package ‘envlp’ - umn ·...

Package ‘envlp’ November 28, 2015 Type Package Title Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Linear Regression Version 1.4 Date 2015-11-14 Author Dennis Cook, Liliana Forzani, Zhihua Su Maintainer Dennis Cook <[email protected]>, Lil- iana Forzani <[email protected]>, Zhihua Su <[email protected]> Description This package implements envelope model, partial envelope model and enve- lope model in predictor space. For each model, inference tools including bootstrap, cross valida- tion, estimation and prediction, hypothesis testing on coefficients are included. Tools for selec- tion of dimension includes AIC, BIC and likelihood ratio testing. Optimiza- tion is based on a clockwise coordinate descent algorithm. License GPL-2 R topics documented: boot.env ........................................... 2 boot.penv .......................................... 3 boot.xenv .......................................... 4 contr ............................................. 5 cv.env ............................................ 5 cv.penv ........................................... 6 cv.xenv ........................................... 7 env .............................................. 8 envMU ........................................... 10 expan ............................................ 11 fiberpaper .......................................... 11 GE .............................................. 12 penv ............................................. 13 predict.env .......................................... 14 predict.penv ......................................... 15 predict.xenv ......................................... 16 predict2.env ......................................... 17 testcoef.env ......................................... 18 testcoef.penv ........................................ 19 1

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Page 1: Package ‘envlp’ - UMN · Title Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Linear Regression Version 1.4 Date

Package ‘envlp’November 28, 2015

Type Package

Title Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Linear Regression

Version 1.4

Date 2015-11-14

Author Dennis Cook, Liliana Forzani, Zhihua Su

Maintainer Dennis Cook <[email protected]>, Lil-iana Forzani <[email protected]>, Zhihua Su <[email protected]>

Description This package implements envelope model, partial envelope model and enve-lope model in predictor space. For each model, inference tools including bootstrap, cross valida-tion, estimation and prediction, hypothesis testing on coefficients are included. Tools for selec-tion of dimension includes AIC, BIC and likelihood ratio testing. Optimiza-tion is based on a clockwise coordinate descent algorithm.

License GPL-2

R topics documented:boot.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2boot.penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3boot.xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4contr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5cv.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5cv.penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6cv.xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8envMU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10expan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11fiberpaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11GE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13predict.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14predict.penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15predict.xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16predict2.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17testcoef.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18testcoef.penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Page 2: Package ‘envlp’ - UMN · Title Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Linear Regression Version 1.4 Date

2 boot.env

testcoef.xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20u.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21u.penv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22u.predict2.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23u.xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24wheatprotein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25xenv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Index 28

boot.env Bootstrap for env


Compute bootstrap standard error for the envelope estimator.


boot.env(X, Y, u, B)


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

B Number of bootstrap samples. A positive integer.


This function computes the bootstrap standard errors for the regression coefficients in the envelopemodel by bootstrapping the residuals.


The output is an r by p matrix.

bootse The standard error for elements in beta computed by bootstrap.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]u <- u.env(X, Y)u

B <- 100bootse <- boot.env(X, Y, 1, B)bootse

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boot.penv 3

boot.penv Bootstrap for penv


Compute bootstrap standard error for the partial envelope estimator.


boot.penv(X1, X2, Y, u, B)


X1 Predictors of main interest. An n by p1 matrix, n is the number of observations,and p1 is the number of main predictors. The predictors can be univariate ormultivariate, discrete or continuous.

X2 Covariates, or predictors not of main interest. An n by p2 matrix, p2 is thenumber of covariates.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the partial envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

B Number of bootstrap samples. A positive integer.


This function computes the bootstrap standard errors for the regression coefficients beta1 in thepartial envelope model by bootstrapping the residuals.


The output is an r by p1 matrix.

bootse The standard error for elements in beta1 computed by bootstrap.


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]

B <- 100bootse <- boot.penv(X1, X2, Y, 1, B)bootse

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4 boot.xenv

boot.xenv Bootstrap for xenv


Compute bootstrap standard error for the envelope estimator.


boot.xenv(X, Y, u, B)


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors and n is number ofobservations. The predictors must be continuous variables.

Y Responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses. The response can beunivariate or multivariate and must be continuous variable.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and p.

B Number of bootstrap samples. A positive integer.


This function computes the bootstrap standard errors for the regression coefficients in the envelopemodel in predictor space by bootstrapping the residuals.


The output is a p by r matrix.

bootse The standard error for elements in beta computed by bootstrap.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]

B <- 100bootse <- boot.xenv(X, Y, 4, B)bootse

Page 5: Package ‘envlp’ - UMN · Title Computing Envelope Estimators in Multivariate Linear Regression Version 1.4 Date

contr 5

contr Contraction matrix


Generate contraction matrix.




d Dimension of the contraction matrix. A positive integer.


The contraction and expansion matrices are links between the "vec" operator and "vech"operator:for an d by d symmetric matrix A, vech(A) = contr(d) * vec(A), and vec(A) = expan(d) * vech(A).The "vec" operator stacks the matrix A into an d ^ 2 dimensional vector columnwise. The "vech"operator stacks the lower triangle or the upper triangle of a symmetric matrix into an d * (d + 1) /2 vector. For more details of "vec", "vech", contraction and expansion matrix, refer to Hendersonand Searle (1979).


The output is a matrix.

contrMatrix A contraction matrix that has dimension d * (d + 1) / 2 by d ^ 2.


Henderson, H. V., and Searle, S. R. (1979). Vec and Vech operators for matrices, with some uses inJacobians and multivariate statistics. Canadian J. Statist. 7, 65 - 81.



cv.env Cross validation for env


Compute the prediction error for the envelope estimator using m-fold cross validation.


cv.env(X, Y, u, m, nperm)

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6 cv.penv


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

m A positive integer that is used to indicate m-fold cross validation.

nperm A positive integer indicating number of permutations of the observations, m-foldcross validation is run on each permutation.


This function computes prediction errors using m-fold cross validation. For a fixed dimension u,the data is randomly partitioned into m parts, each part is in turn used for testing for the predictionperformance while the rest m-1 parts are used for training. This process is repeated for nperm times,and average prediction error is reported. As Y is multivariate, the identity inner product is used forcomputing the prediction errors.


The output is a real nonnegative number.

cvPE The prediction error estimated by m-fold cross validation.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]u <- u.env(X, Y)u

m <- 5nperm <- 50cvPE <- cv.env(X, Y, 1, m, nperm)cvPE

cv.penv Cross validation for penv


Compute the prediction error for the partial envelope estimator using m-fold cross validation.


cv.penv(X1, X2, Y, u, m, nperm)

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cv.xenv 7


X1 Predictors of main interest. An n by p1 matrix, n is the number of observations,and p1 is the number of main predictors. The predictors can be univariate ormultivariate, discrete or continuous.

X2 Covariates, or predictors not of main interest. An n by p2 matrix, p2 is thenumber of covariates.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

m A positive integer that is used to indicate m-fold cross validation.

nperm A positive integer indicating number of permutations of the observations, m-foldcross validation is run on each permutation.


This function computes prediction errors using m-fold cross validation. For a fixed dimension u,the data is randomly partitioned into m parts, each part is in turn used for testing for the predictionperformance while the rest m-1 parts are used for training. This process is repeated for nperm times,and average prediction error is reported. As Y is multivariate, the identity inner product is used forcomputing the prediction errors.


The output is a real nonnegative number.

cvPE The prediction error estimated by m-fold cross validation.


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]

m <- 5nperm <- 50cvPE <- cv.penv(X1, X2, Y, 1, m, nperm)cvPE

cv.xenv Cross validation for xenv


Compute the prediction error for the envelope estimator using m-fold cross validation.


cv.xenv(X, Y, u, m, nperm)

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8 env


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors and n is number ofobservations. The predictors must be continuous variables.

Y Responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses. The response can beunivariate or multivariate and must be continuous variable.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and p.

m A positive integer that is used to indicate m-fold cross validation.

nperm A positive integer indicating number of permutations of the observations, m-foldcross validation is run on each permutation.


This function computes prediction errors using m-fold cross validation. For a fixed dimension u,the data is randomly partitioned into m parts, each part is in turn used for testing for the predictionperformance while the rest m-1 parts are used for training. This process is repeated for nperm times,and average prediction error is reported. If Y is multivariate, the identity inner product is used forcomputing the prediction errors.


The output is a real nonnegative number.

cvPE The prediction error estimated by m-fold cross validation.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]

m <- 5nperm <- 50cvPE <- cv.xenv(X, Y, 4, m, nperm)cvPE

env Fit the envelope model


Fit the envelope model in multivariate linear regression with dimension u.


env(X, Y, u, asy = TRUE)

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env 9


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

asy Flag for computing the asymptotic variance of the envelope estimator. The de-fault is TRUE. When p and r are large, computing the asymptotic variance cantake much time and memory. If only the envelope estimators are needed, theflag can be set to asy = FALSE.


This function fits the envelope model to the responses and predictors,

Y = α+ ΓηX + ε,Σ = ΓΩΓ′ + Γ0Ω0Γ′0

using the maximum likelihood estimation. When the dimension of the envelope is between 1 andr-1, the starting value and blockwise coordinate descent algorithm in Cook et al. (2015) is imple-mented. When the dimension is r, then the envelope model degenerates to the standard multivariatelinear regression. When the dimension is 0, it means that X and Y are uncorrelated, and the fittingis different.


The output is a list that contains the following components:

beta The envelope estimator of the regression coefficients.

Sigma The envelope estimator of the error covariance matrix.

Gamma An orthogonal basis of the envelope subspace.

Gamma0 An orthogonal basis of the complement of the envelope subspace.

eta The coordinates of beta with respect to Gamma.

Omega The coordinates of Sigma with respect to Gamma.

Omega0 The coordinates of Sigma with respect to Gamma0.

alpha The estimated intercept.

loglik The maximized log likelihood function.

covMatrix The asymptotic covariance of vec(beta). The covariance matrix returned areasymptotic. For the actual standard errors, multiply by 1 / n.

asySE The asymptotic standard error for elements in beta under the envelope model.The standard errors returned are asymptotic, for actual standard errors, multiplyby 1 / sqrt(n).

ratio The asymptotic standard error ratio of the standard multivariate linear regressionestimator over the envelope estimator, for each element in beta.

n The number of observations in the data.


Cook, R. D., Li, B. and Chiaromente, F. (2010). Envelope Models for Parsimonious and EfficientMultivariate Linear Regression (with discussion). Statist. Sinica 20, 927- 1010.

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10 envMU


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]u <- u.env(X, Y)u

m <- env(X, Y, 1)mm$beta

envMU Estimate the envelope subspace


Estimate the envelope subspace with specified dimension.


envMU(M, U, u, n, p)


M M matrix in the envelope objective function. An r by r semi-positive definitematrix.

U U matrix in the envelope objective function. An r by r semi-positive definitematrix.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

n Number of observations.

p Number of predictors.


This function estimate the envelope subspace using an non-Grassmann optimization algorithm. Thestarting value and optimization algorithm is described in Cook et al. (2015).


Gammahat The orthogonal basis of the envelope subspace.

Gamma0hat The orthogonal basis of the complement of the envelope subspace.

objfun The minimized objective function.


Cook, R. D., Forzani, L. and Su, Z. (2015) Algorithms for Envelope Estimation II. Manuscript.

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expan 11

expan Expansion matrix


Generate expansion matrix.




d Dimension of the expansion matrix. A positive integer.


The contraction and expansion matrices are links between the "vec" operator and "vech"operator:for an d by d symmetric matrix A, vech(A) = contr(d) * vec(A), and vec(A) = expan(d) * vech(A).The "vec" operator stacks the matrix A into an d ^ 2 dimensional vector columnwise. The "vech"operator stacks the lower triangle or the upper triangle of a symmetric matrix into an d * (d + 1) /2 vector. For more details of "vec", "vech", contraction and expansion matrix, refer to Hendersonand Searle (1979).


The output is a matrix.

expanMatrix An expansion matrix that has dimension d ^ 2 by d * (d + 1) / 2.


Henderson, H. V., and Searle, S. R. (1979). Vec and Vech operators for matrices, with some uses inJacobians and multivariate statistics. Canadian J. Statist. 7, 65 - 81.



fiberpaper Pulp and Paper Data


Pulp and paper property



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12 GE


A data frame with 62 observations on the following 8 variables.

V1 Breaking length.

V2 Elastic modulus.

V3 Stress at failure.

V4 Burst strength.

V5 Arithmetic fiber length.

V6 Long fiber fraction.

V7 Fine fiber fraction.

V8 Zero span tensile.


This data set contains measurements of properties of pulp fibers and the paper made from them.


Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W. (2007). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 6th edition.

GE Gaussian elimination


Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.




A An n by p matrix. n must be greater than or equal to p.


This function performs Gaussian elimination to the input matrix and returns the locations of pivotingelements.


The output is a vector of length n.

idx A vector of length n. The first p elements are the indices of the pivoting ele-ments, ordered accoridng to columns, and the rest n-p elements are the remain-ing indices from 1 to n.

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penv 13

penv Fit the partial envelope model


Fit the partial envelope model in multivariate linear regression with dimension u.


penv(X1, X2, Y, u, asy = TRUE)


X1 Predictors of main interest. An n by p1 matrix, n is the number of observations,and p1 is the number of main predictors. The predictors can be univariate ormultivariate, discrete or continuous.

X2 Covariates, or predictors not of main interest. An n by p2 matrix, p2 is thenumber of covariates.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u Dimension of the partial envelope. An integer between 0 and r.

asy Flag for computing the asymptotic variance of the partial envelope estimator.The default is TRUE. When p and r are large, computing the asymptotic variancecan take much time and memory. If only the partial envelope estimators areneeded, the flag can be set to asy = FALSE.


This function fits the partial envelope model to the responses Y and predictors X1 and X2,

Y = α+ ΓηX1 + β2X2 + ε,Σ = ΓΩΓ′ + Γ0Ω0Γ′0

using the maximum likelihood estimation. When the dimension of the envelope is between 1 andr - 1, we implemented the algorithm in Su and Cook (2011), but the partial envelope subspace isestimated using the blockwise coordinate descent algorithm in Cook et al. (2015). When the dimen-sion is r, then the partial envelope model degenerates to the standard multivariate linear regressionwith Y as the responses and both X1 and X2 as predictors. When the dimension is 0, X1 and Y areuncorrelated, and the fitting is the standard multivariate linear regression with Y as the responsesand X2 as the predictors.


The output is a list that contains the following components:

beta1 The partial envelope estimator of beta1, which is the regression coefficients forX1.

beta2 The partial envelope estimator of beta2, which is the regression coefficients forX2.

Sigma The partial envelope estimator of the error covariance matrix.

Gamma An orthogonal basis of the partial envelope subspace.

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14 predict.env

Gamma0 An orthogonal basis of the complement of the partial envelope subspace.

eta The coordinates of beta1 with respect to Gamma.

Omega The coordinates of Sigma with respect to Gamma.

Omega0 The coordinates of Sigma with respect to Gamma0.

alpha The estimated intercept in the partial envelope model.

loglik The maximized log likelihood function.

covMatrix The asymptotic covariance of vec(beta), while beta = (beta1, beta2). The covari-ance matrix returned are asymptotic. For the actual standard errors, multiply by1 / n.

asySE The asymptotic standard error for elements in beta1 and beta2 under the partialenvelope model. The standard errors returned are asymptotic, for actual standarderrors, multiply by 1 / sqrt(n).

ratio The asymptotic standard error ratio of the stanard multivariate linear regressionestimator over the partial envelope estimator, for each element in beta1.

n The number of observations in the data.


Su, Z. and Cook, R.D. (2011). Partial envelopes for efficient estimation in multivariate linear re-gression. Biometrika 98, 133 - 146.


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]u <- u.penv(X1, X2, Y)u

m <- penv(X1, X2, Y, 1)mm$beta1

predict.env Estimation or prediction for env


Perform estimation or prediction under the envelope model.


predict.env(m, Xnew)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from env.

Xnew The value of X with which to estimate or predict Y. A p dimensional vector.

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predict.penv 15


This function evaluates the envelope model at new value Xnew. It can perform estimation: find thefitted value when X = Xnew, or prediction: predict Y when X = Xnew. The covariance matrix andthe standard errors are also provided.


The output is a list that contains following components.

value The fitted value or the predicted value evaluated at Xnew.

covMatrix.estm The covariance matrix of the fitted value at Xnew.

SE.estm The standard error of the fitted value at Xnew.

covMatrix.pred The covariance matrix of the predicted value at Xnew.

SE.pred The standard error of the predicted value at Xnew.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]u <- u.env(X, Y)u

m <- env(X, Y, 1)m

X <- as.matrix(X)pred.res <- predict.env(m, X[2, ])pred.res

predict.penv Estimation or prediction for penv


Perform estimation or prediction under the partial envelope model.


predict.penv(m, X1new, X2new)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from penv.

X1new The value of X1 with which to estimate or predict Y. A p1 dimensional vector.

X2new The value of X2 with which to estimate or predict Y. A p2 dimensional vector.

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16 predict.xenv


This function evaluates the partial envelope model at new value Xnew. It can perform estimation:find the fitted value when X = Xnew, or prediction: predict Y when X = Xnew. The covariancematrix and the standard errors are also provided.


The output is a list that contains following components.

value The fitted value or the predicted value evaluated at X1new and X2new.

covMatrix.estm The covariance matrix of the fitted value at X1new and X2new.

SE.estm The standard error of the fitted value at X1new and X2new.

covMatrix.pred The covariance matrix of the predicted value at X1new and X2new.

SE.pred The standard error of the predicted value at X1new and X2new.


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]m <- penv(X1, X2, Y, 2)

pred.res <- predict.penv(m, X1[1], X2[1, ])pred.res

predict.xenv Estimation or prediction for xenv


Perform estimation or prediction under the envelope model in predictor space.


predict.xenv(m, Xnew)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from xenv.

Xnew The value of X with which to estimate or predict Y. A p dimensional vector.


This function evaluates the envelope model at new value Xnew. It can perform estimation: find thefitted value when X = Xnew, or prediction: predict Y when X = Xnew. The covariance matrix andthe standard errors are also provided.

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predict2.env 17


The output is a list that contains following components.

value The fitted value or the predicted value evaluated at Xnew.

covMatrix.estm The covariance matrix of the fitted value at Xnew.

SE.estm The standard error of the fitted value at Xnew.

covMatrix.pred The covariance matrix of the predicted value at Xnew.

SE.pred The standard error of the predicted value at Xnew.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]

m <- xenv(X, Y, 4)m

pred.res <- predict.xenv(m, X[1, ])pred.res

predict2.env Estimation or prediction for env


Perform estimation or prediction under the envelope model through partial envelope model.


predict2.env(X, Y, u, Xnew)


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

u The dimension of the constructed partial envelope model.

Xnew The value of X with which to estimate or predict Y. A p dimensional vector.


This function evaluates the envelope model at new value Xnew. It can perform estimation: find thefitted value when X = Xnew, or prediction: predict Y when X = Xnew. The covariance matrix andthe standard errors are also provided. Compared to predict.env, this function performs predictionthrough partial envelope model, which can be more accurate if the partial envelope is of smallerdimension and contains less variant material information. The constructed partial envelope modelis obtained by the following: Let A0 by a p by p-1 matrix, such that A = (Xnew, A0) has full rank.

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18 testcoef.env

Let phi1 = beta * Xnew, phi2 = beta * A0, phi = (phi1, phi2) and X = inverse of A * X = (Z1, Z2’)’.Then the model Y = alpha + beta * X + epsilon can be reparameterized as Y = alpha + phi1 * Z1 +phi2 * Z2 + epsilon. We then fit a partial envelope model with Z1 as the predictor of interest, andpredict at (Z1, Z2’)’ = inverse of A * Xnew.


The output is a list that contains following components.

value The fitted value or the predicted value evaluated at Xnew.

covMatrix.estm The covariance matrix of the fitted value at Xnew.

SE.estm The standard error of the fitted value at Xnew.

covMatrix.pred The covariance matrix of the predicted value at Xnew.

SE.pred The standard error of the predicted value at Xnew.


data(fiberpaper)X <- fiberpaper[, 5:7]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]

u <- u.predict2.env(X, Y, X[10, ])pred.res <- predict2.env(X, Y, u$u.bic, X[10, ])pred.res$SE.estmpred.res$SE.pred

testcoef.env Hypothesis test of the coefficients of the envelope model


This function tests the null hypothesis L * beta * R = A versus the alternative hypothesis L * beta *R ~= A, where beta is estimated under the envelope model.


testcoef.env(m, L, R, A)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from env.

L The matrix multiplied to beta on the left. It is a d1 by r matrix, while d1 is lessthan or equal to r.

R The matrix multiplied to beta on the right. It is a p by d2 matrix, while d2 is lessthan or equal to p.

A The matrix on the right hand side of the equation. It is a d1 by d2 matrix.Note that inputs L, R and A must be matrices, if not, use as.matrix to convertthem.

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testcoef.penv 19


This function tests for hypothesis H0: L beta R = A, versus Ha: L beta R != A. The beta is estimatedby the envelope model. If L = Ir, R = Ip and A = 0, then the test is equivalent to the standard F teston if beta = 0. The test statistics used is vec(L beta R - A) hatSigma^-1 vec(L beta R - A)^T, andthe reference distribution is chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom d1 * d2.


The output is a list that contains following components.

chisqStatistic The test statistics.dof The degrees of freedom of the reference chi-squared distribution.pValue p-value of the test.covMatrix The covariance matrix of vec(L beta R).


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]m <- env(X, Y, 1)m

L <- diag(6)R <- as.matrix(1)A <- matrix(0, 6, 1)

test.res <- testcoef.env(m, L, R, A)test.res

testcoef.penv Hypothesis test of the coefficients of the partial envelope model


This function tests the null hypothesis L * beta1 * R = A versus the alternative hypothesis L * beta1* R ~= A, where beta is estimated under the partial envelope model.


testcoef.penv(m, L, R, A)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from penv.L The matrix multiplied to beta on the left. It is a d1 by r matrix, while d1 is less

than or equal to r.R The matrix multiplied to beta on the right. It is a p1 by d2 matrix, while d2 is

less than or equal to p1.A The matrix on the right hand side of the equation. It is a d1 by d2 matrix.

Note that inputs L, R and A must be matrices, if not, use as.matrix to convertthem.

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20 testcoef.xenv


This function tests for hypothesis H0: L beta1 R = A, versus Ha: L beta1 R != A. The beta isestimated by the partial envelope model. If L = Ir, R = Ip1 and A = 0, then the test is equivalent tothe standard F test on if beta1 = 0. The test statistics used is vec(L beta1 R - A) hatSigma^-1 vec(Lbeta1 R - A)^T, and the reference distribution is chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedomd1 * d2.


The output is a list that contains following components.

chisqStatistic The test statistics.

dof The degrees of freedom of the reference chi-squared distribution.

pValue p-value of the test.

covMatrix The covariance matrix of vec(L beta1 R).


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]m <- penv(X1, X2, Y, 1)m

L <- diag(4)R <- as.matrix(1)A <- matrix(0, 4, 1)

test.res <- testcoef.penv(m, L, R, A)test.res

testcoef.xenv Hypothesis test of the coefficients of the envelope model


This function tests the null hypothesis L * beta * R = A versus the alternative hypothesis L * beta *R ~= A, where beta is estimated under the envelope model in predictor space.


testcoef.xenv(m, L, R, A)


m A list containing estimators and other statistics inherited from xenv.

L The matrix multiplied to beta on the left. It is a d1 by p matrix, while d1 is lessthan or equal to p.

R The matrix multiplied to beta on the right. It is an r by d2 matrix, while d2 isless than or equal to r.

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u.env 21

A The matrix on the right hand side of the equation. It is a d1 by d2 matrix.Note that inputs L, R and A must be matrices, if not, use as.matrix to convertthem.


This function tests for hypothesis H0: L beta R = A, versus Ha: L beta R != A. The beta is estimatedby the envelope model in predictor space. If L = Ip, R = Ir and A = 0, then the test is equivalent tothe standard F test on if beta = 0. The test statistics used is vec(L beta R - A) hatSigma^-1 vec(Lbeta R - A)^T, and the reference distribution is chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom d1* d2.


The output is a list that contains following components.

chisqStatistic The test statistics.

dof The degrees of freedom of the reference chi-squared distribution.

pValue p-value of the test.

covMatrix The covariance matrix of vec(L beta R).


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]m <- xenv(X, Y, 4)m

L <- diag(6)R <- as.matrix(1)A <- matrix(0, 6, 1)

test.res <- testcoef.xenv(m, L, R, A)test.res

u.env Select the dimension of env


This function outputs dimensions selected by Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian infor-mation criterion (BIC) and likelihood ratio testing with specified significance level for the envelopemodel.


u.env(X, Y, alpha = 0.01)

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22 u.penv


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

alpha Significance level for testing. The default is 0.01.


u.aic Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by AIC.

u.bic Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by BIC.

u.lrt Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by the likelihood ratio testing pro-cedure.

loglik.seq Log likelihood for dimension from 0 to r.

aic.seq AIC value for dimension from 0 to r.

bic.seq BIC value for dimension from 0 to r.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 8]Y <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]u <- u.env(X, Y)u

u.penv Select the dimension of penv


This function outputs dimensions selected by Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian infor-mation criterion (BIC) and likelihood ratio testing with specified significance level for the partialenvelope model.


u.penv(X1, X2, Y, alpha = 0.01)


X1 Predictors of main interest. An n by p1 matrix, n is the number of observations,and p1 is the number of main predictors. The predictors can be univariate ormultivariate, discrete or continuous.

X2 Covariates, or predictors not of main interest. An n by p2 matrix, p2 is thenumber of covariates.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

alpha Significance level for testing. The default is 0.01.

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u.predict2.env 23


u.aic Dimension of the partial envelope subspace selected by AIC.u.bic Dimension of the partial envelope subspace selected by BIC.u.lrt Dimension of the partial envelope subspace selected by the likelihood ratio test-

ing procedure.loglik.seq Log likelihood for dimension from 0 to r.aic.seq AIC value for dimension from 0 to r.bic.seq BIC value for dimension from 0 to r.


data(fiberpaper)X1 <- fiberpaper[, 7]X2 <- fiberpaper[, 5:6]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]u <- u.penv(X1, X2, Y)u

u.predict2.env Select the dimension of the constructed partial envelope for predictionbased on envelope model


This function outputs dimensions selected by Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian infor-mation criterion (BIC) and likelihood ratio testing with specified significance level for the con-structed partial envelope model.


u.predict2.env(X, Y, Xnew, alpha = 0.01)


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors. The predictors canbe univariate or multivariate, discrete or continuous.

Y Multivariate responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses and n isnumber of observations. The responses must be continuous variables.

Xnew The value of X with which to estimate or predict Y. A p dimensional vector.alpha Significance level for testing. The default is 0.01.


u.aic Dimension of the constructed partial envelope subspace selected by AIC.u.bic Dimension of the constructed partial envelope subspace selected by BIC.u.lrt Dimension of the constructed partial envelope subspace selected by the likeli-

hood ratio testing procedure.loglik.seq Log likelihood for dimension from 0 to r.aic.seq AIC value for dimension from 0 to r.bic.seq BIC value for dimension from 0 to r.

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24 u.xenv


data(fiberpaper)X <- fiberpaper[, 5:7]Y <- fiberpaper[, 1:4]

u <- u.predict2.env(X, Y, X[10, ])u

u.xenv Select the dimension of xenv


This function outputs dimensions selected by Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian infor-mation criterion (BIC) and likelihood ratio testing with specified significance level for the envelopemodel.


u.xenv(X, Y, alpha = 0.01)


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors and n is number ofobservations. The predictors must be continuous variables.

Y Responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses. The response can beunivariate or multivariate and must be continuous variable.

alpha Significance level for testing. The default is 0.01.


u.aic Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by AIC.

u.bic Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by BIC.

u.lrt Dimension of the envelope subspace selected by the likelihood ratio testing pro-cedure.

loglik.seq Log likelihood for dimension from 0 to p.

aic.seq AIC value for dimension from 0 to p.

bic.seq BIC value for dimension from 0 to p.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]u <- u.xenv(X, Y)u

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wheatprotein 25

wheatprotein Wheat Protein Data


The protein content of ground wheat samples.




A data frame with 50 observations on the following 8 variables.

V1 to V6 Measurements of the reflectance of NIR radiation by the wheat samples at 6 wavelengthin the range 1680-2310 nm. The measurements were made on the log(1/reflectance) scale.

V7 The protein content of each sample (in percent).

V8 Binary indicator, 0 for high protein content and 1 for low protein content. The cut off point is ifthe protein content is smaller than 9.75.


The data are the result of an experiment to calibrate a near infrared reflectance (NIR) instrumentfor measuring the protein content of ground wheat samples. The protein content of each sample (inpercent) was measured by the standard Kjeldahl method. In Fearn (1983), the problem is to find alinear combination of the measurements that predicts protein content. The estimated coefficients canthen be entered into the instrument allowing the protein content of future samples to be read directly.The first 24 cases were used for calibration and the last 26 samples were used for prediction.


Fearn, T. (1983). A misuse of ridge regression in the calibration of a near infrared reflectanceinstrument.

xenv Fit the envelope model in predictor space


Fit the envelope model in predictor space with dimension u under linear regression.


xenv(X, Y, u, asy = TRUE)

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26 xenv


X Predictors. An n by p matrix, p is the number of predictors and n is number ofobservations. The predictors must be continuous variables.

Y Responses. An n by r matrix, r is the number of responses. The response can beunivariate or multivariate and must be continuous variable.

u Dimension of the envelope. An integer between 0 and p.

asy Flag for computing the asymptotic variance of the envelope estimator. The de-fault is TRUE. When p and r are large, computing the asymptotic variance cantake much time and memory. If only the envelope estimators are needed, theflag can be set to asy = FALSE.


This function fits the envelope model in the predictor space,

Y = µ+ ηΩ−1Γ′X + ε,ΣX = ΓΩΓ′ + Γ0Ω0Γ′0

using the maximum likelihood estimation. When the dimension of the envelope is between 1 andp-1, the starting value and blockwise coordinate descent algorithm in Cook et al. (2015) is imple-mented. When the dimension is p, then the envelope model degenerates to the standard multivariatelinear regression. When the dimension is 0, it means that X and Y are uncorrelated, and the fittingis different.


The output is a list that contains the following components:

beta The envelope estimator of the regression coefficients.

SigmaX The envelope estimator of the covariance matrix of X.

Gamma An orthogonal basis of the envelope subspace.

Gamma0 An orthogonal basis of the complement of the envelope subspace.

eta The estimated eta. According to the envelope parameterization, beta = Gamma* Omega^-1 * eta.

Omega The coordinates of SigmaX with respect to Gamma.

Omega0 The coordinates of SigmaX with respect to Gamma0.

mu The estimated intercept.

SigmaYcX The estimated conditional covariance matrix of Y given X.

loglik The maximized log likelihood function.

covMatrix The asymptotic covariance of vec(beta). The covariance matrix returned areasymptotic. For the actual standard errors, multiply by 1 / n.

asySE The asymptotic standard error for elements in beta under the envelope model.The standard errors returned are asymptotic, for actual standard errors, multiplyby 1 / sqrt(n).

ratio The asymptotic standard error ratio of the standard multivariate linear regressionestimator over the envelope estimator, for each element in beta.

n The number of observations in the data.

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xenv 27


Cook, R. D., Helland, I. S. and Su, Z. (2013). Envelopes and Partial Least Squares Re- gression.Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B 75, 851 - 877.


data(wheatprotein)X <- wheatprotein[, 1:6]Y <- wheatprotein[, 7]u <- u.xenv(X, Y)u

m <- xenv(X, Y, 4)mm$beta

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∗Topic datasetsfiberpaper, 11wheatprotein, 25

boot.env, 2boot.penv, 3boot.xenv, 4

contr, 5cv.env, 5cv.penv, 6cv.xenv, 7

env, 8envMU, 10expan, 11

fiberpaper, 11

GE, 12

penv, 13predict.env, 14predict.penv, 15predict.xenv, 16predict2.env, 17

testcoef.env, 18testcoef.penv, 19testcoef.xenv, 20

u.env, 21u.penv, 22u.predict2.env, 23u.xenv, 24

wheatprotein, 25

xenv, 25