over £500 report - faqs transparency agenda · over £500 report - faqs transparency agenda the...

Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1 What is the Government’s transparency agenda? The Government is aiming to bring the operation of government out into the open so that everyone can see whether it is delivering good value for money. This involves publishing government documents online and making public sector data freely available. Q2 How is government data being made available? The Government is publishing government datasets online in an open format. Anyone is free to re-use the data to create socially useful applications and websites. It is expected that the data will be: · published in reusable and machine-readable form · released under an open licence enabling free reuse, including commercial reuse · available and easy to find through a single easy to use online access point ( www.data.gov.uk <http://www.data.gov.uk>) · published using open standards and following the recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium . Q3 What information is Plymouth City Council publishing? A We understand it’s important to residents that they are able to see how council tax payer’s money is spent. As part of our commitment to demonstrating value for money and local government transparency, we are publishing details of all our spending over £500. The following information will be reported: · Monthly reports of payments over £500 will be published on the website, with people able to view payment amounts and to whom the payment has been made. Q4 When will the information be publicly available? A The deadline is 30 days after the end of the previous month. Q5 What is reported? A The report will include goods or services we purchase, payments we make to contractors carrying out work on our behalf and other spend we incur in carrying out our business. Q6 Is anything excluded from the report? A Yes. In accordance with published guidelines the following items of expenditure are not included: · Salary & wages payments made to staff · housing benefit payments · sensitive information which could put vulnerable individuals at risk · personal information, such as the names of individuals (except where they are a sole trader) receiving payments · payments made to schools as the money the council receives for schools is passed directly to schools, who manage their own budgets. Any questions about school expenditure must be asked directly to the individual school. · Transactions for investment purposes · Commercially sensitive information, where it is not in the public interest to disclose Q7 I notice that some items say “Redacted personal data” what does that mean? A This means that the figures are included but the details of the payment are not reported, this is in line with existing data access regulations, namely the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Protection Act and the Environmental Information Regulation s. Certain payments, for example to certain private individuals, or if commercially sensitive, will be redacted (hidden) or exempt from publication. Generally, any personal information which identifies an individual is excluded from publication or where the publication of the data can harm an individual. For example, payments related to children or vulnerable adults such as foster carers, home carers, etc. However, there may be cases where it is in the public interest to name the individual to whom payments are made. These would include sole traders, as the individual is trading under his/her name used for business purposes and not private life, and individuals in the public domain as part of their public facing role (i.e. local members, chief officers etc).

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Page 1: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

Over £500 report - FAQs

Transparency Agenda

The Government’s Transparency Agenda

Q1 What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

The Government is aiming to bring the operation of government out into the open so that everyone can see whether it is delivering good value for money. This involves publishing government documents

online and making public sector data freely available.

Q2 How is government data being made available?

The Government is publishing government datasets online in an open format. Anyone is free to re-use the data to create socially useful applications and websites. It is expected that the data will be:

· published in reusable and machine-readable form

· released under an open licence enabling free reuse, including commercial reuse

· available and easy to find through a single easy to use online access point (www.data.gov.uk <http://www.data.gov.uk>)

· published using open standards and following the recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium .

Q3 What information is Plymouth City Council publishing?

A We understand it’s important to residents that they are able to see how council tax payer’s money is spent. As part of our commitment to demonstrating value for money and local government transparency, we

are publishing details of all our spending over £500.

The following information will be reported:

· Monthly reports of payments over £500 will be published on the website, with people able to view payment amounts and to whom the payment has been made.

Q4 When will the information be publicly available?

A The deadline is 30 days after the end of the previous month.

Q5 What is reported?

A The report will include goods or services we purchase, payments we make to contractors carrying out work on our behalf and other spend we incur in carrying out our business.

Q6 Is anything excluded from the report?

A Yes. In accordance with published guidelines the following items of expenditure are not included:

· Salary & wages payments made to staff

· housing benefit payments

· sensitive information which could put vulnerable individuals at risk

· personal information, such as the names of individuals (except where they are a sole trader) receiving payments

· payments made to schools as the money the council receives for schools is passed directly to schools, who manage their own budgets. Any questions about school expenditure must be asked directly

to the individual school.

· Transactions for investment purposes

· Commercially sensitive information, where it is not in the public interest to disclose

Q7 I notice that some items say “Redacted personal data” what does that mean?

A This means that the figures are included but the details of the payment are not reported, this is in line with existing data access regulations, namely the Freedom of Information Act, the Data Protection Act and

the Environmental Information Regulations. Certain payments, for example to certain private individuals, or if commercially sensitive, will be redacted (hidden) or exempt from publication.

Generally, any personal information which identifies an individual is excluded from publication or where the publication of the data can harm an individual. For example, payments related to children or

vulnerable adults such as foster carers, home carers, etc.

However, there may be cases where it is in the public interest to name the individual to whom payments are made. These would include sole traders, as the individual is trading under his/her name used for

business purposes and not private life, and individuals in the public domain as part of their public facing role (i.e. local members, chief officers etc).

Page 2: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

Q8 Is VAT included in the report?

A We publish data showing payments made each month that are over £500 including VAT. For payments where we can claim back the VAT, we publish the value excluding the recoverable VAT, therefore some

payments shown will be less than £500.

Q9 Why are some payments under £500 included?

A Please refer to Q8 above

Q10 Why do some fields say ‘various’ ?

A In some cases the nature of the Council’s financial coding means that invoices split across several expenditure areas will display “various” where no consistent description is possible.

(Internal guidance only)

Q11 How quickly do I need to return any comments on the £500 report?

A The deadline set by the Government is 30 days after the end of the previous month, however we are aiming to publish as soon as possible each month. In order to ensure adequate sign off by the Director of

Corporate Services and members, we need any comments returned to the corporate accountancy inbox by the 8th of the month please.

Q12 What do Departmental Reps need to do?

A Finance staff have built this report to run automatically, based on logic built into the report parameters ie the report has been built to exclude and redact (hide) various payments based on our interpretation of the


1. We need you to carry out a sense check on payments in your service area to provide assurance that the report is not showing anything that should be excluded or redacted . With your service knowledge

of your suppliers and payments it is expected that the FAQ’s within this document will be enough to use as a basis for this but where you require any further information you should consult the Local

Government Group guidance. Please feedback any lines that you consider require changing. We will then adjust the report and where possible update the “logic” in the automatic report, this will hopefully

reduce the work you need to do in future months.

2. This report has and will continue to identify some coding irregularities, where you identify these please ensure systems are put in place to ensure coding is as accurate as possible for future months. The

Corporate Accountancy Team will be contacting service accountants where we identify any issues ourselves .

Q13 How can I be sure something should be included or excluded?

A The answer in Q5,Q6,Q7 should cover the majority of eventualities, however where more detailed guidance is required please consult the guidance from Local Government Group, Appendices B and C

summarise this area quite well. Where you still have a concern, please contact the Corporate Accountancy team by email or telephone on 30(4172).

Q14 How can I tell if information is commercially sensitive?

A Commercially sensitive information falls under qualified exemptions. It may or may not be redacted depending on whether it is in the public interest to publish the data. In most instances, it is in the interest of the

public to make the information available. Exceptions to this would be

· When it falls under the Data Protection Act

· Publication of the information could harm the intellectual property of the organization.

Q15 Why are some individual names included?

A There may be cases where it is in the public interest to name the individual to whom payments are made. These would include sole traders, as the individual is trading under his/her name used for business

purposes and not private life. Individuals in the public domain as part of their public facing role (i.e. local members, chief officers etc) will also be named.

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Page 3: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



560.0003/11/2015 Port O Call 64272Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 PLY100382 Sara TrumperPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 2,990.00 74544

03/11/2015 PLY100382 Sara TrumperPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 720.00 74544

03/11/2015 PLY100072 Dr T BraceyTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 1,924.19 98888

03/11/2015 PLY100100 Redacted personal dataTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 550.00 113120

03/11/2015 PLY100460 Silverbeck Rymer SolicitorsCorporate Items Balance SheetBalance Sheet Payments RevenueBCI 1,398.00 113340

03/11/2015 PLY100101 Redacted personal dataTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 937.50 119965

03/11/2015 PLY100421 Coombe Dean AcademyExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCE 990.00 100777

03/11/2015 PLY100424 2nd Elburton Scout GroupExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCE 990.00 120036

10/11/2015 PLY099335 Lyneham Farm NurseriesPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 2,780.00 31836

10/11/2015 PLY101272 Oakside SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,002.05 61150

2,080.0010/11/2015 Port O Call 64272Various People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 PLY101028 James HaywardPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 600.00 69394

10/11/2015 PLY100922 Yvonne SutherlandPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 920.00 72164

10/11/2015 PLY101080 Yvonne SutherlandPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 460.00 72164

10/11/2015 PLY100933 William HigginsonPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 648.75 72189

10/11/2015 PLY101254 Dean Cross SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,313.06 72270

10/11/2015 PLY101255 The Budshead Medical PracticePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,970.01 87981

10/11/2015 PLY100627 Dr T BraceyTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 3,872.40 98888

10/11/2015 PLY101010 H M Courts & Tribunal ServicePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Legal Expenses RevenueTPL 10,000.00 100394

10/11/2015 PLY100698 Devon and Cornwall HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 1,165.60 104139

10/11/2015 PLY101262 Hyde Park SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,245.19 108672

10/11/2015 PLY101239 Adelaide Street SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 731.77 108674

10/11/2015 PLY101248 MorrisonsPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 571.70 108694

10/11/2015 PLY101216 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,400.00 120081

556.6112/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37252Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 PLY101787 Chaddlewood Farm Community


Executive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGCE 3,500.00 48436

17/11/2015 PLY101338 Saltash DAFPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 2,133.95 72026

17/11/2015 PLY100274 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation for vulnerable adult RevenueGPE 894.40 104139

17/11/2015 PLY101033 Northern Devon Healthcare NHS TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Third Party Payments OLA RevenueGPH 839.00 111177

17/11/2015 PLY101534 Plympton St Mary Church of England

Infant School

People Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 640.00 117178

24/11/2015 PPPLY06317 Mr A K CottonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 945.00 26053

24/11/2015 PLY101958 Chester HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi B&B costs client RevenueGPE 985.00 30018

24/11/2015 PLY100567 Lyneham Farm NurseriesPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 2,933.72 31836

24/11/2015 PLY102373 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 488.00 31878

24/11/2015 PLY102385 Early Birds PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,000.00 46009

910.0024/11/2015 Port O Call 64272Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 PLY102293 Victoria HoylePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 680.60 67280

24/11/2015 PLY102377 Jane SmithPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 471.67 76382

24/11/2015 PLY100573 Cornwall College CambornePlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 7,571.88 88402

24/11/2015 PLY101589 Polystar Plastics LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 1,315.00 110260

24/11/2015 PLY102233 Silverbeck Rymer SolicitorsCorporate Items Balance SheetBalance Sheet Payments RevenueBCI 3,730.00 113340

24/11/2015 PLY102240 PCC Devon and CornwallPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Contributions To Other Bodies RevenueGPE 1,500.00 116456

24/11/2015 PLY101964 RH Advertising LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPE 450.00 117810

24/11/2015 PLY101915 Sound Service (Oxford) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 1,500.00 118399

24/11/2015 PLY101915 Sound Service (Oxford) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 1,820.00 118399

24/11/2015 PLY101915 Sound Service (Oxford) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 1,375.00 118399

24/11/2015 PLY101915 Sound Service (Oxford) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 520.00 118399

24/11/2015 PLY101915 Sound Service (Oxford) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 585.00 118399

1,035.0024/11/2015 Sound Service (Oxford) Ltd 118399Capital Transformation and Change Capital Expenditure Consultancy Fees PLY101915 CapitalCCO

24/11/2015 PLY102136 2nd Elburton Scout GroupExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCE 990.00 120036

24/11/2015 PLY102137 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGCE 1,500.00 120269

02/11/2015 980423949 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 691.23 23875

02/11/2015 980423946 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,207.43 24379

02/11/2015 980423951 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 645.00 29827

02/11/2015 980423957 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,103.27 36852

02/11/2015 980423962 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 586.16 38671

02/11/2015 980423963 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 912.69 40029

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Page 4: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



02/11/2015 980423980 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,386.25 52838

02/11/2015 980423982 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.91 53345

02/11/2015 980423986 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.80 57851

02/11/2015 980423988 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 797.63 58268

02/11/2015 980424009 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 738.95 69251

02/11/2015 980424023 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 864.25 71414

02/11/2015 980424047 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.25 74782

02/11/2015 980424062 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 835.26 75507

02/11/2015 980424113 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.00 83849

02/11/2015 980424125 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 984.29 85418

02/11/2015 980424155 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 669.69 87797

02/11/2015 980424169 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 716.68 88921

02/11/2015 980424170 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 638.95 88921

02/11/2015 980424173 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 88971

02/11/2015 980424178 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 975.42 89349

02/11/2015 980424196 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 585.96 89641

02/11/2015 980424218 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 690.32 90586

02/11/2015 980424224 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 700.62 90756

02/11/2015 980424262 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.65 92303

02/11/2015 980424263 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,048.05 92382

02/11/2015 980424288 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 772.05 93454

02/11/2015 980424322 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 694.42 95633

02/11/2015 980424326 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.91 95967

02/11/2015 980424333 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 531.38 96458

02/11/2015 980424450 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,412.92 97790

02/11/2015 980424452 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 739.94 97962

02/11/2015 980424459 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 660.90 98432

02/11/2015 980424460 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.49 98433

02/11/2015 980424474 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 574.28 99033

02/11/2015 980424484 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,851.16 99292

02/11/2015 980424526 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,121.25 100800

02/11/2015 980424533 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 806.09 101137

02/11/2015 980424549 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.12 101550

02/11/2015 980424554 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 593.44 101672

02/11/2015 980424558 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,000.38 101786

02/11/2015 980424570 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 870.18 102413

02/11/2015 980424571 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 615.12 102428

02/11/2015 980424573 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.63 102444

02/11/2015 980424576 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,160.24 102491

02/11/2015 980424598 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.99 103440

02/11/2015 980424615 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 104192

02/11/2015 980424621 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 958.66 104298

02/11/2015 980424718 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 564.04 105139

02/11/2015 980424746 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 623.20 105375

02/11/2015 980424748 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 964.25 105378

02/11/2015 980424754 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 750.00 105429

02/11/2015 980424764 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 692.72 105554

02/11/2015 980424769 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 720.94 105583

02/11/2015 980424859 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.05 107375

02/11/2015 980424877 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 517.25 107894

02/11/2015 980424884 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 702.99 108008

02/11/2015 980424895 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.18 108102

02/11/2015 980424912 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 658.53 108306

02/11/2015 980424913 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424914 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424915 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424916 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424917 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424918 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424919 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



02/11/2015 980424920 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424921 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424922 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

02/11/2015 980424938 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,521.96 108639

02/11/2015 980424947 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 711.60 108713

02/11/2015 980424967 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 540.00 109030

02/11/2015 980424978 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,695.75 109210

02/11/2015 980424985 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 787.80 109377

02/11/2015 980424999 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 109579

02/11/2015 980425022 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 553.20 110189

02/11/2015 980425031 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 697.29 110609

02/11/2015 980425055 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 653.28 111130

02/11/2015 980425070 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 736.00 111658

02/11/2015 980425072 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 675.80 111662

02/11/2015 980425103 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 830.81 112381

02/11/2015 980425188 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 549.84 113244

02/11/2015 980425246 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 651.00 115729

02/11/2015 980425252 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 695.57 115938

02/11/2015 980425254 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 534.00 115994

02/11/2015 980425260 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 116495

02/11/2015 980425261 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,928.44 116570

02/11/2015 980425262 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.00 116571

02/11/2015 980425356 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,075.50 118786

02/11/2015 980425404 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 616.06 119326

03/11/2015 576081448 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

03/11/2015 576081509 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

03/11/2015 576081459 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 656.60 23775

03/11/2015 576081569 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 536.00 23775

03/11/2015 576081582 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 636.50 23775

03/11/2015 576081583 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 616.40 23775

03/11/2015 576081589 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 844.20 23775

23,914.5803/11/2015 (Enara) Caretime Services Limited 23775Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082160 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,426.80 23907

1,084.5003/11/2015 Independence South West 24008Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082476 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082479 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082480 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 545.58 24569

03/11/2015 576082481 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 977.73 24569

03/11/2015 576082482 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082483 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.14 24569

03/11/2015 576082487 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082489 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 878.56 24569

03/11/2015 576082491 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,331.98 24569

03/11/2015 576082448 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082450 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082451 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 793.52 24569

03/11/2015 576082471 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

03/11/2015 576082472 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

6,632.6803/11/2015 Michael Batt Foundation 24569Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082441 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 832.73 24893

03/11/2015 576082442 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,310.40 24893

1,559.6203/11/2015 Headway Plymouth 25087Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082380 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,109.24 25466

03/11/2015 576082381 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

03/11/2015 576082415 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,606.50 25466

03/11/2015 576082422 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,262.25 25466

03/11/2015 576082430 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

03/11/2015 576082377 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 605.00 25466

03/11/2015 576082384 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 594.69 25466

03/11/2015 576082385 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,657.53 25466

Page 5 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 6: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 576082389 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.50 25466

03/11/2015 576082394 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.00 25466

03/11/2015 576082396 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 879.75 25466

03/11/2015 576082397 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

03/11/2015 576082401 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,099.72 25466

03/11/2015 576082404 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

03/11/2015 576082409 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

03/11/2015 576082410 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 632.50 25466

03/11/2015 576082413 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 577.50 25466

9,442.0503/11/2015 The Durnford Society Ltd 25466Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,282.7803/11/2015 Plymouth Age Concern 25541Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082562 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,634.22 27695

03/11/2015 576082564 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

03/11/2015 576082567 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,271.06 27695

03/11/2015 576082568 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

03/11/2015 576082569 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 661.47 27695

03/11/2015 576082570 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 573.30 27695

03/11/2015 576082572 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

03/11/2015 576082577 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 511.88 27695

03/11/2015 576082578 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

03/11/2015 576082580 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 895.68 27695

03/11/2015 576082581 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 552.85 27695

3,084.3903/11/2015 The Regard Partnership Ltd 27695Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,030.0003/11/2015 Amberley House Residential Home 29702Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

2,064.7403/11/2015 SCOPE 30979Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082512 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,755.18 38935

03/11/2015 576082514 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

03/11/2015 576082515 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

03/11/2015 576082516 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

03/11/2015 576082519 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

03/11/2015 576082520 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

03/11/2015 576082521 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,340.24 38935

03/11/2015 576082522 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

03/11/2015 576082525 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

03/11/2015 576082527 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

03/11/2015 576082528 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

03/11/2015 576082529 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,145.22 38935

03/11/2015 576082533 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

03/11/2015 576082535 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

03/11/2015 576082537 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

03/11/2015 576082538 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,393.00 38935

03/11/2015 576082541 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

03/11/2015 576082547 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,852.69 38935

03/11/2015 576082556 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 891.52 38935

03/11/2015 576082559 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

9,814.7303/11/2015 Havencare (Plymouth) 38935Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

5,436.5503/11/2015 Pluss 52159Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082614 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

03/11/2015 576082615 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 925.20 60417

03/11/2015 576082618 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.64 60417

03/11/2015 576082621 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,070.47 60417

03/11/2015 576082623 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

03/11/2015 576082627 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 742.07 60417

03/11/2015 576082635 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

03/11/2015 576082636 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

03/11/2015 576082642 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,117.96 60417

03/11/2015 576082647 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 503.50 60417

03/11/2015 576082654 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,439.20 60417

03/11/2015 576082658 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 809.55 60417

03/11/2015 576082663 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

Page 6 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 7: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 576082665 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.00 60417

6,682.5203/11/2015 Lifeways Community Care 60417Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082720 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,082.50 61984

03/11/2015 576082739 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.50 61984

03/11/2015 576082744 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 61984

03/11/2015 576082745 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 780.00 61984

03/11/2015 576082748 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 61984

03/11/2015 576082749 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 61984

03/11/2015 576082753 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,274.00 61984

03/11/2015 576082755 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,215.50 61984

03/11/2015 576082757 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 799.50 61984

03/11/2015 576082758 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.75 61984

13,756.6003/11/2015 Selborne Care Limited 61984Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

758.1003/11/2015 Plymouth Guild 65525Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

3,426.2803/11/2015 Plymouth Highbury Trust Services 68132Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,816.9503/11/2015 Plymouth Independent Living 71895Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576081703 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 619.52 79730

03/11/2015 576081705 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

03/11/2015 576081718 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,320.00 79730

03/11/2015 576081719 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 707.52 79730

03/11/2015 576081744 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

03/11/2015 576081749 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 945.00 79730

03/11/2015 576081757 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

5,335.4803/11/2015 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) Ltd 79730Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082813 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 803.99 82267

03/11/2015 576082814 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 937.44 82267

03/11/2015 576082816 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 872.34 82267

03/11/2015 576082822 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,275.96 82267

3,184.1803/11/2015 Yourway Support Services Ltd 82267Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082824 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.20 82716

03/11/2015 576082825 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

03/11/2015 576082826 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,367.10 82716

03/11/2015 576082827 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.58 82716

03/11/2015 576082836 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 527.99 82716

03/11/2015 576082839 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

03/11/2015 576082842 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 642.18 82716

03/11/2015 576082843 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

03/11/2015 576082844 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,022.10 82716

03/11/2015 576082845 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

03/11/2015 576082846 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

03/11/2015 576082847 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

3,011.4703/11/2015 Mencap 82716Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082850 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.00 91992

03/11/2015 576082852 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.09 91992

976.9003/11/2015 Caraston Hall Support & Housing 91992Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082873 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 641.26 96574

03/11/2015 576082877 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

03/11/2015 576082878 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

03/11/2015 576082879 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.50 96574

03/11/2015 576082880 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 819.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082882 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082883 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 923.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082885 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,313.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082886 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,287.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082887 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082889 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082891 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082894 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

03/11/2015 576082895 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 520.00 96574

03/11/2015 576082900 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,767.04 96574

Page 7 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 8: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 576082901 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

03/11/2015 576082903 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

3,436.1903/11/2015 Premier Care (Plymouth) Ltd 96574Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082929 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 539.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082937 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 532.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082942 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082943 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082949 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082952 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 525.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082954 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 630.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082958 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 588.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082961 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082964 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

03/11/2015 576082968 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 686.00 98657

7,540.3803/11/2015 Ashlong Domicillary care 98657Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082976 Independence Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,300.32 99784

587.4903/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 102949Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576082985 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.50 108204

03/11/2015 576082987 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 758.09 108204

1,044.4303/11/2015 Plymouth Supported Living 108204Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,637.8003/11/2015 Alexandra Houseing Ltd 110674Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576083024 Colebrook (SW) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 989.45 112153

6,069.0503/11/2015 Colebrook (SW) Ltd 112153Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

2,869.0303/11/2015 Guinness Care and Support Limited 112370Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

1,398.0103/11/2015 I-Grow Care and Support Ltd 112728Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576077831 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

03/11/2015 576080237 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 516.96 116879

03/11/2015 576080238 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 516.96 116879

03/11/2015 576080208 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

03/11/2015 576078563 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 689.28 116879

03/11/2015 576078538 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

03/11/2015 576082009 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

38,510.9103/11/2015 Mears Care Limited 116879Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576083051 Your LifestylePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,680.00 117062

03/11/2015 576083053 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,103.20 117369

03/11/2015 576083056 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 854.98 117369

592.0103/11/2015 Support`ed Limited 117369Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 576083059 KPW Newkey LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.67 118020

03/11/2015 576076121 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,206.24 119131

03/11/2015 576076122 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 689.28 119131

03/11/2015 PLY100313 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Transfer PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Domestic Gate Fee RevenueGPL 39,668.27 23614

03/11/2015 PLY100112 South West WaterTransformation and Change PremisesPlanning Property Metered Water Charges RevenueGCO 2,069.22 23664

03/11/2015 PLY100112 South West WaterTransformation and Change PremisesPlanning Property Metered Water Charges RevenueGCO 3,321.57 23664

03/11/2015 PLY100117 South West WaterTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Metered Water Charges RevenueGCO 1,033.59 23664

03/11/2015 PLY100314 South West WaterPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Sample Analysis RevenueGPL 1,462.55 23664

1,053.8703/11/2015 South West Water 23664Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

03/11/2015 PPPLY06242 Plymouth YMCAPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 1,583.34 23665

03/11/2015 PLY100418 Securi-Guard LimitedTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCCO 1,335.00 23672

03/11/2015 PLY100289 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,650.00 23674

03/11/2015 PLY100292 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 750.00 23674

03/11/2015 PLY099003 APSEPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Conferences RevenueGPL 994.00 24042

524.1903/11/2015 Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene Supp 24060Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

03/11/2015 PLY100126 Waterfront WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Lodgings Deposits RevenueGPE 800.00 24125

2,301.3703/11/2015 Waterfront West 24125Various People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 507164733 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 904.49 24344

03/11/2015 507164908 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 461.39 24344

03/11/2015 507164901 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 498.80 24344

03/11/2015 507164716 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 566.47 24344

03/11/2015 507164689 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 723.05 24344

03/11/2015 507164750 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 1,002.40 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 507164729 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 1,248.00 24344

03/11/2015 507164906 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 469.16 24344

03/11/2015 507164923 Pertemps LimitedExecutive Office EmployeesCore Executive Office Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCE 1,101.86 24344

03/11/2015 507164772 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 537.61 24344

03/11/2015 507164773 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 421.13 24344

03/11/2015 507164774 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 537.61 24344

03/11/2015 507164994 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 549.45 24344

03/11/2015 507164686 Pertemps LimitedPublic Health EmployeesPublic Health Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPH 549.45 24344

03/11/2015 507164685 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 898.13 24344

03/11/2015 507164966 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 485.81 24344

03/11/2015 507164967 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 469.16 24344

03/11/2015 507164744 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 469.53 24344

03/11/2015 507164961 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 446.96 24344

03/11/2015 999627327 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 6,382.98 24344

03/11/2015 507165590 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,960.00 24344

03/11/2015 507164715 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 765.77 24344

03/11/2015 507164770 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,001.96 24344

03/11/2015 507164887 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,005.62 24344

03/11/2015 507164626 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 470.42 24344

03/11/2015 507164627 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 453.05 24344

03/11/2015 507164900 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,037.85 24344

03/11/2015 507166045 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,037.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164780 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 692.27 24344

03/11/2015 507164777 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,544.22 24344

03/11/2015 507164778 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 532.20 24344

03/11/2015 507164965 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 809.06 24344

03/11/2015 507164734 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 465.55 24344

03/11/2015 507164922 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 624.56 24344

03/11/2015 507164823 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 469.53 24344

03/11/2015 507164810 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

03/11/2015 507164707 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,012.20 24344

03/11/2015 507164708 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 532.43 24344

03/11/2015 507164693 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 477.68 24344

03/11/2015 507164709 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.94 24344

03/11/2015 507164924 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.94 24344

03/11/2015 507164635 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,444.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164638 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,171.50 24344

03/11/2015 507165373 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 766.13 24344

03/11/2015 507165374 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164747 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 468.35 24344

03/11/2015 507164739 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 881.27 24344

03/11/2015 507164993 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 878.20 24344

03/11/2015 507164630 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 808.89 24344

03/11/2015 507164632 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 925.74 24344

03/11/2015 507164687 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 554.99 24344

03/11/2015 507164746 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 561.78 24344

03/11/2015 507164792 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

03/11/2015 507164836 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

03/11/2015 507164837 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

03/11/2015 507165842 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 2,860.00 24344

03/11/2015 507164639 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,481.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164636 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,407.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164637 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164640 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164631 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 431.00 24344

03/11/2015 507164634 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,036.35 24344

03/11/2015 507164628 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,004.48 24344

03/11/2015 507164625 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 661.25 24344

03/11/2015 507164629 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

03/11/2015 507164633 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 507165371 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

03/11/2015 507165372 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164759 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 417.20 24344

03/11/2015 507164711 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 728.49 24344

03/11/2015 507164736 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 812.89 24344

03/11/2015 507164800 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

03/11/2015 507164832 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

03/11/2015 507164726 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 478.04 24344

03/11/2015 507164727 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

03/11/2015 507164719 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 423.98 24344

03/11/2015 507164720 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

03/11/2015 507164721 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

03/11/2015 507164981 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 532.06 24344

03/11/2015 507164903 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 494.52 24344

03/11/2015 507164921 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 914.38 24344

03/11/2015 507164980 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,037.85 24344

03/11/2015 507164911 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 3,228.30 24344

69,528.2403/11/2015 Pertemps Limited 24344Various Various Various Various Various VariousVarious

03/11/2015 PLY100252 Tacticom Radio SystemsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 417.00 24554

03/11/2015 PLY100291 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,400.00 24574

03/11/2015 PLY100285 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 18,905.00 24574

03/11/2015 PLY100286 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,000.00 24574

03/11/2015 PLY100290 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,680.00 24574

03/11/2015 PLY100280 Siemens PlcTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 135,056.00 24589

03/11/2015 PLY100280 Siemens PlcTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 73,400.00 24589

03/11/2015 PLY100280 Siemens PlcTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 2,572.00 24589

03/11/2015 PLY100280 Siemens PlcTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 7,966.00 24589

03/11/2015 PLY100236 PHS Group plcPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Clinical Waste Disposal RevenueGPL 9,335.56 24803

03/11/2015 PLY100235 PHS Group plcPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Clinical Waste Disposal RevenueGPL 9,867.07 24803

03/11/2015 PLY100143 Gables Farm Dogs & Cats HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Misc ExpenditureClient Carers Support RevenueGPE 2,200.00 24814

03/11/2015 PLY100144 Gables Farm Dogs & Cats HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Misc ExpenditureClient Carers Support RevenueGPE 914.00 24814

03/11/2015 PLY099187 Phonographic Performance LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 789.35 24925

03/11/2015 PPPLY06244 Wolseley Community Economic

Development Trust

Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 1,583.33 24927

03/11/2015 PPPLY06243 Wolseley Community Economic

Development Trust

Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 796.83 24927

03/11/2015 PPPLY06244 Wolseley Community Economic

Development Trust

Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 833.34 24927

03/11/2015 PPPLY06243 Wolseley Community Economic

Development Trust

Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 1,666.67 24927

03/11/2015 PPPLY06244 Wolseley Community Economic

Development Trust

Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 833.33 24927

03/11/2015 PLY100413 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

03/11/2015 PLY100413 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

2,035.0003/11/2015 Legal Practice Imprest Account 24960Core Legal Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Court Fees PLY100413 RevenueGCO

580.0003/11/2015 Woodford Schools Trust Rascals Nursery 25121Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Employees Temporary and Interim Staff Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 PLY096033 Abacus Drainage ServicesPlace Directorate PremisesInternal Trading Unit Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 840.00 25188

03/11/2015 PLY096033 Abacus Drainage ServicesPlace Directorate PremisesInternal Trading Unit Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 498.00 25188

03/11/2015 PLY100012 D R Jones (Yeovil) LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCCO 17,032.75 25482

03/11/2015 PLY100115 ShelterPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Legal Agents RevenueGPE 4,433.33 25520

03/11/2015 PPPLY06245 Plymouth Hospitals Nhs TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,666.67 25526

03/11/2015 PPPLY06246 Plymouth Hospitals Nhs TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 3,750.00 25526

03/11/2015 PPPLY06245 Plymouth Hospitals Nhs TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,666.66 25526

03/11/2015 PPPLY06247 Plymouth Hospitals Nhs TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 151,741.33 25526

03/11/2015 PPPLY06248 Shekinah MissionPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 958.34 25543

03/11/2015 PPPLY06248 Shekinah MissionPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 958.33 25543

03/11/2015 PLY099814 Western Electrical WholesalePlace Directorate PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGPL 900.00 25870

03/11/2015 PLY100225 Plymouth Citybus LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Drivers Tests RevenueTPE 480.00 25872

03/11/2015 PLY099931 Plymouth Arts CentrePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Computer Software RevenueGPL 1,250.00 25873

03/11/2015 PLY097529 Dennis Eagle LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Vehicles & Plant CapitalCPL 728.50 25971

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 PLY097529 Dennis Eagle LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 728.50 25971

03/11/2015 PLY081724 Sky High Technology PLCPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 14,775.00 26086

03/11/2015 PLY099985 Parkeon LimitedPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 4,140.00 26285

469.0003/11/2015 Parkeon Limited 26285Trading Place Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueTPL

03/11/2015 PPPLY06250 THE ZONE (Youth Enquiry Service)Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 2,603.33 27398

03/11/2015 PPPLY06250 THE ZONE (Youth Enquiry Service)Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 2,603.34 27398

03/11/2015 999627322 Harrisons Builders LtdPeople Directorate PremisesChildren`s & Educational Servi Improvements RevenueGPE 5,000.00 27446

03/11/2015 999627323 Harrisons Builders LtdPeople Directorate PremisesChildren`s & Educational Servi Improvements RevenueGPE 5,000.00 27446

426.0003/11/2015 Harrisons Builders Ltd 27446Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Premises Various Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 981041487 A J & Co - MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 8,144.13 27632

03/11/2015 PPPLY06259 Sovereign Housing Association LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Community Or Social Alarm Service RevenueGPE 1,136.75 27663

03/11/2015 PLY099030 WDM LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 646.02 27966

03/11/2015 PLY099030 WDM LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 772.23 27966

03/11/2015 PLY099030 WDM LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 1,060.66 27966

03/11/2015 PLY099588 Plymouth PavilionsPlace Directorate Balance SheetBalance Sheet Suspense RevenueBPL 20,746.21 28241

03/11/2015 PLY100099 Dr A OriolowoTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 1,458.38 30991

03/11/2015 PLY100246 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 442.70 31085

03/11/2015 981041492 St James LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 7,773.29 31105

03/11/2015 PLY100440 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,894.67 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100441 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,135.82 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100442 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,514.42 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100443 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 854.95 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100444 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 918.81 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100445 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 854.95 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100446 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,135.82 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100447 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,677.67 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100448 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,069.12 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100449 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 1,135.82 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100450 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 918.81 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100451 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 2,360.46 31984

03/11/2015 PLY100452 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Adult Placement Scheme RevenueGPE 918.81 31984

881.3403/11/2015 Antalis Limited 32150Core Assets Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials PLY099223 RevenueGCO

03/11/2015 PLY093880 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPL 474.00 32304

510.4903/11/2015 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) Ltd 32304Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPL

03/11/2015 981041505 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesPlanning Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,001.41 33026

03/11/2015 PLY099441 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesHighways and Transport Propert Electricity RevenueGCO 582.80 33026

03/11/2015 PLY099441 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesHighways and Transport Propert Electricity RevenueGCO 7,673.76 33026

03/11/2015 981041506 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 510.31 33026

03/11/2015 PLY099441 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Street Lighting RevenueGCO 533.51 33026

03/11/2015 PLY099441 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Repair & Maintenance Of External Structu RevenueGPL 703.77 33026

03/11/2015 PLY099441 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesHighways & Transport Services Electricity RevenueGPL 55,713.42 33026

1,158.4103/11/2015 Npower Ltd 33026Various Various Premises Various Various RevenueVarious

03/11/2015 PLY100220 Devon & Cornwall Housing Association LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Rents & Accomm Costs Vol RevenueGPE 1,325.00 33175

03/11/2015 PLY100250 P D S PrintersPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Printing RevenueGPE 1,338.00 34613

03/11/2015 981041495 Warwick Park LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 12,192.86 34645

03/11/2015 981041496 Warwick Park LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 12,599.29 34645

03/11/2015 981041497 Warwick Park LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,100.05 34645

03/11/2015 PLY100453 Tamar View Community Complex LtdExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGCE 1,014.00 36179

03/11/2015 PLY100279 I J Cannings & Son LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 2,246.28 38888

03/11/2015 PLY100276 I J Cannings & Son LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 30,346.64 38888

03/11/2015 PLY100277 I J Cannings & Son LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 2,030.75 38888

03/11/2015 PLY100362 Premier Leasing & Finance LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCDC Property Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 1,428.70 39593

03/11/2015 PLY100363 Premier Leasing & Finance LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCDC Property Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 1,387.07 39593

03/11/2015 PLY100287 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,570.00 40330

03/11/2015 PLY100288 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,206.00 40330

03/11/2015 PLY100068 Plymouth Hospitals NHS TrustTransformation and Change PremisesCentral Services Rents RevenueGCO 11,022.00 50116

2,250.2003/11/2015 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 50116Central Services Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Professional Fees Various RevenueGCO

03/11/2015 PLY100096 Dr J L HarmseTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 824.19 52776

03/11/2015 PLY100194 Dr J L HarmseTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 880.00 52776

03/11/2015 981041483 Premiere Health LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 8,941.45 53978

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 981041484 Premiere Health LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 23,329.00 53978

03/11/2015 981041485 Premiere Health LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 11,380.00 53978

03/11/2015 981041493 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 3,414.00 66346

03/11/2015 981041494 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,625.71 66346

03/11/2015 PPPLY06251 Hamoaze HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 16,541.66 67282

03/11/2015 PPPLY06251 Hamoaze HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 16,541.67 67282

03/11/2015 PLY100268 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsCentral Services Private Contractors RevenueGCO 1,295.60 68573

795.0003/11/2015 Families For Children Adoption Agency 68657Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 PLY100243 Nationwide PrintPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Printing RevenueGPL 838.00 74570

03/11/2015 PLY100380 Imperial Civil Enforcement SolutionsPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 6,420.05 80645

03/11/2015 PLY100381 Helen BrayPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 505.00 82702

03/11/2015 PLY100381 Helen BrayPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 452.50 82702

03/11/2015 PLY100150 Thrussell & ThrussellPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 9,138.00 83664

03/11/2015 PLY099167 symonjames LtdExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCore Executive Office Printing RevenueGCE 650.00 84192

03/11/2015 PLY099942 Fitzworthy Equestrian CentrePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 3,300.00 88941

03/11/2015 PLY100269 PatrolPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Legal Expenses RevenueTPL 7,028.50 90433

03/11/2015 PPPLY06238 Plymouth Community HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Community Or Social Alarm Service RevenueGPE 7,671.23 92299

03/11/2015 PLY100461 Graphique Media SolutionsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,050.00 92300

486.0703/11/2015 Plymouth Community Homes Services Ltd 94179Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

03/11/2015 PLY100088 South West CouncilsExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCore Executive Office Conferences RevenueGCE 995.00 95619

03/11/2015 PLY093105 Northgate Vehicle Hire (sw&w) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Vehicle Hire Charges RevenueGPL 456.16 97376

03/11/2015 PLY098832 Sports and Leisure Management LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 45,437.80 100776

03/11/2015 PLY098833 Sports and Leisure Management LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 45,437.80 100776

03/11/2015 PLY099165 Occasions CateringPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Catering Provisions RevenueGPL 4,347.15 100991

03/11/2015 PLY100283 Clean Coast ServicesPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Cleaning Contracts RevenueGPL 2,500.00 101131

03/11/2015 PLY100325 Carter Brown AssociatesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,755.67 101928

03/11/2015 PPPLY06255 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 104,087.67 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06252 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 54,766.83 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06254 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 30,362.25 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06254 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 70,302.26 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06252 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 750.00 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06252 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,660.17 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06253 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 54,936.67 102090

03/11/2015 PPPLY06253 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 20,166.67 102090

03/11/2015 PLY100316 Louise Michelle BomberPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 540.00 104069

03/11/2015 PLY100257 Print Image Network LimitedTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Document Handling RevenueGCO 2,506.53 104328

03/11/2015 PLY100469 Cara Sales LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Other Expenses CapitalCPE 3,000.00 105021

03/11/2015 999627326 LANtech CommunicationsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase Of Computer Hardware RevenueGPE 515.00 105817

03/11/2015 PLY100132 Nevada ConstructionPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 545.75 107968

03/11/2015 PLY100131 Nevada ConstructionPlace Directorate PremisesInternal Trading Unit Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 650.00 107968

03/11/2015 PLY100284 Pichler Ltd.People Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,943.06 108018

550.2503/11/2015 Cansford Associates 108157Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services Various RevenueGPE

03/11/2015 PLY099553 Groundwork SouthPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 7,480.68 108934

03/11/2015 PLY099554 Groundwork SouthPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 7,906.90 108934

03/11/2015 PLY099555 Groundwork SouthPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 8,754.51 108934

03/11/2015 PLY099556 Groundwork SouthPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 9,345.11 108934

03/11/2015 PLY100089 Healthcare Southwest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 659.50 108941

03/11/2015 PLY100054 Imtech Traffic & Infra UK LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 4,266.57 109014

03/11/2015 PLY100265 Ann Wallace (Barrister services)People Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 815.00 109462

1,049.9103/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

03/11/2015 PLY100375 Print Image Facilities LLPTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Postages RevenueGCO 1,024.50 112486

03/11/2015 PLY100229 Print Image Facilities LLPTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Postages RevenueGCO 961.18 112486

03/11/2015 PLY100230 Print Image Facilities LLPTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Postages RevenueGCO 444.61 112486

03/11/2015 PLY099496 Emo OilsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 8,781.00 112707

03/11/2015 PLY095162 Goring Berry LLPPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 2,925.00 115041

03/11/2015 PLY100345 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,956.93 116142

03/11/2015 PLY100435 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,910.89 116142

03/11/2015 PLY100133 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 823.87 116142

817.9203/11/2015 Advanced Financial Ltd 116142Central Services Transformation and Change Transfer Payments Social Fund Awards Various RevenueGCO

03/11/2015 PLY100205 On Course South West CICPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 111,521.81 116514

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 PLY100518 Westcountry GroupTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Purchase Of Materials RevenueGCO 1,414.00 116659

03/11/2015 PLY100331 Delt Shared ServicesCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Professional Fees RevenueGCI 23,607.00 116922

03/11/2015 PLY100331 Delt Shared ServicesCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Professional Fees RevenueGCI 7,447.50 116922

03/11/2015 PLY100372 Delt Shared ServicesTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsICT base package AD User Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCO 1,750,000.00 116922

03/11/2015 PPPLY06257 Broadreach HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Residential Care Short Stay Block Contra RevenueGPH 4,166.67 117645

03/11/2015 PPPLY06258 Broadreach HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,110.42 117645

03/11/2015 PPPLY06258 Broadreach HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,110.42 117645

03/11/2015 PPPLY06257 Broadreach HousePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Residential Care Short Stay Block Contra RevenueGPH 4,166.67 117645

03/11/2015 PPPLY06256 Plymouth Highbury Trust ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,047.89 117665

03/11/2015 PLY099770 Newcross Healthcare Solutions LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Inclusion Short Breaks RevenueGPE 579.04 117754

03/11/2015 PLY100497 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118065

03/11/2015 PLY099840 Falcon Document Solutions LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Photocopier Rentals RevenueGPE 690.90 118172

03/11/2015 PLY100438 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,789.92 118323

03/11/2015 PLY100535 IntacommPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 3,850.00 118328

03/11/2015 981041489 AJ & Co (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 3,414.00 118606

03/11/2015 981041490 AJ & Co (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 10,858.84 118606

03/11/2015 981041491 AJ & Co (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,050.86 118606

03/11/2015 PLY100496 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118779

03/11/2015 PLY100494 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119195

03/11/2015 PLY100129 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Leaving Care Cost RevenueGPE 537.50 119925

03/11/2015 PLY100366 Harris & HarrisPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 567.00 119937

03/11/2015 PLY100462 NBM DistributionTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 1,500.00 119982

03/11/2015 PLY100462 NBM DistributionTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Computer Hardware CapitalCCO 838.00 119982

03/11/2015 PLY100139 Redacted personal dataTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Special Events RevenueGCO 546.50 120023

03/11/2015 PLY100457 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,048.18 120043

04/11/2015 985069700 Plymouth Age ConcernPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,834.00 37000

04/11/2015 985069700 Plymouth Age ConcernPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,694.00 37000

04/11/2015 985069710 N Notaro HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,373.50 37978

04/11/2015 985069743 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,734.00 37983

04/11/2015 985069743 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 862.00 37983

04/11/2015 985069743 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 37983

04/11/2015 985069743 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,554.00 37983

04/11/2015 985069753 Mrs E I Barker Business AccountPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 954.00 37985

04/11/2015 985069753 Mrs E I Barker Business AccountPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,699.02 37985

04/11/2015 985069870 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 37995

04/11/2015 985069870 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 37995

04/11/2015 985069870 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,297.58 37995

04/11/2015 985069856 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,434.00 37996

04/11/2015 985069856 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 37996

04/11/2015 985069856 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,104.00 37996

04/11/2015 985069782 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 37999

04/11/2015 985069782 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 950.00 37999

04/11/2015 985069782 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,930.00 37999

04/11/2015 985069778 Nutley LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,834.00 38001

04/11/2015 985069778 Nutley LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,213.14 38001

04/11/2015 985069722 TorcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 864.00 38012

04/11/2015 985069712 Vale Lodge Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38013

04/11/2015 985069712 Vale Lodge Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,652.00 38013

04/11/2015 985069795 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38016

04/11/2015 985069795 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38016

04/11/2015 985069795 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,219.00 38016

04/11/2015 985069745 St Vincents Nursing Home Sister In


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,138.00 38019

04/11/2015 985069745 St Vincents Nursing Home Sister In


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,509.71 38019

04/11/2015 985069745 St Vincents Nursing Home Sister In


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,657.14 38019

04/11/2015 985069835 H & I Stanbury For ElmsleaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 904.06 38021

04/11/2015 985069751 K Page / SouthviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,664.60 38022

04/11/2015 985069713 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38024

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 985069713 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,768.00 38024

04/11/2015 985069713 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,488.14 38024

04/11/2015 985069819 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,000.00 38026

04/11/2015 985069819 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,768.00 38026

04/11/2015 985069819 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38026

04/11/2015 985069819 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,942.00 38026

04/11/2015 985069744 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38032

04/11/2015 985069744 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,842.00 38032

04/11/2015 985069744 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,067.43 38032

04/11/2015 985069744 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,688.00 38032

04/11/2015 985069811 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38034

04/11/2015 985069811 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 38034

04/11/2015 985069811 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,406.00 38034

04/11/2015 985069811 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,368.00 38034

04/11/2015 985069752 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,234.52 38037

04/11/2015 985069746 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,198.02 38037

04/11/2015 985069746 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,779.40 38037

04/11/2015 985069874 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,000.00 38040

04/11/2015 985069874 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,620.71 38040

04/11/2015 985069874 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,828.00 38040

04/11/2015 985069843 Devonia HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,536.86 38041

04/11/2015 985069836 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 38043

04/11/2015 985069836 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38043

04/11/2015 985069836 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,274.00 38043

04/11/2015 985069780 Nelson House Recovery TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,580.00 38046

04/11/2015 985069832 Evergreen Res HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38050

04/11/2015 985069832 Evergreen Res HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,300.00 38050

04/11/2015 985069859 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38051

04/11/2015 985069859 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,920.00 38051

04/11/2015 985069859 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,783.50 38051

04/11/2015 985069859 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,638.00 38051

04/11/2015 985069859 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,100.00 38051

04/11/2015 985069731 The Community Of At Antony & St EliasPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,646.10 38058

04/11/2015 985069757 Anchor Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,244.00 38061

04/11/2015 985069757 Anchor Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,036.00 38061

04/11/2015 985069773 Durnford Society Parkstone LanePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,461.98 38065

04/11/2015 985069855 Charlton HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,208.00 38066

04/11/2015 985069855 Charlton HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 20,990.00 38066

04/11/2015 985069719 Tregarland TavistockPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,457.56 38074

04/11/2015 985069738 Abbeyfield Tamar Extra Care Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,734.00 38088

04/11/2015 985069844 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 38096

04/11/2015 985069844 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,402.00 38096

04/11/2015 985069844 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 38096

04/11/2015 985069844 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 3,150.00 38096

04/11/2015 985069844 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,471.43 38096

04/11/2015 985069787 MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 884.00 38101

04/11/2015 985069787 MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,648.22 38101

04/11/2015 985069876 Alderson HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 843.26 38105

04/11/2015 985069708 Dr Peppers Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 38130

04/11/2015 985069708 Dr Peppers Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38130

04/11/2015 985069708 Dr Peppers Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,470.00 38130

04/11/2015 985069705 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,832.70 38134

04/11/2015 985069705 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,165.70 38134

04/11/2015 985069852 ClearviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,373.02 38151

04/11/2015 985069861 Devon Sheltered Homes TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 889.70 38153

04/11/2015 985069721 TorvalePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,954.72 38156

04/11/2015 985069756 Sense South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,768.30 38183

04/11/2015 985069733 The BungalowPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,454.62 38196

04/11/2015 985069739 Mrs W DunnPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,018.00 38207

04/11/2015 985069739 Mrs W DunnPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,202.00 38207

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 985069797 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,241.58 38222

04/11/2015 985069720 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 850.00 38241

04/11/2015 985069720 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,638.00 38241

04/11/2015 985069720 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,702.00 38241

04/11/2015 985069720 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,853.59 38241

04/11/2015 985069878 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,748.82 38242

04/11/2015 985069777 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,181.70 38255

04/11/2015 985069768 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,318.56 38255

04/11/2015 985069837 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38291

04/11/2015 985069837 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,226.00 38291

04/11/2015 985069837 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,611.14 38291

04/11/2015 985069828 Assisi Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 3,210.00 38292

04/11/2015 985069828 Assisi Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 920.46 38292

04/11/2015 985069851 Copper BeechesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,980.00 38306

04/11/2015 985069840 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,003.40 38315

04/11/2015 985069840 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,652.00 38315

04/11/2015 985069840 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 4,893.14 38315

04/11/2015 985069703 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,600.00 38333

04/11/2015 985069703 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,316.55 38333

04/11/2015 985069703 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,147.60 38333

04/11/2015 985069794 Mr B M & Mrs J A PrivettPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 38334

04/11/2015 985069831 G & Ss PurgausPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 970.22 38339

04/11/2015 985069831 G & Ss PurgausPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,117.88 38339

04/11/2015 985069769 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,768.00 38346

04/11/2015 985069769 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38346

04/11/2015 985069769 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38346

04/11/2015 985069769 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,816.00 38346

04/11/2015 985069766 Healthcare Trust LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,747.00 38354

04/11/2015 985069860 Sunita JhugrooPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,600.00 38359

04/11/2015 985069860 Sunita JhugrooPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,834.00 38359

04/11/2015 985069772 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,534.00 38364

04/11/2015 985069772 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,896.00 38364

04/11/2015 985069772 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,940.00 38364

04/11/2015 985069772 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,389.86 38364

04/11/2015 985069701 Peninsula Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 6,611.43 38369

04/11/2015 985069788 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 38383

04/11/2015 985069788 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,934.00 38383

04/11/2015 985069788 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38383

04/11/2015 985069788 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,366.56 38383

04/11/2015 985069788 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,998.44 38383

04/11/2015 985069729 Quality Lifestyle LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,858.50 38386

04/11/2015 985069737 Manor HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 38390

04/11/2015 985069737 Manor HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,416.00 38390

04/11/2015 985069741 Strathmore HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,185.30 38394

04/11/2015 985069826 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 38398

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,216.71 38399

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 948.00 38399

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,086.10 38399

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,794.00 38399

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,604.00 38399

04/11/2015 985069825 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,735.52 38399

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,830.32 38402

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,900.82 38402

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,717.00 38402

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,262.10 38402

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,540.04 38402

04/11/2015 985069760 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,888.28 38402

04/11/2015 985069867 21st Century Care (plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,286.00 38405

04/11/2015 985069830 R S M H C & A Western DivisionalPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,754.60 38418

04/11/2015 985069830 R S M H C & A Western DivisionalPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,641.06 38418

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 985069791 Anchor Housing Association Manor CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,080.50 38420

04/11/2015 985069791 Anchor Housing Association Manor CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,844.00 38420

04/11/2015 985069829 Freshfields ManagementPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 38430

04/11/2015 985069829 Freshfields ManagementPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,117.40 38430

04/11/2015 985069805 J A N LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,480.52 38432

04/11/2015 985069805 J A N LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,820.00 38432

04/11/2015 985069715 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,522.00 38437

04/11/2015 985069715 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 38437

04/11/2015 985069715 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 19,599.90 38437

04/11/2015 985069699 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38441

04/11/2015 985069699 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,718.22 38441

04/11/2015 985069699 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,300.00 38441

04/11/2015 985069779 Rt Teasdale Business A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38459

04/11/2015 985069779 Rt Teasdale Business A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,168.00 38459

04/11/2015 985069818 Hardwick View A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,292.52 38472

04/11/2015 985069734 Plymouth & District Free Church Womens


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,670.00 38480

04/11/2015 985069734 Plymouth & District Free Church Womens


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,382.00 38480

04/11/2015 985069735 Jm & Ja Van Deijl Thornbury A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,860.28 38490

04/11/2015 985069767 Primrose HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,133.66 38531

04/11/2015 985069767 Primrose HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,026.50 38531

04/11/2015 985069858 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,431.96 45003

04/11/2015 985069809 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,093.78 45005

04/11/2015 985069809 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,121.36 45005

04/11/2015 985069762 Rielly`s House LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,080.36 47900

04/11/2015 985069865 Jayne PagePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,743.46 49155

04/11/2015 985069871 Sense - Children And Adult ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,237.76 52484

04/11/2015 985069723 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 66344

04/11/2015 985069723 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,868.00 66344

04/11/2015 985069723 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,554.57 66344

04/11/2015 985069848 Lifestyle Care PlcPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,125.86 68448

04/11/2015 985069770 Pirbright Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,601.86 69059

04/11/2015 985069750 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,734.00 69789

04/11/2015 985069750 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,122.93 69789

04/11/2015 985069750 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,844.00 69789

04/11/2015 985069864 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,736.00 69791

04/11/2015 985069864 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 69791

04/11/2015 985069864 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,956.00 69791

04/11/2015 985069834 Sharob Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 69825

04/11/2015 985069807 Quality Lifestyle LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,289.00 70647

04/11/2015 985069759 M and C Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,000.00 70726

04/11/2015 985069759 M and C Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,364.29 70726

04/11/2015 985069785 Michealstowe Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,570.00 71011

04/11/2015 985069785 Michealstowe Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,078.00 71011

04/11/2015 985069862 Burdon Grange Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,224.80 72800

04/11/2015 985069755 Seahorses Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,201.30 73594

04/11/2015 985069718 Tremanse Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,057.80 76424

04/11/2015 985069810 The Regard PartnershipPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,219.74 80442

04/11/2015 985069790 Mrs Susan CurriePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,668.00 80651

04/11/2015 985069790 Mrs Susan CurriePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,706.00 80651

04/11/2015 985069717 Spectrum Devon & Cornwall Autistic

Community Trust

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,309.50 82614

04/11/2015 985069875 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,259.24 83176

04/11/2015 985069875 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,069.24 83176

04/11/2015 985069875 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,607.14 83176

04/11/2015 985069875 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,623.16 83176

04/11/2015 985069869 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 800.00 83213

04/11/2015 985069869 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,300.00 83213

04/11/2015 985069869 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,400.00 83213

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 985069869 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,604.00 83213

04/11/2015 985069869 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,445.12 83213

04/11/2015 985069850 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,034.00 83352

04/11/2015 985069850 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 948.00 83352

04/11/2015 985069850 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 83352

04/11/2015 985069850 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 83352

04/11/2015 985069850 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,934.00 83352

04/11/2015 985069758 Home Farm Trust LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,584.66 84348

04/11/2015 985069792 Lyndale Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,530.00 89089

04/11/2015 985069866 Sheval Ltd - Asheborough HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 89814

04/11/2015 985069784 Shadrick Care HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 93651

04/11/2015 985069724 Mannamead Care Centre LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,804.00 96513

04/11/2015 985069724 Mannamead Care Centre LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,192.00 96513

04/11/2015 985069806 Holwell VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 97812

04/11/2015 985069789 Mayflower House A & L Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,340.00 98876

04/11/2015 985069789 Mayflower House A & L Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,194.00 98876

04/11/2015 985069799 Kestrel Grove Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,680.00 98910

04/11/2015 985069847 Colne HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 906.22 99571

04/11/2015 985069815 Haddon Court LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 803.60 99727

04/11/2015 985069774 Orchard Court Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 822.00 99791

04/11/2015 985069796 Ocean ViewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 727.34 102408

04/11/2015 985069775 Ocean ViewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,868.00 102408

04/11/2015 985069704 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104269

04/11/2015 985069704 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,468.00 104269

04/11/2015 985069704 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 104269

04/11/2015 985069704 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 104269

04/11/2015 985069704 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,346.00 104269

04/11/2015 985069749 Cornish Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 822.00 104472

04/11/2015 985069813 Haven Lodge OPCO LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104474

04/11/2015 985069711 Ark Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104814

04/11/2015 985069711 Ark Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,434.00 104814

04/11/2015 985069804 IOTA Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,833.86 106505

04/11/2015 985069771 Pendruccombe HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 106621

04/11/2015 985069872 Annette`s CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,567.18 107737

04/11/2015 985069330 Villa Atina LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 980.00 107868

04/11/2015 985069702 Waypoints Plymouth LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,500.00 108224

04/11/2015 985069702 Waypoints Plymouth LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 108224

04/11/2015 985069814 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,216.00 108225

04/11/2015 985069814 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,350.00 108225

04/11/2015 985069814 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,904.00 108225

04/11/2015 985069697 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,335.68 109283

04/11/2015 985069761 RiverviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,921.06 109284

04/11/2015 985069709 Venville HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 109373

04/11/2015 985069748 St Raphaels Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 109576

04/11/2015 985069765 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 112393

04/11/2015 985069765 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 112393

04/11/2015 985069765 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 112393

04/11/2015 985069765 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 112393

04/11/2015 985069781 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 112734

04/11/2015 985069781 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,356.00 112734

04/11/2015 985069781 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,899.29 112734

04/11/2015 985069747 Stepping Stones(Matthew and Michael

Healthcare Ltd

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,380.02 113187

04/11/2015 985069747 Stepping Stones(Matthew and Michael

Healthcare Ltd

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,496.48 113187

04/11/2015 985069821 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 113861

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 985069821 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,128.00 113861

04/11/2015 985069821 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,212.00 113861

04/11/2015 985069842 Holsworthy Health Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 114651

04/11/2015 985069857 Campania (N. Notaro Homes Ltd)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,400.00 114866

04/11/2015 985069868 Bethany Christian Home (Pilgrim Havens)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,634.00 114999

04/11/2015 985069798 The Old School HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 115171

04/11/2015 985069798 The Old School HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,788.14 115171

04/11/2015 985069863 Bosworth Care Home LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 980.00 116135

04/11/2015 985069696 Lancashire County CouncilPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 970.90 118400

04/11/2015 985069833 Englishcombe House (Cedar Care Homes


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,112.00 118417

04/11/2015 985069786 Merafield View (AJ and Co (Devon) Ltd)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,924.60 118559

04/11/2015 985069754 Seabrook House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,296.34 118594

04/11/2015 985069726 The ManorPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,000.00 118736

04/11/2015 985069877 Leonard Cheshire Disability - Agnes CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,552.80 119162

04/11/2015 985069879 Drake Homecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,234.10 119834

04/11/2015 985069879 Drake Homecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,100.00 119834

04/11/2015 979059151 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 549.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059136 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 549.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059143 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 528.57 23876

04/11/2015 979059144 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059145 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,168.78 23876

04/11/2015 979059146 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059147 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059148 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,360.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059137 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 760.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059138 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059139 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059140 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 688.75 23876

04/11/2015 979059141 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059142 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059129 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059130 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,168.78 23876

04/11/2015 979059131 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059132 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059133 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,360.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059134 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059135 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059152 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 760.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059153 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059154 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059155 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 688.75 23876

04/11/2015 979059156 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059157 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059149 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979059150 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

04/11/2015 979058870 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 934.99 24195

04/11/2015 979058894 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 934.99 24195

04/11/2015 979058782 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 689.20 24195

04/11/2015 979058785 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058787 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058789 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058791 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058793 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058895 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 946.85 24195

04/11/2015 979058896 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058897 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058898 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

04/11/2015 979058899 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058900 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

Page 18 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 19: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 979058901 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058902 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058880 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,268.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058881 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058882 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058883 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058884 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058885 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058886 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058887 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058888 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 959.43 24195

04/11/2015 979058889 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 840.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058890 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,350.40 24195

04/11/2015 979058891 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

04/11/2015 979058892 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058893 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058871 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 946.85 24195

04/11/2015 979058872 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058873 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058874 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

04/11/2015 979058875 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

04/11/2015 979058876 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

04/11/2015 979058854 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058855 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,394.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058856 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,268.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058857 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058858 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058859 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058860 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058861 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058862 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058863 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058864 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 959.43 24195

04/11/2015 979058865 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 840.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058866 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,350.40 24195

04/11/2015 979058867 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

04/11/2015 979058868 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058869 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058877 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058878 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058879 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,394.00 24195

04/11/2015 979058830 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058832 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058834 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058836 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058838 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058840 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058842 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058844 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058846 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058848 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058850 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058852 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058813 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058809 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058816 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058818 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058820 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058822 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058824 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

Page 19 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 20: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 979058826 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058828 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058795 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058797 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058800 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058804 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

04/11/2015 979058806 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

2,520.9004/11/2015 Foster Care Associates Limited 24195Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 979059047 Blackford Education (Exmoor) Ltd trading

as Libra

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,500.00 32317

04/11/2015 979059048 Blackford Education (Exmoor) Ltd trading

as Libra

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,500.00 32317

04/11/2015 979058931 One To One Crisis Intervention LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 3,900.00 32715

04/11/2015 979058932 One To One Crisis Intervention LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 3,900.00 32715

778.5604/11/2015 Cambridgeshire County Council 39083Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Payments To OLA Plymouth Children OLA Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 979059106 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059107 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059108 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059109 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059110 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059111 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,003.68 59222

04/11/2015 979059112 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059113 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 754.99 59222

04/11/2015 979059114 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 935.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059115 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,480.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059116 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 864.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059117 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059118 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,275.96 59222

04/11/2015 979059119 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059120 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 742.90 59222

04/11/2015 979059121 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059123 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059124 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059102 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059103 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 742.90 59222

04/11/2015 979059104 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059125 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059126 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059127 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

04/11/2015 979059128 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,003.68 59222

04/11/2015 979059095 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059096 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 754.99 59222

04/11/2015 979059097 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 935.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059098 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,480.00 59222

04/11/2015 979059099 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 864.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059100 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

04/11/2015 979059101 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,275.96 59222

777.9604/11/2015 Five Rivers Child Care Limited 59222Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 979059021 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 856.29 70227

04/11/2015 979059022 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 535.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059023 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 570.71 70227

04/11/2015 979059024 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059026 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059028 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059030 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059031 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,300.36 70227

04/11/2015 979059032 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

04/11/2015 979059033 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059034 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

04/11/2015 979059035 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,249.00 70227

Page 20 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 21: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 979059036 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059037 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 749.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059038 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059039 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,300.36 70227

04/11/2015 979059040 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

04/11/2015 979059041 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059042 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

04/11/2015 979059043 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,249.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059044 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059045 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 749.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059046 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

04/11/2015 979059086 The Fostering Foundation South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 695.50 79410

04/11/2015 979059087 The Fostering Foundation South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 695.50 79410

04/11/2015 979059185 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059183 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059167 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 2,024.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059169 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 2,024.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059171 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 2,024.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059175 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059177 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059179 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059181 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059191 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059187 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059189 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 1,795.00 86597

04/11/2015 979059194 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 856.51 86597

04/11/2015 979059195 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,011.92 86597

04/11/2015 979059196 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 833.27 86597

04/11/2015 979059197 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

04/11/2015 979059198 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

04/11/2015 979059200 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 856.51 86597

04/11/2015 979059201 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,011.92 86597

04/11/2015 979059202 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 833.27 86597

04/11/2015 979059203 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

04/11/2015 979059204 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

3,022.0304/11/2015 Capstone Foster Care 86597Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 979058909 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 745.00 88535

04/11/2015 979058910 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,083.00 88535

04/11/2015 979058911 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 745.00 88535

04/11/2015 979058912 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,083.00 88535

04/11/2015 979058744 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun RevenueGPE 600.00 95878

04/11/2015 979058745 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun RevenueGPE 1,000.00 95878

04/11/2015 979058746 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun RevenueGPE 1,000.00 95878

04/11/2015 979059049 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,800.00 95878

04/11/2015 979059050 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,800.00 95878

600.0004/11/2015 Broadwood Educational Supplies Ltd 95878Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 979059245 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059250 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059251 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059246 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059247 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059248 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059249 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059235 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059236 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059237 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059238 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059239 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059240 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059241 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

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Page 22: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 979059242 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059243 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979059244 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

04/11/2015 979058752 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058753 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058754 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058755 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

04/11/2015 979058756 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058757 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058758 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

04/11/2015 979058759 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

04/11/2015 979058913 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058914 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058915 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,570.40 103535

04/11/2015 979058916 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058917 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,996.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058918 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,408.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058919 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058920 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058921 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,570.40 103535

04/11/2015 979058922 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058923 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,996.00 103535

04/11/2015 979058924 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,408.00 103535

04/11/2015 979059220 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059221 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059222 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059223 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059224 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 3,150.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059225 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059226 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059227 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059228 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059229 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059230 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059231 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 3,150.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059232 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059233 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059234 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

04/11/2015 979059210 Base Suport ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,495.00 108422

04/11/2015 979059211 Base Suport ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,495.00 108422

04/11/2015 979059079 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059084 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059085 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059080 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059081 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059082 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059083 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059076 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059077 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059078 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

04/11/2015 979059160 Childhood FirstPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,472.00 111757

04/11/2015 979059161 Childhood FirstPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,472.00 111757

04/11/2015 979058760 Willows (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,035.00 112353

04/11/2015 979058761 Willows (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,035.00 112353

04/11/2015 979059256 Empowering LivesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,184.65 113418

04/11/2015 979059257 Empowering LivesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,184.65 113418

04/11/2015 979059074 Friends Therapeutic Community TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,828.21 115952

04/11/2015 979059075 Friends Therapeutic Community TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,828.21 115952

04/11/2015 979059212 A Lowrie Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,915.00 116439

04/11/2015 979059213 A Lowrie Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,915.00 116439

Page 22 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 23: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



04/11/2015 979059208 Beyond LimitsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 3,758.90 118031

04/11/2015 979059209 Beyond LimitsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 3,758.90 118031

04/11/2015 979059159 Exe-changes LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,850.00 118197

04/11/2015 979059158 Exe-changes LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,850.00 118197

04/11/2015 979058925 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058926 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058927 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058928 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058929 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058930 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

04/11/2015 979058718 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058719 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058720 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058721 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058722 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058723 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058724 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058725 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058726 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058727 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058728 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058729 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058730 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058731 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058732 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,149.90 118623

04/11/2015 979058734 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058735 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058736 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058737 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058738 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058739 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,595.80 118623

04/11/2015 979058740 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 741.66 118623

04/11/2015 979058717 JustONE Recruitment and TrainingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,483.31 118623

04/11/2015 979059206 Bryn Melyn CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,920.00 118807

04/11/2015 979059207 Bryn Melyn CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,920.00 118807

04/11/2015 979058903 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,425.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058904 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,425.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058905 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,325.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058906 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,425.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058907 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,325.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058908 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,425.00 118932

04/11/2015 979058766 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 9,803.00 119312

04/11/2015 979058767 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,217.50 119312

04/11/2015 979058768 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 9,803.00 119312

04/11/2015 979058769 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,217.50 119312

542.7104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37023Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

747.2104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37024Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

585.7904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37027Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37045Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

809.8204/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37101Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

772.1704/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37107Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

514.7804/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37123Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 16 Various RevenueGPE

651.0304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37161Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

813.4404/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37181Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

844.4404/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37232Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 986431737 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Household Equipment Volunta RevenueGPE 700.97 37242

757.3004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37242Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

811.1904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37362Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

797.0604/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37369Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

507.3904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37429Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37461Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37532Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37541Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

549.1004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37599Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Adoption Allowance Various RevenueGPE

779.2004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37600Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,610.8804/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37722Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

600.3104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37862Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37867Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

04/11/2015 986432041 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Adoption Allowance RevenueGPE 656.53 37882

648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37892Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

697.8304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37893Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37901Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

839.4304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37919Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

588.8604/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37947Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

905.7904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37968Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

926.2904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 39730Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 41353Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

785.3904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 55000Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

811.1904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 59216Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

636.1004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 65894Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.3804/11/2015 Redacted personal data 68432Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 69672Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

565.7904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 79765Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

667.1304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 80648Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 81406Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

700.0004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 82208Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

709.5004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 85131Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

644.2104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 88997Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 96544Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

680.3904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 101616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,180.5404/11/2015 Redacted personal data 102836Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103132Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

683.2304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103160Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

592.5504/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103317Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

657.4304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104041Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

519.6004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104057Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

905.7904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105004Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 107352Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

680.3904/11/2015 Redacted personal data 107385Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

580.2304/11/2015 Redacted personal data 108579Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 510 Various RevenueGPE

685.6404/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109399Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

572.8204/11/2015 Redacted personal data 111609Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

661.0004/11/2015 Redacted personal data 111795Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

841.8104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 114202Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

869.7404/11/2015 Redacted personal data 118215Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

519.8104/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119357Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

785.8804/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119717Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100691 Peters LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 1,018.79 23605

1,034.0005/11/2015 Summer Court Guest House 23649Housing services People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100321 S MatinPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care B&B costs client RevenueGPE 616.00 24018

05/11/2015 PLY100321 S MatinPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care B&B costs client RevenueGPE 616.00 24018

05/11/2015 PLY100321 S MatinPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care B&B costs client RevenueGPE 616.00 24018

3,124.5605/11/2015 Care Leavers Service 24094Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100608 BT RedcarePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 1,205.75 24348

05/11/2015 PLY100770 Mrs J P HillPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 560.00 24441

1,350.0005/11/2015 Mrs J P Hill 24441Housing services People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100677 Ssg Training ConsultancyTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Training RevenueGCO 1,475.00 24446

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



05/11/2015 PLY099902 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 3,114.37 24858

05/11/2015 PLY100588 Western Electrical WholesaleTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 5,834.77 24883

05/11/2015 PLY100589 Western Electrical WholesaleTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 977.77 24883

05/11/2015 PLY100549 Eclipse Networking LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Broadband Service RevenueGCO 1,842.00 24901

05/11/2015 PLY100550 Eclipse Networking LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Broadband Service RevenueGCO 1,842.00 24901

936.8205/11/2015 Eclipse Networking Ltd 24901ICT base package AD User Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Broadband Service Various RevenueGCO

05/11/2015 PLY099412 Abacus Drainage ServicesTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 2,765.00 25188

05/11/2015 PLY099412 Abacus Drainage ServicesTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 691.25 25188

05/11/2015 PLY100581 Brandon Hire PlcPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPL 439.79 25499

05/11/2015 PPPLY06260 Westcountry Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 3,056.10 25590

05/11/2015 PLY100822 Ryearch LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCCO 57,684.39 25849

05/11/2015 PLY099584 Pressure Washers (sw) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 628.30 25860

05/11/2015 PLY100607 University Of PlymouthPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Contributions To Other Bodies RevenueGPE 3,000.00 25862

05/11/2015 PLY099070 The Open UniversityPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 795.00 26375

05/11/2015 PLY099662 The Open UniversityPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 2,700.00 26375

05/11/2015 PLY099583 The Open UniversityPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 870.00 26375

05/11/2015 PLY100542 Zebra Collective LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 2,500.00 27671

05/11/2015 PLY100628 E D F EnergyPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 5,195.90 30990

622.6205/11/2015 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) Ltd 32304Environmental & Regulatory Ser Place Directorate Transport Plant Hire Charges PLY100569 RevenueGPL

2,012.8505/11/2015 Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Ltd 33175Various People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY097030 Atlas GraphicsPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Repair & Maintenance General RevenueTPL 420.00 33815

05/11/2015 PLY100876 SSI Electrical ServicesCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesNon distributed costs Removals & Storage Costs RevenueGCI 9,443.00 34483

05/11/2015 PLY100704 Thompsons SolicitorsCorporate Items Balance SheetBalance Sheet Payments RevenueBCI 6,250.00 34500

836.0005/11/2015 Kirtley Removals 36275Housing services People Directorate Supplies and Services Removals & Storage Costs Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 999627464 National Association of Head TeachersPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Conferences RevenueGPE 735.00 44905

735.0005/11/2015 National Association of Head Teachers 44905Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Conferences Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PPPLY06262 Plymouth Charity TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 2,187.84 50071

05/11/2015 PLY100853 Quality Education Solutions LimitedPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase Of Computer Software RevenueGPE 2,818.22 67387

05/11/2015 PLY100674 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsCentral Services Private Contractors RevenueGCO 1,940.00 68573

420.0005/11/2015 Institute of Licensing 69735Trading People Directorate Employees Training PLY100833 RevenueTPE

05/11/2015 PLY100857 Systemtech South West LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGCO 3,660.00 71882

05/11/2015 PPPLY06265 Bournemouth Churches Housing


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 31,113.19 85059

1,387.9405/11/2015 VIP Systems Ltd 85381Trading People Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Equipment PLY100488 RevenueTPE

05/11/2015 PPPLY06264 Plymouth Community HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 15,539.55 92299

05/11/2015 PPPLY06263 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 13,641.45 100403

05/11/2015 PLY100832 Wildy and Sons LimitedTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 6,871.00 101929

05/11/2015 PLY098840 P J Combustion Solutions LimitedPublic Health PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser R & M Of Cremators RevenueGPH 2,400.00 103719

05/11/2015 PLY100768 Miss Alison CrookesPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 522.50 104637

504.2005/11/2015 Westward Housing Group 105761Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Rents & Accomm Costs Vol Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PPPLY06270 Anchor TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 819.44 108346

05/11/2015 PLY097757 The Leadership Centre for Local


Executive Office Supplies and ServicesCore Executive Office Conferences RevenueGCE 4,665.00 109180

05/11/2015 PPPLY06266 Redacted personal dataTransformation and Change PremisesChildrens Social Care Property Rents RevenueGCO 3,000.00 109427

499.6905/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

05/11/2015 PLY099497 Claremont Group Interiors LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCCO 6,393.64 110421

05/11/2015 PLY100544 Bosence Farm Community LtdPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,400.00 110424

05/11/2015 PLY100256 Fiona MillerPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Professional Fees RevenueGPE 520.00 111766

05/11/2015 PLY100687 Psychiatry in Devon LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care DoLS Doctors Assessments RevenueGPE 2,127.24 112409

485.0005/11/2015 Language Empire Ltd 113030Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Translation & Interpretation Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100323 Early Intervention Wales Training Ltd.People Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 450.00 113400

05/11/2015 PLY100071 University Hospitals of Leicester NHS


Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 5,140.37 113574

05/11/2015 PLY100856 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,257.97 116142

05/11/2015 PLY100721 Delt Shared ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Purchase Of Computer Software RevenueGPL 116,300.00 116922

05/11/2015 PLY100721 Delt Shared ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Purchase Of Computer Software RevenueGPL 56,000.00 116922

05/11/2015 PLY100823 Gammaray CreativePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 815.00 117243

05/11/2015 PLY100759 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,148.49 117643

05/11/2015 PLY100760 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,256.26 117643

05/11/2015 PPPLY06272 Sanctuary Home Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 1,623.33 117667

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



05/11/2015 PLY100743 Sanctuary Home Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Inclusion Short Breaks RevenueGPE 883.35 117667

05/11/2015 PLY100744 Sanctuary Home Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Inclusion Short Breaks RevenueGPE 572.16 117667

05/11/2015 PLY100718 Newcross Healthcare Solutions LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Inclusion Short Breaks RevenueGPE 1,345.78 117754

1,412.1205/11/2015 Newcross Healthcare Solutions Ltd 117754Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,681.9305/11/2015 IMC Assessors Ltd (Dr Ivan Cox) 117785Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments DoLS Doctors Assessments Various RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100689 Iridescent Ideas CICPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGPL 2,500.00 117807

05/11/2015 PLY100648 Torque Leadership Associates LtdCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 1,128.90 117835

05/11/2015 PLY100800 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118008

05/11/2015 PLY100633 Sweetbriar & BodelvaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 1,708.00 118080

05/11/2015 PLY100634 Sweetbriar & BodelvaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 1,762.00 118080

05/11/2015 PLY100635 Sweetbriar & BodelvaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 817.00 118080

05/11/2015 PLY099833 Havencare (South West) LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Short Stay Block Contra RevenueGPE 25,536.00 118409

05/11/2015 PLY100799 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118579

05/11/2015 PLY100750 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,043.58 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100751 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,028.15 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100752 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,043.58 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100755 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 718.37 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100756 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 973.51 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100757 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 740.56 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100758 Thornbury Nursing ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 507.49 118617

05/11/2015 PLY100797 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118777

05/11/2015 PLY100555 Bennett Project ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 3,333.00 118945

05/11/2015 PLY100794 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118966

05/11/2015 PLY100795 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118967

05/11/2015 PLY100796 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119136

05/11/2015 PLY100801 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119205

528.2105/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119271Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments DoLS Doctors Assessments Various RevenueGPE

3,537.2005/11/2015 Taxi Services (Plymouth) Limited 119411Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Transport 528131302 RevenueGPE

05/11/2015 PLY100626 Redacted personal dataTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 595.90 120037

05/11/2015 PLY098096 Churngold Remediation LimitedTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor DemolitionSite Clear CapitalCCO 54,128.70 119186

09/11/2015 980425580 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 691.23 23875

09/11/2015 980425577 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,207.43 24379

09/11/2015 980425582 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 645.00 29827

09/11/2015 980425588 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,103.27 36852

09/11/2015 980425593 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 586.16 38671

09/11/2015 980425594 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 912.69 40029

09/11/2015 980425611 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,386.25 52838

09/11/2015 980425613 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.91 53345

09/11/2015 980425617 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.80 57851

09/11/2015 980425619 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 797.63 58268

09/11/2015 980425640 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 738.95 69251

09/11/2015 980425654 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 864.25 71414

09/11/2015 980425677 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.25 74782

09/11/2015 980425692 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 835.26 75507

09/11/2015 980425743 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.00 83849

09/11/2015 980425755 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 984.29 85418

09/11/2015 980425785 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 669.69 87797

09/11/2015 980425799 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 716.68 88921

09/11/2015 980425800 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 638.95 88921

09/11/2015 980425803 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 88971

09/11/2015 980425808 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 975.42 89349

09/11/2015 980425826 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 585.96 89641

09/11/2015 980425848 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 690.32 90586

09/11/2015 980425854 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 700.62 90756

09/11/2015 980425892 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.65 92303

09/11/2015 980425893 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,048.05 92382

09/11/2015 980425907 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 772.05 93454

09/11/2015 980425941 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 694.42 95633

09/11/2015 980425945 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.91 95967

09/11/2015 980426051 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 531.38 96458

Page 26 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



09/11/2015 980426070 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,412.92 97790

09/11/2015 980426072 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 739.94 97962

09/11/2015 980426079 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 660.90 98432

09/11/2015 980426080 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.49 98433

09/11/2015 980426094 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 574.28 99033

09/11/2015 980426104 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,851.16 99292

09/11/2015 980426146 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,121.25 100800

09/11/2015 980426153 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 806.09 101137

09/11/2015 980426169 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.12 101550

09/11/2015 980426174 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 593.44 101672

09/11/2015 980426178 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,000.38 101786

09/11/2015 980426185 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 4,648.80 101975

09/11/2015 980426191 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 870.18 102413

09/11/2015 980426192 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 615.12 102428

09/11/2015 980426194 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.63 102444

09/11/2015 980426197 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,160.24 102491

09/11/2015 980426219 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.99 103440

09/11/2015 980426236 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 104192

09/11/2015 980426242 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 958.66 104298

09/11/2015 980426287 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 564.04 105139

09/11/2015 980426315 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 623.20 105375

09/11/2015 980426317 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 964.25 105378

09/11/2015 980426323 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 750.00 105429

09/11/2015 980426333 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 692.72 105554

09/11/2015 980426338 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 720.94 105583

09/11/2015 980426428 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.05 107375

09/11/2015 980426446 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 517.25 107894

09/11/2015 980426453 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 702.99 108008

09/11/2015 980426464 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.18 108102

09/11/2015 980426497 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,521.96 108639

09/11/2015 980426506 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 711.60 108713

09/11/2015 980426526 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 540.00 109030

09/11/2015 980426537 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,695.75 109210

09/11/2015 980426544 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 787.80 109377

09/11/2015 980426557 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 109579

09/11/2015 980426580 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 553.20 110189

09/11/2015 980426589 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 697.29 110609

09/11/2015 980426613 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 653.28 111130

09/11/2015 980426628 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 736.00 111658

09/11/2015 980426630 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 675.80 111662

09/11/2015 980426660 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 830.81 112381

09/11/2015 980426687 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 549.84 113244

09/11/2015 980426745 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 651.00 115729

09/11/2015 980426749 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 695.57 115938

09/11/2015 980426751 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 534.00 115994

09/11/2015 980426757 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 116495

09/11/2015 980426758 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,928.44 116570

09/11/2015 980426759 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.00 116571

09/11/2015 980426861 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,075.50 118786

09/11/2015 980426894 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 616.06 119326

09/11/2015 980426908 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

09/11/2015 980426909 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

09/11/2015 980426910 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

10/11/2015 980426912 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 800.00 101435

704.0010/11/2015 Redacted personal data 120060Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576083266 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

10/11/2015 576083324 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 536.00 23775

10/11/2015 576083204 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

10/11/2015 576083215 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 656.60 23775

10/11/2015 576083336 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 636.50 23775

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Page 28: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 576083337 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 616.40 23775

10/11/2015 576083343 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 844.20 23775

23,195.3710/11/2015 (Enara) Caretime Services Limited 23775Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576083941 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,426.80 23907

1,084.5010/11/2015 Independence South West 24008Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084225 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,331.98 24569

10/11/2015 576084229 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084231 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084232 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 793.52 24569

10/11/2015 576084251 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084252 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084256 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084260 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084261 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 545.58 24569

10/11/2015 576084262 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 977.73 24569

10/11/2015 576084263 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084264 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.14 24569

10/11/2015 576084268 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

10/11/2015 576084270 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 878.56 24569

6,602.5810/11/2015 Michael Batt Foundation 24569Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,930.7210/11/2015 1st Call Homecare Ltd 24717Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084222 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 832.73 24893

10/11/2015 576084223 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,310.40 24893

1,559.6210/11/2015 Headway Plymouth 25087Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084158 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 605.00 25466

10/11/2015 576084161 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,109.24 25466

10/11/2015 576084162 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

10/11/2015 576084164 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 594.69 25466

10/11/2015 576084165 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,657.53 25466

10/11/2015 576084170 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.50 25466

10/11/2015 576084175 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.00 25466

10/11/2015 576084177 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 879.75 25466

10/11/2015 576084178 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

10/11/2015 576084182 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,099.72 25466

10/11/2015 576084184 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

10/11/2015 576084190 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

10/11/2015 576084191 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 632.50 25466

10/11/2015 576084193 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 577.50 25466

10/11/2015 576084196 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,606.50 25466

10/11/2015 576084203 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,262.25 25466

10/11/2015 576084211 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

9,456.9210/11/2015 The Durnford Society Ltd 25466Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

2,215.8510/11/2015 Plymouth Age Concern 25541Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084336 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,271.06 27695

10/11/2015 576084337 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

10/11/2015 576084338 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 661.47 27695

10/11/2015 576084339 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 573.30 27695

10/11/2015 576084341 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

10/11/2015 576084346 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 511.88 27695

10/11/2015 576084347 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

10/11/2015 576084349 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 895.68 27695

10/11/2015 576084350 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 552.85 27695

10/11/2015 576084332 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,634.22 27695

10/11/2015 576084333 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

2,674.8910/11/2015 The Regard Partnership Ltd 27695Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,030.0010/11/2015 Amberley House Residential Home 29702Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

2,110.7410/11/2015 SCOPE 30979Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084282 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,755.18 38935

10/11/2015 576084284 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

10/11/2015 576084285 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

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Page 29: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 576084286 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

10/11/2015 576084289 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

10/11/2015 576084290 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

10/11/2015 576084291 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,340.24 38935

10/11/2015 576084292 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

10/11/2015 576084295 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

10/11/2015 576084297 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

10/11/2015 576084298 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

10/11/2015 576084299 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,145.22 38935

10/11/2015 576084303 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

10/11/2015 576084305 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

10/11/2015 576084307 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

10/11/2015 576084308 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,393.00 38935

10/11/2015 576084311 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

10/11/2015 576084317 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,852.69 38935

10/11/2015 576084326 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.92 38935

10/11/2015 576084329 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

5,510.6410/11/2015 Havencare (Plymouth) 38935Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

5,702.4310/11/2015 Pluss 52159Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084390 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

10/11/2015 576084391 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

10/11/2015 576084394 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.64 60417

10/11/2015 576084397 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,070.47 60417

10/11/2015 576084399 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

10/11/2015 576084404 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 742.07 60417

10/11/2015 576084411 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

10/11/2015 576084412 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

10/11/2015 576084418 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,117.96 60417

10/11/2015 576084423 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 503.50 60417

10/11/2015 576084430 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,439.20 60417

10/11/2015 576084434 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 809.55 60417

10/11/2015 576084439 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

10/11/2015 576084441 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.00 60417

6,650.3410/11/2015 Lifeways Community Care 60417Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084524 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 61984

10/11/2015 576084525 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 780.00 61984

10/11/2015 576084528 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 61984

10/11/2015 576084529 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 61984

10/11/2015 576084533 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,274.00 61984

10/11/2015 576084535 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,215.50 61984

10/11/2015 576084537 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 799.50 61984

10/11/2015 576084538 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.75 61984

10/11/2015 576084500 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,082.50 61984

10/11/2015 576084518 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.50 61984

13,576.9510/11/2015 Selborne Care Limited 61984Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

3,426.2810/11/2015 Plymouth Highbury Trust Services 68132Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,628.6010/11/2015 Plymouth Independent Living 71895Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576083522 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

10/11/2015 576083535 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

10/11/2015 576083481 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 619.52 79730

10/11/2015 576083495 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,320.00 79730

10/11/2015 576083496 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 707.52 79730

10/11/2015 576083502 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 675.00 79730

7,107.6810/11/2015 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) Ltd 79730Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084589 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 803.99 82267

10/11/2015 576084590 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 937.44 82267

10/11/2015 576084592 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 872.34 82267

10/11/2015 576084598 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,275.96 82267

3,413.4110/11/2015 Yourway Support Services Ltd 82267Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084600 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.20 82716

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Page 30: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 576084601 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

10/11/2015 576084602 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,367.10 82716

10/11/2015 576084603 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.58 82716

10/11/2015 576084612 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 527.99 82716

10/11/2015 576084615 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

10/11/2015 576084618 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 642.18 82716

10/11/2015 576084619 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

10/11/2015 576084620 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,022.10 82716

10/11/2015 576084621 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

10/11/2015 576084622 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

10/11/2015 576084623 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

3,011.4710/11/2015 Mencap 82716Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084627 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.00 91992

10/11/2015 576084630 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.09 91992

528.1210/11/2015 Caraston Hall Support & Housing 91992Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084647 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 563.20 96574

10/11/2015 576084648 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 528.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084649 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 788.48 96574

10/11/2015 576084650 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 704.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084651 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 689.92 96574

10/11/2015 576084655 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,041.92 96574

10/11/2015 576084689 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

10/11/2015 576084690 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.50 96574

10/11/2015 576084691 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 819.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084693 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,183.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084694 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 923.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084696 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,313.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084697 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,287.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084698 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084700 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084702 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084705 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

10/11/2015 576084706 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 520.00 96574

10/11/2015 576084711 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,767.04 96574

10/11/2015 576084712 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

10/11/2015 576084714 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

10/11/2015 576084656 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,196.80 96574

10/11/2015 576084657 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 760.32 96574

10/11/2015 576084673 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 641.26 96574

10/11/2015 576084688 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

6,602.6910/11/2015 Premier Care (Plymouth) Ltd 96574Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084753 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084759 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084762 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 525.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084766 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 630.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084768 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 588.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084770 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084773 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084777 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 686.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084739 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 539.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084747 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 532.00 98657

10/11/2015 576084752 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 98657

8,124.9510/11/2015 Ashlong Domicillary care 98657Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084787 Independence Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,300.32 99784

580.6210/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 102949Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084796 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.50 108204

10/11/2015 576084798 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 758.09 108204

1,044.4310/11/2015 Plymouth Supported Living 108204Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,637.8010/11/2015 Alexandra Houseing Ltd 110674Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084869 Colebrook (SW) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 989.45 112153

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



5,425.7010/11/2015 Colebrook (SW) Ltd 112153Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

3,462.7610/11/2015 Guinness Care and Support Limited 112370Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

1,398.0110/11/2015 I-Grow Care and Support Ltd 112728Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576083814 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

5,645.9410/11/2015 Mears Care Limited 116879Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084883 Your LifestylePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,680.00 117062

10/11/2015 576084885 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,103.20 117369

10/11/2015 576084888 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 854.98 117369

536.8510/11/2015 Support`ed Limited 117369Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 576084891 KPW Newkey LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.67 118020

10/11/2015 PLY101186 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate TransportAdult Social Care Taxi Fares RevenueGPE 1,188.00 23572

10/11/2015 PLY100307 Theatre Royal (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Special Events RevenueTPL 12,165.00 23628

10/11/2015 PLY099824 Cleansing Service Group LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental and Reg Property Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGCO 548.00 23650

10/11/2015 PLY099255 City College PlymouthPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 17,750.00 23663

645.5010/11/2015 South West Water 23664Various Various Premises Metered Water Charges Various RevenueVarious

10/11/2015 PLY100538 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Telephone Call Charges RevenueGCO 2,216.09 23687

10/11/2015 PLY100538 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Telephone Line Rental Charges RevenueGCO 14,418.88 23687

10/11/2015 PLY100538 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Hardware Maintenance scheduled RevenueGCO 473.49 23687

10/11/2015 PLY100538 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Network Data Line Rental Charges RevenueGCO 1,480.98 23687

10/11/2015 PLY100850 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Based Short Breaks RevenueGPE 612.00 23876

2,556.0210/11/2015 Waterfront West 24125Various People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 507165726 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 478.94 24344

10/11/2015 507165649 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 514.11 24344

10/11/2015 507165468 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 566.47 24344

10/11/2015 507165449 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 701.21 24344

10/11/2015 507165510 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 805.35 24344

10/11/2015 507165483 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 2,080.00 24344

10/11/2015 507165653 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 469.16 24344

10/11/2015 507165678 Pertemps LimitedExecutive Office EmployeesCore Executive Office Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCE 1,101.86 24344

10/11/2015 507165536 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 435.90 24344

10/11/2015 507165744 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 549.45 24344

10/11/2015 507165445 Pertemps LimitedPublic Health EmployeesPublic Health Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPH 549.45 24344

10/11/2015 507165444 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 898.13 24344

10/11/2015 507165740 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Customer Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 426.24 24344

10/11/2015 507165717 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 485.81 24344

10/11/2015 507165503 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 469.16 24344

10/11/2015 507165713 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 446.96 24344

10/11/2015 507165984 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,960.00 24344

10/11/2015 507165534 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,001.96 24344

10/11/2015 507165630 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 2,423.79 24344

10/11/2015 507165378 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 847.47 24344

10/11/2015 507165647 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 841.50 24344

10/11/2015 507165928 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 998.40 24344

10/11/2015 507165540 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 665.25 24344

10/11/2015 507165541 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 936.66 24344

10/11/2015 507165716 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 809.06 24344

10/11/2015 507165487 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 617.47 24344

10/11/2015 507165676 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 506.40 24344

10/11/2015 507165575 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

10/11/2015 507165457 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 532.43 24344

10/11/2015 507165450 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 470.44 24344

10/11/2015 507165458 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.94 24344

10/11/2015 507165679 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.94 24344

10/11/2015 507165391 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,444.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165394 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,444.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165397 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,021.50 24344

10/11/2015 507165399 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165492 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 869.28 24344

10/11/2015 507165462 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 525.96 24344

10/11/2015 507165659 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 625.30 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 507165743 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 713.98 24344

10/11/2015 507165400 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 925.74 24344

10/11/2015 507165384 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 819.39 24344

10/11/2015 507165446 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 566.47 24344

10/11/2015 507165506 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 556.88 24344

10/11/2015 507165587 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

10/11/2015 507165554 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

10/11/2015 507165547 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

10/11/2015 507165843 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 2,860.00 24344

10/11/2015 507165396 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,481.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165392 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,407.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165393 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165389 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165385 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

10/11/2015 507165379 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,021.50 24344

10/11/2015 507165398 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165387 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,036.35 24344

10/11/2015 507165388 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165395 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165383 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

10/11/2015 507165386 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

10/11/2015 507165390 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,344.95 24344

10/11/2015 507165460 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 721.61 24344

10/11/2015 507165488 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 812.89 24344

10/11/2015 507165555 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

10/11/2015 507165566 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

10/11/2015 507165480 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

10/11/2015 507165481 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

10/11/2015 507165470 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 478.04 24344

10/11/2015 507165730 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 532.06 24344

10/11/2015 507165651 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 475.50 24344

10/11/2015 507165652 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 423.89 24344

10/11/2015 507165675 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 631.48 24344

10/11/2015 507165729 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,037.85 24344

10/11/2015 507165658 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 2,582.64 24344

10/11/2015 507165680 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesTrading Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueTPL 469.16 24344

62,962.4310/11/2015 Pertemps Limited 24344Various Various Various Various Various VariousVarious

1,300.0010/11/2015 Mrs J P Hill 24441Housing services People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 PLY100993 Thirsty Work (Ltd)Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Purchase Of Materials RevenueGCO 2,184.70 24715

10/11/2015 PLY100852 Routeways Centre LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Group Based Short Breaks RevenueGPE 576.00 24766

10/11/2015 999628116 Hamoaze House Trevi Family CentrePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 4,680.00 24808

10/11/2015 PLY100145 Gables Farm Dogs & Cats HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Misc ExpenditureClient Carers Support RevenueGPE 480.00 24814

10/11/2015 PLY101003 Glyn LeppittPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Sample Analysis RevenueGPL 2,815.00 24908

10/11/2015 PLY100945 Plympton Montessori NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,000.00 24936

10/11/2015 PLY100944 Frogmore Montessori Nursery SPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 4,000.00 25171

10/11/2015 PLY100943 Pixieland NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 4,000.00 25195

10/11/2015 PLY101087 Target TravelPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 12,757.63 25259

10/11/2015 PLY098498 A Stephens Plumbing & Heating

Contractors Ltd

Place Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 2,245.75 25264

10/11/2015 PLY100893 Biffa Waste Services LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Refuse Collection RevenueGPL 443.88 25472

10/11/2015 PLY101008 Shekinah MissionTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Decorations RevenueGCO 1,894.42 25543

10/11/2015 PLY100516 Shekinah MissionPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Repair & Maintenance General RevenueTPL 1,901.08 25543

10/11/2015 PLY100942 Pathways Day Nursery & ChildmPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,000.00 25544

10/11/2015 PLY098843 Tamar Housing SocietyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Professional Fees RevenueGPE 2,418.95 25596

10/11/2015 PLY098843 Tamar Housing SocietyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Professional Fees RevenueGPE 1,616.76 25596

10/11/2015 PLY098843 Tamar Housing SocietyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Professional Fees RevenueGPE 1,012.96 25596

10/11/2015 PLY097146 Liberty Printers (A R & R F Reddin) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Printing RevenueTPL 838.70 25734

10/11/2015 PLY100991 Liberty Printers (A R & R F Reddin) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Printing RevenueTPL 675.00 25734

10/11/2015 PLY101213 Ian Williams LtdTransformation and Change Balance SheetBalance Sheet Suspense RevenueBCO 952.43 25770

10/11/2015 PLY101263 SweeperhirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance Of Plant RevenueGPL 900.00 25814

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 PLY101263 SweeperhirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance Of Plant RevenueGPL 460.00 25814

10/11/2015 PLY101215 Somerset County CouncilPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 20,000.00 25830

10/11/2015 PLY101055 Plymouth Citybus LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,406.25 25872

10/11/2015 PLY101056 Plymouth Citybus LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 585.00 25872

10/11/2015 PLY100152 Westlakes Funeral ServicesPublic Health Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Cost Of Funeral Services RevenueGPH 950.00 26064

10/11/2015 PLY100152 Westlakes Funeral ServicesPublic Health Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Cost Of Funeral Services RevenueGPH 745.00 26064

10/11/2015 PLY100925 Mrs Shane LyonPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 937.50 26459

10/11/2015 PLY100929 Mrs Shane LyonPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 2,215.00 26459

10/11/2015 PLY100923 Miss Susan DownPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,062.50 26460

10/11/2015 PLY100924 Miss Susan DownPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,506.40 26460

10/11/2015 599012017 Tullett Liberty (Treasury & Derivatives) LtdCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCore Corporate support Mgt Brokerage Expenses RevenueGCI 1,380.82 27790

10/11/2015 PLY101229 Armada SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,471.77 27860

10/11/2015 PLY101265 Mannamead SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,345.88 27875

10/11/2015 PLY098997 WDM LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 3,879.23 27966

10/11/2015 599012018 Sterling International Brokers LtdCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCore Corporate support Mgt Brokerage Expenses RevenueGCI 1,060.27 27993

10/11/2015 PLY100679 Spectrum PlasticsTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Stationery RevenueGCO 1,630.00 28158

10/11/2015 PLY101253 Church View SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 504.45 28396

10/11/2015 PLY101238 Pathfields PracticePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,480.94 28876

10/11/2015 PLY101271 Peverell Park SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 6,922.06 28877

10/11/2015 PLY101234 Wycliffe SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,594.03 28895

10/11/2015 PLY101274 Roborough SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,827.64 28927

10/11/2015 PLY101235 West Hoe SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 8,090.58 28947

10/11/2015 PLY101266 North Road West Medical CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 9,415.58 28948

10/11/2015 PLY101278 St Neot`s SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,720.47 28955

10/11/2015 PLY101022 Dr C S F McCormickTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 1,103.20 29062

10/11/2015 PLY101023 Dr C S F McCormickTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 824.20 29062

10/11/2015 PLY101024 Dr C S F McCormickTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 930.00 29062

10/11/2015 PLY101025 Dr C S F McCormickTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 815.20 29062

10/11/2015 PLY101127 Wrixon Care ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,067.93 30900

10/11/2015 PLY101041 Hanover Housing AssociationTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Service Charge RevenueGCO 481.72 31147

10/11/2015 PLY101042 Hanover Housing AssociationTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Service Charge RevenueGCO 481.72 31147

10/11/2015 PLY101188 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101189 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101190 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101191 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101192 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101193 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101194 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101195 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101196 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101197 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101198 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101199 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY101200 Shared Lives South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 455.57 31984

10/11/2015 PLY099847 Atlas GraphicsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 528.00 33815

10/11/2015 PLY101275 Southway SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,427.16 35982

10/11/2015 PLY101162 S T R I LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCPL 795.00 36091

10/11/2015 PLY101169 S T R I LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCPL 3,590.64 36091

10/11/2015 PLY099585 S T R I LtdPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Employee Professional Fees RevenueGPL 5,048.50 36091

507.0010/11/2015 Kirtley Removals 36275Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

10/11/2015 PLY101230 Beaumont Villa SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 6,280.03 36984

10/11/2015 PLY100931 Miss Gina SmallPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 612.50 38713

10/11/2015 PLY100927 Miss Gina SmallPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 932.50 38713

10/11/2015 PLY101241 Poolearth LimitedPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,609.56 40672

10/11/2015 PLY101276 Saltash Road SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,081.81 42248

10/11/2015 PLY100011 Trueform Engineering LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 487.50 43281

507.5010/11/2015 Trueform Engineering Ltd 43281Highways & Transport Services Place Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services PLY100011 RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 PLY099591 Power Marketing ConsultantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 4,525.00 46439

10/11/2015 PLY099591 Power Marketing ConsultantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 2,475.00 46439

10/11/2015 PLY099591 Power Marketing ConsultantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 1,125.00 46439

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 PLY099591 Power Marketing ConsultantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 617.60 46439

10/11/2015 PLY101279 Waterloo & St Levan SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 11,384.89 46472

10/11/2015 PLY100843 Lamplighter Hotel/Guest HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 1,740.00 49087

10/11/2015 PLY099669 The Play Inspection Company LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Playground Repairs RevenueGPL 695.00 50844

665.0010/11/2015 The Play Inspection Company Ltd 50844Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Premises Playground Repairs PLY099669 RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 PLY100954 Bertram Library ServicesTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 3,957.87 53964

10/11/2015 PLY099949 Michelmores LLPPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Legal Expenses CapitalCPL 1,705.68 54668

10/11/2015 PLY101209 Evans HalshawPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 682.74 60142

10/11/2015 PLY100946 Happy Days South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,166.67 63496

10/11/2015 PLY101203 Shared Intelligence Ltd - NM NetworkTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Special Events RevenueGCO 425.00 68100

10/11/2015 PLY101258 Drs Harold & PartnersPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,983.30 69202

10/11/2015 PLY100373 Abbey PlasticsTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Repair & Maintenance Of Heating Equipmen RevenueGCO 3,000.00 71825

10/11/2015 PLY101175 Orchid Cellmark LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 949.00 73260

10/11/2015 PLY099664 Aplant Lux LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Direct Service Labour Organisations RevenueGPL 1,704.00 74568

10/11/2015 PLY100479 Pyramid Schools (Plymouth) LimitedCorporate Items Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCI 507,304.29 81237

10/11/2015 PLY100481 Pyramid Schools (Plymouth) LimitedCorporate Items Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCI 1,410.66 81237

10/11/2015 PLY100485 Pyramid Schools (Plymouth) LimitedCorporate Items Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCI 420.73 81237

892.1810/11/2015 Pyramid Schools (Plymouth) Limited 81237Children`s & Educational Servi Corporate Items Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services Various RevenueGCI

10/11/2015 PLY100947 The Cabin Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,000.00 83093

10/11/2015 PLY100948 Whitleigh Wise Owls TwoPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 1,500.00 85051

10/11/2015 PLY101260 Friary House SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 3,342.43 85387

10/11/2015 PLY099758 Apples and Snakes LtdTransformation and Change EmployeesCultural & related Services Health & Safety At Work RevenueGCO 641.60 87027

10/11/2015 PLY101280 Stirling Road SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 9,792.91 87140

10/11/2015 PLY101261 Glenside Medical CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,691.84 88848

10/11/2015 PLY101205 4Recycling LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 2,036.00 89835

10/11/2015 PLY101205 4Recycling LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 1,312.50 89835

10/11/2015 PLY099299 Riverside Truck Rental LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Vehicle Hire Charges RevenueGPL 4,180.00 91147

10/11/2015 PLY101291 AEBI Schmidt UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 959.19 91255

10/11/2015 PLY099445 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Rents RevenueGCO 3,297.92 92299

10/11/2015 PLY099446 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Rents RevenueGCO 3,297.92 92299

10/11/2015 PLY099442 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Rents RevenueGCO 2,014.25 92299

10/11/2015 PLY099442 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Service Charge RevenueGCO 3,091.87 92299

10/11/2015 PLY099444 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Rents RevenueGCO 2,014.25 92299

10/11/2015 PLY099444 Plymouth Community HomesTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Service Charge RevenueGCO 3,091.87 92299

523.2010/11/2015 WasteParts UK Ltd. 93115Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

600.3510/11/2015 Alan Skuse 93446Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 999628123 Randstad Education LtdPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 1,500.00 95024

10/11/2015 999628124 Randstad Education LtdPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 1,360.00 95024

10/11/2015 PLY101012 St Budeaux TaxibusPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 1,423.29 97641

10/11/2015 PLY101012 St Budeaux TaxibusPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 1,044.40 97641

10/11/2015 PLY100377 Marston Robing LimitedPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase Of Clothing & Uniforms RevenueGPE 1,071.00 97809

10/11/2015 PLY100896 Radio Plymouth LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 2,000.00 97918

10/11/2015 PLY101111 Access Plymouth LimitedPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Contract Work RevenueGPL 8,514.00 99147

10/11/2015 PLY101176 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 6,730.00 100403

10/11/2015 PLY101282 Drs Anderson & GreenPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 3,240.85 101329

690.0010/11/2015 Shaw Welding Ltd (Luke Shaw) 101722Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 PLY099478 Advanced Payment SolutionsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 2,450.20 101777

10/11/2015 PLY101259 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 6,174.99 102090

10/11/2015 PLY099449 Tim PullenTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 1,050.00 103381

10/11/2015 PPPLY06282 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPeople Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 584,387.75 103473

550.0010/11/2015 Every Corner Distribution 103957Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Supplies and Services Various PLY100824 RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 PLY100973 Awnhill LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase of Stock RevenueGPL 918.00 104375

10/11/2015 999628121 New Hope Training CentrePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 780.00 104569

10/11/2015 PLY097937 SSE ContractingPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Repair & Maintenance General RevenueTPL 475.00 104666

10/11/2015 PLY101257 Chard Road SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,591.99 105055

10/11/2015 PLY099454 Hilary BeecheyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 491.25 105576

10/11/2015 PLY100926 Deni MathewsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 778.75 105743

10/11/2015 PLY099537 EDGE ServicesPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 1,950.00 105755

10/11/2015 PLY100271 NBA Solutions LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 3,053.90 107344

10/11/2015 PLY099006 Local WorldPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 9,100.00 108115

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



10/11/2015 PLY101245 Boots UK LtdPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 3,069.14 108671

10/11/2015 PLY101264 Freedom Health CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 17,329.42 108673

10/11/2015 PLY101277 St. Barnabas SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 728.81 108687

10/11/2015 PLY100055 Imtech Traffic & Infra UK LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 1,942.02 109014

10/11/2015 PLY100056 Imtech Traffic & Infra UK LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 1,515.87 109014

10/11/2015 PLY100057 Imtech Traffic & Infra UK LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 2,513.17 109014

10/11/2015 999628126 SR Training (South West) CICPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 2,245.00 109358

10/11/2015 PLY100903 Real Fusion LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 780.00 109428

10/11/2015 PLY101026 Hugh CornfordPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 660.00 109563

3,514.2410/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

10/11/2015 PLY101269 Marlborough St & Glendower SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,043.08 112084

10/11/2015 PLY100155 Emo OilsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 10,486.08 112707

696.2510/11/2015 Language Empire Ltd 113030Various Various Supplies and Services Translation & Interpretation Various RevenueVarious

10/11/2015 PLY100934 Simon GreenPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 543.75 113222

483.0010/11/2015 Hydro-Logic Ltd 113352Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services Various RevenueGPL

10/11/2015 PLY099477 Penna PLCCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 590.00 113814

10/11/2015 PLY100678 Plymouth Science ParkCorporate Items PremisesCorporate & Democratic Core Hire Of Premises RevenueGCI 705.50 114015

10/11/2015 PLY098102 Brunel Recycling LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 4,700.00 114652

10/11/2015 PLY100428 Inform Communications PLCTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Purchase Of Computer Software RevenueGCO 30,954.00 114824

10/11/2015 PLY101220 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 983.96 116142

10/11/2015 PLY101220 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 983.96 116142

10/11/2015 PLY101221 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 2,198.91 116142

10/11/2015 PLY101222 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,936.93 116142

10/11/2015 PLY101027 Emmi WilsonPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 600.00 116345

10/11/2015 PLY101270 Lisson Grove and Woolwell Medical


Public Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 5,238.44 116723

10/11/2015 PLY101214 Delt Shared ServicesTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsICT base package AD User Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCO 138,530.00 116922

10/11/2015 PLY100604 Conservation LimitedPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 5,000.00 116983

10/11/2015 PLY101233 Beacon Medical GroupPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 7,903.10 117092

10/11/2015 PLY100510 Dynamic EdgePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,915.00 117239

10/11/2015 PLY100511 Dynamic EdgePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 800.00 117239

10/11/2015 PLY100974 British Gas Trading LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 7,564.83 117362

10/11/2015 981041508 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 1,100.75 117586

10/11/2015 PPPLY06278 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 3,897.60 117586

10/11/2015 981041511 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,130.96 117643

1,959.5010/11/2015 Allied Healthcare (UK) Ltd 117643Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 PPPLY06277 Gemcare South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 164,160.00 117652

10/11/2015 PPPLY06283 Plymouth GuildPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 16,234.67 117664

10/11/2015 PPPLY06284 Plymouth GuildPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 2,503.43 117664

1,819.5110/11/2015 Newcross Healthcare Solutions Ltd 117754Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 981041509 Active AssistancePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,098.29 117878

10/11/2015 981041516 Active AssistancePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,098.29 117878

10/11/2015 981041525 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 582.00 117906

1,407.0010/11/2015 Caremark (Plymouth) 117906Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

10/11/2015 PLY101089 Plymouth Barbican Trust LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 1,296.58 117990

10/11/2015 PLY100498 Exova CatalystPublic Health PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser R & M Of Cremators RevenueGPH 1,397.50 118030

10/11/2015 PLY100498 Exova CatalystPublic Health PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser R & M Of Cremators RevenueGPH 1,397.50 118030

10/11/2015 PLY100606 Event Communications LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Design And Supervision Fees CapitalCPL 3,200.00 118139

10/11/2015 PLY099604 Allied Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 12,282.60 118477

10/11/2015 PLY100957 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118648

10/11/2015 PLY099474 British GasPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPE 2,869.28 119128

10/11/2015 PLY101283 Day Lewis PharmacyPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 607.44 119183

10/11/2015 PLY101130 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate PremisesHousing services Rents RevenueGPE 1,410.00 119395

10/11/2015 PLY101014 Andrews Forensic Fire InvestigationsTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 2,093.10 120040

10/11/2015 PLY100958 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 120050

10/11/2015 PLY101206 Watergate Services LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 445.00 120052

11/11/2015 980426926 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,793.05 92683

11/11/2015 980426953 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,160.55 118237

840.9311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 36993Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

844.4411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37008Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



542.7111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37023Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

747.2111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37024Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,245.8911/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37027Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

632.3011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37045Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

809.8211/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37101Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

772.1711/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37107Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

514.7811/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37123Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 16 Various RevenueGPE

761.1111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37143Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

651.0311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37161Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

636.1311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37181Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

844.4411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37232Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37242Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

811.1911/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37362Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

797.0611/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37369Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

507.3911/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37429Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

632.3011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37461Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37532Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

782.9511/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37541Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

549.1011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37599Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Adoption Allowance Various RevenueGPE

859.7011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37600Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,610.8811/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37722Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

600.3111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37862Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

602.6011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37867Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

11/11/2015 986432810 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Adoption Allowance RevenueGPE 656.53 37882

648.4011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37892Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

755.1011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37893Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37901Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

633.7611/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37908Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

778.8011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37919Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

692.4611/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37921Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

682.6211/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37926Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

540.5111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37941Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

588.8611/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37947Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

706.8311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37955Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

671.2511/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37968Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 41353Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

694.5611/11/2015 Redacted personal data 50958Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 1 Mtce 1115 Various RevenueGPE

811.1911/11/2015 Redacted personal data 59216Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

721.8111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 65894Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.3811/11/2015 Redacted personal data 68432Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 69672Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

667.1311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 80648Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 81406Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

700.0011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 82208Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

553.8011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 85131Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

644.2111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 88997Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

507.1411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 91221Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

616.4111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 96544Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

680.3911/11/2015 Redacted personal data 101616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,180.5411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 102836Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103132Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

669.4211/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103160Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

592.5511/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103317Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

648.4011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104057Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

946.1411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105004Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

632.3011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 107352Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

580.2311/11/2015 Redacted personal data 108579Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 510 Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



685.6411/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109399Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

739.2011/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109920Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

841.8111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 114202Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

519.8111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119357Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

993.7111/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119947Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

12/11/2015 PLY101684 Peters LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 621.99 23605

12/11/2015 PLY101670 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 2,317.70 23614

562.0012/11/2015 Summer Court Guest House 23649Housing services People Directorate Third Party Payments B&B costs client Various RevenueGPE

12/11/2015 PLY100793 Neopost LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGCO 2,285.25 23658

12/11/2015 PPPLY06285 City College PlymouthPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi School Fees Independent Schools RevenueGPE 110,786.64 23663

12/11/2015 PLY098174 Securi-Guard LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Security RevenueGPL 5,009.60 23672

12/11/2015 PLY101001 Securi-Guard LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Security RevenueGPL 7,595.32 23672

12/11/2015 PLY101002 Securi-Guard LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Security RevenueGPL 5,009.60 23672

12/11/2015 PLY101429 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,391.00 23674

12/11/2015 PLY101430 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 704.00 23674

12/11/2015 PLY101509 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Network Data Line Rental Charges RevenueGCO 8,814.00 23687

12/11/2015 PLY101509 British TelecomTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Telephone Line Rental Charges RevenueGCO 7,352.47 23687

12/11/2015 PLY101553 Bournemouth UniversityPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 850.00 24062

988.3312/11/2015 Rabart Decorators Merchant Lt 24431Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Equipment PLY098318 RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101599 Southern ElectricPlace Directorate PremisesPlanning Services Electricity RevenueGPL 4,024.33 24515

12/11/2015 PLY101431 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,610.00 24574

12/11/2015 PLY101432 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,840.58 24574

12/11/2015 PLY101425 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 8,485.00 24574

12/11/2015 PLY101426 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 16,988.00 24574

12/11/2015 PLY101427 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,600.00 24574

12/11/2015 PLY100805 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 3,431.22 24858

12/11/2015 PLY100861 D & J OatwayTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Professional Fees RevenueGCO 3,003.00 24859

12/11/2015 PLY101626 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

12/11/2015 PLY101626 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

1,875.0012/11/2015 Legal Practice Imprest Account 24960Various Various Supplies and Services Various PLY101626 RevenueVarious

12/11/2015 PLY101404 Southern LubricantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 1,257.80 25574

12/11/2015 PLY101336 Southern LubricantsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 930.00 25574

12/11/2015 999628284 Martin Luck LimitedPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase Of Furniture RevenueGPE 660.00 25730

1,429.4012/11/2015 Pirtek(plymouth) 25745Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY100267 Torbay CouncilPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 563,597.00 25800

12/11/2015 PLY101305 SweeperhirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance Of Plant RevenueGPL 750.00 25814

12/11/2015 PLY101305 SweeperhirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance Of Plant RevenueGPL 650.00 25814

12/11/2015 PLY101391 Spalding (uk) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 468.30 25823

12/11/2015 PLY093435 Western Electrical WholesalePlace Directorate PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGPL 721.00 25870

12/11/2015 PLY101571 Plymouth Citybus LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,389.50 25872

12/11/2015 PLY101310 Dennis Eagle LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 846.37 25971

590.2912/11/2015 Dennis Eagle Ltd 25971Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101500 Miss Lisa BarracloughPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 446.67 29750

12/11/2015 PLY101343 Wessex Gs LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 500.90 30360

2,995.7712/11/2015 Wessex Gs Limited 30360Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101648 Stagecoach Services LimitedPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 61,541.34 31830

12/11/2015 PLY101651 Oce FinanceTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Photocopier Rentals RevenueGCO 431.94 32293

2,654.3512/11/2015 Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Ltd 33175Various People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

12/11/2015 999628286 Plymouth RelatePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Professional Fees RevenueGPE 1,575.00 33310

12/11/2015 PLY100874 SSI Electrical ServicesTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repairs To Electrical Installations RevenueGCO 25,811.38 34483

12/11/2015 PLY097713 HorizonsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 1,505.00 39692

12/11/2015 PLY101491 D F Bryan LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 540.00 40685

12/11/2015 PLY101680 Little Owls PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 560.00 43427

12/11/2015 PLY101529 Security Management South West LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 779.65 44971

12/11/2015 PLY101530 Security Management South West LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 1,071.05 44971

12/11/2015 PLY101677 4 ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 552.00 45029

12/11/2015 PLY101339 Glenspray Motors LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 970.00 58360

12/11/2015 PLY100836 Barron Surveying Services LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 1,211.25 61870

12/11/2015 PLY101543 Happy Days South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,584.00 63496

12/11/2015 PLY101544 Happy Days South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 832.00 63496

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



12/11/2015 PLY101654 The ConsultancyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Post Permanency Support RevenueGPE 600.00 65847

12/11/2015 PLY101678 Bambinos Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 504.00 70541

12/11/2015 PLY101679 Bambinos Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 840.00 70541

12/11/2015 PLY101540 Bambinos Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 70541

12/11/2015 PLY101499 Elizabeth InghamPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 507.50 74400

12/11/2015 PLY101645 Plymouth Raiders LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGPE 6,000.00 81280

12/11/2015 PLY101497 Helen BrayPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,126.75 82702

739.3912/11/2015 Pressurelines Hose & Hydraulics Ltd 85283Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY100520 The AV GroupTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural and Related Property Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 2,442.00 85452

12/11/2015 PLY100521 The AV GroupTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGCO 1,800.00 85452

12/11/2015 PLY100238 QA LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 6,274.00 87548

12/11/2015 PLY101381 NTMPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 776.20 90505

12/11/2015 PLY101419 AEBI Schmidt UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 1,426.18 91255

12/11/2015 PLY101422 AEBI Schmidt UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 729.22 91255

12/11/2015 PLY101424 AEBI Schmidt UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 453.09 91255

1,132.3112/11/2015 AEBI Schmidt UK Ltd 91255Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

886.1312/11/2015 City West Commercials Ltd 92971Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101469 Mayflower Auto ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 769.03 93040

12/11/2015 PLY101484 Mayflower Auto ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 440.10 93040

1,477.6312/11/2015 Mayflower Auto Services 93040Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

425.3012/11/2015 Alan Skuse 93446Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY100551 Plymouth Community Homes Services LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 1,021.38 94179

3,368.4112/11/2015 Andi Skelley Commercial Services Ltd. 95424Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Third Party Payments Private Contractors Various RevenueGPL

550.0012/11/2015 Property Repairs & Maintenance


99022Cultural & related Services Place Directorate Premises Various PLY099173 RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101669 MGB PlasticsPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Private Contractors RevenueGPL 9,492.00 99110

12/11/2015 PLY101321 Kitsons LLPCorporate Items EmployeesCentral Services Other Indirect Employee Expenses RevenueGCI 1,320.00 100479

12/11/2015 PLY101674 View RestaurantTransformation and Change Balance SheetBalance Sheet Suspense RevenueBCO 2,132.07 103774

612.0012/11/2015 Mama Bear`s Day Nursery Ltd 105402Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Grants Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

12/11/2015 PLY101624 Deni MathewsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 872.50 105743

12/11/2015 PLY100273 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation for vulnerable adult RevenueGPE 859.05 105761

504.2012/11/2015 Westward Housing Group 105761Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Rents & Accomm Costs Vol Various RevenueGPE

12/11/2015 999628296 Westcare Supply ZonePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase of School Uniform RevenueGPE 438.00 105902

12/11/2015 PLY101428 Pichler Ltd.People Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,014.00 108018

12/11/2015 PLY101501 Hugh CornfordPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,037.13 109563

12/11/2015 PLY101546 All Aboard Pre-schoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 784.00 109749

12/11/2015 PLY101538 Rock a Tots Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 700.00 114501

12/11/2015 PLY101675 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,193.96 116142

12/11/2015 PLY101640 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 117857

12/11/2015 PLY097530 Cornwall CollegeTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Corporate support Mgt Training RevenueGCO 2,395.00 118169

12/11/2015 PLY097530 Cornwall CollegeTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Corporate support Mgt Training RevenueGCO 2,395.00 118169

12/11/2015 PLY097530 Cornwall CollegeTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Corporate support Mgt Training RevenueGCO 1,995.00 118169

12/11/2015 PLY101639 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118254

12/11/2015 PLY101616 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,358.17 118286

12/11/2015 PLY100706 Agripower LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 105,383.64 118431

459.3512/11/2015 Thrifty Car and Van Rental 118613Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Transport Vehicle Hire Charges Various RevenueGPL

12/11/2015 PLY101433 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 10,500.00 118973

12/11/2015 PLY101638 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119139

12/11/2015 PLY101615 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119412

16/11/2015 980427015 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 691.23 23875

16/11/2015 980427012 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,207.43 24379

16/11/2015 980427017 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 645.00 29827

16/11/2015 980427023 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,103.27 36852

16/11/2015 980427028 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 586.16 38671

16/11/2015 980427029 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 912.69 40029

16/11/2015 980427046 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,386.25 52838

16/11/2015 980427048 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.91 53345

16/11/2015 980427052 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.80 57851

16/11/2015 980427054 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 797.63 58268

16/11/2015 980427075 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 738.95 69251

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Page 39: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



16/11/2015 980427089 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 864.25 71414

16/11/2015 980427112 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.25 74782

16/11/2015 980427127 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 835.26 75507

16/11/2015 980427178 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.00 83849

16/11/2015 980427190 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 984.29 85418

16/11/2015 980427220 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 669.69 87797

16/11/2015 980427234 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 716.68 88921

16/11/2015 980427235 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 638.95 88921

16/11/2015 980427238 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 88971

16/11/2015 980427243 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 975.42 89349

16/11/2015 980427261 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 585.96 89641

16/11/2015 980427283 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 690.32 90586

16/11/2015 980427289 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 700.62 90756

16/11/2015 980427327 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.65 92303

16/11/2015 980427328 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,048.05 92382

16/11/2015 980427342 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 772.05 93454

16/11/2015 980427376 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 694.42 95633

16/11/2015 980427380 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.91 95967

16/11/2015 980427406 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,412.92 97790

16/11/2015 980427408 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 739.94 97962

16/11/2015 980427415 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 660.90 98432

16/11/2015 980427416 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.49 98433

16/11/2015 980427430 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 574.28 99033

16/11/2015 980427440 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,851.16 99292

16/11/2015 980427482 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,121.25 100800

16/11/2015 980427489 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 806.09 101137

16/11/2015 980427505 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.12 101550

16/11/2015 980427510 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 593.44 101672

16/11/2015 980427514 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,000.38 101786

16/11/2015 980427526 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 870.18 102413

16/11/2015 980427527 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 615.12 102428

16/11/2015 980427529 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.63 102444

16/11/2015 980427532 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,160.24 102491

16/11/2015 980427554 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.99 103440

16/11/2015 980427571 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 104192

16/11/2015 980427577 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 958.66 104298

16/11/2015 980427622 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 564.04 105139

16/11/2015 980427651 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 623.20 105375

16/11/2015 980427653 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 964.25 105378

16/11/2015 980427668 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 692.72 105554

16/11/2015 980427673 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 720.94 105583

16/11/2015 980427763 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.05 107375

16/11/2015 980427781 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 517.25 107894

16/11/2015 980427788 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 702.99 108008

16/11/2015 980427799 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.18 108102

16/11/2015 980426480 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

16/11/2015 980427815 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

16/11/2015 980427832 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,521.96 108639

16/11/2015 980427841 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 711.60 108713

16/11/2015 980427861 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 540.00 109030

16/11/2015 980427872 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,695.75 109210

16/11/2015 980427879 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 787.80 109377

16/11/2015 980427896 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 109579

16/11/2015 980427919 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 553.20 110189

16/11/2015 980427928 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 697.29 110609

16/11/2015 980427952 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 653.28 111130

16/11/2015 980427969 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 675.80 111662

16/11/2015 980427998 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 830.81 112381

16/11/2015 980428025 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 549.84 113244

16/11/2015 980428082 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 651.00 115729

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



16/11/2015 980428086 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 695.57 115938

16/11/2015 980428088 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 534.00 115994

16/11/2015 980428094 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 116495

16/11/2015 980428095 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,928.44 116570

16/11/2015 980428096 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.00 116571

16/11/2015 980428188 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,075.50 118786

16/11/2015 980428221 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 616.06 119326

16/11/2015 980428235 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

17/11/2015 576085006 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

17/11/2015 576085016 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 656.60 23775

17/11/2015 576085066 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

17/11/2015 576085121 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 536.00 23775

17/11/2015 576085132 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 636.50 23775

17/11/2015 576085133 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 616.40 23775

17/11/2015 576085139 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 844.20 23775

23,892.2017/11/2015 (Enara) Caretime Services Limited 23775Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576085868 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,426.80 23907

1,084.5017/11/2015 Independence South West 24008Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086176 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,331.98 24569

17/11/2015 576086180 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086182 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086183 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 793.52 24569

17/11/2015 576086202 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086203 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086207 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086211 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086212 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 545.58 24569

17/11/2015 576086213 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 977.73 24569

17/11/2015 576086214 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086215 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.14 24569

17/11/2015 576086219 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

17/11/2015 576086221 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 878.56 24569

6,662.7817/11/2015 Michael Batt Foundation 24569Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

624.1117/11/2015 1st Call Homecare Ltd 24717Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086172 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 832.73 24893

17/11/2015 576086173 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,310.40 24893

1,559.6217/11/2015 Headway Plymouth 25087Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086111 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,109.24 25466

17/11/2015 576086112 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

17/11/2015 576086114 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 594.69 25466

17/11/2015 576086115 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,657.53 25466

17/11/2015 576086120 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.50 25466

17/11/2015 576086154 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,262.25 25466

17/11/2015 576086162 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

17/11/2015 576086171 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 605.00 25466

17/11/2015 576086125 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.00 25466

17/11/2015 576086127 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 879.75 25466

17/11/2015 576086128 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

17/11/2015 576086132 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,099.72 25466

17/11/2015 576086135 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

17/11/2015 576086141 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

17/11/2015 576086142 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 632.50 25466

17/11/2015 576086144 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 577.50 25466

17/11/2015 576086147 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,606.50 25466

10,077.5517/11/2015 The Durnford Society Ltd 25466Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

666.5817/11/2015 Plymouth Age Concern 25541Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086296 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,634.22 27695

17/11/2015 576086297 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

17/11/2015 576086300 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,271.06 27695

17/11/2015 576086301 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 576086302 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 661.47 27695

17/11/2015 576086303 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 573.30 27695

17/11/2015 576086305 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

17/11/2015 576086310 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 511.88 27695

17/11/2015 576086311 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

17/11/2015 576086312 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 895.68 27695

17/11/2015 576086314 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 552.85 27695

2,516.0517/11/2015 The Regard Partnership Ltd 27695Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

907.0017/11/2015 Amberley House Residential Home 29702Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

2,322.3917/11/2015 SCOPE 30979Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086224 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086225 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086226 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086227 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086228 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086229 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086230 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086231 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086232 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

17/11/2015 576086245 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,755.18 38935

17/11/2015 576086247 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

17/11/2015 576086248 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

17/11/2015 576086249 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

17/11/2015 576086252 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

17/11/2015 576086253 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

17/11/2015 576086254 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,340.24 38935

17/11/2015 576086255 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

17/11/2015 576086258 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

17/11/2015 576086260 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

17/11/2015 576086261 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

17/11/2015 576086262 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,145.22 38935

17/11/2015 576086266 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

17/11/2015 576086268 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

17/11/2015 576086270 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

17/11/2015 576086271 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,393.00 38935

17/11/2015 576086274 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

17/11/2015 576086280 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,852.69 38935

17/11/2015 576086292 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

17/11/2015 576086293 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

5,559.8217/11/2015 Havencare (Plymouth) 38935Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

5,674.4217/11/2015 Pluss 52159Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086372 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

17/11/2015 576086373 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

17/11/2015 576086379 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,117.96 60417

17/11/2015 576086384 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 503.50 60417

17/11/2015 576086391 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,439.20 60417

17/11/2015 576086395 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 809.55 60417

17/11/2015 576086400 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

17/11/2015 576086402 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.00 60417

17/11/2015 576086351 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

17/11/2015 576086352 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

17/11/2015 576086355 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.64 60417

17/11/2015 576086358 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,070.47 60417

17/11/2015 576086360 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

17/11/2015 576086365 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 742.07 60417

6,977.3717/11/2015 Lifeways Community Care 60417Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086473 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.50 61984

17/11/2015 576086479 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 61984

17/11/2015 576086480 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 780.00 61984

17/11/2015 576086483 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 61984

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 576086484 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 61984

17/11/2015 576086488 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,274.00 61984

17/11/2015 576086490 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,215.50 61984

17/11/2015 576086492 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 799.50 61984

17/11/2015 576086493 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.75 61984

17/11/2015 576086455 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,082.50 61984

13,654.9517/11/2015 Selborne Care Limited 61984Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

564.4817/11/2015 Plymouth Guild 65525Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

3,446.0817/11/2015 Plymouth Highbury Trust Services 68132Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

2,091.6717/11/2015 Plymouth Independent Living 71895Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576085278 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

17/11/2015 576085294 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

17/11/2015 576085243 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 619.52 79730

17/11/2015 576085258 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,320.00 79730

17/11/2015 576085259 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 707.52 79730

5,612.5217/11/2015 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) Ltd 79730Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086547 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 803.99 82267

17/11/2015 576086548 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 937.44 82267

17/11/2015 576086550 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 872.34 82267

17/11/2015 576086556 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,275.96 82267

2,994.3217/11/2015 Yourway Support Services Ltd 82267Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086566 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.58 82716

17/11/2015 576086573 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086575 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 527.99 82716

17/11/2015 576086578 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086581 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 642.18 82716

17/11/2015 576086582 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086583 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,022.10 82716

17/11/2015 576086584 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086585 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086586 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,367.10 82716

17/11/2015 576086587 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

17/11/2015 576086588 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.20 82716

4,424.2017/11/2015 Mencap 82716Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086593 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.00 91992

17/11/2015 576086596 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.09 91992

528.1217/11/2015 Caraston Hall Support & Housing 91992Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086620 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.40 96574

17/11/2015 576086621 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 641.26 96574

17/11/2015 576086634 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

17/11/2015 576086635 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

17/11/2015 576086636 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.50 96574

17/11/2015 576086637 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 819.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086639 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,183.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086640 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 923.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086642 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,313.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086643 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,287.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086644 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086646 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086648 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086651 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

17/11/2015 576086652 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 520.00 96574

17/11/2015 576086657 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,767.04 96574

17/11/2015 576086658 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

17/11/2015 576086660 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

3,568.8317/11/2015 Premier Care (Plymouth) Ltd 96574Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086691 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 539.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086699 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 532.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086704 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086705 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.00 98657

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 576086711 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086714 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 525.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086718 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 630.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086720 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 588.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086722 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086725 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

17/11/2015 576086727 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 686.00 98657

7,964.3917/11/2015 Ashlong Domicillary care 98657Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086739 Independence Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,300.32 99784

1,154.7617/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 102949Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086750 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 758.09 108204

17/11/2015 576086748 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.50 108204

1,044.4317/11/2015 Plymouth Supported Living 108204Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,703.9017/11/2015 Caremark (Plymouth) 108954Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,637.8017/11/2015 Alexandra Houseing Ltd 110674Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086792 Colebrook (SW) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 989.45 112153

6,123.5717/11/2015 Colebrook (SW) Ltd 112153Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

3,544.6417/11/2015 Guinness Care and Support Limited 112370Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086821 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

17/11/2015 576086824 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

17/11/2015 576086827 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

17/11/2015 576086804 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

17/11/2015 576086808 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

17/11/2015 576086812 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

2,704.5117/11/2015 I-Grow Care and Support Ltd 112728Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576085605 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 861.60 116879

17/11/2015 576085710 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

17/11/2015 576085735 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 861.60 116879

9,758.6717/11/2015 Mears Care Limited 116879Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086834 Your LifestylePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,680.00 117062

17/11/2015 576086837 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,103.20 117369

17/11/2015 576086840 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 854.98 117369

578.2217/11/2015 Support`ed Limited 117369Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 576086843 KPW Newkey LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.67 118020

17/11/2015 PLY101799 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Transfer PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Domestic Gate Fee RevenueGPL 48,273.51 23614

560.0017/11/2015 City College Plymouth 23663Various Various Employees Training Various RevenueVarious

541.2417/11/2015 South West Water 23664CDC Property Transformation and Change Premises Metered Water Charges PLY101690 RevenueGCO

17/11/2015 PLY101832 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,581.00 23674

673.1917/11/2015 Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene Supp 24060Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

3,194.6517/11/2015 Care Leavers Service 24094Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 528131341 Hobby HorsePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,211.34 24103

2,403.2817/11/2015 Waterfront West 24125Various People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 528131345 Widewell R N Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,186.17 24200

17/11/2015 528131348 Jumping Jellybeans Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,001.66 24226

17/11/2015 507165887 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,090.66 24344

17/11/2015 507166114 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 440.40 24344

17/11/2015 507166055 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 461.39 24344

17/11/2015 507166049 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 470.78 24344

17/11/2015 507165861 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 624.56 24344

17/11/2015 507165841 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 711.11 24344

17/11/2015 507165878 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 2,080.00 24344

17/11/2015 507166053 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 469.16 24344

17/11/2015 507166073 Pertemps LimitedExecutive Office EmployeesCore Executive Office Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCE 1,101.86 24344

17/11/2015 507165923 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 537.61 24344

17/11/2015 507165925 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 472.23 24344

17/11/2015 507166127 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 549.45 24344

17/11/2015 507166128 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 915.20 24344

17/11/2015 507165838 Pertemps LimitedPublic Health EmployeesPublic Health Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPH 549.45 24344

17/11/2015 507165837 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 898.13 24344

17/11/2015 507166120 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Customer Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 426.24 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 507165892 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 469.16 24344

17/11/2015 507166105 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 446.96 24344

17/11/2015 999628921 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 8,529.04 24344

17/11/2015 507166355 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,881.60 24344

17/11/2015 507165921 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 1,001.96 24344

17/11/2015 507166027 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 2,320.65 24344

17/11/2015 507165783 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 735.54 24344

17/11/2015 507166048 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 617.10 24344

17/11/2015 507165930 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 692.27 24344

17/11/2015 507165927 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 478.98 24344

17/11/2015 507166287 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 734.14 24344

17/11/2015 507166111 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 796.45 24344

17/11/2015 507165881 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 613.25 24344

17/11/2015 507166071 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 624.56 24344

17/11/2015 507165960 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

17/11/2015 507165969 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

17/11/2015 507165966 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

17/11/2015 507165979 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

17/11/2015 507165980 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

17/11/2015 507166074 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.94 24344

17/11/2015 507165799 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165800 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,444.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165797 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,021.50 24344

17/11/2015 507165794 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 585.75 24344

17/11/2015 507165886 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 683.43 24344

17/11/2015 507165857 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 419.83 24344

17/11/2015 507166059 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 625.30 24344

17/11/2015 507165786 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 829.90 24344

17/11/2015 507165787 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 925.74 24344

17/11/2015 507165894 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 556.88 24344

17/11/2015 507165950 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

17/11/2015 507165982 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

17/11/2015 507165941 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

17/11/2015 507165844 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 2,860.00 24344

17/11/2015 507165796 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,481.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165792 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,407.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165784 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,004.48 24344

17/11/2015 507165789 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,036.35 24344

17/11/2015 507165790 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165793 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165798 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

17/11/2015 507166529 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

17/11/2015 507165791 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,344.95 24344

17/11/2015 507165785 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

17/11/2015 507165788 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

17/11/2015 507165795 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

17/11/2015 507166144 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

17/11/2015 507165900 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 445.67 24344

17/11/2015 507166115 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 417.79 24344

17/11/2015 507165856 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 721.61 24344

17/11/2015 507165781 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 661.25 24344

17/11/2015 507165882 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 812.89 24344

17/11/2015 507165931 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 469.16 24344

17/11/2015 507165983 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

17/11/2015 507165951 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

17/11/2015 507165865 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

17/11/2015 507165862 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

17/11/2015 507165872 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 478.04 24344

17/11/2015 507165873 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

17/11/2015 507166051 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 488.18 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 507166070 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 752.27 24344

17/11/2015 507166116 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,037.85 24344

17/11/2015 507166058 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 3,228.30 24344

17/11/2015 507166082 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesTrading Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueTPL 469.16 24344

17/11/2015 507166088 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCentral Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 427.12 24344

17/11/2015 507166090 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCentral Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 456.92 24344

58,956.8617/11/2015 Pertemps Limited 24344Various Various Various Various Various VariousVarious

17/11/2015 528131352 KiddiewinksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,204.21 24497

17/11/2015 528131355 Little Acorns Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,154.52 24544

17/11/2015 528131388 Pixieland StokePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,983.79 24567

17/11/2015 PLY100854 Canon (UK) LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Photocopying RevenueGCO 3,817.49 24754

17/11/2015 PLY100312 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 1,300.00 24858

17/11/2015 PLY100806 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 1,300.00 24858

17/11/2015 528131393 Plympton Montessori NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,012.19 24936

17/11/2015 528131407 Stepping Stones Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,539.03 24950

17/11/2015 528131365 Margaret Mcmillan Nursery SchPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 14,264.69 25083

17/11/2015 528131423 Woodford Schools Trust Rascals NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 28,001.27 25121

17/11/2015 528131399 Roundabout Day Care CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 31,925.89 25127

17/11/2015 528131353 Kingscare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 37,101.71 25130

17/11/2015 528131424 Woodford Methodist Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,987.42 25135

17/11/2015 528131410 Sunbeams Day Nursery (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,228.33 25136

17/11/2015 528131395 Ridgeway Methodist Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,902.62 25138

17/11/2015 528131346 Radford R N Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 25,506.28 25139

17/11/2015 528131383 Oreston Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,693.82 25140

17/11/2015 528131386 Peter Pan PlaygroupPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,329.52 25142

17/11/2015 528131356 Little Angels NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 706.33 25143

17/11/2015 528131325 Fletewood SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,434.27 25145

17/11/2015 528131344 Eggbuckland R.n. PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,765.59 25146

17/11/2015 528131319 Curious Kittens Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,532.29 25147

17/11/2015 528131343 Crownhill RN PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,893.32 25150

17/11/2015 528131329 Frogmore Montessori Nursery SPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,872.57 25171

17/11/2015 528131385 Pelican Childrens CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 25,803.41 25176

17/11/2015 528131417 Trinity Teddies Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,588.21 25180

17/11/2015 528131387 Pixieland NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,358.35 25195

17/11/2015 528131416 Toad Hall Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,838.52 25208

17/11/2015 528131304 Alexandra HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,888.27 25212

17/11/2015 PLY101827 Alexandra HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 504.00 25212

17/11/2015 528131421 Widey Court Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,227.65 25220

17/11/2015 PLY101831 Widey Court Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 840.00 25220

17/11/2015 528131322 Earlybirds Pre SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 26,196.11 25221

17/11/2015 528131328 Freshlings NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,422.31 25224

17/11/2015 528131358 Little Deers Morley Centre Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,087.38 25233

17/11/2015 528131350 Kenleys Nurseries LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,561.67 25235

513.4217/11/2015 Colwill Lodge 25266Adult Social Care People Directorate Supplies and Services Various PLY101754 RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 999628925 Welsh Joint Education CommittPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Examination Fees Pupils RevenueGPE 1,563.06 25296

17/11/2015 528131331 Get Up & Go (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,620.98 25513

17/11/2015 PLY101830 Get Up & Go (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 512.00 25513

17/11/2015 PLY101774 Plymouth Hospitals Nhs TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 1,421.16 25526

17/11/2015 528131384 Pathways Day Nursery & ChildmPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,309.16 25544

17/11/2015 528131320 Plymouth College Of Further EducationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,614.75 25617

17/11/2015 528131340 Hartley Hare Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,839.54 25622

17/11/2015 PLY100302 Liberty Printers (A R & R F Reddin) LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 3,657.60 25734

17/11/2015 PLY100302 Liberty Printers (A R & R F Reddin) LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 484.80 25734

17/11/2015 PLY100978 Liberty Printers (A R & R F Reddin) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Printing RevenueTPL 2,106.00 25734

17/11/2015 PLY101870 Robinson`sPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Conservation Of Artefacts RevenueGPL 532.00 26245

17/11/2015 528131373 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 14,150.31 27157

17/11/2015 528131374 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,551.82 27157

17/11/2015 528131375 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,451.25 27157

17/11/2015 528131376 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,092.53 27157

17/11/2015 528131377 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,692.89 27157

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 528131378 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,625.22 27157

17/11/2015 528131379 Noah`s Ark Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 14,574.18 27157

17/11/2015 528131381 Nutkins Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,370.81 27944

17/11/2015 528131313 Buddies Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,205.72 27970

17/11/2015 528131315 Chaddlewood Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,755.37 28336

17/11/2015 528131400 Seedlings Pre-School LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,104.65 28785

17/11/2015 PPPLY06289 Peverell Park SurgeryPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 2,250.00 28877

17/11/2015 528131409 Stoke Damerel PlaygroupPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,594.31 28930

17/11/2015 PLY101863 Maureen GrimleyPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Training RevenueGPE 800.00 29214

17/11/2015 528131306 Austin Farm Neighbourhood NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,733.37 30052

17/11/2015 528131390 Playbox Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 35,517.80 30487

17/11/2015 528131394 Plympton St Maurice Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,589.74 30489

17/11/2015 528131403 St Jude`s Church Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,800.77 30494

17/11/2015 528131404 St Mary`s Church Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,308.46 30497

17/11/2015 528131318 Compton Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,152.51 30523

17/11/2015 528131368 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 30550

17/11/2015 528131405 St Paul`s PlaygroupPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,566.37 30582

17/11/2015 528131422 P & W WilliamsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 30636

17/11/2015 PLY101867 E D F EnergyPlace Directorate PremisesPlanning Services Electricity RevenueGPL 511.52 30990

17/11/2015 528131396 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,051.70 31378

17/11/2015 528131317 Colebrook`s Little CherubsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,360.93 32123

760.9617/11/2015 Antalis Limited 32150Core Assets Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGCO

17/11/2015 528131398 Roger`s Burrow Nursery/PixielandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,038.84 32836

17/11/2015 528131333 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 34508

17/11/2015 528131312 Bright SparksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,961.72 35890

17/11/2015 528131349 Mrs Heather KeanPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,931.20 36445

17/11/2015 PLY101833 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 7,421.00 40330

17/11/2015 528131392 Plymouth College & St Dunstans Abbey


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 28,324.30 41866

17/11/2015 528131360 Little Owls PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,695.10 43427

17/11/2015 528131372 Newlife Childrens CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,899.19 44305

17/11/2015 PLY101869 Security Management South West LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Security RevenueGCO 15,345.43 44971

17/11/2015 528131327 4 ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,387.18 45029

17/11/2015 528131380 4 ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,944.79 45029

17/11/2015 528131408 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,836.93 50341

17/11/2015 528131418 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 54704

17/11/2015 528131354 Lark Children`s Centre (GENERAL)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,250.14 59545

17/11/2015 528131310 Bobtails Full Day CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,588.09 61845

17/11/2015 PLY101818 Bobtails Full Day CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 512.00 61845

17/11/2015 528131326 Flying Start NurseriesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,994.31 63469

17/11/2015 528131338 Happy Days South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 33,785.37 63496

17/11/2015 528131316 Characters Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,175.05 65269

17/11/2015 PLY101819 RNPSLO General AccountPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 744.00 66785

17/11/2015 PLY100892 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsCentral Services Private Contractors RevenueGCO 1,132.40 68573

17/11/2015 528131391 Playdays Pre-schoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,833.27 68811

17/11/2015 528131406 Stepping Stones Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,362.59 69110

17/11/2015 528131307 Bambinos Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,741.84 70541

17/11/2015 528131308 Bambinos Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,722.50 70541

17/11/2015 PLY100849 OfstedPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Subscriptions RevenueGPE 2,289.00 72743

17/11/2015 PLY100405 Assessment & Qualifications Alliance


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Accreditation costs RevenueGPE 784.00 76892

17/11/2015 999628914 Assessment & Qualifications Alliance


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Examination Fees Pupils RevenueGPE 1,014.90 76892

1,838.7517/11/2015 Assessment & Qualifications Alliance


76892Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 528131369 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 622.44 81261

17/11/2015 528131413 The Cabin Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 21,414.61 83093

17/11/2015 528131414 The Cabin Childcare CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 19,874.65 83093

17/11/2015 528131351 Keystone Childrens Centre DaycarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 19,484.45 83384

17/11/2015 528131361 Keystone Childrens Centre DaycarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,323.52 83384

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 PLY101824 Keystone Childrens Centre DaycarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 840.00 83384

984.0017/11/2015 Keystone Childrens Centre Daycare 83384Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Grants Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 PLY101868 symonjames LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,085.00 84192

17/11/2015 528131402 St Boniface Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,194.21 85874

576.0017/11/2015 St Boniface Pre-School 85874Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Grants Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 PLY100859 Earth Wrights LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 1,477.31 89783

17/11/2015 PLY100859 Earth Wrights LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 945.00 89783

17/11/2015 PLY100859 Earth Wrights LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 1,548.69 89783

17/11/2015 PLY101864 Topan Fencing LimitedPlace Directorate PremisesInternal Trading Unit Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 12,492.70 91515

17/11/2015 PLY100364 Hill Rom LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,580.00 92386

17/11/2015 PLY101834 Hill Rom LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,942.02 92386

17/11/2015 528131370 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,173.84 92996

17/11/2015 528131330 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 982.80 94045

17/11/2015 999628922 Randstad Education LtdPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 1,500.00 95024

17/11/2015 528131335 Laira GreenTrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,213.43 95556

17/11/2015 PPPLY06295 South of England Advocacy ProjectsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advocacy RevenueGPE 36,585.00 96270

17/11/2015 528131357 Little Blossoms Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,709.48 96334

17/11/2015 528131366 Marine Academy PlymouthPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,187.82 97527

17/11/2015 528131382 Oreston Community Academy NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,035.78 99075

17/11/2015 PLY101600 Tor Bridge AcademyTransformation and Change PremisesCultural & related Services Service Charge RevenueGCO 1,543.58 100056

17/11/2015 PLY101600 Tor Bridge AcademyTransformation and Change PremisesCultural & related Services Service Charge RevenueGCO 4,879.01 100056

17/11/2015 PLY101600 Tor Bridge AcademyPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Hire Of Premises RevenueGPL 2,733.59 100056

17/11/2015 PLY101600 Tor Bridge AcademyPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Hire Of Premises RevenueGPL 1,543.59 100056

17/11/2015 PPPLY06290 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 30,796.85 100403

17/11/2015 PLY101788 Destination PlymouthPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,250.00 100495

17/11/2015 PLY101036 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Third Party Payments OLA RevenueGPH 627.00 100768

17/11/2015 999628924 Vivo RewardsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Exceptional Items Expenditure RevenueGPE 4,000.00 101112

17/11/2015 528131314 Busy Bees at PlymouthPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,330.90 101600

17/11/2015 528131323 Eddy`s Childcare C.I.CPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,660.69 102461

17/11/2015 528131412 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,924.02 102710

17/11/2015 528131339 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 103313

17/11/2015 PLY101764 Tim PullenTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 750.00 103381

17/11/2015 PLY100320 David Ogilvie Engineering LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Playground Repairs RevenueGPL 2,299.00 103843

17/11/2015 PLY100320 David Ogilvie Engineering LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Playground Repairs RevenueGPL 1,565.00 103843

17/11/2015 PLY101855 Jackett`s CoachesPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 2,219.06 104307

17/11/2015 PLY101855 Jackett`s CoachesPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 3,803.56 104307

17/11/2015 PLY101726 (PLP ) PAPH Co-operative CICPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 96,835.00 104403

17/11/2015 PLY100282 Miss Alison CrookesPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 757.50 104637

17/11/2015 528131332 Giggling Monkeys Pre-SchoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,944.89 105117

17/11/2015 528131363 Mama Bear`s Day Nursery LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 38,042.13 105402

17/11/2015 528131342 Honeyshute PreschoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,785.42 105558

17/11/2015 PLY100932 Hilary BeecheyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 423.75 105576

17/11/2015 PLY100889 Browne Jacobson LLPCorporate Items Balance SheetBalance Sheet Payments RevenueBCI 1,736.50 105649

17/11/2015 PPPLY06296 Westward Housing GroupPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 10,037.33 105761

17/11/2015 528131359 Little Nippers ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,204.91 106617

17/11/2015 528131334 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,137.80 108044

17/11/2015 528131420 Widewell Primary AcademyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,864.56 108257

576.0017/11/2015 Plymouth Sports Academy 108349Cultural & related Services People Directorate Employees Coaching Fees Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 528131303 Achievers Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 28,218.60 108800

17/11/2015 PLY101813 Achievers Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 840.00 108800

17/11/2015 PLY101816 Achievers Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 560.00 108800

840.0017/11/2015 Achievers Day Nursery 108800Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Grants Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 PLY100154 Plymouth City Centre Company LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Special Events RevenueTPL 2,000.00 109367

17/11/2015 528131305 All Aboard Pre-schoolPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 19,115.53 109749

764.5717/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

17/11/2015 528131419 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 982.80 112684

17/11/2015 PLY100563 Emo OilsPlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Fuel Costs RevenueGPL 8,744.04 112707

17/11/2015 PLY100564 Emo OilsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 10,463.95 112707

436.8017/11/2015 Language Empire Ltd 113030Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Translation & Interpretation Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 PLY100036 Penna PLCCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 500.00 113814

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 PLY101835 Richcraft MaintenancePeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,258.00 114130

17/11/2015 528131397 Rock a Tots Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,735.37 114501

17/11/2015 PLY100370 HAGS-SMP Ltd trading as


Place Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Playground Repairs RevenueGPL 1,130.80 114839

17/11/2015 528131337 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 115091

17/11/2015 528131311 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 982.80 115124

17/11/2015 PLY101842 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 2,800.89 116142

17/11/2015 PLY101843 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 2,296.93 116142

17/11/2015 PLY101785 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 853.96 116142

17/11/2015 PLY101786 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,166.93 116142

17/11/2015 PLY100619 Dr HaddenTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Professional Fees RevenueGCO 1,154.19 116603

17/11/2015 PLY101096 Kit Hill Castle Pet Sanctuary LimitedPublic Health Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 680.00 116871

17/11/2015 PLY101841 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 117393

17/11/2015 528131321 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,392.62 117557

17/11/2015 981041534 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 1,084.56 117586

17/11/2015 981041535 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 1,061.90 117586

17/11/2015 PLY101765 Nottinghamshire County CouncilPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Secure Unit OLA RevenueGPE 1,050.00 117604

17/11/2015 PLY101768 Nottinghamshire County CouncilPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Secure Unit OLA RevenueGPE 8,250.00 117604

17/11/2015 PLY101744 IMPACT (Dr. Steven Brand)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 3,375.00 117609

17/11/2015 PPPLY06288 1st Call Homecare LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 50,765.96 117641

17/11/2015 981041542 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,098.29 117643

17/11/2015 981041536 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 612.98 117660

17/11/2015 981041537 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 866.93 117660

17/11/2015 981041538 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 509.95 117660

17/11/2015 PPPLY06292 Plymouth GuildPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 1,000.00 117664

17/11/2015 528131336 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 855.12 117783

17/11/2015 528131309 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,172.30 117797

17/11/2015 981041543 Creative Living Care ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,474.16 117886

17/11/2015 PLY101839 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 2,990.89 118006

17/11/2015 PLY101836 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118063

17/11/2015 PLY101808 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118285

17/11/2015 PLY101848 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,789.92 118323

17/11/2015 PLY099602 Allied Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,965.15 118477

17/11/2015 528131347 Karen JagoPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,068.90 118756

17/11/2015 PLY101809 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118776

17/11/2015 PLY101837 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118861

17/11/2015 528131364 Mama Bear`s Day Nursery 2People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,822.42 118947

17/11/2015 PLY100032 British GasPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPE 1,287.35 119128

17/11/2015 PLY101810 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119197

17/11/2015 PLY100033 Bray LienoPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 5,600.00 119366

17/11/2015 PLY101838 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119392

17/11/2015 PLY099825 Kerberos Risk Services LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesInsurance and Risk Training RevenueGCO 1,300.00 119884

17/11/2015 528131324 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,179.36 120077

17/11/2015 PLY101807 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 120179

542.7117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37023Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

747.2117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37024Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

721.8817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37027Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

873.8017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37045Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

782.2017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37101Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

772.1717/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37107Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

514.7817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37123Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 16 Various RevenueGPE

533.1317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37143Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

575.0517/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37161Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

636.1317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37181Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

844.4417/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37232Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37242Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

771.1917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37362Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

797.0617/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37369Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

507.3917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37429Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37461Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



584.2117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37532Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37541Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

549.1017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37599Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Adoption Allowance Various RevenueGPE

779.2017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37600Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,610.8817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37722Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

600.3117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37862Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37867Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 986433509 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Adoption Allowance RevenueGPE 656.53 37882

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37892Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

697.8317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37893Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37901Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

778.8017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37919Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

651.0317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37941Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

588.8617/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37947Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

680.3917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37968Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

548.0317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 38997Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 41353Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

943.3417/11/2015 Redacted personal data 53670Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,068.5817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 59216Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

721.8117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 65894Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.3817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 68432Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

939.2017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 69672Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

667.1317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 80648Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

964.9917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 81406Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

700.0017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 82208Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

553.8017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 85131Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

644.2117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 88997Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

592.7917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 95012Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 96544Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

759.2017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 986433312 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun RevenueGPE 731.70 101588

680.3917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 101616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,180.5417/11/2015 Redacted personal data 102836Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

696.7817/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103130Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103132Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

683.2317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103160Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

592.5517/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103317Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

1,538.1417/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104041Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104057Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

905.7917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105004Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

528.3617/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105972Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4017/11/2015 Redacted personal data 107352Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

580.2317/11/2015 Redacted personal data 108579Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 510 Various RevenueGPE

685.6417/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109399Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

841.8117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 114202Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

578.4917/11/2015 Redacted personal data 117090Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

519.8117/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119357Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 979059506 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 549.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059519 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 549.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059520 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 760.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059521 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059522 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059523 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 688.75 23876

17/11/2015 979059524 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059518 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059507 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 760.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059508 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059509 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059510 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 688.75 23876

17/11/2015 979059511 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059512 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059513 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,168.78 23876

17/11/2015 979059514 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059515 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059516 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,360.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059517 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059499 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059500 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,168.78 23876

17/11/2015 979059501 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059502 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 784.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059503 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,360.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059504 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059505 Families First (SW) LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 23876

17/11/2015 979059344 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 934.99 24195

17/11/2015 979059369 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 934.99 24195

17/11/2015 979059370 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 946.85 24195

17/11/2015 979059371 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059372 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059373 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059374 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059375 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059376 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

17/11/2015 979059377 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059378 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059345 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 946.85 24195

17/11/2015 979059346 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059347 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059348 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059349 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 739.97 24195

17/11/2015 979059350 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059351 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 964.88 24195

17/11/2015 979059352 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059353 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059354 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,394.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059355 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,268.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059356 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059357 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059358 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059359 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059360 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059361 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059362 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059363 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 959.43 24195

17/11/2015 979059364 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 840.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059365 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,350.40 24195

17/11/2015 979059366 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059367 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059368 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059338 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 959.43 24195

17/11/2015 979059339 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 840.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059340 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,350.40 24195

17/11/2015 979059341 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059342 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059343 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059315 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059316 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059318 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059319 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

Page 50 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 51: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059320 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059321 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059322 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 698.52 24195

17/11/2015 979059323 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059325 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059326 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059327 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059328 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 814.94 24195

17/11/2015 979059329 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,394.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059330 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,268.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059331 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059332 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,290.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059333 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059334 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 815.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059335 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059336 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059337 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 24195

17/11/2015 979059301 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059302 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059303 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059304 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059305 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059306 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059307 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059308 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059309 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059310 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059311 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059312 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059313 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

17/11/2015 979059314 Foster Care Associates LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 859.04 24195

937.6617/11/2015 Foster Care Associates Limited 24195Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 979059429 Blackford Education (Exmoor) Ltd trading

as Libra

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,500.00 32317

17/11/2015 979059430 Blackford Education (Exmoor) Ltd trading

as Libra

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,500.00 32317

17/11/2015 979059411 One To One Crisis Intervention LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 3,900.00 32715

17/11/2015 979059412 One To One Crisis Intervention LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 3,900.00 32715

778.5617/11/2015 Cambridgeshire County Council 39083Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Payments To OLA Plymouth Children OLA Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 979059474 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059475 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059476 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059477 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059478 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059479 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,003.68 59222

17/11/2015 979059480 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059481 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 754.99 59222

17/11/2015 979059482 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 935.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059483 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,480.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059484 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 864.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059485 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059486 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,275.96 59222

17/11/2015 979059487 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059488 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 742.90 59222

17/11/2015 979059489 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059491 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059492 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059493 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059471 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 742.90 59222

17/11/2015 979059472 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

Page 51 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

Page 52: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059463 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059464 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 754.99 59222

17/11/2015 979059465 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 935.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059466 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,480.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059467 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 864.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059468 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 766.36 59222

17/11/2015 979059469 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,275.96 59222

17/11/2015 979059470 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 782.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059494 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 705.00 59222

17/11/2015 979059495 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 669.75 59222

17/11/2015 979059496 Five Rivers Child Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,003.68 59222

938.7617/11/2015 Five Rivers Child Care Limited 59222Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 979059419 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 749.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059420 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059421 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,300.36 70227

17/11/2015 979059422 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

17/11/2015 979059423 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059424 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

17/11/2015 979059425 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,249.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059426 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059427 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 749.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059428 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 999.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059413 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,300.36 70227

17/11/2015 979059414 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

17/11/2015 979059415 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059416 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 783.02 70227

17/11/2015 979059417 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,249.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059418 National Fostering AgencyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 799.00 70227

17/11/2015 979059461 The Fostering Foundation South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 695.50 79410

17/11/2015 979059462 The Fostering Foundation South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 695.50 79410

17/11/2015 979059402 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 3,225.71 81412

17/11/2015 979059403 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059404 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059405 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059406 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059407 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059408 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059409 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,645.00 81412

17/11/2015 979059410 Orchard House Family Assessment CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 806.43 81412

17/11/2015 979059543 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 856.51 86597

17/11/2015 979059544 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,011.92 86597

17/11/2015 979059537 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 856.51 86597

17/11/2015 979059538 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,011.92 86597

17/11/2015 979059539 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 833.27 86597

17/11/2015 979059540 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

17/11/2015 979059541 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

17/11/2015 979059545 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 833.27 86597

17/11/2015 979059546 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

17/11/2015 979059547 Capstone Foster CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 679.33 86597

829.8017/11/2015 Capstone Foster Care 86597Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Independent Foster Care Fees Various RevenueGPE

17/11/2015 979059380 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 745.00 88535

17/11/2015 979059381 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,083.00 88535

17/11/2015 979059382 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 745.00 88535

17/11/2015 979059383 Regional Foster PlacementsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 1,083.00 88535

17/11/2015 979059431 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,800.00 95878

17/11/2015 979059432 Broadwood Educational Supplies LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,800.00 95878

17/11/2015 979059606 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059601 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 740.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059602 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059603 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

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Page 53: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059604 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059605 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059598 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059599 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059600 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Independent Foster Care Fees RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059607 Action for ChildrenPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Family Assessments RevenueGPE 800.00 99334

17/11/2015 979059262 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059263 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059264 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059265 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059266 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059267 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059268 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059269 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059270 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059271 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059272 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059273 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059274 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059275 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059276 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059277 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059278 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059279 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 534.00 100824

17/11/2015 979059280 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 529.07 100824

17/11/2015 979059384 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059385 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059386 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,570.40 103535

17/11/2015 979059387 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059388 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,996.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059389 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,408.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059390 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059391 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059392 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,570.40 103535

17/11/2015 979059393 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,213.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059394 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,996.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059395 Phoenix Learning and Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,408.00 103535

17/11/2015 979059578 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059579 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.61 107833

17/11/2015 979059580 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059581 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059582 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059583 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,071.43 107833

17/11/2015 979059577 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,071.43 107833

17/11/2015 979059584 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059585 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059586 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059587 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 3,150.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059588 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059589 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059590 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059591 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059592 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059593 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059594 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 3,150.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059595 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,450.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059596 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059597 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,250.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059559 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,237.71 107833

17/11/2015 979059560 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,444.00 107833

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Page 54: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059561 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,444.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059562 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,444.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059563 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059564 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059565 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059566 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059567 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059568 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059569 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059570 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059571 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 684.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059573 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 646.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059574 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 646.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059575 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 646.00 107833

17/11/2015 979059576 Advanced ChildcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 461.43 107833

17/11/2015 979059555 Base Suport ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,495.00 108422

17/11/2015 979059556 Base Suport ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,495.00 108422

17/11/2015 979059459 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059455 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059436 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059437 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059438 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059439 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059453 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059454 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059456 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 985.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059457 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059458 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,298.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059460 Fusion Fostering LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 985.00 111369

17/11/2015 979059535 Childhood FirstPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,472.00 111757

17/11/2015 979059536 Childhood FirstPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,472.00 111757

17/11/2015 979059281 Willows (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,035.00 112353

17/11/2015 979059282 Willows (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,035.00 112353

17/11/2015 979059612 Empowering LivesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,184.65 113418

17/11/2015 979059613 Empowering LivesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,184.65 113418

17/11/2015 979059433 Friends Therapeutic Community TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,828.21 115952

17/11/2015 979059434 Friends Therapeutic Community TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,828.21 115952

17/11/2015 979059557 A Lowrie Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,915.00 116439

17/11/2015 979059558 A Lowrie Care Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,915.00 116439

17/11/2015 979059260 Beyond LimitsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Childs Personal Needs Volun RevenueGPE 3,437.55 118031

17/11/2015 979059553 Beyond LimitsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 3,758.90 118031

17/11/2015 979059554 Beyond LimitsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 3,758.90 118031

17/11/2015 979059525 Exe-changes LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,850.00 118197

17/11/2015 979059526 Exe-changes LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,850.00 118197

17/11/2015 979059396 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059397 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059398 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059399 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059400 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059401 Parallel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,190.00 118442

17/11/2015 979059379 Shalamar Children LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,853.57 118932

17/11/2015 979059294 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,217.50 119312

17/11/2015 979059295 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 9,803.00 119312

17/11/2015 979059296 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,217.50 119312

17/11/2015 979059293 The Leaving Care CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Supported Living RevenueGPE 9,803.00 119312

17/11/2015 979059283 Inclusis LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 3,950.00 119321

17/11/2015 979059284 Inclusis LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,530.00 119321

17/11/2015 979059285 Inclusis LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,530.00 119321

17/11/2015 979059286 Inclusis LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 5,530.00 119321

17/11/2015 979059287 Inclusis LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 790.00 119321

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 979059527 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 780.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059528 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059529 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059530 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059531 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059532 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059533 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 979059534 CSM Independence LTDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Out Of City Other Supp Accomm RevenueGPE 1,820.00 120165

17/11/2015 985069885 Plymouth Age ConcernPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 547.19 37000

17/11/2015 985069885 Plymouth Age ConcernPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,640.00 37000

17/11/2015 985069885 Plymouth Age ConcernPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 21,660.00 37000

17/11/2015 985069896 N Notaro HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,373.50 37978

17/11/2015 985069928 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,734.00 37983

17/11/2015 985069928 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 37983

17/11/2015 985069928 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 862.00 37983

17/11/2015 985069928 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 37983

17/11/2015 985069928 St AnnesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,584.00 37983

17/11/2015 985069938 Mrs E I Barker Business AccountPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 954.00 37985

17/11/2015 985069938 Mrs E I Barker Business AccountPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 11,699.02 37985

17/11/2015 985070058 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 37995

17/11/2015 985070058 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 37995

17/11/2015 985070058 M LawleyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,156.00 37995

17/11/2015 985070043 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,434.00 37996

17/11/2015 985070043 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 37996

17/11/2015 985070043 Chatsworth Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,709.99 37996

17/11/2015 985069968 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 37999

17/11/2015 985069968 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 950.00 37999

17/11/2015 985069968 Nazareth House No 1 A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,930.00 37999

17/11/2015 985069964 Nutley LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,834.00 38001

17/11/2015 985069964 Nutley LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,630.00 38001

17/11/2015 985069908 TorcarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 864.00 38012

17/11/2015 985069898 Vale Lodge Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38013

17/11/2015 985069898 Vale Lodge Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,115.57 38013

17/11/2015 985069981 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38016

17/11/2015 985069981 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38016

17/11/2015 985069981 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 38016

17/11/2015 985069981 Lelant Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 21,805.43 38016

17/11/2015 985069930 St Vincents Nursing Home Sister In


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,794.00 38019

17/11/2015 985069930 St Vincents Nursing Home Sister In


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 38019

17/11/2015 985069936 K Page / SouthviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,664.60 38022

17/11/2015 985069899 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38024

17/11/2015 985069899 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,768.00 38024

17/11/2015 985069899 Underhill HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,642.42 38024

17/11/2015 985070006 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,000.00 38026

17/11/2015 985070006 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,768.00 38026

17/11/2015 985070006 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38026

17/11/2015 985070006 Penton HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,810.00 38026

17/11/2015 985069929 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 4,266.00 38032

17/11/2015 985069929 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38032

17/11/2015 985069929 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,842.00 38032

17/11/2015 985069929 Sr SutherlandPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,688.00 38032

17/11/2015 985069998 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,005.00 38034

17/11/2015 985069998 Higher Park LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,368.00 38034

17/11/2015 985069937 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,234.52 38037

17/11/2015 985069931 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,198.02 38037

17/11/2015 985069931 Ratecedar LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,779.40 38037

17/11/2015 985070062 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,000.00 38040

17/11/2015 985070062 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,202.57 38040

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 985070062 A H & L J WebbPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,213.71 38040

17/11/2015 985070022 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 38043

17/11/2015 985070022 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38043

17/11/2015 985070022 Dursford LodgePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,178.29 38043

17/11/2015 985069966 Nelson House Recovery TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,580.00 38046

17/11/2015 985070018 Evergreen Res HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38050

17/11/2015 985070018 Evergreen Res HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,300.00 38050

17/11/2015 985070046 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38051

17/11/2015 985070046 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,920.00 38051

17/11/2015 985070046 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,783.50 38051

17/11/2015 985070046 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,638.00 38051

17/11/2015 985070046 Premiere Health LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,100.00 38051

17/11/2015 985069916 The Community Of At Antony & St EliasPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,646.10 38058

17/11/2015 985069942 Anchor Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,036.00 38061

17/11/2015 985069942 Anchor Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,786.86 38061

17/11/2015 985069959 Durnford Society Parkstone LanePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,461.98 38065

17/11/2015 985070042 Charlton HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,208.00 38066

17/11/2015 985070042 Charlton HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,664.29 38066

17/11/2015 985069905 Tregarland TavistockPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,457.56 38074

17/11/2015 985069923 Abbeyfield Tamar Extra Care Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,276.86 38088

17/11/2015 985069923 Abbeyfield Tamar Extra Care Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,000.71 38088

17/11/2015 985070030 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 38096

17/11/2015 985070030 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,834.00 38096

17/11/2015 985070030 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 2,250.00 38096

17/11/2015 985070030 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,809.14 38096

17/11/2015 985070030 Mannarest LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,600.00 38096

17/11/2015 985069973 MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 884.00 38101

17/11/2015 985069973 MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,648.22 38101

17/11/2015 985070064 Alderson HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 843.26 38105

17/11/2015 985069894 Dr Peppers Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 38130

17/11/2015 985069894 Dr Peppers Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,470.00 38130

17/11/2015 985069891 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,832.70 38134

17/11/2015 985069891 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,165.70 38134

17/11/2015 985070039 ClearviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,373.02 38151

17/11/2015 985070048 Devon Sheltered Homes TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 889.70 38153

17/11/2015 985069907 TorvalePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,954.72 38156

17/11/2015 985069941 Sense South WestPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,768.30 38183

17/11/2015 985069918 The BungalowPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,454.62 38196

17/11/2015 985069924 Mrs W DunnPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,018.00 38207

17/11/2015 985069924 Mrs W DunnPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,202.00 38207

17/11/2015 985069983 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,241.58 38222

17/11/2015 985069906 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 850.00 38241

17/11/2015 985069906 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,016.00 38241

17/11/2015 985069906 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,702.00 38241

17/11/2015 985069906 Mr & Mrs FranksPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,382.16 38241

17/11/2015 985070066 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,748.82 38242

17/11/2015 985069963 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,181.70 38255

17/11/2015 985069954 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,318.56 38255

17/11/2015 985070023 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38291

17/11/2015 985070023 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,226.00 38291

17/11/2015 985070023 Drake Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,468.00 38291

17/11/2015 985070014 Assisi Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 2,560.00 38292

17/11/2015 985070014 Assisi Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 920.46 38292

17/11/2015 985070037 Copper BeechesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,980.00 38306

17/11/2015 985070026 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,652.00 38315

17/11/2015 985070026 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,834.00 38315

17/11/2015 985070026 Down HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 23,723.97 38315

17/11/2015 985069889 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,427.71 38333

17/11/2015 985069889 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 15,147.60 38333

17/11/2015 985069889 Waterloo House Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,600.00 38333

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 985069980 Mr B M & Mrs J A PrivettPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 38334

17/11/2015 985070017 G & Ss PurgausPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 970.22 38339

17/11/2015 985070017 G & Ss PurgausPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,117.88 38339

17/11/2015 985069955 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38346

17/11/2015 985069955 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,658.57 38346

17/11/2015 985069955 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,610.85 38346

17/11/2015 985069955 Peninsula Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38346

17/11/2015 985069952 Healthcare Trust LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,747.00 38354

17/11/2015 985070047 Sunita JhugrooPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,600.00 38359

17/11/2015 985070047 Sunita JhugrooPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,960.00 38359

17/11/2015 985069958 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,534.00 38364

17/11/2015 985069958 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,896.00 38364

17/11/2015 985069958 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,970.00 38364

17/11/2015 985069958 Southern Healthcare (wessex) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,012.00 38364

17/11/2015 985069887 Peninsula Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,040.00 38369

17/11/2015 985069707 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 996.30 38373

17/11/2015 985069764 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,019.84 38373

17/11/2015 985069822 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,168.44 38373

17/11/2015 985069822 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,871.66 38373

17/11/2015 985069839 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,556.60 38373

17/11/2015 985069893 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 996.30 38373

17/11/2015 985069893 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,676.24 38373

17/11/2015 985069950 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,019.84 38373

17/11/2015 985070008 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,168.44 38373

17/11/2015 985070008 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,871.66 38373

17/11/2015 985070025 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,556.60 38373

17/11/2015 985069974 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 38383

17/11/2015 985069974 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,934.00 38383

17/11/2015 985069974 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 38383

17/11/2015 985069974 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,500.00 38383

17/11/2015 985069974 Aj & Co (devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,998.44 38383

17/11/2015 985069914 Quality Lifestyle LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,858.50 38386

17/11/2015 985069922 Manor HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 38390

17/11/2015 985069922 Manor HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,350.00 38390

17/11/2015 985069926 Strathmore HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,185.30 38394

17/11/2015 985070012 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 38398

17/11/2015 985070011 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,362.57 38399

17/11/2015 985070011 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 948.00 38399

17/11/2015 985070011 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38399

17/11/2015 985070011 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 14,827.99 38399

17/11/2015 985070011 Sanctuary Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,156.16 38399

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,830.32 38402

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,900.82 38402

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,717.00 38402

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,262.10 38402

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 1,491.24 38402

17/11/2015 985069945 Roborough House Independent Care HotelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,888.28 38402

17/11/2015 985070054 21st Century Care (plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,286.00 38405

17/11/2015 985070016 R S M H C & A Western DivisionalPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,754.60 38418

17/11/2015 985070016 R S M H C & A Western DivisionalPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,641.06 38418

17/11/2015 985069977 Anchor Housing Association Manor CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,495.93 38420

17/11/2015 985069977 Anchor Housing Association Manor CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,844.00 38420

17/11/2015 985069991 Plymouth & South West Devon Spastic


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 2,985.00 38421

17/11/2015 985070015 Freshfields ManagementPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 38430

17/11/2015 985070015 Freshfields ManagementPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,117.40 38430

17/11/2015 985069992 J A N LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,480.52 38432

17/11/2015 985069992 J A N LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,820.00 38432

17/11/2015 985069901 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,522.00 38437

17/11/2015 985069901 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,256.58 38437

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 985069901 Rf & Ja GliddonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 19,599.90 38437

17/11/2015 985069884 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 38441

17/11/2015 985069884 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,267.57 38441

17/11/2015 985069884 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,718.22 38441

17/11/2015 985069884 Woodland VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,300.00 38441

17/11/2015 985069965 Rt Teasdale Business A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 38459

17/11/2015 985069965 Rt Teasdale Business A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,168.00 38459

17/11/2015 985070005 Hardwick View A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 16,292.52 38472

17/11/2015 985069919 Plymouth & District Free Church Womens


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,754.00 38480

17/11/2015 985069919 Plymouth & District Free Church Womens


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,382.00 38480

17/11/2015 985069920 Jm & Ja Van Deijl Thornbury A/cPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,802.00 38490

17/11/2015 985069953 Primrose HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,133.66 38531

17/11/2015 985069953 Primrose HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,026.50 38531

17/11/2015 985070045 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,431.96 45003

17/11/2015 985069996 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,093.78 45005

17/11/2015 985069996 Honeybourne House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,121.36 45005

17/11/2015 985069947 Rielly`s House LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,080.36 47900

17/11/2015 985070052 Jayne PagePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,743.46 49155

17/11/2015 985070059 Sense - Children And Adult ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,237.76 52484

17/11/2015 985069909 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 66344

17/11/2015 985069909 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,868.00 66344

17/11/2015 985069909 Torr HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,678.00 66344

17/11/2015 985070034 Lifestyle Care PlcPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,125.86 68448

17/11/2015 985069956 Pirbright Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,601.86 69059

17/11/2015 985069935 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,834.00 69789

17/11/2015 985069935 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,640.00 69789

17/11/2015 985069935 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,407.35 69789

17/11/2015 985069935 Springfields Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,844.00 69789

17/11/2015 985070051 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,795.29 69791

17/11/2015 985070051 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 69791

17/11/2015 985070051 Bickleigh Down Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,956.00 69791

17/11/2015 985070020 Sharob Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 69825

17/11/2015 985069994 Quality Lifestyle LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,289.00 70647

17/11/2015 985069971 Michealstowe Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,570.00 71011

17/11/2015 985069971 Michealstowe Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 12,096.00 71011

17/11/2015 985070049 Burdon Grange Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,224.80 72800

17/11/2015 985069940 Seahorses Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,201.30 73594

17/11/2015 985070038 Action on AddictionPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 2,934.00 74893

17/11/2015 985069904 Tremanse Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,057.80 76424

17/11/2015 985069997 The Regard PartnershipPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,219.74 80442

17/11/2015 985069976 Mrs Susan CurriePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,668.00 80651

17/11/2015 985069976 Mrs Susan CurriePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,706.00 80651

17/11/2015 985069903 Spectrum Devon & Cornwall Autistic

Community Trust

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,309.50 82614

17/11/2015 985070063 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,259.24 83176

17/11/2015 985070063 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,069.24 83176

17/11/2015 985070063 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 83176

17/11/2015 985070063 Astor Hall LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,623.16 83176

17/11/2015 985070057 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 800.00 83213

17/11/2015 985070057 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,300.00 83213

17/11/2015 985070057 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,500.00 83213

17/11/2015 985070057 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,604.00 83213

17/11/2015 985070057 Karlyon Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 13,445.12 83213

17/11/2015 985070036 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,034.00 83352

17/11/2015 985070036 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 948.00 83352

17/11/2015 985070036 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 83352

17/11/2015 985070036 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 83352

17/11/2015 985070036 Consort CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,934.00 83352

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 985069943 Home Farm Trust LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,584.66 84348

17/11/2015 985069978 Lyndale Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 17,830.00 89089

17/11/2015 985070053 Sheval Ltd - Asheborough HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 89814

17/11/2015 985069970 Shadrick Care HomesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,200.00 93651

17/11/2015 985069910 Mannamead Care Centre LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,804.00 96513

17/11/2015 985069910 Mannamead Care Centre LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,262.00 96513

17/11/2015 985069910 Mannamead Care Centre LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,157.14 96513

17/11/2015 985069993 Holwell VillaPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 862.00 97812

17/11/2015 985069975 Mayflower House A & L Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,940.00 98876

17/11/2015 985069975 Mayflower House A & L Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,194.00 98876

17/11/2015 985069985 Kestrel Grove Nursing HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,680.00 98910

17/11/2015 985070033 Colne HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 906.22 99571

17/11/2015 985070002 Haddon Court LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 803.60 99727

17/11/2015 985069960 Orchard Court Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 822.00 99791

17/11/2015 985069982 Ocean ViewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 727.34 102408

17/11/2015 985069961 Ocean ViewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,868.00 102408

17/11/2015 985069890 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104269

17/11/2015 985069890 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,468.00 104269

17/11/2015 985069890 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 104269

17/11/2015 985069890 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 104269

17/11/2015 985069890 Warwick Park House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,346.00 104269

17/11/2015 985069934 Cornish Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 822.00 104472

17/11/2015 985070000 Haven Lodge OPCO LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104474

17/11/2015 985069897 Ark Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 104814

17/11/2015 985069897 Ark Care Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,205.43 104814

17/11/2015 985069990 IOTA Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 7,833.86 106505

17/11/2015 985069957 Pendruccombe HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 106621

17/11/2015 985070060 Annette`s CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 1,567.18 107737

17/11/2015 985069518 Villa Atina LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 980.00 107868

17/11/2015 985069888 Waypoints Plymouth LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,900.00 108224

17/11/2015 985069888 Waypoints Plymouth LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 8,459.00 108224

17/11/2015 985070001 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,216.00 108225

17/11/2015 985070001 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,350.00 108225

17/11/2015 985070001 Abholly (2008) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,904.00 108225

17/11/2015 985069882 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,335.68 109283

17/11/2015 985069946 RiverviewPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,921.06 109284

17/11/2015 985069895 Venville HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 109373

17/11/2015 985069933 St Raphaels Care HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 109576

17/11/2015 985069951 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,800.00 112393

17/11/2015 985069951 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,002.00 112393

17/11/2015 985069951 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 112393

17/11/2015 985069951 Blue Mar Ltd- Revelstoke Lodge Care


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 112393

17/11/2015 985069967 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 934.00 112734

17/11/2015 985069967 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 9,356.00 112734

17/11/2015 985069967 Wisteria House Dementia Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,670.00 112734

17/11/2015 985069932 Stepping Stones(Matthew and Michael

Healthcare Ltd

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,380.02 113187

17/11/2015 985069932 Stepping Stones(Matthew and Michael

Healthcare Ltd

People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,496.48 113187

17/11/2015 985070007 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Respite Care Private Contra RevenueGPE 900.00 113861

17/11/2015 985070007 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 4,932.00 113861

17/11/2015 985070007 Greenacres Care Centre`People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,132.00 113861

17/11/2015 985070028 Holsworthy Health Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 948.00 114651

17/11/2015 985070044 Campania (N. Notaro Homes Ltd)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,400.00 114866

17/11/2015 985070055 Bethany Christian Home (Pilgrim Havens)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,634.00 114999

17/11/2015 985069984 The Old School HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 934.00 115171

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



17/11/2015 985069984 The Old School HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 10,414.00 115171

17/11/2015 985070050 Bosworth Care Home LLPPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 980.00 116135

17/11/2015 985069881 Lancashire County CouncilPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 877.45 118400

17/11/2015 985070019 Englishcombe House (Cedar Care Homes


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,112.00 118417

17/11/2015 985069972 Merafield View (AJ and Co (Devon) Ltd)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,924.60 118559

17/11/2015 985069939 Seabrook House LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,296.34 118594

17/11/2015 985069912 The ManorPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,000.00 118736

17/11/2015 985070065 Leonard Cheshire Disability - Agnes CourtPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,552.80 119162

17/11/2015 985070067 Drake Homecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,234.10 119834

17/11/2015 985070067 Drake Homecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,100.00 119834

17/11/2015 985069886 Bornel Care LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 28,950.43 119923

18/11/2015 980428238 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,644.60 103759

18/11/2015 980428247 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 661.01 105120

18/11/2015 980428248 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 661.01 105120

19/11/2015 PLY100902 Theatre Royal (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 500,000.00 23628

19/11/2015 PLY101902 Securi-Guard LimitedTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Security RevenueGCO 3,893.93 23672

19/11/2015 PLY101907 Securi-Guard LimitedTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Security RevenueGCO 18,117.73 23672

19/11/2015 PLY101727 Sigma Marketing & Advertising LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,600.00 24387

19/11/2015 PLY100807 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 2,483.59 24858

19/11/2015 PLY101952 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 1,657.57 24858

19/11/2015 PLY101983 Western Electrical WholesalePlace Directorate PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGPL 1,367.85 24883

19/11/2015 PPPLY06299 P & C J TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 950.00 24963

19/11/2015 PLY101767 Shekinah MissionPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Repair & Maintenance General RevenueTPL 3,102.65 25543

513.1719/11/2015 Vospers Motor House Ltd 25788Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

19/11/2015 PLY101377 Safety-Kleen Uk LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 714.13 25846

19/11/2015 PLY101973 University Of PlymouthPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Training RevenueGPL 1,884.00 25862

19/11/2015 PLY101936 Plymouth Garden Centre LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 437.50 25869

19/11/2015 PLY101987 J N E Construction LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCCO 10,632.86 25919

19/11/2015 PLY098965 Dennis Eagle LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Vehicles & Plant CapitalCPL 153,790.00 25971

19/11/2015 PLY098966 Dennis Eagle LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Vehicles & Plant CapitalCPL 153,790.00 25971

19/11/2015 PLY099933 Eversheds LLPTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore HR and OD Legal Agents RevenueGCO 4,494.50 26547

545.0019/11/2015 Archant Life Ltd 29745Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Advertising & Publicity Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 981041579 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesPlanning Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,567.95 33026

19/11/2015 981041568 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesHighways and Transport Propert Electricity RevenueGCO 465.19 33026

19/11/2015 981041587 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 545.44 33026

19/11/2015 981041591 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 828.39 33026

19/11/2015 981041640 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 527.36 33026

19/11/2015 981041630 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 734.10 33026

19/11/2015 981041564 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 814.84 33026

19/11/2015 981041546 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 787.82 33026

19/11/2015 981041557 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 424.25 33026

19/11/2015 981041629 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,200.89 33026

19/11/2015 981041633 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,403.71 33026

19/11/2015 981041608 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesCentral Services Property Electricity RevenueGCO 643.64 33026

19/11/2015 981041615 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEducation Property Electricity RevenueGCO 747.26 33026

19/11/2015 981041565 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesAdult Social Care Property Electricity RevenueGCO 681.73 33026

19/11/2015 981041617 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 698.44 33026

19/11/2015 981041618 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 483.82 33026

19/11/2015 981041570 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 418.10 33026

19/11/2015 981041619 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 950.55 33026

19/11/2015 981041614 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 1,160.72 33026

19/11/2015 981041609 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 839.92 33026

19/11/2015 981041603 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 3,036.24 33026

9,907.0219/11/2015 Npower Ltd 33026Various Various Premises Electricity Various RevenueVarious

2,421.3019/11/2015 Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Ltd 33175Various People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 PLY101622 SSI Electrical ServicesTransformation and Change PremisesCultural and Related Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 3,074.63 34483

19/11/2015 PPPLY06297 Kirtley RemovalsTransformation and Change PremisesCentral Services Rents RevenueGCO 2,067.40 36275

19/11/2015 PLY102018 Elm Community CentreExecutive Office Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Grants To Other Bodies RevenueGCE 3,100.00 38794

19/11/2015 PLY101957 Psychology Associates LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 487.00 38917

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



710.0019/11/2015 South West Grid for Learning Trust 63826Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 PLY101990 Venus Training & Consultancy LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Training RevenueGPE 2,570.38 67317

19/11/2015 PLY101996 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 720.00 68573

19/11/2015 PLY101911 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 540.00 68573

19/11/2015 PLY101593 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsCentral Services Private Contractors RevenueGCO 780.40 68573

19/11/2015 PPPLY06298 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 7,286.75 73054

19/11/2015 981041705 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 2,308.55 91017

19/11/2015 981041642 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 2,888.12 91017

19/11/2015 981041643 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 1,992.40 91017

19/11/2015 981041720 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Gas RevenueGCO 556.64 91017

19/11/2015 981041658 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Gas RevenueGCO 446.90 91017

19/11/2015 981041722 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 622.23 91017

19/11/2015 981041645 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 4,042.85 91017

19/11/2015 981041700 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 2,302.16 91017

19/11/2015 981041712 Total Gas & Power LtdPlace Directorate PremisesPlanning Services Gas RevenueGPL 574.45 91017

7,135.2919/11/2015 Total Gas & Power Ltd 91017Various Various Premises Gas Various RevenueVarious

19/11/2015 PLY101974 Topan Fencing LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 5,000.00 91515

19/11/2015 PLY101919 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 500.00 100181

19/11/2015 PLY101921 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 500.00 100181

19/11/2015 PLY101922 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 1,100.00 100181

19/11/2015 PLY101923 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 1,150.00 100181

19/11/2015 PLY101925 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


People Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 600.00 100181

840.0019/11/2015 The Family Law Company (Hartnell


100181Environmental & Regulatory Ser People Directorate Supplies and Services Legal Expenses Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 PLY101874 Woodwindrepair.co.ukPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPE 595.00 101108

504.2019/11/2015 Westward Housing Group 105761Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Rents & Accomm Costs Vol Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 PLY101982 Financial Reporting CouncilTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Finance Subscriptions RevenueGCO 1,565.00 105896

19/11/2015 PLY100327 Havas PeoplePlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Advertising RevenueGPL 1,183.00 106155

19/11/2015 PLY100570 NBA Solutions LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,219.95 107344

19/11/2015 PLY101881 Plymouth School of Creative ArtsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 18,333.45 111860

19/11/2015 PLY101962 Print Image Facilities LLPTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Postages RevenueGCO 1,349.74 112486

19/11/2015 999629252 The Direct Office Supply Co LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Purchase Of Furniture RevenueGPE 555.00 112632

19/11/2015 PLY101935 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 502.97 116142

19/11/2015 PLY101965 Delt Shared ServicesTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsICT base package AD User Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCO 51,603.90 116922

19/11/2015 981041747 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,202.65 117643

19/11/2015 981041756 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,283.25 117643

19/11/2015 981041757 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,519.34 117643

19/11/2015 PLY100761 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,648.76 117643

19/11/2015 PLY100762 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,587.81 117643

19/11/2015 PLY100763 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 6,057.20 117643

19/11/2015 PLY100767 Allied Healthcare (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 566.97 117643

741.6219/11/2015 Allied Healthcare (UK) Ltd 117643Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 981041765 4uSupportPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,890.96 117885

19/11/2015 981041759 Creative Living Care ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 582.00 117886

1,139.0019/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 117886Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

19/11/2015 PLY101931 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 26,854.32 117906

19/11/2015 PLY100371 G P Wild (International) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 6,920.00 118757

19/11/2015 PLY100371 G P Wild (International) LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 448.00 118757

19/11/2015 PLY101585 Earthjump CICPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Special Events RevenueGPL 545.00 118792

19/11/2015 PLY101951 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119206

19/11/2015 PLY101900 Yvonne VasiliouPeople Directorate PremisesHousing services Rents RevenueGPE 900.00 120168

799.3720/11/2015 Redacted personal data 41050Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

20/11/2015 980428266 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,200.00 75076

23/11/2015 980428315 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 691.23 23875

23/11/2015 980428312 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,207.43 24379

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



23/11/2015 980428317 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 645.00 29827

23/11/2015 980428323 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,103.27 36852

23/11/2015 980428328 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 586.16 38671

23/11/2015 980428329 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 912.69 40029

23/11/2015 980428347 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,386.25 52838

23/11/2015 980428349 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.91 53345

23/11/2015 980428353 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.80 57851

23/11/2015 980428355 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 797.63 58268

23/11/2015 980428376 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 738.95 69251

23/11/2015 980428390 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 864.25 71414

23/11/2015 980428414 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.25 74782

23/11/2015 980428428 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 835.26 75507

23/11/2015 980428479 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.00 83849

23/11/2015 980428491 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 984.29 85418

23/11/2015 980428521 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 669.69 87797

23/11/2015 980428536 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 716.68 88921

23/11/2015 980428537 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 638.95 88921

23/11/2015 980428540 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 88971

23/11/2015 980428545 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 975.42 89349

23/11/2015 980428563 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 585.96 89641

23/11/2015 980428585 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 690.32 90586

23/11/2015 980428591 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 700.62 90756

23/11/2015 980428629 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.65 92303

23/11/2015 980428630 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,048.05 92382

23/11/2015 980428644 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 772.05 93454

23/11/2015 980428678 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 694.42 95633

23/11/2015 980428682 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.91 95967

23/11/2015 980428708 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,412.92 97790

23/11/2015 980428710 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 739.94 97962

23/11/2015 980428717 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 660.90 98432

23/11/2015 980428718 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.49 98433

23/11/2015 980428732 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 574.28 99033

23/11/2015 980428742 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,851.16 99292

23/11/2015 980428784 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,121.25 100800

23/11/2015 980428791 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 806.09 101137

23/11/2015 980428807 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.12 101550

23/11/2015 980428812 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 593.44 101672

23/11/2015 980428816 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,000.38 101786

23/11/2015 980428828 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 870.18 102413

23/11/2015 980428829 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 615.12 102428

23/11/2015 980428831 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.63 102444

23/11/2015 980428834 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,160.24 102491

23/11/2015 980428856 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.99 103440

23/11/2015 980428873 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 104192

23/11/2015 980428879 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 958.66 104298

23/11/2015 980428922 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 661.01 105120

23/11/2015 980428924 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 564.04 105139

1,633.7623/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105371Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

23/11/2015 980428953 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 623.20 105375

23/11/2015 980428955 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 964.25 105378

23/11/2015 980428970 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 692.72 105554

23/11/2015 980428975 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 720.94 105583

23/11/2015 980429065 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.05 107375

23/11/2015 980429083 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 517.25 107894

23/11/2015 980429090 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 702.99 108008

23/11/2015 980429101 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.18 108102

23/11/2015 980429118 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

23/11/2015 980429135 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,521.96 108639

23/11/2015 980429144 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 711.60 108713

23/11/2015 980429164 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 540.00 109030

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Page 63: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



23/11/2015 980429175 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,695.75 109210

23/11/2015 980429182 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 787.80 109377

23/11/2015 980429196 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 109579

23/11/2015 980429219 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 553.20 110189

23/11/2015 980429228 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 697.29 110609

23/11/2015 980429252 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 653.28 111130

23/11/2015 980429267 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 563.00 111658

23/11/2015 980429269 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 675.80 111662

23/11/2015 980429298 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 830.81 112381

23/11/2015 980429325 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 549.84 113244

23/11/2015 980429382 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 651.00 115729

23/11/2015 980429386 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 695.57 115938

23/11/2015 980429388 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 534.00 115994

23/11/2015 980429394 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 116495

23/11/2015 980429395 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,928.44 116570

23/11/2015 980429396 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.00 116571

23/11/2015 980429488 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,075.50 118786

23/11/2015 980429521 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 616.06 119326

23/11/2015 980429545 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

24/11/2015 980429566 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 900.00 116683

24/11/2015 576086959 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

24/11/2015 576086969 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 656.60 23775

24/11/2015 576087021 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

24/11/2015 576087077 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 536.00 23775

24/11/2015 576087087 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 636.50 23775

24/11/2015 576087088 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 616.40 23775

24/11/2015 576087093 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 844.20 23775

23,785.0024/11/2015 (Enara) Caretime Services Limited 23775Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576087765 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,426.80 23907

1,084.5024/11/2015 Independence South West 24008Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088075 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088076 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088080 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088084 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088085 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 545.58 24569

24/11/2015 576088053 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088055 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088056 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 793.52 24569

24/11/2015 576088086 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 977.73 24569

24/11/2015 576088087 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088088 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.14 24569

24/11/2015 576088092 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

24/11/2015 576088094 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 878.56 24569

24/11/2015 576088097 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,331.98 24569

6,456.7924/11/2015 Michael Batt Foundation 24569Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088046 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 832.73 24893

24/11/2015 576088047 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,310.40 24893

1,559.6224/11/2015 Headway Plymouth 25087Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088006 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,099.72 25466

24/11/2015 576088009 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

24/11/2015 576088015 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

24/11/2015 576088016 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 632.50 25466

24/11/2015 576088018 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 577.50 25466

24/11/2015 576088021 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,606.50 25466

24/11/2015 576088028 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,262.25 25466

24/11/2015 576088035 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

24/11/2015 576087983 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 605.00 25466

24/11/2015 576087985 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,109.24 25466

24/11/2015 576087986 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

24/11/2015 576087988 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 594.69 25466

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 576087989 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,657.53 25466

24/11/2015 576087994 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.50 25466

24/11/2015 576087999 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.00 25466

24/11/2015 576088001 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 879.75 25466

24/11/2015 576088002 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

9,978.0424/11/2015 The Durnford Society Ltd 25466Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,433.5024/11/2015 Plymouth Age Concern 25541Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088170 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 511.88 27695

24/11/2015 576088171 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

24/11/2015 576088172 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 895.68 27695

24/11/2015 576088173 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 552.85 27695

24/11/2015 576088156 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,634.22 27695

24/11/2015 576088157 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,248.38 27695

24/11/2015 576088160 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,271.06 27695

24/11/2015 576088161 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

24/11/2015 576088162 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 661.47 27695

24/11/2015 576088163 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 573.30 27695

24/11/2015 576088165 The Regard Partnership LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,089.48 27695

2,487.1724/11/2015 The Regard Partnership Ltd 27695Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

866.0024/11/2015 Amberley House Residential Home 29702Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,899.0924/11/2015 SCOPE 30979Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088106 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,755.18 38935

24/11/2015 576088108 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

24/11/2015 576088109 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

24/11/2015 576088110 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

24/11/2015 576088113 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

24/11/2015 576088114 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

24/11/2015 576088115 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,340.24 38935

24/11/2015 576088116 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

24/11/2015 576088119 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

24/11/2015 576088121 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

24/11/2015 576088122 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,145.22 38935

24/11/2015 576088123 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

24/11/2015 576088127 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

24/11/2015 576088129 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

24/11/2015 576088131 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

24/11/2015 576088132 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,393.00 38935

24/11/2015 576088135 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

24/11/2015 576088141 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,852.69 38935

24/11/2015 576088152 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

24/11/2015 576088153 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

5,901.1024/11/2015 Havencare (Plymouth) 38935Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

5,637.0824/11/2015 Pluss 52159Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088254 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 503.50 60417

24/11/2015 576088261 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,439.20 60417

24/11/2015 576088265 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 809.55 60417

24/11/2015 576088270 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

24/11/2015 576088272 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.00 60417

24/11/2015 576088225 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.64 60417

24/11/2015 576088228 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,070.47 60417

24/11/2015 576088230 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

24/11/2015 576088235 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 742.07 60417

24/11/2015 576088242 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

24/11/2015 576088243 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

24/11/2015 576088249 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,117.96 60417

24/11/2015 576088221 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

24/11/2015 576088222 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

5,530.2024/11/2015 Lifeways Community Care 60417Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088326 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,082.50 61984

24/11/2015 576088343 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.50 61984

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Page 65: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 576088350 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 61984

24/11/2015 576088351 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 780.00 61984

24/11/2015 576088354 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 61984

24/11/2015 576088355 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 61984

24/11/2015 576088359 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,274.00 61984

24/11/2015 576088361 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,215.50 61984

24/11/2015 576088363 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 799.50 61984

24/11/2015 576088364 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.75 61984

13,586.7024/11/2015 Selborne Care Limited 61984Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

564.4824/11/2015 Plymouth Guild 65525Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

3,488.5824/11/2015 Plymouth Highbury Trust Services 68132Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,479.1924/11/2015 Plymouth Independent Living 71895Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576087197 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 990.00 79730

24/11/2015 576087199 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 619.52 79730

24/11/2015 576087212 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,320.00 79730

24/11/2015 576087213 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 707.52 79730

24/11/2015 576087233 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

24/11/2015 576087246 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

5,251.4824/11/2015 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) Ltd 79730Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088419 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 803.99 82267

24/11/2015 576088420 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 937.44 82267

24/11/2015 576088422 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 872.34 82267

24/11/2015 576088428 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,275.96 82267

3,207.6124/11/2015 Yourway Support Services Ltd 82267Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088430 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.20 82716

24/11/2015 576088431 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

24/11/2015 576088432 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,367.10 82716

24/11/2015 576088433 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.58 82716

24/11/2015 576088442 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 527.99 82716

24/11/2015 576088445 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

24/11/2015 576088448 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

24/11/2015 576088449 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 642.18 82716

24/11/2015 576088450 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,022.10 82716

24/11/2015 576088451 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

24/11/2015 576088452 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

24/11/2015 576088453 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

3,011.4724/11/2015 Mencap 82716Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088460 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.09 91992

24/11/2015 576088457 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.00 91992

826.1224/11/2015 Caraston Hall Support & Housing 91992Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088480 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 641.26 96574

24/11/2015 576088493 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

24/11/2015 576088494 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

24/11/2015 576088495 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.50 96574

24/11/2015 576088496 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 819.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088498 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,183.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088499 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 923.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088501 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,313.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088502 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,287.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088503 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088505 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088507 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088510 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

24/11/2015 576088511 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 520.00 96574

24/11/2015 576088516 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,767.04 96574

24/11/2015 576088517 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

24/11/2015 576088519 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

3,677.5924/11/2015 Premier Care (Plymouth) Ltd 96574Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088578 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088580 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 576088583 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 686.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088547 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 539.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088555 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 532.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088560 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088561 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088567 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088570 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 525.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088574 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 630.00 98657

24/11/2015 576088576 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 588.00 98657

7,607.2224/11/2015 Ashlong Domicillary care 98657Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088594 Independence Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,300.32 99784

834.9024/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 102949Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088606 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.50 108204

24/11/2015 576088608 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 758.09 108204

1,044.4324/11/2015 Plymouth Supported Living 108204Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576087417 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 609.00 108954

24/11/2015 576087411 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 659.75 108954

24/11/2015 576087495 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 659.75 108954

9,886.5224/11/2015 Caremark (Plymouth) 108954Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,637.8024/11/2015 Alexandra Houseing Ltd 110674Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088651 Colebrook (SW) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 989.45 112153

6,563.2024/11/2015 Colebrook (SW) Ltd 112153Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

2,492.1624/11/2015 Guinness Care and Support Limited 112370Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088716 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

2,203.7624/11/2015 I-Grow Care and Support Ltd 112728Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576087622 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

24/11/2015 576087647 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 861.60 116879

12,570.6224/11/2015 Mears Care Limited 116879Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088720 Your LifestylePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,680.00 117062

24/11/2015 576088723 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,103.20 117369

24/11/2015 576088726 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 854.98 117369

550.6424/11/2015 Support`ed Limited 117369Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 576088729 KPW Newkey LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.67 118020

24/11/2015 PLY100989 Oxford Expert Psychiatry LimitedPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Legal Expenses RevenueGPE 1,042.75 120061

24/11/2015 PPPLY06301 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 20,000.00 23572

24/11/2015 PLY102054 Peters LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 689.40 23605

24/11/2015 PLY102065 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 14,337.45 23614

24/11/2015 PLY102066 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 20,764.35 23614

24/11/2015 PLY102268 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate PremisesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Asbestos Related Expenses RevenueGPL 4,224.90 23614

24/11/2015 PLY102254 Viridor Waste ManagementPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 1,420.40 23614

24/11/2015 PLY102220 Theatre Royal (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPE 1,083.33 23628

24/11/2015 PPPLY06364 City College PlymouthPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 70,000.00 23663

24/11/2015 PLY102328 Securi-Guard LimitedTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCCO 978.00 23672

24/11/2015 PLY102329 Securi-Guard LimitedTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCCO 434.00 23672

24/11/2015 PLY102317 Penbekon ContractorsPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,507.50 23674

24/11/2015 PLY102374 Bailey PartnershipPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCPE 840.00 24001

24/11/2015 PLY102375 Bailey PartnershipPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCPE 850.00 24001

24/11/2015 PLY100901 Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene SuppTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Purchase Of Materials RevenueGCO 4,814.49 24060

24/11/2015 PLY102028 Bournemouth UniversityPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Course Expenses RevenueGPE 850.00 24062

2,160.4524/11/2015 Waterfront West 24125Various People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 507166502 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 445.91 24344

24/11/2015 507166439 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 461.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166428 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 468.18 24344

24/11/2015 507166222 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 506.40 24344

24/11/2015 507166213 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 718.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166239 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 2,080.00 24344

24/11/2015 507166437 Pertemps LimitedCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 469.16 24344

24/11/2015 507166462 Pertemps LimitedExecutive Office EmployeesCore Executive Office Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCE 1,101.86 24344

24/11/2015 507166283 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 537.61 24344

24/11/2015 507166284 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 441.28 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 507166285 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 472.23 24344

24/11/2015 507166514 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 439.56 24344

24/11/2015 507166515 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesPlanning Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,144.00 24344

24/11/2015 507166210 Pertemps LimitedPublic Health EmployeesPublic Health Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPH 549.45 24344

24/11/2015 507166209 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 538.88 24344

24/11/2015 507166507 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Customer Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 426.24 24344

24/11/2015 507166256 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Assets Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 469.16 24344

24/11/2015 507166497 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 446.96 24344

24/11/2015 507166741 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesHighways & Transport Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 1,960.00 24344

24/11/2015 507166221 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 504.90 24344

24/11/2015 507166281 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 584.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166153 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 580.97 24344

24/11/2015 507167158 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 652.16 24344

24/11/2015 507166635 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 3,000.00 24344

24/11/2015 507166290 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 692.27 24344

24/11/2015 507166500 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 611.59 24344

24/11/2015 507166244 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 624.56 24344

24/11/2015 507166458 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 624.56 24344

24/11/2015 507166327 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

24/11/2015 507166463 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Finance Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 910.20 24344

24/11/2015 507166532 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 510.75 24344

24/11/2015 507166207 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 418.50 24344

24/11/2015 507166167 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,444.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166171 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166163 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,171.50 24344

24/11/2015 507166259 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 478.19 24344

24/11/2015 507166247 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 887.26 24344

24/11/2015 507166218 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 517.61 24344

24/11/2015 507166443 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 625.30 24344

24/11/2015 507166216 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 503.57 24344

24/11/2015 507166156 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 798.38 24344

24/11/2015 507166157 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 925.74 24344

24/11/2015 507166211 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 566.47 24344

24/11/2015 507166258 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 445.50 24344

24/11/2015 507166352 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

24/11/2015 507166305 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 426.24 24344

24/11/2015 507166967 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 2,860.00 24344

24/11/2015 507166169 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,321.65 24344

24/11/2015 507166164 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,407.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166165 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166170 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166159 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,036.35 24344

24/11/2015 507166159 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 524.60 24344

24/11/2015 507166154 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,004.48 24344

24/11/2015 507166161 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166531 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 540.57 24344

24/11/2015 507166162 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,344.95 24344

24/11/2015 507166160 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,629.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166168 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,259.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166264 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 427.35 24344

24/11/2015 507166217 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 719.41 24344

24/11/2015 507166151 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 665.68 24344

24/11/2015 507166334 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

24/11/2015 507166315 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

24/11/2015 507166348 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 435.86 24344

24/11/2015 507166228 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166230 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166225 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 461.39 24344

24/11/2015 507166236 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesInternal Trading Unit Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 478.04 24344

24/11/2015 507166504 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 532.06 24344

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 507166434 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 579.15 24344

24/11/2015 507166435 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesHousing services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 469.53 24344

24/11/2015 507166457 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPL 836.55 24344

24/11/2015 507166503 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGPE 1,037.85 24344

24/11/2015 507166442 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 3,228.30 24344

24/11/2015 507166470 Pertemps LimitedPlace Directorate EmployeesTrading Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueTPL 462.82 24344

24/11/2015 507166419 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCentral Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 438.36 24344

24/11/2015 507166421 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCentral Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 445.80 24344

24/11/2015 507166478 Pertemps LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCentral Services Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCO 421.07 24344

63,344.4924/11/2015 Pertemps Limited 24344Various Various Various Various Various VariousVarious

24/11/2015 PLY102237 Dolphin Stairlifts South-WestPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,400.00 24574

24/11/2015 PLY101086 Wood Yew WastePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Woodchip Processing Fees RevenueGPL 20,860.29 24580

1,837.3224/11/2015 Portakabin Ltd 24712Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Hire Of Equipment Various RevenueGPL

24/11/2015 PLY102198 Gables Farm Dogs & Cats HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Misc ExpenditureClient Carers Support RevenueGPE 775.00 24814

24/11/2015 PPPLY06365 Harbour CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 21,929.42 24907

24/11/2015 PPPLY06302 P & C J TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 842.22 24963

24/11/2015 PPPLY06303 P & C J TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,023.32 24963

24/11/2015 PLY102073 Sutton Harbour CompanyPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 25,650.00 25234

24/11/2015 PPPLY06310 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,586.41 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06311 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,705.85 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06312 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,793.92 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06313 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,319.05 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06314 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,929.28 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06315 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,134.76 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06304 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,955.37 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06305 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,012.45 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06306 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,727.05 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06307 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,850.83 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06308 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,386.21 25259

24/11/2015 PPPLY06309 Target TravelPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,722.16 25259

24/11/2015 PLY100580 Brandon Hire PlcPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPL 663.00 25499

24/11/2015 PLY102270 Trojan Garage Equipment Co LtPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 748.98 25581

24/11/2015 PPPLY06366 Westcountry Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 23,015.66 25590

24/11/2015 PPPLY06367 Westcountry Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 4,037.08 25590

449.3024/11/2015 Vospers Motor House Ltd 25788Various Various Various Various Various RevenueVarious

24/11/2015 PLY101614 Torbay CouncilPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 950.00 25800

24/11/2015 PPPLY06368 Plymouth College Of Art & DesPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 3,000.00 25871

24/11/2015 PLY102217 Plymouth Citybus LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 344,173.59 25872

714.0024/11/2015 Plymouth Citybus Ltd 25872Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

24/11/2015 PLY102292 Miss Susan DownPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,117.50 26460

24/11/2015 PPPLY06361 Call 24 HourTransformation and Change Support ServicesCore Customer Services Support Service Direct Charges RevenueGCO 1,717.04 26768

24/11/2015 PPPLY06369 THE ZONE (Youth Enquiry Service)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 15,872.72 27398

24/11/2015 PPPLY06370 Zebra Collective LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 3,323.67 27671

24/11/2015 PPPLY06371 Zebra Collective LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 3,314.50 27671

24/11/2015 PPPLY06372 Zebra Collective LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 4,998.50 27671

24/11/2015 PLY102262 Medland Sanders & Twose Ltd (MST)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2,811.57 30201

24/11/2015 PLY101330 Medland Sanders & Twose Ltd (MST)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 1,914.96 30201

24/11/2015 PLY102262 Medland Sanders & Twose Ltd (MST)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2,958.43 30201

523.5424/11/2015 Medland Sanders & Twose Ltd (MST) 30201Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Materials Various RevenueGPL

24/11/2015 PLY102067 Industrial Safety TrainingPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Training RevenueGPL 750.00 30774

24/11/2015 PLY102114 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 2,261.00 31085

24/11/2015 PLY102110 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 442.70 31085

24/11/2015 PLY102111 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 442.70 31085

24/11/2015 PLY102151 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 2,618.00 31085

24/11/2015 PLY102154 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 2,800.60 31085

24/11/2015 PLY098969 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 484.00 32304

24/11/2015 PLY101073 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 646.00 32304

24/11/2015 PLY101074 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 467.00 32304

516.0024/11/2015 Morris Leslie (Plymouth) Ltd 32304Internal Trading Unit Place Directorate Transport Plant Hire Charges Various RevenueGPL

24/11/2015 PLY102343 British GasTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,443.59 35389

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 PLY102344 British GasTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,133.51 35389

24/11/2015 PLY102301 British GasTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Electricity RevenueGCO 753.93 35389

24/11/2015 PLY102304 British GasTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Electricity RevenueGCO 3,822.71 35389

24/11/2015 PLY102281 British GasTransformation and Change PremisesCDC Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,016.57 35389

542.7724/11/2015 British Gas 35389CDC Property Transformation and Change Premises Electricity Various RevenueGCO

24/11/2015 PLY100963 DX Network Services Ltd.Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Courier services RevenueGCO 466.92 35790

24/11/2015 PLY102184 Kirtley RemovalsCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Removals & Storage Costs RevenueGCI 1,880.00 36275

24/11/2015 PLY102184 Kirtley RemovalsCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Removals & Storage Costs RevenueGCI 1,000.00 36275

24/11/2015 PLY102178 Kirtley RemovalsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Display of Art and artifacts RevenueGPL 1,185.00 36275

704.0024/11/2015 Kirtley Removals 36275Corporate & Democratic Core Corporate Items Supplies and Services Removals & Storage Costs PLY102184 RevenueGCI

24/11/2015 PLY102014 I J Cannings & Son LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 1,443.62 38888

24/11/2015 PLY102015 I J Cannings & Son LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 3,386.00 38888

24/11/2015 PLY102059 Psychology Associates LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 2,235.40 38917

24/11/2015 PLY102238 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,931.00 40330

24/11/2015 PLY102316 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,480.00 40330

24/11/2015 PLY102319 Appeel LtdPeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 1,380.00 40330

24/11/2015 PPPLY06357 STARTPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 10,863.01 42680

24/11/2015 PLY102208 Security Management South West LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueTPL 4,832.88 44971

24/11/2015 PPPLY06373 The Salvation ArmyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 4,378.33 45811

24/11/2015 PPPLY06374 The Salvation ArmyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 29,406.67 45811

24/11/2015 PLY102302 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 49154

24/11/2015 PLY102131 Doorcare South West LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 10,312.59 50664

24/11/2015 PLY102147 G4S Cash Services (UK) LimitedTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Transaction Centre Secure Cash Collection RevenueGCO 1,492.77 50923

622.5924/11/2015 G4S Cash Services (UK) Limited 50923Core Transaction Centre Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Secure Cash Collection Various RevenueGCO

24/11/2015 PLY101532 Peter Brett AssociatesPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 1,359.00 57645

24/11/2015 PLY100684 Peter Brett AssociatesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 5,000.00 57645

24/11/2015 PLY100835 Peter Brett AssociatesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 4,500.00 57645

24/11/2015 PLY101382 Glenspray Motors LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 568.00 58360

24/11/2015 PPPLY06318 Mr J TompkinsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 886.70 60833

24/11/2015 PPPLY06323 Mr J TompkinsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 753.67 60833

24/11/2015 PPPLY06324 Mr J TompkinsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 997.50 60833

24/11/2015 PPPLY06325 Mr J TompkinsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,010.64 60833

24/11/2015 PPPLY06375 Stonham Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 13,581.75 61994

24/11/2015 PPPLY06376 Stonham Housing AssociationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 20,410.01 61994

24/11/2015 PLY101729 Clockwork Audio Systems LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPE 1,685.00 67939

24/11/2015 PPPLY06362 S J Pearce Transport LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,390.15 70852

24/11/2015 PPPLY06363 S J Pearce Transport LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,935.85 70852

24/11/2015 PLY101737 Nationwide PrintPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 1,432.00 74570

24/11/2015 PLY101659 Hydrock Consultants LTDPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 750.00 76371

24/11/2015 PLY102378 Helen BrayPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,283.54 82702

24/11/2015 PLY100699 Eastcliff Services LimitedTransformation and Change EmployeesCore HR and OD Medical Expenses RevenueGCO 980.00 84273

24/11/2015 PLY100610 Prensus LimitedPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 2,915.00 84988

24/11/2015 PPPLY06392 Bournemouth Churches Housing


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 31,113.19 85059

24/11/2015 PPPLY06377 Bournemouth Churches Housing


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 38,485.45 85059

24/11/2015 PLY101846 The AV GroupTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesShared Property Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 2,487.56 85452

24/11/2015 PPPLY06378 Alzheimers SocietyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 14,415.17 89049

24/11/2015 PLY102248 4Recycling LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Tipping Charges RevenueGPL 5,014.80 89835

24/11/2015 PLY102194 Plymouth Community Homes Services LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 775.74 94179

24/11/2015 PLY102324 Food is Fun LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesHousing services Contributions To Other Bodies RevenueGPE 3,750.00 95811

24/11/2015 PLY101575 D & K J BraggPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Green Waste Composting RevenueGPL 24,840.27 97237

24/11/2015 PLY101695 Northgate Vehicle Hire (sw&w) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Vehicle Hire Charges RevenueGPL 591.17 97376

24/11/2015 PLY101696 Northgate Vehicle Hire (sw&w) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Vehicle Hire Charges RevenueGPL 514.29 97376

24/11/2015 PLY101698 Northgate Vehicle Hire (sw&w) LtdPlace Directorate TransportInternal Trading Unit Vehicle Hire Charges RevenueGPL 591.17 97376

24/11/2015 PPPLY06333 Taxi Telephone Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 43,000.00 98466

24/11/2015 PLY100866 Property Repairs & Maintenance


Place Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 724.78 99022

829.0024/11/2015 Plymouth Demolition Services Ltd 100036Various Place Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPL

24/11/2015 PLY100587 Glendale CountrysidePlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsCultural & related Services Private Contractors RevenueGPL 3,400.00 101509

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



24/11/2015 PLY100410 Red Rock Geoscience LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCCO 9,080.00 101540

24/11/2015 PPPLY06353 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,096.81 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06354 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,884.17 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06351 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,233.21 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06352 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,224.58 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06319 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,872.13 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06320 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,837.30 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06321 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,758.05 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06322 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,240.18 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06326 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,072.03 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06327 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,754.57 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06328 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,819.01 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06329 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,043.29 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06330 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,337.60 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06331 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,675.20 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06332 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,337.60 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06334 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,976.24 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06335 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,935.70 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06336 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,909.58 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06337 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,052.87 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06338 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,697.97 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06339 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,235.83 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06340 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,940.53 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06341 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,085.09 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06342 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,112.09 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06343 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,903.09 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06344 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,995.40 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06345 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,805.00 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06346 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,812.92 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06347 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,165.76 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06348 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,331.62 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06349 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 2,159.67 101682

24/11/2015 PPPLY06350 Transport Operations LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,836.67 101682

24/11/2015 PLY102060 Carter Brown AssociatesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 3,553.30 101928

24/11/2015 PLY100666 Midland Software LimitedCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Consultancy Fees RevenueGCI 700.82 103314

24/11/2015 PLY100685 Sherriff AmenityPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 4,928.40 103373

24/11/2015 PPPLY06379 Elder Tree LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Floating Support Service RevenueGPE 27,083.33 103691

24/11/2015 PLY102325 Churchill Environmental Services LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Repair & Maintenance General RevenueGCO 1,069.10 104466

24/11/2015 PPPLY06391 New Hope Training CentrePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 5,182.74 104569

24/11/2015 PLY101486 SSE ContractingPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 20,779.78 104666

24/11/2015 PLY101730 Browne Jacobson LLPCorporate Items Balance SheetBalance Sheet Payments RevenueBCI 2,310.00 105649

24/11/2015 PLY101858 Karen AndersonPeople Directorate EmployeesAdult Social Care Training RevenueGPE 1,600.00 106174

24/11/2015 PLY102235 Pichler Ltd.People Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 2,633.00 108018

24/11/2015 PLY102236 Pichler Ltd.People Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 3,912.00 108018

24/11/2015 PLY102173 Kevin HeathornPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 1,400.00 109114

24/11/2015 PLY101573 Ward Williams AssociatesCorporate Items Third Party PaymentsCorporate & Democratic Core Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCI 5,625.00 109454

24/11/2015 PLY102327 Ward Williams AssociatesCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesCorporate & Democratic Core Consultancy Fees RevenueGCI 558.48 109454

24/11/2015 PLY102379 Hugh CornfordPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,774.26 109563

2,688.6024/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Various Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueVarious

24/11/2015 PLY100703 Claremont Group Interiors LtdTransformation and Change Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCCO 120,525.13 110421

24/11/2015 PLY101899 Salt Dog Ltd t/c The Boathouse CafePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 1,000.00 110812

24/11/2015 PLY102118 Alere Toxicology Plc (was Concato Tricho


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 792.00 111152

24/11/2015 PLY102125 Alere Toxicology Plc (was Concato Tricho


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 792.00 111152

1,206.2524/11/2015 Alere Toxicology Plc (was Concato Tricho


111152Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Other Agency & Contracted Services Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 PLY101664 Vodafone Ltd **DO NOT


Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesICT base package AD User Network Data Line Rental Charges RevenueGCO 1,690.48 112396

24/11/2015 PLY101560 Emo OilsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 6,073.63 112707

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



4,440.0024/11/2015 Language Empire Ltd 113030Various People Directorate Supplies and Services Translation & Interpretation Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 PLY102372 Simon GreenPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 857.50 113222

24/11/2015 PLY101526 Advanced Resource Managers IT LtdCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Temporary and Interim Staff RevenueGCI 4,640.00 113761

24/11/2015 PLY102280 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 24,621.48 113802

24/11/2015 PLY100748 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 4,250.00 113802

24/11/2015 PLY102056 Kier MG Limited (Kier Services)Place Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPL 9,396.89 113806

24/11/2015 PLY102056 Kier MG Limited (Kier Services)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 12,818.51 113806

24/11/2015 PLY100680 Penna PLCCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 590.00 113814

24/11/2015 PLY100318 Penna PLCCorporate Items EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Training RevenueGCI 840.00 113814

24/11/2015 PLY102314 Richcraft MaintenancePeople Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Main Contract CapitalCPE 4,637.00 114130

24/11/2015 PLY102069 Upon a WishPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 535.00 114493

24/11/2015 PLY102386 Rock a Tots Day NurseryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 4,000.00 114501

24/11/2015 PLY102102 PL1 Events LimitedPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 12,200.00 114568

24/11/2015 PPPLY06380 Enham TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 19,940.08 114666

24/11/2015 PLY102336 Kevin JonesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 640.00 114698

24/11/2015 PLY100871 Goring Berry LLPPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 4,400.00 115041

24/11/2015 PPPLY06358 Purple Balm LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Floating Support Service RevenueGPE 11,090.88 115650

24/11/2015 PLY102242 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 1,275.94 116142

24/11/2015 PLY102239 Simon Harper Public RelationsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 8,000.00 116957

24/11/2015 PPPLY06385 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 5,001.12 117586

24/11/2015 PPPLY06386 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 1,250.28 117586

24/11/2015 PPPLY06387 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 1,250.28 117586

24/11/2015 PPPLY06388 Mihomecare LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 2,500.56 117586

24/11/2015 PLY102122 1st Call Homecare LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 107,653.18 117641

24/11/2015 PPPLY06390 Colebrook (SE) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Floating Support Service RevenueGPE 11,675.82 117650

24/11/2015 PPPLY06381 Colebrook (SE) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 14,994.59 117650

24/11/2015 PPPLY06384 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living (Block) RevenueGPE 6,055.95 117659

24/11/2015 PPPLY06383 Plymouth GuildPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 1,776.16 117664

24/11/2015 PPPLY06382 Plymouth GuildPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 3,576.42 117664

24/11/2015 PPPLY06389 Plymouth Highbury Trust ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advocacy RevenueGPE 2,791.66 117665

24/11/2015 PPPLY06393 Plymouth Highbury Trust ServicesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 7,061.87 117665

1,781.8924/11/2015 Sanctuary Home Care Limited 117667Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 PLY102303 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 117830

24/11/2015 PLY102179 Link Maker Systems LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPE 4,370.00 118566

24/11/2015 PLY102352 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118578

24/11/2015 PLY102307 PWH Surveyors LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Consultancy Fees CapitalCPL 4,818.75 118593

24/11/2015 PLY102300 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118702

24/11/2015 PLY101643 Bettercare Keys LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi School Fees Independent Schools RevenueGPE 2,700.00 119121

24/11/2015 PLY095326 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Addl Costs Activities Educational RevenueGPE 1,269.00 119184

24/11/2015 PLY102305 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119200

1,192.5924/11/2015 Oakhouse Foods SW ( Exeter ) 119377Adult Social Care People Directorate Supplies and Services Purchase Of Catering Provisions Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 PLY102380 Beresford KennedyPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 1,075.00 119745

24/11/2015 PLY102055 Cheadle Royal School PrioryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi School Fees Independent Schools RevenueGPE 2,275.00 120239

24/11/2015 PLY102058 Priory Hospital School PrioryPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi School Fees Independent Schools RevenueGPE 962.50 120241

542.7124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37023Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

747.2124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37024Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,604.1424/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37027Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

632.3024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37045Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

809.8224/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37101Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

772.1724/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37107Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

514.7824/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37123Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 16 Various RevenueGPE

536.5024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37143Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

651.0324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37161Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

639.5024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37181Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

826.0624/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37232Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37242Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

791.1924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37362Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,496.9924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37365Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

863.7524/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37369Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

507.3924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37429Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



505.7124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37532Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37541Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

549.1024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37599Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Adoption Allowance Various RevenueGPE

779.2024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37600Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,610.8824/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37722Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

600.3124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37862Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37867Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

24/11/2015 986434265 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Adoption Allowance RevenueGPE 668.86 37882

648.4024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37892Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,829.8724/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37893Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37901Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

704.1924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37908Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

803.3624/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37919Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

651.0324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37941Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

588.8624/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37947Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

680.3924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 37968Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

569.4924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 39730Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

505.7124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 41353Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

600.3124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 53670Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

811.1924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 59216Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

721.8124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 65894Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

774.8424/11/2015 Redacted personal data 67850Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

915.3824/11/2015 Redacted personal data 68432Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 69672Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

667.1324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 80648Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

779.2024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 81406Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

700.0024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 82208Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

553.8024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 85131Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

809.2124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 88997Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

602.6024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 96544Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.4124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

553.8024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98617Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

554.0024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 99234Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Lodgings Carer Various RevenueGPE

937.7824/11/2015 Redacted personal data 101616Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

1,180.5424/11/2015 Redacted personal data 102836Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

632.3024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103132Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

683.2324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103160Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

603.5324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 103317Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

661.0024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104041Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 104057Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

905.7924/11/2015 Redacted personal data 105004Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

648.4024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 107352Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

580.2324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 108579Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 2 Mtce 510 Various RevenueGPE

758.2024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109399Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Special Guardianship Allowance Various RevenueGPE

549.8624/11/2015 Redacted personal data 109987Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Foster Band 1 Mtce 1115 Various RevenueGPE

564.1324/11/2015 Redacted personal data 110894Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

657.8524/11/2015 Redacted personal data 111101Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Other Payments To Foster Parents Taxable Various RevenueGPE

841.8124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 114202Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

519.8124/11/2015 Redacted personal data 119357Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Residence Order Various RevenueGPE

1,170.0024/11/2015 Redacted personal data 120219Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Addl Costs Activities Educational Various RevenueGPE

25/11/2015 980429581 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 4,593.42 120272

25/11/2015 985069736 The Retreat Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,170.60 38120

25/11/2015 985069921 The Retreat Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 900.00 38120

25/11/2015 985069921 The Retreat Residential HomePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,302.69 38120

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 500.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 600.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 439.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 579.60 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,399.90 23572

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,534.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 817.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 3,080.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 725.60 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 891.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 545.65 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 472.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 639.60 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,230.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 815.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 596.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,091.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,075.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,696.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 604.95 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,357.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 654.10 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 562.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 966.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 687.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 601.50 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 496.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,020.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,005.38 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 591.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 446.35 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,708.10 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 620.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,218.01 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,172.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 852.90 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 675.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 795.10 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 997.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 925.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 612.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 565.20 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 500.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 536.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 844.10 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 593.95 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 855.20 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,491.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 687.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 523.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 632.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 481.90 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 493.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,014.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 585.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 599.30 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 427.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,629.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 431.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,271.60 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 756.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 541.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 654.90 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 908.90 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 770.10 23572

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 823.10 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 665.70 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 446.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 504.20 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 444.80 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 662.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 753.60 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,038.40 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,524.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 1,256.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 440.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 464.00 23572

26/11/2015 528132126 The Cab CompanyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Transport RevenueGPE 476.80 23572

26/11/2015 999630421 City College PlymouthPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Payment of Tuition Fees RevenueGPE 760.50 23663

26/11/2015 999630430 Pertemps LimitedPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 8,346.17 24344

26/11/2015 PPPLY06408 Hope Baptist ChurchTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Rents RevenueGCO 1,020.00 24558

26/11/2015 PLY101953 Royal MailTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 2,202.57 24858

26/11/2015 PPPLY06394 Harbour CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 64,253.08 24907

26/11/2015 PPPLY06394 Harbour CentrePublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 106,173.75 24907

26/11/2015 PLY102571 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

26/11/2015 PLY102571 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

26/11/2015 PLY102571 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

26/11/2015 PLY102571 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

26/11/2015 PLY102571 Legal Practice Imprest AccountTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Legal Court Fees RevenueGCO 2,055.00 24960

1,485.0026/11/2015 Legal Practice Imprest Account 24960Core Legal Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Court Fees PLY102571 RevenueGCO

26/11/2015 PPPLY06409 Lynher Training GroupPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Private Contractors RevenueGPE 3,759.83 25478

26/11/2015 PPPLY06410 Shekinah MissionPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Private Contractors RevenueGPE 5,849.75 25543

26/11/2015 PPPLY06396 Plymouth Access To HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services Advice & Information RevenueGPE 1,458.33 25566

26/11/2015 PLY102560 Torbay CouncilPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 4,041.00 25800

26/11/2015 PPPLY06395 Plymouth Citizens Advice BureauPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 51,932.27 26145

26/11/2015 PLY102403 Miss Susan DownPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 543.75 26460

26/11/2015 PLY102404 Miss Susan DownPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 995.00 26460

26/11/2015 PLY102569 Integrated Transport Planning LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Operator Reimbursement RevenueGPL 2,000.00 26849

1,271.7126/11/2015 Signpost Housing Association 27113Adult Social Care People Directorate Premises Rents Various RevenueGPE

26/11/2015 981042107 A J & Co - MeadowsidePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 7,881.43 27632

26/11/2015 PPPLY06413 Crossroads Fun & Friendship CentrePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 6,027.33 27664

26/11/2015 PPPLY06414 Plymouth & District MINDPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 7,483.97 28591

26/11/2015 PLY102499 Bites Sandwich & Coffee BarsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Catering Provisions RevenueGPL 564.40 28608

26/11/2015 PPPLY06397 The Eddystone TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 13,708.33 29144

26/11/2015 PPPLY06397 The Eddystone TrustPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 4,465.76 29144

26/11/2015 PLY092608 Industrial Safety TrainingPlace Directorate EmployeesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Training RevenueGPL 750.00 30774

26/11/2015 PLY102150 Gullivers Truck HirePlace Directorate TransportEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Plant Hire Charges RevenueGPL 2,618.00 31085

26/11/2015 981041863 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesPlanning Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,599.03 33026

26/11/2015 981041997 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 754.62 33026

26/11/2015 981041897 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 852.75 33026

26/11/2015 981041864 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 534.23 33026

26/11/2015 981041880 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Electricity RevenueGCO 561.41 33026

26/11/2015 981041810 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 421.32 33026

26/11/2015 981041787 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,632.67 33026

26/11/2015 981041826 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 838.79 33026

26/11/2015 981041947 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 466.00 33026

26/11/2015 981041993 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesLibraries Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,345.64 33026

26/11/2015 981041991 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesCultural and Related Property Electricity RevenueGCO 929.61 33026

26/11/2015 981041827 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesAdult Social Care Property Electricity RevenueGCO 759.74 33026

26/11/2015 981041782 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 1,239.74 33026

26/11/2015 981041976 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 431.56 33026

26/11/2015 981041977 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 670.96 33026

26/11/2015 981041978 Npower LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Electricity RevenueGCO 687.01 33026

26/11/2015 981042209 Npower LtdPeople Directorate PremisesChildren`s & Educational Servi Electricity RevenueGPE 608.20 33026

26/11/2015 981042211 Npower LtdPeople Directorate PremisesChildren`s & Educational Servi Electricity RevenueGPE 577.59 33026

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



26/11/2015 981041841 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 430.29 33026

26/11/2015 981041979 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 1,402.10 33026

26/11/2015 981041973 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 1,189.68 33026

26/11/2015 981041962 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 872.68 33026

26/11/2015 981041953 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesTrading Electricity RevenueTPL 3,068.33 33026

26/11/2015 981042021 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Electricity RevenueGPL 555.59 33026

26/11/2015 981042023 Npower LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Electricity RevenueGPL 1,060.94 33026

2,336.1726/11/2015 Npower Ltd 33026Various Various Premises Electricity Various RevenueVarious

2,129.9026/11/2015 Devon & Cornwall Housing Association Ltd 33175Various People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

26/11/2015 PLY102537 SSI Electrical ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 8,443.99 34483

26/11/2015 981042110 Warwick Park LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 13,135.71 34645

26/11/2015 PLY102426 DX Network Services Ltd.Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Courier services RevenueGCO 750.30 35790

26/11/2015 PLY102481 Kirtley RemovalsCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesNon distributed costs Removals & Storage Costs RevenueGCI 500.00 36275

26/11/2015 PLY102411 Miss Gina SmallPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 940.00 38713

26/11/2015 PLY102567 Psychology Associates LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPE 932.20 38917

520.7726/11/2015 Bertram Library Services 53964Cultural & related Services Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Purchase Of Books/Media PLY102446 RevenueGCO

26/11/2015 PLY102519 Peter Brett AssociatesPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Private Contractor Other CapitalCPL 1,359.00 57645

26/11/2015 PLY102509 Jenkins & PotterPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Design And Supervision Fees CapitalCPL 1,900.00 64491

26/11/2015 PLY102322 Plymouth Central Ambulance Service LtdTransformation and Change Third Party PaymentsCentral Services Private Contractors RevenueGCO 1,400.70 68573

26/11/2015 PLY101753 eChalk LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Books/Media RevenueGCO 5,400.00 71222

26/11/2015 PLY102405 Emma PearcePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 722.50 72191

26/11/2015 PPPLY06399 Young DevonPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 5,511.17 73054

26/11/2015 PLY102488 Roma Espresso BarPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 461.67 75813

26/11/2015 PLY101745 Pyrovision LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Professional Fees RevenueGPL 10,225.00 75816

26/11/2015 PLY102532 EazypayePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Other Social Servs Block Contracts Volu RevenueGPE 2,130.76 82318

26/11/2015 PPPLY06398 DVS Property LimitedPlace Directorate PremisesPlanning Services Rents RevenueGPL 51,250.00 82995

26/11/2015 PLY102492 PIETYPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Contributions To Other Bodies RevenueGPE 1,610.00 84584

26/11/2015 PPPLY06400 Bournemouth Churches Housing


People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 21,503.32 85059

26/11/2015 PPPLY06417 The British Red Cross SocietyPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 7,672.08 88640

26/11/2015 PPPLY06416 Careers South West LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Third Party Payments OLA RevenueGPE 52,369.75 88939

26/11/2015 981042127 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 2,413.70 91017

26/11/2015 981042119 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 1,215.28 91017

26/11/2015 981042114 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesEnvironmental and Reg Property Gas RevenueGCO 1,579.20 91017

26/11/2015 981042120 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 1,481.66 91017

26/11/2015 981042134 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 1,759.89 91017

26/11/2015 981042184 Total Gas & Power LtdTransformation and Change PremisesShared Property Gas RevenueGCO 819.69 91017

7,306.8726/11/2015 Total Gas & Power Ltd 91017Various Various Premises Gas Various RevenueVarious

26/11/2015 PPPLY06418 North Prospect Community Learning LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Private Contractors RevenueGPE 815.06 91489

26/11/2015 PLY102455 Plymouth Community Homes Services LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 2,743.20 94179

921.1426/11/2015 Plymouth Community Homes Services Ltd 94179Highways & Transport Services Transformation and Change Premises Street Furniture Various RevenueGCO

26/11/2015 999630432 Randstad Education LtdPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Agency Supply RevenueGPE 1,600.00 95024

26/11/2015 PLY102480 51 StudioPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 1,500.00 100206

26/11/2015 PLY102480 51 StudioPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 500.00 100206

26/11/2015 PPPLY06420 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 2,610.15 100403

26/11/2015 PPPLY06421 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Accommodation Based Service RevenueGPE 43,721.49 100403

26/11/2015 PPPLY06422 Independent FuturesPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 2,591.75 100403

26/11/2015 PLY102610 Gallagher HeathTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesInsurance and Risk Brokerage Expenses RevenueGCO 13,790.00 101467

26/11/2015 PLY101177 Northgate Public ServicesPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsTrading Private Contractors RevenueTPL 1,573.25 102136

732.7026/11/2015 Everyone Active 102637Various People Directorate Various Various Various RevenueGPE

26/11/2015 PPPLY06402 Plymouth Community Healthcare CICPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPH 355,555.55 103473

26/11/2015 PLY101082 NCER CICPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Subscriptions RevenueGPE 1,127.31 104406

26/11/2015 PLY102398 Deni MathewsPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Legal Agents RevenueGPE 788.75 105743

504.2026/11/2015 Westward Housing Group 105761Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Third Party Payments Rents & Accomm Costs Vol Various RevenueGPE

26/11/2015 999630443 Westcare Supply ZonePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Stationery RevenueGPE 628.00 105902

26/11/2015 PLY102607 The Law SocietyTransformation and Change EmployeesCore Legal Employee Professional Fees RevenueGCO 5,632.00 106587

26/11/2015 PPPLY06401 RethinkPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 21,666.67 108344

719.8926/11/2015 Protective Wear Supplies Ltd 110073Various Place Directorate Supplies and Services Various Various RevenueGPL

26/11/2015 PLY101580 CPC Project Services LLPCorporate Items Third Party PaymentsCorporate & Democratic Core Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGCI 15,950.00 112965

450.0026/11/2015 Language Empire Ltd 113030Children`s & Educational Servi People Directorate Supplies and Services Translation & Interpretation Various RevenueGPE

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



26/11/2015 PLY100938 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 65,280.00 113802

26/11/2015 PLY100938 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 6,000.00 113802

26/11/2015 PLY102535 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 2,740.00 113802

26/11/2015 PLY102535 Urbis Schreder LtdPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 660.00 113802

26/11/2015 PLY102057 Kier MG Limited (Kier Services)Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesHighways & Transport Services Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueGPL 9,009.60 113806

26/11/2015 PLY102459 Gould Electronics Two Way Radio LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPL 1,515.00 115857

26/11/2015 PLY102433 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 551.98 116142

26/11/2015 PLY102589 Advanced Financial LtdTransformation and Change Transfer PaymentsCentral Services Social Fund Awards RevenueGCO 572.97 116142

26/11/2015 PLY102522 On Course South West CICPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Grants Private Contractors RevenueGPE 106,546.58 116514

26/11/2015 PLY101972 PetrocPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesPlanning Services Contributions To Other Bodies RevenueGPL 7,889.70 117132

26/11/2015 PLY102456 Euclid LtdPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsHighways & Transport Services Other Agency & Contracted Services RevenueGPL 3,614.14 117497

26/11/2015 PPPLY06403 1st Call Homecare LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 1,102.50 117641

26/11/2015 PPPLY06405 Plymouth GuildPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Advice & Information RevenueGPE 11,316.42 117664

26/11/2015 PPPLY06404 Plymouth GuildPublic Health Third Party PaymentsPublic Health Voluntary Associations RevenueGPH 6,250.00 117664

26/11/2015 PPPLY06406 Sanctuary Home Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 5,861.51 117667

26/11/2015 PPPLY06407 Sanctuary Home Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Outreach Service RevenueGPE 42,899.34 117667

26/11/2015 PPPLY06423 Mount Batten Centre Charity TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,907.44 117815

26/11/2015 PLY102554 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 118558

26/11/2015 981042108 AJ & Co (Devon) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Nursing Respite Care Private Contractor RevenueGPE 10,508.57 118606

26/11/2015 PLY102555 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119216

26/11/2015 PLY102552 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 119223

26/11/2015 PLY102553 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Grants Paid Out CapitalCPL 3,900.00 120207

2,995.1626/11/2015 Redacted personal data 89213Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 980429643 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 691.23 23875

30/11/2015 980429640 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,207.43 24379

30/11/2015 980429645 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 645.00 29827

30/11/2015 980429651 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,103.27 36852

30/11/2015 980429656 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 586.16 38671

30/11/2015 980429657 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 912.69 40029

30/11/2015 980429675 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,386.25 52838

30/11/2015 980429677 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.91 53345

30/11/2015 980429681 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.80 57851

30/11/2015 980429683 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 797.63 58268

30/11/2015 980429704 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 738.95 69251

30/11/2015 980429718 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 864.25 71414

30/11/2015 980429742 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 843.25 74782

30/11/2015 980429756 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 835.26 75507

2,876.1430/11/2015 Redacted personal data 82913Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 980429807 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.00 83849

30/11/2015 980429819 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 984.29 85418

30/11/2015 980429849 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 669.69 87797

30/11/2015 980429884 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 88971

30/11/2015 980429890 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 975.42 89349

30/11/2015 980429908 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 585.96 89641

30/11/2015 980429930 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 690.32 90586

30/11/2015 980429936 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 700.62 90756

30/11/2015 980429974 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.65 92303

30/11/2015 980429975 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,048.05 92382

30/11/2015 980429989 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 772.05 93454

30/11/2015 980430023 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 694.42 95633

30/11/2015 980430027 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 821.91 95967

30/11/2015 980430053 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,412.92 97790

30/11/2015 980430055 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 739.94 97962

7,257.6030/11/2015 Redacted personal data 98044Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Direct Payments Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 980430062 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 660.90 98432

30/11/2015 980430063 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.49 98433

30/11/2015 980430077 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 574.28 99033

30/11/2015 980430087 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,851.16 99292

30/11/2015 980430128 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,121.25 100800

30/11/2015 980430135 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 806.09 101137

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Page 77: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



30/11/2015 980430151 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.12 101550

30/11/2015 980430156 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 593.44 101672

30/11/2015 980430160 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,000.38 101786

30/11/2015 980430172 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 870.18 102413

30/11/2015 980430173 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 615.12 102428

30/11/2015 980430175 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.63 102444

30/11/2015 980430178 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,160.24 102491

30/11/2015 980430200 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 650.99 103440

30/11/2015 980430217 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 990.20 104192

30/11/2015 980430223 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 958.66 104298

30/11/2015 980430266 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 661.01 105120

30/11/2015 980430268 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 564.04 105139

30/11/2015 980430297 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 623.20 105375

30/11/2015 980430299 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 964.25 105378

30/11/2015 980430314 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 692.72 105554

30/11/2015 980430319 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 720.94 105583

30/11/2015 980430450 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 567.05 107375

30/11/2015 980430468 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 517.25 107894

30/11/2015 980430473 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 702.99 108008

30/11/2015 980430484 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 649.18 108102

30/11/2015 980430501 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 768.28 108306

30/11/2015 980430518 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,521.96 108639

30/11/2015 980430527 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 711.60 108713

30/11/2015 980430543 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 540.00 109030

30/11/2015 980430554 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,695.75 109210

30/11/2015 980430561 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 787.80 109377

30/11/2015 980430575 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 109579

30/11/2015 980430598 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 553.20 110189

30/11/2015 980430607 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 697.29 110609

30/11/2015 980430631 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 653.28 111130

30/11/2015 980430646 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 563.00 111658

30/11/2015 980430648 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 675.80 111662

30/11/2015 980430677 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 830.81 112381

30/11/2015 980430704 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 549.84 113244

30/11/2015 980430761 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 651.00 115729

30/11/2015 980430765 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 695.57 115938

30/11/2015 980430767 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 534.00 115994

30/11/2015 980430773 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 838.25 116495

30/11/2015 980430774 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Direct Payments RevenueGPE 1,928.44 116570

30/11/2015 980430775 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 657.00 116571

30/11/2015 980430889 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 2,075.50 118786

30/11/2015 980430939 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Direct Payments RevenueGPE 587.16 119975

30/11/2015 576088832 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

30/11/2015 576088842 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 656.60 23775

30/11/2015 576088893 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 515.90 23775

30/11/2015 576088938 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 536.00 23775

30/11/2015 576088958 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 636.50 23775

30/11/2015 576088959 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 616.40 23775

30/11/2015 576088964 (Enara) Caretime Services LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 844.20 23775

23,979.3030/11/2015 (Enara) Caretime Services Limited 23775Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576089703 The Candle TrustPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Day Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,426.80 23907

1,084.5030/11/2015 Independence South West 24008Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090020 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,331.98 24569

30/11/2015 576090024 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090026 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090027 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 793.52 24569

30/11/2015 576090045 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 545.58 24569

30/11/2015 576090047 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090048 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090052 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



30/11/2015 576090055 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090057 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 977.73 24569

30/11/2015 576090058 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090059 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 595.14 24569

30/11/2015 576090063 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,487.85 24569

30/11/2015 576090065 Michael Batt FoundationPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 878.56 24569

6,598.8930/11/2015 Michael Batt Foundation 24569Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,499.8730/11/2015 1st Call Homecare Ltd 24717Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090018 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 832.73 24893

30/11/2015 576090019 Waters Park HousePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,310.40 24893

1,240.2830/11/2015 Headway Plymouth 25087Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090007 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

30/11/2015 576089973 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 879.75 25466

30/11/2015 576089974 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

30/11/2015 576089978 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,099.72 25466

30/11/2015 576089981 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

30/11/2015 576089987 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,338.75 25466

30/11/2015 576089988 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 632.50 25466

30/11/2015 576089990 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 577.50 25466

30/11/2015 576089993 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,606.50 25466

30/11/2015 576090000 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,262.25 25466

30/11/2015 576089955 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 605.00 25466

30/11/2015 576089957 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,109.24 25466

30/11/2015 576089958 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 866.25 25466

30/11/2015 576089960 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 594.69 25466

30/11/2015 576089961 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,657.53 25466

30/11/2015 576089966 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.50 25466

30/11/2015 576089971 The Durnford Society LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.00 25466

9,558.6730/11/2015 The Durnford Society Ltd 25466Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

1,501.8530/11/2015 Plymouth Age Concern 25541Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

2,155.5030/11/2015 SCOPE 30979Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090076 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,755.18 38935

30/11/2015 576090078 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

30/11/2015 576090079 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

30/11/2015 576090080 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

30/11/2015 576090083 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

30/11/2015 576090084 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

30/11/2015 576090085 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,340.24 38935

30/11/2015 576090086 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

30/11/2015 576090089 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

30/11/2015 576090091 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

30/11/2015 576090092 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 2,145.22 38935

30/11/2015 576090093 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 975.10 38935

30/11/2015 576090097 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,462.65 38935

30/11/2015 576090099 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.14 38935

30/11/2015 576090101 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

30/11/2015 576090102 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,393.00 38935

30/11/2015 576090105 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,072.61 38935

30/11/2015 576090111 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,852.69 38935

30/11/2015 576090122 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,316.42 38935

30/11/2015 576090123 Havencare (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 682.57 38935

5,873.2430/11/2015 Havencare (Plymouth) 38935Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

5,655.7530/11/2015 Pluss 52159Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090182 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.64 60417

30/11/2015 576090185 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,070.47 60417

30/11/2015 576090187 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

30/11/2015 576090193 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 742.07 60417

30/11/2015 576090200 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

30/11/2015 576090201 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,349.25 60417

30/11/2015 576090207 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,117.96 60417

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



30/11/2015 576090212 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 503.50 60417

30/11/2015 576090221 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,439.20 60417

30/11/2015 576090222 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 809.55 60417

30/11/2015 576090227 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

30/11/2015 576090229 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.00 60417

30/11/2015 576090236 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,422.75 60417

30/11/2015 576090237 Lifeways Community CarePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,079.40 60417

7,985.2630/11/2015 Lifeways Community Care 60417Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090304 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 598.50 61984

30/11/2015 576090311 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 61984

30/11/2015 576090312 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 780.00 61984

30/11/2015 576090315 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 61984

30/11/2015 576090316 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 61984

30/11/2015 576090320 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,274.00 61984

30/11/2015 576090322 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,215.50 61984

30/11/2015 576090324 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 799.50 61984

30/11/2015 576090325 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 612.75 61984

30/11/2015 576090286 Selborne Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,082.50 61984

13,200.8030/11/2015 Selborne Care Limited 61984Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

616.9830/11/2015 Plymouth Guild 65525Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

3,467.3330/11/2015 Plymouth Highbury Trust Services 68132Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Day Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,603.1430/11/2015 Plymouth Independent Living 71895Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576089094 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 707.52 79730

30/11/2015 576089112 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 788.48 79730

30/11/2015 576089121 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 1,980.00 79730

30/11/2015 576089060 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 660.00 79730

30/11/2015 576089078 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

30/11/2015 576089080 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 619.52 79730

30/11/2015 576089127 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,310.00 79730

2,528.5630/11/2015 Nurse Plus & Care Plus (UK) Ltd 79730Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090377 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 803.99 82267

30/11/2015 576090378 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 937.44 82267

30/11/2015 576090380 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 872.34 82267

30/11/2015 576090386 Yourway Support Services LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,275.96 82267

3,132.6830/11/2015 Yourway Support Services Ltd 82267Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090388 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 816.20 82716

30/11/2015 576090389 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

30/11/2015 576090390 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,367.10 82716

30/11/2015 576090391 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,028.58 82716

30/11/2015 576090400 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 527.99 82716

30/11/2015 576090403 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

30/11/2015 576090406 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

30/11/2015 576090407 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 642.18 82716

30/11/2015 576090408 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,022.10 82716

30/11/2015 576090409 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

30/11/2015 576090410 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

30/11/2015 576090411 MencapPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 589.26 82716

3,011.4730/11/2015 Mencap 82716Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090414 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.00 91992

30/11/2015 576090416 Caraston Hall Support & HousingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 510.09 91992

976.9030/11/2015 Caraston Hall Support & Housing 91992Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090445 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 643.50 96574

30/11/2015 576090446 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,183.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090447 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 923.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090449 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,313.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090450 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,287.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090451 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 728.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090453 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090455 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090458 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



30/11/2015 576090459 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 520.00 96574

30/11/2015 576090464 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,767.04 96574

30/11/2015 576090465 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

30/11/2015 576090467 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

30/11/2015 576090437 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 641.26 96574

30/11/2015 576090441 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

30/11/2015 576090442 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,478.40 96574

30/11/2015 576090443 Premier Care (Plymouth) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 819.00 96574

3,709.7930/11/2015 Premier Care (Plymouth) Ltd 96574Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090473 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 539.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090481 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 532.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090486 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,365.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090487 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090493 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090496 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 525.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090499 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 630.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090503 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 588.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090504 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 910.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090506 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 574.00 98657

30/11/2015 576090509 Ashlong Domicillary carePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 686.00 98657

8,789.2730/11/2015 Ashlong Domicillary care 98657Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090520 Independence Homes LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,300.32 99784

1,020.6530/11/2015 Creative Living Care Services 102949Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090529 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 623.50 108204

30/11/2015 576090531 Plymouth Supported LivingPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 758.09 108204

1,044.4330/11/2015 Plymouth Supported Living 108204Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576089281 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 659.75 108954

30/11/2015 576089286 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 609.00 108954

30/11/2015 576089363 Caremark (Plymouth)People Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 659.75 108954

10,140.2030/11/2015 Caremark (Plymouth) 108954Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Private Contractors Various RevenueGPE

1,637.8030/11/2015 Alexandra Houseing Ltd 110674Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Supported Living Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090576 Colebrook (SW) LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 989.45 112153

5,974.0730/11/2015 Colebrook (SW) Ltd 112153Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

3,931.8430/11/2015 Guinness Care and Support Limited 112370Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Dom Care Block Contract Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090615 I-Grow Care and Support LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,165.27 112728

2,643.7630/11/2015 I-Grow Care and Support Ltd 112728Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576089559 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 541.31 116879

30/11/2015 576089583 Mears Care LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 861.60 116879

8,598.5930/11/2015 Mears Care Limited 116879Adult Social Care People Directorate Third Party Payments Various Various RevenueGPE

30/11/2015 576090622 Your LifestylePeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,680.00 117062

30/11/2015 576090625 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 1,103.20 117369

30/11/2015 576090628 Support`ed LimitedPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 854.98 117369

30/11/2015 576090631 KPW Newkey LtdPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Supported Living RevenueGPE 722.67 118020

05/11/2015 599012012 CHAPS PAYMENTPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 18,738.51 115936

05/11/2015 599012013 CHAPS PAYMENTPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 46,942.21 115936

05/11/2015 599012011 PLYMOUTH SCIENCE PARKPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Advances Loan CapitalCPL 300,000.00 118081

12/11/2015 999628112 Arvall PHHPeople Directorate TransportChildren`s & Educational Servi Vehicle & Plant Leasing Charges RevenueGPE 1,614.34 44201

12/11/2015 599012023 Neopost LimitedTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Postages RevenueGCO 25,000.00 45030

12/11/2015 599012028 Global PaymentTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Transaction Centre Bank Charges RevenueGCO 603.26 107953

877.6712/11/2015 Global Payment 107953Central Services Transformation and Change Supplies and Services Bank Charges 599012027 RevenueGCO

592.5612/11/2015 Alphabet 113867Corporate & Democratic Core Executive Office Transport Vehicle Hire Charges Various RevenueGCE

12/11/2015 599012035 CHAPS PAYMENTPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Residential Care Private Contractors RevenueGPE 2,134.86 115936

19/11/2015 599012048 Co-Operative Bank PlcTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Transaction Centre Bank Charges RevenueGCO 6,920.54 29968

19/11/2015 599012046 Global PaymentTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Transaction Centre Bank Charges RevenueGCO 5,777.47 107953

19/11/2015 599012047 Global PaymentTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Transaction Centre Bank Charges RevenueGCO 4,024.90 107953

19/11/2015 599012044 CHAPS PAYMENTPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsAdult Social Care Dom Care Block Contract RevenueGPE 83,400.00 115936

26/11/2015 999630429 O2 UK LtdPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Mobile Phone Rental Charges RevenueGPE 1,934.41 95677

03/11/2015 34418591 577.50 Village Hotel AshtonPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Subsistence RevenueGPE 166360

03/11/2015 34418648 675.12 Stourbridge Water DrctPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 167446

03/11/2015 34418590 834.25 Www.Flybe.Codzcre8People Directorate TransportAdult Social Care Air Fares RevenueGPE 166361

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Page 81: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



03/11/2015 34418714 570.00 Tough FurniturePeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Purchase Of Furniture RevenueGPE 246983

03/11/2015 34418817 4788.00 Hmcourts-Service.GTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 2170

03/11/2015 34418886 1193.60 First Great WesternPlace Directorate TransportCultural & related Services Rail Fares RevenueGPL 2279

03/11/2015 34419055 915.29 Aebi Schmidt UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2371

03/11/2015 34419066 480.06 Saltash DafPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 111870

03/11/2015 34419049 722.70 Atlas GraphicsPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Printing RevenueGPL 2151

03/11/2015 34419064 520.00 Mayflower Auto ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2125

06/11/2015 34440711 1305.00 The Crown HotelPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesAdult Social Care Subsistence RevenueGPE 91646

03/11/2015 34419119 670.42 Dennis EaglePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2128

03/11/2015 34419139 498.00 Southern Lubricants LtPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 4091

06/11/2015 34440948 2490.40 East Cornwall TradingPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2150

06/11/2015 34441094 799.55 Uk Polar ExpressPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Special Events RevenueGPE 152329

06/11/2015 34441015 3714.00 Hmcourts-Service.GTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 2170

06/11/2015 34441090 581.58 FlybePeople Directorate TransportChildren`s & Educational Servi Air Fares RevenueGPE 234214

03/11/2015 34419120 1538.77 Medland Sanders &twosePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2124

03/11/2015 34419125 629.66 Wasteparts UK LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 3873

03/11/2015 34419058 1081.74 Medland Sanders &twosePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2124

03/11/2015 34419073 540.67 City WestPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 15260

03/11/2015 34419067 787.50 Mayflower Auto ServicesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2125

03/11/2015 34419092 618.40 Radmore & TuckerPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2123

03/11/2015 34419122 419.40 Dennis EaglePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2128

03/11/2015 34419190 5571.00 Hmcourts-Service.GTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCentral Services Legal Expenses RevenueGCO 2170

03/11/2015 34419200 902.00 SafetynetsoTransformation and Change PremisesCore HR and OD Security RevenueGCO 15258

03/11/2015 34419142 1371.24 B & QPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2159

03/11/2015 34419138 1422.72 Medland Sanders &twosePlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 2124

03/11/2015 34419143 1152.60 Primary TimesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 120281

13/11/2015 34475538 1069.62 Otter Nurseries PlPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 14983

20/11/2015 34521115 512.92 Premier Inn44516325People Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Adoption Introductory Costs RevenueGPE 2373

20/11/2015 34521165 618.64 Www.Lbsbuyersguide.Co.Place Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase of Stock RevenueGPL 291010

20/11/2015 34521180 722.00 Rigby TaylorPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 50039

20/11/2015 34520948 592.20 Mole Valley FarmersPlace Directorate Capital ExpenditureCapital Purchase of Equipment CapitalCPL 2147

20/11/2015 34520946 781.25 Barlow Tyrie LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 266135

27/11/2015 34597037 543.75 Holiday InnsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 33814

27/11/2015 34597042 467.25 Holiday InnsPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 33814

20/11/2015 34521001 641.00 Rap Industries LtdPublic Health Supplies and ServicesPublic Health Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPH 203674

20/11/2015 34520949 873.33 Carrier Direct LtdPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Advertising RevenueGPL 267765

27/11/2015 34597040 526.00 Mortons PrintPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Printing RevenueGPL 264679

06/11/2015 34441409 3485.00 M & K SuppliesPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 7513

06/11/2015 34441479 717.75 Premier Inn44012665Transformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Customer Services Subsistence RevenueGCO 246981

20/11/2015 34520947 1235.40 Fiesta Furniture LPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 159461

20/11/2015 34520952 799.55 Uk Polar ExpressPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Special Events RevenueGPE 152329

20/11/2015 34521164 480.00 The Wedding DirectPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Advertising RevenueGPL 25424

20/11/2015 34521184 712.80 Talaton Plants LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 45969

27/11/2015 34597239 616.50 Redwood Global LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Clothing & Uniforms RevenueGPL 296339

27/11/2015 34597371 2075.00 Cambridge ProfessiPlace Directorate EmployeesCultural & related Services Training RevenueGPL 293895

06/11/2015 34441498 788.14 Stanley Security SolutPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Maintenance Of Equipment RevenueTPL 255121

27/11/2015 34597240 700.00 Basis (RegistratioPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Subscriptions RevenueGPL 53893

20/11/2015 34521161 1250.00 PaypalPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 29260

27/11/2015 34597370 2940.00 Www.RealchristmastPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Hire Of Equipment RevenueGPL 32174

20/11/2015 34521183 1187.70 Glasdon U K LtdPlace Directorate PremisesCultural & related Services Upkeep Of Grounds RevenueGPL 12313

20/11/2015 34521186 716.66 Amazon UK RetailPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesTrading Purchase Of Equipment RevenueTPL 53019

06/11/2015 34441410 516.67 Premier Inn44014545People Directorate Third Party PaymentsHousing services B&B costs client RevenueGPE 130169

06/11/2015 34441407 2137.50 NorthernnetworkingPeople Directorate EmployeesChildren`s & Educational Servi Training RevenueGPE 46444

06/11/2015 34441412 804.17 Future Inns PlymouthPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Conferences RevenueGPE 7296

27/11/2015 34597469 789.00 Www.Fta.Co.UkPlace Directorate Third Party PaymentsInternal Trading Unit Private Contractors RevenueGPL 2461

20/11/2015 34521157 1250.00 PaypalPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Purchase Of Materials RevenueGPL 29260

20/11/2015 34521182 530.43 Flybe.ComPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Additional costs CLA RevenueGPE 236854

06/11/2015 34441475 875.00 Avery Weigh TronixPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 244043

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Page 82: Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda · Over £500 report - FAQs Transparency Agenda The Government’s Transparency Agenda Q1What is the Government’s transparency agenda?

EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



06/11/2015 34441500 630.00 Kings FundCorporate Items Supplies and ServicesInterest Payable Conferences RevenueGCI 12868

27/11/2015 34597367 585.00 Gwr Rail Tickets TsPlace Directorate TransportCultural & related Services Rail Fares RevenueGPL 287669

06/11/2015 34441496 1071.00 Flight Centre LtdPeople Directorate TransportChildren`s & Educational Servi Air Fares RevenueGPE 123122

27/11/2015 34597243 580.00 Tavistock WoodlandPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesInternal Trading Unit Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGPL 17089

20/11/2015 34521236 479.17 PaypalPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesCultural & related Services Advertising & Publicity RevenueGPL 42536

20/11/2015 34521367 4980.00 Love2shop.Co.UkPeople Directorate Third Party PaymentsChildren`s & Educational Servi Leaving Care Cost RevenueGPE 244016

20/11/2015 34521396 595.50 Lyreco UK LtdTransformation and Change Supplies and ServicesCore Assets Purchase Of Equipment RevenueGCO 2216

20/11/2015 34521407 1000.00 T Cook Retail LtdPlace Directorate Supplies and ServicesEnvironmental & Regulatory Ser Consultancy Fees RevenueGPL 282614

25/11/2015 34559892 2592.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559751 864.00 Evans, TudorExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559794 864.00 Fry, AlbertExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559788 864.00 James, DavidExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559875 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559891 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559793 864.00 Nicholson, PatrickExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559791 864.00 Pengelly, VivienExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559777 864.00 Wigens, KevinExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559769 864.00 Foster, KennethExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559792 864.00 Smith, PeterExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559872 1824.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559866 540.29 Smith, PeterExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillor Superannuation RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559798 864.00 Foster, WendyExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559797 864.00 Jordan, GlennExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559895 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559799 864.00 Leaves, MartinExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559767 864.00 Leaves, MichaelExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559773 864.00 Mahony, JohnExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559869 1200.00 Mahony, JohnExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Lord Mayors Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559768 864.00 Nicholson, PatriciaExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559749 864.00 Aspinall, MaryExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559894 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559801 864.00 Rennie, EdwinExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559757 864.00 Wheeler, GeorgeExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559748 864.00 Salter, DavidExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559887 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559770 864.00 Stevens, WilliamExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559870 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559750 864.00 Vincent, BrianExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559889 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559756 864.00 Bowyer, IanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559755 864.00 Bowie, SallyanneExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559765 864.00 Mcdonald, SusanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559881 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559766 864.00 Ricketts, StevenExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559888 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559874 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559753 864.00 Beer, ThereseExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559759 864.00 Bowyer, LyndaExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559890 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559897 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559752 864.00 Coker, MarkExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559747 864.00 Drean, JonathanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559764 864.00 Lowry, MarkExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559873 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559778 864.00 Ball, RichardExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559776 864.00 Leaves, SamanthaExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34574136 551.50 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Consultancy Fees RevenueGPE N/A-Payroll

Page 82 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015

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EXPENDITURE OVER £500November 2015





Detailed Expenses typeService label Expenditure

categoryOrganisational unit Supplier IDSupplier NameTransaction



25/11/2015 34559784 864.00 Tuohy, ChristinaExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559774 864.00 Murphy, PaulineExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559758 864.00 Churchill, NigelExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559877 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559883 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559789 864.00 Penberthy, ChristopherExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559761 864.00 Singh, ChazExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559880 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559760 864.00 Tuffin, IanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559763 864.00 Damarell, DannyExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559781 864.00 Darcy, IanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559780 864.00 Davey, JohnExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559762 864.00 Fox, MichaelExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559782 864.00 Jarvis, PaulExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559893 864.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559783 864.00 Parker Delaz Ajete, LorraineExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559879 1728.00 Redacted personal dataExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Special Responsibility Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559802 864.00 Taylor, KatieExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34575263 507.15 Redacted personal dataPlace Directorate TransportPlanning Services Casual User Allowances RevenueGPL N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559772 864.00 Morris, JonnyExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34562352 930.25 Redacted personal dataPeople Directorate Supplies and ServicesChildren`s & Educational Servi Consultancy Fees RevenueGPE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559795 864.00 Downie, DavidExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559786 864.00 Riley, JohnExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559771 864.00 Sparling, MichaelExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559785 864.00 Hendy, NeilExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559787 864.00 Bridgeman, MadelineExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559790 864.00 Storer, ChristopherExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559800 864.00 Dann, SusanExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559754 864.00 Deacon, MarkExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559796 864.00 Fletcher, DavidExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

25/11/2015 34559775 864.00 Kelly, NicholasExecutive Office EmployeesCorporate & Democratic Core Councillors Basic Allowance RevenueGCE N/A-Payroll

Page 83 of 83PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL (00HG) Expenditure over £500 for November 2015