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  • 8/11/2019 Panipat C& I Deepak - Copy


  • 8/11/2019 Panipat C& I Deepak - Copy



    Inspiration and guidance are invaluable in all aspect of life,

    especially when it is academic. I acknowledge my gratitude to all those

    who has given me timely help me in completing my training report.

    I also want to express deep sense and gratitude to

    Er. AJAY A!"A, #E$ %E&' ( )*+ Er. -.. A-/A"0A!, AEE


    for his personal efforts in taking me to sites, explaining the

    working of power plant 1urbine, 2enerator its aux. his valuable

    guidance during my training at 3anipat 1hermal 3ower tation.



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    Industrial training for a student is an evolution of his skill and

    knowledge, which he had ac5uiesced over his learning period. As in our

    course namely6




    I also have a industrial training after the completion of forth

    semester of above mentioned course it7s main aim is to improve or inflect

    practical skill of the student and to develop the 5uality of cooperation

    with her colleagues.

    I noticed various branches of engineering mainly &echanical,

    Electrical, chemical, computer, electronics working in collaboration to

    produce electricity. In my case, I have undergone one month practical

    training at 3anipat 1hermal 3ower tation %A 8nit of /aryana 3ower

    generation corporation !td., /329!+ during the period from :; th Jun

    4uly 4

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    =.+ A81?&A1I9 9?$1"?!

    *.+ E$@I"?&E$1A! I8E


    1hermal 3ower tations re5uire a number of e5uipments performing a

    number of complex processes with the ultimate aim to convert chemical

    energy of coal or oil to electrical energy. 1his involves the generation of

    steam in the boiler by burning coal andor oil. 1he steam in turn drives

    the turbine. 1he generator coupled with the turbine produces electricity

    which is stepped up with the help of transformers and is fed into grid

    station through transmission lines.


    /aryana 3ower sector comprises four wholly tateBowned 9orporations

    viC. /329!, /@3$!, 8/-@$! and '/-@$! which after unbundling

    of the /E- in :DD are responsible for power generation, transmission,

    distribution and trading in the tate. 1he tate power sector was


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    restructured on August :=, :DD. 1he /aryana tate Electricity -oard

    %/E-+ was recogniCed initially into two tateBowned 9orporations

    namely /aryana @idyut 3rasaran $igam !td. %/@3$+ and /aryana

    3ower 2eneration 9orporation !td. %/329!+. /329! was made

    responsible for operation and maintenance of tate7s own power

    generating stations. /@3$! was entrusted the power transmission and

    distribution functions. 1he demand of /aryana is increasing

    exponentially F more than := G per year on account of industrialiCation

    and more consumption on agriculture sector and also because of being

    part of $ational 9apital "egion. 1he power availability from above

    mentioned pro>ects is not sufficient to meet the demand of the tate

    particularly during peak 3addy and "abi crop season

    3anipat 1hermal 3ower tation is a unit of /aryana 3ower

    2eneration 9orporation !td. %/329!+. 1he main ob>ect of the /329! is

    to 2enerate 3ower in the tate of /aryana from the existing generating

    stations in most efficient manner on commercial lines and follows 343

    theory of producing electricity. 1hat is

    -Power to Peope/

    And to set up new power pro>ects in the tate ector. 1his power station

    at 3anipat is in seven stages.


    No.Na0e o1 Power Station

    Capa2ity (M3) 4

    Unit No.

    !ate o1


    T6er0a Power Station7 Panipat

    tageBI ::

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    tageB@ 4*< &0 8nitBH 4.

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    1he water in the 0A1E" 1"EA1&E$1 3!A$1 is I!1E"E' and

    'E&I$E"A!IE'. 1he filtered water is sent to 3!A$1 and

    9?!?$Y through plant and colony potable pumps. 1he

    'E&I$E"A!IE' 0A1E" %'.& water+ is stored in bulk storage tanks

    for use in boiler and turbine. 1he cooling water for condensation of steam

    is circulated with the help of 9?$'E$A1E 0A1E" %9.0+ 38&3

    through 9??!I$2 1?0E". 1he hot water from the outlet of the

    condenser is sprayed in the cooling towers to reduce its temperature.

    ome part of it is used in cooling various auxiliaries in plant through

    -EA"I$2 9??!I$2 0A1E" 38&3.

    4. 8E! ?I!

    In this power house, three types of fuel oil are used, for preheating and at

    low load of the boiler due to less problems faced in ignition of oil rather

    than coal. 1hese three types are6

    :. /I2/ 3EE' 'IEE! ?I!.

    4. /EA@Y 8"$A$9E ?I!.

    (. !?0 8!3/E" /EA@Y 1?9.

    1he high speed diesel oil reaches 3ower tation by !?""Y 1A$E".

    1he oil is decanted through pumps and is stored in -8! 1?"A2E1A$. 1he /..? !../. comes to site through rail tankers. As this

    oil is viscous, it is heated with steam and decanted with pumps. 1he oil is

    stored in bulk storage tanks with steam heating coils. /..? !../. is

    burnt in the furnace of -oiler after atomiCing with steam.

    (. 9?A!6

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    1he coal reaches the 3ower tation in "AI!0AY 0A2?$. 1he daily

    consumption of coal in 1A2EBIII is about (

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    maintained at :

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    (. AI" !8E 2A 9Y9!E

    or the proper combustion to take place in the boiler right amount of

    ?xygen or air is needed in the boiler. 1he air is provided to the furnace in

    two waysB 3"I&A"Y AI" E9?$'A"Y AI". 3rimary air is

    provided by 3.A. fans and enters the boiler along with powdered coal

    from the mills. 0hile the secondary air is pumped through ?"9E'

    '"A1 A$ better known as .' ans which are also two in numbers

    A-. 1he outlet of .' fans combine and are again divided into two

    0hich goes to team coiled Air pre heaters %.9.A.3./+ A- where its

    temperature is raised by utiliCing the heat of waste steam. 1hen it goes to

    Air 3re heaterBA- where secondary air is heated further utiliCing the

    heat of flue gases. 1he temperature of air is raised to improve the

    efficiency of the unit for proper combustion in the furnace. 1hen this

    air is fed to the furnace. rom the combustion chamber the flue gases

    travel to the upper portion of the boiler and give a portion of heat to the

    3!A1I8& 83E" /EA1E". urther up it comes in contact with the

    "E/EA1E" and heats the steam which is inside the tubes of reheated.

    1hen it travels horiContally and comes in contact with I$A! 83E"

    /EA1E". After imparting the heat to the steam in super heater flue gases

    go downward to the E9?$?&IKE" to heat the cold water pumped by

    the -?I!E" EE' 38&3 %-..3.+. 1hese all are enclosed in thefurnace. After leaving the furnace the flue gases go to the Air /eaters

    where more heat of the flue gases is extracted to heat primary and

    secondary air. 1hen it goes to the E!E91"?1A1I9 3"E9I3I1A1?"

    %E..3.+ tage A- where the suspended ash from the flue gases is

    removed by passing the flue gas between charged plates. 1hen, it comes

    the I$'89E' '"A1 A$ %I.'. an+ which sucks air from E..3. and

    releases it to the atmosphere through chimney. 1he pressure inside the


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    =. 1EA& 0A1E" 9Y9!E

    1he most complex of all the cycles is the steam water cycle. team is

    the working substance in the turbines in all the thermal and nuclear power

    plants. As there is very high temperature and pressure inside the boiler,

    initially water has to be pumped to a very high pressure. 0ater has also to

    be heated to a suitably high temperature before putting it inside the

    boiler so that cold water does not cause any problem. Initially cold water

    is slightly heated in low pressure heaters. 1hen it is pumped to a very

    high pressure of about 4

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    1he turbine speed is controlled by /Y'"? 'Y$A&I9 2?@E"$I$2


    ig6 B A view of 1urbine

    1he three turbines are on the same shaft which is coupled with

    2E$E"A1?". 1he generator is e5uipped with '.9 E#9I1A1I?$

    Y1E&. 1he steam from the final super heater comes by &AI$

    1EA& !I$E to the /.3 turbine. After doing work in the /.3 1urbine its

    1emperature is reduced. It is sent back to the boiler by 9?!' "E/EA1

    !I$E to the "E/EA1E". /ere its temperature is increased and is sent to

    the I.3 turbine through /?1 "E/EA1 !I$E. After doing work in the I.3

    turbine steam directly enters !.3 turbine. 1he pressure of !.3 turbine is

    maintained very low in order to reduce the condensation point of steam.1he outlet of !.3 turbine is connected with condenser. In the condenser,

    arrangement is made to cool the steam to water. 1his is done by using

    cold water which is made to flow in tubes. 1his secondary water which is

    not very pure gains heat from steam becomes hot. 1his secondary

    water is sent to the cooling towers to cool it down so that it may be

    reused for cooling. 1he water thus formed in the condenser is sucked by


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    9?$'E$A1E 0A1E" 38&3 %9.0. 38&3+ and is sent to


    ig6 B A view of 'eaerator


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    A suitable water level is maintained in the hot well of condenser. 0ater or

    steam leakages from the system are compensated by the make up water,

    line from storage tanks which are connected to the condenser. 1he

    pressure in side condenser is automatically maintained less then

    atmospheric pressure and large volume of steam condense here to form

    small volume of water. In the 'eairator the water is sprayed to small

    droplets the air dissolved in it is removed so that it may not cause

    trouble at high temperatures in the -oiler. &oreover, the water level

    which is maintained constant in the 'eaerator also acts as a constant

    water head for the -?I!E" EE' 38&3. 0ater from 'eaerator goes

    to the -oiler feed pumps after the heated by !.3. /eaters. 1hus the water

    cycle in the boiler is completed and water is ready for another new cycle.

    1his is a continuous and repetitive process. 1he ma>or steam parameters

    for boilers under =M::

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    ii+ Automatic 9ontrol6 1o correct the deviation and bring back

    the system to normal.

    iii+ Annunciation 6 1o warn about the excessive

    deviations, if any.

    iv+ 3rotection 6 1o isolate the e5uipments process from

    dangerous operating conditions caused due to

    such excessive deviations.


    4.: 1he proportionate cost of instrumentation during seventies was

    about 4.( to 4.*G of the total cost of boiler, turbine and their

    Auxiliaries. 0hen the unit siCe were ;

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    iii+ Expected change in the duty cycles of the boiler and turbine

    facilitating two shift operation, 5uick run up etc.

    iv+ Improved awareness among the personnel about the utility of

    the instruments.


    1he emphasis is only on the process instrumentation measuring the

    physical 5uantities such as temperature, pressure, level flow etc. 1he

    other type of instruments are the electrical instruments, measuring

    electrical 5uantities such as current, voltage etc. 1he different type of

    instruments normally in use are given below6

    4.4.: I$'I9A1?"

    Indicators are of two categories local indicators are self contained, self

    operative and are mounted at site. 1he remote indicators are used for

    telemeter purposes and mounted in the centralised control room or control

    panel. 1he indicators both local and remote are some times provided with

    signaling contacts where ever re5uired. 1he remote indicators depend

    upon electricity, electronics, pneumatic or hydraulic system for their

    operation and accordingly they are named. 1he indicators can beclassified as analogue or digital on the basis of final display of the

    reading. Indicators are available for single point measurement or can be

    connected to a number of points through a selectors switch or automatic

    scanner system. 1his multipoint system considerably reduces the number

    of instruments without affecting the measurements much.

    *.*.* RECOR!ERS


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    load are specified. 1he instruments and system design engineers decide

    the location for the measurement of various parameters such as level,

    pressure, flow differential pressure, temperature and other parameters

    based on the system design and layout conditions.

    ;. 9?$9E31 ? I$1"8&E$1 I$ 1/E"&A! 3?0E" 1A1I?$

    1he concepts of instrumentation are that6

    :. Instruments should be independent for their working.

    4. 1he total instrumentation should be interBdependent to each other

    in assessing the process condition.

    (. Instrumentations should be sufficient to provide ade5uate

    information7s to the operators for 6

    a+ 9old start of the unit

    b+ 0armhot start of the unit

    c+ hut down both planned and emergency shut down.

    H. 3?0E" 1A1I?$ I$1"8&E$1A1I?$

    1he process conditions and the e5uipment conditions are to be assessed

    by the operators from the information7s received from the various

    instruments. 1he instruments and range vary widely as per the process

    media. 1he following section deals with these instruments. 1he inter

    dependence and inter relations of these instrument play very significant

    roll in the stability and the efficiency of the heat balance.


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    change such as current. @oltage, resistance capacitance, reluctance

    inductance etc. which is utiliCed as a measure of pressure in the

    secondary instruments. 1he secondary instruments are either indicators or

    recorders which may incorporate signally contacts.

    D. !E@E! &EA8"E&E$1

    !evel measurement is generally carried out as differential pressure

    measurement. In power stations, level measurement in open tanks such as

    '.&. storage tank and fuel oil and lub oil tanks and is closed tanks such

    as deaerator, condenser hot well, boiler drum and !.3. /.3. heaters are

    to make. 2auge glasses and floats are used for local indication of levels

    and the transmitters used for measuring the differential pressures are used

    along with the secondary instruments for remote level measurements. 1he

    measurement of boiler drum level poses many problems because of

    varying pressure and temperatures and many computations and

    corrections are to be made in order to get correct levels. A recent

    development in this area is the Q/Y'"A 1E3R. 1hough it is very costly

    but it improves the accuracy and reliability of this measurement. ?ther

    problem area is the solid level measurement where the coal bunker levels

    and dust collector hopper level are re5uired. In both these cases

    continuous level measurement is not possible. /owever fairly reliable andaccurate provisions are available to indicate the extreme levels on either

    directions %low or high+. 1he nucleonic level gauges or the capacitance

    and resistance type sensors serve in this area very well.


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    made very accurately, the gas flow measurement cannot be done

    accurately whereas steam flow measurement re5uires density correction

    under varying pressures. 1he air and flue gas flow measurement suffer

    accuracy and reliability due to variation in pressure, temperature, duct

    leakage, dust accumulation etc. 1he solid flow measurement is very

    difficult and only a rough idea is arrived at about the 3.. flow through

    differential means. In power stations flow measurements are based on

    differential 3rinciples. 'ifferential 3ressure are created by placing

    suitable throttling devices in the flow path of the fluids in the pipesducts.

    1he throttling devices are suitably selected depending upon the media,

    flow 5uantity etc. from among orifice, venturi, flow noCCle ball tube etc.

    1he differential pressure developed across such sensing devices in

    proportional to the s5uare of the flow 5uantity. 1he differential pressure is

    measured by the devices discussed in with additional s5uare root

    extraction facilities.


    Apart from the above there are few 5uantity measurements necessary in

    thermal power generating plants of high capacities. 1hese include feed

    water 5uality measuring instruments such as conductivity 3/ dissolved

    oxygen, and sodium instruments, steam 5uality measuring instruments

    such as conductivity, silica and /3 analyCers. 1he combustion 5uality isassessed by the measurement of the percentage of oxygen, carbon

    monoxide or carbon dioxide in the flue gases. 1he purity of hydrogen

    inside in the generator housing is measured by utiliCing the thermal

    conducting capacity of the hydrogen gas. 1he water and steam purity is

    measured as the electrolytic conductivity by electronic bridge method in

    which one arm from the electrodes of conductivity cell dipped into the

    medium. 1he volume percentage of oxygen in combustion gases are


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    made utilising the paramagnetic properties of oxygen. 1he carbon mono

    oxide percentage is measured by the QA-?"31I?$ ?

    E!E91"?&A2$E1I9 "A'IA1I?$R 3rinciple. -oth these gas

    analysers re5uire elaborate sampling and sample conditioning system

    resulting in poor reliability and availability of these measurements.

    "ecent developments in these fields have brought out on line Qin situR

    instruments for these two parameters where the problem of sampling is

    dispensed with. 1he QA$A!Y1I9A! I$1"8&E$1R as the above

    instruments are called had been the neglected lot so far in the power

    stations. -ut now the authorities seem to think their importance for the



    :+ 9omparison method

    4+ 'ead weight method

    :. 9?&3A"II?$ &E1/?'

    In this method inside the tubes there is oil. 1here are two outlets on the

    tube, on one outlet, master gauge %accurate+ is applied and on the otherend the gauge to be checked or calibrated is applied. @alve $o.: and 4 are

    opened. ?il from chamber connected to valve :%9hamber : say+ goes to

    chamber connected to valve 4 %say chamber 4+. $ow tighten the valve :

    so that on tightening valve the oil should not reenter chamber : rather

    goes to the two gauges. $ow valve 4 is steadily tightened so that the

    pressure shown by both the gauges should be exactly e5ual. In this way

    the gauge can be checked or calibrated.


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    4. 'EA' 0EI2/1 &E1/?'

    1his method is more accurate than the former one. 1he basic principle of

    its working is almost same as that of former one. /ere instead of

    employing a master gauge, we use weights placed on a pan. 1he master

    gauge may be wrong but weights are always correct so this is more

    accurate method.


    Introd82tion To Contro Enineerin And Ter0inooy





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    *.4.: Introduction

    An automatic control scheme compares a control condition value with a

    desired value and automatically corrects any deviation. 1here are three

    basic types of controls and they are as follows6

    :. 3"?3?"1I?$A!

    4. I$1E2E"A!

    (. 'E"I@A1I@E

    @arious combinations of these basic types may be employed to suit the

    plant characteristics.

    *.4.4 3"?3?"1I?$A! 9?$1"?!

    1his type of control is used where the deviation is not very large or the

    deviation is not sudden. 1he control gives a change in regulator position

    which is directly proportional to a change in conditions. 1he regulator

    position is directly related to the deviation and for every controlled















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    condition value there is a regulator position which is dependent upon the

    control sensitivity. 1he regulator takes up a position tending to reduce the

    deviation, the amount of excursion from its initial setting being dependent

    upon the sensitivity setting. If the deviation is increasing rapidly the

    regulator will apply the correction rapidly. 1he regulator position

    resulting from a deviation of the variable from a desired value depends

    upon the position it occupies when there is no deviation. 1his latter

    setting is about *

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    desired value indicator will no longer be displaying the true desired value.

    As a high proportional sensitivity %narrow proportional band+ enables the

    regulator to move a large amount for a very small deviation, it is possible

    to reduce the offset to negligible amount if a sufficiently small

    proportional band is permissible. $ormally, the proportional band must

    be made wide to avoid hunting or instability, so as alternative method of

    deviating offset must sometimes be used %proportional plus integral


    Another effect of increasing the proportional band is to increase the

    period of cycling, so that the initial deviation becomes larger. 1he offset

    also becomes larger and it is, therefore, important that the proportional

    band of a controller be set to the very minimum that is consistent with

    stable recovery.

    *.4.( I$1E2E"A! 9?$1"?!

    0ith Integral 9ontrol the controller is only at rest when the controlled

    condition is at the desired value. 1he regulator moves, when there is a

    deviation, in a direction which applies correction and continues to move

    until either the extreme regulator position is reached or the variable

    returns to the desired value. 1he speed of movement of the regulator is

    directly proportional to the amount of deviation, and can be ad>usted to

    give any re5uired speed per unit deviation. 1his ad>ustment is known asIntegral Action 1ime ad>ustment. 1he speed of regulator movement is

    related to the amount of deviation and not, as in proportional control, to

    the rate of deviation. or certain integral action time sensitivity the speed

    of travel of the regulator for a one unit deviation is half the speed of

    travel for a two unit deviator.

    1he term SintegralS is derived from the mathematical consideration of this

    type of control. Integral calculus considers the sum of an infinite number


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    of small increments the actual regulator position at any instant is

    dependent on the amount of deviation and the time for which the

    deviation has been maintained. Integral control can be used in a system

    but deadBtime results in a sustained hunting unless the sensitivity is

    drastically reduced. 1he systemRs main attribute is that the regulator

    position is not rigidly tied to the set point. 1herefore, if used with

    proportional control, integral control provides automatic elimination of


    *.4.= 'E"I@A1I@E 9?$1"?!

    8sing this control the regulator is not influenced by the desired value but

    moves in accordance with the direction and with rate of change of the

    deviation. If the change in the variable is a sudden step movement, its rate

    of change is infinitely fast and the regulator travels %moves+ gradually at a

    constant rate, the regulator will move by an amount proportional to that

    rate and then stop until the rate of change of deviation alters. 'erivative

    control is not used alone but normally in con>unction with proportional or

    proportional plus integral control.



    1he combination of proportional and integral control provides automaticelimination of the offset. 0hen a deviation occurs, the regulator moves

    under proportional control by an amount proportional to the deviation.

    1he regulator then continues to move under integral control at a constant

    rate towards its extreme position. 1he combined integral and proportional

    wave lags behind the proportional wave by a value of less than Dusted to

    give either a fast or a slow return to the desired value after a change in

    load has resulted in an offset. 1he period of oscillation will become

    progressively longer as the integral sensitivity is increased the integral

    action time is decreased. 1he integral derivative action gives the regulator

    a slight offset movement because the rate of change is low. As the change

    progresses at a constant rate the derivative action remains constant. 1he

    remaining regulator movement will now be controlled by the combined

    proportional and integral action. 1he proportional action is linear and is a

    mirror image of the deviation response the integral action continually

    increases the speed of the regulator towards its extreme travel as the

    amount of deviation increases. 1he resultant regulator travel is

    represented graphically by a curve.

    *.( "EL8I"E&E$1 ? 9?$1"?! Y1E&

    A control system, to be effective, must satisfy the following re5uirements.

    It must be possible o measures the condition to be controlled, preferably

    by the standard application of a proven instrument. 1he regulator must be

    capable of handling the plant under all load conditions and at all probable

    desired value settings, preferably with a little range to spare if the system

    is continually out ranging the regulator, satisfactory control will be


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    impossible. 1he measuring point must be as close as possible to the

    regulator in order to minimiCe lags.

    *.= E$I1I@I1Y A'J81&E$1

    1hese two conditions are incompatible since an increase in

    sensitivity improves one at the expense of the other. ensitivity

    is normally ad>usted to give as fat a return to stable control as

    possible without causing overshoot and a tendency to QhuntR

    about the set point. In the combination of proportional and

    derivative control, the derivative function is derived from the

    proportional function and not directly from the deviation. 1he

    effect is the same since the speed of the proportional action is in

    turn related to the rate of change of deviation. 1he derivative

    function is not only dependent on its own sensitivity ad>ustment

    but also on the proportional sensitivity. 1he derivative wave

    leads the proportional wave by D< degree and for a combination

    of proportional plus derivative control the load is less than D