other federal laws concerning people with disabilities

Connecting Research to Practice for Teacher Educators 1

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Connecting Research to Practice for Teacher Educators. Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities. Personnel. DeAnn Lechtenberger — Principle Investigator Nora Griffin-Shirley — Project Coordinator Doug Hamman — Project Evaluator Tonya Hettler—Grant Manager - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Connecting Research to Practicefor Teacher Educators


Page 2: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

DeAnn Lechtenberger — Principle InvestigatorNora Griffin-Shirley — Project Coordinator

Doug Hamman — Project EvaluatorTonya Hettler—Grant Manager

Financial Support for Project IDEAL is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with Federal funds* made available by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities. *$599,247 (74%) DD funds; $218,725 (26%) non-federal resources.

The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the funding agency[s]. No official endorsement should be inferred.


Page 3: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Discourages discrimination in employment, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications

Fosters the concept of normalization from womb to tomb

Applies to programs & activities available to the public that do not receive federal funding

S. 3406 ADA Amendments Act of 2008 - A bill to restore the intent and protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.


Page 4: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Section 4 amends the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) redefines the term "disability," including definition of "major life

activities" and "being regarded as having such an impairment." Sets forth rules of construction for the definition of "disability,"

including that: 1. such term shall be construed in favor of broad coverage of

individuals under the Act; 2. an impairment that substantially limits one major life activity

need not limit other major life activities in order to be a disability; 3. an impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it

would substantially limit a major life activity when active; and 4. the determination of whether an impairment substantially limits a

major life activity shall be made without regard to the ameliorative effects of specified mitigating measures.


Page 5: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Section 5 : prohibits employment discrimination against

a qualified individual on the basis of disability. (Current law prohibits employment discrimination against a qualified individual with a disability because of the disability.)

prohibits the use of qualification standards, employment tests, or other selection criteria based on an individual's uncorrected vision unless the standard, test, or other selection criteria, as used by the covered entity, is shown to be related to the position and is consistent with business necessity.


Page 6: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Section 6 declares that nothing in the Act: 1. alters the standards for determining eligibility for

benefits under state worker's compensation laws or under state and federal disability benefit programs;

2. alters the requirement to make reasonable modifications in policies or procedures, unless such modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, services, facilities, or accommodations involved; or

3. provides the basis for a claim by an individual without a disability that the individual was subject to discrimination because of the individual's lack of disability.

It also declares that the authority of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Transportation to issue regulations includes the authority to issue regulations implementing the definitions of this Act.


Page 7: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Section 7 - Makes conforming amendments to the

Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Reference: GovTrack.us. S. 3406--110th Congress (2008): ADA Amendments Act of 2008, GovTrack.us (database of federal legislation) <http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s110- 3406&tab=summary> (accessed Jan 12, 2009)


Page 8: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

People with disabilities can apply for services to help them seek employment

Provides services (i.e. personal adjustment training, supported employment, counseling, vocational testing, job coaching) to assist people with disabilities to find and maintain employment


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Seeks to consolidate, coordinate, and improve employment, training, literacy, and vocational rehabilitation programs in the United States


Page 10: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Technology-Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1998 (P.L.105-394, S.2432) - Tech ActProvides funding on a state level for states to develop a statewide system to deliver assistive technology devices and services to individuals with disabilities of all ages


Page 11: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

Smith, D.D. (2004). Introduction to special education. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Turnbull, A., Turbull, R. & Wehmeyer, M.L. (2007). Exceptional lives. Fifth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.


Page 12: Other Federal Laws Concerning People with Disabilities

DeAnn Lechtenberger, Ph.D.Principle Investigator

[email protected]

Tonya Hettler, Grant [email protected]

Webpage: www.projectidealonline.org

Phone: (806) 742-1997, ext. 302The views contained herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of

the funding agency[s]. No official endorsement should be inferred.