outpost presentation eng

http://twitter.com/kaospilots The Kaospilots are returning to Bogotá, and we are looking for partners and collaborators! Which organizations and projects are creating new realities in Bogotá and Colombia?

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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Outpost presentation Eng



The Kaospilots are returning to Bogotá, and we are looking for partners and collaborators!

Which organizations and projects are creating new realities in Bogotá and Colombia?

What is an Outpost?

In the second year, of their three-year education, the students move their classroom to a location, outside Scandinavia, in order to create an educational outpost: three months of inspiration and collaboration with local partners.

During the outpost, the students will apply their previously-acquired knowledge and skills, in the four vocational areas, in a new and unfamiliar cultural and social context. A key component of the outpost requires the students to self-organize and create a team-wide learning organization, that acts as a platform for executing their projects, effectively, and facilitate their learning.

Who are the KaosPilots?The KaosPilots is an international

school for creative business design and social innovation,

based in Aarhus, Denmark. With twenty years of experience, we offer

an innovative education program for young and creative leaders. We train them to become innovative change agents, capable of creating value, making a difference in the world, and shaping the society of tomorrow.

The program is structured around four vocational areas:

» Creative Project Design

» Creative Business Design

» Creative Process Design and

» Leadership

The students combine their expertise, gained in these areas, to create meaningful change and foster the future of sustainable leadership and enterprise. The pedagogy of the school combines hands-on work, with real-world projects and stakeholders, and theory, in order to promote personal leadership and the development of skills and competencies that embrace the whole person.

?Why Bogota?

In 2011, we ventured to Bogotá, in order to complete our first outpost, in Colombia. We chose Bogotá because we were drawn to the diversity, energy

and vitality of the culture, and we saw great potential to build meaningful

collaborations, with leading organizations and inspiring individuals. We were convinced that there was much to learn from the initiatives and people, of Bogotá, that are trying to create a new reality for the city and its inhabitants.  

The students completed over fifteen projects, including seven creative consulting projects, 3 business development projects: all with local partners and clients.  The students dedicated themselves to work extremely hard, under unfamiliar, and challenging conditions to create value for their collaborators and clients. Mistakes were made, lessons were learned and the students were inspired by their surroundings, new relationships and experience.

We return to Bogotá, with a new team, and a renewed commitment to learning from our experience and achieving even more with clients and stakeholders.

TestimonialsPedro Medina - Yo Creo En ColombiaKaos Pilots... It was great having you in our city and country... I think in 20 years, these 3 months will be invaluable to you and to many of us you were able to touch.

Franklin Combariza -  Universidad de los AndesAn innovative social initiative, where knowledge of the Spanish language, and the local context, and a focus on achieving con-crete results are essential in order to create a profound and suc-cessful experience.

Fernando Heinke - Maria PanelaIt was very beneficial, for Maria Panela, to work with the KaosPilots. I believe we created an invaluable exchange of idea an experiences that resulted in a mutual development

of ideas and opportunities. We would love to explore further opportunities with this year’s group of students, and foster

new collaborations. We are very pleased with the results of the 2011 Outpost.

?We are looking for project partners and collaborators for the 2012 Outpost!We are looking to work collaborate with a selecting of project partners that are seeking to create new realities, in Bogotá, and that represent a cross-section of sectors: business, arts and culture, civil society and government.

Are you and your organization interested in offering a pro-ject to our students and collaborating in the 2012 Outpost?

How could you and your organization benefit from offering a project? An opportunity to collaborate with a committed team of

passionate, creative and professional KaosPilots. During an intensive 6 week period, they will work to create value and take your project to the next level.

We develop fresh and unexpected ideas, combined with the ability to execute them.

Our approach is playful and and energetic, combined with rigorous methods, within project, process and business design.

The opportunity to work and play with some of the most creative young people in Scandinavia, devoted to creating value with you.

March 12th Arrival March 12th - 25 Orientation March 26th - May 4th Client project work May 7th - 13th Easter break May 14th - June 14th Learning, reflection and exam June 15th Departure from Bogotá

T i m e l i n e

What do we need

from you?Our students thrive on inspiring and challenging assignments, intensive learning processes and a collaborative relationships, with committed clients and partners. This mixture results in creating value for both parties. We need your commitment including:

» A project proposal, based on a need within your organization.

» Your passion and enthusiasm!

» Making a initial agreement with the team leader, to be developed further by the student project groups.

» Time and material resources to develop and complete the project (to be agreed upon between you and the student project group).

» Access to English-speaking contact person, within your organization.

March 12th - June 15th

Contact information:

Rowan Simonsene-mail: [email protected]

cel: +57 311 479 06 56

Peter Simse-mail: [email protected]: @PeterASimscel: +57 310 594 1100Tel. Denmark: +45 301 147 33

Zulma Sofía Patarroyoe-mail: [email protected]: +57 311 811 67 23

Previous Outpost DestinationsOur previous outposts have taken place in:

» San Francisco: 1996, 2000 & 2006

» Durban: 2001, 2003

» Habana: 2005

» Vancouver: 2007

» Shanghai: 2008, 2009, 2010

» Bogotá: 2011

For more information: • www.kaospilot.dk • www.outpostbogota.com

Follow us on: http://www.facebook.com/KaosPilots

Twiter: http://twiter.com/kaospilots

Outpost 2012-Bogotá