outgoing presid titp r oppressive atmin the elements and grubbed about in god' s atoms...

goo n tomorrow Har e today THE U8YSSE Y Vol . LXXVII, No . 138 VANCOUVER, B .C ., TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1986 4S 224-391 6 0 T S Outgoing presid tit P R oppressive at m GAUNT UBC PRESIDENT Dr . Kenneth Hare as he appeare d today announcing his resignation effective immediately . Pressures of Ile job plus oppressive policies of B .C . gov- ernment forced Hare to quit . Solve packed stack s use tents, says Clar e Overcrowding in the main library is causing students t o fail their courses, dean of sociology Harold Clare sai d Friday . He spoke to 1,100 students in Bu . 106052 at noon . The shortage of study space prevents students fro m concentrating on their work, he said . "The situation in the main stack carralls is particularl y appalling . You see three students to a carrall . There is hardl y room to put a book down . " The university acted wisely in acquiring an ex-armed force s aircraft hangar for extra study space, but more must be done , he said . "Why, for one thing, was the hangar located on Marin e Drive past Totem Park? " The 1,500 students it will accommodate must walk mor e than a mile to the stacks for a book, he said . "This leads to all sorts of problems," Clare said . "Students arrive exhausted and often wet . Even the sick rate on campu s has increased . I believe this is to a fair extent because they mus t walk so far in the rain . " Clare said he favored pitching a large tent on the librar y lawn and installing temporary study desks . " We could even erect an awning over Buchanan or som e other building and put tables for studying under that, at leas t just before final exams," he said . Dr. Kenneth Hare today resigned his pos t as president of UBC. Hare, 69, has been president for 18 years , the longest term of any UBC executive head . In his letter to UBC board of governor s chairman Joachim Foikis, Hare said : "I must regretfully leave the presidency of UBC, effective April 1 . The permanent hostility shown towards higher education by Lord Bennet t and his Social Credit government creates a n atmosphere of oppression which is the antithesi s of academic freedom . "Also, after almost two decades of fruitles s attempts to gain higher provincial grants from the Social Credit Hickocracy, I must turn to more productive tasks," the letter said . Hare said he will retire in England, where h e will write several books he has planned . One will be of his experiences at UBC, he said . Commenting on Hare's resignation, Bennet t said : "'I do not think the president had any reason to be displeased with the actions of m y beneficient government . " The 1986 provincial budget, brought down i n February, gave $75 million to higher education . "During the 32 dynamic years my governmen t has been in power, the grant to higher educatio n has been increased every year . When Dr . Har e first came in 1968, the grant was a mere $66 million, now $75 million of the people's mone y goes to support universities," finance ministe r Bennett said . "During the same time, university enrolment has only gone from 18,200 to 61,000 at UBC . " Board chairman Foikis said he wa s greatly shocked by Hare's resignation . "It will be a great loss to the university . H e has been the most conscientious president w e have had . "I can empathize with his reasons for quitting . The Social Credit hickocracy's treatment o f UBC has been egregious over the past decade, " Foikis said . "Education minister Bennett has asinin e contempt for the aims of higher education . B .C . is standing still intellectually while the rest o f the country moves ahead . " Alma Mater Society president Mike Coleman , Jr ., said the resignation came at a time whe n UBC needed all the top quality personnel i t could get. "When the multiversity was tending mor e and more towards depersonalization it wa s heartening to find a university president wh o was willing to spend time listening to students, " Coleman said . Faculty members were despondent ove r Hare's resignation . "He was such a good man," said arts dea n Dennis Hutton, "so liberal in his outlook . " Science dean Robin Russell said : "Presiden t Hare was a weatherman . Any man who got ou t in the elements and grubbed about in God' s atoms can't be all bad . " AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after the campu s monorail tumbled from its track, injuring 30 and delaying 5,000 students . In the background , one of other four UBC monorails waits for debris to be cleared . (See story page 3 .)

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Page 1: Outgoing presid titP R oppressive atmin the elements and grubbed about in God' s atoms can't be all bad. "AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after




today THE U8YSSE YVol. LXXVII, No . 138



224-391 6

0 TSOutgoing presid titP Roppressive atm

GAUNT UBC PRESIDENT Dr. Kenneth Hare as he appeare dtoday announcing his resignation effective immediately .Pressures of Ile job plus oppressive policies of B .C. gov-ernment forced Hare to quit .

Solve packed stacksuse tents, says Clare

Overcrowding in the main library is causing students t ofail their courses, dean of sociology Harold Clare sai dFriday .

He spoke to 1,100 students in Bu . 106052 at noon .

The shortage of study space prevents students fro m

concentrating on their work, he said .

"The situation in the main stack carralls is particularl yappalling. You see three students to a carrall . There is hardlyroom to put a book down. "

The university acted wisely in acquiring an ex-armed force saircraft hangar for extra study space, but more must be done ,he said .

"Why, for one thing, was the hangar located on Marin eDrive past Totem Park?"

The 1,500 students it will accommodate must walk morethan a mile to the stacks for a book, he said .

"This leads to all sorts of problems," Clare said . "Studentsarrive exhausted and often wet . Even the sick rate on campushas increased . I believe this is to a fair extent because they mustwalk so far in the rain . "

Clare said he favored pitching a large tent on the librarylawn and installing temporary study desks .

"We could even erect an awning over Buchanan or som eother building and put tables for studying under that, at leastjust before final exams," he said .

Dr. Kenneth Hare today resigned his pos tas president of UBC.

Hare, 69, has been president for 18 years ,the longest term of any UBC executive head .

In his letter to UBC board of governor schairman Joachim Foikis, Hare said :

"I must regretfully leave the presidency ofUBC, effective April 1 . The permanent hostilityshown towards higher education by Lord Bennet tand his Social Credit government creates anatmosphere of oppression which is the antithesisof academic freedom .

"Also, after almost two decades of fruitles sattempts to gain higher provincial grants fromthe Social Credit Hickocracy, I must turn tomore productive tasks," the letter said .

Hare said he will retire in England, where h ewill write several books he has planned . Onewill be of his experiences at UBC, he said .

Commenting on Hare's resignation, Bennet tsaid: "'I do not think the president had anyreason to be displeased with the actions of mybeneficient government . "

The 1986 provincial budget, brought down i n

February, gave $75 million to higher education .

"During the 32 dynamic years my governmenthas been in power, the grant to higher educatio nhas been increased every year . When Dr . Harefirst came in 1968, the grant was a mere $66million, now $75 million of the people's moneygoes to support universities," finance ministe rBennett said .

"During the same time, university enrolment

has only gone from 18,200 to 61,000 at UBC . "

Board chairman Foikis said he wasgreatly shocked by Hare's resignation .

"It will be a great loss to the university. Hehas been the most conscientious president w ehave had .

"I can empathize with his reasons for quitting .The Social Credit hickocracy's treatment o fUBC has been egregious over the past decade, "Foikis said .

"Education minister Bennett has asinin econtempt for the aims of higher education . B.C .is standing still intellectually while the rest o fthe country moves ahead . "

Alma Mater Society president Mike Coleman ,

Jr ., said the resignation came at a time whenUBC needed all the top quality personnel it

could get.

"When the multiversity was tending mor eand more towards depersonalization it wa sheartening to find a university president wh o

was willing to spend time listening to students, "Coleman said .

Faculty members were despondent overHare's resignation .

"He was such a good man," said arts deanDennis Hutton, "so liberal in his outlook . "

Science dean Robin Russell said : "PresidentHare was a weatherman . Any man who got ou tin the elements and grubbed about in God' satoms can't be all bad . "

AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after the campu smonorail tumbled from its track, injuring 30 and delaying 5,000 students . In the background ,one of other four UBC monorails waits for debris to be cleared . (See story page 3 .)

Page 2: Outgoing presid titP R oppressive atmin the elements and grubbed about in God' s atoms can't be all bad. "AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after

Page 2


Tuesday, April 1, 1986

EIGHT HUNDRED STUDENTS, smallest-ever size in the geography 498 seminar ,relax in the spacious confines of geo . 690. The night students form hal fa normal seminar, which was cut in two last week with the start of 11 :30 p.m .

class . The students say they find intimate dialogue much easier since move dto the later class . Coinciding with the change was a new geography mechano-tutor with variable voice reflections . It replaced a computorized monotone .

Students, robots clashReagan is a bit oddclaims campus paper

MONTREAL (CUP) — A furore has erupted over asatirical article concerning U.S. president Ronald Reagan' ssex habits reprinted in the McGill Daily .

McGill University president Pat Burns today charge dDaily editor Pierre Le Croque was "irresponsible, biliou sand epicene" in authorizing the reprint .

The article, reprinted from the U .S. satirical magazineIdealist, alleges Reagan is a practicing pederast .

Le Croque replied : "Burns is an oxycephalic, vil emoron . All he wants to do is destroy freedom of the press ."

Le Croque maintained the article was valid satir ebecause Reagan is wicked .

Burns threatened expulsion .of Le Croque if anapology was not printed . "Reagan is definitely not apracticing pederast," he said .

The article was reprinted two weeks ago . It spublication on the normally staid campus set off feudingbetween pro and anti-Reagan factions .

Both groups demonstrated . A sit-in — held bypro-Reaganites in the administration building — resulte din fistfights and several arrests .

Prominent Montreal citizens have protested the articl eand have threatened to withhold financial support to theuniversity if the editor isn't reprimanded .

Meanwhile several perliminary hearings set to air theaffair have resulted in standoffs on both sides .

Called up before a senate disciplinary board, Le Croquerefused to go, saying the hearings weren't televised .

Sources also said Le Crouque wasn't offered a shar eof the residuals .

Two students back Martin ,eight more suckers on way

Organizers of a campus Back Martin campaign say so fa rtwo signatures have been collected on a petition being circulate dat UBC .

Martin's announcement brought to two the number o fdeclared candidates for the leadership, to be decided April 6 i nMoose Jaw. Also in the race is conglomerate affairs ministerJohn Turner . Prime minister Pierre Trudeau has stated he wil lnot contest the leadership .

This is the fifth time the 82-year-old Martin has sought th eLiberal leadership. He made his previous bids in 1957, 1968 ,1977, and 1981 .

In announcing his candidacy, Martin said he will attemp tto woo delegates on a Think Young, Vote Martin platform .

"He undoubtedly is the best man for the job," said Bac kMartin committee chairman Paul Martin III, sci . 3 . "He's in hi ssecond childhood . He's hip . He swings . "

Martin said, a loppipop-in will be held in the second SU Bauditorium Wednesday for supporters of Martin Sr . So far eightlollipops have been ordered .

Twelve hunded students picketed afourteenth-floor corridor in the Englishdepartment complex Friday to protest massfirings in the faculty .

The 34 faculty members, including 1 6professors, were dismissed by English departmen thead Ruth Blair for rebellious tendencies .

Their firings followed complaints by Mis sBlair that too many professors were stressingdialogue and freedom of expression in thei rclasses, instead of teaching facts .

The 1,200 students, many of whom were i nthe fired teachers' classes, carried signs readingWe are Individuals, Not Statistics, and What' sWrong With THINKING ?

At one point during the two-hourdemonstration, students scuffled with janito rrobots which they claimed had been primed t osweep them from the corridor .

Seven of the robots were shattered in th estruggle, while two students suffered broken leg sfrom vacuum cleaners swung by the mechanica lhelpers .

A dozen young members of the Englishfaculty at first joined the students, but weretaken away by physical plant employees wavin gtenure contracts .

The physical plant employees, at least oneof which carried an laser gun, denied they wer esent by Miss Blair .

The English department's action followe dthree other similar firings in the last year . In all ,167 faculty members have been dismisse dfrom the 3,000-strong department staff.

Said Miss Blair's stat :ment :"Over the past several months there ha s

been an increasing tendency for certain facult y

Arts 11 on wayThe new Arts II program will be initiate d

next year, dean of arts Dennis Hutton saidFriday .

Hutton said the plan, first proposed in1968 by participants in the first Arts I program ,would commence with a trial group of 2 0students in September .

"We have been studying similar plans forthe past 18 years and we're sure we are read yto start this revolutionary experiment now, "he said .

"But we emphasize that it's only a trial . If itproves unsatisfactory it will be junked ."

members to break away from proven teachin gmethods and abuse their responsibility b yencouraging critical thought among students .

"This situation can only result in unhealth ydiscord and destructive channelling of energyinstead of calm absorption of knowledge . If weare to remain a meaningful aid in helpin gstudents' appreciation of literature ,insubordination must be stamped out .

"We regret that certain professors violatetheir fundamental privileges by advocatin gwhat can only be regarded as insurrection . "

After the students marched up and down th ecorridor for two hours, Miss Blair's secretariesemptied several cartons of SUBburgers on th efloor in front of the leading marchers .

Gasping for breath, the students broke ranksand retreated, littering signs and used napkinsbehind them. The two with broken legs waite dfor an hour for a helicopter ambulance to arrivefrom Vancouver .

Several of the fired professors interviewe dsaid they were glad it happened .

"The atmosphere at, UBC has been stiflingfor all the 14 years I've been here," sai dassociate prof . Ralph Stanton .

Only 9 bowlersused SUB lanes

A total of nine persons have used the studen tunion building bowling alleys in the past 1 8years, building manager Peter Braund saidFriday .

The six lanes were the subject of heatedcontroversy when they were installed as th ebuilding was constructed in 1968 .

Braund said physical plant employee ShaunSullivan is the most frequent patron of thebowling alleys . In an interview, Sullivan said hi saverage had increased about 50 points since h ewas Alma Mater Society president .

"I always said people would use the alleys, "Sullivan said .

"I take Roger McAfee there sometimes atlunch and we sit and eat and bowl . It's a verypleasant place . "

Sullivan said his right arm has not lengthenednoticeably in length in his 18 years of bowling .

Page 3: Outgoing presid titP R oppressive atmin the elements and grubbed about in God' s atoms can't be all bad. "AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after

Tuesday, April 1, 1986


Page 3

Council shafts gear plan ,small faculties lose out

THINGS weren't always this good, says physical plantma nShaun Sullivan as he trundles homeward with a sheaf o fpussy willows for his loved one .

Plush residencesopen for 6,200

New Kerrisdale Plaza residences to house a further 6,20 0students will open next week, says housing administratorMalcolm McGregor .

Twelve new residence blocks, located on the site of the ol dKerrisdale area, will open April 7, McGregor said .

Built at a cost of $17 million, they are intended for over-2 1bachelors and over-18 women who have a car, privat esecretary, an aunt or uncle living in Shaugnessy heights, andwho are themselves independently wealthy, McGregor said .

"Definitely, the Kerrisdale Plaza will cater to the moreprosperous students," he said . "We're still got a long way to goin low-rental housing ."

At present, about 39,000 students are living in army hut salong the Fraser river and on the former Musqueam India nreserve . They pay $150 a month .

Rents for Kerrisdale Plaza, which is all single roo maccommodation as opposed to the double room rental in the huts ,is $900 a month .

The plaza has underground parking, indoor and outdoo rheated pools, a sauna bath, a Japanese garden with waterfall, apenthouse dining room with a bar, a basement discotheque an dfull banquet facilities .

Seven shops rent space on the ground floor, which include sa cafeteria . Students can make airline bookings through a trave lagency, buy flowers, liquor and clothes, have a haircut or ahairstyling and shop in a drugstore . There is also an adjoinin gmovie theatre presenting first-run shows daily .

The 20-storey towers took almost two years to build . Theyare faced with Italian marble and lapis lazuli trim .

Interior decor is Mediterranean, largely done in teak ."We have tired to create the atmosphere of a sophisticate d

country club," McGregor said . "The administration feels this i simportant to prepare students for the conditions they will fac ein modern life ."

Although tennis courts and a putting green are bein gprepared alongside the new residences, it will be some timebefore a full-size golf course can be provided, he said . Meanwhile ,retirement ceremonies for the 72-year-old head will be hel dWednesday in the new Athens stadium . McGregor said he plansto retire in Greece, a country he hasn't seen for 15 years .

• Student council Monday night shafted thesixty-seventh attempt at constitutional reforminitiated in the last 20 years .

The plan, calling for an increase in studentcouncil members to 156, was defeated 13 to 9 .AMS president Mike Coleman Jr ., said he wasdisappointed at the failure of the motion .

"There has been some criticism in the lastfew months that the AMS is not representationa lof the students," he said . "I think increasingthe number of representatives would haveindicated an effort to make council mor edemocratic . "

The motion was put by aeronauticalengineering president Joseph Dorston. He saidit aimed at increased representation for thesmaller faculties .

"The small faculties no longer have anyvoice in student affairs," he said . "For instance ,we have only 790 students and no one willlisten to us . No one seems to like us fellows .

"If we had the proposed 30 votes on council ,then we would finally have a voice in studentgovernment . "

Observers say the plan would never haveworked properly, as UBC's 19,000 arts student shave said they would not tolerate such a moveby the engineers .

More than 200' arts students were thrown fromthe Ladner bell tower in an engineering effortto usher in the new council.

Arts retaliated in a mass raid during whichmore than 18,000 artsmen threw the mechanica lengineering building into Burrard inlet .

Dean of engineering Lynn Spraggs issued astatement this week strongly condemning th earts action against the engineers.

"This is no way for university students t oact," he said . "The artsy-fartsies should have a tleast let the 678 engineering students out o fthe building before they threw it in .

"Now we've lost over almost a quarter o four graduating class in mechanical engineering . "

In other council business, the election fiascoof January was finally resolved . In the election ,Sebastian James, arts 4, was declared ineligibleto run for AMS president by student court .

James' supporters claim the ruling was base don prejudice because the candidate was a cat .However, chief justice of student court ,Archibald Pendant, denied the allegation .

"Mr. James was unqualified to run becausehe did not have the 65 per cent averag estipulated in the AMS constitution . The court

Sighs and gruntsscrew up classesin second SU B

Students are abusing their sexual privilege son campus, UBC assistant professor of zoolog yDon Mutton said Thursday .

"Noises from the mating stalls in the newstudent union building are disturbing myseminar," he said in an interview .

"I have my class directly above the stalls onthe seventh floor . How can you talk seriousl yabout the egg laying habits of the duck-bille dplatypus when all you can hear are grunts andsighs?"

Mutton said he has called the disturbanc eto the attention of resigning UBC president Dr .Kenneth Hare but was told he could not mov ehis class to another location .

"President Hare said the mating stalls wer ethe result of student pressure and cannot b eremoved . I am quite disturbed by the entir esituation .

"I see no need for the stalls in the firs tplace. The 'bushes were good enough for m ewhen I was a student . "

Mutton conceded that the absence of busheson the present campus may have influenced th estudents' desire for mating stalls .

"However, I definitely 'believe studentsshould be obliged to be more quiet . There isone couple that goes in number eight every da yat 2:30 p .m. This big blonde makes the loudes tand most repugnant sighs . "

He said the noises are equalled only in thefaculty club .

"I am happy students have again beendenied a pub in SUB . That would be the las tstraw."

could not allow itself to become involved i nunnecessary bureaucratic pediatrics, gynoeciu sfellatio, or egegious comstockery .

"Besides, I think cats are very nice animals . "James, whose scholastic average was 63 pe r

cent, defeated Coleman in the original electio n24,986 votes to 6,856. Coleman was electe dpresident in the by-election held last week .

A spokesman for James said the anima lcould have run had not one professor refused t ogive him a letter of recommendation .

"The prick," he said . "He's got seven dogs . "

Monorail mishap

hurts 30, delays

15,000 in carsThirty UBC students were injured an d

more than 15,000 late for classes Thursda ymornings when the number three monorailderailed over the inter-campus freeway infront of the library .

Officials at Wesbrook hospital extensionsaid the students, as yet unidentified ,were in fair condition despite thei r45-minute wait for a helicopter-ambulancefrom Vancouver .

As the train derailed, it tumbled 2 0feet to the road, thus blocking the 7,000 'cars coming to UBC along the freeway .

Witness Jim Wilson, psychocybernetic s4, said the first monorail car jumped andspun off the track as it came to the shuntline leading to the western section of th ecampus .

"Several people fell out but most landedon the grass," he said . "I think maybe onegirl broke a leg because she was screamin gand holding her ankle .

"The train landed right in the middl eof the road," said Peter Smith, arts 2 . "I twas lucky that the people fell the othe rway. This way only traffic was buggeredup "

Traffic was not completely cleareduntil 4 p .m ., more than six hotirs after th eaccident .

Traffic czar Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90 ,said the accident was probably caused by acrack in the rail . He said it was possiblethe strain of carrying more than 1,200students three times daily was too muchfor the rail .

"We have made application to theboard of governors for two moremonorails," he said. "However, I think itvery unlikely there will be anyimprovement in transportation facilitiesfor some time . "

There are now five monorails leadin gfrom lower mainland areas onto thecampus . Each handles more than 6,00 0students daily .

Sir Ouvry declined to comment .on theambulance problem at UBC . "We've beenthrough this a hundred times in the las t25 years," he said . "I do not see what Ican add at this time . "

In the last 10 years, 14 students havedied on campus while waiting forambulance service from Vancouver .

Sir Ouvry also had nothing to add t oreports that he is negotiating to use som eof the golf course area designated fo runiversity expansion as parking lots .

"While it is true that we have built nonew lots since V lot in 1972, it would notbe reasonable to say that we will definitel ygain use of the golf course area in thenear future . "

Meanwhile, only 49 accidents werereported this morning in the rush to fin dparking space. As usual, lots A to R wer efilled by 6 a .m. while the remaining 6,00 0cars raced for the last 3,000 spaces in th ecar-parks .

Losing drivers were once again forcedto drive off campus and pay for parking.A Ubyssey survey showed average rate swere $2 an hour at most parking spaces i nVancouver .

Page 4: Outgoing presid titP R oppressive atmin the elements and grubbed about in God' s atoms can't be all bad. "AGING TRAFFIC CZAR Sir Ouvry Roberts, 90, glumly sums up the, situation after

Page 4


Tuesday, April 1, 1986



ATHLEfiIC REFERENDUM1. This Is Not An Increase In Student Fees

2. This Is Only A Transfer

3. Purpose Is To Stabilize Athletic Plannin g

Fink on Your LandladyType of suLte

apt ., sg .HOUSING INFORMATION dble. rml e b

Address Zone Monthly Rentalincl . utilitie s

Briefly describe the suite in terms of the following :

Furnishings Location in bldg .(basement, 2nd floor)

Size - No . of rooms

Privacy Separate entrance?




A new housing bureau i s

planned to assist house-

hunting students this fall .

It should eliminate a lot of

useless chasing around for

students by providing a

central place where on e

can find out what is avail -

able, phone the landlad y

and get an assessment of

what the accommodation

is like . To help set this up ,

we are asking your co-operation .

If you areleaving an off-c a m p u ssuite, please fill in the fol-lowing form, clip it outand send it by campu smail to HOUSING BUREAU ,

Brock Hall or drop it of f

at the A.M.S., Internation-

al House, Housing, the

Grad Centre or your un-

dergraduate society office .

By doing so, another stu-

dent, using the housing

bureau next fall, will be

able to profit by your ex-

perience and save himsel f

a lot of chasing around.

He will appreciate yo u

and bless you forever .

Please use

Ball Point or Penci l— and PRINT

Study space, facilities


Meal arrangementsor cooking facilities

Sleeping accommodation_(single bed, bed chesterfield )

Laundry Telephone(private, shared )

Cleaning arrangements

General condition of suite

Any restrictions, such as onnoise, visitors or alchol?

Describe your relationshi pwith your landload or landlady

Any other comments?