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Historic L.A.Angelenos who have had a major impact

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STANLEY O. WILLIFORD CYNTHIA GRIFFIN BONITA FINNEYEditor Managing Editor Accounting/Human Resources

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Vol. 9, No. 8 Vol. 4, No. 3

InsideThis week

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Employment pg.23General Merchandise pg.23Legals pg. 18Professional Services pg.23


Black history abounds in L.A. pg.3COVER STORY

Can be found exclusively online at ourweekly.comRELIGION & SPIRITUALITY

When & Where in L.A.: Events Calendar pg.16Hollywood by Choice pg.17Food and Book Review can be found exclusively online atourweekly.com



Honor Roll pg.15The Business Mind pg.15


Famous Dunbar Hotel to regain some of itsgrandeur pg.6


Black Business Association to honor SCE’sWalter Rhodes and four others pg.99th District candidate profiles pg.9OpEd pg.10

Practical PoliticsCounting the CostAddressing poverty

Institute for Black Parenting turns adoption neg-atives into positives pg.12Rising star pg.12Across Black America pg.13Trayvon Martin case one year later pg.14

On the cover: Los Angeles Transit Lines 3110 at Vernon atCentral, Los Angeles, CA, by Bill Volkmer, Don RossCollection

February 21 - 27, 2013

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July 2 - July 9, 2009 OurWeekly 3COVER STORY Feature Story | News | Across Black America | OpEd February 21 - 27, 2013

■ Among the examples, women figureprominently


It is impossible to fly in or out of Los AngelesInternational Airport, traipse through downtown,drive through some of the wealthiest and mostprominent enclaves in Southern California withoutexperiencing a bit of Black history. Prominent heroes,including the city’s first African American judge,politicians, an architect, and philanthropist-landown-ers, not only left their signature on the City of Angels,but also left a legacy on the nation.

And women figure prominently in that history.Downtown at 333 S. Spring St., home to the

Broadway Spring Center, the Biddy Mason Memorialhonors Biddy Mason (1818-1891), the first Blackwoman to own property in downtown L.A. Masonwas born a slave in Hancock County, Ga., andremained enslaved until her master moved here,bringing his slaves with him.

Although California was technically a free state atthat time, many slave owners ignored the law, includ-ing Robert Smith, Mason’s owner. However, whenMason learned the law, she took Smith to court andwon hers and her daughters’ freedom.

To support her family, she worked as a nurse andmidwife. By 1866, Mason had saved up enoughmoney to purchase 10 acres of land on Spring Street,where she built rental units for businesses and ran anorphanage from her home. She became known as“Grandma Mason” because of her care for her com-munity. The philanthropist generously donated tocharity, provided food and shelter to people of allraces in poverty, and visited inmates.

In 1872, she and her son-in-law, Charles Owens,founded the First African Methodist Episcopal Church(FAME), the first Black church in the city. FAME cur-rently boasts more than 19,000 members and is one ofthe most socially active ministries in the city.

While Mason founded the church, the currentbuilding in the West Adams district was designed byarchitect Paul R. Williams (1894-1980). Despite thedifficulties of becoming an architect under a law thatwould not even allow him to live in many of theneighborhoods where he designed homes, in 1921Williams was licensed to practice in California, andover time, was licensed in Washington, D.C., NewYork, Tennessee and Nevada.

Williams was the first Black member of theAmerican Institute of Architects (AIA) and, in 1957,was the first African American to become a Fellow ofthe AIA. This is a title given to architects who havemade outstanding contributions in the profession. Athome, Williams was known as “Architect of theStars.” Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills, Brentwood andWest Los Angeles were among the neighborhoodswhere he created homes. In addition, he was the firstBlack architect to design a major public building,when in 1945 he designed a unit of the Los AngelesGeneral Hospital. He also designed the St. JudeChildren’s Research Hospital in Memphis.

Williams produced more than 3,000 projectsworldwide. Presidents Calvin Coolidge and FranklinD. Roosevelt appointed him to national committees.Internationally, his work can be found in Colombia,Canada and Jamaica. Some of his most famous workincludes the restoration of the Beverly Hills Hotelfrom 1947-1951, the Los Angeles International

Airport theme building (1960) and the 28th StreetYMCA in Los Angeles.

The Broadway Federal Bank in the MidtownShopping Center on Venice Boulevard in Los Angelesis another of the many projects Williams designed.

Broadway Federal Bank was founded in 1946 byDr. Henry Claude Hudson (1886-1989) and severalother people who saw the need for conventionalloans specifically for minority consumers who wereregularly ignored by existing banks.

Hudson served as president of the company andchairman of the board of directors until 1972. Inaddition, he was significantly active in the NAACPand known to his L.A. contemporaries as “Mr.NAACP.”

Prior to moving to Los Angeles, Hudson was pres-ident of the first branch of the NAACP in Shreveport,La. Within a year of moving to the city, he was elect-ed president of the Los Angeles branch. During thoseyears, he was a key figure in fighting to desegregatethe beaches and establishing the Martin Luther KingJr. Hospital, which is currently the Martin LutherKing Jr. Multi-Service Ambulatory Care Center.

Hudson received several honors recognizing hisefforts. The Los Angeles County Board ofSupervisors named a comprehensive health centerafter him, and awarded him the city’s DistinguishedService Medal in 1976. An auditorium in the MLKhospital was also named in his honor.

Heading north a little less than 5 miles from theMLK Ambulatory Care facility on Compton Avenue,you’ll reach the August F. Hawkins Natural Park.Both the park and Augustus Hawkins High School inthe same area are named after the first Black politi-cian west of the Mississippi River elected to theHouse of Representatives.

Hawkins (1907-2007) began his political career inthe California Assembly, after winning a pivotal elec-tion in 1932.

In that contest, he bested Frederick Roberts, thefirst known man of African American descent electedto the state Assembly. Roberts was also the greatgrandson of Sally Hemings, a slave owned by ThomasJefferson, who also bore several of his children.

In Congress, Hawkins introduced a fair housingact, a fair employment practices act, and other legis-lation for low-cost housing and disability insurance.In 1963, with the endorsement of President John F.Kennedy during his primary election campaign,Hawkins was elected to the 88th Congress. He wasinstrumental in helping push through civil rights leg-islation, including the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission in 1965, a federal agencyestablished to prevent discrimination in the work-place. Alongside his civil rights efforts, Hawkinsauthored the Juvenile Justice and DelinquencyPrevention Act of 1974, setting standards for thejuvenile justice system and issued certain protectionsto minors. In addition, Hawkins sponsored thePregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 to increaseand protect the rights of employed women. Heretired in 1991 after serving in the 101st Congress.

Two miles south of Hawkins Natural Park, atCentral Avenue and 41st Street, a furniture shop sitsnext to an appliance store and few people know thatthose stores, in the South L.A. area, were once hometo the California Eagle, one of the oldest AfricanAmerican newspapers in Los Angeles.

Charlotta Bass (1880-1969) was managing editorand owner of the paper from 1912 to 1951. In her news

see BLACK HISTORY page 4

Black history abounds in L.A.

Biddy Mason

Paul R. Williams

Augustus F. Hawkins


H. Claude Hudson Vaino Hassan Spencer Frederick Madison Roberts

Tom Bradley

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stories, Bass tackled issues such as police brutality, discriminatory hiringpractices and other civil rights issues. In addition to her journalism work,Bass was active in her community and set up organizations such as theIndustrial Business Council, which fought discrimination in the workplaceand encouraged entrepreneurship in the Black community. She also estab-lished the Home Protective Association to challenge restrictive housingcovenants in all-White neighborhoods. After retiring from the CaliforniaEagle, Bass entered politics as the first Black woman to run for vice presi-dent. In 1952, she ran under the Progressive Party platform on civil andwomen’s rights, an end to the Korean War, and peace with the SovietUnion. Bass’ slogan during her campaign was, “Win or lose, we win byraising the issues.”

Almena Lomax (1915-2011) was one of Bass’ apprentices. Sheworked at the California Eagle for two years. Eventually, she founded herown newspaper, The Tribune, which boasted a circulation of about25,000. Lomax was editor in chief for 20 years. During that time, Lomaxtraveled to Montgomery, Ala., to cover the Montgomery Bus Boycottand, in the process, met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lomax closed TheTribune and moved to Tuskegee, Ala., to participate in the Civil RightsMovement, and covered stories that were featured in Harper’s magazineand The Nation. In addition, Lomax led protests against “Porgy andBess” and “Imitation of Life,” movies which she believed were poor por-trayals of African Americans.

Lomax won the Wendell L. Willkie Awards for Negro Journalism forher news stories, and was the first Black woman to be accredited by theMotion Picture Academy.

South Los Angeles was also the stomping grounds of philanthropistEula McClaney (1914-1986), who is best known for her inspiring rags-to-riches story and her generous donations to charity.

She was raised in a sharecropper’s shack on a cotton field in Orion,

Ala., and only received a sixth-grade education. However, she eventuallymoved to Los Angeles and made a fortune investing in real estate.McClaney began with the purchase of a Black-owned motel. She thenacquired property all over the city, including in West L.A., Century City,Westwood, Brentwood, Beverly Hills and her 22-room mansion inHolmby Hills. Guides who took tourists through Holmby Hills oftenmistook McClaney and her daughter to be the help, not believing that aBlack woman could own such an estate.

However, McClaney didn’t solely acquire wealth, she was known forher giving spirit. In 1986, she and her daughter, La-Doris McClaney,were honored for a multimillion-dollar gift they donated to 11 charities.McClaney donated to many national organizations, including the UnitedNegro College Fund, the Sickle Cell Research Foundation, the AmericanDiabetes Association and the American Heart Association. Much of herinspiring story can be read in her autobiography, “God, I Listened.”

In addition to distinguished donating to charities, McClaney alsoheld fundraisers for political campaigns, including that of MayorThomas Bradley (1917-1998), Los Angeles’ first Black mayor. Bradley’scareer began in the Los Angeles Police Department, where he served as

an officer for 21 years and reached the rank of lieutenant, the highestposition an African American could hold at that time. While serving onthe police force, he took night classes at Southwestern University, and in1956, Bradley passed the state bar and earned his law degree. He beganhis political involvement prior to obtaining his law degree; in 1949, hevolunteered with the Edward Roybal campaign for City Council.

In time, he was elected to City Council himself, representing the 10thDistrict in 1963. Ten years later, he defeated incumbent Samuel Yorty andwas elected mayor. Bradley was widely recognized for opening City Halland city commissions to women, minorities and the disabled. During hisfive terms, Bradley helped Los Angeles become the second largest city inthe nation, surpassing Chicago. He is credited with changing the down-town skyline by encouraging business to invest downtown instead of thesuburbs. In addition, he brought the 1984 Summer Olympics to LosAngeles and ensured the city’s financial benefit. It was the most financial-ly successful Olympic Games, with a $215 million surplus.

The LAX terminal for international flights was renamed the TomBradley International Terminal in his memory.

Bradley was not the only noted African American to graduate fromSouthwestern Law School. Judge Vaino Hassan Spencer (1920-present),the first Black female judge in California, is also a graduate.

Spencer was also the third Black woman in California to pass theState Bar exam and the third to open a law practice in Los Angeles.

After graduating from Southwestern Law School, her 46-year careerbegan as the Municipal Court Judge in 1961. She was later appointed tothe L.A. County Superior Court. While in this position, she and her fel-low presiding judge Joan Dempsey Klein founded the NationalAssociation of Women Judges. The organization works to promotewomen candidates to the bench and encourage equal justice and accessto courts for underserved populations. In 1980, Spencer was appointedpresiding judge of Division One of the California Court of Appeals, aposition she held until her retirement in 2007.

During her career, Spencer received many accolades for her work—the National Association of Business and Professional Women’s TrailBlazer Award in 1985, the Metropolitan News-Enterprise’s Person of theYear Award in 1991 and the Outstanding Jurist Award in 2001.

4 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 COVER STORY Feature Story | News | Across Black America | OpEdFebruary 21 - 27, 2013

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Put away laptop for once

Sorority stories

Are we there already?

Trading pictures and videos

Wine with our steaks



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Black historyfrom COVER STORY page 3

Almena Lomax

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6 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 FEATURE STORYCover Story News | Across Black America | OpEdFebruary 21 - 27, 2013

■ Could again become a focal point on Central Avenue


There are a few remaining who witnessed theglory days of the historic Dunbar Hotel at 42ndStreet and Central Avenue in South Los Angeles. Itwas the focal point of the local World War II genera-tion. It was where a burgeoning Black bourgeoisiegathered to mix and be seen forging a new middleclass stripped from the privations of racial discrimi-nation and entrenched segregation.

In its heyday, the Dunbar was for Blacks a WestCoast mixture of New York’s Waldorf-Astoria and theCotton Club. Because Los Angeles was segregatedthen, the Dunbar was the only first-class hotel thatwould host African Americans.

In 1930, the original Hotel Somerville (built by Johnand Vada Somerville, the former being the first AfricanAmerican graduate of USC) got its famous name frompoet Paul Laurence Dunbar, and became a signifier ofthe social advancement of Black Los Angeles.

Prior to that, African Americans were prohibitedfrom residing or operating a business south of 12thStreet, with the small exception of the desegregatedClark Hotel at Washington Boulevard and CentralAvenue. During the war years, Black families beganto move southward along Central Avenue. These tinysteps down the vaunted thoroughfare provided apathway to a later generation of residents who wouldstride proudly into L.A.’s most fiercely segregated

neighborhoods—from Sugar Hill to Baldwin Hills. The Dunbar is poised to return to its former

architectural glory. Extensive refurbishment began inlate 2012 to provide 40 one-bedroom senior units,starting at $448 per month. The Dunbar Village proj-ect is part of a $29.3-million development plan spear-headed by City Councilwoman Jan Perry (NinthDistrict) to pique new interest in a once pivotal por-trait of Black life. Completion is expected this Spring.

“Central Avenue and the Dunbar Hotel have longbeen an important part of our Los Angeles history,”Perry said. “It is wonderful to see the avenue comealive again and know that this historic landmark willbe restored for people to enjoy for generations tocome. Dunbar Village will preserve our shared histo-ry, create quality jobs for local youth, and offer much-needed affordable housing for families and seniors.”

Seeing the property as part of a mission to pre-

serve and highlight the rich culture of CentralAvenue, developers Thomas Safran and Associatesand a local not-for-profit, Coalition for ResponsibleCommunity Development (CRCD), believe they canmeet the needs of the area and the community. “Therenovation of the Dunbar Hotel exemplifies both thehistory and unity of our community,” said MarkWilson, executive director for CRCD. “We are creat-ing a true example of holistic community and eco-nomic development, both of which benefit allVernon-Central residents.”

The two contractors have implemented a youth-oriented construction-and trades-training program

that will place participants on-site for jobs rangingfrom construction, painting, and maintenance andgraffiti removal. They expect to create 158 construc-tion jobs and 15 permanent positions.

“We needed to breathe new life into the Dunbar,”Perry continued. “It is the heart and soul of CentralAvenue and the epitome of bringing back the glory ofCentral Avenue.” Perry is the third African Americancouncilperson to represent the ninth district, follow-ing 40 years of service by Gilbert W. Lindsay and abrief period by Rita Walters.

Though a transplant to Los Angeles, Perry hashosted for 12 years the Central Avenue Jazz Festivalthere. In her three terms at City Hall, Perry has maderemarkable gains in improving the sight lines of SouthL.A. Among these are the residential/commercialimprovements along Central Avenue at 24th Street,Adams Boulevard, 37th Street and her ultra-modernConstituency Center near Vernon Avenue. Her othernoteworthy achievement is the South Los AngelesWetlands Park at 54th Street and Avalon Boulevard,and a smaller such facility at the Gus Hawkins NaturePreserve at Compton Boulevard and Slauson Avenue.

The new Dunbar will have improved on-siteamenities for residents, including a community roomwith a commercial kitchen, a media lounge, a bil-liards table, a library/reading area, a laundry roomand a fitness center.

There will be ground-floor retail outlets, a newpublic plaza on Central Avenue, the Museum inBlack (designed to showcase the historic names inlocal Black history), a Head Start Childcare facilityand a computer center operated by Los AngelesTrade Technical College. Also, the existing SomervilleI and II Apartments will be connected to form an 83-unit mixed-use intergenerational community for sen-iors and families.

The Dunbar, along with the Lincoln Theater at23rd Street, hosted during the 1930s and 40s suchjazz legends as Duke Ellington, Cab Calloway, BillieHoliday, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton, CountBasie, Louis Jordan, Lena Horne and Paul Robeson.Former heavyweight champion Jack Johnson operat-ed his “Showboat” nightclub at the Dunbar duringthe 1930s. A young Tom Bradley knew the Dunbar as

a rookie police officer. Old-timers would recall himwalking his Central Avenue beat and stopping in forcoffee and conversation. “I remember, from the daysof my childhood, walking down the Avenue, just toget a look at some of those famous superstars,”Bradley said years ago.

Black political leaders, writers and businessper-sons, when visiting Los Angeles, stayed at theDunbar, including W.E.B. DuBois, Ralph Bunche,Thurgood Marshall, Langston Hughes and JamesWeldon Johnson as well as local leaders H. ClaudeHudson, Col. Leon Washington and William J.Nickerson and George A. Beavers, the latter two thefounders of Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Co.

Black luminaries were not the only notables tofrequent the nightspot. Bing Crosby was a regularattendee at jam sessions and concerts, likely pickingup Black rhythms-and-riffs to take back toHollywood recording studios. The late bondsmanCeles King, whose family owned the hotel briefly inthe 1940s, told the story of the entertainer bouncinga check there: “We called him up to straighten thingsout, and had a laugh over it,” King recalled. “I keptthat check in a frame in my office … it became aconversation piece.”

Lionel Hampton had fond memories of “jam ses-sions” and rehearsals on the hotel mezzanine:“Everybody that was anybody showed up at theDunbar,” Hampton said. “I remember a chauffeurwould drive Lincoln Perry (Hollywood’s StepinFetchit) up to the curb in a big Packard, and look outthe window at all the folks.” The food there was bestdescribed as “… good old southern-fried everything,”Hampton noted.

When the barriers against integration began tocrumble in the late 1950s, so did the Dunbar. Thestars could stay at any hotel in town and, with themusic muted, the glory days of Central Avenue hadeffectively ended. In the mid-1980s, a $4.2-millionrenovation of the hotel and adjacent buildings saw itreduced from its original 115 rooms to 72 low-incomeapartments, a museum and a cultural center. City offi-cials say that project was ill-equipped and poorlymanaged against a changing demographic, increasedpoverty and a crime wave then involving gang vio-lence and drug trafficking. Today the neighborhood isprimarily working-poor Latinos, some Asian residentsand bare remnants of Black households.

“It is a positive effort taking place at the oldDunbar,” said Derrick Blakey, an electrician with sub-contractor with Keystone Construction. Blakey’s unclewas the world-renowned jazz drummer Art Blakey,who played the Dunbar several times. “There is aneffort here to include more Black tradesmen duringthe construction process … that is beneficial foryoung people getting started in the construction pro-fession. This is a good thing for Central Avenue.”

Famous Dunbar Hotel to regain some of its grandeur

“Central Avenue and theDunbar Hotel have long beenan important part of our Los

Angeles history…”

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8 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 www.ourweekly.comFebruary 21 - 27, 2013

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■ Celebrating its 39th awards dinner

The 2013 Black Business Association’s (BBA)President’s Award will be presented to WalterRhodes, vice president of Supply Management forSouthern California Edison, for exceptional commit-ment to increasing procurement opportunities, con-tract awards to qualified African American firms and

his tireless support of the BBA advocacy mission andprograms, according to the association.

Rhodes was specially selected by the BBA’s presi-dent, Earl “Skip” Cooper II, who himself will receivethe Lifetime Achievement Award.

The award, in recognition of Black HistoryMonth, will be presented at the BBA’s 39th AnnualAwards Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, at the

Omni Hotel at 251 South Olive St. in downtown LosAngeles. The event begins with a 6 p.m. reception,followed by dinner at 7 p.m. The BBA is one of theoldest active ethnic business organizations on theWest Coast.

Other honorees are: • Chairman’s Award—Kenneth McNeely, presi-

dent-California, AT&T• Special Recognition Award—Valerie Lynne

Shaw, commissioner, Board of Public Works • Community Service Award—Tomorrow’s

Aeronautical Museum, Robin Petgrave, executivedirector

• Lifetime Achievement Award—Earl Cooper,president & CEO, Black Business Association

“The purpose of the dinner is to honor corpora-tions, government agencies, businesses and individu-

als that have been most supportive of the growth anddevelopment of the Black Business Association andthe African American business community as awhole,” says the association. “With the second inau-guration of our first African American president andthe 150th anniversary of the EmancipationProclamation, 2013 is a year to remember and anappropriate reason for this year’s African AmericanHeritage Month theme, ‘At the Crossroads ofFreedom and Equality: The EmancipationProclamation and the March on Washington,’ whichcalls upon us to honor the African Americans whoovercame injustice and inequality to achieve financialindependence and the security of self-empowermentthat comes with it.”

Tickets are available for purchase online atwww.blackbusinessassociation.org.

July 2 - July 9, 2009 OurWeekly 9Cover Story | Feature Story Across Black America | OpEdNEWS February 21 - 27, 2013

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Black Business Association to honorSCE’s Walter Rhodes and four others

■ Part I


As they move closer to the March 5 election, can-didates in the 9th Council District campaign contin-ue to pound out their message to constituents. Theydid so before a crowd of some 400 people at a recentcandidate’s forum.

At the same time, residents have let those runningfor this office know that they have some concernsand demands they want addressed.

According to the South Los Angeles PowerCoalition, they are calling their next councilperson todevelop restorative justice and leadership develop-ment programs that keep youth out of the prisonssystem; equity funding for city services that keep thedistrict and the community safe; an increased invest-ment in utility bill payment assistance for low-income residents; provide neighborhood councilsand community-based organizations with annualfunding and decision-making power for communityeconomic development projects; insure that all con-struction projects within the region have a local hireprovision that calls for recruiting workers from com-munities with high unemployment.

The organization also wants: implementation of atransportation system that prioritizes poor and work-ing-class people; a requirement that all communityplans be developed with the full participation andinput of residents; and a moratorium on openingmore public schools that discriminate against com-munity students with the most needs.

Below find information on the candidates run-ning for this office.

Curren D. Price, one of two African Americanstate senators (the other is Roderick Wright), is wellaware that people are calling him a carpetbaggerbecause he is campaigning for the 9th District of theLos Angeles City Council even though for manyyears he has been associated with Inglewood politics.

But Price says the carpetbagger label is not accu-rate at all. The veteran politician also notes that hewas born in the 9th District, attended NormandieElementary School and for the last 20 years has beenworking on issues that impact both Inglewood andSouth Los Angeles. He also served as a deputy fortwo members of the Los Angeles City Council.

Price says he is seeking the 9th District seatbecause of the neglect he sees there. This includesdebris on the streets, frequent dumping, as well ashousing stock that needs more upgrading. Specific-

ally, he says more low-income, work force and specialneeds housing must be brought into the district.

Additionally, Price sees a need for business andjob development and more focus on addressing thechallenges that plague the entire 9th District ratherthan just downtown.

He is particularly excited about the opportunityfor transit-oriented, mixed-use development, particu-larly along Alameda Street. Price said he also intendsto harness some of the potential economic engines—the airport, the harbor and transit to make sure thedistrict gets its fair share.

The candidate is also looking at other creativeways to introduce economic development into thedistrict, including the idea of developing an interna-tional zone that can help small and middle-sizedcompanies use their cultural contacts to do businessin Latin American and other regions.

The politician envisions his role as a champion forthese efforts who will draw awareness to the concepts.

*Manuel “Manny” Aldana is a Los Angeles-born

son of immigrants who grew up in the 9th District.Despite initially dropping out of high school becauseof the gangs in his community and working low-endconstruction jobs, the L.A. native returned to highschool inspired by the concept of “ganas” from famededucator Jaime Escalante.

After earning an associate of science degree inelectrical construction and maintenance and workingin the field a few years, the candidate began to see theneed for political involvement. His began with thepolitical campaign in support of Proposition 22(marriage between one woman and one man only).

He next ran for the Assembly against FabianNunez in 2002 and 2004 and against John Perez in2008. Three years later Aldana threw his hat into thering for a spot on the Los Angeles CommunityCollege Board of Trustees, and then in 2012 decidedto run for the Los Angeles City Council.

9th District candidate profiles

Curren Price Manny Aldana Terry Hara

see 9TH DISTRICT page 14

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10 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 Cover Story | Feature Story | News | Across Black America OPEDFebruary 21 - 27, 2013

■ State of the Union hitshigh marks


I was among the 33.5 mil-lion people who sat riveted totheir televisions, parsing everysecond of the State of the Union address. I wasstunned to learn, through a Washington Post articleby Lisa De Moraes, that viewership was less substan-tial for this address than last year’s 38 million, andeven lower than the 48 million that watched in 2010.Are people less interested in what our president hasto say? Or is there something else going on?

In any case, from my perspective this was animportant and significant State of the Union address.Unleashed from the pressure of re-election, and ableto set forth a progressive and aggressive agenda,President Barack Obama dealt with some of the keyissues that face our nation. He was able to utter theword “poverty” without his tongue freezing up.

Unfortunately, he is unable to utter the words“Black” or “African American.” Still, President Obamalaid out an agenda that will ultimately have a positiveeffect on the African American community, especial-ly if some of his efforts are targeted.

In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King said, “The curseof poverty has no justification in our age. It is sociallyas cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism atthe dawn of civilization, when men ate each otherbecause they had not yet learned to take from soil orto consume the abundant animal life around them.The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by thetotal, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.”

President Obama was not so direct, nor so cut-

ting. But he offered important clarity to an issue hisadministration has ignored heretofore. While focus-ing on the middle class, he also noted that peopleshould not work full time and still earn a wage thatputs them beneath the poverty line. His advocacy fora minimum wage of $9 per hour, or about $18,000 ayear for a single worker who might support a familywas a significant move forward for the poor.

Missing—a conversation about poor people andhealth benefits, and about the employers who refuseto employ people full time so that they can avoidpaying benefits. Obamacare will cover many of theseemployees, but the fact that profitable companieswould rather offer a worker 22 hours than 30 to savemoney is reprehensible.

The State of the Union address is not an opportu-nity to drill down on every issue, so I very muchunderstand that President Obama could not offerdetails to the many proposals he raised.

Still, it was refreshing to hear the president talkabout poverty, about women’s work and wages, andabout issues of equality.

The first legislation President Obama signed wasthe Lily Ledbetter Act, which dealt with equal payissues. Without acknowledging race in any of theseconversations, the fact is African American women(and Latinas) are at the bottom of the pay scale.Advocating equal pay and dealing with issues ofpoverty, and implementing solutions, improves thematerial conditions of women at the bottom.

President Obama discussed infrastructureimprovements in his 2008 campaign. Partisan bicker-ing has made it difficult for him to work with statesto refurbish, as he says, 70,000 bridges, as well asroads and highways. The last time our nation paidattention to these structural issues was in the 1950swhen President Dwight Eisenhower, in a job-creationmove, built federal highways around our nation tofacilitate easy transportation.

Have you driven on an interstate highway lately?Whether you are Democrat or Republican, we shouldall agree that these highways (some called pot hole cen-tral) need improvement? Some politicians are so willingto undermine the Obama administration that they arealso willing to see our nation become dysfunctional.

The two emotional high points in this speechincluded the shout out to the 102-year-old womanwho waited all day to vote, and the call to gun reform,mentioning victims by name. I was most moved by

Counting the Cost


■ President’s proposals couldreduce the number of poor


For Americans living inpoverty, this year’s State of theUnion address was a watershedmoment in recent history. President Barack Obama’sdeclaration that in the wealthiest nation on earth, noone working full-time should live in poverty was amessage many Americans who aspire to enter intothe middle class have been hoping to hear.

The president’s call for an increase in the federalminimum wage to $9 an hour while tying future wagesto the cost of living, along with making investments ineducation and manufacturing to make America a jobsmagnet should start a serious discussion on poverty.

President Obama has been criticized by some forputting off this discussion for too long. Now that thehe has laid down a marker, it’s in the hands of bothCongress and the American people to make surethere is action on legislative proposals to improve thelives of people living in poverty.

Both parties have rightly said the backbone of oureconomic recovery is a strong middle class. But lostin the budget debates in Washington has been a clearsense that protecting the middle class can’t just beabout those already in the middle class.

A good starting point would be to focus on themore than 16 million children currently living inpoverty, who remain disproportionately AfricanAmerican. More than 1 in 3 Black children were poorin 2011, compared to 1 in 8 White or non-Hispanicchildren.

The U.S. Census Bureau reports record high levelsof children have been living in poverty in recentyears, with data showing the last 10 years have beenparticularly devastating. Child poverty ratesincreased by 35 percent since 2000, adding 4.5 mil-lion children to the poverty rolls, according to the

Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). Children continue to be the poorest age group in

America with nearly 22 percent living in povertycompared to 13 percent of people ages 18-64 and lessthan 10 percent for those over the age of 65, the CDFreports.

Their data shows overwhelmingly children havesuffered more than any other age group during theGreat Recession of recent years.

Sadly, recent debates in Washington seem to over-look this data. Congress is careening toward yetanother self-made budget crisis next month and theimpacts of inaction would be severe on children liv-ing in poverty.

If a budget solution isn’t reached by March 1,Head Start and Early Head Start services would beeliminated for 70,000 children; 600,000 women andchildren would be dropped from the Department ofAgriculture’s Special Supplemental NutritionProgram for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC).

Investments in innovation to spur job creationand make sure Americans get the tools they need toaccess those jobs would be put in danger, making it

that much harder to enter into the middle class. Congress has shown it can come together in

divided times to do what’s in the best interest of chil-dren and families aspiring to get out of poverty.

A bipartisan national commission, during theReagan era, successfully devised policies and pro-grams such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, theChild Tax Credit and the Children’s Health InsuranceProgram, which have collectively made a tremendousimpact in lifting families and children out of poverty.Each of these measures has enjoyed support fromDemocratic presidents alike because poverty shouldn’tbe a Democratic or Republican issue.

The criticism that President Obama has been slowto lead on this issue should now be directed towardCongressional leadership, particularly in the Houseof Representatives where, shortly after PresidentObama’s call for increasing the minimum wage, sev-eral Republicans publicly stated their opposition. Toovercome this opposition, people in support of doingmore to fight poverty must make their case to theAmrican people who have the power to pressure law-

Addressing poverty

see POVERTY page 14

■ Politically looking outfor ourselves


As a recently retired andtransitioned political warrioronce confided to me, “We, as apeople, must change the current political paradigmwe operate in, or else accept the inevitable marginal-ization of our interests that will undoubtedly occur.We can only do that collectively, strategically andwith consistency.”

That inexorably leads to the persistent question:does the California Black population need a Blackpolitical agenda? That is a perplexing, relentless ques-tion that needs to be addressed and addressed now.Not a people of color agenda. Not a diversity orminority group agenda. No, the question is do weneed a specifically Black Agenda. And if we do, why?

Is it because while we are all part of several inter-est groups in our daily lives—women’s groups, studentgroups, class—interest groups, union groups, etc.,—the group that we did not choose and that is a con-stant in our daily engagements, is our Blackness? AsRalph Ellison once said, there is no shame in recog-nizing the fact of being Black. There is only shame inonce having been ashamed of it. We are disrespectedbecause we are Black. We are profiled and imprisonedbecause we are Black. According to Kenneth Clarke’sduplicated and modernized doll study, very youngchildren are yet being taught that the darker the hue,the uglier and more non-preferred is the child. Therecent Dorner case was surely about being Black.

By the way, for those still looking for a solid ana-lytical explanation of what the hell was going on withall that, please refer to the 1968 William Grier andPrice Cobb classic, “Black Rage.”

So, do we need a Black Political Agenda inCalifornia to organize ourselves around, and to serveas a social-political reference point? Without one, willwe keep acting as if we are in this alone? We still keeptrying to swim upstream in hostile, oily waters as ifwe can make it by ourselves and as if we will be

judged and evaluated fairly, based on our individualmerit.

Neon bulletin folks: We are not in a post-racialsociety, as any non-self deluded African Americanwill tell you if asked any time of day or night.

Race is not only still a factor, it is still THE domi-nant factor in socio-political-economic affairs in thisstate and in this country.

Should it be said that in general, to win any sig-nificant battle, or to overturn and replace any estab-lished paradigm, there must be a solid, agreed-uponstrategic plan? If that is the case, then shouldn’t sucha plan for us, within the political context of this dis-cussion, have to be based on a Black Agenda in orderto know where to go, what to fight for, how to evalu-ate gains and losses, and how to determine a lessonfor future action from a chance aberration?

In politics, interest group agendas poorly articulat-ed, badly or negligently advocated, and weakly, if at all,defended, simply get no play. Those interests are not inthe game and cannot win. Votes from Black folks arethen not associated with benefits for Black folks, evenwhen the successful candidates are Black. The votesare respected, but not the Black voters providing themnor are their needs and wants well considered.

The California Black Think Tank located inSouthern California (and meeting monthly at theAfrica House), and now also represented by the newCouncil of Black Political Organizations (COBPO)has come up with such a California Black Agenda.Go to www.cobpo.org to see it. A few of its essentialsare below. The stand taken by both groups is that inorder not to become politically irrelevant in a state inwhich the Black population is increasing in sheernumbers, but substantially decreasing in its propor-tion of the overall state population as that bodygrows larger, the Black community must get betterorganized and it must get more clear-visioned. TheBlack community will not be saved by accidental cir-cumstances; it will only be saved from political obliv-ion to progress to its full potential by its own devices.Black folks can wait for Godot all we want. He/she isnot coming to rescue us.

Having a comprehensive California Black Agendawill include:

A. In PUBLIC EDUCATION, we need toincrease the positive value of education among Blackyouth, adjust positively to the increasing Latino pres-ence in schools, increase the presence of Black teach-

Practical Politics


“…President Obama laid out anagenda that will ultimately havea positive effect on the AfricanAmerican community…”

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■ Dealing with historical fears


The Institute for Black Parenting embarked 37years ago on one of the most difficult and pressingsocial-service issues in placing orphaned Black chil-dren into stable households.

The Inglewood-based licensed adoption andsocial welfare agency began as a specialist in servingAfrican American children because historically fearof adoption among adults has made Black youngsterstraditionally difficult to place. Because poverty canfrequently be mistaken for neglect, Black orphanswho may come from jobless households hosting drugabuse, domestic violence and poor resources, theycan be viewed as difficult to rear and are oftendeemed undesirable. The Institute for BlackParenting provides services to all ethnic groups.

The Institute also provides family preservation andfamily reunification services to assist with maintain-ing children in their biological or extended family.

A number of nontraditional adoption services areavailable, among them an initial telephone call or in-person contact with prospective applicants. Theseadults are invited to an adoption orientation meeting;

at the end, the prospective applicant is fingerprintedand given adoption forms. The completed applicationis then returned and another in-person meeting isconducted. Following an adoptive family trainingworkshop, the case is assigned to a social worker forhome-study interviews.

If approved, the family receives a letter of confir-mation and then the search begins for the mostappropriate child. The Institute networks with othercounty and private bodies, as well as with a co-op ofminority agencies that may specialize with children ofcolor. A photo listing corresponds with the search, asdo face-to-face meetings with prospective children.

The waiting period, of course, varies with the par-ticular household. The Institute does offer “while you

wait meetings,” which are conducted quarterly to dis-cuss available children and to ease anxieties amongperspective parents during this sometimes stressfulperiod. California regulations require a minimumsix-month to one-year “adjustment period” (includ-ing four home visits) before the adoption is finalized.

The Institute then selects and matches the childaccording to the applicant(s) request, and a “pre-placement” conference ensues between the socialworker and supervisor. Then the social worker meetswith the perspective adoptive family to discuss chil-dren(s) background and current behavior. Placementsteps are then initiated; the waiting period typicallydepends on the child’s age, emotional needs, andbonding to new parents. Once placement occurs, theadoption papers are completed and signed.

The Community Coalition of Los Angeles, asocial-service organization working in conjunctionwith the Department of Children and FamilyServices (DCFS), reported last year that Black chil-dren comprised more than 34 percent of its case files,but numbered only 8 percent of the total child popu-lation in L.A. County. The survey revealed thatAfrican Americans make up 31 percent of the chil-dren DCFS places with family members; Latinoyoungsters comprise 54 percent of new placements.

The Institute requires no fee for services, includ-ing first aid and CPR training. There are Spanish-lan-guage services, foster family support groups, medicalconsultations, computer training and extracurricularactivities. A child development specialist is on staff.

Located at 11222 S. La Cienega Blvd., Suites129/233, the Institute for Black Parenting serves resi-dents in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino andRiverside counties. For more information, call (310)807-3350.

Institute for Black Parenting turnsadoption negatives into positives

Simone I. Smith, owner of SIS jewelry collection, hasbeen named a Rising Star of the Year by the NationalAssociation of Women Business Owners Los Angeles(NAWBOLA) and will be recognized during the group’s27th annual Leadership and Legacy Awards LuncheonApril 26 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at the JW Marriott LosAngeles at L.A. LIVE, 900 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles.

Smith, who is married to actor L.L. Cool J and is a sur-vivor of a rare form of bone cancer diagnosed in 2004,has created a line of jewelry that inspires women to notonly tap into their own personal style but to also feelcomfortable and bold enough to incorporate new thingsas well.

The luncheon follows an entrepreneur’s conference,“Bacon Donuts: Practical Planning for Brilliantly RiskyIdeas,” held from 7:30-11 a.m.

Admission to the luncheon is $150 for members and$200 for non-members with early-bird specials avail-able until Feb. 26. That cost is $100 and $150, respec-tively. Advance registration is strongly suggested.Admission to the conferences is $125 for members/$175 non-members. Participants who register for bothevents recieve a $50 discount. For additional informa-tion, go to the NAWBOLA website at www.nawbola.orgor call (213) 622-3200.

September 27 & 28, 2013

Page 13: OW L.A. 02-21-13

Here’s a look at African American individuals and issues mak-ing headlines throughout the country.

CALIFORNIAThe BET Honors 2013 award showaired this week with an importanttribute to Jenesse Center’s esteemedambassador, Halle Berry, with the2013 Service Award for her decade ofservice to Jenesse’s mission to aidwomen, children and families whosuffer from domestic violence. KarenEarl, CEO of Jenesse said, “The BETHonors program highlighted people who are a picture of whatextraordinary looks like. Halle has for more than 12 years, dayand night, been a part of Jenesse’s critical lifesaving work. Shehas asked for nothing; however, the very light of what shehelps us to accomplish, brings visibility to her big heart and avoice to our mission and our cause. We join BET in honoringHalle for her selfless work to save families in crisis.”

***Congresswoman Maxine Watersrecently received the Delta Chapter ofChi Eta Phi Sorority’s HumanitarianAward. Chi Eta Phi is a nationalorganization of registered profession-al and student nurses that aims toelevate the profile of the nursing pro-fession and enhance interest in thefield. “Congresswoman Waters hasbeen our voice in Washington and avery strong one,” said Delta ChapterPresident Terri Taylor-Hopkins. “She received the HumanitarianAward for her outstanding commitment and dedication toexpanding access to healthcare services for all Americans. Shehas been a leading advocate in the fight against HIV/AIDS, andis also the author of legislation to expand health services forpatients with diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.”

FLORIDAA new lawsuit alleges that the city of Jacksonville Fire andRescue Department’s (JFRD) hiring, transfer and assignment

policies have a disproportionately adverse effect on Blackemployees. The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers’ Committee forCivil Rights Under Law, also alleges that JFRD subjects AfricanAmerican employees to a hostile and racially charged workenvironment in violation of the Civil Rights Act. The Lawyers’Committee and pro bono local counsel Kirsten Doolittle filedthe suit in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District ofFlorida in Jacksonville, on behalf of the Jacksonville Branch ofthe NAACP and the Jacksonville Brotherhood of Firefighters(JBOF), an organization representing present, past, and aspir-ing Black firefighters, after three years of efforts to resolve theallegations failed. While Jacksonville’s population is 30.7 per-cent African American, as few as 20 percent of firefighters areBlack and many of them are set to retire in the next two years.

ILLINOISMichael Jordan, the former bas-ketball superstar and nowNational Basketball Associationteam owner, is selling his man-sion near Chicago for $29 mil-lion. The three-level 56,000-square-foot home in HighlandPark, Ill., has nine bedrooms,five fireplaces and 15 bath-rooms, according to a news release issued by Baird & Warner,a Chicago-based real estate firm. In addition, the estate fea-tures a three-bedroom guest house, an indoor-outdoor swim-ming pool and entertainment area, a tennis court, a puttinggreen, a deep-water pond and three multi-car garages.

MARYLANDReinvigorating efforts to diversify the National Park System,legislation was reintroduced by senators Ben Cardin, BarbaraMikulski, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Charles Schumer this week tohonor Harriet Tubman, by creating national park sites alongMaryland’s eastern shore and in Auburn, N.Y. “The legislationreintroduction is appropriately timed, as our country celebratesBlack History Month. House and Senate legislation was alsointroduced this week for the Interior Department to allow theNational Park Service to study the historic importance ofBuffalo Soldiers in our national parks, and examine opportuni-

ties to share this piece of history with visitors from across thecountry and beyond, through a potential future national parksite,” said Kati Schmidt, senior media relations manager,National Parks Conservation Association.

NEW YORKGrammy Award-winningDJ Spinderella, alongsiderenowned spin veter-ans/beatsmiths DJ Clueand Just Blaze, crownedDJ Element of Brooklyn,N.Y., as the McDonald’sFlavor Battle champion.Hundreds of audiophilesassembled at Miami Beach’s Cameo nightclub, where DJElement brought the most flavor and out-spun two con-tenders—DJ Jena Red of Pasadena, Calif., and DJ Arty J of St.Louis, Mo.—to ultimately win $10,000 and bragging rights. “Itfeels incredible to be the Flavor Battle champion,” said DJElement. “This competition has been an amazing journey, fromadvancing in three online rounds to being hand-picked bysome of the most well-known DJs in the industry. I will alwaysbe grateful to the fans, McDonald’s and the judges for givingme this opportunity.”

***The Network Journal (TNJ), an award-winning business mag-azine offering vital trade and industry news for today’s AfricanAmerican professionals, corporate executives and small-busi-ness owners, is currently seeking nominations for its 16thannual 40 Under Forty Achievement Awards. The selectedgroup of honorees will be recognized for their contribution tothe community and the success they have achieved in theirbusiness or professional career. The winners will be profiled inthe May/June 2013 issue of the magazine, and will be honoredat an awards ceremony on June 13, 2013. The deadline forsubmission is Friday, Feb. 22. The awards are open to Blackmen and women who are business owners or senior execu-tives in the public, private, or nonprofit sectors. The NetworkJournal seeks applicants with a proven track record, as well asexceptional up-and-coming individuals in a given field. Theideal candidate will be an accomplished professional or busi-

ness owner with a commitment to excellence and dedicated tohis or her community. For more information www.tnj.com/40-under-forty/call-for-nominations

TEXASThe Oshea Group, founded and oper-ated for the past 22 years by formerNBA player, Steffond Johnson, chosethis year’s NBA All-Star weekend inHouston as the backdrop toannounce several bold new initiativesfor his marketing and developmentarm, Beyond The Game. The first wasnaming veteran corporate branding and Internet developerCharles C. Gaines as CEO. “I am extremely excited about theopportunity to join Steffond in taking an amazing brand likeBTG to heights beyond even our wild imaginations,” comment-ed Gaines. “Initiatives for Beyond The Game include a heavydose of technology, as evidenced by a completely revampedwebsite and a newly launched mobile app currently availablefor iOS and Android called “Beyond The Game Houston.”

***Sisters Network Inc., 2013 National African American BreastCancer Tour will be hosted in Durham, N.C., on Feb. 23, 2013,at the Radisson Hotel Research Triangle Park. Sisters NetworkInc., is the only National African American breast cancer sur-vivorship organization. The Durham area conference is hostedby Sisters Network Inc. Triangle Chapter in partnership with theorganization’s national office.

NATIONALChildren’s book author T.A. Barron believes that today’s youthcan make a difference in their world. To inspire young people,he created the Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes.The BarronPrize honors young people ages 8 to 18 that have made a sig-nificant positive difference by helping others and/or the envi-ronment through a service project. Every year, 10 national win-ners each receive $2,500 to support their service work or high-er education. Nominations can be made by teachers, advisersor activity leaders and the entry deadline is April 30. For moreinformation and nomination packets, visit http://www.bar-ronprize.org

July 2 - July 9, 2009 OurWeekly 13Cover Story | Feature Story | News OpEdACROSS BLACK AMERICA February 21 - 27, 2013

Page 14: OW L.A. 02-21-13

ers and staff in the schools, decrease the percentageof Black youth sent into Special Education andRemedial Programs, and increase the numbers andpercent of Black youth graduating, among otherthings. President Obama has recently issued anExecutive Order establishing a Black YouthEducational Initiative. We need to work with him onit and take advantage of any opportunities for posi-tive advancement that comes out of it.

B. In the POLITICAL-SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT,we need to increase the political literacy of theCalifornia Black population. We need to maintain thepolitical status quo in elective circles while we simul-taneously expand our base (has anyone noticed who

is running for what office lately who also looks likeus?). We also need to establish and maintain anannual series of Black Youth Leadership workshopsor academies in various parts of the state, and weneed to maintain scrutiny of, monitor, and defendagainst any public policy choices that decrease Blackpolitical influence in California, among other things.

A concise and effective Black Agenda alsoincludes business and economic development, com-munity health and wellness, and dealing with theCriminal Justice system and Black families.

Again, we can wait, or we can do. Waiters too oftenare left in the desert to expire. A mere word to the wise.

Professor David L. Horne is founder and executive director ofPAPPEI, the Pan African Public Policy and Ethical Institute,which is a new 501(c)(3) pending community-based organizationor non-governmental organization (NGO). It is the stepparentorganization for the California Black Think Tank which stilloperates and which meets every fourth Friday.DISCLAIMER: The beliefs and viewpoints expressed in opinion pieces, letters to theeditor, by columnists and/or contributing writers are not necessarily those ofOurWeekly.

■ Family raises money for foundation


Feb. 26 will mark one year since then-17-year-old

Travyon Martin was gunned down by GeorgeZimmerman, a neighborhood watch coordinator in agated community of Sanford, Fla.

Martin was visiting family in the area and waswalking back from the store when, despite requestsby local police not to do so, Zimmerman began fol-lowing Martin because he appeared “suspicious.”

The twoended up in aphysical con-frontation, andthe unarmedMartin was shotin the chest andkilled.

Recently,Martin’s familyand activistssuch as JesseJackson, AlSharpton, alongwith celebritiesJamie Foxx andCedric the Entertainer, held a rally and remembrancedinner in Miami on what would have been the teen’s18th birthday.

“We just want to let people know,” said Martin’smother Sybrina Fulton, “the community, the chil-dren, to know that they have a right to walk in peace.

They have a right to walk without anybody followingthem. They have a right to walk without anybodycausing any harm to them or killing them.”

Zimmerman says he shot Martin in self-defenseand is attempting to use Florida’s “Stand YourGround Law” to justify his actions.

Initially, Sanford police refused to arrestZimmerman, but after nationwide protests, thatchanged, and now the neighborhood watch coordi-nator is set for trial in June. Additionally, he mustundergo “Stand Your Ground” hearing by April 26.

Martin’s family has set up the Trayvon MartinFoundation, which seeks to address the Stand YourGround laws.

“We want to make sure that we keep Stand YourGround revisions or repeals,” said Fulton. “We wantto keep that on the forefront so that they know thatyou can’t pursue anyone and then claim you werestanding your ground.”

Locally, a candlelight vigil tribute will be held Feb.26 at 6 p.m. in Leimert Park to mark the one yearanniversary of Martn’s death.

Trayvon Martin case one year later

makers to do the right thing.President Obama understands this method of

bringing about change, which is why immediatelyafter delivering his State of the Union address hebegan traveling the country raising awareness of theneed for pressure to be exerted on those standing inthe way of progress.

Another idea is for citizens to contact their mem-bers of Congress and ask that they support a newNational Commission on Children, which 16 advoca-cy groups have asked be created to develop additionalproposals for reducing poverty.

Working in conjunction with a willing presidentwe can all do our part to make sure a generation ofchildren in poverty aren’t forgotten.

Congresswoman Karen Bass (D-Calif.) represents California’s37th Congressional District and sits on both the House Judiciaryand Foreign Affairs committees and serves as whip of theCongressional Black Caucus for the 113th Congress.

DISCLAIMER: The beliefs and viewpoints expressed in opinion pieces, letters to theeditor, by columnists and/or contributing writers are not necessarily those ofOurWeekly.


from OPED page 10

the family of Hadiya Pendleton, who sat with FirstLady Michelle Obama, who attended their daughter’sfuneral. They are not only important as parents of agun violence victim, but as proxies for the more than500 people shot in Chicago in the last year or so.

It was also moving to see former CongresswomanGabby Gifford, unable to clap, who brought herhands together. The president’s comments got astanding O, but as soon as his speech was over,thirsty vultures (like Senator Marco Rubio) ran to themedia to voice opposition.

The president has offered an ambitious agenda, andone that will improve the lot of all Americans. While Ichafe at his failure to mention African Americans, Iam excited by proposals to close the wealth gap. Hisagenda won’t be implemented unless we advocate forit. What will you do to move it forward?

Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economistand author.

DISCLAIMER: The beliefs and viewpoints expressed in opinion pieces, letters to theeditor, by columnists and/or contributing writers are not necessarily those ofOurWeekly.

14 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 Cover Story | Feature Story Across Black America | OpEdNEWSFebruary 21 - 27, 2013

from OPED page 10

Counting the Cost

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Trayvon Martin

Practical Politics

from OPED page 10

Aldana has honed his in-the-trenches governingexperience by serving on three neighborhood coun-cils, including the South Central NeighborhoodCouncil. Now he wants to take his skills, passion andadvocacy to the next level—the L.A. City Council.

Billing himself as the “hometown candidate,”Aldana wants to bring increased leadership, represen-tation and services to the district. He identifies themajor concerns facing the 9th District as lack of jobsand public services; a need for honest governmentand reforming public education.

*Terry Hara says he understands the dynamics,

hardships and potential of the 9th District.As a member of the Los Angeles Police

Department who has patrolled and served in leader-ship roles for more than three decades in theNewton, 77th, Southeast and Southwest police divi-sions, Hara has also had the opportunity to see thedistrict from a slightly more unique position thatmost of the candidates.

He views public safety as a top priority in the dis-trict, and notes that the best crime fighter is a goodjob and is dedicated to implementing innovative com-munity programs to begin solving the job shortage.

Additionally, Hara, who currently works as anLAPD deputy chief sees business development asanother key need as well as providing a strong educa-tion system for the community’s youth.

This, says Hara, means a student-centered educa-tion that goes beyond standardized test to measurepupil’s capabilities.

Hara’s approach to business development willinclude advocating tax cuts and subsidies for compa-nies that employ local workers.

Hara prides himself on the part he has played inmaking the LAPD more responsive to the communi-ties it serves. This includes being responsible forinstituting community-based policing, institutingLAPD’s first gun buyback program and developingthe department’s first use-of-force handbook.

The Association of Black Law EnforcementExecutives recognized Hara’s contribution to thedepartment and community by giving him itsOutstanding Achievement Award in LawEnforcement.

Editor’s note: this is the first of two articles profiling candidateseeking to fill the seat being vacated by termed-outCouncilwoman Jan Perry.

9th Districtfrom NEWS page 9

Page 15: OW L.A. 02-21-13

■ Leaderpreneurship beginswith leadership


What do Rambo, Rhett Butlerand Dirty Harry all have in com-mon? They were each anti-heroes, rebels with a cause. As much as we love theseromanticized lone wolf images, none of these menwould have been worth a hill of beans in a business set-ting. While each of them was undoubtedly strong, andultimately successful in their limited endeavors, none ofthem was a leader of men (or women).

We love the loose cannon and the drifter.However, very few people achieve real wealth or suc-cess working alone. Leaderpreneurship begins withus. However, it cannot end with us. We’re social crea-tures. How do we build our dream business withoutemploying guerrilla business tactics to gain the upperhand, becoming a profiteer at the expense of our cus-tomers, or even an all-out business vigilante seekingto annihilate our competition?

Leadership is that ethereal substance that quickensthe heart of every growing business. We consciouslydetermine the nature of our leadership capacityintrospectively (by being accountable to ourselves

and to others, by exhibiting relentless perseverance inthe face of adversity, and by embarking on a lifelonglove affair with learning). However, the breadth andextent of our leadership capacity is determined large-ly by external factors, including how well we canchallenge the status quo to create a lasting legacy,whether we seek out and employ diversity of thoughtfor innovative solutions, and how carefully we planand monitor the company’s progress, all whileempowering others to help us build our dream.

Sir Richard Branson built an empire of transform-ing industries. He discovers where frustrated customershave just plain had enough, and finds a way to do itbetter. Sir Richard realizes that he’s not in the airlinebusiness—that’s the status quo. His company, VirginAirlines, is really in the entertainment business. It pro-vides a highly personalized, entertaining travel experi-ence. Eat when and what you like from a menu of tastyfare. Enjoy an impressive assortment of entertainmentchoices, and customer service is a dream—and thetransformation doesn’t stop there. By challenging thestatus quo, the Virgin brand has become the gold stan-dard across a dizzying array of industries, from musicto health-club chains, retail car sales, and so on.

In addition to taking insightful and bold actions,Leaderpreneurs understand the importance of diversi-ty of thought. I encourage you to assemble a master-mind team of people who are strong in skill areaswhere you are weak. Find leaders in your industry thathave done what you want to do. You’ll be surprised athow open and available a lot of professionals are tohaving lunch with you once a quarter to give you guid-ance (you’re buying, in case you were wondering).

Many of them want to give back to others in orderto return the good energy they’ve received in their

careers, but, often, no one asks for help, fearing rejec-tion. Go for it. Leaderpreneurs act in the face of fear.

Set SMART goals for 2013 (goals that are specific,measurable, aggressive, but attainable, realistic andtime-oriented). Delegate performance obligations foreach goal to the right person (either inside or outsideof your organization) and monitor their progress byfocusing on the big picture as you guide everyonetoward your common goal.

A leaderpreneur looks at business and marketingplanning, as well as careful monitoring of perform-ance and growth factors, as critical elements to thecompany’s success.

Finally, never fear hiring someone that is smarterthan you. Empower them and get out of their way.You’ll be amazed at how well it will impact your bot-tom line.

Shaune B. Arnold is a practicing attorney, business strategist andcoach. Contact her directly at [email protected].

July 2 - July 9, 2009 OurWeekly 15COMMUNITY Health & Wellness | Honor Roll | Support-Volunteer Opportunities February 21 - 27, 2013

■ Organization endorses Garcetti for mayor


South LA NOW is a young women and women ofcolor chapter dedicated to leveraging the power andhistory of South Los Angeles to create a more inclu-sive and rich environment for women and girls. Theorganization’s specific local efforts include: intimate

partner violence, access to comprehensive healthcare,environmental justice issues, and developing femaleadvocates in policy.

South LA NOW believes that young women arethe change-makers for Los Angeles. The organizationhad a strong stance on a number of issues affectingwomen, including but not limited to, ending violenceagainst women, reproductive justice, pay equity forwomen, and social and environmental justice.

The organization is unique in its approach to theissue of violence against women, emphasizing thatthere are many interrelated aspects to the issue—domestic violence; sexual assault; sexual harassment;violence at abortion clinics; hate crimes across linesof gender, sexuality and race, “all of which resultfrom society’s attitudes toward women and efforts tokeep women in their place,” says the organization.

South LA NOW affirms that reproductive rightsare issues of life and death for women, and supportsaccess to safe and legal abortion, to effective birthcontrol and emergency contraception, to reproduc-tive health services and education for all women. “Weoppose attempts to restrict these rights through legis-lation, regulation or Constitutional amendment,” saidJuana Rosa Cavero, president of South LA Now.

When it comes to environmental justice, webelieve that all people, regardless of their race, ethnic-ity, gender or income level, deserve to enjoy equallyhigh levels of environmental protection. Too often,families of color and low-income have been excludedfrom the environmental policy setting or decision-making process, resulting in a disproportionateimpact from one or more environmental hazards;and where residents experience disparate implemen-tation of environmental regulations, requirements,practices and activities in their communities. SouthLA NOW works with environmental justice groupsto address the inequities of environmental protectionin these communities,” said Cavero.

Most recently South LA NOW announced itsendorsement of Eric Garcetti for mayor of LosAngeles.

After conducting endorsement interviews withthe candidates and researching their records, thechapter is confident in supporting the candidate withthe most capacity, commitment and interest inadvancing the health and engagement of South LosAngeles’ women and girls.

Cavero stated: “Eric Garcetti has demonstrated hisuncompromising stance on building political power

among women so we can be the leaders and visionar-ies needed to face the disparities present in our com-munities.”

“Eric Garcetti is the only candidate running formayor who authored the legislation for local imple-mentation of CEDAW (Committee on theElimination of Discrimination Against Women). Hesponsored City Council sessions to educate the pub-lic about myths surrounding sexual assault and ledthe fight to secure the funding necessary to eliminatethe backlog of DNA rape kits.

“It is crucial that the next mayor of Los Angeleshave a track record of policies and programs thatimprove the lives of women and families,” she said.“Garcetti has proven that he has the courage to takeon the difficult issues that bring about real change.As Nourbese Flint, South LA NOW vice president,said, “South Los Angeles needs a mayor that knowsthat supporting women is about more than just beinga woman. It is about creating opportunities forwomen and girls through policy and action acrossLos Angeles . . . and today that person is EricGarcetti.”

For more information on South LA NOW, visitthe organizations website at www.southlanow.org.

South LA Now:representingwomen of color


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Service Schedule


Page 16: OW L.A. 02-21-13

Compiled by OW Staff

FEBRUARY 21MEETING. A panel of parents, students and staff report on thebattle for urgently needed resources and changes affectingCrenshaw High School at Solidarity Hall, 2122 W. JeffersonBlvd., beginning at 7pm. Open mic discussion will follow.Home-cooked meal, with vegetarian option, served at 6pm. fora donation. For info: (323) 732-6416.

CHAMPAGNE RECEPTION. Per Wickstrom CEO of A ForeverRecovery and sponsor of Arron Ableson’s Pachas Pajamas, achildren’s book and CD Imagination Heals initiative, hosts achampaign reception at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in the WilshireBallroom, 9876 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills, beginning at5:30pm. Being honored with the “Butterfly Award” is Soul Rocklegend, Lester Chambers, due to his outstanding participationin and commitment to Pacha’s Pajamas and the ImaginationHeals program. For info: (301) 840-5999.

SPEED NETWORKING. Members of Los Angeles Urban LeagueYoung Professionals will participate in a speed networkingevent to engage corporate executives and mentors in a one-on-one setting as part of the second annual BlackEconomic Empower Week. For info: www.laulyp.com.

FEBRUARY 22HAPPY HOUR. Special Black History Month happy hour at TheSAVOY Entertainment Center, 218 S. La Brea Ave, Inglewood.Black professional organizations officially welcome the newLos Angeles Urban League CEO, Nolan Rollins to Los Angeles.For info: www.laulyp.com.

ART EXHIBIT. An Black History Month art exhibition is current-ly on view, bringing together six community masters: MichaelMasssenburg, Cedric Adams, Ben Sakoguchi, TimothyWashington, Richard Wyatt Jr. and LaMonte Westmoreland, atthe Altadena Community Arts Center, 2460 N. Lake Ave.,Altadena, beginning at 7pm. For info: (626) 798-5798

FEBRUARY 23STAGE PLAY. Dark Blue Mondaze presents The Muse & TheHistory Man, written by Leslie Perry and directed by Gary DeWitt

Marshall at the Manazar Gamboa Theatre, 1323 Gundry Ave,Long Beach, at 8pm. Cost $10. For info: (562) 646-SHOW.

CREDIT WORKSHOP. This workshop provides a detailed lookinto credit reports; tools for participants to communicate withcredit bureaus, creditors, and collection agencies to fix reportscorrectly and legally; and information to understand laws andregulations to protect their wallet. PACE Business DevelopmentCenter, 1055 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 900B, L.A., from 10am-12pm. Cost $20. For info: (213) 989-3162.

CHARITY RODEO. The American Soul Charity Rodeo, in asso-ciation with actor Glynn Turman’s Camp Gid D UP comes to theIndustry Hills Expo Center, 16200 Temple Ave., City of Industry,beginning at 3pm. Cost $18-45. For info: (310) 674-6700.

HEALTH FAIR. UCLA SCOPE (Students for CommunityOutreach, Promotion and Education) is collaborating with theSt. Mark’s Christian Coptic Church and UCLA doctors to host ahealth fair at 1600 S. Robertson Blvd., L.A., from 10am-3pm.Free. For info: http://www.studentgroups.ucla.edu/scope.

UTILITY WORKSHOP. Workshop brings residents of the 54thDistrict face-to-face with representatives of their utility compa-nies and service providers to obtain answers to billing ques-tions, resolutions to problems, or assistance in using productsor electronic devices, at Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw Mall Bridge(above King Blvd.) 3650 W. Martin Luther King Blvd., L.A. Free.For info: (310) 342-1070.

FEBRUARY 24STAGE PLAY. Dark Blue Mondaze presents “The Muse & TheHistory Man” written by Leslie Perry and directed by Gary DeWittMarshall at the Manazar Gamboa Theatre, 1323 Gundry Ave,Long Beach, at 5pm. Cost $10. For info: (562) 646-SHOW.

LECTURE. Now at the Crossroads of History. “Before and AfterObama: A People and History not Defined by This Moment.”This lecture is the fourth in a month-long series on the fourmodal periods of Black history. Forum will be held at TheAfrican American Cultural Center, 3018 W. 48th St., L.A., begin-ning at 3pm. For more information, please call (323) 299-6124.

CONCERT. Andreea Kindryd, a renown Australian storyteller ismaking her debut appearance in Los Angeles for a one-timeonly homecoming concert at the Institute of Musical Art’s RayG. Clark Theater, 3210 W. 54th St., L.A., beginning at 2pm. Cost$20. For info: (323) 300-6578.

VIEWING PARTY. Academy Award viewing party honors AfricanAmericans in film and theatre at the Los Angeles Center Studios

located at 450 South Bixel, L.A. The fun starts on the red carpetat 2pm; VIP cocktails and hor d” oeuvres at 4pm; Oscar Showat 5pm. Black tie optional. Cost $100 individual/$150 couples.For info: http://www.robeytheatrecompany.com

FEBRUARY 25AUTHOR PRESENTATION. Local author and journalist, ErinAubry Kaplan, will talk about her book, “Black Talk, BlueThoughts, and Walking the Color Line,” at 6:30pm in the GladysWaddingham Lecture Hall of the Inglewood Public Library, aspart of the Black History Month celebration. The library is locat-ed at 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Inglewood, and the event isfree. For information, call (310) 412-5380. Kaplan is an award-winning journalist and columnist whose work has appeared inpublications including the Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly,

Essence, Black Enterprise and Ms. magazine. She is currentlya contributing editor to the op-ed section of the LA Times andwas the first African American weekly op-ed columnist in thepaper’s history.

FEBRUARY 26DRIVING COURSE. West Angeles CDC and AARP invite mem-bers and nonmembers to take the AARP Two-Day Driver SafetyCourse from 9:30am-1:30pm today and tomorrow at a dis-counted rate of $5. This course is the nation’s first and largestcourse for drivers age 50+. Course teaches valuable defensivedriving techniques and a refresher on proven safety strategies.By completing course you could qualify for a multi-year auto-mobile insurance discount. For registration info: (323) 751-3440 ext. 45.

DIVORCE WORKSHOP. Join a family law attorney in a round-table discussion about the divorce process at 21051 WarnerCenter Lane, Suite 100, Woodland Hills, beginning at 10am.Discover commonly ignored financial and tax issues, importantcommunication and parenting skills, how to protect oneself incourt, state guidelines for support and custody and more. Free.For info: (818)348-6700.

FEBRUARY 27DRIVING COURSE. West Angeles CDC and AARP invite mem-bers and nonmembers to take the AARP Two-Day Driver SafetyCourse from 9:30am-1:30pm at a discounted rate of $5. Thiscourse is the nation’s first and largest course for drivers age50+. Course teaches valuable defensive driving techniquesand a refresher on proven safety strategies. By completingcourse you could qualify for a multi-year automobile insurancediscount. For registration info: (323) 751-3440 ext. 45.

MARCH 1CONCERT. Juan de Marcos & The Afro-Cuban All Stars shakethings up at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts, 12700Center Ct Dr. N. Cerritos, beginning at 8pm. Fans will enjoy anintoxicating mix of Bolero, Cha Cha Cha, Salsa, Rumba, Danzón,and Timba music. Tickets $30-65. For info: (562) 467-8818.

STAGE PLAY. “Sick and Tired” the latest creation of the histor-ical writing team, Theatre Perception Consortium, comes toThe Performer’s Corner, 214 Hardy St., Inglewood beginning at8pm. For more info: (323) 552-8283.

See our complete calendar listings at ourweekly.com/this-week-in-la and ourweekly.com/when-and-where-in-la. Tosubmit your calendar listing e-mail [email protected] two weeks prior to event.

16 OurWeekly July 2 - July 9, 2009 ART, CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT When & Where | Book Reviews | FoodFebruary 21 - 27, 2013




To submit yourcalendar listing [email protected] weeks prior to event.Events


Free at lastJada Pinkett Smith, left, and Angela Davis at thefilming of “Free Angela and All Political Prisoners,” ahistorical documentary directed by Shola Lynch andshown at the Pan African Film Festival. The docu-mentary marks the 40th anniversary of Davis’acquittal on charges of murder, kidnapping, andconspiracy. In it, Davis recounts the actions thatbranded her a terrorist and simultaneously spurreda worldwide movement for her freedom. The docu-mentary was executive-produced by Will and JadaSmith. Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s Roc Nation assistedwith final funding./OW photo by Nyema Vernon

■ More than $750,000 allegedly misused


With moist eyes and soft voices, former U.S. Rep.Jesse Jackson Jr. and his wife Sandra Stevens Jacksonpleaded guilty to federal charges on Wednesdayrelated to years of using campaign funds for personalexpenses that included purchases of Michael Jacksonmemorabilia and a Rolex watch.

“Guilty, your honor,” Jackson responded to U.S.District Judge Robert Wilkins while dabbing his eyeswith a handkerchief after he looked back at familymembers in the courtroom, including his father, civilrights activist Jesse Jackson.

“I used monies that should have been used forcampaign purposes,” Jackson acknowledged to thejudge. When Wilkins asked if Jackson realized thatthe guilty plea meant giving up the right to a trial, he

responded: “I have no interest in wasting the taxpay-ers’ time or money.”

Wilkins set sentencing for June 28, when Jacksoncould face up to five years in prison and a maximumfine of $250,000.

At a separate hearing later on Wednesday, formerChicago Alderman Sandra Jackson also pleadedguilty in a quavering voice to one count of filing falsetax returns in connection with the misuse of herhusband’s campaign funds.

She then wept openly after returning to thedefense table. Wilkins set her sentencing for July 1,when she could receive up to three years in prisonand a maximum $250,000 fine. The couple isaccused of misusing more than $750,000 in cam-paign funds.

Wednesday’s hearings completed the fall of theonce politically powerful Chicago couple. Jacksonwon re-election to Congress last year despite person-al problems, including a mood disorder, that caused

him to drop out of sight for months during the cam-paign.

That coincided with the investigation of cam-paign fund irregularities dating back several years.

Jackson resigned a few weeks after the election,while his wife resigned her position as alderman inJanuary.

As he left the courthouse following his wife’shearing, Jackson said to reporters: “I’m sorry I leteverybody down.”

At his morning hearing, Jackson responded tostandard legal questions about his soundness ofmind by acknowledging his treatment by a psychia-trist.

The treatment was not for alcohol or drug abuse,Jackson said, adding that he had a beer on Tuesdaynight but “I have never been more clear in my lifethan I am now.”

“I fully understand the consequences of myactions,” he said.

His wife’s lawyer later told reporters that her deci-sion to plead guilty was influenced in part by herhusband’s “mental and health issues.”

The plea showed that Sandra Jackson admits“she’d made some mistakes in judgment regardingexpenditures in campaign contributions,” said thelawyer, Dan Webb.

“She saw this as a chance to accept full responsi-

bility for the conduct she engaged in,” he added.Jesse Jackson Jr. pleaded guilty to one count of

conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud andfalse statements.

Wilkins noted that prosecutors and defense attor-neys said sentencing guidelines indicated an appro-priate term of 46 to 57 months in prison and a fineof between $10,000 and $100,000.

However, Wilkins said he was not bound by sen-tencing guidelines, telling Jackson: “The bottom lineis, I don’t know what sentence you’re going to getand you don’t know what sentence you’re going toget.”

Jackson’s lawyer, Reid Weingarten, told reportersafter the hearing that he would mount a strong legalcase for a fair sentence, noting his client is the fatherof two young children and has the health problemsmentioned in court.

“It turns out that Jesse has serious health issues,”Weingarten said. “ . . . We are going to talk aboutthem extensively with the court and those healthissues are directly related to his present predicament.That is not an excuse. That is just a fact. And Jessehas turned a corner there as well.”

Neither Jackson nor his wife spoke to reporterswhen they arrived at the courthouse in Washingtonon Wednesday morning, or after the hearings con-cluded in the afternoon.

Jesse Jackson Jr., wife plead guilty tocharges involving campaign funds

Page 17: OW L.A. 02-21-13

■ Kunta Kinteh Island andthe Alex Haley Museum


With all this talk about slav-ery and “Django: Unchained”we bring into focus writer AlexHaley, the man who dared to write a groundbreakingnovel about his ancestors entitled “Roots.”

“Roots,” which originally aired in 1977 on theABC Network, literally captured the heart and imagi-nation of America and the world. Never before hadanything focusing on the subject of slavery evergraced the airwaves with such power and authority asthis mini-series.

Kunta Kinte became a familiar name to everyone,and Alex Haley was the rock star writer of the age.Kinte is the African ancestor of Alex Haley, who alsobrought us “The Autobiography of Malcolm X”.

The book and the miniseries traces Kunta Kinte’sheartbreaking capture, perilous journey to the Whiteman’s land and his “negrolization” (“Your name isToby”) in America.

But Kunta Kinte was wise enough to never forgethis roots and he passed the knowledge of his history

on to his children, and his children’s children. AndHaley’s writings put into the heart of many AfricanAmericans the desire to know their roots and theancestors that preceded them.

Are Alex Haley’s contributions and his legacy slip-ping into the dusty pages of what’s known as AfricanAmerican history?

I ask that question because a museum set up inhis honor in Henning, Tenn., his boyhood home, isstruggling to survive. With very little money comingfrom the state in support of the facility, the museummust rely on contributions and, dare I say, star power.

I’m willing to bet that the many Black actors andactresses who gained notoriety through “Roots,” thestory of Haley’s ancestors, such as LeVar Burton andJohn Amos, among others, may not even know themuseum exists. Even Spike Lee, whose film “MalcolmX” was based on the Haley’s work, “TheAutobiography of Malcolm X,” and starred DenzelWashington, has never darkened the museum’s door-way or sent a note or an item of memorabilia to themuseum.

The Alex Haley Museum and Interpretive Centerare educational facilities dedicated to the collection,preservation, interpretation, and exhibition of arti-facts. The museum’s comprehensive collections repre-sent Haley’s life and achievements. It also promotesthe understanding and appreciation of history by pre-senting a range of exhibitions, programs, and eventsfor the community and the world.

Maybe there is hope. I recently received an emailfrom my editor about a new documentary, “KuntaKinteh Island: Coming Home Without Shackles,” thatis screening across the country, but not yet in L.A.,and I don’t see a schedule for Henning, Tenn., wherethe museum is located. Hopefully that will change.

Making his directorial debut, Elvin Ross, is alsothe executive producer and composer of the film. Hisfilm serves a dual purpose, he says. The film wasmade to educate a new generation of Americansabout the legendary Mandinka warrior Kunta Kinte,and as a philanthropic effort to raise funds for the

Albreda Jeffereh Primary School in KuntaKinte’s impoverished Gambian village.

The documentary traces the life of KuntaKinte, and shares with viewers a side of theKunta Kinte legacy we didn’t know. It focuseson his lasting family legacy through profiles ofhis relatives in the village of Juffereh, Gambia,West Africa, today. And it shares his recentsymbolic return to the point of his captivity—James Island in Gambia—which was formallyrenamed Kunta Kinteh Island on Feb. 6, 2011.

Visit www.elvinross.com for more detailsof the film and its screening schedule.

And while you’re at it, visit Alex HaleyMuseum’s website, keeping in mind, this is theman who started it all. Go to www.alexhaley-

museum.com. In the meantime, I’m going to trackdown the celebrity who’s who list and let them knowabout a wonderful opportunity to help preserve AlexHaley’s wonderful legacy.

Gail can be reached at [email protected]

ART, CULTURE & ENTERTAINMENT When & Where | Book Reviews | Food July 2 - July 9, 2009 OurWeekly 17February 21 - 27, 2013

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Page 18: OW L.A. 02-21-13
















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The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:On The Pulse MC, 15532Calverton Drive, La Mirada,CA 90638, County of LosAngelesRegistered owner(s):Roberto A. Cordero, CA, 15532Calverton Drive, La Mirada, CA90638Ronald K. Hinckley, CA, 15532Calverton Drive, La Mirada, CA90638This business is conducted bya General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on N/AI declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Roberto A. Cordero, ChiefExecutive OfficerThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on February 15, 2013NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/21, 2/28, 3/7, 3/14/13CNS-2448509#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:Tessaractive Pilates, 510 N.Larchmont Blvd., Suite B,Los Angeles, CA 90004,County of Los AngelesRegistered owner(s):Tesseract Arts, Inc., 510 N.Larchmont Blvd., Suite B, LosAngeles, CA 90004This business is conducted bya corporation

The registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on N/AI declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Tesseract Arts, Inc.S/ Kara Wily, OwnerThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 30, 2013NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2445223#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:Anomar Fami ly Serv ices,1551 W. Ave. J-8, #150Lancaster, CA 93534, Countyof Lancaster; P.O. Box 2103,Lancaster, CA 93539Articles of Incorporation orOrganization Number: AI #ON:3524427Registered owner(s):Anomar Family Services, 1551W. Ave. J-8, #150 Lancaster,CA 93534; CaliforniaThis business is conducted bya corporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on N/AI declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Anomar Family ServicesS/ Ms. Ramona A. Brown,Incorporator/CEOThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on February 1, 2013NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,

except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2444513#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:Le Kini, 1109 E. 150th St.,Compton, CA 90220, Countyof LARegistered owner(s):Kianna Shann, 1109 E. 150thSt., Compton, CA 90220.This business is conducted byan individual.The registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on N/A.I declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Kianna Shann, CEOThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 9, 2013.NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2442695#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)

doing business as:RHYS, 4101 W. 58th Pl., LosAngeles, CA 90043, Countyof Los AngelesRegistered owner(s):Maurice Peter Rogers, 4101 W.58th Pl., Los Angeles, CA90043This business is conducted byan individualThe registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on N/AI declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Maurice Peter Rogers, SoleOwnerThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on Januayr 23, 2013.NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2441929#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:A1 Construction & Designs,3424 Motor Avenue, LosAngeles, CA 90034, Countyof Los Angeles Articles of Incorporation orOrganization Number: AI #ON:2571201Registered owner(s):Magic Windows By A1, Inc.,CA, 3424 Motor Avenue, LosAngeles, CA 90034This business is conducted bya Corporation The registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on01/01/2010I declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)Magic Windows By A1 Inc.S/ Cynthia L. Gonzalez,Secretary This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 18, 2013NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statement

does not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2439779#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:1. Young Sam 2. TrapFornia,631 West 51 St. , LosAngeles, CA 90037, Countyof Los Angeles Registered owner(s):Samuel Henson, 631 West 51Street, Los Angeles, CA 90037This business is conducted byan Individual The registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on Jan. 28,2013 I declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Samuel Henson This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 29, 2013 NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2439776#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:Wil-Sons, 834 E. Cyrene St.,Carson, CA 90746-3018,County of Los Angeles Registered owner(s):Henry A. Wilson, Sr., 834 E.Cyrene St., Carson, CA 90746-3018This business is conducted byan Individual The registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on01/01/2008I declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Henry A. Wilson, Sr., Owner This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 18, 2013NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section

17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2438825#OUR WEEKLY


The following person(s) is (are)doing business as:1. Whims And Fancies 2.S t romness Tech, 3941Veselich Avenue, Apt. 345,Los Angeles, CA 90039 ,County of Los Angeles Registered owner(s):Soma Acharye, 3941 VeselichAvenue, Apt. 345, Los Angeles,CA 90039Kaushik Acharya, 3941Veselich Avenue, Apt. 345, LosAngeles, CA 90039 This business is conducted bya Married CoupleThe registrant commenced totransact business under thefictitious business name ornames listed above on01/01/2013I declare that all information inthis statement is true andcorrect. (A registrant whodeclares as true informationwhich he or she knows to befalse is guilty of a crime.)S/ Soma Acharya, OwnerThis statement was filed withthe County Clerk of LosAngeles on January 10, 2013 NOTICE-In accordance withSubdivision (a) of Section17920, a Fictitious NameStatement generally expires atthe end of five years from thedate on which it was filed in theoffice of the County Clerk,except, as provided inSubdivision (b) of Section17920, where it expires 40days after any change in thefacts set forth in the statementpursuant to section 17913other than a change in theresidence address of aregistered owner. A NewFictitious Business NameStatement must be filed beforethe expiration.The filing of this statementdoes not of itself authorize theuse in this state of a FictitiousBusiness Name in violation ofthe rights of another underFederal, State, or common law(See Section 14411 et seq.,Business and ProfessionsCode).Original1/31, 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2438823#OUR WEEKLY




The Los Ange lesCommunity Colleges haveembarked on an extensiveSusta inab le Bu i ld ingProgram to address much-needed campusimprovements fo reducat iona l and supportfac i l i t ies for i ts n ine

community colleges.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the Los AngelesCommunity College District(“District”) invites Design-BuildEntities as defined byEducation Code Section 81701(c) (“Design-Build Entities”) tocomplete and submit aQualification Questionnaire andother information referencedbelow, for purpose of qualifyingto submit a proposal for thedesign and construction of thefollowing project (“Project”): PROJECT: ALLIED HEALTHAND SCIENCE CENTER /CAMPUS-WIDE ADATRANSITION & ACCESSCOMPLIANCE COLLEGE: LOS ANGELESVALLEY COLLEGE

PROJECT NUMBER(S) :40J.5802.03.01,08V.6803.02.01

BUDGET: $5,500,000


The proposed, Allied Healthand Science Center / Campus-Wide ADA Transition & AccessCompliance project, is thecombination of the twoseparate scopes of work. Thescope of work associated withthe first part of this proposedproject is the implementationand completion of accessibilityimprovements throughout thecollege, as identified in thebarrier removal surveyconducted between 2007 and2009. The scope of workassociated with the secondpart of this singular project is tocomplete outstanding issues inthree areas of the Allied Health& Science Center Building: (1)Building Envelope -Waterproofing exteriorlocations subsequent to thirdparty testing’s and analysis; (2)Restoration of interior drainsystems; (3) Non -DSA punchlist work.

Design-Build Entities wishingto be considered forqualification (“Applicants”)must submit a QualificationQuestionnaire and otherinformation as required by theInstructions to Applicants(“Instructions”) that are a partof the District’s “Request forQualification of Design-BuildEntities for Design-Build of theAllied Health and ScienceCenter / Campus-wide ADATransition & AccessCompliance (“Request forQualification”), a copy of whichwill be posted on the Districtwebsite http://www.build-laccd.org/, Contracting &Bidding Site, Design-Build,commencing February 20,2013.

AQualification Pre-SubmittalConference will be conductedon Tuesday, February 26, 2013,commencing promptly at 9:00am at Bui ld-LACCD, 915Wi lsh i re Blvd., Suite 810,Los Angeles, CA, 90017*.Attendance at the QualificationPre-Submittal Conference ismandatory for the GeneralCont ractor o f anyperspective Design-BuildEntity (subject to exceptionsas may be permitted by theDistrict’s Board Rule 7103.17for small, local and emergingbusinesses). Sign languageservices are available at theQualification Pre-SubmittalConference upon written

request received by theProgram Manager, Build-LACCD, at the address statedbelow for receipt ofQualification Submittals, atleast three (3) business daysprior to the QualificationConference.

All Qualification Questionnairesand other informationrequested in the Request forQualification for submission byApplicants (“QualificationSubmittals”) shall be preparedin conformance with theRequest for Qualification usingthe forms referenced in orattached thereto. QualificationSubmittals shall be handdelivered to, or be received bymail at Build-LACCD915Wilshire Blvd., Suite 810 LosAngeles, CA 90017 at any timeMonday through Friday duringregular working hours of 8:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m., up to andincluding M a rch 15, 2013,which date and time aresubject to change by District inaccordance with the terms ofthe Instructions. The Applicantassumes full and soleresponsibility for timely receiptof its complete QualificationSubmittal at the aforestatedlocation designated for receiptthereof. The District shall selectfrom the Applicants a “short-list” of the Design-Build Entitiesdetermined to be mostqualified based on the scoringof the Qualification Submittals,who will then be invited tosubmit Design-BuilderProposals for the Project. Anhonorarium will be paid inaccordance with the terms ofthe Request for Proposals tothose Qualified Design-BuildEntities that are invited tosubmit Design-BuilderProposals and who do notreceive the Award of theDesign-Build Contract for theProject.

Local, small and emergingbusinesses are encouraged toparticipate in this Design-Buildcompetition.

*Please note that parking willnot be validated.

Questions relating to thisproject should be directed to:Michael Mallery Jr, Contract


915 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 810Los Angeles, CA 90017Michael.mallery@build-

laccd.org, (213) 996-25692/21/13CNS-2448180#OUR WEEKLY





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENTHAT THE PurchasingManager of the City of Carsonwill receive sealed bids for:

Furnishing Heavyweightpark benches and SteelFrame picnic tables, asspecified by the City of

Carson Bid SpecificationNo. B13-01










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Each bid must be submittedin triplicate to the office of theCity Clerk at 701 E. CarsonStreet, Carson, California,90745 before 2:30 p.m. on the13th day of March 2013, andwill be opened at that time inthe office of the City Clerk, Cityof Carson and, thereafter, willbe submitted to the PurchasingManager/City Council foraward of a contract or rejectionof the bids as the PurchasingManager/City Council maydeem wise in her/its discretion.

BIDS RECEIVED AT 2:30P.M. OR AFTER 2:30 P.M.WILL BE CONSIDEREDLATE. It is the policy of the Cityof Carson to reject any bid,which is received late. Suchbids will be returned unopened.

If you have any questions,please call Martha Orozco,Buyer at (310) 952-1758, ext.1234.





Notice is hereby given that theOwner, consisting of one orboth of the following describedpublic entities:

[X] The City of Carson,California[ ] The Carson SuccessorAgency

will receive sealed bids at theoffice of the City Clerk, CityHall, 701 East Carson St.,Carson, California, before andincluding 3:00 p.m. onTuesday March 12, 2013, for:



At the time designated forreceiving sealed bids on saidProject, the bids will be publiclyopened, examined, and readaloud.

All bids must be in writing,must be sealed, and must beplainly marked on the outside:“BID ON PROJECT NO. 999.” Any bid received after thehour stated above for anyreason whatsoever, will not beconsidered for any purpose butwill be returned, unopened, tothe bidder.

Each bidder must submit a bidto the Owner, on standardforms available at theEngineering Services Counter.Said bid is to be accompaniedby a cash deposit, a certified orcashier’s check, or a bidder’sbond, made payable to theOwner, in an amount not lessthan 10 percent of the total bidsubmitted. A bidder’s bondapplicable to both categories,but in the higher bid amount,shall be submitted.

The envelope enclosing the bidshall be sealed and addressedto the Owner, c/o City Clerk,and delivered or mailed to theCity Clerk at 701 East CarsonStreet, Carson, California90745. The envelope shall beplainly marked in the upperleft-hand corner as follows:


(Bidder’s Name and Address)


The successful bidder will berequired to furnish a faithfulperformance bond in theamount of 100 percent of thecontract price, and a paymentbond in the amount of 100percent of the contract price,both in a form satisfactory tothe Owner’s Attorney.

The contractor shall at the timeof award possess a valid Stateof California ContractorsLicense, License Class B orequivalent and mustsubcontract with appropriatelylicensed specialty contractorsto perform the work.

The Contractor may, atContractor’s sole cost andexpense, substitute securitiesequivalent to any monieswithheld by the Owner toinsure performance under thecontract. Such security shall bedeposited with the Owner, or astate or federally charteredbank as escrow agent, whoshall pay such monies to theContractor upon satisfactorycompletion of the Contract.The Contractor shall be thebeneficial owner of any securitysubstituted for monies withheldand shall receive any accruedinterest thereon. Securitieseligible for investment shallinclude those listed inGovernment Code Section16430 or bank or savings andloan certificates of deposit. Nosuch substitution shall beaccepted until the escrowagreement, letter of credit, formof security and any otherdocument related to saidsubstitution is reviewed andfound acceptable by theOwner’s Attorney.

Pre-Bid Conference and JobWalk: Each prospective bidderis responsible for fullyacquainting himself with theconditions of the project, aswell as those relating to theconstruction and labor of theProject, to fully understand thefacilities, difficulties andrestrictions which may impactthe total and adequatecompletion of the project. Apre-bid conference and jobwalk will be held on Tuesday,February 26, 2013 from 9:00a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at DolphinPark located at 21205 WaterStreet, Carson, CA 90745. Allattendees must arrive to thesite by 9:00 a.m. Each andevery bidder is encouraged toattend the pre-bid conferenceand job walk. Prospectivebidders may not visit the sitewithout making arrangementsthrough the Project Manager.

The Contract requires that theContractor monitor weatherforecasts for adverse weatherconditions that may impact theproject. The Contract requiresthat the Contractor provide siteand facilities protection due tounforeseen weather conditionsduring the course of thecontract. Cost of thisprotection is included in the biditems.

Upon receiving the Notice toProceed, the Contractor isrequired to provide proof ofo rder that any long leaditems have been ordered.P roof o f purchase mustinc lude conf i rmat ion andexpected delivery date.

Electrical Equipment,Mechanical Equipment andother long lead time items arerequired to be stored andprotected at a location agreedby the City and the Contractor,to allow delivery confirmationinspection by the City andConstruction Manager.

Enhanced Electrical SafetyPolicy: Bidders are advisedthat all work on this projectshall be conducted incompliance with therequirements in the EnhancedElectrical Safety Policyadopted by the city onFebruary 1, 2011, which areincluded in the SpecialProvisions, and made part of,the Contract Documents forthis project.

The Owner reserves the right toreject any or all bids and towaive any informality orirregularity in any bid receivedand to be the sole judge of themerits of the respective bidsreceived. The award, if made,will be made to the lowestresponsive bidder.

P revai l ing Wages: Biddersare advised that this Contractis a public work for purposes ofthe California Labor Code,which requires payment ofprevailing wages. Owner hasobtained from the Director ofthe Department of IndustrialRelations the general prevailingrate of per diem wages and thegeneral prevailing rate forholiday and overtime work.These rates will be on file at theOwner’s office and they will bemade available to anyinterested party upon request.Each Contractor to who aContract is awarded must paythe prevailing rates, postcopies thereof at the job siteand otherwise comply withapplicable provisions of statelaw.

Plans and Specifications maybe picked up at theEngineering Services Counter,Monday through Thursday 7:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m., by paying anon-refundable fee of $ 50.00per set. Plans andSpecifications will be mailed foran additional charge of $20.00per set. City Hall is closedFridays.

To the greatest extent feasible,Contractor shall endeavor toemploy residents of the City ofCarson in the construction ofthe Improvements required bythis Contract. All solicitationsfor employment arising inwhole or in part out ofperformance of this Contract,whether full- or part-time, newor replacement hires, shall belisted with the Carson JobCareer Center. To listemployment opportunitiescontact:

Carson Career Center801 E. Carson StreetCarson, CA. 90745(310) 952-1762 Fax (310) 830-9516

Information and Questions:All questions and requests forinformation must be directed toMr. Massoud Ghiam, SeniorCivil Engineer for the City ofCarson. Any questionsaddressing the interpretation orclarification of the Contract BidForms or the Bid Documentsmust be submitted in writingvia fax to Massoud Ghiam at(310) 835-5749 by Monday,February 27, 2013 at 12:00noon.

City Clerk Donesia L. Gause,CMC Date2/21/13CNS-2447078#OUR WEEKLY


The Los Ange lesCommunity Colleges haveembarked on an extensivebuilding program funded byProposition A/AA to addressmuch-needed campusimprovements fo reducat ional and supportfac i l i t ies for i ts n inecommunity col leges. Forfuture bidding opportunitiesp lease v is i t the webs i tewww.build-laccd.org under“Contracting and BiddingSi te” then c l ick“Construction Look-Ahead”:

College: District Wide

Project Name: MasterAgreement for Purchase ofExterior and Interior SchoolFlags and ServicesProject Number: 40J.5J55.05Bid Number: 139

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the Los AngelesCommunity College District(“District”) invites sealed bidsfor the following:

This is a competitive bid for thepurchase by the Los AngelesCommunity College District ofthe following Exter ior andInterior School Flags andServ ices, for its collegesthroughout the Los Angelesarea. The items to be procuredare broken down for thepurposes of bidding into three(3) Bid Categories and consistof Exter ior Flags, Inter iorFlags, Flag Accessories andServices.Bids shall be prepared inconformance with theInstructions to Bidders usingthe forms included in theBidding Documents. All Bidsmust be received at Bu i ldLACCD, 915 Wilshire Blvd.,Ste 810, Los Angeles,Cal i fornia 90017, by eitherhand delivery or mail, no laterthan March 11, 2013 @ 3:00PM to be thereafter on saiddate and at said locationpublicly opened and readaloud. The Bidder assumes fulland sole responsibility fortimely receipt of its Bid, the BidSecurity and any otherdocuments required to besubmitted with the Bid.

Bidding Documents includingInstruction to Bidders andother documents, if any, will beavailable to Bidders on andafter February 15, 2013, at thefollowing locations:

For document pick up:Universal ReprographicsIncorporated, Los AngelesBranch, 2706 Wilshire Blvd.,Los Angeles, CA 90057 Tel:213-365-7750; West LosAngeles Branch, 2043 PonitiusAve., Los Angeles, CA 90025Tel: 310-477-2900; RobertsonBranch, 1444-B S. RobertsonBlvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035Tel: 310-205-5242.

To order or view online:http://build-laccd.org/,Contracting and Bidding Site,Universal Reprographics OnlinePlan Room Link

To view in person: BuildLACCD, 915 Wilshire Blvd.,Ste. 810, Los Angeles,Cal i fornia 90017, 213-996-2249

The District will provide one (1)complete set of BiddingDocuments to each Bidder,free of charge, for pick-upupon at least eight (8) hoursnotice to UniversalReprographics at any of theabove-stated UniversalReprographics locations.Bidder may arrange, atBidder’s own expense, fordocument delivery andadditional sets by contactingUniversal Reprographics at oneof the above-stated UniversalReprographics locations.

There will be a mandatoryPhone Pre-Bid ConferenceMarch 1, 2013 @ 10:00 AM.Information for conference linewill be included in the BidDocuments.

Questions shall be directed to:

Paul SpearSustainable Building Program [email protected]

[Contractors interested inobtaining information onupcoming LACCD projects;see build-laccd.org(Contracting and Bidding Site)]2/21/13CNS-2446889#OUR WEEKLY


Notice of Public Sale

Pursuant to the California SelfService Storage Facility Act(B&P Code 21700 ET seq.) theundersigned will sell at publicauction on ThursdayFebruary 28, 2013 Personalproperty including but notlimited to furniture, clothing,tools and/or other householditems located at: 710 Del Amo Self Storage &RV20321 Susanna RoadRancho Dominguez, CA90221 Holden, keyaira B.Ortega, Rebecca M.Bowers, Lashanda M.Seti, SuluBell Jr., Robert Hefflin, Lacresha M. 2:40 pmSeltzer, Keisha D.Jeter, DedrickHudson, Ebony D.Willis, Michael V.Carter, Martha C.Dupree, Trent S.Brown, Tressa S.Giddens, DeAndre A.Matthews, AntoinetteMatthews, BrigitteMatthews, BrigitteSantisteban Jr., GustavoJones, AlexanderTransfiguracion, Lynda L.All sales are subject to priorcancellation. All terms, rulesand regu la t ions a reavai lable at t ime of sa le.Dated this, 14th of Februaryand 21st of February 2013by 710 Del Amo Sel fStorage, 20321 SusannaRoad Rancho Dominguez,CA 90221 (310) 763-8800

2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2444031#OUR WEEKLY


Trustee Sale No. :20110187501713 Title OrderNo.: 110373909 FHA/VA/PMINo.: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OF TRUST,DATED 08/25/2003. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TOPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY,IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED ANEXPLANATION OF THENATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC,as duly appointed Trusteeunder and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded on 09/08/2003as Instrument No. 03 2599960of official records in the officeof the County Recorder of LOSANGELES County, State ofCALIFORNIA. EXECUTED BY:MABINI D. NICOLAS ANDNORMA P. NICOLAS, WILLSELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TOHIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH,CASHIER’S CHECK/CASHEQUIVALENT or other form ofpayment authorized by2924h(b), (payable at time ofsale in lawful money of theUnited States). DATE OF SALE:03/13/2013 TIME OF SALE:10:00 AM PLACE OF SALE:BEHIND THE FOUNTAINLOCATED IN CIVIC CENTERPLAZA, 400 CIVIC CENTERPLAZA, POMONA CA. STREETADDRESS and other commondesignation, if any, of the realproperty described above ispurported to be: 22138NEPTUNE AVENUE, CARSON,CALIFORNIA 90745 APN#:7335-017-026 Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any , shownherein. Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied,regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by said Deed

of Trust, with interest thereon,as provided in said note(s),advances, under the terms ofsaid Deed of Trust, fees,charges and expenses of theTrustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.The total amount of the unpaidbalance of the obligationsecured by the property to besold and reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $201,177.82. Thebeneficiary under said Deed ofTrust heretofore executed anddelivered to the undersigned awritten Declaration of Defaultand Demand for Sale , and awritten Notice of Default andElection to Sell. Theundersigned caused saidNotice of Default and Electionto Sell to be recorded in thecounty where the real propertyis located. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the county recorder‘s office or a title insurancecompany, either of which maycharge you a fee for thisinformation. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 916-939-0772 for informationregarding the trustee’s sale orvisit this Internet Web sitewww.nationwideposting.comfor information regarding thesale of this property, using thefile number assigned to thiscase 20110187501713.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. FOR TRUSTEESALE INFORMATION PLEASECALL: NATIONWIDE POSTING& PUBLICATION A DIVISIONOF FIRST AMERICAN TITLEINSURANCE COMPANY 5005WINDPLAY DRIVE, SUITE 1 ELDORADO HILLS, CA 95762-9334 916-939-0772www.nationwideposting.comNDEx West, L.L.C. MAY BEACTING AS A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TOCOLLECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OBTAINEDWILL BE USED FOR THATPURPOSE. NDEx West, L.L.C.as Trustee Dated: 02/18/2013NPP0213950 OUR WEEKLY02/21/2013, 02/28/2013,03/07/2013 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2447651#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 11-0084198 Doc ID#0001337122582005N TitleOrder No. 11-0067537Investor/Insurer No. 133712258APN No. 7310-011-018 YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A

DEED OF TRUST, DATED02/24/2006. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IFYOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byEDGAR BARNACHEA, ANUNMARRIED MAN, dated02/24/2006 and recorded3/6/2006, as Instrument No. 060476484, in Book , Page , ofOfficial Records in the office ofthe County Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/20/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be: 2817EAST 221ST STREET,CARSON, CA, 90810. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. The total amount of theunpaid balance with interestthereon of the obligationsecured by the property to besold plus reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $483,514.78. It ispossible that at the time of salethe opening bid may be lessthan the total indebtednessdue. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept cashier’schecks drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lender

may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 11-0084198.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-4360904 02/21/2013,02/28/2013, 03/07/2013 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2446706#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALET.S. No.: 2012-01904 Loan No.:0023324064 YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST DATED 7/27/2007.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction saleto the highest bidder for cash,cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, orsavings association, or savingsbank specified in Section 5102of the Financial Code andauthorized to do business inthis state will be held by theduly appointed trustee asshown below, of all right, title,and interest conveyed to andnow held by the trustee in thehereinafter described propertyunder and pursuant to a Deedof Trust described below. Thesale will be made, but withoutcovenant or warranty,expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by the Deed ofTrust, with interest and latecharges thereon, as provided inthe note(s), advances, underthe terms of the Deed of Trust,interest thereon, fees, chargesand expenses of the Trustee forthe total amount (at the time ofthe initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonablyestimated to be set forthbelow. The amount may begreater on the day of sale.Trustor: JOSE M ACOSTA, JR.A SINGLE MAN AND LYNDA MMURILLO, A SINGLE WOMANBOTH AS JOINT TENANTSDuly Appointed Trustee: PowerDefault Services, Inc. Recorded8/1/2007 as Instrument No.20071818864 in book , page ofOfficial Records in the office ofthe Recorder of Los AngelesCounty, California. The subjectDeed of Trust was modified byA Loan ModificationAgreement effective May 1,2010. Date of Sale: 3/20/2013at 9:00 AM Place of Sale:Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom Amount ofunpaid balance and othercharges: $443,023.61 StreetAddress or other commondesignation of real property:









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22308 ANCHOR AVENUECARSON, California 90745-4005 A.P.N.: 7333-022-019 Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress or other commondesignation, if any, shownabove. If no street address orother common designation isshown, directions to thelocation of the property may beobtained by sending a writtenrequest to the beneficiarywithin 10 days of the date offirst publication of this Noticeof Sale. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call(800)-280-2832 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.auction.com, using thefile number assigned to thiscase 2012-01904. Informationabout postponements that arevery short in duration or thatoccur close in time to thescheduled sale may notimmediately be reflected in thetelephone information or on theInternet Web site. The best wayto verify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. Date:2/13/2013 Power DefaultServices, Inc. 1525 South BeltLine Rd Coppell, Texas 75019Sale Line: (800)-280-2832Website: www.auction.comDavid Lopez, ForeclosureSpecialist A-436110902/21/2013, 02/28/2013,03/07/2013 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2446491#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALELoan Number: 7441316908Trustee Sale Number:CA1200058019 APN: 7319-008-002 Title Order No.120259138-CA-MSI YOU AREIN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST DATED 03/06/2006.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction saleto the highest bidder for cash,cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, orsavings association, or savingsbank specified in Section 5102of the Financial Code andauthorized to do business inthis state, will be held by theduly appointed trustee. Thesale will be made, but withoutcovenant or warranty,

expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, orencumbrances, to satisfy theobligation secured by saidDeed of Trust. The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of theproperty address or othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. TRUSTOR:DEBRA F FLOURNOY, AMARRIED WOMAN AS HERSOLE AND SEPARATEPROPERTY Recorded03/21/2006 as Instrument No.06 0596237 in Book XX , pageXX of Official Records in theoffice of the Recorder of LosAngeles County, CaliforniaDate of Sale: 03/18/2013 at11:00 A.M. Place of Sale: Bythe fountain located at 400Civic Center Plaza, Pomona,CA 91766 Property Address ispurported to be: 17623AMANTHA AVENUE CARSON,CA 90746 APN#: 7319-008-002 The total amount of theunpaid balance of theobligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at thetime of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$316,582.25 If the sale is setaside for any reason, thepurchaser at the sale shall beentitled only to a return of thedeposit paid, plus interest. Thepurchaser shall have no furtherrecourse against thebeneficiary, the Trustor or thetrustee. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 714-730-2727 or visit thiswww.lpsasap.com InternetWeb site address forinformation regarding the saleof this property, using the filenumber assigned to this casefile number. Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. Date:02/13/2013 Executive TrusteeServices, LLC dba ETSServices, LLC 2255 NorthOntario Street, Suite 400Burbank, CA 91504-3120 SaleLine: 714-730-2727Reinstatement and PayoffRequests: 800.665.3932 OmarSolorzano, AuthorizedSignatory Sale Info Website:www.lpsasap.com AutomatedSales Line: 714-730-2727Reinstatement and PayoffRequests: (800)-665-3932THIS OFFICE IS ATTEMPTINGTO COLLECT A DEBT AND

ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE A-4361030 02/21/2013,02/28/2013, 03/07/2013 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2446441#OUR WEEKLY

T.S. No. 12-0946-11 Loan No.0599426566 NOTICE OFTRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST DATED 9/25/2006.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction saleto the highest bidder for cash,cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, orsavings association, or savingsbank specified in Section 5102of the Financial Code andauthorized to do business inthis state will be held by theduly appointed trustee asshown below, of all right, title,and interest conveyed to andnow held by the trustee in thehereinafter described propertyunder and pursuant to a Deedof Trust described below. Thesale will be made, but withoutcovenant or warranty,expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by the Deed ofTrust, with interest and latecharges thereon, as provided inthe note(s), advances, underthe terms of the Deed of Trust,interest thereon, fees, chargesand expenses of the Trustee forthe total amount (at the time ofthe initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonablyestimated to be set forthbelow. The amount may begreater on the day ofsale. Trustor: JEFFREY FOYAND ANNE P. FOY, HUSBANDAND WIFE AS JOINTTENANTS Duly AppointedTrustee: THE WOLF FIRM, ALAWCORPORATION Recorded10/3/2006 as Instrument No.06 2200831 of Official Recordsin the office of the Recorder ofLos Angeles County, California,Date of Sale: 3/14/2013 at

9:00 AM Place of Sale: Behindthe fountain located in CivicCenter Plaza, 400 Civic CenterPlaza, Pomona CA. Amount ofunpaid balance and othercharges: $661,695.46,estimated Street Address orother common designation ofreal property: 964BLACKBERRY LN CARSON,CA 90746 A.P.N.: 7319-047-006 The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress or other commondesignation, if any, shownabove. If no street address orother common designation isshown, directions to thelocation of the property may beobtained by sending a writtenrequest to the beneficiarywithin 10 days of the date offirst publication of this Noticeof Sale. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the same

lender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call(714) 573-1965 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.priorityposting.com,using the file number assignedto this case 12-0946-11.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. Date:2/12/2013 THE WOLF FIRM, ALAW CORPORATION 2955Main Street, 2nd Floor Irvine,California 92614 ForeclosureDepartment (949) 720-9200Foreclosure Dept. Fax (949)608-0130 Sale InformationOnly: (714) 573-1965www.priorityposting.com FrankEscalera, Team LeadP1020754 2/21, 2/28,03/07/20132/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2445756#OUR WEEKLY

TSG No.: 7466261 TS No.:CA1200248950 FHA/VA/PMINo.: APN: 7335-025-012Property Address: 22026BOLSA AVE CARSON, CA90745 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULTUNDER A DEED OF TRUST,DATED 01/13/2010. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TOPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY,IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED ANEXPLANATION OF THENATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. On 03/13/2013 at10:00 A.M., First American TitleInsurance Company, as dulyappointed Trustee under andpursuant to Deed of Trustrecorded 01/21/2010, asInstrument No. 20100085090,in book , page , , of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LOSANGELES County, State ofCalifornia. Executed by:ALEJANDRO A. DELGADO, ASINGLE PERSON, WILL SELLAT PUBLIC AUCTION TOHIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH,CASHIER’S CHECK/CASHEQUIVALENT or other form ofpayment authorized by2924h(b), (Payable at time ofsale in lawful money of theUnited States) Behind thefountain located in Civic CenterPlaza, 400 Civic Center Plaza,Pomona CA All right, title andinterest conveyed to and nowheld by it under said Deed ofTrust in the property situated insaid County and Statedescribed as: AS MORE FULLYDESCRIBED IN THE ABOVEMENTIONED DEED OF TRUSTAPN# 7335-025-012 The streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, of the realproperty described above ispurported to be: 22026 BOLSAAVE, CARSON, CA 90745 Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied,regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by said Deedof Trust, with interest thereon,as provided in said note(s),advances, under the terms ofsaid Deed of Trust, fees,charges and expenses of theTrustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.The total amount of the unpaidbalance of the obligationsecured by the property to be

sold and reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $150,786.70. Thebeneficiary under said Deed ofTrust has deposited alldocuments evidencing theobligations secured by theDeed of Trust and has declaredall sums secured therebyimmediately due and payable,and has caused a writtenNotice of Default and Electionto Sell to be executed. Theundersigned caused saidNotice of Default and Electionto Sell to be recorded in theCounty where the real propertyis located. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, andif applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call(916)939-0772 or visit thisInternet Webhttp://search.nationwideposting.com/propertySearchTerms.aspx, using the file numberassigned to this caseCA1200248950 Informationabout postponements that arevery short in duration or thatoccur close in time to thescheduled sale may notimmediately be reflected in thetelephone information or on theInternet Web site. The best wayto verify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. If the sale isset aside for any reason, thePurchaser at the sale shall beentitled only to a return of thedeposit paid. The Purchasershall have no further recourse.First American Title InsuranceCompany First American TitleInsurance Company 3 FIRSTAMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA,CA 92707 Date: FORTRUSTEE’S SALEINFORMATION PLEASE CALL(916)939-0772 First AmericanTitle Insurance Company MAYBE ACTING AS A DEBTCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TOCOLLECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OBTAINEDMAY BE USED FOR THATPURPOSE.NPP0213501 OURWEEKLY 02/21/2013,02/28/2013, 03/07/2013 2/21, 2/28, 3/7/13CNS-2445725#OUR WEEKLY


THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byMARLO J RAMOS ANDFLORENCE P. RAMOS,HUSBAND AND WIFE ASJOINT TENANTS, dated07/08/2005 and recorded7/14/2005, as Instrument No.05 1660626, in Book , Page , ofOfficial Records in the office ofthe County Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/11/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be:21509 RONAN AVENUE,(AREA OF CARSON), CA,90745. The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. The total amountof the unpaid balance withinterest thereon of theobligation secured by theproperty to be sold plusreasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at thetime of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$390,753.09. It is possible thatat the time of sale the openingbid may be less than the totalindebtedness due. In additionto cash, the Trustee will acceptcashier’s checks drawn on astate or national bank, a checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The sale











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A21 February 21 - February 27, 2013OurW

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date shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 11-0035547.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:- Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-FN4359898 02/14/2013,02/21/2013, 02/28/2013 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2445630#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 12-0027252 Doc ID#0001187879992005N TitleOrder No. 12-0045979Investor/Insurer No. 118787999APN No. 7363-011-061 YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST, DATED03/29/2006. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IFYOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byMELITA DE RAMA RAMOSAND FELIX M. RAMOS, WIFEAND HUSBAND AS JOINTTENANTS, dated 03/29/2006and recorded 4/4/2006, asInstrument No. 06 0720832, inBook , Page , of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/11/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be:22857 BAYWOOD DRIVE,CARSON AREA, CA, 90745.The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. The total amount of theunpaid balance with interestthereon of the obligationsecured by the property to besold plus reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $748,065.89. It ispossible that at the time of salethe opening bid may be lessthan the total indebtednessdue. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept cashier’schecks drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of the

Financial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe duly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE TS No. 12-0027252.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:— Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-4359384 02/14/2013,02/21/2013, 02/28/2013 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2444908#OUR WEEKLY


given that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byBRENTNOL MORRIS ANDVONDA MORRIS, HUSBANDAND WIFE AS JOINTTENANTS, dated 05/18/2005and recorded 5/27/2005, asInstrument No. 05-1246339, inBook , Page , of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/11/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be:19213 BROADACRESAVENUE, CARSON, CA,90746. The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. The total amountof the unpaid balance withinterest thereon of theobligation secured by theproperty to be sold plusreasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at thetime of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$567,634.95. It is possible thatat the time of sale the openingbid may be less than the totalindebtedness due. In additionto cash, the Trustee will acceptcashier’s checks drawn on astate or national bank, a checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a feefor this information. If youconsult either of theseresources, you should beaware that the lender may holdmore than one mortgage ordeed of trust on the property.NOTICE TO PROPERTYOWNER The sale date shownon this notice of sale may bepostponed one or more timesby the mortgagee, beneficiary,

trustee, or a court, pursuant toSection 2924g of the CaliforniaCivil Code. The law requiresthat information about trusteesale postponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 12-0022498.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-4358630 02/14/2013,02/21/2013, 02/28/2013 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2443757#OUR WEEKLY

T.S. No. 12-1660 Loan No.1385-A T.S.G.# 126000458NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEOn February 28, 2013 at 9:00AM SMITHSTONECORPORATION, ACALIFORNIA CORPORATION,Trustee, or Successor Trusteeor Substituted Trustee of thatcertain Deed of Trust executedby PEACE JOY CARECENTER, A CALIFORNIACORPORATION TRUSTOR,and recorded on OCTOBER24, 2001 as Document No. 01-2024744, of Official Records ofLOS ANGELES County,CALIFORNIA, and pursuant tothat certain Notice of Defaultthereunder recorded onNOVEMBER 02, 2012 asDocument No. 20121670548,of Official Records of SaidCounty, will under andpursuant to said Deed of Trustsell at public auction for cash,lawful money of the UnitedStates of America, a cashier’scheck payable to said Trusteedrawn on a state or nationalbank, a check drawn by a stateor federal credit union, or acheck drawn by a state orfederal savings and loanassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state,SAID CHECKS ARE TO HAVEAN ENDORSEMENTGUARANTEED BY THEISSUING FINANCIALINSTITUTION, BEHIND THEFOUNTAIN LOCATED IN CIVICCENTER PLAZA, 400 CIVICCENTER PLAZA, POMONACA, 91766, all that right, titleand interest conveyed to andnow held by it under said Deedof Trust in the property situatedin said County and Statedescribed as: SEE LEGALDESCRIPTION ATTACHEDHERETO AND MADE A PARTHEREOF AS EXHIBIT “A”.EXHIBIT “A” LEGALDESCRIPTION THAT PORTIONOF LOT 49 OF TRACT 3612, INTHE CITY OF CARSON, ASPER MAP RECORDED INBOOK 40 PAGES 5 ANP 6MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OFSAID COUNTY, DESCRIBEDAS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTHE INTERSECTION OF THEWESTERLY LINE OF THEEASTERLY 25.00 FEET OFSAID LOT WlTH THENORTHERLY LINE OF THESOUTHERLY 129.00 FEET OFSAID LOT; THENCE SOUTH 0°02’ 42” EAST, ALONG SAIDWESTERLY LINE, 114.03FEET; THENCE SOUTH 66°55’14” WEST, 24.42 FEET;THENCE NORTH 89° 42’ 50”WEST 87.48 FEET; THENCENORTH 47° 37’ 13” WEST33.94 FEET; THENCENORTHWESTERLY, IN ADIRECT LINE TO A POINT INSAID NORTHERLY LINEDISTANT WESTERLY

THEREON 183.40 FEET FROMTHE INTERSECTION; THENCEEASTERLY, ALONG SAlDNORTHERLY LINE, TO THEPOINT OF BEGINNING.EXCEPT THEREFROM ALLMINERALS, OIL, GASES ANDHYDROCARBONS BYWHATSOEVER NAME KNOWNTHAT MAY BE WITHIN ORUNDER THE PARCEL OFLAND DESCRIBED WITHOUTHOWEVER, THE RIGHT TODRILL, DIG OR MINETHROUGH THE SURFACETHEREOF. AS SET FORTH INDEED RECORDEDDECEMBER 9. 1976 ASINSTRUMENT NO. 10. APN:7343-020-076 ADDRESS:21919 FIGUEROA ST,CARSON, CA 90745.Assessor’s Parcel Number:7343-020-076 ADDRESS:21919 FIGUEROA ST.,CARSON, CA 90745 (x) Thestreet address or othercommon designation of saidproperty: 21919 FIGUEROAST., CARSON, CA 90745. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectnesss of the Streetaddress or other commondesignation, if any, shownabove. If no street address orother common designation isshown, directions to thalocation of the property mayloa obtained by sending awritten request to thebeneficiary within 10 days ofthe of first publication of thisNotice of sale. (x) Name andaddress of the beneficiary atwhose request the sale is beingconducted: BROWNSTONEMORTGAGE FUND I, LP 2700NORTH MAIN STREET, SUITE#508 SANTA ANA, CA 92705Directions to the aboveproperty may be obtained byrequesting same in writing fromthe beneficiary within 10 daysfrom the first publication of thisnotice. Said sale will be madewithout covenant or warranty,express or implied, as to title,possession or encumbrancesto satisfy the unpaid balancedue on the note or notessecured by said Deed of Trust,to wit: $110,711.25 plus thefollowing estimated costs,expenses costs, expenses andadvances at the time of initialpublication of this Notice ofSale: $82,861.57. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER YOU AREIN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST DATEDSEPTEMBER 21, 2001,UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. SMITHSTONECORPORATION 2700 NorthMain Street, Suite 508 SantaAna, CA 92705 (714) 547-1285Henry Villasenor, Sr. VicePresident Dated FEBRUARY 4,2013 P1019354 2/7, 2/14,02/21/20132/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2442419#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 12-0042336 Doc ID#0001894607932005N TitleOrder No. 12-0074437Investor/Insurer No.1706184221 APN No. 7335-016-021 YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED 02/12/2008.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byJOE I PACHECO, ANDPRISCILLA PACHECO,HUSBAND AND WIFE ASJOINT TENANTS, dated02/12/2008 and recorded2/27/2008, as Instrument No.20080335246, in Book , Page ,of Official Records in the officeof the County Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/11/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at public

auction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be:22102 RAVENNA AVE,CARSON, CA, 907453137. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. The total amount of theunpaid balance with interestthereon of the obligationsecured by the property to besold plus reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $337,364.70. It ispossible that at the time of salethe opening bid may be lessthan the total indebtednessdue. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept cashier’schecks drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether yoursale date has beenpostponed, and, if applicable,the rescheduled time and datefor the sale of this property, youmay call 1-800-281-8219 orvisit this Internet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 12-0042336.Information aboutpostponements that are very

short in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-FN4357548 02/14/2013,02/21/2013, 02/28/2013 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2442380#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 11-0099156 Doc ID#0008711587092005N TitleOrder No. 11-0080277Investor/Insurer No.1704791553 APN No. 7308-008-036 YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST, DATED 08/02/2007.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed bySOCORRO A. AMAYA ANDANA AMAYA, dated08/02/2007 and recorded8/10/2007, as Instrument No.20071879977, in Book , Page ,of Official Records in the officeof the County Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/08/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be: 2645EAST VAN BUREN STREET,CARSON, CA, 90810. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. The total amount of theunpaid balance with interestthereon of the obligationsecured by the property to besold plus reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $492,914.75. It ispossible that at the time of salethe opening bid may be lessthan the total indebtednessdue. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept cashier’schecks drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with the

appropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 11-0099156.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-FN4357062 02/07/2013,02/14/2013, 02/21/20132/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2441772#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 11-0042624 Doc ID#0001256298352005N TitleOrder No. 11-0034075Investor/Insurer No. 125629835APN No. 7406-037-030 YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST, DATED10/24/2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IFYOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byADOLFO VALDES, A SINGLEMAN, dated 10/24/2005 andrecorded 11/1/2005, asInstrument No. 05 2629647, inBook , Page , of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/08/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in said









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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Long Beach, California, acting by and through the City’s Board of Harbor Commissioners (“City”) will receive, before the Bid Deadline established below, sealed Bids for the following Work:ANAHEIM STREET IMPROVEMENTS


NIB-1 Contract Documents. Copies of Contract Documents in DVD format may be obtained, at no cost, at the Plans and Specifi cations Offi ce, 4th fl oor, Harbor Department Administration Building, 925 Harbor Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90802 during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. To arrange to receive a DVD of the Contract Documents by courier at the expense of the Bidder, call (562)283-7353.

For information on this Project and other upcoming Port projects, you may view the Port website at http://www.polb.com/economics/contractors/out_for_bid.asp.

Copies of all Port insurance endorsement forms, SBE/VSBE Program forms, Harbor Development Permit Applications and other Port forms are available at http://www.polb.com/economics/contractors/forms_permits/default.asp.

NIB-2 Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting. The engineering staff of the City’s Harbor department will conduct a pre-bid meeting at 9:00 AM on March 12, 2013, in the Board Room, 6th fl oor, of the Harbor Department Administration Building. Attendance is mandatory. Note that attendance at the pre-bid meeting can be used to satisfy a portion of a Bidder’s good faith efforts to meet the SBE/VSBE participation goals listed below. EACH BIDDER MUST ATTEND THE MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING. FAILURE TO ATTEND THE MANDATORY PRE-BID MEETING SHALL DISQUALIFY YOUR BID.

NIB-3 Summary Descript ion of the Work. The Work required by this Contract includes, but is not limited to, the fol-lowing: 1 Mobilize to initiate the Project and mobilize for each of the Project phases. Supervision, coordination and implementation of the project phasing.2 Provide Site Specifi c Hazards Analysis and Safety Plans and appoint a Safety Offi cer. Establish safe work conditions and practices.3 Comply with the City’s Waste Management Ordinance, soil handling requirements and disposal of waste materials.4 Prepare and comply with an approved SWPPP Plan and perform periodic inspections, maintenance of SWPPP facilities and required documentation.5 Submit required submittals.6 Demolition and removals for construction of project improvements, including but not limited to: concrete curbs, gutters, slabs, asphalt concrete, reinforced fabric, pcc pavement, base material, curb ramps, sidewalks, driveways, abandoned utili-ties, luminaires, landscaping, trees, irrigation pipes, traffi c loops, base materials, signs, and bollards.7 Grading and earthwork including, but not limited to: excavation, constructing fi ll, compacting, crushed miscellaneous base (CMB) and aggregate base (AB), and various categories of soil materials, stockpiling, handling, testing, transportation of soil materials, subgrade preparation, fi nish grading, and excavation and backfi ll of utility trenches.8 Hire an independent laboratory to analyze soil materials for contamination. 9 Segregating contaminated materials and disposal in accordance with POLB requirements.10 Coordinate with POLB surveyors to layout the work, provide lines and grades for construction and establish as-built elevations and coordinates. Surveyor shall record centerline monuments and benchmarks set by the POLB, City of Long Beach and Los Angeles, Caltrans, Alameda Corridor, and LA County Flood.11 Removal of unclassifi ed excavation, handling, transporting and unloading of concrete pavement and asphalt concrete at the Port’s crusher site. Contractor shall furnish transportation and loader. 12 Excavation and salvage of CMB, stockpiling and reuse.13 Obtaining CMB materials from the Port’s crusher site, hauling and placing CMB, and compacting them to the specifi ed lines and grades. Loading and hauling of CMB from the Port’s crusher site to be provided by the City. Additional CMB will be furnished by the Contractor.14 Construction of concrete bus pads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, curb ramps, driveways, pavers, and medians. 15 Installation of ADA compliant raised truncated domes.16 Removal of abandoned utility lines, ducts and conduits. 17 Protection of/Relocation of shallow utility lines.18 Install shoring for trench safety protection, and subsequent removal.19 Construction of AC base pavements and fi nish pavements.20 Pavement cold milling and constructing asphalt concrete pavement.21 Installation of catch basin inserts, biofi ltration systems, bioswales, and necessary storm drain modifi cations.22 Adjustment of survey monuments, utility valves, pullboxes, and manholes to fi nished grade.23 Relocations of utility valves, pullboxes, and manholes outside of curb ramps and driveways.24 Closure of Caspian Avenue south and roadway improvements.25 Modifi cations to traffi c signals including new signal heads, pedestrian push buttons, pedestrian count down heads, and illuminated street name signs.26 Installation of traffi c loops, conduits, and pull boxes.27 Upgrades to street lighting luminaires with LED.28 Installation of temporary traffi c signals.29 Installation of electrical service for irrigation system by Contractor. Connection shall be to existing meter points of con-nection.30 Installation of irrigation system and landscaping.31 Provide traffi c control, safety measures, traffi c fl aggers, K-rails, temporary crash cushions, trench plating and warning signage.32 Installation of pavement striping, markings and signage.33 Demobilization and clean up of the job sites as the work progresses.

NIB-4 Contract Time and Liquidated Damages. The Work shall be completed within 396 Calender Days as provided in Paragraph SC - 6.1 of the Special Conditions, from a date specifi ed in a written “Notice to Proceed” issued by the City and subject to adjustment as provided in Section 3.1 “Contractor Requirements and Responsibilities” of the General Conditions.


NIB-5 Contractor’s License. Each Bidder shall hold a current and valid Class ”A” California Contractor’s License to bid this Project.

This Project Includes Removal Work on a natural gas pipeline. Bidders and/or Subcontractors performing work on natural gas pipelines must be approved by the City of Long Beach Gas and Oil (LBGO) Department and must be approved by the City of Long Beach Gas and Oil Department before Conditional Award of the Contract. Within forty-eight (48) hours following Bid opening, Bidders shall submit the information described in the Special Conditions, Section SC - 2, as the basis for such approval.

NIB-6 Contractor Performed Work. The Contractor shall perform, with its own employees, Contract Work amounting to at least 50% of the Contract Price, except that any designated “Specialty Items” may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such “Specialty Items” so performed may be deducted from the Contract Price before computing the amount required to be performed by the Contractor with its own employees. “Specialty Items” will be identifi ed by the City in the Schedule of Bid Items.NIB-7 SBE/VSBE. This project is subject to the Port of Long Beach (POLB) Small Business Enterprises (SBE)/Very Small Business Enterprises (VSBE) Program. The combined SBE/VSBE participation goal for this project is twenty-fi ve percent (25%), of which a minimum of fi ve percent (5%) must be allocated to VSBEs. POLB expects all Bidders to achieve the combined SBE/VSBE participation goal. Award of the Contract will be conditioned on the Bidder submitting an SBE-2C Commitment Plan demonstrating the Bidder’s intent to meet the combined SBE/VSBE participation goal. If the Bidder’s Commitment Plan does not demonstrate intent to meet the combined goal, the Bidder shall demonstrate that it made an adequate good faith effort to do so, as specifi ed in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB 18). The Port’s SBE Program staff is available to provide information on the program requirements, including SBE certifi cation assistance. Please contact the SBE Offi ce at (562) 283-7598 or [email protected]. You may also view the Port’s SBE program requirements at www.polb.com/sbe.

NIB-8 Prevailing Wage Rates and Employment of Apprentices. This Project is a public work as defi ned in Labor Code Section 1720. The Contractor receiving award of the Contract and Subcontractors of any tier shall pay not less than the prevailing wage rates to all workers employed in execution of the Contract. The Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California has determined the general prevailing rates of wages in the locality in which the Work is to be performed. The rate schedules are available on the internet at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlsr/ DPreWageDetermination.htm. Bid-ders are directed to Article 15 of the General Conditions for requirements concerning payment of prevailing wages, payroll records, hours of work and employment of apprentices.

NIB-9 Trade Names and Substitution of Equals. With the exception of any sole source determination that may be identifi ed in this paragraph, Bidders wishing to obtain City’s authorization for substitution of equivalent material, product, or equipment, are required to submit a written request for an Or Equal Substitution using the form included in Appendix A together with data substantiating Bidder’s representation that the non-specifi ed item is of equal quality to the item specifi ed, thirty fi ve (35) calendar days after Bid Opening. Authorization of a substitution is solely within the discretion of the City.


NIB-11 Bid Security, Signed Contract, Insurance and Bonds. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a satisfactory Bidder’s Bond or other acceptable Bid Security in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the Base Bid as a guarantee that the Bidder will, if Conditionally Awarded a Contract by the Board, within thirty (30) calendar days after the Contract is conditionally awarded to the Contractor by the City, execute and deliver such Contract to the Chief Harbor Engineer together with all required documents including insurance forms, a Payment Bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, and a Performance Bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. All Bonds shall be on forms provided by the City.

NIB-12 Conditional Award of Contract and Reservation of Rights. The Board, acting through the Executive Director, reserves the right at any time before the execution of the Contract by the City, to reject any or all Bids, and to waive any informality or irregularity. The Conditional Award of the Contract, if any, will be to the responsible Bidder submitting the lowest responsive and responsible Bid. If the lowest responsive responsible Bidder fails to submit the required documents including insurance forms, bonds and signed Contract within thirty (30) calendar days after Conditional Award of Con-tract, the Board reserves the right to rescind the Conditional Award and Conditionally Award the Contract to the next lowest responsive and responsible Bidder.

NIB-13 Period of Bid Irrevocability. Bids shall remain open and valid and Bidder’s Bonds shall be guaranteed for nine-ty (90) calendar days after the Bid Deadline or until the Executive Director executes a Contract, whichever occurs fi rst.

NIB -14 Substitution of Securities. Substitution of Securities for retainage is permitted in accordance with Section 22300 of the Public Contract Code.

Issued at Long Beach, California, this 4th day of February, 2013.

J. Christopher LytleExecutive Director of the Harbor Department,City of Long Beach, California

Page 23: OW L.A. 02-21-13

A23 February 21 - February 27, 2013OurW

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County and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be:24752 RAVENNA AVENUE,CARSON, CA, 90745. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. The total amount of theunpaid balance with interestthereon of the obligationsecured by the property to besold plus reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advancesat the time of the initialpublication of the Notice ofSale is $562,695.30. It ispossible that at the time of salethe opening bid may be lessthan the total indebtednessdue. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept cashier’schecks drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned tothis case TS No. 11-0042624.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponement

information is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:- Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-4356950 02/07/2013,02/14/2013, 02/21/2013 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2441763#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETrustee Sale No. 10-513618INC Title Order No.120011620-CA-BFI APN 7320-004-017 YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST DATED 10/27/05.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDINGS AGAINSTYOU, YOU SHOULDCONTACT A LAWYER. On02/27/13 at 11:00 am, AztecForeclosure Corporation as theduly appointed Trustee underand pursuant to the power ofsale contained in that certainDeed of Trust executed bySharon Stewart, a MarriedWoman As Her Sole AndSeparate Property, asTrustor(s), in favor of MortgageElectronic RegistrationSystems, Inc. solely asNominee for Mortgageit, a NewYork Corporation, asBeneficiary, Recorded on11/03/05 in Instrument No. 052664197 of official records inthe Office of the countyrecorder of LOS ANGELESCounty, California; OneWestBank, FSB, as the currentBeneficiary, WILL SELL ATPUBLIC AUCTION TO THEHIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH(payable at time of sale inlawful money of the UnitedStates, by cash, a cashier’scheck drawn by a state ornational bank, a check drawnby a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state), Bythe fountain located at 400Civic Center Plaza, Pomona,CA 91766, all right, title andinterest conveyed to and nowheld by it under said Deed ofTrust in the property situated insaid County, Californiadescribed as: 19014ANDMARK AVENUE,CARSON, CA 90746 Theproperty heretofore describedis being sold “as is”. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. Said sale will be made,but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied,regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by said Deedof Trust, with interest thereon,as provided in said note(s),advances, if any, under theterms of the Deed of Trust,estimated fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee and ofthe trusts created by said Deedof Trust, to-wit: $500,727.37(Estimated) Accrued interestand additional advances, if any,will increase this figure prior tosale. The undersigned causedsaid Notice of Default andElection to Sell to be recordedin the county where the realproperty is located and morethan three months haveelapsed since suchrecordation. The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. The propertyheretofore described is beingsold “as is”. DATE: 2-1-13Elaine Malone AssistantSecretary and Assistant VicePresident Aztec ForeclosureCorporation c/o 4665MacArthur Court, Suite 250Newport Beach, CA 92660Phone: (866) 260-9285 or (602)222-5711 Fax: (847)627-8803

www.aztectrustee.comNOTICE TO POTENTIALBIDDERS: If you areconsidering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call orvisit the Internet Web site,using the file number assignedto this case 10-513618.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. Call 714-730-2727 http://www.lpsasap.comOr Aztec ForeclosureCorporation (866)260-9285www.aztectrustee.com A-4357085 02/07/2013,02/14/2013, 02/21/2013 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2441473#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALET.S No. 1365798-37 APN:7329-003-013 TRA: 001021LOAN NO: Xxxxxx1175 REF:Harbor, Frederick J.IMPORTANT NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST, Dated: June04, 2008. UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. On February 28,2013, at 9:00am, Cal-WesternReconveyance Corporation, asduly appointed Trustee underand pursuant to Deed of Trustrecorded June 25, 2008, asInst. No. 20081127990, in bookXX, page XX, of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, executed byFrederick J. Harbor and Toni L.Harbor, husband and wife asjoint tenants, will sell at publicauction to highest bidder forcash, cashier’s check drawn ona State or National Bank, acheck drawn by a State orFederal Credit Union, or acheck drawn by a State orFederal Savings and LoanAssociation, SavingsAssociation, or Savings Bankspecified in section 5102 ofthe financial code andauthorized to do business inthis state: Doubletree Hotel,Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111Sycamore Drive, VineyardBallroom, Norwalk, California,all right, title and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust in the

property situated in saidCounty and State describedas: Completely described insaid Deed of Trust. The streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, of the realproperty described above ispurported to be: 128 E. 229thPlace, Carson, CA 90745. Theundersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for anyincorrectness of the streetaddress and other commondesignation, if any, shownherein. Said sale will be held,but without covenant orwarranty, express or implied,regarding title, possession,condition or encumbrances,including fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee and ofthe Trusts created by saidDeed of Trust, to pay theremaining principal sums of thenote(s) secured by said Deedof Trust. The total amount ofthe unpaid balance of theobligation secured by theproperty to be sold andreasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at thetime of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is:$403,186.27. If the Trustee isunable to convey title for anyreason, the successful bidder’ssole and exclusive remedyshall be the return of moniespaid to the Trustee, and thesuccessful bidder shall have nofurther recourse. Thebeneficiary under said Deed ofTrust heretofore executed anddelivered to the undersigned awritten Declaration of Defaultand Demand for Sale, and awritten Notice of Default andElection to Sell. Theundersigned caused saidNotice of Default and Electionto Sell to be recorded in theCounty where the real propertyis located. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a Trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at aTrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or Deed of Trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the Mortgagee,Beneficiary, Trustee, or a Court,pursuant to section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout Trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call(800)280-2832 or visit theinternet websitewww.auction.com, using thefile number assigned to thiscase 1365798-37. Informationabout postponements that arevery short in duration or thatoccur close in time to thescheduled sale may notimmediately be reflected in thetelephone information or on theInternet Web Site. The bestway to verify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. For salesinformation: (800)280-2832.Cal-Western ReconveyanceCorporation, 525 East MainStreet, P.O. Box 22004, ElCajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated:January 29, 2013. (02/07/2013,02/14, 02/21) R-425421 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2439939#


NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETS No. 11-0072708 Doc ID#0001556048372005N TitleOrder No. 11-0058773Investor/Insurer No. 7008799APN No. 7363-003-006 YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST, DATED12/20/2006. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IFYOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDING AGAINST YOU,YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. Notice is herebygiven that RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A., as dulyappointed trustee pursuant tothe Deed of Trust executed byBECKY P MARTINEZ, ANDRENO JURBINA, WIFE ANDHUSBAND AS COMMUNITYPROPERTY, dated 12/20/2006and recorded 12/26/2006, asInstrument No. 06 2858107, inBook , Page , of OfficialRecords in the office of theCounty Recorder of LosAngeles County, State ofCalifornia, will sell on03/08/2013 at 9:00AM,Doubletree Hotel Los Angeles-Norwalk, 13111 SycamoreDrive, Norwalk, CA 90650,Vineyard Ballroom at publicauction, to the highest bidderfor cash or check as describedbelow, payable in full at time ofsale, all right, title, and interestconveyed to and now held by itunder said Deed of Trust, in theproperty situated in saidCounty and State and as morefully described in the abovereferenced Deed of Trust. Thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any, ofthe real property describedabove is purported to be: 504W 232ND ST, CARSON, CA,907454618. The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. The total amountof the unpaid balance withinterest thereon of theobligation secured by theproperty to be sold plusreasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at thetime of the initial publication ofthe Notice of Sale is$645,155.02. It is possible thatat the time of sale the openingbid may be less than the totalindebtedness due. In additionto cash, the Trustee will acceptcashier’s checks drawn on astate or national bank, a checkdrawn by a state or federalcredit union, or a check drawnby a state or federal savingsand loan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Said sale will be made, in an‘’AS IS’’ condition, but withoutcovenant or warranty, expressor implied, regarding title,possession or encumbrances,to satisfy the indebtednesssecured by said Deed of Trust,advances thereunder, withinterest as provided, and theunpaid principal of the Notesecured by said Deed of Trustwith interest thereon asprovided in said Note, plusfees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trustscreated by said Deed of Trust.If required by the provisions ofsection 2923.5 of the CaliforniaCivil Code, the declaration fromthe mortgagee, beneficiary orauthorized agent is attached tothe Notice of Trustee’s Saleduly recorded with theappropriate County Recorder’sOffice. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS If youare considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on a property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate the

existence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a titleinsurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the lendermay hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, you may call 1-800-281-8219 or visit thisInternet Web sitewww.recontrustco.com, usingthe file number assigned to thiscase TS No. 11-0072708.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. RECONTRUSTCOMPANY, N.A. 1800 TapoCanyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94SIMI VALLEY, CA 93063Phone: (800) 281 8219, SaleInformation (626) 927-4399 By:Trustee’s Sale OfficerRECONTRUST COMPANY,N.A. is a debt collectorattempting to collect a debt.Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. A-4355613 02/07/2013,02/14/2013, 02/21/2013 2/7, 2/14, 2/21/13CNS-2439922#OUR WEEKLY

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALETrustee Sale No. 737906CALoan No. 5303990914 TitleOrder No. 3206-252444 YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST DATED 10-06-2006. UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OFTHE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDINGS AGAINSTYOU, YOU SHOULDCONTACT A LAWYER. On 03-07-2013 at 11:00 A.M.,CALIFORNIARECONVEYANCE COMPANYas the duly appointed Trusteeunder and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded 10-24-2006,Book N/A, Page N/A,Instrument 06-2356806, ofofficial records in the Office ofthe Recorder of LOS ANGELESCounty, California, executedby: TOMAS T DELGADO, AMARRIED MAN AS HIS SOLEAND SEPARATE PROPERTY,as Trustor, MORTGAGEELECTRONIC REGISTRATIONSYSTEMS, INC., (MERS),SOLELY AS NOMINEE FORLENDER, ALLIANCEBANCORP, IT’SSUCCESSORS ANDASSIGNS, as Beneficiary, willsell at public auction sale to thehighest bidder for cash,cashier’s check drawn by astate or national bank, acashier’s check drawn by astate or federal credit union, ora cashier’s check drawn by astate or federal savings andloan association, savingsassociation, or savings bankspecified in section 5102 of theFinancial Code and authorizedto do business in this state.Sale will be held by the dulyappointed trustee as shownbelow, of all right, title, andinterest conveyed to and nowheld by the trustee in thehereinafter described propertyunder and pursuant to theDeed of Trust. The sale will bemade, but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied,regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of thenote(s) secured by the Deed ofTrust, interest thereon,estimated fees, charges and

expenses of the Trustee for thetotal amount (at the time of theinitial publication of the Noticeof Sale) reasonably estimatedto be set forth below. Theamount may be greater on theday of sale. Place of Sale: BYTHE FOUNTAIN LOCATED AT400 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA,POMONA, CA 91766. LegalDescription: LOT 42 OF TRACTNO. 20318, IN THE CITY OFCARSON, COUNTY OF LOSANGELES, STATE OFCALIFORNIA, AS PER MAPRECORDED IN BOOK 530PAGES 35 AND 36 OF MAPS,IN THE OFFICE OF THECOUNTY RECORDER OFSAID COUNTY. EXCEPT THATPORTION OF SAID LANDLYING WESTERLY OF A LINEBEGINNING AT A POINT INTHE SOUTHERLY LINE OFLOT 44 OF SAID TRACT,DISTANT EASTERLY ALONGTHE SAID LINE, 5 FEET FROMTHE SOUTHWESTERLYCORNER OF SAID LOT 44;THENCE NORTHERLY IN ADIRECT LINE TO A POINT INTHE WESTERLY LINE OF SAIDLOT 18 OF SAID TRACTDISTANT NORTHERLY ALONGSAID WESTERLY LINE, 43.09FEET FROM THESOUTHWESTERLY CORNEROF SAID LOT 18 ALSOEXCEPT FROM SAID LANDALL MINERAL AND OILRIGHTS BELOW THE 500FOOT LEVEL, WHICH WASEXCEPTED BY CARL ALBERTFIESEL AND PHYLLIS MARIEFIESEL, HUSBAND AND WIFE,IN DEED RECORDED JULY 23,1954 IN BOOK 45140 PAGE33, OFFICIAL RECORDS.Amount of unpaid balance andother charges: $527,245.93(estimated) Street address andother common designation ofthe real property: 631 WEST232ND STREET CARSON, CA90745 APN Number: 7363-001-042 The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address and othercommon designation, if any,shown herein. The propertyheretofore described is beingsold “as is”. In compliance withCalifornia Civil Code 2923.5(c)the mortgagee, trustee,beneficiary, or authorized agentdeclares: that it has contactedthe borrower(s) to assess theirfinancial situation and toexplore options to avoidforeclosure; or that it has madeefforts to contact theborrower(s) to assess theirfinancial situation and toexplore options to avoidforeclosure by one of thefollowing methods: bytelephone; by United Statesmail; either 1st class orcertified; by overnight delivery;by personal delivery; by e-mail;by face to face meeting. DATE:02-11-2013 CALIFORNIARECONVEYANCE COMPANY,as Trustee DEREK WEAR-RENEE, ASSISTANTSECRETARY CaliforniaReconveyance Company 9200Oakdale Avenue Mail Stop:CA2-4379 Chatsworth, CA91311 800-892-6902 For SalesInformation: www.lpsasap.comor 1-714-730-2727www.priorityposting.com or 1-714-573-1965www.auction.com or 1-800-280-2832 CALIFORNIARECONVEYANCE COMPANYIS A DEBT COLLECTORATTEMPTING TO COLLECT ADEBT. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. NOTICETO POTENTIAL BIDDERS: Ifyou are considering bidding onthis property lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the property itself.Placing the highest bid at atrustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to freeand clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien beingauctioned off may be a juniorlien. If you are the highestbidder at the auction, you areor may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to thelien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title tothe property. You areencouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size ofoutstanding liens that mayexist on this property bycontacting the countyrecorder’s office or a title

insurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee forthis information. If you consulteither of these resources, youshould be aware that the samelender may hold more than onemortgage or deed of trust onthe property. NOTICE TOPROPERTY OWNER: The saledate shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one ormore times by the mortgagee,beneficiary, trustee, or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g ofthe California Civil Code. Thelaw requires that informationabout trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your saledate has been postponed, and,if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale ofthis property, this informationcan be obtained from one ofthe following three companies:LPS Agency Sales and Postingat (714) 730-2727, or visit theInternet Web sitewww.lpsasap.com(Registration required to searchfor sale information) or PriorityPosting and Publishing at (714)573-1965 or visit the InternetWeb sitewww.priorityposting.com (Clickon the link for “AdvancedSearch” to search for saleinformation), or auction.com at1-800-280-2832 or visit theInternet Web sitewww.auction.com, using theTrustee Sale No. shown above.Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way toverify postponementinformation is to attend thescheduled sale. A-435547602/14/2013, 02/21/2013,02/28/2013 2/14, 2/21, 2/28/13CNS-2439347#OUR WEEKLY



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