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OTIF OTIF Developing international regulations for railways Railway Days Bucharest, Romania 8 October 2013

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Page 1: OTIF OTIF Developing international regulations for railways Railway Days Bucharest, Romania 8 October 2013


OTIFDeveloping international regulations

for railways

Railway Days

Bucharest, Romania

8 October 2013

Page 2: OTIF OTIF Developing international regulations for railways Railway Days Bucharest, Romania 8 October 2013



1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

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Page 3: OTIF OTIF Developing international regulations for railways Railway Days Bucharest, Romania 8 October 2013

OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013


Organisation intergouvernementale pour les transports internationaux ferroviairesZwischenstaatliche Organisation für den Internationalen Eisenbahnverkehr

Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by RailМежправительственная организация по международным железнодорожным перевозкам

السككي الدولي للنقل الدولية الحكومية المنظمة

• Inter-Governmental organisation • founded 1 May 1985

– predecessor of OTIF was OCTI (Office Central des transports internationaux par chemins de fer) since 1893

• 48 Member States + 1 associate member– 270,000 km of railway lines

• Official languages: English, French and German• Headquarters: Berne, Switzerland• Staff: +/- 20 fte


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OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013

International Convention concerningthe Carriage of Goods by Rail 1890


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The Organosation:The specific characteristic of OTIF

Developing international regulations for railways

European Union:- Technical rules for

interoperability and safety

- Internal regulation of transport contracts

- Implementation of liberal regulations for the rail market.

OSJD:- Technical rules for

interoperability and safety

- Internal regulation of conditions of transport

- Administrative regulation of the rail market.

OTIF: Regulations on international

rail transport

- Technical rules for interoperability/dangerou

s goods

- Regulation of transport contracts

- No prerequisite for regulating the rail market.

The legal interfaces of OTIF

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OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013

Appendix F

APTUUniform Rules

concerningthe Validationof Technical

Standards andAdoption of

Uniform TechnicalPrescriptionsapplicable to

Railway Materialintended

to be usedin International


Appendix G

ATMF Uniform Rules

concerningthe TechnicalAdmission of

Railway Materialused

in InternationalTraffic

COTIF 1999


Convention concerning

International Carriage by Rail

Appendix А

CIVUniform Rules

concerningthe Contract

of International

Carriageof Passengers

by Rail

Appendix B

CIMUniform Rules

concerningthe Contract

of InternationalCarriageof Goods

by Rail

Appendix C

RIDRegulation concerning

the International Carriage

of Dangerous GoodsBy Rail

Appendix D

CUVUniform Rules

concerningContracts of Use

of Vehiclesin International

Rail Traffic

Appendix E

CUIUniform Rules

concerningthe Contracts

of Useof Infrastructurein International

Rail Traffic


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Tous les appendices de la COTIF (33)Alle Anhänge des COTIF (33)All COTIF appendices (33)


COTIF 1999 pas encore ratifiée (3)COTIF 1999 noch nicht ratifiziert (3)COTIF 1999 not yet ratified (3)

Membres associés (1)Assoziierte Mitglieder (1)Associate Members (1)


Suspension de la qualité de membre (2)Ruhen der Mitgliedschaft (2)Membership suspended (2)

Sans ATMF (1)Ohne ATMF (1)Without ATMF (1)

Champ d’application géographique de la COTIF et ses appendicesGeografischer Anwendungsbereich des COTIF und dessen AnhängeGeographical scope of COTIF and its appendices


Etat au 1er septembre 2013Stand 1. September 2013Situation on 1st September 2013

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1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013 8

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• The Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail offers all interested nations and regional organisations for economic integration a “neutral” legal framework.

• OTIF has recently received interest from GCC• Common approaches ease co-operation and

facilitate operations• The development of a “law interface”• A framework that offers legal and geographical


The Organisation

Developing international regulations for railways

Geographical vision of OTIF

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1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013 10

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The Organisation

OTIF Mission 1/3

• Legal department: developing private law that helps to define liability

regimes and contracts with CIT, UIP, UIC, OSJD and UNECE

• Technical department: ensuring technical compatibility for rolling stock with CER, EU, ERA and UIC

• RID department: coordinating regulations on the international carriage of dangerous goods EU, OSJD and ADR.

=> a coordination and interfacing role

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The Organisation

OTIF Mission 2/3

• The new OTIF regulations will entail operational consequences: ECM regulations will have to be implemented correctly in order to allow freight trains in cross-border traffic

• There is a need for common understanding of principles and implementation

• OTIF will also have to rely on the States themselves to implement the UTP correctly

• OTIF therefore now has a new role, to exchange, collect and disseminate information on the Member States' activities in the common interest.

=> The Organisation will have to develop a new monitoring role

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The Organisation

OTIF Mission 3/3

• The aim:• Develop new competencies • Carry out in-depth studies, both technical and legal• Give an opportunity to young experts from non-EU Member States to

work on railway law

• The modalities:• Request for candidates from prominent technical/legal university• Definition of added value task

a young expert programme underway

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1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 1/6

EU accession to COTIF

• The EU’s accession to COTIF in July 2011 is an opportunity to develop uniform railway law

• EU and OTIF have a complementary approach• COTIF CIM and CIV are based on a contractual philosophy• EU law is by nature public law• With regard to technical regulation, OTIF has a bridging role, in order to ensure

interoperability on the largest possible scale

=> Development of OTIF relies on a consensus based approach

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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 2/6

Renewed relationship with ERA

• ERA is developing safety and interoperability concepts and regulations under the control of EU Member States and the Commission

• Defining priorities: • A roadmap for the transposition of the TSI• Setting up efficient working relations• Upstream involvement of non EU contracting states• Cooperation on registers

=> Final phase of negotiation of an AA with ERA and the Commission

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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 3/6

Base level: Application of APTU and ATMF •Compliant separate assessment

Level 1: Freight wagons•UTPs GEN-A to GEN-G


•RIV equivalence

Level 2: Passenger carriages•UTP PAS, SRT, PRM•Safety management provisions

•RIC equivalence (?)

Level 3: Interoperability at Train level•UTP LOC•UTP OPE •UTP ENE•RINF•Register of types of vehicles

•Signalling•Certification of RU/Driver

Level 4: Infrastructure•UTP INF • Infrastructure and operational harmonisation on corridors

Exchange of vehicles Interoperability

OTIF to assist with legal and technical implementation where requested

UTP roadmap

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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 4/6

Relation with ERA: the principles

• Regular management level meetings

• Developing rules of procedure for early involvement of OTIF

• Setting up a process for consultation of non-EU Member States

• Arrangement in order to coordinate vehicle registers and information

=> Ensure full compatibility and wider vision

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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 5/6

Foster railway industry

• Developing application of CIM and compatibility with OSJD rules will contribute to developing freight traffic, in particular by incorporating part of 1520 technical regulations

• Secure railway investment by giving technical regulations a wider scope

• Uniform maintenance and approval procedures will facilitate the development of industry

• Help the development of IT standards

=> Obtain input from our Contracting States to improve regulations and develop technical


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The Organisation

OTIF New opportunities 6/6

Adapt location of OTIF to new chalanges

• Need for more regular contacts - ad-hoc workshops and training sessions - with Member States

• Reduce overheads for fostering expertise

• Closer work with ERA and non-EU Member States

• Attract high profile experts from a large spectrum of Member States and organisations

• Ease travel and meeting organisation.Þ Define an optimal locationÞ Foster efficiency and budget use through well positioned


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1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

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The Organisation

OTIF New tasks 1/4

Extension of CUI

• Scope: contract of use of railway infrastructure for the purposes of international carriage within the meaning of the CIV UR and the CIM UR

• Contract = basis for relations between infrastructure manager and carrier:• liability of the infrastructure manager:• for bodily loss or damage (death, injury or any other physical or mental harm),• for loss of or damage to property (destruction of, or damage to, movable or

immovable property),• For pecuniary loss resulting from damages payable by the carrier under the CIV

Uniform Rules and the CIM Uniform Rules

=> The application of CUI will be extended to provide security for railway undertakings and infrastructure managers

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The Organisation

OTIF New tasks 2/4

Redefinition of the rail facilitation

• Involvement of OTIF in the UNECE process for unified railway law:• There is a need for general transport contracts (GTC)• Interoperability issues must be addressed.

• A business oriented strategy involving our Member States in partnership with EU, CIT and UIC:

• Identify tests on freight corridors: Asia/Middle East/Euro-Mediterranean area

• Review deficiencies and opportunity for development.

=> The rail facilitation process could foster the development of corridors with legal and technical coordination

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The Organisation

OTIF New tasks 3/4

Standard contracts for ECM

Competent authority



Maintenance data

Operational data

Technical file

Maintenance file


Admission to operation

OTIF CS in which the wagon is operatedOTIF CS in which ECM and/or keeper is located

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The Organisation

OTIF New tasks 4/4

Standard contracts for ECM

• The ECM regulations require exchanges of information between RU and ECM, even though they may have no contractual relationship

• The RU remains in charge of safety• GCU must be developed to take these matters into account• CUV should be able to cope with these questions

Þ OTIF is the right place to develop within CUV a common understanding in order to ensure that critical information for safety and operation is available.

Þ A new working group was created to modernise CUV with input from EU, CER, UIP, UIC and NSAs

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1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

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OTIF technical regulations compared to EU rail regulations



EN Standards, UIC leaflets, etc.

Interop.& Safety



EN Standards, UIC leaflets, etc.

Differences in objectives

Functional and technical requirements

(equivalent not identical)

Means of compliance(identical)

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OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013

In a nutshell

EU interoperability + opening of supply market + competition between railway operators

Uninterrupted movement of trains across EU borders(operating across borders under uniform rules, without changing train configuration or staff)

OTIF Promote, improve and facilitate international trafficCirculation of rail vehicles in more than one state

Applies only to international traffic(The EU objectives are compatible, but also the exchange of vehicles at border crossing stations fits

the definition)


Page 29: OTIF OTIF Developing international regulations for railways Railway Days Bucharest, Romania 8 October 2013



1. OTIF introduction

2. Geographical vision

3. Mission

4. New opportunities

5. New tasks

6. OTIF and EU technical regulations compared

7. The convention and UTP development

8. International mutual acceptance of wagons

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OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013


Appendix F

APTUUniform Rules

concerningthe Validationof Technical

Standards andAdoption of

Uniform TechnicalPrescriptionsapplicable to

Railway Materialintended

to be usedin International



Appendix G

ATMF Uniform Rules

concerningthe TechnicalAdmission of

Railway Materialused

in InternationalTraffic

OTIF Technical Admission

COTIF 1999


Convention concerning

International Carriage by Rail

Appendix А

CIVUniform Rules

concerningthe Contract

of International

Carriageof Passengers

by Rail

Appendix B

CIMUniform Rules

concerningthe Contract

of InternationalCarriageof Goods

by Rail

Appendix C

RIDRegulation concerning

the International Carriage

of Dangerous GoodsBy Rail

Appendix D

CUVUniform Rules

concerningContracts of Use

of Vehiclesin International

Rail Traffic

Appendix E

CUIUniform Rules

concerningthe Contracts

of Useof Infrastructurein International

Rail Traffic


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Uniform Technical Prescriptions, ATMF Annexes and Registers adopted, and in force.

GEN-AEssential requirements

GEN-DAssessment Procedures


GEN-EAssessing Entity –

Qualifications and Independence

GEN-G (revised)Common Safety Methods (CSM)Risk evaluation and assessment

UTP NOIRolling Stock - Noise

UTP WAGFreight Wagons


Appendix GATMF


GEN-CTechnical File

Appendix FAPTU

Annex ACertification and Auditing of

Entities in Charge of Maintenance (ECM)

Annex BRequirements and Procedure

for Derogations

National Vehicle Register (NVR)

Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM)


Uniform formatof certificates

ECM / ECM certification bodies

Register of admitted types

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OTIF Railway Days, Bucharest, 8 October 2013

Peter Sorger+ 41 31 359 10 26

[email protected] www.otif.org

Gryphenhübeliweg 30, CH - 3006 Bern

Thank you very much for your attention!