page ten greetings from greater - chronicling america

THE DETROIT TRIBUNE SATURDAY DECEMBER 19, 1936 LEROY <G. WHITE, Representative DOROTHY DANIELS Society Columnist Nrst I i.d*y will bv ( Uriatinas Day and the Hamtramck oilier of tuc Tribune la ,es iu.s .u i.i) to wish all o* uui' rca-tra anti .dvi ri>.>eu.i.i me .iua> |mu ic Oi ha.uli a.»vk. a »ery meiTj t liri U nut.-.. throughout the pa.->t year we have attempted to defend the in- i' of the colored ttiizcu- oi the city to the* Ik t oi our obiliiy. \Vt haw Ui t no uii.ornu. in our el o.\» to .-.*.e ihai the ra'.c \ a not di-.rim.luutd agauiu »n our public alTair.i. I t some cases ..ere su.ccssiui wtiile in outers were not. l.ns year ma.f.s m. i iose oi our iit eh year in the ne .v spa per nusinesa in Hanitramek. No Other organization representing Negro newspapers has lasted so in Latnliamck and because of our consistency we have built up a confidence with the merchanls and oiiicials of the city can not soon be broken. To these merchants and officials ana to our readers we say thunk you and wish you a very merry t hf.stmas, and we hope the confidence that you have had in us in ls3b w ill not be broken .in 19.17. The Hamtramck ottice of the Tribune Leßoy (i. White. Dorothy Daniels,. Leonard H. Troutman. jou a fcpi'Cu/ lfvuVti’y, L«vii. jamc* Eaton, known to many a* ] Lncle Jim, is now in the hospital. A birthday party was given by | Mrs. EmunuuJ Krulger anti Mis. I Fiances Pickett of 5014 Yentan SL in honor of Mrs. Kailger’s niece, Miss Mattie M. Mercer. A dinnei was served and among the guests v.trt : Mrs. Ossie ».» mngton. Al*. Da Ills Slappy, Frederick Weens and company, Miss Mercer’s bro- ther motored front Ohio to join tht crowd. Others were Miss Fannii Blalock, Miss Margaret Owens un.t Mr. Brown. j Well, we will be signing off, wishing you a very Merry Christ- j mas. murdering Helen Clevenge, white, 18 year old New York college stu- dent. Also certain that the wrong man wag to die was a delegation of three Negro ministers who call- ed on Commissioner of Paroles Ed- win Gill three days before the exe- cution and pleaded for just a little time until an investigation of pur- ported new evidence in the case could be concluded. Their plea was denied. ’Tween You An Me (By DOROTHY DAHIBLB) Well my tine feathered friends, there is but 14 more days until Christmas left on the calender. And the social functions for the season are beginning to get under way.... Heading the list for this week is the Police Officers Ball at the International Hall on Decem- ber 18th. It promises to be a fine affair. At the holiday season style shows are always in order and the one which is being put on by: Mrs. Etta Williams is gaining] much popularity among the young j folks of the city 1 guess It; would, because Shrley Batchlor is, one of the girls in the show and! when Shirley models a dress it j stays modeled for quite some time ....Iris Hardimun is also in the' show’ and you can stake your boots that she will do justice to whatever gown she chooses to wear. Busketball Games ! At Brewster Center Ciralsky Minus Toledo City Medal Ccntial Slate champs wil [ play Brewster Center A. A., De- troit Recreation League champs, Champs, Ohio State champs, Gold Christmas night, Dec. 25, at Brew- ster Center gym. The following players will make .ip the squad: Bill Jones, captain; Harry Smith, Jim Hodges, Link Stevens, Al Williams, Randolph Smith, and Herb Taylor. Brewster Juniors will play the Green Hornets in the preliminary at 7 p. m. Dancing will be held in the gym, after the game. Music will be furnished by Larry Douglass. The public is invited. Rev. McClain To Speak At Luncheon Club The Reverend Mr. i»ew- ly appointed minister of St. Juhp C. M E. Churc h of this city will be the guest speaker at the weekly meeting of the Noonday Luncheon Club of the Booker T. Washington Trade Association, Wednesday, Dec. 23, at the Lucy Thurman Y. W. <’. A. His subject will be “Good Will In Business.” The public is invited to attend. o Erase Offending Mural In N. Y. County Courthouse New York —<C)—After a protest had been made by Harlem leaders, including Rev. William L. Imes of the St. James Presbyterian Church, Henry Craft of the Harlem Y, and Attorney Thomas B. Dyett, Clif- ford M. Pinckney, chief (engineer called In a representative of the Mnnicipal Art Commission, who agreed that the WPA mural in the New York County Courthouse show’ ing a colored man eating water- melon was “frivelous,” and said the offending picture would be erased and something else substi- tuted The protest, lodged on Mon- day'. got immediate results. o Bruce Stays As Dunbar .Manager New York —(O—Roscoe Conklin Bruce, for nine years resident manager of ithe .Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments. remains as agent of John D Rockefeller, Jr., new' owner of the 'building, it was announced Monday after Mr. Rockefeller had taken title to the property since buying it in at fore- closure proceedings on Friday. It was revealed that the Federal gov- ernment did not bid for the pro- perty. It is now rumored the Dun- bar rents will be further reduced to compete with the Fedeal Govern- ment rents of the New Harlem River House, now’ rapidly going up. o And can you imagine Eugene Butler and White in the show? It is worth your money a- lone to see them..*o-o I say unto you I will be seeing you at the Style Show December 26th at the International Hall. We are forever making mis- takes....and is our face red this time. Some weeks ago we stated that Mrs. Emma Rasseberry who is directing the Style Show was the wife of Detective Rasseberry.... She is not, our error we had our Rasseberries mixed, that is Leßoy did. We had been seriously consider- ing hiring Rollo S. (Maker of Mayors. Finder of Names) Vest to find some worth while project to enteitain the citizens of Ham- tramck but with all of these af- fairs coming up it seems that Mr. Vest has lost his job. Another outstanding event which is on the calender is the Christmas Dance at the Interna- tional Hlall on Christmas Day.! Several young men of the city are sponsoring the affair and the mu- sic will be furnished by Jimmie Davenport and his Orchestra. At this affair the Hamtramck office of the Tribune will give the winning newsboy his prize so I will be seeing you there. Leonard H. Troutman, popular young man of the south end. is 111 it his home and has been for the past two weeks. Here’s hoping Divine’s New Paper One New York—'(C) —Fother Divine’s new paper, the “World Herald,” is out, with a date line calling New York City “New Jerusalem,” and instead of 193©. the paper carries A. D. F. D. (In the Year of Our Lord Father Divine). Editors of the paper take spiritual names, such as “Stephen Bliss, “Saint Luke” and “John Victory.” o Moore Executed To End Hotel Murder Case Raleigh, N. C.-(ANP)—North Carolina made an official end to the Clevenger murder case early Friday morning when Martin Moore, lanky 22-year-old bellhop, w’as executed in the lethal gas chamber at the state prison before 22 witnesses. Although he showed no emotion before he died, Moore contended to the last that he was innocent of HEAIWaCLEAR WINDSHIELD AUTO° HEATER |f /| J Windshield Defroster g|a Here* the very latest develop- 888 men t* for safe, pleasant winter A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year To All Our Customers SUCHER TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE 3641 East Davison To. 8-6665 Corner Conant' Merry Christmas From ROSALIE PHILPOT Hamtramck Welfare Dept. Accordians .... $3.50 up Guitars, special 4.95 up Ukeleles 1.79 up Violins . . . 8.95 up Clarinet (used) ....... 9.95 up Banjo (used) 4.95 up BEJNAR MUSIC STORE 9737 Job. Campau Hamtramck, Mich. Greetings From Greater Hamtramck Greetings Serb. y Eugene Butler Asst. City Assessor Milinery Classes Plan Exhibit, The free WPA Millinery Classes, sponsored by the Detroit Board of Education, will exhibit their work done during the past twelve weeks. Monday, Dec. 21, at the Lucy Thur- man Branch Y. W. C. A. The ex- hibit will be held from 1:30 to We Wish All of Our I . , r Customers ands f Friends A Merry | Christmas and A f Happy New j We trust that our many friends off 1936 will be among our many more friends in 1937- SEE US TODAY FOR YOURI CHRISTMAS GIFTS ; WE RENT TUXEDOS Campau Clothing Cos. [ MEN’S FURNISHINGS 9513-15 Jos. Campau Ave. Hamtramck, Michigan 2146 St. Antoine Street, Corner Columbia Clifford 2924 3051 Yeamans Street > i : CHRISTMAS ! Florian j Greenhouse I 2447 Florian TR. 2-7626 j The biggest exclusive selec-f , tion of cut flowers and I plunts in town. I c^s=seasaj^=ffi^acsj=staeacac=l' 4:30 p. m. t on the second floor of the building. The public is invited. Mrs. Kate Cheatham, the will be in charge. NEWSIES ENTER FINAL WEEK Prizes (liven At International Christmas Ihe Hamtramck office of the Tribune’s ('hri c ‘“oh- rt»" , utitln , i drive went into its final week this week with F t-’ j. still leading Jack Carmichael, who was close on Ms heel . ine prizes w men nre heme donated bv The Whit'* A 1 . '-tisin r of which Leßoy G. White is manager will be given awav to the win- ning boys at the Christmas dance which is being given at the In- ternational Hall on Christmas night. The standing are: Frank Barnes, Jr. flfl Jack Carmichael T?00 Norwood Brother .->IOO Robert James Jr. and Sisters 4500 Junior Burkes 3300 Konaold Heart 3000 Gerald Boulden ] h<>o Jean Vaughn 1500 Billy Butler ]4OO Walter Davis 900 Buy Your Tribune From Your Favorite Ncwrbdy Today. Tomorrow Sure. A-f SHOE n Better Shoe Repairing at a more reasonable price Hamtramck Leather Cos. M. CHOJNOWSKI 11303 Jos. Campau at Canlff Seasons Greetings From CLARENCE C. RINGO State Electrical Inspector and Happy New Year VINCENT S. SADLOWSK! HOGAN & COATS 11515 JOS * CAMPAU 5801 VV. WARREN AVE. Takes this opportunity to wish all their friends and customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR And wish alro to thank their many friends of 1P36 and trust that they will be among their many new friends in 1937. HOGAN & COATS, INC. Authorized Ford Dealers . SEASONS GREETINGS To all of our Colored Friends JOHNSON MILK COMPANY The Seasons Greetings jnjr Mayor Rudolph G. TENEROWICZ | \(jL y ißP.Myb' -3 nm I H I Bit ; j |H;f» /: Seasons Greetings John Anger City Treasurer || Smart Gifts For Men || §ands o m e| I \ Criterion *| shirts i; II e a c hi! I 2 for $3 j: lIxJTAR NECKWEAR II Me 2 for $ 1 || | [SWART JACKETS 2 Tone Leather & Fnr c j | From MM to $18.96 j | x ft"OI Jos. Cnmpnu X “For Snappy Service* 7 Its I Quality Christmas It Is Christmas Time At WISPER & SCHWARTZ Largest Selection of Gifts for the Entire Family MKNS SIIJRTS in newest Boys Model Shirts 79c Holiday Patterns Col- Boys Silk or Velvet ors SI.OO Suits MENS TIES Pure Silk Christ- Boys All Wool Melton mas Designs 560 .V MENS SCARFS All Wool or Girls Ski Suits |2. Pure sllk SI.OO Girls Silk Dresses .$1.95 MENS CLOVES Wool Lined Girls Coats tl'al mack & Brown sl*2® Ladies Robes * mejs’S pajamas, Jayson’s Ladies Scarfs 79c Brand. Guaranteed Fast Ladies Boxed Colorß 91.9.1 Handkies 50c MENS BLANKET All Robes I Ladies Bags Wisper & Schwartz Dept. Store 9688—9M7 JOSEPH C'AMI'AU All Gifts Wrapped In Holiday Boxes and papeil at no Extra Cost. A Beantlfnl Calendar For Everybody “Things that are private in life, should remain pri- vate in Death” PHONE LONGFELLOW 9568 STRICKLAND’S FUNERAL HOME Marie A. Strickland Funeral Directress Licensed Embalmer 11371 Mitchell Ave. Hamtramck, Mich. XMAS GREETING CARDS ALL KINDS—ALL PRICES Canls you will he proud to *eml_the widest selection In town Martha Washington Book Shop 10301 Jos. Campau Cor. of Trowbridge COLLEGIATE VALET SHOP Cleaniner, Pressing. Repairing 1183 M Peqnlndre St. We Know How exotic -1 beauty *■'} SALON Tel. Townsend 7-!>.'L*tl I' Croquignole Wining Marcelling A Specialty L'roqnlgnole Carl, Shampoo and Press, Manicuring .Mrs. E. Williams, Owner IHOO Can Iff Ave. Hamtramck Residence TRJnlty 2-0781 PERCY JACKS 2228 Danforth Representing Supreme Liberty Life Insurance Cos. Detroit Branch Office CAdlllac 6070 070 Madison Are. Thomas J. Doyle, Inc„Dndfre A riymoath Cars, Trucks Fltzroy 4100 Jefferson at Chene CLEVELAND & SON and Fnrnlfnre Repairing. I T p* holsferlnir a Specialty. In other words, we fix anything. 2036 Canlff St. Ilnnitranick, Mich. & ?L i||vo Greetings JOHN GRIFFIN Chief of Fire Dept SEASON’S GREETINGS From Your City Officials City Council: GEORGE BANISH, President WALTER KANAR JOSEPH T. KUBERACHI MARY ZUK and City Clerk, FRANK MATULEWICZ MERRY CHRISTMAS From W ILLIAM BERG —— C hies of Police MAX SAYS:— “I wish all of my Friends the SEA- SON’S GREETINGS and thank them for their support in the past.” For Better Jewelry See MAX n hA AX'S f .EafeafejsssciEjK 9338 Jos. Campau Near Holbrook PAGE TEN

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LEROY <G. WHITE, Representative DOROTHY DANIELS Society Columnist

Nrst I i.d*y will bv ( Uriatinas Day and the Hamtramck oilierof tuc Tribune la ,es iu.s .u i.i) to wish all o* uui' rca-traanti .dvi ri>.>eu.i.i me .iua> |mu ic Oi ha.uli a.»vk. a »ery meiTj

t liri U nut.-..throughout the pa.->t year we have attempted to defend the in-

i' of the colored ttiizcu- oi the city to the* Ik t oi our obiliiy.\Vt haw Ui t no uii.ornu. in our el o.\» to .-.*.e ihai the ra'.c

\ a not di-.rim.luutd agauiu »n our public alTair.i. I t some casesw» ..ere su.ccssiui wtiile in outers w« were not. l.ns year ma.f.s

m. i iose oi our iit eh year in the ne .v spaper nusinesa in Hanitramek.No Other organization representing Negro newspapers has lastedso in Latnliamck and because of our consistency we have

built up a confidence with the merchanls and oiiicials of the city

can not soon be broken. To these merchants and officialsana to our readers we say thunk you and wish you a very merry

t hf.stmas, and we hope the confidence that you have had in us inls3b w ill not be broken .in 19.17.

The Hamtramck ottice of the TribuneLeßoy (i. White. Dorothy Daniels,. Leonard H. Troutman.

jou a fcpi'Cu/ lfvuVti’y, L«vii.

jamc* Eaton, known to many a*

] Lncle Jim, is now in the hospital.A birthday party was given by

| Mrs. EmunuuJ Krulger anti Mis.I Fiances Pickett of 5014 YentanSL in honor of Mrs. Kailger’s niece,Miss Mattie M. Mercer. A dinneiwas served and among the guestsv.trt : Mrs. Ossie ».» mngton. Al*.Da Ills Slappy, Frederick Weensand company, Miss Mercer’s bro-

ther motored front Ohio to join thtcrowd. Others were Miss FanniiBlalock, Miss Margaret Owens un.t

Mr. Brown.j Well, we will be signing off,wishing you a very Merry Christ-

j mas.

murdering Helen Clevenge, white,18 year old New York college stu-dent. Also certain that the wrongman wag to die was a delegationof three Negro ministers who call-ed on Commissioner of Paroles Ed-

win Gill three days before the exe-cution and pleaded for just a littletime until an investigation of pur-ported new evidence in the casecould be concluded. Their plea wasdenied.



Well my tine feathered friends,there is but 14 more days untilChristmas left on the calender.And the social functions for theseason are beginning to get underway.... Heading the list for thisweek is the Police Officers Ball atthe International Hall on Decem-ber 18th. It promises to be a fineaffair.

At the holiday season styleshows are always in order andthe one which is being put on by:Mrs. Etta Williams is gaining]much popularity among the young jfolks of the city 1 guess It;would, because Shrley Batchlor is,one of the girls in the show and!when Shirley models a dress it jstays modeled for quite some time....Iris Hardimun is also in the'show’ and you can stake yourboots that she will do justice towhatever gown she chooses towear.

Busketball Games! At Brewster Center

Ciralsky Minus Toledo CityMedal Ccntial Slate champs wil

[ play Brewster Center A. A., De-troit Recreation League champs,Champs, Ohio State champs, GoldChristmas night, Dec. 25, at Brew-ster Center gym.

The following players will make.ip the squad: Bill Jones, captain;Harry Smith, Jim Hodges, LinkStevens, Al Williams, RandolphSmith, and Herb Taylor.

Brewster Juniors will play theGreen Hornets in the preliminaryat 7 p. m.

Dancing will be held in the gym,after the game. Music will befurnished by Larry Douglass. Thepublic is invited.

Rev. McClainTo Speak At

Luncheon Club

The Reverend Mr. i»ew-

ly appointed minister of St. Juhp

C. M E. Churc h of this city will be

the guest speaker at the weeklymeeting of the Noonday LuncheonClub of the Booker T. WashingtonTrade Association, Wednesday,Dec. 23, at the Lucy Thurman Y.W. <’. A. His subject will be “GoodWill In Business.” The public isinvited to attend.

oErase Offending Mural In

N. Y. County Courthouse

New York—<C)—After a protesthad been made by Harlem leaders,including Rev. William L. Imes ofthe St. James Presbyterian Church,Henry Craft of the Harlem Y, andAttorney Thomas B. Dyett, Clif-ford M. Pinckney, chief (engineercalled In a representative of theMnnicipal Art Commission, who

agreed that the WPA mural in theNew York County Courthouse show’ing a colored man eating water-melon was “frivelous,” and saidthe offending picture would be

erased and something else substi-tuted The protest, lodged on Mon-day'. got immediate results.


Bruce Stays As Dunbar.Manager

New York —(O—Roscoe ConklinBruce, for nine years residentmanager of ithe .Paul LaurenceDunbar Apartments. remains asagent of John D Rockefeller, Jr.,

new' owner of the 'building, it wasannounced Monday after Mr.Rockefeller had taken title to theproperty since buying it in at fore-closure proceedings on Friday. Itwas revealed that the Federal gov-ernment did not bid for the pro-perty. It is now rumored the Dun-bar rents will be further reducedto compete with the Fedeal Govern-ment rents of the New HarlemRiver House, now’ rapidly going up.


And can you imagine EugeneButler and White in theshow? It is worth your money a-lone to see them..*o-o I say untoyou I will be seeing you at theStyle Show December 26th at theInternational Hall.

We are forever making mis-takes....and is our face red thistime. Some weeks ago we statedthat Mrs. Emma Rasseberry who isdirecting the Style Show was thewife of Detective Rasseberry....She is not, our error we had ourRasseberries mixed, that is Leßoydid.

We had been seriously consider-ing hiring Rollo S. (Maker ofMayors. Finder of Names) Vest tofind some worth while project toenteitain the citizens of Ham-tramck but with all of these af-fairs coming up it seems that Mr.Vest has lost his job.

Another outstanding eventwhich is on the calender is theChristmas Dance at the Interna-tional Hlall on Christmas Day.!Several young men of the city aresponsoring the affair and the mu-sic will be furnished by JimmieDavenport and his Orchestra.

At this affair the Hamtramckoffice of the Tribune will give thewinning newsboy his prize so Iwill be seeing you there.

Leonard H. Troutman, popularyoung man of the south end. is 111it his home and has been for thepast two weeks. Here’s hoping

Divine’s New Paper One

New York—'(C)—Fother Divine’snew paper, the “World Herald,” isout, with a date line calling NewYork City “New Jerusalem,” andinstead of 193©. the paper carriesA. D. F. D. (In the Year of OurLord Father Divine). Editors of thepaper take spiritual names, suchas “Stephen Bliss, “Saint Luke”and “John Victory.”

oMoore Executed

To End HotelMurder Case

Raleigh, N. C.-(ANP)—NorthCarolina made an official end tothe Clevenger murder case earlyFriday morning when MartinMoore, lanky 22-year-old bellhop,w’as executed in the lethal gaschamber at the state prison before22 witnesses.

Although he showed no emotionbefore he died, Moore contended tothe last that he was innocent of


AUTO° HEATER |f /| JWindshield Defroster g|aHere* the very latest develop- 888men t*for safe, pleasant winter

A Merry Christmas And A Happy NewYear To All Our CustomersSUCHER TIRE &

BATTERY SERVICE3641 East Davison To. 8-6665

Corner Conant'

Merry ChristmasFrom

ROSALIE PHILPOTHamtramck Welfare Dept.

Accordians .... $3.50 up

Guitars, special 4.95 up

Ukeleles 1.79 up

Violins . ..

. 8.95 up

Clarinet (used) ....... 9.95 up

Banjo (used) 4.95 up

BEJNAR MUSIC STORE9737 Job. Campau Hamtramck, Mich.

Greetings From Greater HamtramckGreetings

Serb. y

Eugene ButlerAsst. City Assessor

Milinery ClassesPlan Exhibit,

The free WPA Millinery Classes,sponsored by the Detroit Board ofEducation, will exhibit their workdone during the past twelve weeks.Monday, Dec. 21, at the Lucy Thur-man Branch Y. W. C. A. The ex-hibit will be held from 1:30 to

We Wish All of Our I_ .

, rCustomers andsfFriends A Merry |Christmas and A fHappy New j

We trust that our many friends off1936 will be among our many morefriends in 1937-



Campau Clothing Cos. [

MEN’S FURNISHINGS9513-15 Jos. Campau Ave.

Hamtramck, Michigan

2146 St. Antoine Street, Corner Columbia Clifford 2924

3051 Yeamans Street

> i :


Florian jGreenhouse I

2447 Florian TR. 2-7626 jThe biggest exclusive selec-f, tion of cut flowers and I

plunts in town. Ic^s=seasaj^=ffi^acsj=staeacac=l'

4:30 p. m.t on the second floor ofthe building. The public is invited.

Mrs. Kate Cheatham, thewill be in charge.

NEWSIES ENTER FINAL WEEKPrizes (liven At International Christmas

Ihe Hamtramck office of the Tribune’s ('hri c‘“oh- rt»",utitln,idrive went into its final week this week with F t-’ j.still leading Jack Carmichael, who was close on Ms heel .

ine prizes w men nre heme donated bv The Whit'* A 1 . '-tisin rof which Leßoy G. White is manager will be given awav to the win-ning boys at the Christmas dance which is being given at the In-ternational Hall on Christmas night.

The standing are:Frank Barnes, Jr. " flflJack Carmichael T?00Norwood Brother .->IOORobert James Jr. and Sisters 4500Junior Burkes 3300Konaold Heart 3000Gerald Boulden ] h<>oJean Vaughn 1500Billy Butler ]4OOWalter Davis 900

Buy Your Tribune From Your Favorite Ncwrbdy Today.Tomorrow Sure.

A-f SHOE n

Better Shoe Repairingat a more reasonable price

HamtramckLeather Cos.

M. CHOJNOWSKI11303 Jos. Campau at Canlff

Seasons GreetingsFrom

CLARENCE C. RINGOState Electrical Inspector

•and Happy New YearVINCENT S. SADLOWSK!



Takes this opportunity to wish all their friends

and customers



And wish alro to thank their many friends of 1P36 and trustthat they will be among their many new friends in 1937.

HOGAN & COATS, INC.Authorized Ford Dealers



To all of our Colored FriendsJOHNSON MILK COMPANY

The SeasonsGreetings


Mayor Rudolph G.TENEROWICZ


\(jL yißP.Myb' -3nmI H

I Bit ;

j |H;f» /:

Seasons Greetings

John AngerCity Treasurer

|| Smart Gifts For Men ||

§ands o m e|I \ Criterion *|

shirts i;II e a c hi!I 2 for $3 j:lIxJTAR NECKWEARII Me 2 for $ 1 ||

| [SWART JACKETS<» 2 Tone Leather & Fnr cj| From MM to $18.96 j|

x ft"OI Jos. Cnmpnu X

“For Snappy Service* 7

Its I Quality Christmas

It Is Christmas Time At WISPER & SCHWARTZLargest Selection of Gifts for the Entire Family

MKNS SIIJRTS in newest • Boys Model Shirts 79cHoliday Patterns Col- Boys Silk or Velvetors SI.OO Suits

MENS TIES Pure Silk Christ- Boys All Wool Meltonmas Designs 560 .V

MENS SCARFS All Wool or Girls Ski Suits |2.Pure sllk SI.OO Girls Silk Dresses .$1.95

MENS CLOVES Wool Lined Girls Coats tl'almack & Brown sl*2® Ladies Robes ....


mejs’S pajamas, Jayson’s Ladies Scarfs 79c

Brand. Guaranteed Fast Ladies BoxedColorß 91.9.1 Handkies 50c

MENS BLANKET All Robes I Ladies Bags

Wisper & Schwartz Dept. Store9688—9M7 JOSEPH C'AMI'AU

All Gifts Wrapped In Holiday Boxes and papeil at no Extra Cost.

A Beantlfnl Calendar For Everybody

“Things that are private in life, should remain pri-

vate in Death”PHONE LONGFELLOW 9568


Funeral Directress Licensed Embalmer11371 Mitchell Ave. Hamtramck, Mich.


Canls you will he proud to *eml_the widest selection In town

Martha Washington Book Shop

10301 Jos. Campau Cor. of Trowbridge


Cleaniner, Pressing. Repairing

1183 M Peqnlndre St.We Know How

exotic-1 beauty

*■'} SALONTel. Townsend 7-!>.'L*tl

I' Croquignole Wining

Marcelling A SpecialtyL'roqnlgnole Carl, Shampoo and

Press, Manicuring.Mrs. E. Williams, Owner

IHOO Can Iff Ave. Hamtramck

Residence TRJnlty 2-0781PERCY JACKS

2228 DanforthRepresenting

Supreme Liberty Life InsuranceCos. Detroit Branch

Office CAdlllac 6070070 Madison Are.

Thomas J. Doyle, Inc„Dndfre Ariymoath Cars, Trucks

Fltzroy 4100Jefferson at Chene


and Fnrnlfnre Repairing. IT p*

holsferlnir a Specialty. In otherwords, we fix anything.

2036 Canlff St. Ilnnitranick, Mich.



Chief of Fire Dept


From Your City Officials

• ■

City Council:





■W ILLIAM BERG —— C hies of Police

MAX SAYS:—“I wish all of my

Friends the SEA-


and thank them for

their support in the


For Better Jewelry


n hA AX'S f.EafeafejsssciEjK

9338 Jos. Campau Near Holbrook