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THE NATURE AND VALUE OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT The most significant improvement in management process came in the 1970s, when “long-range planning”, “new venture management”, “ planning, programming, budgeting”, and business policy” were blended. - Increased emphasis was placed on environmental forecasting and external considerations in formulating and implementing plans. 2

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This all- encompassing approach is known as strategic management. Strategic management, is defined as the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a company’s objectives. It comprises nine critical tasks: (1). Formulate the company’s mission, including broad statements about its purpose, philosophy, and goals. (2). Conduct an analysis that reflects the company’s internal conditions and capabilities. 3

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(3). Assess the company’s external environment including both the competitive and the general contextual factors. (4). Analyze the company’s options by matching its resources with the external environment. (5). Identify the most desirable options by evaluating each option in light of the company’s mission. (6). Select a set of long-term objectives and grand strategies that will achieve the most desirable options. 4

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(7). Develop annual objectives and short-term strategies that are compatible with the selected set of long-term objectives and grand strategies. (8). Implement the strategy choices by means of budgeting resource allocations in which the matching of tasks, people, structures, technologies, and reward systems is emphasized. (9). Evaluate the success of the strategic process as an input for future decision making. 5

Dimensions of Strategic Decisions : 

Dimensions of Strategic Decisions Strategic Issues Require Top-Management Decisions Strategic Issues Require Large Amounts of the firm’s Resources. Strategic Issues often affect the Firm’s Long-Term Prosperity. Strategic issues are future oriented Strategic issues usually have multifunctional or multibusiness consequences. Strategic issues require considering the Firm’s External Environment. 6

Levels of Strategy: 

Levels of Strategy 3 Levels can be identified The decision-making hierarchy of a firm typically contains three levels. At the top is the corporate level Composed principally of a board of directors and the chief executive and administrative officers. - Here the emphasis is on stockholders interests and the society at large. 7

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- They determine what business a firm should be involved. - They also set objectives and formulate that span the activities and functional areas of the business. - In the middle of the decision-making hierarchy is the business level. Composed principally of business and corporate managers - These managers must translate the statements of direction and intent generated at the corporate level into concrete objectives and strategies for individual business divisions or SBUs. 8

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- At the bottom of the decision-making hierarchy is the functional level Composed principally of managers of product, geographic and functional areas They develop annual objectives and short-term strategies in such areas as production, operations research and development, procurement, finance and accounting, marketing, and human resources. 9

Benefits of Strategic Management : 

Benefits of Strategic Management Enhance the firm’s ability to prevent problems Group-based strategic decisions are likely to be drawn from the best available alternatives - The strategic

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management process results in better decisions because group interaction generates a greater variety of strategies. Gaps and overlaps in activities among individuals and groups are reduced as participation in strategy formulation clarifies differences in roles. Resistance to change is reduced 10

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THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS A comprehensive strategic management model 11 Develop Mission Statement Perform External Audit Allocate Resources Establish Policies And Annual Objectives Generate Evaluate And Select Strategies Establish Long- Term Objectives Perform Internal Audit Measure And Evaluate Performance Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Strategy Evaluation

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This model is widely accepted and comprehensive Significant improvement in sales, profits and productivity Allows for identification, prioritization and exploitation of opportunities Provides an objective view of management problems Creates a framework for internal and external communication It gives encouragement to forward thinking. It gives a degree of discipline and formality to the management of a business. 12

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Identification on organizations existing mission, objectives, and strategies is the logical starting point for strategic management Every organization has a mission, objectives, and strategy, even if these elements are not consciously designed, written or communicated. The strategic- management process is dynamic and continous. A change in any one of the major components in the model can necessitate a change in any or all of the other components 13

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Strategists do not go through the process in lock step fashion. Many organizations conduct formal meetings semiannually to discuss and update the firm’s mission, opportunities/threats, strengths/weaknesses, strategies, objectives, policies, and performance. These meetings are commonly held off-premises and called retreats. The rationale for periodically conducting strategic-management meetings away from the work site is to encourage more creativity and condor among participants 14

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Good communication and feedback are needed throughout the strategic management process. A number of different forces affect the formality of strategic management in organizations such as:- Size of an organization is a key factor; Smaller firms are less formal in performing strategic-management tasks. Management styles Complexity of production process Nature of problems Purpose of planning system 15


STRATEGY FORMULATION Guides executives in defining the business their firm is in, the end it seeks, and the means it will use to accomplish. The strategy formulation process begins with definition of the company mission. This is a declaration of an organisation’s reason for being. It answers the pivotal question, ”what is our business” 16


STRATEGY FORMULATION cont… Sometimes called A creed statement A statement of purpose A statement of philosophy A statement of beliefs A statement of business principals A vision statement Characteristically, it is a statement, not of measurable targets but of attitude, outlook and orientation 17


STRATEGY FORMULATION cont… In general terms, the mission statement addresses the following questions: Why is this firm in business? What are our economic goals What is our operating philosophy in terms of quality, company image, and self-concept? What are our core competencies and competitive advantages? 18


STRATEGY FORMULATION cont… What customers do and can we serve? How do we view our responsibilities to stockholders, employees, communities, environment, social issues, and competitors A good mission statement describes an organisation’s purpose, customers, products or services, markets, philosophy, and basic technology 19


IMPORTANCE OF A CLEAR MISSION High performing companies have got a more comprehensive mission statement than low performers Organisations carefully develop a written mission statement for the following reasons To ensure unanimity of purpose within the organisation To provide a basis, or standard, for allocating organisational resources To establish a general tone or organisational climate 20

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IMPORTANCE OF A CLEAR MISSION To serve as a focal point for individuals to identify with the organisation’s purpose and direction; and to deter those who cannot from participating further in the organisations activities To facilitate the translation of objectives into a work structure involving the assignment of tasks to responsible elements within the organisation To specify organisational purposes and translation of those purposes into objectives in such a way that cost ,time, and performance parameters can be assessed and controlled 21


VISION VERSUS MISSION Some organisations develop both a mission statement and a vision statement. Wherereas the mission statement answers the question, ”what is our business” The vision statement answers the question, ”what do we want to become” 22

The process of developing a mission statement: 

The process of developing a mission statement A clear mission statement is needed before alternative strategies can be formulated and implemented It is important to involve as many managers as possible in the process of developing a mission statement, because through involvement, people become committed to an organisation. A widely used approach is to select several articles about mission statements and ask managers to read these as background information Then ask managers to personally prepare a mission statement for the organisation 23

The process of developing a mission statement: 

The process of developing a mission statement A facilitator, or a committee of top managers, should merge those statements into a single document and distribute this draft mission statement to all managers A request for modifications, additions, and deletions is needed next, along with a meeting to revise the document The process of developing a mission statement represents a great opportunity for strategists to obtain needed support from all managers in the firm During the process of developing a mission statement, some organisations use discussion groups of managers to develop and modify the mission statement 24

The process of developing a mission statement: 

The process of developing a mission statement Some organisations hire an outside consultant or facilitator to manage the process and help draft the language. 25

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Fundamental factors to be incorporated in a mission statement : 

Fundamental factors to be incorporated in a mission statement Basic product or service, primary market; principal technology Company goals: Survival, Growth, Profitability Company philosophy (beliefs, values, aspirations etc.) Public image Company self-concept (how it relates to its external environment) Customers Quality 26


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY In defining the company mission, strategic managers must recognize the legitimate rights of the firm’s claimants These include, stakeholders and employees and outsiders affected by the firms actions . Customers Suppliers Governments Unions Competitors Local Communities General Public 27


A CONTINUUM OF CSR Strategic managers can use a continuum that encompasses four types of social commitment Economic Legal Ethical Discretionary social responsibility Economic Responsibilities This is the most basic CSR of a business 28


A CONTINUUM OF CSR The CSR is assured to be providing goods and services to society at a reasonable cost In discharging the economic responsibility; the company also emerges as socially responsible by providing productive jobs for its workforce, and tax payments for its local, state and federal governments 29


A CONTINUUM OF CSR Legal responsibilities Reflects the firms obligations to comply with the laws that regulate business activities The consumer and environmental movements focused increased public attention on the need for social responsibility in business by lobbying for laws that govern business in the areas of pollution control and consumer safety 30


A CONTINUUM OF CSR Ethical responsibility Reflect the company’s notion of right or proper business behaviour Some actions that are legal might be unethical The manufacture and distribution of cigarettes is legal But in light of the often lethal consequences of smoking, many consider the continued sale of cigarettes to be unethical 31

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A CONTINUUM OF CSR Discretionary responsibilities These are voluntarily assured by business organisations Include public relations activities Good citizenship approach (support ongoing charities, public service campaigns, or issues in the public interest) 32


Summary A commitment to full corporate responsibility requires strategic managers to attack social problems with the same zeal in which they attack business problems 33

CSR’s Effect on mission statement: 

CSR’s Effect on mission statement In developing mission statements, managers must identify all stakeholder groups and weigh their relative rights and abilities to affect the firms success Some companies are proactive in their approach to CSR, making it an integral part of their mission statement. Others are reactive, adopting socially responsible behaviour only when they must. 34

Social Audit: 

Social Audit A social audit attempts to measure a company’s actual social performance against the social objectives it has set for itself. This may be conducted by the company itself Sometimes outside consultant is preferred since he brings credibility to the company To make sure it is making good progress on its CSR promises, a company may conduct a social audit of its performance 35

Social Audit: 

Social Audit Once the social audit is complete, it may be distributed internally or both internally and externally, depending on the firms goals and situation Some firms include a section in their annual report, devoted to social responsibility activities, others publish a separate periodic report on their social responsiveness. The CSR may also be used to scan the external environment, determine the firms vulnerabilities, and institutionalize CSR within the firm 36

Social Audit: 

Social Audit Companies themselves are not the only ones who conduct social audits; public interest groups and the media watch companies who claim to be socially responsible very closely to see if they practice what they preach These organizations include consumer groups and socially responsible firms that construct their own guidelines for evaluating companies 37

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The External Environment: 

The External Environment This is determined by conducting an external strategic management audit (sometimes called environmental scanning or industry analysis). This audit focuses on identifying and evaluating trends and events beyond the control of a single firm. An external audit reveals key opportunities and threats confronting an organisation so that managers can formulate strategies to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid or reduce the impact of threats. 38

Key external forces: 

Key external forces External forces can be divided into five broad categories: Economic forces Social demographic, and environmental forces; political, governmental, and legal forces; technical forces; competitive forces . 39

Relationships Between Key External Forces and an Organisation: 

Relationships Between Key External Forces and an Organisation 40 Economic forces Social, cultural, demographic, and environmental forces Political, legal and governmental forces Competitive forces Competitors Suppliers Distributors Creditors Customers Employees Communities Managers Stockholders Labour unions Governments Trade associations Special interest groups Products Services Markets Natural environment AN ORGANIZATIONS OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS

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External trends and events affect all products, services, markets, and organizations in the world How to conduct an external audit Managers and employees must be involved This will lead to understanding and commitment from organizational members-so as to avoid resistance to change Intelligence Information about social, cultural, demographic, environmental, economic, political, legal, governmental, and technological trends is critical upfront. 41

How to conduct an external audit: 

How to conduct an external audit Sources of information Key magazines Trade journals Newspapers Collection of primary data through questionnaires Suppliers Distributors Customers Competitors Universities Libraries 42

How to conduct an external audit: 

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How to conduct an external audit Periodic scanning reports can be submitted to the department concerned, normally strategic planning department or the relevant department Once the information is gathered, it should be assimilated and evaluated for decision making 43

Technological forces: 

Technological forces This is very rapid Includes the internet W.W.W, EDI, money transfer, etc… Help to identify opportunities as well as threats in business Competition, products, market, customers, pricing etc… Facilitates efficiency and effectiveness in business transaction The organisation must effectively utilize the opportunities availed by the technological forces and minimize the threats The organisation must change with the changing technology to remain competitive 44

Key questions to ask in assessing the Technological environment: 

Key questions to ask in assessing the Technological environment What are the technologies within the organization Which technologies are utilized in the firms business? products and parts? How critical is each technology to each of these products and businesses? What have been the firms investments in critical technologies over time? What is the cost and value added structure of these parts, components, products, and businesses? What are the applications of the firms technologies? What technological resources are required for the firm to achieve its current business objectives? 45

Economic Forces: 

Economic Forces Key economic variables to be monitored Inflation Unemployment Availability of Credit Level of disposable income Propensity of people to spend Interest rates Economies of scale Value of Kshs in world markets Foreign countries economic conditions 46


SOCIAL,CULTURAL,DEMOGRAPHIC,AND ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES Social cultural, demographic, and environmental changes have a major impact upon virtually all products, services, markets, and customers Small, large, for-profit and non profit companies are affected by threats and opportunities created by the above factors Managers must understand the dynamics of this environment and make decisions which will enable the organisations attain their goals and objectives 47


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SOCIAL,CULTURAL,DEMOGRAPHIC,AND ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES In Kenya the scourge of AIDS/HIV pandemic on the productivity of the workforce must be addressed. Cultural practices in certain communities must be eliminated Tribalism has to be reduced to bare minimum/cohesive nation a must for prosperity Population explosion needs to be curbed Poverty levels should be monitored Shelter Literacy levels/Education institutions should be improved and quality education 48


SOCIAL,CULTURAL,DEMOGRAPHIC,AND ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES Infrastructure Health facilities should be improved Number of marriages Number of divorces Number of births Immigration and emigration rates Social security programmes Life expectancy rates Per-capita income attitudes towards business Lifestyles 49


SOCIAL,CULTURAL,DEMOGRAPHIC,AND ENVIRONMENTAL FORCES Traffic congestion Trust in government Attitudes toward government Attitudes toward work Ethical concern (corruption) Sex role Attitudes towards investing Government regulation Attitudes toward leisure time Attitudes toward product quality Attitudes toward customer service Social responsibility Etc………. 50


POLITICAL, GOVERNMENTAL, AND LEGAL FORCES Central government, local and foreign governments are major regulators, deregulators, subsidizers, employers, and customers of organisations Political, governmental, and legal factors can therefore represent key opportunities or threats for both small and large organisations 51

Observable variables: 

Observable variables Government regulations and deregulations Change in tax laws Voters participation rates Level of defense expenditures Legislation on equal employment East African Community Relationship between Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda Movement of people across the borders Size of government budgets Location and severity of terrorist activities General election impact on the people, policy and economy. 52


COMPETITIVE FORCES An important part of an external audit is to identify rival firms and to determine their strength, weaknesses, capabilities, opportunities, threats, objectives, and

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strategies Collecting and evaluating information on competitors is essential for successful strategy formulation Seven characteristics can best describe the most competitive companies in Kenya e.g. 53


COMPETITIVE FORCES Safaricom Celtel Kenya Airways Barclays Barclays EABL KCB Nation Media Group Mumias Sugar ETC…… 54


COMPETITIVE FORCES Market share Understanding the business you are in Whether its broke or not, fix it - make it better, not just products, but the whole company if necessary; Innovate or evaporate; particularly in technology-driven business, nothing quite recedes like success; Acquisition is essential to growth People make a difference; tired of hearing it? too bad; There is no substitute for quality and no greater threat than failing to be cost competitive on a global basis 55

Key questions about competitors: 

Key questions about competitors What are the major competitors strengths? What are the major competitors weaknesses? What are the major competitors objectives and strategies? How will the major competitors most likely respond to current economic, social, cultural, demographic, geographic, political, governmental, technological, and competitive trends affecting our industry? How are our products or services positioned relative to major competitors? What key factors have resulted in our present competitive position in this industry? How have the sales and profit rankings of major competitors in the industry changed over recent years? why have these rankings changed that way? 56


COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS The most common model and widely used is the PORTERS FIVE-FORCES MODEL Questions to ponder: Will new technologies or market demands enable competitors to minimize the impact of traditional economies of scale in the industry? Will consumers accept our claims of product or service differentiation? Will potential new entrants be able to match the capital requirements that currently exist? How permanent are the cost disadvantages (independent of size) in our industry? 57

Questions to ponder: 

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Questions to ponder Will potential new entrants be able to match the capital requirements that currently exist How permanent are the cost disadvantages (independent of size) in our industry? Will conditions change so that competitors have equal access to marketing channels? Is government policy toward competition in our industry likely to change? According to Porter, the nature of competitiveness in a given industry can be viewed as a composite of five forces: 58

PowerPoint Presentation: 

Rivalry among competitive firms Potential entry of new competitors Potential development of substitute products Bargaining power of suppliers Bargaining power of consumers 59

Strategic brand management ppt — Presentation Transcript

1. Strategic Brand Management 2. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating the Mayo ClinicTesting 600k + in- and out-

patients/yr Founded in 1800 by Dr William Woral Mayo & two sons. Pioneered “group practice” = Two heads are better than one Two “extension” facilities in 1980s (Scottsdale,Jacksonville) Mayo Graduate School of Medicine – one of largest graduate education centers

3. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating the Mayo ClinicTesting Worldwide leader in patient care, research and education Renowned for world class specialty care Earned a reputation as world class specialty care Most medical staff participate in research 1950 Nobel Prize winners, Drs Kendall and Hench discovered Cortisone

4. Brand Value Chain & Use The Brand Value Chain to determineTesting Measurement Tactics and Resulting Marketing StrategiesValue Marketing Customer Market ShareholderStages Program Mindset Performance Value Investment -Product -Awareness -Price Premiums -Stock Price -Communication -Associations -Price Elasticities -P/E Ratio -Trade -Attitudes -Market Share -Market -Employee -Attachment -Expansion Success Capitalization -Other -Activity -Cost Structures -Profitability

5. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 BrandTesting Equity Study Awareness 84.3%, 90+% among 45+ Specialty ranking Top ranked at 15.4% (next at 5.3%) “..go anywhere in US for serious condition which required highly specialized care..” Strongest Brand Associations 1) Scientific Research, 2) Cancer Treatment, 3) Cardiac Care

6. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating theTesting Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity Study Associations (Thoughts & Feelings) Integrity (longevity, heritage, wisdom of staff, trust in institution), Leadership (modernity, premium quality, international prestige) Professionalism (staff held high standards, were intellectually sophisticated and efficient) Commitment to health & healing (reputation for medical discoveries, preventative medicine, tangible results) Exclusivity No Negative Associations

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7. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand EquityTesting Study Product Perception ISSUE Outside Midwest perception of “only for rich/famous” Known for Tertiary Care (Not primary family care) Thus, “not like me”

8. Brand Value Chain & UseTesting The Brand Value Chain to determine Measurement Tactics and Resulting Marketing StrategiesValue Marketing Customer Market ShareholderStages Program Mindset Performance Value Investment Program Marketplace InvestorMultipliers Quality Conditions Sentiment -Clarity -Market Dynamics -Relevance -Competitive reactions -Growth Panel -Distinctiveness -Channel Support -Risk Profile -Consistency -Customer size & Profile -Brand Contributions

9. Brand Value Chain & Use The Brand Value Chain to determineTesting Measurement Tactics and Resulting Marketing StrategiesValue Marketing Customer Market ShareholderStages Program Mindset Performance Value Investment -Product -Awareness -Price Premiums -Stock Price -Communication -Associations -Price Elasticities -P/E Ratio -Trade -Attitudes -Market Share -Market -Employee -Attachment -Expansion Success Capitalization -Other -Activity -Cost Structures -Profitability

10. Brand Value Chain & EvaluatingTesting the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity Study Communication Word of Mouth is influential in selecting specialty care 1/3 know at least one Mayo patient

11. Brand Value Chain & Testing Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity Study CONCLUSIONS Mayo’s Brand Equity is Powerful and Precious As perceived by patients and consumers, Mayo’s Essence: Excellence The best medical, personal and technical expertise in patient care and education Care Compassionate patient care and education resulting in physical, mental and emotional well-being Cooperation Care and education in cooperative and inclusive relationships among colleagues and with the patient, the patient, the patient’s family and consumers Enlightenment (Wisdom) Commitment to pioneering knowledge, insight, and truth through research and education

12. Brand Value Chain & Testing Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity Study CONCLUSIONS Mayo’s Brand Equity is Powerful and Precious “By living out these standards fully and consistently, the Mayo clinic had engendered in patients and consumers a sense of confidence, safety, hope and serenity”

13. Brand DevelopmentConsumer Driven Marketing Cycle Succeed And Map the Improve Marketspace Select Most Assess Valuable Performance Customers Actions Strategies Execute the Choose a Tactical Plan Winning Positioning Tactics •Brand saturation •High Cost Define Performance Create the Build Tactical Plan Measures Operational Mark Kerback, Kerback & Company Capabilities

14. Brand Value Chain & Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity StudyTesting CONCLUSIONS A Satisfied national patient base is VITAL to maintaining preference Vital to developing guidelines that protected the brand 1999 created “Office of Brand Management” Responsible for the protection & enhancement of the Mayo Clinic brand (+ monitoring) Developing Brand Management Guidelines & a Positioning statement Implementing a Branding System (include education) Build awareness of Brand Management within the organization Research extension opportunities & risks

15. Brand Value Chain & Testing Evaluating the Mayo Clinic ‘96 Brand Equity Study CONCLUSIONS Example of Brand Management Guidelines: Each new/existing Mayo Clinic branded product, service or business relationship meets 4 criteria: Using name must be owned by Mayo or under full control Use to solely assure success of

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service/product not appropriate Not to be used in a manner that trivalizes the name/institution Not shared or sold

16. Brand Value Chain & Get to the Consumer Insight/Core ValueTesting by Laddering up to it Is Mayo Keep asking “WHY”, “WHY”, “WHY” Resonating with Consumers Central What ConsumerBeliefs/Core Values? Insight might they center their equity on?

17. Strategic Brand Management FINAL GROUP CASE STUDY PROJECT Due November 15th

18. Strategic Brand ManagementNew Brand Development Project (due WK10) Work in Four Groups of 2 and select from product categories provided Develop a new brand marketing plan in an existing category (Use Develop the key insight, conceptframework attached) & positioning Ensure the following are ALSO included: Your VISION Launch Rationale Business analysis (Competitive and market analysis, SWOT etc) Target audience, Key Competitive insights and Core Values (use CBBE Pyramid) Projected share and financials (supported, P&L examples to be provided) Proposed Marketing Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

19. Strategic Select groups and categoriesBrand ManagementRECOMMENDED TIMETABLE Oct18th (data up Oct 20th); assign group tasks; conduct research Oct 25th: Out line marketing plan to share with the group;searches Nov 1st: Having reviewed available data; hypothesize financials, consumer insights, positioning and concepts (can turn in roughs to prof Nov 8th: Draft marketing plan deck and begin conversionfor feedback) to power point Nov 15th: Turn in completed plan andpresentation One 10-15 Minute presentationconduct presentations.FINISHED PRODUCT: One marketing plan document (main(docked a grade if over 15 minutes!!) text to be NO MORE than 5 pages.. Appendix with charts, graphs, data Visuals encouraged.and research encouraged)

20. Your PurposeMarketing Plan Define your core objectives, strategies and tactics in concise summary Management selling tool for brand investment Document and sell or acknowledge results Provide solid, focused direction to corporation and brand support Define Brand evaluation objectives Live Working Document

21. Measuring To guarantee assets/liabilities are nurturedBrand Equity Objective: and managed (loyalty, awareness, perceived quality, propriety brand Create Long term Strategic Develop Focused Master Planassets) Orientation

22. Brand Marketing Process Measure Brand Equity Market & Financial Competitive Health Trends BusinessAnalysis & Long Term Marketing Analysis Consumer Insights Mix SWOTsStrategy Strategic Implications & Strategy Development Core Competencies, External Opportunities Brand Vision Brand Strategy Strategic Role Establish Positioning Concept Three Year and ANNUAL Objectives What do I want to Accomplish Objectives Should be S.M.A.R.TAnnual Plan & Execution ANNUAL STRATEGIES How will the objectives be achieved? Marketing Plan Execution Market Physical Product Package Research Consumer & Functional Objectives & Pricing Retailer Promo Strategies And Tactical Plan Public Advertising Relations Media

23. Brand Marketing Process Measure Brand Equity Market & Financial Competitive Analysis & Long Term Strategy Health TrendsAnalysis & Long Term Strategy Business Analysis Consumer Marketing Insights Mix SWOTs Strategic Implications & Strategy

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Development Core Competencies, External Opportunities Brand Vision Brand Strategy Strategic Role Establish Positioning Concept

24. Establish Positioning Brand Marketing Process Concept Three Year and ANNUAL Objectives What do I want to Accomplish Objectives Should be S.M.A.R.T ANNUAL STRATEGIESAnnual Plan & Execution How will the objectives be achieved? Marketing Plan Execution Market Physical Product Package Research Consumer & Functional Objectives & Pricing Retailer Promo Strategies And Tactical Plan Public Advertising Relations Media

25. Brand Marketing Process Measure Brand Equity Market & Financial Competitive Health Trends BusinessAnalysis & Long Term Marketing Analysis Consumer Insights Mix SWOTsStrategy Strategic Implications & Strategy Development Core Competencies, External Opportunities Brand Vision Brand Strategy Strategic Role Establish Positioning Concept Three Year and ANNUAL Objectives What do I want to Accomplish Objectives Should be S.M.A.R.TAnnual Plan & Execution ANNUAL STRATEGIES How will the objectives be achieved? Marketing Plan Execution Market Physical Product Package Research Consumer & Functional Objectives & Pricing Retailer Promo Strategies And Tactical Plan Public Advertising Relations Media

26. Measuring Brand Equity Market Trends Checklist Market Conditions •Household Pentration •Seasonality •Regionality (CDI/BDI) Retail ConditionsVolume & Share •Channels of Distribution•Industry definition & served market •Product Sourcing/availability•Category Size & growth rates •Importance of the category to the retailer•Category Segmentation, trends, importance to category •Retailer focus on private label•Share of market by brand & by segment •Retailer influence over category marketing activity Consumer Conditions Government •Substitute products Conditions •Regulations & Reqs. •Changes in tastes/attitudes/needs •Legislative issues

Assessing27. Measuring Brand Equity Competitive Trends Competitor Identification Key direct competitors • • Competitive Scope: Regional/National/Global • Competitor Focus Competitive Financials •Importance in portfolio •P&L analysis •Level of product activity Advantage •Cost Structure •Level of marketing focus •Spending •Financial resources •Profitability Competitive Strategy Overall mission/priorities • • • • Target Audience Brand Turf/Positioning Class of Trade (COT) importance

28. Brand Value Chain & Use The BrandTesting Value Chain to determine Measurement Tactics and Resulting Marketing StrategiesValue Marketing Customer Market ShareholderStages Program Mindset Performance Value Investment -Product -Awareness -Price Premiums -Stock Price -Communication -Associations -Price Elasticities -P/E Ratio -Trade -Attitudes -Market Share -Market -Employee -Attachment -Expansion Success Capitalization -Other -Activity -Cost Structures -Profitability

29. Brand Value Chain & Testing Use The Brand Value Chain to determine Measurement Tactics and Resulting Marketing StrategiesValue Marketing Customer Market ShareholderStages Program Mindset Performance Value Investment Program Marketplace InvestorMultipliers Quality Conditions Sentiment -Clarity -Market Dynamics -Relevance -Competitive reactions -Growth Panel -Distinctiveness -Channel Support -Risk Profile -Consistency -Customer size & Profile -Brand Contributions

30. Purpose: to guide thinking and helpMeasuring Brand Equity SWOT distill the key issues and opportunities facing the Brand AND the Can be done in competitive analysiscategory STRENGTH WEAKNESS Inherent source of competitive Inherent

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cause of competitive advantage within the Brand (of disadvantage within the Brand (of genuine relevance to the consumer) genuine importance to consumer) INTERNAL to the brand Caused by the inherent nature of the Brand or our management of it

31. Purpose: to guide thinking and help distillMeasuring Brand Equity SWOT the key issues and opportunities facing the Brand AND the category Can be done in competitive analysis EXTERNAL to the brand Markets, competitors, retail, social trends etc OPPORTUNITY THREAT Unsatisfied or poorly satisfied need Potential problem from external source in the marketplace which our which could undermine our Brand’s competitive position if not addressed. company can perform profitability

32. Consumer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid THIS isWhere the Insight Lives Consumer- 4 Intense, Active Loyalty Consumer Acceptance Cycle Brand Resonance Consumer Consumer 3 Positive Accessible Reactions Judgments Feelings Brand Brand 2 Points of Difference Performance Imagery Brand Salience 1 Deep Broad Brand Awareness

33. Consumer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid Loyalty Attachment 4 Brand Relationships (WHAT About Resonance Community You AND ME?) Engagement Quality Warmth, Fun Feelings Credibility Excitement, Judgments Consideration Security, Social 3 Brand Response (WHAT About You?) Superiority Approval, Self-RespectPerformance Brand Characteristics & Secondary Features User Profiles Imagery Purchase and Usage Product Reliability, Situations Durability & Serviceability 2 Brand Meaning (WHAT Are You?) Service Effectiveness, Efficiency, Personality & Values & Empathy History, Heritage, & Style and Design; Price Experiences Category Identification Needs Satisfied 1 Brand Identity (WHO Are You?) Salience

34. Insight to PositioningState the thought you wish to implant in your IS THE (frame TO (core target audience), (Brand Name),target’s mind: of reference) THAT (ownedPower benefit) Positioning BECAUSE (support or reason to believe)LINKS to Consumer Insight

35. Introducing (Brand Name) Succinct Consumer Insight statementinsight driven benefits (benefit statement) Introducing New Brand. What it does(AHA not fact). (relevant core benefit to consumer). Reason to believe (how/why it does what it Reprise of positioning in closing tag.does).

36. Your Fundamental Statement of PurposeMarketing Plan What do I want to do (grow X% to $$) Objectives must be SMART Specific Measurable Appropriate Realistic Timebound Long Term and Short term

37. Brand DevelopmentConsumer Driven Marketing CycleConsumer Insight: Singularlyfocused need, desire or wantStrategies: Fact Based choices Actions Strategieson who, how and whyTactics: Activities/capabilities •Brand–what, where and when Tactics saturation •High CostActions: Execution, feedback,assessment, and improvement Mark Kerback, Kerback & Company

38. YOUR How will your What is your Big Inspiring Vision?MARKETING PLAN consumer insight translate across ALL elements of your plan? Positioning Brand Essence WHO is your Strategies and Tactics In your SWOT: What is going ontarget REALLY (pscyh, demo) competitively and WHY should I invest in yourin the Market Place?… launch????????

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plz plz send this presentation to me on [email protected] thanks........................ Sarbuland Khan Lodhi


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A fantastic and enlightening presentation. I trust that I can receive a copy of this. [email protected]


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Hi Faisal, great job. Please forward the this presentation & HRM Project presentation to me at: [email protected] I will be very grateful to you. Thanks, Fayaz


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AGENDA “IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST BENEFICIAL AND MERCIFUL” In this presentation we will be dealing with: 1: Concepts of Strategic Management 2: Stages of Strategic Management 3: Marvin’s 14 Management Processes 4: Facilities in Strategic Management

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____________________________ : Strategic management : concepts & definitions ____________________________ Presenter: Muhammad Asghar

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Strategic Management Strategic management involves deciding what is important for the long-range success of your business & focusing on it. Strategic management asks, “How should I position my business to meet management and business goals?” Strategic management involves the “big picture” of your business.  Strategic management involves planning, analyzing and implementing a business strategy.

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Strategic management is most effective if you can step back far enough and say “all things are possible.” Strategic management is matching business resources to market opportunities. Strategic management is based on the premise that “all businesses are not the same.” Strategic management involves assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Strategic Management

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Strategic management involves looking into the future rather than dwelling on the past. Strategic thinking involves assessing how decisions made today will affect my business in the future.

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Strategic management is most useful for unique products, for niche, specialty or differentiated product markets. A strategic plan is a “living” document that changes as your goals and resources evolve. Strategic Management

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____________________________ : Strategic management : STAGES & ELEMENTS ____________________________ Presenter: Dr.Faisal M.B Rehman

Stages of a Strategic Plan : 

3: Evaluation Strategic Measurement 1: Formulation Strategic Planning 2: Implementation Strategic Management Stages of a Strategic Plan

Stages of a Strategic Plan : 

We will be checking out: Long-range Planning Vs Strategic Planning Types of Strategic Planning 3 Basic questions 4 Strategic Planning Some Facts & Some Misconceptions Lets deal with each, one by one… Formulation Strategic Planning Stages of a Strategic Plan Stage: 1

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Stage 1 – Strategic Planning Formal "strategic planning", is a top-down, proactive, vision-driven process. “It is anticipatory decision-making, i.e.; the process of deciding . . . before action is required." STRATEGIC PLANNING It is used to develop and maintain an organization's competitive future value. LONG-RANGE PLANNING The “Long-range Planning”, is a bottom-up, reactive, historical data-driven process. “It is projection of historical data into the future using some arbitrary assumptions for projectors.” It is inherently based on the past and so, does not develop an organization's future value.

Stage 1 – Strategic Planning : 

Stage 1 – Strategic Planning Types of Strategic Planning 1: INTUITIVE-ANTICIPATORY PLANNING Generally it is done in the brain of one person. It may or may not, but often does not, result in a written set of plans. It generally has a comparatively short time horizon and reaction time. It is based on experience, the 'gut' feel, the judgment, and the reflective thinking of a manager." 2: SYSTEMATIC STRATEGIC PLANNING This is characterized by a set of procedures and processes. It involves participation by numerous resources and stakeholders, and it is research driven. It is documented and leaves evidence that can measure the plan's progress and effectiveness. STRATEGIC PLANNING

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Stage 1 – Strategic Planning : 

Stage 1 – Strategic Planning You need to conduct: SWOT Analysis GAP Analysis What’s the environment? Where are you going? You need to: Evaluate & Select a Business Model Allocate Resources How do you get there? You need to develop: A Mission Statement Specific Goals and Objectives

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Stage 1 – Strategic Planning The strategic planning process is a linear & singular event. It happens, and then we forget about it for a while. X The strategic planning process is a cyclical & ongoing process. It should be continually reviewed and dynamically modified to respond to changing environment. P “SOME FACTS & SOME MISCONCEPTIONS”

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STRATEGIC PLANNING Stage 1 – Strategic Planning

Stages of a Strategic Plan : 

A Support Component- It represents the method of controlled implementation of the strategic plan. A Proactive Component- It involves a shift from crisis management to a proactive consideration of the future. A values-driven Process- The decisions are made w.r.t the values, philosophies, principles & directions set forth in the strategic plan. A Flexible Process- It responds to market events, stakeholder perception, and results of the overall process. Stages of a Strategic Plan Stage: 2 Implementation Strategic Management

Stages of a Strategic Plan : 

The measures should: Involve only the vital few key variables. Be linked to the success factors. Be a mix of past, present, and future. Be based on the needs of stakeholders. Start at the top and flow down to all levels. Be changed as the environment and your strategy changes. Have targets / goals set, based on research rather than arbitrary numbers. Evaluation Strategic Measurement Stages of a Strategic Plan Stage: 3

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____________________________ : Strategic management : MARVIN’S 14 PROCESSES ____________________________ Presenter: Mujahid Iqbal

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1: Setting Objectives 2: Planning Strategy 3: Establishing Goals 4: Generating Policies 5: Forming a Philosophy 6: Developing Procedures 7: Providing Control Information 8: Planning Organizational structure 9: Forming Operational Plans 10: Activating People 11: Providing Capital 12: Setting Standards 13: Providing Facilities 14: Providing Personnel Some Management Processes

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Deciding on the business in which the company or division should engage. Deciding on fundamentals that shall guide the business, such as continuous growth. An objective is typically enduring and timeless.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Developing concepts, ideas & plans for achieving objectives successfully. Establishing plans for meeting and beating competition. Strategic planning is part of the total planning process that includes management and operational planning.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Deciding on achievement targets that are: Shorter in time range. Narrower in scope. Designed as specific sub-objectives in making operational plans for carrying out strategy.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Establishing the beliefs, values, attitudes, and unwritten guidelines. This adds up to "the way we do things around here." Also called the “Culture” of the organization.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Deciding on plans of action to guide the performance of all major activities in carrying out the strategy. This is done while keeping in mind the company’s philosophy.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Developing the plan of organization; The "harness" that helps people pull together in performing activities in accordance with strategy, philosophy, and policies. The organizational structure influences the effectiveness of plan execution.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Recruiting, selecting, and developing people. Keeping in mind to include an adequate proportion of high-caliber talent. To fill the positions provided for in the organization’s plan.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Determining and prescribing how all important and recurrent activities shall be carried out. Procedures are sequential series of interrelated and interdependent steps that can be used in solving well-defined problems i.e. programmed decision making.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Providing the plant, equipment, and other physical facilities required to carry on the business. Adequate and controlled allocation of the factors of production is essential for the success of a business.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Making sure that the business has sufficient money and credit needed for physical facilities and working capital. Again adequate and controlled allocation is essential for the success of the business.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Establishing measures of performance that will best enable the business to achieve its long-term objectives successfully. Actual performance is compared with the standards set, and in case of any deviation, corrective action is taken.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Forming plans governing activities & use of resources which, if carried out in accordance with strategy, policies, procedures & standards, enable people

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to achieve particular goals. These are phases of the total planning process that includes strategic planning.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Supplying facts and figures to help people follow the strategy, policies, procedures, and programs; To keep alert to forces at work inside and outside the business; To measure their own performance against established plans and standards.

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Marvin’s 14 Management Processes Commanding and motivating people up and down the line to act in accordance with philosophy, policies, procedures, and standards in carrying out the plans of the company. Motivated people bring higher results in the form of improvement in quality and ultimately productivity as well.

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____________________________ : Strategic management : ROLE OF FACILITIES ____________________________ Presenter: Naveed Arif

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Facilities Planning & Management Facilities actually act as the linking bridge between Strategic Planning & Organizational Value. Facilities planning and management represents the embodiment of the organization's strategic plan. Facilities Planning is a form of “Gap Analysis” that translates the Strategic Plan into Facilities Initiatives/Projects that can be measured against the Strategic Plan….

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Current Facilities Information Future Facilities Information Historical Facilities Information 1 3 2 The following CHART shows how a “Strategic Planning Process” is organized with a “Facilities Strategic Management Process”.… The Current & Historical Facilities Information is derived from computer-aided facilities management systems while the Future Facilities Information comes directly from your facilities’ users & customers. Source of Facilities Information

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Facilities Planning & Management SALIENT FEATURES

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Brown, M.G. (1996). Keeping Score: Using the Right Metrics to Drive World-Class Performance. New York: Productivity Inc. Drucker, P.F. (1999). Management Challenges for the 21st Century. New York: Harper Collins. Goodstein, L., Nolan, T., Pfeiffer, J.W. (1993). Applied Strategic Planning: How to Develop a Plan That Really Works.

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Jensen, B. (2000). Simplicity -- The New Competitive Advantage. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishing. Kaplan, R.S., & Norton, D.P. (1992, Jan-Feb). "The Balanced Scorecard -- Measures That Drive Performance." Harvard Business Review, 71-79. Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy Safari. New York: The Free Press.

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Niven, P.R. (2002). Balanced Scorecard: Step-By-Step. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Porter, M.E. (2001, March). "Strategy and the Internet." Harvard Business Review, 62-78. Steiner, G.A. (1979). Strategic Planning: A Step-By-Step Guide. New York: The Free Press.


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Views: 339   Category: Business & Fin..         License:   All Rights Reserved

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Definition ,Types and everything about strategic Management


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By:Farhat J.Siddiqui : 


Meaning of Strategic Alliances : 

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Meaning of Strategic Alliances A Strategic Alliance is a formal relationship between two or more parties to pursue a set of agreed upon goals or to meet a critical business need while remaining independent organizations.

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Stages of Alliance Formation : 

Stages of Alliance Formation There are five stages of alliance formation- 1.Strategy Development 2.Partner Assessment 3.Contract Negotiation 4.Alliance Operation 5.Alliance Termination

Types of strategic alliances : 

Types of strategic alliances There are four types of strategic alliances- 1.Joint venture 2.Equity strategic alliance 3.Non-equity strategic alliance 4.Global strategic alliances

Advantages of strategic alliance : 

Advantages of strategic alliance Allowing each partner to concentrate on activities that best match their capabilities. Learning from partners & developing competences that may be more widely exploited elsewhere Adequacy a suitability of the resources & competencies of an organization for it to survive.

Ten Reasons to Create a Strategic Alliance : 

Ten Reasons to Create a Strategic Alliance 1.You could offer your customers a larger variety of products or services. This will allow you to spend less time and money developing new products to sell.

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2.Your number of sales people will increase because you're combining with other business. You won't have spend to time and money hiring new employees. 3.Your marketing and advertising budget will increase. When you form a strategic alliance with other businesses you both will share the advertising and marketing costs. 4.You can now offer your existing customers more back-end and up sell products. This will increase your sales and profits. 5. Your business will

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gain a larger number of skilled people working on the same project. You will gain the knowledge of the other businesses employees.

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6.You will be able to beat your competition by selling to a larger target audience. You will also increase the total number of existing customers you can sell your products and services to. 7.You can exchange endorsements with your alliance partners. You'll add more credibility to your business and gain your potential customers trust to buy. 8.You can expand your business more rapidly. You can develop new products and services faster with a larger work force. 9.You'll be able to solve your customer's problems faster with a larger base of customer service people. You'll also learn new ways to improve your customer service from your alliance partners. 10.You'll have a larger number of "strategic thinking" people. This will allow both businesses to come up with profitable business ideas quicker than before.