p* fire works k fireworks m. megary...

« TOM AMD klm. Katarr The Depravity «f Flirt In?. "Preparation ior Msrriax«was tbe * subject dlt-.MM *><1 last even- <1 Nor In Streets The de liARora PENNYROYAL FILLS . mitr genuine leniiyreyal IMIJt m * tiMrltncr. öi*M »y ns h. Math nroat. YCB.MV DEAR, THE «TA£F_ BflEAO P* FIRE WORKS FIREWORKS w ANTKD-WHKM SKW1NG MA- chine totere tell you your maohlno paired, Street, be- will by having your old muohino repaired. Call» promptly flt- teudud to. All work war BT FUEDEBICK LANABRIpok |H Seventy Molho .let Church by Ur. Webb. In a anrlss of trot out find It? lot bo Sbljiloy ßleu-no call No. M. MEGARY & SON. E I'm I U ndo y from #20 b r you f of'lndMltoiia. sorinon dib taken Irom the story of Kutii, tlio j-o - II on ;o white coin Where relied •1er o ushleiatlon bring Chapter Tholv mile-blue Titora tniikl' Companionh well *o«> Togotfi They______ SMmBi, Above one nook t tieIr i une iij.pl« served the And oft across the hpdgu you'd heur, Or through tbe door njtif, "1» Tommy here?th<ii, uever four, My Kitty wont bo far. If Tommys knuckles chanced touche, school-bayskuneklf.s do, domini«, mr iMtys siiko, Notices. pnle-bluo enioke-wm played aud strayed hs blent boy un OF tea 1-13. .a L.T. i'KNTON, ho. 1102 bliipley «t. IV, All kinds ol Fife Works and Shooting Crackers at the lowest market rates. LIFE. Tie bu-UirsB ability of Boar formed the keynote of ibe dbcouro*. Ur. Webb (aid that o 8 dney Him l>, stand shivering linportant all* «ton, U*Ln Yt RO. lions well *oot< schoolwitid, M udgud tliu ear- j The above arc undoubtedly fine for style, fit, comfort : and wear as the market offers. We took some degree of pride e are enabled to offer them our trade at W ANTEDHELP FURNISHED FOR liotela restaurait« au«l privat» f»mille* tv iîTiunimifii hVeÄfuVhereofriur ....... So. VPS Oram« lUMl •t not, In the words of ill; nc«l, dyed, «sours« tbs SSkS musd Hfb •dsruklng, but : rami.le through us upon the fact that 1 not do to be per-, ajjOUj one-half their actual value. This class of footwear tends to build up a reputation /or id ! any house, more so when offered at the prices we quote below, live öoo° or ow j It will certainly be a passport lor a great throng of people, so in But it will or(jor to offer the facility for a speedy selection, we have dis- commonly .licit I p|^ved them on counters,from whence you cau make All ol this, Dr. Webb t' ought, applied easy choice. tii.t'lwnuU Ä"1Tdrrn h.«y OMII* i We advertised a few days since that we would begin on June contsUlered marriages,said the minimer, 'the first, a theUaUec\oïsmo? fwoin»" if«*ought to GT-jT^ A T?. A "NTQ TJ SALËs bave In view « serious culmination lu v W ; marriage. The Ides that courtlug a woman's love la merely Idle play, is uDeriy false and mischievous one. Court- fug Is a means to sn eod. As I uaricr- etand It, that eod Is lawful within a reasonable period. lienee no has the right to do the oue without being able anJ prepared to do the other. sate of time that p!oy lu Bi'l f at 25, with mouey earning, will command a bear- boy just out oi school w II abut iu hts faceand de- blink of must jump In tml best ore I 'KtfFEVERl s=s»f M It wl pMUilly calculating aud aljusitog s. It wai all very well bclore flood, wbcu a friends for 150 yea publlcalio yeats lo do uc a', sixty-IIvc. FERGUSON, nf.w series of (al «avingt. 1 Tl' K-A WA?mlKK, OIRI.H F O It COOKS V lhe T 3Mi*ïï! ifl i. . wait, im tulligunco olllcv, Ninth «trouts. tU NmlUi «U-d- and Krbmy cv fier. al Uie orjo 'A-ÄÄ- . uIBbUN t, secretary. NO. Il EAST SECOND STREET. / S Ah «ND TET ONE CIN EIT TOO MUCH OF IT. An oTtirload of broad may not Injur« yon bat will make you *wj uucomfortablo; so will overloading of r turn1 led ii with »KMIOI fond. Ills vi »rnplly follow« « luiv smoked h< HIm furtive first rigur, crawled bun d tli Its final when life !a Tli \V AKTltD-BO ,UDERS, AT NO. *12 V V KJig el real; pliiuaut rooms and Rood Would nobbl I When Tommy And g».«ped pond, rFHfc ARTISANS' HAVING NO. toa MARKKA" STREET. lMCOlirOHATBO .. open V lMK an (folff'sfifiMFBIackins Ills j.liiyiu Then nil 5(1, W'.'W. MU-«. KAMhHhKUEU. r*UK« ' .\ 1 U ( Hemt-iwentldr* Totoln ÎKist., rid'« let Agent. *- FASHIONABLE Dressmaker and Milliner, >,» 1015 T %TNAI.I« STREET. ^ .... ruiiHUAKY Ik iw«0 ues>i*y>r the viek •vurd, deadly W ANTED.THK UIOIIKhT CAM! prlco paid for «econd-lmnd lurnl- 211 Wi-ht !>« iu u a. in, I tiaturday Hi at Tl 1 not injar« your alio»«, but n UDsIglitly until cIoummL To folluw diroetiun*. oko thsm look pesrsnt abase lie, stoves, cioiihiik, tie., lit. root hft-ent. T. It. CAUOON. The 01 pro(lu I 1 IU liiVMSt'pietit^^ùwpt -ly-iiw fur. For Kitty ■SAY-FEVEFI WA«- Clark, 8x4 FtltHT MOllTUAfiKH. '1 id in Dntp. Vcit/t and Botur fumUhin<J Pik-Ron. uAleA torufo. flowed by with silent stre: now |d lloiiind them liken land of Their vale of childhood lay. Her needle But ve ng. Apply 1*. Mai kut streut. ml5 u o I!. »Itora, shall ml «oik edeposi sIlowaH) Of Ui* funds den'Jiltcd with Jamisft We have reduced it con- ie cori>or«U^i. 0. Alleu lllllea, AlexMudei J. H N. U. liell 'Ml, Job. U. .Uck«<>it, io«r Hlgglnv Washington Itasilu to reduce our stock before building, siderably in the short time at much satisfaction to usthe pri- ces to be sure are not satisfactory, but wc close our eyes to that and look only at the goods going out. Wc arc pleased to gain our much needed room, and the buyers are pleased with their bargains. In addition to what lines we had already reduced we have added several others. of WANTED-FOUR OR 1 IVE GOOD stonemason*. Apply O. W. treta sad Highlands. ELY'S CREAM BALM Killy ply, humble fee; •Pali a long good-byeMANAGERS; To bins. TIIUMle &ih s «.•was-iKWiv, «■nur. Jr., not a liquid, «naff or powder. A»> piled Into the nostril ie quickly «btarbrt. 11 d enses tbe head. Allays InflammatiOB. Heals the sores. Restores the senses ol •s at Druggist ; bv mall, registered, 00 eents. Ei*Y BROTHERS, Warren street, New York. ENGAGED IN Ann T VOTI'-K. -I AM pïkâON WArWrttSxW r*r I r. «,-H II Hart, F«.r Toni To-night, "Beyond But when.you pray, look up und say. My Kitty is hot fur.iHOff she sobbed,' youll sail away I* and measures s ntSblhli! 'jACo'bllEA- r, 11So Poplar ad. w ANTED.A COOK, AT NO. 018 An I. 7-If Heur? V il smell. 50 tait.t Otherwise It was a young people mluht better Improvement. A of his lug, where a get the d< servedly.preacher then spoke against tbe Tsnity of flue display which kept many hi met people from mairyiog, with small beginnings. Oqjs convinced of his love should not neeltatc, for, "No live piously or die righteously out a wife,according to Richter. wourr * RANDOLPH. Pbuadolphlft. W MONK* LOANED ON MOUTÜAOK& U«kO. S. CAl*h.l.K, v'lse i*i««sitout, JOs. JtUTUaa, ANTEDA GIRL TO DO OEN- J-T-Si ora. Apply at . hao. >>•„,,U*V' . 1rmldsnt, JC. T, Tayook, Treasurer. A ITKN'IiuNAI.L PBKSONS UE tiring dtiu* l>»rr and rhumluals or wish tli. Ir pi«scrl|»tlous or private rocel»!, I altll pare insteiii!*, store of II. It. HKINU. tVlhalUKtou, Two years wont byfor him, two yonrs Of mitgu and utmiifle and stir: Of holies and fours, of pinyui pullout toil fav her. hesido the old lych-gi o neighhovs, looking out, Beheld it sailor walk und wait, A cheery lad ' TIs Tom,oi God hloHs BtSUl PARLOR SUITS. GASOUNE YY ANTED at Greeiivlllv. BIX GOOD 8TONE A. 1. Ilurents JO'Kl'M UllONVN. DENTISTRY. t.rtiiilly ttKft'LNa, *»17Ha And tl btreot Tw DR. RICHARD WARD, In Tapestry, Plush, Wilton, Rugs and Stair Cloth, a lull line, and many of them with a cut of 20 per cent. These suits are of ourown make and as they must be sacrificed you should see them and buy now. W antedwidow lady, age a\ wUhs* le c irrespon d with honorable Ubleot STOVES For Hale. a gottlng wed; s( tur!Tim other gravely shook her hoad: Then Kitty won't be failNow York Ti ll VISIT TBE SPECIALIST ho a*tu r6^td..tw- Add e all Chronic. Nervous and special Nsr*. 1» DidiJlltyj organ!# wesknc d ^tlailtj^. the result* of error* a UiBca*or of vigor EASTERN DENTAL CO* J( »it BALE.FOR WANT OF UBK, it u.. lid* ANTEDA GOOD COOK. ply at No. 107 W. Fonrtli st, « WantedA first-class pant VV Ui.ker by L. IIK1S8, No. 4 K*st Third itttr-U ______________«-a »•-* WANTED—A WAITER TO WORK Vf during dinner houra. HieaUy employ- ^ * J*21' W ANTEDHOARDERS; MAN OR wll'o or 2 pvnilgineii. Rooius.^flrst C <y Al- wlth- Fol- lowlug the thread of Ruths story, honor, ptudonce and a truo religious spirit tLe lessons to be upplled to true rlsge. NO. 815 MARKET «TKKF.T, Permanently located : *!«■ w uietli ANTIQUE OAK CHAMBER SUITS bit I fubi wslli- sture promptly nd ew, partie!« More Ho From the New York Star. for Play. GASOLINE ol-oncaptllert fron rs spei dlljr cu rptly, afraid 01 nui (orge WUUcs. Dai * Msdlso.i *t. -* s. 6-2*11 rlves^pro Itb9ut TEETH F.I.LKI» WITH GOLD tl.OOnp TKETI1 FILLED WITH SiLYER, 50-76a TEETH Fl I.LED with Gold A Plutlna«! TEETH I LEANED ................................ 75« I E KT11 KXT It ACTED.......................... Mo KITA l.I/.ED AIK ADMINISTE BED 900 A SET OK TEETH ........... BEST SET OF TEETH, Wi Teeth without Philo*, by the Crown sys- Likewise go with the profits and some of the cost oft We have in this collection of suits some of the best and newest styles, made exclusively for our trade, choice of a few, but of many. «Hon i plainly \h« 1 A geneiaiion ago relaxation from daily work whether ecuaged tu professional chanleal work, bound |to unremitting Industry. Those who<e means gave them fruedoin from work and led them to a life of Idleness the only members ol the commun- bold to be entitled to rest. <1 conditions have changed since then. Tbe world Is learning the virtues of Idleness. It is correct thing to work S05 days In tbe year aud 16 hours a day. I eliure is longer an attribute alone of tbe privi- leged class, so called. U is demanded tohdulc« "the buslueas mein fn* facf, rk h in ceptlonal. The laborer, rib« u?i cönflie ticu fail's? f«4 NORTH TENTH STREET, Philadelphia, Pa. For burning in stoves must be safe, sweet odor, and of good quality for burning. We have suc- cessfully sold this for the past ten years, hav- ing sold thousands of gallons without a single accident reported. Delivered free to. all parts of the city. (Jans loaned. ILL BE HOLD AT A i-n it lid Stable. No. You arc not confined to a K- l-......:Pullme NO. couHdeied In duty mlays 2. Call or .... li.viny ten per cent; also ailjoiniug. Apply to B. II. >t Mb street, or this J23 tf ranteil, f<J There are many white soaps, each represented to be just as good as the Ivory, They are not, out like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. SIDEBOARDS lanO-iy ut 71» Fret DR. F. E. SMITH, DR. G. F- THEEL GLASS SHOW Ity who F"1 SAM-:T oa. W. J. PAUIIY, 810 King at. JïPot ANTED- BOARD FOR TWO boy», «!*bl yen W In Walnut and Antique Oak. ' We think our stock of these goods is double in numbers to what is found in other The prices arc lower than has ever been or will be. We selling Oak Sideboards for $25, worth $40; latest pattern out with lined silver drawer and linen drawer. old. In the 0-7S'u" Graduate Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. a26-s-ui-wtf 538 N. Fourth 8trootf below GKKKN, ST., Philadelphia, y the press eud publie mit tlilo Specialist In diseases o Diskasks, Ui.ooo Po son, Dikciiakubs. Inflammations, Ulad K, KlKSbYS, HKAKT, I.UMt.S. M> Ittetlt od tl.e only o«>* kxow tli« Allopatiii try, Aptly the ALE A SHOE STORK IN GOOD lion. 11 « him.* 1111cl M L M. thlrtoflloe. W ANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR housework. Apply a*a cou aeknowOenited t> •e for rt-nU Utt, tURICUS stores. Ji0-tf . 11 ru. are Wild Charry Bitters. j;oR SALK--A OOLLECTJON OF ■In.. T U?r pileos. °ttVW*iAMMOND, id I1.1t french »U. ____________ SWIitu* FILLS flj 8sft> a«re. Send Se for "WONANS FAfT. m «auAWi> " «usas UJM04U'.. rnw.i#Ma r*. tu cures, t'S DKRIL*' CHIFFQNEERS ' C'r 6 lllUn nil* AtTINU leisure «« ei.tlal olem.nt la ludustrlsl FRANCIS KELLY & CO Vl«( ALE CHEAP—1,000 FEET OF u y tupfrlùr kn*«w|ede« AiltJ Rug'Üe omy. Ill is IJlkS. be Wl n Walnut and Oak! We are selling an Oak ChifToneer, with bevel glass for $18, worth $20. Our clearance sale price will be £15. Others as low as $12. spirit declared Nowhere has this ore strongiy than In this country, of labor In mechuulctil duced. vVA le/ftl holidays, hslf-holhlay nl- hesding ils five tUys* work a weak Instead is accept- Out- door sports of all kinds in Ibe summer and Indoor entertainments In abundauce and variety In the winter engross the at- tention of everybody. It Is the active workiugmru and women Iu the tnuuiiy, and not liiemouayed individuals lehure. who eater with zest Into those diversions of 11 to. Tha«o changes have been brought about without Injury to industrial dittoes. In fact, tbe relax «tion of hlgh- cuabl "Vru dally MU. IOS HAttSSr STUK|5 «ppoîotod SOLD AGENT» of Delaware for the above seu l f rli safrei lj Phillips &Kane, Itaelf b The ho ployaients are boiug cranting ouraelvea and. with the Saturday ■D-eWabllahea, 1 onl.»D. MUST CLASS GUO lug u good bmdnoMH F"; LK- W y the M-llillKI 111 Hkve been for the Btate warned I UTTERS. « Orders will bo dllod and empty bee- tles receivod price and ter . In (lie ! quacks. J Thelf 1 W1NOOW SHADES. AUdi'Cntf M. till« oillce. It - « ily. Paint and Oil Dealers, i5-tf *iy A SACRIFICE live P:t kai f,at *\b we journey tluougli by tbe way.REASON store here as at St. Louis Hons«. Our sales on ioc Shades have been more than we expected. We still have plenty left, though we will not have any more when this lot is gone. Why wouldnt Window Shades sellât ioc apiece? Next to giving them away. / 4* six. Ihetutumt-r vucatl a necessity for 1 A<1»>ii* 5 E. Fourth Street. LI ClIAltLK8 K Y L b, ti lea cr ed ■ry fill!' rl"* ***y' M Jr *' *îiIzi^|)l-eOd ^ LOU FA Li:HOUSE, CARRIAGE for tl.cm. Apply 1 lie BiocobloudliiK Doublo-bf (TUIlilM'llIUl 1><) f/8. Maul. »1 Gnns.W. Ic-burred Guns, #8 to r, D u Belts Liquid Rennet (U > I Double-lmiTol 8 tali fiotible-bnrrul Guns, 041.0 O ms, •2-> uroducl 111* iabi TO THOSE WHO NEED to 130.00. tIU HALL HACKS, Should be known and used in every household, for by its use, can easily, quickly and eco- nomically make the most de- licious of Prepared by FS. Ill' II.I»IN( PAINTING LE CUEAr Kii »I R »Hy t, 40ft front. JlO-iSteodf I tlio ol«l dll u! Apply i».: mtli liuiist! ill tlie Ah reaily We have in Walnut, Oak and Cherry. This is one part of our store where the price cutter has done his work with a perfection worlhy of a better cause. ai la Edward Melchior, OF ANY DESCRIPTION. /OK BALK-CABBAGE AND CRL F rompt, a ■n: i ully ml tell KYLK. iuUll.ni» JFiCBb JOHN »our,*..«1.«.. summer desserts. d. re civilization ban, hole, been a leuafll rather than other- «I bos come greater nrklog days, u for 214 King st., Wilmington; Del. 1-1« for tlic kulo of ?d a ilv-inixod p ints mixed to ordcrVT■■any ------ 1. 1 will aUu k«l i on 1 liavo unitIty hand u ?iill lluu^of N. E. fu I A Bird That Kills Battlers. From the Globe-Democrat. CARPETS For Lab wise, With eillcii'icy during Thé sp oidl sea tlon is ■Hot Weather fa tomingi JAMES'^ PHARMACIST, ^ Sixth and Market streets. »ÜLAWARU WIRE WORKS INISM Z. Riding In Ca Iforula oue day, my panion called attrnnon to a bird iu tbe ^ Are moving very rapidly since we put our Velvets and Body iïïwspnïïtoîbtokSn, but" îïb'ïïo!* I Brussells at 90c per yard. Tliis shows us that the price of an sien.1er «ui graceful in build. It was article, when properly applied, is a great mover. These car- ?«4dîr1 »4 ' Pets are "ot remnants. We have remnants [jooo yards ol them] a pretty good trot to keep up with ir. 1 at remnant price. It you arc looking for remnants bring your My friend told me that It was a "road room size with VOU runner,a bird that was noted tbero for room slze wlul / ou Its pedostrlsu aroompllshmeuts, and a peculiar habit they havo is to walk always Iu tbe centre ol the road. When o' these birds meets a rattlesnake it behaves In such a roy manner that it leads Lho annko to think It will become the victim of Us e.haim, aud while it Is keeping the snake Id doubts as to its in- tentions, It picks oQ lho thorns with Us bill, drop- plug thorn Iu a circle around the snake until It Iias him completely surroouded hy c.tctus thorns. 1 lieu It Hies e.evation and «Ils I he snake stick himself thorns trying to get t and relaxa- Let everybody The W1 OILS, upon j*»ake wholesome advantage of It. will give himself abundant amount of pleasuring, feeling d that bis productive capacity will be Increased rather than Icssvucd there- ml vit Mu Kefer oM< «•. 1/OUKENT-THREE UNFURNISHED 1 Ioauis, wlU» or without board. Anply u « us» W. HI .till at. «i »»-if mini KR II, ol lh»(!ity I rui E. T. V,, J. MORTON DILLON, f- window guard* and y doicnjptltm. Fly GLASS UHV81IKS, CHAMOIS, VAKMSHKS to Monitor Oil Stoves, Ranges and Gasoline Stoves. The Jewel is the best and per- fectly sale. For sale at Manufacturer ui ; of e ir «1« s made John f. McLaughlin, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND HIGH GRADE FERTILIZER^ Kluvlriv light ; AND PUTTY. by. JXR RENTFABTUrtE NEAR THF. ante und Also agent for .Toll-. Luc ready-mixed paint. A Co.s Iu ad »T hcries OtO. R. IjlVNbltM) A CU.. fil el lies. A Financier of Mid co pin nd in oili lug n spcciulty. STAIR OIL CLOTHS. Detroit Freu Pi tfi 509 SHIPLEY STREET. THE PICKELS Little Tommy Mulherou Is a bright boy of * years, full wluntng ways, and the pet of the neigh- borhood In which he lives. Muster Tommy has developed fondness foi dimes and nickels, and, al- tboiuh be scldum a*k6 d roctly for thumk whe There is I/OII KENTA SMALL STABLE ON Morion »tr.el, betwieu Ushtli au.l .Maitlioii „nd Romoo. Jawin' I •! IToN, No. 1M9 W. aiKbUisinet. l/GU HENfHOUSE, NO. 707 WEST 1 Third at. Apply to D, McKKNNfY, llurd ui.il Mon cunning tricks and 8. E. Corner Front and Shipley street«. Wilmington, Delaware. ^1. N Short Lengths at 7c per yard KINU STREET. Wc hav il* ayrup. 809 fcTOVEAND Hfe'ATüK CO. 605 Shipley Street. JAMES M. BRYAN uili'nefS m)Uf{ early The best wheel Cultivators In the ihin Buckeyok Tliomac and Tiger Hay Rakes, Tiget oaA I,»,,* #»n_ Thomas Huy FedJers. McCormici aa4 " j Buckeye light steel Binders and Mevin, durable and give perfect A full line ol ll&ylng Tools, Steal und reversible Hay Carriers, Twine. Rebl Creameries, Butter Worker* Boxes. Give us a call. MachirtfKC M. MEGARY & SON, ftfflfif WRITING DISKS 1 y ket, Hudson, Ileoch I It No. 107 West Eighth Stmt, Wilmington, Del. Toleplioi lilt shout In lbs cactus d be goos the air la full of hints. ol«l lady living Wilmington, Del. Of every description at surprisingly low prices, tirely too many of them and the prices have been made that will close them out in short orderirom $6 to $40 Old and new prices are plainly marked on all goods. Refrigerators and Baby Carriages. Tin No. 490 Jcl4-tf Ml. Toms who is very fond of lilir., aud who also is extremely careful of her small chrngo, way into tbo littlo financier's pocket. had nearly exhaust.d ingenuity in hinting, and at last, by a fortunate bit, «led. He went l/OKlUiSTSEVERAL NEW SIX * Iioum*, wItli bath, on earner i jt.lt ;i lit), at»« per inouib. G. H. 11 Bprnt« -BASEMENT OF NO.kS •el. Laeellenl location Iu re of U. W. KUSII, Krone illIt I I tftf ■fila Denver State Lotte1), ;t:k 6-Ï >-ïi r that of U flndi watch the pi. J,OU KENT. The Pi ice of Hour t ill e «lath ol the ring. tne dy wlihi butter 1 I IL DENVER, COLO.. Capital Prize, S7.500 l«l ■Ul« •iy ». Y« will ' i >. J. Adynneiiig;. IS It’S, theie the other morning In a penniless condition aud luaued atTrc- j tionately against the kuco of his old possessed herself of of b;s chubby bauds aud began to Jolt Kl. r.-THE THREE-STORY Coal and wood, flou.* aud feed, Lehigh ooai. Schuylkill coal, Lee coal. All grades ol spring and winter wheat flour Minnesota flour, Hungurlnn flour, Lea's flour, in barrels kiml« of mill leed at mill prices. Oak pine kindling wood In blocks or split. ] Careful drlvern and 2240 lbs. to the ton J guaranteed. Oflice, yard and warehouse, 817 Weal Front street. Telephone 599. . 12-8-tf ! K. atli «treat. r^uoMAs uirciiiXL Futuusiima Undertaksx Piacticaz. Embalms*. Bit*. «15 KING SriUCttfi Baelderce 11(^ Madison street. Tels* phone calidLA U, AlAJtllN. FURNISHING UNDEKTAKHB D. W. 11AKLAN. TICKETS, PO CENTS EACH, •90,370 r Bank of Commerce pays all prizes. - Adira.s 2. F. Rhtdus, Denver, UI®- Now is tbe time to buy before It goes higher. A bag of good flour, 7 nds. for 20cts. A bag of good flour, 1«J4 P'l". 1er 80c. A barrel of good flour for |5. These prices are for ctsb only, and will stand but for a few day.i. All of Wm. Lea A Sousbrands ol flour at market prices at friend, who at P If KK.V -ROOMS, SUITABLE houMkoopLiir, at EACH MONTH. 2 half barrels. All foudle it. * I woud give a thousand dollars to buv«t such a nice Httlo hoy as you for my n,she said, petting him. * How much is a thousand dollars?asked Tom with Wide open eyes. "It is a great, deal or money,said the old lady with a sigh. "Am I worth as much as that If papa would sill me?Inquired the youug speculator. "Yes, dear, and a great deal said his friend. "Then,said Tom with a cherubic smilo, "dont you think It Is worth a nickel just lo hold my hand? ' 516 TATNALL AND S. E. COR. SIXTH AND TATNALL STS. Ladle«College, AND Lout. TENNINGTON, X* L"V ÎI ■> HAVE 'III. tl ,8Tthe Wilmington MISLAID Hliu-ntional facilities. Terixu High OfTe o-lt book Savings F f Rebecca J. IIunter. I «1 hcaltl Colorado. Yo?k?dflE , D. D., President for 21 yea Hr *uy ui appllcatloi 'hf If j »! A Ileal Douudury Line. Most persons think ihut tbe boundary line betwteu the United States and Can- ada Is imaginary, but It is distinctly marked by calrue, iron pillars, earth mounds aud open spaces In the woods, from Lake Michigan all the way to Alaska. There Hrc nearly four huudred of these marks between the Luke of the Woods aud the base of the Rockies, the British putting a post every two miles and the Americans putting the British posts. These sr and "Convention ot London, October 20, 1818.Where tbe line passen through lakes stones have been plied up eight feet above high water mark, and where It passes throagli forests the trees have bten ielled for the space of rod. O ham JAS, C. MORROWS l-i.itw REBECCA J. 1IUNTKU JIG 4 JOSEPH STOECKLES DIAMOND STATE LAGEE BEER ] Harness and Trunks. OftT- N RETURNING FROM liurrh ticu r*tun. on ThurttiUr Neck Chains awl Friendship Rings; Harry E. Thomas &. Co 509 MARKET STREET. EMBALMHR, MO. 007 SllifitfKK SUlKtfr. I#*NIGHT CALLS attended to promptly.____________________________ a S. E. Cor. 12th and French Sts. A » !;v, CONNER, the rell.M and iravelltnx-bag in««« nbnan Huildlng, No. 4 East E mud Market stracU. I W. lb VUtAY PONIESCAME ^»r SuXn"1' onie,lU\ bocrlbor a Urge * bag«. TO BAS STOVES! ell gIMON QUTHMie, General Furnishing Undertake! ». »20 EAST SEVENTH STilEKT. suit will »«-II Ui «t»'!«!“* S-28-21* Itod. trlng liar- paid Pi Sumo One. just st dusk that he suddenly stepped out from tbe shelter of a Market stro t doorway to the 6lde of a pausing female and said: "Ahexcuse mebat your Miss Nellie, 1 believe?"Yes, sir."Ab"We have, sir. You persisted In fol- cvenlng Isst lall and I bad you arrested. Do you want of Ii?"B«g pardona thousand pardons I You canuot be the persou I w for. "Oh, yea, I amiahe called after him, but he hurried away. nriwm it. bag*. J. A. CONNER, No. 4 East Fourth street. betweeu oast the words, NOW ISTliE TIME TO PUT THEM Iîf. Excellent for 6HAT tf u I__ OOMFOnri N2 EPPSS COCOA. their faces -AND- GEO. J CHANDLER Watchos, Clocks und Jewelry rojialrod. Geo. W. McCauiley, is Cooking and Heating PORTER BREWERY, UAHIIIAGE BU1LDKH AND BL AUK- SMITH, CKNTUEV1LI.E, DEL, tarrlsgetf. wag<iu«. cart*, cte, made . aad all kinds ol repairing done Ulee, aud Iu the Ilorae-i Plain and Ornamental Plasterer, IO» W. EIGHTH STKLLT, BRE .FA8T. ledge ot tli« natural upvrailoua 01 dtgaauoa >yacare:ul appllcattou of « wen Hiacud Cocoa, Mr. »ur hieaklast table« wiLh a have mot beforo?havewell iu wintor. In summer UvePAKK delay. A !»«KB TONIC «rltteel ",jä trrssLta weak lung«. lowing WILMINGTON, DEL. WILMINGTON, - - - DELAWARE. Strictly Ï; N«*( it often wuntod after tlio A little li furnace- llr.-s A few mini hot clays« uiukcs tlio house tabic than u continuous 11ro I11 i-ango. The cost of putting in, us well cost of gus, is Destroyed by Fire. The celebrated 3 B. B. B. cigar, manu lectured by H. F. Bourdon A Uro., No. 219 West tiocond street. Sold at all the leading hotels aud cigar stores. Try one. «all Rati a; »1*1» saded . Jolibi HUly lurnl* tug promylly am W. Klghib at. 3- £T>U Ut.l.lrn Indlg« it druggists. looking Depot and Saloon, Nos. 828 and 225 King StrtsL Telaphoav m diet Office an! Brewery, b.W. Cor. Fifth and Adi Telephone 188» I «ally every lendency tqdla- * •*> eacape many a e* well fortllled tCa1 *r noarl>b*^ until PATRICK FAHEY HINDER CORNS. and best cure for coniL S}ffiE-Ja£ÄjSB ams Bts. The a*feat, « buntoua, etc. atop» fort to the fast. Nev ft 1; NO. Ill» W.milHlH 81., CAUPENTKK, CONTil AUTOIt AND Wm. W. Simmons & Bro., Ai-o prepared id brick-work Jobbing the Shipping a Speciality. Absolute purity guaranteed. Our hear and Porter are specially recommended Shifting the Responsibility. Chicago Tribune. The railway accident had been a ter- , aud one of tbe fafU with frame.HlüCOX A c iniKglala. pure hi M,'lvli do nil Rinde of stone a, «orbing and paving, kinds promptly intended w. W. SIMMONS, No. 314 West 7th stroet. JOHN T. SIMMONS, No. loud Eust 14th street. QAS OFFICE, THIRD ÄND SHIP- LEY STREETS. A Canal Uiit<«rpriae. leal BUILDER, U Bostou Trunsoript. "What does this banquet mean?"Oh, lte Intended to get up ou inter- est in the new canal enterprise, the Mid- dlesex Cabal, 1 believe.'1 I didnt know but it alimentary canail"Wed, p'raps It Is, p'raps It is; 1 never was good at remembunug names.'|;'Vr«id' hulling w «oui pound tliis hy.grooerc, A CO HOMtKOPATHIO Eng. nlS-m-tu-slAw crviCMKSTCR'S CNGLISR who rible carrying the thirty-seventh victim up the embankment auid, with atroug feeling: "Somebody will have to pay dearly lor all thlalThe mangled pasaengtr opened his eyes and glared at the speaker. is not to blsmo,he his Is a dispensation of iuu> a.' kind«. In lra27 ttn4 Ecttmatea lurulahed tor w Hatlaiactlon guarauteed be btlkd ii, 4-16-tf-eod PENNYROYAL PILLS James kpps w1*MIKTB. Loudon, «hip. O CHOVk DIAMOND BAAWO. •hi* I.aJlM.i JOHN M. SOLOMON, JJIUCE LIST. BRIDES II BRIDES II CONSTANTLT ON UAND, DBST ■AMO-M •TONS, BATES. r n^bn*. MISçhair 4-2-3in light be the L. U. GODWIN, GASH GKOCKK, N. E. Corner Eleventh linge atroeta, hi JAMES U. DOUGHEUTY, lHACTit'AL Plumnun. Gab Fittkii. furnlehcd I. r BKICE, AT KKDV- A., AT MODBHATB WM. SlMPbON «» SOJ4S. sr r.rû:~rsîxçrni?&3 "Krllrf ft>r to («»4 rrtaru BtfU. Name (AiU-to CWI(lf,*tftoiifc,l COMBINING DEALER INThe company aald, feebly. "T Providence.He woe the attorney for the road. and FFK flour per barrel rSVfloi Fufapsno Kirkwo« JonesHungarian... Leu« Furcnu per p«i ARTicLraJL. a fURNITUig. r(0^ S'1NVAui\_S>Va % idStuam or $5 HO BUILDING BRICK »7. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY. A marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there Is injector for the more 14 meutot these Complaints without ebarga. Price 50*. N. R Dun forth, wholesale and retail a*eut, Becoud and M Market streets, Wllmlnglon. 87 all 1-0 b.irrel «-Eh kinds. Jobbing promptly attended No. 1008 SCOTT ST. JModiui f Joseph L. Cavender, Malar, PiiMt, NO.IOMH HAltKKT STREET. Telephoho cull 37A - Wtl al >gu> «. P L 1. WhËÎl CHAIM COAL, SB KOUIASOA A CO ÜAXKEKS »SU UKUKKUS, Fourth and Market Streets plastering hair, Hi* Now lath« Time Wilmingto.i, Doluware, 84 d ingenious nasal ccessful troat- To buy butter, eggs, poultry, dressed undressed, cheese, etc., of W. H. Mc- Uarrltv, stalls 51, 52, 53 and 54 Third market 41 WOOD, CALCINED PLASTER, FIREBRICK AND JjgSffif K'«Si5^rï4, Samuel 8. Clark, BKlUKLAYKlt AND t'KMKNTEIC, NO. SU POPLAU STRÏEI’. King tagt*...... in- paukt ny LIBS,: Rolled Avenn, Buy and sell stock« and bonds itaslon. Lutters of credit available the world, and drafts ..„land, France. Germany and Switzerland issued. WANTED. »Union Nat. Bank Stock. eh.... BL, a •i SAND,ail I olltllll g The best tintype made In the city is Cummingsgallery, 30*2 Market street. Brasilian balm cures rhematism, as coughs, colds, catarrh, etc. U UOSt.wuro .................................... Vanilla Wafer«, per lb............ Vanilla Crlnkleu, per lb...................... Tvudo solicited and batlsfaotion gu anteed. This is tbo only cubli storu . the city and the cheapest. J20 2flt E NOTICE. gPKClAL led prouipily atlei FIRS OLAY. FRONT AND CHURCH STREETS CEMENT. 14 HIS Preference. ^üÜhlbb i>. p. WELLS. Manager ot (UDEBV or MUBIO, _ WUmtugton, Del., RENTALSOK OTHER BUSINESS. ak-U YY EST jersey.house, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Avanue, batwc V». First cl [ VisitorSo you now. Tommy! I TommyYea, ma'am. CTOKAGE.- fuknitur*. MIR- do\ïluî77'ti.d..whl"'01 ,our D cüsndlAC, ate., champ. 417 SHIPLEY , n t! atioat. fr-u-iin I TommyRecem. 1 going to school well P RATTS For Red ltuga. hure death. O uo poison. Sold by all dragglais. K ILLER i VÎ3Î •fit k: WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. Main Office, No. S W. Third Street. Illinois and aouaminodn- Atlau «ntlte stock carriages Try C. L. Mailers California hams and . beef tongue at fifty cents. He keepa all I other kinds of meat «8 507 King street. u newaa£aacoïÆ-land reduced prices. S rntucky Av« #n«y Ka 3 . effectually. .. from |7 to fto per LONG, Propriator, WUml^lo: r S ALLMON, ••IMF FRIST * j

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Page 1: P* FIRE WORKS K FIREWORKS M. MEGARY SON.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038114/1890-06-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · uDeriy false and mischievous one. Court-WANTED-FOUR fug Is a means


TOM AMD klm. KatarrThe Depravity «f Flirt In?.

"Preparation ior Msrriax«” was tbe * subject dlt-.MM *><1 last even-

<1 Nor In Streets The


. mitr genuine l’eniiyreyal IMIJt m* tiMrltncr. öi*M »y ns h. Math nroat.



w ANTKD-WHKM SKW1NG MA- chine toteretell you your maohlno

paired, Street, be-

willby having your old

muohino repaired. Call» promptly flt- teudud to. All work war

BT FUEDEBICK LANABRIpok|H SeventyMolho .let Church by Ur. Webb.

In a anrlss of trot

out find It?lot bo Sbljiloyßleu-no call No.

M. MEGARY & SON.EI'm I U ndo y

from #20Y« b ryou fof'lndMltoiia. sorinon

dib taken Irom the story of Kutii, tlio j-o - II on

;o white coinWhere relied•1er o ushleiatlon bring Chapter

Tholv mile-blue Tito ra

tniikl'Com pan ion h well *o«>

TogotfiThey______ SMmBi,

Above one nook t tie Ir i une iij.pl« served the

And oft across the hpdgu you'd heur, Or through tbe door njtif,

"1» Tommy here?”—th<ii, uever four, My Kitty won’t bo far.

If Tommy’s knuckles chanced touche, school-bays’ kuneklf.s do, domini«, mr iMty’s siiko,

Notices. • pnle-bluo enioke-wm played aud strayed

hs blent boy unOF tea 1-13..aL.T. i'KNTON,

ho. 1102 bliipley «t.IV,All kinds ol Fife Works

and Shooting Crackers at the lowest market rates.

LIFE. Tie bu-UirsB ability of Boar formed the keynote of ibe dbcouro*. Ur. Webb (aid that o8 dney Him l>, stand shivering

lin portant


«ton, U*LnYt RO.lions well *oot<

schoolwitid, M udgud tliu ear-

j The above arc undoubtedly a» fine for style, fit, comfort : and wear as the market offers. We took some degree of pride

e are enabled to offer them our trade at

WANTED—HELP FURNISHED FOR liotela restaurait« au«l privat» f»mille* tv iîTiu n imi fi’i h Ve Ä’fuVhereof r iu r

....... So. VPS Oram« lUMl

•t not, In the words ofi’ll;nc«l, dyed, «sours« tbsSSkSm usd

Hfb •dsruklng, but :rami.le through us upon the fact that 1 not do to be per-, ajjOUj one-half their actual value.

This class of footwear tends to build up a reputation /or id ! any house, more so when offered at the prices we quote below,

live öoo° or ow j It will certainly be a passport lor a great throng of people, so in But it will or(jor to offer the facility for a speedy selection, “we have dis-

commonly .licit I p|^ved them on counters,” from whence you cau make

All ol this, Dr. Webb t' ought, applied easy choice.tii.t'lwnuU Ä"1Tdrrn h.«y OMII* i We advertised a few days since that we would begin on June

contsUlered marriages,” said the minimer, 'the first, atheUaUec\“oïsmo? fwoin»" if«*ought to GT-jT^ A T?. A "NTQ TJ SALËsbave In view « serious culmination lu v W ;marriage. The Ides that courtlug a woman's love la merely Idle play, is uDeriy false and mischievous one. Court- fug Is a means to sn eod. As I uaricr- etand It, that eod Is lawful within a reasonable period. lienee no

has the right to do the oue without being able anJ prepared to do the other.

sate of time that p!oy lu Bi'l f

at 25, with mouey earning, will command a bear-

boy just out oi school w II abut iu hts face— and de-

blink of must jump In tml best ore

I 'KtfFEVERls=s»fM It wlpMUilly calculating aud aljusitog

s. It wai all very well bclore flood, wbcu a friends for 150 yea publlcalio yeats lo

do uca', sixty-IIvc.

FERGUSON,nf.w series of(al «avingt. 1

Tl' K-A WA?mlKK, OIRI.H F O It COOKSV lhe T 3Mi*ïï! ifla» i.. wait, im tulligunco olllcv, Ninth «trouts.

tU NmlUi «U-d-

and Krbmy cv fier. al Uie orjo'A-ÄÄ-

. uIBbUN t, secretary.



An oTtirload of broad may not Injur« yon bat will make you *wj uucomfortablo ; so will overloading of

r turn1 led ii with »KMIOI fond. Ills vi

»rnplly follow« « luiv smoked h<

HIm furtive first rigur, crawled bun

d tli Its final when life !a

Tli\V AKTltD-BO ,UDERS, AT NO. *12V V KJ’ig el real; pliiuaut rooms and Rood

Would nobblIW hen Tommy

And g».«pedpond,rFHfc ARTISANS' HAVING



VlMK an

(folff'sfifiMFBIackins Ills j.liiyiu Then nil

5(1,W'.'W. MU-«. KAMhHhKUEU. r*UK«' .\ 1 U( Hemt-iwentldr* Totoln

ÎKist., rid'« let Agent. *-

FASHIONABLE Dressmaker and Milliner,

>,» 1015 T %TN AI.I« STREET. ^

.... ruiiHUAKY Ik iw«0 ues>i*y>r ‘

the viek

•vurd, deadlyWANTED.—THK UIOIIKhT CAM!

prlco paid for «econd-lmnd lurnl- 211 Wi-ht

!>«iu u a. in, I tiaturday

Hi atTl ■ 1not injar« your alio»«, but n

UDsIglitly until cIoummL To folluw diroetiun*.

oko thsm look pesrsnt abase

lie, stoves, cioiihiik, tie., lit. root hft-ent. T. It. CAUOON. The 01

pro (lu I1 IU liiVMSt'pietit^^ùwpt-ly-iiwfur.For Kitty

■SAY-F EVE FI1«WA«-Clark, 8x4

FtltHT MOllTUAfiKH. '1 id in Dntp. Vcit/t and Botur fumUhin<J Pik-Ron. uAleA

torufo. flowed by with silent stre: now |d

lloiiind them liken land of Their vale of childhood lay.

Her needle

But veng. Apply 1*. Mai kut streut. ml5 u o

I!. »Itora, shall ml «oikedeposi sIlowaH) Of Ui* funds den'Jiltcd with

Jam is ft We have reduced it con-ie cori>or«U^i.

0. Alleu lllllea, AlexMudei J. H N. U. lie’ll 'Ml,Job. U. .Uck«<>it,

io«r Hlgglnv Washington Itasilu

to reduce our stock before building, siderably in the short time at much satisfaction to us—the pri­ces to be sure are not satisfactory, but wc close our eyes to that and look only at the goods going out. Wc arc pleased to gain our much needed room, and the buyers are pleased with their bargains. In addition to what lines we had already reduced we have added several others.

ofWANTED-FOUR OR 1 IVE GOODT» stonemason*. Apply t» O. W.

tret a sad Highlands.


humble fee;•Pali a long good-bye—

MANAGERS;Tobins.TIIUMl’e &ih s «.•was-iKWiv,

«■nur. Jr.,

I« not a liquid, «naff or powder. A»> piled Into the nostril ie quickly «btarbrt.11 d enses tbe head. Allays InflammatiOB. Heals the sores. Restores the senses ol

•s at Druggist ; bv mall, registered, 00 eents. Ei*Y BROTHERS, 6« Warren street, New York.

ENGAGED IN Ann TVOTI'-K. -I AM ‘pïkâONWArWrttSxW r*r I r.

«,-H II Hart,F«.r Toni


But when.you pray, look up und say. My Kitty is hot fur.”’

iHOff” she sobbed,' you’ll sail away

I* and measuress ntSblhli! 'jACo'bllEA- r, 11 So Poplar

ad.w ANTED.—A COOK, AT NO. 018 AnI.7-If Heur? V il smell. 50tait.tOtherwise It was a young people mluht better Improvement. A of hislug, where a get the d< servedly.”

preacher then spoke against tbe Tsnity of flue display which kept many hi met people from mairyiog, with small beginnings. Oqjs convinced of his love

should not neeltatc, for, "No live piously or die righteously

out a wife,” according to Richter.

wourr * RANDOLPH. Pbuadolphlft.W MONK* LOANED ON MOUTÜAOK& U«kO. S. CAl*h.l.K,

v'lse i*i««si’tout, JOs. JtUTUaa,


J-T-Siora. Apply at . hao. >>•„,,U*V' .

1’rmldsnt, JC. T, Tayook,


tiring dtiu* l>»rr and rhumluals or wish tli. Ir pi«scrl|»tlous or private rocel»!,

I altll pare insteiii!*, store of II. It. HKINU.


Two years wont by—for him, two yonrs Of mitgu and utmiifle and stir:

Of holies and fours, of piny’ ui pullout toil fav her.

hesido the old lych-gi o neighhovs, looking out,

Beheld it sailor walk und wait,A cheery lad

' ’TIs Tom,” oi God hloHs



at Greeiivlllv.

BIX GOOD 8TONEA. 1. Ilurent’s

JO'Kl'M UllONVN. DENTISTRY.t.rtiiillyttKft'LNa, *»17Ha And tlbtreot TwDR. RICHARD WARD, In Tapestry, Plush, Wilton, Rugs and Stair Cloth, a lull line,

and many of them with a cut of 20 per cent. These suits are of ourown make and as they must be sacrificed you should see them and buy now.

Wanted—widow lady, agea\ wUhs* le c irrespon d with honorable

Ubleot STOVESFor Hale. ’a gottlng wed; s( tur!”

Tim other gravely shook her hoad: “Then Kitty won't be fail”

—Now York Ti ll

VISIT TBESPECIALISThoa*tu r‘“6^td..tw-Add e all Chronic. Nervous and special

Nsr*. o«1» DidiJlltyj organ!# weskncd ^tlailtj^. the result* of error* a


of vigorEASTERN DENTAL CO*J’( »it BALE.—FOR WANT OF UBK, it u.. lid*

ANTED—A GOOD COOK.ply at No. 107 W. Fonrtli st, «

Wanted—A first-class pantVV Ui.ker by L. IIK1S8, No. 4 K*st

Third itttr-U ______________«-a »•-*WANTED—A WAITER TO WORK Vf during dinner houra. HieaUy employ-

^ * J”*21'

WANTED—HOARDERS; MAN OR wll'o or 2 pvnilgineii. Rooius.^flrst

C <y Al‘- wlth- Fol-

lowlug the thread of Ruth’s story, honor, ptudonce and a truo religious spirit *« tLe lessons to be upplled to true rlsge.


Permanently located :

*!«■ w uietli

ANTIQUE OAK CHAMBER SUITSbit Ifubi wslli- sture promptly nd ew, partie!« More HoFrom the New York Star.

for Play.GASOLINEol-oncaptllert fronrs spei dlljr curptly, afraid 01 nui

(orge WUUcs. Dai * Msdlso.i *t. -*

s. 6-2*11

rlves^pro Itb9ut TEETH F.I.LKI» WITH GOLD tl.OOnp TKETI1 FILLED WITH SiLYER, 50-76a TEETH Fl I.LED with Gold A Plutlna«!TEETH I LEANED ................................ 75«I E K T11 K X T It ACT E D •..........................MoKIT A l.I/.ED AIK ADMIN ISTE BED 900A SET OK TEETH ...........BEST SET OF TEETH, Wi Teeth without Philo*, by the Crown sys-

Likewise go with the profits and some of the cost oft We have in this collection of suits some of the best and newest styles, made exclusively for our trade, choice of a few, but of many.

«Honi plainly \h«

1 A geneiaiion ago relaxation from daily workwhether ecu aged tu professional chan leal work, bound |to unremitting Industry. Those who<e means gave them fruedoin from work and led them to a life of Idleness

the only members ol the comm un- bold to be entitled to rest. <1 conditions have changed

since then. Tbe world Is learning the virtues of Idleness. It is correct thing to work S05 days In tbe year aud 16 hours a day. I eliure is longer an attribute alone of tbe privi­leged class, so called. U is demanded

tohdulc« "the buslueas mein fn* facf, rk h

inceptlonal. The laborer,rib« u?i cönflie

tic ufail's?f«4 NORTH TENTH STREET,

Philadelphia, Pa.

For burning in stoves must be safe, sweet odor, and of good quality for burning. We have suc­cessfully sold this for the past ten years, hav­ing sold thousands of gallons without a single accident reported.

Delivered free to. all parts of the city. (Jans loaned.

ILL BE HOLD AT A i-n it lid Stable. No.

You arc not confined to aK-l-......:.ü Pullme NO. couHdeied In dutymlays 2. Call or a«.... l’i.viny ten per cent; also ailjoiniug. Apply to B. II.

>t Mb street, or this J23 tf

ran teil, f<JThere aremany white soaps,eachrepresented to be“just as good as the Ivory,

They are not,out likeall counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine.Ask for Ivory Soap andinsist upon having it.’Tis sold everywhere.

SIDEBOARDSlanO-iyut 71» Fret

DR. F. E. SMITH,DR. G. F- THEELGLASS SHOW Ity whoF"1 SAM-:—Toa. W. J. PAUIIY, 810 King at.JïPot

ANTED- BOARD FOR TWO boy», «!*bl yenW In Walnut and Antique Oak. ' We think our stock of

these goods is double in numbers to what is found in other The prices arc lower than has ever been or will be. We

selling Oak Sideboards for $25, worth $40; latest pattern out with lined silver drawer and linen drawer.

old. In the0-7S'u" Graduate Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. a26-s-ui-wtf

538 N. Fourth 8trootfbelow GKKKN, ST., Philadelphia,

y the press eud publie mit tlilo Specialist In diseases o

Disk asks, Ui.ooo Po son, Dikciiakubs. Inflammations, Ulad1» K, KlKSbYS, HK AKT, I.UMt.S. M> Ittetltod tl.e only o«>* kxow

tli« A llopatiii


lion. 11 « him.* 1111 cl M L M. thlrtoflloe. WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR

housework. Apply a*a cou aeknowOenited t>•e for rt-nU Utt, tURICUSstores.Ji0-tf . 11 ru.are Wild Charry Bitters.j;oR SALK--A OOLLECTJON OF

■In.. T U?r pileos. °ttVW*iAMMON D, id I1.1t french »U. ____________ SWIitu*

FILLSflj 8sft> a«re. Send Se for "WON AN’S F AfT.m «auAWi> " «usas UJM04U'.. rnw.i#Ma r*.

tu cures, •

t'S DKRIL*' CHIFFQNEERS' C'r 6 lllUnnil* AtTINU leisure«« ei.tlal olem.nt la ludustrlsl FRANCIS KELLY & COVl«(ALE CHEAP—1,000 FEET OF u

y tupfrlùr kn*«w|ede«AiltJ Rug'Üe omy.Illis IJlkS.be Wln Walnut and Oak! We are selling an Oak ChifToneer, with bevel glass for $18, worth $20. Our clearance sale price will be £15. Others as low as $12.

spirit declaredNowhere has thisore strongiy than In this country,

of labor In mechuulctil duced. vVA

le/ftl holidays, hslf-holhlay nl-

hesdingils five tUys* work a weak Instead

is accept- Out­

door sports of all kinds in Ibe summer and Indoor entertainments In abundauce and variety In the winter engross the at­tention of everybody. It Is the active workiugmru and women Iu the tnuuiiy, and not liiemouayed individuals

lehure. who eater with zest Into those diversions of 11 to.

Tha«o changes have been brought about without Injury to industrial dittoes. In fact, tbe relax «tion of hlgh-



«ppoîotod SOLD AGENT» of Delaware for the above

seu l frli safreilj

Phillips &Kane, Itaelf b The ho ployaients are boiug cranting ouraelvea and. with the Saturday


1 onl.»D.MUST CLASS GUO lug u good bmdnoMHF"; LK- W■ y

theM-llillKI 111 Hkve beenfor the Btate warned I U TTERS. «

Orders will bo dllod and empty bee­tles receivod price and ter

. In (lie ! quacks. J Thelf1

W1NOOW SHADES.AUdi'Cntf M. till« oillce. It- « ily.Paint and Oil Dealers,i5-tf *iy

A SACRIFICE liveP:t kai f,—at *\b we journey tluougli by tbe way.”

REASONstore here

as at St. Louis Hons«.Our sales on ioc Shades have been more than we expected.

We still have plenty left, though we will not have any more when this lot is gone. Why wouldn’t Window Shades sellât ioc apiece? Next to giving them away. /

4*six. Ihetutumt-r vucatl a necessity for

1 A<1»>ii* 5 E. Fourth Street.LI— ClIAltLK8 K Y L b,

ti lea cr

ed ■ryfill!' rl"* ***y‘ ' M J‘ r *' *îiIzi^|)l-eOd ^


for tl.cm. Apply 1

lieBiocobloudliiK Doublo-bf (TUIlilM'llIUl 1><)


»1 Gnns.W. Ic-burred Guns, #8 to

r, D u

Belt’s Liquid Rennet(U>I Double-lmiTol

8 tali fiotible-bnrrul Guns, 041.0

O ms, •2->uroducl

111* ■iabi TO THOSE WHO NEEDto 130.00.

tIU HALL HACKS, Should be known and used in every household, for by its use, can easily, quickly and eco­nomically make the most de­licious of Prepared by

FS. Ill' II.I»IN( PAINTINGLE CUEAr Kii»“I R »Hyt, 40ft front. JlO-iSteodf

I tlio ol«l dllu!Apply i».: m tli liuiist! ill tlie Ahreaily We have in Walnut, Oak and Cherry. This is one part of our store where the price cutter has done his work with a perfection worlhy of a better cause.


Edward Melchior, OF ANY DESCRIPTION./OK BALK-CABBAGE AND CRLF rompt, a■n: i ully ml tell KYLK.

iuUll.ni»JFiCBb ■ JOHN »our,*..«1.«.. summer desserts.d. re civilization ban, hole, been a leuafll rather than other-

«I bos come greater nrklog days, u for

214 King st., Wilmington; Del. 1-1« for tlic kulo of?d ailv-inixod p ints mixed to ordcrV’T■■any ------ 1. 1 will aUu k«l i on

1 liavo

unit Ity hand u ?iill lluu^of

N. E.fu I A Bird That Kills Battlers.

From the G lobe-Democrat. CARPETSFor Lab wise, With eillcii'icy during

Thé sp oidl sea tlon is

■Hot Weather fa tomingi JAMES'^


Sixth and Market streets.


IN ISM Z.Riding In Ca Iforula oue day, my panion called attrnnon to a bird iu tbe ^ Are moving very rapidly since we put our Velvets and Body iïïwspnïïtoîbtokSn, but”" îïb'ïïo!* I Brussells at 90c per yard. Tliis shows us that the price of an sien.1er «ui graceful in build. It was article, when properly applied, is a great mover. These car- ?«4dîr1 »4 ' Pets are "ot remnants. We have remnants [jooo yards ol them]a pretty good trot to keep up with ir. 1 at remnant price. It you arc looking for remnants bring your My friend told me that It was a "road room size with VOU runner,” a bird that was noted tbero for room slze wlul / ou Its pedostrlsu aroompllshmeuts, and a peculiar habit they havo is to walk always Iu tbe centre ol the road. When

o' these birds meets a rattlesnake it behaves In such a roy manner that it leads Lho annko to think It will become the victim of Us e.haim, aud while it Is keeping the snake Id doubts as to its in­tentions, Itpicks oQ lho thorns with Us bill, drop- plug thorn Iu a circle around the snake until It Iias him completely surroouded hy c.tctus thorns. 1 lieu It Hies e.evation and «Ils I he snake stick himself thorns trying to get

t and relaxa- Let everybody


W1OILS, upon

j*»ake wholesome advantage of It. will give himself

abundant amount of pleasuring, feeling d that bis productive capacity will

be Increased rather than Icssvucd there-

ml vit Mu Kefer

oM< «•.

1/OUKENT-THREE UNFURNISHED1 Ioauis, wlU» or without board. Anply u « us» W. HI .till at. «i »»-if

mini KRII,ol lh»(!ity I rui E. T. V,, J. MORTON DILLON,

f- window guard* and y doicnjptltm. Fly



toMonitor Oil Stoves, Ranges

and Gasoline Stoves.

The Jewel is the best and per­fectly sale. For sale at

Manufacturerui ; of e

ir «1«I» ‘‘

s madeJohn f. McLaughlin,



Kluvlriv light ;AND PUTTY. by.JXR RENT— FABTUrtE NEAR THF. ante und Also agent for .Toll-. Luc

ready-mixed paint.A Co.’sIu ad »T hcries

OtO. R. ’I’jlVNbltM) A CU.. fil el lies. A Financier ofMid copinnd in oili

lug n spcciulty. STAIR OIL CLOTHS.Detroit Freu Pitfi509 SHIPLEY STREET.THE PICKELS Little Tommy Mulherou Is a bright

boy of * years, full wluntng ways, and the pet of the neigh­borhood In which he lives.

Muster Tommy has developed fondness foi dimes and nickels, and, al- tboiuh be scldum a*k6 d roctly for thumk wheThere is

I/OII KENT—A SMALL STABLE ON• Morion »tr.el, betwieu Ushtli au.l

.Maitlioii „nd Romoo. Jawin' I •! IToN, No. 1M9 W. aiKbUisinet.

l/GU HENf—HOUSE, NO. 707 WEST 1 Third at. Apply to D, McKKNNfY,llurd ui.il Mon

cunning tricks and 8. E. Corner Front and Shipley street«.

Wilmington, Delaware.^1.N Short Lengths at 7c per yardKINU STREET.

Wc hav il* ayrup.

809fcTOVEAND Hfe'ATüK CO.605 Shipley Street.

JAMES M. BRYANuili'nefS m)Uf{ early The best wheel Cultivators In the ihinBuckeyok

Tliomac and Tiger Hay Rakes, Tiget oaA I,»,,* #»n_ ’ Thomas Huy FedJers. McCormici aa4

" j Buckeye light steel Binders and Mevin, durable and give perfect A full line ol ll&ylng Tools, Steal und reversible Hay Carriers,Twine.

Rebl Creameries, Butter Worker*Boxes. Give us a call. MachirtfKC

M. MEGARY & SON, ftfflfif

WRITING DISKS1 y ket, Hudson, Ileoch IIt No. 107 West Eighth Stmt,

Wilmington, Del. Toleplioi• lilt shout In lbs cactus d

be goos the air la full of hints. ol«l lady living

Wilmington, Del. Of every description at surprisingly low prices, tirely too many of them and the prices have been made that will close them out in short order—irom $6 to $40

Old and new prices are plainly marked on all goods. Refrigerators and Baby Carriages.

Tin No. 490 Jcl4-tf

Ml. Tom’swho is very fond of lilir., aud who

also is extremely careful of her small chrngo,way into tbo littlo financier's pocket.

had nearly exhaust.d ingenuity in hinting, and at last, by a fortunate bit,

«led.He went

l/OKlUiST—SEVERAL NEW SIX * Iioum*, w I tli bath, on earner ijt.lt ;i lit), at»« per inouib. G. H. 11


-BASEMENT OF NO.kS •el. Laeellenl location Iu re of U. W. KUSII, Krone

illIt II tftf■filaDenver State Lotte1), u«;t:k6-Ï >-ïi r that of U flndi watch thepi.

J,’OU KENT. The Pi ice of Hourt ill e «lath ol the ring.

tnedy wlihi butter 1I ILDENVER, COLO..

Capital Prize, S7.500

l«l ■Ul« •iy». Y «will ' i >. J.I» Adynneiiig;.’ IS It’S, theie the other morning

In a penniless condition aud luaued atTrc- j tionately against the kuco of his old

possessed herself of of b;s chubby bauds aud began to

Jolt Kl. r.-THE THREE-STORY Coal and wood, flou.* aud feed, Lehigh ooai. Schuylkill coal, Lee coal. All grades ol spring and winter wheat flour Minnesota flour, Hungurlnn flour, Lea's flour, in barrelskiml« of mill leed at mill prices. Oak pine kindling wood In blocks or split. ] Careful drlvern and 2240 lbs. to the ton J guaranteed. Oflice, yard and warehouse, 817 Weal Front street. Telephone 599. .

12-8-tf !

K. a tli «treat. r^uoMAs uirciiiXL

Futuusiima Undertaksx

Piacticaz. Embalms*.Bit*. «15 KING SriUCttfi

Baelderce 11(^ Madison street. Tels* phone calidLA

U, AlAJtllN.



Bank of Commerce pays all prizes.

- Adira.s 2. F. Rhtdus,Denver,


Now is tbe time to buy before It goes higher.

A bag of good flour, 7 nds. for 20cts.A bag of good flour, 1«J4 P'l". 1er 80c.A barrel of good flour for |5.

These prices are for ctsb only, and will stand but for a few day.i.

All of Wm. Lea A Sous’ brands ol flour at market prices at

friend, who atP• If KK.V -ROOMS, SUITABLE houMkoopLiir, at

EACH MONTH.2 half barrels. Allfoudle it.

* I wou’d give a thousand dollars to buv«t such a nice Httlo hoy as you for my

n,” she said, petting him.* How much is a thousand dollars?”

asked Tom with Wide open eyes."It is a great, deal or money,” said the

old lady with a sigh."Am I worth as much as that If papa

would sill me?” Inquired the youug speculator.

"Yes, dear, and a great deal said his friend.

"Then,” said Tom with a cherubic smilo, "don’t you think It Is worth a nickel just lo hold my hand? '


Ladle«’ College,ANDLout.


HAVE'III. tl ,'°8T’

the Wilmington

MISLAIDHliu-ntional facilities. Terixu High

OfTeo-lt book Savings F

f Rebecca J. IIunter. I«1 hcaltl

Colorado. Yo?k?dflE

, D. D., President for 21 yea

Hr*uyui appllcatloi 'hfIf j»! A Ileal Douudury Line.

Most persons think ihut tbe boundary line betwteu the United States and Can­ada Is imaginary, but It is distinctly marked by calrue, iron pillars, earth mounds aud open spaces In the woods, from Lake Michigan all the way to Alaska. There Hrc nearly four huudred of these marks between the Luke of the Woods aud the base of the Rockies, the British putting a post every two miles and the Americans putting the British posts. These sr and"Convention ot London, October 20, 1818.” Where tbe line passen through lakes stones have been plied up eight feet above high water mark, and where It passes throagli forests the trees have bten ielled for the space of • rod.

O • ham



] Harness and Trunks.OftT- N RETURNING FROMliurrh tic u r* tun. on ThurttiUr Neck Chains awl

Friendship Rings;

Harry E. Thomas &. Co509 MARKET STREET.

EMBALM HR,MO. 007 SllifitfKK SUlKtfr.

I#*NIGHT CALLS attended to promptly.____________________________

a S. E. Cor. 12th and French Sts.A»!;v, CONNER, the rell.M and iravelltnx-bag in«««

nbnan Huildlng, No. 4 East E o« mud Market stracU. I


VUtAY PONIES—CAME^»r SuXn"1' “ onie,lU\ ‘“bocrlbor

a Urge * bag«.TO


General Furnishing Undertake!». »20 EAST SEVENTH STilEKT.

suit will »«-II Ui«t»'!«!“*


I tod.trlng liar-paid t«Pi Sumo One.

just st dusk that he suddenly stepped out from tbe shelter of a Market stro t doorway to the 6lde of a pausing female and said:

"Ah—excuse me—bat your Miss Nellie, 1 believe?”

"Yes, sir.”"Ab—"We have, sir. You persisted In fol-

cvenlng Isst lall and I bad you arrested. Do you want of Ii?”

"B«’g pardon—a thousand pardons I You canuot be the persou I w for. ”

"Oh, yea, I ami” ahe called after him, but he hurried away.

’nriwm it.bag*.J. A. CONNER,

No. 4 East Fourth street.


oast the words,NOW ISTliE TIME TO PUT THEM Iîf.

Excellent for6HAT tf u I__ OOMFOnri N2

EPPS’S COCOA.their faces -AND-GEO. J CHANDLER Watchos, Clocks und Jewelry rojialrod.Geo. W. McCauiley, is



tarrlsgetf. wag<iu«. cart*, cte, made . aad all kinds ol repairing done — Ulee, aud Iu the


Plain and Ornamental Plasterer,IO» W. EIGHTH STKLLT,

BRE .FA8T.ledge ot tli« natural

"« upvrailoua 01 dtgaauoa >yacare:ul appllcattou of « wen Hiacud Cocoa, Mr. »ur hieaklast table« wiLh a

have mot beforo?”have—well iu wintor.In summer

UvePAKK delay. A

!»«KB TONIC «rltteel",jä trrssLta

weak lung«.


Ï; N«*( it 1» often wuntod after tlioA little li furnace- llr.-s

A few minihot clays« uiukcs tlio house

tabic than u continuous 11 ro I11i-ango.

The cost of putting in, us well cost of gus, is

Destroyed by Fire.The celebrated 3 B. B. B. cigar, manu

lectured by H. F. Bourdon A Uro., No. 219 West tiocond street. Sold at all the leading hotels aud cigar stores. Try one.

«all Ratia;»1*1» saded. JolibiHUly lurnl* tug promylly am W. Klghib at. 3-£T>“U Ut.l.lrn Indlg«

it druggists.looking Depot and Saloon,Nos. 828 and 225 King StrtsL

Telaphoav m

diet Office an! Brewery, b.W. Cor. Fifth and Adi

Telephone 188»

I «ally every lendency tqdla-

* “•*> eacape many a e* well fortllled

tCa1 *r noarl>b*^

until PATRICK FAHEY HINDER CORNS.and best cure for coniL

S}ffiE-Ja£ÄjSBa ms Bts.

The a*feat, « buntoua, etc. atop» fort to the fast. Nev

ft1; NO. Ill» W.milHlH 81.,

CAUPENTKK, CON Til AUTO It ANDWm. W. Simmons & Bro.,

Ai-o prepared id brick-work


the Shipping a Speciality.Absolute purity guaranteed. Our hear and Porter are specially recommended

Shifting the Responsibility.Chicago Tribune.

The railway accident had been a ter- , aud one of tbe


frame.”H lüCOX A c■ iniKglala.pure hi

M,'lvlido nil Rinde of stone

a, «orbing and paving, kinds promptly intended

w. W. SIMMONS,No. 314 West 7th stroet.

JOHN T. SIMMONS,No. loud Eust 14th street.


A Canal Uiit<«rpriae.lealBUILDER,U Bostou Trunsoript.

"What does this banquet mean?”"Oh, lt’e Intended to get up ou inter­

est in the new canal enterprise, the Mid­dlesex Cabal, 1 believe.'1

‘‘I didn’t know but it alimentary canail”

"Wed, p'raps It Is, p'raps It is; 1 never was good at remembunug names.'’

|;'Vr«id' hulling w «oui pound tliis hy.grooerc,

A CO HOMtKOPATHIO Eng. nlS-m-tu-slAw

crviCMKSTCR'S CNGLISRwhoriblecarrying the thirty-seventh victim up the embankment auid, with atroug feeling:

"Somebody will have to pay dearly lor all thlal”

The mangled pasaengtr opened his eyes and glared at the speaker.

is not to blsmo,” he his Is a dispensation of

iu‘ ■ u> a.' kind«.In l’ra.°27 ttn4

Ecttmatea lurulahed tor w Hatlaiactlon guarauteed bebtlkd ii, 4-16-tf-eod PENNYROYAL PILLSJames kpps

w1*MIKTB. Loudon, «hip.O CHOVk DIAMOND BAA WO.


r n^bn*.MISçhair4-2-3 in light be theL. U. GODWIN,

GASH GKOCKK, N. E. Corner Eleventh linge at roe ta,


l’HACTit'AL Plum nun. Gab

Fittkii. furnlehcd


sr r.rû:~rsîxçrni?&3"Krllrf ft>r to («»4

rrtaru BtfU. Name (AiU-to CWI(lf,*tftoiifc,l

COMBINING —DEALER IN —‘ ‘The company aald, feebly. "T Providence.”

He woe the attorney for the road.

andFFK flour per barrel


Kirk wo«Jones’ Hungarian... Leu’« Furcnu per p«i

ARTicLraJL. a fURNITUig. r(0 ̂S '1 NVAui\_S>Va

%idStuamor $5 HO


marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker Mouth and Headache. With each bottle there Is injector for the more

14 meutot these Complaints withoutebarga. Price 50*. N. R Dun forth, wholesale and retail a*eut, Becoud and

M Market streets, Wllmlnglon.

87all 1-0 b.irrel«-Ehkinds. Jobbing promptly attended No. 1008 SCOTT ST.


fJoseph L. Cavender,Malar, PiiMt,

NO.IOMH HAltKKT STREET. Telephoho cull 37A

- Wtl al >gu> «. P L

1. WhËÎl


ÜAXKEKS »SU UKUKKUS,Fourth and Market Streets

plastering hair,Hi* Now lath« TimeWilmingto.i, Doluware, 84d ingenious nasal ccessful troat-

To buy butter, eggs, poultry, dressed undressed, cheese, etc., of W. H. Mc- Uarrltv, stalls 51, 52, 53 and 54 Thirdmarket


FIREBRICK ANDJjgSffifK“'«Si5^rï4,

Samuel 8. Clark,BKlUKLAYKlt AND t'KMKNTEIC,


tagt*......in- pauktny LIBS,:

Rolled Avenn,Buy and sell stock« and bonds itaslon. Lutters of credit available

the world, and drafts ..„land, France. Germany and

Switzerland issued.WAN TED. »Union Nat. Bank Stock.


a•i SAND,’ ail■ I olltllll g The best tintype made In the city is Cummings’ gallery, 30*2 Market street.

Brasilian balm cures rhematism, as coughs, colds, catarrh, etc.

U UOSt.wuro ....................................Vanilla Wafer«, per lb............Vanilla Crlnkleu, per lb......................

Tvudo solicited and batlsfaotion gu anteed. This is tbo only cubli storu . the city and the cheapest. J20 2flt

ENOTICE.gPKClAL ledprouipily atlei FIRS OLAY.


Manager ot(UDEBV or MUBIO,



YY EST jersey.house,

ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Avanue, batwc

V». First cl

[ Visitor—So younow. Tommy!

I Tommy—Yea, ma'am.CTOKAGE.- fuknitur*. MIR- do\ïluî77'ti.d..wh“l"“'01 ,ourD cüsndlAC, ate., champ. 417 SHIPLEY , n t!atioat. fr-u-iin I Tommy—Recem.

1going to schoolwell PRATT’S

For Red ltuga. hure death. O

uo poison.Sold by all drag g la is.


Main Office, No. S W. Third Street.Illinois and aouaminodn-

Atlau«ntlte stock carriages

Try C. L. Mailer’s California hams and . beef tongue at fifty cents. He keepa all I other kinds of meat «8 507 King street.

unew aa£ aacoïÆ -land

reduced prices.

W« Srntucky Av« #n«y Ka3

.effectually... from |7 to fto per LONG, Propria tor, WUml^lo: r



