overview project scienar by dr mauro francaviglia, universities of calabria and torino (italy

OVERWIEW OF THE PROJECT “SCIENAR” SCIENTIFIC SCENARIOS AND ART by Mauro FRANCAVIGLIA FINAL EVENT OF THE PROJECT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 October, 2010 A European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN

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Presentation given at the Amsterdam SCIENAR seminar on Oct. 15, 2010




FINAL EVENT OF THE PROJECT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14-15 October, 2010 A European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN


A European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN

SCIENAR SCIENTIFIC SCIENARIOS in (and for) ARTA European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN

SCIENAR SCIENTIFIC SCIENARIOS in (and for) ARTA European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR takes into account the common European Cultural heritage, that is profoundly based on the links existing between Science & Art, from the very beginning of the Greek Culture, through Renaissance, until present time. It aims to build an interdisciplinary approach using mainly digital technologies to explore the present day interactions of these two facets of our Culture, bringing together both communities of Human Culture and Scientific Culture.

From Plato to Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance) until Picasso & Einstein /XX Century)

SCIENARThe starting and leading idea is that these two facets are NOT separate entities as they frequently happen to be considered but just two facets of the SAME Culture, which encompasses all human endeavours to understand, represent and trascend the whole of our knowledge of reality in which we live. Two facets that share a common past, a common present and a common future; two facets the mutual interrelationships of which are profound and extremely important.

From Plato to Leonardo da Vinci (Renaissance) until Picasso & Einstein /XX Century)

SCIENARA further leading idea, in fact, is that Mathematics the basic language of all Science and in fact fundamental for the development of many oher fields of Human thought subtly pervades our everydays life. In particular we shall be exploring in SCIENAR from various viewpoints the deep interrelations that existed and still exist between Mathematics & Art, basing our work on the continuous and reciprocal benefit that each one of these two disciplines can gain from the other. Mathematics can be more easily understood when it becomes clear that mathematical structures provide a description and sometimes a language for the corresponding structures existing, more or less manifestly, in artworks; as well as Art a creative and imaginative act - can be helped or even inspired by techniques or reasonings that belong to the field of Science and to the constructive and descriptive language of Mathematics.

SCIENARAs it was stated in the declaration of SCIENAR, Mathematics has evolved alongwith our way of conceiving, perceiving, experimenting and representing reality; while Art develops the means to harmonise, describe, represent aesthetically, trascend and transfigure the World of our sensations and perception. History of Arts and Sciente tell us tha Mathematics and Figurative Arts (Painting, Sculpting, Carving) have often developed in parallel. A completely analogous pathway is recognizable in other forms of Visual Art, in Architecture, in Music, in all forms of modern and contemporary Art, from Photography to Film, up to Digital Art.Photo by Marcella G. Lorenzi

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR is based on the following starting points. A) The Need of Visualizing Science to Better Comunicate it. Our senses have been forged, through millenniums, by and around the physical conditions we commonly encounter in our life. Science of XX Century started to study more profound aspects that are far from our common experience. Difficulties arise if one tries to visualize them, but an escare is offered by Digital Technologies, that make it possibile to represent and visualize modified realities or alternative worlds.

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR is based on the following starting points. B) Virtual Laboratories as a Mean to Better Understand and Teach Science. Interactivity is the essence of Science and Digital Technologies; it allow us to create Virtual Laboratories where the genuine interactive process of making Science can be easily and fruitfully reproduced.

Napoli - Citt della Scienza Photo by Marcella G. Lorenzi

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR is based on the following starting points. C) The Deep Interplay between Science and Art. The Digital Technologies provide a rather good mean to explore the interplay between Science and Art. The common European cultural heritage is profoundly based on these links and the New Technologies allow us to explore and represent these fruitful relationships in a way that was unthinkable before. Mathematics intersects all aspects of Cultural Industry.As a modern example we can mention Fractal Art Habel (pseudonymous of Antonio DAnna) said in this field:The scientific component is present only at the level of study [] the creative act is by no means mortified [] and it remains the undiscussed protagonist [] it would be impossible to Haebel - repeat a painting, while repetitivity is a Fractal Cube founding value of scientific work.

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR is based on the following starting points. D) The Digital Technologies as a Tool to Produce New Art. In our days Science in general and Mathematics in particular play a direct and explicit role in several forms of Art (visual, plastic and musical). We mention methods to generate Art and Music by means of computers and electronic devices. From mathematical concepts and scientific scenarios it is then possibile to extract classical and modern pieces of Art, as well as to realize environments that offer innovative spaces composed of images, sounds and tools for generating new artistic and creative forms.

Quantum Universe - design by L. Fatibene & M.G. Lorenzi

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR is based on the following starting points. E) Art and Digital Technologies as Tools to Produce New Science. Albert Einstein stated once that The Artist and the Scientist each substitute a self-created world for the experiential one, with the goal of trascendence. And Martin Minsky pointed out the importance of artistic representations to better understand scientific concepts: No matter what ones purposes, perhaps the most powerful methods of human thought are those that help us find new kinds of representations. Stephen Wilson:The role of the Artist is not only to interpret and spread scientific knowledge, but to be an active partner in determining the direction of research.

Fractal Constructions - by ESG

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: 1) create an interactive environment for both Scientist and Artists, where Scientists can explore the role that Mathematics plays in understanding and making Art, as well as produce mathematical objects that are useful in Art; while Artists can found mathematical structures and forms that they can directly use, without needing the subtleties of Mathematics, to inspire and produce their artworks;Botticelli - Nascita di Venere

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: 2) review and analyze the existing scientific environments for producing artistic objects, implement them with new environments, create a standard portal - MARs - where the existing interactions between Matematics and Art can be reviewed and easily retrieved;

MATHEMATICS & ART THE WEB PORTAL MArsThe Web Portal Mars was a prelude to the activities of SCIENAR. It remained as a localized experiment, aimed to presenting Art as a way to approach Mathematics, enjoying the beauty of the structures that exist in our vision and in our representation of the World, to eventually reconstruct its structures and all the theoretical tools that are necessary to understand and to elaborate its essence. As a second aim there was of course the desire to stimulate further applications of Mathematics to various elds of Human culture.


SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: 3) formalize and develop three scientific scenarios in which the interaction between Mathematics and Art can be understood, visualized and used to create new Art (installations in the domain of Art & Science, exhibits concerning Art & Science);

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: SCENARIO # 1: The Birth of Geometry at the time of Greeks: the role of proportions, the music of Kosmos, Platonic Solids, the Golden Mean.

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: SCENARIO # 2: The Role of Symmetry and Prospective in Renaissance: the birth of Perspective and Projective Geometry, Simmetry in Art, the beauty canons in Painting, Architecture and Music.

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: SCENARIO # 3: The New Mathematics and Art of XX Century: Curvature, Impressionism, Cubism, Fractalism, Motion and Fourth Dimension, Digital Art.

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: 4) produce Art Installations and Exhibitions in the domain of Art & Science, as well as promoting occasions of interchange between the two communities of Art & Science;

Superstring Installation & Performance, Painting with Light

SCIENARThe project SCIENAR explicitly aims in particular to: 5) constitute an international network concerning these (and other) Scientific Scenarios for Art, as well as promoting their diffusion in both communities.Benoit Mandelbrot- Fractals

SCIENARA European Project Agreement n. 2008 - 2254 / 001 - 001 CTU MECOAN

The Partners

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 1) University of Calabria: ESG & Laboratory for Scientific Communication

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 1) University of Calabria ESG & Laboratory for Scientific Communication

From left to right: Mauro Francaviglia, Pietro Pantano, Marcella G. Lorenzi, Lorella Gabriele

he ESG researches are theoretical and applied, covering various elds, among which: T athematics for Industry M ducational Technologies E igital Edutainment D ultural Heritage C cience and Art S he ESG fosters and promotes high formation in all preceding elds of research, through: T the PhD course in Psychology of Programming and Articial Intelligence at the University of Calabria. he Doctoral School Archimedes in Science, Communication and Technologies t which gathers together research groups in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Engineering and Cognitive Psychology for an innovative interdisciplinary project.

Research Projects ESG forges alliance with others Countries and Universities, public and private research institute, Small and Medium Enterprises, and international and national scientic communities that conduct research in similar topics. ESG is involved in a large number of regional, national and international projects: PRIN (National Interest Research Project) MIUR 2005-2006 Mathematical Modelling of Natural and Articial Behaviour, coordinated by Eleonora Bilotta and involving ve Universities: Calabria, Genova, Marche, Napoli 2nd University, Torino; Virtual Museum System of Magna Graecia Project aiming at collecting information on the cultural heritage of Calabrian Magna Graecia; NetConnect (Connecting European Culture through New Technology) is a project promoted by Culture 2000 European Programme. RTN (Research Training Network Marie Curie Action) European Project COMSON; InterLink Program to foster the internationalization of the universitary system, by promoting international collaboration among universities; MASC (Music and Sound by Chaos) project, coordinated by prof. Bilotta of the University of Calabria, involves the MacGill University of Montreal.

Mathematics for Industry The topic Mathematics for Industry covers any mathematical aspects may arise in applied problems of industrial relevance. Fields of research: Mathematical Model in Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics. Macroscopic models of transport Kinetic Models of transport Quantum Models Models ne-scale Projects COMSON (Coupled Multiscale Simulation and Optimization in Nanoelectronics) is a Marie Curie RTN project. Interlink: "Mathematical Models and Applications for Microelectronics" . ENIAC MODERN: Project of International Cooperation.

Educational Technologies Educational Technology is a sector of research, which is interested in creating tools for improving learning possibility, increasing the student's skills, in the cognitive domain. In this context, many tools have been realized which give the possibility to represent and simulate complex phenomena. ESG carried out some researches in this eld with primary school children and University students. Project International Interuniversity Cooperation project Robotics as an Educational Tool.

Digital Edutainment A number of tools linked to Edutainment (the term derives from the mixture of Education and Entertainment) have been realized by ESG, among which: Face3D software, an authoring system to realize performance of Talking Heads.

Cultural Heritage The researches of ESG in this eld aims at the use of ICT for the exploitation and dissemination of Cultural Heritage, providing an enriching learning experience for different targets of users, especially young people. Projects: Virtual Museum System of Magna Graecia Project NetConnect Project

Virtual Museum System of Magna Graecia Project The Virtual Museum System of Magna Graecia was developed as part of a project funded by the Regione Calabria within the Programma Operativo Regionale (POR) 2000/2006 http:// virtualmg.net It uses the most recent and innovative technologies to provide an overall view of the archaeological patrimony of Calabrian Magna Graecia. Moreover, the aim of the project is to create a network aimed at fostering cultural exchanges between universities, schools, museums, local grass-roots societies and other organisations.

Interactive Museum The interactive museum was thought as an environment where the user can activate mechanisms exploration and informative interaction with objects (3d reconstructions, picture and so on) within it.

NetConnect Project The Connecting European Culture through New Technology (NETConnect) project, sponsored by the European Culture 2000 programme, is related to the Virtual Museum System. http://www.netconnect-project.eu http:// netconnect-project.eu/index.aspx. The NETConnect project involves partners from different European countries, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Scotland, with the aim of exploiting and sharing European cultural heritage, rendering it more accessible and visible, promoting collaboration amongst culture agents and technology experts.

Virtual Reconstructions The goals of the virtual reconstructions and associated multimedia content are to make the visit of the archaeological patrimony a fascinating and unique experience. The use of open source tools like Google Earth and Google SketchUp facilitates the graphics work and makes more simple the implementation phase of the 3D models.

PDA Smartphone

System based on the location of users within the archaeological sites REAL


Science and Art ESG has promoted research that use mathematical models, as chaotic systems, to create interactive performances for theatre and music, new kind of musical instruments and music compositions, new methods for digital painting and advanced tools as immersive environments for digital edutainment and science communication. Projects: Music and sounds form chaos (MASC), coordinated by Eleonora Bilotta Department of Linguistics, University of Calabria. The partners are University of Calabria, Italy and McGill University, Canada. Scientic Scenarios and Art (SCIENAR), coordinated by Pietro Pantano, Department of Mathematics, University of Calabria.

Scientic Visualization Chuas circuit realized by Leon O. Chua University of California, Berkeley, is a chaotic oscillator. Chua's circuit is a useful system to study many fundamental and applied issues of chaos theory. Starting from the equation system, we have developped a computational model that allow to realize a wide variety of attractors, sound, music and some interesting 3d image from the attractors of the Chua Circuit.

Generative Music and Computer Aided CompositionGenerator

Music from the attractors of the Chua Circuit Short Compositions using MIDI instruments Short Compositions using ChaoticSynth


Generator Codification Synthesis

In systems parameters n-dimensional time series musical and/or sound synthesis parameters

Out n-dimensional time series musical and/or sound synthesis parameters sounds and/or music


ImaginationTools ImaginationTools embodies a new philosophy of emergent musical software. It uses mathematical models in order to create sound and music and it promotes a 3D user interaction modalities.

Exhibits Chaotic shapes: a journey from Science to Art

Exploring chaotic phenomena by an educational path, an experience with a chaotic circuit, interactive tools and audio-video performance in a 3D virtual environment

An Empirical Research: Chaos goes to primary school

Pupils build a circuit, a virtual simulation and music by using Chuas circuit

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 2) Slovak University of Technology Monica KOVACOVA

SCIENARName: Monika Kovov Title: Mgr., PhD. Date of Birth: May 29, 1971 Place of Birth: Nitra, Slovak Republic

The partners of SCIENAR Slovak University of Technology Monica KOVACOVA

EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS 1994 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, Mgr. in Mathematics, specialisation: Mathematics, Differential Equations, Functional Analysis, Algebra 2001 PhD. in Mathematics - Differential Equations PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE February 1995 - Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mathematics, teacher of math, research fellow PROFESSIONAL INTEREST Differential Equations (Partial and Ordinary), Numerical Mathematics, Signal and Image Processing, Wavelets Programming System MATHEMATICA , webMathematica 2002 2007 tester for system Mathematica, Work Bench, webMathematica programming languages Fortran 90/95, C, C++, Java, PhP, MySQL, JSP e-learning, math e-learning, MathML coding, dynamical e-courses (includes MathML coding) for technical universities SKILLS: languages: computer:

English (Scientific) - active Russian - active Windows NT, Fortran 90/95, C, C++, Java, PhP, MySQL, MATHEMATICA

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Slovak University of TechnologySlovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovak Republic Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava tries to contribute to the deepening of knowledge. It is realized via acquisition of knowledge from science and consequently its dissemination via education, but also via supporting utilization of knowledge in the direct co-operation with industry. In the harmony with modern times, our university succeeded easily respond to the presence of foreign investments, development of automobile industry as well as to the invasion of up-to-date technologies. It is demonstrated with the increase of attractive study programs, growing interest of partners from industry and enterprises to co-operate as well as with continually more intensive international co-operation. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU) is a modern educational and scientific institution. Since its foundation in the year 1937 more than 105.000 students have graduated. In average, 16.000 students study at the STU every year. At present, the STU consists of seven faculties. All the STU faculties provide a study in accredited study programs within the complex system of a bachelor, master and PhD study. Faculties realize credit system compatible with the European credit transfer system enabling mutual mobility of students within European Union member countries and a larger European space. In the area of scientific and research activities the STU successfully joins European Union programs. The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava offers university education mainly in: technical, technological, technical-economical, technical-information and technical-artistic fields of study. There are around 19, 000 national and foreign students studying at all grades and forms of studies at the 7 faculties of the university based in Bratislava and Trnava. Faculties are: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology , Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies The studies at the faculties of STU are performed at 3 levels: 1. the bachelor degree study program; 2. the engineer, or master degree study program; 3. the doctorate degree study program

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Slovak University of Technology APLIMAT CONFERENCES



SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 3) Virtual Image Publishing Nick MEE

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Virtual Image Publishing Nick MEE EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS1980-1989 Trinity College, Cambridge University. May 1990 Ph.D. : Theoretical Particle Physics Thesis: Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Geometry - Supervisor: Dr Nick Manton, Cambridge University June 1985 Part III Mathematics - Senior Wrangler June 1984 Natural Sciences Tripos - Theoretical Physics B.A. November 1990 - Present Director Virtual Image Publishing Ltd

I have a background in theoretical physics. I attended Cambridge University as an undergraduate and went on to complete a PhD in theoretical particle physics there in 1990. I established my educational software company Virtual Image Publishing Ltd with the aim of raising educational standards in maths and science, both for school pupils and the wider public. Over the last 15 years Virtual Image has published around 80 interactive CD-ROMs. My role in developing the software includes writing text, designing graphics, producing ray traced animations, programming the software and marketing the finished products, which include curriculum-based software, educational games, popular maths titles and art and science collaborations. Brief descriptions of a few examples follow: I have worked with many teachers to develop educational materials, including the NRICH Project based at Cambridge University: NRICH Exploring Circles (2007), NRICH Exploring Squares (2005). Nubble! (2005) is the software version of a mathematical board game. It is the only educational software to have been awarded Millennium Product status by the Design Council. Connections in Space (2000 - 2006) CD-ROM and website: An exploration of the artistic and scientific representation of space in collaboration with Prof. John Barrow, Prof. Martin Kemp and Richard Bright. The Code Book on CD-ROM (2001 - 2002): A highly interactive version of Simon Singhs best-selling book The Code Book, which is used as part of the Enigma Project based at Cambridge University. Symbolic Sculpture (2000): A collaboration with the sculptor John Robinson that resulted in stunning computer generated animations based on his abstract geometrical sculptures.

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Virtual Image PublishingVirtual Image is the UKs leading publisher of interactive educational software. The company specialises in visually appealing CD-ROMs with highly interactive content that is especially suitable for presentation on interactive whiteboards. The interactive activities and other content of the software is designed in close collaboration with teachers, which ensures that it works well in the classroom and ties in with the English National Curriculum. Virtual Image products include numeracy, literacy, science, history and geography CD-ROMs for primary schools and maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, French and German CD-ROMs for secondary schools. The full range of software is described on the Virtual Image website at www.virtualimage.co.uk

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Virtual Image Publishing

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Virtual Image Publishing

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Virtual Image Publishing

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 4) Institute for Computers, Polytechnical University of Bucuresti Georghe SAMOILA

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Georghe SAMOILA1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Surname: Samoil Name: Gheorghe tefan Date of Birth: 6 August 1948 Birth Place: Cmpina, Prahova County, Romnia Married, two children, Education:

College nr 2 from Cmpina Parahova, between 1962-1966 Graduating as a MS engineer from Automation Faculty, Institutul Politehnic Bucureti in 1971. Hardware researcher in ITC until 1989, switching to software developement after 1989 and Multimedia development after 2002. Positions: ITC, Chief of Multimedia DEPARTMENT during 2003-2008 World Summit Award nATIONAL eXPERT 2004-2008 Member of the ARMI, Romanian Association for Interactive Multimedia Achievements as a multimedia developer: Project manager for CD-ROMs: ROMANIA 2003, Brncui, Biblia, History of Romania, web-sites: www.deltadunarii.info.ro, www.mnar.arts.ro, www.e-content.ro, www.cultinform.ro, www.digiarh.ro. Awards: The Award of the Ministery of Culture from Romania for the CD-ROM Romania 2003. The award of the Ministery of Culture from Romania as the best informatic solution: a Kiosk installed at the Peasant Museum from Romania. The Award of Minister of Research of Romania for the project Distributed Platform for Creating a Virtual museum for Danube Delta area, disseminated by a website www.deltadunarii.info.ro. The 15th Mobius Award for the activity dedicated to digitization of the national heritage. The award of Ministery of Culture from Romania for Brncui CD-ROM and the Europrix Quality Seal for the same product in 2005. Presently managing Digiarh project aiming at creating a digital archive at the Village Museum from Romania and coordinating Romanian team in the complex international project SCIENAR,

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Institute for Computers, Polytechnical University of BucurestiITC is a private company (since 2007) involved in developing IT & Communication software applications. It has more than 40 years proven experience in the field. The main fields of interest are ERP software and applications, Internet service provider, Microcomputer applications, GSM and GIS applications, control access systems and Multimedia applications. As a developer of complex Multimedia projects, ITC has implemented tools for manipulating e-content including complex Content Management Systems for loading content in the web, or for presenting content to a larger audience through information terminals. -It has experience in running complex projects with international partners under strictly determined timing conditions. -It authors CD-ROMs, DVDs, websites using new technologies. During the last two years, ITC has been involved in several projects related to cultural heritage field. ITC organized the e-Content Romanian National Award, a multimedia contest which selected the best Romanian multimedia products in 2005. This project gathered multimedia artists from all over the country to promote their excellence into the World Summit Award an internationally recognised competition. As a multimedia editor and producer, ITC developed several projects: It edited and produced the Brancusi CD-ROM, an accurate bilingual multimedia product dedicated to the life and and work of the great sculptor Constantin Brancusi. Involving cooperation of several museums as National Museum of Art from Romania, Craiova National Museum, RMN Paris, Philadelphia Museum, MoMA New York, Guggenheim, Nelson Atkins Museum which provided content, this CD-ROM was highly appreciated in 2005 being very useful to scholars and public. It edited a multimedia compendium for the Romanians History on CD-ROM an excellent education tool for children developed together with specialists from the National Museum of History from Romania. It edited and produced a digital version of the Bible, implementing search mechanism in order to facilitate the access to different sections of this extraordinary book (2005). It edited and produced a CD-ROM about young Romanian plastic artists and their work, organized as a database. ./.

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR ITC, BucurestiIt manages the CULTINFORM project-Coordinated actions for building a platform dedicated to the creation, development and dissemination of the informations culture. This project involving the National University of Theatre and Film and Politechnical University of Bucharest monitored the e-content market, the technological evolutions in terms of content developing tools, organized Business Roundtables and Conferences gathering specialists both from the technical sectors of the economy and from the cultural field in order to break the gap between human factor and new available technologies. It created and maintained a web site working platform and an information bulletin up dated monthly which proved very useful in spreading the information inside the working group and to the public (www.cultinform.ro). ITC has been an active partner in creating and maintaining a cooperative working platform for the project Industrial Heritage between land and sea where content has been loaded using wiki technologies. ITC developed an application of Multimedia Kiosk at the National Peasant Museum of Bucharest. This application has been awarded by the Minister of Culture of Romania as an ingenious IT solution applied in the Cultural field. ITC developed a technological platform for creating and maintaining a multimedia database at the National Museum of Art from Romania implementing the possibility to track down the art objects into a 50000 objects database. The dissemination of this work has been done through the web site of the National Museum of Art of Romania (www.mnar.arts.ro) using technologies for making available to the public large data bases of digital images. ITC is now involved in a research project financed by the Research Ministry of Romania for creating a digital archive at the National Village Museum from Bucharest (DIGIARH). IT creates the tool to access this archive both locally through touch screen terminals, and remotely, on-line. Using content created when it developed Brancusis CD-ROM it contributed to the organization in Bucharest of an exhibition dedicated to Brancusi in his Native Land and another one in Paris whose initiator and main organizer was UNESCO Romania. ITC offers technological and multimedia support through a strong cooperation with Romanian museums for the Annual Heritage Prize awarded by the Minister of Culture from Romania. This year, ITC organized a selection for the best e-content products developed in Romania during 2006 and promoted these to his partner, the World Summit Award competition, where one e-learning Romanian product was awarded by the jury as the best one in the specific area. ITC is now involved in organizing in Bucharest the MOBIUS international competition promoted by Paris 8 University with international participation dedicated to finding new technological ways to improve the visibility of cultural and scientific heritage.

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR 5) Electronic Media Reporting Jak BOUMANS

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Electronic Media Reporting Jak BOUMANS orn in 1945 B utch citizen, domiciled in Almere (The Netherlands) D tudied theology and philosophy (BA, MDiv.) S ublishing background P rom 1980 involved in digital media: videotex, CD-ROM/CD-i, internet F ince 1990 owner of the private consultancy Electronic Media Reporting S ssignments from European Commission, Dutch government, associations and A private companies roposal evaluator and expert to the European Commission since 1989 P ince 1998 involved in multimedia competitions: Europrix, Europrix.nl, Eppy Award, S World Summit Award (WSA) uthor of articles, amongst others A Decade of Compact Disc Media (1995) A uthor of books, amongst others Online Handboek (1986) A ontributor to the book E-Content: Technologies and Perspectives (2005) C o-editor of High Performance Multimedia (2008) C eneral secretary to the European Academy of Digital Media (EADiM) G

SCIENARThe partners of SCIENAR Electronic Media ReportingElectronic Media Reporting (EMR) Electronic Media Reporting is a consultancy in the field of electronic publishing and new media, active since July 1, 1990. The consultancy is specialised in content strategy. The consultancy is active worldwide. EMR works in four areas: a. strategic advice: positioning content firms, development of content strategies, strategies on e-books and e-readers; b. studies: market studies, forecasting and scenario studies; c. evaluation and auditing: evaluating proposals and auditing projects on maters of technology, organisation and finances; d. Publicity: writing books, editing newsletters, setting up conferences and workshops. The company has performed assignments in the following sectors: a. Government: EMR has worked for the European Commission in research projects, project evaluations, projects reviews; OECD and the Dutch government; b. Associations: assignment have been executed for amongst others the graphic associations KNVGO and GOC; the consultancy has run two secretariats for CD-I developers and e-book publishers and producers; c. Companies: research company TNO, newswire ANP, publishers VNU and Kluwer and software companies like PinkRoccade; d. Academic institutions: Hogeschool Rotterdam, Noordelijke Hogeschool Leeuwarden, Hogeschool Utrecht/Faculty of Jounalism and Comunication; e. Libraries: National Library of the Netherlands; f. Consortia: EMR has formed a consortium with 9 Dutch newspaper publishers to study a personal news service; EMR was partner in the EU projects Inform, ACTeN, VociNet.

SCIENARThe Work Packages

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP1: Project start-up and Analysis of existing scientific environments for producing artistic objects 1st 3rd month Objectives: T o individuate among partners existing scientific environments and useful materials to be used in the project Description: In this phase pre-existing environments and materials within partnership will be individuated and analysed in order to evaluate and to use them in the project. In particular, first of all the following programs/materials will be considered: T he Mathematica package. With Mathematica artists can think at a higher level and by means of it they can create complex objects all at once. The functional programming capabilities of Mathematica let artists easily build up complex algorithms from simple parts. This system has been realized at the University of Technology in Bratislava - Slovakia T he results achieved within the Connection in Space project, available on the Website w ww.connectionsinspace.co.uk and on a CD-ROM, that has been distributed free to the Heads of Science of all secondary schools in the UK. In the project connection with geometry and space are individuated and treated. This project has been realized with the collaboration of Virtual Image ltd in Stockport England. A p p lications concerning Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity. In these applications, a sensible dimension of the last century on an equal footing with the three sensible dimensions of space is considered: the Einsteins Theory of General Relativity is at the top of this line of thought and should not be surprising that Einstein had influence on Picasso and Dal. Expected results: - R eport about the analysis and survey activities - R eport about the Mathematica tool and its use from artists - R eport about Connection in the space materials to be used in the project 1. R eport about the Applications concerning Einsteins Theory of Special Relativity and their use for producing artistic objects

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP2: Formalization and development of new scientific scenarios 1st -8th month Objectives: T o individuate and to select existing material on three different scenarios, suitable to be used for the project P r eparation and gathering of contents for the reproduction of the three scenarios A d aptation of scientific data to the needs of the project Description: In this phase three scientific scenarios, that is, Scenario 1: Relativity; Scenario 2: Geometry, Scenario 3: Symmetries will be defined and formalized. Also their functionalities will be individuated. Geometry and Relativity scenarios will be designed and developed mainly from University of Calabria, with the contribution of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. The Geometry scenario is first introduced as the art of measurement together with its logical-deductive structure (as it was followed by ancient Greeks to describe, analyse and understand extended objects in space). Synthetic Geometry is consequently introduced at different levels of abstraction and understanding (Set Theory, abstract and structured Spaces, Morphisms and Transformations between Spaces, Topology, Erlangens programme and Kleins work, in which Geometry is defined as the study of the invariant properties with respect to a characterizing Group of Transformations). It is then shown how and why Symmetry plays a dominant role in understanding Art through Mathematics (or Mathematics through Art). Topics covered include Curves and Surfaces, Euclidean Optics, Projective Spaces and Perspective, Tessellation of Surfaces (together with Penroses and Eschers work), Fractals, Knots, Crystallographic Groups, Curvature and non-Euclidean Art. Also in the Relativity scenario, comparisons with old theories are made and it is treated the path from Galilean physics to Einstein theory. Concerning symmetries, the project intends to treat the Art and Science of Symmetry Breaking, starting from the experience of Virtual Image Ltd partner. The aim will be to inspire new works of art by introducing the artists to the idea of broken symmetries, as applied in physical contexts. There are good aesthetic reasons to expect that a discussion of symmetry breaking might be valuable to the artists. Although some symmetry in an artwork might be appealing, too much is monotonous and uninteresting. Indeed, the most symmetrical artwork would be an infinite blank canvas. A musical example of the aesthetic value of a small amount of broken symmetry is the preference for the rhythms of a human drummer over the relentless perfect repetition of a drum machine.

SCIENARThe Work PackagesThis phase, in particular, consists in: Collection of information data M a t hematics formalization of scientific scenarios - D efinition of an approach underlining how each scenarios change during the time, that is, how each arguments has been treated in classic period and, instead, it is treated now. - I n dividuation of possible connection with Art world - I n dividuation of basic multimedia libraries and functions necessary to produce artistic objects (musical pieces, graphics objects, pictures, etc.) - D evelopment of three scientific scenarios During this phase, scientific experts and artists will cooperate in order to produce scenarios coming from will be possible to extract artistic objects. Expected results: 1. Collection of data to use for developing scientific and artistic scenarios 2. C reating a network of scientific and art experts 3. R eport about the design functionalities of three scenarios: Relativity; Geometry, Symmetries 1. P r ototypes of three scenarios: Relativity; Geometry, Symmetries, delivering both on Internet and standalone workstations.

WP2: Formalization and Development of new Scientic Scenarios (1st -8th month)Objectives: To individuate and to select existing material on three different scenarios, suitable to be used for the project Preparation and gathering of contents for the reproduction of the three scenarios Adaptation of scientic data to the needs of the project Expected results:1. Collection of data to use for developing scientic and artistic scenarios 2. Creating a Network of scientic and art experts 3. Report about the design functionalities of three scenarios: Relativity; Geometry, Symmetries 4. Prototypes of three scenarios: Relativity; Geometry, Symmetries, delivering both on 5. Internet and stand-alone workstations.

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP3: Utilization of scientific scenarios for producing objects having artistic and cultural value and experimentation 8th 16th month Objectives: C reation of artistic objects (music pieces, digital art objects, etc) - E xperimentation of innovative interaction models among artists, scientists and technologic experts - T esting scenarios and artistic objects from different point of views. Description: Artists will be involved in order to give artistic and cultural value to scientific objects produced in the previous activity. They will work by using tools and functionalities of the scenarios and will interact, if necessary, assisted by technical support. This activity will contain also 1 intense preliminary interactive session, with invited artists and Scientists working on the first activity in order to introduce the scenarios/theme. This session will be organized taking into account a model defined from Interactive Institute (Sweden), within the Man Machine project. It is an experiment on how it is possible to merge science and art and taking care of the energies that are created when engineers, scientists and artists meet in the best way. The project has a number of parameters that build up the model but which can be altered according to the aims set up for a project: Number of artists and engineers, Conceptual frames, Time and Budget. This interactive session is considered as an intercultural exchange event. Additionally, scenarios and produced objects have to be tested from different points of view: artists have to provide feedback on scenarios in terms of usability and user-friendliness of interfaces, and on produced objects in terms of artistic value. Remote artists have to test the virtual scenarios published on the web to evaluate from home if they are easy to use and understandable. Expected results: - A r tistic objects (music pieces, digital art objects, etc) - R eport for each produced artistic object - R eport of interactive sessions among scientists, technological experts and artists - R eport about the used interactive model (Man Machine model) - R eport describing the testing plan and the test execution sessions for virtual scenarios - R eport on experimentation activity (from artistic point of view) 1. F inal version of scenarios and artistic objects

WP3: Utilization of Scientic Scenarios for the production of objects having artistic and cultural value and experimentation (8th 16th month) Objectives: Creation of artistic objects (music pieces, digital art objects, etc) Experimentation of innovative interaction models among artists, scientists and technologic experts Testing scenarios and artistic objects from different point of views.

Expected Results:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Artistic objects (music pieces, digital art objects, etc) Report for each produced artistic object Report of interactive sessions among scientists, technological experts and artists Report about the interactive model used (Man Machine model) Report describing the testing plan and the test execution sessions for virtual scenarios Report on experimentation activity (from the artistic point of view) Final version of scenarios and artistic objects

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP4: Spreading of this new approach and interchange events 12th 24th month Objectives: T o organize dissemination and interchange events and initiatives for cultural operators, artists and scientific experts Description: Events (intercultural exchanges and exhibitions) to spread the produced artistic items will be carried out. Intercultural exchanges, that is interactive dialogues and informative tables, will be carried out by involving all partners. We foresee two intercultural exchanges, organized by the University of Calabria (Italy Cosenza) and the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia). Intercultural exchanges will be very stressed in 2008 year (2008 European year of intercultural dialogue) and will involve artists, scientists, technologic experts, and cultural players, (it is not necessary that they play the same typology of activity). Concerning exhibitions we foresee two events, having as target cultural operators, artists and scientific experts. An exhibition will be organized by Interactive Institute in Stockholm, in collaboration with the Technical Museum in Stockholm and/or Avesta Verket. Thanks to experience in this kind of work of Interactive Institute, we will also make sure that the exhibition is easy to transport and set up in other participating countries. The other exhibition will be done with the contribution of the Institute for Computers, in Bucharest, by involving the Art University from Bucharest and the Museum of Contemporary Art (Bucharest). Coming from these dissemination and interchange events it is possible the production of new artistic objects and, eventually, the improvement of that already realized. Expected results: - R eports on exhibitions, demonstrations and intercultural exchanges 1. F eedback on artistic objects

WP4: Spreading of this new approach and Interchange events 12th 24th month Activity Leader: Institute for Computers (Institutul Pentru Tehnica De Calcul ITC), Romania Partners Involved: All Objectives: Expected results: To organize dissemination and interchange events and initiatives for cultural operators, artists and scientic experts

1. Reports on exhibitions, demonstrations and intercultural exchanges 2. Feedback on artistic objects

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP5: Constitution of an international network concerning Scientific Scenarios and Art 18th 24th month Objectives T o enhance the exchange of information and expertise related to the topic of Scienar facilitating relations among institutions of the sector in order to obtain an efficient network of co-operating experts and a creative exchange T o offer support for improving cooperation among scientific world (universities and other centres of scientific research), artistic world (centres working in innovative Art methods), technological sector (centres working mainly in computer science and innovative technologies) and cultural worlds (cultural associations, museum, etc.) Description During this activity all the co-organizers will be involved in concrete collaboration with other institutions, to spread knowledge about new possibilities offered by the Scienar approach, and with experts, both technological and in the performing art sector. Also cultural operator will be involved. Each co-organizer, in particular, starting from pre-existing contacts and reference points in the sector and taking in to account also new contacts and links established during WP3 and WP4, will design own contact network. All co-organizer networks will be integrated to define an unique international network A web site, supporting the constituted international network will be realized in order to make more visibility and to improve it. The site will have typical functionality supporting virtual community, like an e-newsletter and a forum of discussion. Expected results: - R eport about the design and the development of a Web site for the international network - R eport about the contact established within the international network 1. W eb site supporting the international network.

WP5: Constitution of an International Network concerning Scientic Scenarios and Art (18th 24th month)Activity Leader: European Academy of Digital Media The Netherlands Partners involved: All

Objectives: To enhance the exchange of information and expertise related to the topic of Scienar facilitating relations among institutions of the sector in order to obtain an efcient network of co-operating experts and a creative exchange To offer support for improving cooperation among scientic world (universities and other centres of scientic research), artistic world (centres working in innovative Art methods), technological sector (centres working mainly in computer science and innovative technologies) and cultural worlds (cultural associations, museum, etc.)

Expected Results: 1. Report about the design and the development of a Web site for the International Network 2. Report about the contact established within the international network 3. Web site supporting the international network.

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP6: Result diffusion 18th 24th month Objectives P resentation of the results on several congresses and their publications P u b lications of project results to periodic journals P r oduction of CD/DVDs Papers will be submitted to international conferences (e.g. MACAS2 - The Second International Symposium of Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences, in 2007 and APLIMAT Application of Mathematics). The aim is to spread the achieved results and to invite more partners to take part in the International Network. The University of Technology Bratislava, in particular, will organize special sessions called Mathematics and Art during the international conference APLIMAT. This partner will contribute also to the publication of the best results of the project in a journal called APLIMAT published 3 times a year, staring in 2007 Further, editorial initiatives will be carried out, like the production of CD-ROMs. These will contain: p roject and exhibitions documentation s c ientific scenarios realized in WP2 a rtistic objects produced in WP3 i nformative and educational items The pluri-annual experience of Virtual Image ltd partner in the realization of interactive and multimedia CD/DVDs will assure the realization of quality products. All co-organizers will contribute to carry out the WP activities. Expected results: - P a per submitted to conferences and workshops and their publication - P eriodic publications of more significant results on the Journal APLIMAT 1. C D-ROMs (See Annex III.C for details on number of CD-ROMs) containing the achieved results (animations, videos and content material on the scenarios, on artistic objects, and on project documentation, like print catalogues, technical descriptions, exhibition documentation). Some of them contain informative and educational items.

WP6: Result diffusion (18th 24th month)Activity Leader: Virtual Image ltd, England Partners involved: All

Objectives: Presentation of the results in several Congresses and their publication Publications of project results in periodic journals Production of a nal CD/DVDs

Expected Results:1. 2. 3. Papers submitted to conferences and workshops and their publication Periodic publications of more signicant results on the Journal APLIMAT CD-ROMs containing the achieved results (animations, videos and content material on the scenarios, on artistic objects, and on project documentation, like print catalogues, technical descriptions, exhibition documentation). Some of them contain informative and educational items.

SCIENARThe Work PackagesWP7: Coordination and management of the project 1st 24th month Objectives T o coordinate the project from the technical point of view. T o assure the interchange of information and the communication among partners. T o manage the project from the financial point of view. T o assure the quality of achieved results and the respect of timetable This activity is carried out mainly by the Project Leader that will assure the interaction among partners, the interchange of project documents and results and will integrate contributions coming from each participant to the project. A Technical Management Committee will be constituted. It will be composed by personnel coming from the Project Leader and each of the Co-organiser institutions. Each of these persons will be responsible, within its institution, of a technical work group involved to carry out the foreseen project activities. This Committee will have supervisor function within the project and its aim is mainly to avoid problems and, eventually, to define action for solving them.

SCIENARThe Work PackagesDuring the project, the respect of quality procedures (ISO 9001/2000) for each phase and activities, will assure the quality of the achieved results and the realization of products with adequate documentation and manuals. Periodic meeting will be organized. In particular, we foresee three meeting: in Cosenza (Italy), Stockport (England) and Almere (The Netherlands). All co-organizers will be involved. Expected results: - P eriodic technical reports related to the progress of the project and the achieved results; - P eriodic Financial reports; A communication system, based on videoconferencing technology, supporting the interaction and the communication among partners; S cienar web site with multiple access policy 1. A Technical Management Committee.

Events: Intercultural Exchanges University of Calabria (Italy Arcavacata di Rende, CS) Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovak Republic) Institute for Computers (Institutul Pentru Tehnica De Calcul ITC) Romania Not Obliged

20/10/2010 Summer 2010 Done two in 2010

Periodic Meetings Cosenza (Italy) Cambridge(England) Almere (The Netherlands) 9th December, 2008 19th March, 2010 October 2010

The hosting Partner had to: Before the meeting prepare an agenda and send it to the Partners; After the meeting prepare the minutes, send it to the Partners (who can add comments and so on), assemble the nal le and send it to the Coordinator

SCIENAR Starting Event University of Calabria, December 2008

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Final Event and Last Meeting AMSTERDAM, October 2010

SCIENARThe WebSite of SCIENAR The domain name is www.scienar.eu - registered. It will contain all info about the Project and the Partners. * Reporting System on Partners activities, organized as a blog (or a wiki); * File Server (Repository), i.e. le sharing for all les of common interest for all Partners. * Management of the Calendar for deadlines and events. * SVN Service to mantain the history of modications to documents produced and/or shared. Manager: Stefano VENA

SCIENARUniversity of Calabria - Current Activities in Scienario # 3


PAINTING WITH LIGHT Conference LUnivers Invisible Paris, UNESCO Palace, July 2009

Public Lectures PAINTING WITH LIGHT Bucuresti, October 2009

Public Lectures PAINTING WITH LIGHT Bucuresti, October 2009

Public Lectures PAINTING WITH LIGHT Bucuresti, October 2009

GA2009 Painting with Light Milano Politecnico, December 2009

GA2009 Painting with Light Milano Politecnico, December 2009

SCIENARUniversity of Calabria - Current Activities in Scienario # 3



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SCIENARUniversity of Calabria - Current Activities in Scienario # 3


Superstring Installation Toronto, 4 - 5 October 2008, Euronight at Nuit Blanche 2008

Superstring Installation 2005 Conference Mathematics, Art and Cultural Industry Cetraro (CS), 19-21 May 2005

Superstring Installation 2005 Conference Mathematics, Art and Cultural Industry Cetraro (CS), 19-21 May 2005

Generative Installation In collaboration with MOCA Museum of Contemporary Art of London Directed by: Michael PETRY

GA2006 Robotic Superstrings Milano Politecnico, December 2006

GA2006 Robotic Superstrings Milano Politecnico, December 2006

ESOF 2008 Superstring Installation Barcelona, July 2008

ESOF 2008 Superstring Installation Barcelona, July 2008

ESOF 2008 Superstring Installation Barcelona, July 2008

ESOF 2008 Superstring Installation Barcelona, July 2008

ESOF 2008 Superstring Installation Barcelona, July 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - I Conference SIGRAV XVIII Arcavacata (CS), 22-25 September 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - I Conference SIGRAV XVIII Arcavacata (CS), 22-25 September 2008

Superstring Installation EURONIGHT Toronto, October 2008

Superstring Installation EURONIGHT Toronto, October 2008

Superstring Installation EURONIGHT Toronto, October 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008

Superstring Performance 2008 - II Serra San Bruno, 13 December 2008This performance has been done on request of the Italian National Television, for insertion in Special TG Programs (News)

TG 3 Leonardo (Scientic TG of RAI 3) - December 29, 2008 LUniverso in Calabria TG 2 Montagne (RAI 2) - January 23, 2009 La Scienza a Teatro

ESOF 2010 Superstring Installation Torino, July 2010

ESOF 2010 Superstring Installation Torino, July 2010

ESOF 2010 Superstring Installation Torino, July 2010

ESOF 2010 Superstring Installation Torino, July 2010

ESOF 2010 Superstring Installation Torino, July 2010





APLIMAT Special Session on Mathematics and Art Bratislava, February 2010

APLIMAT Special Session on Mathematics and Art Bratislava, February 2010

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Conversations across Science and Art Cambridge UK, 19 March 2010

Art Exhibit INTERFERENTE Bucuresti, May-June 2010

Art Exhibit INTERFERENTE Bucuresti, May-June 2010

Art Exhibit INTERFERENTE Bucuresti, May-June 2010

Art Exhibit INTERFERENTE Bucuresti, May-June 2010

Art Exhibit INTERFERENTE Bucuresti, May-June 2010