p. 2 · blaine evans mel espinoza ed & bettye giles ronnie griggs christine griner dana halsey...


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Page 2: p. 2 · Blaine Evans Mel Espinoza Ed & Bettye Giles Ronnie Griggs Christine Griner Dana Halsey Lloyd Harris Betty Harvey Paul Hays Brad Higginbotham Ann Jackson Judy Keith Bob Kilgore

The Message p. 2


All Who Profess Christ


Roger Parker

Youth Director

Michael Smith

Lay Leader

Gary Clower

Administrative Assistant

Sharon Pilant

Church Custodian

Francisco Parada

Chancel Choir Director

Debbie Bailey


Donna Talley

Bell Choir

Dana Parker

Preschool Director Sherrill McPherson

Preschool Teachers Jana Pahukoa Debra Chancellor

Joni Clark

Tammy Woodruff

Dana Parker

Sarah Taylor

Rebekah Kallin

Nursery Attendant Linda Brandon

“Just as each of us has one

body with many members,

and these members do not

all have the same function,

so in Christ we who are

many form one body, and

each member belongs to all

the others.

Romans 12:4-5

Larry Baumert

Davis Beaver

Shelley Bradley

Adam Brown

Don Brown & Family

Stacy Bugher

Jayson Burd

Brian Carey

Irene Carter

Kathy Davis

Kim Dennis

Anna Duerkson

Blaine Evans

Mel Espinoza

Ed & Bettye Giles

Ronnie Griggs

Christine Griner

Dana Halsey

Lloyd Harris

Betty Harvey

Paul Hays

Brad Higginbotham

Ann Jackson

Judy Keith

Bob Kilgore

Ron Kincade

Brad Larson

Maelee Larson

Amber Leamy

Tim Nutter

Dorothy Piland

Dorothy Quoy

Tom Reier

Colt Rowland

Pat & Omen Shrum

Betty Smith

Payton Stanley

Mildred Stott

Jimmie Summers

Hazel VanVoorhis

Grady Wall

Dennis Wilmot

Riccarda Workman


PMC is actively looking for volunteers to help in

the center. Please consider the needs below

and if you believe you could help please call the

Director, Angie Boy, at 817-583-9665.

These three areas would be Monday, Wednes-

day, Friday from Noon until 3:00 p.m. and the

third Monday of the month from 4-7:

1. Welcome clients and complete the reception

paper work

2. Help receive clothes/sort clothes

3. Fill food orders for the clients

There is a need on Wednesday late morning to

help unload the truck and trailer coming from the

Tulsa Food Bank

For a group who would like to work at another

time sorting clothes and canned goods, or what-

ever the need might be, please call Angie Boy

and she will work with you on a time frame to help

As the weather turns cooler the Center is in need

of new or gently used blankets. Donations may

be left in the Church Office.

For the month of November the church will be

collecting Shampoo as our local mission. The

collection date will be Sunday, November 18th

during both worship services.

Be sure to set your

clocks back one hour

before going to bed on

Saturday, November


Page 3: p. 2 · Blaine Evans Mel Espinoza Ed & Bettye Giles Ronnie Griggs Christine Griner Dana Halsey Lloyd Harris Betty Harvey Paul Hays Brad Higginbotham Ann Jackson Judy Keith Bob Kilgore

p. 3 November, 2018

Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh— Written by Bishop Jimmy Nunn

I write filled with the feeling of dismay, as once again, senseless violence has struck a community of faith in the United States. The Tree of Life Synagogue in the division of Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh was attacked last weekend and as of this writing, eleven people were murdered. Please join me in

condemning this violent expression of hatred.

Words of condemnation have their place. But in the context of this era, a greater understanding of others is also needed. As I perused the webpage and read articles written by the Rabbi, I gained an appreciation for the faithful people of the Tree of Life Synagogue and the spiritual leadership of its

Rabbi, Jeffrey Myers.

Rabbi Myers offers insightful reflections in his articles found on their website: https://www.tolols.org/ In his July 19, 2018 article, he reflects on local acts of violence against people and the way the American public typically responds. He writes, “I recall seeing a post not long ago that rather accurately describes the life cycle of news, and I paraphrase to the best of my recollection: Tragic event – Thoughts and Prayers – Call to Action by our Elected Leaders – Hang Wringing –

Next News Event.”

Rabbi Myers shared keen observations. How could he know that within two months, he and the synagogue he served would experience the trauma of a horrible attack?

In his October 16, 2018 article, Rabbi Myers writes about the end of life and the difficult journey

we navigate after death. He writes, “For those who mourn the loss of a friend, the big questions of our existence come to the forefront:

What has my purpose been on this planet?

Have I been a good-enough parent/spouse/sibling?

Have I been the best me that I could possibly be?

Rabbi Myers then shared a story from the Talmud of Zusha, the great Chassidic master, who lay crying on his deathbed. His students asked him, "Rebbe, why are you so sad? After all the mitzvot and good deeds you have done, you will surely get a great reward in heaven!" "I'm afraid!" said Zusha. "Because when I get to heaven, I know God's not going to ask me 'Why weren't you more like Moses?' or 'Why weren't you more like King David?' But I'm afraid that God will ask 'Zusha, why weren't you more like Zusha?' And then what will I say?!" The website of the Tree of Life Synagogue now has a banner that says the following: “We are hum-bly moved by the outreach of support for our synagogue while we mourn the loss of our congre-gants in the wake of the horrific anti-Semitic attack on our religious home.” The website for the Tree of Life Synagogue is https://www.tolols.org/”. You may also give through the Oklahoma Annual Conference. Questions of faith are quite similar, although answers of faith vary. May we find ways to live more like the people we really are. “What will I say?”

Page 4: p. 2 · Blaine Evans Mel Espinoza Ed & Bettye Giles Ronnie Griggs Christine Griner Dana Halsey Lloyd Harris Betty Harvey Paul Hays Brad Higginbotham Ann Jackson Judy Keith Bob Kilgore

The Message p. 4


Third Friday Rotary cooks need 2 helpers for 6 months. Jobs would be peeling potatoes and carrots, possibly helping make the salad or setting the tables. You will be able to visit, make [renew] friendships and have a marvelous meal. Work 8 [or 8:30] - 1. Probably left-overs to take home. Contact Betty

Prentice, 918.695.7745, even if you can work part-time.

On Sunday, November 4, during both services we will have a naming of

those members who have entered their eternal home during the past year.

A special candle will be lit for each “saint”: Sue Richards, Louise McClung,

Tom McCormick, Merril Stott, Joe & Shirley Carmack, Lou Swank, Glenda

Jostes, TD Bolinger and Austin Acuff

Wow! What a Garage Sale it was! The fellowship hall was full of stuff; just about every table in the church was used; half the parking lot was covered with stuff. What wasn’t sold was donated to SAFENET. The preliminary gross results exceed $6,300. The Men of the church want to thank all of you folks who helped with the garage sale in any capacity – donating furniture and all kinds of stuff; fixing and bringing food to feed the hard workers during the sale; buying stuff at the sale; and just plain helping out. A very special “THANK YOU” to all the La-dies of the church who worked so hard to make the garage sale a success. The Men could not have done it without their help. And “THANKS” to all the men who helped pick up stuff from donors, who loaded and unloaded and loaded again boxes and furniture, who worked the parking lot, who set up tables both inside and outside, who did whatever it took to make this year’s garage sale a success. The proceeds of this sale will be used to support the community and the missions of the church, such as the Boy Scouts, the Youth, our PreSchool, and other opportunities that further God’s king-dom.

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November, 2018 p. 5

Page 6: p. 2 · Blaine Evans Mel Espinoza Ed & Bettye Giles Ronnie Griggs Christine Griner Dana Halsey Lloyd Harris Betty Harvey Paul Hays Brad Higginbotham Ann Jackson Judy Keith Bob Kilgore


Members of the Prayer Shawl team will gather in the Church Library on the third

Tuesday of each month at 1:00 to resume making “Prayer Shawls”. Everyone is invited

who would like to crochet or knit prayer shawls and enjoy an afternoon of fellowship.

For more information please contact Susan Osland or Linda Wallis

Our Annual Thanksgiving Lunch will be November 18th immediately

following the Heritage Service. Those who wish may volunteer to cook a

turkey (provided by the church) and dressing. Members of the Seekers

Class will provide mashed potatoes and gravy and bread for the meal.

Others attending are asked to bring a dish to share. Family Life Commit-

tee will buy the turkeys and have them at the church by November 11th,

if you would like to volunteer to prepare a turkey with dressing please call

the Church Office

A Youth Fundraiser $20 each

We are selling yard signs for you to

take and place in front of your home

or business. This will be great way

to reach out to our neighbors and

invite them to church. All the funds

will go to help the youth program.

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November, 2018




Starting November 1, the Preschool children and their parents will be collecting pea-

nut butter and/or jelly. We will give all items collected to the Pryor Ministry Center to

distribute to families in need. If you would like to be apart of this outreach and help

us meet our goal of collecting 50 of each you can bring them to the church office or

to the table set up in the Children’s wing. Thank you for your continual support of

the Preschool Ministry.

In His Service,


Let me say that I am ThankFULL this year to all who read this. No it’s not a typo, I really am FULL of THANKS. We have had a really productive year in the youth ministry at this church and I would like to say thank you to every one of you who has helped shape our ministry into what it is to-day.

I would like to thanks all the parents for supporting your children in their faith and being there when they needed you the most. They might not say it to you personally at times but working around them I know they are very thankful for you. Parents, I am so FULL of THANKS to you as well. You have stepped up to help with food, travel and time when it comes to helping support this youth ministry.

We have had so much support with camp scholarships and support sending our students to other district and conference events this year. You as a member of the church and those who are part of the United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women and other groups in the church that have con-tributed to these I could not be more FULL of THANKS.

At times we get too busy moving forward we forget to turn and say thank you to those who are helping us move forward. It’s hard to thank every individual, but if we make a concise decision in making a habit to pause and say thank you, it becomes just that… a habit. I think that it is a great habit I would like to have and feel I need to work towards having in the future. This has left me FULL of THANKS and if you think I missed giving you some thanks, I have plenty to give and you know where to find me.

Thank you and God Bless Michael S. Smith

Page 8: p. 2 · Blaine Evans Mel Espinoza Ed & Bettye Giles Ronnie Griggs Christine Griner Dana Halsey Lloyd Harris Betty Harvey Paul Hays Brad Higginbotham Ann Jackson Judy Keith Bob Kilgore

Pryor Firs Church 400 E. Graham / P. O. Box 67

Pryor Creek, OK 74362-0067

Building God’s Kingdom by Being Christ’s Disciples”

Non Profit Organization U. S. Postage

PAID Pryor, OK.

74362 Permit No. 41

Return Service


8:30 Children’s Moment

11-04 Dana Parker

11-11 Christine Sprang

11-18 Ministry Center Collection

11-25 Michael Smith

If you would like to be a part of the

Children’s Moment Team for either

service please call Christine

Sprang at 918-825-4796.

8:30 Liturgist for November

Jenny Pathkiller

10:40 Children’s Moment

11-04 Heather Trout

11-11 Christine Sprang

11-18 Ministry Center Collection

11-25 Michael Smith

10:40 Liturgists for November

11:04 Betty Prentice

11-11 Fred Sprang

11-18 Bill Prentice

11-25 Terry Davis

Business Meeting Monday, November 5th 1:00 p.m. UMW Circle Monday, at 6:00 p.m. Fun, Missions, prayer, fellowship.

Members of the United

Methodist Men will meet

Saturday, November 3rd

at 8:00 a.m. All men of

the church are invited to

this time of good food

and fellowship