owners guide cbd · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that cbd can be extracted from but...

OWNERS GUIDE Sponsored by Happi Canine Copywrite© Happi Canine, LLC. All Rights Reserved. to: Includes: + Does my dog need CBD? + 5 Myths About CBD + What is CBD? + 5 Must-Know Facts + Veterinarian Tips + Choosing a Product Featuring: Dr. Elizabeth McCalley (DVM) (Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine) FOR DOGS CBD 2020 UPDATE

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Page 1: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,


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Includes:+ Does my dog need CBD?+ 5 Myths About CBD + What is CBD?+ 5 Must-Know Facts+ Veterinarian Tips+ Choosing a Product

Featuring:Dr. Elizabeth McCalley (DVM)(Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine)



Page 2: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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For thousands of years we've lived with dogs. They have provided us with comfort, companionship, and have helped keep our families safe. Not only do we live in the same home as our dogs, they have become real members of our families.

Many of us are deeply connected to our dogs, and If they aren’t living their best life, it affects us deeply. Dogs, like humans are complex and deal with a variety of situations.

Some situations are obvious. Severe separation anxiety can lead to your house being destroyed, or neighbors complaining of excess barking. Other situations, the cost is emotional. It’s heartbreaking to watch our pups suffer from anxiety, pain, or other conditions. Common situations our dogs struggle with are:

Fortunately, there’s a new way to help our dogs live with less anxiety and pain. Is CBD a magic-bullet? No. But its been scientifically proven to help. There’s good reason why it’s becoming the popular new supplement for canine wellness.

In this guide, we will dive deep into CBD for dogs. You will learn what CBD is, what it’s benefits are, what to look out for, how to choose a product, and more...enjoy!




Page 3: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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EARLY USE The earliest recorded medicinal uses of the cannabis plant date as far back as 1400-2000 BC, literally thousands of years. Even in those days it was cultivated for its physical, medicinal, and psychoactive properties.

DISCOVERYCBD was first discovered by Dr. Roger Adams and his team at the University of Illinois in 1940. However, its structure was not fully understood until 1963. While CBD was discovered more than 20 years before THC, THC has dominated cannabis research until recently.

LEGALIZATION On December 20, 2018 “The Farm Bill” was signed into law, which contained a provision legalizing hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive.

Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US, although now it's legal to buy and consume.

ABOUT CBD5 TOPWhat’s the deal with CBD?CBD’s popularity has also increased questions about what it is and how it works, particularly with dogs. Many myths are mistaken as facts. Let’s debunk the 5 most common:

“CBD isn’t scientifically proven, it's just a fad.”

FACT: CBD use in dogs has been studied by both Cornell and Colorado State Universities. Specifically, the studies show that CBD is effective in supporting dogs that have joint pain or seizures. A toxicology study also showed that CBD is safe,

meaning no dangerous side effects were found.

“CBD only works for humans, it's toxic for dogs.”

FACT: Dogs, like humans, have an endocannabinoid system. In fact, nearly all animals do. However, cannabinoids interact with dogs differently than humans. For example high levels of THC are toxic to dogs although this isn’t the case with humans. Luckily, CBD is safe for humans and pets!

“CBD will get my dog high.”

FACT: CBD won't get your dog high. CBD is non-psychotropic, meaning that it doesn't create the "high" that THC does.

“CBD is illegal in my state.”

FACT: CBD was federally legalized in December of 2018 with the passing of the Farm Bill. CBD is legal in all 50 states!

“CBD should come from cannabis, not hemp.”FACT: CBD is CBD. Whether it comes from hemp or cannabis it's the same compound with the same effectiveness.













Page 4: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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SHORT ANSWER:Absolutely.

LONG ANSWER:Yes, CBD is safe to give to your dog. There have been no reports of dangerous side effects or incidents caused by CBD use with dogs. A 2018 study from Colorado State University also found no dangerous effects of giving dogs CBD.

However, not all CBD is equally safe and effective. As of 2020 the CBD industry is mostly unregulated. The government agencies that normally monitor product quality haven't had time to take on CBD yet.

What that means is that you need to be a little cautious when buying CBD products for your dog. There's a lot of safe, effective, and high quality CBD products out there. There's also some that we wouldn't recommend giving to your pup! Don't worry, we break down the key details to look for when buying a product in a few pages (pg. 6).

FORMS OF CBD:TINCTURE:Most effective & fastest acting.

CAPSULES:Effective but can be hard to give.

TREATS:Less effective & slow acting, but convenient.


So, what is CBD exactly?

By now you've probably heard about CBD. You've seen the billboard advertisements, or maybe you've dabbled with gummies, pain relieving muscle-creams, tinctures or other CBD products. Maybe you've discussed it with friends or have used it with your pets. Or, maybe you haven’t heard of it at all?

Wherever you are on the spectrum, this guide will answer common questions you may have about CBD and educate you on how it can benefit your dogs health and happiness.

Here’s the Scoop!

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is just one of over 100 different cannabinoids made by the hemp and cannabis plants. A cannabinoid is a natural compound that interacts with your dogs ECS (short for endocannabinoid system). Perhaps you’ve heard of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), It’s the primary psychoactive component in cannabis (yes, the one that gets you high). Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. That means CBD has no properties that will make you (or your canine) feel loopy, confused, or ‘high.’

CBD, when ingested or absorbed topically helps with the relief of physical pain and discomfort. It also produces calming effects in both pets and humans. This explains why, for dogs, it’s used to help reduce anxiety caused by separation or social anxiety and fear caused by thunderstorms, fireworks, etc.

Page 5: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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HOW HEMP EFFECTS THE BODY’S (ECS)ORIGINS OF THE ECSThe ECS doesn't exist just to interact with the cannabinoids found in hemp. The body actually creates it's own natural cannabinoids which are called "endocannabinoid". The cannabinoids that are made by plants, like hemp, are called "phytocannabinoids". When given these act as a supplement to the body's natural ECS. It just so happens that phytocannabinoids can interact with the body's ECS too!

RECEPTORSThe ECS has two different types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 & CB2. Think of these as two different types of "locks". These receptors are located throughout your dog's body. Cannabinoids like CBD act as "keys" that unlock these "receptor locks". Each receptor, depending on it's type, causes a different effect when "unlocked".

CANNABINOIDSWe've all heard about CBD and THC, but did you know there are over 100 different natural cannabinoids found in the hemp plant? Some other common cannabinoids are CBG, CBN, CBC, THC-A, THC-V... the list goes on. Each cannabinoid interacts with CB1 and CB2 receptors in different ways! Just like locks and keys, not all cannabinoids can "unlock" both CB1



How does CBD work WITH the body you ask?Like humans, your dog has an ECS (Endocannabinoid System) too. In fact, nearly all animals do. The range of biological systems that the ECS influences is wide ranging. In humans, the ECS plays a part in regulating memory, motivation, sleep, mood, appetite, pain, and even more vital processes in the body.

It's likely that the canine ECS effects dogs in a very similar way but there's still a lot of research to be conducted. Until then, we won't fully understand just how important the canine ECS is. What we do know is the canine ECS influences your pup's aches and

pains, mood and anxiety, and overall homeostasis balance.

The primary purpose of the ECS is to help the body rest in homeostasis. Homeostasis is all about stability and regulation. For example, the normal body temperature for dogs is between 100º and 102.5º F. Too hot or too cold and the natural rhythm of your dog’s body will become offset. When your dog's body is at it's ideal temperature, it's in homeostasis! Besides temperature, homeostasis plays a huge role in keeping your dogs body balanced and operating just where it needs to be and CBD can help with this.


CB1 & CB2

Spleen +Bones +Brain +Skin +

Immune System +Bone Marrow +

Brainstem +Pancreas +

Liver +

+ Reproductive Organs+ Gastrointestinal Tract+ Vascular System+ Muscles+ Lungs+ Brain

* Mostly in brain & central nervous system.

Page 6: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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PAIN & INFLAMMATION A 2018 Cornell University study "showed a significant decrease in pain and increase in activity with CBD oil." The study goal was to see if CBD was safe and effective for supporting dogs with osteoarthritis. It showed that CBD twice daily helped increase comfort and activity in the dogs studied.

SEIZURESA 2019 Colorado State University clinical trial found CBD's effect on seizures "promising and exciting". 89% of the dogs who received CBD had a reduction in the frequency of seizures.

SAFETYA CBD safety study was conducted in 2018 Colorado State University. 30 dogs were given CBD for 6 weeks and no dangerous results were found!

ANXIETYThe most common condition dog parents use CBD for, anxiety, hasn't been scientifically studied. Regardless, thousands of pet parents report seeing major anxiety relief from giving their pups CBD.

SKIN & COATWith the ECS affecting so many biological systems, it's no surprise it may influence our pups skin and coat too. This also hasn't been scientifically studied. But not to worry, anecdotal evidence indicates that many pups get skin and coat support from adding CBD to their daily routine.



The 2 most common reasons dog parents are using CBD:


Unless your dog's a zen-master, it's likely you've seen symptoms of their anxiety at least a few times. If you're like many of us, their anxiety may even be a daily occurrence. The good news is, for canine anxiety, CBD may be the magic solution people claim it is. 

Anxiety in dogs can be largely classified into two categories: Behavioral vs Situational. Behavioral: Deep-rooted anxiety typically related to traumatic events or unhealthy formative years. This usually includes aggression, separation anxiety, hyper-activity, restlessness, etc. Situational: Situational anxiety occurs when a dog experiences something they aren’t normally accustomed to. This commonly includes anxiety when traveling, during fireworks, thunderstorms, sirens, when you have guests over, and so on.

Inflammation and Joint Pain

There are few things more heart-breaking than seeing your dog struggle with basic movement. If joint pain and inflammation is left un-remedied, the ripple effect can be very extensive.

Whether caused by old age, a condition like osteoarthritis, or injury, CBD is proving itself to be a big support for dogs that are experiencing aches and pain. Pet parents often report seeing relief in less than an hour after giving their dog CBD. The mobility improvement may be shocking, with many dog owners claiming their dog is acting 'playful and young' again.

Page 7: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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THE DYNAMICS OF THE HEMP PLANTHemp contains over 100 cannabinoids with various benefits, CBD is just one of them. It also has terpenes (with their own unique benefits) and other natural plant compounds. Each of these compounds interacts with your dog’s body in a unique way.

For example, a 2015 study found that the cannabinoid CBG (Cannabigerol) increases appetite in rats. A high quality, full-spectrum CBD product will provide your pup with all the natural compounds (cannabinoids and terpenes) in the hemp plant for full plant goodness.

ENTOURAGE EFFECTIn addition to the individual benefits each cannabinoid offers, there's an important reason to have them all present in a CBD formula. When many cannabinoids work together, they boost the effectiveness of the formula. This effect is called "The Entourage Effect". Stated simply, CBD is much more effective if it's given with other cannabinoids too. This is why full-spectrum products are the gold standard. 


When selecting the best CBD for your pup, one of the most important things to consider is the type of CBD extract.

What type of "CBD Extract" went into the product?Whether you buy oil, treats, or a different form of CBD, the foundation of the formula is "CBD extract". It's the ingredient that contains CBD (and often other cannabinoids too). A high quality extract is vital to getting good results from your CBD.

The type of CBD extract should be clearly listed on the label. If not, you should assume it's "CBD isolate", the lowest quality type.

The three most common types of CBD extract are:

ISOLATE: The cheapest and least effective type of CBD. This only includes CBD with no extra supporting cannabinoids (so no "entourage effect"). CBD isolate is generally not recommend.

BROAD SPECTRUM: Contains CBD with some mixture of other cannabinoids too. There's no standard type of broad-spectrum, so you never really know what you are getting. While generally better than CBD isolate, it's not as effective as full-spectrum.

FULL-SPECTRUM: The gold standard of hemp extracts and our recommendation for what you should look for. Full-spectrum extract is the most effective, highest quality, and least processed. It's the most effective type of extract because it has all the natural cannabinoids found in hemp, such as CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, and many more.





Page 8: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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GROWING PRACTICESLike other crops, there’s a huge difference between high quality and low quality hemp. Believe it or not most CBD companies don’t know which farm their hemp came from, or what the quality of the hemp plants were before processing. This is because they buy bulk CBD extract after it’s been processed. Try to find a CBD company that has transparency about their supply chain and farming methods. It’s the only way to know that the CBD product you are using started its life as high-quality human grade hemp.

‘OTHER’ INGREDIENTSJust like food and treats, the CBD you give your dog should have a short list of clean, high-quality ingredients.

The only true ‘other ingredient’ CBD needs in order to be effective for helping your pup is it’s “carrier oil”

There’s no reason CBD should include wheat products, emulsifiers, or other artificial flavorings. Carefully review every ingredient in the product you choose, not just the CBD. And again, make sure the formula has been tested by a 3rd party independent laboratory. to ensure it’s safe!  


A few more important things to look for

Lab Testing:Believe it or not, CBD is still a relatively unregulated industry. Meaning, you need to be vigilant when choosing a product. Make sure the CBD you buy comes with a 3rd party Certificate Of Analysis or “COA”. A COA is a test performed by an independent lab that shows exactly what’s in the CBD formula. These COA's should be associated with a specific product and batch number. They should also be readily available on the manufacture’s website.

Understanding The COA:Beware, not all COAs are the same! A manufacturer has no legal requirement to test their products. They often choose to only perform certain tests, opting not to test for the full range of possible toxins. Don't worry, there's a ton of high quality, clean and safe products available. Unfortunately, there's also a lot of low quality products too.

Make sure the COA includes these six tests:• Cannabinoid Profile - Amount of cannabinoids in the product• Heavy Metals - Toxic metals that hemp may have accumulated if grown in bad soil.

• Pesticides - Toxic chemicals that may have been sprayed on or near the hemp while growing

• Residual Solvents - Toxic chemicals that can be introduced during manufacturing

• Mycotoxins - Toxic compounds produced by mold that may have been growing on the hemp

• Microbials - Bacteria like E. Coli



Page 9: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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WHAT IS A CARRIER OIL?Carrier oils are oils (like cooking oils) that CBD is mixed with. They help increase CBD's "bioavailability", the term for the amount of CBD that's actually absorbed and used by your dog's body.

Because most of a CBD product is a carrier oil, it's important to understand the differences between them. This way you can choose a good one. Not only do carrier oils effect CBD's bioavailability, they also impact shelf-life, cost, flavor, and overall wellness power.

SO WHAT’S THE BEST CARRIER OIL?Our favorite carrier oil is fish oil. It does have some drawbacks, it's price and shelf-life. However, offers a high bioavailability, has a flavor dogs love, and comes with the additional scientifically backed benefits of Omega-3s.

When choosing a product with fish oil, make sure it has a clearly marked expiration date. Also, look for wild caught fish, transparency on sourcing, sustainability certifications, and human grade quality standards.

CBD Carrier Oil is very Important!

The 3 most popular “Carrier Oils”

MCT Oil: The most common carrier is MCT oil. MCT is short for medium-chain-triglyceride, this is the type of fat in the oil. MCT oil is a processed form of palm kernel or coconut oil. MCT oil is a common carrier because it's very cheap and has a long shelf-life. Drawbacks of MCT Oil are it's lack of additional benefits and bioavailability. Some dog owners believe coconut oil is beneficial for dogs wellness, but there are no proven studies.

Fish Oil: An excellent carrier oil, fish oil has many unique benefits. Fish oil is made up of LCTs (long-chain-triglycerides) and Omega-3 fats. This type of fat makes CBD’s bioavailability higher than any other type of carrier oil. This means more of the CBD is absorbed by your dog's body. It also has a natural fish flavor which dogs love, so no need for nasty artificial flavors. A "bonus property" of fish oil is that it's packed with beneficial Omega-3 fats: DHA and EPA. Because of its Omega-3 fats, fish oil is the single most science backed supplement for dog health. Omega-3s have been proven to support joint health, skin and coat health, allergies, and more.

Hemp Seed Oil: Most people don’t recommend hemp seed oil. Like fish oil it has Omega-3 fats, but it's a different less beneficial type of Omega-3 fat. When thinking of Omega-3s for your dog, you're probably thinking about the Omega-3s EPA and DHA. Hemp seed oil doesn't contain any DHA or EPA, it only contains ALA. ALA is converted into EPA and DHA, but only at a very low level. So even though it does have Omega-3 fats, it's not the kind that your dog needs.


Page 10: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,

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WEIGHT: 10lbsCBD USAGE: Twice Daily

BIO Dr. Liz McCalley was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and grew up near Dallas, TX. She graduated with honors from Cornell University in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science and went on to receive her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 2015 from Texas A&M. Dr. McCalley began her career as a small animal veterinarian in Austin, TX. She then relocated to San Diego in 2017 where she now works as a medical director.


Q: What is the best way to give my dog CBD?A: CBD is sold in 3 main forms; oils, capsules and treats. It is always recommended to give supplements such as CBD oil with food. By doing so, your dog’s body is able to digest the oil evenly for maximum absorption.

Q: What if I give my dog too much?A: Based on studies from Cornell University which gave dogs over 500mg per day (which is a lot!) there are no negative side effects from giving your dog “too much CBD” although they may appear more drowsy than normal.

Q: Will CBD oil upset my dogs stomach?A: As with any type of new oil introduced to the system some dogs require an adjustment period. If your dog experiences a slightly upset stomach, it’s perfectly normal. Although rare, If this happens, back off of the dosage for a couple days and ease back into it. Giving probiotics along side CBD for the first 1-2 weeks may help.

Q: How do I choose the best product for my dog:A: Do your research, avoid Amazon and make sure the brand you’re using has certified COAs. Remember not all CBD is created equal so make sure you select product from a company you can trust!


We sat down with Dr. Liz to ask her a few common questions dog owners ask before giving their dog CBD. Here are a few valuable tips you should know before giving CBD to your dog.

Page 11: OWNERS GUIDE CBD · 2020. 4. 18. · hemp, a type of cannabis that CBD can be extracted from but isn't psychoactive. Historically, hemp has been illegal to sell or grow in the US,


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