overview of the draft regulations on provision of energy data mr. j subramoney

Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

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Page 1: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data

Mr. J Subramoney

Page 2: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Latest Developments• We are now the Department of

Energy(DoE) and not the Department of Minerals and Energy

• New Minister of Energy, Honourable Minister Dipuo Peters

• New Director General, Ms Nelisiwe Magubane

• New website being finalised for DoE• My email address is

[email protected]

Page 3: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Table of contents1.Background- White Paper on the Energy Policy of the RSA2.Background- Integrated Energy Plan for the RSA, 20033.Background- Energy Security Master Plan -Liquid Fuels4.Background- National Energy Summit, 20075.Background- National Energy Act, No.34, 20086.Key Challenges faced by the directorate7.Applications and Objectives of the Regulations8.Categories of data providers9.Categorising of data10.Provision of Energy Data11.Data collection methods12.Uses of Data13.Publishing and sharing of data14.Way Forward

Page 4: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Background- White Paper on the Energy

Policy of the RSA The White Paper on the Energy Policy of the RSA, 1998 made thefollowing recommendations with regard to statistics andinformation-

Government will ensure that the necessary resources are made available to establish structures and systems, and put in place legislation to facilitate the specification, collection, acquisition, storage, maintenance and supply of energy data, and energy-related data, according to the requirements of integrated energy planning and international standards. Government will facilitate the establishment of information databases.

Government will provide information to the public at a reasonable price. The provision of this information will not compromise the commercial position of parties supplying data to government.

Page 5: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Background- Integrated Energy Plan for the

RSA, 2003 The Integrated Energy Plan identified the following thefollowing gaps with regard to energy data-

The modelling processes required large amounts of accurate energy and other (eg economic growth, exchange rates, population growth, sector inflations) data. Some data were not available (eg the provision of energy data is not currently mandatory) and some available data were inconsistent. Data quantities vary from source to source, and energy balances are not well disaggregated. The exception is electricity, which is well described by Eskom

Page 6: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Background- Energy Security Master Plan -

Liquid Fuels The Energy Security Master Plan proposed the following-

Making it compulsory to provide specified information for energy modelling purposes

The need for publication of the key outputs from the modelling process to be published as an energy outlook

The publication of monthly and quarterly publications of key energy information

It also recommended that the approach used by the US Department of Energy in the form of the EIA, be adopted in South Africa

Page 7: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Background- National Energy Summit, 2007 The following key comments on energy data were made at the National Energy Summit-

A centralised place to house the data is required.

A regulatory framework to enable the collection and provision of energy data needs to be put in place.

Page 8: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

National Energy Act, No.34, 2008 The National Energy Act empowers the Minister of Energy to establish mechanism to ensure- Provision of energy data and information…from any person Connection to any data and management system or any other

system within the public administration. Collect collate and analyse energy data and information Manage energy data and information Avail energy statistics and energy information to the public

The Minister may permit sharing of information with any otherEntity within or outside the boarders of RSA

Page 9: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Key Challenges DoE relies presently on the voluntary supply of

energy data and this poses challenges in receiving data timeously

Data sources are not always aware of the importance of collection of energy data and often lack capacity

Quality of data is sometimes questionable Confidentiality issues of commercially sensitive

data also create problems in the supply of data DoE does not have a centralised data storage


Page 10: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Applications and Objectives of the


These Regulations shall apply to all providers of data

according to defined categories

Objectives- To enable the Minister of Energy to effectively collect, collate

and publish quality and timely energy statistics To provide the type, manner and form of energy data To provide for the form and manner of the link between the

energy database and information system to any other within

the public administration

Page 11: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Categories of data providersData providers are categorised as follows- Electricity generating, oil refining, and gas producing entities,

which operate in a highly concentrated industry; and require a license from the National Energy Regulator of SA (e.g. Eskom)

Entities which operate in sectors or sub-sectors that are highly fragmented (e.g. IPP)

Entities which operate in highly concentrated sectors or sub-sectors and whose operations or processes are energy intensive (e.g. Mine)

Formally established and recognised industry associations which represent a collective of entities operating within the same industry (e.g. SAPIA)

Entities involved in retail activities or are classified as SMME Government departments and other organs of state

Page 12: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Categorising of data

Data has been classified according to the followingcategories- Data relating to import, export, quality,

sources, prices, volumes and reserves of all primary energy carriers excluding renewable energy sources.

Data regarding but not limited to the capacity, costs, and technologies of renewable energy sources

Data relating to production capacity, utilisation, availability, total output, technology and input costs of energy transformation inputs and infrastructure

Page 13: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Categorising of data

Data has been classified according to the following categories-

Data regarding externalities which have an impact on any of energy value chain

Data regarding macroeconomic and Socio-Economic data, energy policies and legislation

Any other data that maybe required

Page 14: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Provision of Energy Data

Data to be collected shall be obtained through

the following manner-

Through connection to any data and information management system, or any other system within the public administration

By means of forms, surveys, questionnaires and any other appropriate and generally accepted manual or electronic data collection methods

By StatsSA and other organs of the state on behalf of the Department

Page 15: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Data collection methodsThe methods used to collect may include the following- Use of Forms or questionnaires Use of Survey Use of electronic media

If a form is used as a method of collecting data,it will typically require the following information-

• the type of data to be provided• the definition of statistical units• the periods and intervals for which the data is being

collected as well as the frequency of data provision• the manner in which the data must be submitted to the


Page 16: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Uses of Data

All data sourced and collected may be used for the

purposes of conducting analysis required for energy planning and policy formulation.

Page 17: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Publishing and sharing of data

Official energy statistics must protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the data providers and be—

relevant, accurate, reliable and timeous;

compiled, reported and documented in a scientific and transparent manner

objective and comprehensive; disseminated impartially; and in accordance with national and international standards

Page 18: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Way Forward

Activity TimelineObtain and Review inputs from DoE, StatsSA and Nersa on the regulations and make changes to the draft regulations where appropriate

December 2009

Submission to the Minister for approval to release the Regulation for public comment

January 2010

Gazetting of Regulations for public comment February 2010

Obtain and Review inputs from public March 2010

Send draft final Regulation to the State Law Advisers April 2010

Incorporate recommendations from State Law Advisers April 2010

Submission to Minister for approval and gazetting of final regulations April 2010

Gazetting of Final Regulations May 2010

Page 19: Overview of the draft Regulations on Provision of Energy Data Mr. J Subramoney

Way Forward

Activity TimelineDocument all our methods, processes, and policies April 2010 -

March 2011

Memorandum of Understanding with StatsSA– Joint Working Group –Focus on meeting all requirements to have our statistics be regarded as official statistics

April 2010 - March 2011

Joint Energy Statistics Task Team – review energy statistics April 2010 - March 2011

Collection of Energy data for energy balances, JODI, APPA, SADC and for integrated energy planning

April 2010 - March 2011

Energy Statistics Methodology Manual April 2010 - March 2011

Improve analysis of our energy data and publish energy Data and Information

April 2010 - March 2011

FIFA World Cup 2010 June –July 2010 -