pages added: 159a, 161a, 162a

r ATTACHMENT 1 , ! Technical Specification Changes to Steam Generator Emergency Heat Removal (T.S. Section 3.7 and 4.7) Pages Modified; iii, viii, ix, x, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163 Pages Added: 159a, 161a, 162a i , 1677 352 s001030 -k39'

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Technical Specification Changes

to Steam Generator Emergency Heat Removal

(T.S. Section 3.7 and 4.7)

Pages Modified; iii, viii, ix, x, 156, 158, 159, 161,162, 163

Pages Added: 159a, 161a, 162a


1677 352

s001030 -k39'


Table of Contents (continued)-



3.7 Steam Generator Emergency Heat Removal 4.7 156

3.7.1 Steam Line Safety and Relief Valves 4.7.1 156

3.7.2 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump System, Per Unit 4.7.2 1584.7.3 159a

3.7.3 Auxiliary Feedwater Supply SystemBases

3.8 Emergency Core Cooling and Core Cooling Support 4.8 1644.8.1 164

3.8.1 Centrifugal Charging Pump System4.8.2 168

3.8.2 Safety Injection Pump System3.8.3 Residual Heat Removal Pump System 4.8.3 170

3.8.4 System Testing of Centrifugal Charging, SafetyInjection, and Residual Heat Removal Pump Systems 4.8.4 173

4.8.5 1743.8.5 Accumulator System

.4.8.6 1753.8.6 Component Cooling System

4.8.7 1783.8.7 Service Water System

4.8.8 1803.8.8 Hydrogen Control Systems3.8.9 Equipment for Evaluating Post LOCA 4.8.9 184

Bases 1973.9 Containment Isolation Systems 4.9 '

1973.9.1 Isolation Valve Seal Water System 4.9.1 -

3.9.2 Penetration Pressurization Systems 4.9.2 198,

3.9.3 Containment Isolation Valves 4.9.3 199~'

3.9.4 Main Steam Isolation Valves and Bypasses 4.9.4 200

3.9.5 Containment Integrity 4.9.5 201

Bases3.10 Containment Structural Integrity 4.10 212

4.10.1 2123.10.1 Containment Leakage Rate Testing3.10.2 Containment Tendon Testing 4.10.2 215


3.10.3 End Anchorages and Adjacent Concrete Surfaces4.10.3 217


CN Containment Liner Inspection 4.10.4 2183.10.4 4.10.5 2193.10.5 [j Containment Pressure

4.10.6 2193.10.6 Containment Temperature

(: Bases4.11 222

3.11 Ln Radioactive LiquidsLN Bases 4.12 230

3.12 Radioactive GasesBases


-- --- . . ..




3.1-1 Reactor Protection System-Limiting Operating Conditions and Setpoints33

3.1-2 Reactor Protection System Instrument Numbers88

3.3.2-1 RT Testing ResultsNOT106

3.3.4-1 In Service Inspection Program

122|-3.3.5-1 Reactor Coolant Systems and Chemistry Specifications

1293.4-1 Engineered Safeguards Actuation System-Limiting Conditions of Operation and


1323.4-2 Engineered Safeguards System Instrument Numbers

Neutron Flux High Trip Points with Steam Generator Safety Valves Inoperable 160a3.7-1

Four Loop Operation

160b3.7-2 Neutron Flux High Trip Points with Steam Generator Safety Valves Inoperable-

Three Loop Operation

3.15-1 Equipment Requirement with Inoperative 4KV E.S.S. Bus 268

3.15-2 Equipment Inoperable with Inoperative 4KV E.S.S. Bus 269,,



N 354.1-1 Reactor Protection System Testing And Calibration Requirements

t, 741|4.3.B-1 'D Minimum Number:of/:SteamrGeneratorsitB''be= Inspected During Inservi'ce

#' Inspections

| 4. 3.B-2 Steam Generator Tube Inspection 74j

1344.4-1 Engineered Safeguards System Testing and Calibration Requirements

1364.4-2 Engineered Safety Equipment Actuation Test

1484.5-1 Containment Fan Cooler Components




LIST OF TABLES (Continued)~

Table Page

4.6-1 Containment Spray System Components 153

4.7-1 Steam Generator Safety Valves, Set Pressures, Orifice Sizes and 160Steam Flows

4.7-2 Auxiliary Feedwater Pump System 161

4.7-3 Auxiliary Feedwater Supply System 161a

4.8-1 Centrifugal Charging Pump System 185

4.8-2 Safety Injection Pump System 186

4.8-3 Residual Heat Removal Pump System 187

4.8-4 Accumulator Tanks 18b

4.8-5 Component Cooling Pump System 189

4.8-6 Service Water Pump System 190

4.8-7 Hydrogen Control System 192

4.9-1 Isolation Seal Water System 203_.

4.9-2 CK Penetration Pressurization System 204~4'

4.9-3 Containment Isolation Valves 205

v.4.9-4 ty, Main Steam Isolation Valves 208

LD4.11-1 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling and Analysis 226

4.12-1 Pathways of Release 236

4.12-2 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling and Analysis 237

4.12-3 Effluent Gaseous Waste Monitors 239

4.14-1 Process and Internal Monitoring 252




LIST OF TABLES (Continued)


4.15-1 4160-Volt Engineered Safeguard Bus Main, Resdrve, and Standby Feeds 270

4.16-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program (ERMP) 276~

4.16-2 Practical Lower Limits of Detection for ERM" 280a

2844.17-1 Charcoal Filters

2854.17-2 HEPA Filters

4.19-1 Failed Fuel Monitoring Instrumentation 295

4.21-1 Fire Protection Instruments 295p

295r4.21-2 Fire Suppression Water System

295s4.21-3 Sprinkler Systems

295t4.21-4 CO Systems


4.21-5 Fire Hose Stations332

6.3.1 Boundary Doors For Flood Conditions_,

& 328a6.6.2 Special Reports~q




. . . . . - .

O ~ ' ~ O ~ ~ " O -



Applicability: Applicability:

Applies to auxiliary feedwater pump system, Applies' to surveillance of auxiliaryauxiliary feedwater supply system, and steam feedwater pump system, auxiliary feedwatergenerator safety valves. supply system and steam generator safety.


Objective: Objective:

To insure adequate plant cooldown capabili- To insure availability of the above systemties upon loss of normal feedwater flow and - and valves,loss of main c;ndenser vacuum.

Specification: Specification:

1. Steam Line Safety and Relief Valves, l. Steam Line Safety and Relief Valves

|per unit * | per unit.A. Twenty ASME code safety valves A. Ten steam generator safety valves

(5 per steam generator) shall be per unit shall be tested for setoperable whenever the pressure at each refueling ou,tage.heated above 350 F except as Testing shall be done by a calibrated0

~specified in 3.7.1.C, 3.7.1.D, au::iliary lif ting device or by bench

and 3.7.1.E testing on compressed gas. At Jaasttwo of the valves tested shall be fromeach orifice size ("Q" or "R"). All


valves on a unit shall have been

[$[ tested at the end of each second re-*

fueling outage. The valves and the-ycorresponding set pressures and orificesasizes are identified in Table 4.7-1.

L' B. Deleted B. Deleted,




e *








3.7.1 E. When the reactor is operating on 3 loops, 4.7.1 E. Not applicableat least two code safety valves associated i

with the remaining steam generator mustbe operable. ;, , .


'i F. If these conditions cannot be met the F. Not applicable

the reactor shall be brought to the hot i

shutdown conditions within four hours.After a maximum of 48 hours in the hot ,


shutdown conditions, if the system isnot operable the reactor shall be broughti i '.i .

to the cold shutdown condition within, i,

24 hours.

2. Auxiliary feedwater pump system, per unit, 2 .i Auxiliary Feedwater numn system, perunit (Table 4.7-2)

...,, ,

A. Three auxiliary feedwater pump systems A. Surveillance and testing of the-

shall be operable whenever the reactor auxiliary feedwater pump system'sis above 350aF except as specified shall be performed as follows;in 3.7. 2.B, 3.7. 2. C, and 3.7. 2.D.' the auxiliary feedwater pumps shall

be started manually from the controlroom each month. Performance will be'


I acceptable if:s

1) the pump starts upon actuation,operates for at least 17 minuteson recirculation flow, and thedischarge pressure and flow are-

ch within +1095 of a point on theN pump holid curve, and

''2) the pump provides at least 105' '


gallons per minute flow to eachq, steam generator,enoo


. _ _ _ .



is above 350*F, the 4.7.2.B The surveillance and testing of the3.7.2.B. Whenever the reactor

turbine-driven auxiliary feedwater pump turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pump

system shall be operable except that veri- as required by 4.7.2.A need not befication by testing need not be completed performed prior to exceeding 350*Funtil required by Section 4.7.2.B. but must be performed within 4 hours

af ter achieving hot standby.

C. From and after the date that one or the C. No additional surveillances are required.

three auxiliary feedwater pump systems ismade or found to be inoperable for anyreason, reactor operation is permissible

__only during the succeeding 7 days provided

,that during these 7 days the two remainingauxiliary feedwater pump systems areoperable.

D. If the conditions in 3.7. 2.C cannot be D. Not applicable

met the reactor shall be brought tohot shutdwon and below 350* F within thenext 12 hours. -







- . _ . , . - - , ,

]PF .



3.7.3 Auxiliary feedwater supply system 4.7.3 Auxiliary feedwater supply system(Table 4. 7-3)

A. The condensate storage tank (s) shallbe operable with a minimum contained A. Surveillance.and testing of thevolume of 170,000 gallons of water auxiliary feedwater supply system shalllined up to each unit with its be as follows:reactor above 350 OF, except asspecified in 3.7.3.B and 3.7.3.C. 1) The contained water volume shall be*

verified to be within its limits at ~least every 12 hours. -


2) The manual valves for the lined-uptank (s) for each unit shall be

' verified locked open each month.

B. From and after the time that the B. When the service water system is theconditions in 3.7.3.A cannot be required supply system, the system.

met, continued reactor operation is per~ shall be demonstrated operable at least,missib,le provided that at least ons of daily by stroking the power-operatedthe two following criteria are met: service water. supply valves to at'least

two operable auxiliary feedwater pumps.

. 1) Within the next four hours the from the control room. Performance willconditions of 3.7.3.A are restored, be acceptable if valve motion is


or indicated upon actuation. -


2) Within the next four hours theoperability of the service watersystem as a backup supply to the -'

CT' auxiliary feedwater pumps is[[j demonstrated, and that the conden-

sate storage tank's (s) are. restored ',


to operable status within the nexttaon 7 days.


CD .

C. If the conditions in 3.7.3.A.and C. Not applicable~

3.7.3.B cannot be met the reactor (s)shall be brought to hot shutdown and .


below 350 0F within the next 12 hours. .





159a. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _

4 4

4+#<>% $(#h's,-E--


1.0 M EM EM

y @ LEI.| [m|LM


1.25 1.4 1.6

6" >



4*r% /+ // b-

. 4), g.f*$$; 9.


.,_____ ..__ -- -~~

4 4

#<>+%+ $a%b 4

- , , - , -T.ST TARG.T (MT-3)

1'0 "Eu EM!!! EE 623m



j l.8

1.25 1.4 1.6

e 6" >


p% + //h$?;

w i ,-


b' // DhkNvI

_ , _ , .n-- -A ~~ '



Component Name Component Number

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump-1A (2A) FWOO4

(turbine driven)Auxiliary Feedwater Pump-1B (2B) FW005

(motor driven)Auxiliary Feedwater Pump-1C (2C) FWOO6

(motor driven)



O' O


Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Sy:: tem

TABLE 4.7-2

161. . - . . _


Component Name Component Number

Condensate Storage Tank SC001

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump -1A (2A) MOV 4WO102service water supply valve -

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump -1B (2B) MOV -SW0101service water supply valve

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump - 1B (2B) MOV 4WO104service water supply valve

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump - 1C (2C) MOV-SWQ103service water supply valve

Auxiliary Feedwater Pump - 1C (2C) MOV-SWO105service water supply valve



OON Auxiliary Feedwater Supply System

TABLE 4.7-3



-- .- __



3.7 The twenty code steam safety valves During 3 loop operation, at least two safetyper unit have a total combined capa- valves are retained in service for any unlikelycity to relieve the total steam pressurization on the non-operating steamflow of one unit. These valves generator,.

assure code overpressure protectionis provided (1) . In the event Although not required for safe operation of thethat one or more of the safety valves unit, the four atmospheric steam relief valvesare inoperable, the loop steam flows per unit, provide additional decay heat removalare restricted to the maximum re- - capability. These valves, which are air or


lieving capacity of the most- restric- electric motor operated, are also manuallytive operating loop. This is controllable from the control room, and areaccomplished by reduction of the installed to prevent unnecessary operation ofPower.Ragge Neutron Flux High Set- the steam generator safety valves. (1)point Trip such that reactor poweris limited to be less than the thermal The auxiliary feedwater pump systems provide apower required to produce steam flow very reliable source of flow to the steam gener-in excess of the relieving capacity ators for decay heat removal. Either the steamof the most restrictive loop. The driven auxiliary feedwater pump or one of thereactor trip setpoints are derived two motor driven auxiliary feedwater pumps canon the following basls: supply the required flow of a unit. (2)


For 4 loop operation:Suction to the auxiliary feedwater pumps is

TSVC-ISVCSP = x 109% profided by the condensate sterage tank or,

TSVC as a backup, the service water system. Aminimum of 170,000 gallons are required to

For 3 loop operation: provide for 2 hours at hot standby followedTSVC-ISVC by 4 hours cooldown at 50'F per hour with

SP = x 75% steam discharge to the atmosphere concurrentTSVC with total loss of offcite power. (3) This

is sufficient to reduce the reactor coolantwhere: system temperature to below 350*F when the

Residual Heat Removal System may be placed& SP = Reactor Trip Setpoint in operation,

. .

q . .

TSVC = Total safety valve relievingycapacity per steam generator

C3 ISVC= Inoperable safety valve (.1) FSAR, Section 10.3

CD relieving capacity per steam generator. (2) PSAR, Section 14.1.9LN (3) FSAR, Section 6.7.2


_ ._. -



Manually operated valves are available whichwill allow the condensate storage tanks tobe cross connected. Therefore, water forthe auxiliary feedwater pumps may be suppliedfrom either tank. However, when operated ina cross-connected mode, the supply lines


will be lined up such that the minimum of170,000 gallons of water will be drawn uponimmediately without additional actions.When a condensate storage tank is shared

0by both units operating above 350 F, aminimum volume of 340,000 gallons shallbe available.






162a. - . . - . - -



Bases: ,

>i, i.i4.7; The testing of at least two safety:.

.... .

! valves of each orifice size assures that.' a representative sample of valves is ii.i

*tested at each refueling. The testing-interval assures the availability of thesafety valves and of the auxiliary feedwater


The four hour delay in the surveillance andtesting of the turbine driven auxiliary feed-i

| water pump until the reactor has reached thei hot standby condition is to prevent unnecessary' cooldown of the reactor coolant system duringperiods when the reactor is not available asa heat source.




163 ,,