paleo recipe team the 3 healthiest ways to cook your vegetables

Paleo recipe team Virtually Every Health Benefit under the Sun Can Now Be Yours!

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Page 1: Paleo Recipe Team The 3 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

Paleo recipe team

Virtually Every Health Benefit under the Sun Can Now Be


Page 2: Paleo Recipe Team The 3 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

The #1 Problem With The World’s Fastest-

Growing Diet...

Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the last couple years, I'm sure

you've heard of the "Paleo Diet."

I hate to even call it a "diet", because it's really just the REAL way that humans have eaten for almost 1.9 million years, as opposed to the modern day processed food diet full of grains, sugars, and processed vegetable oils.

Whether you have or not, what you probably DON’T realize is that it’s the fastest growing “diet” in the world right now. From celebrities, chefs, elite athletes... even fitness experts--everyone is eager to try it or adopt it.

And for good reason! Because no other diet or eating plan provides so many benefits so fast:

• Increased Energy • Clearer Skin • Lean, Muscular Body • Enhanced Libido • Greater Mental Clarity • All Day Stamina • Better Workouts • And More

The list goes on and on. Talk to anyone who’s actually eaten Paleo for even a full month and chances are, they’ll rave about the changes they started seeing in their body.

Now, the #1 problem...

You see, by far the biggest complaint we hear from many who try out the Paleo lifestyle is 'boring' or that it's too hard.

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Often, people learn the core principles, experience results... but then get stuck eating bland meals of the same foods over and over again.

Today - that problem is completely solved for you with the something we at Paleohacks have created--our first ever Paleo Cookbook.

Just FYI, Paleohacks is the single biggest online Paleo community anywhere - filled with tens of thousands of people actually THRIVING on Paleo.

Inside the cookbook, you'll not only get 125+ delicious mouthwatering recipes, you'll also get some great bonuses as well - to help you get started as fast as possible.

Like our bonus "Paleo 4x Cookbook" - which lists some great recipes that only require 4 ingredients - to keep it as simple for you as possible.

Not to mention we have tons of other bonuses, which you'll see on the next page...

(There's even a bonus that helps you solve another big problem...which is how to dine out with friends and have a social life, while staying strictly Paleo.)

And to top it all off, it's on sale (including well over $100 in bonuses) for the next few days ONLY at almost 30% off.

Want to eat some delicious recipes as soon as TONIGHT?

Go to the Link below to claim your copy of the Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook today, while the discount is still available.

Page 4: Paleo Recipe Team The 3 Healthiest Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

The 3 WORST Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

(Plus the 3 Healthiest Ways)

Did you know that HOW you cook your vegetables has a HUGE impact on your health? If you cook veggies the wrong way, they lose a lot of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. You end up "short changing" yourself… just because of the way you prepare your food! It's amazing how many people (and restaurants) are doing this. You might be doing it right now. Some of the so-called "healthy" ways to cook veggies are actually some of the worst ways you can prepare them. There are a lot of MYTHS going around and it’s crucial to know how to cook your vegetables to get the most health benefits. Which ways should you AVOID?

The 3 Worst Ways to Cook Your Vegetables

1. Boiling

Boiling is, hands down, the WORST way to cook your vegetables.


You can only boil at very high temperatures and this takes longer than cooking vegetables in other ways, leaving them exposed to vitamin and mineral damage. The biggest issue with boiling: you have to submerge the vegetables in water. After most people boil vegetables, they drain the water and toss it out without a second thought… But they don’t realize they’re “throwing out the baby with the bathwater” -- key nutrients from vegetables they just prepared! You can avoid this if you keep the boiled water and use it in a soup or stew. But if you just boil vegetables and pour the nutrient-rich water down the sink, you’re missing out. A combo of high heat and water loss make boiling a BAD choice compared to the other ways on the next page.

2. Roasting

“Lot-fat” fanatics praise roasting as one of the healthiest ways to cook vegetables

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because it uses dry heat and avoids oils. You don’t have to add water like you do with boiling, which makes it easier to save vegetables’ key minerals. That’s definitely a plus. On the other hand, roasting is usually done at high heat for a good amount of time. This causes some of the vitamins in vegetables to break down. So the verdict on roasting: it’s better than boiling vegetables, but it isn’t the best way to save the most nutrients.

3. Microwaving

Microwaving vegetables exposes them to high heat for short periods of time. This intense heat

can make vegetable nutrients break down.

Plus, microwaves don’t just destroy nutrients. The heat can leach toxins (like BPA) from microwavable containers into your food. Those toxins have been linked to digestion and autoimmune issues—even cancer! It’s also hard to cook with microwaves. A lot of vegetables come out mushy or dry. There are hot and cold spots. No one wants to eat veggies if they taste like cardboard. Finally, there’s still A LOT we don’t know about how the radiation from microwaves could harm the body over a lifetime of use… Microwaving vegetables is convenient, but it isn’t a good way to go. You have better options. Now that we've covered the 3 WORST ways to cook your vegetables, click on the link below (Next Page) to find out the 3 healthiest ways to cook your vegetables.