our most international festivals


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Post on 24-May-2015




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2. FALLAS DE VALENCIA The Fallas are a traditional holiday in honor of St. Joseph, patron of carpenters, in the city of Valencia, held from 15 to 19 March. 3. Currently, this festival has become a major tourist attraction, as they are classified as a celebration of International Tourist Interest. 4. The Fallas are often satirical about current issues: politics, football players, writers... 5. The bigger Falla has more than 30 meters and are built of pasteboard, polyurethane and other materials supported by a wooden frame. 6. One of the main elements of the Fallas are firework displays. 7. The crema is the closing event of the celebrations. 8. It consists of burning the Fallas monuments which are in the streets of Valencia on March 19. 9. SEVILLA FAIR 10. It is known as Fair of April or Fair of Sevilla the set of stalls and attractions that are installed for holding local party in Seville, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain 11. It is approximately held two weeks after Easter and coincides with the bulls in the Maestranza Square. These events constitute the Spring Festival of Seville. 12. JARRAMPLAS Jarramplas is a holiday celebrated in the Extremadura town of Piornal. 13. Jarramplas is a character dressed in a jacket and trousers hanging from a multitude of colored ribbons, the head is covered with a conical fiberglass mask containing two horns and a big nose. 14. On 20 January, Jarramplas walkes through the village streets beating a drum. 15. Neighbors punish him throwing turnips, because it is believed that once Jarramplas was a cattle rustler. 16. The party will last until Jarramplas stamina, being the longest time, source of pride for the person in charge of giving life to this character. 17. THE TOMATINA The Tomatina is a festival which is celebrated in the street in the Valencian town of Buol. In this festival, the participants throw tomatoes to each other. It is celebrated the last Wednesday of August. 18. The "battle" coincides with the feast of the patron Saint of the town that is held in the course of a week, taking place several activities and previous celebrations culminating in this tomato battle that ends the festivities. 19. The night before the Tomatina, the streets are full of tomatoes. In the square, people cook paella over wood fires and drik wine until very late or very early in the morning.... 20. On Wednesday early morning, traders and local owners around the square, strive to protect doors and windows before the chaotic avalanche. 21. SAN FERMIN The festival of San Fermin or Sanfermines are a celebration in honor of Saint Fermin which takes place annually in the Spanish city of Pamplona. The festivities begin with the launch of the loud bang (rocket) from the balcony of the Town Hall of Pamplona at noon on July 6 22. One of the most popular activities is the San Fermin bull run, which is a journey of 849 meters in front of bulls and culminating in the bullring 23. The closures take place every day between 7 and 14 July and start at eight o`clock in the morning, with an average duration of two and three minutes. 24. His worldwide fame is a recent phenomenon, also linked to the spread that gave them Ernest Hemingway 25. It is an unique holiday and definitely, the event for which Pamplona is more known in the world. 26. BULLFIGHTING 27. Bullfights are considered one of the expressions of Hispanic culture. Bullfighting is a party which involves dealing bulls (non- domesticated), on foot or on horseback, in a sealed enclosure for this purpose, the bullring. 28. Strict traditional rules are followed in bullfighting. 29. OUR MOST INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS (Spain) - Marina Rodrguez Ortiz de Galisteo -Sonia Riao Pajuelo -Mara Riao Pajuelo -Diego del Pozo Carmona -Jos M Snchez Cceres -Fernando Lambea Valor -Julin Cerrato Snchez