panic disorder process book

“Panic Disorder: (n.) A disorder characterized by sudden attacks of fear and panic. The episodes may resemble a heart attack. They may strike at any time and occur with- out a known reason but more frequently are triggered by specific events or thoughts, such as taking an elevator or driving. The attacks may be so terrifying that some people associate their attacks with the place they occurred and will refuse to go there again. A panic attack is a sudden, intense experience of fear coupled with an overwhelming feeling of danger, accomp- anied by physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a pounding heart, sweating, and rapid breathing. A person with panic disorder may have repeated panic attacks –at least several a month– and feel severe anxiety about having another panic attack.” Allison Lenz // “Panic Disorder” // Information Design // Schule für Gestaltung // St.Gallen, Switzerland // René Keller // Fall 2010

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A compilation of my inspiration, research, visualizations, and thought process that went into creating the motion graphic piece on panic disorder.


Page 1: Panic Disorder Process Book

“Panic Disorder: (n.) A disorder characterized by sudden

attacks of fear and panic. The episodes may resemble a

heart attack. They may strike at any time and occur with-

out a known reason but more frequently are triggered by

specific events or thoughts, such as taking an elevator or

driving. The attacks may be so terrifying that some people

associate their attacks with the place they occurred and

will refuse to go there again.

A panic attack is a sudden, intense experience of fear

coupled with an overwhelming feeling of danger, accomp-

anied by physical symptoms of anxiety, such as a pounding

heart, sweating, and rapid breathing. A person with panic

disorder may have repeated panic attacks –at least several

a month– and feel severe anxiety about having another

panic attack.”

Allison Lenz // “Panic Disorder” // Information Design // Schule für Gestaltung // St.Gallen, Switzerland // René Keller // Fall 2010

Page 2: Panic Disorder Process Book

“Each year, panic disorder affects one out of 63 Americans.

While many people experience moments of anxiety, panic

attacks are sudden and unprovoked, having little to do with

real danger.

Panic disorder is a chronic, debilitating condition that can

have a devastating impact on a person’s family, work, and

social life. Typically, the first attack strikes without warning.

A person might be walking down the street, driving a

car, or riding an escalator when suddenly panic strikes.

Pounding heart, sweating palms, and an overwhelming

feeling of impending doom are common features.

While the attack may last only seconds or minutes, the

experience can be profoundly disturbing. A person who has

had one panic attack typically worries that another one

may occur at any time.”

Page 3: Panic Disorder Process Book

Project Description and Goals

The goal of this project was to represent a set of data in a visual way using digital media. My personal goal for this project was to bring the cold facts to life, to tell a story, and to awake emotions in the viewer by raising awareness of a current issue. I wanted my work to have mean-ing beyond just representing data.

Page 4: Panic Disorder Process Book

“As the fear of future panic attacks deepens, the person

begins to avoid situations in which panic occurred in the

past. In severe cases of panic disorder, the victim refuses to

leave the house for fear of having a panic attack. This fear

of being in exposed places is often called agoraphobia.

People with untreated panic disorder may have problems

getting to work or staying on the job. As the person’s world

narrows, untreated panic disorder can lead to depression,

substance abuse, and in rare instances, suicide.”

Page 5: Panic Disorder Process Book

Research // Infographics

Before brainstorming for the final con-cept, I wanted to look at other infograph-ics that have been done to represent different kinds of information in different ways. All of these examples are for print media, however, which means I had to think about my information design piece differently. I had to account for the affor-dances of digital media, like movement and time.

Charts, Words, and Numbers

Only Words (and some arrows)

Graphic Forms and Words

Page 6: Panic Disorder Process Book

“Scientists are not sure what causes panic disorder, but

they suspect the tendency to develop the condition can

be inherited. Some experts think that people with panic

disorder may have a hypersensitive nervous system that

unnecessarily responds to nonexistent threats. Research

suggests that people with panic disorder may not be able

to make proper use of their body’s normal stress-reducing


People with panic disorder usually have their first

panic attack in their 20s. Four or more of the following

symptoms during panic attacks would indicate panic

disorder if no medical, drug-related, neurologic, or other

psychiatric disorder is found: pounding, skipping or

palpitating heartbeat, shortness of breath or the sensation

of smothering, dizziness or lightheadedness, nausea

or stomach problems, chest pains or pressure, choking

sensation or a “lump in the throat,” chills or hot flashes,

Page 7: Panic Disorder Process Book

Research // Theme

After generally researching some initial topics ––from student debt in America to the medical benefits of laughter–– I decided to go with the topic of anxiety disorders, more specifically panic dis-order. This topic not only had sufficient data to be represented in some form of digital information design, it also holds personal significance to me; college students are one of the most susceptible groups of people to anxiety disorders. Therefore, the final topic will also focus on college students.Also interesting to note is the lack of interactive or motion graphic designs in the promotional or help materials of mental health organizations. ADAA claims to have visited over 300 universi-ties and all they passed out were bro-chures that I’m sure no college student will take the time to read. They need a more effective means of communication appropriate to a college aged audience.

Page 8: Panic Disorder Process Book

sweating, fear of dying, feelings of unreality or being

detached, tingling or numbness, shaking and trembling,

fear of losing control or going crazy.

A panic attack is often accompanied by the urge to escape,

together with a feeling of certainty that death is imminent.

Others are convinced they are about to have a heart

attack, suffocate, lose control, or “go crazy.” Once people

experience a panic attack, they tend to worry so much

about having another attack that they avoid the place or

situation associated with the original episode.”

Narrated Text

Sixty Million Americans, 20 percent of the entire population, will have just one panic attack in their lives.

If these attacks start to occur repeatedly, they are a symptom for what is called panic disorder, one of the many anxiety disorders that affects millions of Americans each year.

Anxiety is the most common form of mental disorders, affecting 40 million American adults age 18 and older each year, a total equal to 18.1 percent of the population.


In the year 2000, 3 million adults were diagnosed with panic disorder, 1.7 percent of that age group. That’s equivalent to almost one third of the population of New York City.


In 2010, 6 million adults suffered from panic disorder, which is 2.7% of that age group and equal to one and a fourth times the population of New York City.

Panic disorder is twice as common in women as in men.


The probable causes of panic disorder include- brain chemistry- personality- genetics- and life experiences or changes

you are 8 times more likely to develop panic disorder if you have an immediate family member with the disorderyou are 20 times more susceptible if that relative had their first epi-sode before the age of 20.75 percent of those with an anxiety disorder will have their first epi-sode by age 21.5, college age.


7 percent of college students have a diagnosed anxiety disorder.

Still, one in eight college students will experience unrelenting anxiety and recurring panic attacks, most likely triggered by major lifestyle changes.

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Process // Storyline

After gathering both scientific data and personal experience stories, I decided that this combination of both subjec-tive and objective information would be best represented in the form of an After Effects movie. It made most sense to focus mainly on the hard facts, but also insert relevant emotional experiences. The final concept is a narrated movie expressing data using vector forms with continual and ever-increasing interruption scenes that tell the personal story alongside the factual narrative. The movie is meant to be both informative and to give a sense of what it might be like to experience a panic attack.


PANIC DISORDER IS SERIOUS.Its unique symptoms are very sudden and often unexpected. They ap-pear unprovoked or are often mistaken for another condition, such as asthma. They are often disabling. One in three people with panic dis-order develop agoraphobia, a fear of social situations, which severely limits a person’s lifestyle.

Note that drugs, alcohol, and caffeine can make panic attacks worse.


PANIC DISORDER IS SERIOUSLY TREATABLE.If caught early, panic disorder is one of the most treatable anxiety disorders.Through a combination of medication to stabilize chemical imbalances and/ or psychotherapy to talk through stress, treatment brings relief to 90 percent of cases in as early as 2 to 3 months!


However, a recent study by the University of Michigan showed that up to 84 percent of college students do not seek out treatment for their anxiety or depressive disorders, even if they exhibit significant symptoms.


The main reasons most college students do not seek out treatment for their symptoms amount to affordability-----------lack of awareness regarding services-----------skepticism about effectiveness of treatment-----------and lack of a perceived need for treatment.------------------------------------

Note:Total length approx. 3 minInterruptions marked as -----------Written text to be set in Gill Sans Regular

Typeface Choice

Gill Sans Regular

Gill Sans Regular

Gill Sans Reg

44 pt. – small text

70 pt. – medium text

99 pt. – large text

I selected sans serif typeface for easy legibilty and for the sense of modernity that the issue of anxiety disorders poses. A face like Helvetica or Univers would have been too neutral for such a highly sensitive topic, so I chose to use Gill Sans for its sharp terminals and more traditional, tighter letter spacing. Any-thing too widely spaced would not have communicated a sense of tension.

Page 10: Panic Disorder Process Book

“Because its physical symptoms are easily confused with

other conditions, panic disorder often goes undiagnosed.

A thorough physical examination is needed to rule out a

medical condition. Because the physical symptoms are so

pronounced and frightening, panic attacks can be mistaken

for a heart problem. Some people experiencing a panic

attack go to an emergency room and endure batteries of

tests until a diagnosis is made.

Once a medical condition is ruled out, a mental health

professional is the best person to diagnose panic attack

and panic disorder, taking into account not just the actual

episodes, but how the patient feels about the attacks, and

how they affect everyday life.

Most health insurance policies include some limited

amount of mental health coverage, although few

completely cover outpatient mental health care.”

Page 11: Panic Disorder Process Book

Process // Visualizations

Once I had selected the core pieces of data, I worked to visualize the content during the process of finalizing the storyline. I often had the problem of being too literal or relying too much on the text. Since there would be a narrated text in the background, it was important for the visualizations to contain as little words as possible and rely on placement, size, movement, shapes, colors, etc.

I experimented with different sizes and amounts of people on the page. The impact is far greater with more people and no page borders.

The use of maps to represent the percentage of the population was, in a way, very literal. I wanted to see if I could achieve the same feeling of “the masses,” i.e. millions of people, only using vector figures.

Page 12: Panic Disorder Process Book

“Most patients with panic disorder respond best to

a combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy and

medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy usually runs

from 12-15 sessions. It teaches patients: how to identify

and alter thought patterns so as not to misconstrue

bodily sensations, events, or situations as catastrophic;

how to prepare for the situations and physical symptoms

that trigger a panic attack; how to identify and change

unrealistic self-talk (such as “I’m going to die!”) that

can worsen a panic attack; how to calm down and learn

breathing exercises to counteract the physical symptoms of

panic; how to gradually confront the frightening situation

step by step until it becomes less terrifying; how to

“desensitize” themselves to their own physical sensations,

such as rapid heart rate.”

Page 13: Panic Disorder Process Book

Process // Concept

The key part of the concept is the inter-ruption scenes. They serve to describe the symptoms of panic disorder not only with words but also through tim-ing, behavior, duration, and frequency. After careful consideration, I decided to make these scenes in black and white only so that they contrast strongly with the colors used in the normal narrative. They will be placed so as to interrupt the speaker as well as to mark the transitions in content. These interrupting scenes are not meant to be always legible; instead, their primary function is to give an im-pression, using type as image.

After much experimentation, I decided that the use of grey translucent layes gave the best effect of a buildup of something not quite tangible, something more emotional. This idea of layering, of a buildup, was key to achieving the climactic moment at the end of the animation as well as to make each interruption scene seem more chaotic without adding unnecessary animation movements. I had to be very careful not to make the inter-ruptions look too fake or “cheesy.”

Page 14: Panic Disorder Process Book

“At the same time, many people find that medications can

help reduce or prevent panic attacks by changing the way

certain chemicals interact in the brain. People with panic

disorder usually notice whether or not the drug is effective

within two months, but most people take medication for at

least six months to a year.

Several kinds of drugs can reduce or prevent panic attacks,

including: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)

antidepressants like paroxetine (Paxil) or fluoxetine

(Prozac), are approved specifically for the treatment of

panic; tricyclic antidepressants such as clomipramine

(Anafranil); benzodiazepines such as alprazolam (Xanax)

and clonazepam (Klonopin).

Finally, patients can make certain lifestyle changes to help

keep panic at bay, such as eliminating caffeine and alcohol,

cocaine, amphetamines, and marijuana.”

Page 15: Panic Disorder Process Book

Development // Screen Shots

This stage marked that transition from visualizations in Illustrator to working with the content in AfterEffects. With the added consideration of time, the visual language changed. These screen shots show part of the first draft. Note the changes and the consistencies with the final draft. All the information in the main storyline appears on a white surface, while all the interruption scenes take place on black surfaces.

Having completed the first draft, the next step in the process would be to eliminate unnecessary num-bers and make the animation more dynamic and more visual. Much of the fine tuning involved tweaking the timing and the movement.

Page 16: Panic Disorder Process Book

“One approach used in several medical centers focuses

on teaching patients how to accept their fear instead

of dreading it. In this method, the therapist repeatedly

stimulates a person’s body sensations (such as a pounding

heartbeat) that can trigger fear. Eventually, the patient

gets used to these sensations and learns not to be afraid

of them. Patients who respond report almost complete

absence of panic attacks.

A variety of other atlernative therapies may be helpful

in treating panic attacks. Neurolinguistic programming

and hypnotherapy can be beneificial, since these

techniques can help bring an awareness of the root cause

of the attacks to the conscious mind. Herbal remedies,

including lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), oat straw

(Avena sativa), passionflower (Passiflora incarnata), and

skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), may help significantly

by strengthening the nervous system. Homeopathic

Page 17: Panic Disorder Process Book

Final // Screen Shots

These screen shots represent the key moments of the final animation. Note that throughout the sequence, a voice narrates the content in the background while the type and images move on screen. I wanted to make the interrup-tions increasingly frequent towards the end in order to achieve a buildup of panic attack symptoms, culminating in a final stage of panic. Because these scenes are very disruptive, I wanted to maintain the unity of the piece through a consistent use of color, type sizes, and vector people for the visualizations.

Page 18: Panic Disorder Process Book

medicine, nutritional supplementation (especially with B

vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidant vitamins), creative

visualization, guided imagery, and relaxation techniques

may help some people experiencing panic attacks.

Hydrotherapies, especially hot epsom salt baths or baths

with essential oil of lavender (Lavandula officinalis), can

help patients relax.

While there may be occasional periods of improvement,

the episodes of panic rarely disappear on their own.

Fortunately, panic disorder responds very well to

treatment; panic attacks decrease in up to 90% of people

after 6-8 weeks of a combination of cognitive-behavioral

therapy and medication.

Unfortunately, many people with panic disorder never get

the help they need. If untreated, panic disorder can last

for years and may become so severe that a normal life

is impossible. Many people who struggle with untreated

Page 19: Panic Disorder Process Book
Page 20: Panic Disorder Process Book

panic disorder and try to hide their symptoms end up

losing their friends, family, and jobs.

There is no way to prevent the initial onset of panic attacks.

Antidepressant drugs or benzodiazepines can prevent

future panic attacks, especially when combined with

cognitive-behavioral therapy. There is some suggestion

that avoiding stimulants (including caffeine, alcohol, or

over-the-counter cold medicines) may help prevent attacks

as well.”

Source: The Free Dictionary <http://medical-dictionary.>.

Page 21: Panic Disorder Process Book


The list includes all the resources I used to gather data for the topic of panic dis-order. Special thanks to two individuals, who wish to remain nameless, for gener-ously sharing their personal experiences dealing with anxiety and panic attacks with me.All sources accessed on 22 Sept., 2010.

Professional Sources:

Anxiety Disorders Association of America <>.

National Institute of Mental Health <>.

University of Maryland Medical Center <>.

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th ed, text revision. Washington, D.C.: 2000.

University of Michigan News Service. “Students with symptoms of mental illness often don’t seek help.” June 25, 2007 <>.

Other Sources:

Rickey, Joe. “Anxiety affects 7 percent of college students.” Royal Purple: UW-Whitewater Student Newspaper. Published Sept 18, 2007. Updated Jan 31, 2010.

Bolden, C. “Anxiety Disorders Among College Students.” My Anxiety. Oct 29, 2008 <>.

Hathaway, April. “Anxiety Disorders: A Growing Concern for Students.” U-Albany E-Zine. May 5, 2007 <>.

Ross, Jerilyn. “Help for College Students With Anxiety Disorders.” Sept 29, 2008 <>.

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