p9 andrea frias


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Post on 01-Oct-2015




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COMM130 Portfolio Project.


  • Andrea Fr ias1025 Rio Frio StMexico City, [email protected]


  • Montage

    Business Cards




    Web Page


    Event Ad

    Fl ier


  • DESCRIPTIONA layout created to show blending images and correct use of typography.

    PROGRAMSAdobe Photoshop


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESAdquire skills using masks and learn how to blend images, to create an unique and original layout. Learn how to apply filters. Show the correct aplication of the typography principles.

    PROCESSI started searching for images and that I could take to blend together. I found an spiritual message and then I created a sketch to place the elements. After that I edited the images on Adobe Photoshop and added a mask to the foreground image to blend with the background image, and colorized the background from gray to blue to make it more water like. I used the brush tool and played with the hardness to blend all the pixels. To create the bubbles I cut from another image a drop of water and pasted it three times, and adjusted the sizes to create the bubbles and changed the transparency to 80%. Then I added some text and highlighted the biggest size words by overlapping these layers.

    After a critique process I made some changes and improved some elements to create a better flow and make stand out the focal point. Finally I changed the vibrance and saturation to make it more contrasting.


  • DESCRIPTIONA tow sided Business Card with a new logo created for this project.

    PROGRAMSAdobe I l lustratorAdobe InDesign


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate a two sided business card with a new logo for a company.Show skills using the pen tool and pathfinder pallet, while creating a new logo.

    PROCESSI have created a new logo on Adobe Illustrator. Then Ive gone to Indesign and created a 8.5 x 11 document. I have created a two sided business card. The first side contains the logo and the contact information. For the second side I placed the logo in a bigger size to make it full-bleed and finally I added the website.


  • DESCRIPTIONLetter head with a new logo created for this project.

    PROGRAMSAdobe I l lustratorAdobe InDesign


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate a letterhead with a new logo for a company.Show skills using the pen tool and the pathfinder pallet, while creating a new logo for this project.

    PROCESSI have created a new logo on Adobe Illustrator. Then Ive gone to Indesign and created a 8.5 x 11 document. I placed the logo previously created and then added all the contact information of the owner of the company at the top of the page. Then I have placed the logo but bigger in the right-bottom side and set the opacity to 5% to create a water mark. Finally I placed some flowers from the logo , at the bottom of the page to create repetition.


  • DESCRIPTIONA full-color, folding brochure create to promote a dancewear company.

    PROGRAMSAdobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesignAdobe I l lustrator


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate a two sided brochure with a new logo and quality images.

    PROCESSThis is a two sided brochure created to announce a new collection of a dancewear brand inspired by the Chinese Culture.I started creating a document of two pages. The first page is the front and back faces, and the second page is the inside of the brochure. The folding line is horizontal, so it opens vertically. For the first page I placed the logo in the left, so I could have space for the part that would be cut off. The logo was created in Illustrator. I drew it with my finger in a laptop with touchscreen using the pencil tool. I set the width of the line to 10pt. Finally I place the text underneath it using the text tool.

    In the back part I placed five images and the contact information upside down, and added a bar of the same texture than the frontal face to add repetition and more color. The images were edited in Photoshop where I changed the color of of some clothes from cherry and pink to red, to make it fit with the color scheme.In the inside page I placed the main image next to the text and used the text wrap pallet to wrap it around the image. I did this in both parts of inside, but for the text located at the top I had to place the image upside down to mirror the main image. This was edited in Photoshop, where I eliminate the background and then saved for web, so I could place text around it. I added a bar or the same texture than the frontal face and typed the concept of the collection.


  • Inside


    Front (closed)

  • DESCRIPTIONA full-bleed 8.5 by 11

    PROGRAMSAdobe PhotoshopAdobe InDesignAdobe I l lustrator


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate a full-bleed layout to show photography and Photoshop editing skills, also to demosntrate the incorporation of colors taken from an original photo, in a full-bleed document.

    PROCESSFirst I formulated a plan by taking colors from a Chromatic Wheel. I chose the complementary scheme, then I searched for items to photograph and created an arrangement with these elements. I took several pictures with my Galaxy SIII. I tried to find the right light and nice composition following the photography principles. Then I edited on Photoshop and adjusted the Levels, Vibrance/Saturation, Selective Color and used the Sharpen Tool.

    I created a 8.511 layout. I used the picture I had edited and the color scheme I chose. I added shapes that repeated along the layout. I used the eyedrop tool to take the colors from the color wheel, I adjusted the light of the colors, finally placed the scheme title and the name of the colors.


  • DESCRIPTIONThree different logos for the same company.

    PROGRAMSAdobe I l lustrator


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate three different logos that can represent the essence of the company. And that can be remembered by the clients.

    PROCESSI started searching on internet good examples of different logos, after gather enough ideas I sketched many different possible logos. I created many and selected only three. After this process I opened Adobe Illustrator and created them.

    For the first one I drew a circle, then cut it by the half and copied it while rotated it several times, I adjusted the opacity to 20%, then added text and transformed the edges with the direct select tool.

    For the second one I drew an oval and with the pen tool I eliminated the anchor points of the top and bottom to create the petal, then copied while rotate them to create the flower. I sized it smaller and placed at the center of a circle, finally I added the typography.

    For the last one I took two lines from the first flower and drew a line with the pen to link both lines, then copied three times. I made some changes with the direct select tool and drew the M with the pen tool. Finally I added the text of the logo and selected the color schemes for each one. After a critique process I made the final changes.


  • DESCRIPTIONA web page created to showcase a logo previously created for a company.

    PROGRAMSAdobe I l lustratorAdobe Brackets Adobe Photoshop


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate a web page to showcase a logo created for a company.Show skills using CSS style sheets.

    PROCESSI have created this web page using Adobe Brackets. I linked a provided CSS file with the HTML file. Then I made some changes to the typography, color, and alignment of the elements to create a layout that can match with my logo.

    I used the eyedrop tool from Photoshop to take the color from my logo to use those colors on the web page. I created an image, and placed it as the heading of the web page. For this I took the flowers from the logo and placed theminside a rectangle.


  • DESCRIPTIONA Microsoft Word Event Ad design.

    PROGRAMSMicrosoft WordAdobe Photoshop


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESCreate professional Event Ad document using Microsoft Word.Show scanning skills.

    PROCESSI started scanning an image from a video game brochure. I imported it from the scanner to Adobe Photoshop. Then at Microsoft Word I created a first layout, I used a color wheel to find the right color scheme, I chose a circular shape to repeat along the design, I combined lighter versions of red and green to add contrast.

    After a critique process I made some changes to the alignment of the text and printedthe final layout.


  • DESCRIPTIONA grayscale flier.

    PROGRAMSAdobe InDesign


    COURSE/INSTRUCTORCOMM 130 Section 12Caryn Espl in

    OBJETIVESUse basic InDesign skill to create a original layout.Show the appropiate use of typography.

    PROCESSI created four sketches to have some ideas of layout, I chose one as guide and created it in Adobe InDesign. After a critique process I made some changes to the first flier. In this layout I used gradient bars to highlight key elements. In addition I used a black background for the title with white letters to make it stand out and be the focal point of the design.

    For the paragraph I contrasted bolded and bigger words with smaller and regular body copy. I chose an image that is pointing to the text, to direct the audience attention to that part of the design I highlighted the day, time, place, and placed the logo at the bottom. All the images, logo and content were taken from I-learn.