*aoff{CAcli •» Kicciitnr, A<lmlDiitr*t»r, Tru»,tef *r Giardia*.

ALBXANrBIJ C. WOOD. Praalaaai.BCNJAMIM C. RtitnU, Vlc«.Cr<MU*nl «bd Tr*«« OfrlMr.





Vl> i M

Page 2: Par &.& I J;^|^ !NQ · NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa-»^0* REPAIRED and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— From 40 oenta'up. W. Dodd* Sohwarz's Greenhouse 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Designs imado tap at shortest


rs on Important SubjectsOpinions of Great


Miss'Mary Gallagher, who has madea bust ot Edgar Allen Poe, which hasitt.ra6.ted turner-attention la Baltimore,iwnfl up that, one of nhe Implementsised by her In her work was ft- hair',lift. ' »


The latest recipient ot honors tronrte French Government >is Charles Hoi-;

man Blatk, of New York, who haa juatbeen named by President Loubet BDofficer of the Academy.

Official Corruption.HE great GovernmentsSnd the great municipal-ities of the world have' a problem before themwhich as yet they have not: fairly, faced, butwhich they must face if they are to make surein times of emergency of the efficiency of theiragents. The growing, hunger for money as theone absolute condition of endurable 'life, the

co-operatively. So far;.'.the-Eastern Sltatea '^efe/.atgreater disadvantage, the :deserted -farms Were 'commonthroughout New England,.; It was, wiser to go West *withsmall- capital,'and leave'the homestead .to go. back to wil-derness,' rather than to% remain and be starved. This stateof affairs, ;in aggravated' symptoms, obntlnuedl-untll nearthe 'close of,.the, nineteenth century. •••? " * * As cause' forthe reaction which we, chronicle, Is the splendid 'increase inthe value of farm products, brought about by our haying

jnorlieta__Ck>mnifirglal ;e^panplQn dtnV

/Miss Paullns Hardln, State Librarianfo Kentucky, and said to be one Sf themost successful women politicians inthe United Slates, is to be married| shortly to, Mr, Van Meter of Lexlng-


MlAN la abput ailikely to have atooth for scandalas a woman.A man's Idea of

•v '.I



(Subject! "The VKlno of a Pay"*- TV*Should Not WMte Effort In TaUciri*

iAliont .the^Bhoxtoeu

known by the use: he makes of time.TVtTpward;; gazing:,^ls"n<)t upwaipd go*'ing, tiu^ftheiro U

J,' no going up wltto;'^out'ltv"-';'":-;'^;"

There Is no ^sh' 'register at'the; P$*** "•

ime- let tr» ana

•velopment. flit "corruptlon"~IiF~n3 officlarseissBrinHi^bribe-taking-by'officials, and of stealing from State andMtn^oipaJ, d.epattmen.t3^^ to{protect, the nations trom~ltr~Wg~ha_vti. IBBS of rt-tfaan-a»oat4-

' -' ' ' ' ' • • • • " " .... ''...I... 'lV-_i I, because under our social conditions'the class•which really governs has been taugut from eatly chlldbawd%> regntd bribe-taking asjiuworse dlshonofreyen than cheat-ing, at cards, and because those who suffer are absolutely

.Sreeto complain; but even here,'.-when the Government isforced te spend millions suddenly, rings are formed to get.eeome o/Z that money, and the_ taxpayer Is fleeced throughSpreposterous charges and Illicit commissions.- ».. • ;.•:*. '._•.

.It is.a great blot on modern civilization, which in manyJrcspects depends upon efficiency for successV Efficiency and»conrnptlon 'are wholly incompatible. Some .think that cor-eruption produces ;orily waste, and that they can bear waste;

that ia a false view. Corruption, in' the first,place,best men in leadlng_joai

for the whole energy of the corrupt Is devotedpreventing their .promotion, - or it they are promotenreadcrlng their po8ltio5f:u¥feirfible7~ln~the~8sco!jd'-swrrnptlpnJ makes energetic administration nearly Impossi-ble, tor no. Government ever loses the hope bf preventing'It; and. to: prevent It most of them apply ijnjlnfinity of"•'checks/' every one of whidi';occnples part of the time ofVie executive officer, and increases the load of; responsi-

bility under which at last he dare do nothing without pre-vious Sanction, And, in the third'place, corruption Is not•only tatal to the very Idea of duty, but to the habit of(performing jt ' '

„ . A perfect remedy for corruption Is hard to find,1 becaus|3t requires a change in the motives of the'corrupt whichgovernments cannot-producej-and which society will not be•at' thei pains to encourage effectively;'but two or three?pafflativea might at least be tried. One is to protect those::wl»jwmplaln. Another is to pay: all those who have any-•thbrg •« with contracts at-least decently, a rule••often .neglected""in 'the case of the experienced but subor-dinate men upon whose judgment their less experienced^Bnperlcrs'in matters of business compelled to rely. 'And a<tWrd M to declare bribe-glvlngjind -bribe- receiving n form ofttretson severely punishable •whenever it Is proved.—London

'Spectator. • , _ / ' , ,: '.-. . - . . . • . . ; • ' • • , ' • " '


Social Gravitation.HB census proves incontestably that the driftof population city ward .reached its muxJmumsome years ago, and has begun to recede: Someone has said: .' "Hereafter the city and the coun-try :wlil 'mirch side by side,, with even step."Even this is hardly" probable.1 The change ofdrift is owing to economical conditions' that

•\rlll continue strongijr to -favor the country. 'Population'Xflll still move out and dict^bratlate from the masses. InUEtct, the coming deal seems to be rather : an evenly -dls-ttrlfctit«d snburbanlsm, covering. tlio whole' country; whilethe cities will remain as ganglia.' Following this ideal the•sejty will grow Wore country-like, while the country wll:'steadily acquire those privileges which have heretofore be

Ased to thb city. ' • ' : > • • •According to a recent census bulletin, 150' towns show

"An Increase of 82 per cent durlng-the last ten years, which!ls about the, average of the Increaso of tlio wholo country.

relative gain of cities from 1880 to 1890 was from 22

\ Ho 20 percent-Tor 7 pur cent positive increase — but fromto 1000 this increase was only about per cent.

"VTbls tells the story with accuracy. It does not warrant us•In Assuming that cities will cease to grow, but that rela-tively th«y( will cease, to grow a's fust as the country. * * *-A potent cause for. depopulating the country camo In will:^Improved machinery. 'Farm work could bo dono with few*<er frauds. A single reaper would replace ton men. Costlynoxi&lnery could bo profitably used only on large farms,•iret n elnulo reaper mlffht servo « dixzen snwll farm owners

the expor-tatlon of nearly everything the farm produces. Ourfruits, bur meats, our corn are now found in every tnarketof the globe. There Is no longer any 'fear' of overproduc-

on; we have only to Insist, on the open door principle andhe farmer can apply his whole attention

to the lnc"rease of products, and the conquest .of Insect andfungoid enemies. Agriculture is proving tts"elf to be .oncemore what it waa-'ih the early part of the last century,the most independent of all the industries!—New York' In-dependent - ." .'• .. • . ' ; • - . -

Forts and Naval Attacks.NH of the surprises of the,Far Eastern war istne failure of the fort guns to do more damagein the attacking fleets. It was a 'matter of faithamong the authorities that not even the strong-est-modern-batUeaMp-could safely attack an

JtrVwHyn mndftyn «nrtt nrmi»d 'with long-range

__heayjrigjjnB. England la at present making anumber of long-rango fort guns for the defense of her south'coast, and it is calculated that these guns will easily beable to throw a twelve or thlrteen-lnch shell acrosa theStraits, of-Do,ver,: so that it would not seem?to be worthwhile'for France even to take her'Channel squadron outof port, much less to attempt to land in the face oT such anoverwhelmbag attack. "But this" is mere theoty. The truthis, that, although the weight and range of these gnna haveouen steadily increasing the human powers which axe touse them have not shown» and are not likely; to show a cor-responding progress. While a gun can carry a shell acrossthe Straits of Doyer, the gunner who could make a bit oftwenty mile's Is yet unborn; neither eyealgnt nor Onenessof hand are equal to tbe task. Nor would the atmospherepiermlt it, if they were. Attacks by fleets ire made by sea:and the sea is proverbially' untrustworthy In the matter ofweather, i Air currents, mists, uneven radiation, mlragfand a dozen similar causes deflect the shot and the visionwhich directs It. Moreover, no one nowadays Is likely toattack a fort, at 'close range in broad daylight The PortArthur bombardments were nearly all at night, and somef them In snowstorms. It is intelligible that a ship at

sea can. more or less locate a position on land, snob as theGulden Hill above Port' ArthnrV over a town wheref thereare certain to be some, lights at least; but the fort has nolights to guide It in locating the ship, except the momentaryflash of the guns, which give hardly any opportunity foraiming. In the case of the Vladivostok bombardment, itseems that the Japanese fleet were too far off to do anydamage, and, (therefore, too far off to receive any. It isalso likely that the object of that attack was to draw theRussian flre in order to.locate their forts; the. Russiansseemed to-have divined this, and naturally abstained fromtiring.—Harper's Weekly.

Richard H. Taylor, of /theStates Secret Service, has received a

' • . . . . ' l y gate.^nlt^': «6ttib in' the world is better

BltJLfcetl oeurci. oc» V.IW, , Una icvuivtzu, ,<* - • - • ., -7, > - . - . , . . , , . . , . , . , . , . ,naval medal of honor. He was high- than getting on. . - . . ; • -

ro^^e"^in performance of his dutr.aS ft/'qWr-:-.?,'.-'™? worst mcn>

terroaster ori the United States Steam- Goodness is the essential component*Nipalc In the Samoan,hurricane o f ' • ^ t f ^ f M ta^ greatness. -/ S v,;; '

.. J It la easy to mistake the halt-way'51' bouse for Ihe nome itself; .


/BirjOpr: ^ Niw; YoikTCrlT.-^A( *ermoh -prfeached'

, Sunday evening -by'ihe'.Rev. Dr.. Donald:> irSage: MacKay,; in Collegiate,-Ghrirch?;TB'iftly

v avenue aftd (;Forty»eigbtH:, sTtreetj had 'for,its; subject -'?'Thtf Vafe'of V Da/" -T.KV

. .text ,wasfrom John xi:9:'"Are.ther.£-riotFiw.elv«':hours in .the day?'f,;Dr; MacKay j. ; • 'said:.. •-,.,•'.'.••. y.'.'v. • • . • . . • . , •',•:• • : , - • .';-.:. • . • ' • • . . ' . •:

My tektithig.evening 'is':Christ's demit:tion of a day:-"Are there; not twelve;hour*in the:day?'' And what 6f>it? you ask.

, ''-This much; at lenstr .<The day -ia a- great deal.longer^than spine people « imagine

. It; is'indeed1 one'of; trie dreariest, as it"it. one .of the" oldest of moral reflections,

which forever dwells upon the shortness-•of..time .and; the'swiftness'of ita -flight.

More 'mournful 'eloquence and dolefulpoetry; have been: inspired by; tHat 'onetheme, than "by ftny other in' the catalogue

•-'of human thought." Of course, time i»uliort, mid ita fligfatrirwiftr"— *

iOTKn^ufnft--ta!ughi'nimself--eighte'cn:ah\cicnt languapca itnd twenty-Jwo European'languages .while wnitine for the horses to'be ehod in .his, bjacksmith^shbp. Such ex''amplesteaoKusToriiibJy enongh how abuji'dant are/the .hours of;the ;day for the*noj

:blest',tasMci£-life^,')f we'WoUld but'.seis;;WiOT'to'. tiafrVthem'aHg1itii:'''Bedeeming the:•tinie," eays, the apopfle.:.: Hpwr miiny,' of <IM

jrask'God's grace, cr.cjh day,-^^rl8B,';tffAiilithe.' twelv^ nours aright. for»His" glory MV' tot.the.heB^Ji^m-.felloW^entif-^

all ,;!'WY'W -,<&

M«* l» ulilL ika UI($UI/ JO

nottwelve hours in pr~-T<> each

ture, has Just received one of the.most tate an everlasting, sermon. • ; •Important commlsiona: ever granted by; *'„„;, m,mtl<^vevni£[nTthinw:be-the United States Department of Agrt- ,A mnn WUST leave many, imugs iwculture, He is to spend a year m lj»lnd to win the'things to come.Kuropei _to lnyestlgate-^th.ej joriditlon .fkn mpni aver'found-the pieasurM dtthat t"makea its live stocK industry BO 8In to be"anything~Hke the'pictures of

:oie'Ui'-;iiiria<liaslieett ttltfeh'to dffthe task assigned to,him. That is 1emn practical, truth emphasued by our-Saviour, here, is,one thai perhapa

•v,we-hardly ever think of; not the shoftnewof time, but its sufficiency for the tasks oi


Dr. Bowdler Sharpe, of the British The"man Iook8 for the go0d In

Natural History Mnseum, and one of .. " 5 ,!t ,, * . \. a i« n,^the greatest HvlnB authorities on bird the bad, the evil for the bad in thelife/ has lately returned to England good.with some rare specimens from th* , A man , not Jlkely to Uve a BUpep.

life. Ai'e thtiro not twelve hours in theday? That us otir subject, the value of aday, abundance of time to do the dutieswhich must be done, to bear the burdenswhich must be borne, tq face the triaJs

G o d s e n " ' ~

a 8upernaturalCaymen Islands

The Governqrs of King's College, ' hope. 'Windsor. N. S , have chosen Ian Camp- i . „ th._ -._._, „»' •..„»._bell Hanna, M. A., as President.- He la1 4" ^f fl°we« »' hBlnan

the son of the Dean of Chichester and have tasted some time of the light ofhaa had extensive Colonial experience heavenly truth.In Canada and India.

Taere 1H no danger of your faltuBeekman Wlnthroo who waging ahaltered^Bolong as you keeplf

i .t the outset I want to see how these'W.prds of Christ rebuke two very opposite,but very, common, tempera which men as-sume in regard to time and its opportuni-ties. , On the one hand, Christ rebukeihere that morbid spirit which m hopelessimpotence is forever bewailing the short-ness of time, its loss of opportunities in thepast , arid its smallness of .opportunities inthe present. "O, if I had only done so andno twenty yeawigo, howiauch better 61MihaH ti«ii»n tn.rfao." <>T.« ..ii... .,.,,1.,;..,,.—nmf

announced- Beveral.^ayiagg jjuthe_newTcentered oiijOhrist--had been to one man utclaiinB,

Governor of Porto Rfco to succeed'Q6V- jernor Hunt. ia. a member of qne of the God can make a molehill out of aemur num., IA a uicmutri ui uitc vi hi>t.oldest families In New York, is a grad- mountain as easily as some men makouate of Harvard, and Is a personal a mountain out Of a molehill.friend of Prerident Roosevelt. ,_ _ , . „ ,_,»,„„_ - J. lou can no more have civilization

Henry Norman, the well-known Jour- | without Christ than you can have anallst. has met the Czar, and says that i literature without an alphabet

he eits down in a^Bort'ofeentimentttl fatal-iton, bewailing his unhappy lot/,- making.noreal effort. to better it. -To euch a man

hours,.h; day .sufficiently?,:; I aM 'quite' sur<!if^Wedid We shSrild not say'^o often.8s;wido' that we have no timei /.We Should nftt

: waste so much, time in talking i>latitU<W; i(|bq\i{, the BhprtrieBs 'of tinre*','.We Bhotild. be,n'pittnd doing, liying. life in iearnMt/iananot i"-, in-: spasias; : Yet 'think bow. manysquander these precious twelve hours day'by day, :Think,; for, ;esaraple;\bfr the::hour«'ct idle reveries, useless, aimless1 dreatiung,respectable loafing,' that, many of us -giveourselves up to. throughout the day. it isnot ipferhaps that crprithoughts - are-*icious.or impure, but simply that our minds getinto a state of suspended animation, dur-'ing which an uncurbed1 fancy makes,havocof^our 'wijl power('jparaly2es';Our,;*nergy,.and robs us of the day's, moat precious,opVportunitiea. Meditation, indeed, is nobidleness—quiet, restful thought, i in whichthe soul dreams its visipna for .service, IB

' wmfed tim°: '!Puf-' tK" -iniatalte "•ns make is that our momenta of

nrn Ipnfc ji\ hptirB.of idle dreamr

ang which leads us nowhere save only intothe mazes of selfish indulgence and senti-mental fancy. Twelve Hours in the day,and h.o.w many lost in fQOllfiJl jjreammg? >

too; what waste in gossip, intulle. It is not that

— are deliberate scandal-mongers, butply that to pasa the time we indulge in

'a kind <of talk ,aboufc our neighbors, andfriends7 the results of which for evil are

may f-aer Ifnnw,fhan''estimate .the reputations that have been[wrecked; -the lives- of ijrbmiBO.- that haveteen crippled, the usefuhiesa for good inithe world that has been checked oy theretailing"of.Tevil slander throughout .thettwelve hours of the day?

Once inorej think of the boars consumedthe pursuit oi merely selfish pleasure.

[Indifferent to the1 bitter cry of outcast hu-manity, callous to the areat moral needs of

""And SeTthfougli ttie" eilenci &i tBta elev*"'entlr'-Ipar', -ibrougJi' tb.e..shadowfedf.;'jW-,—Tj.:, place, of ybiu-Jife/s acMyities,:yoa. may Shear*'.to-tught 'the' voice;ot'infinite' love, and 'tcn-idernesS calling,, und •ailing yet again i.'fWhy,siand'y* here all the;day •idle?'5 Itis the eleventn hour, and ChVietclaima thatieleveath.' hour. 'Hedeem : the; .time in 'Biff•'Service.!;'. to His glory, andyou .Will in iiowiseiloseiyourircwar.di Tp-day^fye \vill(liear;His voice-^and remem-'ber, "I^re are twelve hours in the^day.^,-;

vi-iy.;; f;;:;;;:.:!AfflllcUbii;Tliat P»jm.,...-''•''-;'.-. " ;;

' A-'psalmist' once• eaid:' "It is good forme -that I have' ;been' afflicted:, that Imight:'.le&r&. Thy statutes." , He might:not ';have sought, the: ways of ,God, had;he'not'fonnd his own' ways hedged about'him.) t;:. His experience . was, that of? agreat; nmnber of men:;who discoveredriches in affliction which were otherwise•not to be 'found.:' The depth, r, humanlove and sympathy would never be Itnoivnwere, it n't for affliction''. Through sor-'TOW there; has oftenv i oureu ; and: affection,, marvelous' m its;Bweetness and power. It was'not untilfie;was' afflicted that the psalmist saw theglory; of ,the'.nc!y;]aw. ",,It ;'• ip Affliction'also, that the nr-ory of human Jovi shinesput; richer by far because it .is chargedMth the holy love of God. Yes. it is adear price,,to pav. but in the after-glowtoe shall be able to say that it was wortb

-'- -^ ' i t L'nion. . ' ./ : ~

Sunday School Lesson ;|':•' ,| . , •.. - - ' . ' . . , ' ,<, ' ' ' : . ' ' .^••r"' . ; ' . - . ' , : '-I'',.. , '^•~-~^• .; v

•Ijesaon 9.'- May-29, 'Tlie:Passover; ••Matt 26: 17-30.- (Compare MaVk. J4:-

12-26: Luke 22: 7^0. 'Bead Luke 18:'36to 19:..28; Mark'11: l-lS'.i John .12: 20-50;Matp'21; 23 to 20: 19).' /Memory verses:,26-28.,".. ::"> :; '- '•, ' ,r 'V;;'j '"' '", '"-' 'r ' '

Golden•'•/ Text:1 For.; 'e*enr";tChri8t ourisselgr.'JJfl _^^dcrlfice^itai^l3~~r^- •: :.Coif.

5! .',?;'•.-• i ' : • • '

, i'KOjlITS, ™.ijtpw-tb Ipca'te-,thls;,leBBon: ,- ,'After the:;last'la'ssph,: 'At Jerlcho/bllrid

BartlrnaeuB wflis heiiied, Zacchaeus wasvlsltedr arid.the <i*aivabl«'bf th'e ;poijndsspoken. A,t%Bethany'ra:iisyppeic:r..'\yaagiven at -the .house of. Simon .;tli'e, leper;When .Mary the B:lster of Lazarus';an-ointed Jesus; - arousing displeasure;especially oft , the part of .JudaS Mat-thew and. MarkCnarrate this later). OnSunday the triumphal/entry occurred. •On Monday vthe "temple was againcleansed. On Tuesday, after the flg-tree .was found withered away, a


Exposition of the Theory of TranemtB^atioa by One pf the Swami.

As JB-wcll known a great majority

. which Jesus silenced all .his opponents;i the scribes and, . Pharisees were ';• de-nounced,, ana a poor widow' commend-

'aln Greeks wished to see Jesus;e prediction ol the' destructiontemple , a-long, discourse wasto-four of the tilsrclpleB on theof Olives. About this time,

probably, Judas agreed to betray. Jesus.Wednesday was spent In retirement atBethany, where the'party lodged dur-ing the feast. •

f Hindoos are firm believers in th<transmigration qf the soul. The doetrine, however, is' but Imperfectly tin

how many of OB nse up the twelve hoursin; tbe_pnrsuitr o£ scheinaes;. whose one pur-jipse is;for self and'seli alone. Busy wejinay be, but so busy with the affairs of selfjthatwe have no time io spend for the-com

No thought of Annexation.HIO United -States regards Canada as underBritish .Imperial suzerainty, 'an Independentsovereign nation, whose title hi as valid as thatof any nation on the globe. It has no thoughtof annexing Canada against her will, nor doest, Indeed, regard' annexation as necessary or

Inevitable. It Is not sitting .up o'or to coerce tho Dominion into union with theIf ever Canada should at her own will seek such union,the United States would probably be cordially responsiveBut, if Canada never does seek it, the- United States willregard with entire unanimity and satisfaction the prospectof continuing for all time to share this continent with an-other great ISncllsh-spcaklng commonwealtll, and will onlyhope for constantly Increasing sentiments of mutual esteemnnd constantly strengthening bonds of friendship betweenthese two soverelim nations,—Now York Trlbuno,

Instead of having found him a weak-ling In mind and .body, as frequentlydescribed, he Is obviously in the bestof health, and presents the situation Inthe Par _East in a j»ne, clear, andstrong manner.

Marquis Ito, the Japanese statesman,is an indefatigable reader of Europeanand American literature.

Bdward- F. Searles has a fireproof school building whichhe has' caused to be erected at Me-thuen. Mass, at a coat, with its fur-nishings, of about JSdO.OOO. He will pre-sent- it to the ' t o w n . . ' . ; . . .

The death of Verestchagln, the Rus-sian Painter, at Port Arthur, recallsthe story told of the late Count VonMoltke, who was sp struck with theforce of the presentation of the un-attractive, side of war by Verestchaglnthat he forbade the men In hla comrmam! visiting the artist's exhibition..The Kaiser, who with the Empresn, In-spected the exhibition, said: "Thepainters of pictures like these are oarbest guaranty against war,"


A SIBERIAN eat coin food. Frozen reindeer m«attaken raw If) not nn tippettzlng dlah,but this, togotlior with hard bread niulpoundod Houp ball, formed our (Hot forthu next few days. In thin snowy prlit-

A blizzard on .the Siberian desert IB on wo wero ,1(,)(1 for follr dny8i UIlll wo

t*. dreadful, thing. The author ot "to woro obliged to climb out every threerollnva theof a Blbcrlnn Klondike" tells 0|.

•«jf lielng overtaken by a Bovcro snowu rllS» dogs lost night of thoand the snow came down HO

they could hardly BOO tho lead-i, and it was deemed\ho rofeststop and endeavor to protect

aa unirli M possible fromUh» -fltonu.

\Vlth our.

we <lui{ down

four hours andof tho weight of snow.

tfllx f cot «o tho Kr'oinul, making an cxca-•v»llon about .sight feet equaro. Placing-Die thn'o HlodiMH roiiiid tho edgo ofitiio lioln. wn WnU<-dS*hflm in, with

'J'lien wo ti>j>Uyniiri)a|illu from<if tlio Hle<l|{t>H,<niinl with WttlriiH

•litdt n>m( ImprovlHotl n wort of roofour iliiKout.

H'.hc doKH ihi|{ holt'H In Mm HIIOW untl;iH'ttlc<l down i.'piiifortnbly to nliwp.^X'lirj' ivoro ulinoiit ImmiMlliitoly vovnrud•with «now. . ;' ' '

At 111 l,t tlmv tlio tlii^rtuouielur Btooil•thirty <flv» ili'KCciin'; below *«ro. \V«• ;»-uld iKit toll \vliotluir It win nctimlly

or vrliolliurTho «now wnit onlyby tlio wlnl l j I/iit at i iny

11) « dlr wun f l lN ' i l w i th it, itiuttlio jironpi'ct \V;IH any th ing but oxlill-

\y<i lini'd t in* l iDiiom of thow i t h f i i ru, got out our xlooplng-«u<) prcpnred for (t long| nttigH.wo .wurg wltliyul, fM,«l(. ww l>ud


furs wero dunlp, caiiiiiHl by our breath,Whlcli congealed, and thawed againfrom tho warmth of tho body. To euytho very least, wo wore extremely un.comfortable.

At Inst It got Bo bad that I gave or-ders to burn ono of tho nlodgea, andUnit day wo fonstod on hot tea.

To .while away tho todloimvhoiirH Iguvo iny arctli; frlemln H<nm> II-NHIHIH In(IHtrOIlDlliy, U H l l I K N l l l l W l l l l l l H I I H Ol lJ lM'tlertHoiiH. ( in i in> H|I|I> of onr I ' N < - H .1 iiiudo u roii|(ll l iHH-rol l i ' f of t l ioMiiaoiilc Ti'inplo In f'hliriiK". They

t« It Notttre'a Vto&et of Protecting theAnimala from For»ner«?

A mild little tilt In this column lastweek, against the eagerness of manyfolk to-day to Dud protective devicesIn, the cotor and markings of animalshen drawn several protests fromfriendly correspondents, writes GeorgeA. R. Dewar in the London Hxprcfls,George F. Taylor's remarks on the rab-bit's white till I will aeol, with atonce, as these white follow-ybur-Iend-er marks on various animals, ar^ boIng dlsousned In several, quarters justnow. Mr. Taylor quotes my remarkthat rabbits, when alarmed, never fallto 'make, straight for cover, eveijthough there are no white tails t<jguide thorn.

"It may bo pointed out, however,"he urges, "that "the white tall Is par-ticularly n signal for the iloo'o young,When alarmed tho doe spends nw/iy,followed by her progeny. These, olcourse, nho can easily 6utHtrlu iiiujthey would noon loon tight of tholinjotlier iinild tlio long grnM andage* wero it not fur tlio

Some men don't know how to take,the spice of life with a pepper-shakersthey want the -whole box at one swal-low. - - - —

It is one thing to* admit the exlst-

ver mind the past; | jmon good, for the heeds of man, or therecall it: but aw,1 .glory ofGod. Twelve hours! and all ofi the day? ,Dotthfr|lthein strangled uppnithei altar of ^elf-not>y;an*ltBipreetpw | lone given iip'tb^CfodTrto '\tiOg its way- up-r the past are the wardlikeMetaebefore the eterna-1'throne!

» .1. .u - v. .°*^hePresent. Look back upon the week uat is gone,.-- ~ —-T — - v—• -it, on the other, hand, these words apt ;with its treasury o£ hours, and what record! All else—all thought of future gaitstrongly;rebuke,that: opposite,spmt! 'have they left upon the tablets of the'soul? 'on life for self—is bu'fa mockerv nndItteffJfrHSLISK"*? !Lrf cAt?™D^ i How many hours .of. lasLweek^i'-nessed ™, "B,L !! " - K™ '

dents of philosophy will be glad of th<explanation which a Hindoo swnmlwho,signs .himself "Ananda M." givei'of what transmigration really slgnifieito the Buddhist. Twenty-five page;of close reasoning lend him. to the con'elusion'which be. gives In the follow-ing, paragraphs: , , 'J 'To1-live-in-^Vc-iw^th-all-tiaMIvea 4

of . the


riaees.—BKtliany, on the feast Hlop'e"of..the, Mount of Olives; Ihen Jerusa-lem, and an upper a house Inthat 'City, probably kept unknown to ithe last on account of Judas

, An old deacon)ia, isanctifled-looklngiold 'fellow, who^Ilved in .a country,town and ^occasionally visited theveltji"on busInesEf." was foand/"bucking thotiger" in:a St toute gainbJlng-iiiQxtsowith nn energy' of pBrpose that; wasadmirable."-."Wlint,"- ' bxclaimed tn«ydnrjg.;jnan ;whp/found him, stnrtinc'bttckward, "deacopi Is it'possible yov.-'are here?"!, "Oh.'ye's," calmly re)<Aae&the old sinner;: "I ain bound to breabup- this evil. inetitution/' , • '

Miss Helen Gould waa recently.«itertnjning one of'the girls' clubs, U.which she,Is interested,^at her hoin«on ;the Hudson.5 After the girls &a<twalked about- the> groundb' and ccm>



hurvutorje^foriu: Uiuu, Bhe/them" tio wander over 'the' house- aad:see' the pictures and objects of artWhile they were :thus engaged stw!overheard on'epf the girls remark, coafidlngiy, to a', companion: "Say, Ma '

hoaveri won't fcassp' Mist

smorrow's guerdon; to make of his liftan oasis in the desert of self-deslreito strive^ ever, 'even here and1 now,after true love and wisdom .and thiperfect peace—this Is for the Bnddhlst.the.sopreme ideal,:;the glory of-hhdhamma and the hope of all bis ways

AJo« vista of^v^oV^oe^prodigal of ita time, thinks that the dutiet j ioors'did you give~ttf prayer^ How many - Buddhnghosa••; tells; us, there rises ir

ence of Christ Inthing to admit Himsonally.

)Hy and another'your heart per.

AdTloo to Young Men.Uomcmbcr, my eon, you have to

work. Whether you handle a pickor a pen, a wheelbarrow or a net, oftook*, digging ditches or editing •paper, ringing an auctton bell oi white tall,writing funny tlilngn| you mini "I think, .tlierofon;, that It l» tror«work. If you look around you wlllj roct to say''this lei undoubtedly musco tlmt tho men who arc tho niosHturo'ij mode of protecting young rainable to llv« the-re«t of tliolr day« wl t l i ' j^ l t" . ,>vhlch would otliorwlou beconUout work art* mon who worked th« ^>sy prey to their piirBUOM."lwrdiv»t. ," Don't lio afnild of kllllml Of course, I admit that tlio theoryyoiirwolf with .work, my iipn. Men l« taking an<1 ItiRontous, nnd It In al«i)cannot work HO hiini im that on tinsunny side of thirty; They dlo somo-tlmcM, but It l» IKICBHBO j they qiillwork at U p. m, and don't gat hoiuauntil S 8. in. It is tho Interval thatkl l lH. TUo work gives you an nppe.

U !<>ndrt Holli l l tyfor

a fact that nt pro/unit there Is no othci•way to account for tho whlto tall ojtho rabblta. But to accept It wo havdto nanurno—unless wo bollovo rnbbltijworo nlmply' created nt tho outsot Iitheir present form, and with wllltd

t lmt white talln woro no esH(in<to your Hlunilmi-; It glvtm yon un i i n - j t l a l io thn contliniancn of rabbit I IMlireclatlon of u liolldiiy. Tlioro nr«| l" "'" Ill>''"' < l l l l f Knuliially tlKimi pro;jouiig men who do not.wotk, my «on, viilloil t i l l In t l .m.oml Uio fen t u r n ho-

I lint tho world In not promt'of thoin. |1'<">" '»'» i i l 'Holulti ly llxcd one IIH wulooked nt It vi-ry politely, but I could Tlm t ,)1(gy wor|(, (,()ft|1 no(. ovi,n|i(.o It lo-ilny,


Philanthropy Now So Coramoa a* toAttract Little Public Attention.

It has been nearly fifty years sincePeabody startled the public by hlabenefactions on both sides of the At- •lantlc, gays the Baltimore American,Qlrard had been the pioneer in Amer- ;lean philanthropy; but Glrard, forsome reason, did not fascinate thepublic of his day, and it remained, forthe' future to do full justice to his'splendid generosity. Peabody capturedthe Engllsh-apenklnK people at once,and, in accordance1 with popular fore-cast, bis example was speedily fol-lowed- by wealthy men, of whom Balti-more has certainly had her share. InEngland ' gigantic philanthropic enter-prises havo been provided for by someof her public men, and In this countrygrand and wonderfully useful Institu-tions attest the influence of tho plo-fieer philanthropists. Many now Ilr-; -Ing will remember the amazement andstir caused *by Mr. Penbody's munlfl-ceut- gifts, "an Impression .which hadBt'urcely faded a particle at hla 'death.His remains wero brought to the .Chesapeake' In tho finest warship oftho British navy, and a mighty proces-sion was marshaled by1 the stato toreceive them, while the public mani-fested Its sympathy In every possiblemuunor. • •< • • • , ' " . • •

Uocontly Andrew Carnegla departedfrom Now York to ISuropa on hla an-nual vacation. Fie had just given |5,-000,000 for educational purpoaoa. Hnlius given In the last few years nearly$100,000,000 for similar objects;- bulthere was no stir on , the wharf, thegreat 'public not knowing, nor appar-ently carlpg, whether ho was In NevrYork or Uurope. A few newspapermen mot him at tho plor of tho ntcam-nr, just as they, would meet 'any prom-inent citizen who Vvas going abroad,with tho hope of securing norno Infor-matlon for their pnporn. When Pea*body reached tlio United States fromIQufflnnd there was a great turnout of,tho people nnd they appeared to regardthe plillanthroplat with u spoclos ofawe mixed with veneration. Tlio peo-ple have probably ns much admirationfor Carnegie to-dny nn they had forPeabody In tlio 'OOti, but phllanthrop-latn, Ilko great men, Imvo become nocommon in this country that they havecuused to »»oko deriioiiBtraUon.

of the present can well enongh be marted on the opportunities of the future.Tiat does it matter, after all, if o younj,

•man squanders a few years in sowing his;wild oats? Nature is generous. You canlank on her resources. A few years oimis-spent time—well, it won't matter twen-ty years-_after this." So in effect manjmen argue. So they stake life:and immor-tality on the chancea of the future. Andto that temper Christ says: "Are there not

•twelve hours in the day?" 'Only twelvelo»nnl »-^ -e xi.— '*— --•- *- ^-. -- i —

-•hours did yon give to 'studying the Bible?How .manr to tfiinkinc thpuehts »f. loveand translating them into deeds ot Kind-ness? How many to crucifying self andenthroning Christ? How many? Perhapsnot even one. And yet on these hours woare building character for eternity; out of.these hours is growing that immortal self:•with which at last we must stand beforethe judgment .seat of God. Twelve hoursin the day to work out your salvation, and

Steal ten of them for^sin to-day^and yoB ST 'ZrV' ^f't^Lrdfacannot give twenty-two of them for God h°A?1^forfan8°"*tJI«'rPf™^to-morrow. Only twelve hoursl Sufficient HB?,°V£e?iB

a"0Se0f° do life'a dutiea in, but not aufficient to1. ^S'l.T^^vI-JSJS

eerve God and the devil in. Twelve hours! . L^J^J,?0.?^1^'Abundance of time, but not a moment toemuch, not a second too many.

"Are there not tvyelve hours in'the day?"It was Jesus Christ who asked that ques-tion. (Hovewhat

these twelveon r

. Borrow end/ shame?, I would not be eo foolish as to say thatthis power to use time aright means that

e to fill up each separate hourdetermined, conscious effort,

itnot only in respect of time, but of every-thing else? Cbrist waa pre-eminently ifrugal mr- —* —J:—" —'"- lflr —

Bcioua prigs and moral pedants. You can-every

us the thought 'I am,'. 'I was,' or Tshall be,' And it is all Jllusion, thidewdrop deeming. Itself n permanentand separate entity, though the watertwhich compose it lay yesterday la th<ocean's:depths and .with the dawninj;light will rise and melt into the. wan-dering airs.

"But if this universal life be everchanging, sorrowful and without <soul there Is still, onr religion teacheaan end and a cessation. 'Thought 1<the creator of these worlds, the builder of this earthly tabernacle,tb.e ankei

TlmeT^-Certalnly on Thursday, sincethe next day was the "Preparation;"that Is, Friday, according to Jewishusage, the very term being applied toFriday In early Christian literature.This Thursday was the 14th of Nisan,

to Matthew, Mark and Luke,

Gould, after this place,"David Belasco and Henry de Milt*

j collaborate

supper. In John/18: 28, .which refers toFriday morning, it Is implied that theJewish rulers had not yet eaten "the_pasBovet^_But-thIs-may-refer-to-4he-entlrp fAqtfva) t and tn<? definite p'

they used the line from the Psalms iDavid, "Lord, .how ioijg-- ';8haU: .th«:

wicked, how long shall the \wicke4triumph?!' The actor to , Whom thltline fell expressed- his dissatisfaction

, ;and confided his feellngff to DC -"';"Are'yon/?tuck on^it?' th«

actor asked him., ."Yes," said -D*Mille, "I roust confess i ami >!T6u ,*eaV

ments of the other evangelists shouldbe. used to explain the Indefinite ex-pression In John. Other reasons, urged1


.the line isnTmlnfe." It's David's."i» _'«. *. •• • .*''..-thought so," said tbe actor;, "any en»,could tell that waa some of Dave Be>

,When^Presidentis highly improbable that Jesus

his disciplesthe, paschal ____„ _ _-. .,„„.*, . , . . •.• i . .,, ..v^i.regular ~tfme. The date here~upheia is1, sala:r W:hnve stepped np.^nd : sola Wttherefore Thursday, the 14th of Nlsan, a : member of the presidential party»•;AeaD°30Rome ' answerlnK to''A'Pf11 6.(>Whar's the president?" Bti:'Boose-?

Persons.-Two disciples (Mark). Peter Yeit scenting,;,something goody sajdt- ,and John (Luke), were sent Into-the "Do yon wish tO'.see'him paxacnjaiv

•• They^ met .one bearing a, pitcher'ly?!. /'I never seen bnt-one:president•nfpr Anrt Hior*- *Tirt- „*«_• _* +1— - • • ' • • •

language of Mark ("my guest-cham- to see him on gih'rel prindples^*ber") Implies' some previous arrange- "plied the cotintrjman, "but What fi' ' fur mos>

Order of Events.— There"was a reg- cnlar Is to see It-he's got themular ritual at the passpver' supper, and r'elteethL the papers say he has."

the Gospels are then and there the president displayed, S S S S l £ < S . l * "sanlrrer teetS In the broadV

desire (Luke). 2. - The strife aboutKj-eatness, probably connected with 'theplaces at table (Luke). 3. The wash-


of grins. "Gosh ter blazes, yori're th«feller," said the man as he harried

. . - flwnv • ,ing of the disciples' feet • (John). ' 4. awB'-The announcement of the* petra'yer, af- I During Ethel Barrymor^S! last

JSotSSS' Kl d'SP^PDir, '

nected; with the distribution of the un-Chicago BheTwas

,.„ . . . . . „ , . i.^eawmi we ajstriDnuon of the un- ~ ?» after,the-performance dinner,of illnalon, «md to him who gains th« leavened cakes and the cup of blessing The hostess and a number of lietvictory over thought comes in, this lift |;in the passoyer ritual,unutterable peace. He Is the" vlctd)who here and now has triumphed ovei

could command such-resource*; and yolwhen out of these- resources He had fed emultitude of 6000 people, what waa it. Heeaid to Ilia disciples? "Gather up the frag-nentd, that nothing be lost."

life and would turn existence into a grind'fng macUne. Ko, the hours to be re-deemed, not so much by what we do inthem na by the spirit we bring to them, by"'- ' ' '- " ' " Let

, ,..,. n..-«. .-,.-, • > O V I M I I "nno that I hoy look in- for Um pant inns- , Um)w ,,loy afo ,||(.ro fio „„,, out wlmt 'tor of lylnK. .•:...... i you Wnint to-be nnt l liikn off yotlrront

I tali! th«m nil about ojeotloiw, toln- i . .(||l(, n i{ )n tho ,vor|,,. .|.|,a.phonoH, iihonngrnplm mul . rnllroMdii, m|H|(,r/you nro tlm )OH« dovlllry you

w,|( ,1, ftpt to K(,, |Mt0| (1)() HW(,()(or

wl|| J,,' y0ur '«le«u', (ho'luigliter (iml|m|)l)|j,r your. holUliiys, ami (ho hot

nnd gallicred from tholr. ' ,-oxpr«i)nloiithat Ui«y tlioiiKlit I hud eone mad. fromIlio 'coM nnd exponuro^ Th«y lookedat ono another anil miittowl. "Duroo!dtii'ool" wlilch IH HuHslan for crnzy,

--•A copy of Wyollffo'M Now TcHtfi-i i i ' - n t , wli lel i . IH noiirly C O O ^ y u n n i »M,W I I M wold I ' lM'dii l ly In fjOiulon for J580.

— Tlio i.;olit production of tlio Clip*l>|i" Or««U <ll«trlet In Ciilorii'lo wno J12,-!M17,33S In' 1W3. ,

ti-l* n l ls l l i : i l willyoii.-fltobert J.

tin) World |M> Will)


l i iK of u l iouno In K<ioolm>,i<j.i>l ' LI l in i iHi) In of a II IMIHO IM cloanlliiCH^,

l<!.1:l of U. llOtlm) 111 COIldJIU-

Now, t l i ln miiy Imvo liron tho (•ntiit.TlioHti riibbltii.iitit ImvliiK wliltu t i i l lMlimy luivn boon wlpi'il out IIH t int t in-lltti 'Mt to Biirvlviv, tlui whltor tho (!OI>*H(ni l thn moro cluiiio.i would i l iur • off•Hprlnx linyo liiul of CHmipli iK, lln;li'I'lionilcrt, mid NO on. Hut It In myHtro i iK liupi'i ' i iHlon, af ter n ruthor lout,'mul I'hiiiii oliHoi 'vutlon of I ' l ibbltH ( l u l l ,to-iliiy ut . liny i'iiI", young anil oldnll l io would bo iiblu to I'Hciipo ( l i i i l r.•iioinli'ri i inii ' l l i ' i i l ly I I H wul l IIH tlioyilo If t in ) t u l l H wero nut wlilht.

• — ICorfluii Uominarco mnouutn toabout Iltteon million p«r annum, tholnipoi|ttt bvliitf 'doublo tin) ojtlioiti).

hour*.tho'frnilaume to _ -^ .._ ,

%>&IA &^SSKS^SA^ -B±ce^l *£ in^nc/'r'nKro,Jld""' •^^r^^r^^^ S5f»%ri" ffM?1 *!,. fe T.MK A« i *f? ^""hl Itinteinnllcs tho tliought that time is Sho?tto the aged Jacob. And. the patriarch, nm, ye^ cnoug,, for *ach on, of „, to ,,0

V I Homothing for 'Ood. It ia that feeling ofurgency in regard to each day ns it comeu

i' '«>~»hV~v«n«~V.r ^>Ttf'.riV^.i«^ "T~ «"ii that it ahould leave tho record of some-lt-J«V»1.Hn!. fr^^TnT i ' t'»»8 attempted, .omething (riven for GodJLrf iif£y y n ™ k'l and our fellow men, that Kivea richncs. to«m.u mi,. . | jif(J> a j,eauty to character, a Bunny ra-. So, too, you remember tho prayer ol dianco to tho lou),, that maltcii earth theMoses: "So teach us to number," not out: threshold ol heaven. Nothing is moro <lis-yenrB, but "our dsy», that we may applj' punting .than to meet people who simplyour hearts unto wisdom." i |oit( through life, without tiny scnuc of 111--

H«u» vnn .„». n,>fU..I I.. k • . . . . - .. - -... . oea> th(!y J0 „„,.Have von ever noticed how much martkeenly thin senna of the value of n day iiforced linine upon IIH tho nearer wo com*to eternity)1 It i« when the ooul •tunill•unon the Blioro of n bnunilicga «ternit>that it begin* to think of how much a day.An hour, u moment ineimnj "A million olmoney for an inch of time,* cried the greatIpnglisli (]iicunt after n ix , • long year« on

ftency. As the sayini _ . .caro whether «chool kcopa or \\at. Theynro not worried nboitt tho • -orld'a iicecmt-ties. < What we want in this BCIISO of nr-

4$norance; wiio DUB overcome an pas-lion, hatred and Illusion and has pass-ed where nevermore the woes of earth:an come. To film IB joy beyond allioy we know—the Joy of liberation'from this vanity of life; who knows(hot for him' rebirth is finished ; andbis toll at end, and that wben deathihnll claim his body there will be nomore of change or sorrow'or delusion,even ns the master haa Bald:,

Decay mnst come to all that Is,Impermanent thi elements of life IWhat has been born muat cease to be;Surely In cessation »loue la happiness!'r r"""'":;"',,; : --,—-;~ -

Tbe Retort Oonrteoiu.She was a demure little woman with

i baby, ' As tho tram car waa crowd-edvdho did not put the little one, whowas old enough to sit'up, on the scatbeside her. She carried It on her Jap,»nd mado room for a fierce-looking,big man with a newspaper, - -. ••- |

The child kicked its tiny foot In de-light at the strange things It-saw whileriding along, and Itu shoes rubbedagainst tho man'n tro^sprB.

"Perhaps, inmliim," ho Exclaimed,"you Imagine that this convi-yiinco layour private enrrlniroV"

LIGHT ON PUZZLING PASSAGES: iVerse 17.—The 'first day of unleavened i~~

bread: The 14th of Nlsttn; the lost day hiswas the 22d. .Mark and .Luke ~still more definite.—To eat the pz.—; . . . - . • - . .. * ,.over: That is, the paschal supper, ,the won that she noticed it.

gnests occupied boxes at; the. play..Among these was a rather fresh yotmg:man, who thought he had made an ims^pressloB on Miss Burrymor'c. He kept '

on her throughout the pl»j).to create the Impress,

At the dln~-, ,term being uaed also of the lamb of the ner h« had the, good fortune to

'ready: The d.sciplesI^^ tte a5tr688- ^ ef Y lhad oaked for the "guest-chamber,"— ^""^f came he romarKefl to her nw*

a lower room; they were shown an up- (fler his breath: "t)id yon see roe winksr 'FSg^sssg?"^^many things to be made ready, In-1 responded Ml»s Barrymorei,eluding the presentation of the Iamb W,tone, "didn't you heflff my, heartfor sacrifice. . .

Verse 20.—Even was come: The reg-ular time was between 3 and 6 P. M.—Sitting; at meat: Reclining, as. usual

ly performed. Judas having the placeof honor, and John "reclining In Je-BUB' bosom," Peter being opposite.

Verse 22.—Is it I, Lord?. Implying nnegiitlve answer, almost equivalent .toa denial.

Verne 23.—Dlppeth his hand with me:Hence. one near'- him. The 'sop afterwards given Judas made up of thlamb and_pther " "


"Oh, no, I don't,'gcncy. Time in uiiort, and yet loim cnaiigh , r<'Ply- "If It wore;•with prayer to do sametliing that will I r ldlng'ln It."nbida when wo Imvu panned uwiiy. Thai istlio llrat thing tlmt prayer lirings to the

waft tho proinpdyou wouldn't IM

4-JUUM0U ijiii;uii. uni-r H I X I • lung yearH on a .twolvu l^onrR of jtho duy.throne. A million of. nniney for an inch ol [ Tliu-nciyiiiUl thing U ii^nonuo of cnlmnc.'U,timol Tlio nearer wo get to eternity tinmorn piri'iouN tliu nmiiH-ntH become. AUjICliriat, who lived, in thu atinoaphcrn oleternity nnd whn nlonn Kith iipmortallty,ronnleil life liy itn hour«, twelve hourH inthe day—enough, but not enough i i m l t o

goodOlio on tile fillorlff,

HUua — Hy lioolc, (lint was njolio they played on old Sheriff Illoltitol' tho prohibition town. Homo onoloid him tliero wnn n mnn In lilrt dl»-;Irlct Holllng HOinotlilng to bm^o youup. It took (ho HliorlfC two <Iuys tocntrli tho man.

'Oynie™ What wna ho

•-Tlio avonift'i woluht o( u num'HI n n in IH IU',11 uiincjou moro tuna a

\\uir.ivu',).-•Tlio,reach ot a pcarchllght for prun-

( I r a l uua Iti 700' yuriln, but torpmlooacan lia uauil off actively Umiu 1,200 to4,000

• 1 want, of poiirm, . t l ihv mrrnlng to cm-pliiiuiV.e I'lilieeiiilly tha nplrltiuil UHpedt < > 'llilx xiilijeet, IIIK! ynt it ninriot be out ol|iliioe nlloui'tliL'i' tn I'tiiiK'inliul- t lmt l l i i ipower fit i iH inK tho liourx of n day mulKilt her Inn up tliero pirelniiH fniK'HK'nln ollime, fi i ' ( | i ic ' ! i( lv oilleil "odd iniiiiientn," hreally tli» nci'ii 't of mniio of thn nioHt «nccenHlul live«. Ono of tlm Htriklnu tentimo-niuln of hioitnipliy. Indeed, in thin , that nKi'Ciit •ninny enduring ^eputulinim In till•world Imva lie<<n hiillt out uf tlu "odd inn-ment»" of life. Men otlierwino ]on« nlnocforgotten are remembered In day for wlnitthoy aoliluveil In (idil momenta, in thetwelve Iibiica of tho day. Ono ufi the beattrunulntionn of I.iieratiiiH, tlio «rcnt f /n t in•writer, wan the work of a buny Kqniloniloetnr wliilu uoing Inn daily round nmonutiirt pi i t iui i tx . A gniut i i H i K l c l u n ' lenrnnd|i'ii\mli mul Italian wliilu rlilhiK ffoin on' pupil to miinllinr. • K i i l i e VVIil toliiariiitd (Jreclc wl i l ln 'walliluii to ami fromn lawycr'u (illleo, MO t l m t ho WIIK ennlileil tounuliiutu wi th lionorn in U|u ui>ivei'»lty,Ono n( thu ahlrut treiitl«c'u in t\\t

liiiiguune wnt writ ten liy u man intlm ooini'Wlmt ilitpretKlnK interval whichprcceilen tile nerving of tlm evening nioiil,after hn liad uoine hoinn from l i in nllleo.

n f iplr i t of Bcrenity, Jtti . . _. _anil ;.woiry biineutn ;nu piTumiru .Of life!Tho friction of care rcdiiecu the ellVotiye-nvm of our energy. Many men uro wwiriugllieniHolveii out tieforo their time, n i iunlyberaime they have tlii.i hallncinntinn thatthi'rn in nut tinio enough, Tlu-y get into afever of worry IICCIUINO tlui i lnVM uro tonuliort. Hut prayer l if i i igu to nu thu thoughtUnit Ood.lmb given im tl inu niiuuxh, niul allUK nnl<H from uu in to livn audworlc by thoduy, In UU eervico we areuinly iluy labor-era, With to-morrow wo Imvo tiolliing todo, Tho eoininaiul i«, "(ia, work to-day,"and t l iu promino in, "I will pny y»u n pennyn Ony." (]i)il'« wogt'n uro puul, not by thomonth nor tliu weuu, but by lliu day, ICiii'.liiluy hriiiKH i tu duty, bnt raiih <lny briiiuaItn ui'iiou UIK| Dtrungth nnd bli>Huing uu well;

"llujld a1 little fencu <i f t i u u LAround to-day.

Kill Hip tpaeu with loving worh,And therein «tuy.

Liuik nut through tl iu nhul tor ing Imn

I'lot thiit I'lillc.l,The Inmllii i ly WIIH .li-tcrinlncil 'to

low often w« i ru t i ' i nve an uiKlrrHtandlng \vlth Mr. Hlow-

"Thew IH no iiHft of niliiclHK tlilngHloiiK'M'," H!IO lioft-iiii, "niul ,1 — "

"Oh ( l i n n U you." ln t r r r i i |>( i ' t lpay, "I Infer from your roiiinrbImuli w i l l . nolircnltfiiHt."

And lit'Toro Micn H t o n l H l n i K M i t In?l lDWII till) Htr i ' l ' l .

t lmtbi« ttervoil for

rocovorod from hurbuil (llHii(ipcnr<td

I'Joil'H pity IH nut nn miniti hW«'ct cor-i l lu l poured In dainty drnpw from Mum*ItoUIri) phlnl ; It IH wld« IIM t in) wbolcHi'oiu' nt lieuvcii; U In alinniliint IIH t i l lthe nlr.

At Fort Mndl«on, la., llvts Mrs Itii-rlli.'l AllirlKHt, tlllt Kl'(lll(l(liuib'ht(»r ofIletny Itoau, who inailo thu tlmt lingf<ir Um Indi'pciiilont colonlvn. Hlu) waclioin In her KrandiiHit l ie i 'M hori i l lni lclpl i lu . In 1K11> anil .XVIIHtij" llftr to new,

Ood will help tin"! bear what form1*Of joy or UOITOW."

With *onio of un hum tliln uveninu tlm' T .,,„. , , . . . . . . . .ilnv of l i f t - ' i n vouinr The murii l i iu l lul i t ~ " *'81 '"0 '•rt"lll)n li lr lh rale,itlfl t.!il CC^'to voiir yi'mtl.til"llr* ! »««'' «•» !'«', - * ^ "«cldor. Hut. with otlic-« of in ii i» uh' "'' '*;* '" lwy- „ it ' ' ' Ithe oluventh hour, lliu eleventh hour i n ' . "~.1110 'I"1'

OI)0'1«1'" o ' - t h* , fa«t n\i«'llfu 'n tiiwy day, AlthongU wo know it not, b

¥°".!" f.Svi).lv*.1?:!B0..a.m1lm>l*.

th» dn»l( »( tlino in fallTng fin I. The twi-light of our yeiuu .n iluupiiiiing nnd hiuh upin I lie belfry of tlio mini"Tlui ciul'.iw tal lutho linell of panning day."

Verse 26.—And Judos: Sco further details In John 13: 23-30.—Thou hnat sadlEquivalent to "yes," though tho rjucatlon of Judafl also Implied a negiitlvgnawer. Jesus probably withdrew ut-ter this, and before the Institution 6the Lord's Supper.' '

Verse 26.—Took bread: The unleavene<l cakcB. The four acts nrt- the snnnn« In tliu feeding of the live tliouuunil—messed: AMltod a blonwlnff. Lula''when he had given thnnkn."—TlilH l«my body: In I Corlnthlano 11: 2.1-Jilwritten bofoi'e our (JOHpclH, It IH clourly nhoxvn that t l i ln wan nn eHlabl lMli i ' i ,UH'inorJal HOrvlce ainoni; tlio (lent ChrlH-tliuiM.

Verno 27.~-DrlnU yo nll 'of It: That Is,"all of you drlnlc It."

V<THO 1'H.—My blooil of thn coviMinnt:"New" IH not well uttcnted, elllutr licr'1or In Marie. There IH n rufaroncd lo Kx-odiiH IM: K, Tbe word in<*»n,i "temn-men!" In ordinary Ornt-k, but "covcii-ant" In Old ToHtnm«nt Or<!ck, nnd aim:In tliu New Tciitiiment, oxi'i-pt In }!>••

•WH 8: 10, 17.—Voured ou t : "Hhnil"linn tlm mniio MCIIHC, th i i i iKh thl.i IH of-ten iKnorod.

Vci'HO !!!>.—TlilH f:lilt of tho vlnii: Th•wine iiHed nt t l io iiaiirlml HUPMy Kntlinr'n Ul i iKi loni : The f n t u r odoin of glory, not tho ChrlHt lanHlltlOll .

•M(> 30.—Hmig,n bynin: ThIIK-IIS), In wholo or In part,

(llm'ournd In John 14-17 probablyl t L > l l

General Miles was- standing In tlltrI jobby of the Arlington, tlio othpr Jilgbt-and happened to' overhear a remark;made by a small, thin, young man whatwaa standing near. • "During tho Span-ish war," the young man.: had said, "Btook five Spanish officers, without ony-tsalstanqe from the army or navy."" that?", asked Genera) .turning upon him abruptly, "yon .myyou took five Spanish ofljeors withouttlio assistance of tho army or navyl"1

"That'i exactly what I sal^ sir," »<^piled tbe young man; "by myself, an>)without any loss of Mood, It haj>-penod at Boston. Here la my card.( am. Sninllemith, the photographer.Now, if you will allow me to posn you,teneral - " But the general had. tied,

A SoTon IViu'nd ICey. iOne of tho oldest nnd most cartonstu-lruftiiH of tli« lockumlth'ft art Is ot~pliihd to tho door of tho Temple,

rjliurch, l.uiidon. Th« Uey weighs n»>v->n poumlH, Is olghtocn Inches in't,^nd, unlllco other koys. It was not mii<l<*or tlio !«<•!(. On the contrary, the lootvas mn<li» for tlui key.

—The Sunday Holiool Times.

ot '">—The London Cryiitnl; I'nhice

rnodatua moro people, (bunCiCOllioth,..


nr HiiliuinrinnTwo mibmiii-lm. boiitn nmdn a aim,,,

t lnr l i on UK. l.'rond, Nqiiiulixtn ut l^i:o(!lmll« roconlly In (ho iiVKiilnjr amii H i i i n r t l y woro tlioy lmin|lf<l tlmt It IN•'•' In iictinil wiirfnro tlin wliolo d|.

' V till VI- !)('!•

Clnclnnntl I I I IH u ilenf iind dumb bnr-)cr, but wi th tho nm of a iiliono«nn,|,

Her Alr'crin<!tfrcrrt»ce('What n cool nml lildlltorcnt

Minn Krappiiy has. Him «ctn J i - M fHlu« didn't kno\v ' t lmt unylioilylooking nt her."

"Ytm. Him Inherits tlmt. HerUHt-il lo Imkti inineakeH In tlio windowOf a quick-lunch rostnuraiit."—land Plain

nn ^WiUi

niuMrn, Crawoot— -Tln>y ilo My

funny amriier city liuslmiul Imvo a»p

lilfoHnlile parlor.Mr. i Orawuot ...... Nothing ooinforluhlei

iboiit It. Why, when 1 mit In my uhart-*ilciivra anil ktnrteil (o Hiuuku Kniuiy oU, •

Any nun who 11 coiilHrnilly 'rnuk*ou u fool of l i ln iMoli ' must bn •orn

Page 3: Par &.& I J;^|^ !NQ · NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa-»^0* REPAIRED and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— From 40 oenta'up. W. Dodd* Sohwarz's Greenhouse 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Designs imado tap at shortest



When youEeceive

ypur Life Insurancepolicy, it is an ^indication

of jour good physical, condition.

Write for rates to-day.

The PrudentialInsurance Co. of America.

JOHN F. DBYDBN, Pres't.LESLIE 1>. WARD, Vce Pres't


Howe.Office,'Newark, Jtf. J'.

EbGAR B. WARD, 2nd V. P.EDWARD ORA.Y, Seo'y.


The house next to Dirffortfa's black-smith shop, on Second Street, ownedby F. N. Thomas, was discovered tobe on fire about 5.80 on Tuesday after-noon. The alarm bell sounded, andthe fighting outfit was on baud In &very short time.' 'j

Ju8t_5?h»i jrtarted jhe _flre,jio_ on£seems to know. Bumor states thatthe tenant— William Wormwood andfamily —were burning waste-paperand trash in the stove, the heat fromwhich set fire to the roof near thechimney. When the firemen arrived,there was certainly a brisk fire, cover-Ing about one-fourth of__togjggiN>g<l_spreading rapidly. They connected alinn of hofiB with a hydrant on C. F.

Carfare to PhiladelphiaStore to your very totr

This is'How:You pay excursion railroad or trolley fare. Come to our

•tore: tuy your Clothes, your boy's, yoiir girl's, your wife's.£tme price to everybody. Show your railroad ticket forfere paid"We7 pay you exactly its cost if you buy a certainamount. How much? Can't tell—depends upon your carfare.


'Wanamaker & BrownOak Hall*,

Outfitters to Sixth And MarkitMet, Women, Boys and dirls \ Philadelphia

Tr,< *


Jolin Prasch.Furnishing

Undertakerand Embalmer

Twelltn St., between railroads.Phone 8-5

} N. J.'AH arrangements for burials madeand oarefnllv executed.



Auctioneers.Special Attention given

to House Furnishing Goods

Offloe, Beat Batata Building

Hammotiton. N. J.

From Sooth Carolina.J. B. BarroD, President ManchesterMOli, Kook Hll!. 8. 0. May 3rd.

"In 1883, or 21 years ago, I painted myresidence at OloTer, S.C., with Longman& Martinez L.&M. faint Lilac. Jt looksbetter to-day than a great many housesthat were painted three years ago.

(Signed) J. B. BABBOR.A. d. Hunt to Fred Ottm»r,

ofRiley, Michigan.I asked him if be was going to paint, andrecommended the L. & M. "Let me wtethe kind," said he "Well yon don't needto tell me anything about that paint" bocaM. "We painted our house 15 years•fro with the L. & M,, and it don't needpainting now."' I Frdm New Jersey.

Extract of letter from Wm. Baker,Hammonton, to Longman & Martinet.

"I kqow all about your paint, havinghandled thousands of gallon* of It It'*tbe best paint Used In Amerioa, andprobably in the woild., _____ i .._...' !_.:_.


. Phillips Co.


Loans.OorrMpondence Bollolted .

a^Uett Building;•' ' , Atlantic City, N. J.


JftltMy Pabllo, OommUlloner of Deeds;

Hammonton, N. J.Offloc at Residence. Mlddleltoad.

Herbert G, HensonAtL TUB


PBKfODlOALS..Stationery & Confoctiouery.

317 Ballavu* Ayenue,

. N. J.

TLls celebra-.ed pilnt Is sold by HarryMol>. Little, Hammonton.

Oil StovesRepaired


No. 25 Third Street,


IJflng In orders for

BERRY TICKETS.' They are as tough as cloth

Ton can't brtak them


DIWTIBT,. : : W.J.


thai U itaM, MMf , »M<, K•uiiUt iM w«< M M.ut H.IIJT kr ik. N.IM.M> «M, Mff

»>IU4 Ml M*•*»«•»• W M*- »f"»

m kM> t •• Mi. n» •• UkMU MOU M •«•"priM H.I MI M Mnamio.juin nm N., wi»r «HI«. K.J.


-f^ - —


Osgood's corner, and the way thatstream of water drowned out .the firewas pleasant to witness. "No need ofaxes, either, for the force sent shinglesflying In all directions and made wayfor itself.

As usual, most of the householdgoods were quickly retn&yed~~6y~&"ttd~hearted volunteers;1 and, as nsual,the glass ware came out of the windowwhile the 'pillows were carried downstairs.

Apparently, the fire damage'wasconfined to one-half of the roof; butat first it looked as though the housewas doomed.- This was .the. first fairtire'test of our water:woTkB^;and-nonebut complimentary comments couldbe heard from the cloud of witnesseson the ground; and tbe firemen werewell pleased.

Mr. Wormwood and family wish toextend sincere thanks' to all those whoassisted in saving their property.

More Ffre Hydrants,

When the balance (three) of the newfire hydrants arrive, Hammonton canboast of a fine system ibf fire protection—consisting of flftyrnlne hydrants,well distributed. The REPUBLICANof Feb. 13th contained the location offorty-eight of "these, and tbej; elevenare placed as follows: v

Cor. Orchard and MadisonAt Skinner's factoryAt Cottrell's factory.

Oh Eetteme Avenue—• At J. Hurray Bnsaett'aAt Porch'sAt Elvlns' Corner

County JSoad—Corner Vine Street 'Corner Peach Street

fleatant Street—Cor. Washington St. 'At 8. 8. Lewis' ;

Cor. Monroe Ave.

A dispensation has been grantedLittle Ha-Ha Council,' No. 27, D. of P.,to bold their nest regular meeting onthe sleep of Blet Sun, Flower Moon,Instead of (he 80tb, when all membersattrrequested toTw prosent. ~

SAB AH A. HOOD. K. of B.Alum), attention I Don't forget

the banquet In Jackaou'a Hall, Tbora*day. evening, Jone 2nd ; and. above alt,don't forget to baud in your dues (25 c.)to the Secretaty or Treasurer beforethat date. There will be somethingnew and attractive In tbe entertainmentline. D.

j^Jnit alter midnight, Thursdaymorning, we bad a violent thunderetorm, with plenty of electricity, butnot much rain.— Juet enough to lay tbeduit and cool the atmosphere. Folsomreported no rain. At Wlnilow It fairlypoured. A flablng party at PleasantMills called It a "renular soaker."

If you are thinking of painting yourbonne, drop me a po«tal card and I

will be glad to give estimate.WMI. D. rLEASAJNTON,

1 ni.woon, N. J.Houae Painter and Decorator.

REPAIREDand Recovered,-—

Fiom 40 oenta up.

Geo. W. Dodd.txw'T THE

N, Y. Bargain StoreFor Ladle*1 and Oenta'

Furnishing Goods.Yoii will g«t your money'* worth,

.We.can mention herb,only a few of thie appropriate things ' '~J ''

For Graduation PresentsWatches, Lockete, Signet Eirigs;, \<

Btooches, ^Shirt Waist-Sets,- Manffiure^Articfiw;Many pretty things for the di easing table.'


A good suggestion— A CAMERA, $i Up.We keep « full line of PnOto supplies.

_ _ _ . _gWatch Repairing given special attention — doing all the

work ourselves. 18 years practical experience.

Eyes Examined.-byjhe Opthalmometer and test lenses,—-the moat scientific methods. ,. ,

ROBTr STEEL, Watchmaker & Optician,

Mail Time.Malls will close at the Hammonlon

Post Office a* follows: ' • .- v. ___ '-.r.RAVR-. _____

DOWN , OP9:10 A.M. 7jOO, A.H.

12:20 P,M.(thro6:38 -f 4:88

5:39 A.K.0:175:48

7:15 A.M.4:43 P.M.

Memorial Day next Monday.Get out your bunting early, next

morning. r _* \Harry A. Jacobs made his par-

rots a Sunday call, .

l&~ Notice the Special Master's SalesadT., on another page.i ,

~^,_ OoniicU meeting $Q[$ ere.' MiT To avdtd delays, visitor* should

have their m*ll and tdepfttns addressedid thelt hotel or boardlng-bOttie,"'

1 M£ The E. A.A^received theirthis week. The pants, blouse and capsare red, blue belts and stocking!.

MT Wbero to that public drinkingfountain that was to be erected by theladles? Itignwdedlhlrweather. -,IJXm SALE,—the old Dr. North bomeateadJ7 on Central Aye. Inquire of . t 3-—

f, Mra C. F. O8QOOD.

the CommencMiwt.

evening'* cocdmencement waa

we give some of the principal

^il±;-i_ _

215 Bellevue Avenue, Hammonton

At Eckhardtfs Marketwill he found a full line of

Beef, Foik, Veal, and Muttonof the best quality. Our Hams, Bacon, andSmoked Sausages are surpassed by none.

C3 WEET Potato and all other kind* of plantsIJ3 forsUle. aSCHAUMBERCJ.._ j _ isth A Grand Streets.

•9&" Edwin Thayer made bis parents"a short visit on Sunday.

JQr Several warm specimens of sum-mer weather, tbls week.

MT W. Irviog Lockerby has boughtthe Callaban place, First Road.

\J any for Bale, drop a postal toJ. M. BAJBSHETT, HamjDODton.

«®* Miss Lillian Cook, of, Bridgetoo,is a cnest at Capt 0. D. Loveland's*

The Independent Fire Company

• Dr. Francis H. Tomlln and wife,of Haddonfleld, were among the Sunday

. i. B. Berry and family expect toreside in Hammonton after to-day, oc-cupying their Belleyne Avenne bouse.

Mr A lone-needed rauuitarted-iinyesterday—a> regujar down-ponr,—anddelighted all who weren't caupht la it

*&• Plumbers will soon be reqqired•0 procure a parmlt from tbe TownClerk for each excavation in tbe street.I?OR SALE—the mieal unoccupied bnlldlncX1 Blteln town.atabargttln.


P»rbj.Claw Prophecy^-—«•—••—.Retw BarleyOlau HliWr^,-™.,....^.mPrentlM MyrlokEiwijn...... '

Comparison of Milton and Shakespeare.-^Sadie Oannlnitbam ^

lir^ftn RnlM thff

e H. A. A. wishes to thankthose who coutribnted toward'theiroutfit. They expect to wear the suitsto-day./'

1 * Don't forget the lawn party to beRiven by the Baptist Ladies' Aid Soc'y,June 17th and 18th, at Mrs. FrankErwlu's. ' *

Anthony EspoaltoDream Children of Literature... \i/ " Amln JotlynGreat Inventions,..,...._Mary JeniaonFarming to Hammonton..,^ ^ _ _J?Wfltt«»JM«lfllf-Hr.Friakto's Omtlon,,.«,Lottle RogersThe Jfoarero, Qnfatlon,,..,,Leroy Tllton

You can purchase a - - ~- —

10-ccnt bottle of, - " a t PATTEN'S, v~^ .

(.- ' - _ '

*- ' ^for 5 cents:

Mr Tbe fourth annual meeting andbanquet of tbe Hammonton AlumniAssociation will be held next Thursdayevening, June 2nd, lo Jackson's Hall.It Will be an enjoyable affair. ^

JOon'i fail to call and see our "


They are good value for the money.

t&- Comrade Henry E. Andrews isfirst soldier in Hatnmootoa to receivea pension on account of aee. Havingpassed(' the sixty-fifth year, he hasbeen granted eight dollars per, month.

t&- John Myers, 8r.. died on Satur-day last, 21st inst., at the home of hisson, Wm. H., on Pleasant-Mills Boad,

that the|Hammouton, agtd 85 years. Mr. M.average consumption of town water/on was a native of this State, and for manyTuesday last, was ten thousand gallons long yeafiji resident of this town,per hour,

,. \-^visitors.

PIANO TUNEB. Addreu atard today toF. A. North 4 Co.. 1308 CbeitnntStwet,

Vnllada.. and an expen will call upon youaext Monday. Mfty Wtn.

Butter and "Eggs.I handle only the beet Elgin Creamery,

^ '--'• a butter that has few equals. - -

/The EggB are strictly fresh

county eggn,—not crated.i


• Tbe Reading's summer schedule' • takes effect to-morrow. Watch ont for

-changes.iff Edward MOM, of Dixey, Moss &

' Co., paving contractors, was In townyesterday. ( ^ t

J9* Carpenters are adding a kitchen'to the residence of L. B. Joslyn, on theCounty Boad,

IKCUBATOKS. Twelve Prairie State Incn-baiors for sale, chenp. Addreu

K. B. GRANT, Hammonioo.

P A. NORTH* CO., maker* of tbe excel-• lept Xieiter Flaooi. Will send one of

tdelr export toners to Hammonton, Mondaynext. If your inrtrament needi attention,write or pbone them to-day, and tbe manwill call on yon. — '

• Daniel M. Baljard is adding a

BUILDING Ix>U for sale. Inquire orr sale. Inquire orOEO. 9BBNSHOTJTSK.

-chamber and bath-room to his fineresidence, withMiot and cold waterflxtares. '

19* Hammonton grown strawberrieswere in tbe markets on Wednesday.Thursday's prices were as low'aa tencents per quart.

$&• Mr. Sidney A. Ford is tbe gnestof his daughter and her husband, Dr.P. C. Hurt. He was also welcomed byother warm friends.tWR SALE, at a bargalF lu good condiilon. Foffice. . .

„ . . Victor SafeFartloplan at tbis

Base Ball Uniformscomplete, consisting of shirt, panto, cap, belt

and stockings, . * ^ $2 to j?ll per suit.

We have a special tir*, guaranteedfoi sixty days,—$2.00.

Hammonton Loan and BuildingAssociation meets next Thursday even-'ing/Jnne2od.

»0- Goo. A. Blake and family art tomove to Haddoo Heights next week.They will be misted

tO* Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and child,of Wilmington, Del., are visiting hermother, Mrs. Oarlaw.

our own make, and otbera,0111' »u<i t o '

Gordery of Course*

People are wondering If the newtelephone company expects those greenpainted poles to grow.

«8r On Wednesday, May 25th. Mrs.. J. ttvyelt received word of tbe death ofbur staler, Jo Germany.

^ tST Miss Myrtle Dickey .teacher atVlueland, stopped off bare on her way

, home, Saturday evening,

PBIUE of Kifg Planla ont lo two. One <lol-lur pur buudrrd Cor large plan U. •'We alio

1>.'OOLWELL4BON.NT Four Inch water mains bavu

been laid on E«« Harbor Boad. fromOrchard lo P«acb Street.

MiTMrs. Alouzo L. LUtlefleld is-•uBerlog from a paralytic stroke,received on Wednesday. •

j WT Dp to yeatorday iroon there were1 ono liuodred and fotiy-aeren taps made

• • Jn tui) town water mains.

The H. A. A. boys tender theirtbanks lo Judge Byrnes tor big kindnessin granting them tbe use of his groundsduring tbe base-ball season.

MF* There will be about two hundredchildren in tbe cboru* at the cemeterieson Memorial Day. Transportation willprobably be provided for them.

J9~The Second Street side of J. B.Small's bakery building baa been elabo-rately decorated, this ireek, by an art-istic elgo painter. It Is admired.

POlt H Al*E. A good anbitantlal foot lathe,and Bcroll law, alma maohlneand molds

for making buiketa, Mr.. A. OBI8HAKER.

M^The subject of hose for 4be Inde-pendent Fire Qompftny will probably beintroduced at Council meeting tonight.Thfrop-towners havfr4iydr«ntsijowi butno way o&nsine them. They want, andshould have, 600 feet of two and a-halfinch hose.'

tST A good-natured automobile partyamused the youoRsters, Thursday after- (noon, br tossing c9$o and packages of Jcandy into tbe street. Such scrambling I

While cleaning houseYou may wish to refurnish one


or mdre of your rooms.If eo, look a*, our

one rarely sees -on a hot day. It coatthe. fellows, ft. few dollars, perhaps, batthey got their money's worth In fun.

M183 K.TJ. DA VIS, Milliner, 308 E. SecondStreet.' Beady-made bate. Hat* made

trimmed to order.


Useless Expense—Old Elfctrio Globea that burn »t a ,low candle power,through long use, are wasteful, both on acconntrofthe larger current consumption and the loaa of up to40 per cent in candle power. They are a poor propo-sition, both for the consumer and the company furn-ishing the light.


LKWl'KK I'lANCM "«ve made tbe a«me ofK. A. Nor III* Co. lUinnui. TUelr tuu«r

•will D«lu Huuimuulnii on Monday, SOUi, and

J0r A small fishing party, headed byJos. L Taylor, went to Weynaouth lastSaturday, and bad a good,time. Itrequired a w.«eon to bring home the fishthey didn't catch. Another party wentto Pleasant Mills, on.Wednesday night,and reported a good string of catties.

Mr Postmaster Jackson has receivednotiBcatlon of an increase in bis salary,from 81600 to $1800 per' year. Thoseare pretty figures, sore, bnt they dwindleconsiderably by the time he has paidoffice rent, two (sometimes three) assist*'ants, fuel, and other incidental expenses. <

NEW SERIES. Tbe Hammonton Loan jand Banding Ajuoclatloo will open »,

new aerlea of (took at tbe Jane meeting. IBubacrtptlodi (hribarea received at any time I

19* Will. C. Jones is circuiting a.paper, in which each signer agrees topay a stipulated sum for sprinkling tbestreets during the summer. If enoughis pledged, Bellevue Avenue to TiltonStreet, and portions of tbe intersecting

TYplqptMr Fire _Company_sf^, I eti^liwlU_be^thoron«hlyLwet^t-leaston Wndoesday, tbe old coiton hose, 2601 twice each day. A good scheme.feet,-tbe first hose owned by the Oom- ^Tes, the Bed Men are to have a

We are receiving new things »every few days, and can give you

__, some very good values in

Side-Boards, Tables, Chairs,Bedroom Suits, Bookers,Writing Desks, etc.

Members of Pocabootas bad apleasant ride to Egg Harbor, Wednes-day nlehl, to'visit the council there.They reached home at an early hour.

Mr Dr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Pollard,of Atlantic City, .are guests othermother, Mrs. D. Col well,-that is, Mrs.P., is here, and the doctor comes upevpryt night. .


At Little's Store.

call at tbe store and flee these up*io^ate stove inactual operation. Gas is to be the popular a^d'1

most convenient fuel for cooking.


Philadelphia Weekly Pressand the

South Jersey Republican(two paporp enoh week), for $1 60 a yew

to any addreM in this county, or 01.f6 outside.

MT Mrs. Will Taylor, of West Phil-•dulphm, vraa n Hammootou Tlaltorover. Sunday and Monday. . '

HOT Mr. and Mrs. John B, Bennett,of Wilmington, Del., were visitors atJ . 6. Tlmjor'a, this week.

JMT El wood Jone* entertained hisalaier and her uunbtind, Mr. und Mrs.Frank timllh, over Sunday.

IK YOU AUB uooomftirubl*. ibl* warmwoatliur, uxll ul lUo OuUy Kllolieii aud

T«rre«li yournviroii their iu per lur loquraamaud Hodu Wuiar. i^avomi iiopulur rtuvorn* waya on bund. Uou'V M»al lli« |>luo«,-Mlmou*' Candy Kltolioii. next to l-o

It I. to be used for irrigation by pion|0at'the Park on Monday afternoonFoTrler< and evening, to which they Invite the

; public,Dt>Xt door." Inquire of BL£X*I."HblSroHr'

MT M. Rubba set bis neighbors ago»d example, yesterday, by cleaningthe gutter, in /rout of bis store, andhauling away tbe refuse, not waitingfor tbe town to do it.

tST As an Illustration of tbe durabil-ity of lloyt & Son's berry picker tickets,one of oar farmers stated, yesterday,that be bad been using a lot furnishedby us for twelve yeura.

MT* It Is the Intention of the newE«i>l)rlm, ai Station to benefit growers

Refreshments will be on sal.,and various amusements provided In tbegrove. Then will be two games of baseball between the H. A. A. and the Atconine.—at* 10.80 a. m. and 4.00 p. m.Dance in tbq evening, in the hall; 10cunts for ladles, 15 cents for gents.


JW»T Kmoruld and white are our grad-uating olaaa colors. Uouiuionutimoutticket* uro printed tiooor'dlugly.

jlQr Alburi L. Juokaoo arrlvud lioaieyoaterday, lull of bin trip lo Bl. LoulB jbut wya be hud uuou«h .of U.

Mr Mrs. Edw.'Jj. Grant was In townon Tuesday. We undantand that Hiefninlly Will U< liere,bol»re luug.

HOUdW to l(«Dl~~ furul.Uo.l— »u llollivnoA*«nu«-Mvoii mouth Inuo*. luqlilro at ih|» dhk-u. .

iniura with toe A, U. Phillip* Co.liartUtt Building, AiUntlo City.

pi all kinds, Including cranberries. Fif-teen plots have been planted, the drat ofwhich Is Just cowing up. •

TAIJI.K for rent, with carriage room and•bed. on Ilellavue Av«, liiqulroof MUM.MHAlCKIl, Hammouton,

Mr A one-atory frarte addition hasboon erected on the roar of the RodMen's building,—10 x 24 ftlot,—designedfor an automobile repair shop, to beoccupied by Low. Uonloy.

M0r- We received another smull con-elgnmoul of Uncle Hara'a garden anedsthis wwik, nnd frlonila are carrying themaway gradually. Koop coming. You're

Welcome as long as luoy laat,

Mr Wo tender thanks to Mr. D. F.LuwaoQ for a badge containing a pictureof the Now Jersey bulging at tbe JLoua-luna Purchase Exposition, now open atBt. Loula, Jt Is said to be equal to anyother 8t«to building.

HOUSE PAINTER,Eitlajatet given.

Oehtral and Park Avoa., riammonton.

and several other varieti.*.to correspond with style.

H.McD. LITTLECor. Bellevue and Central A yea., Hammonfoa.

pet my prices for your next winter'*supply. It will pay us both,


That Sage Cheese, • • ' i ) i


JEWELRYMusical Gooda

Cut GlassSpeotaolei and Eye Qlawoi

.,. Pine RepairingOf all kinds. T

vf. o. joxrxs,ThoWMohxniaker.

Try it.

is D/elicioxis.

/'' :


Page 4: Par &.& I J;^|^ !NQ · NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa-»^0* REPAIRED and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— From 40 oenta'up. W. Dodd* Sohwarz's Greenhouse 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Designs imado tap at shortest


^*** *


ffine ie an Humble, toilsome lot,tty home a lowly cotlad pleasant trips o'er'land and seaWot wheel nor Bfcll e'er proffers me.Day holds, me carebound, „ jint the ntghfDhoery -with hcartfire's glowing light,fonchunfes rare journoya with the elvesChat hide In covers oa my shelves,

from open page these curious friendsDome ont at call, with power that sendstie In their wake, St lightning, pace, /through' storied : realms of time and

space, 'From /frozen fields of arctic snowto yaies where tropic- splendors glow,Past craggy heights, o'er waters wide,fearless we soar, we glance, we glide.

* " — i^fataed kings and lovely queens we greet;'tOnights-errant in their journeys meet:With founders and explorers stray,l>r talk vrtth scholars by the way.Basse look -on with solemn eyes,Dropping their queries and replies,

myetJCB breathe bewildering"dreams,

aB the air with wonder teems.

tie sweet hours come, the sweet hoursgo;

Dpon the hearth the fire burns low;Chen dainty singers, dreamy eyed,IProm>hythmlc cover?'softly glide.Crooning their low, delicious runes,tad, lulled by cadence of the tones,IjCall asleep amid the elvesfeat hid* In covers on my shelves.—National Magazine.


>ELL, Tom I4ngfleld!" shecried gaily, holding out herhand as she ca'me. "We

thought you 'had; given up your, own~ ~ ~ ~ " " ~ ~ " "ToU inlgbl bavu


country lor good.bopped TIB a lint you -were coming, Ithink."

«I didn't know It myself until halfin hour before I flailed," he said.i"Well, Ijere yon are—Sybil of old days.£ would have known yon-anywhere,though yon bave grown half a loottincei'l -went away."

"Which implies tbat I -was, veryroung five years ago," she laughed."I -wag only 17, and a UtUe simpletOOltton'will enable yon to observethat I am not an octogenarian now."

"Ion don't look very old," he saidcritically. "I could almost believe that'n6Qang"Jbad~cbaijged-since I disap-peared." ', "Ob, I am working!" she said Ilght-

•)I bave been working three years' It Is great fan.' So I walk out

i every morning 'and I come In every^evening, and I earn my little salary;

ad we pay as we go.""8ybll.".erled Tom,_hls accusing eyes

upon her, "And yon never let meknowl"

"It couldn't be helped,-Tom, dear,"•he laughed. "Besides, I like the newWe better than the old. . My employerIf lovely " , y

~And' I suppose be IB some old fos-sil, 'making a fool of himself aboutrouT Tom said savagely.

"He Isn't .so very old," said Sybil.Mashing still more now.

"Ana 1 am TOO-later he said bit-terly. "I have dawdled about Austra-lia while toy chance for happiness wasbeing lost here at home. Is it too late,dear?"

"I am afraid It is," 'she wild softlyand regretfully. "I'm afraid I like myemployer very much Indeed." •

5f lth_an. Inarticulate .speechthat Avatsupported to stand for good-night heturneq -toward tbe' door.. .; -• '>

\ °To"nY ' she murmured softly. Hewas back In an instant, looking at lie;expectantly. ,

"Tom," she. almost whispered, "you'llunderstand how It Is tbat I can't givehim np. I have'loved blrn ever fllnceI was grown up." . :

And then Tom accepted bis congeand wont blindly out Into the nlglit.'.'

Tbe next'morning he went Into thegreat business establishment that waituojv bis since bin father, bad died, tobury- 'hl» troubles In •work. To thonlannger he explained:

"I want to ,tnko bold of tilings hereI will take up tlio correspondence ntone*.-—Have---you a dwout dliorllia mlwriter now?—u<>t old /JT/OVCH, 1 liopo.Bend blm in, pleiiHo.''/

There was u <iutpi opunlng mill closJug of tho door IIH (lie miuingcr wcnlout, nnd1 fuMtluT cjnlot cmenlng inn)

'•closing.of thn door IIH thuVinH-'imciHt,cnnin in. Hlio iitood before blm, iioiface rosy red, her pencil and notebookla hand.

Tito ucurt of ,tho linn gazed nt herwith iiHtoiilBhnumt uind bewildermentThon lie slowly III-OHI*.

"Sybil!" he nnli l , with tl)B light oldawning rompixtlionfllou in Ills eyes.

"I linvn romp to tiiko your lutters,"•he said dunmniiy.

"Am I your employer, Sybil?" nakedMr. Mngllolil, atlll imir-donbtfiil of lilt

, fortune. . ,"I—I think you muRt be," H)I« Bald

In deep emlmrraomncnt.Tom Llngfleld walked gravely to Ui«

door and ertlled tho manager from hlfdesk. Ho knew when to toko tbn tld«at tbe flood.

"MlM Harpey In «olujj to bo myWife," b« explained, thoughtfully koop-Ing himself between linr and tho door.''You will woo (but It In InipoHHlblo foili«r to KO on occupying I l i ln ponltlon.Will yov find dome unu ultiM. lilcuuo?"—Cblrngn Journul. j


That Will Interest andEntertain Young. '-

Readers. '

itel-Bhelf.(The Japanese" doli -got up very early

ne morning and harnessed his wooden!•ow to the cart that he might go toown.

He traveled and traveled along thennntel-sbfelf a great way. The woodenSow did not go very fast. BO the!

In consequence, tne noise in a umneseschoolroom would drive .tbe averageAmerican teacher frantic. At first tbepupil does not understand any of tbe]words he learns by rote. Tbe mean-ings are all explained to blm lateron.' This Is the kind of school tbat

With tbe true Gallic entntufiaoncharacterize^ their acceptance of ,nnjfactor crazp, tbe French people bav«taken up s^bletlcs, particularly ,tbecroBB-conn. rna 'or walk'phase ofthe strenuoti& life; says

v«l;?'ife;r'^»?f-i:-;'''',;•';?;-:,;.':" ;.i1''>'V>-::';-';:v:;i:v>'.;.'v''!i^;'i;';



vention;^oirWn^;WwSr'::^WBasi bad;f6rritsribr'e^toe^t^nsijiraHoritbe:wbo1e8.ale,,pedeatrlani8rn tbat, haiaffected-^ll/BJngland;: during the Sum,mer and aumnM of tie-p\re^nt year,'is conflrxed, to neither; class'nqr mass,but'/is tieipj'bperty of tbe whole peo-ple.

.,.,.»- _ .v. -«- „ .„„ ou m^, 1" fftiliyi . .IrpppB Bwpiv ilqyH .JTT , tjjp^rapnnese;doll saw*'all.tlie-fllgbta;alongf| week with very"few^n'oHdays through-'j*,-« -^n,. ;. . . . ' • • . -."!., .;...-'".'.- • ; • " • ' . ; . •/ • • • ' '1 ont the ''year. • '" • • • ' ' ' ' : " " • • • .• :-.\

What is unfluestlonRbly tbe greateslof orcsa-cduntry rnns, or, for that mat


Suddenly he heard some one 'calling,1'Jappy, Jappy, Jappy, stopl'!

'And-, tbe Japanese" 'doll said, "So,iBossy! so Bossy!" to the cow/and the•oyj stopped.

Then tne doll saw who It was thatlad called to him; It was a paper nun.1

She was standing now tn front of>be wooden cow, with a,great earthera|ar In ber arms' as big as a tub.

"Your cow .looked - so hot andthirsty," said the paper nun/ "tbat Ithought I would bring ber somethingto drink."' ' ', '

"You are, very kind," said the doll,is. tbe nun set the Jar down in theroadway. t ^ f

The cow sniffed It and then drantIt all up, for It was full of milk In-itead of water. ^

A little Maltese kitten had followedthe nun, and while-the caw was busyIrtnldng the milk tte Wtten creptfrom behind the nun's skirts to lapup some'spatters: of milk around tbebottom of the jar.


." J ter, of any soch contest ever held, wa;«

.__ Old Friend. V.There's, a pleasant looking 'fellow

V. mile's'.juid miles away, . ' ; .- , . 'Yet ho maneges to 'come and see

,, ' . nearly every, day.,;/ # . - • ' : ; .Be w'ill peep in at the keyhole or-through

. the smallest crack, • > . :And say, "Good morning,•children!

!: Aren't',you jjladjx)seema; back?"

, ,j celebrated at Paris on Sunday, Nov. &I'hls Affair, rolled "Le Marcne du FetUMatelot'* in honor of "a (Parisian firsttbat provides 10,000 francs in "crlzes,received 4,348 entries' in advance. Ofthis number 8,800 men, tbe

Then he glances through, the door, andhe laughs along the floor,

And chases to the cellar all the shadowsbig and black.

No matter where he shows his face lie isa welcome, guest.

He always wears a golden coat and lore-- Jy yellow vest

Hla smile is broad and generons—brightas a field of corn, . >

And he makes yon feel so frolicsome and:glad that you were born.

Now when you hive guessed hi* name,you will praise him just the.same,

Aid will give him smile for smile whenhe appears •to-morrow mom,

—Youth's Companion.

of 100. business houses;'lh theFrench''capital, started on the forty .kilometerJourney, and 1,847/pf ,.the; contestantsxoverevrtbe entire "cpnr8e.Y The.priase-rwintters were separated

Bpise from away down the road—Imean the mantel-shelf—made the kit-)ten scamper off for safety. j

Tbe nun and the Japanese doll looked'!Jown the road In tbe direction fromKblch the .sound came.. .Even the!wooden cow turned her head and the idtten peeped around from tbe shelter,»f the nun's black; skirt. t "

What they saw was a yellow-; china~ ?ljlcken coming -wlttt a band-organ, f

Wnen it came up to them the chicken '(topped,, and it played such a merry 'tune that the kitten came out In theroad where it could bear better. \

— TbeTiunrclapped-her-handsrfor-sheVFB.B good natured and liked a bit olmusic now and then; while the Japa-nese doll leaned over the rail of hitcart and said to the chicken, "TbatIs a very pretty tune, sir."

The doll bad Just finished speak-tog when tbe sun'rose. Its bright raysibone In at the window and cleattcross tbe room., .That made the man-tel-shelf folk all stop just ;where theywere;' they never motfe about by day.light And when little girl Margarettame down stain there she saw theJapanese doll and the wooden cowind the paper nun and the kitten andthe Chicken with tbe band-organ,—Bt Nicholas.

xne ueai Hero,

finish oFwbat proved to b6, apparent-ly, a four-bonr Journey by seconds pniyj:

So great was/the Interest .taken inthe-affalr, that more than 200,000 spec-tators witnessed the start and finishof the contest, many .others lining th«roads i'traversed by the waikers,: ecthat the competitors .went through

[lag hedges practically the 'entire ^_tance. Bach competitor wore a bras-sard—a sort of white sleeveless jersey—-with bis number on the breast Sol-diers and, gendarmes on horsebackwere


crowd, while on the -march, once thasmall army had gtartad, automoblllsta

-..''^t^^'^i^^^o^ii^^iM'Uiiaoei'..^bflpiutely":4iicom]ipireS8lb^!Rdt has now calculated-ihat tbe oceanjvpuld/rise il6 ^feetvblgherv-than^present:If.It -Wtsre'j not compressed: byIts'own welghte • We^are {Indebted tobto;. pin^re8slo.n,£tberefore; -for ;2jiWX> sojiare' miles.'pfcour dry land. •

At ,ChaHottenbnrg, Germany,.bentlyt' aj;nb.yel.,Aeylce; toprotect;;' from smoke and flames whilefighting a fire at'iclose quarters'Wai,tested publicly. The Invention, con-sift 'Of .'an' annular mouthpiece, s 1"1-t«id a- little back of tie 'aperture In the-nozzle of a fire hose, and capable offorming, in; front of; tbe man holding;the'nozzle,^a' cirenlaB screen of !yater:The stream Jtrom the nozzlaJiterfered with, and ;tbe fireman can seetbrongls,'the transparent : screen whichprotects him., The angle of projection^Ttberad^lng^^reeircaH"^at pleasure ' .' -

A '"correspondent Of Naturei Sthat much knowledge of the processesof cloud formation, and .other facts'that wbnld'be important to meterolo-"gists, might be gained by taking, say,500 successive photographs of a "cloud.Bcape" In the course of an .hour, and .then putting- them rapidly through a,kinematograph, BO 'that- in one minute-all tiie changes would be observed thatnature had required, 60 minntea tobring about A similar suggestion hag

^•Hfeen made with regard to the growtbv

• '','•<*, - • " • ; • • : • ' • • V'""'i ,'r.i,"'', •''•*'"'•"'.

i^#l£ft'Kvi$E»»r.;?r.v:7r,::-r/ ",^ceaii':;-V ;/':,.•"-; .'''V'^- . • . ( , : . . . ". ', '.I V • : , -^ftfc.'V;.:VC, •/.;/; 'Cliby '-<•-'. s'A-;/;,:;^d^ftr : • ' :---/';:'':-v;'';^:nnn ••'•'• :•'••''•':•..'• •'::-"••C*r** ,"•''•' -'vV'V : '-K

•:• ' , • ' : • • .'.-••' '-'•:. .:\.;>::''^\-re-..- •."•' •• ' . ' - . • • •- " ' ' .«*•« ' • '•ft#J:2:;.^.:LJ0f^rWe--: '• ^,/-,V: • / ; - - / / •. i rai ; : . . - : ," .1 /" :- . :" . ' : - ' . '^COh-": • • ' . ' , . . » ••". ' . : ' : ' ;[toa- , - ' ; ;V / . • , / " • : • ; • ' • •i , the- ,v: ' ; ' . • • ' • ; ' , ' • - . •: ' . ." ' ; . 'e-.ofV,- .:"•:.• , . '; • ' - . ' . :*•• • • • • - • . , • - . . -®*v : •',;. • . , ' • • :aterr ' • .'-.,•'t:in- - . ' • • ' - ; . • • : . - / ' •• - : ' . 'i''ser:; ,-V; ;; :• ' /', ?'•:liich1 : - : ; : ; ';"•;•:'•'" v ' '.•;':"-stton ...' :.-. '.• . ••'•' - ' / - - • :'.

, , ' • • • •iSed; ; . : / • ' . : . ; . ; , . : - • •


L" vtV --,!'* , ^-'"-..

wffiz';\?^.h^'"T'":-".''-'''*';"^' •;• '"--;-

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: '•'.'. . ' . . , . ' - - "

-r-:— T— f~ :— -; —•• --T-.-' : • • ' - ' ' ' "


MWIiil" ,".-'Sec> ^/.••Nojcar.sball carryiagreat-

;cK;16ad than fhre8;:tons on ihe Cdlvlni-btfl'i tfnd' hiladeiphia; >:?]J|aU^rajrj^.,npr

^Me^;thai^ three and^balf tonB^onlthelyprtog^Sailwa^nrtr^kltany^rxle1'!&^:trtyet'at'.-a'>ate.r'Bp(i»d'Wa^ye1


^fSecT loa rt ***&.

diity or'•/jth'e^'aitti..., ...... .,. . . . . . . . f , ,...-,.,.,.lerff. charity Idweileth^. where virtue'-...-• , -; /:-.-7-~,--- —i; rr-*. --

.•- . hath birth,1 / ' , J _ : 2; ' :-' tn? :c,9.ndWtoJ? **?;i-<??Bl--i.15!?.Tl?fci^SfiV?her«7b"ds6nis:ta rmercyr^

/ .'';,,''v-^wlUbeave,jy'i,v;:'!'''.'r. /'.'•;: -', tipe by pinging-a: bell, ^Aad'tie poor;and'the'wretched sha)l;M

r.'i;-v. and_;rec«lTe?/:..;.;.:;/:..". /,:•;..,:;:'.\':/:-,.!,motive-engine-br'otlier Viars' inovit^t ?lnIs theiieLno^werat all .where a •knock, th> same dlre^tion^t a'greater speea,

iirom w» poor - ; , .,;,I;to,,-,jr0(,eed witi^:all: ppsslble^putch.;

'can, ;•); : , . • ' . - . . . : . . ; / • "-• .;jPn.S3aKOf',ttndypa(S8;:'pff S8ld':irack until.There Is no open door for a moneyiess. '^Wlfcomcttive engine'or otBer cars

, ' . man; V ' ' • ; • ; - . . ; y' • . ; • ' [ moving, at "greater spee4 can 'pass: by.^'.••':'i :.-••'.,-\\ '•• •:' ' • , . • • ; ' / . : . ; ; - • ' . . . ; ',';':,':/*?. The cpriductors'pf; ti)e,, are<Jo look lu ybri hall where 'the chande^j. directed; to open ind; close the switches:^^~V*£^&t--i-:---:^

*of nl^ht- 8P ™ *e.-d-w^^i'A'ny;)^rson;wh();8n'ail refuse or neglecti the rich hanging vblvet, In shad

,':-'ttji;jisj|jI..,ii Ont. . , :.,.. . . . . .ijus't let^^ dur.rfrjen^s cpok their

own.supper'(on^Suhdays wben -;thermid!8.'on^-Vitald''i^a''-^oiidg';'m^rorled>'.'.^^pws^'^f'I/nyTe^'if^undib'nf.-ttat men^tjst^ldTOvtp coofe;:and I honestly" thjnfc'itlii0y,:kno;w a good' deal' mote about "Itjld^'tf^mei'-'/.-li'.'.''^.-',''.'-.'.],'•''-,;:!,'.'.:'.'..'.'"v.' "•^ : ' ,1 "One .inan ..we; kno.w. makes 'every.''delicious kind- of Omelette' yjou ', cpuidfppflsibj^ i^retmr-of,; andLa_great many.kinds you couldn't dream of, for 'you7il'.uil.ii'';«--•_-.. • • • . • • - • . - • • - • • -

bis•* '•^i-'"~~rtr'~ii-~~~'—~~ ' -In ,the early;'•settlement'/of the.oonn*',

- t?~>T?T-v«ntMWBni. ^v-v i j-y, a year when beechnuts were plentjrbeautiful homo at 'Grim'* -vus reckoned; very;ifortuna.te for errowr'-,•ow WeflidV W" k rtflhor* -ra °if 'hogs.These Woiild 'fatten rab-1/

( f

Uie greatest the age,, o re were caled, and always!n retirement tbe life -of An Engltel nade tender, well-flavored, but rathervood treea were 'called, and always

married bite in life, and his Ipng seriesof bachelor years perfected »is knowl-

of omelette-making."He knows how-to make oyster

icoclrtaiia, which Is more than ,most.amatenr cooks fcnow. He Is going toImske some Here's'-the list

, founded by scenes of such eylvan slin {•jllclty tbat It: is next to imposalble tiroalizfr tbat tho life and bnstle of tbiHarblo Arch are no more than fiffeeinlles-away.' '],~'--*:ir"':\:.''.''••'-' : .%..',.

At home) Mr. Gilbert is no longer thiroator of. seewia .and sentences thai

lave, set two bemJspheres iaughlng;. hi:^. from'choTce, the country squire. an<n filling that role dots not shirk tb(liities attendant upon the office of Jus•'ce- of the peace. / V. .'•" :,El»jfl one; ofxth.e moat regular attend

ints, at the weekly sittings of the•• :_ • J-*v' .- y. •- / .•'.- -

forfelt and pay the sum "of lip/--

'It fflust havo been a tery^baterest-

He may never get a, dollar out of Mr.Carnegie's "Hero Fund*" but the boywho sticks to his work until it IB doieIs a hero just tbe same.

Tbe Old, Old- Qncotlon.Little Fred—Our teacher says the

earth 19 round, like a ball.Papa—Yes, thafs right

and cyclists, deputized as marshals^saw to 4t that-the prescribed condltions were adhered to; and .that eachcontestant was unhindered or unaidedIn his race.

FEED CALVES COD-LIVE'R OIL.Animal* Moke Great Qaln* on Thl»

*' Kind of NonrUtirorret.An attempt is being made to snbsti

tnte ;coa-.llver -oil. for the natural fatof milk in feeding calves, according tothe Philadelphia Becord. Milk con

generally known, all tbetains, asnutrients necessary for the fallyelopmentiof- young animal life.


one. of these elements is removed It•has to be 'replaced with a substituteof like kind In order to insure thriftydevelopment Butter fat and cream,of course, are tbe most highly priced:and-.valuable' of dairy products andsome resourceful individual suggestedthat these might be extracted by press-ing tho whole milk, through -a separa-

x^ajia—xt!o,,mni» HBUU | toh and-their loss be made np to theJJttie Fred—And do people live on'M,f hw .*,«„„..,., .—,.,~,.*.*..J.T—<.

the other side of It?Papa—Certainly.Little Fred—Why don't they fall

oft?;1.. : ' . - - ' - ' ' ' V ' :y ' ' .WUhed He Tould Tell Teacher.

Tommy—Papa, didn't yon say It

by adding»an equivalent atctountj of cod-liver ,oll, another fat nutrient' Experiments have accordingly beenIn progress for some time at one of tbeagricultural, colleges in Yorkshire andrecent-ireports seem to Indicate thatthey are.entirely successful.* There Is:

In a Chinese School.To learn to read and write In Chins

means about as much work for thefonngster who undertakes it at mas-tering five or sir-languages such at _„English, French and <3eramn. To be-1 she knows It.fin with, the Chinese language hai|DO alphabet. Every character useditands for n word. There la. not even jany. way :0f telllrig the sou'rid. of ,aword, except by bearing"ItprOniSuncea'by the-teacher. To learn to rendmeans that the small student mustbe able to • understand thousands pi'these different characters at sight, andpronounce them according to the localdialect. "

As a rule a Chinese school is notdivided Into clauses. Each scholar hai ' pass through?bis separate lesson, consisting of a Inumber of l ines- to-be learned "bj

.was wrong to strike any one smaller but .little tabor Involved. Tbe cod-than yourself? [liver oil -and skim milk Is a cheaper

Papa—Tes, my son. It's both wrong' feed than the whole milk and tbeand cowardly. . - ' calves appear to thrive on It Doing

Tommy—Well, I wish 'you'd write i feeding experiment' embracing »bmeand. tell my! teacher. I don't think. 28 weeks it was found that the average

" " " dally gain of the calves fed'on wholeM.m^.i. A^,.n«Jg«- milk until they werq weaned was 2

Utt«,.B5S^fflr^Mrt,nicef if,you had,,thV.toothache in- J •<"$»*£ ™^X*

steaaot sisierr .. fed oil and milk, but from which theoil was subsequently withheld'galled

the animals no in-jurious effects on the flesh could be

Sweeps gracefully down with its trim? • • • ; •'-, tningsof gold;),: > : ' •'•;'•• • • ' , ' : . - ' i .-.*•» *uu»i. uay«-ue»ju.ii tor^.^inieresT;-ABirthe mlrrorsv'of^silver'take'up'. and lr<g ftud novel sight, Indeed, when the' ;'., renew - v ' ' ; . . ' , : . j horse and, the^locomotive'Iweer ;nsed :ln-

'In long; lighted, vistas the 'wUdfirinlr dificrlmlnately on the same track and, Tlew; ,_ . : •>, . , • - , . . , iwors,struggling for supremacy as the° ^ecana ^6 banaaet and ?nd tr7°a:i:furure inotive.bower of'onr raliroads;, . . ,t IM*U*V uiwwvo, i fvvrvK VA yur rouroaoa,

:'-.; ,can. •„• . '•'•• . ' "' ''antt^tiie approach of a locomotive wasA welcomtog ^•^/^.^^•to^&.fob^tfiM-Bw

... ';. •*•""• - • • . , ' • - • ' '• • '' I -_A- i«.'_x'i.^J ' ._ . . . - - '- . ' ' - '

of pbints, and other natural processesaro so slow that we-lose-tb -«-

4?o look in yon church of the cloud-teach-ing spire,

Which gives back fo the sun bis samei ' look of firo, • '

"Where the arches and .columns are gor-geous within, '•

_A.nd the walls <eem gS pure as a sou~ '

.. ..v.».^v.u ?*j VMY M/VUUI^.VI. n uuru. J^yeuJnt that-time lie rtght of way was.glv?! AM 4. 4.W- *-^A;-»-—.1 .. ' - • 'en to tire fast' horse."

sense of successive and related step»•.to deveiojpment " . . ...••.• '•"•'•"....• v . • . . . - , ; • ' ' • ' • '

Statistics collected Jn Germany have .shown that 28 per cent'of 'the accl-.dente caused by machinery tised forIndustrial purposes, such as mannfftc-taring, were due to defects In the ma-chines and to lack of proper safe- .guards. On the other hand, over 40per cent of. the accidents occurring-with, -agrlraltural-. macbinery---wer«i—traceable to those causes./According-ly,1 there Is a call for the use of im-proved safety d^jrf^es upon all .ma-chines used on the farm. Fee*cutting

found to be_ particularly

, HOUSEHOLD.Flowering Ida- Cream.—Line a ffowej

pot having- a; two-and-one-hajf Inchaiarneter .at the top wltH paraffin pa-

- with Ice cream and" sprinkle"^""without sin; - P«r fill with ice cream' and sprinkle

^•&*^J2F^^and the great, .In tbe pomp and the pride of their world-

ly estate'>

.centre of the cream-

» > •-» - —Tomato Basket with Peas— Select

men. The men's are.- regular'butcbew*jsprons! I have ai| the aprons in a nlcspile on the, kitchen' table When .mygupsts • enter..' vj^e' put them on firstthing. , • : " : • : ' - . - , ' . . • • ; ' • ; : ".:--f

"As. hostess I become kitchen maid.'I keep an eye on everything tbat Isgoing on. I put away, the provisionsthe moment they are 'not needed.anylonger, and I keep the dishes washedDp aa they are iised In the' cooking.By being constantly occupied in thisway I keep my small kitchen, freefrom 'confusion and' my guests' tem-pSrs from being ruffled. ' . •

'"After supper the/women help • meclear the table..- We banish the menfrom this. I leave the kitchen neat,>l'tb UIH dlabua plleottegetbef readyTo'be washed. 1.11 :ls Sunday and I wantto make as little work as-possible for'"•- maid '" 'r ' ' '" " ' " " ' '

. . . . »^_-_-- r— ———•.-.".•• a, long and uainteresting' .case by 'making pen-and-inliketciies, of _the parties engaged In' Itm tbe loblscap prpvideU for; the pur>ose of taking notes. • ;'"..

Of this class la the outline of a fac<

. ..^^.vw uut him.A v\Mfk. fll^lA1

.'rom'corn. In the south: theth,og» most-y run wild and five/in winter on;.thtfrluts and roots .th'ey : gatfier! IniJtrievoods. But the' same quality of porkis that .formerly produced from nuts:ari be made now by feeding- apples and:-/egetables, mixing- 'With /them •; w.hilai.•coking- sorne whole oats and~ a very.Ittle old-process linseed, meal or.wholo.taks^ea.''. This •will"•>-furnish ..-just;.-.thecln<l Of• nutrition • found Irt: beechnuts, .-•ind be. even more digestible than aiO;he beechnuts. "..-': ! ' • ! . • ' • ' . . ' " ' ' ' . • ' • . ' • ' . • ' ' ' . - • ' • '

"•••it la perhaps, the 'proper system/.t»voter, the 'animalB at .regular 'perlodn,sspeclally- • ho'rsesi but animals differ,ittd'may desire water,at times when:fiey Tdo 'not ••; recfelye it, - To' 'give 'all., /inlmalfe" free access fa water laf 0er-•mlrily'-jipt contrar£.to'natural,Jawv_as._:Ttey are~beTter Jtrages of eating- andIrtnkinar, so far as they are concerned,;nan theJr.i owners. ' • . • l ;

'Steers' and .rnilch cow's shouid nevoi*:>$; kept. In the same 'pasture, nor sholild•.hey. ' be . fed ' alike; There/ 'niayje no barni In 'allowing- them.;tor 'jether In the field In some respects,3Ut the difficulty Is that the cows Will


teriod Indicated,, for baying stolen ifair of dnoks.., NOW and then Mr. Oil»ert turns his attention to the court)fflclala, and the result of one such oclastou is often a wonderfully accnrattind true-to-llfe portrait

. . . . ,.-.-- .--- .— - -•«•«. juc tne aimculty is that the cows Will)f a typically criminal .character,, be 'ecelve the gfreat'er attention, .while theleath wblch 'Mr. qilbert wrote thi,f ""° '""" ~"~ '' "srse niemorandum: "Two; ; rnonibsi. 1.*' It is that of: a ;ma'n • who wailent to prison with bard: labor for thi

„„ vi wwo, -^lUUUULll/Jl Wllfjpi overloolceil.' Ralslngrbeef for: riiar-:Set requires, skill. .The^first requisitea, rapla growth of..frame,/arid 'in' thn.roungei- daya of the animal* too inucbjotislderation cannot: be given this mat-:er. The steers should be so kept as tolUpw of being managed Independently.2o'ws wh.en In milk 'requure food- of 8cind especially adapted to .the produc-:ipin of mllkj Swers/. • whjjrt- growing;

ponvert all their .food In the direcUbri)f hllllrtlno-;.-Mt« •'.«.*-• v-j- .i.- -'--

.... ( . , the shape of a basket and scoop outWho opens a paw for a moneyless man. ;ne puip and tne seeds, using a spoon' •a French y^getable'cutter. Refill the

<5o look to your judge in his dark flowing basket with_cold cooked peas, molst-Kowii. !ned wlth French dressing and mixi>d.

With the wales wherein law weighethequity down: >places.

dressingot walnut meata

"The maid grumbled a little at first,just because it la In the maid code togrumble at anything unusual, hut. IdtewUed ^he Jast • jetonant of her Ill-nature by telling her: after-'the first.

m «»»»»»i» , i -""»«-i i an meir .rood in the directionn^'attfaat thn akeMica.'hum h». Jf .building: Up t*e body. ThererSreonce at least tne sneicnes nave Deer .lMea whenthgy must rg^iv. upsi-iminaai to lapse Into^earinlscencte Qu ittention different from that given tha,atnrmll»r "»<•«-*-'*'•— --••':•-<--• •• •'-

„, ----- .^— ^^ou^Ti. «u ittention different from that•astonally, note-taking and sketehini IJOWB, for success depends onire in aire mingled on one sheet as when Mr Iattje are

jllbert madp th,fiL4>octralt-of n prla- jtatoea are hardy and may be

mer and nO(tes on bis crime and itj n at any time after the groundinnfflhmon*. - - • : ' . < - . • • • ••.«««-. -* *-

Pbtatoes are'h'ardy;;ana: may,'be pnt''


liable to cause accidents. A consider-able majority of those Injured by ag-ricultural machines are. children andyouths.

In a paper read by Miss Adele M.Flelde before the section of biology bi-lbo New York Academy of Sciences,the Joints composing tbe antennae Otants were described as a series' ofnoses, each having a special function.The first joint distinguishes tbe ant'tnative .nest from the nest of an en-emy^ the second discriminates betweenthe odor of ants of different colonies,but of tbe same species;, tbe third dis-cerns tbe scent of tbe track left by theant's own feet, and enables it to re- ^turn over Its route; tbe fourth andfifth joints, discover tho distinctiveodor of the larvae, and If removed dis-able the ant from caring for the youngIn a nest; the sixth and seventh Joints'make known the presence ot on ant otdifferent species., Only after theseJoints are developed will ants of dlfr-'erent species flgbt one another.

Wherehefrowns'onthe weak and sinilei i Jellied Sweetbreads.-Parboli one-half „„„ wul ,,„„...,„,,on the strong, sweetbread and cut in small dice. I ""'* ...."r^yyj^.i.iriw-wwe

And punishes right whilo -he justifies Have at one hand one-third of a cup trttila? He tort'of "Mad Poet" to ™wrong; " »' consomme^ that will ."JellV when cold. |. , Onzentlemanir Hemork

W^Ju^Jh^rJlp^o^^^>!,„-•— .i^..j_ >f.lce water, and when-the pnnsnmtn-I Olarke,.known.fifty years ago to New1

Jecpme-free from-frost.- .Do-ncrt;tise any :nanure In youV potato rows • except.' '•'mch as is Well rotted and thoroughly ;:,.;

,., . .——- «—>voa lecornposed, as the use. of fresh'mpnu.ra': :«d upon his"well-known lines: I 3,..coh4pcive to disea'sfe.'. '.Wood /aflhea:/ \

, „ .- .—-,- — — — i.» u'li:,,' n x,«vi,-_i" ure excellent and if miieed In the'pro-1;^—_evening that she cofild go out every tty object all sabllme. f portion of one ^bushel-ofrsuperphoaiereuiu» u«.i OUH wuiu B uv o . ' I - 8haU. achjeve,in time , , . ?hate to three bushels of-wood ashes

.the^crime-»4 in-eiccelleht-fertiHeer-for^^ a'-smaIt_psttcjrT7^~"| tf nnfa trt**a m«« K« • *.«.*— » -» •»*--*.

Instead of on-Yes.--the^ men-really do-llke^it,JV

0neS< '?o.r^e:tbe__Che punJahment : the crime.

, ,verdict they've alreadyTo retider a

made; • • . . , • ' -<Jo there In the court room and find If

yoii can ' ; . . ' -Any law for the cause of a moneyless

: • . ' • 'man. '. : ' • . • ' • . ' .'• • ' . . . . . . ' . . ' • .

Go, took, in the banks, where Mantmou• has told

His hundreds and thousands of silver andgold;

Where, safe from the hands of the starv-. ' Ing and poor . ' • . ' • . . • , .

I,ies pile upon pllo of~the glittering ore; '•nr^lf. . i-« *- At.-i_ -- • . - -• •

, u. , u^w I.A113 U1UU1U 111 U. J'lin}f Ice water, and when 'the,consommela firm,'decorate'with cold cooked po-tato, carrot and trufflie cut In fancyfhapes. Cover with consomme, andi ___.

firm, put In a. layer of sweet-1 ueoo>.


When China Begins, to ' Uae floniorld: Supply Will Be Short.

'A otrohg point -made by the" Qaiir.«,•. ''—•-• . - • • ' . . ' - - • - -

if potatoes may be obtained. , Put ;In(four seed, f;over up and sprinkle.fee-,•Jllzer over and along-the .boyered .rpWs.Cut.^the pieces to at::ieast :tW6' 5g66d/eyes, and place the seejl': one" fpotT/ipart in the row/ making the" rows onlywide enough from each other to admitif e:isy .working: :of the ,hoe. -Keep

. r -M H. .w^w. VI. '9nCCh-

^ and enough consomme to holdIhe cubes together. Decorate the sides3f the mould with cooked' vegetablesind add more sweetbread and "consom-tne. Chill, remove from the mould andplace on a lettuce*~Teaf. Chicken stockmay be used in place of consomme by(.doing- gelatine to stiffen. :

. „ . ,.v»»^u& .vi. n«s ^we.: -A.eep . \, ., V«».B aBu ui «»w — »v.«ujf JMMIIS mnae oy the flour Jown grass and weedB,-and destroy^tb»4.:Jdrk as the "mad poet;" which show mill magnates of the West-is that,.{potato biig with Paris green aa soon ssAthat he had a vehj of great shrewd- wben 'any: considerable: number of: the j;t ai)f)eat8>. ' , '_i^/ , : /. . ; ' 'ness, such as Is often nosscaaea tar mllllons:6ff!h)n»«fioii --»»-----^- l

tho clanWith money to lend to a moneyless man.

,,_ —. ___«UUOUID uuuiuer or uiapossessed by njilllons of China shall call for flour,

people who are counted insane. ,... 'tbe-entire wheat-growing ,area of theOne day he was seated at a table world will not ,be,sufficient to supply

ba a New York hotel quietly eating U>e demand, says tbe, Booklovers*bifl simple dinner when two young iiagazihe: "Even U'ali Japan shbul'lmen took their seats at the same table, become a flour-eating people," he said,McDonald Clarke was a well-known "the whole available supply ; of th«figure, and the young men at once Pacific coast would'provide this com-

; Oa.t Jelly.-Take one-third i cup df'recognized him, .though he did not modity for,or|ly,,20 per cent of tte ppp-rolle'd oats,, one-fourth teaspo'onful'of, know them. ". ' : . ulatloh' of .tfiat kingdom.. ,: , ...«.»'..4- - ^ — - - . • - - - • - not gentlemen In the best There Ja Jlkelihood, toio,'"that a, great-1

i word, and It occurred ei rjortlon of the Inhabitants of Japanf-h(*w mlwK*- K«..~ A «—Uta •-

, n olftltajid one and one-half cupa of boil

Walk'up to their counters—ah, there, i'lng water. .Add' the oats mixed wTth i tyou may stay ' • »alt to the, boiling- water gradually. ien*e °r

Till, your limbs aUall grow old and yonr ig"1 ,?.1"!." ?8'.1116" m a dou

hair shall turn gray,And you'll find at,tho bank not ono of

A!— _i — •' ' ' '

It is claimed that a sprinkling: of-nowIn the brine used for pickling bacon andhams adds greatly- to their flavo^andilso assists' In their preservation,' Th«method is eald 'to be'.pile'"practiced IBBne-lnrirt^^^— — •"•' " ' • '

Buckwheat is 0. profitable crop and(hrives .on sandy, soil.', It -la what maybe termed a. summer grain crop, as theseed 13 broadcasted in June and thaDrop harvested; bafore frost It 1»;rown as a green manurial crop, or fortho

ea,bio boiler forty-five minutes

a. finewith sugar

.. ....-;, ».. v * .*».•.-> ^«f i**yuuuan«, — .. „,.*,«..c™ «. jjyiuvu «i uue mnaoitants of Japan , ;prace for bees When In blossom, thoughto them that they might have some will acquire the habit^f ..using flour. Uoriip do hot claim the honey therefrom.»port with the poor poet Conse- It wan r«««« to .the Mikado hw t ?_bl* th" *-1'""*

^- •-*. o witb tbe poor poet Conse- It was represented to .the Mikado byqnently one of them eald in an nn- bis ablest advisers that; In modelingnecessarily clear tons; the Janmijwn'»••««* />« «-- i-»—^ — —. , the Japanese 'army, on the latest mlil-

i . , ' • k I "I have seen almost everything and tary standard, of. the modern powers,I Boned Bquab In a Paper Ciwe.—But-1 gyerybody In New. York except Me- the Important matter of diet had been

*J^S?!A" .iS :'S«jSS Donald Clarke, r *» V. '-, -- -


your out sue

o_iitu'dy nloud_nnA__travel_on_a_ghlti._

Getting Around the Difficulty. ~j fliscovered. Tbo dally ration that BP-Teacher—In going from .New York peared to be successful was made up

to California, what States would yon of five quarts of skim, milk and, twoIBS through? ' lounces of cod-liver oil, FortunatelyPupil (who hasn't studied his lessor!) tbe calves do not develop that aversion

—I wouldn't pass through any. I'd » cod-liver oil which is natural to most

ATTACK OF COSSACKS ON CHINCHUSES.human beings, but, on the contrary,readily bccomo accustomed to it

' Time .Hain't Cliunged Him.

Tho i(lhunchu«HH, (ho Cliliieso brigand* of tho moiintnlnn on the I>OI-<|ITHof Miin<-tiurln nnd Mongolia, ar« n constant-,Irritant to tlui Ituwiliiii tron|>Mntntloiivd,' nt NowchwniiK, Uiioyiing, Mnlcdcn and olhur ('oiitiKiioun |KI |II(H.Tlium) huudlts aro dlfforctit fruiu the Clilimsn further south, lining tiillci-,strongtir and muoh rhoro darlntf. It Is rtnld t h u t (licy iiro now In !«IIKUOwltii 0je Japunoso. 'At uny rule, tlioy lilltcrly lialo tlio KuHaimiH, huv l i iKfiiugl^ wlti) thorn often In tho imnt. Tb« CliiincliiiHCs nro Hpleiidld rldnrs iiiulImrdi'flKhtorB. They aro bold followM, CVIMI inviiillng llio Inrgo I'ltlt-H anildoinAiiding booty. Blnco tlio lii-glnnliiK of tho jircHont wiir Umy Imvo Iici'ii«i)j)ij<-lolly active, tearing up tbn MiincliiiriHii Knllroud nnd Hprcndlng (llauiiiytliraugbout tiie noarby province, A rccunt whirlwind flulit niMir I.luoymiKbutweeu.fbo Oosvackn nnd CI"U>cl<iwi.. d«nlc(ff ' j" Hio I l l u N i r n i i u i i , IB umdcfnyin • skotcb by a OonimcU olllcur.

fitnylute—-I have, nnttty good Htny-IIIK powt'i-H. When I pill It-el In thi'Yi iku crow I \VIIH tiin only mun ,win)wim CriiHli nt tltii llnlHli!

Minn <1. V«rtv—l)<mr fim! And yourHtnyli iK IIOWIT IH j imt IIH KIMMI , andynu'ru JiiHt IIH fi-iirth I I O W U M you wori-tlifii, jiron't you?

NOVIT Hpi'iiii III of Il in dciiil; thiil'ttru wlui.iiro living to

Doctor Urge* Friend -..Erect and Betcln Yonth.

"Don't Imagine you must becomestoop-shouldered because ' you arogrowing old," said a wpll-known westaide physician to a friend on tbe Lakestreet "L" road, "Old people do notstoop because they, aro old, but th«ygot Old because they stoop. The stif-fening of tho tissues, which is tbo signand accompaniment of ago, is warded'off by exorcise. ' flclf-lndnlKenco I n .eating and In drinking nnd In lacyways is the twrcj road to Hunlllty.

' I hnvo oftpn' bmi HiiriirlBiid nnd igratlrted to find that regnlatnd movemoiiU of the i i f loknnr t -upper truncnl'-

employed for tho purpose olHom(itlilii(f <i)Bo, resultml •

In a conaplcnoiiH liniiroveinoiit In hear-ing, In vision, In rur«hrntlon and, n«n coii«oi]nonce, In Ixittornutiit In cern-bral clrciilntlon, i i l«o ' ln nl«op. PerHOIIB who liahltnnlly maintain an erectposition In stiuidliiK or Hlttlnjt art«troni?or than those-who ' slouch. A

who HtoopB nnd nllows theHboulders to sag down and forward -

ho rllis to fall bark toward tin;Bliortoim tlid untiipoMtitrlor din me-'

er of tho thorax anywhere from twflo flvo InoliiiH, Tlio IniiKH, Imiirt,

Vi'HHi'lh anil other ImportantIn tlui thorax caniiot llvo, move andliuvo tlmlr propur lieliiK mulor suclirli-ciinmtiilicoB."

\Vlmrnforo, the proper thing for per-HOIIH who urn not HO young IIH onc«they w«ro U to bnicn up, ilr«Bii younsmid fwl young. Blttliitf ",nuiu:li«.il \iu r

ovor a fire won't do.'- '


Tho wife who has suffered too long for. her bread;

Kneel down by her pallet and kiss thodenth frost ' •

From tho lips of the angel your povertylost;

That turnJn yoty- sgojiy upward to QodAnd bless while It amltea you tbe chnnt-

enlng rod;And you'll find at tlio'end of yonr life's

little uponThero'a a welcom.A above for a moneyless

man.—Henry Thompson Stnnton. ,

H Hw..^vk v«»u UK Lim io>yer nailof one-half sheet of foolscap paper, and(old the upper part over the bird,bringing the edgoa together. Beg-In at

|the edges.and fold over the lower 9lil-)|and ends of paper three tlmea. PlncejIn a wire broiler and broil, ten mltiutea jrtVAr ft «|A»,» rt^« *..-««—. --.-- • •

-,-.— —_,»•> u»v-| i"<> inmnFitaui raaiteiDonald Clarke. I have a. great ad-1 overlooked. ..;:mirations for his poems, and, I would I ' - Not, onlyt had allgive a great deal to see tbe man." ' standing army, but

TPhfln tl<» natmaA *!.- • - -.

When bo passed the mad poetleaned forward and said with evident

nv»i ".""i/,"'"n"" "»"* """'•«"« mmuieai gratification:?£r.f/r ?L ^ JJfa-turntoff-ottcn^lwinH - "sir T-«mcareful that the paper does not catch1 ^"V* ttm ..n« n. .u. ,.._. . t..1 lc"' -«" say you wUih to see,"flre. Remove the bird from the caseto a sllco of buttered toaat, season withgait and pepper, .spread with soft but-ter and erarnlah with taunt points,cubes of. jelly, lemon and parsley. Abreast of chicken, .tenderloin of steakor lamb chop may bo boiled In ft papercase.

Chocolate Sandwiches.—Moisten Sta-led, unsweetened, chocolate with sweotcream, sprlnkla with powdered sugar,

[ and nil In bread out round.

, Chocolate Wafers,!—wTo thirds cupbutter, one clip powdered ntigar, ono-

o, melteil. ono tenspooix DaUlnK pow<ler two tiilife»poi>nH milk, two und one-hft'f °"')a floui' •,ro1' .out th'"; ""'"f »•'

P ' a U ° " "

Borrr She Spoke.


Curlona ICnrly Kvperlence* In Trani-portutlon In Pfniiarlvoiila.

Some of tho rcgulatlous in forco onthn earliest railroads built in Pcnnsyl-

'. vnnla read very quoorly In tliesoof "llmlteds" nnd "flyers," says tho

. Boston Transcript A number of thornnre qrjotcd In a brief paper read beforetbo Engineers' Society of Western

.-I'cnnirylvsnlft on-early-«xportenccn 'Iri"traniportation by Antes Bnydor, and

. nbstractod In part in the ScientificAmerican supplement Boys this paport

"Wben the commonwealth- openedtlio Philadelphia and Columbia Hall-way tbo theory was that tbe Stato fur-nluli tbo roadway and tbat any onewho pleased could furnish bis own vo-lilclo and motive power and uso thorailway wliormyer Ija .wlsbcd by payingtho Btato tolln for Itn uao, Junt as thoturnpikes of tliu day woro used. Uiitit was noon discovered t lui t -n certaincliaractor of'voblolax wan nncilcd and *Ir?' CulllnrUnit nil»u mill rogulutlona as to times ninnnora arc liorrlbM. Who Introand manner of imlng tlio railways wero b(-'c" associating wlll i?


Tho young man stni'ed at him -withmuch rudeness .for a moment, andthen drawing a aunt-tor from hispocket, bo laid It on the poet's plate,saying, "That's for thought!" '

Clarke looked at the coin for an In-•tant, and then placing It In^hlii pocket,be took out a "York «MIH->^'««•-cents. Thinman, sayingprice," half

t i ihl i*y,,uy

A Law to I'mteot liuntora.Michigan recently pnwed a statute^

which maken It a criminal offense for!ono bunting lu tlio woodH to kill or In-lJure another accidentally,_The».'tha result" of Ui6" many"accidents Inwblch human beings were mistakenfor animals and wore shot. Tho pen-alty Is ton yours/ JmprlHonmont or uthousand dollars' flno. •

A clianco to test tlio now law rninoat onco. during tbo lust open HOHBOIIA man ohot and hilled another sportsman, whom ho tnlntook for u doorTho cano was Inton-Htli iK In KM outcoinn.

Tlio oProndliiK huntor wan acqulttodlit-ciniNo tho victim, i-liul InHDtmnvImt roneiiililln< a <li 'i>r'.t lilde,wan tinc'onncloMly In i l t a t l i iK I'1'1 move-inonta of a (louliih* <lo«)r an lio leapedfrom Ing to log In the

modern nations athe food of these

•formidable hosts consisted in groatmeasure of, :wbea,t, products. Rice-eat--.. -, - - f rT,,. .. -y-^ri *.»"»*«*-i". J.»lCW-Wlfc-

ling ^eglno»nt», It was feared, might not1 1 be abfe successfully to contend with a'

fi>e whose sinews were built of wheat,Japan, to ba iip-tc-dnte,. must maintainnot only a big, well-equipped and welldrilled military forco, but its soldiers,like the men .of arms of other lands,must eat flour. So an Imperial edictWent forth recently, and now everysoldier In the armies of Japan gets adally ration of Oregon, Washington ot

I""*' . ."llvu '»'0'> """"if lunch «vn»u. " I'rovod that tlio victim „,?„

A MINI"In Hoimi <il' (lit!

(OII'H Hiiiiiirlw thoy ,uoxv mill (In. glriM to drlvt)1 imllii.'

"\V«;II, when It COMK-H to dnrnlnjioockH I rni-kon I'd i-.itlicr j(lv t, tlio boyim Jol).".---(1lovi.|a::ii I'laln l)uu|or.

that they conM got this transportationdone by largo anil woll-oqulppodpor« miicli morn olioaply Him, (hoycould do It tlioiniwivoM, HO that In i>rn«.tlco tho biiHlucHH drlftwl Into tho liiindsof a. fow IndlvliliialH anil foinpanli 'M.iwho dIJ th lM nnrvk'o for tlio many!'Tho rnllwuy nn coimrruotiMl wnVlntonuiod for llio liorHfi nn n m t i v o ' powerIlioiiKli H>o locomotlvo waij being Intro'ilnood nrt an exporlmont shortly nftortlio mil way was coinplotfld, Tlio follo\vlu«.,uinQng .tho .i-ulou .mid rogui^

bo wha..._,-.,., .,fc ,b H'lnUIIIIU

I ' l i f f lnn In ujiintail M'huit It la ntu^oit thatto huilco moo ruvnlntlomi n, niluutomoans that In a fonr-uyolo onulno thoro•'—- tOO opraya of Kiifloliiio foraitd Into

uyllndur, COD tliiiun tlio uluctrla but-iniilcim 11 nparlc, ami BOO tlnuia tho

jin vnlvo in oiiunud to lot tho uuaout.

"•An Indlnniiiiollii n in tUl iuH iimlorl.i-knn tlio bit; tank oC nlioMummr tho proJ-<-Ht nlpliauot anil nubntl tut lnir for It n,lutt ot plioiintla chai-aetiM-H, I l i l r ty-ul ifht

I In number, f l t teei t o( \vliluli ropreaunt' KOIHUlK,

u qui 'Ht loi i whli-li nliould lmpiieir"toBllOOt Il|-Hl.

A similar Hdt tu ln wnn piioctert ' InMnlno In 1001. I t in ali|iont Imposslbln10 convict any ono under a luw whichnwlicM a «p«cliil rrlnio of mi nocldnntOJie prlnrlpln at. bottom of th« |nw

to 110 I ho ol<|

Tbo ukase of tho Emperor will marktho beginning of n very Importantchapter In commercial history, for this

j mandate, on tho part of tho Mikado' has already greatly stimulated tho -de-u'nnil In tho kingdom for wheat prod-ucts, tho people lining alert to kenpfttorwut^of- -whatever-ifrttecltledr~to "7)<oroKroaa along modern linos.

'An Iniunrtiiiit Vananam,Caller—Well, tho nerve of thatlMerchant—What?CalleK-Dldn't you hoar that snip «

a boy roforrlns to you as "niH"?Merclmnt-SIU ThafB our offlco boy

Ho long n« I can pretond I didn't hemblm It's all rlgnt-w,iiadolphta

..— v»»......MUI. ciruwua tneweeds and prevents them. from grow-ing, and as it shades the soil-It la re-garded as one of the best Crops thai:un be grown for that purpose, •

WUh all the remedies suggested totbllsnttOff pear trees the difficulty stillsxlsts/ and many pear orchards arcdestroyed every year. At one time IIwas believed that by keeping- the or-chiml ground in grass the pear, tre«would A-escape,-- but, - while the "taptigrowth of .the trees seems favorablto,attack of bllg-ht, and. althoughJtKaQ-riin.4 mnv i.ttf^»^* ***-_•- — - . •- ' - • ,ggjj

_. ,. WMUw«.i.w ,wmo uuaoASt_ it find its way into the orchard.

The spraying- of trees, or troatlM th«trcen at the roots, will confer^neneflt,but there is mxeure renie'dy Mr blight,

The farmer who diverslflira his cropiwill not always be met bjf overproduc-tion in the markets,..QS/tho seasonable'conditions are not favorable to.', oilpro pi at the same time: consequently,if tt"- market Is well supplied with on*


•^.,\'.''v'ywaj\-.'; -::^

.» ,,^.» pul'lTUCU Wlin OR*In abundance, there' may t>6 a

icaroity of something- else.' Diversityof crops Is also better for the soil ani7n u « i M t » (n maintaining fertility..

and smut-feed differently onthe wheat plant. Rust Is upally on ai t n l U and feeds on,the pabulum pro-

t)iiv(Ml Cor—thfl-flecdB,' hut-«inut-fe«d»-on——the seed Itself. Should any kind ot

growth bo noticed on the whe&Jc'Drn plants the o«ed for next year't

IP Mhould bo procured. from el»« while rotation to other plot*

•houlii also be practiaoU,

i toiriT

Had to jrittht Big O4d%

£3;^**'* ™ *•"yo" $•«'

. iWffcun ' t pronounce tbo Russia u dof-mtlon for war, butrfth Shormnn'a


coaunilruniH."Why"Well, I hoard toll

yonWoman l«..n«...w,

liiro on earth, l>'it tho imfu tP ,[no uiimtri>4t.

Mr. Wountii NOR—DM your husbandidto poacofully?

Mn». Ilorryiiiore^-ivro,- ho had thro*'dpctoru, • ' ' ' . ' •

rr-It coatd Uuw. Yurk llv«i tliiitfd-ainoli aa It doo^ I.oudou to mulhtaln

and rei'ioitllou ifio'JuJa, .

' ' ' /


.|J, f!

§1M•;V '\Sij , •'«

Page 5: Par &.& I J;^|^ !NQ · NOTICE TOrCREPJTOJBa-»^0* REPAIRED and 3Eteeo#er/ed,— From 40 oenta'up. W. Dodd* Sohwarz's Greenhouse 12th St. *nd Chew Boad. Designs imado tap at shortest




look at our

Spring Shoesand

Boots - ~~s



] JoHn Walther• The BLACKSMITH

WHEELWRIGHTJB nrnowd to the tbop iately oooapled

by A3. Helneeke, on the County(Bood, andi0<ready to do;


Aoy Work <in His Line,

Schwarz's Greenhouse '12th St. and Chew Road.

{DMignsinade np at shortest notice.Itaneml deaignt a upeoltlty. Baskets

and design* for balls, partiw,Si etc.

M.D.Physician and Surgeon.

'W, Second Bt, Uanimonton.Ofloe Honrm, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M.


W« H. Bernshouse

Notary Public,Commissioner of Deeds, —

Office, 101 Railroad Ave.', """ — Hammonton.

Lyford BeverageNotary: Public

for Hew Jersey,tenders hi* services.

Pension vonohen executed.Hsjmnonton.N. J.

- _ ' THE EASIEST- • ,.x. running wheel In the market

Improved Crank HangerCall »nd see itt

John F.Leedi,

Agents at 'WATEltFOKD.

tjtoVIEW Greenhouse? ^Central Aye, Hammonton

WATKI8 fr NIOHOLBON, Props.Florists and .Landscape Gardeners. Fine. asaortmeri t of Palms, Table 'Ferns,

and Bedding Plants.Out Flowers,1 toosa and In designs,

H. Chandler,Attorney&Counselor

At Law

BJaokotono Bnlldlag, ,' 14 and 10 S. Tennessee Aye.

AtUntlo City.

In Haniiiiouton oil Saturdaysall Courts of tbe BUtc.

for first mortgage lotuif

Garden Booklor 1004

•hould b* In thf Hindi «f *v<ry lov«r ofAowtrii, trow.rof »««l«blei.«nd hinxr Intt« couDlry. Cvnl/ln* <»• |<*f •• «n4 •!*• Igh-cUi* full P«»« coloriil pl«t«i, Illut-trallne ll«rdy Cliry>nnihinum». AXtn.t>op|il<!t, fl«nl«n Plnki «nJ Vigcublii.f-Hll tit viilUAbU culturitl InforMniliin an4klnu <n tin l

r- rv/ -^t:.::,..f;!"A\ i i K '

V-. • > • ' ' ' <;rw"~ • '


tor tAtittt mm r«««lft•I i>< In tltmft or illrtr. '. With •«ck copy

' on* )»«clt«ci vach. Urftr'a

•a4 S.IMI



Nesco Wored a fine nest of goose-eggs, last Saturday* The features o

''and Bogers, and tbe batting of SlackftndMyroee.

The scored

Angelow.tJ ...Wolielfer, 2bAbbott,-Ib..

Cogfey,:<Jb.Bntton.irf ...Kogera. If >..Jcnlson.'cf".

, p

Neeoo_..Matbli, K

rt„„.. 1iitit> i...... 1

2..... 0U..-1

«... 1..... 1



10 XI 9 2

Mueller, p8ears,8bBeveeage, lb

JStottUcfWescoftl, SR>O Mathls, us _

0 6Hammonton. ... 0 0 0 0 8Neaoo .™...-~- 0 o o o 0

31 8 70 0 7 x-100 0 0 0_. 6

Game tbis afternoon, with the BelA. A., of Philadelphia. .

Two gataea on Monday,—10.16 a.m,and 3;«0 p. m., with Cleveland ?ieldClub, of Philadelphia.

list of uncalled-for letters in tbeHammonton Post Office on Wednesday,May 28,1004:

John Oavman Edna HallBey. J. F. smith

Luolal) BantlFORBION

Domenloo Gartetl

t.' • • • / * ! ' ' ' ' '"" ' V

liiii ^^^^ i:.

FonoBB'oalUngfor any of the aboveetters will please state that it baabeen advertised.


A CifiD.— We wish to thank themany friends who so kindly assisted as,ritb tbeir-deeds and sympathy, duringnr late bereavement,— the loss of oar

husband and brother.Mrs. A. J. CBATO,Mrs. L. B. J06LTN.

HP* Flowers are very scarce, owingo tbe lateness of the season. We hopebat Weeds will remember tbis fact,

aid the old soldiers by 'sending allhey can spare to Murdoch's shoe store

before noon on Monday.

Ntarorbljfay Order*.Headquarter* Gen, D. A. BuweU Pott.

No. 68. 0. A. R,HammoDlon, N, J., May 12th, 1904.

«§oeMlOra«r^N«xli__ __ ____ L' Members of the Pott will assemble at

Memorial Sunday, May29ih, atlO o'clock a. ro.»for the pniypose of a ttendlng divine service at- tb6Uuiversullst Churcbr- All comrades ofother Posts are cordially invited. '

General Order No. 2 :Members of the Post, and

comrades, will meet at headquarters onMonday, May SOtn. at one o'clock p.m.,and proceed to Oakdale Cemetery, todecorate tbe craves of our departedcomrades. Will meet again at 4 o'clock?in Greeninoaot Cemetery^

Comrade George Huntsman will havecharge of ceremonies at Pleasant Mills,Grenn Bank, arnLLower Bank. __

Comrade Ben. Jarvis at Elwood.Comrade Waldfogie at Waterford and

Bates Mill.The Post Commander will take charge

in person, at Wlnslow Cemetery.By order of


Special Master's Sale,• By vltt«« of an order ofv««l«* rv t « « o an orer o v « « « o « ,

ng dat« tb« JOth d»j of May, 1004, lif «tof the Coart of Ch»no*ry of the-BtaUof

beatinoat oK*w J«r«ey(- In w gate wherein Gertrude M.

eocoplalnant and Evelyn 0. North and- - -

pabllo vendne, on,. Saturday, Jnly 2nd, 1904'at two o'clock ln.tht •fternoon^ltaU day. at-fiatttttoatoo nouse, in SsminoBion, Atlaotiot'Ooantj,N.J^ alloftlie following deteribedtract* of land situate in the lowatf Haromon-ion, in the -Coanty of AtUntlo and State ofN*w Jersey, and bounded and dewrlbed aifollowa : - > , ' ,„ ieglnnlnc on the weitildeof Orobtrd St.,on* onndred and forty feet from the tonth.side of Railroad Avenue, at corner of North.'*land ; thence (t) along Orohard Street lonth.weiterly fifty feet i At) northwesterly at rightMf l«i one hundred and fifty feet ; (3\ northe»«terly at right anglei along Jones' land onehundred and ninety feet to tide of RailroadAvenue ) (4) along Railroad Avenue «ou'h

iterly fifty feet to North'i land.; (6) icothWMterly along said land one hundred and fortyftet ; (0) «oQthe«iterly along North'* land oteb,undr»d feet to place of beginning. ,

3. Beginning on the .wait tide of Railroad

we bave not reduceathe priceof tbe REPinnicjLif. Our offer

Is: to subscribers in tbis Connty, $1.00per year; to tbose outside, fl.25. WeHire satisfaction, but not obromos.


SMALL'SCor. Second and Bellevue,

Hammonton. "

SINGERSDeclare that there is, in the rich mellow tone of the

a quality that completely fits the voice ;

a quality; not found to the same degree

in any other instrument.


Send for new ill imitated catalogueand epecial easy payment plans.

F. A. NORTH & Co..1808 Chettnut'Street

\ \


one hundred fMt; (2) »t tight angl«« Booth nwesterly oat haadredaod forty feet, (8) atrigbyangles toutheutcrly 6n« hundred fact toOrobard iStrnt; (4) alonif Orchard Strwtaortheaiterly oat hundred and forty feet tothe beginning.

3. Beginning at a point «d the went iid« ofRailroad Avenue, ore hundred and fifty fretnorthward); irom the north corner at OrobtrdStreet and In the corner «f land of EtsmaP.North, dtoetied'i .tbecee (l)i along BallrnadAvenue »nd carallel therewith nlnetf feet;thence (2) loathwtsterly- »nd parallel withOrchard btreet one bondred and »e»entj fee ;(3) Boutbeaitwordly add pirrallel with RallrondAvrnae ninety feet;; (i) norih«a«lw»rd!y andparallel wjth Orchaird Street one hundred andaerenty feet to Ballroad Avenua and pUot ofbeginning. - '

Together with all and ilngalar -the heredltamei-ts and appnrtraaneei to the laid premintbelong! ,g or In any wUe apperttlniog.


TBOKPBOB * COLI, Solloitori.t.i.6tpr,bm,»eO,fl»

S. J. B, THBEB 25 Ot8

-5CO2ltat« if JoVr A- q , T , ,. ,

• Pniroant to id* order of Ktnsnnel 0. Shaner,Snrtognte of *be County of Atltntio, mad* on(be twentj-dxth day of M«roh,.nlnet«»«i huuxdred and four, on the »pp))»tion of th*

j »dntlnl»lr»tof pt taid deoedent»notice i* hereby glren/ to Tne creditor* of th»laid dwedent to enhlblt to th* •nbrtrlber,, .under oath, or »BnP»Uon, their debtt,U«nand*and elaiffli agabft tb* eitate of Ae laid deoe- ; "dent, w«Wtt-ah» »oaH>i-fn>Bl-«ldd«»»,i)rthey will be fortvtr -barred Jrom^pronentlng-or reoorerlng the nm* Againlt the «ub»orlhe».

WIlfclAJtL. BLACK,AdmlnlBtrator, Haamonton, N. 3.

The Booklets.Ten thousand booklets of the

Town of Hammonton, beautifullyillustrated, have just been issued bythe Board of Trade. _JEvery citizen-is entitled to a copy, free of charge,,which may be procured by calling

Avenuealithenorth eotnw ofOrchard Btreet i /- tfe. Qam-atttw T>r flfini-loo f(.mtheaee (1) along Railroad ATeTnolrthwttiefly—Ou-tae—isecietary, iJJ»-mi»rie8 vun-

am, at his residence, Second;Street.

Additional copies may be obtained",by paying the ^following, prices,eight fer 25 cents; three for 10cents j or 5 cents each. These prioeginclude envelopes for mailing, when'desired. They can be purchased ofthe .Secretary, from P, H. Jacobs,Chairman of Printing Committee,and at Henson's news room.

The cost of these booklets largelyexceeds the above prices, aud tall -money obtained from their sale willba-feept-separate from the generalfunds of the Board of Trade, and bfrused exclusively for advBRisteg-the^Town In.other ways.

(WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE B. R.)Schedule ia effect May_P, W04.___j^jectto^bjwge._^



,4 SO 810 8 «) 6 40 64874484655.05516SIBISU


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STATION Ace. ice. Xx|>ntu

78) SS67 »82T7 08 8:«

MI 8 10U 47 7 69

nmomon —Cl»o*d _.....-

.._Xn Barter......_. .AMK»>

......AlUtitic City...


• 2-7 4V6187266127218 OR 7 17000710



Aee Aeo.

1 *0 B C7 8 45 6 IS-I « 5 fi» 9 SI 6 07



Sun __Acc Je«

1355 50*8 Ml M7


7 CO

&maiG MiB 10 6 8T6 J H S W » »


4608SM W

4 S 6 8 J 8 4 M4 07 7 B6 4 1?8 M 7 « 4 «t

• Btopi only on notice to conductor or men t, or on nlgnal.Afternoon expnee down. !ea»eeThluUe. at J.OO, Kuunonton 140, Atlantic 3.15.Krralni expnn op, IWTW Atlantic at 530, Henatoaton &tt. PhlUd*. at 6.46.eatarday OHM, expnet IMTM PnlUoX 1.00 p.m., Baumonloa 1.42, arriving at Atlaatlc 2.16.

W W ATTKBBUJtT,Gen'lManager. J B WOOD, Tut'g'r Tnffle Uu«(frOioWBOTD.OA^lPMl'rAlt. .

Atlantic City R. R.DOWMTKAINB.

Monday, May e, 1904.6ot)jrc UPIEAIlfB.

Sand Snod suad

GOO612619an640544584801608• 186198M4826808478«70«

9000 10



800680500*00 tWS 7 SO8 10 6 « 5 13 9 10 1066 7 41


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7 09 1016 1100

760760a 168218A3HSB84.191:D I D1 !M

.....USD I) 40

9 481(001010

. . . . . Caindn «.•'«•,.,nWMt Colllnjiwood....

6266 10 H IS606805664765

...,WIIIU»>tew»JpM...._..... t'«4tr Drool™....._ ....... Dint Anchor^ ..... .

. Bsminonton

Bettor ,


5817-376267^0Mfl 7 486 15 7 196 II 7 Jt>




7 46


it 03 io:a


_.... i'wi7 W 1016


( 26l« eo V X « *.610S88914SK» 08 „.... U 07 • fT»«„... S6ISR1>6 40 ...... k in f, 44

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8 MlC!"8 50'7 m»T. I«l4 OS

f 27 690K 1) 6 »-B1I5J4

7 M 6 W7 8 I 4 W744 «»7&542T


Up MConuodMlbn IMTM Uunnoulon «t 6J6 *.»., ivadilnc Phlltd*. at 6.68jMornln tiprfii np IWTM AU»ntlo 7JX), Uimmonloo 7,5«, «rl«|»c/»t fbllM*. itt S.OO.XxpreH !«•»« PhlMelphl* *l aoo pjo,, mcbluf llunnratoa 2.42, «d AtUntlo 8.19.Kt^nlDg eipn« down IMTM PfalUft, *l 6.00. HwpnoiitaB 6.86, and Atlutie 0.06.KTtnlng czpnw down IMTM PhlluJ*. 6.80, H«iniooato» 6.H. *rriirlq|| *t Atl.ntlo OM.Evening »pr«M np I^Vt. AiUnllo 8.00, ll.mnontoh 8,07, Wlotlo* 6 08, Phllwl*. C.tOKxprMi doom IMTM Fbll*d», »l 7,16 p.m., Unmruunton 7JV4. tnd Allnullo B.iUS.Momlni IlnnimontoHKOom. down !«•»«• Pbll«<l«.«< 9 SO, irrlrlaf hero 7,47,Morning ««x>m. up IMTM U«mmonton 8.40, ronchlng I'hIUdi. 10.40.We«kd»y hlght uoon, down IMTM PHI«J»,«t 8, iMcbln| lUnraonlon «t Ml.Bund.? ulght .Ipr«M up IMTM Atlanllo 130, K«g n.rbor 7.M,lI«nimonloa ft.ll, rblUdilphl* O.CO.finn1!'! '?«n!"I <<<(">• down IMTM fhlUd*. 7.16, lUromoutan 7 Dl, AtUntlo H.'il.Bundtj morning nprou np IMTM Atlnntlo »t lo.)S, lUmmonton 10.4o711lilW«. IllSI, ..........

A.T, DIC«, BD80N J>WEKK8.ain.PMMOi«rAgr»t

It will only cost Oneto buy a postal rard and »ond to Tlin New-YorkTribunu Farmer, New York City, for » freogpoolmen copy.

Tbe Ncw-Yoik Trlbnnr Fainxr Ih a Katloual Illustrated Agricultural Wt«kly for Farmersand thtlr lemillee, n.d KVKIiY Utue contain*mattor Inntrtiotlte and entertaining to KVK1OTntrtnber oftlie family. . .

Tue price Is f t per year, bat if yon like ityou can secure in»llb >oor Ilanihionton paper,the Boulh Jers,«y lUpnblioan, at a bargain.

' Doth paper* one J«»r for ocly *|1.S5.

Bend your ordsr and tto<«*y to theSOUTH JERSEY REPUBLICAN,

• • • " I1aMHinii4w, V. 3,

Hoyi A Sony Vox»ma«$1.25 Pei?

r VOL. 42 HAMM6KTOK, N. J., JUNE 4, 19O4. V 4*

ll ' <J*"> '*«!


ELWOOD P. JONES,'""sacceMor to'

W. A. HOOD 66 CO.Office and Residence, 216 Bellevue Ave. Phone



arrison Mutual Burial Associa'nCopyrifhted Deo. 18,1899


We have as good a


— and as good a


as there is in the market.Qnr price on thkm ~~

is right.

Young People's Societies.This upaoe In devoted to the intereiti oftbeYonngPeopleiSooIetlesofthevarlona(Jbu/obes. Special items of Interest, anaannonnoemenU r« solicited.

Y. P, 8.0. E.,—Presbyterian Church:Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30.Topic, "How my silence witnesses

against Christ." Matt. 12: 30;Luke 17 : 12-19.' Consecration

Y. P. 8. C. E..—Baptist Church:Meets Sunday evening, at 6:45.

,. Toplc,-"How my-sitenceAwitneasesagainst .Christ," Matt.V12; 80,;

Town Council Meeting.Begular convocation last Saturday

evening, May 28tb. Ail members werepresent.

After the usual roll-call and approvalof minutes, the several standing com-mittees were called upon for reports.

Highways stated that Chew Roadwork has been completed. New streetsigns being painted.* irirsT~ICoad andEgg Harbor Bead to be repaired.Amended contract for paved—guttersbeing prepared. Obajrma'n reported hiavisit to Mrs. SnowVproperty, and hiarecommendation for- improving tbedrainage.

License reported in favor of grantingliquor license to Joseph Bowker, at tbeHammonton Hotel Later, the licensewas granted,—Messrs. Spear and Park-hurst voting against It, not because ofany lack of respect for tbe applicant,bnc on the ground that no more saloonsare needed in that locality.

Fire reported repairs to cbeiuical hoseand suggested that twenty-five addition-


case of sudden need.Law and Order referred to complaints

ihaVMarsh.,!cannot be in all parts of town at one

Miss1Lnke 17 : 12 -10. Consecrationmeeting. Leader,Bernsbouse.

Jr. C. £., Sunday afternoon, at 8:00:

time, and that citizens who feel them-selves wronged ebon!d assist the author-ities by making format complaint.

Property stated that no one seems,desirous of leasing land for a dog. pound;

COMMERCIAL PRINTINGDone neatly and promptly at the, '. K'$?• m. '".^

' «4", ( '" >U5 - ,ria 't -J-, j<5MB . ,.,4a j -lM'

0, my Back! Ouch!Such sharp and lasting pains!Is there no relief?, _ - -

Yes, our KIDNEY PLASTER will help you.25 cents. . '

LEIB, the Chemist,Second St, and Bellevue Ave., Hammonton.

Leader, May Brown.Epwortb League,—M. E. Church:

i&-i Snndftv flvfininir. Af. 4l;


ButterBoth ure firet-class.

Our/ on

MASON JarsTin Cane, and-- Wax-Strings :

are low.


The Peoples Bank

ipital, . . . . . . . $30,000|urplu8 and Proflta,. $31,000

Phree per cent interest paidon time Deposits. •

ifo Deposit Boxed for Bent

B. J. BYRNES, President.

M. L. JACKSON, Vioo-Proa't.W. B. TILTON, Cannier.

DinKarons1.3. Byrnes t M. L. Juoksou'

Ilnrn Btookwnll Wm. L. Uluokfm. 3. Smith J. 0> Anderson,'H. PiuUhurst VI. R. TlUon

Topic. "Betraying Christ by silence."Matt. 12 : 80; Luke 17 : lfc-19.

, Leader, Mrs. P. H. Jacobs.Junior League on Sunday afternoon,

at 3.00 o'clock. Topic, "The beautyof tbe Lord." Fsa. 27:4. Leader,

• . IrmoTlltOD.Y. F. C. D-.—Unlvereallst Church:

Meets Sunday evening, at 7.45.Topic. "The Dniversallst ideas of

Heaven and Hell. Leader, Mrs,Mrs. George King.

A cordial Invitation la extended to all• to attend tbeie meetinas.

-ssts-srvwa old well at the Park is in good condition,and recommended that it be arched overbelow the surface of the ground, andliwvoieu,— U> bo uBwl in tins ruturo,perhaps. Committee was given powerto act in both1 matters.

The following bills were ordered paid:Town Purposes.........

J W Myers. Marshal ......... . $24 00AH Miller. Jaqltor..—......—. 150

'' BH Chandler, Court oosta ID' JeOenoa iSlt 17 61

A J King, rent of bull——•• •—— t 00TB Delker,advertl«lnB_n........_ i 62GABPost, appropriation.....^.. 6000

£n advertisement that will make folks

want what yon want them to want

Is what yon want; and |bT you want

them to see it, insert it in tbe Sours


Church Announcements.

Notices of Cburch tneotlnga are of pnblloInteroil.Rnd uo charge U made (or tlielr•limerUou. Weekly changes are urged.

Baptist Church. Rev. Wiltshire W.WUllamB, Pattor. 10.80 a.m., "Thewounds of "Jesnt""" Commtinlon "Rfter•ermoa. 7.45 p.m., "A business h^an'smistake." s - .


M. E. Church,—Rev. O. R. MiddletonPaitor. 10.80a.m., "The unity of thoOhnroh." Sacrament of tbe Lord's sup-per. 7.45 p.n»., song service. 8.00p.m.,t'jlrd In series on "That bad boy," topic,"Degradation." Preceded by the instal-of Epworth Leagu » offloers,

Presbyterian Church. —Rev. H.^Uanball Thurlow, Pastor. 10.30a.m.,"The power of the Gospel." '7.45 p.m.,"nuylDR for,etornity."

Univorealiflt Churoh.— The Rev. J.Harner WiUna, Pastor. 1,1.00 a.m.,

-••TbirsyinpfttbyofOhriiit."- :—St. Mark's Church,—Rev. Paul F.

Hoffman, Hootor. Vestry meetings, «lr»tTucsdny ; Altar Guild, first Wednesday;Ladies' Aid Booletjr, stoond Wednesday;Bt.Paul'n Soivor'a Guild, third Monday;Rectory Fund Boolety, last Tuesday.

Street LlghU.BUI lot May,i..... .......Six lamps for ball.....

Poor Fund......... .J^Johnson, goods ...Ura Warren, rent.

$101 «3

—flSOOO.... 1 20

»151 20

. «MOO9 00,

B Q Berp«hQD8«, rent.... ............. . 9 00Mr* McClelland, boarding........... 24 ooWLUIaok, goods ..... ....... ..._ ....... goo

' Mi 00Highwoys...... . ,

OO Combe... ....... ,...._.... ....... „ ...... f82 GO*"Jacob Miller .„..„.,".,..... ............ ...

t'rank Cuoo..... .......... .. ......... _ ......Joe Carueo

Peter Lauca .,.......,...,..,..B D ChickEdw Johnion..

ReoapltnlatlonHlghwayaPoor ./. ,Town 1'urpoKon „/.Street blRDta..

6 <88 00

11 25

City Dressed Meats- 6-


My own make ofSausageljandiScrapple.- CANNED GOODS*




4 6O

1118 7»

- is for sale every Saturday morning at

.1118 738400

101 6815120

A'Woudcrtul Hnvlncr,Tho luruest Motbodlst Church In

leorgla, oaloulatot) to une over one hun-dred gallonti of thA usual kind of mixedjmlnt in painting Hielr ohuroli.

They unod only 83 gallons of tbe Lonpc-&,Martin » Paint mixed with'0-1

.. a% of IJaaeed, oil. Actual cost ol[mint toado wiia loss than $l.i;0 pur giil-on. > ; , •.

Huvod over clahty ($80) dollorH • inpaint, ami «ut n Ma doiintlon bo»l(lBn. ,

EVBltY (jnUBOJI will bo «lv<m aliberal (innntlty whoiovor tlioy puiot.

Miiny liinncn uro troll i'Ulutc<l with'our Bntlons of It. A M. und throe gallons>f llnsnod oil lulxod tborowlrli,

Wours and (jnvoia l.ko gold,Tlinso C«li>brut«d Palitta are sold by

II. Mol). Llttlo.

5435 eaLetter read from R. O. Braddock, ta

rhlch he decllncil to soil gravel from hisland at Bosedalo, but will sell tbeproperty.

J. L. O'Donnoll's bond as WaterOomtulssiooer was accepted. :

Oo motion of Mr. Spear. Olerk was iinstructed to make written request of(automobile repairers to keep their work!off tho public street, especially on]Sunday.

Mr. Itatobelor stated that bicyclerswore still rtdUiK on sidewaltnon TwelfthStreet, though tho road la good,— evenordering people out of the way withoalbs; aleo ridlug at night withoutlights. Committee was given power toact,—to employ a special officer Ifbooesaary.

Henson's News Boon*Back numbers «an he had at the REPUBLICAN Office. • • ^ • ' • S ' .

In "jitto of luolomont weather.Moudity alturnoon and evening, tho HodMen's plo'ulo WHS wull nltendud, and thoproootids woro Battafaotory, VVajjoa-loads of pooplo from various totvus, usfur distant as Wulerlbrd and UliioAnchor, woro thora all day ; and theydlilii't 1'ornut to bring pookot-booka, Thu oduimllitiQ wlHliuo to thanknil who uBiilntixl »r.(I onuourauud thow,

lu its uuccoDti. , '

1Camden Safe Deposit & TrusfTGo.1224 Federal Street, Camden

Capital• January i*t. 1904

^100,009.00.., . . , . . .Surt)lus and Undivided ) ,

Profits ..... {• 537.630-34"Deposits-. ...... T-.-:-— 5,370,841.35

I Banking by'



Safo t)cpo»lt JJ,)xei, fl «iul upward. WilU kept without ch»rg«.J

Pays Interest9, pnr C<!n(, on Drpoilli, 14 l)t,jt' Notice.

2 percent, f i i l i j rct tn i licck without nalk'", on A»cr»(;e It«l«|icr«of JT

AL-U «> Kxecutor, Admlnuirm.M, Triutt* or Guardian.AUKXANOCH C. W

BuNJAMirf C. RUQVU. VIC^HL _JOeCM^H I.IPPINCO1'r, Tr*Mur«r. PBTBR W._ . , , , : , .„ .„ . . . - . . niRKCTOKSyiLUAUfl. »CULI. AMXANi)KR C. WOOD |l




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