overview of capacity development (capdev) in the crp on humidtropics—a discussion on capdev needs...

Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics - A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work Dr. Iddo Dror – Head of Capacity Development (ILRI) Capacity Development focal point for CRP Humidtropics CGIAR Research Program on the Humidtropics / East & Central Africa Flagship Action Site Facilitators meeting / Kigali, Rwanda / 6-7 March 2014

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Presented by Iddo Dror at the CGIAR Research Program on the Humidtropics East and Central Africa Flagship Action Site Facilitators Meeting, Kigali, Rwanda, 6-7 March 2014


Page 1: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev)

in the CRP on Humidtropics - A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Dr. Iddo Dror – Head of Capacity Development (ILRI)

Capacity Development focal point for CRP Humidtropics

CGIAR Research Program on the Humidtropics / East & Central Africa Flagship

Action Site Facilitators meeting / Kigali, Rwanda / 6-7 March 2014

Page 2: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Hello! Let’s get to know each other better…

Self-perception of:

• Maturity of R4D / Innovation Platform(s)

• Experience facilitating R4D platforms

• How well are the R4D platforms running?

• AS/FS platform? Working on single issue / multiple issues?

Page 3: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

CapDev in the context of the CGIAR Reform

• Last mile – final inch issues: CapDev as one of the remaining priorities

• CGIAR funding through development budgets, not national science foundations – what CGIAR needs to deliver are development outcomes

• CapDev– a key area where CGIAR can contribute and needs to be articulated – each CRP will need to have a clear strategy

Reflections by the CGIAR CEO (July 2012):

Where are we now, and what role for CapDev interventions?

Source: CGIAR: Reflections by the CEO. An update on CGIAR reform: reinvigorating global research on agriculture. Speaker: Frank Rijsberman, CEO, CGIAR Consortium Link: http://www.ifpri.org/event/cgiar-reflections-ceo

Page 4: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Renewed interest at highest levels in systemic Capacity Development efforts

Page 5: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

The CGIAR CapDev Community of Practice

• Launched in Oct 2013, with over 35 practitioners from CRPs, CG Centers, and partners.

• Enhancing strategic alignment of practice and development of capacity development knowledge products for CRPs and Centers

Page 6: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Overview of CapDev in the Humidtropics CRP

Conceived to respond the global capacity development and learning needs of the Humidtropics:

• Support platform implementation

• Develop tools and learning methodologies

• Enable effective capacity development &

learning processes throughout the program.

Page 7: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Overview of CapDev in the Humidtropics CRP Example of possible activities / functional areas • Analyze: Conduct an assessment of existing capacities and gaps ► Map out by

subcomponents (e.g. Area/Flagship, activity, recipient group etc.) ► Matrix of CD needs with corresponding CD activities. ► Embed CD activities / components into broader CRP work-plans.

• Design/ Develop: Design appropriate interventions based on analysis ► Evaluate (existing) CD tools / methods / materials / Technologies needed for Matrix ► Develop / adopt specific training activities ► Test CD tools / activities (refine as needed) ► CD Training modules / tools & materials repository

• Implement: Evaluate existing & potential partnerships; look for suitable partners that can help in CD activities ► select and train partners (ToT) ► Roll out CD activities through this pool of (certified?) trainers ► Ensure learning is shared (ideally in real time) across the CRP

• Evaluate: M&E of CD and learning activities ► independent Impact Assessment (RCTs etc.) of key activities. ► feed into next plan… and the cycle recommences.

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Quick Jolt – or carry on? 1-2-3 Clap by Thiagi

A 2-minute jolt around communication and listening.

Source: http://www.thiagi.com

Page 9: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Needs Assessment What is it? Do we need it now?

The process of identifying performance requirements and the "gap" between what performance is required and what presently exists.

Page 10: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

In other words… Mind the Gap!

On the job performance

(e.g. performance of our IP/ R4D platforms)

Classroom or other type of training or intervention

(e.g. text book performance

of platforms following best available guidelines)


Page 11: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Instructional Design Process / ADDIE




Page 12: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

ADDIE – The “get your pop corn ready version”

Source: jclarkgardner.com

Page 13: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

What were the main components of the ADDIE Analysis phase?

Page 14: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

What were the main components of the ADDIE Analysis phase?

Source: jclarkgardner.com

Page 15: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Limits of traditional training programs:

Page 16: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Limits of traditional training programs:

• Supply-driven, top-down (THE right answer)

• Intensive / costly in terms of both participants and instructors time and effort

• Difficult to identify and explain impact of training in the real world

… and the list goes on, so:

Capacity development not an end in itself

and not a panacea!

Page 17: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

When is training unlikely to solve the problem?

Source: http://www.systemcomic.com/2009/10/26/the-system-293-sleep-training/

Page 18: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

When is training unlikely to solve the problem?

• If funding is an issue... more resources

• If lack time / staff… more time / resources

• If lack feedback… feedback, standards

• If not motivated… rewards, consequences

• If unclear expectations… measure, discuss

So important to determine the causes of the underperformance and analyze if/when capacity development activities would be an appropriate solution.

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Quick Jolt – or carry on? Name That Tune by Tracy Tagliati

A 2-minute jolt around communication, learning, and how thoughts are transferred to others.

Source: http://www.thiagi.com/pfp/IE4H/december2011.html#Jolt

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Let’s Exercise Conducting a “mini-TNA”

• Please take 10-15 minutes for an individual survey (online or paper-based)

• Then, join a small groups for a 15-minute Focus Group Discussion:

– what are your major priorities?

– What are areas that you feel CapDev can support you with?

– Are your needs very context / location specific or will generic support work?

– Etc.



Page 21: Overview of Capacity Development (CapDev) in the CRP on Humidtropics—A discussion on CapDev needs and how CapDev can support the ECA Flagship work

Feedback from Focus Group Discussions

The floor is yours:

what does your “wish list” look like?

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Thank you [email protected]