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THE FItr-TH COI\STJLTATION OF THE F"A"O; RESEARCH NETWORK ON SUNFLOWER (I\ovi Sad, Yugoslavia, 24-27 Jtrly LgS4) The fifth C'onsultation of the F.A.O. Re- search Network on Sunfl,ower, sponsored by the F.A.O. Regional Office for Europe, took place in -IVovi Sad, Yugoslavia, from ùq to Z:7 July 19,84, being organized by the Co-,ordina- tion Centre of Fundulea, Romania and the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops of Novi Sad. The Consultation was attende,C by 54 dele- gates from 18 countries (Algeria, Austria, Bu1- garia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Czechoslov,akia, France, Fede,ra1 Republi,c of Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ita1y, Portugal, R,omania, Spain, Tur- key, United States of America, Yugosiavia) an,J one international organization (Internaiional Sunflower Association) (fig. 1). zyl@iu YgÎïry "-* ,!r @p ,a.airy@&;:.!..: , *Mi Dr. Alex. Viorel Vrânceanu, co-ordinator of the Network, openoC the Consultation and rvelcomed the parti,cipants. He expressed his thanks to the co,mpetent authoritiei of yugo- slavia who had ensured excellent facilities Tor the Consultaticyn and acknowledged the great c'ontribution of the staff of the Insti,tuté of Fiel,d an'C Vegetable Cr.ops of Novi S,ad and of its dire,ctor, Pr.ofessor T. Vrebalov. to the organization of the Consultation. The Consul,tation was greete,C by dr. p. IIié, secretary of the Secretariat for Agriculture, Processing Industry and Forestry o1 the So- c'alist Autonc.mou,s Province of Vojvodina, rvho appreciated the efforts th,at F.A.O., to- qether rvith the Institute of Field and Vege- 69

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(I\ovi Sad, Yugoslavia, 24-27 Jtrly LgS4)

The fifth C'onsultation of the F.A.O. Re-search Network on Sunfl,ower, sponsored bythe F.A.O. Regional Office for Europe, tookplace in -IVovi Sad, Yugoslavia, from ùq to Z:7July 19,84, being organized by the Co-,ordina-tion Centre of Fundulea, Romania and theInstitute of Field and Vegetable Crops ofNovi Sad.

The Consultation was attende,C by 54 dele-gates from 18 countries (Algeria, Austria, Bu1-garia, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Czechoslov,akia,France, Fede,ra1 Republi,c of Germany, Greece,Hungary, Ita1y, Portugal, R,omania, Spain, Tur-key, United States of America, Yugosiavia) an,Jone international organization (InternaiionalSunflower Association) (fig. 1).

zyl@iuYgÎïry "-* ,!r@p ,a.airy@&;:.!..:



Dr. Alex. Viorel Vrânceanu, co-ordinator ofthe Network, openoC the Consultation andrvelcomed the parti,cipants. He expressed histhanks to the co,mpetent authoritiei of yugo-slavia who had ensured excellent facilities Torthe Consultaticyn and acknowledged the greatc'ontribution of the staff of the Insti,tuté ofFiel,d an'C Vegetable Cr.ops of Novi S,ad andof its dire,ctor, Pr.ofessor T. Vrebalov. to theorganization of the Consultation.

The Consul,tation was greete,C by dr. p. IIié,secretary of the Secretariat for Agriculture,Processing Industry and Forestry o1 the So-c'alist Autonc.mou,s Province of Vojvodina,rvho appreciated the efforts th,at F.A.O., to-qether rvith the Institute of Field and Vege-


tabLe Crops irn Novi Sad, had made in organ-izing the Consultation in N'ovi Sad and wasconfident that the meeting would ,produce{ruitfut. results for the benefit of sunflowerreseartch. Introductory salutations were'deli-vered too by Mr. Bogdan Berié, secretary ofthe Provincial Associati,on for Plant Oils arrdFats and by Professor Tihomir Vreba;lov,director of the Institute of Field and Voge-table Crop,s, Novi Sad.

Professor f . Vrejbalov (Yugoslavia) waselected Chainman and Dr. J. Fernân'dez-IMar-tirnez (Spain) and Dr. Claudine LaT narque(France), Vice-Chairmen.

The Co-ordinator of the Network, dr. A' V.Vrânceanu (Romani,a), presented the generalreport on past activities since the last Consul-taiion (19S1) and proposals for the next thr'ee-year periord (19E4-1987). He appneciated thefruitful results of the co-operation and un'der-lined the contribution of the six researchsu,bnetworks to the irnplementation of theadopted pr'og,ranr--mes of scientif i'c internationalco-operation. The general report oontained alsopr,otposals regarding the reorganization of someiubnetworks, which were a'fterwards derbatedand adopted by the Consultation, as folilows :

1. The unification of the surbnetworks onchemi'cal weed con-trol and sunflower diseasemapping in one surbnetwork, ,oalled "SunLflowerintegrated prote,c'tion", with three projects :

a) integrated weed control (Pr,oject C'entre

- Researrch Institute for General Agricultureand Cr,op Produ,ction, Pisa, Ital.y, and ProjectOffircer -

dr. G. P. Vannozzi);b) integrated disease control (Project Cen-

tre - Plarnt Prote,ction lnstitute, Bucha'rest,Romania, and Project Officer - dr. HoriaIliescu) ;

c) sunflower disease mapping (Project Cen-tre - Institute of Fiel'd and Vegetatble Crops,Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, and Proje'ct Officer -dr. M. Aéimovié).

The Lialson Centre of t'he subnetwork onsunflower integrated protection will rernainwith CETIOM, Paris (Mr. Y Regnault).

2. Refor,rnulation and enl'argement of thesubnetwork on sunflower response to irrigationunder dif,ferent environrnental conditions as

"su,bnetwork on ecophysiology of sunftowerproduction" with its Liaison Centre at INIA'-Department of Oil Crops, Cor'doba, Sngin 9naLiaison O'fficer - dr. E. tr'ereres. The firststep of co-operation will deal with the follow-ing projects :

a) evaluation ;of sunflower yiel'd potentialin differenû environrnents and identilficationof the baqiç.{actors limiting yield ;

b) drougÈT:itolerance of sunflower cultivars ;

c) physiolèby of Sunfloiri'er yield deter:

sented the results o{ the joint investigationscarried out in the last three years and rnadeçrroiposals for fur'ther development of the srcien-tific resear,ch co-operati,on and i,naprovementof the joint methodology and experirnentaLterchnique.

Dr. F. M. Stoenescu (Rom,ani,a), Liaison O,ffi-cer' .of t}:e subnettnork on the etperirnentutionof sunflotner cultipars in competitiue trials,stressed that in comparison with the previousexperirnental cycles, the c'o-operative activitiesin the fourth biennial cy,cle had developed notonly quantita,tively, but also qualitatively-Analysing the results of this biennial cycle, heconclurded that although some groups of sun-flower hybrids differing genetically c,ould beestablished, their genetic diversity appearedto be quite limited to fit all the environrnentalvariations and mini'mize the genetic vulne-rabiiity of sunflower crops. The lirniting factorsare connected prirnarily with the utilization ofthe sarne type of cytoplasmic male steri,lity andthe relatively reduced 'nu,mber of pollen fer-tility restorer lines. Breeding centres shouldpropose for tùre next experi'rnents, cultivarswhich do not have simiiar characteristics espe-cially as concerns vegetation period and plantheight. As well as primary 'data, all partici-pa,nts should send elaborate results includingthe analysis of variance and more inform'ationconcerning the reaction to diseases and to theenvironmental stress'conditions.

The Liaison Offi'cer of the subnetwork onsunflower applt'ed genettcs, dr. A. Kovâëik(Czechoslovakia) stated that of the four topicsdealt with by the subnetwork, two rvere moredeveloped : heredity of disease resistance an'dheredity of the main characteristics which in-fluence'seed yield. New sources of cytoplasmicmale sterility and genes for pollen fertility resto-ration have been identified an'd they are aL-

ready in use in the breeding prograrnmes.Better sturdied and espe,cially used are thegenes that control the resistance to the atta'ckof various pathogens. Fro,m this stan'dpoint,the resistance to the attack od different racesof downy mil'dew (Plasmopara helt'antht') allowsa clear discrirnination of hybri'ds and varieties.It is necessary to further develop the geneticinvestigations on Scleroti'ntm sclerottorum artdPhomopsi,s helianthi, as well as the stu'dy ofdifferent ,marker genes or other geneti'caIlyuseful traits.

,The Liaison Officer of the subnetwork onthe collectton, eualuatton and conseruati'on ofwitd, spectes and their use in sunflotner breed'ing prograrnrnes, dr. D. Skorié (Yugoslavia)piesented the results of the scienlific co-ope-iatïçn carried out ,f.4 the last three .years a'nd

.nination. i-'On the .first day of the ConsuJtatio'n, the

Liaison Officers of the six subnetworks pre-


propoied a prograrnrne ,for future activities,vùith -the following'objectives :

.'ildqvelqpment of co-operatipn with scien-tists from U.S.A., Canada, Mexioo, Argentina

.and Brasil for collecti'ng different wild speciesand strains ,an'd their exchange among thê sub-network participants ;

- 'conservation and maintenance of all co1-Iercted entries, by the Novi Sad Liaison Centre,nNRA Montpellier, Frartce and USDA Bush-lanrd, Texas ;

- str.rdies of morrphological, botaniical anda,gronomi,cal ahara,cteristics of the wild .HeZ,i-qnthus species, in,cluding seed germination, re-sistance to diseases and unfavourable environ-mental contditions ;

- interspecific hybridization using embrioculture, cell and another culture. chromosomedouhling for in,creasing hybrid fertility ;

- cytogeneti,c sti.ldies, identification of newrn,arker genes and new sources of self-fertilitvand cytogenetic male sterility.

Dr. M. Aéimovié (Yugoslavia), in charge ofthe Liaison Centre o,f the subnetusork orL sun-flouer dtsease rnapping, pointed out in hisrerport that 35 sunflower diseases were re-cor'de,l in 10 European countries, 16 werefound in the USA and i2l2 in Australia. InSouthern Europe, the nurnber of diseases andtheir yield_d,amage w.as less when cornparedto that i,n Centrar arrd N,orthern Europe. Mostof the parasites in Europe were similar tothose in the USA and Australia, but sorne spe-,cific ;parasites were notod in the uSA, such asC olletotrichum cocc od.e s, Albug o tr ag opo g onts,Puccinia æanthi4 etc. Emphasis sho,uld bé puton rese,arch conrcerning the new parasites, 1.e.Phomopsis sp., new races of plasmopara heli-anthi, as well as sorne well known diseaseswhrch are parti,cularly dangerous like Sclero-tinia sclerotiorum .and Alternari,a helianthi.At'tention will be f,o,cussed on some mal,for-a'nations of the my,coplasrnic type, retportedmore frequently in France and Italv in lgBBand 1984.

Mr. Y Regnault (France), Liaison Officer oflhe subnettnork on sunJlotuer chernieal weed,control, presented his report and stressed thenecessity of giving a ne\M irrnpulse to the activ-ity of this subnetwork as weil as a cle,arlymar,ked orientation toward the inteqrated con-trol. The consultation approved th; proposedreorganization as a subnetwork on sunflowerintegrated protection with three proiecis ânAa ,cer,tain member of topi,cs. The participantsto this new subnetwork exrpresse.d their wishto holrd a wcrking meeting next year in orderto irrnpr:ove the content of the joi.nt researchprogramme and the working methods.

Dr. F. Insua (Spain), Liaison Offi,cer of thesubnetwork on sunJlotuer response to irrtgationunder different environmental conditi,ons pre-se,nted his report on past activities. The Con-sultation agreed with the reorientation o'f thissubnetwork as a subnettnork on eeophgsiotoggof sunflower productiozi with three prajects

which would tackle such topics as the use ofhigh plant population and high notrogen dosesun,der irrigated conditions in order to improvecrop technology for high yietrding ievels, newsoupc3s for drought resistance and their usein breeding progrâmmes, photosynthetic acitivity of the leaves as a yield limiting factor inthe process of biomass aocumulation, inflo-res'cen_ce develop,ment an,d grain filling pro,cessas wel,l as macro-elernent translocation in thep1ant, radicular developrnent and its absorptioncapacity, photosyntheti,c produrctivity andenergetic evaluatio,n .of photosynthesis, etc.

On the second day of the Consultation, 1,5scientiific papers resulted frorn the co-orperativeresearrch investigations and 4 reports on sun-fl,ower crop and research develoryment inAustria, Cyprus, Hungary and France \Merepresented. Most of these co,mmunications arepurblished in the present edition of ,,Helia".

The subnetworks held indivi,dual meetingson the thir,d day oÉ the Consultation and dis-cu"ssed the details of the future scienti'fic co-operation, the improvoment of the experi-mental methods and technique, data pro,cessingand interpr,etation, dissemination of resultsthr'ough the Information BulLetin ,,Helia,' orby means of other pulbli,c,ations or extensionfa,cilities.

In its closing session, the Consultation uina-nirnously re-elected the Research Institute forCereals and Industrial Cro,ps of Fundulea, Ro-rnania, as Co-ordin,ation Centre of the Network.with dr. A. V. Vrânceanu as co-ordinator, aswetrl as the Liaison Centres of the existing,an,C ne-vly-oriented su,bnetworks with the fol-iowing Liaison Officers : dr. F. M. Stoenescu(Fundulea, Ro,mania), dr. A. Kovâëik (Ruzyne-Prague, Czechoslovakia), Mr. Y Regnault(CETIOM, ,Paris, France), dr. D. Skorié (NoviSa'd, Yugoslavia), dr. E. Fereres (Cord,oba,Spain).

The participants adopted the proposal madeby the Hungarian delegation that the nextCo,r-rsultation of the FAO Resear,ch Network onSunflower be organized in Szeged, Hungary,in the July 1987.

An interesting visit to the experimentalfields and a stu'dy tour were offered by thehost country on the afternoon of 26 July 1g,84,when the parti,cipants evaluated the infsnsiyssunflower breeding programme developeà ,bythe Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops nearNovi Sad, and on 27 July ,1 9,84 when sun-f,lower seed and commercial fields and agro-techni,cal and varietal demonstrative plots werevisited at "Pionir" Agricultural Estate in Sr-bo,bran, and at Subotica a,nlC So,mbor Agri-cultural Ccrm'bines, inrcluding the ,,INUS" OilRefinery in Sornbor

A. V. Vrânceanu




(Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 24-27 de julio de 1984)


En la reuni6n participaron 54 delegados de 18paises. Fue presentâdo el inlorme general de la Redy los informes especiales de las 6 subredes de in-vestigaciôn, conteniendo la actividad desarrolladadesdè la riltima reuni6n del aflo 1981 y propuestasoara el desarrollo de la cooperaci6n scientifica enlos siguientes tres aios.

Las subredes referentes al combate quimico de lasmalas hierbas y la investigaci6n de las enfermedadesdel girasol fueron unificadas en una rinica subredllarnàda ,,Protecciôn integrada de girasoI",, mientrasque Ia sinred concerniente a la respuesta del girasolâ riego fue reorganizada y desarrollada, y va a sercentrada en problemas de ecofisiologia de Ia pro-duccidn del girasrl.

Fueron presentados 15 trabajos scientificos y 4

informes sobre la cultura del girasol y las investi-gaciones scientificas en Austria' Chipre, Francia yHunrlriat.

El pais organizadot ofreci6 una interesante ex-cursiôn de estudios, Ios participantes visitando el

campo de mejora de girasol de Novi Sad y unosagro;omplejos especializados en Ia producci6n de lassemillas hibridas del girasol'

La prdxima reunidn tendrâ lugar en Szeged, enHungria, en 1987.

(Novi Sad, Yougoslavie, 24-27 jttillet 1984)


A cette réunion, ont participé 54 délégués de 18

pays. Le rapport général du réseau et les rapportsipèciaux de's- 6 sous-réseaux de recherches ont étéoiésentés. ceux-ci contenant I'activité déployée lorsàe la dernière réunion de 1981, ainsi que des propo-sitions pour le développement de la coopérationscientifique dans les 3 années suivantes.

Les sous-réseaux corcernant la iutte chimiquecontre les mauvaises herbes et la cartographie desrnaladies du tournesol ont été unifiés dans un sous-réseau unique, dénommé ,,La protection intégrée dutournesol", iandis que le sous-réseau citudiant Ia re-ponse du tournesol à I'irrigation a été réorganiséèt développé, ceci allant être concentré sur des pro-blèmes déco-physiologie de la production dutournesol.

Quinze travaux scientifiques et 4 informations surla culture du tournesol et sur les recherches scien-tifiques d'Autriche, Chypre, France et Hongrie, ontété présentées.

Lè pays organisateur a offert une intéressanteexcursion d'études, à I'occasion de laquelle les parti-cipants ont visité le champ d'amélioration du tour-nésol de Novi Sad et certaines entreprises agricolescomplexes, spécialisées dans la proCuction des se-mences hybrides de tournesol.

La prochaine réunion aura lieu à Szeged, Hon-grie, en 1987.


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