owners: john graham, andrew moore,romie powell, & zack walton to the residents of harrisonburg and...

Download Owners: John Graham, Andrew Moore,Romie Powell, & Zack Walton To the residents of Harrisonburg and all locals for Rockingham County

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Post on 08-Jan-2018




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The Problem The problem with Harrisonburg nightlife –There are no nightclubs in the Harrisonburg area –Nightlife mostly consist of parties at James Madison University and local bars –The problem will remain relatively the same over years until the area becomes more developed. Many college students agree –The amount and quality parties at JMU are beginning to decrease and police are much more strict –Research shows that the only nightlife options close to a nightclub are a few local bars. The problem is important to the nightlife of a college student


Owners: John Graham, Andrew Moore,Romie Powell, & Zack Walton To the residents of Harrisonburg and all locals for Rockingham County Overview Dukes will provide a venue for both nightlife and dancing that will cater to college students and the growing diverse population of Rockingham County. environment-diversity-customer centered We believe our business will be successful immediately after take off because its provides people with a universal environment that attracts a wide variety of people. The Problem The problem with Harrisonburg nightlife There are no nightclubs in the Harrisonburg area Nightlife mostly consist of parties at James Madison University and local bars The problem will remain relatively the same over years until the area becomes more developed. Many college students agree The amount and quality parties at JMU are beginning to decrease and police are much more strict Research shows that the only nightlife options close to a nightclub are a few local bars. The problem is important to the nightlife of a college student The Solution Dukes can solve this problem Dukes will be centered around dancing and providing a safe environment in which a wide variety of people can have fun We will strive to provide the highest degree of satisfaction to our customers by catering to their wants and needs To suppress competition we will increase customer satisfaction to keep coming to our nightclub Opportunity and Target Market The target market of Dukes Over the past few years, Harrisonburgs diverse and collegiate population has been steadily growing. With roughly 28,000 students combined of the four schools we project to target the vast majority of students. Technology Top of the line neon lighting and sound system The neon lights will be used to create the party environment seen in popular nightclubs. DJs will be provided with high quality sound systems to amplify the dancing experience. The most problematic issue with the sound system and lighting is if another club has the same setup as ours. Floor Plan Competition The majority of our competition will come from parties thrown by college students and local bars. https://docs.google.com/a/eagles.bridgewater.ed u/document/d/1VpYyu2uwOQY3IMmGPNxbyH8E OGTYX9dDhDKo1KAep3s/edithttps://docs.google.com/a/eagles.bridgewater.ed u/document/d/1VpYyu2uwOQY3IMmGPNxbyH8E OGTYX9dDhDKo1KAep3s/edit We provide a safe environment with security. Most house parties have no supervision or security. Our exit strategy would be bought out by JMU. The reason JMU would want to buy us out is because it would create a safe environment for the students to party at. Marketing and Sales Promotion of Dukes will be based on word of mouth such as social media and talk of the town. Although our prices will be higher than going to a JMU Frat house we will compensate with a better venue. Sales Process The opportunity to dance and party at Dukes will motivate consumers to come. With social media and word of mouth consumers will find Dukes. With dance classes, Dukes will use intermediates such as dance instructors. Management Team Andrew Moore: Manager Zach Walton: Event Planner John Graham: Financial Manager Romie Powell: Security Dukes will be filled with limited part time employees. Including a bartender, invited Djs and entertainment. Financial Projections Our projections for the next 3-5 years Predict that we will make $697,500 in total revenue within the first year with total expenses being $682,480 and the net profit at $15,020. The startup costs should be covered after getting the business started and increasing our popularity. The revenue should increase only slightly but remain in the same area over time as seen in comparison to other nightclubs. Financial Project Current Status One milestone we have accomplished is the surveying of local nightlife and competition The management team has invested a total of $300,000 (75,000 each) and Joey Lezotte before leaving invested $100,000, leaving a remaining $149,450 of needed investment - So far we have purchased the building being rented and began working on the building design. The four of us will be the owners of the nightclub The type of ownership will be a limited liability corporation Financing Sought Sources and Uses of Funds Statement Dukes will require $149,450 to reach our financial needs. The collateral will be a share of the business until they have received the money owed. After receiving the necessary funds for our nightclub, we will have finally be able to get all of the licenses required to purchase alcohol needed and will be able to open the business. Summary We offer more than current competition We are familiar with the current nightlife in the area and its potential Exit strategy would include any optional buyouts. (ex. JMU taking ownership)