overview of ieee educational activities

Overview of IEEE Educational Activities Litsa Micheli-Tzanakou Moshe Kam Douglas Gorham Educational Activities Board Meeting 14 February 2009 San Juan, Puerto Rico

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Overview of IEEE Educational Activities . Litsa Micheli-Tzanakou Moshe Kam Douglas Gorham Educational Activities Board Meeting 14 February 2009 San Juan, Puerto Rico. Agenda. EAB’s Mandate/Guiding Principles/Purpose Pre-university Education activities University Education activities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Overview of IEEE Educational Activities

Litsa Micheli-TzanakouMoshe KamDouglas Gorham

Educational Activities Board Meeting14 February 2009San Juan, Puerto Rico

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AgendaEAB’s Mandate/Guiding Principles/Purpose

Pre-university Education activities

University Education activities

Continuing Education activities

Women In Engineering

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EAB’s Mandate

IEEE Constitution:

ARTICLE I - NAME, PURPOSE AND TERRITORY– Sec. 2.  Its purposes are: (a) scientific and

educational…It shall endeavor to promote understanding of the influence of…technology on the public welfare.

By-Laws– The EAB shall be the IEEE interface in

education-related matters with external bodies

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EAB’s MandateIEEE by-law I-304.3

The IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) shall…

– Recommend to the Board of Directors policies on educational matters

– Implement programs specifically intended to serve and benefit IEEE members in educational pursuits And the engineering and scientific community,

and the general public. 

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EAB’s Guiding Principles

IEEE is obligated to provide its members, and others concerned with IEEE’s technical fields of interest, with high quality educational opportunitiesIEEE needs to educate and foster a dialog with the public on technological and engineering questions, with an emphasis on young people who may consider engineering as a career path

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EAB’s DutiesBroad planning of educational activities of the IEEE

Development and delivery of continuing education products and activities

Development of guidelines for IEEE representatives to accreditation bodies

Monitoring of accreditation activities

Coordination of pre-university education programs

Development and delivery of university education programs

Representation of the IEEE in matters regarding engineering education 

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EAB’s PurposeTo provide members and others involved in IEEE’s technical fields of interest with high quality opportunities for education on these topicsTo provide young people, and their teachers and parents, with opportunities to understand career paths in engineering and technologyTo provide the profession’s perspective on all key aspects of higher education in IEEE technical fields of interest.

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Pre-University Education Activities

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Pre-university Activities

Objective: Increase the propensity of young people to select engineering as a career path

Sample activities:– The on-line portal www.TryEngineering.org– Teacher in-service program

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What is the Challenge?

Flat or declining engineering enrollments in most developed nations

Insufficient number of engineers and engineering educational programs in most developing countries– Asia is far behind Europe and the US in number

of engineers per capita

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Engineering, Computer Science and IT Degrees in the US, China and India for 2003-2004 through 2005-2006 (per million citizens)

Sources: Journal of Engineering Education(January 2008), Issues in Science and Technology (Spring 2007), and University of California, Berkeley – Forefront (Fall 2006)

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Percentage of Science Degrees Awarded

Science degrees include life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, statistics, computer sciences, engineering, manufacturing, and building

Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development

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BS Degrees Awarded (US)

Sources: National Center for Education Statistics and National Science Foundation

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What is the Challenge?

Women and minority students conspicuously under-represented

Public perception of engineers/ engineering/ technology is often misinformed– Resulting in early decisions that block the

path of children to Engineering

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IEEE Board of Directors: 2005 decisions

Approved a new initiative in 2005– Launching Our Children’s Path to Engineering

Requested review all IEEE activities in the area of pre-university education in Engineering, Technology, and Computing

Requested development of programs for wide outreach – in cooperation with other Engineering Associations and


“Launch, test and institutionalize”

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TryEngineering.orgA portal for school counselors, teachers, parents and students

University search By location, program, environment25 countries, 1739 universities

Explore Engineering – Discipline Descriptions, Day in the Life of an Engineer, Preparation Tips

Virtual Games 54 lesson plans for teaching engineering design

Ask an Expert – Ask an Engineer, Ask a Student

Undergraduate Student Advice

E-Newsletter Student opportunities – summer camps, fellowships, etc.


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Most Requested Lesson Plans

Build your own robot armSeries and Parallel CircuitsPulleys and ForceCracking the Code (bar codes) Electric MessagesCritical Load (Civil Engineering)

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University Searches: 25 Countries

Argentina AustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilCanadaFranceGermany India IrelandJapan Korea

MalaysiaMexicoNew ZealandPakistanPortugalRussiaSingaporeSouth AfricaSwitzerlandTaiwanTurkeyUnited KingdomUnited States

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中文 Chinese

Deutsch German

Español Spanish

Français French

邦人 JapanesePortuguês Portuguese

русский Russian

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Teacher In Service Program“Engineering in the Classroom”

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The Teacher In Service Program (TISP)

A program that trains IEEE volunteers to work with pre-university teachers

Based on approved Lesson Plans– Prepared/reviewed by IEEE volunteers– Tested in classrooms– Designed to highlight engineering

design principles

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How does it work?

Volunteers gather for a day and a half of training– With teachers and school administrators

Volunteers spread the program in their school districts

Section volunteers run a TISP training event

EAB provides logistical support and instructors

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2008 Training Workshops

Córdoba, Argentina (R9)

Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago (R9)

Los Angeles, California (R6)

San Francisco, California (R6)

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University-level Activities

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University-level Activities

Objectives: – Improve academic curricula and ensure

their purposeful adaptation to the changing technical and business climate

– Improve delivery and effectiveness of engineering education

– Improve retention of engineering and technology students

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Retention: Real World Engineering Projects

Develop new projects for first year students of EE, CE, CS and EET that…– Focus students on Real World problems with

solutions that benefit society – Get students excited about their own,

original creative solutions – Increase student retention through personal

satisfaction and accomplishment – Enhance student accomplishment through

achievement www.realworldengineering.org/

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IEEE’s Role in Accreditation (1)

IEEE considers accreditation a key vehicle to ensure active involvement of the Institute in maintaining the quality and relevance of engineering education

IEEE seeks a leadership role in accreditation within all the areas of its technical activities

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IEEE’s Role in Accreditation (2)

IEEE seeks leadership in accreditation worldwide– Including participation in development and

administration of accrediting bodies

IEEE seeks to develop and support local accrediting bodies where such bodies do not exist at the present time

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EAB’s Recent Accreditation Projects

Development of IEEE’s white paper on accreditation

Development of a comprehensive on-line resource on accrediting bodies and mutual recognition agreements

Assistance to emerging accrediting bodies and accreditation projects worldwide:– China, the Caribbean, South America: Peru, [El

Salvador, Ecuador]

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Accreditation in the United States

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ScopeIEEE is a founding society of ABET– Through AIEE

IEEE is responsible for the peer review evaluation of 750+ engineering and engineering technology programsIEEE participates in ABET activities as “IEEE” and through CSAB– The CS is 40% of CSAB– Very close cooperation between the two groups– CSAB is responsible for more than 300 programs

Both IEEE and CSAB have 3 ABET Board members Approximately 350 IEEE volunteers are involved each year

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Fees and payers

EAB administers a holding account for ABET fees– $3 assessment collected from members in the United


The Computer Society pays CSAB expenditures– Using funds collected by all Society members

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Accreditation Outside the United States

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Key Areas of Focus

Providing help to accrediting bodies in formation– Including training of evaluators

Providing help to groups that want to start new accrediting bodies

Providing education about accreditation

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Inventory of Activities

Regional workshops on trends in accreditation– In the past: Bangkok, Bratislava, Lima– We are seeking a venue for 2009

Assistance to existing accrediting bodies

Formation of new accrediting bodies– “follow the volunteers”– Address all aspects of ECT

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Where do we operate now?

China: “Working Group on Education in China”


The Caribbean: new accrediting body for programs taught in English

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An accreditation workshop with CAST and the PRC Ministry of Education– Beijing, 22 March 2008

240 attendees – All fields of engineering

Narrated by Michael Lightner and Moshe Kam

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Post-workshop requests

CAST requested that we help Chinese program evaluators observe ABET visits in 2008– We coordinated the effort with ABET– Visits took place during Fall 2008

CAST has requested that we participate in an international accreditation conference in October 2009

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IEEE is providing on-going assistance to the Peruvian accrediting body ICACIT– ICACIT was formed in the early 2000s

In 2006 we have provided the first non-US EAB training for program evaluators in Peru– Instructional material developed

We provided a complete translation of ABET materials into Spanish– We are also maintaining a website for ICACIT

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Activities in 2008

Accreditation manuals– Engineering, Technology, Computing

Appointment of 20 Program Evaluators

Staffing of the accreditation committees

The first series of independent accreditation visits by ICACIT should take place in 2009

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Accreditation Agency for Technology, Engineering and Computing in the Caribbean

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Activities to DatePreliminary review of goals and desired outcomes– April 2007, UWI, Trinidad

Meeting of representatives from the English-speaking Caribbean– September 2007, Trinidad

Stakeholder meeting– April 2008, Puerto Rico

Meeting with CACET officials– October 2008, Guyana

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Current status

CACET is waiting to become a recognized body with a budget from CARICOM

In the meantime CACET is housed in Trinidad

In 2008-2009 EAB will continue supporting meetings and, if needed, observers/visitors in CACET accreditation visits

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Technical English Program

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Technical English ProgramThe overall goal is to provide educational opportunities for undergraduate students, and others, who are non-native English speakers in IEEE technical fields of interestPilot program conducted in November 2007 Two additional programs have been conducted in 2008 Approximately 125 attendees have participatedhttp://www.ieee.org/web/education/technical_english/index.xml Apr 22, 202349

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IEEE Technical English Workshop

St. Petersburg, Russia20 December 2008

Part I: Data compression Part II: Secure data communications

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Education about Standards

About 450 schools have full access to IEEE standards through IEL

About 10 schools make use of this feature…

Standards are mentioned in the ABET program criteria but in general use of Standards in most curricula is sparse

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IEEE Standards in Education

A cooperative effort of the SA and EAB A portal with State-of-the Art material on

Standards Education

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Workshops on Standards

Workshops on standards are demanded by the membership First workshop took place in Washington DC in November 2007– Workshop covered elements of the IEEE

802 family of standardsAdditional workshops are being planned– One in 2009– Two in 2010

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IEEE Position Paper on Standards in the Curriculum

Part of the work plan of the Standards Education CommitteeWill state the desired role of technical standards in the academic curriculum – Programs in engineering and computer

science Will be used in model curriculum development and in discussions with accrediting bodiesIs on our agenda later today

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Summer School Program on Emerging Technologies

Overall goal is to provide intensive one week programs focused on cross disciplinary and emerging technical areas for undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral students and young facultyThe first EAB Summer School Program on Emerging Technologies will be held from 24-30 May 2009 at the University of Toronto – Focus will be on biometrics

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Continuing Education

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Continuing Education

Objective:– To provide IEEE members and all

persons involved in IEEE’s fields of interest with accessible and affordable high quality continuing education products

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Main Activities

On-line tutorial library: IEEE Expert Now

On-line course library: Educational Partners Program

Development of certification programs

Consolidation of on-line continuing education offering across IEEE

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IEEE Expert NowProduct Definition

“Hour-long” learning modules developed by leading experts recognized in their fieldsDynamic interface with audio, animation, engaging graphics, assessment, glossary, and referencesOptional CEUs for maintaining professional licensureAnnual subscription to full library through LMS or IEEE Xplore– Corporations, Government Organizations, Academic

InstitutionsIEEE Members can purchase single modules via IEEE Xplore


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IEEE Expert Now: Update (1)

# of modules currently available: 90

# of hours currently available: 120

Modules due for release in next eight weeks: 7

Other modules in production: 6

Modules in Editorial Development: 24


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IEEE Expert Now: Update (2)

Customers– Five (5) corporate– Eight (8) academic– One (1) government – First reimbursement to societies occurred in 2008

Members subscription started in 2007– 245 modules rented by members in 2008

An Editorial Board was established in 2007– First Editor-in-Chief is Tamer Başar

IEEE Board approved the first year of a two-year investment to modify the business model and ramp up course development: $600,000

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IEEE Expert Now2009 Goals

More Courses– “Critical Mass” bundled in key content areas– Add new authors/SMEs to create new content– Add new content partners to adapt/license existing content– Build new models for working with IEEE societies

More Features– Create a “Next-Gen” Learning Management System– Create a “Next-Gen” Course Delivery Platform– Create a “Next Gen” Authoring Environment

More Customers– Look at new package and pricing models– Convert current and potential customers into partners– Transform Expert Now into a destination Web site for

continuing education for the IEEE community62

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IEEE Education Partners Program

Program offers IEEE members a 10% discount on courses through partnerships with academia and industryThe program is offered as a Member benefitOver 3500 courses are availableThe Continuing Professional Education Committee provides volunteer oversight

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Number of Courses taken through EPP

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Number of Members who have taken Courses through EPP

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Professional Certification (1)What is it?– A voluntary process through which an individual documents their mastery of a body of knowledgeWhy is IEEE interested?– Position IEEE as a source for profesional

certification in multiple areas– Extend the IEEE brand to nontraditional IEEE

members and customers– Create new revenue streams– Support IEEE’s strategic plan and envisioned

futureApr 22, 202366

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Professional Certification (2)IEEE EA Responsibilities– Centralize the development of new

certification programs– Establish a common development model

and business framework– Offer certification business advice regarding

industry standards and best practices– Provide program management services– Determine if professional certification is a

viable business for IEEE

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Professional Certification (3)

Certification activities to date– Development of the IEEE Certified Biometrics

Professional program– Market assessment for Chip Design and

Systems Engineering– Market research for a Service Innovation

program in conjunction with IBM– Created a program development model and

business framework (EAB and TAB VPs)– Provide support as needed for existing

certification programs (WCET, CSDA, CSDP)Apr 22, 202368

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Consolidation of IEEE on-line courses

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Consolidation of IEEE on-line Continuing Education

In 2007: The BoD directed EAB to consolidate IEEE on-line course offeringsIn 2008: development of a one stop shop for all IEEE on-line course offerings – http://www.ieee.org/web/education/prodev/

index.htmlIn 2009: work with other OUs to better position IEEE’s continuing education offerings

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IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE)

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WIE reports directly to the IEEE Board of Directors

WIE activities are operationally part of the Educational Activities Department

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Mission: Inspire, engage, encourage, and empower IEEE women worldwide.

Vision:A vibrant community of IEEE women and men innovating the world of tomorrow.

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The IEEE Women in Engineering: RECOGNIZES women's outstanding achievements in

electrical and electronics engineering through IEEE Awards nominations

ORGANIZES receptions at major technical conferences to enhance networking and to promote membership in WIE

ADVOCATES women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession.

PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activities

ADMINISTERS the IEEE Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist (STAR) Program to mentor young women in junior high school and high school

PROMOTES member grade advancement for women to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow

FACILITATES the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs

IEEE Women in Engineering

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WIE Programs and ProjectsWIE Magazine (June/December) WIE Monthly NewsletterAdminister the WIE Clementina Scholarship and the IEEE WIE Edith Hannigan Scholarship Pre-University Outreach and Professional Outreach/Networking OpportunitiesAssisting with the formation of WIE Affinity Groups and support of ongoing WIE Affinity Group activitiesAdminister the STAR (Student-Teacher and Research Engineer/Scientist) mentoring program that encourages young women in junior high and high schools to pursue careers in mathematics, science and engineering.

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Women In Engineering in 2009

Magazine SustainabilityCollaboration with major women organizations, e.g., Society of Women EngineersOutreach to pre-university students and teachers Exploring WIE membership options

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