palo setup guide

Setup Guide for Palo Suite and Palo for Excel Commercial Open Source Business Intelligence for Performance Management

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Palo (Jedox) - Setup


Page 1: Palo Setup Guide

Setup Guide for

Palo Suite and

Palo for Excel Commercial Open Source

Business Intelligence for

Performance Management

Page 2: Palo Setup Guide

Setup Guide for

Palo Suite and

Palo for Excel

Matthias Krämer Dominik Lenz

Werner Kriehn

Dated April 29, 2010

© Copyright 2010 Jedox AG Copyright Reserved. Reproduction including electronic reproduction and substantive recovery - even of parts - only with the approval of Jedox AG. Legal steps may be taken in case of non-compliance. Jedox, Worksheet-Server™, Supervision Server and Palo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Jedox GmbH. Microsoft and Microsoft Excel are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks are property of the respective companies. For the purpose of readability, brand names and trade marks are not explicitly stressed. If a relevant description (e.g. TM or ®) is missing, it is not to be concluded that the name is freely available.

Page 3: Palo Setup Guide

In this document you will find the installation steps of the setups "Palo Suite" and "Palo for Excel" under a Windows operating system . The hardware and software requirements for installing "Palo Suite" and "Palo for Excel" can be found in our document "Palo Platform Support Guide.pdf". This can be downloaded from our website under the section "Community MyPalo".

Table of contents

1 Installation Palo Suite (Open Source und Premium) .. ................................................... 4

1.1 Software Requirements .................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Setup.............................................................................................................................. 4

1.3 Palo Web Configuration.................................................................................................. 8

1.3.1 Default Configuration............................................................................................ 8

1.3.2 Changing the Palo Admin password..................................................................... 8

1.3.3 Accessing Palo Web UI from different Client Machines........................................ 8

1.3.4 Accessing the Palo OLAP Server from different Client Machines......................... 9

1.3.5 Changing the UI Backend port............................................................................ 10

1.3.6 Additional Core-Configuration............................................................................. 10

1.3.7 Palo ETL Configuration........................................................................................11

1.3.8 Palo Pivot Configuration ......................................................................................11

2 Installation Palo for Excel........................ ....................................................................... 12

2.1 Setup............................................................................................................................ 13

2.2 Installation of a Local Server ........................................................................................ 24

2.3 Possible Errors during Installation ................................................................................ 24

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Installation Palo Suite (Open Source und Premium) -4-

1 Installation Palo Suite (Open Source und Premium) Here is described the installation of the Palo Suite under a Windows operating system.

1.1 Software Requirements To install and run Palo Web, you will need a functioning Windows operating system (Windows XP/Server2003/Server2008) and an up-to-date browser (e.g. Firefox 3+, MS Internet Explorer 8+). Further the JAVA Runtime Environment Version 1.6 (or higher) must be installed. All further software components required for the operation of Palo Web will be installed automatically in an easy-to-use setup process.

1.2 Setup The setup process of the Open Source version and the Premium version are identical. Run the appropriate setup file by double-clicking. Step 1 - Select the language for installation

Step 1a - any message to an existing installation and the permission to uninstall

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Step 2 - Palo Suite Setup Wizard

Step 3 - License Agreement

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Step 4 – Select destination for the installation

Step 5 - Installing process

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Step 6: Notification: Completing the Palo Suite installation

After this message, you can start Palo Web via "Start - Programs - Palo Suite - Palo Web".

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1.3 Palo Web Configuration

1.3.1 Default Configuration

By default, Palo Web is installed with the following settings:

• The Apache Web server component listens only to the localhost-Interface (, Port 8081

• The Apache Web Server communicates with the Core Server on port 8193.

• The Palo OLAP Server listens only to the localhost-interface (, Port 7921. This port is also used by the Apache Web-Server and the Core Server to store the internal configuration data on the Palo OLAP Server.

• The Apache Web Server communicates with the Tomcat Server (ETL-Manager and Palo Pivot) on Port 8010.

• The admin account has the password "admin" (for both: for Palo Web as well as for the Palo OLAP Server).

• The ETL Manager communicates with the ETL Server on port 7776.

1.3.2 Changing the Palo Admin password

The Palo OLAP Server is used as an important backend for Meta-data storage by Palo Web. Because of this, both, the UI (Apache) and the Core, need to have admin-access to the Palo OLAP Server. This access is configured in the configuration files ...\httpd\app\etc\config.php and ...\core2\palo_wss3_config.xml. When changing the Palo admin password (via Palo Web User Manager or Palo Excel-Addin), the following configuration files need to be changed as well, and the Palo Web Services need to be restarted:

1. In …\httpd\app\etc\config.php, the entry define('CFG_PALO_PASS', 'admin') needs to be updated.

2. In …\core2\palo_wss3_config.xml, the entry <password name="admin" /> needs to be updated.

1.3.3 Accessing Palo Web UI from different Client M achines

By default, the Palo Suite Setup installs the operation of Palo Web on the same computer as the various Palo services and the Palo server behind it. If you want to operate with the Palo Web User Interface (Client) on a Palo Web installation from another machine (Server), then there are needed the following changes on the server machine: Please change in the file httpd.conf of the folder C:\Program Files\Jedox\Palo Suite \httpd\conf the lines Listen #Listen to #Listen Listen Important: The Apache always needs to listen on the localhost Interface for Palo Web to work properly.

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After the changes in the file httpd.conf, you have to restart on the server the service "PaloSuiteHttpdService". Please turn off the firewall on the server machine for the used port (in the example 8081) or make that sure requests on the specified port are allowed to pass the Firewall. After these changes, you can reach from any client machine with the following address the Palo Web installation of the server:

http://[IP-Address of the server]:8081/ui/login/ If you want to change the Web-Server Port (currently 8081), you have to do the following changes:

1. The port in all entries "Listen..." in the file httpd.conf.

2. If the port was changed for the interface-entry in the file httpd.conf, then you have to update in the file ...\httpd\app\etc\config.php the entry "define('CFG_UB_PORT', 8081)" to the new port.


When defining various listen-interfaces, the ports of those don't have to match. Therefore you could define another port (SSL e.g.) for external interfaces. But the port for the interface always has to match the UB_PORT in the file config.php. Make that Firewalls (if any) will allow sure requests to pass on the defined ports.

1.3.4 Accessing the Palo OLAP Server from different Client Machines

It may also be necessary that people can access the Palo OLAP Server component of Palo Web from Excel-Clients on different machines. Therefore you have to change the palo.ini, but afterwards changes to other configuration files may also be necessary.

1. Changes in the file ...\palo\data\palo.ini: Change the entry http 7921 to either http "" 7921 or http <SERVER-IP> 7921.

2. If you enter a static IP other than, you need also to change other configuration files: In …\httpd\app\etc\config.php, the entry define('CFG_PALO_HOST', ''); needs to be changed to the Server-IP used in palo.ini; also in …\core2\palo_wss3_config.xml, the entry <host name="" /> needs to be changed to the Server-IP used in palo.ini.

3. Changing the Palo OLAP Server port: Change the port entry http 7921 to the new port. This change also has to be made in …\httpd\app\etc\config.php for the entry define('CFG_PALO_PORT', '7921'); and in …\core2\palo_wss3_config.xml for the entry <port name="7921" />

4. The Palo Web services need to be restarted after applying these changes.

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1.3.5 Changing the UI Backend port

The UI Backend is the interface between the Apache Web Server (UI component) and the Core server. Please note that this is an internal connection that normally shouldn't be changed. The UI Side is changed in the file ...\httpd\conf\httpd conf, at the two entries

• ProxyPass /ub/ ajp:// min=2 disablereuse=on retry=0

• ProxyPassReverse /ub/ ajp://

The Core side is changed in the file ..\core2\ui_backend_config.xml at the entry

• <tcp address="" port="8193" />

1.3.6 Additional Core-Configuration

The most important configuration options for the Palo Web-Core Server are defined in the file ...\core\config.xml. These are:

• <logger name="file" level="error" target="../log/core.log" module=""> Here you can define, where the Log-File of the core is written to and which Log-Level is used. Available log-levels are critical, error, warning, notice, info and debug.

• <session><timeout seconds="3600"/> Here you can define after which time (seconds) inactive user sessions will be removed.

• <autosave> <interval seconds="1200"/> Here you can define the intervals at which the core creates a copy of the currently opened and modified Palo spreadsheets (Designer mode only).

• <font_path /> This is the path to the Windows fonts directory. By default (without a specified path here), the Core checks at %window%\Fonts. You can enter a path overriding the default like this: <font_path font_path="c:/windows/Fonts" />

• For PALO.DATA cells, the default number formatting can be configured in the file .../core2/locale/cell_format_data.xml. In there look for: DefaultFormat id="3". Behind, you will find a format string (similar to Excel custom formatting). The setting will be automatically adapted to different locales (This will probably be done differently in a future version).

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1.3.7 Palo ETL Configuration

Connection of UI (Palo Web) to the ETL Web-Client: Palo Web forwards requests to ETL (specifically, to the Tomcat Server containing ETL) using the AJP protocol.

The ETL-Side port for this connection is defined in …\tomcat\conf\server.xml at the entry <Connector port="8010" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8444" />. The first "port" entry is the important one. It is usually not necessary to change it.

If you change this entry, then you have also to do in the file …\httpd\conf\httpd.conf the following changes:

• update of all port-entries in the section ### ETL

• update of all port-entries in the section ### Palo Pivot (because Tomcat also handles Palo Pivot)

The PaloSuiteHttpdService and PaloSuiteTomcatService have to be restarted for these changes to take effect. The internal communication of the "ETL Manager"-Client with the ETL Server takes place on port 7776. This port also doesn't need to be changed normally.

If you do need to change it, there are two files to edit:

1. Change the port in ...\tomcat\conf\server.xml in the entry <Connector port="7776" protocol="HTTP/1.1"

2. Change the port in …\tomcat\webapps\web-etl\WEB-INF\classes\ in the line/URL: etl.server1.url=http://localhost:7776/etlserver/services/ETL-Server.

The PaloSuiteTomcatService has to be restarted for these changes to take effect.

1.3.8 Palo Pivot Configuration

Palo Pivot runs as a component of the Tomcat Server. As described above in the ETL section, the port which connects Palo Pivot with the UI is configured in ..\tomcat\conf\server.xml

A second important configuration option is the path to the Apache's config.php file. Palo Pivot needs to read this file to decode the links with which Palo Web opens Pivot items. This path is configured in the file ..\tomcat\webapps\web-palo-ng\WEB-INF\classes\ Here, the entry to note is paloSuiteConfigPath=../httpd/app/etc/config.php. This is a relative path by default. It is obtained from the %CATALINA_HOME% variable which the Tomcat Server uses.

If there are problems opening Pivots (blank screen), you can check in the log file ...\tomcat\logs\stdout_DATE.log for an error about reading said file. Perhaps you can avoid such an error by entering an absolute path in the file (The Tomcat Server needs to be restarted afterwards).

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Installation Palo for Excel -12-

2 Installation Palo for Excel Here is described the installation of Palo for Excel under the Windows XP operating system. For installation instructions for Linux, please read the readme file which is included in the Linux Server Setup download. During the standard setup is C:\Program Files\Jedox\Palo\data the directory for the Palo databases. In the advanced modus the default directory for databases is C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\(Shared)Documents\Jedox\Palo\data , but this can be changed individually. Note for updates to Version 3.1: If on your computer already a Palo version is insta lled, then please save your Palo databases and uninstall the old Palo version with "Start – Contro l Panel- Add or Remove Programs". This process do not delete or change the folder …Pal o\data and its files. If you install the new version with the same path as the old one, then the existing databases will not be overwritten during the installation. In order to reinstall the demo and also the system database you have to delete the existing ones from the data directory prior to installation. The demo database may also be downloaded directly from the Jedox website afterwards. The data to be transferred must be in the format of Version 1.5. If the subdirectory that contains the previous version is displayed during the installation of Palo 3.1, all existing data will be converted into Palo 3.1 format automatically. Depending on the size of your log files and the cube structure or number of existing databases respectively, the conversion may take some time. Please do not interrupt this process. In order for the conversion of existing database structures run as smoothly as possible, we advise that you delete all databases that are no longer needed. Please delete the *.log and *.archived-files in the respective database directory. You can find the databases in the folder Jedox\Palo\data\<database name>. Should any problems arise during the conversion, it is recorded in the PaloServer.log. Note : After the installation you can find a ChangeLog.txt file under Start/All Programs/Palo. It contains a list of all new and modified functions.

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Installation Palo for Excel -13-

2.1 Setup The Palo Excel add-on of Palo for Excel requires Microsoft .NET 2.0. If you have not already installed it, you will get the opportunity to install it during the Palo setup. To see the Palo menu in Excel 2007, you must first install the MS Office VBA components. Make sure that all programs are closed, especially Microsoft Excel. Note that you must have administration rights to install Palo. Now start the Setup.exe file. Step 1 – Select the language for the installation

If an error message appears after this 1st step instead of moving to step 2 or 10, then refer to the "Possible Errors during Installation” section in this chapter. If Microsoft .NET 2.0 is not installed, you will be reminded. You will start the installation of Microsoft .NET 2.0 when you click YES. If Microsoft .NET 2.0 has already been installed, steps 2 to 9 are skipped and installation of Palo (step 10) is started. Step 2 – Message if NET 2.0 not yet installed.

Step 3 – Downloading Microsoft .NET 2.0.

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Step 4 – Extracting Microsoft .NET 2.0.

Step 5 – Installation wizard of Microsoft .NET 2.0.

Step 6 – Accepting license conditions

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Step 7 – Installing .NET 2.0.

Step 8 – Installing .NET 2.0.

Step 9 – Confirmation on successful installation

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Step 10 – Excel Add-in and Server Setup Wizard

Step 11 – Installation Type 11.1 Standard Installation

11.2 Advanced Installation Using advanced installation mode will enable you to reduce the installation to the local Excel Add-in for example (in that case, the server part is omitted) or disable the Import Wizard and the Modeller.

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Step 12 – Accepting license conditions

Step 13: Installation Options for Users

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Step 14 – Select the Installation Path

If the installation folder already exists, setup will display the message on the right:

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Options of the Advanced Installation (Steps 14a – 14c): Step 14a: Advanced Installation gives you the possibility to

• Install the Excel Add-in only • Disable the Import Wizard and the Modeller

Step 14b: Afterward you are to determine where log files, configuration files and database should be stored.

Please note: For Palo updates from 1.5 to 3.0, existing data in the DATA folder will be converted after the Palo-Server is being started.

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Step 14c: You can change the IP address of the PC/Server or the host name as well as the port.

Step 15a (Standard installation) – You can click hyperlinks to get more info about the updates:

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Or Step 15b (Advanced Installation) - You can select if you want to install the patches or not:

Step 16 – Continuation of the installation process

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The Palo for Excel setup also includes an update for Office 2003. In case you are working with Excel 2003 but SP3 (ServicePack 3) is not yet installed, you should answer with yes in the dialog, with no otherwise.

Afterwards, further routines will be installed which may take a little bit longer, depending on the hardware:

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Step 17: You receive a message upon successful completion of the installation.

If you have to restart your computer after the setup, a message will advise you to do so. Otherwise, the Palo settings window appears after the installation. Here you can also determine whether Palo should start automatically with Microsoft Excel.

You can find "Palo” via the start menu after standard or advanced installations. You can change settings under "Palo Settings” at any time.

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. The link to Palo Excel Add-in should now be on the desktop.

With double-click on this icon or over the menu "Start – All Programs - Palo - Palo Excel Add-in" you can now start Excel with Palo AddIn.

2.2 Installation of a Local Server A local server is installed on your computer when you install the Palo client. You can log into the local servers of other computers in a network. In practice, this makes each local server public. You can create users and groups and also assign passwords to manage necessary access rights to your server. But you can't add another server on the same computer. After the installation, the server is configured completely. The API interface is available via the browser http://localhost:port [default:].

2.3 Possible Errors during Installation Installation will fail, if the user does not have the required user rights. You should be registered as administrator when you install Palo. Please note that if you just deinstalled a previous version of Palo, it can be that you must restart your computer to complete the deinstallation. If the deinstallation isn’t completed, the following error message appears during installation:

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If you try to install Palo without deinstalling a previous version first, the following error message appears:

If you try to install Palo while Microsoft Excel is running, the installation aborts with the following error message:

Please deinstall the existing Palo version or close Microsoft Excel, and then repeat the installation If you have not installed .NET Framework 2.0, Palo will remind you. If you click NO at this point, installation will abort.

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