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Post on 12-May-2015




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The Victorian Daily, the official source of news of MUNVCA'13.


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Environmental Council

Intense rivalry among delegates from all over the world is whatIntense rivalry among delegates from all over the world is what’s going on during the discussion on environmental issues the whole day. As expected, the delegate from the People’s Republic of China is the one being fired upon most frequently during the general debate in 1st half of the day. Worst still, she was continuously backstabbed by her most trusted ‘Bro’ – North Korea. In fact , it seems that every single delegate is condemning China for being the largest emitter of CO2 among other greenhouse gases, while not being able to manage it. It is aptly quoted as ‘ ir-responsible bastard’ by an anonymous delegate. However ‘Sunshine China’ did all she can to brighten up the spirit. In a confident and solid tone, she pointed out that the CO2 emission per brighten up the spirit. In a confident and solid tone, she pointed out that the CO2 emission per capita is extremely low and a lot of this is actually to drive the international economy through low- cost exports to the rest of the world. I would even think she resembles the Iron Lady. ( Yes, it is a pun) The Swiss delegate thinks of a centralized world economy to quantize CO2 emissions. The Guatamelan delegate pointed out that this step will eventually widened the gap between DCs and LDCs. LDCs will fall into a vicious cycle of poverty , one which will never allow them to rise back from. CrisisSolving environmental issues after a nuclear bomb launched by NK in Japan was the topic for Solving environmental issues after a nuclear bomb launched by NK in Japan was the topic for the crisis. Granted, this debate will be about saving pandas( Japanese Panda who emigrated from Sichuan after the April Earthquake) and the happy-go-lucky delegate went just in that di-rection. He told the council how interested he was to study the microevolution brought forward by the radiation. How the panda will turn into titans ( named happy pandas) or on the other

hand, turn into micro-sized pandas like squirrels. Just joking. What he proclaimed was that Kim had purposely fired the missile and actually , this incident can serve as an opportunity for the UN to be bonded. I had to say that was well-packaged. Expected , US was again threatening NK UN to be bonded. I had to say that was well-packaged. Expected , US was again threatening NK with its bombs – A-bomb, H-bombs or even neutrino bombs whatever that is. Now, the all-im-portant conspiracy theory by the PRC. He proclaimed to completely destroy the little Japs ( 小日本) . He didn’t mention how but he just did. Yes, like a boss.

Sneak Peeks -Zhi Lin (R.I.)

ASEAN + 3 Council:

As how ‘modelAs how ‘model’ Model United Nations Conference started, the topic of discussion was too broad that during the first few hours of debate almost came to a stand-still. After a long debate on wheth-er a legally binding agreement should be in place regarding territorial debates in South China Sea, the ‘crisis’ certainly turned the focus to a mo re interesting topic – whether or not ASEAN coun-tries should help Japan in its evacuation effort upon the attack of North Korea, and in what form the aid should in .

Initially North Korea, and in what form the aid should be in. Initially divided between communist and capitalist countries, an intended division made by ‘guest delegate’ of USA who claimed not being judgemental, some countries soon identified themselves as ‘under-developed’, thus arguing for their inability to provide any aid. Not surprisingly, ‘challenge’ came when Malaysia, Cambodia and China were made against the resolution. It was an appreciated effort. However, the desire to produce a result which all countries would agree with to call it a day ruled over the rationale behind the ‘challenge’. The two artificial ‘bloc’ eventually compromised with the delegate of Ma-laysia tactfully opted ‘yes with pride’.laysia tactfully opted ‘yes with pride’. This truly saved the day and brought the first day of VCAMUN in ASEAN + 3 Council to a successful end. Sun Ziwei 4