paper ii edited version

7/23/2019 Paper II Edited Version 1/9 Blander Brioso Dr. Taylor ENC 1101  November 2, 2015 My Writing Proess T!ro"g!o"t t!e long never ending o"rse o# my ed"ation $ !ave attended a n"mber o# di##erent s!ools, many o# %!i! are not #o"nd in t!is o"ntry and !ave t!ere#ore, di##erent reg"lations and e&'etations #or and #rom t!e st"dents. D"e to t!e transitioning #rom s!ool to s!ool allo%ed me to meet ne% tea!ers all o# %!i! !ad a little mind o# t!eir o%n t!ere#ore a"sing me to eno"nter a n"mber o# %riting styles and mod"s o'erandi or s(ills #rom my many tea!ers. Moreover, in order to a't t!e 'ros'ets or e&'etations o# ea! ne% tea!er $ #o"nd mysel# obliged to ada't my %riting style. Nevert!eless, d"e to t!e n"mero"s re)"irements $ !ave !ad to meet, my %riting style an be said to be an assortment o# t!e many met!ods $ !ave learned t!ro"g!o"t t!e years. $ 're#er beginning t!e 'roess o# %riting by t!in(ing abo"t t!e to'i. T!is may inl"de  brainstorming and olleting data to e&'and my (no%ledge o# t!e s"b*et. +nli(e most 'eo'le %!en brainstorm $ dont get a 'a'er and 'enil to %rite do%n any ideas t!at mig!t ome to mind. W!en $ brainstorm $ 're#er resear!ing a s"b*et and t!en $ start t!in(ing abo"t %!at $ %ant to say, and t!e tone $ %ant to "se to deliver t!at in#ormation. $ t!en go into develo'ing a more onrete and t!oro"g! mass o# ideas or 'oints t!at $ %is! to over. -#ter gat!ering my t!o"g!ts, $  begin to t!in( abo"t t!e 'a'ers #ormat, %!at is it going to loo( li(e, %!at '!rases i# any $ am going to "se, !o% am $ going to e&'lain abstrat t!o"g!ts in a %ay t!at t!e a"diene o"ld relate

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Blander Brioso

Dr. Taylor 

ENC 1101

 November 2, 2015

My Writing Proess

T!ro"g!o"t t!e long never ending o"rse o# my ed"ation $ !ave attended a n"mber o#

di##erent s!ools, many o# %!i! are not #o"nd in t!is o"ntry and !ave t!ere#ore, di##erent

reg"lations and e&'etations #or and #rom t!e st"dents. D"e to t!e transitioning #rom s!ool to

s!ool allo%ed me to meet ne% tea!ers all o# %!i! !ad a little mind o# t!eir o%n t!ere#ore

a"sing me to eno"nter a n"mber o# %riting styles and mod"s o'erandi or s(ills #rom my many

tea!ers. Moreover, in order to a't t!e 'ros'ets or e&'etations o# ea! ne% tea!er $ #o"nd

mysel# obliged to ada't my %riting style. Nevert!eless, d"e to t!e n"mero"s re)"irements $ !ave

!ad to meet, my %riting style an be said to be an assortment o# t!e many met!ods $ !ave learned

t!ro"g!o"t t!e years.

$ 're#er beginning t!e 'roess o# %riting by t!in(ing abo"t t!e to'i. T!is may inl"de

 brainstorming and olleting data to e&'and my (no%ledge o# t!e s"b*et. +nli(e most 'eo'le

%!en brainstorm $ dont get a 'a'er and 'enil to %rite do%n any ideas t!at mig!t ome to mind.

W!en $ brainstorm $ 're#er resear!ing a s"b*et and t!en $ start t!in(ing abo"t %!at $ %ant to

say, and t!e tone $ %ant to "se to deliver t!at in#ormation. $ t!en go into develo'ing a more

onrete and t!oro"g! mass o# ideas or 'oints t!at $ %is! to over. -#ter gat!ering my t!o"g!ts, $

 begin to t!in( abo"t t!e 'a'ers #ormat, %!at is it going to loo( li(e, %!at '!rases i# any $ am

going to "se, !o% am $ going to e&'lain abstrat t!o"g!ts in a %ay t!at t!e a"diene o"ld relate

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to it, and lastly !o% am $ going to go abo"t smot!ering t!e 'a'er and attrat t!e a"dienes


/"rt!ermore, $ e##ort to om're!end my readers or a"diene and %!at $ %ant t!em to

gras' #rom my 'a'er, l"es, 'assages and es'eially t!e message. ine most o# my %riting

 'roess is mentally arranged sometimes de'ending on t!e meaning or '"r'ose o# t!e %riting, $

mentally !oose a layo"t t!at !el's me best arrange my t!o"g!ts #or my 'a'er. -dditionally,

a#ter !aving organied all my t!o"g!ts and ideas, and develo'ed a general "nderstanding o# t!e

 'a'er as a %!ole, $ om'ose a t!esis statement, %!i! ats as t!e !ead or to'i sentene o# t!e

 'a'er, in#orming t!e reader o# !o% one may onstr"e t!e signi#iane o# t!e matter to be

dis"ssed. T!e rest o# t!e 'a'er, t!e body o# t!e essay, gat!ers and organies evidene t!at %ill

 'ers"ade t!e reader o# t!e logi o# yo"r inter'retation. $ t!en begin to onstr"t a more organied


-#ter 're%riting, $ normally ta(e a brea( to lear my mind be#ore beginning my #irst

dra#t. +s"ally $ go #or a s!ort %al( or r"n to eliminate any l"tter t!at mig!t onstrain my

onentration3. -#ter reating a 'eae#"l environment, $ begin %riting my essay4 no 'roo#ing, and

no grammar !e(s, *"st get t!e ideas on my om'"ter or tablet. $n t!e #irst sentene $ o#ten

attem't to !oo( my readers a't"re t!e readers attention3. T!e last sentene o# my introd"tion

is t!e t!esis statement. My introd"tion is al%ays a broad set"' #or t!e body o# t!e essay. 6ere, $

attem't to get t!e readers e&ited #or t!e rest o# my 'a'er.

7ne $m done %it! my #irst dra#t, $ ignore it #or at least a !al# !o"r, sometimes more.

T!en, $ reread it all and start ma(ing edits and grammatial orretions, go t!ro"g! and delete

anyt!ing t!at is irrelevant, t!en go t!ro"g! and re%rite any setions t!at dont #eel rig!t %!i!

 by im'roving yo"r 'a'er gives !ane to yo"r seond dra#t. Ne&t, $ re%rite o"t t!e entire 'iee

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%!ilst "sing only t!e seond dra#t as a g"ide, not a de#initive o'y t!is "s"ally !el's me %it!

generation o# ne% ideas #or t!e #inal dra#t3. W!en yo" go t!ro"g! t!is #inal time yo"ll s!i#t

%ords aro"nd, yo"ll add ne% sentenes, yo"ll re'lae setions again bea"se yo"re t!in(ing

over it all #or t!e t!ird time. -#ter t!is, $ do a )"i( r"n t!ro"g! #or s'elling8grammar errors, and

 bam9 /inal o'y. -#orementioned, #or more e##etiveness $ ta(e a brea( bet%een ea! ste' so t!at

$ an vie% it %it! #res! eyes ea! time. T!is %ay seems to %or( best #or me, #or it em'ties every

single t!o"g!t o"t and eliminates t!e 'oorly #ormed or 'oorly %ritten ones.

$n :"ille MCart!ys ;- tranger in trange :ands;, t!e a"t!or, MCart!y, #ollo%ed

ollege st"dent Dave <arrison aro"nd !o'ing to #ind o"t !o% %riting is in#l"ened by soial

settings. !e questioned i# creating on paper in di##erent lasses %as truly more difficult

because of  a variety of tea!ers ways of writing or %as it =!arder> #or some st"dents bea"se

t!ey are in a change of atmosphere or are trying to create in a di##erent form. 7ne e&am'le

s!e gave t!at is %ell (no%n is t!e #at t!at =some 'eo'le %rite %ell in one setting e.g., at !ome

alone3 and not very %ell in anot!er e.g., on a timed e&am3, or t!at some 'eo'le %rite %ell in one

genre e.g., 'oetry3 b"t not very %ell in anot!er genre e.g., a literay ritiism essay3.> $ prefer

to try to organize my thoughts in my bedroom. W!en $ am in the privacy of  my bedroom it

ma(es me #eel li(e ?a 'risoner oming o"t o# !is 'rison ell t!is meaning my #reedom to express

myself on paper abo"t anyt!ing and everyt!ing, my t!o"g!ts, things I have lived through, and

allows me to dream abo"t tomorro% and %!at possibilities it may bring. $t is my favorite 'lae

%!ere $ #eel content eno"g! to be myself  and to be able to convey my thoughts on paper.

-dditionally, MCart!y ontin"es to share abo"t !o% it is necessary to attempt to conform to

new aademi enviroments. -s $ mentioned in t!e 'revio"s 'ages my %riting style is an

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accumulation o# t!e many different places and instructors $ !ave experienced t!ro"g!o"t t!e

years o# my continuing ed"ation.

Another interesting fact, in !er st"dy MCart!y intervie%ed David, !is t!ree #riends,

and t!ree 'ro#essors in t!is st"dy and observed and analyed lasses, t!eir intervie%s, and !o%

t!ey %rite. !e #o"nd t!at alt!o"g! t!e %riting assignments in t!ree lasses s!e observed %ere

generally t!e same, David #o"nd t!em to be om'letely di##erent and apart #rom anyt!ing !e !ad

ever experienced be#ore. Moreover, s!e believes t!at it is because of di##erent soial settings.

6o%ever, alt!o"g! $ dont believe !er e&'eriment to be valid or very dependable because s!e

!ad a very small st"dy gro"', it is contingent t!at %riting !as somet!ing to do %it! t!e soial


-s #ar as my %riting e&'eriene goes, t!ro"g!o"t t!e years $ !ave picked up on several

elements t!at may a##et a person’s %riting d"e to t!eir soial settings. ome 'eo'le %rite better 

%!en in an o'en environment, ot!ers 're#er a more 'rivate environment, everybody !as t!eir

o%n %ay and 'roess %!en it omes to creating their thoughts on paper. Personally $ rat!er be

in a special 'lae %!ere $ am at 'eae %it! mysel#, such as my room. -lt!o"g! $ dont onsider

mysel# a great %riter $ manage to %rite much better %!en in my room as om'ared to a

lassroom atmosphere. $ li(e to ta(e my time %!en %riting, %!i! is %!y $ 'robably dont do as

well on timed essays as $ o"ld. T!ere#ore in order to improve !er e&'eriment $ suggest

MCart!y st"dy more students and observe a higher number of  lasses to attain a more

accurate o"tome.

imilarly, Carol Ber(en(otter performed a one of a kind trial on Donald M. M"rray to

observe an aom'lis!ed aademi %riting 'roess. Ber(en(otter divided t!e test in t!ree 'arts.

T!e #irst 'art too( 'lae in a realisti setting@ %!ere !e lived or %or(ed, basially !is 'lae o#

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om#ort. W!ile %or(ing all day, !e reorded !is t!o"g!ts onto a voie reorder. 6e t!en sent

Ber(en(otter 'it"res o# !is notes and dra#ts #rom be#ore t!e st"dy began. /or t!e next piece !e

%as given =an a"diene, s"b*et, and '"r'ose> to st"dy !o%, and i#, !is %riting 'roesses %o"ld

differ. T!is time !e %as to reord !is t!o"g!ts, b"t only #or an !o"r, om'aring t!e di##erene

 bet%een %riting in a ?'rotool laboratory setting and %riting in !is o%n environment. T!e last

and final stage s!e observed !im at !is !ome #or t%o days, %riting an artile #or a ?'ro#essional


-s %e an tell #rom t!e reading, d"ring t!e seond step M"rray %as given a tas( !e %as

not ready #or and not used to. 6e !ad to create an artile #or t!e magaine Jack and Jill  

breaking down t!e one't o# deat! to a m"! yo"nger a"diene. T!e a"diene o# t!is magaine

%o"ld be ?ten to t%elve year old !ildren, and !e %as given an !o"r to complete t!is tas(.

Apparently M"rray experienced many obstacles trying to focus on !is a"diene as %ell as t!e

to'i. T!ese variables hindered !im #rom %riting as well as he usually did. T!e sit"ation

obstructed !im #rom continuing !is creativity, !o%ever more is to be observed s"! as t!e

soial settings t!at MCart!y mentioned before, t!e environment in %!i! !e %as in %!en

given t!e assignment. hese obstacles could a##et important t!ings o# great val"e like

contributing his full attention and centering on the thoughts of a ten to twelve year old child

%!en trying to create his thoughts on paper. 

Ber(en(otter observed M"rray =reoneiving> meaning =sanning and resanning ones

te&t #rom t!e 'ers'etive o# an e&ternal reader and to ontin"e redra#ting "ntil all r!etorial,

#ormal, and stylisti onerns !ave been resolved, or "ntil t!e %riter deides to let go o# t!e te&t.>

M"rray had found that by ontin"ally doing t!is during his %riting 'roedure. hrough this

way of repeating over and over !urray discovered much of his success.

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!e ended her study feeling t!at the enviroment a %riter is thrust into will determine

t!e level of the writer’s performance. $# writers finds themselves at ease in a normal

atmosphere, t!ey will tend to do %ell and create openly and stress free. 6o%ever, i# t!ey are

placed in an rigid ty'e enviroment t!ey will probably !ave a tough time and could experience

%riters blo( . !e also accumulated m"! information abo"t deision making and changes 

involved with 'lanning. Planning is s"! a repetitive procedure and can change according to 

t!e styles of the writer. hroughout the years of  !ig! s!ool, %e %ere urged to %rite more

and t!in( less. "e were encouraged to %rite at a faster speed in order to improve our %riting.

T!ere %ere times %!ere %e !ad to create readable material in little time, #or e&am'le, an essay

#or a test. T!is artile demonstrates t!at in order to improve your writing skills, yo" will need 

more time, and %!en yo" are expected to %rite somet!ing is a short amo"nt o# time, it will not

show yo"r tr"e talent, one is cheated the opportunity to perform at their best. #eason being 

 bea"se o# t!e urgency pushed on yo". $ never agreed with the concept of  timed essays. $ had

to write in order to achieve good grades b"t $ never om're!ended t!e reason for timed essays.

W!en required to %rite somet!ing in a s!ort amo"nt o# time, I don’t believe one an be

e&'eted to create an exceptional, perfect composition. Aewriting is an important step #or a

flawless essay, and the same as any preparation, it demands appropriate time.

$ an agree with Ber(en(otters study on writing, by reviewing M"rrays re#letion

after he participated as one of the main focus’ of the study. -lt!o"g! each writer is different

with individual thoughts and styles, $ #o"nd t!e artile very use#"l and it tr"ly assisted me in

understanding t!e uni)"e met!ods o# a variety of writers. -nd Ber(en(otter %as correct %!en

s!e said t!at ?t!e setting in which a %riter %or(s ditates !o% t!e %riter %ill 'er#orm. All

writers !ave di##erent ways o# organizing their thoughts on paper, dictating information

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absorbed and hoping to find that information pulled together with perfection, when time is

an issue preventing the possibility of such an exceptional outcome.

I think of myself as an incubator in which my mind holds ideas waiting to be

released.  "riting takes a lot o# mind organizing, and it is a timely process be#ore yo" an

gather all yo"r ideas and t!o"g!ts that are running wildly in your mind and place them on

paper in an orderly fashion. My mind acting as an in"bator begins to !a''en li(e magi. At

first there is nothing on the sub$ect in my head and then the ideas begin to grow %!en

changing lasses, or perhaps %!en trading thoughts %it! a lassmate abo"t t!e to'i, or all

kinds of different t!o"g!ts of my own. $t begins as a mild thought in the back of my mind

and continues to process into more and more. Moreover, even t!o"g! my mind is not

om'letely #o"sed on t!at s"b*et matter o# dis"ssion, some!o% $ manage to continue t!in(ing

abo"t the topic until I explode into writing t!e complete essay or 'iee in my !ead and t!en $

 '"t it on 'a'er or submit it to my om'"ter.

In my writings earlier, I stated %riters blo(, which is very ommon in many writers 

aross t!e globe. Nevert!eless, t!ere are some %!o never have this problem@ t!ey make a

mistake and continue e&atly %!ere t!ey stopped and (ee' going %it!o"t a 'roblem. Moreover,

some say it is !o% every st"dent #ollo%s t!eir o%n individ"al %riting r"les and $ agree. Mi(e

Aose better e&'lains t!e one't in !er st"dy =Aigid A"les, $n#le&ible Plans, and t!e ti#ling o#

:ang"age>. $n general, !er artile describes %!at a"ses st"dents %it! =%riters blo(> to be

paralyzed and not be able to continue %riting with a flow. hroughout t!e o"rse o# t!e study 

Aose compares st"dents t!at appear to write with ease and st"dents t!at tend to #ind it di##i"lt

to not "'!old t!e r"les o# %riting. %ver and over again =%riters blo(> %as t!e #at ma(ing

introd"tion 'aragra'!. $ strongly believe t!at %riting !as to have clarity. -lt!o"g! not a

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neessity it %ill give the readers a more interesting perspective, $ feel it most important to 

engage t!e reader, %!i! flows by the (no%ledge of  yo"r a"diene. "riters not bothered by

writers block are not bothered by this rule and writing appears to come natural to them

due to their trial and error discovery. hese writers can easily fit a rule into their plan they 

have for their paper.  Peo'le %it! %riters blo(, (no%n as algorit!mi %riters, feel intimidated

when not obeying rules. his thought of not following the instructions scare and threaten

these type of writers. 

Aose made t!ese e&aminations by intervie%ing %it! t!e st"dents and by eval"ating t!e

%riters ability to %rite, 'rod"e, 'lan, and revise a 'a'er. 6e #o"nd t!at t!e #ive o# %!om

s"##ered #rom %riters blo( %rote aording to ;%riting strategies t!at im'eded rat!er t!an

en!aned t!e om'osing 'roess ...> and t!at t!e ot!er #ive ;"tilied r"les, b"t t!ey %ere less

rigid ones, and t!"s more a''ro'riate to a om'le& 'roess li(e %riting;

6ere, Aose not only ma(es a good 'oint abo"t t!ese ty'es o# %riters, b"t also !e ma(es

it a 'oint to dis"ss t!at t!e %riters %!o s"##er #rom t!e blo( arent neessarily bad st"dents b"t

rat!er delayed bea"se o# t!e #at t!at t!ey #ollo% g"idelines. No%, not neessarily do t!ese

g"idelines !ave to be bad. Mi(e Aose does not !ave anyt!ing against t!e r"les, !o%ever !e does

el"idate t!at t!ese g"idelines are t!e to' a"se #or a %riters blo(. 6e goes on to say t!at

instead o# allo%ing t!e st"dent to "se !is8!er imagination and really ;#ree %rite,; t!ey are

a"tomatially told %!at to do and %!at not do by means o# t!ese g"idelines. $ strongly agree %it!

Aoses assertions #or t!e a"se o# %riters blo(. $ believe g"idelines to de'rive a 'erson #rom !is

or !er reative #reedom. $n t!is 'roess t!ey #reee "' bea"se t!ey are !aving tro"ble ?#itting

t!ese r"les and g"idelines to %!at t!ey already !ave 'lanned in t!eir minds. T!e #at t!at t!ey

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are instr"ted to do so, im'edes t!eir abilities %!en t!ey are at"ally as(ed to %rite somet!ing

o"tside o# %!at t!ese r"les and g"idelines re)"ire.

-s a #inal 'oint, Aose details t!at t!ose st"dents %!o did not s"##er #rom %riters blo(

%ere more o'en minded. $n t!e st"dy, #or t!e gro"' o# st"dents %!o e&el at %riting, t!eir r"les

are m"! sim'ler and less !ars! as om'ared to t!ose o# t!e ot!er gro"'. T!is is 'er!a's bea"se

t!ey do not *"st #o"s on t!ese r"les. T!ey "se t!em more as a g"ideline or some sort o# an

o"tline to !el' t!ro"g! t!e 'roess o# %riting, t!e r"les are in #at t!e same, !o%ever t!e

a''roa! is )"ite di##erent. -lt!o"g! $ do N7T neessarily li(e r"les, $ #ind mysel# in no tro"ble

in trying to #ollo% t!em. $ 'ersonally "se r"les and 'roed"res as a ?!el'er !and sine $ 


diretly "nder t!is stereoty'e. /or t!e reason t!at $ (no% $ !ave g"idelines to #ollo% !o%ever $

!aving my o%n style $ tend to "se t!em only as a re#erene to (ee' on tra(, t!ere#ore ma(ing a

ombination o# t!e t%o.