
I want to know my strengths better, but now, I know that I really enjoy meeting and making friends with people and I can stay many days and nights whenever working on a project. Recently, I have planned a party called ULEAD for ULIS' teachers and students on the occasion of Teachers' Day. Both the preparation and the party night brought ULIS' students and teachers closer together, and that's why I'm very proud of this project. I'm not an excellent student, not even a good one. Three years ago, I was a freshman of a university, and now, I'm a "freshman" again, after retaking the university entrance exam. Actually, I have a little pride about my entrance's scores-it's pretty high though I had spent just about one month and a half. It's an interesting opportunity for me to expand my horizons, to improve my social- especially, interpersonal- skills and to become a useful person for our society. PRONUNCIATION SHOWCASE OUTLINE 1. Performers: Nguyến Mạnh Linh, Nguyễn Thị Hương, Tạ Thị Lê 2. Group: 3 3. Class: 14E15 4. Performance week: 10 5. Episode: E18 Sweet charity First-half 6. Characters: Sabrina, Salem, Hilda, Zelda, Jenny, Harvey, Jill, Libby, Cee Cee, Nana, Howard, Mr. Pool, Mr. Berry 7. Summarized plot: Hoping to encourage more students to join the Adopt-A-Grandparent program, Sabrina finds a mischievous way to get trend-setting Libby to participate: she impersonates her, necessitating quick Superman-style telephone booth transformation whenever the real Libby turns up. But Sabrina well-meant scheme goes wrong when Libby bonds with Sabrina adopted grandmother Nana, who claims to know most of Hollywood’s young hunks personally. Meanwhile, Zelda can’t decide whether to continue dating a man who is centuries younger than she is, and Hilda and Salem eat too much of a magical “hair soup” that causes their hair to grow at an exponential rate. 8. Transcript:

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Page 1: Outline

I want to know my strengths better, but now, I know that I really enjoy meeting and making friends with people and I can stay many days and nights whenever working on a project.

Recently, I have planned a party called ULEAD for ULIS' teachers and students on the occasion of Teachers' Day. Both the preparation and the party night brought ULIS' students and teachers closer together, and that's why I'm very proud of this project.I'm not an excellent student, not even a good one. Three years ago, I was a freshman of a university, and now, I'm a "freshman" again, after retaking the university entrance exam. Actually, I have a little pride about my entrance's scores-it's pretty high though I had spent just about one month and a half.It's an interesting opportunity for me to expand my horizons, to improve my social- especially, interpersonal- skills and to become a useful person for our society.PRONUNCIATION SHOWCASE OUTLINE

1. Performers: Nguyến Mạnh Linh, Nguyễn Thị Hương, Tạ Thị Lê2. Group: 33. Class: 14E154. Performance week: 105. Episode: E18 Sweet charity


6. Characters: Sabrina, Salem, Hilda, Zelda, Jenny, Harvey, Jill, Libby, Cee Cee, Nana, Howard, Mr. Pool, Mr. Berry

7. Summarized plot: Hoping to encourage more students to join the Adopt-A-Grandparent program, Sabrina finds a mischievous way to get trend-setting Libby to participate: she impersonates her, necessitating quick Superman-style telephone booth transformation whenever the real Libby turns up. But Sabrina well-meant scheme goes wrong when Libby bonds with Sabrina adopted grandmother Nana, who claims to know most of Hollywood’s young hunks personally. Meanwhile, Zelda can’t decide whether to continue dating a man who is centuries younger than she is, and Hilda and Salem eat too much of a magical “hair soup” that causes their hair to grow at an exponential rate.

8. Transcript:

Int. Sabrina’s bedroom. Salem sits before her mirror sporting a natty line in button down collar and ties, not to mention a trilby tipped at a jaunty angle. A big band intro plays and Salem lets his fantasy ride.

Salem- (Singing) Those fingers in my hair,that sly come hither starethat strips my conscience bare,it’s witchcraft.

Sabrina enters.

Sabrina- Salem, did I hear you singing?

Salem- No, I was just…

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Sabrina- (Interrupting) It’s okay. I came in ’cause it sounded good.

Salem- Oh come on, enough. Ya think?

Sabrina- Yeah. I just wanted a front row seat.

Hilda runs in from the landing.

Hilda- Me too.

She’s closely followed by Zelda

Zelda- Right behind you.

Salem- Well, well, well. (To his reflection) Ol’ yellow eyes, you’ve still got it.

Sabrina- Hit it cat.

Salem- (Singing) And I’ve got no defence for it.The heat is too intense for it.What good would common sense for it do?

As he sings Hilda jumps up and dances but Salem suddenly starts to choke on something.

Salem- (Cont.) Hairball! <choke> Hairball!

Run opening credits.

Int. Westbridge High School Cafeteria. Jenny sits at a table with a notice pinned to the front suggesting ‘Adopt-a-Grandperent today’ Sabrina moves around in front waving her arms all about.

Sabrina- It’s an interesting theory Jenny but I don’t think there’s a force field around this table.

Jenny- Then why isn’t anyone signing up to adopt a Grandparent?

Sabrina- Do you think it’s clear that these adoptions are not legally binding?

Libby walks by with her tray.

Libby- Hi guys.

Jenny- Libby, can I sign you up for the Adopt-a-Grandparent programme?

Libby- Actually I came over here to tell you guys about my new community service, it’s the Adopt-a-life programme. May I sign you up?

Sabrina- Don’t answer, it’s a trick question.

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Libby- (To Sabrina) See ya freak, (To Jenny) Frizzy freak.

She walks away and Jenny stands.

Jenny- (Calling after) Frizzy! These happen to be curls!

Sabrina- Let it go Jenny, take the high road.

Jenny sits back down to contemplate her clip board of names. Sabrina glances across to Libby who’s on her way to join her friends Cee Cee and Jill. As always they are at the forefront of the latest fashion trends which is currently over the knee socks, Jill’s are deep purple, Cee Cee’s gone for lime green and Libby wears always fashionable black. A quick point from Sabrina alters things with one of Libby socks turning yellow. Petty? Yes… but it gets her through the day. Libby reaches Jill and Cee Cee to find them stood looking annoyed.

Libby- What’s going on?

Jill- Some foreign exchange students are sitting at our table.

Libby- Deport them.

Jill barges her way onto the table shoving the student who’s sat there over with her butt.

Cee Cee- What’s with your socks, did you get dressed in the dark this morning?

Libby- No, I…

She looks down and sees her odd coloured socks.

Libby- (Cont.) How did this happen?

Cee Cee and Jill laugh as they take over the table.

Libby- (Cont.) Quick, switch socks with each other.

Cee Cee- What!

Libby- I need a trend and I need it now.

Meanwhile Jenny and Sabrina are still trying to tempt people to join there adopt-a-Grandparent programme. Sabrina spots a potential punter.

Sabrina- Hey Harvey, over here.

He walks over.

Sabrina- (Cont.) We need you to sign up.

Harvey- I did, on my way in.

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Sabrina- Yes but nobody else has, so could you do it again and do it loudly?

Harvey- All right.

He takes the clip board and pencil.

Harvey- (Cont.)(Loudly) Sure, I’d love to adopt a Grandparent. Old people are so much fun, they know tones of stuff and sometimes they give you money…

Sabrina- (Interrupting) Shhhh! Don’t go there!

Later, lunch times over and Jenny’s taking down the ‘Adopt-a-Grandparent today’ banner.

Jenny- Well at least we’ve filled the sign up sheet.

Sabrina- Yeah, but it’s all Harvey and… Mighty Mouse!

Libby and her friends are taking their trays back to the counter. Jill and Cee Cee now sport one deep purple sock and one lime green sock apiece.

Jill- So then my dance instructor said…

Another girl walks past with her tray wearing a pair of grey over the knee socks.

Libby- Hey! Look at her. She matches.

The girl looks down at what were very fashionable leg wear only half an hour ago. Dammit, how’s a girl supposed to keep up with such fleeting trends. Sabrina gets that you just can’t win feeling.

Int. Spellman kitchen. Hilda has the number two cauldron on the boil. Salem sits on the counter top.

Salem- What ya making?

Hilda- Hair soup. I thought long tresses would look nice for a change.

She scoops up a wooden spoonful and tastes it.

Hilda- (Cont.) Hmm, it tastes really wavy.

Zelda enters from the back door with a number of books under her arm.

Zelda- Sorry I’m late. It took longer at the book store than I expected.

Hilda- Did you get me ‘Cat Fancy’?

Zelda- Yes.

She hands it over, then puts another magazine in front of Salem.

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Zelda- (Cont.) And Salem, here’s your ‘New Republic’

Salem- Thanks. I hate the politics but Brustien on the theatre is a revaluation.

Hilda- (To Zelda) Why do you keep smiling?

Zelda- I do not.

Hilda- Yes you do.

Zelda- Do not.

Hilda- Fine, don’t tell me. I can always twist your arm.

She points across at her sister and Zelda arm is twisted painfully high up behind her back

Zelda- Aw! Cut it out! Oh you!

She points a retaliatory finger back at Hilda.

Hilda- Aw! You’re pulling my ear!

Zelda- Let go of my arm!

Hilda- Let go of my ear!

Zelda- Enough okay, I’ll tell you.

They point at each other to release their magical grips. Zelda rubs her arm.

Zelda- (Cont.) I met a guy at the book store.

Hilda- Oh really? What was his pick up line?

Zelda- He didn’t have one. He mistook me for an employee and asked me if we carried any books on how to meet intelligent women.

Salem- Hm-hm!

Hilda- Do you think you’ll see him again?

Zelda- He took my number but it wasn’t a pick up.

The simmering cauldron goes whooff! With a billow of steam.

Salem- Soups on!

Hilda- (To Salem) D’ya want some?

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Salem- Just a smidgen bowl.

Hilda- How about you Zelda? It’s hair soup.

Zelda- No thanks, I just got mine cut.

She heads into the dining room with her books and a smile just as the phone rings. she spins round.

Zelda- (Cont.) I’ll get it! (Into the phone) Hello?

Hilda- Oh yuck, there’s a hair in my hair soup.

She picks it out.

Zelda- Of course I remember you, Rick.

She mouths ‘It’s him’ to Hilda. Hilda mouths back ‘Oooh!’ Sabrina comes down the stairs.

Zelda- (Cont.) No, I’m still here.

Sabrina- (To Hilda) What’s she smiling about?

Hilda- A boy.

Zelda- Hold on Rick, I’m going to grab the cordless.

She points at the hand set that’s tucked under her chin and the cord drops out. She heads for the dining room with the disconnected handset still tucked under her chin.

Zelda- (Cont.) You were saying?

Hilda- (To Sabrina) D’you want some hair soup? It’s really thick and luxurious.

Sabrina- No thanks, I’m on my way to the Senior Center but I should probably bring them something.

She points at the table and a box a sweets appears.

Sabrina- Chewy caramels, that’s perfect.

She grabs them and leaves.

Int. The Senior Center, outer hallway. Sabrina comes round the corner carrying her caramels accompanied by Jenny and Harvey.

Harvey- This is already better than visiting my real Grandparents, I don’t have to take my ear rings out.

Sabrina pushes the door to the center open and they enter.

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Int. The Senior Center. Elderly senior citizens sit around amusing themselves, some talking, some peruse the substantial book shelves, others tinkle on the piano, a grey haired gent sits studying a chess board as the three teenagers enter.

Sabrina- How do we know which one to chose?

Jenny looks around and knows instantly.

Jenny- I see mine.

She heads to join a woman by the piano with long curly hair just like hers except for being grey.

Harvey- I see mine.

He goes to join the lone man at his chess board leaving Sabrina wondering which ones hers. She spots a lady sitting alone on a settee thumbing through a book and goes over, a little self conscious.

Sabrina- Hi.

Nana- Hi.

Sabrina- This is kind of awkward but would you like to be my Grandmother?

Nana- Of course, that’d be lovely.

Sabrina puts down her caramels, takes off her coat and sits down. Nana closes her book.

Nana- (Cont.) But before I start bragging about you I need to know your name.

Sabrina- I’m Sabrina, and what’s yours?

Nana- You can call me Nana.

Sabrina- Great.

She sits awkwardly not knowing how to begin or what she’s supposed to do. Nana sits smiling across at her.

Nana- An awkward silence, it’s like we really are family. Here, how about looking at my scrap book?

She moves over on the settee making room for Sabrina to sit beside her and opens the book.

Sabrina- Wow! Awesome photo of Elija Wood.

Nana- Oh he’s my little honey.

Sabrina- You know him?

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Nana- Noah Wyle introduced us.

Sabrina- You know Noah Whyle!

Nana- Only through Christian Slater.

Sabrina- I love Christian Slater. How do you know these people?

Nana- Well when you get to be my age you know just about everybody.

The school paper photographer, Howard, Enters with his camera round his neck and a bag of gear. Jenny, who’s doing some dance moves with her new Grandma, spots him.

Jenny- Howard! Did you come to adopt a Grandparent?

Howard- No. I’m here to take a photo for the school paper. We’re doing an article on community service, it’s called ‘Westbridge Cares’

He looks around at the pitiful turn out.

Howard- (Cont.) But apperantly not that much. I’ll go set up.

He heads off to a nearby table. Sabrina joins Jenny and Harvey in the center of the room.

Sabrina- Excellent timing. A photo will be great publicity for the programme.

Harvey- Yeah, I only wish we could have got’n someone cool to be here.

Sabrina- Thanks a lot!

Harvey- You know what I mean, someone others follow.

Sabrina- Like Libby the lord high empress of Westbridge?

Harvey- I thought she was sophomore class president?

Jenny- Libby would never show her face here.

Harvey- Maybe we could fake it. My dad says that Russia’s on their third Boris Yeltzin.

Jenny- Oh come on, you can’t fake a person.

Sabrina- Of course you can’t! Gotta go.

She quickly ducks out of the room.

Int. Senior Center outer hallway. Sabrina comes out of the main room and heads straight for one of the two phone kiosks across the hall.

Sabrina- (To herself) This is the worst thing I’ve ever had to do.

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She points at herself and the transformation begins from the head down. Her hair turns from blonde to dark brown. Her body grows taller, her clothes sense becomes gaudy but expensive all the way down to her smart black shoes and odd coloured socks. It’s an exact duplicate of Libby that steps out of the kiosk. She looks at herself in the vanity mirror on the opposite wall.

Sabrina- Ew!

She even sounds like her nemesis.

Int. The Senior Center. Sabrina in her Libby disguise walks in.

Sabrina- Alright, I’m here.

Harvey and Jenny’s eye’s almost pop out.

Jenny- Libby!

Harvey- What are you doing at the Senior Center?

Sabrina- I thought I’d drop by and improve your image.

Harvey- You’re gonna help us?

Sabrina- Look, I know I’m completely shallow and self absorbed but every now and then I think of others.

Howard- All set. If you could stand together.

Sabrina- No problem.

She pushes her way between Jenny and Harvey and throws her arms round their shoulders.

Sabrina- (Cont.) How’s this?

Jenny- You mean next to you!

Sabrina- Sure.

Howard- Smile.

He takes the photo with Harvey and Libby beaming and Jenny with a look of utter disbelief on her face.

Sabrina- (To Howard) Now put that on the front page and remember, old people are the coolest. You can quote me on that.

Howard- I will, thanks Libby. What a scoop.

Howard leaves.

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Sabrina- Now that the reporters gone I guess I’ll go too. Bye.

She flounces out leaving a totally bewildered Jenny and Harvey in her wake.

Jenny- Did you see that? Libby treated me like a human.

Harvey- I’m glad we took a picture because Sabrina’s gonna think we pulled a Yeltzin.

Sabrina enters back to her old self again.

Sabrina- Hey, what’s up?

Harvey- Libby was just here.

Sabrina- No? Well that aughta get kids involved.

Int. Westbridge High School hallway. Jenny runs weaving in and out of the students with a copy of the school newspaper hot off the presses and arrives at Sabrina’s locker.

Jenny- Sabrina look, the Senior Center photo made the front page.

Sabrina- Cool! Has Libby seen this?

A high pitched scream from down the hall answers that question. Her friends Jill and Cee Cee have made a point of showing it to her.

Libby- What is this?

Jill- A photo of you standing next to Jenny.

Libby- Oh, I would not. This is a fake, they must have put my face on someone else’s body. And not a very good one.

Cee Cee- Then it quotes you as saying ‘Old people are the coolest’

Libby- No, cheerleaders are the coolest.

She spots Harvey walking past and intercepts him.

Libby- (Cont.) Harvey, you were at the Senior Center. You didn’t see me there right?

Harvey- Libby, you did a good thing. Deal with it.

Libby- I’ve been framed.

She storms off with her friends in her wake.

Harvey- (To Sabrina) What’s with her? How can she not remember?

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Sabrina- Isn’t it obvious? Libby has multiple personalities and we finally met the nice one.

The school bell rings.

Int. Science class. Harvey and Sabrina sit side by side.

Mr. Pool- And today we are going to be studying sight and there’s more to this subject than meets the eye.

Libby- Mr. Pool!

Mr. Pool- Er yeah?

Libby- Before you begin I’d like to make an announcement to the class regarding the front page of the school newspaper.

Mr. Pool- Oh, y’know what? I noticed that myself and may I say I was proud to have all three outstanding citizens in my class. Libby, Harvey, Jenny, you are the hope of America. Now let’s hear it for these everyday hero’s, huh?

He leads a round of applause that slowly dies down.

Mr. Pool- (Cont.) Now er what was it you wanted to say Libby?

Libby- Nothing.

Sabrina- Ah, we’ll be at the Senior Center again today if anyone else wants to join us.

Libby- Us? I don’t recall seeing you there Sabrina.

Int. Spellman living room. Cousin It is practising the violin. Oops no it’s Hilda, the hair soup is really taking effect. Her long blond locks tumble about her face as she plays. Zelda enters through the front door.

Zelda- Hey!

Hilda stops playing and raises her head. She may have had a little too much soup, there’s hair growing where it shouldn’t on a girl.

Hilda- Hi.

Zelda- I see the hair spell kicked in.

Hilda flicks her hair back over her shoulder with her hand.

Hilda- I probably shouldn’t have had that second bowl of hair soup but I thought mutton chops would be nice for a change.

Zelda- You look like Greg Allman.

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Hilda- I’ll take that as a compliment. So how was your date with Rick?

Zelda- Oh, not so good. I’m starting to feel really weird about the age difference. I mean normally I don’t care about these things but Rick keeps bringing up stuff that makes me feel old.

Hilda- Like what?

Zelda- Oh he keeps talking about how he can’t wait for the turn of the century. Big deal, I’ve done that five times.

Hilda- Oh, and it’s always the same. I’ve partied like it was sixteen ninety-nine, seventeen ninety-nine, eighteen ninety-nine, this time I’m staying home.

Zelda- Exactly. I think I’m going to brake off our relationship.

Hilda- Oh you haven’t even given him a chance.

Zelda- You grow a little facial hair and suddenly you’re on his side.

Salem jumps over the back of the settee and lands between them. The hair soup has had it’s effect on him also. He’s a proper little fur ball.

Salem- Hey look at me, I’m a hippie cat.

Int. The Senior Center. There are one or two more people volunteered thanks to Sabrina’s fake Libby ploy and Sabrina sits with Nana who holds out a tin to her.

Nana- Try some fudge, Pete Sampras sent it to me.

Sabrina- And who sent you the turtles?

She points to a box of turtle shaped chocolates on the coffee table.

Sabrina- (Cont.) Chris O’Donnell?

Nana- No. (Laughs) Leonardo DiCaprio.

Sabrina- Mmm! Then I’ll have one of these.

As she’s about to bite into it she see two of the new recruits about to slip away.

Sabrina- (Cont.) Oh, excuse me I’ll be right back.

She jumps up and chases after Jill and Cee Cee.

Sabrina- Hey guys, where are you going? You’ve gotta pick out a grandparent while they last.

Cee Cee- No thanks. We only came because we thought Libby would be here.

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Jill- And she’s not, so we’re going.

Sabrina- But you can’t go, we need people and maybe Libby’ll come. In fact I’m sure Libby’ll come. Oh, I think I see her in the hall now.

She rushes out the door.

Int. Senior Center outer Hallway. Sabrina heads straight for the phone kiosks once more.

Sabrina- Oh man, not again.

Faster than Superman she changes and steps out as Libby, managing to trip over her own foot in the process.

Sabrina- Oh, stupid Libby!

Int. Senior Center. Sabrina enters and approaches Libby’s friends.

Sabrina- Hi guys.

Jill- Libby!

Cee Cee- You made it!

Sabrina- Sabrina told me you were thinking of taking off?

Jill- No!

Cee Cee- Old people are the coolest.

Sabrina- You got that right. Oh hey, there’s Jenny.

She gives a silly grin and a wave.

Sabrina- (Cont.) Hi Jenny, how’s it going?

Jenny waves back.

Jenny- Good.

Sabrina looks around at Cee Cee and Jill and they both give Jenny a little wave. Then Sabrina walks over to the settee where Nana is still sat.

Sabrina- Nana, Sabrina had to run out for a minute so she asked me to take over. I’m Libby.

Nana- A pleasure to meet you. Turtle?

Meanwhile Harvey sits concentrating over the chess table with his new Grandfather. He watches closely as the grey haired gent makes a move.

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Harvey- Mr. Berry, are you sure you want to do that?

Mr. Berry- I admit leaving my king unprotected is a somewhat risky strategy but er, I think I know what I’m doing.

Harvey- You beat me ten times in a row, I’m not going to argue with you.

Mr. Berry sits back smiling as Harvey weighs up the possibilities. He moves his bishop up the board.

Harvey- (Cont.) Hey, checkmate!

Mr. Berry- How about that?

Harvey- It’s time for a victory soda.

He turns to Libby.

Harvey- (Cont.) Libby!

Sabrina sticks her finger up her nose and starts bogie hunting before turning round.

Sabrina- Yeah Harvey?

Harvey- Can I… get you a soda?

Sabrina- Sure, I’d love a Ginger-Ale.