our town may 31, 1929

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    Shore Popular as Warm Weather Setsin With Vengeance-Other Fireside Notes

    15, No . 36



    Will Be P av ed i n Accor danceWith Street Improvement Bond Issue.

    Grove Place ResidentsSign Paving Petition

    An cnthus ia s ti c and wel l- at tendedmeet ing was held by the H ar ol d D .Speakman Post on Monday n igh t atthe Leg ion room, Commun it y Building. A report of the dinner given toNational Commander McNut lastWednesday i n P hi la de lp hi a w as a bl ymade by Comrade Frank A. Schrepfer.A c ommi tt ee o f t he P os t, c on si st ing of Harry Simpson, chairman;Henry A. Frye and A. W. Burns wasa pp oi nt ed t o m ak e arrangements forthe Fou rt h o f J ul y celebration in c ooperation with the other organizations o f t he b or ou gh .The Legion, as i s i ts year ly customin connection with Memorial Day, wil l

    attend a morning church service Sunday, June 2, t h is yea r at the Presbyterian Church. The Rev. John VanNess will preach.The dinner to be given by the l os ing

    t eam i n the recent membership dr iveof the Post w il l b e held at t he n ex tregular meeting on June 24. Al1members o f t he P os t ar e invited tothe affai r, which wi1l be very informal.

    Post Engaged onVarious Activities

    Residents of Grove Place have depos it ed w it h t he bor ough aut ho ri ti es acompletely signed petition requesting thepaving of that street in accordance withthe provisions of the Street ImprovementI ss ue by m ea ns of which t he p ro pe rt yowners pay 30 per cen t. and the boroughpays the remaining 70 per cent. If thispetition is approved in i ts legal ity by theborough solicitor's office, and t her e isl it tl e doubt of such approva l, GrovePlace proper ty owncrs, as wel l as thoseon Wynnewood Cou rt , w il l s ee t he p ermanent improvement of thei r s treet th isseason at lower cos t to themselves thancan possibly be obtained at any futuretime in any other way.That sec tion of Rockland Road, f romNarberth to the rai lroad bridge, s ti ll remains in doubt, but only so far as t het erms o f p ayment f or t he imp rovement

    are concerned. If f ou r- fi ft hs o f t heproperty owners on tha t s t ree t are willing to sign the same kind of a petit io n whi ch h as a lr ea dy b een s ig ned byt he p ro pe rt y own er s on t he o th er t wos tree ts , they can par ticipa te in the benefits o f t he bond i ssu e.]f, however , the Rockland Road property owners are not wilting to sign thatpetition in sufficient numbers to qualifyunder the bond issue , i t wit l be necessaryfor the borough anthori ti es to proceedwith the improvement of that s treet und er t he g en cr al s ta tu te s. I n s uch a c as eit would be lcgally impossible for any ofthe ava ilab le bond issue funds to be applied to that street, leaving the boroughauthori ti es no a lterna tive but to assessa ll o f t he cos t of the Rockland Road improvement against the proper ty ownersthere.The S tat e laws no longer p ermitboroughs to install such permanent pavements on streets which have not previously been improved and to t ak e t hemoney out o f c ur re nt tax receipts. Aspecial bond issue, ratified for that purpose by t he vot er s, a s was t he c as e w it hthe Street Improvement Bond Issue, ofcourse, makes money available, but that

    money can be spent only in accordancewi th t he t erms g ov ern ing t he b ond issue. The Narberth Stree t Improvement Bond Is sue of $75:000 was approved by t he vot er s o f Nar be rt h in November, 1924, and s ince that t im e a pp roxima te ly f ou r m ile s o f s tr ee ts h av ebeen imp roved in a ccor danc e w it h t heterms of i t.The terms of t ha t bond issue p ro vided that the property owners shouldpay 30pe r c en t. o f t h e co st a nd that theyshould ind icate thei r agreement there toby a signed petition. It is impossible atthi s late day to change the te rms of thatbond issue and i t wou ld not be legallyf ai r t o t he h un dr ed s of Narberth property owners, who have previously complied with it, to grant any differenttermsto the people on Rockland Road. Aftera d el ay o f f ou r y ea rs , wai ti ng f or theircompliance, it is no longer possible forthe borough authorities to refrain longerfrom permanently improving that streetwhen public in te res t c lear ly demands i t.The re fo re , s ur veys have a lr ea dy b eenmade and hids have been adver ti sed for

    cover ing the improvement of RocklandRoad as well as the other unpavedstreets. It is expected that the workwill be installed this season.

    Dentist and M. D. MoveThe medical and dental offices of

    Dr. C. W. Whi te and Dr. Harry Har t ley w er e m ov ed t hi s we ek to a CO\11-bined office in the apartment at 134Nor th Na rber th A ve nu e own ed b yMrs. John B. Brooks.

    Address LegionnairesW. Russell Green, commande r o f

    the Harold D. Speakman Post , wasthe speaker at the weekly luncheon oft he Ameri can Leg ion Posts of Philadelph ia he ld Tuesday noon at the St.J ames Hot el , Philadelphia.Make Pilgrimage to GravesThe annual visitation o f g rave s of

    former comrades of the Post who havepassed away w as m ad e o n Wednesdayby the Harold D. S pe akma n P os t,American Legion. Those visited included Earl Smith, Will iam Coccia,John Connely, Will iam Burns, HaroldD . Spe akman and Dr. Clarence T.Faires.

    Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday toBe Given by Rev. Frank

    M. Gray.

    Decorator to SpeakThe Narberth Hardware Company isp lanning a ser ies of lec tures and demons tr at io ns on moder n met hods o f homedecorat ion on Tuesday and Wednesday ,J un e 4 an d 5. The company is invitingi ts women pat rons to b ri ng t o t he s to revarious articles which can be finished inDuco so that t he y c an see t he col or d es igns ava ilab le and the var ious ar ti s ti cmet hods o f d ecor at in g t he se obj ec ts .Mrs. Norma B. Brown, a decorator oft he Du Pont Home Decoration Service,witt be at t he s to re t o g iv e t al ks on t heuse of color in decorating various rooms.She wil l a lso show the women cus tomershow to g et t he b es t e ff ec ts in p ar ti cu la rdecoration problems which concern them.It is expected that Mrs. Brown wi1l ins ti tu te c la ss es in Duco decor at io n and

    wi1l c on duc t t hes e d ur in g h er st ay inNarberth.

    Presides at AcademyMrs. A br am B. Ro ss, p re si den t ofMon tgomer y Count y Fed er at io n ofWomen's Clubs , was the presiding host e ss a t t he Pub li c Ledge r' s Cooki ng andHomemaker's School, held last Wednesday afternoon at the Academy of Music .

    Program ArrangedFor Commencement


    Collection Next WeekNext week, that of June 3, wi1lbe ash and rubbish cotlection weekin t he b oro ug h. F ur na ce s h av ebeen r unni ng unu su al ly l at e t hi syear due to the cold and rainywea th er a nd so t he bor ough menwill probably find plenty of ashes

    to collect. Have them out andt hey w ill b e col le ct ed on t he r eg u lar days, unless, o f course, heavycol lect ions cause delay . This wil lbe the only collection for t hemon th of J un e so i t behooves a llh on seke ep er s t o t ak e adv an ta geo f it .

    The commenccmen t s ch edul e o f t heLower Mer io n Schoo ls h as be en d ef initely arranged as follows:Sunday, June 2-Sermon to the c lass .Tuesday, June 4-Parents ' night.Fr iday , June 7-Commencement exer-cises.Saturday, June 8--Alumni day.Monday, June 10-Grammar school entertainment.Tuesday, June 11 -Junior high schoolnight.All exercises begin at 8 :15 P. l\1. Thecommencement exercises, the grammarschool e nt er ta inme nt a nd t he j un io rh ig h s choo l n ig ht w it t be held in t hejunior high auditorium, and the other exe rc is es in t he s en io r h ig h s choo l a ud itorium.The Rev . Frank M. Gray, pastor oft he Met hodi st Epi sc op al Chu rc h, of

    C ~ ' ~ w y d , is to del iver the sermon to theg ra du at in g cl as s t hi s ye ar . M r. G ra yis a man em ine ntl y fit a nd able t o talkto boys and gir l s of the h igh school age ,or any age , d ue t o h is l ong a ss oc ia ti onw it h t hem and h is n ev er -c ea si ng i nt er e st in a ll that goe s t o make t he ir l iv esworth while.T ue sd ay n ig ht t he p ro gr am will b epresented in two parts; t he f ir st , a o ne at p lay cal led " Inside Stuff ," and is tobe given by members of the junior c lass ,and second, a fashion show to be givenby the home economics department of thehigh school.


    On charges preferred by a M t. Airygirl, who alleged t he y k ep t h er a prisoner from Saturday n ig ht u nt il S un day af ternoon, Arthur Bredenback, 26,Church Road, Wynne field, and RobertFaust, 25, Winchester Road, Merion,were held without bail Mo nd ay b yMagistrate Franklin Kromer a t LowerMerion police headquarters, Ardmore.The complaint, lodged by Miss

    Ross ' f at he r and two brothers, atlegesMiss R os s w as a tt ac ke d b y B re de nback, who i s s in gl e, at t he M er io nhome of Faust, who is married, butwhose wife and children were awayfor the week-end.The two men were a r re s ted at 3:30A. l\L Monday when they r e tu rned to

    Faust's home i n a t ax ic ab .Miss Ros s t ol d her relatives she met

    Bredenback by appointment Saturdayevening at Germantown and CheltenAvenue, and that he i nv it ed h er t oattend a party i n Mer io n. She s ai dhe drove to Faust's home, which wasbrilliantly lighted, and she entered, unsuspicious. Once inside, the girl saidshe was made a p ri soner beh indlocked doors.At the hear ing, held Tuesday night

    by Mag is tr at e Krome r a t Ardmore,Faust was discharged and Bredenbackwas held without bai l fo r the Septemb er t er m of C ou rt .

    Story Hour TuesdayA "story hour" will b e h el d at the

    Library o n Tue sd ay , June 4, at 4o'clock. All children are invited toattend. Th e s tor ies for the day will

    Mission Society t o Gathe rThe Women 's Foreign Missionary

    Society o f t he M et ho di st EpiscopalChurch will a ss emb le o n Mo nd ay ,June 3, at th e home of Mrs. A. L.Orr, 101 Elmwood Avenue. Mite boxopening will take place at t hi s mee t ing. Th e con fe rence mee ti ng o f theSociety will be held Wednesday, June4, at Mt. C arme l Church, P ar k a ndNedro Avenues, Fern Rock. Membersare urged to a t tend this meet ing.

    Basebatl is certainly having its inningsthese days. On top of Memori al Daygames , a Mai n L in e League g ame Saturday, comes the announcement of an exh ib it io n g ame Monday w it h one o f t heg re at es t a tt ra ct io ns in bas eball , t heHavana Red Sox .'Th is Cuban col or ed c lu b, whi ch w il loppose Narberth on the playground, at6.30, boasts more star bat l p layers thanany other hal f-dozen colored teams putt og et he r, a nd h as t he add ed advan ta ge ,f rom th e s pe ct at or 's point o f view o fb ei ng f or ei gn er s a nd h en ce mor e " co l

    orful:'Among t he p la ye rs who w il l be seenin action are the following Cuban stars:

    Pedro Ferrer, the Cuban "Lindstrom;"Marce lino Bauza , the "F rank Fri sch"f lash ; Sa lvador Massip, grea tes t of f ir sts ac ke rs ; Bas il o Cue ri a, t he home- runking; Ramir o Ram ir ez , manag er a ndf orme r Bacha ra ch and L in co ln G iant sstar; Elber t "Smoky Joe" \Vi ll iams , thespeedba ll a rt i st , and many others. TheHa\'ana Red S ox carry a p la yi ng s ta ffof fourteen bal l p layers and are uniquelyuniformed and equipped. The "Shadowb al l Exh ib it io n" b ef or e t he g ame, p re s en ti ng p le nt y o f "whoope e, " is o ne ofthe b ig h it s to be offered the fans of thi svicinity.The Havana Red S ox o pene d t he irseason a t ~ i am i, F la ., e ar ly in Mar ch ,

    after a w in te r camp ai gn in Cuba, a ndbarns tormed the South , gradua tly worki ng t he ir w ay N or th . The t eam p re s en ts s ev er al amu si ng f ea tu re s dur in gi ts exhib it ion which , a long with the fac tthat it is a foreign team, makes t he mone o f t he b igge st d rawi ng c ar ds o f t hebasebatl world.The se Cuban s p la y r ea l b as eb al l a ndt he home r ep re se nt at iv es w il l h av e tohe at t be ir b es t t o s ta y i n t he r unni ng .

    Last season on a tour through the South,t he Red Sox made a c lean sweep , scor ing twenty- two consecutive v ic tories ,wi thout a s ingle defea t, t ak ing into campsu ch t eams a s t he N ew O rl ea ns B la ckPel icans, the Leesburg Flor ida Giants,the Mobile Black Sox and many others,los ing the i r f ir st fame at Miami againstt he M iami (Fla.) Giant s, whe re t heyf in al ly c ap tu re d t he e ig ht -d ay s er ie s,a f te r one of the b i tteres t f ights ever exhibited a t t ha t city.


    Girls' Attacker HeldWithout Bail For Court

    Cuban Colored Stars Are One ofLeading Attractions inBaseball.

    Havana Red Sox toPlay Here MondayNarberth, Pa., Friday,May 31, 1929

    Thrill Ride on TrainEnds in Youth's Death

    The 11 isses Elizabetha nd CarlynGol dsmi th , o f 1 fontgomery Avenue,\Vynnewood, enter ta ined twenty-fourmembers of the summer camp,"\Voodmere," at a bridge party Sunday last.

    Mr. A. D. \Ventz, with his son Alan ,of Spring Grove, Pa., v is it ed h is s on ,~ f r . Walton ),1. \Ventz, of 205 \VayneAvenue, last week-end. ~ [ i s s Evelyn\Ventz, who had becn a visitor herefor several days, re turned with them.Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson Crane, ofAnnapolis, Ald., were guests last week

    e nd o f Mr. and Mrs. George NormanGill, 216 Dudley Avenue.~ r r . and Mrs. Samuel H. Stringfield,

    Jr., hav e moved f rom 214 Dudley Avenue to n ew home at 206 HampdenAvenue.1Ir. Walter Martin, son of Judge

    Martin, o f New York, w as the guestof Mr. Allen Cameron, of MontgomeryAvenue, p ri or t o j oi ni ng h is f am il ya br oa d f or t he s umme r.


    A 19-year-old Philadelphia youth wasi ns ta nt ly k il le d Monday n ight n ea r t heM eri on S ta ti on o f t he Pe nn sy lva ni aRai lr oa d under a f re ig ht t ra in on whi chhe an d a c omp ani on h ad s to len a s ho rtr id e a s a t hri ll .The victim, Earl Wilson, 19, of 31

    North Thir ty-seventh Street , in leapingf rom the r ap id ly mov ing t ra in , s tr uc k afence between east and westbound tracksand rol led under the cars. His head wass tr uc k by some p ar t o f t he car and his'leg crushed by the wheels.Earl Dundon, 19, of 3845 Pearl Street,Phi lade lphia, h is companion in the fatala dv en tu re , was s ti ll o n t he t ra in whenhe saw the victim disappear under acar. A s ho rt distance f art he r on heleaped, narrowly clearing the fence. Thet ai l o f h is c oa t was r ip ped by one p an el ,so c lose was he to the obs truc tion . Runn in g b ack after the train passed, hefound t he body o f h is companion . H iscries for a id were heard by a taxi driver,who summoned police.Lieutenant Duke, accompanied by Pat rolman Beggs and Robb ar rived at thescene in a few minutes. T hey s aw at

    once that the youth was beyond medicalaid and a rra ng ed for his removal toFrankenfield's morgue. Later the bodywas ,ent to h is home in Phi lade lphia.At t he police s ta ti on in A rdmo re ,Dundon t ol d how he and Wil son, u ponleaving four o ther youths at the Overb rook S ta ti on , d ec id ed t o t ak e t he adventurous ride. They hopped thef re ight there and rode as far as Merion,he said.Griswold Elected Trusteeof Narberth Fire Company

    Natu ra l ga s on 110ntgomery Avenue, dese r ti ng i ts na tu ra l habi t at underground, made known i ts p re sencein t he uppe r r eg ions t hi s w eek by dis coloring several flowering t re es o f theGa rd en Nu rs er ie s o wn ed b y A. E.\Vohlert.Officials of the Philadelphia Suburban Count ies Gas & Electric Company, whe n s ummone d b y Mr . Wohlert, sniffed a round, dug h ol es in t hepike and said there was no gasescaping.l\fr. \ Vo hl er t d is ag re ed t o t he extent of striking a match, throwing iti ll the hole, and 10, the air burned. Thegas company officials were p rope rl yn on pl us se d a nd t he s ou rc e o f t he gasrcmains a mystcry.

    At th e meeting of t he Na rb ert hF ire C ompa ny T ue sd ay nig ht theofficers nominated at the Apri l meet i ng w it ho ut o pp os iti on wer e dulyelected. A temporary appointmentwas made by President Tristan B . dul\farais, of E. C. Gr iswold , to act astrustee in the place of Taylor Henry,w ho r es ig ne d. M r. Henry's businessh as t ak en h im to Baltimore to live.Mr. Griswold 's appointment was confirmed at t he mee t ing Tuesday nightw he n h e w as n om in at ed b y t he membership and wil l b e duly elected at theJune meet ing o f t he fire company.Favo r ab l e commen t was exp re ss ed

    at t he m ee ti ng o f t he p la n u nd er consideration to form a Lower Merionand Narberth firemen's relief association, which would greatly increase theannuity obtainable for men injured atfires.

    A Gaseous Fable,or All's Not Well

    Criticism, adverse or favorable, willalways be appreciated -by the e d i t o r ~

    The g ue st s w ho a tt en de d t he houseparty given at Ocean C i ty l as t weekend hy :Miss Betty Bowman , o f E lmwood Avenue, were E l eanor Michaelson. Helen Benham, Janet Caldwell,S us an Reeve s, Mary L ouise Fox,Helcn Krout and Anne t te Bergeron.1f rs. L. M. B ow er s a nd family,

    l\lanor Road, Wynnewood, have takena cot tage a t A tl an ti c C it y f or t he season, and left f or t he r e so r t this week.~ I r . and Mrs . Robe r t Fe ll ow s \Vood,

    of Forest Avenue, w it h Mrs . \Vood'ss is ter , Mrs. Francis Bradlee, of Marblchead, are spending a week atFrench Lick Springs , Ind. :Mr. Wood,who IS adver t is ing manager of theA ut oc ar C omp an y, wa s o ne of thespeakers of the semi-annual meetingof the National Advertisers' Association.Mr. J. B. Wine and family, ShirleyRoad, spent the week-end at thei r sum

    mer cottage which has just been completed on t he Lew is B each at the Delaware Breakwater.

    BaIn.Cynwyd FlowerShow I s Nex t SaturdayThe Spring Flower Show, an annual

    affair sponsored by the Garden Club,of Bala-Cynwyd, will be held this yearon Saturday, June 8, at the Women'sC lu b o f Bala-Cynwyd, Levering MillR oad a nd B al a Avenue. The hoursare 3 to 5 in t he a ft er noon and 7 to9 in t he e ve ni ng .There wil l be f if ty -s ix c lasses , which

    are open to residents of localities othert han Bal a-Cynwyd. There is no

    ~ h a r g e for entries nor is there anysdmission fee. The show, however , i snot open to commercial growers orprofessional gardeners.

    :M rs. Phi li p Chase is cha i rman o fthe show. The judges wil l inc ludethe following: Samue l Newman Baxter, Fai rmount Pa rk horticulturist;Mrs. William Brock, Rosemont; Robert J. Edgar, Narberth, of the W.Atlee Burpee Company; Mrs . EdgarL. Potts, I than; John \V . Prince, superintendent Barnes ' Estate , Meriol't;\VilIiam ]. Serrill, of the PennsylvaniaHorticultural Society.Officers of the Garden Club of

    Bala-Cynwyd are: Mrs. \V . G. Littleton, president ; Mrs. S. Harold Croft,vice president ; Mrs. C. Lester Sherman, J r ., t reasurer; Miss Jane I. 1fagee, r e co rdi ng sec re ta ry , and ~ rs.Charles Sykes, corresponding secretary.

    Brookline TomorrowNarberth will s eek r evenge agains tBrookline o n S at ur da y in t he t hi rd

    g am e o f t he M ai n L in e L ea gu e. Playw il l b e c al le d on the playground at3:15.

    Contagion on WaneFewer cases of contagious diseasewer e r epor te d in Lower Mer io n Towns hi p t hi s week than for several weekspas t, according to Marvin E. Reynolds,

    h ea lt h o ff ice r, who l is ts a t ot al o f f ou rteen new patients. The cases include onewi th scar le t fever in Wynnewood, fivechickenpox, two German measles , onemeasles, one pneumonia and f ou r w it hwhooping cough. Eight of the new casesare in t he Sou th Ardmore to City Linedistrict.

    At the annual meet ing of the Dr.Benjamin Rush Chapter, ~ S. D.A. R ., h el d 1\[ onday at the home of~ I r s . W. R. O'Sullivan, 85 \VindsorAvenue, Narber th, year ly repor ts wereread. Elec t ion o f officers to !ill vacancies a lso t ook place. ~ [ r s . StuartAnderson was elected the second viceregent and ~ I r s , John Miller and Mrs.F. T . Va n Au ke n the new membe rsof th e governing board.

    ~ I r s . Samuel Z. Shope, ~ l r s . H. 11.Chalfont, 1Irs. H. G. 1Iartin and ~ [ r s .H. G. Venemann were chosen delegates to t he S ta te Con fe re nc e, t o b eheld at N ew Cas tl e in October.The Chapter voted to g ive a newflagpole t o H ol id ay H ou se at Valley


    Board of Trade to MeetA mee ti ng o f t he Narberth Boa rd o fTrade will be held at t h e A rcadi aR est au r an t on Monday noon. Lunchw il l be served at 1 o 'c lo ck a nd t hebusiness meeting will commence at1:30.

    D. A. R. Holds FinalMeeting of Season

    W. S. Horner,303 N. Narberth Ave.,Narberth, - - ~ .

    A pic ture of modern criminology andpri son pract ice was given members ofthe Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Clubat the weekly luncheon Tuesday. Thespeaker was Major Romanus Fellman,warden of the Montgomery Countyprison at Norristown." \Vhy a re s o many young men i n jailtoday," Major Fellman asked. "Tenyea rs a go t he ave ra ge age o f a p ri so ne rwas 38. Today i t is 22. The reason, inmy opinion, is modernism. Speed and thes ea rc h of pl eas ur e a nd t he a lm ig ht ydollar ar e dr iving t he youths to theprisons."Condemnation of the increase in c igar et te smoki ng by women , r oad hou se sand drunken dr iv ing was a fea ture of thetalk. Major Fel lman p la ced t he responsibility for the i nc re as e i n c rimesquarely up t o t he parents."The pri son cannot cure. Instead ofimp rovi ng t he p ri so ne r, i t t ur ns himout weaker physically and morally. Theparen ts mus t teach and advise. Youngg ir ls m us t be k ep t in touch wi th theirage-you c an 't t ea ch t hem much thatthey do not latow."Pat r io t ism, the warden said, i s los ingi!& .hold due to d is respec t for law.

    Prison Warden IsRotary Club Speaker

    By J oh n Uberti.Narberth a nd Ar dmo re r en ewe dheir ol d b as eb al l fend in t he s ec on dame f or e ac h c lu b o f t he l \I ai n LineLeague on the former's field to thedistinct disadvanlage of ~ oily Devin's reorganized crew. \Vhen themok e of battle had cleared awayA rdmore was on th e sho rt end of a3 to 3 score , being onthi t throughouthe t h re e hou rs ' s lugging con te st .Ardmore's lone chal lenge came inhe first inning, when they scored twouns on two hefty bingles. The borughi tes responded, however, withtwo i n t he ir h al f of the second, andf rom t he n o n it was a r ou t. Graham,though t ou ch ed for ni ne h it s, k e ~ tthem well scat tered and never was mdeep water a fte r the !irst i J ~ n i n ~ ,strong support being accorded hll1l 111the field throughout the fray.Eve ry m an o f t he Davis ' c lan foundthe r iva l h il lmen for at least one rap

    each i n t hi s glor ious three-hour batting melee, with t he exception of MikeMulligan, who, however, received twof ree t icke ts to first.Mike's play featured the seventhi nn in g, a s h e intercepted three whiz

    z ing g rounde rs and r el aye? b r i l 1 i a n t ~ yto Ma rt in r ou ti ng t he 111vaders Inqnick fash{on. Two errors marred hiso therwi se b ri ll iant per fo rmance , oneof which gave the visitors a run as hethrew wild to first, and the other,which the home scorer a llowed as excusable, bu t wh ic h t he B .r ookl in escorekeeper refused to sanctIon, thehi t being a s low one and which shouldhave been caught.Consistent prowess at the pentagon,erfectly interwoven with unique col-.aboration afield, were the elementstbat spelled def ea t f or the ArdmoreClu b. B ob Martin, fleetest base-runner of the Main Line League, feat ur ed t he a sh t ot in g, a s he connectedw it h t hr ee bombast ic smashes , as didV. F le ck , t he f at he r o f his c lub.In the nine innings of bat ting practice Narberth chased two boxmen tothe'showers a nd t he t hi rd w as t ha nk ful to the committee that agreed that"nine innings shall constitute a game,"for had the contest gone anotherstanza h e wo uld undoubtedly havebeen carr ied o ff t he fi el d.Ardmore taltied two runs in theopening stanza. but the score was immediately deadlocked in the local hal f.Curvin could see nothing soothing tothe optics and s tr ol led, bu t Mul li ganf or ce d h im on second, bar el y fallinga v ic tim to a doubl e p la y. Burns h i tMcLintock's f ir st o ff er in g f or a resonant double, a nd w he n King Sol intervened, blinding the fielder, Graham's aerial scored Mulligan. Cameraeyed Powel l walked , f il ling the lanes,and when Heckel strolled, Burns automatically coiiled r un n um be r two.Fleck bunted, f or ci ng G raham onpitcher's choice, and Har ri s, one oft he m os t dangerous hickory t ot er s o fthe Boro line-up, failed at a t ime whenh e m ig ht have put his name in thelimelight. Hi s s ky ro ck et t o c en tr eCONTINUED ON THE SIXTH PAGBl


    ough Players Wield the BigStick i n 13 to 3


    h SluggersSwamp Ardmore t9'


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    PAGE TWO May JI, 1929

    OURToWNA Co-operat ive Communi ty NewsptJper founded in 1914 by the Nar-berth Civic Association and publishedevery Friday at Narberth, Pa.


    PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTONPresident and General ManagerROBERT MOORE CAMERONEditorOmce, 258 Haverford Avenue

    Phone, Narberth 2545U no answer, caIl Ardmore 3100.

    Will Graduate 59

    . . . . . .

    Seashore & ResortsATLA:\1"IC C ITY - -F ur n . b o a rdw a lkapt. [01' rent. \VlII. Kenna.rd , 401Che" lnu t . Ph i l a delph ia , (6-14-29)()(;E. \ : \ l . " 1 ' 1 - - t ~ o t t a g e ~ , apar l t nen t:-ohungalo","_ \Vrlte or call J. R,Jane", c or . S th St. and \ V e ~ l e ~ ' Ave.(6 7-29)H " ~ , \ ( ' : H H ,\ VI']:\; I,ol" 40 x SO, nearbeach. $ 75 0; $ 50 down, $10 I1 ll lnth ly ,

    ~ l L. Shapit 'o, :Hi5 ElnHH'u A\e., g l iza b e t h . ~ . .1. (5-:11-29)C H J ' : S 1 ' I ~ J { "ALI.I;\ ' -Alllng' th e Bran-d ~ ' , v i l l e , 2 h o u : - t e ~ . acreage r:,ulliling- Iand pil'llie H i t t ~ : - ; . Hpecial fo r !-ICout!lan d familip". C y n w ~ ' d 714_ _


    Sign 0/ Best Meats11 THAT we s el l only t he b es tmeat avai lable in Philadelphiais evidenced by th e s te ad ygrow th ofour clientele throughout the metropol itan area.

    We Have But One Address

    Opposite Erlanger TheatreCALL RITTENHOUSE 7070

    'BRADLEYSiWARKET CO.2106 Market Street

    11 ASK for the Bradley deliveryt ru ck a nd you wiI I obtain theculmination of mor e t ha n h al fa cen tu ry' s ca re fu l buy ing andcourt eous , mode ra te - p riced ,prompt and painstaking service.

    HOSIJ':RY _REPAIRED-Inv is ib le rUI l"ner"; 4 S- ho ur se rv ice . T he H em -" I i t l ' h i n ~ ShOll, 242 Ha\'erford Ave.

    7hrough the Lorgnette' !( By I":. M. SlIra) IThe old-fashioned Korean woman.we read, wears a huge basket-like hatI have t he pi ct ur e bef ore me and itl ooks v ery much l ik e a great umbrellaobs cu ring the wea re r' s f ac e e nt ir ely Ifrom view. How unlike our chic little Ih at s whi ch have been in vogue now

    for s ome s ea sons , a nd , we hope , manys ea sons to come-for what is mor echarming than the c loche, the helmet,and even the small sku ll cap? Theyare simply captivating.One unu sual ha t I chan ced to seewas made of soft ooze leather, a smartc om fo rt ab le h at t o wear with you rsport fur c oa t. T he h at shown wasmad e t o the contour of t he head, a~ 1 l i ! ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1

    Repertory Theatre WillPlay at Cricket Club'The Romantic Age," which wil l beprescnted at the Merion Cricke t Clubon W edn esd ay an d Thursday even ings , June 5 and 6, by the Main L in eRepertory Theatre , has a cast compos ed o fa n ew g roup of talented amateurs who are completing their seasonnext month with the produc tion of the

    William J. Purvis, John C. Edwardsand Robert C. Johnston are Artisansfrom this sec tion who are planning toat ten d the r al ly of Artisans on then igh t of June 14 at Sixty-ninth Street,when hundreds will p ar ti ci pa te in as tr ee t p arad e, a n e nter ta inment a nd ahuge ini ti at io n when s co re s of newmemhe rs will b e a dd ed t o t he o rderby Drexe l H il l, L an sdowne , Col li ng dale and Main Line Assemblies .The meeting of Main Line Assemblywill be hel d ne xt Tuesday night inMerion Title HaU, at Ardmore.A re y ou going away for t he summer? Let us know a week in advanceand we will forward Our Town toyour summer address.

    For AllJune Events

    exclusive artistic souvenirsand charming floralfeatures delight-. fully arrangedfor theGraduateDebutanteBride and MaidsBirthdayBon Voyage ThoughtAnd All Social Fllnctions

    Artistic floral decorationsfor all occasions.Seasonable showing of decorative house plants andflowers.Healthy growing plants forgarden and terrace.Flowers Telegraphed to All

    Parts 0/ t he Wor ldThe Flower ShopsMrs. N01-man Jefferies

    Haverford andNarberth AvenuesNARBERTHPhone, Narberth 14861



    Chance CleanedCOAL?

    Chanc e-Clea ned Coa l i scoal that has b een c le an edb y t he Chance Separator, anew type of equipment usedby s ome p ro du ci ng c om panies for e l imina ting bone,slate a nd o th er impuritiesfrom coal as mined.The "Chance Separ at or "performs this work be tt er

    t ha n a ny o th er device thusfar discovered, and coal thathas been c le an ed throught hi s p ro ce ss c omes to thedealer more free f rom undesirable fo r e i g n matterthan ever before possible.The Jeddo-HighlandCompany is now employing the"Chance Separator" to clean

    its coal, so al l coal we receive from them has the desi rabl e qu al it y of being"Chance Cleaned" in addit io n t o its other characterist ics of puri ty.Prices Advance June 1st

    ~ G NarberthCoal Company

    RALPH S. DUNNEDistributors

    Overbrook to Villa NO'J'aNARBERTH 2430

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    Member of Federal Reser....e S.,stemOpen Friday Et'enings From 7 Until 9 o'Clock

    will. look mUCh. ~ e t t e r with a c ou pl e o f f r es hly uphol s te r edchall's. I n a dd It Io n t o t he better appearance the rebu ildingwill a dd y ea rs t o t he life of furniture. 'Le t us give you an estimate on upholstering or refinishing.PAPERHANGING - HOUSE PAINTINGDECORATORS-UPHOLSTERERS'THE cATLAS COMPANY, Inc.

    SAMUEL N. HALL, President109 Nor th Na rbe r th Avenue .: : :. Phone Narberth 3625" n " n ' , " ,


    'The ?{arberth ?{ational 'Bank


    TELEPHONEfor a thri l l :

    i n t he ta i loring and cleaning businessis achieved slowly a s t heresult of dependable se rv ice rendered to an increasing numberof people who want the best .

    OLIVER H. BArR COMPANYM.A . BAIR, PruidentFUNERAL DIRECTORSIldl. RITtenhouse 1581 1820 Chestnut Street K ~ Race 1110

    No Charge is MadeFor the Use of Funeral Parlors

    22_ .

    They are provided for the convenienceof those we serve but the accommodationdoes not in anyway increase funeral costs.


    By a "voice v is it " b a ckhome. Chat with those friendsyou haven't seen for months

    Who' ll WhoP L oo k in th e Te l ephone Directory

    Walter P. MiesenCarpenter & Builder100 N. Narberth Avenue Phones: D.ay-Narberth 3973M.Evenmg-Narberth 3828R.~ ~ ll Sorts 0/ Jobbing and Alteration WorkQuickly and Reasonably Done


    102 Forest Avenue Phone : Na rbe r th 2602' C C C C C = = C C = C C = C = = = = = = C C O = = = = = = = = = = = ~W W A W A WAh

    Phone Na rber th 4005

    NIGHT SCHOOLBookkeeping, Typewriting, Stenography,Stenotypy, Bustness Appliances. Thoroughly and efficiently taught.POSITIONS GUARANTEED

    What happened? First of all agr eat m any very fine men who sewhole i nv es tmen t was tied up inbreweries and distilleries were suddenly depr ived of their businesses andincome without compen sa ti on . Sec ond, hundreds of thousands of saloonkeepers were f orc ed t o close theirdoors a nd t o seek a new form of employment. Third, t h e thi r sty of thenation were supposed to change theirchoice of beverages without any gradual warning almost overnight.It was some time before manvpeople a c tu al ly r ea li zed what hadhappened, and the ini t ia l e f for ts aten fo rc ement d rew cheers from them il it an t P ro hi bi ti on is ts , t he A nt iSaloon League and t he W . C. T. U.,a rc h e ne mi es o f "John Barleycorn."The temperate and moderate-drinkingpublic was d ismayed a nd n ot a littledefiant at what i t c on si de re d a n unreasonable infringement of i ts rights.The re was talk a bout the invasion ofpersonal liberty, t he i nvas ion of private homes and the general iniquityo f t he p ro cedu re . Such talk i s chi ldish. A man m ay n ot abuse h is w if eor children at home; the law preventsthat. He may n ot u se n ar co ti cs orsell them at home or be subject toarrest. Hi s "castle" is l ia bl e t o invasion from the forces of the law formany sorts of irregularities, so thatinvasion to stop illegal drinking isq ui te in keeping w it h o th er restrictions of personal liberties or licenses.I do, however, believe that this Act Iwas des igned wi thou t p rope r reg ardfor human psychology and with too 'grea t s tringency for t he pur po se intended, so t hat by overstepping itsalleged goal of temperance it inducedan era of utter lawlessness and licensesuch as our country had never b ef or eseen.Ne xt w ee k w e s ha ll start examiningthe effects of prohibition as we haveknown i t in the United States.

    'DAVIS '

    Luncheon Outfits


    Baked Goods as You Like Them

    Results of ThinkingBalloon Tires

    29 x 4.40 $6.00 fI Benefits from never wasting 30 x 4.50 6.75 anything are clearly emphasized if we, as a scien tist woul d, think29 X 5.00 8.75 a bo ut t he matter, consider our30 X 5.00 9.00 condition and possibilities of ttarriving" if we are prudent.31 X 5.25 10.25 fI Just not ic e how people who32 X 6.00 13.00 save regularly do succeed.

    Everyone likes things appetizing and tasty-thati s why Whi te 's pastry creations have ach ieved awell-deserved fame on the Main Line and elsewhere.

    Everyone likes things to be fresh-that is whyWhite's are f resh HOURLY.


    Everybody knows that the Goodyear Tire 8C Rubber Company is the lead ing company of its kind in the world and itsproducts must have merit. Compare our prices below on GoodyearPa thf inders wi th any other concern selling tires.

    We have no i llus ions nor do we expect t o sell Narberthpeople at a h ighe r p ri ce than they c an b uy elsewhere, but otherthings being equal, feel that we a re entitled to some of thei r t irebusiness.


    Narberth Avenue at the P. R. R.C. P. COOK, General Manager

    Just the thing for your automobile picnic. Paper plates, napkins, forks andspoons. No dishes to wash or break, just burn them up!Flags of all sizes and motor car decorations for Memorial Day.

    219 Haverford Avenue


    The Oldes t S to re in Narberth224 Haverford Avenue Phone Narberth 4035~

    ~ t = 1 e 1 e 1 t = 1 t = 1 e : : : s : t : ! ~ = = t = 1 ~ O t = 1 t = 1 e 1 t = 1 ~


    I HAVE

    Your Trunks andHousehold Goods

    Service Co.:; Bala Avenue, Bala

    Phone C.,n'W.,d 877

    r'Sen/ice FromDoor to Door"

    taken to the shore andback, at moderate cost.Also Local Hauling

    Anywhere on the Main Line

    clients interested inp ur ch as in g p ro pe rties in Narbe rt h, i ffairly priced. CallJ. RaymondS H A R P750 Drexe l B l dg . , P h il a .PHONE: LOMBARD 7936or NARBERTH 4178

    Silve r-P la tes . Use It as a PolishLOOK LIKE NEW!Yz P in t , $ I ; P in t , $1.65FOR SALE BY LOCAL DEALERSandHansell Bros. Service Station


    REPLATBBRASSY WORN-OFFBath Room FaucetsB ra ss y Auto Par ra, Ref t ec tou , etc.With Pure Silve r


    Mrs. Hurd Takes Golf TitleF or t he four th t ime in her remarka bl e c ar ee r, M rs . Dorothy CampbellHurd, of t he Mer ion Cr icke t Club, i sPhiladelphia golf champion. O n F ri day, over the difficult Overbrookcourse, the Haverford club star defeated Mis s E di th Q ui er , o f Huntingdon Vallev, 4 and 3 in the finals.It wasdeadly accuracy, t inged wi thdaring-the sort of playing with whichMrs. Hurd won t he British champions hi p twi ce . t he U ll it ed States title

    three t imes and the Canadian , Scotchand Irish crowns-that carr ied golf ' s"wonder woman" t o a dec is ive vidoryover her youthful Huntingdon Valleyopponent.

    It tI

    May 31, 1929


    !!!!George A. WittePaperhanging andDecoratingESTIMATINGNarberth 4135W

    H. B. WALLPlumbing .:. HeatingGas Fitting100 Forest AvenuePhone: Narberth 3652-M


    For PermanentSatisfaction

    BUY ASmedleyBuilt HomeWm. D. & H.T. Smedley

    Lefty Haas, Gettyshurg hurler. wast oo much f or V il la nova and t he 'Vi ld cats lost, 4-2. But i t w as a d if fe re ntstory n ex t d a) ' aga i ns t S t. Joseph'steam, who bowed, 10-3. Hil1erp it ch ed t he w inni ng game.

    TAXI SERVICEP. F. DONAHUEResidence, Station,Narberth 4031 Narberth 4007

    Baggage Called f or and DelffJ.::-,d108 COSWAY AVESUE NARBERTH

    Jerry Underwood ' s Autocar Giantsteam is trouncing al1 the opposition insight. 'Veek-end results were: Giants,19; Main L ine T iger s, 8; and Giants,16; Ardmore A. c., 2. Twisdale, Taylor, Bu rgen and either Cannon orBounds make a lead-off oLltfit that hasthe opposing hurlers t rembling at thest art. In addi t ion . the pitching staff1;::==============:::;isn't s o poo r.

    Cvnwvd "BOO con ti nues on top ofhe pe rc h i n D iv is io n B o f the 1f iddletate s Tennis League. On Saturday,ynwyd defeated the Philadelphia andeading team, 7-2. R. Dix, H. Sions. G. Stewart, 'Nil1iam Maguire.Dr. 1IacKinney, ,I\'iIliam Campbell,r . Lot t, Keese and McMorris playedfor Cynwyd.

    Still another posib il i ty for laurelsdefinitelv el iminated when Chest Hill A ca demv won t he InteracaLeague baseball title by defea tEpiscopal Academy , 10- 2. S ti ll ,in foo tba l and baske tought to be sufficient honors forEpiscopalians in one year.

    The office of John A. Caldwel l re- This is the third of a s er ie s o fports the following real esta te trans - articles o n " Pr oh ib it io n" whi chactions: express the views of the columnistMiss Mary M.cEllen h as le as ed ra the r than the editorial policy ofApartment A-301 in the Baird Apart- the news-magazine.men ts. Prohibition.Edward P. Jones is occupying the The f or ce s f or t empe ra nc e, withfirst-floor apartment of 112 Essex science and education on their side,Avenue. were gradually educating chi ld ren i nThe first-floor north apartment o f p ri va te and public schools a bout th e109 Iona Ave nu e h as b ee n leased to injurious effects of alcohol. TheirMr. George 'Vatts. reasonable propaganda was spreading,Mi ss J ul ia Mo lle r h as leased the a nd t he y worked into politics in asAnother exc el le nt h op e f or o ne or third-floor allartment at 112 Essex insid ious a way as t he mos t experichampionships. Samuel B . G il - Avenue. enced lobbyists. Drink t o t he m hado f C ynwy d, h ad o ne o f t ho se ex-' G. L. Vogt is occupying the first- always been an unforgivable curse, and"of f" weeks. Sam lost t he f lo or apartment at 114 Essex Avenue. they were determined to wipe it out.kers Count ry Club inv itat ion tour- 1 Ir s. Mar y D ar ra h has leased her The opening gun was "wart ime proto Norman Bramall, capta in property , 519 G or do n A ve nu e t o G. hibi t ion ," whi ch appea led to publict he JdIe Hour tennis team, at Am- Gillespie. 'sentiment as a wise, though temporary,i er , 6-4, 0-6, 7-5. J t w as the second E. S. Munroe has leased his prop- measure. The s ubmi t ti ng of Volin two days, a s l as t F ri da y, erty, 110 Forrest A\enue. to Mrs. A. stead's ame ndme nt t o t he ConstituCynwyd, Gil pi n l os t the final Schaber. tion on top of this went through theo f t he P hi la de lp hi a and dis- John C. Batchelor and his family S en at e a nd Hou se s o easily that fewtennis championship to Harold a re m ov in g fr om Indiana and wil l people realized what had happened.Guffin, Germantow,n C. Coo 6-3. occupy 222 Dudley Ayenue, the prop- This amendment was declared in force4, 6-2 . In the senu-final, Samuel ert)" o f M rs . C. C. Parkhurst. January 16, 1919, and i n c as e y ou f or -taken Bramal's measure, so the l-[r. and M rs. G eo rg e S ch ul tz o f get its e xa ct t erms h ere it is:defeat at Ambler was Pittsburgh. and fo rmerh ' o f N a r b ~ r t h ARTICLE XVIIIi te a s ur pr is e. have returned to !>:arberth and a r 1. After one y ea r f rom t he ratifica-n ow o cc up yi ng t he first-floor apart- tion of this Article the manufacture,m ent of 202 Forrest Avenue, l ea sed s al e or transportation of in toxica t ingfrom 1\1 r.o and Mrs . H. A. Jacobs. liquors within, the importation thereofDavid G. Rentschler has purchased into, or t he expor tat ion thereof f rom122 'Voodside Avenue f ro m G eo rg e t he United Statesand all territory subB. Suplee. j ect to t h e j ur is di ct ion t he reof forG eor ge B ol te r h as s ol d his prop- bever age purpo se s is hereby proe rt y, 2 38 Hampden Ay enu e, t o A n- hibited.tonio De Pietro. 2. The Congress and the severalJohn Sweeney has purchased the IStates shal l have concurrent power toFeatured b y t he l on g- ra ng e strok- I prop.c rty o f J ohn Doyle, located at 102 enf?rce . this article by appropriateg o f Geo rg e H . E ar le , J r. , a nd thel },[enon Avenue. leglslatl?n. . .,enera l a l l-around play of Dave \Volf- 3. T I ~ l s ar tic le shal l be l!lOperatlve\ \ ~ i s t e r Rando lph and Bar cl ay Loughlin Wins Title unless It shall have been .rat!fied as a ndden, the Bryn Mawr polo team,. . , ame!ldment to the ConstItUtion by thet he P en ns vl va ni a M il it ar v O v e r ~ o m l l l g . a two-set lead, EI1tott Legi sl a tu re s o f t he s ever al S ta te s, asmallet swingers. 13-7, o n S at - L ou gh hn . E p ~ s c o p ~ 1 ~ c a d e m y , .cap - p ro \ id ed i n the Const itu tion, wi th inav before two thousand persons at tured t l!e senIOr t l ~ l e 111 the MIddle s e ~ ' e l . l years f ro m t he d at e o f th e subj:>hiladelphia C. C. f ie ld . Bala. The States mterscholas tlc tournal l1e! lt . at miSSion hereof to t he S ta te s b y Con M. C. had b ee n g iv en a s ix -g oa l I the Germantown C: C. by v a n q u l s h l l ! ~ gress.IBert Claster, Harnsburg Academy, 111 * ... ...~ v e . sets,. 6-8, 1 - 6 ~ 6-3, 6 - ~ , (i-I. I n the One can readily see b y the very1" If d I I ' t JUlllor Singles, J'rank FIala, German-, terms of t he A ct t ha t it was n ot r ai l-lBreel ~ lCfrsClm,a e 10 eSI-l I1 t-one ak town. defeated Fricke. o f Lower Mer - r oaded through Congress while a ll ofle a a vO U) course as wee ' . ' H' I 8 6 I 7 - . .'d 1 ul ld p.ter ~ [ u l l e n m de Ion Igl, - am -:>. o ur y oun g men were fightmg 111 Moderate-priced tUition. Enter now.

    J' .0 (a l e, a F n . f tl 1 d Send for free bookletat the s ix th hol e on Sat ur d ay , . ra ce, as IS s o r eq ue n y c large '1 ' .earlier in the week Dan Cuth- Miss Page Tennis Champ I h e t erm. s were clear and the matter STRAYER S BUSINESS COLLEGEsank one at the thirteenth. After defeating her rival In many was concise. 807 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. matches, Miss Virginia Hilleary, of ~ ~ t = 1 t = 1 t = 1 ! : : 1 t = 1 ~Cynwyd Club Just barel; won from. the Cricket Club. 8-6, 6-2. f or the I

    I d l ~ Ho?r team. 5-4, 111 a Middl e I women 's i nt er cl ub t enni s champ ion[emus League mat ch Sunday ship Saturday a t Huntingdon Valley,Cyn wyd. Harold L ~ n e . formerly of M iss Anne Page, Mer ion Cri cketynwyd. but now WIth Idle H ~ u r . Club, paired with her clubmate. Mrs.t he mos t t ro ub le b y defeatll1g C. C. Madeira, to take t he doubl esarold .Colborn two sets to one . t it le , b y d efe ati ng M rs . A lfr ed R.alph Dlx, John Haynes ~ n Haro ld Hunte r and 1\1 iss Hilleary, 6-2 . 6-4 .us te r. Cynwyd, won their m a t c h ~ s , I n w inn in g t he s in gl es and doublesut G. O. Sh,!-fer a nd H . D or nh e; m t i tles Miss Page played thronghout theowed respectl\ 'ely to Gabe Lavll1e entire afternoon.J. Richardson.

    .........-..-.-.. ~ ~ ................ ~ ~ .........HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the PeaceREAL ESTATE, Fire Insurance-Best Companies\ Phone 40-19-W 215 Haverford Ave.

    This week's quota of Main LineMrs. Dorothy CampbellMerion C. c., Philadelphia golfMiss Anne Page, Mer ionc., women's interclub tennis chamJoseph H . Mor ri s, J r. , HaverCol le ge , n ew Middl e States A.marks in both the shotput andt hr ow . E ll io tt Loughlin, Episp al Academy , w on s en io r t en ni sin Middle States interscholastic


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    May 31, 1929


    More than 150,000 newbuyers ., ., ., double therecord of an yotherquality car"! ., ., haveplaced the final starnpof endo rsement onBuick: performanceleadership !BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH.

    D;3/;s;oo oj General MotorsCorpora/ion

    General StoreSODA FOUNTAIN CRANE'S ICE CREAMHIGH-GRADE GROCERIESDELICATESSEN GOODSBrookhurst Avenue and Montgomery Pike===================================c

    Performanceyour Yardstick!Make

    Ctmsidn' the Jelilln'eJprice as well as the list price when comparing automobile values.SERIES 116 SERIES 121 SERIES 129

    Sedans $1220ro$1320 Sedans - .$ 145 0ro $152 0 Sedans - $ 1 8 ~ 5 r o S 2 1 4 5Cou e s $1195ro$1250 Coupes. $1395to$1450 Coupes- .$18, ,5ta$1875S p o ~ Car- $1225 Sport Car $ U ~ Sport C : a r ~ S 1525 to $1550These prices r. o. b. Bdck Factory, special e q u i p m e ~ t extra. Bllicj delifl,-"d / J r i c ~ s ; " c / l l d ~ o n l ~nllS01UIble charges jo,. deli".,., and finandng. ~ o D v e D l e n t t e rms can b.: l

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    May 31, 1929 OUR TOWN PAGE FIVE


    A slide



    and Long-DistanceTrips to SeashorePoints.


    NARBERTH 4177

    DO RIGHTby the kiddies !


    23 0 Haverford Avenue


    Phone CY1l"Jvyd 877


    or swing s uc h a s is showni n o ur window i s a ll that isnecessary. Th e low priceswill be a revelation to youtoo.


    ke ep

    Frank H. Seely, Jr., Mgr.5 Bala Avenue, Bala

    amu s ed a nd ou t o f h a rm ' s

    It i s v er y s impl e.

    Fo r t he ir s ak es provideth e means for safe, healthful r ec re at io n whi ch w il l

    Window ScreensEnclosures

    A iterations & Jobbing~ :

    THEO. H. KOUP1059 Montgomery Avenue

    P h on e : NARBERTH 2841-W

    future necessities of this area. Th e Regional Plan upon which the Federationis working, seeks promotion of the future convenience, welfare and prosperityo f th e citizens at large. The RegionalPlan belongs to them. Thi s s ur ve yg ives t hem t he opportunity t o hel p planthe region in which 3,500,000 now live,work and play. It i s hoped that everyone wi ll r es \>ond by f il li ng o ut t he questiunnaire f or the informa tion de si red."

    ........... co ... up ......... .;

    : *'


    When th e cost of safe deposit boxes an d silverstorage i s l ow ?When you go away f or y ou r s um me r vacationdon' t r is k t h e chance of fire or burgla ry des t royin g your papers, j ewel ry, s i lver -ware an d othervaluables. Even wh en y o u ar e h ome t he c ha nc er em ai ns , s o w hy n ot l et us guard them in o urvaults, where they will have p ermanen t positiveprotection all th e t ime?



    Isn't Positive Protection Worth the Cost.._.

    1' \ h111'THE MA I N L I N E I I ~, ~ - I BANKING I N S T I T U T I O N I I I - ~

    Planning Federation WillPerform Traffic Count


    your chi ld~ r h a t molher will say thatany safeguard- howevercost ly-is unimportant Hit protects th e " ea lt h o fher child?

    r ou Ivant this Milk for your child!Fo r service ' ( Ihone Evergreen 4461-62

    (our main Phi ladelphia Dairy)

    The Old Main Line

    ABBOTTS DAIRIES, Inc.. Abbolls.t r A M I L K ~Safeguarded by Science qnd T u b e r c u l i n - T ~ t e d_ .. ' ;'; ;;.'.1";, - . ; r;.

    The fol lowing historica l sketch, which wil l be printedserially, wa,9 written by Margaret B. Harvey, and originallypub li sh ed in a volume i ssued by the Historical Society ofMontgomery County in 1895. Entitled "Something About.Lower Merion," it traces the history of the toumship from itsbeginnings to the 1890's wi th many delightful digressions.

    . Abhotts '.,.\" Milk i s produced hy tuberculin - testedcows, in dairies l the re r igid san ita rr care i s t he un fail ing rule. I t s puri ty is checked day after d ay b yscientific laboratory tests.

    "Fate bestows i ts rewards on thosewho (>lit t hems el ve s in t he proper attitude to receive them."-Calvill Coolidge. "I believe a man who considers prohibition an atrocity is a bet te r American."-Fabiall F,allidill. "A human truth, which is always verymuch of a lie, h id es a s m uch of life asi t displays."L "":" . . . i ~ 1 -RoIJl'/'t LOllis Stevellsoll.

    ... ... >Il> shown Memori al Da\ ', t odav and tOl11or-ot ler seCOIH paces wer, . . ' .I b d' d R' I d' row at the sto re ot James MIlls, 53n t Ie roa Jump, an IC lar son, ,. d 'I C I L f' . tl I' I Cncket Avenue, Ardmore. 1Irs. HarveyI wll 1 a len, 11\0n, m Ie ug 1 is 11 r. M ills' mother.G. Edgar , of Ha\' crford, won t hi rd The f la g has been dhraPdcd land hun&"1 . h '1 1'1 S k out Iw :Mrs. Harvey at t e eat I n ot on y111 t e one-ml e run, w 11 e p e c , .e d w it h f ou r o ther cont cs tan ts f or o f L in co ln , b ut. al so o f ~ r e s : d e n t s

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town May 31, 1929


    .' : : .. . ~ . ' .', ' \ I '.," '1


    pkg., 15cpkg., 35c


    2 Cans, 75c

    2 pkgs., 15c

    3 p k g s ~ , 25c

    May 31, 1929

    A.ll GoldFRUIT SALADCan 38c

    2 tall cans, 25c3 tall cans, 29c


    Fresh E"ery Day

    6 large boxes, 25c


    bot., 35c; 3 bots., $1.00pkg., 19cI-lb., can, 23c3 cakes, 23c3 cans, 20cBoz. j ar , 23c


    . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

    A.ll GoldPINEAPPLE( C ~ : e d ) 19c

    J Cans, 55c

    The Link Between Forest and Home29 Bala AvenueCynwyd 662

    Has beyond it that which we all desire-"HOME."Are you sa ti sfi ed w it h t he ent ra nc e t o you r home?Why not t ry our

    Sagless Picket Gates



    Tetley'sORANGE PEKOETEA, -lb. pkgo, 23c

    . . . . . . . . . n* . ;= , . . . , . . . . . .


    CHERRIES~ : 39c


    COTTER'S MARKETWhere Narberth Buys Its Food.

    We Deli"er from City Line to Bryn Mawr.

    Cotter's MarketIN THIS LIST WE ARE GIVING YO U LOW PRICES on best grades of Merchandise

    It Must Be th e Best

    Truly America's FinestQUAKER SWEETCREAMBUTTER57c lb.

    Myrtle Brand Fancy PINK SALMONMueller's Macaroni, Spaghetti or NoodlesRITTER'S PORK AND BEANS

    We are enthusiast ic boosters for our "ALL GOLD" brand fruits. The quality is second to none.Get acquain ted with th is delicious canned fruit.Al l Gold All Gold

    case dozen bottles, $2.15pint bot., 29clb.-can., 49clarge can, 35ccan, 39ccan, 25cSUNSWEET PRUNES, Extra Large 20-30 Size 2 lbs., 35ccan, 18c; 3 cans, 50c2 pkgs., 25c3 cans, 25c





    PEACHESSliced or Halves 23cCan .





    which, together with our prompt service, should induce you to send us your entire weekly requirements.


    Everyday EVAP. MILK, SmallCans, 5c

    Hav e y ou some th i ng to sell? Doyou want household help? Use aclassified advertisement.



    O. A. E.I2101 12 02 21. 0o 01 1o 01 01 0o 0

    24 10

    ARDl\WRER. H.1 11 11 2o 2o 1o 0o 1o 1o 0o 0o 0

    Wh y Not

    G. V. WoodrowCarpenter {51 Builder

    Phone NARBERTH 2916

    WHEN'YOlJRCARW ~ ' T " O R ~WEWILLfAutomobile repair workan d brake service Ie ou rjo b an d i f you will takeoUJ' customers' 'Woad fo r~ ~ .....Q aae88eStation GarageA. HORVATHEssex and Haverfo rd 'Aves

    Le t us estimate NOW on rep ai r s, a l te ra t io ns and shing leroofing. I f you do n' t e ar e t opay now, we ca n finance th ework for you.

    Totals 3 9NARBERTH

    Appoints SecretaryPeter C. Barr, Cynwyd, president of

    th e Ma in L in e Kennel Club, has announced the appo intmen t o f Mrs . Edward Wharburton, o f New York andCalifornia, a s s ecr e ta r y of the club.Mrs. Wharburton, who lives in Narberth, is the wife of the manager ofWilliam Thompson's Rokeby Kennels,Mon tgomery P ike, \Vynnewood , and Iis national1y known as a dog fancierand exper t. It = 1 M M M ~ ~

    R. H. O. A. E.Powell, 2b. ........ 1 1 3 2 0Heckel, If . '0 ' 1. 1 3 1 0V. Fleck, ef. ....... 1 3 0 0 0H-arris, 3b. ........ 1 1 3 1 0Martin, lb . ........ 2 3 3 0 0Curvin, rf. o 2 2 0 1 0Mulligan, SSe ...... 1 0 3 6 1Burns, c. 0 0. 2 2 6 1 0Graham, p. 0 1 1 0 2 0G. Fleck, I ....... 0 1 0 0 0Thomas, ef. 0 1 2 0 0Cavanaugh, rr. ..... 1 0 0 0 0

    Totals ..........13 16 27 14 1.

    Gallegher, ss. . .Roach, 2b .Hampshire, c. . .Devlin, 3b .Cross, c .Rtehmond, If. . .Ray, rf .Harkin, lb .McLintock p. . .Doran, p .Henner, p.........

    Narberth Sluggers I Berwyn Wins in NinthSwamp Ardmore Nine I. ~ e r w y n ~ a m e through in the final___ I11nl11g, nosll1g out Brookline, 5 to 4,

    CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ISaturday, in a :Main Line League'1 I d h t'I't' T game at Berw;yn, when D oy le w astemporan y em e os I J les. wo f .sa e on an error , Redmond sacnf icedruns.. and Burke' scored Doyle \ 'thGraham sent nllle heave s over the. . "'I adish in t he t hi rd to subdue threer i- screechlllg double. Nobhtt was av al s i n fast order and then joined his master in the pinches, striking outcomrades in the swatting festivity that eleven. Frost and Sims were theensued. Narberth f ~ l U n d McLintock leading swatters for their teams.easy for four runs III the fifth, and BERWYNDoran, who pompous l y amb l ed to the R. H. O. A. E.box in the middle of the four th ' to Do yl e, If. . 2 1 3 0 0re lieve :McLin tock of his misery, Redmond, lb . 0 1 5 0 0proved a total flop, a s t he champi