outline for 3t3 prelims

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Post on 08-Aug-2018




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  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    Outline for TOUR 116Preliminary

    Examinations(Patterned after the UNESSO instrument in declaring Vigan as the model

    for the conservation of a World Heritage Site)

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    I. Name of Barangay

    II. Brief Description (minimum of300 words, must include the address,

    location, name of the Barangay Captain,short history, climate, geography, source

    of income, population, and other relevant


  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    III. Conservation:What innovative management practices or

    strategies are being applied in order to ensure the

    conservation and protection of the environment in

    the Barangay (e.g. better resource management,restoration and rehabilitation, addressing various

    manmade or natural threats and challenges, etc?)

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    IV. Local People:

    What exemplary practices are you using inorder to effectively address the needs oflocal stakeholders within the management

    system for the property, and enable theirfull and active participation for thepreservation and conservation of the

    environment of the Barangay.

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    V. Legal Framework:What ordinance/s have been

    enacted to preserve and protectthe Barangay environment?

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    VI. Boundaries:What innovative ways of dealing with theboundaries of the Barangay, including

    for management of the buffer zone doyou have in place, to effectivelymanage the environment of the


  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    VII. Sustainable Finance:What effective strategies have you

    developed and implemented to assure

    adequate and sustainable financialresources for implementing protection and

    preservation of the environment of the


  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    VIII. Staffing training andDevelopment:

    What approaches and strategieshave you developed andimplemented to assure that thehuman resources are adequate to

    manage the Barangay?

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    IX. Sustainable Development:What are the effective mechanisms in place to

    ensure that resource use permitted in andaround the Barangay is sustainable and does

    not impact negatively on its environment.

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    X. Education andInterpretation Programmes:

    How do the education, interpretationand awareness programmes you havedeveloped and implementedsignificantly enhance the understandingof the sustainable plans or ordinances ofthe site among stakeholders?

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    XI. Tourism and Interpretation:What innovative plans have you designed and

    successfully implemented to ensure that visitor

    management does not negatively impact onthe maintenance of the Barangay?

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims


    XII: Brief Description / summary

    of best practice, including a

    statement on how it can be useful

    for other Barangays.

  • 8/22/2019 Outline for 3T3 Prelims



    At least two ordinances to be proposed or

    have been actually filed.

    Formal letter to the Mayor of the town/city

    (could either a commendation letter or letter

    of complaint)