our town july 3, 1931

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931



    rJARBERTH, fl i .


    Volume 17, No. 39 Narberth, Pennsylvania, July 3, 1931 Price, Five Cents

    ~ H o w d y 'Powell, Narberth Boy, Nemesis toBorough Nine As Berwyn Wins Tight Fray

    Sidewalk and Curb Repairs Are in Order;Call Borough Office to Save Yourself Bother

    Summer Session ofSchool Opens Monday

    I n th e neighborhood of to.OoO people, residents of N ar be rt h a nd thcMain Line communities, are cxpectedto attend the borough's annual Fourtho f J uly fi re wor ks d is pla y tOlllorrownight.

    S po ns or ed by t he Harold D. Speak

    man Post, American Legion, of N:t rberth, the affair promises to be bigge r and better t ha n e vc r. It will behe ld , a s b ef ore , o n t he borough's Community Playground.

    Th e f ireworks display wil l cons ist of11 0 majestic settings, somc of themto he firs t a nd e xc lu si ve s ho wi ng s.Among them are a musical aerial devic e w hi ch s cr ee ch es i ts way 500 feetin air, when three great shells burstreleasing a t remendous galaxy of color,accompanied by thousands o f m el od ious whistling sounds.

    "Visitors from Mars" is anotheruni que di sp la y, w it h awoplancs appearing and disappearing as tlleyachieve great heights b ac k t o m ar s. ', '

    A band will play on the field in the

    evc ning and its strains will be carr ied ' to a ll corners of the grounds byamplifiers.

    T he s um me r sess ion of t h e Narbe rthPu bl ic S cho ol s will o pe n o n M on da yat 9 o 'c lo ck . A s h er et of or e, t he s ch oo lis run in conjunction with the Univ er si ty o f Pennsy lvani a , t he teachers

    b ei ng reltCnt u ni ve rs it y graduates.Co urse s will be offered in t he s ix tha nd s ev en th a nd e ig ht h g ra de subjects,offering t h e oppo r tun it y to all pupilsw ho f ai le d one or m or e s uh je ct s tomake up the work. '

    Due to the a lt er at i on a n d construe'tion of the u pp er g ra de bui ld ing. theupper Aoor of the primary buildingwill be us ed for th e summer school.All pupil s taking t he s ix th g ra de workwill report at 9 A. M. in Room 8, second floor, whife those pupils takingseventh ,:trade work will report inRoom 6. second floor, at the sametime. Any pupils desir ing eighth gradew ork s ho ul d call the school office bytelephone before !\[onday. ,AfterMonday, the ses sions will begin at8:30 A. M. a nd close at 11 :30 A. 1\LThe leng-th of t he terll1 is five w ee ks ,s ix d ay s pe r week.

    Registration day fur kinder,:tal'ten

    Cont inued on I'DIr" ' I ~ o u r

    Offers Opportunity to MakeUp Work in One or

    More Subjects.

    Expect 10,000 to View Displayon Borough's Playground


    Narberth Fireworksto Draw Big Crowd


    Burgess Henry A. FQ'e statcd yesterday. when .the act abol ish ing assessors in townships a nd b or ou gh s w asc al le d t o his attention, that n o c ha ng eis e xp ec te d in Narberth for the timebeing. E. C. Griswold, Narberth : ISs es so r. will c on ti nu e in office, h e s ai d,u nt il , th e e nd o f t hi s year anyway. 1\[r.Griswold 's work i s h ighly regarded byt he C ou nt y Commissioners at Norristo wn. he added. and since they willnow have the appointment of an assessing JJOard and subordinate boardin the ir hands, it is likely that h e willremain in office.

    See No Change inAssessor's Post Here

    Narberth Faces Paolian d Lansdowne on 4th

    Narberth wil l p lay t wo g am es at theplayground on Saturday, th e Fourthof July. The morning opponent willhe th e l ea gu e l ea di ng P ao li t ea m an din t h e a ft ernoon Ed Sullivan's Lansdowne C lu b wi ll p ro vi de the opposition. Manager Gene Davis will nodoubt use his hurling ace, KeithP ar ks , a ga in st t he l ea gu e l ea de rs a ndeither McKee or Reynolds in t h e a f te rnoon fracas.

    Narberth will present a muchstronger team than faced Paoli earlierin the season an d the m or ni ng g am ewill no doubt he the high light of theday. Manager Gene Davis announcedon Monday that he had secured theserv ices of Joe 11 cEntee, f or me r H ol yCross and Penn A. C. s ta r, w ho sedashing first base play was such a bigfactor in winning the Main LineLeague title l as t y ea r for Narberth.

    Mc Entee will be on hand Saturdayand f or t he remainder of th e season.

    Second in Command


    0/ Perlll Valley, Philadelphia architect, whowas illstalled Tuesday as vice presidellt 0/the Bala,CYllwyd.Narberth Rotary Club.

    II) ' I l , \ X E CASEY"I-IOW

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931






    1ulr 3, 1931

    .Tang-O Extractof Root Beer2 bots., 25c


    OLIVE OI L~ pt. can,25c

    .. Booth'sBeverages

    bot.,20c(Plus Deposi t)


    Rice :Krispies.pkg., tOe

    'Super Sudssmall pkg., 9c;3 for 25c

    large pkg., 15c

    Welch's GrapeJuice

    pt. bot., 25c

    Bosant 'Coffeelb., 25c.

    Royal PurpleGrape Juicept. bot., 2Ie


    Tr y Iced Coffee!

    Astor CoffeeIb.,33c

    Chicken of t he Sea


    Valley ForgeCereal Beverages

    3 bots. ,25c

    Try These Cool Drinks forWarm Weather:


    Regularly Selling

    I5c a bottle2 bots., 27c

    BEADSpkg., 9C; 3 for 25c

    -_ , 1

    String Beans~ pk., 25c

    Nearby Spinach~ pk., I5 c

    Butter &. Eggs- L a n d 0 ' Lakes sweetcream U. S. GovernmentCertif ied Butter, a n dSnug Harbor Farm largewhite eggs, at consistentl"low prices.

    Potatoes5 Ibs., 10 e

    New Cabbagelb., 5e

    Large California Sunkist OrangesDozen, 19c, 25 c

    We Deliver from City Lit le to Bryn Mawr

    Fresh Produce at Low Prices:

    In warm 'weather, sometimes it is necessary totempt the appeti te with foods t ha t a re differ

    ent. Let Cotter's Market be your guide, withits weekly money-saving suggestions of a widevariety of pleasing foods.S u c h A s :

    Vogt's Smoked Butts lb., 32 cVogt's Small Regular Hams lb., 28 cShoulder of Spring Lamb . , . . lb., 25 cLean Chuck Roast of Beef, lb., I9c, 25cFresh-killed Ducklings lb., 29 cCOLD curs:aoiled Ham ~ lb., I5 cHome-baked Boiled Ha m . . 'l4 lb., 20cVeal Loaf 'l4 lb., 15cOld-fashioned Lebanon Bologna,

    'l4 lb., 10 cCHEESE:

    Imported Sweitzer Cheese . . 'l4 lb., 20 eDomestic Sweitzer Cheese . . 'l4 lb., 15eAmerican White Cheese . . . 'l4 lb., 10eSwiss Cheese 'l4 lb., 12 eDaisy Cheese lb., 2IeAND: Fresh-killed Stewing and Broil ingChickens; a variety of Cheeses and cold cutsin.addition to the above; and Fresh Fish ever"Frida" .

    \ Please Npte: Cotter's Market willbe open thisFriday evening to t ake care of last-minuteorders for Saturday, July the Fourth, whenthe s tore will be closed . We will appreciateit if you .will place your order as early as pOSesible before Saturday.

    Prices listed here are effective now toWednesdar night, Jul" 8


    Not in your kitchen thesesummer da"s, but in oursis the place to have home.baked pastry made fresh'da. ily. Tr " our delicious I

    read, rolls, cakes andpies.

    Here A re Some Suggestionsto A id Your Appetite . . .

    C O T T E R ~ S(MARKETPhone: NARBERTH 2250


    SOUPS3 cans,25c

    Schlorer's Pickles7-oz. jar, IOc

    Libby's BonelessChicken



    PUFFED RICE2pkgs.,27c

    Wilson's Spiced Ha m'l4 lb., I2 c

    Pink Salmon2 small cans, 23 c

    Fancy ShrimpCan, 17 c

    Safety Matches3 pkgs., 23c

    Ne w PackPEAS

    can,9c; 3for25c

    Crab Meatcan, 29 c

    Cu t Rite Lunch Paper2 pkgs., 15 c

    Underwood DeviledHa mCan, I3c; 2 for 25 c

    Sour or Dill Picklesqt . jar, 23c

    'Wilmar Peanut 'Butter16-oz. jar, 2Ic

    All Gold .SardinesI nMustard or Tomato

    SauceCan, .tOc

    MUSTARD9-oz. jar, 12c


    P. I . Two

    Fo r th e Picnicand the easily prepared

    repast:Dixie Drinking Cups

    (Pkg. of 8)2for 15 c

    Schlorer'sMAYONNAISE, .

    ~ pt., 15cpt. jar, 29c

    r- S'{m"'AR.. / 2 pkgs., 15c

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931


    Page Three

    Shu IIL u m b e r

    C o m p a n yT h ~Link Be/wun FOTut

    and Home


    Constance Bennett in"BORN TO LOVE"

    29 BaJa Ave., BalaoCynwydCynwyd 662


    ~ ~ ~ ~ :SHADO-LA w r : l ~

    Next Monday and Tuesday

    ,Adolphe Menjou andLeila Hyams in


    This lovely Cypress LoveSeat, if properly placed,will give yo u endless pleas.ure. It wi ll c reat e a studyin shadows, an d afford acozy retreat from t he h ea to f th e sun. It is.well cons tr uc te d, b eau ti fu ll y 1in.ished in white , an d requiresno extraordinary amount ofspace. Come to see it inou r gardens, an d you willbe charmed with i ts beauty.

    Wednesday and Thursday Next

    Robert Montgomery andDorothy Jordan in"SHIPMATES"

    NOW: Returning by Reque5t1

    MAURICE CHEVALIER.Jeannette MacDonald in



    Order your buckwheat now, while summerprices still prevail, an d have it delivered crisp, cleanand d r y - a s your furnace des ires i t. Je d d o . H i g h ~land buckwheat, you'remember, has always been in.dorsed fo r automatic stokers and blowers because ofits uniformity, its cleanliness and its low ash.



    ~ , , ~ x ' rnIONU,'-Y An d T U E S D AYA Talkie Sensation!

    ~ ~ T h eFront Page"

    Narberth Coal CompanyRALlW S. DUNNE


    Narberth 24302431




    OUR l lOWN

    Sign of the Best M ~ a t s

    On e Centuryaf te r the Declaration of Independence-in 1876-Bradley'sMarket was established. During th e 55 years since ou rmeats have become celebratedas the best obtainable in thishistoric section. Tr y them Ian d note the modern lowweek-end prices:

    Smoked Butt or CottageHa m ........ 0 . . . . . . 0" 0 . . . . 0 lb. , 32c

    Breakfast Bacon, delicious l -Ou r own delicate cure .

    Whole piece ' 0 l b. , 30cSliced ...... 0" 0 0 0 lb., 35G

    Rib Roast, thick en d ....lb., 20e

    Rump Steak ,,,0............ lb. , 35cWhole Rump 'of Veal

    6 lb. an d up, lb., 25Deliveries Twice Daily t o you r

    neighbors-City Line to Haver fordW hy N ot You?

    Bradley Market210608 Market Street


    luly 3, 1931

    Appointment of Planning.Commission Is Permitted

    M r. a nd M r s. M a ri a s Chios, of Hav of , t he A rc ad ia R es ta ur an t 'and presi;crford. Avenue; N a rb e rt h , a r e receiving dent of the Narberth Board'of TJ:adc.,

    has named his son Demetrios, whosecongratulations on the birth of a son " MDemetrios C. Chios, horn in thc DrYl" English eCluivalent is "Jamcs. r

    - - - Mawr Hospital Sunday, Junc 21. He Chios is president of t he S pa rt an ,Go\'efnorGifford Pinchot this week I Narberth Theatre Notes is their second child: their first w a ~ ,Chapter, P h il a de l ph i a. o f t h e Order 01

    signcd threc hill.s of , far-reaching. ~ 1 1 I - 1"Kiki," Mary Pickford's l at cs t, is at Ia girl. Mr . Chios, who is proprietOl ; ; ; p ~ : - _ _ _. " " - ~! l ~ r t a n c eto Mam ~ I I 1 CC?lI1l11umtlcs.1 th e ~ a r b e r t hTheatre this Friday and I~ ~I.he y a r ~thc ncw 1 0 \ ~ l l s h l PCode for IS at ur da y. A da pt ed from t hc B el as co H 'Ilownshlps of thc FIrst Class, the I t lay it is a 10' c comedy fca Nar ' b e r t ' EGY PT IAN

    (acking rippcr bil l abo li sh ing' rcall ~ U ~ ~ ~ gpReg',inald D l : l i l ~ yin the ' mall : 'I J I S ho w Sh op of t h ~ Main L i I J ~cstatc assessors and s uh st it ut in g' l ea d. A ls o featured is B o ) by ' m e ~ , I

    c ou n t\ ' b oa r ds an d thc. Congrcssionall in "The P u tt e r, " a n d ,I special matinee I N OW P LA YI NG ,r e a p p ~ r t i o ; 1 J n e ; l tbill whereby 1\Iont- ~ t t r a c t i o nthis S a tu r da y, R i n- Tin - Ti n I Mary Pl"ckford I. Jill "Rough \\ 'aters."gOl11cr)' County wll1 have a Congress- I "The Front Page," coming to N ar . 1l11an of i ts own at \Vashington instead) ber th Monday an d Tuesday, is a four-j in ~ ~ K I K I "of sharing w it h B uc ks C ou nt y in this star sensation, giving a d r am a ti c a n d

    o t Interesting idea of newspaper life, as I ADDED: BOBBY JONES inp s , intcrpreted by the stagc. Adolphe "The Putter"

    M en jo u a t his best. , I -Entertaining for golfers andFire Insurance Rates I' " . S v e n ~ a l i , "J 0 h n Barrymore's non-golfers

    thnller, IS to be a t N ar be r th \ Ve dn es - "Our Gang" Comedy, featuringReduced in Merion, Cynwyd Ida y an d T hur sda y. Censored a bit, Jackie Cooper, star of "Skippy,"

    _ _ _ 1an d not too pleasant, but splendid a ~ t - in "Litt le Daddy". ing. Th e story of a m a st e r h y no t ls t . ~ n t n r d n ~ o;\1"11 . . . . . . . m l ~ :

    Announcement wa s m ade tIns week I and Trilby, the beautiful 11l0del who \ Add.... " ' ( > l l l l l r t . -by \ \Tal te r C. Neely, president of the Isang only w he n u nd er his i n f luence . , RIN.TIN.TIN inUn io n F ir e A s so c ia t io n o f Bala-Cyn-, B ~ ~ t l }Tarkington 's s tory, "Father's I. ttRough Waters"wyd, that fire insurance rates wou ld Son , IS d ue . a t t he b or ou gh p l ~ y - I

    I h ou se n ex t Fnday an d Saturday, wIth,be rcduced, effectlvc July I, ou all IL ew is S t on e a nd I re ne Rich, Ip r op e rt y a n d c o nt e nt s in thc fire zonc Icom p risil.lg Hala, C!nwyd. Mcrion aud I At the Egyptian !SOI11C adjacent sectIons. . , . , I

    . . f " .. Chevaher smgs many of hIS hest 111 " N d T U S Afh c new ratmg 0 a ~ I a s sC. town one of his best-"Thc' LO\'e Parade," EIJ ESDA Y n.. H R D Y

    w as a p pr o ve d by the Plnladelphla Sub- which is returning' by requcst at th e John Barrymore innrhan F i re U n de r w ri t er s following an I Egvptiau this weekend. Jeannette I ~ ~ S V E N G A L I "cxtcnsivc inspcction of the Union Fire: 1[acDonald an d L up in o L an e helpCompany's appanlUs, an examination Imake it one of the prefelored "talkies ' , > ~ ~ g ~ ~ g ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ 9 ~ ~

    . ' . . released thus far. ~of Its p e rs o nn e l. m s pe c tl o n of water "M en C an i t L ovc .' a t C yn wy d n ex th yd ra nt s, m ai ns, a nd p rc ssu rc s to- M o nd a y a nd Tu es d ay, enables A d o l ~ h egether with a survcy of bui ld ings in , ~ fenj.ou and Leila Hyams to gIveth c section. pleasll og p e r f o , n l l a n c e ~ .

    . ' . " Sh Ip ma te s. ' c on ll ng 'Vednesday~ r r .Ncely IS also preSIdent of th e a n d T h ur s da y. is diycrting summer en-

    Board of Dircctors of th e Lower ~ 1 e r -tertainment, 'with Rohert ~ I o n t g o m e r yion Township Fire Dcpartment. ' and Dorothy Jordall.

    I Constance Dennet t gives another ofIher popular characterizations in "Born

    Last Story HO'Jr to ito Love," at the Egyptian next week-IB L b T d cnd.. ' e .~ ~ l r a ~ y0 ues ay I ' ' ., '

    ~ f , s sM a ry C hu r ch . hhranan of th t I A g ir l n ev er t hi nk s a y ou ng m an 'sNarberth Lilll'ary, will ha\'e a ver,y" heart is il} the right place unless sheinteresting group of stt.ries to tell t o p os se ss es It.

    the little chil dr en a t thc S tor y l Io ul I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~at the Iibrarv on Tuesday of next ;=week. This w il l b e t he l as t m ee ti ng of , Jthe s ea so n f or the \.'outhful audience I ~


    .. ""'-. .....ll wi nt er l on g frol11 thirty-fin; te Iforty-five childrcn have attended Iweekly the stor y hour conducted h)t he l ih ra ry an d have listl':a:d to tale ..old and new appropriate to the season I

    'VitII t h e a r ri v al of wanner days an dactivi ties on thl' l' laygrou nd it hasseemed wise to "mit the' indour houru nt il s ch oo l opcns again. Th e firs!meeting of the fall will be announcedin sufficien t time for the little onest o m ak e their plans. ~ I e a n w h i l ether(will h'e one story hour more, Tuesdayof n cx t w ee k at the library at fOUlo'clock, nl1(l nil c hi ld re n a re cordiall)'i nv it ed ti l attend. And adults ar e Incver excluclccl.


    No matter h ow s to ck s may fluctuate, 'the market f o r o n io n s is always strong.

    :Most people n ot ice t oo latl.' thataftcr thc knot is tied t hey haven't go t Iso m uc h r op e. I

    Quite a n um b er o i divorces Illight 1>1avoided if a cook h oo k w er c i nc lu de dwi th t he marriage license. I




  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931





    Jul')' J. 1931

    Narberth School's SummerSession Opens Monday

    Main Line League

    1'1111,,111111' ur th," UJnhH\V. J,. Pct.7 1 .8756 2 .7504 4 .500:: 5 .3753 5 .:175

    1 7 .125

    'V ..... k - N n d I t t 'HI iUMDcl'",yn, :1: Nlu'berlh 2.Paoli, 14; Oal,monl, 1.14 ;\I1N(l(lwnc, 7; B r ~ : ~ lI \ lawT, .1.

    Paoli .U ry n l Il aw \' .Lansdowne .Berwyn . . . .Narberth

    Oa!(Inont .. ,

    r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r I Continued from P.Sll ODeIpupil s wil l b e We q, l es d ay, Septembcr.9, hetwecn I P. ~ r . and -t P. 1\1.

    Registration day for pupils in gradesone to eight, wh o h av e n ot been previously enrol led in th e N a rb er t h P u bl icSchools, is se t for Thursday, Septemhe r 10. between t he h ou rs of tw o and

    . four P. M, Kindergarten pupils andother n cw p up il s w il l p r e s , ~ n tvaccinat ion certificates a nd h ir th certificates.

    Other e vi de nc e o f age may be pre-1.------- -1 Isen t ed in lieu o f b ir th certificate.



    II C O ' o p t r t l t i l ' ~Cotntnrmity N ~ " ' s M t l g t l t i r l e ,founded in 1914 b'Y the NtlrberthCiyic IIssoeitltion, an p u b l i s h ~ deyery Fridtl'j tit Ndrbtrth, PtI., by the

    I. I


    List of Contributors Is. Published This


    Page Four

    Don't forget yourquarter

    Narberth r es id en ts c an helptheir ball t ea m c lim h out of itspresent f inancial d if ll cu lt ies byc on tr ib ut in g m or e gcnerouslywhen attending the galllesp la ye d a t the community playground. Just as a reminder tothose not a cq ua in te d w it h t hefact, it is custoll lary t o c on tr ibute 25 cents p er p er so n whenattending the game .. Occupantsof parked car, ncar the ban fieldarc not exempt from t h i ~ custom. Business people and director s of the Narberth B al l C lu bh av e r ec en tl y contributed cons i de r ab l y t o help meet the c1uh'sdef ic it , which was $300 at thebeginning of th e season. Thoseattending tlfe games arc reoq ue st ed t o do their ful l share .




    Need More Donations l j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , . . . . - - - - - . I Rotary Seeks Placefor Fourth Fund OlJR TO\\'N I for Boy Scout WorkI -I Contlnned (rom Page One

    DUl1ue to the 11 erion scout organization at their recent father-son dinner.Th e idea was enthusiastically ap-

    PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager proved. W hi le t he Rotary C lub w il lROBERT MOORE CAMERON, Editor not o f i ts el f provide the place, it is

    THOMAS A. ELWOOD, Advertising Manal:er their intention to encourage the plan

    Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth in the hope t ha t s om e p ro pe rt y o w ne rStill plugging for t he 1II0ney w hi ch T : wil l provide an a re a f or the purpose.

    elephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 Iis n ee de d, but it is hoped aud ex- I I Coml1littee appointlllents were madepectcd that the last-minute contribu-I SUBSCRIPTION PRIGE: $2.00 P ER Y EA R I N A DVAN CE Ifor t he coming year as follows:tions will, a s u su al , a ff or d the neces- Enlere" nIl "ellon"."ln"" IIIntfer. Oetober 13 . 11114. at tile Po"t Office nt Program: J. Bedford 'Vooley. chair-sary rcscue, and we s ha ll sec what we I Nnrberth Fa .. nn d ..r the A,'t o( Itlnrt>h 3. 18111 I l1 Ian: Barc lay L. Jones, William H.shall ~ e e next week, when th e COI1l- F ow le r, D r, R. C. Hoffman, Raymondpl et e list i ~ published. 'Von' t you/ July 3, 1931 L. Watrous.please arrange to send what you can, Vocational Service: John C. Long-if t he Iwatt er has bee n delayed unt il s t reth , chairman; 'V. P. Richards, J. J.now, and won't you do y ou r p ar t in Bans on Fireworks Sckelton. James P. Carro ll , Howard F.

    " A f otter.demon, t ra ting that t he t ow n can take . , sa e. an d sane Four th" for y ca rs h as b ee n th e r a ll y in g c r y of I Internat.i!Jnal Service: Barclay L.c ar e o f it,elf even when the winds arc th.ose wh o wished to see the anni\ 'crsary.of tl;e nat ion 's bir th passed hy Jon.e.s, c h ~ l r . l l l a n ;J.al1les Drenn;.n, ,V .not soft nor the going as easy as we WIthout t hc u su al c ro p o f d e at hs a nd s er io us mjuries resul t ing from the, R ~ ~ s ~ e l l( ,nen: pI. Herbert FIscher.would l ike it to be? 1\.[eanwhile, sin- us e of fireworks: II \\ ~ ~ ~ ; : ~ l l ~ i t ) ~ l l h S ~ r v i c eand Boys'cere thanks to t ho se w ho h av e helped Lower Menon a nd N a rb er th have hath passed ordinances m a k i n ~\Vork: RaYlllond L. \Vatrolls. chairto dat c and m ay t he ir h ap pi ne ss and th e sale, ~ l s eor possession of fireworks illcgal. Th e Police Departll1Cl;t I' l1Ian: G uy C roy le , \ViIlialll S. How,-stores ever increase. I ~ a sbeen ltlstru

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931


    Page Five

    PluJIlC: Cyuwyd 700701; Grccllwood 7484

    For a Complete Fuel Service




    the three h un dr ed square mile a re a it serves.F il tr at ion, a s developed i n S PR IN GF IE LD'YA1'ER, typifies the 'LATEST' and furnishesa watch dog sys tem that never fails in it s dutyto f err et out t he sl ightes t impuri ti es to ma keSPRINGFIELD WATER not simply complywith pnblic health requirements, but, to exceedin purity most public waters, in rigid laboratoryanalysis.

    O UR TOW N

    Narbcr th-Merion-Pcnn VallcyI.ocnl & ICEItellnbleServl('c

    CHESTER G. JONES200 Woodbinc Ave. Narb, 405R

    I iHE Plants of the Phi ladelphia Sub

    ~ urban 'Vater Co. are equipped withevery modern appliance to producethe highest degree of efficiency in

    . SPRINGFIELD \VATER. Minutescrutiny is maintained in continuous laboratoryexaminations at hundreds of point s a long it sroutes-both, in i ts r aw state and as a finishedproduct en rou te to the thousands of homes in



    wi th ou r " ee tl .. " n it , tr i l l ' ' ' 'h ' l l l ~ e r N .ulen tc ...ont.,..t n r-

    Helu,te or I.-ntl, P4ltrll"crH, eft ,



    ltd., 3, 1931


    Haws' Hardware -HOME OF ~ ~ ; : ; ~ , I I~ , : ~ ' . : ' . ~ ( ' "T H E S A N S O M

    24 1 Haverford Avenue 1619 Sansom St., Phila.

    ~= = P h ~ o ~ , , ~ e~ N ~ a ~ r b ~ e , = , r t ~ h ~ 4 ~ 1 ~ 3 4 = = ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~ I X ~ C ~ C I I ~ t r.~..~ n ~ h ~ 1 I I ~ e r ~ ,;~:;.~.~ ~1.__C.-,O_A.I.j.'.U.E.L_O.I.L.NC_O_K.E B.A_L.A.'C_Y.N.W_Y.D_,.P.A., ~J h ' I i ~ ' h t r u l:t:lc unci : ine I , I I" . -h ' -UII ~

    -._. -- -- .-







  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931



    ]" " 3, 1931



    Wh e n the family scat

    ters for summer t r i p ~

    l ee p i n touch hy tele

    phone-share t he f un 1



    to turn


    Choice of Ruud, Hotzone,Stazhot, Penfield. $75 an du p ac co rd in g to size an dmake. S li gh tl y h i gh e r onB u dg e t P l an ,

    p r ~ p a r a t i o n ~!a bette-r on-e

    Gas Water

    water, the

    to make every. . . then into a

    ho t bathinto th e


    T E L E P H O N E

    beaufy.. "

    never wa s





    r:.A.ll Our Suburban Stores

    D o w n

    A s k a ll a b o u t th is offer, w i t h o u t o b l i g at i o n

    Ins ta l l s a n

    you want It,

    te n tImes as easybeauty-bringingCinderella back

    Talk aboutT h ~ e r e



    . .


    2 Ye a r st o P a yAUTOMATIC GA S .,II I c. An d all th e while you'reWAT ER H EATE R ~ ~ I enjoying th e wonderful

    ) ~ ho t water!

    Hotwa1"er a n d Plenty o l ~

    F o r a Slaort Time Onl1'

    P H I L A D E L P H I A E L E C T R I CC O M PA N Y

    '"o \ d ( \ e a ~: ;':H O \ \ ~ ~ ~

    , ~ ~~ ~ ~

    ~ 0 1 l J~ , ~

    HouseworkDoesn't Put QHylines.ill this Little Housewifesfdce









    J l t u n e - ~ l l I d eHrt-ud,ROUN. eukeN. PleN,



    What a boast!-And,indeed, what ice cream!Phi ladelphia' s i s re'g ar de d as t he b es t obtainable, and White 'sis the richest, most de'licious ice cream in thiswhole section. Try itand see . , . F ou rt eenflavors.WHITE'S SWEET

    SHOP219 Haver fo rd Ave . , Narb .

    PHONE; NARB. 4005


    :J\/ew tBooks


    _---------------1 are as unworthy a s t he y a re untruel"The R o ad B a ck " i s, f ir s t and fore

    nlost, w h at t he w ar r io r h as t o s ay . Ith as its p ret ty phrases, when g rea t

    _\h e i gh t s a r e o f te n r c ac h ed , e v cn if cav"The Road Back," by Erich Maria Re c rn ou s d cp th s a re s e ld o m p l um be d .

    marque (Li tt le, Brown and Co., $2.50). , N either is there lack of t he b al d a ndReviewed by J. J. Cabrey Ib r ~ z c nt al k o f t he b ar ra ck s and. b a ~ -

    talton. Remarque feels t h e s o ld l cr ISA s ec on d b oo k b y R em ar qu e w as d oo mc d to walk alone. He believes

    inevitablc and it is g oi ng t o h av e a It h at e xp cr ie nc e o f s u ch a kind is inwide vogue. It would have b e cn b e t t cr dividual, n ot t o .he divided or s.hared,if it had comc a great deal sooner. As I n.ot m uc h g oo d m the benefits It car. . I . I I 'd h t Incs for t ho se w ho follow after. OfIt IS, t lerc IS t lC .natura eVI ence t a course. hc must he w ro ng ' in t hi s, h e-thc trclllendous Impress of t he e as y- causc it would be wrctchcd if hc wcrcgoing "AII Quict on the \Vcstern , right, and life would s t an d r o ot c d in its

    IF r on t " h as s h un t cd t h c s ti ll -y ou ng au-I t racks . Aftcr all, maybc i t is only an

    . d d d 'Iothcr onc of t ho se m yr ia d d ou bt s o rt ~ l o rfro111 ?Ialll ~ n "u.na ornc" n a ~ r a -y c ar n in g s w h ic h hc is floundering totlVC to a pamstakmg ltterature WhICh, Iexpress and thc answcr of a civilizaat in tcrvals , achicves a d ict ion and d is - t io n which shal1 not b c d cn ic d u lt i-tinction w h ic h a r c a l to g e th c r compar- ' matcly is t ha t t hc dcad a!HI n?aimedable t o R c y m on t 's " P c as a n ts , " a n d t h is ha.;c. not s!),ent ~ ~ l e l l l s e l v ~ ~111 valll.obscrvcr knows of nQ finer praisc to bc- Smcc, ~ hcn. hy GI!)bs, gloomy, though It IS, affords, qUIte naturally,stow If we a rc conf incd to mcn and a het ter t ranscr ipt of thc post-war perbooks of ou r o w n d a y a n d g c ne r at i on . iocl's cffccts o n IIIcn a nd t hi ng s

    C om in g s oo ne r, i t would not be so thron,l?I?out thc world. . ' : T I ~ eRoadpatcnt that the book is c hi efl y i n r e- Back l ~ t l ~ e .f r an k t a le ot. Its mfluence

    " ., on an IIlcltvalual man, different fromsponsc to pubhshers demands. I he othcr mcn, but who, nevertheless, isfield was too rich potcntial1y t o o ve r- multiplied lIlillions of times over in al1long ncglcct. A story likc " \Vcstcrn the c or nc r s o f a bewildered earth.F r o n C ' r o u l d v c r y w e l l b r e ~ a 1 1 1 ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~h e ar t a n d forcver s ti l1 h is pcn . \Vhat'lclse w as w o rt h w ri ti ng a bo ut w hc n o n ew as t hr ou gh w it h t ho sc four ghast lyv ca rs a n d w ha t c mo ti on s a n d w h at in-Itcrcsts could peacc b es ti r w he n a n u nspcakably terr ib lc war cxperience had Icut its harrowing way into the vcrysoul of a youth and m a ~ chim forevcr Iold?

    So, t h en , c x pe c t n o t hi n g e x ac t ly similar to what you got in the first place iand in the etTurt w e s ho ul d all be 1m ak in g t o pul1 away f ro m t hc rot tcnrealism o f i t a l l, I cs t we perish, it might Ibe just as wel1 t o confine the new offcring to thc m at u re o f t he household, lett in g t hc b oy s a nd g ir ls g et t he ir o do rs Iof life from s ou rc es t h at a re s we e te r ,and fields t ha t a rc m or c f ra gr an t. S oo n Ie no ug h t h e r an k slllells c o nf r on t t h e mand the h lo om g oe s ovcr too earlY,\quickcr nuw, apparcntly, t ha n i t everdid before. I

    In every c l im e t h e s o ld i er - ma n has Ihis own talc to tell. ~ l o s tof thcmwill a c ce p t R e ma r q ue as their sPOkeS-I'man. \ \ 'ho but a soldier, b ro k cn a ndb ca tc n b y cvcrything t ha t w as stark Iand carnal, c a n p r ov i dc life-cOlltrasts Ias they rcally a rc a nd insofar a s t hc y Ip e rt a in t o m a n' s e a rt h l y travail? Backt h ey c a mc w i th m e mo r ie s which wouldne\'cr die, o f c om ra de s s la u gh tc re d b ymachines, of cVl'ry \ 'estige of an inhcrently spiritual m a nh o od t r ai l ed ina bloody mud. hopelessly confused asto whcther thc fearful importance of it Iall h ad m ad e its mark on t ho se w ho Ih ad o nl y h ea rd of the fire, b ut h ad n otseen it.

    N o w o n de r this sorrow. this question-ing, this c h al l en g e w h ic h s h al l be unceasing and i n c r e ~ i n ga s th e men ofthe bat""es gradual l ; acquire ano articulate status which sha ll hc a thunder ' sr o ar a s c om pa re d w it h the w h i sp e r o fthcir p,t;esent quietJ;/de. What . .doomshrift is surely in#store for pompousp l at i tu d es a n d wily p r e ac h me n t s t h a t


    Brookmead Guernsey Milk was awarded the bestscore for Bacteria at the West Chester Milk Contest,

    36 Farms, Tuberculin Tested, Class A-t.

    Your Children and the Whole Familyin such times as the present need the

    Extra Q,tlality-30 P. C. 110re Than Ordinary Milk

    Extra Cleanliness-Proven by 20 Years' Work

    Higher Butterfat-Natural source of protein for thecolder weather

    Combined with B r o o ~ m e a dService(3 Deliveries a Dayto All Parts of the Main Line)

    HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of tile Peace


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931











    !r,L" 3. 1 9H

    H. B. WALLPlumbing : Heating

    100 Forest Avenue.Phone: Narberth 3652.M

    George A. WittePaper/rallging and


    Narberth 4135W

    Informationt it 'S which go t o m ak e up this interest.i ng r oc k g ar de n. when I as ked Mr.P ie rc e a ho ut t he c hoi ce of plants fora garden of this sort, he laugh inglysaid t ha t h e felt that people should pu tin their gardens the things they like.

    He a ls o s ai d that he fi rstpu t

    in hisshrubhery - r hodod end rol lS , l aurel ,dwarf e\'ergreens and azaleas forlllingthe majority of the backgrounds, thent he p la nt s c ou ld b e pu t in where theybest fitted into the s cheme, and thesoil preferences made to suit thelll.

    "1\ battle of wits" was the way hedescrihed wild gardening and thephrase carried w it h i t a d is ti nc ti ve imaginative quality that was most intriguing'. Constant exper iment ing andclose watching a rc n ec es sa ry in hisopinion to make a garden a success.



    152 Montgomery Avenue, CynwydPhone: C ~ d3200


    r A ! t t 4~




    Now is the time1'0 FIGHT HIVTh e t ime to protect your t rees and shrubberyagainstthe Japanesebeetle is before he appears.By sp ray in g with a pp ro ve d ma te ri al s nowyou are ready to stop him from eating atyour;expense, We ca n do the necessary workfor you quickly, effectively and economically.

    Order immediately, as' work u done by priority o f application

    A n ot h er i n te re s ti ng t h i ng Mr. Pierced oc s w he n t ransplant ing any plant or! lower is to test the soi l which accomp an ie s i t a nd th en he makes t he soi linto w hi ch i t is p la ce d similar in character.

    But to go h ac l, t o our tour of t heg ar de n. L ea di ng up from the drivewayis a ch;lf\ning flight of stone stepswhich look so n at ur al t ha t y ou m ig htthink t he m c ar ve d from t he roc k it-self and you come out onto a m ini ature plateau, rock studded. This ispl aced, as it were, in t he h ea rt of thewoods and the natural setting addsmuch to itb be au ty a nd c ha rm . H erehas been achieved the perfect positionfor a g ar de n o f this sort, f or i t lo oksas though nature h e rs e lf h a d m ade it .There is sunlight and sufficient shade:there is a t in )' p ool , and each rock is soplaced as to hide the roots of some W. P. MIESENgrowing thing. S t re t ch i ng a wa y f ro m Carpenter . :. B ui ld er . :. J ob bi ngthe centre of the g ard en a re \lathsw hi ch l ead hack through the trees. Phones:Following' olle of t he se , fi rs t you s ec Day-Narbe r th 39731\1a dustel ' of dog-tooth violets, farther Night-Narberth 2890Ron, bloodroot - some a rc m a ll l mo t h 100 N. NAUBER'l'H AVE.hlossoms-which is indigenous to the I I . . - - ~ " : " ; : ' ; ' : ' ' ; ; ' ; ' = = = ; ; ' ; ; ' : ' ; ' ' ' ; ' : ' ' ; ' ' : ;woods a nd h av e heen undisturbed for

    time unknown. Jack-in-the-pulpit an dMayapp le s also grow here. Thenthere is shortia, which, though oncea na ti ve of Pennsylvania, is no w practically extinct here. Mr. Piercehrought this from North Carelina forhis " Pe nu sy lv an ia g ar de n. " Th eshortia has a dainty hlush pink flowerall ll is extremely rare.

    Galax is a ground cover, a lso frOI1\t he N or th Carolina mountaius , whichMr. Pierce has used most successfullv.It helougs to the evergreeu family alidiu the fall the leaves turn a copperyre d. t he n a d ce p, r ic h b ro nz e, then a 1-Illost black when the frost strikes them.

    I couldn't begin to name all th e1110re than one h u nd r ed a n d fifty val'ie-


    leaves just now, as 1I1uch to protectits l eav es from t he hu rn in g sun a s t okeep away the cold. Then for twoyears a 1I1ulch of oak leaves or pineueedles has been k e pt a r ou u d it, whiehj.(ives the acid soi l that thi s wild plantdemands. T h e p ro pe r d ra in ag e i s a ls oan importaut point.

    In t alki ng with Mr. P ie rc e a bo utgrowing wild f lowers and plants, ofwhich he has a g re at n um be r o n thep la ce , he stressed the point that theu tm os t c ar e l1lus t be taken in transplanting a ll these . And he t ol d abouta patch of wintergreen which he hadj us t h ro ug ht fr01l1 N ew J er se y iln,1p la nt ed l at e in Fehruary. Th e whokhit w a s a ho u t a yard S'luare a n d a r ou ndt hi s o n e at 'h s ide . f or ahout six inches,the earth was presened. Th e wholewas rol le d up, as vou would 1'011 upa rug. It was protected f ro m t he w in dand sun. :\nd a bushel or so of theearth r i ~ h taronnd it was brought.Then a de ep pl ac e for i t was dug, theearth it had heen growing' in w a ~placed in t I J i ~ .then the ma t of wintergreen unrolled an'\ c ar ef ul ly putd ow n, e ac h l it tl e ~ e c t i o nheing placedw he re i t h el on ge d. This insured theminiulllln amount of disturbance andthe wintergreen is no w thriving.

    Just such care is n ee de d with allwild t hi ng s a nd no on e c an expect totransplant and succeed wi th pla nt swhich are carelessly dug up.

    Page of Local Home. P ag e E i gh t


    Window Shades :: Upholstering :: Fu.rniture RepairingPaperhanging :: Painting

    EDWIN M. POOLE & CO., Decorators105 N . N AR BE RT H AVE., NARBERTH Narberth 2430

    Section. of Wall Forming Rock G a r d ~ n

    A section of t he wall which forms rart o f the ro ck garden which


    Pierce, of "Singing \\Tood," Ardmore, has developed.This garden is disti'lctive for its ttse of wild flowers and nat ive Penn's)'lva11ia pla11ts. 'The rlants shown Oil the wall are arabis, sedum terna,tum, thyme langlli110sa, saponaria, dianthus deltoides and veronicail1Calla.

    - S t i l l Time for

    AwningsThey will make your home so mu ch m01'epleasing an d comfortable this summer an d our prices ar e moderate f or p ro mp tand efficient work and the right sort ofd ur ab le m ate ria ls. L et us give an estimateNOW! We'll be glad to give an estimate on

    Frederick G. Pierce's Native PennsylvaniaGarden Has Unique Appeal and Char1l1

    (;artlen 1 0 v e r ~an d wil d flower ent h u ~ i a s t swould he charmed hy th e native P e n n ~ y l v a n i aJ:(arden which hasbeen achieved h y F re d er i ck G. Pierce,of L1anfair Road, Ardmore. :Mr.Pierce's h om e w hi ch takes its n ame ,"SiuJ:(inJ:( \ \Tood." f rom the spot inw hi ch i t was built, stands on a ~ I i g h trise in a lovely wooded spot. Intothis !II r. P i er ce h a s hrought rhododeudrons and laure l which , w it h t he nativedngwod an d pinxter flowers. fitp er fe ct ly i nt o t he natural schel1le andilt one side of t he house he h as conceind a delightful aud interes ting rockgarden.

    In the accompanying pic ture is as ec ti on o f the wall which for1l1s th edrive and on the hank a bo ve t he rockg ar de n p ro pe r COlll111ences. Showngrowinj.( on the wall are arabis, sedumIt'rnatunl, thyme lanj.(uinosa. saponaria,dianthns deltoides and veronica incana.A littlt farther along t hi s w al l to theright there is s ome pr cc io us arhutusgrowing. This is hut one patch of thisrare flower that is rapidly beco1l1inge xt in ct . M r. Pierce has heen 1110st successful in cultivating this, g iv in g i t t henatural conditions u ude r whic h itthrives. It is kept covered by fallen

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931


    Page Nine


    -- 0



    Come to this bank, you will findcourteous ~ n dcomplete information, convenient and adequatefacilities . . . everything to insure asuccessful journey. Then bask inthe complete leisure of ease and eni ~ yevery minute o ~yC!.1rv a ~ C ' t i o r .


    PROPERLY SPRAYEDPhone: Ardmore 4121

    Th e Beetles Are Here!



    219 Eas t Lancaster Ave .Ardmore

    Protect your trees and ~ h r u b sbyh i l v j n ~thelll







    M E R I O NTITI.JE and rl-'RUS1' CO.

    A Simple Recipefor

    2 12 27

    1- - 1


    by letting our TravelDepartment see toyour itinerary, yourtravelers' cheques,your letters of l!redit.

    plaae your vakJeblesin our safe depositvault . Then pls'ceyour more importantfmanaial affairs in thecuS'tody of our trustdel'artment.


    Fini,h. e e

    First e

    'J 'otlll:-;

    Totals d 10 2; 1II DHe-ore IJ) inllillJ.n":R e l ' w r n 0 II 1I 0 0 () I 1 - : :: "a rher t h 0 I 0 0 II 0 II 0 - 2

    J H i n w Y Nr h " II

    Po l\;l1I, ~ h . 0 2., 2,

    \ \ ' a l l w r, ;:1., ' . " " . 0 0 II :1l) a vlx, H ~ , . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 1 :lI 'alste. I' . 0 . . . . . . 1 I 0 1PeHhula. I' ........ . 0 1 .\ 1Cr:lIHlle, Ih . ....... /I 1 it IISpot t , If . ... , ~ .. , .. 1 2 IICol l i e r, ..r. ... ", .. II 1 !l II. rarl iHoll . ,r. , ... " . II II 1I /I






    ----- - ~ - ----------._- - - - - ~ . _ - - - - _ . _ --- - - - - - ~ - - - _ . _ - - - _.. _._--

    C A B I N E T SIn a wide a s . o r . m ~ n tof d c s i ~ n .an d color.to m n t c h th e dccoratlv('I Bcbeme in Y01Jrk i t "hen . Surp r l aln ! ! l y low pr i ce d at '17.50an d up .

    PHONE RADCL... .. 4313 or writ"

    FRANK Co SNEDAKER & CO., InCoNin th an d Tio!!a S t r r e l Philadelphia. PII .

    K . I T ~ D E N

    U T I L I T YB R E A K FA S T N O O K S E TCo n ..i"tll or n tnblr. nn d t'Wo b ~ n e h ~... Mndf'Jo l l l , i ' clear whi l e , . I n e - . t u r d y nn d lIoo dl o o ki n g . S u i t a b l e a l s o l o ru8e in t ~ 1 Iroom .. ,leeereol11ahop. ,ete. Pr i ee ' 16 . 75, unpa in t ed .

    S N B D A K BR S P BC I A LS !

    BUILT- INT E L E P H O N E NU::;OESAttractiyely f inish ..d in 2-too('l maroon . Fi tIn a amoll . pac" . C i rc l e b e n d . P r i c e ' 20wl tha e a t - '1 6 . 5 0 w i t bo u t . e a t .

    }i 'ra I l e i ~ .If .n e ~ n o l d ~ .If . .. J o n e ~ ,3\ ) . .

    Hubil1eanl, : - ; ~ . ' . , . '.M a r t i n , rr. . .Slaughte r. pr. . .Bless ing , 2h. . .R os e. 1 h . . . . . . . . . .' ' 'ClUng, e, " . , . " , .) JcKee , \l ..



    UHowdy" Powell Nemesisto Narberth Nine

    Uonlll l l lcd f ro " , . 'l I ge On e

    the occasion with the bases occupiedby l\arberth hoys, coupled with som('extraordinary lucky breaks, COlllpletelynullified t he s up er io r h it ti ng p ow er ofthe Davislllen. Th e first of t he b r ea k swhich contributed to t he N a rb er th defeat occurred in t h e e i gh t h inning afterI lerwyn had tied the score. After l\I artin had fallned, Barney Slaughter poledout a l on g t wo -b ag ge r. F ol lo wi ng t hi sDick Blessing sent one of Paiste'spitches soaring into " ' i ndso r Avenueb ut t he ball went foul by a margin ofinches. Blessing s u bs e qu e nt l y s t ru c kout alld the i nn in g e nd ed w it ho ut a~ a r b e r t hrun. In t he n in th R ey no ld sopened the inning with a single andthen B ob J on es c ra sh ed a ter ri fi c linerwhich. unfortunately. went straight atDavis, the visitors' c a pa b le s h or t st o p,w h o g at h er e d it in for a put out. As~ I a r t i nlater came through with as in gl e. t hi s p la y of D a d s was responsible for p re ve nt in g t he t yi ng r un, a sthe game ended on t he n ex t play whenSlaughter grounded ou t t o \ Va lk er.

    ~ a r b e r t hwas playing w ithout theservices of Baker, King and Gilfillan,regular second b as em an , c at ch er a ndshortstop, but the defeat canuot becharged to t he ir a bs en ce a s t he ir s ubstitutes played their posit ions not onlyc apably but brilliantly. R ay Youngcaught a f ir st -c la ss g am e, g at he re dhimself a base hit an d held the Berwyn boys close to th e b as es w it h hissnap throws. A t shortstop the versatile Joe Rubincam played a good gamea nd D ic k Blessing. t he m an ag er o f tl1l'Xarberth Firemen, at second. f ielded ina f ir st - class m a nn er, p ou n de d ou t tw ohits an d as related above narrowlymissed breaking up the ball game. Also1\1anager Davis showed local fans anew first baseman in Seaver Rose, th eg ig an ti c y ou th w ho c ap ta in ed LowerM e ri on H i g h' s baseball team this year.This husky lad g ot h im se lf a p air o fsafet ies and playnl a star game on thei ni ti al s ac k. c ausing" much favorablecomment from the assembled popnlace.Manager Davis is i nd ee d f o rt u na te t h athe ha s s uc h a bl e suhstitutes when hisregulars take a day off.

    Th e b ox s c or e :NAHBJo:HTI-1

    r h (Io " 0o 1 0o 2 .J" 0o 1o 21 2II 2o1

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931









    GA Y



    Before You Go!Season's New Bathing SuitsFor Women and Children

    Humming Bird' Hosiery~ 1 ,~ 1 . 3 5 ,~ 1 . 5 0

    LingerieCostume Jewelry, Etc.


    ShopNarberth Theatre Building

    Open Friday Evening

    I L. M. Thompson

    ' i )lJf..' Makes,1I.:Jf;:j' W CiT m, ' Friends

    Bala Avenue at Union

    Nineteen years ago Thompson'scoal w as del ivered by horsedrawn wagons. Del iver ies arenow m ade more efficiently bymotor t rucks, of course . . . .An d loading facilities have alsoimproved .: - all co a I beinghandled on elect ric l o a d e r 5wh ich scr een and l oa d t he coalinto trucks, all in one operation.

    IS u c ~improvements mean betterservIce.

    Serv:ce is not all. .. . We havereliable employees and GOODCOAL.

    all dcpartmcn andtaught by

    L o ~ a t e don Belmont Avenue above City Line;Adlacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessiblefrom all points. 'The Westminster landscape hasall t he cha rm of a picturesque rural countryside

    ;If'r-s flU i US f rr

    information-without obligation-call, w r i ~ eor telephonePost Office Address: .Station I, Philadelphia


    Page Te n


    OUR'TOWN--=====-=====_=,.=_._=.: : : : . _ ~ = = = : 1ulr 3', 1931~ ' - - . ~ ~ . = . "~ F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - . _ --. - -----,--_._--.-scllor of :trts a nd woodcraft . Miss

    Deuhler WIlt bc at thc camp the entirc Go fO C'l;'urh.1Snn1l11er. 1.1 rt Ie.,...Mr. D av id H ag an , of Fredcrick,.' { '

    i :\1 d., was t he g uc -t of }'1iss DorothY i1\ r. a n ~ 1Mrs. Earl Marl', of l) Avon I Speck of W cll' A I . I h .

    Roal!. c n ~ e r t a i n c dat a t ca on S un da y Iw e e k - ~ n d .0 0 Jlnc vcnue, ast, T e PresbyterIan Churchcvcn11lg 111 honor of Dr. and Mrs. M'" R 1 I ' ; Rev. John Van Ness, 1\1. A., Ministcr.Howard K; . \Vhite, of Raxboraugh. \ ' I ~ ~ ,. ut I . e ~ . C " l l ~ ,llf Dudlcy I lIeetings f or J ul 5:who ar c salhng loda" f ar E di nh ur gh II vcnnc. l . n t c r l a ~ l ~ c dat hrHlg'c on },Ian-, 9'4- A M B'l l yScntland. Th e g uc si s w er c :\1 r. anli l,ft):. c V l n ~ n g .I he. gucs ts. were ~ Iiss I .: J . . - I I e sC.!lool,! \I rs . C. llick\c\ ' ~ I o r t o n .of Roxbor- 1 . 1 ~ . I I \ l l rI,owlcy, M ~ s sLOlllsc Smcdley,I ments . , C?mbll1edough; 1\11'. and' Mrs. E. L. Helin. of :\(,15S Ruth .Hopk,m.s, 1\1 iss Patricia' w o m c ~5 Brlble class

    Chestnut Hi l l ; , Mr. and Mrs.R.

    S.! \\. ~ I ~ l e r t ,


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931


    Permanent Waves:

    Page Eleven

    N A R B E R T H


    as y ou w an t it d on e.Get Ou r Estimate First

    30 S. 16th Street, Phila.



    Alemite Lubrication?

    Goodyear Tires?

    Exide Batteries?Lustre restored? (By ou rmotor.driven waxing proce s s - ~ 5 ~ )

    Gas, oil, Water, Air?For the best ser1'ice at

    moderate cost, try

    Bide-a-Wee Studios

    c. P. COOKNarberth Avenne up t he H il l

    - a t the Railroad Bridge

    Phone: 'Narl,erth 3775

    Bonat, $8.50Eugene, $1 0


    H E L E N V. FARRELL~ t I Ji"loor. :::n I ln , ' . " r for l ' .r\ "t.".

    X n r b . 25U:t fo r J\ I) ' lolntillpnt

    ~ ~US WELSHFJlectrl .. I R n - P I t . A r l l m o r e 112:1

    40 AN'OFJRSON A V E . . A l "l l mo r e1 ~ l e c t r l cWasher a nd M ot or

    Repairs-Armature WindingEHtlmRt lng W i t h o u t Cl tRrge '

    ContrRct lng . Wi r i n g . . Jobblng

    What Does YourCar Need?

    phia; Mrs . S. E. \Vooh ll ing ton . ofPhiladelphia; Miss Ruth Woolmingtonand Mr. Parker Woolmington.

    Start N O W

    for Next Year!

    A R E you casting off for a real vacation? Or are you just cranking

    up the o ld c ar again? Holidays aren'tmuch fu n without money, are they?Here's a suggestion: Open a sav ingsaccount and add to it weekly. ,Next,year you 'l l be ready.

    Open frolll 8 A. M. Daily, and also7 tu 9 P .. M. Fridays for your conveniCllce

    Need Money

    for your

    The Narberth National BankMember Federal Reserve System



    ]-l,) \ \ 'el l , oss. . . . . . . .I.:lcey, 3h. . .C'out..:, til . . . . . . . . . .nuhinl 'Ul11, 2b .('allahlln, If., .. f. '"n l e ~ ~ i n g ,d .Young, I f .Yowell. rf .Maston, rf .' lallagher. " '.Y O C U l l l , p . . . . . . . .

    do housework.Sleep out . Ph .


    Seashore {; Resorts


    Phone Your Ads to. ARDMORE 3100

    WOMAN desire" tol a u n d l ' ~ '01' cooltlng.

    Ard. 1981.

    .. An'I-'I'rl\( ,.; w or l, t al t I ng el lr e o f "h iI -dren or housewor l " 814 Biddle St. ,

    Ard. Ph. Al'd. 3244. (om7-3f)BXCEPT10NAI ,I ,Y good cool t d c ~ i 1 ' e ~

    Jl os lt lo n. \ Vi ll g o a w a ~ 'if n e C e R ~ l l r l ' .

    814 Diddle Street, Ard. Ph. Ard. 3244.(omb7-:If)

    Rates- lo cents a line I n each paper; 25 cents a line tn all three.Minimum charge, 35c In one paper; 75 cents In al l three AV -

    erage of 11 ve wonts to th e 11ne. No blackfaced type used,

    Deadline (OJ' Inse,"tions- Clasllified adve r ti s ement s wil lbe accepted UP to Wednesday 6o'clock tor OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o 'c lock , for THEMAIN LINER; Thursday. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

    General Notice- Classilled AdvertIsements wlll be charged onlYto residents of the M ai n L in e w ho se n am el lappear In th e telephone directory; to ,persons maintaining an account withus. or to regu la r subscrIbers to e i the r T HE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN, orNEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

    C H A U l " I ~ ] , } U n - L ' o l o r e d ,d e ~ l r e "poslt ioll , good ref., eXI)erience, Huhurb:-o.

    P h. Ar d. 1350-1\1. (omb7-3f)g X P I ' ; R I I ~ ~ C I ' ) Dan d I'efined Amer;c,,:;;

    \ \ ~ O n l a ndCNirex re engagc lnen t ; Cfl)'C"of c o n v l l l e ~ c e n t ~l ln d o ll le r c hi lt ll '' '' '!luI'ing the a b ~ e n c eof p l l l ' c n t ~ :0'"h o u ~ e h o l d rmanagement. b ~ ' hour. ( 1 1 1 ~ 'or week: ex,el. M. L in e ref. \\'1'1 Ie"I I . 111," c ll re of Main LineI ', Ard .


    Situations WantedAS COOK, chauffeur. hut IeI' o r j nn it or

    h ~ ' col()I'ed man. Phone Nar!>. 2273.MH S . IOHN B. n 1';\'1, w i " h e ~to recom

    mend highly li nd find p o ~ l t l o a(01 '\\ 'Oll111U atH l 'nnk, ch1l1nher' l lutd, \ \ ' u i t l ' e ~ Hor n u r ~ cfor Rummel' I l l o n t h ~ . I ~ o rref.Ph. Ardmore 121iS.

    Garages for Rent. n A n A G J ' ~HIHlce, ('01'. EH:-;ex an d g h n -

    wood, $7 month: !\Ii'R. John A. Cald-w el l. Nl lrh. 39S7. (07-17)

    Rooms for RentL A R n l ~room suitahle for olH' or two

    I Ie nt lc me n in I ,r i. home; hoard 0 1 ) 't io nal . P h. Narb . -t062-:\V. (omh7-3)ROOM fo r gent l eman In private home.

    Couvenlent to station. Desirableneighborhood. Phone Narberth 4161.


    I,()WEn \'j;JI;TNOR. near \lathingh ea ch , e on v. t o, storeR-altrac. mod

    e rn co tt age . 7 r l l l ~ . ,hath, garage: furniRhed: fo r ~ , , , , s o n .29 N. MartindaleAve., Ventnor. (omh7-:1)l!l"l'ONE HARBOn. N. . 1._Wonderfully

    located waterfront cottage, furn.,hl'oad ,llrl\ 'ate heach; large hree2YI ) O r < . ' h c ~ ,5 hec1roolllH, b a t h , :-;l1o\\'cr;new g a ~range, electricity a nd a ll eon\'enicneeR; exceptional view; $500 forlong s e a ~ o nor would sell; t er ms . Mrs..1. 'V. Sidle, Lllnghorne, I ' l l . Langhorne13 .1. (omh7,3)'VILDWOOD-221 E. l \ Iagaol la Ave.

    Room an d board, $15, $18, $20 week.Home c oo ki ng . B a th in g f rom house .l\IrR. Maric Racquet. (omb7-10)

    Dogs and Pets\ V l T { 1 ~ H A n t E D1.'oxtel"l'ler, heautles,

    Da('hshuml p u p p i e ~ .a few left; reg.pe,I., hest (.f hloor! l i n e ~ . Ca rl Opp e rman, R id ge a nd TroopeI' Rd., Norristown. (omb7-10)SCHNAU:-IEH PUPPIES, tw o beautiful

    litters to choose f rom, th e finest Indogs. Carl Opperman, Rldg'e Road &Trooper Road, Norristown, R. D. 1.


    For Sale$90 M.erlon A ut om at ic ( la s H ot 'Vater

    Heater, f i r ~ t , e l a ~ ~cond.; willing to~ a c r l f i e e ,wi ll s el l (or $:15. Ph. Ar

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town July 3, 1931


    Amplc Parkillg .Farilitier

    Main Line OpenGolf Club

    July 3, 1931



    Hatfield Offers

    at th e

    Great Horse Racing Card

    Independence DayT hr ee H a rn e, .

    Four Running Evenls

    Over Montgomery CountyOval at Hatfield, Pa.

    Program at .2 P. M.


    (Lancaster Pike at St. Davids)GREEN FEES:

    $1.50 Daily$2.00 Saturdays$2.50 Sundays and Holi

    days$1.00 Twilight Rate

    (after 5 P. M .)

    4 t hSpecial for the

    A ll One



    Formerly to $7.50

    127 N. Narberth Avenue

    Theatre Bldg.

    Ladies' Sport Shoes

    D A V I S '


    For the Fourth:


    Oldes t S to re in Narbe rth224 HAVERFORD AVE.

    Narberth 4035

    C O O L


    , Matit lee Daily at 2 P. M.See theatre co lum n for o ur


    E nj oy t he S um me rMatinees at the


    Jack 0 ' Lanterns

    Decorated crepe paper,

    napkins, tablecloths,plates.

    Big B:lllg Cannons

    Ronson's Repeaters




    Wildcats Beat SouthsideEagles Tuesday 16 to 81

    T h e Wi ld ca ts defeated the Southside IEaRles on Tu es d ay a i te r no o n by ascore of 16 to 8. Three-base h it s w er eI ll ade hv L ea hy, H en sh aw, F in n amIO'Connor. O'Connor a ll ow in g t he m jonly nine hi ts a nd e ight rIIns, h;I\'ingabout 10 strikeouts. I

    T he h at te ri es for t he S ou th si de IEagles. Gri ff iths p i tc h in g, F it t ip ol di ,catchin/{. Th e b at te ri es f or t he Wil,cats were O'Connor, pitching. 1In