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hThe National Assembly Well the Nation Assembly has been dated on June 17, 1789 to deal with France financial crisis, but promptly fell to do so over its own structure. Its members had been elected to represent the first estate the second estate and the third estate. But at the opening session on June 17, 1789 they were informed that all voting would be by the states not "by head", so their double represent was to be no reason in terms of power. They refused this and proceeded to meet separately. The representatives of the Third Estate began to meet on their own. They called themselves the Communes. Those kinds of people are called the common people in their time. They proceeded with their “powers" independently of the other bodies, from June 13 to June 17 they were joined by some of the nobles and the majority of the clergy and other people such as the peasants. On June 17, this group began to call itself the National Assembly. Initially, the Assembly announced, and for the most part probably believed, itself to be operating in the interests of King Louis xlv as well as those of the people. In theory, royal authority still prevailed and new laws continued to require the king's consent. No longer interested in advice, Louis XVI, under the influence of the country of his council resolved to go in state to the Assembly, annul its decrees, command the separation of the orders, and dictate the reforms to be effected by the restored Estates-General. On June 19, he ordered the Salle des États, the hall where the National Assembly met, closed, and remained at marly for several days while he prepared his address. On the morning of June 20, the deputies were shocked to discover the doors to their chamber locked and guarded by soldiers. Immediately fearing the worst and anxious that a royal coup was imminent, the deputies congregated in the king's nearby indoor tennis court, where they took a solemn collective oath never to separate, and to meet wherever circumstances demand,

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hThe National


Well the Nation Assembly has

been dated on June 17, 1789 to

deal with France financial crisis,

but promptly fell to do so over its

own structure. Its members had

been elected to represent the first

estate the second estate and the

third estate. But at the opening

session on June 17, 1789 they were

informed that all voting would be

by the states not "by head", so their

double represent was to be no

reason in terms of power. They

refused this and proceeded to meet


The representatives of the

Third Estate began to meet on their

own. They called themselves the

Communes. Those kinds of people

are called the common people in

their time. They proceeded with

their “powers" independently of the

other bodies, from June 13 to June

17 they were joined by some of the

nobles and the majority of the

clergy and other people such as the

peasants. On June 17, this group

began to call itself the National


Initially, the Assembly announced,

and for the most part probably

believed, itself to be operating in the

interests of King Louis xlv as well as

those of the people. In theory, royal

authority still prevailed and new laws

continued to require the king's consent.

No longer interested in advice, Louis

XVI, under the influence of the country

of his council resolved to go in state to

the Assembly, annul its decrees,

command the separation of the orders,

and dictate the reforms to be effected

by the restored Estates-General. On

June 19, he ordered the Salle des États,

the hall where the National Assembly

met, closed, and remained at marly for

several days while he prepared his


On the morning of June 20, the

deputies were shocked to discover the

doors to their chamber locked and

guarded by soldiers. Immediately

fearing the worst and anxious that a

royal coup was imminent, the deputies

congregated in the king's nearby indoor

tennis court, where they took a solemn

collective oath never to separate, and to

meet wherever circumstances demand,

until the constitution of the kingdom is

established and affirmed on solid


The Stabbing of Marat

Jean Paul Marat was born May 24,

1743 in Boudry, Switzerland. He died

in July 13, 1793 in Paris. He was a

leader of the great French

Revolution, scholar and journalist.

Marat settled in France when he

was 16 years old until 1765 he

studied the natural and

philosophical sciences at Bordeaux

and Pairs. When the revolution

began Marat left his scientific

occupations and devoted himself to

serving people in pamphlets written

in 1789 he developed the idea of the

need to unite all progressive social

forces for the struggle against

absolutism. In September 1789 he

began to publish the newspaper Ami

du people which became popular as a

militant organ of revolutionary

democracy. The newspaper published

articles that systematically

deafened the goals of developing

the for revolution and exposing

those who used betrayal of the

revolution and exposing those who

used false hypocritical phrases to

conceal their desire to delay the

revolutions further development.

Marat and Robespierre, the leaders

of the Jacobins, directed the

preparations for the up rising of

May 31 to June 2, 1793 which

overthrew the Girondins. Sever

illness prevented Marat from

taking part in the work of the

Convection after the Jacobin

dictatorship was established.

However even while he was ill, he

continued to issue his newspaper .

Marat was murdered by c. Corday.

His funeral was turned into a

spectacular political

demonstration. This is a hero and he

inspires people even today to be

strong and don’t give up. even

though his life was cut short his

newspapers will still be


The Storming of the Bastille

storming of the

Bastille occurred

in Paris, France on the

morning of 14 July 1789. The

medieval fortress and prison

in Paris known as

the Bastille represented royal

authority in the centre of

Paris. While the prison only

contained seven inmates at

the time of its storming, its fall

was the High point of

the French Revolution. In

France, Le qua torze

juillet (14 July) is a public

holiday, formally known as

the Fête de la

Fédération (Federation

Holiday). It is usually

called Bastille Day in English.

The 3rd

estate has taken over

the bastille from the 2nd

estate, arming themselves for

war. As we took over the

bastille and killed many

guards and the prison

commander and ran around

the city with there heads on


The storming of the Bastille

and the

subsequent Declaration of the

Rights of Man and of the

Citizen was the third event of

this opening stage of the

revolution. The first had been

the revolt of the nobility,

refusing to aid King Louis XVI

through the payment of

taxes. The second had been

the formation of the National

Assembly and the Tennis

Court Oath.

98 attackers and one

defender had died in the

actual fighting.

The successful insurrection at

Paris spread throughout

France. In accord with

principles of popular

sovereignty and with complete

disregard for claims of royal

authority, the people created

a parallel structure of

municipalities for civic

government and militia for

civic protection. In rural

areas,many went beyond this:

some burned title-deeds and

no small number of châteaux,

as the "Great Fear" spread

across the countryside during

the weeks of 20 July to 5

August, with attacks on

wealthy landlords impelled by

the belief that the aristocracy

was trying to put down the


Letters to the Editor Keeley Rather

“Referring to the recent stream

of executions of people

belonging to the third estate,

my family

has been terrified that the

authorities will be coming for

us soon. The arrests and

executions have been

seemingly random, so we have

reason to be worried for our

safety. It is as if the higher

estates are

punishing the entire lower

class without reason at all,

even though we are the ones to

work and pay taxes

to the government and the

church. I sincerely wish for

something to soon bring peace

upon our nation

again.” --Submitter wishes to

remain anonymous

“My father was recently sent

to be executed by the

guillotine, under

circumstances that he was

caught trying to steal away

some food from a local market

for our family, and though he

was committing

a crime, I still believe

something should be done about

the poverty within the

country. Had my family had

access to the provisions

necessary to our lives, then

my father would not have

risked his life so the rest of

the family could keep theirs.

Something must be changed for

our nation to be whole once


--Anthony Bonnefois, from


“I happen to believe that

everyone is overreacting to

this predicament. The people

who are being

executed are the only ones at

fault for their untimely

deaths. They are the ones who

broke the law, and

they have been punished

accordingly. God would not let

innocent individuals die

without proper reason.”

--Marquis Fontaine, from Paris