
Finding what outfit that would fit in best with our mise-en-scene was a difficult one. We didn't want our music video to come across as something un-realistic such as being over dressed during a breakup - which is an unrealistic view of what happens during such a difficult time. However, we didn't want to lose the star appeal that comes with music videos. Therefore we tried various outfits, some had their pro’s but nearly all had their cons. We have to pick two outfits, one for the backdrop scene and one for the scene in the house.

Upload: darcie

Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Finding what outfit that would fit in best with our mise-en-scene was a difficult one. We didn't want our music video to come across as something un-realistic such as being over dressed during a breakup - which is an unrealistic view of what happens during such a difficult time. However, we didn't want to lose the star appeal that comes with music videos. Therefore we tried various outfits, some had their pro’s but nearly all had their cons. We have to pick two outfits, one for the backdrop scene and one for the scene in the house.

One of the many outfits we tried was a simple yet

sophisticated slip dress.

The positives of this outfit is that is sexy and elegant yet simple, However we found

that even such a simple outfit still looks as though our

model would be over-dressed for such a devastating event

in their life.

The next outfit we tried was something that you are more inclined to wear for everyday wear such as something similar to the image on the left.

We found this outfit was too bright and cheerful for a break up and would not portray the emotion of sadness to people watching the music video. Therefor this was no longer an option for us.

Thirdly, we thought using more provocative and feminine sleepwear would be ideal as if you suffer a breakup you may go through a stage in that you show signs and symptoms of depression and one of those signs is that you find it hard to prepare for everyday day and that is you may sit around in your lounge/sleepwear everyday.

However yet again we found this outfit will lose the star appeal that we want to maintain.

Lastly we thought a basic outfit such as jeans and a t-shirt would be great as they’re basic and simple. However because we didn’t want the outfit to look too under dressed for star appeal we decided to dress the outfit up with some plain heels rather than flat dolly shoes.

If this was a bigger production on a bigger scale with more money. It would be a good idea to use possible designer shoes and clothing to keep the star appeal and ‘fame’ as well as keeping the outfit realistic so viewers can relate.

We decided to test our outfit idea and asked Lexie to try on some clothes for us. We wanted to see how well the outfit looks in contrast to a black background and therefore went to the drama room to use the backdrop.

We thought the outfit looked good and represented everything we wanted. Lexie still keeps a star appeal image whilst keeping casual and everyday in order for people to relate to her feelings.

We’re keeping the same kind of outfit four our other scenes, the style of jeans and a t-shirt. However, we will not be using the exact same clothing as we do not want to confuse the past and present idea in our video. By this I mean our backdrop scene then house scene.

Lastly, We looked and researched into the importance of make-up.

We wanted to keep a natural look in order to keep the flow of being realistic and relatable. However as I have mentioned in order to remind the viewers this is still a famous and well known singer we need to keep star appeal and therefore a bright coloured lipstick may help this. Also the idea of a red lipstick conveys love and keeps the model looking feminine and seductive.