our town december 21, 1916

8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1916 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/our-town-december-21-1916 1/8 I . ; MERRY CHRISTMAS SCHOOL CHRISTMAS EXERCISES by L ow er G ra de P up il s F ri da y M or nin g, Dec. 22d 8.45 PRICE TWO CENTS CaTol, "'Tis Christmas Welsh Melody) Anthem, "Peace on th.e Earth," Wm. Peace Soprano solo, " The B ir thd ay ot a King" _... Neidlinger Offertory, "Cradle Song," Walter Spinney A nt he m, " Ar i se , S hi n e, " F. C, Maker Organ postlUde, "Marche Pontillcale," F. de Ill. Tombelle 8 P. M. O r g an p r el u de , "Chorus o f S h e ph e r ds , " J. Lemmens Carols-I. "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by N ig ht " ( Ol d .Eng lish Melody.) 2. _ " F ro m H ig he st · H ea ve n to Earth We C om e" ( Ol d' German Melody.) ; Anthem, "Bethlehem" Bartlett Contralto solo, "The Song of Beth-' lehem." Offertory, " S he p h er d s ' P i p e s" . ,Harris' Antloem. "Glory to God in th e Highest" .. . , •.•.. , R. M. Stults O r g an p o s t lu d e . _ Roland Rogers Th e quartet c o ns i st s o f M i s s Wilson, soprano; M i ss S c hn e b el , contralto; Mr. T ap p, t en or, an d MT. Fulton. balllS. Special Christmas music at t he N a r b e rt h P r es b yt e ri a n Church will be rendered by t he q ua rt et , u nd er the: d i r ec t i on o f L. W. Nickerson, organi'llt. The e n ti r e m u si ca l p r og r am for: bOUl morning and e v e ni n g s e rv i c es is as [ollows: 11 A. M. O r ga n p r el u d e, "Grand Choeur," Wm. Spence Day" (Old Morning an d Evening Program Consists of S pec ial Mu si c Under Direction of L. W. N i ~ k e r s o n - E v e r y b o d y Invited " ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ' " Scroogt eDrls1mas ! i 'tl''tl'o,(I i I · .. i\ rrry <!ll}ri!ituuts. I' ~ . ' ~ . ~ 1Llob!" !iaib t;rroogt. mill} an I - . tarnr1i1utss tl}at t111tl1l1tUt br ~ ~ t. mtatalltn. as ltr dUPPtll l}im ~ I I on tlJr bark. •• A : il rr ri rr _ Qlltri.atmas. 1 L l ~ b . my gnoll 'II' fl'llow. tl}au .;!J trau!'. giurlt I ll) yuu for many u yrar--" i' I.t' jlrrl1ugr mas bptttr tlJalt , I . t ~ l,is morll. 1;1' 11111 it all, aull I' a ~ f i n i ~ p l 1 ! mon, aull ~ o ( ; w ~ n y , l t lim. lr was a srrOlt at tr. ' - ~ I Anll so, U!i miny Ullitt ob- ~ strutll. Qioll bIrDS ltD, furry "! (11)"1'.! W i · i" . . , From Charle. Dicken" "A Chri8f· . ma . Carol." '• ~ E " " E E E S $ " ' E i E ~ fl ...... . .. ,,,, ..•" LIsten! Let me solve the best gift to give your b oy f or C h ri st ma s! Le t it be a $3 m e m b e rs h i p t i c ke t , e nt itli ng t he holder th er eo f to one I (Continued on Second Page) .:---------------' ---; Betty Baxrer's- _GossIp. THE -FIRESIDE The special card notice in your box is to he presented at sub-station in Arcade. All other notices in your box will receive attention at w in do ws in postoffice. Patrons m a il i ng q u an t it i es of let ters a n d c a r ds will assist u s v er y much if they w il l k i nd l y k e ep them together with a string or rubber band when p r es en t in g t he m f o r mailing. EdwardS.llaws, Postmaster. Sympathy is extende.d· to M r. G al en I H. C l ay o v er t he r ec en t d ea th of his mother. __ t NARBERTH, P A . , _ T ~ U R S D A Y ; D E C E M B E R 21 , 1916 COMMUNITY CAROL SERVICE Narberth School Pupils Thursday, Dec. 21st, 8 P. M. ~ c h o o l Auditorium E ve ry bo dy is W el co me ! --- The shortest. days ar e with us. No One of our fellow townsmen open- i wonder those thirty-day notes come I ed h i s e v en i ng paper a s t he 5.15 pulled I due so quickly. out o f B ro ad Street Station the other e."ening, an.d the first .editorial cap- i Mr. and Mrs. Charles J o ne s. N or th h on th at hIS eyes fell on was ,Narberth avenue, ar e the h ap py p ar - : I ents of a daughter. "Snow and t h e S i d ew a lk s " I .. Poo r 0 Id Ph i1adeIphia," sighed t ha I I Mr. and Mrs.. Ro 11iu Touhill. 0 r I ~ = = ' : : : : : : : : ' = = ~ ~ ' : : : : : : : : - : - : = " : ' : : ' : : : : = = : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = E s se x a ve nu e c o mm u te r. I M er io n a ve nu e, leave on Saturday for YMC "What's the matter now?" inquired I Pittston, where they will spend C h r i s t ~ ! . A. NOTES BY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC his seat c o mp a ni o u, who lives further! mas. up the Line. THE NEW SECRETARY AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH " ~ I ~ a Y 8 w o r r ~ ' j n g and fussing about' The time is here W l l ~ l ~ , y O U h e ar t he i the snow' and how to ge t the side. I continual song; "Wish - Y ou a _M er ry I walks cleaned off," added the Na;r- l Christmas." "Thank you .. wish you 1 Charle W Sh f P td berthite. the same," - s. c ae er resen e "Well, dou't you h av e t he saUle to Boy Scouts-Big Plans for t ro ub le in Narberth? We do in our Miss Bertha P i gg o tt . 20 Woodside: R ap id D ev el op me nt for t o ~ n , " added the Up-the-Liner. avenue, will spend he r h o l id a y v a ca - ' Near Future But there a re 'our towns' and tion with her parents in North Chelms- then tlLere a re ' ot he r k ind s of ou r ford, Mass. ' towns,''' said th e Essex av.enue man. Our new secretary, Mr. Charles W. " An d N a rb e rt h is one of t he ' ot he r Mr. and Mrs. James Donnelly, Schaeffer, was presented to th e Boy kind.' .. ,, , d id t I I ,0 0 s e a ve nu e, en or allle l a a rg e S co ut s by their leader, M r, C ol e, an d "I don't ge t ~ ' o u ? " said t he m an on !!:roup o f f r i en d s at a dinner party l as t w as g iv en th e floor to express to the the w i nd o w s i de . Friday evening. boys that which he desires to take I "Then just s u pp o s e, w h e n you wake place in t he f ut ur e for th e uplifting up t o- m or ro w morning you look ou t "What WaR the Star o f B e t hl e he m ?" and b u il d iu g o f the Boys' Department y ou r w in do w and find that a sn ow Come and he ar t he anRwer to this in particular. plow h as b ee n a l on g a nd cleaned oft Mr. Schaffer has every reaSOll to be- your walk. and then when you start ( Co nt ln ue d on S ev en th P ag e) for the s t at i on you find a ll t he w al ks lieve that the boys will co-operate with him an d do the ir u tm os t to J l ( : ~ ~ a i l e . l what will you _say to that?" '1'1L\:\KS FOR 'l'lIE SPl-:('LH, . s ai d t he Narberth man. SAN'l'A ( ~ L A U S !'OS'I'O}'jo'IeI-: b ri ng t he association a ga in i nt o t he I The Man From A n o t he r T o wn l o o k - ~ ' limelight a nd m ak e it tho@ leading as- ed steadily at our -fellow townsman llociation on the M ai n L in e. The Christmas Parcel Sub-Post- . for about fifteen seconds before speak. office i n t he A rc ad e Building, is a ven' f I de as a nd suggestions were called ing. Then. he said "My a ns we r i s t he d I irk I or by the s ec r et ar y , some o f w hi ch same as the statement of the ma n ; ~ ~ m e : f a ~ ~ s : m ~ ~ ~ e r O H : ~ : . O ~ t t ~ : ar e as follows: J who looked for the f ir st t im e at a g e nu i ne s e rv i ce an d shows that in To organize a junior b as ke t b al l 1 gi raf fe . A f ri en d w ho h ad taken this spite or l i mi t at i on s Mr. Haws is team. 'man to the zoo said, 'W.ell, what do doing ev.erything in his power to ac- To have a se t of six leaders chosen you think of i t? ' p oi nt in g to the c om mo da te the folks of the b or ou gh to manage al l affairs o f t he Boys' De creature of the l on g neck. And the The plan is s i m p li c i ty i t se l f. For p a rt m en t , w hi ch l ea d er s shall come ma n simply looked disgusted and every p a r ce l r e ce i ve d at the postoffice, under an assistant boys' work direc said: 'H-, t he re a in 't no such ani. r . dd r es s ed to a r es il Le nt of Narberth, t or . w ho will work with and be se- m al '. ' .. lected by th e secretary. a card is placed in th e Teciplent's box . Bu t the ~ a r b e r t h man w as g en er - n ot if yi ng h im that there is a parcel It wa s also suggested that th e boys " o us wi th h is fe ll ow rider an d l augh - in the A r ca d e b u i ld i n g. Then the get t og e th e r a nd p ro c ur e a l a rg e p en - I ed g o o c 1 - n a t u r e ~ I ) ' , as he said: "Well, p ar ce ls a re c ar ri ed i n b ul k to t1be sub- nant made in th e colors of th e Y. M. there is such an _ animal-in N ar - s ta ti on , s or te d into alphabetical com- C. A., w it h t he words "Boys' Depart- I berth! Believe it or not , ou r side- p a rt m en t s, a nd ar e ready f or i mm e- me nt" in the l o w er l e f t- h a n d corner, I walks ar.e cleaned by the Borough ciiate delivery when called for. Miss and. which t h e s e cr e ta r y promises to Offidals after every big s n ow s t o r m !" I M a ri o n H a ws i·s th e Santa C la us P os t- s us pe nd in a conspicuous place in the I "Do you mean it?" a sk ed the aston- i mistress. lobby. I i s h e d U p - t h e- L i n e r. i T hi s p lan av oi ds the handling of It was also suggested that pennants "Absolutely," said the Narberthite.11 boxes a nd b un dl es at th e p os to fl i ce be pu t al l over th e lobby, so that the " We ll , no woncLer y ou 'v e g ot s uc h p ro pe r, w hi ch w ou ld require the r a is - a p pe a ra nc e - o f th e same might be a . C hr I st m as y s ro il e on your face," I i ng a nd lowering of th e g r il l ed w in - somewhat diversified into that of a s ai d t he o th er . " Gu es s that burl?: of I d ow s a bo ut 407,065 times d ur in g t he c lu b r oo m. yours i sn 't s uc h a bad place, is it?" I next f ew d ay s, and does considerable A suggestion was made that th e "Oh, not so worse" s ai d t he l oc al i toward relieving th e congestion at boys h av e t he gym. on Tuesday from m an. "Come down s ome S nn d ay a nd ! the two d el i ve ry w in do ws . 1 7 to 8.30 P. M., and on Satnrday morn- I'll s ho w y ou around.": ings from 10 to 11.30 o'clock. SPECIAl, XMAS POST. Th e m e et in g was a grand success OFl'ICE N O T I C J o ~ S and Mr. S c ha e ff e r w as p ro mi se d t he hearty c o- op er at i on of al l th e boys present. At th e conclusion of th e talk Mr. S ch ae ff er was g i ve n a r o us i ng c h ee r liy th e boys. I THE CANDLE GREETING MERRY CHRISTMAS VOLUME III. NUMBER 11 T wo c en ts pe r word In advaace; minimum tc n words. CLASSIFIED ADVERTiSEMENTS \\'A:NTED-YoUng m an " 'an ts board In private family atter January INt. Address. Box 931. (12·1" ) Last y ea r m an y Narberthites a c- a nd see t h es e m a ny s ig ns o f " pe ac e cepted the s ug ges tio n of one of our o n e a rt h, good will to men." fellow townsmen to inaugurate the The candle g r ee t in g is a v er y o ld use of the candle greeting as an ex- custom in England, bu t is used in few places in th e U n it e d S t at e s , Bal- pression of neighborliness to the pass, timore being one of the f ew c it i es to erby. consistently repeat th.e practice year As a result, the w in do ws o f h ou se after year. after house w ere m ade b ri gh t with It is a h ap py c us to m a nd it was the cheery. llickering c a n d l e s - s i L e n t l ~ · well i na u gu r at e d in NaTberth last welcoming all w ho w al k ed t h e s t re e ts y ea r. L et 's keep it Uts! Let's have a of our H o me T o wn on Christmas Eve. candl r ti i th.e i d f g ee ng n wn ows 0 Miss Helen Duff has" issued l'llvl'la- The homes of Mr. an d Mrs. Roy E. e e h th tid ry ouse a s occuple thin tions for a " 50 0" party,'- C la rk a nd Mr. au d Mr s. G al en C la y c o m in g C h r i s tm a s Eve-Sunday night, --- were .effectively dressed for this o e- D ec em b er 24! W il l y ou do your part? We ar e now writing up a lot of Ilew cas ion, each w in do w v is ib le to the A d j t t i h . I us 0 nerease c e er w it hm resolutions for New Y",a:r's street having four candles on the to p doors, let ev.ery owner of a fireplace I --- . Of t he l ow er s as h. The home of Mr. ma k f it thi H I'd S an d Mrs. H. C. Gara was th e most Of l;l: se ?l s I ay eason Do n o t f or ge t th e Delta Sigma min- t h or o ug h ly l i gh t ed h o us e in the town, A d ··t Wfl 1 tYh OU ~ it . I strel s h ow a nd dance -'n January 5th. n 0 ur er lDcrease t Ie true t he re b ei ng o ne large plumber's can· a tm os ph er e f or an old-fashioned d ie in each Window-front and·side-- Christmas, let us hear the voices or on all three floors. th.e carolel'S early in t he m or ni ng of Scarcely a square was without one C h ri s tm a s Day, usually organized b ~ or m o re h o us es that used the siLent the Chi Pi Sorority. salute, an d it warmed the cockles o[ W'll Miss Estelle 'Cohic '.will arrive in I )"011 do your part this ycar on,e's heart to walk along OUr avenues girls?-W. A. C. Narberth un Friday from WyomIng ======================;:===================== Seminary. T h e f o l lo w i ng article appeared in :NO WONDlUt THE } ~ l S l S E X A V E N U } ~ i Mrs. H. S. Bradley, of Essex avenue. th e D e l aw a r e C o un t )' T im es , of De- ( ' O ~ n l 1 ~ T l - ~ R I,OOKEI) CIIRIST. i who ha s been il l the past week, is able c em b er 1 5 th : MA .SY.' to be about. Christmas Salutation Inaugurated Last Year to be Repeated Other Celebration Suggestions Are you among the fortu n a te n u mb e r w ho h av e com pleted their Christmas ,pur c ha se s a nd have tliem all neatly ._ an d daintily wrap ped an d labeled and placed in a large box or a d r aw e r t o I await the proper. moment when they are to be started on their w ay by m ai l, m es senger or, perchance, persou al delivery? If you ar e not, what are y ou d oi ng w it h the mtle g if t w hi ch you pur chase or c o mp l et e e ac h da)' 'and add to the growing pile? A re y ou c ar ef ul ly w ra pp in g each on e after inclosing a p re tt y C hr is tm as greeting c ar d w it h soft white or gay ly d ec or at ed C hr is tm as pa- per? One c an no t h el p but feel that t ho se l it tl e r em em brances which ar e received. I al l thoughtfully a nd a r ti st i c al ly w ra pp ed w it h a b it of I' holly or ~ ! l l s e t t i a . paper and b ou nd w it h r ed , g re en . w hi te or h o ll y r i bb o n and choicely labeled an d s e al ed w it h the n um er ou s a tt ra ct iv e little stickers which c om e f or this purpose, mean more in their detail Of taste a nd c ar e t ha n al l th e l la nd s om e a nd won d er fu l g if ts w hi ch t im e a nd money c an p ro du ce without these final touches. Then make t il e o ff er in g as sim- pl e .-and inexpensive as you choose. bu t i f y ou w ou ld con v ey to your friend an atmos- I phere of thought and remem brance take a l i tt l e t i me e ac h da y to c o m pl e te t i le arrange- I ment f or e ac h f ri en d before laying it aside with,the other g if ts . N ot o n ly will t he p re p aration of the gifts take on additional interest to -you. but it w il l m ak e the last days of bustle and- excite ment less arduous, and then. too, you wi ll no t be p il in g into the postoffice or the ex press office all y o ur v a ri o us bundles at on e time, but will be prepared to start many of them on their way in ad- I v an ce of the last rush and', thus avoid the o f te n i n e vi t a - ble d el ay w h ic h m e an s b el a t- l ed greetings anll, worse than I ll, packages which give the appearance of h a s ty a r r a ng e ment a n d l a ck o f t h ou g ht . I G'-Ur :IUISI m : ~ a p P i n g ~ : 1 1 I ~

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8/7/2019 Our Town December 21, 1916

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Lower Grade Pupils

Friday Morning, Dec. 22d



CaTol, " 'Tis Christmas

Welsh Melody)Anthem, "Peace on th.e Earth,"

Wm. Peace

Soprano solo, " The B ir thd ay o t aKing" _.. . Neidlinger

Offertory, "Cradle Song,"Walter Spinney

Anthem, "Ar ise , Shine, "F. C, Maker

Organ postlUde, "Marche Pontillcale,"

F. de Ill. Tombelle

8 P. M.Organ prelude, "Chorus of Shepherds,"

J. Lemmens

Carols-I. "While Shepherds Watched

Their Flocks by Night " (Old .English Melody.) 2. _"F rom Highe st ·

Hea ve n t o Earth We Come" (Old'

German Melody.) ;Anthem, "Bethlehem" BartlettContralto solo, "The Song of Beth-'

lehem."Offertory, "Shepherds ' Pipes". ,Harris'

Antloem. "Glory to God in th eHighest" .. . , • . • . . , R. M. Stults

Organ postlude. _ Roland Rogers

The quartet cons ist s ofMiss Wilson,

soprano; Miss Schnebel, contralto;

Mr. T ap p, t en or, and MT. Fulton.


Special Christmas music at t he Nar

berth Presbyteri an Church will be

rendered by t he q ua rt et , u nd er the:

direction of L. W. Nickerson, organi'llt.

The en ti re musica l p rogram for:

bOUl morning and evening services is

as [ollows:

11 A. M.

Organ prelude, "Grand Choeur,"Wm. Spence

Day" (Old

Morning and Evening Program

Consists of Special Music

Under Direction of L. W.N i ~ k e r s o n - E v e r y b o d yInvited

" ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ' "Scroogt eDrls1mas !i 'tl''tl'o,(I i

I· .. i \ • r r r y <!ll}ri!ituuts. I '~ . ' ~ .~ 1Llob!" !iaib t;rroogt. mill} an


. tarnr1i1utss tl}at t111tl1l1tUt br ~ ~ t .mtatalltn. as ltr dUPPtll l}im ~ I

Ion tlJr bark. ••A :il rr ri rr

_ Qlltri.atmas. 1 L l ~ b . my gnoll' I I ' fl'llow. tl}au .;!J trau!'. giurlt Ill) yuu for many u yrar- -" i 'I.t' jlrrl1ugr mas bptttr tlJalt ,

I . t ~ l,is morll. 1;1' 11111 it all, aull I 'a ~ f i n i ~ p l 1 ! mon, aull ~ o ( ; w ~ n y ,l t lim. lr was a srrOlt at tr . '-~ I Anll so, U!i miny Ullitt ob- ~

strutll. Qioll bIrDS ltD, furry "!(11)"1'.! W

i· i ". . , From Charle. Dicken" "A Chri8f·

. ma . Carol." ' •

~ E " " E E E S $ " ' E i E ~ f l...... . . . ,,,, ..•"


Let me solve the best gift to give

your boy f or Ch ri stma s!

Le t it be a $3 membership ticket,

e nt itli ng t he holder th er eo f to one I(Continued on Second Page) . : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '


Betty Baxrer's- _GossIp.


The special card notice in your boxis to he presented at sub-station in

Arcade. All other notices in your box

will receive attention at w in dows i n

postoffice.Patrons mail ing quant it ies of let

ters and cards will assist us very much

if they wil l k ind ly keep them together

with a string or rubber band when

presen t ing them for mailing.Edward S. llaws, Postmaster.

Sympathy is extende.d· to Mr. Galen IH. Clay over t he r ecen t d ea th o f hismother.

__ t

NARBERTH, P A . , _ T ~ U R S D A Y ; D E C E M B E R 21 , 1916



Narberth School Pupils

Thursday, Dec. 21st, 8 P. M.

~ c h o o l Auditorium

Everybody is Welcome!

- - - The shortest. days ar e with us. NoOne of our fellow townsmen open- i wonder those thirty-day notes come I

ed his evening paper a s t he 5.15 pulled Idue so quickly.out o f Broad Street Station the other

e."ening, an.d the first .editorial cap- i Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. Nor th h on th at hIS eyes fell on was ,Narberth avenue, ar e the happy par - :

I ents of a daughter."Snow and the Sidewalks"


..Poo r 0 Id Ph i1adeIphia," s i gh ed tha I I Mr. and Mrs.. Ro 11iu Touhill. 0 r I ~ = = ' : : : : : : : : ' = = ~ ~ ' : : : : : : : : - : - : = " : ' : : ' : : : : = = : : : : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : =Essex avenue commute r. IMer ion avenue, leave on Saturday for YMC"What's the matter now?" inquired I Pittston, where they will spend C h r i s t ~ ! . • • A. NOTES BY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC

his seat companiou, who lives further! mas.up the Line. THE NEW SECRETARY AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

" ~ I ~ a Y 8 w o r r ~ ' j n g and fussing about' The time is here W l l ~ l ~ , y O U hear the ithe snow' and how to ge t the side. I continual song; "Wish -You a _Mer ry I

walks cleaned off," added the Na;r- lChristmas." "Thank you..wish you 1Charle W S h f P t dberthite. the same," - s. c ae er resen e"Well, dou't you h av e t he saUle to Boy Scouts-Big Plans for

t roub le i n Narberth? We do in our Miss Bertha P iggott . 20 Woodside: Rapid Development fort o ~ n , " added the Up-the-Liner. avenue, will spend he r holiday vaca- ' Near FutureBut there a re 'our towns' and tion with her parents in North Chelms-

then tlLere a re ' ot he r k ind s of ou r ford, Mass. 'towns,'' ' said th e Essex av.enue man. Our new secretary, Mr. Charles W."And Narbe rth is one of t he ' ot he r Mr. and Mrs. James Donnelly, Schaeffer, was presented to th e Boykind.' .. ,, , d id t t· I I,0 0 s e a ve nue, e n o r allle l a a rg e S cout s by their leader, Mr, Cole, and

"I don't ge t ~ ' o u ? " said t he man on !!:roup of fr iends at a dinner party l as t w as g iv en th e floor t o e xp re ss t o t he

the window side. Friday evening. boys that which he desires to take

I "Then just suppose, when you wake place in t he fut ur e for th e uplifting

up to-mor row morning you look ou t "What WaR the Star of Bethlehem?" and build iug of the Boys' Department

you r w indow and find that a sn ow Come and he ar t he anRwer to this in particular.

plow has bee n along and cleaned oft Mr. Schaffer has every reaSOll to be-your walk. and then when you start (Cont lnue d on S even th P age)for the s tat ion you find a ll t he wal ks lieve that the boys will co-operate

with him an d do the ir u tm os t to

J l ( : ~ ~ a i l e . l what will you _say to that?" '1 '1L\:\KS FOR 'l'lIE SPl-:('LH,. s ai d t he Narberth man. SAN'l'A ( ~ L A U S !'OS'I'O}'jo'IeI-: b ri ng t he association a ga in i nt o t he

IThe Man From Another Town l o o k - ~ ' limelight and make it tho@ leading as-

ed steadily at our-fellow townsman llociation on the Main Line.

The Christmas Parcel Sub-Post-. for about fifteen seconds before speak. office i n t he A rc ade Building, is a ven ' f I de as a nd suggestions were called

ing. Then. he said "My answe r i s t he d I irk I or by t he secret ary , some o f whi ch

same as the statement of the man ; ~ ~ m e : f a ~ ~ s : m ~ ~ ~ e r O H : ~ : . O ~ t t ~ : ar e as follows:Jwho looked for the f ir st t ime at a genuine se rv ice and shows that in To organize a junior b as ke t b al l

1gi raf fe . A f ri end who had taken this spite or l imi tat ions Mr. Haws is team.'man to the zoo said, 'W.ell, what do doing ev.erything in his power to ac- To have a se t of six leaders chosen

you think of i t? ' p oi nt ing to the commoda te the folks o f the b or ou gh t o manage al l affairs o f t he Boys ' De

creature of the l on g neck. And the The plan is simplicity itself. For partmen t , which leaders shall come

man simply looked disgusted and every parcel received at the postoffice, under an assistant boys' work direc

said: 'H- , t he re a in 't no such ani. r .ddressed to a res ilLent of Narberth, t or . w ho will work with an d be se-

mal '. ' .. lected by the secretary.a card is placed in the Teciplent's box .

• Bu t the ~ a r b e r t h man was gener - not if yi ng h im that there is a parcel I t wa s also suggested that the boys

" o us wi th h is fe ll ow rider an d l augh - i n the Arcade building. Then the get t ogether and procure a l a rge pen-

Ied g o o c 1 - n a t u r e ~ I ) ' , as he said: "Well, par ce ls a re car ri ed i n bul k to t1be sub- nant made in th e colors of th e Y. M.there is such an _animal-in Nar - s ta ti on , s or te d into alphabetical com- C. A., wit h t he words "Boys' Depart-


berth! Believe it or not , ou r side- pa rtments, and ar e ready f or imme- me nt" i n t he lower lef t-hand corner,

Iwalks ar.e cleaned by the Borough ciiate delivery when called for. Miss and. which the secre tary promises to

Offidals after every big snow storm!" IMarion Haws i·s th e Santa Cla us Pos t- s uspe nd in a conspicuous place i n t he

I"Do you mean it?" asked the aston- i mistress. lobby.

I ished Up-the-Liner. i T hi s p lan av oi ds the handling of I t was also suggested that pennants

"Absolutely," said the Narberthite.11 boxes and bundl es at the postofl ice be pu t al l over the lobby, so t hat t he"We ll , n o woncLer y ou 'v e g ot s uc h p ro pe r, w hi ch wou ld require the r a is - appea rance - of th e same might be

a .ChrIstmasy s ro il e on your face," I i ng a nd lowering of th e gr il led win- somewhat diversified into that of a

s ai d t he o th er . "Gu es s that burl?: of I dows about 407,065 times dur ing the c lub r oom.yours i sn 't s uc h a bad place, is it?" I next few days, and does considerable A suggestion was made that th e

"Oh, not so worse" s ai d t he l oc al i toward relieving th e congestion at boys have t he gym. on Tuesday from

m an. "Come down s ome Snnday and! the two del ive ry windows. 17 to 8.30 P. M., and on Satn rday morn-

I ' l l show you a round . " : ings from 10 to 11.30 o'clock.SPECIAl, XMAS POST. The meet ing was a grand success

OFl'ICE N O T I C J o ~ S and Mr. Schaeffer was p romi sed t he

hearty co-operat ion of al l th e boyspresent.At th e conclusion of th e talk Mr.

Schae ffer was given a rous ing cheer

liy the boys.






Two c en ts pe r word In advaace; minimumtc n words.


\\ 'A:NTED-YoUng m an " 'an ts board Inpr ivate family atter January INt. Address.

Box 931. (12·1" )

Last y ea r man y Narberthites a c- a nd see t hese many s igns o f " pe ac e

cepted the s ug ges tio n o f o ne o f o ur on earth, good will to men."fellow townsmen to inaugurate the The candle greet ing i s a v er y o ld

use o f t he c an dl e g re et in g a s a n ex- custom in England, bu t is used infew places in the United States, Bal-

pression of neighborliness to the pass, timore being one of the f ew c it ies to

erby. consistently repeat th.e practice year

As a result, the windows o f hou se after year.

after house w ere m ade b ri gh t with It is a h ap py c us tom and it was

the cheery. llickering c a n d l e s - s i L e n t l ~ · well i naugurated in NaTberth last

welcoming all who walked t he s t ree ts y ea r. L et 's keep it Uts! Let's have aof our Home Town on Christmas Eve. candl r ti i th.e i d fg ee ng n w n ows 0 Miss Helen Duff has" issued l'llvl'la-The homes of Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. e e h th tidry ouse a s occuple thin tions for a "500" party,'-

Cla rk and Mr. au d Mr s. G al en C la y coming Christmas Eve-Sunday night, - - -

were .effectively dressed for this oe- December 24! Wil l you do you r p a rt ? We ar e now writing up a l ot o f Ilewcas ion, each w in dow v is ib le t o the A d j t t i h . Ius 0 nerease c eer w it hm resolutions for New Y",a:r'sstreet having four candles o n t he to p doors, let ev.ery owner of a fireplaceI --- .Of t he l ower s ash. The h ome o f Mr. mak f it thi H I'd Sand Mrs. H. C. Gara was th e most Of l;l:se ?l s I ay eason Do not forge t th e Delta Sigma min-thoroughly l igh ted house i n t he town, A d ··t Wfl 1 tYh

OU ~ it . I strel show and dance -'n January 5th.n 0 ur er lDcrease t Ie true

t he re b ei ng one large plumber's can· a tmos ph er e f or an old-fashioned

d ie in each Window-front and·side-- Christmas, let us hear the voices or

on al l three floors. th.e c arolel'S early in t he morning o f

Scarcely a square was without one Chris tmas Day, usually organized b ~ or more houses that used the siLent the Chi Pi Sorority.salute, an d it warmed the cockles o[ W'll Miss Estelle 'Cohic '.will arrive inI )"011 do your part this ycar

on,e's heart t o wal k along OUr avenues girls?-W. A. C. • Narberth un Friday from WyomIng

======================;:===================== Seminary.The following article appeared in :NO WONDlUt THE } ~ l S l S E X A V E N U } ~ i Mrs. H. S. Bradley, of Essex avenue.

th e Delaware Count)' Times , of De- ( ' O ~ n l 1 ~ T l - ~ R I,OOKEI) CIIRIST. iwho ha s been il l the past week, is able

cember 15th : MA .SY .' to be about.

Christmas Salutation Inaugurated Last Year to be Repeated

Other Celebration Suggestions

Are you among the fortunate number who have completed their Christmas ,purc ha se s a nd have tliem allneatly ._ and daintily wrapped and labeled and placed

in a large box or a drawer to

Iawait the proper. moment

when they are to be startedon their w ay by m ai l, m essenger or, perchance, persoual delivery? If you ar e not,what are you doing w it h themtle g if t w hi ch you purchase or complete each da)''and add to the growing pile?A re you c ar ef ul ly w ra pp ingeach on e after inclosing ap re tt y Chr is tmas greetingc ar d w it h soft white or gayl y dec or at ed Chr is tmas pa-per? One c anno t h el p butfeel that t ho se l it tl e r emembrances which ar e received.

Ial l thoughtfully and ar ti st ic al ly w ra pped w it h a b it of


holly or ~ ! l l s e t t i a . paper andbound w it h r ed , g re en . whi teor holly r ibbon and choicelylabeled an d sealed with thenumerou s a tt ra ct iv e littlestickers which come for thispurpose, mean mor e i n theirdetail Of taste and car e t hanal l th e l landsome and wond er fu l g if ts w hi ch t im e a nd

money c an p roduce withoutthese final touches. Thenmake t ile offer ing as sim-pl e .-and inexpensive as youchoose. bu t i f you wou ld conv ey t o your friend an atmos-

Iphere of thought and remembrance take a l i tt le t ime eachda y to complete tile arrange-

Iment f or e ac h f ri en d beforelaying it as ide wi th , the o the rg if ts . Not only will t he p re paration of the gifts take onadditional interest to -you.but it w il l m ak e the lastdays of bustle and- excitement less arduous, and then.too, you wi ll no t b e p il inginto the postoffice o r the express office all your va riousbundles at one time, but willbe prepared to start manyof them o n th eir way in ad-

Iv an ce o f the last rush and',thus avoid the often inevita-ble delay which means bela t-

led greetings anll, worse than Ill, packages which give theappearance of hasty arrange

ment and lack of thought. IG'-Ur :IUISI

 m : ~ a p P i n g ~ : 1 1I ~

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You cannot afford to miss

the Inspiration, the Joy, the

Worship the Carols' afford.

Everybody come to the

Community Carol Services,

Thu rsday Evening, Dec.21st, 8' P. M. School


ChristmasCarolsOld-Yet Ever New

"Do you think there is such a thingas an honest politician?""M'm-well, I saw a white black

bird once!"


P h on e . N a rb e rt h 66 3


Our delivery system enables us to ge t your

orders to you promptly.



High-Grade Meats and Poultry

Real Estate Wanted!

Canned Goods and Dried Fruits


PHONE , 6 0 6

Groceries, Meats &Provisions



Writing Shows a Bit of Sadness,

Then Gladness

The Imper ia l

We can help you make your Christmas a me rry one by decorating your windows and walls

wi th wreath sand Chr is tmas Greens. Supply you wi th a handsome Chr is tmas Tree and Hang

Mistletoe in an appropriate place. We feel quite sure with our variety of Fresh Green Decorations

your home will be a place of good cheer and happiness.

Let us supply your Christmas Turkey, and you ' Of course, our usual complete supply of Staple

will have. a good o n e - - : - t ~ n ? e r and tasty, and Fancy Groceries, and all that you needfreshed kIlled, from Vlrgmla. t k

• 0 rna e up your every-day menuOur line of Fresh, Seasonable Vegetables WlIl .

make your dinner right. Phone us your orders; you will get careful at -Fruits, Nuts, Dates and Figs, White Grapes; tention.

Fruit Cakes, Sunshine, National BiscuitCo. or Ivins; Mince Meat, Plum Pudding,Ginger Ales, Clicquot, Tuckahoe, S. & S.

We Wish You All


(Continued from FirSit Page)

"What makes t he j ai lo r lookglum?" ."Why, he say s ,that he can't

a ny way to shut h is w if e up, "

The kindergarten had been study

ing the wind all the week-its power,effects, etc.-until the subject hadbeen pretty well exhausted. To stimu

late interest the teacher said, in he r

most enthusiastic manner:

"Children, as I came to school -:.)day in the trol ley car something came

in through the doorway s of tl y and IIdssed me on the cheek. What do YJU

think it was?"And the children joyfully answered,·

"The conductor!"

"Good I'or }'ree Use of Bulldlng:."

I n o rder to introduce ou r privilegesto your friends, who are no t members,the coupon below, when properly filled out , s ig ned by a member in goodstanding, and presented to the secre

tary, will ent it le t he bea re r to fullprivileges:


"AS A ) l A ~ TIlINKETH-"

To the Editor of Our Town,I wish to express, through t he col- so lid Year' s recreative sport in al l its

umns of your paper, my thanks to the branches at the Narberth Y. M. C. A.firemen of the Narberth Fire ComplJ,ny Just think of it ! A day's wholesomefor their splendid showing in answer- lctlvities at a cost of less than a To the Editor of Our Town.ing to the a la rm of fire received from penny a day. Have you eve r thought "I h ea rd my dad say the other

tho residence of Mr. Rowland , of Rad- ' of that? night, "Chri stmas i s a nuisance, Inor. , Send check or money order NOW wish it were over ;" bu t I don't be-

It was indeed a ba d ni ght, a nd th e ' to Charles W. Schaeffer, the new sec- lieve he meant it. In f ront of us kids

alarm of fire being, received at 4.30, retary, any t ime up to Saturday the the old folks always pretend to be i nA. M., it certainly showed that the I 23rd inst., and l et h im b e K ri s t o Nar- different, and whi le they keep saying,firemen stood the t es t, and were wll l- ! berth's h os t o f boys. He'll be more "Christmas is only for children," iting to answer the c all in a ny ki nd of I than pleased with t he r ol e a nd you r str.Lkes me th ey look forward to itweather, as we had full crews. boy will more than appreciate t he r e- with a great deal of Interest . I t comes

t'has. V. Not-I, Iturns. t o me, though, somehow, that mother

( ~ h l e f EngIneer. So do not put off ' t il l t o -morrow and dad have a far-away look atthat Which should be done to-day. Christmas time and I seem to read

To th e Editor of Our Town, Do it r\OW whi le you are thinking in their thoughts the memories of by-As a reader o f you r valuahle paper, of it. gone Christmas days. Perhaps we

I deem t hi s t he opportunity of stating will understand more about that as I r : : = = : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : = = = = = : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ = = = = : : : : : : = = = = ~that it is with the greatest of pleasure nowling. we grow older. I asked dad the other

tha we l ook for Our Town each week. The activities among the bow le rs o f d ay what he was thinking about . AllThe little paper Is o riginal and con- Narberth have been such recently, I could get ou t of him was that he

tain lo ts of good substantial matter that t he all eys cannot be ope ne d too ha d about decided to blow i n h is spa reconcerning, Narberth. The "Cllb's" soon or closed too late, in order to cash on some clothes for mother and Desire to purchase, in Ardmore or Narberth, corner lot orcolumn is very Interesting. We wish accommodate the individual as well himself, when this Christmas stuff lot facing end of stree t. Property must have frontage of aboutyou every success during the comingIas the league players. came along and s pil le d t he beans'1 200 fee t. Submit offering, whether street is improved or notyear. . Fo r the past week, n6tably, the 200 Maybe he is goi ng to buy us an auto. but must be in a good neighborhood, nearby property somewhat

Very truly yours, score mark is becoming a common ~ ' l a Y b e . But that sounds t?O much Ideveloped and lot offered susceptible to development. Mail full;;ead..r sight. like sob stuff. Things mIght be Idescription and price

- - - - - - - - A new 1916 record has been set by wor se . Thi nk o f the victims of the J'Dear Santa Claus: Mr. Earl Dickie, who bowled a score Europtan war. Think wha t a job it o s e p h A . Ald i nge r

I know that ~ ' o u are awf ul bus:. of 245. is for me to wri te up t hi s j unk every Ijus t now and hate to be bothered by Nar- week and , wor se r and worser, think Manayunk P.O., Philadelphia

Ir these scores are kept up,little fellows like me, but as you berth will finish strong in the race of the poor boobs that have to read it. i -- •don't of ten come a round t he fire f or f ir st pl ace. - -- iof business? Last Saturday's 8.13 i "They say there is danger of ahous.c I was afraid that you might Miss Mazie Simpson has returned to .hasn't come through yet. About 200! needle famine."o v e r l ~ o k some of the gOOd boys of Boys' DOPartmCBt. Narberth af ter a two weeks' tour of commuters enjoyed themselves at the! "Is it possible? Well, they'd better

"Our Home Town, " s o I am going to I t is very interest ing to note at this

Iher oil properties at California, Pa. station-mercury 10 degrees above. ; look sharp. That's

apoint that :should

trhy and helPIyou out anid tell YtOU

dtimo the unusual increase in a t tend- - - - The onl y ones who didn't cuss were i not escape the pUblic eye."

w at 1 hean 'em say t l ey wan e ' .


t S f' '11 b " dd a nc e i n t he Boys' Department and eS-1 Did you know that our old base ball t ho se who m is s the good thmgs of

mos . ome a em WI e ma


a' t h '" I toLe y u b t pecially in their fine new game room field would b a base ball f ie ld no hfe anyway.n a we en, cause 0, u ' .h

'II t tl t 'c se t1IO' There is always a c rowd on hand " more? Some good f ri end of Narberth,ey ge over la , au I I' '11' I d fi t b' " 1.' tl S' 11 11meant what thev said when they.said so t hat t he boys wil l f ind it to be to IS bUI (mg a louse aroun rs ase . . "ews "rom w u 111 S.

i t : · thei r advan tage to come and s ee what I . , . ---- . Rosemont-All)", . Johnson, o f this

Fletcher St ites' A good subject I t hey h ave been missing by absenting I t Isn t fair to call Jim McMackin here place, lmocked oft' work early

for a speech In th.e legislature. themselves. . "The.Human Chimney." He stopped Saturday so he could go home and

Charlie Noel: A fire once a week So let the crowd g row unt Il eve ry smoklllg for ~ f t e e n m i n ~ t e s th e other shovel snow off his walk.'Squi re McClell an : Nobody to bother boy in Narberth helps to swell th e day-he was II I the dentIst 's chair. Pennhurst-Perc Robe rts was in

him with complaints. ranks in th e game room. Narberth Saturday night huying pro-Bob Saville: A coat of paint for I "There's a reason." Post office ope ra ti on s were hel d up visions for Sunday dinuer. I

his automobile. I ha lf a n bou r last Thursday. Reason: Merion-Eddie Bok, t he r epor te r o f:

Charley Humphreys: A gold fish Physical Department. Marion Haws h ad just gotten home t he Lad ie s' Home Journal, refuses to ifarm. The Physical Depar tment i s now f rom school and was say ing "Hello!" give up his job to go w it h Our Town, :

Bill Cumner: An automobile tl1a t wel l under way and both the b oys to he r father. as he prefers to be near home, and Iwill g o a nd behav.e itself. a nd y oun g men a re t ak ing renewed addItional salary is no object. i}'red Rose: A game of pinochle enthusiasm in the reopening of the In a recent speech a high official ForeIgn Xews. .

every night. gymnasium. of an automobile association declared Camden (Via cable)-Many bears

"Bul! Pine" Henderson: Something Saturday morning the first physical that the worllt menace t o automobil es have been seen in New Jersey lately,to Inspect. exercises were given under Mr. was the pedes tr ian. Yes, and the but hun ters report that they are sin-Count Du Marais: A wooden leg. Schaeffer 's instructions, and they worst menace to burglar s is the man gularly difficult to shoot . (Apple- ;Frank Zentmayer: A wiw. were a grand success, there being 27 who loc ks h is d oo rs , and t he wor st j aek season over there.-Ed.) I

Fred Walzer: A Republican Ad· on the floor. menace to murderers is the ma n who "The Cub."ministration. After the exe rc is es a g ame o fvo ll ey s hoot s i n s el f d ef en se .Lew Hess: A copy of the map ball was suggested and it became so

showing where Ponce de Leon found popular that the boys played several Why is it that a little cold spell or Few people are ever on t ime; th eythe Fountain of Youth. games up unt il noon. snowfall puts the whole P. R. R. out are either late or early.

Andy Green. e: A pair o f l eg s l ong I Mr. Schaeffer is considered an ex

enough to reach clutch and break pert at volley ball, and s tands r eady

pedals. to coach anyone des ir in g t o p lay theRay Jones: A job like "Tax Col· game so let us have a la rge turnout

lector." and s ~ if we cannot master the gameCaldwell & Co.: A b uye r f or every t o pe rf ec tio n so that in the course of

houiSe.. a few weeks o f c ar ef ul p la yi ng weBill KirkpatrIck: .A tennis tour- may be open to meet al l comers.

nament .every few mInutes. Attention is called to t he f ac t thatCarrol Downes: A r emedy fOr a Mr. Schaeffer would l ik e t o h ave ev-

sof t corn. ery boy and man turn out s t rong for.Bill Maddox: A pair of f ee t that this branch of the association, in 01'-

WIll never g row weary. Id er t o mak e it the foremost conslder-

Bob Towne: A new gir l to call on iali on f or t ho se who want good andevery night. .Ed H . N t·h· t 11 (S ti 11 1 wholesome sport for the mmd and

aws. l 0 Ing a a. a s el b dwith life,) a y.

Officer H il l: 80m( ,body to a r r e s ~ .(Why n ot the writer?)

Yours truly,WillIe Wl1lffletree.

What is your ultimate destination or

Which way are you going, up or down?Do you want t o find a li t? There's a I:- -------------- . . . ,sure w a ~ ' of telling. COUPON.When you get home tonight, jUst si t ~ a r b e r t . h - Y . M. C. A.

down and make a memorandum of the Adro i t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . •things about which you have beentbinking dur ing the day. Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •

You may have difficulty III listingj all To ful l privi leges of Building.of them, bu t you'll probably remember " , .. , (Membe r)

enough to g ive you a l ine on your gel l- Da te . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • •eral thinking.And after you have finished, remem

be r that a man travels i n t he directionof his t hought s. Very frequen tly he

ta kes tb is trip un cons ci ous of hiscourse, bu t h e t ak es it nevertheless,and that's j us t t he trouble, he's notconscious of which way ho is drifting.Many a good man is headed for the

scrap head, bu t doesn't real ize i t. I f

you were questioned as t o which wayyou're going, you would natural lY saythat you're advancing, b ut just goback ove r t ho se t hought s that ha.vebeen filtered through your caran ium

during the day and you wil l f ind thatyou hav e been harbo rIng , a lo t ot

ideas that will eventually lick you inf he l as t round.

L. -


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TOWN-DEOEMBER 21. 1916,=

e = = = = ~ ~ = = c = = = : ~ ~ ~ = = = = = = G C C 0o 08 A Personal Letter 8o From the Edi tor "00 Wi th t h is , th e 1916 Chris tmas edition of Ou r Town, 8O

over e igh t hundred homes in Narberth will e a ch r ec ei ve 0a copy, th e total edition of th e issue b ei ng f ou rt ee no hundred copies; th e balance going to out-of-town re s i- 0

o dents, many of whom we re forme r Na rbe rth i te s . 0o To you, wh o ar e receiving th e paper regularly, an d 0o have sent in your s ub sc ri pt io n, w e thank you mos t 0o heartily, as you have helped us to a grea t ex ten t i n mak- 0o in g tJ1.e paper a success. "

o To you who have received th e paper regularly, bu t "


have n ot sen t in y ou r subscription, we would as k yo u to akindly do s o b e fo r e th e close of t h e p r es ent year.o To al l new residents wh o have received this i ss u e we 0

00 would as k you to send i n y ou r subscription immediately, 0a s t he paper will keep you i n c lo se touch with th e various

" developments in our Borough, both concerning ou r 0o various organizations, as well as personally concerning 0o our townsfolk. 0o To th e advertisers of Narberth, we wish to call your 0o a t te n ti on t o t he f ac t tha t as this paper goes i n to e ve ry ...

Ohome in Narber th it i s undoubtedly th e logical a nd p r ope r X

Osource through which y ou sho ul d a dve rt is e your wares. X

Th is pa pe r is not published fo r profit . "o I t is owned an d published by th e Civic Association of ao Narberth. a" No on e receives a ny p ay whatsoever fo r th e work 0o done thereon; it being a communi ty a f fai r , in which th e 0

Oresponsibility is divided among a n umber o f i nt er es te d 0

Opeople, wh o ar e satisfied that this paper i s n ee de d fo r 0ou r welfare. '

o This publ ica ti on i s no t self-supporting, a nd t he re - 0o fore needs th e support f rom you which i t deserves. "

oI t is your paper. "

o Phone Narberth 1258-W, an d Miss Mar y G ar a will 0O

call f or y ou r subscription., 0c = = = = = = ~ = ~ = = = : ~ ~ = = = = = = ~ ~ = = ~


Full Size Towel

Good SizeWash RalJCall. Talcum Powder, all for 25 eents

Do11,'8 Real HotWater Bottle, 0 eeny

onl y a few left

"Does your husband know how tor un you r automobile?""I should say so. Runs u s into

more debt than anything else we evarhad."

Christmas Special !


Phone Narberth 625 or 1284

Montgotnery Ave.NARBERTH, PA.

ebristmas Pr¢s¢nts



Narberth's Leading Prescription Druggist

G at he r T he People

Toge the r

Me n And Women

And Ch il dr en

And Thy Stranger

T hat Is Within

Thy Gates

That T hey M ay Hear

And Tha t They May

L ea rn A nd Fear

T he L ord Y ou r GodAnd Obs er ve

T o D o

Al l Th e Words

Of This Law

Geo rge B . Sup l ee2 3 0 Have r f o r d Ave .

THE CHORISTEROne boy's sweet voice, above the rest,I heard so clearly ringing;

The angels musthis dreams haveblestTo teach him such sweet singing.

A t remendous crowd of people stoodoutside the gates of the cathedral, This is y ~ u r store. I t is here fo r your convenience, an d weawai ti ng t he ir opening. I t was s ha ll b e glad If ou r cou rt eous se rvi ce an d painstaking efficiency

Chri s tmas morn ing , and the services will make your shopping so pleasurable here t ha t we may be

on that day at Lakefield Cathedral privileged t o s up pl y y o ur e ve ry n ee d t ha t is within our province.

Chu rc h wer e a lw ay s well at tended. .•.ut it was not the preaching of the O ur sto ck s o f C hrIstm as Candles an d ToIlet Goods a re

vicar, e loquen t t hough he was ; n or t ~ o r o u g h l y complete; also Chris tmas Pos t Cards, Booklets an d

t he mus ic of t he o rg an, p la ye d bY' a ICIgarS.skilfUl performer; nor even t he f ar - . . . •famed vocal powers of the choir, which Our P r e s c ~ I p t l O n worl< IS r e spec ted by everyone fo r exactmg

drew t ogethe r such an enormous and Ic ar e a nd u nf aI lm g accuracy.

expectant throng; though it was wit h ,~ : ~ ~ t ~ ~ . O i ~ : ~ l ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ i ~ e : ~ V : ~ ; e ~ ~ s s e ; ~ : ; WM F J FIEDLERmany days that the anthem on Christ- • • •mas mor ni ng would b e Sul li va n' sbeautiful "I t Came Upon the Midnigllt IClear," and-which was t he g re at a n

nouncement-that the solo-treblewould be sung by Ma ste r Arthur INevelIl, t.he boy of twelve years old, ~ = = = = : = = : : : : : : : : : : : = ' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - ~ = = = = = = = = =~ ~ t ; ~ d ' ~ l ~ : e r i ~ ~ ~ n e g . t h e whole clvllized I The HIgh Cost of Lllvl·ng

his was the boy, a native of Lakefield, who, having displayed extraor

dinary vocal a bi li ty whe n quite a

child-then called Arthur Thompson-I Has not raised the price of talking so phone orh ad g on e to an aunt's in I ta ly , and t

had there been "discovered" by t il e I bring your PLUMBING and HEATINGwor ld -r enowned S igno r Par ama, orMilan , and , under his tUition, eda- Troubles tocated and "brought out" with the re-sult before mentioned. This was I ll sfirst appearance befor e a p rovi nc ia laudience. The boy's fellowtownsmen

f elt a mor e than usual interest in hisappearance this Christmas morning,and it was certain that not more thanone-half of t ha t g re at crowd wouldever get inside the cathedral , and yet whe re we c an talk them over. Do you realize that half the trouble youothers kept coming. have in lleatiilg your house is caused by no t knowing how to regulate your

One gentleman amongst them, who boi le r? F iv e or te n minutes' t al k may give you a warm house this winter.was ra ther fa r from the ga tes at first, I:''''.= = = = ~ _ ~ . ~ = ~ ~ = = = = = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = . . " " . ~ ~ ~ : . . . ; : : ; . , . . . : . : = : ; : . ;had, by persistent pushing and twist- Flowers -, a'·no·· p'I"a'n't'·'sng, contriVed to ge t into the frontranks, and managed , when admit tance

was gained, to secure a good seat justoff t he mai n aisle. He had listenedwith varied feeling,s to the differentremarks of the crowd about the boy · ,singer, for, though unknown to tnem, Ihe was the boy'S f at he r. T he curlollsremarks and speeches he heard causedhim many a twist of pain as well as :j oy ; and , i n o rd er not to perplex tile Ir ~ a d e ~ wit.h the garbled version of gos-I Chris tmas trees fo r th e table, perfect plants in su i tab le pot sSIpS, it WIll b e wel l to tell the truth f b .al:l it stands. or your ta Ie, room or porch -p lan t s of t he h Ig he s t quality.

After the birth of the boy, ArtIml', Perfect minia ture specimen fo r $1.00 an d $1.25 each, accord ing

their first and only child, Mr. Thomp- to size.son and his wife had quarreled-a bit-t er , r emor se le ss qua rr el , not of an , Not s h op -wo rn s to ck , b ut t re es f re sh f rom th e nursery_

hour, bu t of days, nay, of weeks. It s IHolly trees, full of re d b er ri es i n tubs $2.50 an d $5.00 a h -cause does no t particularly concern .• " e c , acUd , though it arose from jealousy, fol- Icordmg to SIZe.

I ~ w e d by angry recrimhiations o.n both I Give your friend as a Chris tmas pI' e t ddt' t'SIdes. The ups ho t o f the affaIr was ' es n , an 0 a pa 1'10 Iethat life together, under such conal_\act f o r Na rb e rt h a t th e s ame t ime , a Japanese Double Flowering

tlons, practical ly became unbearable, Cherry Tree.

and, the reconciling efforts of friends I .proving unavail ing, a separation was Trees, 3 f e e t hIgh, $1.00 each; s ix f or $5.00. 4 to 5 feet high, $2.00at last mutually decided on. The only I e ach ; six f or $10.00question at i ss ue t he n was about t lte I •

boy, now nearly two years o ld. Both, or a dozen pmk, yellow or a ss o rt e d r os es f o r $3.00. Six rose p lan tsof course, wal l!ed h im. The l aw said fo r $1.50.h e was Mr. Thompson's; and, had itcome to law, he certainly would have Our Potted Ch ri stm as T re es c an b e b ou g ht a t Fie lde r 's Drug

gone with the father. Store an d th e Imperial Grocery, Narberth, as well as th e McIntire

r l ~ l ~ t l l ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ : I ~ ~ r ~ ~ g ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ 1 ::d Stores in A rdmor e a nd Bryn Mawr.

lmew it was only b li nd pas si on on ------,--

both sides that prevented a reconcilia-A. E. Wohier tlOl l , and he felt sure that SUCll a

young child would be b es t with itsmother. He therefore offered to leaveArthur in her custody tilI he was sevenyears old , on condi tion that he wasthen sent on to his aunt's , Mr. Thompson 's s is ter , in Milan, t o r emai n till

he was sixteen; and as this seemedmuch more than Mrs. Thompson wouldotherwise g,et, she accepted it , and it

was carried out. But its full real ization was hindered by t hi s g re at gift

of song which the boy had, as alreadystated, developed . And now his fatherwas to hear him for the first time himself, a nd a ft erwa rd s t ak e h im hometo spend Christmas at Wellclose Terrace, Lakefield.The fine cathedr al was packed.

Every pew-and extra forms broughtin-was a s ful l as it could well hold.Still people came, only to be refusedadmission, and to s tand in despair out

side. Amongst these latter was awoman, somewhat well dressed, who

had made many vain attempts to secure admi tt ance . Seeing the vicar approach, ,she stopped him, and asked if

he could get he r in. He replied that,

from what he had heard, he was afraidIt was impossible."But I do s o w is h t o h ea r t hi s boy,

sir," persisted the woman. "I'll give H. E. p .. 11-19-16. Deut. 31-12.

(Continued on S ix th Page) (Pub. Corum. E"an. Ser.)






Promptly at ';.4l;



In furtherance of its efforts to re-



Fo r Everybody

Trained Teachers , Graded Le's.

sons , Crad l e Roll to Home D e.

partment , Members onemonth

ol d t o e igh ty ye ar s



Meets every Sunday, 9.45A. M.

l>enmlylvanla Uallroall IR PostlugI,arge Non·trespass Notices.

Iduce the appalling loss or life Which

Iresults from the reckless habit of

-- trespassing 011 railroad tracks the

To t il e Editor of Our Town. IPennsylvania Railroad has issued and

I am contemplating trying an ex- is widely distributing, a conspiduousperiment f rom my Florida plantation Iposter warning of the danger of thisto see what can be do ne in the di-I practice. The p ur po se o f t he p os te r

rect shir-nent of vegetables from is to emphasize the evil of a wilfulFlorida directly to the r es ide nc e of f orm of risk which annually in the

the consumer. United States causes over 10,000 cas-

There wll l not be very many ship- ualties-half o f t hem fatal.ments made this coming season, prob- The poster bears a fac-simile of theably only fifteen or twenty, but it standard warning signal adopted byw il l b e sufficient to determine what American railroads for the use 01

can be done. watchmen, consisting of a white diskEach shipment wiII consi st o f about with the word "Stop" i n l ar ge black

seven varieties of vegetables a nd will lette rs. The fac-simile of the signal

have a bulk of more than twe lv e is brought out in s t riking prominence

qua rt s. The s ame t hi ng s wiII no t aI- by an orang,e background. The lowerway s b e shipped, but each shipment p or tio n of the p oster b ea rs tne se

wiII be s ligh tly d if ferent from the words:

preceding one. "Do not risk your l if e by trespass-

1 will make a price for the sake ing on tI le railroad. More than 5000of the experiment , of $1 per s hi p- men , women and children are kllledment, and as no one shall have to pay eve ry year, in this country, while takf or t hem u nt il t he y a rr ive , I do not' ir.g 'short cut s' o ve r t he t ra cks or

think that my con st it uent s w il l be otherwise trespassing on railroad

taking any chance at all, bu t I k now p rope rt y. Don't take this chance."that they wlll be receiving these veg- The new "Stop" poster wlll be disetables at one-half or less than t hey p layed at places where th e genera!would have to pay for them other- pUblic are accustomed to take short

wise. cuts across t he t ra cks or to u se the1 am asking that persons wlll ing to r ai lr oad r ight o f way as a highwllY.

co-operate with me s ign a contract I t wll l a lso be placed on all bulletinto receive these vegetables, for un- boards in stations and waiting roomsless I know just where to ship them on the Pennsylvania Railroad System,I could not possibly ge t t he packages East and West of Pittsburgh. I t isto them at this price. intended to supplement the calendar

On account of the delivery I am recen tl y issued b y t hi s r ail ro ad foronly receiving contracts from persons use in schools, which was devised esl iv ing on the Main Line at Narberth pecially to teach school children the

and two stations each way. As time Idangers of trespassing on the tracks.is very l imited I shall no t accept anycontracts which do no t r ea ch me bY r More t han th re e thousand persons

the 20th of December. receive mail th rou gh th e Narb erthCopies of thi s cont ract containing a post office. It is difficult t o r emem·

list of the vegetables may be se- b er t hem all. By hav ing your boxcured by addressing me at 40 Green- number p laced on you r mai l you wlll

field avenue, Ardmore, Pa. aid in having the mail cased up

Yours truly, Iwithout delay.Taylor Pendleton. -----------~ - - - - - - - - .




J\ssisted b) '

:UR. BUB, Tenor



and others

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. , - - - - - - - -


Edward S. Haws, P o s t m p , s ~ r .


I n o rd er to handle th e large quan

tities of mail dur ing t he Chr is tmas

holidays, Postmaster Haws has

secured o ne o f tne store r ooms in theArc ade f or the de livery of incoming

parcel post. A ll o ut go in g parcels

will be received a s u su al at t he p os toffice. After December 15 a ll i nc om-

I i ng par ce l post packages will be de

livered from the Arcade parcel pos t

room. Advice of the arrival of par

cels will be given patrons by as pe ci al c ar d no ti ce whic h will be

placed in thei r post office boxes to bepresented at th e Arc ade sub s ta ti on .


GARDEN212 Grayling Avenue, Narberth.



Out-of-the-Usual Gifts For theLate Christmas Shopper

Christmas Tree Ornaments, Post Cards, Wrapping Paper , Etc.Cigars, Cigarettes and Smoking Tobacco Packed in AttractiveBoxes. Whitman's Chocolates and Douglass' Home-Made CandiesWe have a large and complete assortment of Candy at Special


" " h e n Chr i s ' t zn8s 1917 COnl.es.


OUR TOWN wJII gladly print

any news Item about any AnbJ«,('tthat Is o f I nt er es t t o N ar be rt h

folks, bu t In orrler to lDeettlle prlntlng sclltl'lnle, all "copy"-mannscrlpt! l-muRt rench tile

editor by'6 P. M. Monday each


Narberth Office, Arcade Bldg. Open From8

A . M . to4P.

M .Saturdays 8 A . M. U,ltif Noon. Friday Eve11ings 7 Utztif 9.

The Merion Tz'tle and Trust Co.

Again, We Greet You an d Request Your Membership in .Our'1917 C H R I S T M A S SA V I N GS C LUB

~ * * ~ * ~ ~You· May Join HandsWith Santa Claus

"i\arberth!" shouted the brak.eman.And eve rybody on the ne xt to the

l as t c ar filed ou t of t he ir s ea ts a nd

crowded into t J ~ e ' aisle a long with th e

several who had IJ.een standing. Thatis, everybody bu t a little girl a nd h er

mother who' l iv ed In Wynnewood orsome other town between Narberth

and Paoli. The cn1ld was p la in ly


"What's t he mat te r?! ; she said.

turn'lng 'quickly and cat ch ing he rmother ' s arm.

"Notlling, Eleanor," said Mother.

"Well where ar e aU the people go

ing?" p ~ r s l s t e d the child."Home 1 suppose, this is Narberth,"

answered Mother."But we'll ge t aWful lonely won' t

we?" added Eleanor. ================================"I don't think so," said Mother

"The conductor will come through thetrain after while an d maybe some

body'll get on. a Ardmore."

CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY post offices in th e United States. Re-

O ~ POSTAL MONEY ORDERS. mittances received in this way ar e

- - - convenient for merchants, publishers.

The attention of th e pa trons o f t he seedsmen, insurance companies, etc .•

Narberth Post Office is c al le d t o t he etc.

convenience of send ing money by pos-I

tal money orde r . The following low,

rates ar e charged f or s endi ng sums t o 'any money order post office in t he

United States:

} < ~ o r orders from $.01 to $2.50.cents.

From $2.51 to $5. 5 cents.From $5.01 to $10. 8 cents.

From $10.01 to $20, 10 centll.

From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.From $30.01 to $40. 15 cents.From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.

From $50.01 to $60. 20 cents.

From $60.01 to $75. 25 cents.

}<'l'om 75.01 to $100, 30 cents.Same fees as quoted above charged

for remittances to a number of foreign..:. countries. Orders ar e paid at 52,000


. . -,--. I I f you ar e looking for that hard-to-findgift; something ou t of the ordill-To PrinCipal Melchior for the splen- ar y with a pp ea l t o p eo pl e o f taste, you will find it right around the corner

did work he is doing for ou r chil- I f rom you here in Narberth . .drell a,t th e school. The re a r e r ea l old-fashioned latchstrings on the Narberth Garden StUdio,To F le tc he r S ti te s a nd W. R. D. and they are always out to visitors.

Hall and everybody else who helped I f you a re f amil ia r w it h t he F if th Avenue Craft Shops you' l l find a little

our bor ough g et th e n ew con cr et e s ur pr is e i n t hi s h ome tow!l studio.r oa d o n Wynnewood avenue. I f ~ ' o u r holiday shoppmg has been completed, your visit will be ' ju s t a sTo Howar d Dav is , who brings us welcome . Open dally.

t he n ew s o f the world .e\'ery morning.regardless of.wea t h e r . , .To Fred Wa lz er a nd a ll the boys ITHE

on th e t eam for the 1916 champion-

ship. _ITo Friend Casey at the Station. who

helps us when we arrive at 8.13 to

buy a monthly ticket and cat ch t he

8.14.To P os tm ast er H aw s a nd h is a s

sistants, who manage, in s ome mys

ter ious way, to give us very good servic,,:! in spite of t he h andi caps under

which the y la bor ; its crowded justabout as much, on the inside as on

the outs ide !

Also to Charley at the station newsstand, and everybody else in 'lown whohelps 'liS in OM way or another

throughout th e 365 days.




December 21st, 8.00 ~ M.-Christmas Carol Service.

December 22nd, 8.45 A. M.-SchooChristmas exercises. Everybody cor

diaUy tnv:ted.


H. C. GARA,Advertising Manager.


., ._-..... " , . ; .-- , .

OUR TOWN ar e w , o r k i ~ g for th e benefit andim" . ., ~ ; , ..J '. proveIJUlnt of the borough, whether as

- - - - - - - - ' - ' . . ' . ' ' '' , ..... officials, melllbers of the Civic Asso-

An Experlmentfn Co •.~ ~ T e clation or as pr ivate indiViduals.Journolism-No Paid Worken:(;,',.: \ '------- ....----. : . . . ,. . ....~ , ' , . - One of 'OUr fair subscribers asks us

Own.ed and Published everY> T4.urs- to say a wor d i n behalf of the Christ·

day by the Narberth Civic Assocla-: mas Tree. She laments th e fact that

tion. ' ... " I annually thousand,s of beautifUl younr:

NARBEltTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION. evergre.en trees ar e sacrificed fOIPr.esident. A. J. Loos. decorative purposes-"butchered 1(\Vice-presidents. A. C. Shand. J. B. make a Christmas holiday," so t(

Williams, James Artman. s pe ak . We g la dl y do this, because th t

SecretarY an d tr')Bsurer, Frank J. custom of gladdening t he ' hear ts o Wisse. young and old by th.e s igh t o f a g li t·Directors, Frederick L. Rose, George t er in g t re e, b ta ve ly f ur ni sh ed f or th

M. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, GeorgeM.I w it h t in se l, pop-corn a nd e le ct rl (

ColesworthY. Mrs. Wil l iam S. Horne r, f ai ry l amps may be perpetuated withA. E. Wohlert. Mrs. George M. Henry, out destroying the tree. Th e largot'Fletcher W. Stites. E. A. Muschamp, d ep ar tmen t s to re s a re n ow offering

H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S. !l vln g y ou ng t rees , of fair size, at

Haws, Mrs. Roy E . C la rk , Mrs. Les - f rom fifty cents to a d ol la r a nd a, which will bring you happiness and carry good cheer to your many friends. You and yourte r W. Nickerson, Wll1lam D. Smed- half or two rlollars each. Thes e may

ley. he planted in a l ar ge t ub and used many En·end's should surely J·oin, as the plan is so simple, the pleasure so great. Thefrom y ea r t o year, or t ransp lan teu I

the ga rden. The general adopt ion of I.·ttle paymen'ts· that are required weekly come back to yo,uin one big.lump sum at Christ-this plan would save many thousands

~ ~ u ~ : : ~ : : Thi nk i t O\'er, and try it mas tirDe when you really need the money.

The first small payment makes you a full-fledged member.

The Rest is Easy. You Calt Start S0011. First Pavnlent Dec. 26

Come in and Let Us Tell ro u About It.

Mrs. C. T. Moort) A. J. LoosMrs. Hoy E . Cl ark Hen ry Rose

'Earf 1<. Smith W. T. MelchiorG. M. Henry

Associate EdJtors.

Get the Chri s tmas sp ir i t now and

practice i t t hr ou gh ou t th e year

which means give service t o o th er s

each day and exercise friendliness at

every opportunity.-W. A. C.

Narberth is democratic in its

social life to a n e xt en t that i s su rprising when its immediate environ

ment is considered. And this is ahopefUl condition which suppl ies areal opportuni ty for service of a constructive character-that of helping tostimulate th e rebirth of the arts and

Send all letters and news item to crafts movement In t hi s s ec ti on o f the

P. 0 , Box 404. United States.

Send all advert ising copy to P. 0·1 Throughout New England there are

Box 820. , little t owns l ik e Deerfield, Mass., thatMake al l remi tt ances to P. O. Box I attract pilgrims from over al l th e

118.. Iworl d. Men and women who s eek t heOur Town IS on sale at th e depot I craftsmanship of unusually skilled

newsstand, an d at t he s to re of H. Eo


workers in the applied arts and

Davis. c ra ft s j ou rn ey t o little t owns o f tlli;:,Entered liS second-class matter, O ~ t yP e t o p la ce comm is si on s for the

tober 15. 1914. at th e Post Office at , part i cu lar things they 'des ire created

Narberth. Pennsvlvania. under the Ifor th em in a personally interpreted

Act o f Mar ch 3, 11179. way or t o pur ch as e t he p roduct s al-

- re ady m ade by the particular groupTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1916 Iof work.'.!rs or t o obt ai n rare designs

- - --- - - - - ---' CALLS I to be used in factories using ma-EMEHGENCY PHONE chinery for volume production.

Fire 350. I The arts a nd c ra ft s mov emen t isPolice 125G. essentially democratic-it r . e p r e s e n t ~

: a happy combination of the beautifulAshes ar.e being collected with' and the ,practical. It i nt er pr et s a rt

greater regulari ty this winter . ThankS'j! In terms of usefulness a.nd applies itCouncilmen; 1hanks! to th e work-a-day life In the home.

I It helps to bring beauty into th e com-Did yo u promptly clean your side· monesl, o f p la ce s and u t i l l t i ~ s and

walks a ft er t he snow storms of last puts to wo rk for th e m an y the art.w.eek? If so, accept thanks. You arc: forms usually. hung in cold storage ina re al ne ighbor a nd a thoughtfuj the ar t gal le ri es and museums for t he

"c1vicer!" _,..... joy o f the few. .Now, Narbe rt ll h as c ra f tsmen 111

many lines-leather working, jewelry,bRisketry, 'wellving, printing, bookbinding, painting woodworking, iron

working, needleworking, etc. - i t has

those who ar e appreciative patrons of

all . . the arts an d c ra ft s and whos.ehomes' a r the exemplification of the

I t mus t b e a real comfort to t bo se fi tn es s o f t hi ng s and it bas at least

recently come to Narberth from Phila- one studio shop a s a n outlet for the

delphia to awaken on a snowy morn- products of these workers - that r.e-ing and f ind a pathway ,PlOughed c lear cen tl y o pe ne d b y Mrs. Norman Jef

aU the w ay to the statIOn. Some ad- I feries Miss Louise Cafferty and Mis;.;"antages in the suburbs ! H U l d ~ Jefferies and known as the

"Garden Studio Shop," reached from212 Grayling avenue, or 219 Narberthavenue.

This venture should be encouraged

by residen ts of ·the borough and all

publicity given to it in outside places.

becaUSe it c ou ld be made t he b as is ofa movement that would bring fame

to Narberth and, through th e organ

i za ti on o f classes under expert in

structors, have a widespread in

fluence in making ar t and beauty evenmOTe democratic tban it already is

t o t he e ve rl as ti ng j oy of all.

And arbs an d c ra fts sho uld b e introduced i nt o o ur schools, fo r it ishere that It has t he oppor tuni ty for

widest s er vi ce . N ot th at it is to behoped -that a ll t he s tu de nt s w il l be

come expert craftsmen but, as W. C.A. Hammel says, "that aU shall benefitby th e influence and t ra in ing tha t

make for better taste in individuals

regarding things made, tJIlngs bought.things used. As th e individlial, 'So th emass."

And who can point to any commercia l p roduct to-day that ha s n o felt the ar t influence? Even the FordAutomobile Company had to Introduce

ar t into th.'.! JInes of its body becaus·

of competition in "looks."

Yes, Narberth 'has a real ar t op

portunity. Wil l s he r ec og ni ze it?W. A. C.

The "Cu b Reporter" has been ar.unusually interesting f ea tur e in th e

c ol umns o f "Our Town;" and our

readers should appreciate the sacrifice

o f t ime by t he wri te r· o f t hi s column.

Such bri ll iantly treated local para

g ra ph s c an no t b e " tu rn ed o ut by the

yard"-they Itave to be laboriously

pI:0duced.-W. A. C.

The very intelligent analysis ofNarberth's needs for train service and

the fairmindedness of t he wr it er o th.e s er ie s o f l et te rs addressed to the

p. R. R. officials shoUld be productive

of benefit to both-improved service

to Narberthi t es and goodwill to the

P. R. R. I nc id en ta ll y, t he P . R. R.IShoulll remember that Narberth is

s o l e l ~ ' d ep en de nt u po n i ts servicethat no e lect ri c "line reaches "The

Year-'Round Home Town" and thatall who come and go pay into its

coffers.-W. A. C.

By the time ou r next issue appears,Chr is tmas w il l h av e com'.! and gone.J udgi ng by the throngs of shoppers

who c rowd th e stores, it will be aMerry Christmas indeed, if gifts

galore, showered on young and old.are any cr it erion or gauge of happi

ness. I t is pleasant to r.eallze, too.that th e children of the poor and un

fortunate will participate in th e general rejoicing, through the many in

dividuals and organizations that mill

It t he ir p lea su re and business todis tr ibu te g i ft s and good cheer atthis season. Our Town whh6s much

joy and happi ne ss t o everyone of it sr ea de rs , p ro sp er it y t o a ll of o111

business men, and 'Success to all who

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----_._-- . _ - - -



The dangerous

cold is the neglect

edcold. Get abox o f


PAPALARDO.Teacher 01 SingingPupils tau!:ht from the be. '

glnnin!: to the final preparaliun for the concutoroperatlcstage.

.Jl(Ir. Papalardo numbers among hispupils:Lucrezla Borl, Metropolitan Opera Co.Paula Witkowska. Boston Opera Co.Ethel Parks, Metropolitan Opera Co.Stella Mette, Chicago Opera CoPapalardo's European and A m e r i c a ~

successes as conductor of aboutforty-two operas and a s a t eacher o fthe above mentioned pupils affirm his~ h o r o u g h training and high musician-ship. ,


Presser BuJIdlng, lU i Chestnut St.Residence, Narberth. Pa.

Phone, Narberth, 1236 M.


Anlhr'aeile CoalWOOD AND


Narberth, Pa.



104 Dudley Ayenue Narberth, Pa

Fish and OystersPhone, Narberth 64 I W


Pacldng , Crat ing, Shipp ing

FURN I TUREUpholstering and Repairing

Phone, 641-W.


Ga s " 'dmlnls tered

For Keeping Brassy BalhroomFixlures Beaulifully Silver

Plaled Use

V-Kan Plate I__ SILVER - -

PLATING POLISH You will find a variely of


IA t Miesen ' s


Imperial Grocery Co. ITry Our Sticky Cinnamon Buns, I We gua ra nt ee t he purity of our Ic e

NARBERTH, PA. Cream. All orders proonptly auended to.

P. MIESEN, Confectioner

Exira Strenglh, table Red, aboulonce aweek 'Iusl nse as a polish.'35e a boUle; 75e half pint can.CaD be purchased al

Dr. W ~ M. CAMEROND ~ N T I S TArcade ,Building

CLEAN---SAFE · ~ - W B O L E S O M E



PAPER HANGINGPhone, Narberth 12G2-W.

Heretofore the payment o f indemnoty by the Post Office Department

has been restricted t o i rr epar ab lydamaged articles or par ts of articles.Under the amended regUlations issuedby Postmaster General Bur leson, effective August 8, 1916, payments willbe made in cases where articles ar enot rendered worthless for th e actual,usual, direct and neces sa ry cos t of

more i repairs r equi red t o p la ce t hem in aserviceable condition.

Y. : M c:· A.

Feminine finery hals ruinedmen t han s tr ong drink.

Printed stampel1 envelopes may besecured at the post office at the following prices:500 1-cent envelopes .•••.• .••••. $5.62600 2-cent envelopes ••••.••••••• $10.62

These envelopes ar e of first quality.The name and addre ss of purchaserneatly printed in upper lef t hand cor

ner, with request to return in --da} 's. Note the price.

Edward S. Haws,Postmaster.

ReT. John Gordon, D. D., ActingPastor.


Build Up Your Home




Rev. Andrew S. Burke, Pastor.

Merion Meeting House is opened forworShip every Frist-day at 11 A.M. Visitors are cordially welcome.

A registry book is kept tor visitors.All ar e asked to register their names.

Early Mass on Sunday f rom Aprill !l t to October 31st at 6.30 A. M. FromNovember 1s t t o Marcn 31s t at 7 A. M.Late Mass, 9.30 A. M. throughout th eyea r. Mas se s on holydays, 6.aO and8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Eveningdevotions and other services at regular


The services at All Saints' P. E.Church, Montgomery and Wynnewoodavenues, for next Sunda)' are as follows : -

8 A. M.-Holy commnnion.9.45 A. M.-Sunday ScllOOl.11 A. M.-Morning prayer and ser

mon.4 P. M.-Evening prayer. '

ChrIstmas Day.8 A. M.-Holy communion. Don't forget tliat t hi s I s 1\ com-n A. M.-Second celebi'atlon of holy munl ty of bome makers and bome

communion' and sermon. keepers and that one of YOURChrl8tmas Festival. MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is to

keep It so.On Tuesday, December 26, at 3 P. M., You can aid mater ia lly by do.

will be held the Sunday school fes- Ing your sbopplng and marketingtiva1. The address will be by Mr. with the advertisers In this paper.William Waterall. A cordial invitation 1 -:

Nt1UBUf tltt Q t ~ u r d ' t s . ,i,of. Is, , ~ : c t e ~ ~ ~ t to .:;11.11 ,to be p r e s ~ ~ ~ at , TWIL,IGH!I;' :iiP SNO:W., ,:th&$e s e r V : 1 : ~ s o The Christmas music ! ~ • • ,: ','w n l b e " , e p e ~ i e d : ' , t he Su nd ay after ' In t h ' ~ lobby of th e < i ~ r ~ i s ~ p u ~ l i s h

ChrJstmas., Tbe"bus will l eave the Ing Company's' J iulldlnl t,:· ': '' there 'isstations on Christmas Day as on Sun - r ep roduced In glass mosaic a beautifulday ~ o r n l n g s . p ic ture known as TILe Dream Gar

den. Thousands of· people have s toodEVANGEL BAPTIST CHUBCH. Ibefore it lost i n ~ ~ l ! - m a z e m e n t at its

rhapsody of c o l ~ r ~ , . ) t s wild harmony,Its pulsating life., ' , Artistic Hairdressing, Electrical Treatment,The o ther night I saw a picture I .....rloaD \Va"e 1I1anicurlng

nature made. How far in beauty it A M CASESunday services:- surpassed The Dream Ga:rden, I can:, ..'

n A. M.-Mornlng worship; subject, not a t tempt to say. It s realism, Its Scalp Treatment. FacIal Massage, D)'elng,"Preparation for the Coming o f pur it y, i ts harmony appealed to my Bleaching, Clipping. Singeing, Shampooing,

Christ." Special Christmas music. soul a thousand times more! 242 Haverford A v e ~ , Narberlb2.30 P. M.-Bible school will hold its I t was Independence Square at Phorie, Narberth 302-Jregular Christmas exercises. Every twi light r ob ed In the fleecy 'white ofscholar should attend. the winter's first snow-storm. with i ts

7 P. M.-Young people's meeting in new l amps f re sh ly lighted a nd w it h

charge of Group No.4. Aileen Need- hundreds of pedestTians wending their

T Pham, leader.. waY's back and forth. OUR PRODUcrs ARE GUA EED

HE RESBYTERUN CIIURCH. I ' '. I ' .. ' .' ..45 P . M.-Evening worship' sub-' s tood at: my. office window fas - UNDERBACTERIOLOGICALCONTROL

ject, ', 'purpose of the C o m i ~ g , of Icinat.ed. The la,m,. P,s did nO,t seem new1--- - - - - - - - - - - - - -BeT. John Van Ness, Minister. 1 t Th t k

IChrist.' Special Christmas music. 0 me. ey 00 me back to my Pasteurized Milk 'j DELIVERIES

Wednesday, December 20 8 P M.- boyhood days; for they ar e very much". t S d th 1 d Cl . t , . l'k' hi' • " BryaelOVMlsllkcerlllledWEST PDI ' a..,ex un ay e g a trlS mas a n- P ra ye r and prai se meeting, led by Dr. le t e amps that w e r ' ~ ,iil vogue ' ....

niversary wil l be f it ti ng ly celebrated Gordon; subject , "Altars Cast Down Itwenty years ,ago., .- T ~ soft s h a d ~ w , (Pedrlal le soelet , ,) OVERBROOK

i n sermon and story and song. There and A lt ar s Built." Remember ou r they thr.ew on the .ground, somehow Spee l al "Gue rns ey '· MERION

wil l b e s peci al Christmas music and motto: "Every member present at lo r other, brought ~ m . y . ; m l n . ~ a period Milk WYNNEFiELD

messag,es at all the meetings, which the prayer meeting ." Come and make of my life when r lived'.whole months (Roberts ' ' ' 'Sharpless ' BAM·CYNWYD

wil l beheld as follows: this prayer meeting, just be for e in joyfUl anticipation of a snow ' Dairies) NARBERTH

10 A. M.-Sunday school. All de- Christmas. a memorab le one. I storm. Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE

partments. . Church ~ o t e s . I What a strange reminiscence this ITable an d Whipping WYNNEWOOD

11 A. M.-Pubhc worship. The pas- Next Sunday being Christmas Sun- scene had brough t to my mind. How Cream.

tor's theme wi ll be "Immanuel-God day speci al music by the follOWing Isympathetic did it make me f ee l t oWith Us." The qua rt et te will sing q u a ~ t e t t e : Mrs. T. Noel Butler, so- I ward those people in it-people un- grOIT PowelL DAIRIesChristmas carols ~ n anthems. prano; Mrs. R. N. Dull, alto; Mr. w.! known t o me. II - , lib .... 7 P . M.-Chrlstlan Endeavor meet- Irving Trotter, tenor; Mr. Joseph And the s of t s now flakes a:s theymg. The leader will be Miss Agnes M. Briggs. bass; Mrs. Clarence G. War- pinioned their ,,:ay through, t he a ir !Rose, who will be assisted bymembers ner, organist. At the morn ing serv ice And, the. black nak.ed, bodies of the 45th a nd Pa r r i sh St s .

of the Class of 1916 of N a r b e ~ t h High they will sing "Sing 0 Sing this Bless - t rees, .whlch seemed alive, s earnest-

School. All yoU?g people inVited. ed Morn," Rogers; "Sing; We Me rri ly, Iy did they . s t ~ e t c h theIr arms I8 P. M.-Evemng worsllip. Sermon Heart and Voice ," Stubbs. At the heavenward. as If Imploring. a pearly1.---------------=I

theme, "What Was the Star of Bethle- evening service : "Glory to God in the white covermg t satisfy theIr vanity. A }'RESH SUPPLY OF CANDY11em ?" There wil l be s peci al music IHighest ," Cooke; "Silent Night," Then the p e o P l ~ 10 the s tene occupied };very Week at1)y the quartette. G uber my thoughts and as I looked at them DAVIS'

Church Notcs. I I' . I wondered if'such pictures did not .tW.,Much satisfact ion was expressed by ~ r E T n O J ) ( S T EPrSeOPAL CIIURCII h.elP to. show ~ h folly of man's Tival- Whitman's' Choc ola tes alld I CAS' C A D ~ J i n l u I N I N E

many ,r egar di ng the most excellent I " ,___ , I nes, Ius enVies, h ~ t J : ~ ~ S , ~ ~ l f i s h n e s 3 Douglass lIome ~ [ a d e Candles '\ !music rendered by our quartette last 'HII' Uttle Church on the Hill. ,an? spleen. I w o n , d j ~ e d It did not Our Sllcclolties ISunday. The singing was of an ex- I b r ~ n g hllJ.!' closer, to hIS God and, to j ...---------------!ceptionally high o rde r. Th e quartette nev. C. G. KOl)peI, Pastor. pllliosophize and feel t h ~ j o y of doing f o ~ ~ ~ a I : ~ J ~ . ~ ~ e 1 ~ - ~ e ~ ~ ~consists of the Misses Wilson and ,good. It made me feel that way. opiates-no unpleasant after effects.Schnebel and Messrs. Tapp and Ful - ('I '1 , t ~ S d . I My retrospection. inspired by th!s George B., Suplee Cures colds in 24 hours-Grip in 3

11 l' mas 1111 0) . i scene let me se th . rn f 1 thays

. Mpney b a c ~ if it fails. (jett on . They w il l s in g s peci al Christmas 9.45-Christmas service by the sun-I t', ' . e.e IOU I I Y 0 11.1 ... gel1


!lox WIth ~ e Top and. b th " d . "t lese passwns and wrongs. I won· S t & H t W t H •.~ Hills Picture on It-25 cents.musIc 0 mornl ll g an eve ll in g Ilex d ay s chool. Program of carols and d e am 0 a e r ea t i ng At AD., Druc StoreSunday . . "Tl W d F Ifill d" ered how many years would go be - P I b· I

. exerCises, Ie or u e , con- for.e w shall li e . t ll' tl d um ln gThe Christmas entertainment for the d uc te d by F. W. Stites, Esq. I ho e v 10 e igen y at;!" Iprimary department will he h el d ne xt 1 l.OO -Chr is tmas c hu rc h service. i re ~ ~ o n g before thoughtfulness WIll Bell Telephone. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tuesday afternooIl, December 26, at Sermon by the pas to r. Mus ical num- iI f lee thoughtl.essness; tolerance, I AM AT THE SERVICE OF2.30 o·clock. The l it tl e people wil l bel'S d irec ted by Miss Prescott with I nToherance, a l n ~ love, hate. THE PUBLIC OF NARBERTH

t. ' us was Impressed by the pic- F k C

11ave hei r s ongs and exe rc is es and' a Miss Wen tz at the organ. Tenor solo, tu r of Ind 'd ' ;8 . ran rl·stChristmas tree and a Santa Claus. I t "0 Litle, Town of Bethl! '!hem," Mr. i la: s epen e n c ~ "quare with Ita A u ~ o m o b i l e s to hire at all hoursof day

eertalnly will be a most interesting Bub. S pe cia l quartet, "The Coming I t t llr:e;.IY l l g h , t e d ~ tn a snow storm MEATS &PROVISIONS and Il1ght. 'occasion. All are invited. of the King ." Cho ru s cho ir , "Arise Ia w Ig . " , SABlE CENSORE Phone 1289 o r 625W J n t e ~ • N t.RBERTH. P.. . .

The Christmas entertainment for the S h l n e . ' ~ I • Hillh Grade Buttermain school and junior department 7.00....:..Epworth League for the young Telephone-Narbertb 644 A.

wil l h e held next Wednesday evening , people. Miss Dando , l eader. THE COMING MUSICALDecember 27, beginning promptly at 7.45-Canta ta. "The S to ry o f Bet h7.30 o'clock. Each class wi l have a lehem," by, Spence. Large choruspart in the exercises, t he natur e o f c ho ir a ss is te d by, Mr. Bub , of the A musical has been arranged forwhich remains.a secret until the even- Philadelphia Operatic Society; Mr. January 18th, under t he d ir ec ti on o fing of the entertainment. Much curl- Morris, Mr. Griffith and others. Organ Miss Gertrude H. Wright, soprano, as'Osity has been aroused as to wha t t he recital, Miss Wentz. Brief address, the sisted by Mr. Piotr Wizla, dlstingulshyarious classes are going to do. The Rev. H. M. Chalfant. Beau ti fu l and ed baritone; Mrs. B.Franklin Armijunior depar tmen t a re p lann ing t o t as te fu l decorations arranged by Miss gee , reader , and Mr. Henry Lukens att rim t he Christmas tree on Wednes- Ward. Ithe piano. To b e h el d in E lm Hal l,

d,ay a fte rno on . All d on ati on s ana Watch Night Service. Narberth, Pa. Danci il g w il l f ol lowmoney offer ings con tr ibuted by the A special Watch Night service will the musical.Sunday school for this Christmas fes- be held i n t hi s church beginning attival wll1 be sent to the Presbyteri an eigh t o·clock. This is to be a greatOrphanage. service. A program of unusual in-

The children of the Cradle Roll a nd t er es t and power i s being arranged. Board of ·Dlrectors.theIr ,mothers and the ir f ri end s llad a S ee announcement of d et ai ls n ex tI H. S. Hopper, president; C. E.roost enjoyable time at the entertain- week. Kreamer, Vice-president; D. D. Stick-lnent provided for them 'last Thursday New SUlldaJ School Record. ney, treasurer; R. L. Beatty. G. M.afternoon by the efficient superintend- For t he twe lf th consecutive week I Henry, J. S. Harris. E. S. Haws. Dr.en t o f t he Cradl e Roll. The sight of new schola rs joined th e school last I R. C. Hoffman. W. D. Smedley. T. C.all those l i t tle tots at their games wll1 Su nda y. One i n t he p rima ry depar t- T ro tt er , A. J. Loos, T. R. Coggeshall,long be r emembe re d b y a ll those ment and one adult. Since the first J. G. Walton, I. T. Ward. Vernon

whose privilege it was to be present. of October forty-eight have been en- F le ck , Carrol Downes, G. H. Gifford,

At this g,athering it was decided to rolled in th e various depar tment s o f I E. E. S ea ve r, J. B. ,Esenwein, Franks t.ar t a fund for the erection of a new t he s chool establIshing a precedent IStOM.

. primary room, which Is so bad ly need- which will be difficult to surpass. Board of Mallagers.ed on account of the marvelous ,growth , Monday night-Daniel Lietch, Mem-of our primary depar tmen t. A very BOROUGH OFFICERS. ibership Manager.'Substantial s um was contributed as a Tuesday night-Samuel W Foster

lIudeus for this important funl!. B l l r ~ e E s - G o o . lIl. Henry. Educational and Religious W ~ r k M a n ~The members of the session and 1 'r ea sl lr er -E clwin P. Dold. ager.

their wives wll1 be entertained at the Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel. Wednesuay night-R. G. Savill,110me of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beatty on 1'ax Collector-James F. sherron. House Manager.'Thursday evening of this week. ~ t r e e t commlssioner-W. S. McCle1. Thursday night-F. W. Stites, Social

Jan. Work Manager.

Building Inspector - J. Howard Friday night-H. C. Gara, FinancialSmedley. Manager.Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites. Saturday nlght-Fr.ed Rose. A th -Constable-Fred. Walzer. leUc Manager; T. R. Cogyeshall. Gen

eral Manager; Chas. W. Schaffer,Executive Secretary.


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PA.•• •


He sings amongst the angels now,

Beside the crystal river;The l igh t of God i s on his browFor ever and for eve r.

Although Jed Hoover was th e

laziest man in town, he always hads tr engt h t o bol d a book or a magazine in his hand. I t was only in

emergencies that the neighbors called

upon him for help. One h ot d ay in

July, when the clouds threatened rain,a f ar me r h ur ri ed to hi s sh ac k anda sked hi m to " ra ke a ft er " t he lastload o f h ay .

Jed hesitated a minute, and then hi seye fel l upon a pi le of old magazines

t ha t wer e stacked in a corner of thesagging piazza."Well , now, I'd like to help out,"

was th e reply, "but I 'l l h av e to refuse ye this time. I'm a l it tl e b e

h ind w it h my reading,"-Youth's Companion.

Again resumed the singer, and int he n ex t verse, calIlng. upon "m en o f

strife to hush the noise of sin andgrief," made as gr ea t an impression

as t he f ir st . One woman wept aloudit was the woman whom t he v icar h ad

brought in ; whilst on every hand people, with moist eyes, were praising th ebeautiful voice of the chorister.And now, with the gaze and admira

ti on of the multitude upon him, hebraced himself for the last v e r e ~ ,which he resolved should surpass al lhis previous efforts. I t was a curiOUSs en sa ti on he f el t; b ut n ever mind, itwould soon be over!


Building Supplies



Anthracite Coal, Wclod

As the charming l i tt l e chorus, withhis voice high above a ll t he o th er s,

echoed and re-echoed through the

aisles of the cat hedr al , many hand

kerchiefs wer e r ai se d to th e eyes ofsome not easily touched, and morethan one imagined that the angels hadnot finished singing yet! And it isalso certain that one man, no t able torestrain himself even there, was d is

t inct ly heard to cry, "Bravo, Nevelll!God bless you!"

Penn Stars Win Out in Extra


WALNUT A. C., 29-

NARBERTH Y. M. C. A., 21

Vacation is drawing nigh.

I t is gratifying to see our fellowpup il s o f last year d ro p i n on us assoon as they get, home from college.

ou t all you school folks and see uS

win. We need your support; we needyou to ro ot , so come ou t and givethem a yel l. The t ime i s Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock. The p lace i s t he

Y. M. C. A. gym.Now is the time to go sledding, so

send ou t th e Ilttle son or daughter

a nd l et them enjoy th e fun. Yes, andcome ou t yourself, parent, even if itis o nl y f or h al f an hour. I t will refresh t he t ir ed body and clear the"Xmas t ir ed " b ra in . S le ddi ng is amost deIlghtful, most healthful sport.L et 's a ll g et a sled and mak e u se of

our opportunity.Caution: Look! While sledding dan

g er awa it s t he car el es s. Keep t o theright going up the hill.



is a habit ,

very good one,

Very necessary to success.

Every dollar pu t by means to

Your farnily less liability and probability

Of distress and discomfort.

Usually the MONEY SAVED is

Really the odd dollars

Most easily and thoughtlessly spent

On frivolities which are

Not necessary nor useful.

Enter OUf Association andY ou will start a Nest Egg.



narbtrth Building and toan 1Isstn

During Christmas week the alumni

girls w ll l p lay the school girls in agame o f baske t b al l.

The teacher of the fifth grade re

ports that Thomas Manning and Mur ie l Brown have no misspelled words

in their spel1lng blanks. Thomas has

not missed a word s in ce t he first of

t he t erm and Muriel has no t missedone s in ce she entered on November20th.

The Narherth Y. M. C. A. basket

ball team lost a f as t a nd exciting

game to the strong Walnut A, C. fromtiLe University of PennsYlvania cam-

pus.Those who witnessed th e game sa)'

they h av e n ev er s aw a more hotly

contested batt le. The Penn stars,who w.ere made up of three former

U. of P. letter men and s ever al othercandidates for the VarsIty, had scored

several field goals before the Narberthboys had recov.ered f rom t he ir s ta ge

fright.I t was no t l ong, however , before

Humphreys and Smedley had made

several field g oa ls , and when theMarion Haws, who returned on whist le b lew at th.e end of th e first

Thursday night, was w it h us all daY' half t he s co re was 10 to 8 in f avor o f

Friday. the visitors.

In the second half Narberth startHilda Smedley to ok t he first op- ed ok with a j um p and p la ye d a

portuni ty and spen t Monday with us. s te ad y g am e u nt il the whist le b lewII for the s.econd half with the score-

Jack Jeffries surprised liS at noon a tie, Walnut A. C., 21; Narberth Y.Monday. M. C. A., 21.

In the extra five minute period theThe children of a ll g rades are in - Narberth boys weakened and t he Penn

terested in dropping thei r pennies in- stars scored .eight points, making theto th e "jug" for the l i tt le Chri stmas final score twenty-nine to twenty-one to break , a nd t he tears fell thick andtree fund. Last y ea r some one pr o- in favor of ,the v Isitors. fast.vlded ten trees for school decoration Eble, Bas ch and Matchett did most Arthur Nevelli-that shall be his

a nd t o be further u sed t o brighten ten I of the scor ing for the visitors, while llame here-had heard from his aunt ,School "Wortll $9 Do Da y is the Estl. homes on Christmas Day. High SChOOl! H u n ~ p h r e y s and Smedley s co red . b ef or e he returned to England, the

mate )[nde by a Widely Known girls h as ti ly g ot f und s t og et he r as twelve points between them. Score: whole story, unbiased and impartially

Educator. wellas

contributions of decorat ionsI Smedley.

. . ...


, Basch to ld, of his parents' separation. It"Every day spent in school the chil- and decorated the trees. Humphreys forward Matchett had caused him great pain, for even

dren earn $9." These g ir ls b ecame so en thused Ki rk center , .• . .Eble a child of twelve f ee ls more than we

T his sta teme nt w as made by the d ur in g the distribution of th em that Jeffries guard Lambert often t hi nk for h is p ar en ts ' woes. HisState Superintendent, C, P. Cary, who they resolved to start in good time Durbin . . . . . . . • guard Hardwick health had never been very robust;

bases h is est imate on the official r ec - n ex t y ea r. So they ar e at work now. Simpson and Wal lace s ub st it ued for t he delicate constitution o f h is mothero rd s o f t he Bur ea u o f E duc ati on at What a splend-id spirit! Lambert and Kirk. Ihad descendell to him, and the workW a ~ h i n g t o n . Here is what he offers Th es e tr ees will s upplement th e Field goals-Walnut A. C.: Bas ch , and worry, consequent on constant

as proof of the statement: more practical Christmas donation 4; Matchett, 4 ; Ebl e, 3; Hardwick, 1; Iperformances before the ever-unsatis-"Uneducated laborers earn on t he whi ch will again be made. The Wallace, 1; Lambert, 1. Narberth: fied publiC, had told very much on

average $500 a year for 40 years, a method employed in our s choo ls I sIHumphreys, 5 ; Smedl ey , 2 ; Kirk, 1; th at frame, none too s trong to b e g ~ nt ot al o f $20,000. such as not to embarrass pupil s who Jeffries, 1; Durbin, 1. Foul goals- with. Arthur Nevelli had se t himseIr And ye, beneath Life's crushing load,

"High school graduates earn on an cannot contribute. There are no lines IBasch, 1; Jeffries, I, Referee-Dal- a task-a tremendous task fo r a child .Whos: forms are beding low;average $1,000 a year for 40 'years, a marched by a donation table, or ton, Southern California. Time of -bu t his aunt's wise words had guid- Who tOll along the weary way,t ot al o f $40,000. grades called. Each pup il who can halves-Twenty minutes. ed and encouraged him in It: it was [ With painful s teps and s low;

"This education r equi re s twe lv e' and desires to ma y in h is own quiet I to reconci le his father and mother , Look now, for glad and golden hoursyears of school of 180 day s each, a way give whatever he chooses, ~ n and to br ing peace and happiness and Come swi ft ly on the wing;

total of 2190 dayS. .I f 2 1 ~ 0 days at scarcely anyone knows. This is the THE CHOR[STER. mutual love aga in i ns tead o f separa-\ Oh- rest beside the weary road

school adds $20,000 to the mcome for real spir i t of giving. tion and distrust and jealousy. The And hear t he angels sing.life, then each day at school adds (Continued f rom Thi rd P ag e) boy had al ready me t h i s fa ther , and

$9.02. Vacation : From Friday, 2.30 P. M. knew he would be present on this It was magnificent! L a k f ~ e l d had"Forcefu l as th is summarizat ion of to Tuesday, January 2, 8.45 A. M. anything to hear him. '1 came in very Chr istmas Da y; he ha d not y et se en never beard the like before, probably

earnings is," said Mr. Cary, "it tells good time, bu t the crowd was so great his mother, though he expected s oon n ev er w il l ag,ain. The chorus, with

bu t one side o f t he story-the money A Mer ry Chr is tmas and a Happy I could not get through. I was ·t o do so. But none the less his hea rt t ha t voice always clear above it , likeside. Back of t hi s c an b e s ee n im- N ew Yea r to all who have r ea d o ur amongst those left out side when the t ol d h im sh e wou ld be there to hear an angel's music, rose and fell, till itproved s tandards of living, more in- notes. The s am e t o t ho se who have doors were closed." her son sing, t ho ug h h e knew no t died away in the fa r aisles like th et e ll igent and progressive communi- not, if you pass it along! "Nevertheless, my gpod woman, where t o l oo k for her in that vast song of the angels themselves a s t he y

ties and a stronger national l ife."- though I am s or ry for you, I fear I throng. Poor mother! She would have re-entered into Heaven! I t was im-

Madison (Wis.) Dispatch in Chica go A WORD TO THE NEW RESIDENTS canno t s el p you. Even i f I did man- l ik ed to touch the hem of that white Ipossible not to applaud. Even th eHerald. age t o f ind a p la ce for you, what abOUt robe a s h e sw ep t by', but it was t oo gentleman in the front rank was bow-

Fo r the information of the lately tl h d d f t i l llese un re s 0 0 lers lere w 10 late, he was gone, and a proud loolt ed down by his son 's success and th e

arriving residents of Narberth we an- I j t 1 . 1 t ?"lave us as equa rIg 1 s. at the manly form beside ller wa s al l words of the anthem, and t he l ad y})]lysIcal Culture. nounce again that to purchase postage "AI . b t l 1 't 1

I, SIr, utley laven equa slle dar e ven tu re . Yet t ll at f orm wa s next to him fel t a hand gently touch-T he b as ke t b al l s qu ad ar e again s tamps and stamped envelopes in th e i It'" 'd tl 1 d ·tl l' tr g 1 s. sa l Ie a y, WI I g IS en- waI·tI·ng to love her, lmd s ll e only ing hers.. With responsive touch sh ebusy preparing for the next batt le local pos t office is of great advantage .mg eyes. spoken. pressed It, and t he ir eyes met. Godth is Fr iday, December 22nd, on the to the office as its advancement ii:' 1 I It?' i d tl"Haven't equa r g 1 S .' quer e Ie Th servl'ce Ilad proceeded and the had gran ted the chorister's prayer!

Y. M. C. A. fioor. We mee t DarbY' based upon the saws. We aim to vicar, wlth a look o f su rpr ise . "And e 'Nevel l i had resumed his seat b tHigh. The la tte r has a strong team be courteous and o bl ig in g. We also anthem was announced. Everyone was . • u

pray. madam, why not?" on tIle t I' ptoe of eX'pectation. The It was noticed that he was awfullya nd w il l give us a great fight. Our Iwant to do business with ou r patrons. B . I fit" ecause," s aI d s Ie, so t y, as wo clloister stood up for his part, pale pale. The prayers we.re resumed. At

hopes ar e 1J.igh for a v ic to ry , so c ome Edward S. Haws, P os tm as te r. l ar ge tears fell from her blue e)'es, tlleir close tile cliO r ro s for th eand with inward emotion such as he 1 , e

"because, sir, I'm his mother!" I leer fe1t before kings and hymn. Bu t no t Nevelli. When hi sThe v icar , k ind fellow as he was, ~ ~ ~ n c : S . v He ll ims el f h ad s ug ge st ed n ei ghb or b en t . to . touch him, th e for

was himself touched deeply. Taki ng t hi s anthem, when two o r three were me r wa s awe-stTlcken. and uttered aher hand in his, he sald:- Ilarp c y Tl e h r m n to

proposed, not because it g,ave him sr. 1 c 01 - a, ra n"Come with me, madam. You must most play f or h is Voice-far from it- raise Nevelli. He was dead. The ex -

~ : : ~ ~ i n l Y have a seat, and a good bu t because it would most suit his c l t e m ~ n t had been too much f or h im.se And during those last few But IllS work was done. His parents

In l es s than five minutes before the purpo . h h d d hi were reconciled a nd t ho ug h l os t toservice-time t he l ady was handed to a minutes of prayer led bal p r ~ i ~ m- them on e ar th t he y h ave each other

chair by the vicar himself in the very Iself that God wou d e t ~ s II s s t ~ ~ till the end and often talk about theirfront rank of the middle seats , placed which was t o come, an f b ~ lie m gth son and t h ~ t wondrous Christmas Dav. '

h t Id It thus be the means 0 rmg ng e .next to t e one a t Ie en . was 1 i Ad. As for th e gentle boy himself they ar ewhen she looked up at he r next neigh- two he loved toget le r aga n. n now, happy; for t hey Imow that 'bor t ha t an awful shock went th rough without feellng nervous , he certa in ly

two hearts there long separated and felt, an unknown emotion all over h i s

yet bound t oget he r by that Invisible frame. But all eyes were on him. Hellnk o f s ympa th y w it h a not he r. Y et could s ing, and he would. Ithoug,h "soft eyes looked loVe t o eyes Amids t a hush l ike t l la t of death, Iwhich spake again," there was no his beautiful voice rang out in the Iword spoken. Those two proud hearts solo:- 'were waiting for each other all It came upon the midnight clear,through the service , t lI l t he ant hem That glorious s ong o f old;

came. Of ang,els bending o 'e r t he ear thThe choi r entered. Every eye was To touch their harps of gold.

directed, every neck craned, t o s ee the Peace upon earth, good-will to men,

famous s inger , and it was w it h dim- From Heaven's al l-gracious King;

culty t he gre at crowd could s uppres s The world in solemn stil lness layi ts applause. And what sort of a To hear the angels sing.c ho is te r d id t he y see? A boy o f

twelve, blue-eyed and fair-haired, witha face a lmos t h eavenl y i n i ts exp re s

sion, and ye t looking pale and some

what wearied. Only once, as the choir

walked u p t he aisle, d id Ms pale facebreak Into a smile , and that wa s as hepassed his fa ther , whom he recognized

by a nod. And th e mother, whom he

practical ly knew not, hav ing not s eenher s in ce h is return, what of he r feelIngs? Though she k new It was no

sllght on his part , he r heart felt ready

On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock,December 27th, the Alumni Associat ion wi ll h ol d a public meeting in tileschool auditorium. There w il l b e an

entertainment. Everybody invited.

Among t ho se o f ou r school who att ended one o r m or e sessions of the

Lower Merion Institute on Friday

and SaturdaY were Pres iden t McCarter, Mr. and Miss Melchior, Miss Fryerand Miss Clayton.

11 merrv ebristmas and11 Dappv n ~ " , Y ~ a r

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c o : m n : ~ I T Y CLUB OFFICERS.

President-C. Howard McCarter.

Vlce-Presldent-Carroll Downes.

Treasnrer-WIll K. Ridge.

Thellwell H. Coggeshall.Robert H. Dothard.

President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec.

r e ta ry, Char les V. Noe l; f in anci al

secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer.

Carden Warner: c hi ef e ng in ee r,

Chas. V. Noel: first assistant engin.

eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en .

gineer, A. P. Redife r; th ird assistant

engineer, H. B. Wal l; f ou rt h as sistant engineer, A. ·W. Needham.

President, MTS. W. M. Cameron'

vice-president, Mrs. C. P. Fowler;

ecording secretary, Mrs . Wm. Livings ton; corresponding secreta ry , Mrs.

Roy Clarke; treasurer, Mrs. W. C.Pollock, Jr .


Gymnasium-Mrs. E. Hurth.

Civics-Mrs. W. Arthur Cole.Membership-Mrs. Harry HartLey.House-Mrs. James Ford Donnelly.

Legislation-Mrs. Edward Mus-


Press--Mrs. C. T. Moore .



Narberth's Leading Prescription Store

Two hundred and fifty boys and girls ME:lIUEUS OF TJ lE NARBERTI IwiII sing some of the old favorite SCHOOL BOARn.carols. 'rhe prog,ram will include the

f ol lowi ng : "Oh , Come All Ye Faith

ful,'·' "Holy Kight," "Oh, Litt le Town

of Bethlehem," "I t Came Upon a Mid- I

night Clear," "The Bethlehem Babe,"

"Christmas gve," "The First Novel,""Oh, Holy Night ," " l' \aza re th ," " JO)' ,to the World," "Hark! the Herald i ) , •Angels S in g. " T he p ro gr am will last ! C O , ' ! ~ I O ~ ImnOnS TO DE AVOIDEDabout one hour . I l'UI-;PAUING AND POSTING


Holly Wreaths and

...n__Christmas Trees


(Continued from First Page)

The Lake Paupac Company. r o r ~ Private correspondence as well as

merl y an association, ha s been incor - that f or bus in es s pur po se s should be

porated as th e Paupac Lake Company . mar ked showing to where it should

Mr. A. J. Loos was o ne of a party of be returned, if undellvered at post

six that visited th e lake last week, office of address. I f this precaution

wit h t he object of selecting a site for a ry measu re could be gener al ly oba large hotel. Th e holdings of the served it would great ly assi s t post

c ompany have been incr ea se d by re-' o ff ice o ff ic ia ls In th e h an dl ln g of

cent purchases to about 5000 acres. mail matter.

The larg,e expans ive smile on the

eountenance o f Mr. A. L. JacollY is due

to th e recent cold weather and heavy

fal l o f snow. A rushing business in

Flexible Flyers during the holidays is

assured to t he manufacturers, Messrs.

S. L. Allen & C o m p a n ~ ' , with whom

Mr. Jacoby is connected.

All11resslng Parcel I 'os t }>Ilckllges.

Parcel post packages should be add re ss ed p lai nl y. T he sender's name

should be written Inconspicuously onthe upper l ef t h an d corner of the

parcel. The address and return card

on a parcel should appea r but once,and that In t he s am e r el at iv e positIon as a letter with return card

w.Hld be prepared for malling.

Parcels mus t b e mailed no t later Ithan Thursday for Christmas deliverr I MJXSTmUJ snow A ~ DANC":.at th e following places: Buffalo, New IYork" Boston'r Plttsbu.rgh. Lync1lburg I On Friday evening, J a n u a r ~ ' 5 thea n No.rfolk, ' a . , BaltImore and other. Delta Sigma Sor or it y w il l g i V ~ apomts m Maryland. p a r ~ e l s fo r near- minst re l s how and dance.

by p o i n ~ s should be mailed no t later Look later for further particulars.

than F f 1 d a ~ ' afternoon.

Mr. Charles T. Wingate, of Phila

cl,elphia, announces the engagement

o f h is d au gh te r, H el en Margaret and

Mr. Hobert Stewart Dur bi n, o f N ar


Mr. Carroll Downes will s pe nd t he

Christmas h ol id ay s w it h h is parents

Oil Woodside avenue. Mr. Carroll

Downes Is a student at Dartmouth Col


been pulled out o f t he fire in th e last

two f rame s whe n t he y seemed hope

lessly lost.






or course, w.deliver - an yplace-any





stmHllng of the Clubs.W. L.5 45 4S 78 76 67 11

Totals 679

Narbrook fractured Essex's three

g am e r ec or d o f 2258 by toppling the

pillS for a total of 2334 on Tue sday


team single game-Colts, 819.

BO"'llng' Notes.Lou Nicholson signalized his entry

Into the league by 110wling 448 f or t he


High Individual

Smedley, 215.High Individual three games-Ward,




Colts .Plugs .Montgomery .Essex .Narbrook .Southside .

The Rovers, despite thei r low s tand

ing in the Main Line League, ar ebowling better than ne ar ly all the

other t eams in the league, a bad startbeing th e only thing that prevents

them from being up among, th e lead

ers. Last Friday night they averaged

780 for thei r th ree games against Ard

more. Watch t hem come f rom n ow

on. The boys have the repu tat ion of

being th e best "plugger s" in th e

league, a number of games having

Many Narberth housewives ar e pre

paring to entertain r el at iv es a pd

friends during, the Christmas holi-day s. K ar be rt h i s n oted for its hos- A very interesting event o f t he p as t r T t694 pitaiity, you lmow. weel{ was th e crad le ro ll party in ! 'a l mg. 0 put you r own name and

• ! add re ss on l et te rs a nd package si i charg,e of Mrs. R. L. Beatty, superm-, Fai li ng to 1 t .

Several f riends of Miss Maizie Simp - t en de nt o f t ha t d epar tmen t of the! . ace s amps on letters.

Ave. Ron were at Narberth station at 10 P. Presbvterian Sabbath School. About: or l l .lllsufficient amount.

.556 M. Wednesday. December 13, t o w el - t . w e n t ~ · - f i v c l it tl e t ot s p ar ti ci pa te d, i Mal1111g letters without address ing• • • • i them a t all .



come he r home from he r extended trip ranglllg II I age from f ou r mon th s to L avo ff tl.533 to the Pacific coast. four vea rs . App ropr ia te games wer e! e I ~ 0 Ie n am e o f t he S ta te.533 i ndulge d in r ef re shment s s er ve d and lor putt l llg on the name o f your own

. ' . :State where some other Is intended.500 A spedal ca rd not ice In your pos t souvemr s p re se nt ed . The occaSIOn' . .I Leavlllg off the name of th t.389 office box means It par ce l f or you at was a. mos t e njoyab le one for the ffi dd ' e pos

I A b· D t 1 . . I 0 ce or a ressl llg t he co un ty In-

t Ie r ca de su - st at Ion. 0 no osc :Ulothers as well a s th e l It tl e people. t I f tl

single game-H. or mislay the notice Parcels w il l b e . s eat 0 Ie town; sometimes leaving• • • I off the naUle of the person

del iv er ed only upon p re se nt at Ion of . Mr. and Mrs James F. Donnelly S l' b' .

I tl.' enc lllg currency y ordlllary mail

t le no ces. ! ('ntertamed a n umbe r o f p romi ne nt when a money ord r . tI Philadelphia literary folks l as t F ri - be secured at R I e or regis ry can

team three games-:"\arbrook, ChriRtmaR will be c el eb ra te d by the day evening . After a turkey dinner. F'li1In to 'IUC

I a small cost.primary department of th e Presby- Ihere were readings by W I I'. 'dd't? t P It on regular postage

• • I II a I IOn 0 spe 'al d l' tterian Sunday School on Tuesdav aft- IrVine a weI l known writer o f shor t I . 1 I l' CI e Ivery s amp•• W len specla c (> Ivery 's de Ir dernoon, December 26th, at 2.30 P. M. stories and authority on Latin-Amer- ' • I S e .

The main school wiII hold i ts en te r -; ica: p . Wal la ce Hanna , a noted pUb-: BOARD OF HEALTH.talnment 011 Wednesday evening after IHeist, whose first hand s tudies of the I


President-Chas. E. Kreamer.

Christmas. great Panama Canal have been Wide-Ii Secretary-A. P. Red ife r.

- Iy read; Joseph E. Cohen , one o f t he Health Office -W S M ClGeorge Pleck gotback in to th e game The S u n d a ~ ' school o f th e Karberth country's foremost wri te rs o n social i Member -D r C I' . TC

Fellan.. 1 . ti d H S s r. arence • airleslast week, after a long layoff due to PresbyterIan Church Is so crowae<l anc economIc qu.es ons, an . . T B Dtl l\'a led W •

I f d fiR

. I' Ii" 1 r as, ar en arner andan n ecte nger. He bowl ed 197 in that steps ar e b ei ng t ak en t o enlarge els: w 10 IS. aRSOC ated w th a large Chas. V. Noe l.th e Colts' third game-the best score the building. This condition Is no t mUSIcal publIshing house.

of the night. i d ue t o the approach of Christmas, bu t I676 !has existed for the past year or two.

. Jim Foote, th e smiling president of

i th e Montg,omery A. C., Is getting back

into th e form that mad e h im i am ou s

In Fhilatlelphia. severai years ago. Jilliused to b e o ne of th e best bowle rs In

th e Quaker City.











2nd 3rtl

game. gam.e.

141 116


"Biddy" Kirk rolled 540 for his three

games, only e ig ht p in s short of the2nd 3rd

league record.game. game.

2nd 3rd

game. gam.e.

100 12M



Narbrook won three

leading Essex team,

from th e topnotch


COLTS.1s t



The Brightest Spot in NarberthStore Closed Christmas Day !<'rom 1 to 5 o'clock

Totals 707





Winnie .Nicholson .Fleck · .C. Ensing,er .A. Cook .Tacey .

MONTGOMERY A. C.1s t 2nd 3rd

game. g a m ~ . game.

Compton 153 144 137Foote 139 150 165Dickie 126 137 127Ward 169 188 159Scanlin 120 118 88

Totals . . . . . ,. , .. 771


1s t


Butler 134

. . . . . . . . . . 692



Anderson 100

Nicholson .Winnie .l<:lrk .Rodgers , .Smedley . . . . • . . . . .

YM .C . A. BOWLING LEAGUE IBarley .• Lybarger .

. Hartley .

The matches ro lled in th e local five- McKell .man league during th e past week re

sulted In some good scores be ing roll

.ed and a general shifting of th e clubs

in th e standing,On Monday night Montgomery won

two ou t of three games from th e Colts,

advancing Into a ti e wit h Es sex ror

third place.

Tuesday night

games from th e

d ro pp in g t hem

rung.T he P lu gs a nd Colts ar e now tied

fo r the lead, be ing c lose ly rol lowed by

Montgomery and Essex. The t eams

ar e al l closely bunched, a nd w it h the

season s t i ll having seve ral months to

run, every team has a good chanc e to

finish on top.

Earl Dickie-little in size, bu t al

ways in evidence-broke al l eXisting

records f or t he loc al Y. M. C. A. alleysIn a pract ice match last Wednesday

night between the Rovers and t he Nar-

All roads lead t o Howard's-and all wants are supplied by berth t eam. "Di ck " started off with198, then rolled a remarkable 245

Howard-promptly, accurately and at prices which ar e never game, and finished with 211, a three

more than city costs-usually lower. Th e bulk of our patronage game to ta l of 654 pins, or an averag,e

now comes from discriminating people who previously d eal t i n of 218. "Some rollin' ."

the city exclusively for various reasons of their own-price, ser-I

The Rovers bowl Paoli 011 the home

vice, selection of quali ty. One incident or another brought them. a l leys th is week. Come 011 ou t and se e

here-and once here they stayed. However punctil ious you may some good matches.be-however limited or comprehensive may be your requirements-we want you to demonstrate to yourself that a Metropolitan Drug Store exists in Narberth, and that it s stock, and i ts

service ar e such as you have a right to expect of an establishment which seeks it s trade of an enlightened, competent and city- question next Sunday evcning in the I

bred public. Wha t may we do for you on some of the Xmas Presbyterian Church. I

things??? Do not mis s the spe ci al Christmas I We Deliver Free of ChargeTOILET :NEEDS: A much-traveled ' 1 } , ( ) R ~ I I S T E R M A N : He may not be en - m us ic sung by t he qu ar te tte i n t he

lady exclaimed when we s up pl ie d titled to anything, bu t possibly i ts an Pre sbyt er ian Chu rc h n ex t Sunday I : ; = : ; = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ = = = = ~ = = = = ~ ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =t 't t k 1i b morning and evening. I

he r with a bott le of an ineffably de- ' o ~ p o r U ~ y 0 ma elm etter. I Suppose You Are GOl'ng to GI've YIve 111m, say, ano th er k ind oflIghttul, bu t seldom called-for safety r azor , for most of them like Many friends of Mrs. Wm. S. Jones, ourViolet Extr ac t : " I s there anything to h av e two k in ds . I f he hasn't a o f S ou th N ar be rt h avenue, will be "'('"{ T1'fe' and Faml']yyou do no t have?" The re m ay be, sa tis fac tory one now, g et h im one, glad to know that ' sh e Is recovering VVbu t we feel we have everything by al l means, even If you Intend giv- from he r recent 1l1Iwss. _

a r eal ly f i rs t -c lass s to re ought to Ing him a brick house in a dd it ion. AnA to bI Tb- Cb - I ?have-Extracts, toilet watQrs, face I Or a flashlight fo r th e machine- Mr I 1\' St 1 U mo Ie IS rls masr eam, l ot io ns and po wd ers ad I or for use in the 1Iou56 when the . an( hrs. ap e .and daughter -infinitum. Why not a choi ce s el ec- w ir es become i ce-l ad en and the ' J ~ a n , who h av e b ee n hvmg on Wood- I

t lo n from ou r 1001 Il.rtlclllll for lights refuse to light. O r m ay be a SIde avenue for sev.eral months, leave: H . 1 bMilady's dressing table? camera? A full line of Kod aks on Friday for Portland, Maine. so, no (OU t you have been looking for a f i rs t -c la ss garage. Have you'. ~ . hand, for we a r e Eastman' s Nar- noticed the crowded condi ti on o f t he Nar be rt h Gar age eve ry morning when

(.A:NDIES. T h excellent Foss hn e IS berth Agents. The Christmas festival of the Epis- you pass? To overcome this congestion we ar e adding fourteen private

here and In I t s complete va rie ty . A ar g t tJ t b '111 Eglorious array o f hol id ay packages XlJAS CARDS AND :nXIl,"'S: A great copal Church will be held Tuesday g a es 0 Ie presen Ul (ng . ' ac h c ar will have a separate compartment

w i th c on te nt s s up er la ti ve ly s up er - m an y things y ou hav e never seen afternoon. December 26th, at 3 provided with heat, l ight and water. Seven of t hem have already been taken

ior. Narberth's candy connols- before ar e In this year's assortment. o'clock. Come and bring a friend. so do not leave I t too l on g to s ecu re th e o ne you w an t. Th ere is no dange;

seurs (and they ar e many of them) Prices no higher either. Come in of your ca r being scratche(l or t amp ered wi th. T he r at es a re moderate

will tell you no m is ta ke w il l b e madeI while the "pickln ' s good." Wrapping Mrs. Douglass O'Brien, o f 228 Essex. a nd t he y w il l be Teady for occupancy in abou t two weeks. 'if you send a b ox of Foss'. Huyler's paper, twine, etc., etc., ar e al l r ea dy avenue, has gone to Maplewood, N. ian d o th er makes ar e also carried. for the wrapp ing up party. J .. to spend Christmas with he r GEO B SU

daughter, Mrs. Warrington Vandeveer. , ..,PLEE, Prop.Come in, anyhow, and see what is to be seen

TheBrighleslSpolIn Narberth

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Cha irman-Mrs . W. M. Cameron.Financial Manager-Mrs. Wlll iam

Cur ti s Po l lock Jr .

Library M a n ~ g e r - M i s s Fanny Loos.

House Ma na ge r-M rs . J am es F .


Social Manager-Mrs . C. P . F ow le r.

Membership Man ag er -M r. H a rr y

Hart ley.

Athletic Manager-Mrs . E. Hurth.

Will there be Real Musie inyour Home this Christmas?

Forty years ago Edison invented a ta lking machine , now he is here with something very different.

The EdisonDiamond Disc

BOVARD AND SON129 Conway Ave" Narberth

4369 Cresson St., ManayunkCan offer you a service which the in townstores could· not even attempt. We will. be glad to demonstra te the Edison ateither the abov.e addresses..


Narberth RegisterTwo Linea, IOc pe r iaaue; Sc For each additional line

Xma s p ar cels sh ou ld be mailed

e arly. T he y ma y be marked "Not to

b e o pe ne d till Xmas" or other such


It i s p re di ct ed tha t on account of

th e g,reat p ro spe ri ty i n ou r country

th e X ma s p a rc el s p o st bu si n es s w i ll

be unusually heavy an d t ho se w ho

delay their mail ings ma y b e d is ap

p oi nt ed i n that they m ay n ot a rr iv e

as expected.

A C C O U ~ T A N T S I l I f A ~ I C U R E , Etc.Grt'ene, Andrew Case, A. 111. Phonc, 302-.r.5 Chestnut avc. Phone, 677-:11. See display advcrtlsement In this Issue

Keirn, n. C. lIU:ATS, ETC. .202 Dudley avc. Bo)·lcs'. Phone, 398.

Lanahan, Freder ic A. S dl205 Forrest ave. Phone. 3H-R. C ee splay advertisement In this Issue

ADVERTISING otter, }Joward ]<'. Phonc. 1298. .Colp, W. Artlmr Phone, 632-R. See dIsplay advcrtlsement In this Issue.

Crist, F....nk Phone, 644-W.Ideas, Plans, Copy, Art, Typography. See dlspla)' advertisement In this Issue

ARCHITECTS 1IIILK'"'alloce and lVarner, R ea l Es t. Tr. Co. Scott-Powell Dairies. Phone, Preston 2398Bldg., Phlla. Phone, Walnut 2353. See display advertlscment In this Issue'

Wile)', Joscph II . 1 I IUSIC '

108 lIIerlon ave. Phone, 373. BO"ard &: Son. Edison Diamond DiscARCJI ITECTS AND BUILDERS Sec i1lsplay advertlscment In this Is'sue

Koronskl and Cameron. L F107 Chcstnut nve. Phonc. 608. oos, ann)' If . Plano Teacher and Accoin-

AUTOllfOBILES pnnlst. 417 Haverford ave. Phone, 316-.r.C en so re , S ab le To h Ir e. Papal ardo , Ar tu ro ' reache r of singIngSee dIsplay advertisement In this Issue. W s c dl7(l;y ladVCrtlsement In thIs I s s ~ e .

1I0rner . lVm. S. "Locomoblle. " en z, c 80 I III. Teachcr of plano an d. 303 N. Narberth ave. Phone, 664. pipe organ. Studio, Arcade Bldg. Phone 604.

111 CI II . NOTARY PUBLIC '• c e on , "' . S., J. P. AcknOWledgements JplI'erles, ,J. H. 111 Narberth ave.and affidavits. automobile l ic en se s. Office · Phone, 666-1I!.hrs., 12 to 1 a nd a ft er 5 P. 1II. OPTICIA1\--

BAKERS F tC1I11csen, I'. Phone, 362-.r. pn on, a rl F . 506 Essex ave. Phone, 638·W.Sec dIsplay advertlsemcnt In this I Phl la. address . 1806 Chestnu t st .

BANHS ssue. Zpntmaypr, Fmnk

~ I e r l o n Title & Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore 3. 125 WInsor ave. Phone. 651·.1.See display advertlscment In thIs Issue. I P A C K I ~ O , l\IOVING, ETC

Rittenhouse Tr. Co. 1323 Walnut s t. Phone lartman, " 'm. II . '." 'al . 4041. See dlllPlay adv. In this Issue. ' See display advertisement In this Issue.

Suzzero, Tony BARBERS Cole, J am es R . PAINTERS

224 Haverford ave. 246 Haverford a\'e. Phone 1225·.1BLACKSl\IITHS Cummer, W. (l . 210 mmwood ~ v e . .

SUIler, J!'. A. I Phone. 1262-'V.728 Montgomcry avc. Phone, 3 ~ 8 . Denl'er, Richard F. Phone. Ardmore 39.

BUILDE1tS l.see dIsplay advcrtlscment In this Issue.Smedle)', Wm. D. Phone, 600. 'alzcr, Fred.Sec display advertisement In this I 117 Winsor ave. Phone. 1247·.1.C A N D E C ssue. PAPER IIANGERS

.., .T . "'Ittp, Geo . A. 320 WoodbIne aveDa"ls, Jr. E. Phone, 1254-'V. PI 120 ,. .See display ad vcrtlsement In this Issue. >one, 3- ,V. Flrst·class work.

CARPENTERS A D P " \ T E ~ T LAWYERS,JenkIns. C ~ 8 . i. N BUILDERS Foster, Saml. lV. Phlla. address, 101r Chesr-

103 Dudlcy aVe. Phone. 382-M. nut sl. 131 Merion avc . Phone 1·33-.rCOAL, ETC. I " . . l 'II0TO I'LAYS ,- .

Cook, C. P. Phone, 302-W. ' '; :adlo, 16th and Chestnu t sts., Phlla.See display advcrtlsement In this Issue. e dlspla)' a d v e r t l s ~ m e n t In this Issue.

CONTRACTORS PLUMBING, ETO.Shand. A. C. Jr . Commercial Trus t B ldg SUC lce , GPO. B. Phone. 1289.Phlla. Phone, Spruce 5263; Narberth 1214.:r "'arl

e ~ ~ s P ~ y p a l d V e r t i s e m e n t In this Issulll.DENTISTS ' . . lone. 319·.r.

Cameron, Dr. lV. 111. Phone, 3H-M. See display ndvertlsement In this Issu....See display ndvertlsement In this Issue C I i lEAL ESTATE

Orr, Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood aV. Phone, 393-W. a dw cll &: Co. Phone, 1271- 'V.Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4262, Keith Bldg. F r ~ : : " 1 dlsHPJa

yCadvcrtlsemcnt In this Issue.

DRUGGISTS I. • • Phone. 262-W.FIedler's. Phone, 625. JUs.ele dIsplay advertisement In this Issue.See display advertisement In this Issue. t ce, F. 111. Phone. 37l-R.

lIousekcel,er'8. Phonc, 304-'V. G o ~ i f ~ d I S ~ ~ ~ y advertl8ement In thIs Issue.See display ndvertlsement In this Issue. ey. m. B. .Jroward'8. Phone, 1267. N 1 1 ~ ~ o ~ d s l d e n\'e. Phone, U5·W.See display advertisement In this Issue. ~ , fer t J. Phone, 605. .

ELECTRICIANS Y oney or First nnd Second Mortgage..PUlI'h, l 'prl 225 Iona n\'e. Ott...lVm. ~ 209 Che.lnut ave. Phone, N ~ r .Nar. Phone. 650-W. Ard. Phone 163 •.r 28u-W, "Ith Harbert & Claghorn, MaIn

]<'1811 AND OYI;TERS' . Line Real E.tate, 2 ~ Bailey Bldg., Phlla.Hortman. C. B. Phone, 641-W Go ROOFING, ETC.See display advertisement I thl. Issue. ' s m - l \ ~ ~ G l r I C Y Co. Phone, 1258-W.

GARDNERS ee sp ay ad\,ertl.ement In this IS8ueYowell. Fl8her ~ l l I I e r . J ~ h n A. 243 Iona avc. Phone, 661:.11

101 Conway ave. Phone, 334-.1. Shop, .46 Haverford ave. Phone, 1225T.L.Yowell, J. D. SAFES

95 'Vlnsor ave. Phone, 392-.1. lV. C. Poor. 1 0 Forest ave. Phone, 695..GARDEN NURSERIES Safe Depos it box In the housc.

Wohlert, A. E. Phone 696. W SCIIOOLS, ETC.i See display ndvertlse;"ent In t hl 8 IS8ue. ~ ~ ~ e r l l l . 1I118s Maude :to "

GROCERS D ~ d l e ) ' ave. Phone. 1260-R. ~ . I , ·,ImperIal Grocer)' Co. Phone, Narberth 606. Zentma)cr, 111188, Phone, 651-.1., See display ndvertlsement In this Issue. See dlsplny advertisement In this Iseue:.

I fARDWARE ETC· SIIOEMAKERSRlckllns' . Phone, 319-'V. ,. Ta.,rnef, lIarrySee display advertisement In this Issue. G.;.,4J ' l ~ . o o d b l n e ave. .

IJAULING, ETC. ea r Shoe Repair Shop,Walton Bros. Phone, 672. Con8tantlne, B. G. Y. M.. C. A. Bldg.See display advertisement In thl8 Issue TAILORS .IlEATING, STEAIII AND WATER' EolI'le Tailoring Co. Phone, 1203- .1.I I D I ~ e , G"o.A.· I See , lI sl1lay ad"ertlscment In this· Issue

311 N.. Narberth ave. Phone: 699-.1. ~ ~ ~ a I B TallldllorlngpCo. ..INSURANCE • u ng. hone, 1210-W.

Bowman; Samuel P.(Ltfe.) N a ~ b e r t h Tailoring Co.116 Elmwood a"e . Phone , 653-W. 1! •• M. C. A. Building, Phone, 305.

Bu ..l,hordt, 1IIUler .Phone, 659-M. P. O. Box, S C ! 1 3 ~ a ~ z , . Charles 1I0me Town Tailor.L. (Li fe , Fire, Accident. Health, Auto, e tc.) • a\ e r f o T r ~ , : e . Phone, 1254-.1.

Jone8, Cha8. R. . ....·F.lVRITERS

403 N. Narherth ave. Phone,. 696-W. Dodge, E. !1' 502 Essex ave .Joncs, lVm. J •. 103 S. Narberth ave. Phone, Phone, Narberth 638·M.680-J. Phlla. address, Pimn Mutual Bldg. Th - I

Snyder. Robt. e abovc 18 a new department, and In·313 ~ o o d s l d e ave.. 1'.honll, 383. order that It Hhall be t he g re at es t Use

Trottpr Bros. ( FI re , etc.) . .. to the community the list should contain1209 WOOdside nve.. P,hone, 1262-R. t he n ame o f e ve ry proCessional mnn, trades-

.. LAWYERS . man, mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., who doea.

Gilroy, John 211 Essex ave. Pi lone 1245.R ~ n l ~ . a n In n ny way 8erve his fellow·towns-

Phthi. · n d d l · e s 8 . I l l ! l l ! ! ! ! J l · ~ l a l ' : ' . As It Is d If fi cu lt f or those contr ibu tinglIenr)', Geo. III. 107 ~ 1 t v e . Phone, 608. ! ~ e l r time ~ n ef fort s to the production of .P h l l ~ . nddress. 'Inance Bldg. Our Town to personall v either k now o rScheU, Ilorace 111. ' . . . . I t I '

208 :Sabine ave. P.hDne .1245.W. n erv e\v all s uc h. It wou ld b e mos t h el p-Stl te8 , .Fletcher W• ;.:'18.. Haverford ave. ful If t ho se not now f ou nd I n th e prInted

h " list would send In a memo of their namesPone. 372-'V Philo. .address, Crozer Bld&,. address, phone numbers and ·buslne8ses 0;

LIGHTING FIXTURES professions for listing. This will cost lis fol.1 I I c ~ o n a l d Jobn , Narber th p h ~ n e . 1288. low8: 10 cent. each Issue Cor 2 lines; 5 cents1u33 Chest. st., Phlla. Phone, Spruce 3138. Cor ench 1I.1dlllon81 line.


















Phone. Ardmore 39



1s t 2nd 3r d

g ame . g ame . g ame .

97 135 159\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 147 111 II157 112 104

116 150 145

177 143 157

'I'otals 706

Totals ..... .... 64.4




1st 2nd 3r d

, game. game. game.

Smedley .,........ 158 124 158

Hartley _.. 140 172 136

Bowen 125

Kirk ..........•..

Ayre 139

Humphries 144


Gilpell .

Mathias .

Supplee .•........

Steigerwal t .



2nd 3rdgame.game. . -.--156 156 a t W. ,T. ,Tones·, 103 S. NJIJ'berth ave.

179 172 nne, Saturday, December 23, 1916, a t146 158 13 o'clock. A,lmlssi()n, 5 cents. Bring

165 144 ext ra cllange f o r c a ndy sale.

162 179 j COllIlIlTTEES OF COUNCIL.- - ,8091 F in an ce a nd L aw C omm it te e -A . P .

IRedifer, W. D. Smed ley , H . D. NarrlIgan.

2nd 3rd Highway C o ~ m i t t e e - H . D. Nard-

game. game. g an , F . L. Rose, Rober t Saville.

135 155 Po li ce an d Heal th-W. D. Smedley,130 145 F. L. Rose, Robert CavllJe.

175 1511 Water, Fire an d Ligh t -F . L. Rose,

147 129 1Wil ll am J . Henderson, Robert SavUle.

146 160 Ordinance-WilHam J. Henderson,

F. L. Rose. Robert SavB1e.

WAYNE M. C.1s t









Totals 789


RICHARD F. DENVERDecorative Painting: : Paper HangingP a p e r p ~ ~ ~ g l l l . ~ G ~ r l ~ e : I ~ ~ : c d by 21 LANCASTER AVE., ARDMORE



King, 147

Rogers 153

Dykes 139

Durnell 149

Wright 201

Sigma Phi· SororityAT ELM HALL

Friday Evening. January 5th. at 8.15 IADMISSION. 25 AND 35 C E N T ~ · · !

+++++++4'•• '. +++++++ 1e4o .....+++++++++++ •.• ,........,++,..+++++++

SMEDLEY ++++ ...... ++++++++++1414+.. +++++++++'10+ ..'++ ..........+.. ++++++++

Minstrel Sho-wr

and Dance



G a r a ~ M c G l n l e yCompany

23 South17thStreet




Sunde r




Before Prices Advance


Modern Homes

R. J. ROSEMURGY, Proprietor


Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating




You w il l. b e s ur pr is ed t o k no w h ow PHONE. NARBERTH 672T ery re as on ab ly w e c an proTide

you "It l l


ProperUes For ~ n andFire Insurance

Bell Phone 169 W.

Wall BnlldJng. Narltel1ll, P. .

An assortment that will delight you is now ready for yourinspection. We repeat: ThePRICES are lower than what

you expect.

Now is the time to order them


N A l t B E l t r r H ~ PA.-OUR.TOWN-DECEMBER 2 1 1!l1.6e=:=================

Home Dressed Poultry.Buller, Eggs and Game.Fancv FrUit and Vej:el.blos. "A STORE FORPARtiCULAR PEOPLE."

Te ephone. NARBERTH , PA .

ARCADIAHESTNUT,Bel.16th StFlnest Pbo top l ay The-. t re 01 I. . SIze In tb e

EnUreWorld.Photoplayll-ContlnuBlIS 10 A. M. to 11.30


Phl la . .Pa .



Monday, Tuesday and " 'edne8da) '

Thomas H. Inee I'rCllCnt8]<'ronk Keenan with l\large,.,· lVII80n III an

In tensely Dramatic l'la)'

"THE SIN IE DO"X""er 1108 1111'. Keenan Been Seen to Bctter

Advantage on the Screen or 8tag.,Thurada)', Friday Bnd Saturday

Triangle I ' reseats Shuster 159

Be88leLO"e witll HFrank Besnnett IJl a powcr- , Dunne 164ful Utnall tory


1t'8 Stronl', Sincere and Deep lVlth Interest. :Har t 165Tile Cha c te rs A rc R ea l ]<1e811 and Blood IWal t 158

MAIN PRODUCTION 8tart. at 1••M A.. II., I12.30, 2.111, 4.00, 6.00, 11.00 aDd 9.4.5 P. II . I Totals .... '" .. . 787 733 740


The Eagle Tailoring Co. NARBERTH l ~ t O V E ~ : d 3rd The llext meeting of th e c lu b w il l

234 WoodbineAve. g ame . g ame . g ame . t be January 19, at 4 o'clock in the

Phone. 1203 J NARBERTH, PA. Sca.nlin 186 179 1441' Y. M. C. A. Mrs. J. Owen Phil l ipsLADIES' AND GENTS' Ti\ILOIlNG Compton 149 122 137 w il l c on du ct he r class o n " Cr ea ti ve

Clelnlne, Pres8ina. Dyeinl Ind RepllrlnK. ILacey 124 184 153 Thou g ht a n d P u bl ic Speaking."

Prices Reasonsble. Work cllled lor anddelivered Dickie 179 143 150


Ward _166 153 171


1S ta mp s a re on sale of every de -

__ nominat ion f rom on e cent to fifteen

for ashes whenyou ca n secure a very good To ta l s . . . . . . . ..• 804 781 755 c en ts , e xc ep t e le ve n an d fourteen;

A SH CAN l lso a plent i ful supply o f p o st al c a rd s ,

at moderate price at ARDMORE Y. M. C. A. stamped envelopes an d newspaper

LIN S B d Sf1s t 2nd 3rd wrappers.

RICK ' ar ware ore g ame . g ame . g ame . Prices o f s tampe d envelopes:

203 HAVERFORD AVENUE Chapin 213 161 166 25 lc envelopes • • • • • . . . $ .28

McIntyre 179 100 1 c en ve lo p es • . . • • . . • 1.10

Oakley 126 1631 25 2c envelopes . . . . . . . . .53

Kane 190 115 172 100 2c envelopes 2.10

Zel ley 171 152 1751

Haines 108 178 16:1 Even th e temperal).ce orator some.

T t I 8 1 732-8391 t imes ha s occasion· to speak with

o a B •••••••••• 6 balted .breadth.

Phone, Narberth 1267

At your service for all the Holiday Fixin's

-------------1 Wayne Club's Defeat by Rosemont Severe Setback-Other

Teams Bunched



l \arberth, P a. , D ec embe r 16 . -The

matches in th e Main Line Bowling

League rolled las t night resul t ed in th e

HOUSE clubs being drawn closer together in

th e season 's race fo r th e Aust in

t rophy.

Th e Wa)' ne Men' s Club champions

received a s eve r e s e tb a ck w hen th eRo s emon t Men' s C lu b q u in t et made a

clean sweep of th e match. Anchorman

Wright being th e chief wrecker of th e

maple, he h av in g n ow a ss um ed t he

honors o f l e ad in g th e league fo r indi-vidual average to date . I Standing or the Clubs .

Sale Ardmore Y. M. C. A. made a con-I Won . L os t.

s is tent g ai n o n th e leaders by c op pi ng Wayn e M. C. 22 11

t wo g ame s In th e match versus Nar- Ardmore Y. M. C. A. 19 11

ber th Rovers. Narberth Y. M. C. A. 18 12

Th e N ar be rt h Y. M. C. A. quintet Rosemont MC ..... 17 16

g a in ed i n taking advantage ~ th e lOW-I Narb.erth Rovers .. , 15 18

NOW IS THE TIME TO Iy Paoli Traveler s , winn ing th e th ree Pa oh Travelers . . . . . 5 28

B Hgames. Iuy a orne Wi th t he season bu t one-thi rd bowl- A v e r a g e s - H 1 g I ~ i nd iv i dual average ,

ed a nd b ut seven games separat ing th e IWright , Rosemon t M. C., 167; h ig h i nfirst five· clubs th e race g iv e s p r om i s e d lv id ua l , s l n g h ~ game spore , Wright ,

!of being especially k ee n a nd interes t-l Rosemont M. C ., 2 23 ; high individual

in g throughout th e season, especial ly Ithree-game s c ~ r e , Wal t, Wayn e, 569:

when Paol i hits it s s tr id e a nd gets Ihigh team s in'¥e ga.me , Ardmore Y.s om e o f th e breaks. M. C. A .• 868 ; .J?igh. team three-game

, score, A r d m o r ~ ~ y . M ~ C . A ., 2 47 0.