pantheon basics

An overview of Pantheon managed hosting Jeff McNear 847/849-7060 @plasterdog

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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An overview of Pantheon

managed hosting

Jeff McNear



The concept of a host that is

specifically optimized for a

particular CMS is becoming

more common.

Many hosts also offer a tailored

hosting package for a particular


Of course if you enjoy sysadmin

stuff you can tweak your own

VPS configuration to behave as

you wish.

Pantheon is a managed hosting platform in that it is optimized to run

Drupal 6, Drupal 7 and WordPress. The platform is very fast and bills itself

as the only container based multi-tenant webhost on the market.

Other container driven examples are Google, Heroku (Sales Force)

& Red Hat.

Containers can be deployed and retracted very quickly –

New Republic recently re-launched their site on Pantheon and the site had

over 100 million page views in the first day!

All members of the platform (including the free level) have full access to a

unique suite of tools. Varnish caching is active by default, and Redis is

available on request.

Any site with a live URL has instant access to capacity to handle any

traffic spike. But there is a lot more…

Good practice is to develop in three separate environments:

DEV = local version of the site

TEST = a published version of the site on a server we control

(but usually not on the actual “live” server)

LIVE = the ultimate hosted destination of the site

To keep everything in

sync, “traditional”

version control tracks

changes and multiple

repositories can be set

up to push and pull

commits between


In a typical scenario

the three versions of

the site are in

completely different


Problems can arise from the fact

that in this typical scenario there

are three separate hosting

configurations … opening the

possibility that something that

works in one environment will not

work as well in another.

“…. what happened? It worked

just fine on my machine …”

In Pantheon all three environments exist at the same

location allowing testing & development to take place

where the “live” site lives.

Each has a unique URL and can contain different versions

of code, database contents and files, and can be quickly

reconciled in a direct fashion.

The Dev environment is set up

automatically to use Drush and the

code is set up as a Git repository.

Whether you use version control

outside of Pantheon or not – the

site itself is under version control

with Dev being the master, and

Test & Live being branches.


for site creation & building – has

a shorter cache – not intended

for load testing


simulates code deployments –

intended for load testing – has

similar cache cycle as live


caching optimized for best

performance – expandable

into multiple containers

The platform is designed to

have code insertions /

modifications originate in Dev

and then be pushed to Test.

Once code changes are pushed

to Test they can then be pushed

to Live

Besides being good practice, the fact

that code can only be introduced via

the Dev environment has some very

real security benefits since it is unlikely

that an external attack would be aware

of the Dev environment … let alone

be able to get into it!

Content on the other hand will

usually be generated in either Test

or Live and then can be cloned

“down” to level below.

In a literal sense the “Live” content

can be cloned directly into “Dev”

without being first cloned into “Test”

– yet this is probably not a typical

use case.

All three environments can be

backed up directly through the


These backups are divided into 3

distinct zip files for:

- Code

- Database

- Files

However they can be restored

together into the environment

where they originate by clicking on

a single button.

The Pantheon dashboard is deceptively simple.

From the main screen you can either “spin up” a

new site or access one already in place.


To start a new project:

- Name the site

- Select either “start

from scratch” or

“import a site”

- Choose between

Drupal 7

Drupal 6

Supported Drupal


- WordPress

- Go!

Once you select a site you have access to 7 tabs of

information for all three environments:

Code : commit status of any new code

Status: diagnostic information about the “health” of the


Workflow: Tool to migrate database & file info between


Errors: log of any relevant server errors

Domain/SSL: Used to associate a URL with the “live”


Backups: Activation, scheduling and restoration of


Security: Enable/Disable password protection of


Modified code can only be introduced via the Dev environment.

Once inserted you are prompted to commit your changes.


Code can be inserted into the project either via Git or SFTP.

It is worth noting that the connection mode must be set to SFTP in order for

the insertion of modules, plugins, themes, etc to be inserted into the

deployment via either the Drupal or WordPress admin interface.

Connection information is supplied directly in the code tab for both Git and

SFTP modes

Connecting to the site via SFTP

reveals a file structure that at

first looks a little strange ….

What you are looking for will be

nested inside the “code” folder

Once you expand the code folder

things will start looking familiar.

Once the Dev environment has been established, then it can be cloned into

The Test environment.

As new code is committed in Dev it can be pulled up into Test

As with Test, the Live version of the site is not automatically populated.

It needs to be cloned from the Test environment first … once it exists it is a

fully independent deployment.

The Test environment is intended to be kept current with both the content

found in the Live environment and the code in the Dev environment ….

if there are discrepancies you will be prompted to reconcile both in the

code tab


Database and/or files can be cloned between environments via the

Workflow tab

So unlike a typical case of version

control which monitors the codeset

only, Pantheon lets you seamlessly

migrate the content of your Database

and the various uploaded & generated

files created in the site building



Backups can be kept for either 1 month or 6 months - the backup is a

complete “snap shot” copy of the site.

Individual zip files for the code, database and uploaded & generated

files can be downloaded.

To create or restore backups the connection mode needs to be set to


These backup “snapshots” can be restored into the environment where

they were made – however this is a destructive process


In a WordPress install the uploads

folder is where you would expect it

to be, but the contents are not.

They are found in a different folder

outside of wp-content.

This does not adversely effect

performance but makes it so that

BackupBuddy and Duplicator

plugins will not work since they

both look for crucial files in the

uploads folder … and they cannot

find them.

Perhaps for similar reasons you

cannot use either plugin’s zip files

to import a site.


While the URLs to the three environments are fairly obscure (before a live

URL has been associated with the project). You can take this obscurity a

step further by requiring login password set to gain access – each

environment is “secured” independently.

When activated, the user will see the prompt as above requiring


The need for collaboration has been anticipated, you can add a “team member”

to a project giving them full access to the full dashboard.

Once the site has gone live billing responsibility can be transferred to another

team member – regardless of who established the account.


Once confirmed a team member can work in the “main” environment – or

create a fork of the project to work independently. Forks can pull and push

into the main repository.


The interface will alert you to when the various branches are ahead and behind

each other and gives you the ability to merge them.

The multidev function is not supposed to be available for a free account, but if

you submit a ticket requesting it who knows ….

The pricing to host an active site isn’t cheap, but considering what you get it

is quite reasonable.

Use of the development tools is absolutely free!