our town august 19, 1915

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 19, 1915


    Hats Off ToTheHome Team! And Now: On ToCheltenham I






    May Play One Game Here

    The harsh voice of the ci ty editor:"Good n ight ! What 'r you doin ' writing a book? Why don ' t you just saytha t ther e was a f re ight wreck atArdmore and that commuters whothought t hey were going to catch then?R never left Narberth unt tl 9.20.and that the train went in on theout-bound track and that among theprominent citizens p re se nt we reLawyer Fletcher W. Sti tes , t he wel l--nown third baseman."

    Let te rs add re ss ed t o t he followingnamed persons remain unclaimed int he Narbe rt h pos t omce:Mrs. Anne Camm. Mr. Charles J.Rankin. Thomas Ricks, Mrs. Veron S.Rice, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Mr. Wil11am J . Powell. Mrs. -Elnora Johnson,Mrs. Wilbur Runsworth, Miss AllceHale, Miss Dora Hlll , Mr. H. R: Sterrett. EDWARD S. HAWS, P. M. _

    A. E. Wohlert.R. Norris Williams, having won theAchelis Cup again, is seriously thinking o f c ha ngi ng h is own name toAchilles.

    Gilmore In Rare-Form Editor o f Our Town : mit tee of Councils, he will learn that times of emergency? And may I f ur -It is to be regretted that a our current revenue for this year is ther ask whe th er h e p aid for this--- Icitizen of t hi s c ommuni ty sh ou ld l ar ge ly a nti ci pa te d a nd spent before sewer out of his own pocket, orThey said they would, and they did, make a public statement crit icis ing it is in fa ct received, and that t he whe th er it came ou t of the public So s ur e i s Narbe rt h o f winning theand everybody in Narbe rt h who was e if or ts to improve our town and bet- committee is more or less concerned treasury? If I am right in believing Main Line League championship, andIter conditions, as was done in the with t he prospect of providing sum- he enjoys these benefits at the pub li c so cert a in i s Chelt enham of winningthere-and that included most every a rt ic le i n your i ssue of August 12, clent f unds t o p ay for street improve- expense, may I ask if he can advance the Suburban League championship,last citizen, declared it was "some s igned C. A. S. McClellan, without ments and meet extra expenses wliich any reason for discriminating against that r ep re sent at iv es o f t he se twogame" and a great day for the f ir st obtaining a thorough knOWledge u su al ly a ri se i n t he course of pub li c other property owners or aga inst a teams held a meeting in the Hotelborough. of the fac ts and giving t hem due con- administration, and which cannot al- project which, for t he p re se nt l et u s I Walton this (Wednesday) evening toWhich i s but ano ther way of saying siderat lon. ways be anticipated in advance. I t is assume, l1as a t h eart the improve- a rr ange for the Philadelphia subur-that Narberth beat R. G. Dun & Co., Every public enterprise that is also a fact that one of t he r ea so ns ment of t he borough? May I go a ban championship series.last Sat urday by t he s co re o f 3-0. It worth while is justly a target for d is - g iven by Councils for delay in street step ~ r t h e r and ask the writer of If Manager Walzer succeeds i n hi swas a great day for Pitcher Bob Gil - cussion and criticism; and so long as work i s that, notwithstanding a bond l ast week's letter whether the street plan, Nar be rt h w il l s ee on e of themore, a nd in fa ct every m ember of such criticism is fair and ba se d on issu e was authorized long ago for t hi s paving in fr ont of his residence WL - t hr ee d ec id in g g ames on our homeConstable Walzer's team. facts it is a good thing for the pro- purpose, the excej:ls of revenue over paid for at the expense of the borough grounds, one game w il l be played atject, as it brings ou t weaknesses and current needs would be1nsumcient to and out of the public treasury? Cheltenham, and the third contest-defects which might otherwise have pay th e interest and sinking fund on And does h e enjoy the benef it o f a it we don't get 'em i n t he f ir st two-been ove rlo ok ed. Wh il e I have no the bonds. dustless street, which is the result of wi ll be p layed on neutral grounds.doubt the writer of the article in As . ., Vacan t Lots. a coating of tarvia applied at the ex- The meeting at the Walton was at-quest io n was s in ce re in his state- The wrfter of t he ar ti c le in que s- pense of the borough-funds contrib- t ended by Manager Walzer, Captainments, it is apparent that h e w as u n- tion further states that "a very small u ted t o b y t ax pa ye rs i n o th er parts Fleck and "Flick" Stites, representingder a serious misapprehension as t o i nc re as e o r an equaf!zation of assess- of the borough, who, up to the present Narberth; Manager Hackney and onethe facts . ments and an increase on vacant lots time, may still be living in a street or two other representatives of ChelHe s ta rt s out by asking the ques- wou ld supply all the necessary mon- which is without paving of any k ind tenham; Act ing Pres iden t Cas to r andtion "Why thi s agi ta tion about in- eys." I am glad t o note t ha t i n spite and impassable at certain seasons or Secre tary Char les McCrea, of thecreased assessments and decreased of h is p rotest , he agrees in the justice the year? If he does enjoy all these Main Line League.t ax r at es ?" As he offers no argu- of equalization of assessments; and benef it s, I beg to remind him that the Last year Narberth and Chelten-Iment or suggestion t o in di ca te h is I agree with him that it may be that cos t o f street improvements, which i s ham met in a similar championshipopinion as to t he meri t s or demer it s an equal izat ion of assessments, or a more than the c ost o f th e s ew er a nd Iseries, but a ll the games were playedof t he p lan of increasing assessments very small increase of the whole, will other improvements combined, is be- on neutral grounds-the P. R. R. Y.Ins tead of i ncreas ing ra tes, we must supply necessary needs. So far, there ing saved to the borough in connec- 1M. C. A. field.

    a ss ume he e it he r has formulated no is no difference of opinion between tion with the development of "Nar-j This year Manager Walzer i s a nx opinion on t he sub jec t or has not us, and no reason why we c an no t brook" by t he l ay ing o f streets at the ious t o b r ing one o f t he games to ourgiven it sufficient t hough t to enable work together harmoniously I can- expense of the abutt ing property own-I town. He s ay s that the borough hashim to do so. not, however, subscribe to the sug- ers . who have already helped pay f or given the l oc al b oy s roy al supportIs Jlore Money N e e d e d ~ gestion made that there be an equal- his own improvements . Iand that Narberth fans should seeH e t he n a sk s: "Why does the gen- ization of assessments "and an in- In r eg ar d t o t he wid th of streets, one of the games here .tleman from Haver fo rd avenue ( re - c re as e on vacant lots." I am no t the may I ask whether the gentleman and, "Our Town" hopes that the pla n, I;, ferring to an article by Mr. Loos) owner of a vacant lot i n Narber th, his neighbors on the street on which: will go through.ROBERT "WADDELL" GILMORE want an increased income far in ex- and , therefore, h ave no a xe t o g ri nd he l ives donated to the public any-Icess of our borough needs?" He h er e when I ask: Why should no t vacan t thing more t han wha t was actually i J IR. CASEY ENTERTAINS.The c on te st w as n ot ab le f or two assumes a fa ct whic h not onl y does lot s be included i n the equal izat ion requi red by t he ord inance for the, Many of our most prominent citireasons. First it clinched the Main not eXist, but which he has bee n of assessments? Does the gentleman standard width of the street, and zens wer e t he gue st s of Mr. Ca seyLine League championship for Nar- g iven no reasonable grounds to be- advocate a c ertain assessment for whether the y have expended any: last Saturday morning at a del ight berth-unless the most improbable ra- l li eve does eXist, t o wit: that income improved property and la h igher p ro - money in improving the property so iful porch party on t he nor th verandasults at tend the games during the next In exces s or borough needs has been portlonate assessment for unimproved donated? I f not, it may be in order of Vil la Depot . The affai r was qui tethree or fOUr weeks-and second, it asked for, recommended or even sug-- property? While this may be consist- to remind h im that not only are the informal and everyone seemed tocame about as near to being one of Igested. A close examination of the ent w it h some versions of the single streets of Narbrook dedicated to the have a delightful time.

    those famous "one hi t games "- if i t art icle referred to f ai ls t o r ev ea l any t ax t heory, it is inconsistent with the public, bu t in addition t he re to , s ev er al Through a slight misunderstandingwasn't actually just that very thing- indication that the writer advocated laws of this State, which requ ire as - acres of land between them are t he gue st s b eg an assembling on theas our town is likely to see in many It he ra is ing of funds which were not sessments to be uniform and based on thrown in for good measure and will Isou th pIazza and a goodly numbera day. needed for legitimate purposes. market value, whether the proper ty be tmproved in sucl). manner as to were on hand before the mistake wasThe whole quest ion h inge s on a He then goe s on to state in the be improved or unimproved. make it a c redi t t o any municiPall.ty, Idiscovered. But f inal ly, when thehard -hit .ball to third base, and Ithird paragraph that it is not a fact Facts About Narbrook. and a ll at the expense or the adjom- word was passed ' ro und t he re was awhether BlggS, the Dun batter, should I that the borough needs money t o pa y In the n ex t p ar ag raph t he writer ing p r o p ~ r t ~ - owners. . SurelY no o ne g re at s cu rr yi ng to r ea ch the subter-be given credit for a h it o r whether Icurrent debts or to meet fu tu re ob. t ou ch es upon the s ub je ct whi ch s ~ o u l d wlsh to pu t hlmself i n t he po-I "anean walk. In a few minutes theStites should be charged with the liga tions. May I i nq uir e w he re h e do ubt le ss i s t he r ea l cause o f h is dis - slt ion of criticising t hose who make, e rr or ha d b een completely correctederro r. Secre tary McCrea, of the Main secured his information in this re- turbed condition of mind, t o w it : Nar - a voluntary gift to the. p U b l i ~ , on the except for one obst inate party whoLine League, who scored t he game for! spect? Apparently, as the opening brook Par k, a nd questions the view g.round that the donatlOn mlght pos- e rsis te d in re ta inin his originalthe league, says it was a h it for Biggs ; : line indicates it was "from the ma- that this is a philanthropy, thus wish- slbly have been larger. As to the oh- Pt di it gScorer Smi th , o f the Narberth team\ jority of p r ~ p e r t y owners." Whi le i ng to convey the inference that the jection that t he p rope rt y and s tr ee ts s ~ ng s. :. t h h d fs a ~ - s it was an e rr or for Sti tes , ~ n it might be pertinent t o a sk as t o t he pro ject i s for the promotion of p ri - are not yet dedicated to the borough. ur socle y repor er w 0 a , 0some of the spectators along the t hi rd s ou rc e o f information o f t he "ma jo r- vate i nt erest s, and s ta tes that eve ry p ermi tme t o state that the agreement c o u r s ~ . been a ss ig ned t o a tt end thebas e li ne endor se Smith's decis ion. i ty o f property owners" would it not effort is bei ng made " to saddle the by th e ho lde rs of l ot s in Narbrook functIon, hurried up to t ~ i s loneWhat's more, St ites h i m s ~ l f says it be better for the gentleman, before borough w it h t he cost of a sewer, provides for the dedicat ion of the ~ a r t y and inquired as to hlS se em -was his error. And Bob Gilmore just at tempting to make absol ut e s ta te - e le ct ri c l ig ht s and fire plugs in streets park. roadways, etc., to the public. mgly un.rea.sonable . attitude, con-smiled and said: "So long as we won, men ts of fact to inqui re at the prop- which, at certain points, ar e too nar- Concerning Haverford Avenue. cluding hlS mt er roga tlOn wit h t he sewhat's the diiference?" And there you er place-of tilose wno have in charge row and do not comply with an ordi- The article next departs some- few well-chosen woras:are, fans! Bu t before you get too t he expendi tu re of borough fUnds nance designating the width ofroa' l- what f rom the subject and refers to "Would you c ar e t o make a statedeep in the discussion r emembe r t he and thus obtain information at fir st ways. " May I ask whether the gen- t he d es ir e o f r es id en ts of Haverford'ment as t o y ou r r ea so n for stayingfamous c o ~ t r o v e r s y as to whether thl} hand? If he will t ak e t he time t o t1eman has a sewer in the street in avenue to have the roadbed repaired. over here when you see all the otherpoliceman mterferred with t he b al l i n a tt en d Council meefings, or to inquire f ron t o f his house, electric lights and It is creditable that the need of such guest s on t he o th er side?"that never-to-be-forgotten 17 innings of the chairman of the Finance Com- also a fire plug nearby for use in (Continued on Second Page) "Well, it's like t hi s, " b eg an t he i n-A l l i ~ t i ~ D ~ ~ i t ~ m ~ I ~ = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ~ ~ = ~ ~ ~ =~ r ~ e w ~ ~ r t ~ " Y . ~ rmAnd i n t he meanwhile see what our -----------------;--- ----- - ; - - - schedUled t o p la y third b as e on thesport ing edi to r has to s ay about t he WELFARE ASSOCIATION PUSHING Games for Saturday. DEMOCRATS GETTIN G READl: FOR: Narberth team thi s afternoon, and asgame itself: SCHOOL LOCATION CANVASS. Gulph Mills at Narberth. .THE PRIMARIES. I usual ly catch t he t ra in from this. Membe rs of The Schoo lWelfare As- Paoli at Overbrook. A m e e ~ l l l g has b een called for Fri- side I 'm a fr ai d t o t ak e a chance andlIow It Happened. !sociation met l as t F ri day evening, at Dun & Co. at Wayne. day .evemng, August 20, by the Demo- leave. It 's a ll very well for thoseConstable Wal ze r' s famous sl ab the home of Mr. W. E. Yost, on Chest- crabc Committeeman A. E. Wohlert , bankers , a nd d oc tor s a nd b us in es sartist, Bob Gilmore, crowned himself nu t avenue, to report on the progress Standing of the Clubs. the meeting to take place at his home, mell ' it doesn 't make and diiferencewith g lor y i n l as t S at ur da y' s game that is being made i n t he canva ss to W. L. P.C. 217 Price avenue. The purpose of thd h t tim they t i n t town andwith the R. G. Dun & Co., by shut ting ascer ta in the willingness of the voters Narberth " 16 3 .842 meeting is to nom in ate a ful l ticket : a c ~ a g a i ~ B e s i d e ~ e rm ?,them out with one lone hit, which to support a school loan that Dun & Co 11 7 .611 for the coming primaries, September '. - ;Deegan g ot f or a double. Only one Ispecifically provides that a new school Overbrook 10 8 .556 21. Democrat ic ci tizens who desire toman reached third base, that being in shall be built within a 1,000 feet Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . 7 12 .368 have their names placed in nomina-t he t hi rd inning when with one ou t rad ius of the railroad station. Paoli . . . 6 12 .333 tion or wish to propose good men asDeegan doubled to left field. I t should Already many signatures have been Gul ph Mill s 5 13 .277 candidates are request ed to a tt en ll .h av e b een onl y a s in gl e, but t he b al l s ecur ed to the peti t ions that ar e being Select your man, be he a Democrat ort ook a high bound and hit Captain cirCUlated and members are confident no-w ABOUT YOUR COUNTY TAXES Republican, and come to the meetingF le ck i n t he face, knocking him out t ha t twice as ma ny names wi ll b e NOW UUE and roo t for him.f or an i ns tant . Before he could re- secured before the borough is com- We su pp ose we oug ht t o mhia our At a recent meeting the followinggain h is s en se s a nd t hr ow the ball pletely covered. own business, but we can't resist t he n ames were placed in nomination andDeegan l lad gone to second. He ad- The association will be very glad t o t empt at io n to save our friends and t he men have promised to serve to thevanced to third base on R. Barnitz's receive any suggestions as to the enemies , a like , f rom pay ing f ines on bes t o f their ability.grounder to Sti te s, who t hr ew t he pr op er locat ion for a new schoo l. All delinquent taxes. So we call to the For School Directors-Robert H.batter ou t at first. communications should be addressed attention of al l Narberth property Dothard (more t o be nominated .)Narberth looked dangerous in the to Secretary Yost. owners the fac t that county taxes are For Council-James R. Cole, Alex-first inning when the first t wo men - - - - - - - now due, and that if they are n ot p ai d a nde r S ha nd a nd L. B. Southerlandreceived bases on balls . But a fast by September 15 f ines wil l be added (mo re t o be nominated.)double play b y the Visitors kept the cnARLEY SAYS. for delinquency. For Assessor of Taxes-A. -E. Woh-home team rom scoring. To get your county ta x bill l e rt (more to be nominated.) "Sorry, Mr. Sil lv ix ter, but we . E JNeither side had a chance unt il t he h av en 't any Peachnut; that's been an- }'ou must write t o t he Count y Treas- For Auditor-George . ones.third inning when Manager Walzer nulled, but I have s ev er al o th er urer at Norristown and ask him For Inspector of Elections-John A.poked a beaut y Texas l eagu er over kinds that a re ju st as good." to send you a bill f or the 1915 taxes; Miller.the second base bag. And Narberth and you must enclose a stamped andd idn' t s top w it h t ha t on e hi t, for addressed envelope for the reply.with one gone, Humphries singled, These a re t he days when the own- We wer e stung once, a nd w e d on 'tKoons received a base on balls a nd ers of a certain motorcar ar e saying, propose to le t itliappen twice i n th eCaptain Fleck singled t o l ef t field. "I c ar e n ot who make s the nation' s sam e plac e; a nd we feel the same(Continued on Thi rd Page) j okes , so long as I col lect the fifty." generous way about other folks.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 19, 1915


    N.A.l{llEH'l'H, PA. -oUR TOWN--AUGUST 19 . 1 ~ 1 5'\\



    IIIlss Mildred S. Smith has returnedfrom Ocean City where s he spent onedelightful time the last two weeks.

    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Green havejust returned from a sojourn at CapeMay.Mrs. Eugene Hurth and son Arthur,of Merioll avenue, have gone t o CapeMay for several weeks.

    E. A. MUSCHAMP,W. ARTHUR COLE,Managing Editors.MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Cashier.

    H. C. GARA,Advertising Manager.H . A. JACOBS,

    , Subscription Manager.



    EMERGENCY PHONE CALLSFire 360.Police 1250.

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915

    "THE LAST CALL"OUR TOWN will gladly printany news item about any snbjectthat Is o f h it cr cs t t o Narbe rt hfolks, bu t In order to meetthe print ing schC'lule, all "copy"-manuscrlpts-Dlust r ea cb t beeditors by G P. M. Monday eachweek.

    Take notice, "Narberth Kicker."The garden near the stat ion will soonbe rid of weeds!

    Owned and Publlshed every Thurst'ay by tha Narberth Civic As.ociatlon.

    WHY NOT STICK TO TAXES1 lito g ri nd? Nei th er of them owns an ',AUgUst 7 when one of our opponents: ~ - - - : ~ = - = - - : : : : : - : , - ~ ~ ~ - _ 'Editor of Our Town: inch of l an d i n t he p ar k! They, with Iwas called out at third on a clearI am ast on is hed and chagr in ed at I their associates, conceived a plan that :safe, and one la st we ek on the t!l.llthe sarcast ic tone and ill-disguised at- imust soon return profit to a large, end of a double p lay, when ou r runtack on two of our most highly Igroup of other men and women who !ne r was declared safe at f irst af terrespected citizens in the communic:l- 1have had vision enough to help them- i the b al l h ad been played fast audtion appearing in last week's issue of Iselves a s t he y helped the town; they ' much ahead of the runner.Our Town headed "Assessments," My did all the missionary work of inter- Let's ask only for that wh ich i slong time friend, the writ er, must' I e st in g p er so ns i n the improvement, I fair and just-but le t u s i ns is t thatcert ainly have fel t ext remely grouchy: of closing sales and of preparing con-I' we ge t a fair deal and that ou r oppo"when he could pen s uc h r em ar ks tracts and the other endless details- nents be g iven l ike treatment. Otherabout Burgess Hen ry and Mr. Laos., they even spent t he ir own money Iwise there's no pleasure in witnessing IIf there ar e any ci tizens of this, tha t o th er s and t he Borough of Nar- Ithe contests and there 's no incentive Iborough more deserving of t he t hank s ber th m ight profit. Ito p lay t he game for a ll i ts worth. ' THE FIRESIDEof the community for their unselfish! For o ~ e , I can't to lerate thi s base I W. Arthur Cole.devotion to i ts interests I should like: insinuatIOn! I t is not t rue , it is en- I By Lady Narberth;to be enlightened as to 'Who they are . i tirely unfounded and it is cruelly un- ! ~ I U . HENRY ANSWERS CRITICIS'U.,'

    Send all le tters and news items to Bu t why no t argue about public mat - j us t. It must be the attack of one - - - Ri . f d d if h h Id (C ti d f F' t P ) ev. and Mrs. E. R. Barnard, cfP 0 B 956 N rb rth Pa Do not ters without insinuating unworthy m sm orme , an , so, e s ou on nue rom Irs age T. . ox ,a e ,. ;motives to those who differ with us? w rite an apology for hi s haste. repairs is admitted, bu t t he wri te r fol- N ~ w a r k , N. J., spent the week-endlend them tJ the printer. . I t h t th 't f tl I thi b t ti th t h WIth Miss Posey of Essex avenue.Send all advertising copy t o P. O. Let us rather honor and res pect t he I sugges t a e wrl er a Ie ows s up y s a n g a e un- ,Box 820. Make all r emitta nc es to ma n or woman whose opinion is 1 communication ask the lot owners der st ands cer ta in p rope rt ie s have M d M H S3 honestly and sincerely expressed. As Iwhether or no t these men are their curbs too far in the roadway, r. an rs. arry . Hopper andP O. Box 4. h' I . Th k' d th t th h Id t Miss Laura Hopper ar e spending part.Our Town is o n s al e at the depot to the matter of assessments I have pilant lrOPIStS. ey now. an a ey s ou n o e xp ec t any- of August at Beach Haven.news.stand, and at the store of H. El. for a long whi le contended 'that all/ One W)IO nils l 'altb. thing in th e w ay of improvementsasse ssme nts should be based on while this condition exists. In thisDavis. the lowest forced sale price; OLD RESIHENTS ANI) TAXES . connect io n, may I state that if the al- Mr . and Mrs. C. Howard McCarter

    1 t 0 not 50 60 or 80 per cent (If Editor of Our Town ' leged conditions exist, the borough al\[rie entertaining BMrs. Raynor antIEntered as second-c as s ma ter . c-, . " h tl . ht ti t i i Ss Raynor of oston.tober 15, 1914, at t he P os t Oflloe at the valuation. bu t what in the as- While tlllS con trover sy ove r t he as Ie rig at any me 0 ns st 'Narberth, PennsYlvania, u nd er t he s es so r' s j ud gment is a f orc ed sale proposed increase in taxes is raging, I u.pon t!Ie correction o f s uc h c ond t- , Mrs. Charles Noel and he r motherAct of March 3, 1879. cash price for the property. My l'ead- believe it is a good time to ask you t ~ o n s ; but no municipality h as the have just returned from a trip t o t heing of t he l aw r eg ar di ng t he duties if there is a ny r ea l b as is for the r Igh t to appropriate pr ivate property California EXDosition.of an assessor l eads me t o t hi nk t hn t Istatement which I have heard a great without just compensation. There-he is instructed to use this method. many times, that the o lder res iden ts fore, in removing this .condition, if Mr. and Mrs. Wood, of Wayne aveWhy it should be illegal f or t he :'ts- of the town ar e not paying their just p roperty i s damaged it IS incumbent Inue , h av e re tu rned from a tour ofsessor to accep t the help and sugges- proportion of the taxes. It has been on the borough to pay for. such dam-, th e West, which included a trip to thetions of a committee of citizens in stated to me on several occasions that ages. Further i nv es ti ga tI on o f t he Panama Exposition. and an unexo rd er t o a scer ta in this lowest price the o lder residen ts have no t had their facts ~ i g h t lead to the d i s ~ o v e r y that pected "hold-up." They were two ofis not plain to me. Can the writ er assessments increased in many, many the.failure of t ~ b o ~ o u g h In the p ast t he party that was "informally" intraenlighten me? And also kindly ex- years , and that they feel they should t o m si st u p o ~ Its rights was due to duced to a genuine bandit in Yellowplain what is meant by the "Counclla he especially favored in this regard, its disinclinatIon to pay for the dam- stone Park.of Philadelphia making an error a long becau se " th ey were her e first." I am age s i nc id en t t o t he e xe rc ise o f suchthese l ines?" It is a real assessment rather curious t o know wha t t he re is r ight s, and it therefore waits , in the Henry C. Howes Jr . of Woodsidethat is needed, an d it should b e just to thi s s ta tement and wil l be obliged hope t h ~ t some time in the d im fut ur e and Ess ex avenues,' has 'gone to Beachas easily ascertained as 50, 60 or so I if you will enlighten me. the reSidents on t he s t re et may be- 1Haven for two wee ks. He will beper cent. The advantages to be ob- InquisItive. come d iscouraged w it h t he condition the gues t of Mr. and Mrs . W. J . Hamil-tained were fully explained in the I of the road and voluntarily, and with- ton and son Kenneth.Icommunications of Messrs. Henry and, JroRE ABOUT U ~ f P I R . I N G . out compensation, consen t to the de-Loos. Editor of Our Town: struction of property which every Mrs. Edward Odell h as r et ur ne dAs a suggestion: I f any proper ty You invite criticism on the umpire citizen would .otherwise be bound to If rom a visit t o Toms River , N. J.Iowner thinks the assessment too high. que stion. Oh! how e as y to criticise, help pay for ID the way of taxation. - 'let, him agree to sell a the assessed much bett er than to boost . I am going However, it is a fact that all slde- Mr. and Mrs. M. Rodman Strct:!t':::===========::-::-=:==== prIce. I f no purchaser IS found with- ,t o tr y t o do the boosting ac t by saying walks on Haverford avenue were laid and Miss Katharine Street , of Ard-

    b h i' 1914 d 1915 in three months, the assessment must Ithat the criticism s houl d come from in accordance with lines and grades more and formerly of Narberth ar eNa r e rt -c lamplons an ,. be r educed. S ome suc h arrangement' t hose who have some knowledge of supplied by the borough's official sur- at P i ~ e Beach, N. J. 'as this would automat ically prevent the game. veyor.over assessments. The league president covers th e I t i s n ex t suggested that for yearsF. nll lwood Justice. question not onl y emphatically, but taxpayers have been building roadsjustly. May it be within my province for the . benef it o f promoters, and thatPERTIXEXT nUT NOT DfPERTI. to s ay t ha t th e umpires of t hi s y ea r t hi s m ig ht be a good t ime t o r equi reNENT. are the equal, or better than those Ith.em to build the roads in accordance Mr. O. L. Hampton has retu rned to

    J\ PLAIN STATEMENT. Edi to r Our Town: we ha ve h ad in pa st )'e ar s? WIth t he a ct s of Legislature. I am h is o ld pos t, at the Y. M. C. A., afterThe editors of Our Town welcome Why is it that whenever a man is The decision at third base (game of not famil iar with any acts of the Leg- spending two weeks at Ocean Grovethe discussion in its columns of any pUblic-spirited enough t o t ak e an ac- Saturday , the 7th) looked raw from is lature requiring property owners to IN. J ., and Honey Brook, Pa, 'principle or policy that concerns the tive interest in the welfare and p ro g- t he g ra nd st an d, b ut did you see it build highways. I have always been - - -welfare of Narberth. We deprecate, ress of his home town. someone is from t he s ame ang le as the umpire? under the impression that this was a Mr. and Mrs. WlIIiam J. Kirkpatrickhowever, the introduction of the per- sure to quest ion his efforts and im- You certainly cannot say that he duty imposed upon municipalities. and Miss Mabel Kirkpatrick aresonal element i nt o s uch discussions. pute motives of personal profit? The wasn' t on the job. ISurely. the author o f t he l et te r does spending a we ek at Avalon, N. J.The "argumentum ad hominem," crit icism of Messrs. Hen ry and Loos' Mr. Cr it ic ise r, don the mask. pro-, not Wish, to contend that a radicalwhich aims t o ho ld u p t o public scorn i:l your last i ss ue , I do not at tempt to t ec to r and shi n gua rd s and go behind Ichange in our sys tem should be madeand r id icule one who honestly enter- controvert, in so f ar a s it refers to tho the ba t or take a job along the base after his own s treet , for which taxtains views at variance with those who necessi ty or otherwise of the proposed lines; l et o ther people see you as you payers in other parts o f t he boroughuse it, is absolutely illogical. It has read justment of assessments-I wUl see them. helped to pay. ha s b ee n d ul y paved,no place in a sincere discussion. leave that t o t ho se who know more Whi le on the sub je ct o f criticism thus relieving him of his counter obli-We have been as liberal as coul db e about it. But I do bel ieve it Is up to kindly allow me the privilege of ask- gation to return the favor for the benwished in the past, in permitt ing tho someone to take up the cudgels in be- ing a quest ion or two. Why crit icise eft t of the o ther citizen. Such an argu-half of the gentlemen who have given the Overbrook team and its manage':'? iment might have some weight ifpUblication of such communications, 1 f 1 I ti d t i l t t You ar e not familiar enough with the Imade by one who resides on an un- Mr. and Mrs. William Milne, of Nelvbut we aim, in t he future, to presen t so muc lOt Ie r ,me an IOUg 1 0 Ionly those contributions that discuss the object of making Narberth a be t- game to know th:1.t all good players I mproved street. York, are stopping with Mrs. Henrysubjects of local o r g en er al i nt er es t t er town-who have t aken such pains Iand managers do everything to win. 'Whut the Tax Committee Proposes IRose, Woodside avenue.in a manner that will be free from to really pu t it on the map. Nar- Iand i n many cas es go beyond personal to Do. -- -personal animus. h e r t ~ 1 is. gett ing to be a better town Isafety (McGraw, Evers, Cobb, et al.) The article then returns once I 1 ~ r . Kennedy Duff is enjoying theDoubtless it would add considerably to h ~ In. every day, and that result I Why should Overbrook be dis- more to the question of assessments, /fishmg at Oakland. Me. Mrs. Duff andto the gayety of the borough if some is primarily due to t . h ~ efforts O.f the Icharged from. the league when we ( ~ a nd s ta te s that no commi ttee has Ih er d au gh te r Helen ar e spendingt 'ti re permi tt ed to llX- men whom your cntIc sarcastIcalh" the same thmg ? We never try cO power to make assessments. In this IAugust at Ocean Grove, N. J.o our CI zens we f t " 1'1 th . t ?" Ib k hpress freely their opinions of othenl, I re ;r s 0 as p II an ropls s. l ~ a runner; we never s ow our I I agree with him, and beg to inform. - .bu t remember this is Our Town-not Narbrook Park was. not developed! spite; we never give the runner a Ihim that t h ~ r e has been no intenOon MISs Dorothy E. WIlson. of Way:IeT T i with t he obj ec t o f makmg pro fi ts for a ,shoulder. Oh! no, our boys never 'o r attempt to appoint a committee f or avenu e, g av e a lawn party In honor ofown op cs. select few. Everyone was invi ted to i fight. When Narberth don't do theM this purpose. In the hope that the her gues t Miss Edna Meyers, of Phila

    subscribe on an even bas is and no Ithings you may count me out. Why mistaken impression under which he del phia , on Thursday evening. TheWIIERE TO POST NOTICES. f a ~ o r i t i s m was shown. It is not a Ishould Overbrook be criticised? is laboring may be removed, le t me lawn was beautifully decorated withFor the benef it o f those who are private enterpri se , but a publ ic im-I I may not be in a posit ion to give r ef er h im to you r i ss ue of July 22 in J ap anes e l an te rn s. The guest s were:compelled by law t o p os t notices in p.rovement and b ~ n e f i t , and its concep-I judgment, ~ > U t as one of the players which a statement of th e plan of're- Miss Helen Rhoades, Mr. Harryseveral different places and for the hon reflects credIt on those who con- , on t he o ri gin al N ar be rt h team. a , vising tax assessments is given If Rhoades and Mr. Hewitt. o f Logan ;use of secretaries of various organlza- reived i t f or t he u lt ima te a dv an ta ge Iplayer. an ump ir e and spect at or for, he w il l r ef er to that issue he 'wil l Miss Elizabeth James. of Hazleton;tions, Our Town hereinafter gives the of Narberth as a whole. To conve rt l ov er t hi rt y y ea rs . why not ? ;find that, i ns te ad o f an i n t ~ n t i o n to Miss Helen Cole, Miss Emily Bell,location of eight bulletin boards. an unsightly swamp into a beautiful C. A. S. McClellan. : create a committee to make ta x as- Miss Dorothy Wood, the Misses HelenIn th e Y. M. C. A. Community Cen- park and at .no cost to anyone bu t the I ;sessments, the only obj ec t was , a s is and Elizabeth Miesen, Messrs. Jamester there are two bulletin boards. At lot owner s, IS' a n a ct to be viewed by WilEN "THE ITJrp" FAVORED 'very plainly stated to a ss is t ou r tax Sherron, Ralph Beatty and John WIl-the corner of Essex and Windsor ave- residents of Narberth with satisfaction NARBERTII. !a ss es so r i n collecting data figures -son.nues there is a large community -no t to be "knocked." It seems to Editor of Our Town: !etc., for his own use in fixing t h board, and there are two other boards me t ha t t he correspondent was more As a constant follower of the M a ~ n Iassessments. This is clearly indicated The notices on the church bulletinof the same type-one on the outer than unjust to the gentlemen men- Line League contests, I want to ada iby the following extract from the pub- boards seem to indicate that thewall of t he post office and one on the I tioned, neither of whom. by th e way, t o t ho se that have preceded an ex- ,Iication above r efe rr ed to : "Of Union meeting at the Methodistsouth side at the end of the s ta tion IhflS any. knowledge wbatever of thi s press ion of dissatisfaction with the; course, the committee is merelY' ad- Chu rch , 8 P. M. Wednesday, Augustwal k nea r Elmwood avenue. There commuDlcation. work being done 'by our umpires. visory a nd o ur t ax a ss es so r w il l ex- ]8. wlII b e somewhat different.are facil it ies for posting notices in- Booster. I Whether or not the sum available Iercise his discretion in officially flx-Iside the post office and, should it be 1 can "buy" better a rb it ra to rs , i s a n ling the assessments. The purpose of the thought ful and progressive citi-necessary, perhaps consent might be ~ r E S S R S . LOOS AND HENRY AND open question. There is much t o be the committee, therefore, is merely to zens have a fUll appreciation of the-obtained to use the Y. M. C. A. space on NARBROOK. said about the difficulties of obtain-I assist i n t hi s matter of v it al i nf er es t f ac t that the interests of the individ-the two handsome church bulletin Editor of Our Town:. Ing umpires and of umpiring itself. ,t o all and to relieve Mr. Warner of ual or the few must frequently yieldboards on both sides of the station. In last week's i ss ue o f your paper, When plays are close, then it Is Ia large amount of deta il work wpic h to 'the interests of the Whole for th eWhy use posts and t rees? You k now t he re w as a communicat ion that inti- high time to be tolerant of the de- Iattends such a plan." And at another common good. The citizen who views"it's agin the law! " mated that Mr. Augustus J. Loos alld c is ion handed down b y th e m an hlrf!.l I place, it i s a ls o stated that the 'com- public matters from the standpoint

    Mr. Geo. M. Henry werl'! not truo to Bay what's what-but if an umpire Imittee "would be abl e t bg [ ve the tax of sel fl sh interest is bo und t o me etA LIDRi \RY nUILDING1 philanthropists in proml)ting Nar - makes an en ti rely wrong decision assessor material assistance in ob- with disappointments. To illustrate,brook, the model community. when t he re i s t ime enough for all in taining data. figures, etc." covering our main streets with tarviaOur neighbor, Ardmore, is to have If they are not, then the word the stands to see the play, then it Fo r the Common Good. has added considerably t o t he attrac-a new library bui ld in g. How soon phi lanthropy has los t i ts meaning. goes to prove that the umpir ing is I regret to note t ha t t he wri te r or tiveneBs of our borough and t he com-will Narberth' s fast g rowing l ib rary These men and thei r associa tes have lack ing somewhere- tha t the umpire last week' s le tt er should address f ort of i ts inhabitants as a whole. Itbe big enough to need a bunding o f wor ke d nearly two years day and is not on the jo b, even if he knows you publicly w,ithout first having has not directly h el ped t he citizeni ts own? More books ar e being con- n ig ht t o p er fo rm a service for the his work. carefully considered h is s ta tement s who doe s not live on a main t ho rtributed every week, and the resl- community a t l a rge -yes, indi re ctly, Two or more flagrant cases of t h i ~ and the facts of the case. I do not oughfare, though he ha s helped paydents of th e b or oug h h av e n ot be en to raise the value of every property in nature have happened on the local bel ieve the views expressed in hi s for it. He has , however, received benslow t o a pp re ci at e t hi s new com- Narberth. grounds in t he l as t two games-and letter represent the majori ty of opln- efi ts indirect ly, and it is, therefore .munity Institution. What axe have either o f t he se men Iboth happened to favor Narberth. On lion in th is bo rough . I b el ieve that (Continued on Third Page)

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 19, 1915


    An ugly baby is something nomother ever possessed.

    ~ [ I L A ~ I l MRS. BALIlWIN LEAVENARBERTH l'OR LOS ANGELES.Friends of Mr. and Mrs. St. J. Baldwin. of Merion avenue, will regret tolearn that th is couple ar e leavingNarber th for Los Angeles, California,where Mr. Baldwin will become superintendent of t he men s tu de nt s i n t heLos Angeles Bible Institute. Rev . Dr.R. A. Torrey, who Is wel l known InPhiladelphia and Narberth, is the deanof the Institute.Mr. and Mrs. Baldw in have bee nactively engaged in religious workhere in Narberth as well as inthe city of Penn. Mr. Baldwin has been circulation manager oft he Sunday School Times, and Mrs.Baldwin is the author of a weeklYSunday School lesson that is used byteacher s and s tudents th roughout thecountry. Both were active in the BlIlySundaY revival.

    MERION TO HAVE A SCHOOL.Ground has been broken for thenew Mer ion c ount ry day school, onSuplee lane. The s tr uct ure, whichwill be up-tO-date In every respect,will be completed before October 1.The school opens on October 4. Mrs.Frederick W. Rockwell, chairman ofthe Women's Committee of th e Mer)onCivic Association, whose efforts arelargely respons ible for the estab l ishment of th e school, is giving perBonalsupervis ion to th e erect ion o f th ebuilding.The school, which wi ll be a modeleduca tiona l ins t itu tion for the young,will have f or its director Miss Gertrude Hartman, a Bryn Mawr graduate and recen tly assistant director ofth e Winsor School, In Boston.

    With the pr imary e lect ion bu t amonth away, t he c ampa ign in Montgomery county is approaching a mostIOteresting s tage , wi th every indica-



    One trouble w it h mos t o f our bri ll ian t thoughts is that they were orlgl ra l with the ancient thinkers.Money I s a man' s best f r iend; yet itis always trying to get away from If you want to study human naturehim. don 't p at roni ze a correspondenceschOOl. Watch you r neighbors.

    GULPH MILLS.R. H. O. A.1 2 1 1o 1 1 3o 1 1 0001 0o 0 0 0o 0 10 0o 1 9 2o 1 0 1o 0 1 0o 0 0 01 0 0 1

    WHERE THEY ARE.Aun t Mar y ( vi si ti ng in th e cl ty)I want to hear at least one o f y ou rfamous grand opera singers and thens ee s ome o f your leading actors.Nephew (to office boy)-Jfinmy, lOne can usually tell by a ma n' jlget us some tickets for the vaudevi l le I whistle whether things are coming his

    and movies.-Life. :way or not.

    Two-base hit-Brooke. Three-basehlts-Pulch, Weaver. Sacrifice h i t s Hermes, Conway, Bonne r. Stolenbases - Wolfson, 3 ; Lough re y, 2;Pulch, 2. L eft o n bases-Wayne, 6';Overbrook, 4. Struck out-By Packey,:;; Martin, 4; Hallowell. 4. Bases onballs-Off Packey, 4 ; Mar tin, 1; Hallowell, 2. Passed balls-Weaver, 3.Umpi re-Kirk . T ime-2.10.

    Ruser, 3b .Campman, ss .Wilfong, cf .Evans, If .Davis, If .Moore, Ib .Cook , c . . . . . . . .Singleton, 2b .Hoaxy, rf .Kershaw, rf .Mayer, p .

    PAOLI MEN'S CLUB.R. H. O.LeRoy, 3b . . . . . . . 0 0 0Supplee, 1b . . . . . 0 0 6Hanley, rf 1 3 0Hillborn, 2b 1 0 4Craffius, cf 2 1 0Brown, ss . . . . . . . 1 2 2DetterHne, If 1 1 0Pawling, c 0 1 14Magi ll , p . . . . . . . 0 0 1

    E L ~ [ W O O D LOSES CLOSE GAME TO GETTING READY FORGOODYEAR A. A. iThe Elmwood t eam was defeated NOVEMBER ELECTIONSSaturday by the Goodyear A. A., ofPhiladelphia, in 'one of th e closestgames of th e season. This is the tlilrdgame these two t eams have played,and E lmwood won t he fi rs t two, sothe local boys have the a dvan ta ge o f

    the series. tion o f furni shi ng some s urp ri sesPAOLI WINS :nWM GULPH MILLS.! H. Bowman pitched th e first s ix i n- before that day.,nings for Elmwood, a nd w as invinci---- Ible until the fifth Cummer w s se t Many petitions fo r a place on theThe P ao li Men's Cl ub t oo k the ir in to do the twi;Un in the s : v e n t ~ Iballot h ~ v e been filed i n t he co un tysecond straight victory by defeating b ut t he Goodyear pfayers had found commissIOners' office and hundreds ofthe Gulph Mills Club, at Paoli, by t he t hei r batting e ye s a nd weren't to be others ar e expected. The filing of soscore of 6 to 2. stopped. large a number of papers will meanIt was a g ood game thr oughou t a nd , ome work t o c la ss if y a nd draw upeither side's v1ctory up unm th e last t he n am es fo r the ba llo ts and whenA. E. man was olit in th e n inth . The score: the last of the month comes around2 0 Ithe commissioner s wi ll have the ma-O 0 ELMWOOD. ,jorlty of the petitioners classified.o 0 I I The followers of four political1 1 R. H. O. A. E . p ar ti es w il l b e g iv en an opportunityo 0 IBradley, 3b 1 2 0 2 0 to make nominations for important1 2 IS. Bowman, lb 1 1 5 0 0 offices on Tuesday, September 21 the

    I 'o 0 ILong, ss 1 2 0 6 0 day set for t he fall p rima ri es . The3 2 Henderson, cf 1 0 0 2 0 political pa rt ies t o b e repres en tedo 0 ILudovici, 2b 0 0 3 2 0 i are: Republican, Democratic, Socialist- JPrice, cf 0 0 0 0 0: and Prohib it ion.Totals . . . . . . . . 6 8 27 7 5 H. Bowman, p., If. 0 1 4 0 0 I I n a ll p ar ts of Montgomery countyHarch, c 0 0 10 0 1 ,nominations will be mad e fo r S ta teCummer, p., rf 2 2 3 2 0 Iand county offices. In the boroughs ofJefferies, cf. , lb 0 1 5 0 0 t he c ounty bor ough officers will be

    nominated and t he s ame holds goodTotals 6 9 30 14 1 In th e towllships.The only S ta te officers t o b e namedare judges of the Supe rior Court,

    A. E. t hr ee t o be named.1 0 Nominations are to be made foro 1 the following county officers: Judge ofo 0 the Court of Common Pleas, Sheriff,7 0 Clerk of the Courts, Register .)fo 1 Wi ll s, Recorder of Deeds, county con-o 0 troller, county treasurer, three coun-o 0 lJ commissioners, Coroner, three di2 0 rectors of the poor and a county sur3 0 veyor.In th e case of county commission2 e r, each party will nominate two pe rsons. The law requires that a minor

    A. C. 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 -7 ity party must be r epre sented on the. . . . . , 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 -6 b oa rd s o that the party pol l ing thelargest number of votes at th e election to be he ld in November will placeANSWERS CRITICISM. two commissioners in office, while oneof the minority parties will pu t thethird in office.Tuesday, August 24, is the last dayto file primary petitions with theSecretary of the Commonwealth, andTuesdaY, August 31, is t he l as t d ay t oflIe primary petitions with th e countyc')iIlmlssioners.On Tuesday, August 31, and Wednesday, September I , the registrationassessors in boroughs and townshipswill sit at polling places torevise theregistration list for th e fall elections.September 1 wil l b e t he last nay to beassessed to vote at th e election Tuesday, November 2, i n borough s andtownships.

    CAPE MAY G.UlES OFF.The proposed games between Narb er th a nd Cape May, at t he l at te rplace, ar e off. Manager Walzer feelsthat coming so nea r t he c lo se o f thele ague season and the approachingseries with Cheltenham he wouldrather not take a chance on overt axing h i s players.


    E.1ooooo !t. H.1 DI Dio, rf 1 2o R. Williams, 3b.. . 0 0o Murray, 2b 1 4o Pollock, ss 0 0o Bradley , c f 1 1I S'sohn, 1b 1 0

    Totals 2 6 24 8 -; ' Sc'ling, If 1 2J. Williams, c 2 2Gulph Mills . .. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 Musl, P 0 1Paoli M. C.. . . . 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 X-61 Totals 7 12 27 13

    A. E. Two-base hits - Han le y, Brown .1 0 Three-base hit-Singleton. Home ru n IGoodyearo 0 I-Graffius. Double play-Brown and ' Elmwoodo 0 I Supplee. Stolen bases-Hanley, Det- -------2 1 I tel'line, Pawling, RuseI ', 2; Wilfong,o 0 i2; Campman. Left on bases-Paoli, MIL HENRY2 0 14; Gulph Mills, 5. Struck out-Byo 0 [ Magill, 12; by Mayer, 8. Bas es o no 0 balls-Off Magill, 2; off Mayer, 3.o 0 IPassed ball-Pawling. Wild pitch.4 1 Magill, 1; . Mayer, .1. Hit by pitched_ ball-Campman. Umpire - (looper.2 Scorer-Compton. Time of game1.50.

    O.113o1911oo17 27


    NARBffiRTH, PA.-OUR TO'VN-AUGUST 19 . 1915

    On to Cheltenham now!

    Totals 3

    "Nig." Ko ons c aug ht o ne el eg an tgame.

    Turner's stop of R. Barnitz's~ r o u n d e r in th e first i nn ing was abird, th e bal l t ak in g Turn er a roundonce before he threw it and caughtBarnltz at first.Charlle Barker certainlY had lots oflife last week. Always in the game Is

    Charlie 's slogan.

    Manager Walzer i s g rea t ly pleasedwith two victorious teams under hi smanagement and is to be congratulated. especially since they have bothbeen composed of home talent.

    (Continued from Second Page)not an injustice to compel him to helppay the bills. His individual interestmus t b e sacrificed for the good of th ewhole. Aga in , the repa ir ing of Wynnewood and Haver ford avenues wil lno t d i rec tly benefit even a majorityof our citizens, viewing it from an in-A. E. OVEItBROOK DE1'EJ"TS lfAYNE. dividual standpoint; bu t the indirect2 0 benefit to th e borough as a who le i so 0 well worth th e expenditure. A third3 I) O'Brien's Overbrook Colts were the i l lus tr at ion i s f ur ni sh ed by th e veryo 1 winners in a slugfest at Overbrook, Iproject which the gentleman criti-o 0 t rouncing the Wayne Brigade by the elses. He f ai ls t o see any d irect ad-2 0 score of 15 to 4. Ivantage which might a cc ru e t o blm,1 1 I and apparently believes we have noo 0 i OVERBROOK. need for pUblic pa rk s in suburbano 0 I R. H. O. .A. E. Itowns. Bu t the benefit to the town as4 0 I Levan, If 0 1 2 0 O. a whole cannot be disputed; at least,_ iHerme s, s s 2 3 2 2 0 : the general concensus of modern

    Totals 0 1 24 12 2 ' Conway, 3b 2 1 2 2 1 opinion on th e subject is clearlyWolfson, cf 4 3 4, 0 0 shown i n t he action of other muillci-R. G. Dun & Co..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Loughery, 1b 3 2 11 0 1 palities, large and smal l , and 01 ourNarberth 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 x-:3 Pulch, 2b 1 3 2 0 0 S ta te a nd National legislators. Does

    IBonner, rf 0 0 0 0 0 the gentleman wis h I t to be said thatEarned runs-Narberth, 3. Two- Riley, c .. 2 2 3 2 0 the people of this community ar e sobase hits-Deegan. Koons. Three-base IPackey, p 1 0 0 4 0 far behind th e times i n t he ir viewshit-Fleck. First base on errors-Nar- IHare, rf 0 0 1 0 0 I a nd p ri nc ip le s a s to r efuse to acc"aptbe rth . 1 ; Dun, 1. Left on bases-Nar- , - as a gift that which other municipaH-berth, 10; Dun & Co., 2. Struck ou t - : Totals 15 15 27 10 2 ties feel it is the part of wisdom toBy Gilmore, 13; Deegan. 9. Bases on I WAYNE. buy, in t he fear that the acceptancehalls-Off Gilmore. 3; D"egan, 7. Dou- R. H. O. A. E. might entail some slight obligationhIe plays-Gilmore. Humphries ami. Weaver, c 1 2 8 2 2 in th e way of fu ture care? Would no tD a ~ i s ' Gilmore and Davis ' Storer to iCompton, 2b 0 0 1 3 2 a public official who a ct ed upon suc hH. B ~ r n i t z . Hi t b y pi tched ball-II C. Evans. 3b 0 1 4 1 1 a theory of past a ge s be th e properDavis. Passed balls-Fahey, 2. Um- Cornog, rf 0 1 0 0 0 subject of criticism and condemnationpire-Mack. Scorer-Smith. Tlme- C ass , c f ., " 0 1 2 0 0 by citizens who have kept abreast of1 40 .Mitchell, If 1 1 0 0 0 the times?. . . Brooke, 1b 1 2 7 2 0 In considering all these matters,

    Martin, p 0 0 0 0 0 public 'officials, if they pe rform theirW. Evans, ss 0 1 1 2 2 duty, wil l conside r the public' s goodHallowell, p . . . . . 1 1 1 1 0 and ac t according ly . And the officialwho f ai ls t o do this, but who kee psTotals 4 10 24 11 7 his ea r to t he g round in o rd er t o heara nd h ee d t he s li gh te st protest fromWayne 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0- 4 Individuals whose views ar e limnedOverbrook . ,. 4 0 4 0 1 3 2 1 x-15 and governed by their own selfishInterests, either lacks th e necessarybackbone an d courage t o p ro per lyperform the dut ies of his office, or isseeking favors for h is p er so na l a dvantage. In either event, he is unworthy of the confidence and trust oft he peopl e who elected him.George M. Henry.

    R. G. DUN & CO.R. H. O.R. Barnitz, 2b. . . . . 0 0 2H. Darnitz, lb . . . . 0 0 9Storer, 3b , 0 0 1Fahey, c. . 0 0 10Baird. r f. , c f. 0 0 2Biggs, If. 0 0 0DeFrates, SSe 0 0 0Frazier, cf. 0 0 0Shank, rf. 0 0 0Deegan. p 0 1 0

    NARBERTH.R. H.Humphries, 2b. . . . . 1 2Koons, c. , . . . . . . . . 1 1Fleck, If . .. 1 2Stites, 3b. 0 1Davis, lb 0 0Turner, ss 0 0Walzer, rf. 0 1Ensinger , r f. . 0 0Barker, cf. 0 0Gilmore, p. .. . . . . . 0 0

    NA.RBERTH WINS BIG GAME FRO][ iDUN.(Continued from F ir st Pag e)Humphries was out trying to SCaN.Stites also got a free trip to first base,filling the bases , and then Deegan began ge tt ing ne rvous and c racked Gene

    Davis on the wrist with a pitched ball,which forced Koons in with th e firstru n of t he game. That ended thescorhig u nt il t he fifth inning whenthe Narbe rth boys decided it wouldbe safer to have a coupl e more runs.To start t he b al l a rolling, WalterHumphries, o ur c ra ck second baReman, poled ou t hi s second single ofthe day. Koons scored Humphrieswith a long double, but was ou t trying to get back to second base. Captain Fleck was next up and he madehimself a hero w hen he hi t o ne ofDeega n' s g roove bal ls for a triple,whi ch B ai rd almost ca ug ht. Th eveteran Stites then cracked ou t a sing le scor ing Fleck with th e third andfinal ru n of the game.After that no hits were mad e byeither team, Gilmore striking outeight of the last twelve men to facehim. In two innings he fanned fivemen. ( Insert ed by the c e n s o r - O ~ ,you, Rube Waddell!)The re w er e man y features of thegame, one especial ly being th e catchmade by Manager Walzer i n t he s ix thInning of a short fiy to right field byH. Bar ni tz . Two fast double plays byKarberth were th e cause of much applause. particularly th e one in th efourth inning. The hi tt ing honors ofth e day were carr ied off by IWalterHumphries, with two hi ts ou t of threetimes at bat, and with Koons andCaptain Fleck n ot f ar beh ind. S ti te sa lso had a g ood day at the bat, drawing a pass and cracking ou t a singleat the opportune time.The score:



    NrWli of tltr




    NEW }'IRE APPARATUS FOR BRYNMAWB COMPANY.At a spe ci al mee ti ng o f th e BrynMawr Fire Company, held last week,the ques t ion of purchasing a modernautomobile fire engine was finally dec ided on, and in th e n ea r f ut ur e t heapparatus w ill b e bo ug ht fr om t he

    Aaron-Fox Company.The different types of automobileengines were d iscussed by memoersof the company, who have been vis It ing fire companies in near.hy cItiesf or t he p as t y ea r a nd inspecting thevarious makes o f app a ra tu s. The apparatus decided upon is saidto be equal to any fire-fighting engine Vernon Fleck had a nas ty c ra ck i nmanufactured. The complete appara- the face bY the ball.tus will cos t about $10,500, and i t w asannounced that Mr . Al ba B. Jo hns on , E ugene Davis fielded in faultlesspresident of th e local fire COmpany,\ style Saturday; some of his stopsand Mr. Samuel M. Vauclain, the con- ranging on the spectacular.s uI ti ng e ng in ee r, will contribute$5000, and that the company mustraise the balance of the necessaryamount,Chief Israel H. Suppl ee and Assistant Chief Philip B. Davis andJoseph J. Graham were appoin ted acommittee to go to Cincinnati, 0. , andmake a cont rac t wi th the Aaron-FoxCompany for th e apparatus.

    Montgomery Avenue an d MeetingHouse Lane.Merion Meeting House is opened forworsh ip every First-day at 10.30 A.M. Visitors ar e cordially welcome.

    Rev. Jol In Van Ness, Minister.10 A. M.-Blble School. All depart

    ments; al l welcome.11 A. IVI .-Publ ic worsh ip . Sermonby Rev. W. C. Alexander, D. D., ofPhiladelphia.6 P. M.-Union Twilight meeting.Address by Dr. Shields, returned miss iona ry f rom China .Union prayer mee ti ng e ve ry Wed nesday evening.

    Early Mass on Sunday from Aprlll

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 19, 1915



    N A R B E H T a P A . - O U R > T O ~ = ~ A ~ U ~ G ~ U ~ S ' ~ ~ = 1 ~ 9 ~ ~ = 1 = 9 = 1 = 5 = = = = = = = = = = =

    LAKE PAUPAC CO., R. F. D., Canadensis, Monroe Co., Pa.

    La ke Pau p a c




    Narberth, Pa.


    c. P. COOK

    Prompt Deliveries Assured

    Contented Consumers CommendCook's Coal



    AN OAK CHINA CLOSETAnd Sideboard lor Sale, Cbeap


    Most women would r at he r be lovedtoo wel l than too wiselY.It is easy to find a man who iswilling to grunt while you Hit.

    A secre t i s someth ing known to bt!tone person.

    Office Closes Noon Saturds)s- Jnne 1to October 1.


    ARCADIABESTNur.Bel.16th S lFlDeslPhoto la y The-atre olltl l sfze In th eEntireWorld.Photoplays-Contlnunus 10 A. M. to 11.30P.M.

    "A Store for Particnlar People"Home Dre ss ed Pou lt ry , But te r, Egg sand Game.

    Fancy Fruit and Vegetable

    Thursday, Friday&SaturdayAugust 19,20 and 21st.HARRY MESTAYER

    JAMES G. SCANUNContracting Painter

    Miesen's BakeryNARBERTH ARCADE :

    BUILDINGBread, cake, Rolls, PJes,Candy . I ce CreamCATERING FOR PARTIES

    VERL PUGHElectrical Contractor225 lona Avenue, Narberth, PL

    Telephone-Narberth 381-D.

    The House of1000 Candles


    S T O P

    We refer to R. &C. Qualityand R. & C. Prices. for theformer is highest and the latte r is lowest. That is wh yparticular. careful people dealat ou r stores.

    Plumbing, Gas Fittingand HeatingNARBERTH . P A


    Robinson &> Crawford

    LOSTLARGE (;OLLIE DOGWhite breast and nose, answersto the name of 'Teddy."W. J. KIRKPATRICK,110 Chestnut Ave.



    Frank CristMEATS & PROVISIONSHi.h Grade ButterTelephone-Narberth 644 A.


    LOST ! SOLID GOLD LOCKETMarked with initials "M. G. MeG"Reward if re tu rned to

    D. J. McGARRY,231 lana Ayen ue, Narberth.FO R S AL EAHome Built for Comfort aad ConvenienceAt 416 Woodside AvenueIt I s a r ea l home lor some one.Fordetails, consultKoronskl & Cameron, : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ' 8

    Bell 'Phone, 608. 101 Cheslnut Ave" Narberth

    Location, Greentown, Pike County, Pa. Fifteen miles north of Cresco orGouldsboro, on th e D. L. & W. R. R.Tenth Season : Flshin g, Boating, Swimming.

    A. I. Loos. Pres.. Narberth. Pa. J. Fmnklln Meehan. Sec'y., Mt. Airy, Phil. .

    That It Is justabou t aa cbeapand much marcsallalactory to se-lect your lot IromNarberth's Highest Tractand build your bOUle accordln&to your own pllns,and theway you want It-and where )'ou wanti t - as to buy a ReaelY-MadeBouse?

    MAKE SURE OF YOllR CBOICE NOWTERMS TO SUITFMJ t Montgomery Avenue.NARBERTH,OrI I ns ICe, 612 Chestnut SL. Pblla.

    2 2 0 0 feet a bo ve s ea levelWit h N at ur e i n t he Woods. Rhododendrons and Flowers in th e Spring.

    Lovely Cool Days i n the Summer. Magnificent Foliage i n th e Fall . Comfortable Home Life. Splendid Table and Good Rooms. T e n ~ Season. Fresh Milkand Vegetables from ou r Farms.Fo r reservations, booklet and information, address.


    EDWARD"HAwslPlaster and CementWorkEstimates Furnished Jobbing



    For Tax AssessorA . H . 'W 'OHLERTAs low Assessments as Possible.Justice to All, Favors to None.YourSuppon Requested.

    A . E . 'W 'OHLERTWishe s to a nnounc e that be i s a c andi dat e f or t he office of Tax Asses so r forthe Borough of Narberth. Your supportrequested. A!l c : a n d i d a t ~ s for offl.ce areinvited to jam m makmg publiC announcementsofthat factin OUR TOWN.

    b lue spo ts over a brown moi re anawatered silk elIect. It ranges in sizef rom two i nches to mons ters of threeand four, and lives exclusively in " THE LANDbabbling b rook s no t less than oneinch deep. I t is fished f or w it h artificial files and caught with worms.Bullheads are more eas ii y caugh tthan tr out . T hi s gives them a muchbetter flavor. The bul lhead can beidentified by g ri pp ing h im firmly. Ifit is a bullhead the f isher will f ind thefish nicely nailed to his hand by handsome spines.The bullhead has the openest smileof a ny g ame fish except t he s pe rmwhale. The sperm whale, however, Isnot a true game fish. He is an independent oil refiner, who was pushedinto the sea when John D. Rockefellerwas evoluted.One s pe rm wha le is considered af ai r c at ch for one d ay 's fishliig.Fishers who would rather f ish 'fornumbers than quali ty usual ly devotethemselves t o t he eel. The e el Is exceedingly e as y t o c atc h, bu t not soeasy to un catch. A ten-inch eel swallows the hook and M feet orihe linein the moment of impact_ The fishermust j erk violently as so'on as the eelbites. He will then discover the eellooped handsomely a ro un d h is n ec kand tied with a sailor's half-hitch.A somewhat more aristocratic sportIs salmon f ishing .The s almo n i s caugh t with a polethat has been s awed i nt o thr'ee ormore pieces an d p ut t ogether again H RRY B WALLat an expense of not l es s than $100. A .The salmon fisher begins to fish atdawn to cast into the salmon poolwith h is pi eced po le and continuescasting until sunset. A guide willthen wade into the pool and get thesalmon with a galI-hook.There is also salt-water fishing.Salt-water fishing is not fishing forsalt mackerel, as many unscientificthinkers believe. Salt-water fisherscatch bluef ish, b lackfish , wli Itensh ,jewfish, pollocks ana o ther nationalities.The e quipm ent for a sal i-waterfI:::her is a strong pole, one mile oftwine , a meathook and a s id ewhe elsteamer. T he s te amer i s to get s ea

    sick on.The very best way t o fish is bytrolling. It Is the favorite method offat men, who fish for exerCise. TrollIng is done by s it ti ng in any e-asychair In a boat and being rOWedby a f ri end. The t rol le r holds a pol eand line. At the end o f this line is apiece of machlnery that revo!-,:esswiftly as t11e rower Is kept up to hi!'work by judicious remarks from thetroller.The machine has a bouquet o f c ol ored feathers a tt ached to it, togetherwith as many hooks as ..l!.OSSlble.!Ver y o ft en a rower will have. ro:wedbarely fifty miles before a flsli ishooked. Enthusiast ic trollers keep asupply of f re sh f ri ends on hand durI ng the trolling season.

    . ................................................................One Year's DUBS DoS Member o f F ir e COmpany and OneYear's SubSCription to Our Town.

    Combination Coupon-Check Your Wishes.JolD the Local Organization Vou Wlsb-and Get Our Town, Too


    Voting Membership in Civic Asaoclatlon and One Year's$1.50 Subscription to O ur Town .Full Membership in Y. M. C. A. and One Year' s Suhscrip$5.50 tion to Our Town.

    Addreas .Name

    Secretary, Civic Association, Narberth.Enter my name on you r books in accordance with the checking be

    l ow, pay ing due s to association designated and keeping 50 cents as a",ubscrlptlon to Our Town f or one y ea r.

    Every CItizen of NarberthShould Check One or More SpacesCoupon Below and Mail a t Once:


    A.t "The Cabin . "

    GODFREYThe Real Estate Man at114 Woodside Ave.,be pleased to assist you Inting a home.Telephone-Narberth 685 A.


    104: ForrestAnoneJobbing a Specialty. Narberth,Pa.

    H. C. FRITSCHProperties For Bent and SaleFire Insurance

    BellPhone 8U w.Wall BnUdlng. Narberth, pa.l L.. - '


    George B. SupleeSteam & HotWater HeatingPlumbingBell Telephone.

    The Merion TIDe and Trust Co.of Ardmore , pa.The oldest, largest and best deposi

    t ory in this vicinity.Capital, $150,000. surplus, $125,000Undivided Profits, $40,000.

    SCOTI-POWELL DAIRIES45th and Parrish Sts.

    pasteurizedMilk !ELIVERIESBrYllclovls Cerlilled WEST PBILA.Milk(Pedriallc society) OVERBROOKSpecial .. Guernsey" MERIO;li. Milk WYNNEFIELD(Roberts' '"Sbarpless' BALA-CVNWYDDairies) NARBERTBCream Buttermilk ARDMORETable and Whipping WYNNEWOODCream.

    Howard F. Cotter'M'EATS ofl ~ . l QUALITY

    Y . M. C. A . BUILD ING


    See W. D. SMEDLEY

    C LO E D l 'OR THE MAIN LINEFISHING CLUBS.The Noble Art of FIshIng As a Lon-Sundays From 1to 5P. M. don HumorIst Sees It.I Fishing Is th e leading American- !sport , next to the pianola. I t is car-Having completed arrallge-1 rled o n a lmos t e nt ir el y i n s po rt fn gmtnt 0/ our store, we have I papers, b ut ca n be done i n s tr eamsd h b I. and lakes, says London Tit-Bits.adopte t ea ove ru e. The latter f orm o f fishing i s knownas the empirical or experimental

    HOWARD'S DRUG STORE m ~ ~ : ~ s ar e divided by science intotwo f am il ie s, e dibl e and non-edible.WINTER vs. PAINT iEd l b l e fishes are those that are. b !Ianded.You can 't e scap e wmt er . ut you Edible fishes w ei gh f rom one tocan protest your h o ~ s e ~ g a t n s . t the three ounces. Larger fish t ha n t hi swinter storms by havlnlt tt painted, l ive In l i terature and do not t ake t heand it pays. btimates cheerfully Ibait.given. Telephone, F. H. WALZER, To go fisJilng successfully Ii is'Narberth 12-47 D. necessary to have an outfit consistIng of a day 01I, a hOOK and a pieceof string. -There ar e innumerable variet ies ofbait, such as worms, grassnoppers,beetles and toy torpedo boats, knowias cast ing baits.Casting Is done by hurling the' torpedo boa t v io lent ly i nt o the ' waterand hurl ing it b ac k un ti l t he fisherfaints.There are bet ter baits, such as lobster pots and dynamite.The noblest f ishing is fly fishing. ItIs the ar t of throwing a mfnllU"urefeather duster on the water in thehope that It will look like a fly.Countless fishes instantly dart fromall points of the hor izon to look at it.Fly fishermen count these countlessfishes and report t he number minu te-ly to the sport ing editor.Even the smallest fishes reach

    ~ i n t f u l IDot 'forHintablc P e O D ~ enormous w e i g ~ t s . This is becauseIthe scales carrIed by the fishes ar e

    IT'S you wh011 surfer If your I l' t droof leaks. We mend them. Inot suffic ent y mspec e .

    .Yours may leak later on. The mos t d is as tr ou s m is ta ke in"" We make no chaJ'lefor elUlml- h d t, ; nlnll: roof.. I t ', a wonder you fishing is patience. I f a fis oe s n o, _ dldn" think 01 us 1>