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Post on 23-Jan-2018




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Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C., Now handling car accident cases related to adverse weather

conditions in Berks County, PA, Schuylkill County, PA, and throughout Eastern and

Central Pennsylvania.

Even though winter is about to be a distant memory with the arrival of spring, there is still a

likelihood that car accidents can occur due to the fluctuating temperatures and other adverse

weather conditions. While temperatures have been rising, April has been known to have an

occasional snow storm, as well as freezing rain and ice. For this reason, the PA car accident

lawyers at Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C., are handling car accident cases related to adverse

weather conditions in Berks County, PA, Schuylkill County, PA, and throughout Eastern and

Central Pennsylvania.

Drivers of trucks, SUV’s, and other vehicles that have 4wd and that are thought to handle well in

inclement weather can often be the most careless drivers because they do not account for the

seriousness of slippery conditions. In fact, many people feel that the bigger the vehicle, the safer

they will be, but, in reality, such vehicles may actually be more difficult to stop and steer.

Even in ideal weather conditions, many people drive at unsafe speeds. When adverse weather

conditions are encountered, driving safely is that much more difficult, and the chance for

becoming involved in an accident is higher. Therefore, for anyone who has been in a car

accident this past winter season, or during the change in seasons, due to the fault of another

driver who failed to appreciate the adverse weather conditions existing at the time, they should

get in touch with a car accident attorney immediately.

Consulting with an attorney for any car accident case is important because accidents can impact

the victim’s life, as well as that of family members. Also, just because an “accident” took place

during adverse weather conditions does not mean that another driver is not at fault. Again, what

really may be the case is that another driver failed to appreciate the severity of the adverse

weather conditions existing at the time. The lawyers at Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C., can

investigate what happened and let a client know if he or she has a case against a driver who may

have been responsible for causing the accident. To hear more about how the attorneys at Liever,

Hyman & Potter, P. C., can help with a car accident case related to adverse weather conditions in

Berks County, Schuylkill County, or throughout Eastern and Central Pennsylvania, please give

them a call at 610-375-6131, or visit for more information.

About Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C.:

The attorneys at Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C., have won thousands of awards and settlements,

including many multi-million dollar ones, for their clients since the firm opened in 1959. Since

its founding, the law firm of Liever, Hyman & Potter, P. C., has been a leader in wrongful death

and personal injury claims. They handle only these types of cases and have a combined 130

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years of practice fighting for the rights of clients and their families.