panchayatraj-73rd and 74th amendments.ppt


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panchayatraj-73rd and 74th amendments.ppt


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Pre-Independence Period

• Traditional System of Panchayats (Assemby of 5 persons) Caste Panchayats• Local Bodies - Towns (Nominated) in 1687 at Madras In 1870 Resolution for town based local


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• In the 1930s and 40’s Gandhiji’s Gram Swaraj - Village Republics

• Self-Reliant but interdependent• Gram Swaraj idea was in the forefront of

independence movement• Indian Constitution - Directive Principles

(Part IV Article 40) defined panchayats as units of self-government.

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Post Independence • Three Tier Panchayats came into existence as

Development Agencies• Panchayati Raj, a process from Gram Sabha

(Village Assembly) to Lok Sabha (People’s Assembly - Parliament) was a subject of debate.

• Since 1978 Panchayats were seen as Political Institutions.

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The New Phase Leaders:• West Bengal (1978)• Karnataka (1987)• Andhra Pradesh (1987)• Kerala(1997)

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Panchayat Raj is included in the constitution with two main objectives. 1.Decentralization of power2.Development of villages

With the similar inclusion, in 1952, the government allotted the Community Development Projects to the villages. However as the programs seemed to be from central government they appeared far from the village priorities, this resulted in the inactive participation of

people in the villages . Further even programs like Shramdan, Voluntary labour.

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Balwant Rai Mehta Committee

In 1959. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee suggested an establishment of an agency at village level as Gram Sabha. This will be the implementing agency of the Government with non officials implementing the program. This is supposed to extend the people participation at the village.

The Basic suggestions were :To Represent the felt needs of the village communityTo give power to the non officials for the development of village communitiesTo give power of implementation or execution of programmes to the people

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Ashok Mehta Committee

In 1977, Ashok Mehta Committee felt that the current pattern recommended by Balwant Rai Mehta. It took a decade to face Rajya Sabha in form of 63rd amendment. However this bill was defeated. Again in 1992 it was modifies and came in front of parliament as 73 amendment bill. It was passed and adopted in the same year.

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73rd & 74th Amendments

Local bodies – Panchayats and Municipalities came under Part IX of the Constitution after 43 years of India becoming a republic

Parliament passed the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution in December 1992 and they became part IX of the Constitution on 24 April and 1 June 1993 respectively

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Salient Features of the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts (1992)

1. Panchayats and Municipalities will be “institutions of self-government”.2. Basic Units of Democratic System - Gram Sabhas (villages) and Ward Committees

(Municipalities) comprising all the adult members registered as voters.3. Three-tier system of panchayats at village, intermediate block/taluk/mandal and

district levels. Smaller states with population below 2 million only two tiers4. Seats at all levels filled by direct election5. Seats reserved for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and chairpersons of the Panchayats at all

levels also shall be reserved for SCs and STs in proportion to their population.6. One-third of the total number of seats reserved for women. One-third of the seats

reserved for SCs and STs also reserved for women. One-third offices of chairpersons at all levels reserved for women.

7. Uniform five year term and elections to constitute new bodies to be completed before the expiry of the term. In the event of dissolution, elections compulsorily within six months.


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Salient Features… Contd.

8. Independent Election Commission in each state for superintendence, direction and control of the electoral rolls.

9. Panchayats to prepare plans for economic development and social justice in respect of 29 subjects listed in 11th Schedule. 74th Amendment provides for a District Planning Committee to consolidate the plans prepared by panchayats and Municipalities.

10. Funds: Budgetary allocation from state governments, revenue of certain taxes, collect and retain the revenue it raises, Central Government programmes and Grants.

11. In each State a Finance Commission to determine the principles on the basis of which adequate financial resources would be ensured for panchayats and municipalities.


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The following 29 Subjects are transferred to the Panchayat following the amendment

1. Agriculture, including agricultural extension2. Land improvement, implementation of land reforms, land

consolidation and soil conservation3. Minor irrigation, water management and watershed

development4. Animal husbandry, dairying and poultry5. Fisheries6. Social forestry and farm forestry7. Minor forest produce8. Small scale industries, including food processing industries9. Khadi, village and cottage industries 10. Rural housing11. Drinking water12. Fuel and fodder13. Roads, culverts, bridges, ferries, waterways and other means of


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29 Subjects Transferred to the panchayats..contd..

14. Rural electrification, including distribution of electricity15. Non-conventional energy sources16. Poverty alleviation programme17. Education including primary and secondary schools18. Technical training and vocational education19. Adult and non-formal education20. Libraries21. Cultural activities22. Market and fairs23. Health and sanitation, including hospitals, primary health centres and

dispensaries24. Family welfare25. Women and child development26. Social welfare, including welfare of the handicapped and mentally retarded27. Welfare of the weaker sections, and in particular, of the Scheduled Castes

and Scheduled Tribes28. Public distribution system29. Maintenance of community assets

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Widening Democratic Base

• After the 73rd and 74th Amendments the Democratic base has widened enormously enabling Horizontal Planning and Implementation of Development Programmes

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First Stratum UNION

Two Houses of Parliament have 793 Members

Lok Sabha - 543 Rajya Sabha - 250

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28 State Assemblies and Two Union Territories have

4508 Members

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Third Stratum

District and Below elects

32,01227 Members

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RURAL 700 Million Plus

535 District Panchayats elect 15, 815 178 Districts have Women Presidents 5912 Block/Tehsil/Mandal Panchayats elect

145,412 More than 1970 Blocks/Tehsils have women

Presidents 231,630 Village Panchayat Elect 2,971,446 More than 77,210 Village Panchayats have Women

Presidents Total Elected Members: 3,132,673

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The Third Stratum Elects 3,200,000 Members (Approx) Of this more than 1,000,000 are women 800,000 are Scheduled Castes and

Scheduled Tribes

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Multi-Level Federalism and Widening Democratic Base after the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendments First Stratum


Two Houses of Parliament have 793 Members (Lok Sabha: 543; Rajya Sabha: 250)

Second Stratum


28 State Assemblies and Two* Union Territories have 4508 Members

Total Elected Members at the Union and State Level


5308 Third Stratum


Rural: 700 Million plus There are 607 Districts in India 535 District Panchayats elect 15,815 5912 Block/Tehsil/Mandal Panchayats elect

145,412 231,630 Village Panchayats elect 2,971,446

Total Elected Members : 3,132,673

Urban: 300 Million plus

107 City Corporations** 1443 Town Municipalities 2091 Nagar Panchayats*** Total Elected Members : 68,554

The Third Stratum Elects 3,200,000 Members (Approx)

Of this

more than 1,000,000 are women 800,000 are SCs/STS

* Only two Union Territories (Delhi and Pondicherry) out of seven have elected Assemblies. ** Population above 300,000 *** Areas in transition. One-third of all the Panchayats and City Corporations/Municipalities/Nagar Panchayats are headed by women as Presidents, Mayors. About one-fourth are headed by hitherto untouchables (Scheduled Castes) and Scheduled Tribes. Source: Institute of Social Sciences, Panchayati Raj Research.

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India’s Federal Structure till early ‘90s






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Implication of Panchayati Raj/Municipalities as theThird Tier of Governance on

India’s Federal Structure




3. Zilla Panchayat

2. Block/Taluk Panchayat

1. Village Panchayat

3. Municipal Corporation

2. Municipal Council

1. Nagar Panchayat

GRAMA SABHA (Village Assembly) WARD MEETINGS (for Municipal Areas

Autonomous Councils for Tribal Areas

Autonomous Councils are created in some States like West Bengal, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir and Assam for administration and development of certain areas with special features. But they also have statutory local bodies

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PM’s Letter to AP CM 27-4-01

“Consequent to the Amendment, Panchayats have been visualized as the 3rd tier of governance in the federal polity”

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Achivements• Increased participation of excluded

sections of the population (tribals, lower castes, etc)

• Women’s involvement in public life through elections, a brave new world of women

• Developing the thinking that democracy at the grassroots level is a necessary condition for strengthening democracy at the State and National Level

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• Popularisation of concepts of decentralised planning and people’s participation in development

• Thousands of elected members are getting training in local governance, democracy and development

• Local bodies are the nursery for future leaders

• Many success stories of women in local government

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• Voluntary sector/civil society coming to the fore for strengthening PRIs, local bodies, local democracy

• Increased concern about corruption and use of public funds

• New, innovative ideas for people’s participation, combating corruption e.g., social audit, peoples plan campaign, ombudsman, jan sunwai (public hearing) etc.

• Demystification of governance

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Strength• Constitutional Status

– Constitutional Status for Stability and Continuity

– Timely election– Representation for weaker sections– Framework for 4 “Fs”

• Functions• Functionaries• Funds• Freedom

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Weaknesses• Lack of Awareness, rules, bye-laws etc., political will

– Lack of public awareness and vigilance– Lack of accountability– Decision-making not yet broad-based– Rules & procedures not adequately framed– Influence of elite in the village planning– Lack of orientation of officials for working

with LGs– Lack of political will of political parties

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Opportunities• People’s participation providing good

governance at grassroots level– Involvement of people in their village development

planning– Resources Mobilization, cash, kind or labour for

local development– Increasing the sense of responsibility in people for

managing their affairs– Administration nearer to people for good


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Threats• Resistance by the existing government and

traditional village setup– Disparities of caste, class, gender etc.– Resistance at the state & national levels

political groups to share power– Resistance from the rural elites and

dominating class to share power with disadvantaged groups

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4 enemies:



Landlords and Feudal elements


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The UNDP HDR Report (2003)says “The risk is that the Millennium Development Goals will be undermined by entrenched groups that resist policies reallocating resources to the poorest, most marginal members of the society”This is very true in the case of local governments in India too.

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The risk is that the 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendments will be undermined by entrenched groups that resist policies reallocating resources to the poorest, most marginal members of the societyThis is the challenge facing us today.

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