owu presentation

ADPP Mozambique Humana People to People Presentation of The Institute for Higher Education and Technology One World University April, 2011

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This is a booklet about One World Universtiy in Mozambique. Started in 1998 by ADPP Mozambique/Humana People to People


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ADPP Mozambique

Humana People to People

Presentation of

The Institute for HigherEducation and Technology

One World University

April, 2011

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The Institute for HigherEducation and Technology


ONE WORLD UNIVERSITY was created by ADPP Mozambique and the Federation Humana People to People in 1998.

In 2005, the institution was approved by the Council of Ministers in Mozambique as a private university. It was accredited to deliver academic courses and degrees to the level of Bachelor and Masters with a national recognized qualification. It was also given its’ official name ISET – Instituto Superior de Educacao e Tecnologia — in short ISET/OWU.

Member associations of Humana People to People currently operate 30 teacher training colleges in Angola (12), Malawi (4), India (3) and Mozambique (11). These institutions are operated in close cooperation with and approved by the governments of their respective nations with the aim of training multi-skilled primary school teachers specifically for rural areas.

Since the beginning of the first ADPP Teacher

Training College 17 years ago, 9.200 primary school teachers have graduated in Mozambique. The Teacher Training Colleges have a program with vast ambitions of modernity, knowledge, and contemporary understanding of the world. They are boarding schools and entail many activities like training in community work and outreach programs.

One World University was created to train and educate teachers for the Teacher Training Colleges. Since its start, the university has graduated 300 instructors with a bachelor degree in education who are now working at the ADPP Teacher Training Colleges in Mozambique and Angola, as well as at the Teacher Training Colleges of the Government of Mozambique.

In November 2008, a second course was officially launched. The new course, called “Fighting with the Poor” was created by Humana People to People,with the aim of contributing to the struggle against poverty.


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The college faculty was created to be able to serve the Teacher Training Colleges of Humana People to People in Africa and Asia. The colleges are approved by and run in close co-operation with their respective governments.

The admission requirement for the faculty is the completion of Grade 12. Most graduated instructors are employed at the ADPP Teacher Training Colleges or in government teacher training institutions.

The Teacher Training College trains teachers specifically for the primary schools in rural areas and focuses on passing on two fundamental characteristics to the future teacher: 1) to be an excellent teacher, and 2) to be a person who is able to improve living conditions and create development together with the people in the community.

Thus an instructor at a Teacher Training College is required not only to know about classical and contemporary subjects and themes of interest for the modern teacher and how to teach this to the children, but also to possess the skill of how to mobilise and organise children and their parents around themes of health and nutrition, sanitation, farming, water management and the culture of community.

These goals put high demands on the students at OWU, who must excel in all areas when they become instructors at a Teacher Training College.

The Bachelor Course of Education contains several general subjects and deals with both content and the methodology of planning and teaching based on an integrated and holistic concept. Each of the

three years in the Bachelor Course in Education is given a specific headline. Each year is divided into periods with its specific modules under the period headline. Some last a few weeks and some several months. Each module and year is finalised with an exam. Below is a brief presentation of the content of the periods.


During this year the students will acquire a profound and detailed knowledge of many subjects and themes, learn to ask new questions and look at important issues by using a holistic approach. The year is divided into 4 periods of 3-4 modules. Throughout the year there will be studies, debates and deliberations and the future instructors are challenged to present difficult material in 3 presentations.

Some of the subjects covered are:

Backpacking: The very first week the students walk through villages and nature, train to open their eyes and ears to what they meet, and learn that education is very much about life and reality.

Universal Understanding: This subject deals with important scientific issues ranging from physics, astronomy, biology, geography, history and the world today. Through their studies, the students learn how to represent a universal understanding of life, of people, the globe and the universe.

Specific Understanding of the Teacher: Here, the student deals with understanding the teacher and the role of the teacher. The period includes all the modules linked to teaching and education, like philosophy of education, pedagogy and sociology.

The Bachelor Course in Education

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The Abilities of the Teacher’s Instructor: The future instructor will learn a series of skills:

“A master’s eyes are wide open” is about the ability to see, to “look into the future,” to use the eyes as “the mirrors of the soul.”

“And the mind is flying over the dust of the Earth” is about being able to create something new, having a vision and creating an idea.

“Development Psychology” is about how human beings develop.

“The Psychology of Education” is about how a human being understands and learns, how to combine issues, how to conclude, and how to create art.

Charisma: The Teacher as an Artist of Life: The instructor of the teacher must be a good example of a human being in all aspects of life. He shall not only be excellent in methods of teaching the subjects; he shall learn to guide in the production, in the kitchen, in brilliant evening and weekend programs, in sports and music and in creating a good progressive atmosphere.

Exam After Year 1: Operating a Teacher Training College

During 2 weeks the students take over the responsibility of operating a DNS Teacher Training College. They work together in groups and take care of the students, the program, the teaching, the boarding life, all other daily functions and the daily management of the college.


This year the students practice pedagogy while studying related subjects. The year is divided into three periods where the students in various ways face challenging tasks practicing pedagogy.

The periods are:

Pedagogical Workshops

A Pedagogical Workshop is a small pedagogical center established in connection with a primary school to service the teachers and the local community. The students learn about pedagogical ideas, all technical installations and equipment, the Pedagogical Workshop as a Cultural and Media Centre and how to mobilize teachers in the area.

Three in One

Introducing 3 ways of learning (one month each):

1. Produce teaching materials for the DNS Teacher Training Colleges.

2. Carry out an investigation in a foreign country as a method of learning.

3. Preparing a monograph within education.

Teaching Practice, Monograph and Final Exam

The students will have five months of teaching practice at a DNS Teacher Training College. During this period they also specialize in a subject and finish a monograph. The monograph has been under elaboration from the very start of the education, and should be about a subject that the student chooses.

Exam After Year 2: Defending the monograph and the teaching practice at DNS.

Exam in modules studied during the practice period.


This year takes place at a Teacher Training College where the students teach as instructors and train to transform their newly gained knowledge and experience into a practical reality.

Work as an Instructor at a Teacher Training College

The students now work as instructors at a Teacher Training College and continue the practice and have to live up to all that this entails.

Action Research

While working as instructor at a DNS Teacher Training College, the students carry out an Action Research Project. An Action Research is about defining a problem from practical life in relation to the primary school together with all those involved and to find solutions.


The students also do two specializations during the third year. The aim is to study two topics in depth, and reflect on the relevant methods to use for spreading the newly gained knowledge to the future teachers, primary schools or communities in order to create development and new attitudes to how things are done.

Exam After Year 3: Students present the Action Research Project and take exams in the remaining modules.

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Overview of the Three Years

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The initiative to create the course “Fighting with The Poor” has its source in a meeting with the President of Mozambique. During a visit to ADPP Mozambique, the President was particularly interested in One World University. Hearing about the future plans for the university the President said: “I would like you to make a course for fighting poverty. This is what we need. People who work in the districts and with the people. You should graduate bachelors in the fight against poverty.” We agreed.

So OWU launched “Fighting with The Poor” in October 2008. Since then it has admitted new students each year in this program.

“Fighting with The Poor” embraces a dialectically realistic attitude centering the development of the graduate’s ability on transformational activities. It combines theoretical and practical knowledge and action within the framework of understanding the basis of the plight of the poor and raising the personal willingness and ability and readiness to fight the good fight side by side with them.

Founded on the notion that it takes a larger effort and longer time to create practical results than to learn theories, and that it takes longer to perform projects than to acquire new knowledge, the education focuses on a pedagogy of movement and change that draws on the metaphor of the Big Bang Theory. Inspired by concepts in physics and especially in the cosmology of the beginning of the universe, the method employs an energetic pathway of growth and development. As a super small and concentrated particle consisting of sheer matter exploded and started the history of the universe 14 billion years ago, the course’s

pedagogy inspires students to methodically and steadily develop through an ever expanding explosion of experience and knowledge in a space of possibilities. All of it realized for the poor on their way towards much better conditions.

The time frame is 3 years. Each year is divided into 4 periods. The total of 12 periods differ in their main focus as some put more weight on the training and education while others put more weight on practical experiences.

The subjects areas are divided into 4 groups:

Foundation Studies are studied in 3 periods of 2 months and entail: The Poor, Leadership Intelligence, Life Style Skills, Partnership in Development, The Contemporary World, and Language.

Specialization is studied in 6 periods of 3-4 months and entails: The Individual Poor, The Group of Poor, The Organizations of The Poor, Future Organizations of The Poor and My Test Piece.

Academic Subjects are studied in 2 periods of 3 months and entail: Natural & Environmental Science, Agriculture, Technology & Production, Expressive Arts, Health and English.

Minor Subjects comprise 50 topics representing a mixture of knowledge, skills and abilities. Minor subjects are studied in all periods.

Special Subjects are two subjects. One is in the field of Natural Science and Technology and the other in the field of Social and Human Sciences. The aim is to train studies in technical topics to a certain depth and gain more profound knowledge in the area.

A Bachelors Degree in “Fighting with The Poor”

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The Methodology of Teaching at the University

OWU has as its overall methodology the Definition of Modern Methods (DMM). This method makes the student the main driving force of his own education. This strategy is realized in the way learning is organized in studies, courses and experiences.

The studies are in essence implemented on the initiative of each student. A main trait of DMM is that it places a great multitude of knowledge at the disposal of the students in the varied form of study tasks, combined with access to modern sources of knowledge to be found via computers linked up to databases and more.

The courses have in their content and variety a broad outlook on important matters of the world, on human beings, on the subject of education, on the future and much more. The course elements are directed by the program, and thus the teachers follow the directions and forward them to the students.

The experiences are both collective and personal in character and are planned and implemented both by the individual student, by the groups and by the whole team of students and instructors.

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OWU/ISET is situated in Changalane in the district of Namaacha in Maputo province, 80 km from the capital city Maputo. The university campus comprises 6 hectares, located approximately 6 km from the main road. The campus is close to the Pequenos Libombos mountains in an area of scenic beauty bordering on Swaziland.

The architect of OWU/ISET is Jan Utzon, son of the Danish architect Joern Utzon, whose most well-known work is the design of the Sydney Opera House in Australia. Jan Utzon’s architecture combines modernity, beauty and functionality in a most inspiring way.

The OWU/ISET complex has a total of 7000 m2 of which 2920 m2 are shaded areas.

Located around ISET/OWU is 1.500 hectares of arable land.

OWU plans to cultivate a part of the land as a model farm and obtain self-sufficiency in food production of staple foods, vegetables and husbandry.

The farming shall also produce a surplus of farm products, which will be sold locally. Another part of the land will be restored as savanna and provide open space for wildlife.

The Community of Changalane will be involved in Farmers’ Clubs activities and other training programs with the objective to improve the living conditions of the families.

One World University A Complex of Modernity, Beauty and Functionality

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ADPP-MozambiqueMachava, Maputo

Phone: +258 21750106Fax: +258 21750107

Email: [email protected]

Each generation makes history during a period of time that it can call now. Think about it. For the professors at OWU as for the students, that moment in time is now. It is thus now the changes in society that this generation, our generation, will be remembered for, must be made.

See it as an honor to belong to this species that has during its time on earth created very successful societies, so that the numbers of it have skyrocketed.

See it as a challenge to be among those facing the transformational necessities of this generation. Of your generation!

See it as an honor to be able and to be fit and to be involved in actions that correspond with needs in the society as well as in nature.

We do not take these changes as a matter of course, but we see them being dug out from these Bachelor study programs by the parties involved. Wholehearted engagement will be necessary, as it always is, when man dares to follow his ideals to their fulfillment.

Humana People to People